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Post on 17-Mar-2020




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CAUGHT FROM TliE Nti:TW()ftK Ofll · w1Rru1 RO.I.IND. A•our ,. ·

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P:flnr· .News ..ItemS·.

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&tat. t.anda tolq at ,Clayton. Claft,on.-st. ValeQtfn•'• clay ftJJ

ulebJ:atfd here wllh anotbet blr pub­Uc a~tttlon ot a(&te tanda, ~oo.lfuettd b.r Stat• LII.Eicl Couu1tl11fotttr Robert P. EnrleA •nti a. DUmbf!t ot &NI•tattt.l, Ja. wbl~b ._ total ot tUOJ.U &Cret bl'()Ulbt tbt et.le a tc)tal Jl\lrthut prle• or tt1i,1G'M~ or an averqt~ or •U1 pu ae~. Tb• •ltty.nloe tra~tl ti)Jd tauatd fn tet'H*e trom 40 to D*, but the Ju;;e tnajorJty wete •fl1ll

traetlf, It cOt the U trae~ ~la~r 140 ~m or JML 'l'be bfltt prlctH~ "en reAUud on It numhr or .achool H4-ttona, oM ot thYI!I bttnainr ttUO ~r acr.. th• bl~b pt1e8 or the we. A tad of UGl'J ~~ &o1d tor $lll.CQ Pfr1! acr., ud anotb~i" -of :.n~ &etta, tor ,J1M5 Ptt.acrtt. UM11 Ui) to tr. fl arr4 •• ptr acre wete fttqltHf.

Wary Olcf Wolt Caua .. ,.toublt. l'Amt.-ltO&tll1ttc n\'et att !7,0004et• ·

ranch near here lit • wott. iiO 6141 10 W&fr iltid 110 1d11e thl\t (OtetUDIHit t!X.• pt!rtc ••r hl!t eattMt ~ ~•uaht lA • ttap .aad that c~tr two l!lft\t bave •~ hint. TbJt old wCtlt, c:alle4 "l'i'i(• ~· ~~~use he l~t PIUt of ou fO()t. 1n & tfllp )'tara aso. hl4 QWtld. fUdl• ef!l ot this i-!ttloa. 11Uch l01411!t Uaa& theft t~J k aJmi:Hit -tibeUenble. 'l'bM~ tlfJt. atocbttt!Jt uy* w~U Inter I '!btl ihi:IU .. •d• t>f dollab ~h .tear.

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oUR s'i'oo~ liJ:.YotmG·AND uu or J>IS .. · · ·: .. BASI:, .&1m WXLJ,' I'B.VIT WSI'tf OTliPS

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Hereford . ' NUrserY Co. •• \ . '

11Twenty.qren· Y-. of Knowing ltQW" • •


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TB.J: XOB.TU SlJ)JC or Tim OAPl'l'AlfS . .. •


Merchandisers · •

StOtk t~eW', frt!th, up.to.date a.ud well telt'e~ edJ The qu•lltT and prie6 of out" tilercltatldfs6 aqd ~e servlee we tender '1\'ill pte&!le )'ou..


. · · · · We are also ,pubUthen of the famous ••Spin .. dle'•liot~t," tbe tom eat.of journalism, fn a t'l.ll) to iflfell. U ~;you ar4t not rteeiving your eo.vr, ~d in yout name. It's mailed *t• to JO\l on. .. ;you~< good n•me and good toob.


• nwuxxoo w...,: :·:! e-e er • . 11 5'"===-'t' • ,-, = '="'= =,. . ... - ·-=-== - '• t '\:='"""" ,

'Roswell Auto Company

~ ~ppe« Ckrate la tht Btltt. We J'h't tht 0. of 11\t'rioe u.cl h:IIQre an cutomn ti!itln ...u.. f&OU<Iu. A Wp &Motbnttlt of~ Tlibet u4 Out· m.l&~

":&VU!TSUfG PO~ flDt POlU)"' -


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.··American . National Bank .·

Of R01well, New Mexieo O~.lt .ilm BtJD£111, $8f),OOO.O(t i

JOHN W. n:mtA, h~dttit lt. p; S.AUNDERS,.. (1i$bie:r

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.... C.APITi\N • GARAGE ,.. ~ t ~ . . .. ~ ... '"' ,. . • \ '; '• .- f ~ -' ' • I . '. •

· . · On H~ u<t tJneoln Street, !ott e~onomy and hOtt• eit work •• .&U. ill F4rd parts.. ·Arent lor PelJ$'71..- .

· vanla rlrta, Ga. ana on. ~· · . · . ' .

