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133 Термінологічний вісник. 2011, № 1 УДК 37(09)(477)+811.161.2(09) В. Л. ІВАЩЕНКО, І. А. КАЗИМИРОВА, Л. В. ТУРОВСЬКА, Н. О. ЯЦЕНКО (Київ, Україна) ОРГАНІЗАЦІЯ ТЕРМІНОЛОГІЧНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ В ГАЛУЗІ СТАНДАРТИЗАЦІЇ В КРАЇНАХ ЄВРОПИ ТА АМЕРИКИ (аналітичний огляд веб-порталів) У статті здійснено аналітичний огляд термінологічної діяльності міжнародних, регіональних та окремих національних організацій стандартизації країн Європи та Аме- рики, проаналізовано нормативно-правові документи цих організацій. Ключові слова: стандартизація, технічний комітет, термінологічний стандарт, нормалізація, термін, поняття / дефініція, номенклатура, веб-портал / сайт. © В. Л. ІВАЩЕНКО, І. А. КАЗИМИРОВА, Л. В. ТУРОВСЬКА, Н. О. ЯЦЕНКО, 2011 Одним із видів діяльності в галузі стандартизації є розроблення вимог до термінології та номенклатури, що, власне, й привертає увагу мовознавців- термінологів та фахівців різних галузей знань, не байдужих до проблем роз- будови міжнародних і національних терміносистем. Нормативно-правовим документом, що “встановлює одиниці величин, терміни та їх визначення, вимоги до продукції і виробничих процесів, безпеки праці тощо”, є стан- дарт (англ. standard “норма, зразок, мірило”) [3, с. 642]. Відповідно стан- дартизація — це розроблення, затвердження, прийняття та видання стан- дартів [4]. У монографії “Основи управління якістю” (2002) С. К. Фомічов дає класифікацію стандартів відповідно до рівнів стандартизації: на міжна- родному рівні — міжнародний стандарт (стандарт, який прийняла міжна- родна організація, наприклад, ISO); на регіональному рівні — регіональний стандарт (стандарт, який прийняла регіональна організація, наприклад, європейський стандарт EN); на міждержавному рівні — міждержавний стандарт (наприклад, у межах СНД); на національному рівні — національ- ний стандарт (стандарт, який прийняла та чи та держава, один із атрибутів державності, наприклад, національний стандарт України ДСТУ), який сво- єю чергою поділяється на власне державний стандарт, галузевий національ- ний стандарт (на рівні міністерства); на рівні організацій — стандарти ор- ганізацій (стандарти науково-технічних, інженерних товариств та промис- лових консорціумів, стандарти підприємств) [Там само]. Національний стандарт, який відповідає стандарту, розробленому міжнародною або регіо- нальною організацією стандартизації, називають гармонізованим стандар- том. Розрізняють також стандарти обов’язкового (містять обов’язкові ви- моги, регламентовані законом) та добровільного (містять вимоги рекоменда- ційного характеру) використання [Там само]. За тематикою стандарти можна диференціювати на стандарти якості; соціальний стандарт; освітній стандарт; термінологічний стандарт (уніфі- кує терміни та визначення); стандарт, що встановлює технічні вимоги;

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134 !"#$%&'(')%*&+, -%.&+/. 2011, 0 1

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!(@(?*= '?(;&D#'(.#H= ;>(%1($>#+ <( $#<%&=& '$&>2$#H=& -$&;+HC2%# -$(.# E. 6. W*=#C*+( [4], 8. !. E+#>'#%(, 0. J. 8(.)$&, 6. 8. B(,?#%( [2], + H'&,, *'$#= >*@*, <('.2%>*+(%* 52 I )+(@) %( $#+%# ;>(%1($>&<(.#A, -$*(%(-?#<*+(%* ;>(% >( <%(C2%%H ;>(%1($>&<(.#A, *-&;(%* ;>$)'>)$) =#G%($*1%&, ;>(%1($>#+ ISO ;2$#A 9000, =2>*1&') >( -$('>&') A, <(;>*;)+(%%H >*5*.

S1%(' %(P) )+(@) -$&+2$>(F>/ -$(.# 1*;?#1%&'#+, H'# -*1(F>/ -2$2?#' =#G%($*1%&, >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, ;>(%1($>#+, (%(?#<)FC& <=#;> *'$2=&, #< %&,. \2 %(;(=-2$21 %()'*+# $*<+#1'& R. K(?#%;'#. 0 *1%#I #< >('&, -$(./ (+>*$ (%(?#<)N "#<%2;--?(% M2,%#C%*@* '*=#>2>) 8#G%($*1%*A *$@(%#<(.#A ;>(%1($->&<(.#A (Technical Committee of ISO, the International Organization for Stan-dardization), + H'*=) -$21;>(+?2%# $)"$&'&: “!;B?8BLB > 47Q5<B” (ISO/TC 37/SC 1 Principles and methods: Principles of terminology, 1980); “H7;4>?5M5K>D?> Q2 M7A@BA5K;2R>D?> 47Q5<B ;5J5QB” (ISO/TC 37/SC 2 Terminographical and lexicographical working methods, 1983); “EB@Q74B <MI 3L;26M>??I Q7;4>?5M5-K>`X, =?2??I4B C =4>@Q54” (ISO/TC 37/SC 3 Systems to management terminology, knowledge and content, 1985); “cL;26M>??I 456?B4B ;7@3;@24B” (ISO/TC 37/SC 4 Language resource management, 2002). S;%*+%) )+(@) R. K(?#%;'# <*;2-$21G)N %( ;>(%1($># “H7;4>?5M5K>I Q2 >?[> 456?> C A5?Q7?Q?> ;7@3;@B” (ISO/TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources, 2005), 12 $*<@?H-%)>* -$*"?2=) -*")1*+& ;-2.#(?#<*+(%*@* '*%>2%>), H'&I $2-$2<2%>)N @(?)-<2+# <%(%%H, ( +#1>(' # >2$=#%*?*@#F. f*" -*")1)+(>& 12P2+&I ;>$)'>)$%&I '*%>2%>, %(@*?*P)N R. K(?#%;'#, -*>$#"%# %*+# =2>*1& I*@* ;>+*$2%%H, <*-'$2=( 1*;+#1 =*12?F+(%%H >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, "(< 1(%&, >( #%P&, =*+%&, $2;)$;#+, H' I*@* "(C(>/ @(?)<2+# 2';-2$>&, < )$(,)+(%%H= %(-$(.F+(%/ + #%D*$=(.#I%&, >( '*=)%#'(.#I%&, >2,%*?*@#H,, -$* 5*, +?(;%2, # I12>/;H + <(<%(C2%*=) ;>(%1($># [6, ;. 13–30].

9(P( $*<+#1'( — .2 (%(?#>&C%&I *@?H1 >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A 1#H?/%*;># =#G-%($*1%&,, *'$2=&, $2@#*%(?/%&, >( %(.#*%(?/%&, *$@(%#<(.#I <# ;>(%1($>&-<(.#A '$(A% V+$*-& >( :=2$&'&. 7 ./*=) '*%>2';># =& %(=(@(>&=2=*;H >(-'*G -*1(>& <(@(?/%&I (%(?#< %*$=(>&+%*--$(+*+&, 1*')=2%>#+ (>2$=#%*?*-@#C%&, ;>(%1($>#+) .&, *$@(%#<(.#I, ) H'&, '*=-?2';%* ("* C(;>'*+* $*<$*"?2%* +&=*@& 5*1* )%#D#'(.#A >2$=#%*?*@#A >( %*=2%'?(>)$&, ( >('*G +&-$(./*+(%* =2>*1& ;>+*$2%%H >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, "(< 1(%&,.

Q2$2?#' =#G%($*1%&,, $2@#*%(?/%&, >( %(.#*%(?/%&, *$@(%#<(.#I ;>(%-1($>&<(.#A +#1%(,*1&=* %( *D#.#I%*=) ;(I># *1%#NA < >('&, *$@(%#<(.#I, %( ;(I># 0#?/%*A 2%.&'?*-21#A “0#'#-21#Z” >( + =*%*@$(D#C%*=) 1*;?#1G2%%# :. E. J’H'*+(, M. B. 6&H'(, !. a. 6)12?/'* [1; 7; 8; 9].

E-*C(>') ;,($('>2$&<)N=* >2$=#%*?*@#C%) 1#H?/%#;>/ >$/*, -$*+#1%&, =#G%($*1%&, *$@(%#<(.#I.

=%O&5#'2&5 '#)5&%85J%3 .75&25#7+85J%6 (International Organization for Standardization, ISO). SD#.#I%&I +2"--*$>(? .#NA *$@(%#<(.#A -*+#1*=?HN, 5*

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\2 %212$G(+%( *$@(%#<(.#H, H'( N %(I"#?/P&= ) ;+#># $*<$*"%&'*= # +&-1(+.2= =#G%($*1%&, ;>(%1($>#+. ISO — .2 =2$2G( %(.#*%(?/%&, #%;>&>)>#+ ;>(%1($>&<(.#A + 160 '$(A%(, #< \2%>$(?/%&= ;2'$2>($#(>*= (Central Se cre-tariat) ) d2%2+#, H'&I <1#I;%FN '**$1&%(.#I%) $*"*>) =#G 12$G(+%&= # -$&-+(>%&= ;2'>*$(=&, 5* 1*<+*?HN <%(I>& -*$*<)=#%%H I +#1-*+#1%2 -$&I%H>%2 $#P2%%H, H'2 +#1-*+#1(N +&=*@(= "#<%2;) >( #%P&= -*>$2"(= ;);-#?/;>+( [11].

7;# ;>$(>2@#C%# $#P2%%H 5*1* C?2%#+ ISO -$&I=(N 5*$#C%( K2%2$(?/-%( (;(="?2H (General Assembly). Q$*-*<&.#A '$(A%, C?2%#+ .#NA *$@(%#<(-.#A, $*<$*"?HN B(1( ISO (ISO Council), H') *"&$(F>/ #< C&;?( +;#, '$(A%-C?2%#+ # <"&$(F>/ 1+( $(<& %( $#'. J#H?/%#;>/ ISO '**$1&%)N K2%2$(?/-%&I ;2'$2>($ (Secretary-General), H'&I -$(.FN %( )=*+(, -*;>#I%*@* '*%>$('>), %(1(N (1=#%#;>$(>&+%) I >2,%#C%) -#1>$&=') C?2%(= ISO, '*-*$1&%)N -$*@$(=& $*<+&>') ;>(%1($>#+, -)"?#')N A,, ( >('*G <+#>)N B(1# ISO -$* ;+*F 1#H?/%#;>/. 4< 1 ;#C%H 2009 $. .F -*;(1) *"#I=(N B*" E>#? (Mr. Rob Steele). Q$2<&12%>*= < 1 ;#C%H 2011 $. ")?* *"$(%* C?2%(-'*$2;-*%12%>( B*;#I;/'*A ('(12=#A %()' J. :?/*P&%( (Dr. D. Aleshin). 6*%'$2>%) 1#H?/%#;>/ 5*1* $*< $*"?2%%H ;>(%1($>#+ + ISO <1#I;%FF>/ >2,%#C%# '*=#>2>& [12; 13; 14].

E2$21 );/*@* $*<=(A>>H =#G%($*1%&, ;>(%1($>#+ ISO %(; %(I"#?/P2 .#-'(+?H>/ ;>(%1($>&, ) H'&, $*<$*"?2%* ;?*+%&'& >2$=#%#+ >( +&<%(C2%/ )-$(+?#%%H H'#;>F I <("2<-2C2%%H H'*;>#. M('# ;>(%1($>& #;%)F>/ H' -)"?#-'(.#A ) -(-2$*+*=) +($#(%># ) D*$=(># :4, +*%& 1*;>)-%# I + 2?2'>$*% %*=) <(+(%>(G2%%# (>(' <+(%# *%?(I%-;>(%1($>&), "(@(>* < H'&, -$21;>(+?2%# %( CD ("* + 1*+#1%&'(,. E>(%1($> ISO =(N ;+#I ?*@*>&- # -$&<%(C2%%H “8#G-%($*1%&I ;>(%1($>”; ) '(>(?*<# ISO "#?/P2 %#G 18500 =#G%($*1%&, ;>(%1($->#+ >( #%P&, %*$=(>&+%&, 1*')=2%>#+, ) H'&, $*<$*"?2%* -$*@$(=& 1?H >$(-1&.#I%&, +&1#+ 1#H?/%*;>#, >('&,, H' ;#?/;/'2 @*;-*1($;>+* I ")1#+%&.>+*, =(P&%*")1)+(%%H, +&$*"%&.>+* I $*<-*1#?, >$(%;-*$>, =21&C%2 *"?(1%(%-%H, #%D*$=(.#I%# I '*=)%#'(.#I%# >2,%*?*@#A, -$('>&'( )-$(+?#%%H >( -*-;?)@ [15; 16].

