…. matthew 25:1-13 the parable of the ten virgins


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Matthew 25:1-13

The Parable Of The Ten


Setting In Jerusalem during Jesus’ last week

Most likely, late Tuesday afternoon or early Tuesday evening

Jesus has finished His public ministry His last words = a lament for

Jerusalem’s destruction Mt 23:37-39

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

Setting In Jerusalem during Jesus’ last week

His comments in Mt 24-25 were spoken privately to the disciples

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Heaven’s kingdom can be compared to

10 virgins participating in a marriage They are like modern-day “bridesmaids” The 1st century wedding…

A betrothal period just as “binding” as the actual marriage Mt 1:18-19

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Heaven’s kingdom can be compared to

10 virgins participating in a marriage The 1st century wedding…

The bridegroom would first rejoice with his friends when time to consummate the marriage Mt 9:15 Jn 3:29

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Heaven’s kingdom can be compared to

10 virgins participating in a marriage The 1st century wedding…

Afterwards, the bridegroom would proceed to the bride’s house to get his wife and take her to the marriage feast

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Heaven’s kingdom can be compared to

10 virgins participating in a marriage The 1st century wedding…

Some historians indicate ancient oriental weddings took place at night…thus, bride’s maidens (“virgins”) carried lamps

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Heaven’s kingdom can be compared to

10 virgins participating in a marriage The 1st century wedding…

The maidens would light the way for the bridegroom to the bride’s house…also light the way to the marriage feast

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable The 10 virgins are in 2 groups vv. 2-4

Five are “foolish” they have lamps, but no spare oil

Five are “wise” they have lamps, but also spare oil


The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable The bridegroom is delayed v. 5a

An “unplanned” occurrence The 10 virgins become sleepy v. 5b Unexpectedly, the shout… v. 6

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

“Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.”

The Parable The virgins awake, trim their lamps v. 7 The 5 “foolish” virgins now realize they

do not have enough oil v. 8a


The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

There will come a point in time when we see we have failed to prepare…but it’s too late!!

The Parable The 5 “foolish” virgins’ solution…ask

the 5 “wise” virgins for some oil v. 8b A “failed solution” v. 9

If the 5 “wise” virgins lent some of their oil, they would not have enough, either

The 5 “foolish” needed to buy their own

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Some have judged the 5 “wise” virgins

as being “stingy” or “selfish” Each one bears his own responsibility The virgins’ “role” necessitated each one

having enough oil Some things in life cannot be “borrowed”

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Some things cannot be “borrowed”

Faith, character, obedience Judgment will be individual 2 Cor 5:10 While faith does & should begin in our

parents, it must eventually become our own 2 Tim 1:5

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable Some things cannot be “borrowed”

Spiritual character traits need to be in each one of us “…an abound”

We all need to “…make our calling and election sure” 2 Pet 1:5-11

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable The “inevitable truth” v. 10

No matter the delay, the “bridegroom” will eventually come…unexpectedly

This is the point Jesus was making in His discourse re: Jerusalem’s destructionMt 24:36-39, 42, 44

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable The “finality” of the marriage feast is

also emphasized v. 10 While away buying what should have

already been possessed, the 5 “foolish” virgins found the door “shut” (locked)

Only those who were “ready” got in

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable The 5 “foolish” virgins return vv. 11-12

They attempt to enter the marriage feast Their request to enter is denied...the lord

of the feast said “I do not know you” A fearful reality…we only have 1 chance

to get ready for eternity Heb 9:27

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Parable The final exhortation v. 13

“Be on the alert, for you do not know the day nor the hour”

Preparation is necessary…the coming of the Lord will happen “…like a thief in the night” 2 Pet 3:10-18

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Application The 5 “foolish” virgins were guilty of the

sin of presumption They presumed the bridegroom would

come by a certain time…the amount of oil they had reflected this thinking

They never considered he might delay

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Application The 5 “wise” virgins were just as

unaware of the bridegroom’s delay However, their preparations made them

“ready” for whenever he arrived…no matter the delay

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13

The Lesson Am I ready for Christ’s arrival?

Whenever He comes One cannot neglect proper preparations One cannot “borrow” what must be

“bought” One cannot recall lost opportunities

The Ten VirginsMatt 25:1-13