. R. · R~ Mc:P N •. Proprietor •

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. · . ·_. MEW ·.. •. . · . : ·_ ··1 . . . ~ -· •·. ··' -- ' , ,- .. :·, •'!(

' . ......,. We; were particular to purcbase only quality .

· merchandi$e-we knowyou ate too. · qur se"" . Jections~and yours.· in. tbese · · . · ·

. . . .. j . . . ' •

. cLEVER 'su•r,s FOR -sPtNO

-show rare iudgetnent. · These'garmeutsare ·of commanding style· tailored on ~ foundation: 'of true quality. · . THEY ·WILL FIT, WEAR AN'D'SATISr'Y ·

f ' '

-Come in and try on a few :sty.es, n9 .obliga .. ' • . tion to .,buy. _ "' · ...


: •. i. . " •

· PRICED FROM 12.50 TO 35.50 •

LfT YOUR NEXT PAlR Of SHOES Bf WAlK OVfRS. -Do you know. that Wa-tk .. over .shoes cost n~;

· more than ordmary brands, tliat YOll ·know'. nothing about. We aresli?wing th:w9-s~ com­pJete line· ot s~oe~ eve: dtsplayed tn . Lmcoln Ccun'ty. The style~ will please you.

PRICED FBOM 3.50 TO l2.00 •

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- Subscribe for and BQost · . the · ••

, . -_··Mountai-neer·· . : ' : . . - ~

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healthy stock I •

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in varietie$ ·. . .

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Lett~r. fro,m E. M. Brickley. SPENCE & MERCHANT ./lsk For Catalogue .

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· Quality First, '

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• -· ,

You Will Appreciate

1 •

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how. fine·these Florsheim shoes are when you come in and see themf .

. .. ' . ! .

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• . · aRltGJN YOUR 01"'0 tlRES

·and let1 U!j make them-NEW. General Auto . ·. Rep(titing. Gasoline., Oils; :Etc. · ..

· 1'UY rs AND Bf! COS(VJN'C~Eo. .

· BIGilWAY' GARAGE .. -- - -<,--,. ..

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Hereford Nursery Co .. • • "27 Years of Kno\Vhlg Bow•·

Herefordi Texas· : I

Blackleg •

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· ·smith· & Son : ' ' ;. --~~

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Succes~ot to D:r. J. W. Ltt\V$ ·· ' . ' . . . · tiNCOLN,.N. M •

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·· ·_·· -_·_·_-_·_··_·.··_-___ -._T_···_ En_·te_·· "'-.·ed-al:81_.·<f9ntiilu_: ~~· . · - ·. ~. ':¢spec~~lfacilitfea.for:tlie1_ ¢.~t~. ~ pf .~odnfin~m:fi_ .· .n~net-> · . ;- May~ 1•t11 1915 ato ~h~ . . . • · 'Cases, iticl~9iiug~perfecty e~1.u.ppe '· con :~ . ·.

QapJt,an, N, M~, on4er. ~~ .. ment room.. . . . . . . · . . · · · . ··· · · · ... " .. ~M,;:~;Sh;a;;~;;~18;;;·7~~·!!!!!!. ~!:!!!·=·=· ~·~~~-.~· .!!!!:. . • Nocontag\ous diseases ac;lmjttea. .!\llpn;th:~

· ·· ·· • · _;, · · · ground fibor. · Open to t}le medic~l prQfesston. .... . _, / . ~ ' . ~

. .: · · • .:1 · · Corr¢spondenc~ soli91ted. .. · : . , ., ... 3.10 NORTH, .RICHAR,DSO!'f ·AVE~-P~ori..e . ~2~. . ·. ......... . . . N. M · . . · · .· . · . ·.. . ROSWELL, . , .. , . , · . ·' · .

~ • I \ " • . , . .

. . . . ... ' .. · .. ' .;;.; .. ~.~;~~~ ....... ~~ ... ~ .• ~ ..... , •••• ~ ••••• ~~-~ ., _ GQod Le,lslat~on, · :· · 1 . . . . ~ , · . . · . •. . .

. . " . '


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. I .

. . ' '

. WHE'f(l we announc:ed Bevo .. recently, O\lr hopes Were

high. We knew that we had

' . . N~w •. on6 final w~rd •. VIe prom•.