S1%&= #< %(-$H=#+ $*"*>& ISO N +;>(%*+?2%%H =#G%($*1%*@* '*%;2%;)-;) 5*1* >2$=#%*?*@#A, 5* 1*-*=(@(N + $*<$*"?2%%# >2,%*?*@#C%&, -$*.2;#+, $*"&>/ A, "2<-2C%&=&. B*<$*"?2%%H ;&;>2= -*%H>/ >#NA C& >#NA @(?)<# <%(%%H N +(G?&+&= 2>(-*= ) -$*;)+(%%# %*+&, >2,%*?*@#I >( -*P&$2%%# $#<%&, #%-%*+(.#I [17], 5* <%(,*1&>/ +#1*"$(G2%%H + %&<.# %*$=(>&+%&, 1*')=2%>#+ H' ) D*$=(># -)"?#'(.#I, >(' # + 2?2'>$*%%&, +2$;#H,, <*'$2=(:

1) ) =#G%($*1%&, ;>(%1($>(, < )%*$=)+(%%H >2$=#%*?*@#I $#<%&, @(?)-<2I <%(%/, %(-$&'?(1:

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

• *LQBA2 — *L;26B — +B4>;X62M9?> @B@Q74B > Q7;4>?5M5K>I (ISO 8624:2011 Op hthalmic optics — Spectacle frames — Measuring system and terminology) [18];

• :5;5V?> Q;2?@L5;Q?> =2@5JB — 06’I=5A 4>V Q;2?@L5;Q?B4 =2@5J54 > =56?>[?>4 5JM2<?2??I4 <MI <>2K?5@QBAB 6BAB<>6 — L(;>&%( 2: !5@>J?BA >= Q7;-4>?>6, 6B=?2D7?9, @A5;5D7?9 > 2J;76>2Q3; (ISO 15031-2:2010 Road vehicles – Com munication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics: Guidance on terms, definitions, abbreviations and acronyms), 12 -*-1(%* $2'*=2%1(.#A 5*1* +&'*$&;>(%%H >2$=#%#+ #< 1#(@%*;>&'&, >#;%* -*-+’H<(%&, #< >2$=#%(=& < =2,(%#'&, ( >('*G 5*1* +&'*$&;>(%%H +#1-*+#1%&, +&<%(C2%/, ;'*$*C2%/ >( ("$2+#(>)$ [19];

• EB@Q74B L;54B@M565_ 26Q542QB=28>_ Q2 >?Q7K;28>_ — +><A;BQ> Q7U?>D?> @M56?BAB Q2 _U =2@Q5@362??I <MI 5@?56?BU <2?BU — L(;>&%( 11: $7A547?<28>_ = ;5=;5JM7??I Q7;4>?5M5K>_ (ISO 22745-11:2010 Industrial automation systems and integration — Open technical dictionaries and their application to master data: Guidelines for the formulation of terminology), 12 -$21;>(+?2%# *;%*+%# -$&%-.&-& 1*"*$) -$*=&;?*+&, >2$=#%#+ >( -*%H>/ 1* +#1'$&>*@* >2,%#C%*@* ;?*+%&'( (OTD) [20];

• H7;4>?5M5K>D?2 L5M>QBA2 — ;5=;5JM7??I > 6L;562<V7??I (ISO 29383:2010 Terminology policies — Development and implementation). 7 ./*=) 1*')=2%># $*<$*"?2%* -$&%.&-& I =2>*1*?*@#F -?(%)+(%%H >( )-$(+?#%%H + @(?)<# >2$-=#%*?*@#A, ( >('*G A, )-$*+(1G2%%H + )$H1*+#, (1=#%#;>$(>&+%#, %2'*=2$.#I-%# I '*=2$.#I%# *$@(%#<(.#A; +&<%(C2%* *;%*+%# -*%H>>H I *-&;(%* ;.2%($#A $*<+&>') $#<%&, ;>$(>2@#I >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A -*?#>&'& [21];

• -?R5;42QBA2 6 @B@Q74> 5U5;5?B =<5;56’I — EM56?BA Q7;4>?5M5K>D?BU @B@Q74 (ISO 17115:2007 Health informatics — Vocabulary for terminological sys-tems), ) H'&, +&<%(C2%* %("#$ "(<*+&, -*%H>/, %2*",#1%&, 1?H *-&;) $2-$2-<2%>(>&+%&, ;&;>2= ) @(?)<# =21&C%&, %()' [22];

• #2=56> J2M5?B — H7;4>?5M5K>I (ISO 10286:2007 Gas cylinders — Termino-logy), 12 $*<$*"?2%* >2$=#%*?*@#F, H') +G&+(F>/ ) @(?)<# +&'*$&;>(%%H @(-<*+&, "(?*%#+, D*$=)?FF>/ +&<%(C2%%H >2$=#%#+ %( -*<%(C2%%H >&;') >( @(<#+, -*1(F>/ 2'+#+(?2%>& %#=2./'*F =*+*F 1* >2$=#%#+ (%@?#I;/'*F # D$(%.)</'*F =*+(=& [23];

• EQ2QB@QBA2 — EM56?BA Q2 @B465MB — L(;>&%( 2: !;BAM2<?2 @Q2QB@-QBA2 (ISO 3534-2:2006 Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 2: Applied sta tistics), 12 +&<%(C2%* >2$=#%& -$&'?(1%*A ;>(>&;>&'&, <(<%(C2%* A, -*%H>->N+# =2G# +#1-*+#1%* 1* -$('>&'& )%*$=)+(%%H >2$=#%*?*@#A + ISO. M2$=#%& + ./*=) ;>(%1($># $*<>(P*+(%# >2=(>&C%*, -*1(%* >('*G (?D(+#>%&I -*'(G-C&', ;>(%1($>&<*+(%# ;&=+*?&, ;'*$*C2%%H >( +&<%(C2%%H [24];

• H7;4>?5M5K>I ;5J5QB — L;B?8BLB > 47Q5<B. H7;4>?5M5K>I (ISO 704:2009 Les travaux — les principes et les méthodes. La terminologie) — +&<%(C(N >( )<@*-1G)N *;%*+%# -$&%.&-& I =2>*1&, *-&;)N +<(N=*<+’H<'& =#G *"’N'>(=& >( -*%H>>H=& + >2$=#%*?*@#A; *;*"?&+*=) -2$2@?H1) -#1?H@(F>/ 12D#%#.#A >2$-=#%#+, H'# =(%#D2;>)F>/ $#<%# @(?)<# <%(%/ [25];

• H7;4>?5M5K>I ;5J5QB — 3=K5<V7?>@Q9 L5?IQ9 > Q7;4>?>6 (ISO 860:2007 La terminologie du travail — consensus des notions et les termes) — $*<$*"?HN =2>*1*?*@#F -*@*1G2%%H '*%.2-.#I, ;&;>2= >&, ;(=&, -*%H>/, +&<%(C2%/ #

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B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

>2$=#%#+, <(;+#1C2%&, ) =#G%($*1%&, # %(.#*%(?/%&, ;>(%1($>(,, 5* N $2-<)?/>(>*= @($=*%#<(.#A *1%*=*+%*A >( "(@(>*=*+%*A >2$=#%*?*@#A %( %(.#*-%(?/%*=) I =#G%($*1%*=) $#+%H, [M(= ;(=*];

• H7;4>?5M5K>I ;5J5QB — EM56?BA — L(;>&%( 4: H75;>I > <5<2QAB (ISO 1087-1:2000 La terminologie du travail — le Dictionnaire — la Partie 4 : la Théorie et les applications) [M(= ;(=*];

• H7;4>?5M5K>D?> @Q2QQ> 3 @Q2?<2;Q2U — L(;>&%( 4: 02K2M9?> 6B45KB > L;B AM2<B L;7<@Q26M7??I (ISO 10241-2011 Les articles de la terminologie dans les standards. La partie 4 : les exigences Totales et les exemples de la présentation) — +&<%(C(N +&=*@& 1* $*<$*"?2%%H >( ;>$)'>)$& ;>(>2I ) >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, ;>(%1($>(,; X$)%>)N>/;H %( -$&%.&-(, # =2>*1(,, )'(<(%&, + ISO 704, >( <(-'$#-?FN -$(+&?( 1?H *'$2=&, 2?2=2%>#+ (')$;&+, 12D#;, P$&D>, #%12';& >*5*) ) >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, *1%*=*+%&, # "(@(>*=*+%&, ;>(%1($>(, [M(= ;(=*];

• F>JM>5K;2R>D?> L5@BM2??I Q2 <V7;7M2 ><7?QBR>A2Q5;>6 <MI Q7;4>?5-M5K>D?5_ ;5J5QB (ISO 12615: 2004 Références bibliographiques et indicatifs de source pour le travail terminologique) — +&<%(C(N 2?2=2%>& 1(%&, 1?H #%>2@$(-.#A "#" ?#*@$(D#C%&, -*'?&'(%/ ) >2$=#%*?*@#A. \2I ;>(%1($> %2 -*P&$FN>/-;H %( "#"?#*@$(D#C%# *-&;& $2N;>$(.#A >( #12%>&D#'(.#A 1*')=2%>#+, H'# +&-'*$&;>*+)F>/ "#"?#*>2'($# >( "#"?#*@$(D&. 0#% <("2<-2C)N +&H+?2%%H I -2$2-+#$') >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, 1(%&, >( #%P&, $2;)$;#+ =*+&, -2$2,$2;%# -*'?&'(%%H >( 1*')=2%>&, 5* =#;>H>/ >2$=#%*?*@#C%# +#1*=*;>#, -#1@*>*+') >2,%#C%&, 1*')=2%>#+, ;>+*$2%%H *'$2=&, -$*2'>#+ ) >2$=#%*@$(D#A >( >2$=#%*?*@#A [M(= ;(=*];

2) ) 1*+#1%&'(, ;>(%1($>#+ ISO (ISO Standards Handbook), %( <$(<*':• ]2;JB > M2AB (Paints and varnishes, 2002) — '*?2'.#H < "#?/P %#G 280 =#G-

%($*1%&, ;>(%1($>#+ ISO 5*1* '$(5&, =2>*1#+ +&@*>*+?2%%H D($" # ?('#+, ( >('*G *;%*+%&, $#<%*+&1#+ ;&$*+&%%&, =(>2$#(?#+, +&'*$&;>*+)+(%&, ) A, +&$*"%&.>+#. 7 -2$P*=) >*=# ./*@* 4->*=%*@* +&1(%%H <#"$(%* =#G%($*1%# ;>(%1($>&, + H'&, $*<$*"?2%* >2$=#%& >( +&<%(C2%%H .#NA @(?)<# <%(%%H, ( ;(=2: ]2;JB > M2AB — !7;7M>A 7A6>62M7?Q?BU Q7;4>?>6 (ISO 4617:2000 Paints and varnishes — List of equivalent terms); ]2;JB > M2AB — H7;4>?B Q2 6B=?2D7??I <MI 42Q7;>2M>6 =56?>[?95K5 L5A;BQQI – L(;>&%( 1: 02K2M9?> L5M5V7??I (ISO 4618-1:1998 Paints and varnishes — Terms and definitions for coating materials — Part 1: General terms); ]2;JB > M2AB — H7;4>?B Q2 6B=?2D7??I <MI 42Q7;>2M>6 =56?>[-?95K5 L5A;BQQI — L(;>&%( 2: EL78>2M9?> Q7;4>?B, L56’I=2?> = U2;2AQ7;B@QB-A24B Q2 6M2@QB65@QI4B R2;J (ISO 4618-2:1999 Paints and varnishes — Terms and definitions for coating materials — Part 2: Special terms relating to paint cha-racteristics and properties); ]2;JB > M2AB — H7;4>?B Q2 6B=?2D7??I <MI 42Q7;>2M>6 =56?>[?95K5 L5A;BQQI — L(;>&%( 3: !><K5Q56A2 L567;U?> C 47Q5<B =2@Q5@3-62??I (ISO 4618-3:1999 Paints and varnishes — Terms and definitions for coating materials — Part 3: Surface preparation and methods of application) [26];

• !2L>;, A2;Q5? > 87MXM5=2 (Paper, board and pulps, 2003) — <#"$(%%H "?&</'* 160 =#G%($*1%&, ;>(%1($>#+ ISO, + H'*=) -$21;>(+?2%* C*>&$& *;%*+%# -$21=2>%# *"?(;>#: >2$=#%*?*@#H, +#1"#$ -$*" # '*%1&.#*%)+(%%H, ,#=#C%# +&-$*")+(%%H (;'?(1 # '*=-*%2%>&, +?(;>&+*;>#) >( D#<&C%# >2;>& (>2;>& %( ?("*$(>*$%&, ($')P(,, >2;>& %( =#.%#;>/, ;>$)'>)$%# +?(;>&+*;>#

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

>*5*). 7 -2$P*=) >*=# ./*@* 2->*=%*@* +&1(%%H <#"$(%* =#G%($*1%# ;>(%-1($>&, + H'&, $*<$*"?2%* >2$=#%& I +&<%(C2%%H .#NA -$21=2>%*A @(?)<#, ( ;(=2: !2L>;, A2;Q5?, 87MXM5=2 Q2 Q7;4>?B ?2 _U L5=?2D7??I — ,7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 1: .MR26>Q?BC L5A2VDBA (ISO 4046-1:2002 Paper, board, pulps and re-lated terms — Vocabulary — Part 1: Alphabetical index); !2L>;, A2;Q5?, 87MXM5=2 Q2 Q7;4>?B ?2 _U L5=?2D7??I — ,7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 2: H7;4>?5M5K>I 62;>??I 87-MXM5=B (ISO 4046-2:2002 Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 2: Pulping terminology); !2L>;, A2;Q5?, 87MXM5=2 Q2 Q7;4>?B ?2 _U L5=?2-D7??I — ,7A@BA5? – L(;>&%( 3: H7;4>?5M5K>I 6B;5J?B8Q62 L2L7;3 (ISO 4046-3:2002 Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 3: Paper-making terminology); !2L>;, A2;Q5?, 87MXM5=2 Q2 Q7;4>?B ?2 _U L5=?2D7??I — ,7A@B-A5? — L(;>&%( 4: E5;Q362??I L2L7;3 > A2;Q5?3 Q2 L;5<3AQB L7;7;5JM7??I (ISO 4046-4:2002 Paper, board, pulps and related terms – Vocabulary — Part 4: Paper and board grades and converted products); !2L>;, A2;Q5?, 87MXM5=2 Q2 Q7;4>?B ?2 _U L5=?2D7??I — ,7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 5: +M2@QB65@Q> 87MXM5=B, L2L7;3 Q2 A2;Q5?3 (ISO 4046-5:2002 Paper, board, pulps and related terms — Vocabulary — Part 5: Properties of pulp, paper and board) [27];

