islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in mecca, present-day saudi arabia. today, islam...


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Page 1: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion
Page 2: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.

Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion in the world.

Approximately 1.3 billion Muslims can be found in 55 different countries.

Page 3: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

The name Islam, comes from an Arabic root word meaning "peace" and "submission."

Islam is a way of life based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (A.D. 570-632) who is believed by Muslims to have received revelations from God (Allah in Arabic).

Muslims believed that Muhammad was a descendent of Abraham’s son Ishmael.

Jesus is considered a prophet of Allah, but not divine or the Messiah (a deliverer sent by God).

Page 4: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

The fundamental concept of Islam is that there is only one true God (Allah), and that Muhammad is his messenger and servant.

Islam is based on Six Articles of Faith:

1) Belief in God2) Belief in God’s angels3) Belief in the previously revealed books of God4) Belief in all the prophets5) Belief in the Day of Judgment6) Belief in God’s divine laws

Page 5: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

The Quran, or Koran, is the holy book of the Muslims.

Muslims believe the Quran contains the actual words of God sent through the angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad.

The Quran teaches the values of:

1) Kindness and compassion to all God’s creatures2) Honesty3) Mercy4) Courage5) Patience6) Politeness

Page 6: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

The Quran lists five formal acts of worship all Muslims must fulfill in obedience to God.

These acts are called the 5 Pillars of Islam and are so named because they are likened to the pillars in a mosque that support the building.

Page 7: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion
Page 8: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

The last pillar of faith, hajj, is the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Located inside the compound of the Grand Mosque at Mecca, the Kaaba (literally, “cube”) is a cube-shaped structure known as the “House of God.”

The Kaaba is Islam’s most sacred place.

It contains the sacred Black Stone, a meteorite that Muslims believe was placed by Abraham and Ismail in a corner of the Kaaba.

Page 9: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion
Page 10: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

The mosque is a place where Muslims gather to worship God/Allah.

Mosques can be plain assembly halls to grand, intricate structures.

Many mosques also have a large dome and a minaret, or narrow tower from where Muslims are called to prayer.

Page 11: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

The Sunnah has other examples of Muhammad’s actions and teachings, shows how to treat others, and provides guidelines for businesses and government.

The Quran and the Sunnah form the basis of Islamic law, or Shariah Law.

A group of scholars and religious leaders called jurists interpret religious texts:

Page 12: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

There are two major sects of Islam:

1) Sunni Muslims (85-90%) 2) Shiite Muslims (10-15%)

After Muhammad’s death, a political division occurred regarding leadership.

Sunni Muslims (Sunnites) wanted Muhammad’s principle disciple, Abu Bakr to lead.

Shiite Muslims believed that only members of Muhammad’s family should lead and united behind Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law.

Page 13: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Muslims made many advancements and contributions to the world:

1) ART – architecture (mosques/minarets), visual/decorative art, calligraphy

2) LITERATURE – Arabian Nights and The Thousand and One Nights, poetry and short stories

3) SCIENCE – chemistry, observatories, astrolabe (chart position of stars), medicine

4) MATHEMATICS – algebra, Arabic numerals, concept of zero

5) MEDICINE – first pharmacy, treated smallpox, medical encyclopedia

Page 14: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

An Overview of Christianity Christianity claims the largest following of

any religion in the world, with about one third (2 billion) of the world’s population (6 billion) being Christian.

Although Christianity began with the birth of Jesus, its roots go back to the teachings and beliefs of Judaism.

1) Abraham – “Father of Judaism” and monotheism

2) Moses and the Exodus3) From Exodus to Roman Conquest – Israelites

split into Israel and Judah – Diaspora – Roman conquest

Page 15: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Christians believe that Jesus was born in Bethlehem sometime between 6 and 4 B.C.

Christians believe that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in a dream and told her she was would give birth to the Messiah – Immaculate Conception.

Page 16: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

At age 30, Jesus began traveling around teaching/preaching.

Jesus began selecting 12 men to be his disciples, (follower) or apostles, (messenger) to help spread the word that he was the Messiah and Son of God.

One of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus to the Romans for 30 pieces of silver.

Page 17: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Jesus was arrested and found guilty of blasphemy, or “a contempt for God.”

He was turned over to Pontius Pilate, the governor of Judea, who sentenced Jesus to death.

Jesus was crucified (nailed) on a cross in Golgotha in about 33 A.D.

Page 18: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected (coming to life again) from the dead three days after his crucifixion.

Page 19: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

After the death of Jesus, Christianity spread throughout Rome due to:

1) Pax Romana2) Common language3) Promised people happiness after death4) Member of a caring group

Over time, Romans began to view Christianity as a threat to the government

In A.D. 64, the Roman government began to persecute, or mistreat Christians.

Page 20: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

In A.D. 312, the Roman emperor Constantine accepted Christianity.

His successor, Theodosius, made Christianity Rome’s official religion in A.D. 392.

When the Roman empire split into the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire, the church split as well.

1) Roman Catholic Church2) Greek Orthodox Church

In 1517, Martin Luther begins the Protestant Revolt or Reformation.

Page 21: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Today, there are over 40 major Christian denominations (branches) in the United States alone.

More than half of the world’s Christians are Roman Catholic

Major Branches Of


Roman Catholic


Protestant Churches:

Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian,Episcopalian,


Page 22: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Although Christians believe in one God, they believe that there are three aspects of God:

1) God the Father – creator of all things2) God the Son – Jesus is the Son of God3) God the Holy Spirit – God’s presence in all


This is referred to as the Holy Trinity.

Page 23: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and can achieve salvation through Jesus.

The fate of everyone will be determined on Judgment Day – Heaven/hell

The Bible is the Christian holy book and contains the word of God and the Ten Commandments.

It is made up of the Old Testament (Jewish Bible), and the New Testament (writings of early Christians).

Page 24: Islam developed almost 1400 years ago (early 600s)in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia.  Today, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion

Christians typically worship in a church which can be small and plain, to large and ornate.

Two important Christian practices include baptism and Eucharist, or Holy Communion.

Baptism celebrates a person’s entrance into Christianity.

• Eucharist represents the Last Supper, the last meal shared by Jesus and his apostles, and represents their unity with each other and Jesus.