.iac you that, .in acc9rd witn 1;ho . ·

WashingtQn, D; ·c,; April 20- I · . . ' · · · · .. I. • · ! -Tbe:maian. Appropdatiob B!ll, I_ · · · · ·· 1 · ,:: ~~;~e:~ .. :~e~;rt ·:; w~~~~ I· ' Spindle. & Sons, :· ' ! .

the most · unu11ual · t~o!t .·· dripk · · · · that had ever been offered: A . . . .

beverage combining the_!!,l:!~r.i­tive extracts of wboleaomc ce-: · teal11, the zest of Saazer Hop$, a flavor all its own aiid abso- ·

' . ' . lute pu~ity •. We knew this he-·

· cause, true to o~r. own ideals, . ' we had exp.erlmented for yeara ·

Lefore. we were satisfied to aay, •

' .

known principles of Anh~user,., ~uach and '!111 its products, Bevo .

.:not only will forever . maintain · i~ pres~nt high · standard of quality, but as time goes on our·

. . . grea~ endeavor shall be to make .. • this soft . drink even more per•~ ·

·• . . . . .... feet ·in .every. detail of ita· good·

• · ness. . . ' . . ..

Yo~ will find ,Boyo,atinns, re•- · taurants; groceries, department "We offer you Bovo-it itl a.

diff erc:nt ao!t drink-:-- it is goocl' and it ir. good for you!' ·

·.·. . oand dfUJ' stores, picnic grounds, .. •ffi/}J

baseball parks, soda fountains, dining cars ·and otlier' ·places, wliere. refreshing beverages are ·

J Iigh as were our hppea for its reception, we have realizccl them {ar and beyond our

• expe,tattons.

Bcvo today is an catab­llnhctl popular auecesil. · Ev· crywher~: tile marne question is anketl :-"Have Y9U ·tried.

· Bvvu?" .


. sold. •

' G1,1ard against substitutes. .. Have .the bottle opened· in · front· of you, first seeing . that . the. seal ia unbroken .

and that • thq . crown ·top ' . beans the Fo;c-.

Bcvo c·the all•ycar-'round soft drJnk .. • • lkvo ill•uld In botUca only, and Ia bottled exclUJivcly by ••



• •

J)hllriiJutor. • •

' ' ' . •

.. , .. .. • .. ~··"f. • '\.·

, ·'

· A Great Store.


the f:lena.tea.nd,Houae of Repre· • . T. he no' r'th1 s· .• ·a· e of. t' h' ·e' ·c·· a' pt·tans' . . I aeri~tives, la ofmp:r~ thf!.n usua.l : · : · . . ·. · . · . •- . . . · ·. · •,. ,

111w~est ~ the vcovt~ of .New : .. E R c .H 1 N D l s· E R s: . : Me;xwo thts year. -·· .. 1 . . . . . ·~~1--.

It cont~?-ina a provision that"'n() e · -:- . · 1 ' " -· 1 ~ Jp;dia.n Res~rvatiqn · , shall be 1 Stock new·, fresh, up:to.date, and well selected;or • '


created no.r shall_ any a.ddlt!~~~ ·~·. 'l'he quality and price of our merc~aJ)dise and ~he scr. · .. : · be made to one ·heretofore ere· vice we render .will please you. 1 P a ted within the .limits.· .of the . . ·w·a are also publishers of the famous; SpiddJe's • • , l states of New Mexico a.nd Arh · Horn; th~om...crt of jou~·nnlism in a.·cage to itself. If. 1, ~ zon!l, ex<:ept b~\Wof ConfFr:ess. you are not ~eceiving your copv, send in y9ur name. I·· This·tcma.ves a: question ·which ' It's malled fr~ to you Og· .your· good nam~ and good '. • for many yeats has been a moat looks" · · · l .~ • 1 ssrious. ono ln thi~ stat;c, and · 1 \ proh!blts tho cr£>n.t•on •anl,l en· 1. largcment of Indian resorva.· . •

by .dcrartmental actlen SPINDLE,. NEW :. MEXICOri I P.nd cxcctlve pr.oclamation, le~&.V· • •

• ••• • • • ing th<l. mat~r where lt belongs, · • •

· witb the duly elecwd rct>re• · · ••••••••• .. ••••••••••'= sent"tl.tlves .ln Congress. The

. . •' •




provltdon was introduced In tbc Senate by . Senator Smith of Arizona, and was energeticnllv ,l\nd vlgorousl'y suppor«!<l by tlle e11tir~ New M~xico dcleJ:,-n~lon in

• Gen'l Blac·ksmithing ·

both branches. .. 'fbe bill also carries an · tt'p·

• fJroprlatlon of $98.500 . tor tht · Albuquerque School, $95,ROO !or

the Santa Fe School, $25,000 for ·

continuing work tor the Indian • higllwl\y extending from the Hoa~~o Vcfde Nt\tionl\1 P"rk to .

and ' •

. Repair Work · , •

Horse Shoeing; Etc . . . 0 .