3) ) "(<(, 1(%&, (database), ) H'&, $(<*= < #%P&=& -$*.21)$(=& ;>(%1($->&<(.#A -$21;>(+?2%# >('*G >2$=#%& >( +&<%(C2%%H >#NA C& >#NA -$21=2>%*A @(-?)<#, < '*G%*A C(;>&%& ISO + $*<1#?# “32';&'*%” (Vocabulary), %(-$&'?(1: #;2R>D?> @B465MB <MI @U74 (ISO 14617 Graphical Symbols for Diagrams: CD-ROM, 2005) [ISO 14617 Graphical Symbols for Diagrams: CD-ROM. — 2005]; "(<& 1(%&,: ISO 3166-1 database (2006); ISO 3166-2 database $(<*= <# ;>(%1($>*= ) PDF (2007); ISO 7000 >#?/'& < +2$;#A PDF + 2004 $. +&1(%%H; ISO 7000/IEC 60417 databases (1 year) >*5* [28]; '*%.2-.#H "(<& 1(%&, ISO (ISO / CDB) (http://cdb.iso.org) — %(1(N -2$2+(@& -$*;>#P*@* 1*;>)-) 1* +&'*$&;>(%%H ;>(%1($>#+, ( >('*G <("2<-2C)N '*$&;>)+(C(= %*+# =*G?&+*;># 1?H 1*;H@%2%-%H >('*A -2$2+(@&, 2'*%*=&>/ C(; 1?H -*P)'), %2*",#1%&I 1?H $*<$*"?2%%H >( -2$2@?H1) ;>(%1($>#+, <1#I;%FFC& -*P)' -*%H>/ ) >$/*, +(G?&+&, '(>2-@*$#H,: “M2$=#%& >( +&<%(C2%%H”, “K$(D#C%# ;&=+*?&”, “6*1& ('$(A%&, +(?F->&, =*+& I -&;2=%*;>#)” [29];

4) + *%?(I%--)"?#'(.#H,, %(-$&'?(1: 1>V?2;5<?2 4562 K;2R>D?BU @B465-M>6 ISO (The international language of ISO graphical symbols) [30].

ISO >#;%* ;-#+-$(.FN <# ;+*A=& -($>%2$(=& + @(?)<# =#G%($*1%*A ;>(%-1($>&<(.#A, <*'$2=( < 8#G%($*1%*F 2?2'>$*>2,%#C%*F '*=#;#NF (Interna-tional Electrotechnical Commission, IEC) >( 8#G%($*1%&= ;*F<*= >2?2'*=)-%#'(.#A (International Telecommunication Union, ITU). \# >$& *$@(%#<(.#A, 5* "(<)F>/;H + d2%2+#, ;>+*$&?& M*+($&;>+* ;+#>*+&, ;>(%1($>#+ (World Stan-dards Cooperation (WSC). ISO ;-#+-$(.FN < "(@(>/=( =#G%($*1%&=& I $2@#*-%(?/%&=& *$@(%#<(.#H=& (+;/*@* A, -*%(1 600) [31].

7 %(-$H=# $*<$*"?2%%H >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, ;>(%1($>#+ ISO ;-#+-$(.FN >(-'*G #< >('*F >2$=#%*?*@#C%*F *$@(%#<(.#NF, H' 49WSM]B8 — 8#G%($*1-%&I #%D*$=(.#I%&I .2%>$ #< >2$=#%*?*@#A (Infoterm, International Information Centre for Terminology). S;'#?/'& -$('>&C%* + );#, ;>(%1($>(, #;%)F>/ $)"$&-'&, -$&;+HC2%# )%#D#'(.#A >2$=#%*?*@#A, <’H+&+;H I *'$2=&I >&- ;>(%1($>&<(-.#A — ;>(%1($>&<(.#H >2$=#%*?*@#A, H'( -2$21"(C(N 1+( +&1& 1#H?/%*;>#: +?(;-

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B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

%2 ;>(%1($>&<(.#H >2$=#%*?*@#A >( ;>(%1($>&<(.#H >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, -$&% .&-#+ # =2>*1#+. !( 1(%&=& *D#.#I%*@* ;(I>( .#NA *$@(%#<(.#A, %( =#G%($*1%*=) $#+-%# D)%'.#*%)N "#?/P2 200 >2,%#C%&, '*=#>2>#+ ;>(%1($>&<(.#A >2$=#%*?*@#A (%2 +$(,*+)FC& >2,%#C%# '*=#>2>& ;>(%1($>&<(.#A %( $2@#*%(?/%*=) >( %(.#*%(?/-%*=) $#+%H,, <(@(?/%( '#?/'#;>/ H'&, -2$2+&5)N 3000) [32].

7 ./*=) '*%>2';># $*<$*"?2%%H= >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, -$&%.&-#+ >( =2>*1#+ ;>(%1($>&<(.#A <(I=(N>/;H E*F< >2*$2>&C%*A >( -$&'?(1%*A ,#=#A (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC). S1%(' %(I)-?&+*+#P*F I %(I-(+>*$&>2>%#P*F =#G%($*1%*F *$@(%#<(.#NF + @(?)<# ;>(%1($>&<(.#A >2$=#-%*?*@#C%&, -$&%.&-#+ # =2>*1#+ N ISO / TC 37, H'( + 2005 $. $*<$*"&?( "#<%2;--?(% H7;4>?5M5K>I Q2 >?[> 456?> C A5?Q7?Q?> ;7@3;@B (ISO/TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources, 2005) (-$* *;%*+%# $*<1#?& ./*@* -?(%) 1&+. +&52), + H'*=) <%(IP?& +#1*"$(G2%%H +&=*@& ;/*@*1%#P%/*A @?*"(?#<(.#A I ?*'(?#<(.#A + "(@(>*=*+%*=) #%D*$=(.#I%*=) ;);-#?/;>+#. \2I 1*')=2%> $*<$*"?2%* < =2>*F -#1+&52%%H <(@(?/%*A H'*;># >2$=#%*?*@#A, 5* -$2<2%>*+(%( $#<%&=& =*+(=&, 1?H -*?#-P2%%H )-$(+?#%%H #%D*$=(.#NF + -$*=&;?*+*=), >2,%#C%*=) >( %()'*+*=) ;2$21*+&5#, 1?H -#1+&52%%H 2D2'->&+%*;># + >2,%#C%#I ;>(%1($>&<(.#A >( -$*D2;#I%*=) ;-#?')+(%%#.

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— H' #%;>$)=2%> 1?H -$21;>(+?2%%H, )-$(+?#%%H >( -2$2-$*D#?F+(%%H <%(%/ $#<%*@* ;>)-2%H ;'?(1%*;>#.

J*%21(+%( )-$(+?#%%H >2$=#%*?*@#NF $*<@?H1(?*;H -2$21);#= H' -2$2-'?(1(./'( 1#H?/%#;>/, H' ;-*;#" -$&P+&1P2%%H -2$2'?(1) >( -#1+&52%%H $#+%H H'*;># -2$2'?(1#+, *;'#?/'& "?&</'* 50 % -*=&?*' ) -2$2'?(1# — .2 -*=&?'&, -*+’H<(%# < >2$=#%*?*@#NF, 5* <=)P)N <+2$%)>& *;%*+%) )+(@) %( <(;*"& (+>*=(>&<*+(%*@* -2$2'?(1) (Computer Assisted Translation, CAT), %( ('>&+%2 )-$(+?#%%H >2$=#%*?*@#NF + ;>+*$2%%# '*%>2%>) (1*, -#1 C(; # -#;?H -2$2'?(1)) + '*=2$.#I%*=) ;2$21*+&5#.

7 1*')=2%># I12>/;H >('*G -$* ;>(%1($>& SC1, H'# P&$*'* +&'*$&;>*-+)F>/ ) %()'*+#I >( -$*D2;#I%#I >2$=#%*?*@#A %(+C(?/%&, -$*@$(=; <(<%(-C2%*, 5* ) ;>+*$2%%# ;>(%1($>#+ ISO/TC 37 "2$)>/ )C(;>/ -$21;>(+%&'& $#<-%&, *$@(%#<(.#I #< $#<%&, '$(A% ;+#>) (-*1(%* -2$2?#' .&, *$@(%#<(.#I); *-&-;(%* ;>$)'>)$) TC 37, H'&I ;'?(1(N>/;H < C*>&$/*, $#+%#+ — '*%;)?/>(>&+%*A @$)-&, *"’N1%(%*@* '*%;)?/>(>&+%*@* '*=#>2>) ISO 639, >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A '*-*$1&%(.#I%*A @$)-& (TCG) >( $*"*C*A @$)-& < *%>*?*@#A; %(@*?*P2%* %( >*=), 5* $*<$*"?2%%H= ;>(%1($>#+ <(I=(F>/;H C*>&$& -#1'*=#>2>& — ISO/TC 37/

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

SC 1 “Principles and methods” (“Q$&%.&-& # =2>*1&”); ISO/TC 37/SC 2 “Termi nography and lexicography” (“M2$=#%*@$(D#H # ?2';&'*@$(D#H”); ISO/TC 37/SC 3 “Computer applications for terminology” (“6*=-’F>2$%# -$*@$(=& 1?H >2$=#%*?*@#A”); ISO/TC 37/SC 4 “Language resource management” (“7--$(+?#%%H =*+%&=& $2;)$;(=&”). 9( *D#.#I%*=) ;(I># ./*@* '*=#>2>) <(<%(-C2%*, 5* +#1-*+#1(?/%&= C?2%*= ISO N :+;>$#I;/'&I #%;>&>)> ;>(%1($>&<(-.#A (Austrian Standards Institute), D)%'.#F E2'$2>($#(>) +&'*%)+(+ 8#G%(-$*1%&I #%D*$=(.#I%&I .2%>$ #< >2$=#%*?*@#A (International Information Centre for Terminology, Infoterm), ( -*C&%(FC& < 1 ;#C%H 2009 $. — 6&>(I-;/'&I %(.#*%(?/%&I #%;>&>)> ;>(%1($>&<(.#A (China National Institute for Standardization, CNIS). 7$(,*+(%* >('*G # >*I D('>, 5* ;>(%1($>& ISO/TC 37 $2@)?FF>/ $*"*>) >2,%#C%&, '*=#>2>#+, H'# -$(.FF>/ ) @(?)<# 2?2'>$*%%*A '*=2$.#A, 2?2'>$*%%*A *,*$*%& <1*$*+’H, 2?2'>$*%%*@* %(+C(%%H >*5* (BUSINESS PLAN of TC37 Terminology and other language and content re-sources) [33].

E/*@*1%# -#1'*=#>2>& ISO/TC 37 -$(.FF>/ ) >('&, %(-$H=(,: @($=*%#-<(.#A >2$=#%*?*@#A, ;*.#*>2$=#%*?*@#A, -*%H>>N+*@* =*12?F+(%%H + >2$=#%*-?*@#C%#I $*"*>#, +?(;%2 -$&%.&-#+ >( =2>*1#+ )'?(1(%%H ;?*+%&'#+ (-#1'*=#->2> “Q$&%.&-& >( =2>*1&”); =*+%*@* '*1)+(%%H, >2$=#%*@$(D#A, ?2';&'*-@$(D#A, 1G2$2? #12%>&D#'(.#A =*+%&, $2;)$;#+, +&=*@ >( ;2$>&D#'(.#I%&, ;,2= 1?H )-$(+?#%%H %(.#*%(?/%&=& >2$=#%*?*@#H=&, -$*.21)$ -2$2'?(1) >( #%>2$-$2>(.#A (-#1'*=#>2> “82>*1& >2$=#%*@$(D#C%*A >( ?2';&'*@$(D#C%*A $*"*>&”); 2?2=2%>#+ 1(%&,, ?2';&'*%#+, *"=#%) 1(%&=&, )-$(+?#%%H "(<*F 1(%&, (-#1'*=#>2> “E&;>2=& 1?H )-$(+?#%%H >2$=#%*?*@#NF, <%(%%H=& >( '*%>2%>*=”); *;%*+%&, 12;'$&->*$#+ >( =2,(%#<=#+ 1?H =*+%&, $2;)$;#+, ;,2= (%*>)+(%%H >( $2-$2<2%>(.#A, "(@(>*=*+%*@* #%D*$=(.#I%*@* -$21-;>(+?2%%H, ?2';&C%&, $2;)$;#+ >( )-$(+?#%%H =*+%&=& $2;)$;(=& (-#1'*=#->2> “7-$(+?#%%H =*+%&=& $2;)$;(=&”) [32].

