lo: to know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions


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Page 1: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions
Page 2: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Page 3: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Most of the cells in your body are differentiated. This means they are specialised to carry out a particular job.

Some cells are completely unspecialised. These are stem cells. They can differentiate into many different types of cell.

Human stem cells are found in human embryo’s and adult bone marrow.

Page 4: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

1) Embryonic stem cells - taken from embryos in the early stage of development

2) Adult stem cells – taken from bone marrow

Page 5: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

When an egg cell is fertilised a single new cell is created. This divided forming a hollow ball of cells. The inner cells are the stem cells which give rise to all types of cell in your body.

Scientists now think that most different tissues in your body contain some stem cells, including blood, brain and liver.

They stay there for many years until tissues get injured or affected by disease, then they can start dividing and replace the damaged cells

Page 6: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions
Page 7: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Stem cells have to potential to form any type of specialised cells

List specialised cells in your body

http://www.nwabr.org/education/pdfs/StemCell/Stem_Cell_Resources_Online.pdf - watch the animation

Page 8: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

In 1998 two American Scientists managed to culture embryonic stem cells that were capable of forming other types of cells.

These cells can be used to grow new nerve cells, or whole new organs that could be used in transplant surgery.

Page 9: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Parkinson’s Multiple sclerosis Stroke Diabetes Osteoarthritus Muscular dystrophy

Do you know anyone that has

any of these diseases?

What are the symptoms?

Page 10: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Muhammad Ali

"float like a butterfly, sting like a bee“

In later life, Ali developed

Parkinson's disease

Page 11: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

September 25, 1952 – October 10, 2004

On May 27, 1995, Reeve became a quadriplegic after being thrown from his


Page 12: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Human embryonic stem cells differentiated into neurons (red cells)

Page 13: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Embryonic stem cells - created from leftover embryos in a fertility clinic.

Excess embryos would never be used for fertility treatment

If they aren’t used for research they are routinely discarded as medical waste. Courtesy of Gary Smith, PhD.

What are the bioethical views ‘for’ and ‘against’ using unwanted or excess embryos from a fertility clinic to isolate stem cells?

Page 14: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

A human blastocyst (the early embryo)

It is about the same size as a full stop at the end of a printed sentence.


Page 15: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

• Scientists transform mouse skin cells directly into nerve cells without needing to go through a stem cell stage first.

• "This study is a huge leap forward,”

• "Finally, we may be able to study conditions like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's in the laboratory dish.”

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Would you choose to keep your

baby’s umbilical cord to

harvest stem cells to

potentially heal your

child in the future?

Embryonic stem cells have been found in the umbilical cord of new born babies

Page 17: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Therapeutic cloning is where adult stem cells are taken and used to produce a cloned early embryo of themselves. This is a source of perfectly matches stem cells.

These can then be used to heal the donor and possibly others aswell.

The treatment of many different types of disease could rest with stem cell research.

Page 18: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

1. Copy and complete the following passage:

Unspecialised cells known as … … can … (divide and change) into many different types of cell when they are needed. Human stem cells are found in human … and in adult… … The embryo’s form a … ball of cells and the … cells of this ball are the stem cells.

Bone marrow, differentiate, embryo’s, hollow, inner, stem cells

2. How might stem cells be used to treat patients who are paralysed after a spinal injury?

3. What are the advantages of using stem cells to treat a wide range of diseases?

4. What are the difficulties with stem cell research?

Page 19: LO: To know what stem cells are and how they can be used to treat medical conditions

Aim for a one minute presentation case ‘for’ or ‘against’

Prepare to answers questions on your presentation

A Decision will be reached by panel based on the most convincing arguments