Satisfaction Guaranteed. .J.I.I S • • •" ~-· New !{Mexico. GatlUl,lt $i,OOO additiO~Ill l\l){trO• . ' .. _ca· pt·ta· n,

l>t'oprlntien to the $2u,OOO nJ · . reaP$' made tot the builtling or· !!'!:!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •

steel. bridge' across the San · Juan UIV(!t' ne!ar l!'armington, and $10,000. to U.Ssist in" the con· strucionoh w&gon ro:~d bctw~cn Tularosa o.nd .t}m Mescaler Indlau UeOJerva.tton.


·oooooooooooo. I ...


CITIZENS NAT'L BANK • of Rosweu;~New Mexico •

\Ve issue interest bearing certificates of deposit, and also maintain a well­organized Savings Department. Every­thing in the line of . banking entrusted to our care receives Ol\.t best attention.

The Citizens National Bank

This Is The Hour· /

·. .. .·, ~---- <· -,.,...._~.=~· - ~. - -. . . - -,-· --- . -···---·; ...... ·- . . .. -·- ..... - ..

· Of The Progressive Man .· . . • . ' •

• . 1t is filso·the hour of the man who· ···saves ::L part of his earnings~ .. with the real- , . ·

ization thflt his earhing power is gradual•

.lY diminishing with every year of hislffe. . . . > ' ' . But he·is atnpty rewarded· it1 tbe;e~enihg

. • . lie ' ' '" "'

of lite with the .c<>ns.ulation of·· knowing ·_ that. he ht\S wisely accumulated a com,~,·. · petenee fGt. this period.· .. · I · • J ·

. ~ . . ' ' . • '• . · · BANK ~WJ1H ·_




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-·First T~he First Nat'l Bank,·· .· ' . • •

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.. : ~~ / -· · IS : . ln. 1o1a; . ~- . . to~,:~-~ ,_ . eaon $tat., ~~keiCto~~n-... t~fi.b·;--u·t·e·· __ ' -__ .. --_~ --~---~_ ~~~-~~:~ =:~---~-.. -···· . ..... .. . ' . ' ' ' . . aQ~ lda~ I .MENT TO GVARi:i. T·RANS.. . V.o.·.lunte_'.er' s to.·_: s.' Pe .. ed Mer... ,······ ... , .. .. ·-.-· .. ' ..

· · ~ . · 'Nortll Pakot,/e · ·., "IBERI.AN RAILRnAo. · · · · · ' ·. · · ··


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•." rlcu. ltur-_!!11. · . . <t0.1lH9_16) ~e1· . '"·. · · · · · · · ·.,.. · · · · · · · ·. cha·n·t ·.F.le'et.· · · . . • · · ~ >jO m 900 ~ ' .. · aEST BOOK J'QB t..ADI:ES AND. GENTLEMEN ·:

' .:a.t~~s':i J:t~:n' an~ Allie$. ' ~t~::na, l'l:~~~~o::a,~~:~ u'. A:. LT. •" D·.R.:.I.V. E. ·IN.··' .RU. ,.s.s'''IA ~ORM ftESERY~-OfiGArll?ATION ·;. c.;~rtabl• ~ •• ~ 'WIU'i~.. ~•s•dne~ P•p~ .... Eto. • •. . . · · · 'J!lcrea!lell..dtn;ln.; tb.Q Iaiit foul-" 1eafll. as . • . · . , . . . . . . . . - · . · . · . i .. . . . • ·. . . ' · · .

. . : . . . · . ff;)UowJ.: 191~111, 321,000-; .1915-<16, · ·. 1 . . . 'I .,._;.....,.,...,_......_.... . · · • , · :Meala at AU }lours;, D(ly Alld Nig4t. ~ood Rooms lirid. Beds • .:

PR G. 'WHEAT' i'Sl>,()Q() i 1916-17, 187,000. Wha ~ tll,ef( e • . . . ' ' .... d R d w' .. c' . II.... . ; ' I ' . ,... ' . '

MORE S IN Ill 1 ; " . . \ workm•n to ... ~n . ' ·~ 'I "'" a - -~:=;::::::::;==:=:==· ., ' · . . ·states can do. tbls I!Prlnr lt l• dl. cut CALL ·To Af\MS·I&$UED !JV . .....Stanllar .. .leal• pf' Wage• and ·' . .. .