=%O&5#'2&5 "("/7#'7"H&%*&5 /'$%.%3 (International Electrotechnical Com-mission, IEC). 02"--*$>(? .#NA *$@(%#<(.#A #%D*$=)N, 5* +*%( <(;%*+(%( + 1906 $. E/*@*1%# AA -$2<&12%>*= N 6. 0),2$2$ (Mr Klaus Wucherer); @*?*+%&I *D#; <%(,*1&>/;H + d2%2+# (Y+2I.($#H). \2 *1%( < -$*+#1%&, *$@(%#<(.#I ) ;+#>#, H'( @*>)N I -)"?#')N =#G%($*1%# ;>(%1($>& 1?H +;#, 2?2'>$&C%&,, 2?2'>$*%%&, >( ;)=#G%&, >2,%*?*@#I. 0*%& +#1*=# -#1 <(@(?/%*F %(<+*F “]?2'>$*>2,%#'(” (“Electrotechnology”). 0 AA $*"*># "2$2 )C(;>/ "#?/P2 %#G 10000 D(,#+.#+ #< -$*=&;?*+*;>#, >*$@#+?#, )$H1), +&-$*")+(?/%&, # 1*;?#1-%&./'&, ?("*$(>*$#I, %()'*+&, '#? >( @$)- ;-*G&+(C#+. IEC *$@(%#<*+)N I -$*+*1&>/ $#<%# ;2=#%($&, >2,%#C%# %($(1&, '*%D2$2%.#A >( #%P# <(,*1&. B2-<)?/>(>*= >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A $*"*>& IEC N ;2$#H >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, ;>(%1($>#+ >( ;>(%1($>#+-?2';&'*%#+, ;2$21 H'&, <*'$2=(:

• H7;4>?5M5K>I: L;54B@M567 7M7AQ;5?2K;>62M9?7 5JM2<?2??I (NF TN 60 519-7 (2009-03) (C79-637) Terminologie: l’équipement de chauffage électrique indust-riel), -#1@*>*+?2%&I M2,%#C%&= '*=#>2>*= O1 4]E ) ;-#+-$(.# < M2,%#C%&= '*=#>2>*= O 27 (-2$P2 +&1(%%H — 1983 $.), ) H'*=) +&$*"?2%* *;%*+%# >2$=#-%& %( -*<%(C2%%H -*%H>/ 2?2'>$**"?(1%(%%H (concepts generaux relatifs aux equipements electrothermiques), #%1)'.#I%*@* %(@$#+(%%H (;hauffage par induc-

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B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

tion), 1#2?2'>$&C%*@* *-(?F+(%%H (;hauffage dielectrique), -?(<=*+*@* *-(?F-+(%%H (;hauffage par plasma), ?(<2$%*@* %(@$#+(%%H (;hauffage par laser) [34];

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 102: 12Q742QB-A2. 02K2M9?> L5?IQQI Q2 M>?>C?a 2MK7J;a (IEC 60050-102 ed1.0 (2007-08). TC/SC 1. Amendement 1 — International Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 102: Mathematics. General concepts and linear algebra), 12 -$21;>(+?2%( <(@(?/%( =(>2=(>&C%( >2$=#%*?*@#H, +&'*$&;>*+)+(%( + @(?)<# 2?2'>$&'&, 2?2'>$*%#-'& >( >2?2'*=)%#'(.#I, ( >('*G *;%*+%# -*%H>>H ?#%#I%*A (?@2"$&. 7 ;?*+%&-') C#>'* 1&D2$2%.#I*+(%* =(>2=(>&C%# >( D#<&C%# -*%H>>H, %(+#>/ H'5* 12-H'# < %&, +&'*$&;>*+)F>/ + *"*, @(?)<H, <%(%%H [35];

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 111: ]>=BA2 > U>4>I (IEC 60050-111-am1 ed2.0. (2005-03). TC/SC 1. Amendement 1 — International Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 111: Physics and chemistry) [36];

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 112: +7MBDB?B Q2 5<B?B8> (IEC 60050-112 ed1.0 (2010-01). TC/SC 1 — International Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 112: Quantities and units) [37];

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 212: 'M7AQ;5>=5-MX62??I Q67;<BU Q>M, ;><B? > K2=>6 (IEC 60050-212 ed2.0 (2010-06). TC/SC 1 — International Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 212: Electrical insulating solids, liquids and gases) [38];

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 351: H7U?5M5K>_ A5?Q ;5MX (IEC 60050-351 ed3.0 (2006-10). TC/SC 1 — International Electro-technical Vocabulary — Part 351: Control technology) [39];

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 617: *;K2?>=28>I / $B?5A 7M7AQ;57?7;K>_ (IEC 60050-617 am1 Ed. 1.0. Amendement 1 — Interna-tional Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 617: Organization / Market of electri-city), ;>+*$2%&I -#1 '2$#+%&.>+*= R. B*C2$( (Mr. Hervé Rochereau). Q2$P( 1(>( I*@* -)"?#'(.#A -$&<%(C2%( %( @$)12%/ 2011 $., ( *;>(%%H — %( 2014 $. >( #%.;

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — B*<1#? 806: 02LB@ > 6><Q65-;7??I =63A3 Q2 =5J;2V7?9 (23<>5- > 6><75-) (NF CO1–806 Vocabulaire electrotech-nique — Chapitre 806: enregistrement et lecture du son et des) [40; 41];

• 1>V?2;5<?BC 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC M7A@BA5? — L(;>&%( 841: !;54B@M562 7M7AQ;5Q7;4>I (NF CO1–841 Vocabulaire electrotechnique — Partie 841: l’elect ro -thermie industrielle) [42; 43];

• H7U?5M5K>_ L2MB6?BU 7M747?Q>6 — L(;>&%( 1: H7;4>?5M5K>I (4]E/TS 62282-1 Technologies des piles a combustible — Partie 1: Terminologie), + H'*=) + 1*1(>'(, -$21;>(+?2%( >2$=#%*?*@#H ) D*$=(># 1#(@$(=, +&<%(C2%/ -(?&+-%&, 2?2=2%>#+, >2,%*?*@#I () >*=) C&;?#: ;>(.#*%($%( 2?2'>$*2%2$@#H, >$(%;--*$>, +&$*"%&.>+*, =*"#?/%&I <+’H<*'). \2I 1*')=2%> N %2*",#1%&= $2;)$-;*= 1?H '*%;>$)'>*$#+ # '*$&;>)+(C#+ ;&;>2=& -(?&+%&, 2?2=2%>#+. E>(%1($> D#';)N *'$2=# >2$=#%& < >2,%*?*@#A -(?&+%&, =(>2$#(?#+, %(-$.: L2MB6?BC 7M7-47?Q @B@Q74B (la pile a combustible est un system); @5?ID?2 7?7;K>I (energie sol2ire); 26Q545J>M9?2 L;54B@M56>@Q9 (l’ industrie automobile) [44].

7;/*@* <( -2$#*1 < 2000 -* 2010 $$. IEC ) @(?)<# >2$=#%*?*@#A $*<$*"&+ -*%(1 3000 ;>(%1($>#+ [45; 46].

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

9( "(<# ;2$#A *-)"?#'*+(%&, C(;>&% 1>V?2;5<?5K5 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?5K5 M7A@BA5?3 IEC ;>+*$&?( +@7@6>Q?>C 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?BC 5?M2C?-M7A@BA5? (Elec t-ro pedia: The World’s Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary), >('*G +#1*=&I H' IEV Online. \2 %(I-*+%#P( ) ;+#># >2$=#%*?*@#C%( *%?(I%-"(<( 1(%&,, *$@(-%#<*+(%( <( >2=(=&, H'( =#;>&>/ -*%(1 20000 >2$=#%#+ >( +&<%(C2%/ (%@?#I-;/'*F # D$(%.)</'*F =*+(=& < +#1-*+#1%&=& (%(?*@(=& + #%P&, =*-+(, – ($(";/'#I, '&>(I;/'#I, %#=2./'#I, #>(?#I;/'#I, H-*%;/'#I, -*$>)@(?/-;/'#I, -*?/;/'#I, $*;#I;/'#I, #;-(%;/'#I >( P+21;/'#I [47].

0"/7'# .75&25#7+85J%6 "("/7#'8-’38/4 (Telecommunication Standardization Sector, ITU-T). Z' <(<%(C2%* %( *D#.#I%*=) +2"--*$>(?#, ITU-T N *1%&= #< -#1$*<1#?#+ 8#G%($*1%*@* ;*F<) 2?2'>$*<+’H<') (International Telecommuni-cation Union, ITU). ! =*=2%>) ;+*@* ;>+*$2%%H + 1865 $. ITU <1#I;%F+(+ "$*'2$;/'# *-2$(.#A 5*1* )<@*1G2%%H %(I$#<%*=(%#>%#P&, >2,%*?*@#I >( -*;?)@. E2'$2>($#(> ITU *C*?FN 1&$2'>*$ 8. JG*%;*% (Mr Malcolm John-son). Y>("-'+($>&$( ITU <%(,*1&>/;H + d2%2+# (Y+2I.($#H) [48; 49].

M#?/'& + 2007 $. ITU-T ;>+*$&+ "#?/P2 160 ;>(%1($>#+ — >(' <+(%&, $2-'*=2%1(.#I ITU-T (ITU-T Recommendations) — >2,%#C%&, ;>(%1($>#+ < );#, =#G%($*1%&, (;-2'>#+ .&D$*+&, >( (%(?*@*+&, '*=)%#'(.#I. B2'*=2%1(.#A ITU-T 1*;>)-%# 1?H -2$2@?H1) %( ;(I># ITU <( '#?/'*=( '$&>2$#H=& -*P)') () +#?/%*=) 1*;>)-# "#?/P2 1100 1*')=2%>#+). 9( ;(I># ITU =*G%( <(=*+&->& 1$)'*+(%) +2$;#F *"$(%*A -)"?#'(.#A (%@?#I;/'*F, D$(%.)</'*F, #;-(%-;/'*F, ($(";/'*F, '&>(I;/'*F # / ("* $*;#I;/'*F =*+(=& (<( %(H+%*;>#) >( *%?(I%-1*;>(+?2%%H #%D*$=(.#A [50; 51].

M(', %( *D#.#I%*=) ;(I># ITU =*G%( <%(I>& 2?2'>$*%%) +2$;#F 2000 $. $2'*=2%1(.#I “H7;4>?B Q2 6B=?2D7??I” <( P&D$*= B.13 ) PDF-D*$=(>#, *-)-"?#'*+(%&, ) 1988 >( 1993 $$. \2I 1*')=2%> ;'?(1(N>/;H < 1+*, 1*1(>'#+: -2$-P&I — .2 >2=(>&C%&I $)"$&'(>*$ 1* $*<1#?) “M2?2'*=)%#'(.#A” 1>V?2;5<?5-K5 7M7AQ;5Q7U?>D?5K5 M7A@BA5?3 (International Electrotechnical Vocabu lary, IEV), H'&I @*>)N 8#G%($*1%( 2?2'>$*>2,%#C%( '*=#;#H (International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC); 1$)@&I — .2 <#"$(%%H <(@(?/%&, >2?2'*=)%#'(.#I%&, >2$-=#%#+ #< A, +&<%(C2%%H=&, 5* +&'*$&;>*+)F>/;H + ;-2.#(?/%&, >2';>(, $#<%&, 1*;?#1%&./'&, '*=#;#I, <*'$2=( >2$=#%*?*@#H ;-#+-$(.# 6*%;)?/>(.#I%*@* '*=#>2>) < =#G%($*1%*@* $(1#*=*+?2%%H (Consultative Committee for Interna-tional Radio, CCIR) >( 8#G%($*1%*@* '*%;)?/>(.#I%*@* '*=#>2>) < >2?2D*%#A >( >2?2@$(D#A (Comité Consultatif International Télé phonique et Télégraphique / International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT). 7 ./*=) 1*1(>') >2$=#%& <*$@(%#<*+(%# + >('#I -*;?#1*+%*;>#:

1) >2$=#%& %( -*<%(C2%%H D*$= 2?2'>$*<+’H<') (+;/*@* 38 >2$=#%#+), %(--$&'?(1:

Information, Information, Información (4%D*$=(.#H). Intelligence or know-ledge capable of being represented in forms suitable for communication, storage or processing (4%>2?2'> ("* <%(%%H, -$21;>(+?2%# ) D*$=#, -$&1(>%#I 1?H -2$2-1(+(%%H, <"2$#@(%%H >( *"$*"?2%%H). Note — Information may be represented for example by signs, symbols, pictures or sounds (Q$&=#>'( — 4%D*$=(.#H =*G2 ")>& -$21;>(+?2%(, %(-$&'?(1, <%('(=&, ;&=+*?(=&, <*"$(G2%%H=& ("* <+)'(=&) [52, ;. 5];

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143!"#$%&'(')%*&+, -%.&+/. 2011, 0 1

B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

2) >2$=#%& %( -*<%(C2%%H '(%(?#+, ?(%.F@#+ >( =2$2G ();/*@* 19 >2$=#-%#+), %(-$&'?(1:

(Telecommunication) terminal, Terminal (de telecommunication), Terminal (de telecomunicación) (M2$=#%(?, +,#1 /2?2'>$*<+’H<')/). An equipment con-nected to a telecommunication network to provide access to one or more specific services (S"?(1%(%%H, -#1'?FC2%2 1* =2$2G# 2?2'>$*<+’H<') 1?H <("2<-2C2%-%H 1*;>)-) 1* *1%#NA # "#?/P2 '*%'$2>%&, -*;?)@). Note — The term may be qualified to indicate the type of service or user, e.g. “data terminal”, “subscriber’s terminal” (Q$&=#>'( — M2$=#% =*G%( +&'*$&;>*+)+(>& 1?H +'(<#+'& %( >&- ;2$+#;) ("* '*$&;>)+(C(, %(-$&'?(1, “>2$=#%(? 1(%&,”, “>2$=#%(? ("*%2%->(” [M(= ;(=*, ;. 10];

3) >2$=#%& %( -*<%(C2%%H +&'*$&;>(%%H I D)%'.#*%)+(%%H ?(%.F@#+ >( =2$2G ();/*@* 23 >2$=#%&), %(-$&'?(1:

Connection, Chaine de connexion, Cadena de conexión (Q#1'?FC2%%H, <’N1-%(% %H). A temporary association of transmission channels or telecommunication circuits, switching and other functional units set up to provide for the transfer of information between two or more points in a telecommunication network (M&=-C(;*+2 <’N1%(%%H '(%(?#+ -2$21(C# ("* >2?2'*=)%#'(.#I%&, ;,2=, ( >('*G #%P&, D)%'.#*%(?/%&, -#1$*<1#?#+, -$&<%(C2%&, 1?H <("2<-2C2%%H -2$21(-+(%%H #%D*$=(.#A =#G 1+*=( I "#?/P2 >*C'(=& + >2?2'*=)%#'(.#I%#I =2$2G#) [M(= ;(=*, ;. 10];

4) >2$=#%& %( -*<%(C2%%H C(;>*>& I -$*-);'%*A <1(>%*;># (+;/*@* 8 >2$-=#%#+), %(-$&'?(1:

Frequency drift, Dérive de fréquence, Deriva de frecuencia (6*?&+(%%H C(;>*->&). An undesired progressive and slow change in frequency with time (92"(G(%( -*;>)-*+( >( -*+#?/%( <=#%( C(;>*>& < C(;*=) [M(= ;(=*, ;. 13].

:1=#%#;>$(.#H= # 1*;?#1%&./'&= @$)-(= <(-$*-*%*+(%* +&;?*+&>& ;+*A <()+(G2%%H 5*1* .&, >2$=#%#+ # +&<%(C2%/ >( %(-$(+&>& ;+*A -$*-*<&.#A < +#1-*+#1%&= *"X$)%>)+(%%H= 1* ITU-T.

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’H<'*+* <(<%(-C2%* >#, 5* +G2 -*-2$21%/* *-)"?#'*+(%#: 02K2M9?2 Q7M7A543?>A28>C?2 Q7;-4>?5M5K>I Q2 <7R>?>8>_ (I.112. Appendix I. 02-2002. General telecommunication terminology and definitions); H7;4>?5M5K>I 58>?X62??I IA5@Q> L7;7<262??I 456-M7??I (P.800.1. 07-2006. Mean Opinion Score (MOS) terminology); H7;4>?5M5K>I KM5J2M9?5_ >?R5;428>C?5_ @Q;3AQ3;B: H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ (Y.101. 03-2000. Global Information Infrastructure terminology: Terms and definitions); H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ <MI D-@7;>_ ;7A547?<28>C (D.000. 05-2010. Terms and definitions for the D-series Recommendations); :7R>?>8>_ Q7;4>?>6, W5 ?2M7V2Q9 <5 5LQBD?BU

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

@B@Q74 L><65<?5K5 5LQ565M5A5??5K5 A2J7MX (G.972. 03-2008. Definition of terms relevant to optical fibre submarine cable systems); H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ <MI 5LQBD-?BU 47;7V, W5 26Q542QBD?5 L7;74BA2XQ9@I (ASON) (G.8081/Y.1353. 9/-2008. Terms and definitions for Automatically Switched Optical Networks (ASON)); H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ <MI 47;7V ?2@Q3L?5K5 L5A5M>??I (Y.2091. 02-2008. Terms and definitions for Next Generation Networks); ( >('*G -*-2$21%/* *-)"?#'*-+(%# — H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ MPLS Q;2?@L5;Q3 (G.8101/Y.1355. 07-2010. Terms and definitions for transport MPLS); H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ <MI 47;7V @B?U;5??5_ 8BR;565_ >`;2;U>_ (SDH) (G.780/Y.1351. 07-2010. Terms and definitions for synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) networks); H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ <MI 5LQBD-?BU Q;2?@L5;Q?BU 47;7V (OTN) (G.870/Y.1352. 07-2010. Terms and definitions for optical transport networks (OTN)) [53].

9( ;(I># ITU $*<=#52%* >('*G -$*>*>&- #%>2@$*+(%*A "(<& 1(%&, TU-R/ITU-T Terms and Definitions (H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_), ;>+*$2%*A ) 2006 $. -#1 2@#1*F 6*%;)?/>(.#I%*A @$)-& < $(1#*<+’H<') (Radiocommunication Advisory Group, RAG) >( 6**$1&%(.#I%*@* '*=#>2>) 1?H ;>+*$2%%H ?2';&'*%#+ (Coordination Committee for Vocabulary, CCV). \2 *%?(I%*+( "(<( 1(%&,, H'( $2@)?H$%* -*-*+%FN>/;H >( *%*+?FN>/;H I <("2<-2C)N 1*;>)- 1* +;#, ;'*$*-C2%/ # ("$2+#(>)$, >2$=#%#+ $(1#*<+’H<') >( A, +&<%(C2%/ ("?&</'* 2700 >2$=#-%#+ >$/*=( =*+(=&), 5* =#;>H>/;H + -)"?#'(.#H, TU-R >( ITU-T. !( .#NF "(-<*F 1(%&, =*G%( <%(I>& >('*G +#1-*+#1%&'& >*@* ;(=*@* >2$=#%( P#;>/=( =*+(=& (1?H 1100 >2$=#%#+), +&<%(C2%%H >2$=#%( ("* ("$2+#(>)$&, -*;&?(%%H %( +;# -)"?#'(.#A ITU ($2'*=2%1(.#A, $2@)?F+(%%H >*5*) [54].

P-#'A",.1/+, /'$%7"7 .75&25#7+85J%6 (The European Committee for Stan-dardization, CEN). 9( *D#.#I%*=) ;(I># CEN <(<%(C2%*, 5* .2 *"’N1%(%( N+-$*-2I;/'( *$@(%#<(.#H, ;>+*$2%( 1?H -?(%)+(%%H, $*<$*"?2%%H >( -$&I%H>>H N+$*-2I;/'&, ;>(%1($>#+ ) +;#, ;D2$(, 2'*%*=#C%*A 1#H?/%*;>#. a#?/P2 60000 >2,%#C%&, 2';-2$>#+, ( >('*G "#<%2;-D212$(.#I, ;-*G&+C&, >( #%P&, @$*=(1-;/'&, *$@(%#<(.#I "2$)>/ ('>&+%) )C(;>/ ) =2$2G# CEN, #< H'&=& >#;%* ;-#+--$(.FN V+$*-2I;/'&I '*=#>2> 2?2'>$*>2,%#C%*A ;>(%1($>&<(.#A (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, CENELEC) >( V+$*-2I-;/'&I '*=#>2> >2?2'*=)%#'(.#I%*A ;>(%1($>&<(.#A (European Committee for Telecommunicational Standardization, ETSI). 9(;?#1'*= >('*A ;-#+-$(.# (CEN-CENELEC ICT) ;>(+ -$*2'> -?R5;428>C?> Q2 A543?>A28>C?> Q7U?5M5K>_ (Information and Communication Technologies, ICT).

E/*@*1%# CEN $*<$*"?HN >('# 1*')=2%>&: 1. G6;5L7C@9A> @Q2?<2;QB (European Standards, EN). EN — .2 1*')=2%>&,

H'# -$&I=(N *1%( < >$/*, +&<%(%&, N+$*-2I;/'&, *$@(%#<(.#I <# ;>(%1($>&<(-.#A: CEN, CENELEC ("* ETSI; A, $*<$*"?HF>/ >$/*=( *D#.#I%&=& =*+(=& CEN — (%@?#I;/'*F, D$(%.)</'*F >( %#=2./'*F. EN ;>(F>/ %(.#*%(?/%&-=& ;>(%1($>(=& + 31 '$(A%#, 5* N C?2%*= CEN. 9(-$&'?(1, EN >= J7=L7AB >K;2-[5A (EN 71) ")?& -$&I%H># H' NF EN 71 1?H W$(%.)</'*A (;*.#(.#A ;>(%1($->&<(.#A (Association Fran aise de Normalisation, AFNOR) # H' EVS EN 71 1?H EVS + ];>*%#A (];>*%;/'&I .2%>$ ;>(%1($>&<(.#A); ;>(%1($> F3<>67M9?> L><C54-?BAB — H7;4>?5M5K>I 1?H AFNOR — H' NF 600 E52 2005 Mon te-materiaux de chantier — Termin*logie, + H'*=) $*<$*"?2%* I (1(->*+(%* 1* D$(%.)</'*A

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B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

=*+& >2$=#%&, %(-$.: J3<>67M9?7 5JM2<?2??I (materiel de chantier), 42Q7;>2M-L><C54?BAB (monte-materiaux), @M56?BA (vocabulair), J2K2Q5456?2 ?547?AM2Q3;2 (nomenclature multilingue) [55]. a#?/P2 30 % );#, N+$*-2I;/'&, ;>(%1($>#+, -$&I%H>&, CEN, <( *D#.#I%&=& 1(%&=& N #12%>&C%&=& =#G%($*1%&=. \2 >(' <+(%# EN / ISO ;>(%1($>&, 5* =(F>/ -*1+#I%2 <(;>*;)+(%%H [56].

2. !;57AQB G6;5L7C@9ABU @Q2?<2;Q>6 (draft European Standards, prEN). \2 ;>(%1($>& ) ;>(1#A $*<$*"?2%%H, -#1@*>*+?2%# M2,%#C%&= '*=#>2>*= # -$21;>(+?2%# CEN 1?H @$*=(1;/'*@* *"@*+*$2%%H >( '*=2%>($#+ [M(= ;(=*].

3. C74>?2;B-3K5<B CEN (CEN Workshop agreements, CWAs). \2 +?(;%2 -$*-.21)$( ;>(%1($>&<(.#A 1*')=2%>#+, H'# $*<$*"?HF>/ %( ;2=#%($(, CEN [57].

M(', <( $2<)?/>(>(=& -$*+212%*@* + ?&-%# 2004 $. ;2=#%($) ")?* $*<$*-"?2%* F2K2Q5456?BC A2Q2M5K @Q;2Q7K>C <MI 7M7AQ;5??5_ A547;8>_ Q2 7M7A-Q;5??5K5 J>=?7@3 (Multilingual catalogue strategies for eCommerce and eBusiness), ) H'*=) ;D*$=)?/*+(%* +&<%(C2%%H >('&, >2$=#%#+: product lifecycle manage-ment PLM (3L;26M>??I VBQQ`6B4 8BAM54 Q562;3 PLM); product data management (3L;26M>??I <2?B4B L;5 6B;>J); product identification code (A5< ><7?QBR>A28>_ 6B-;5J3); product classification (AM2@BR>A28>I 6B;5J>6); terminology (Q7;4>?5M5K>I); ontology (5?Q5M5K>I); small or medium-sized enterprise SME (42M> Q2 @7;7<?> L><-L;B`4@Q62 42M5K5 Q2 @7;7<?95K5 J>=?7@3) [59, ;. 15, 68].

7 1*')=2%># <(<%(C2%*, 5* >2$=#%*?*@#H — .2 %("#$ >2$=#%#+, ;&;>2=( -*%H>/ -2+%*A -$21=2>%*A ;D2$& (+#1-*+#1%* 1* ISO 1087), 1* H'*A +;2 C(;>#-P2 <(?)C(F>/ # %2+2$"(?/%# *1&%&.# — @$(D#C%# ;&=+*?&, D*$=)?& >*5*. M2$=#%*?*@#H =*G2 ")>& -$21;>(+?2%( ) D*$=# ;?*+%&'#+, "(< 1(%&, # >. #%., +*%( +#1#@$(N +(G?&+) $*?/ ) ;&>)(.#H, -$*D2;#I%*@* >( %()'*+*@* ;-#?')-+(%%H. M2$=#%*?*@#H >#NA C& >#NA %()'*+*A @(?)<# <%(%%H <("2<-2C)N =2>*1*?*-@#F -#1@*>*+'&, $2N;>$(.#A >( *"$*"?2%%H (( >('*G # -*+>*$%*@* +&'*$&;>(%-%H) >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, 1(%&,. M2$=#%*?*@#H — .2 >('*G #%;>$)=2%> -$21;>(+-?2%%H <%(%/, )-$(+?#%%H <%(%%H=& >( 1*;>)-) 1* <%(%/ $#<%*@* ;>)-2%H ;'?(1%*;>#. M2$=#%*@$(D#H — .2 #%;>$)=2%> 2D2'>&+%*A -#1@*>*+'& >( *-$(-.F+(%%H >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, 1(%&,, <( 1*-*=*@*F H'*@* ;>+*$FF>/ ;?*+%&'&, >2$=#%*?*@#C%# "(<& 1(%&, # >. #%. 7 1*')=2%># <(<%(C2%*, 5* =#G%($*1%) +#1--*+#1(?/%#;>/ <( ;>(%1($>&<*+(%) >2$=#%*?*@#F -2$21"(C2%* ;>(%1($>*= ISO TC 37 H7;4>?5M5K>I Q2 >?[> ;7@3;@B 456B [58; 59, ;. 70]. !('.2%>*+(%* >(-'*G )+(@) %( =*12?F+(%%# >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, -*%H>/ (>2$=#%*-*%H>/) <( 1*--*=*@*F A, ;&;>2=(>&<(.#A: ;&;>2=%&I (%(?#< -*%H>/ +&=(@(N <’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’H<'& < 1+*=( @#-2$*%#=(=&. 9(I'$(5&I ;-*;#" +&<%(C2%%H -*%H>>H

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

-*?H@(N ) +&'*$&;>(%%# (%(?#>&C%*@* =2>*1). \2 *<%(C(N, 5* -*%H>>H -*->$#"%* -$*(%(?#<)+(>& + ;&;>2=# #%P&, -*%H>/ >( ;D*$=)?F+(>& +&<%(C2%%H %( *;%*+# +&'*%)+(%*A %&= D)%'.#A ;-2.&D#'(.#A, >*">* +#1%(,*1G2%%H %(I-"?&GC*@* $*1*+*@* -*%H>>H >( $*<=2G)+(%%H *;*"?&+*;>2I ;(=*@* -*%H>>H (+#1%(,*1G2%%H I*@* 1&D2$2%.#I%&, *<%(') [59, ;. 94–97].

S"’N'>*= ./*@* ;>(%1($>) N ;>+*$2%%H =2>(=*12?# 1?H -*?2@P2%%H *"-=#%) >2$=#%*?*@#C%&=& 1(%&=& >( '*=-?2';%*@* -#1,*1), H'&I ")12 +&'*-$&;>(%* 1?H (%(?#<) $2(?/%*@* <#"$(%%H >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, 1(%&, >( + $*<-$*"?2%%# %*+&, [M(= ;(=*].

4. H7U?>D?> @L78BR>A28>_ (Technical Specifications, TS). M('# 1*')=2%>& =*-G)>/ ")>& $*<$*"?2%# # H' -*-2$21%# ;>(%1($>&, 5* =#;>H>/ >2,%#C%# +&=*@& 1* #%%*+(.#I%&, >2,%*?*@#I [60].

5. H7U?>D?> =6>QB (Technical Reports, TR). J*')=2%>&, H'# =#;>H>/ #%D*$-=(.#F -$* >2,%#C%&I <=#;> $*"*>& <# ;>(%1($>&<(.#A. M2,%#C%# <+#>& -&P)>/ >*1#, '*?& %2*",#1%* >2$=#%*+* -$21;>(+&>& H');/ 1*1(>'*+) #%D*$=(.#F [61].

6. (2@Q2?56B (Guides). J*')=2%>&, *-)"?#'*+(%# CEN ("* CENELEC, H'# =#;>H>/ -$(+&?(, %(;>(%*+&, -*$(1& ("* $2'*=2%1(.#A, 5* ;>*;)F>/;H N+$*-2I;/'*A ;>(%1($>&<(.#A [62].

7. !5[3A56> @B@Q74B L;5<3A8>_ CEN (Search on CEN products). M('# ;&;->2=& 1*<+*?HF>/ <1#I;%F+(>& -*P)' ) +;#I '*?2'.#A *-)"?#'*+(%&, ;>(%-1($>#+ >( ;>(%1($>#+ %( ;>(1#A $*<$*"?2%%H [63].

8. !3JM>A28>_ N+$*-2I;/'&, ;>(%1($>#+, ;2=#%($#+-)@*1, >2,%#C%&, ,(-$('>2$&;>&' # >2,%#C%&, <+#>#+ CEN. S;/ %2-*+%&I -2$2?#' 1*')=2%>#+ CEN, H'# ")?& *-)"?#'*+(%# <( -2$#*1 2000–2010 $$.: 1>8?>@Q9 <7;76B?B Q2 <7;76?5_ L;5<3A8>_ — H7;4>?5M5K>I — L(;>&%( 1: ELB@5A 7A6>62M7?Q?BU Q7;4>-?>6 (EN 1001-1:2005 Durability of wood and wood-based products — Termino-logy — Part 1: List of equivalent term); 1>8?>@Q9 <7;76B?B Q2 <7;76?5_ L;5<3A-8>_ — H7;4>?5M5K>I — L(;>&%( 2: ,7A@BA5? (EN 1001-2:2005 Durability of wood and wood based products — Terminology — Part 2: Vocabulary); #2=56> J2M5-?B — H7;4>?5M5 K>I (EN ISO 10286:2007 Gas cylinders — Terminology); +>A?2 Q2 6U><?> <67;> — H7;4>?5M5K>I (EN 12519:2004 Windows and pedestrian doors — Terminology); HB@A 5JM2<?2??I — L(;>&%( 1: H7;4>?5M5K>I — QB@A, Q74L7;2-Q3;2, 5J’`4, ?54>?2M9?BC ;5=4>; (EN 764-1:2004 Pressure equipment — Part 1: Terminology — Pressure, temperature, volume, nominal size); )M2L2?B — H7;4>-?5M5K>I — L(;>&%( 3: :7R>?>8>_ Q7;4>?>6 (EN 736-3:2008 Valves — Termi-nology — Part 3: Definition of terms); !;54B@M56> AM2L2?B — !;B65<B — L(;->&%( 1: H7;4>?B Q2 <7R>?>8>_ (EN 15714-1:2009 Industrial valves — Actuators — Part 1: Terminology and definitions); !2?7M> = 42@B63 <7;762 — )M2@BR>A28>I Q2 Q7;4>?5M5K>I (EN 12775:2001 Solid wood panels — Classification and termi-nology); c@Q2QA362??I <MI K2=565K5 =62;X62??I — H7;4>?5M5K>I — H7;4>?B ?2 L5=?2D7??I 3@Q2QA362??I <MI K2=565K5 =62;X62??I (EN 13622:2002 Gas welding equipment — Terminology — Terms used for gas welding equipment); ';K5?54>-A2 6=2`45<>_ MX<B?B Q2 @B@Q74B — L(;>&%( 302: H7;4>?5M5K>I ?2 L5=?2D7??I 7M7AQ;5??BU 6>=32M9?BU <B@LM7_6 (EN ISO 9241-302:2008 Ergonomics of hu-man-system inte raction — Part 302: Terminology for electronic visual displays

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B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

(ISO 9241-302:2008)); F7=L7A2 42[B? – !;B?8BLB 7;K5?54>D?5K5 <B=2C?3 — L(;>&%( 1: H7;4>?5M5K>I > =2K2M9?> L;B?8BLB (EN 614-1:2006+A1:2009 Safety of machinery — Ergonomic design principles — Part 1: Terminology and general principles); +7?QBMI8>I <MI J3<>67M9 — c456?> L5=?2D7??I, Q7;4>?5M5K>I Q2 K;2R>D?> @B465MB (EN 12792:2003 Ventilation for buildings — Symbols, termino-logy and graphi cal symbols); 02UB@?> ;3A26BDAB L;5QB U>4>D?BU ;7D56B? > 4>A ;5-5;K2?>=4>6 — L(;>&%( 1: H7;4>?5M5K>I > @M3VJ56> 6B45KB (EN 374-1:2003 Pro-tective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms — Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements); !56>Q;I?> R>M9Q;B <MI 5DBW7??I L56>Q;I — H7;4>-?5M5K>I (EN 14799:2007 Air filters for general air cleaning — Terminology); *R>@-?> 47JM> — H7;4>?5M5K>I (CEN/TR 14699:2004 Office furniture – Termino logy) >*5* [64].

J* V+$*-2I;/'*@* '*=#>2>) ;>(%1($>&<(.#A +,*1H>/ 9(.#*%(?/%# *$@(-%#<(.#A <# ;>(%1($>#+ (National Standards Organizations, NSOs) #< 31 '$(A%& ;+#>) [65].

Q$*"?2=& ;>(%1($>&<(.#A -*;#1(F>/ C#?/%2 =#;.2 + >2$=#%*?*@#C%#I $*-"*># $*<+&%2%&, '$(A%. 6*$*>'* -$*(%(?#<)N=* >2$=#%*?*@#C%) 1#H?/%#;>/ *'$2=&, #< %&,.

M%$"J1/+, %&.7+747 .75&25#7%- (Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN). 02"--*$>(? 4%;>&>)>) #%D*$=)N, 5* +#% ")+ <(;%*+(%&I 25 '+#>%H 1924 $. ;-#?/%* < :;*.#(.#NF %#=2./'&, #%G2%2$#+ (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, VDI). 7 I*@* ;'?(1# 1#N 6*=#>2> ;>(%1($>&<(.#A >2$=#%*?*@#A (Normenaus-schuss Terminologie, NAT), <(+1(%%H= H'*@* N %*$=)+(%%H >( ;>(%1($>&<(-.#H + @(?)<# >2,%#C%&, <%(%/ >( $2@)?F+(%%H >2,%#C%*A >2$=#%*?*@#A, $*"*>( %(1 -$('>&C%&=& $2'*=2%1(.#H=& < -2$2'?(1) >*5*. S;%*+%# %(-$H=& 1#-H?/%*;># – +&$*"?2%%H '*%.2-.#A >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A *;+#>&; )'?(1(%%H ;-2.#-(?#<*+(%&, ;?*+%&'#+; ;>+*$2%%H '*=-’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a('2 (Dr.-Ing. Torsten Bahke) — 1&$2'>*$ DIN >( R. K()" (Heinz Gaub) — C?2% $(1& 1&$2'>*$#+. DIN -$21;>(+?HN #%>2$2;& 9#=2CC&%& H' C?2% CEN [66].

4%;>&>)> -$*+(1&>/ ('>&+%) +&1(+%&C) 1#H?/%#;>/ [67].!%(C%) )+(@) -$&1#?2%* ;>+*$2%%F ;>(%1($>#+, H'# $2@?(=2%>)F>/ *$-

@(%#<(.#F >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A $*"*>&, %( <$(<*' ;>(%1($>) *@?56?> L5?IQQI Q7;4>?5M5K>_ (E DIN 2342:2004-09 (D) Begriffe der Terminologielehre), H'&I +&'*$&;>*+)F>/ ) @(?)<# %()'& # >2,%#'&, 2'*%*=#'& >( )-$(+?#%%H, (?2 +#% =*G2 ")>& <(;>*;*+(%&I # + #%P&, @(?)<H,. 82>( ./*@* -$*2'>) -*?H@(N ) +&<%(C2%%# ;&;>2=& -*%H>/ >( A, +&'*$&;>(%%# + >2$=#%*?*@#C%#I $*"*>#. 7 1*')=2%># <(<%(C2%* >('*G @(?)</ I*@* <(;>*;)+(%%H, %*$=(>&+%# -*;&-?(%%H, -*1(%* 12D#%#.#A >2$=#%#+, ;,($('>2$&<*+(%* >2$=#%*?*@#C%) $*"*>)

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

<(@(?*= >( AA -$*1)'>#+ <*'$2=(, %(+212%* ;-&;*' $2'*=2%1*+(%*A ?#>2$(->)$& [68].

@-.7#%,.1/+, %&.7+747 .75&25#7+85J%6 (Österreichisches Normungsinstitut, ON). SD#.#I%&I ;(I> 4%;>&>)>) <(<%(C(N, 5* .2 '*=-2>2%>%&I #%D*$=(.#I-%&I .2%>$, H'&I -*?2@P)N 1*;>)- 1* "#?/P %#G 17900 :+;>$#I;/'&, -$*=&;-?*+&, ;>(%1($>#+ (ÖNORMEN), 1* +;#, N+$*-2I;/'&, (CEN) >( =#G%($*1-%&, ;>(%1($>#+ (ISO) # 60000 %*$=(>&+%&, 1*')=2%>#+ -* +;/*=) ;+#>). 4%;>&->)> <(;%*+(%&I ) 1920 $. H' -$&+(>%( %2'*=2$.#I%( );>(%*+(, 1* H'*A <($(< +,*1&>/ "?&</'* 180 >2,%#C%&, '*=#>2>#+, "?&</'* 350 -#1'*=#>2>#+ # $*"*C&, @$)-, ) H'&, -$(.FF>/ 5900 2';-2$>#+ #< '*=-(%#I, *$@(%#+ +?(1&, %()'&, @$)- ;-*G&+(C#+ # *$@(%#+ '*%>$*?F [69].

E>(%1($>&<(.#H *,*-?FN +;# @(?)<# G&>>N1#H?/%*;># ?F1;>+(. 9(+212=* -$&'?(1& ?&P2 '#?/'*, ;>(%1($>#+, $*<$*"?2%&, -$*>H@*= *;>(%%/*@* 12;H->&$#CCH, + H'&, +&-$(./*+(%* >2$=#%& >( +&<%(C2%%H *;%*+%&, -*%H>/ >#NA C& >#NA @(?)<#: +7?QBMI8>I J3<>67M9 — c456?> L5=?2D7??I, Q7;4>?5M5K>I Q2 K;2-R>D?> @B465MB (ÖNORM EN 12792:2004 02 01 Lüftung von Gebäuden — Symbole, Terminologie und graphische Symbole); H3;B@QBD?> L5@M3KB — K5Q7M> Q2 >?[> 6B<B ;5=4>W7??I Q3;B@Q>6 — H7;4>?5M5K>I (ÖNORM EN ISO 18513:2003 12 01 Tou-rismus-Dienstleistungen — Hotels und andere Arten touristischer Unterkünfte — Terminologie); 02UB@?> ;3A26BDAB 6>< U>4>D?BU ;7D56B? > 4>A;55;K2?>=4>6 Q2 _U L;B=?2D7??I– L(;>&%( 1: H7;4>?5M5K>I > 6B45KB (ÖNORM EN 374-1:2004 01 01 Schutzhandschuhe gegen Chemikalien und Mikroorganismen — Teil 1: Termino-logie und Leistungsanforderungen); &B@Q7;?B <MI L7;767=7??I ?7J7=L7D?BU 62?-Q2V>6 — H7;4>?5M5K>I (ÖNORM EN 14564:2004 12 01 Tanks für die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter — Begriffe); +>A?2 > <67;> — #M5@2;>C ("(@(>*=*+%( +2$;#H: EN / EN / FR) (ÖNORM EN 12519:2004 05 01 Fenster und Türen — Terminologie (me hrsprachige Fassung: de/en/fr)); H3;B@QBD?> L5@M3KB — H3;B@QBD?> 2K7?8>_ Q2 Q3;5L7;2Q5;B — H7;4>?5M5K>I (ÖNORM EN 13809:2003 06 01 Tourismus-Dienstleistungen — Reisebüros und Reiseveranstalter — Terminologie); PQ;BU5-67 A5<362??I — H7;4>?5M5K>I (ÖNORM EN 1556:1998 06 01 Strichcodierung — Ter minologie); ]5;4362M9?> 42Q7;>2MB — AM2@BR>A28>_, 6B=?2D7??I L5?IQ9, 6B<B =2Q67;<>??I (ÖNORM M 1160:2003 05 01 Formstoffbindemittel — Eintei-lung, Begriffsbestimmungen, Verfestigungsarten); ]2?7;2 — )M2@BR>A28>I > Q7;4>-?5M5K>I — L(;>&%( 2: H7;4>?5M5K>I (ÖNORM EN 313-2:2000 01 01 Sperrholz — Klassifizierung und Terminologie — Teil 2: Terminologie) [70].

a(@(>* ;>(%1($>#+ =#;>H>/ >2$=#%*?*@#C%# ;?*+%&'& >( @?*;($#A. 4< 730 -$21;>(+?2%&, %( ;(I># ;>(%1($>#+-@?*;($#A+ %(+212=* '#?/'(, %(-$&'?(1: :7;76’I?> @U5<B — EM56?BA ("(@(>*=*+%( +2$;#H: EN / EN / FR) (ÖNORM EN 14076:2004 11 01 Holztreppen — Terminologie (mehrsprachige Fassung: de/en/fr); :5J;B62 > 62L?I?> 42Q7;>2MB — EM56?BA — L(;>&%( 2: H7;4>?B ?2 L5=?2D7??I <5J;B6 (ÖNORM EN 12944-2:2000 02 01 Düngemittel und Calcium-/Magnesium-Bodenverbesserungsmittel — Wörterbuch — Teil 2: Begriffe für Düngemittel); :5J-;B62 > 62L?I?> 42Q7;>2MB — EM56?BA — L(;>&%( 1: 02K2M9?> L5M5V7??I (ÖNORM EN 12944-1:2000 02 01 Düngemittel und Calcium-/Magnesium-Bodenverbesse-rungsmittel — Wörterbuch — Teil 1: Allgemeine Begriffe); ^2;2AQ7;B@QBA2 5@2-<3 — *@2< L7;7;5JM7??I Q2 3QBM>=28>_ — EM56?BA (+2$;#H >$/*=( =*+(=&)

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B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

(ÖNORM EN 12832:1999 10 01 Charakterisierung von Schlämmen – Schlamm-verwertung und -entsorgung — Wörterbuch (dreispra chige Fassung)); *DBW7??I @Q>D?BU 65< — EM56?BA ("(@(>*=*+%( +2$;#H: EN / EN / FR) (ÖNORM EN 1085:2007 06 01 Abwasserbehandlung — Wörterbuch (mehrsprachige Fassung: de/en/fr)); EQ542Q5M5K>I — EM56?BA (ÖNORM EN ISO 1942:2011 02 15 Zahnheil-kunde — Vokabular); -$*2'> ;>(%1($>) 02@5JB >?<B6><32M9?5K5 =2UB@Q3 — 02-UB@Q 5D7C Q2 5JMBDDI — EM56?BA (ÖNORM EN ISO 4007:2009 04 01 Persönliche Schutzausrüstung — Augen- und Gesichtsschutz — Wörterbuch), ) H'*=) $*<$*"-?2%* >2$=#%& >( +&<%(C2%%H %( -*<%(C2%%H *->&C%*@* +&-$*=#%F+(%%H, *->&C%&, =(>2$#(?#+, '*%>$*?/%*-+&=# $F +(?/%*A (-($(>)$& >*5*, %(+212%* ;?*+%&' ;'*$*C2%/ >( 1*+#1'*+&I 1*1(>*'; :5J;B62 > 62L?I?> 42Q7;>2MB — EM56?BA — L(;>&%( 3: H7;4>?B ?2 L5=?2D7??I =2@5J>6 62L?362??I (ÖNORM EN 12944-3:2002 03 01 Düngemittel und Calcium-/Magnesium-Bodenverbesse-rungsmittel — Wörterbuch — Teil 3: Begriffe für Calcium-/Magnesium-Bodenver-besserungsmittel), ) H'*=) +&<%(C2%* >2$=#%& %( -*<%(C2%%H +(-%)+(%%H (%-@?#I;/'*F, D$(%.)</'*F >( %#=2./'*F =*+(=& [70].

F-",J5#.1/5 5.'J%5J%3 .75&25#7+85J%6 (Die Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung SNV). !( *D#.#I%&=& 1(%&=&, SNV N "2<-*;2$21%#= -$21;>(+%&-'*= @?*"(?/%*A ;>(%1($>&<(.#A (C2$2< 4SS) >( V+$*-2I;/'*A ;>(%1($>&<(.#A (CEN) ) Y+2I.($#A >( 1#N H' .2%>$ "(@(>/*, #%P&, %(.#*%(?/%&, # =#G%(-$*1%&, ;>(%1($>&<(.#I%&, =2$2G. Q$2<&12%> :;*.#(.#A – 1*'>*$ S. !*;;* (Dr. Oscar Zosso) [71].

a2<-*;2$21%/* >2$=#%*?*@#C%&=& -&>(%%H=& <(I=(N>/;H ;-2.#(?/%&I '*=#>2> #< >2$=#%*?*@#A NK 1037 Terminologie (Grundsätze und Koordination), H'&I, +?(;%2, I $*<$*"?HN >2$=#%*?*@#C%# ;>(%1($>&. 9(+212=* *'$2=# < %&,: ]2?7;2 — )M2@BR>A28>I > Q7;4>?5M5K>I — L(;>&%( 2: H7;4>?5M5K>I (>$(+2%/ 2000) (SN EN 313-2 Sperrholz — Klassifizierung und Terminologie — Teil 2: Ter-minologie); !2?7M> = 42@B63 <7;762 — )M2@BR>A28>I Q2 Q7;4>?5M5K>I (C2$+2%/ 2001) (SN EN 12775 Massivholzplatten — Klassifizierung und Terminologie); 17<BD?2 >?R5;42QBA2 — )2Q7K5;>C?2 @Q;3AQ3;2 @B@Q74B L5?IQ9 (?&;>*-(1 2005) (SN EN 12264 Medizinische Informatik — Kategoriale Struktur für B e-griffssysteme); );3KM2 > ;>=2?2 <7;76B?2 — (547?AM2Q3;2 <7;76B?B, IA3 6BA5-;B@Q563XQ9 3 `6;5L7C@9A>C Q5;K>6M> — (@$)12%/ 2003) (SN EN 13556 Rund- und Schnittholz — Nomenklatur der in Europa verwendeten Handelshölzer); !5-[Q56> L5@M3KB — ]5;4B — #2;45?>=562?2 Q7;4>?5M5K>I (C2$+2%/ 2000) (SN EN 13712 Postalische Dienstleistungen — Vordrucke — Harmonisierte Terminologie); *U5;5??> L5@M3KB / .3<BQ5;@9A> L5@M3KB — H7;4>?5M5K>I (?&;>*-(1 2008) (SN EN 15602 Sicherheitsdienstleister / Sicherungsdienstleister — Terminologie); HB@A 5JM2<?2??I – H7;4>?5M5K>I — L(;>&%( 1: HB@A, Q74L7;2Q3;2, 5J’`4, K2J2-;BQB (;2$-2%/ 2004) (SN EN 764-1. Druckgeräte — Terminologie — Teil 1: Druck, Temperatur, Volumen, Nennweite) [72].

9( ;+*N=) +2"-;(I># :;*.#(.#H -$*-*%)N -$*1(G ;>(%1($>#+ # >2,%#C%) ?#>2$(>)$). 4%>2$%2>-=(@(<&% -$*-*%)N >('*G +2?&'&I +&"#$ %(+C(?/%&, -*;#"%&'#+ >( #%P*A D(,*+*A ?#>2$(>)$& [73].

@$"#+/5&.1/5 .A%(/5 8 $57"#%5(%- 75 6H -+A#'B4-5&&3 (American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International). \2 =#G%($*1%( 1*"$*+#?/%(

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

*$@(%#<(.#H, H'( $*<$*"?HN I +&1(N ;>(%1($>& 1?H =(>2$#(?#+, -$*1)'>#+, ;&;->2= >( -*;?)@. Q$2<&12%> — J. M*=(; (James A. Thomas). 9( *D#.#I %*=) ;(I-># .#NA *$@(%#<(.#A <(<%(C2%*, 5* +*%( <(;%*+(%( 1898 $. # N *1%#NF < %(I-"#?/P&, ) ;+#># *$@(%#<(.#I #< $*<$*"?2%%H 1*"$*+#?/%&, ;>(%1($>#+. E/*@*1-%# + ($;2%(?# ASTM International "?&</'* 12000 ;>(%1($>#+ (77 >*=#+), H'# -2$2+#$HF>/ >( -2$2+&1(F>/ %2 $#1P2, %#G $(< %( -’H>/ $*'#+. L?2%;>+* + *$@(%#<(.#A +#1'$&>2 1?H ")1/-H'*A <(.#'(+?2%*A *;*"&. gA C?2%(=& N -*%(1 32000 -$21;>(+%&'#+ +#1 +&$*"%&'#+, '*$&;>)+(C#+, )$H1#+, ('(12=#I -*%(1 100 '$(A% ;+#>).

E>(%1($>& ASTM International *,*-?FF>/ >('# @(?)<#, H' =2>(?)$@#H, D($"&, -?(;>=(;&, >2';>&?/, %(D>( >( AA -$*1)'>&, ")1#+%&.>+*, 2%2$@2>&'(, 2?2'>$*%#'(, *,*$*%( 1*+'#??H, ;-*G&+C# >*+($&, '*=-’F>2$%# ;&;>2=&, =2-1&C%# -*;?)@& >*5*. 7 ;'?(1# *$@(%#<(.#A -$(.FN "?&</'* 130 >2,%#C%&, '*-=#>2>#+. L&=(?) )+(@) ASTM International -$&1#?HN $*<$*"?2%%F >2$=#%#+ >( +&<%(C2%/, 5* <%(IP?& +#1*"$(G2%%H, %(-$&'?(1, ) >('&, ;>(%1($>(,: EQ2?<2;Q?> Q7;4>?B ;75M5K>D?BU 6M2@QB65@Q7C K7M7L5<>J?BU ;2A7Q?BU L2MB6 (ASTM D2507-93 Standard Terminology of Rheological Pro perties of Gelled Rocket Propellants), 12 +&-$(./*+(%* >2$=#%*?*@#F %( -*<%(C2%%H $#1&%, -?(;>&'#+, -(?&+( >*5* [74]; H7;4>?5M5K>I 27;5=5M9?BU L;5<3AQ>6 (ASTM D3064 — 97(2008) Terminology Relating to Aerosol Pro ducts), 12 $*<$*"?2%* >2$=#%*?*@#F %( -*<%(C2%%H (2$*<*?/%*@* -(')+(%%H >( (2$*<*?/%*A -$*-1)'.#A; ( >('*G 1*1(>'&-;?*+%&'& !2A362??I Q2 ;5=L5<>M Q562;>6 (@M56?BAB) (ICS 01.040.55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies)) [75].

ASTM International, *'$#= ;>(%1($>#+, -)"?#')N ;+*A +&1(%%H — %(;>(%*-+&, =*%*@$(D#A, G)$%(?&, 1*+#1%&'& >*5*, < #%D*$=(.#NF -$* H'# =*G%( *<%(I*=&>&;H %( *D#.#I%*=) ;(I># *$@(%#<(.#A [76]. ASTM International -)-"?#')N “/5;>D?BA @Q2?<2;Q>6 ASTM” >( +&1(N *D#.#I%&I G)$%(? “(56B?B cQ2?<2;QB=28>_”, + *1%*=) < %*=2$#+ H'*@* <%(,*1&=* ;>(>>F “+><?5@?2 65-M5K>@Q9 > <7R>8BQ 65M5KB @3[7?5K5 7A@L2?@B6?5K5 =’`<?2??I. :7L5=BQB S;3?Q3” [77], 12 $*<@?H%)>* -*%H>>H “+#1%*;%a +*?*@#;>/ X$)%>)”, <( 1*-*=*@*F H'*-@* $*<$*"?HF>/ =2,(%#<= )+212%%H *.#%'& 12D#.&>) +*?*@& >( -*>2%.#(?) <=#%%*A +*?*@& +&;)P2%&, 2';-(%;&+%&, P($#+ @?&%&. 7 ;>(>># )+212%* >(-'*G -*%H>>H “<=#%( )=*+ +*?*@*;># -*>2%.#(?)” (MCP), “+#1%*;%( +*?*-@#;>/” (RM) >( “12D#.&> +*?*@&” (MD). 7 1*')=2%># <(-$*-*%*+(%* %*+&I >2$=#% A57R>8>`?Q ?2@BD7??I (Sv) %( -*<%(C2%%H 2'+#+(?2%>) 1*")>') '*2D#-.#N%>( -*$&;>*;># >( +#1;*>'( %(;&C2%%H, 5* ;-#++#1%*;&>/;H #< -*C(>'*+&= # '#%.2+&= <%(C2%%H= +*?*@*;>#; <(<%(C2%* >('*G, 5* >2$=#% 6><?5@?2 65M5-K>@Q9 +#1$#<%HN>/;H +#1 +#1*=*@* @Q3L>?9 ?2@BD7??I [78].

ASTM International +&1(N I %&<') >2$=#%*?*@#C%&, ;?*+%&'#+, $*<$(-,*+(%&, %( ;-#+-$(.F < $#<%&=& '$(A%(=&, %(-$&'?(1, EM56?BA = 42[B?5-=?26@Q62 > Q7U?5M5K>_ (ASTM Dictionary of Engineering Science and Techno-logy. — 9th 2d. (Chinese). — 2000. — 638 $.), H'&I =#;>&>/ 22000 >2$=#%*?*@#C-%&, +&<%(C2%/ ) +;#, ;>(%1($>(, ASTM [79]. 6*G%2 +&<%(C2%%H $*< $*"?2%2 D(,#+.H=&, H'# -$(.FF>/ ) .#I >2,%#C%#I @(?)<#, >( +#1"&+(N ;)>/ <(;>*;*-+(%*@* -*%H>>H, =#;>&>/ -*;&?(%%H %( ;>(%1($>, ) H'*=) .2I >2$=#% +&'*-$&;>*+)F>/, %(-$&'?(1: depolarization (<7L5MI;B=28>I) — a de crease in the

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B#)6&%96M%4 8"#$%&'(')%*&'7 3%4(2&'.8% - )6(59% .86&36#8+96M%7 - /#67&6@ \-#'C+ 86 I$"#+/+

polarization of an electrode at a specified current density B 374, B 08 (<=2%P2%%H -*?H$&<(.#A 2?2'>$*1( ) +'(<(%#I -*>*C%#I 5#?/%*;>#); deposition (5@2<) — the chemical, mechanical, or biological processes through which sediments ac-cumulate in a resting plase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

f*$*') ASTM International *$@(%#<(.#H -$*+*1&>/ "?&</'* 20 ;&=-*<#)-=#+ #< $#<%*=(%#>%*A >2,%#C%*A -$*"?2=(>&'&.

7 EY: D212$(?/%# ;>(%1($>& $*<$*"?HF>/ (+>*$&>2>%# *$@(%#<(.#A, ('$21&>*+(%# :=2$&'(%;/'&= %(.#*%(?/%&= #%;>&>)>*= ;>(%1($>#+. \# *$-@(%#<(.#A $*<$*"?HF>/ %2 ?&P2 D212$(?/%#, (?2 I 1*"$*+#?/%# ;>(%1($>&. !(-@(?*= ) EY: -*%(1 400 $#<%&, *$@(%#<(.#I # D#$=, H'# < +?(;%*A #%#.#(>&+& $*<$*"?HF>/ ;>(%1($>& (;/*@*1%# >('&, ;>(%1($>#+ -*%(1 35000) [M(= ;(=*].

M5J%'&5(1&+, %&.7+747 .75&25#7%- % 7"H&'(')%6 (The National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST). \2 %2'*=2$.#I%( *$@(%#<(.#H, H'( $*< $*"?HN ;>(%1($>& + >('&, @(?)<H,: "#*?*@#C%# %()'&, <1*$*+’H, ,#=#H, =(>2=(>&'(, D#-<&'(, ")1#+%&.>+*, >2?2'*=)%#'(.#A, 2?2'>$*%#'(, 2%2$@2>&'(, #%D*$=(.#I%# >2,%*?*@#A, %(%*>2,%*?*@#A, '?#=(>, +&$*"%&.>+*, ;);-#?/%( "2<-2'(, -2$2-+2<2%%H >( #%. [80].

NIST %(?2G&>/ 1* J2-($>(=2%>) >*$@#+?# EY: <# P>("-'+($>&$*F + K2I>2$;"2$<#. SC*?FN 4%;>&>)> B(1( 1&$2'>*$#+, H'( -?(%)N $*"*>) *$@(%#<(-.#A, +&-$(./*+)N -$#*$&>2>%# %(-$H=& ;>(%1($>&<(.#A. 4%;>&>)> ")+ ;>+*$2-%&I ) 1901 $. -#1 %(<+*F 9(.#*%(?/%2 "F$* ;>(%1($>#+ (National Bureau of Standards), <@*1*= %( I*@* *;%*+# +&%&' :=2$&'(%;/'&I '*=#>2> >2,%#C%*A ;>(%1($>&<(.#A, H'&I ) 1928 $. ")+ $2*$@(%#<*+(%&I + :=2$&'(%;/') (;*.#(-.#F ;>(%1($>&<(.#A (American Standarts Association, ASA), ( -*>#= + 4%;>&>)> ;>(%1($>&<(.#A EY: (American Standards Institute, USASI), H'&I -$*#;%)+(+ =2%P2 >$/*, $*'#+ # ")+ $2*$@(%#<*+(%&I + ANSI, >2-2$ — NIST. S>G2, %(-$(<# %(.#*%(?/%&= *$@(%*= <# ;>(%1($>&<(.#A + EY: N :=2$&'(%;/'&I %(.#*%(?/%TI #%;>&>)> ;>(%1($>#+ # >2,%*?*@#A (The National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST) [81].

NIST — %2)$H1*+( %2'*=2$.#I%( *$@(%#<(.#H, H'( '**$1&%)N $*"*>) < 1*"$*+#?/%*A ;>(%1($>&<(.#A ) -$&+(>%*=) ;2'>*$# 2'*%*=#'&. NIST %2 $*<-$*"?HN ;>(%1($>&, (?2 N N1&%*F *$@(%#<(.#NF + EY:, H'( -$&I=(N (<(>+2$-1G)N) %(.#*%(?/%# ;>(%1($>& [82].

J* %(.#*%(?/%&, (D212$(?/%&,) ;>(%1($>#+ +&;)+(F>/ ># ;(=# +&=*@&, 5* I 1* #%P&, *$@(%#<(.#I, %(-$&'?(1, ) ;>(>># ;-#+$*"#>%&'#+ NIST W. 3*-;(+#*, J. S$>2@*, 8. Q2$2;( (F.Losavio, D.Ortega, M.Perez) “:5 @Q2?<2;Q>6 IA5@Q> Q7;4>?5M5K>_ EAI” (Towards a standard EAI quality terminology) <(<%(-C2%*: “B*<$*"?2%%H -$*@$(=%*@* <("2<-2C2%%H ;-$&C&%&?* -*H+) "(@(>/*,

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<. >. K-6?"&/', K. I. E69+$+#'-6, >. <. !5#'-.2/6, W. B. [M"&/'

%*+&, -*%H>/, 5* -$&<+2?* 1* -?)>(%&%& ) +&'*$&;>(%%# >2$=#%*?*@#A, *>G2, $*<@?H1 # *"@*+*$2%%H >2$=#%*?*@#A EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) N +(G?&+&= =*=2%>*=. !+#1;& *1%&= #< <(+1(%/ N )<@*1G2%%H >2$=#%*?*@#A ;>(%1($>#+ NIST #< >2$=#%*?*@#NF ;>(%1($>#+ 4SS + .#I @(?)<#” [83].

7 -2$21=*+# 1* Q$*2'>) >2$=#%*?*@#C%*@* ;>(%1($>) 1?H ;&?*+&, # $*<--*1#?/%&, >$(%;D*$=(>*$#+ (PC57.12.80 IEEE Draft Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers) <(<%(C2%*, 5* ;>(%1($> N <#"$(%%H= >2$-=#%#+ # 12D#%#.#I ) .#I @(?)<# <%(%/. 0#% >('*G =#;>&>/ >2$=#%*?*@#F %( -*-<%(C2%%H 2%2$@*;&;>2= >( #<*?H.#A, H') <(<+&C(I +&'*$&;>*+)F>/ ) >$(%;-D*$=(>*$(, [84].

Q$*"?2=) )%*$=)+(%%H >2$=#%*?*@#A $*<@?H1(F>/ %2 ?&P2 + >2$=#%*-?*@#C%&, ;>(%1($>(,, H'# $*<$*"?HF>/ $#<%# *$@(%#<(.#A, ( I ) =2=*$(%1)=(, *"’N1%(%&, *$@(%#<(.#I, <*'$2=( + 1745;2?<34> L;5 6=2`45;5=34>??I = LB-Q2?9 7M7AQ;5??5K5 J>=?7@3 (Memorandum of Understanding on electronic business, MoU), 5* I*@* )'?(12%* >$/*=( -$*+#1%&=& =#G%($*1%&=& *$-@(%#<(.#H=& — 8#G%($*1%*F 2?2'>$*>2,%#C%*F '*=#;#NF (International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC), 8#G%($*1%*F *$@(%#<(.#NF ;>(%1($>&-<(.#A (International Organization for Standardization, ISO), V+$*-2I;/'*F 2'*%*=#C%*F '*=#;#NF *"’N1%(%&, %(.#I (United Nations Economic Com-mission for Europe, UN/ECE) >( 8#G%($*1%&= >2?2'*=)%#'(.#I%&= ;*F-<*= (International Telecom munication Union, ITU) #< <($2N;>$*+(%&=& =#G-%($*1%&=& @$)-(=& '*$&;>)+(C#+, <*'$2=(, CALS International, NATO CALS, OASIS, CEN, etc.

!+&C(I%*, =*G%( ")?* " # 1(?# -$*1*+G)+(>& (%(?#< >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A 1#-H?/%*;># -$*+#1%&, *$@(%#<(.#I ;+#>) < $*<$*"?2%%H %(.#*%(?/%&, >2$=#%*-?*@#C%&, ;>(%1($>#+, *1%(' =2G# %(P*@* 1*;?#1G2%%H %2 1*<+*?HF>/ .2 <$*-"&>&. M*I =(>2$#(?, H'&I =& -$*(%(?#<)+(?&, <(;+#1C)N, 5* ;>(%1($>&<(.#I-%( $*"*>( H' 2D2'>&+%&I =2,(%#<=, ;>$(>2@#C%&I #%;>$)=2%> ) $*<")1*+# %()'*+*A >2$=#%*?*@#A -*;#1(N C#?/%2 =#;.2 + *$@(%#<(.#A >2$=#%*?*@#C%*A 1#-H?/%*;># $*<+&%)>&, '$(A% V+$*-& >( :=2$&'&.

M2$=#%*?*@#C%# ;>(%1($>&, $*<$*"?2%# I ),+(?2%# -$*+#1%&=& *$@(%#<(-.#H=& ;+#>), <(;+#1C)F>/ P&$*'&I 1#(-(<*% @(?)<2+*@* *,*-?2%%H -2$21);#= >2,%#C%*A ;D2$& ?F1;/'*A 1#H?/%*;>#, *$#N%>(.#F %( -2$21*+# +&$*"%&C# >2,-%*?*@#A, P+&1'2 $2(@)+(%%H %( <(-&>& ;);-#?/;>+(, < *1%*@* "*'), >( -$(@-%2%%H )%&'(>& ")1/-H'&, -*=&?*' ) $*<$*"?2%%# >2$=#%#+ >( A, +&<%(C2%/, < 1$)@*@*.

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77. B2G&= 1*;>)-): http://www.astm.org/DIGITAL_LIBRARY/JOURNALS.78. B2G&= 1*;>)-): Geotechnical Testing Journal (GTJ)-1999-Volume 22, Issue 4.79. B2G&= 1*;>)-): http://www.astm.org/BOOKSTORE/COMPS/50.htm.80. B2G&= 1*;>)-): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST.81. B2G&= 1*;>)-): www.nist.gov.82. B2G&= 1*;>)-): http://www.normdocs.ru/nist.83. B2G&= 1*;>)-): http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/freesrchabstract.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1

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V. Ivashchenko, I. Kazymyrova, L. Turovska, N. Yatsenko



The article contains analytical review of terminological work of some international, re-gional and national organizations in the field of standardization in European and American countries; a fragmentary analysis of normative legal documents of these organizations is also represented in the article.

K e y w o r d s: standardization, technical committee, terminological standard, normali-zation, term, notion, definition, nomenclature, Web Portal / web-site.