· . . to 1~~~e:~:~· tbat lllaDJ ta~erl!;'eSJI&. . SL.-AVs wti EN :r~:;uroN~ KEEl'; · ·. ot~•cl Hol!lln!f ·. condition• ·, · . · M. : R ... ··s·-0

· A. NN· I'E,.-·:' · EV·E . .. . . ' . . . clnUy tn tll.; northern Plltt ~t tl:!e. corn . . · ·. U fl AOV i"NC~. • .• · Alturocl. .

!Ntc•Mity of PrOducing L11rgo 81Jppl)' belt, wUHl~d ltpoiQlijle to pl~l;lt 1\n . . . · . . · . .· ... of Feodaand F4tdlt!lffllll~mph;a.' to ten !iCfeB .ad!lltionlllli wheat. Iq W••lornN,w•paperllpiP~lf·w•Sml~·· TWo hUnd'red. and fl,(t! t,bou~~d llz~Mo,._ Hog• Demanded: . 11on,te cuea U\I)J will plant Jnore. In · ·. · · · . · . _ , · . . • W(lrlontn are 'to be eQrolled n a r~ : .....south til Urged to Feed· a nun:~ber of l!tatellln-t)le eastenr · W,asbtncton, ~JI\rclt l., J!\pan lD ltrvt oraani.-Uof:\ of Ante*l\n mea

central Portlops. o~. thi" country telida nl)t only to lnt~rv.en.Q to. Slberla tbaplC!~ aldll" worlce.._ hl nuJny lluel, . • IU.If, l!ptl!lg wbeat .bas. Jiot beao. . toJ:' the •protecUoll ot Jl\~!lnese and, eo.• to brl.ns tl) cQm}lle~on the clcanUc

. rec!int teari; tbe crop la. now teute intarellt& trom· Ger~any anll. t~o elJlplnalldhlC prolfillt.' to wln th8 war, :Wasblilcton, J>,' 0,--'J:he planting of ,establlabed and u Ill Bolsllevlkl, but to oust the 1lu1111an11 ~he or1a~l!latlon talmown aa the Unlt·

Jll 'Jncr .. sed llCte!lge to sprlnc ~beat tbla movell)ent b.o . trom their IIPbero (I( Jnfiuenc~ •n td .fltate.a' l!llalp7a~d V,'olunteers of tb• -JDd tbo p.rodu.ction ot an tpcrensed sup. . . 'Xo a J~mall, extent the acreace m northern J.lanchurll', .accordlnc to ln· Public :Reier.ve. 'l.'hose who ~nN~ll wlll

. . '

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Gen~ral Blachs_rnithin_g · . .

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.... . ......

.. ,ty.of otber·food. produ.cus. lllicJ (If Uve ·ot.ts1 t( 1\ecellM.cyi conld bt ~uced In fo!'matlon ~btalned ~.rom • .offll:lal 11t~ad ready to reapopd wllen tber lirll ~oelc. eJPeetallt bop, l1 recomll'!end· tbe Jnt,r~t of wheat'. Llkewlse, a Jlourcea •. area~ . Britain and Fra.Jl.e~ ealle<t to rep.ort at tbe llhlp:a~;d• tor ect,tn a •~ppl,mentary·food produeUon very small p(lrt,lon of tlit ·aereas• have req~eated the Javanese govern· «JuQ-. · . _· . · troJram Issued· bj tbe Vnlted Statea whlcb norm~Uy would be plknted to· Jnent to ~ke J1leaaures to suard the A!l appeal tor "Yolunteer• b!ll b.•en Cepart.Jnent of aei'l<:ulture. · ·com ln tba northern part pt tlle corn. Ttanul.berla\1 ra,llway· trom Vladlvo- made .. : bJ tb1 ~Jepartmeut of labor,

AND . / 1 • '

'.l'bla pro'"'lll rHrxiP"':!ailha andam~, belt mtsht be 110~_!0-•pdn(wheat. atok to the bordOJ¥1 pf Tr.aijsballkalla, tba.:tounc:U of naUonal detenae, th• . ' _ . ·.Repair .. Work·" · ,._ ·


• • ::==' ... ~-· ' . plUloa tbe food,prpdUCUQD progtam . It tile acreare ot' IP,.rlDJ 'Y'beat lo~U· where It Q,Ults . .Maucburla~ terrltOI:'Y· lhlpptnr board, the 20,0()0 fQUJ.'ol}liJ]lute. for 19~8 lllllled: b1 the. department lil cafe4 tor IIOJJie of. the atat~ cannQt bl . Japan regards RWf~las 'c()Uap" men, JQVIrllOrl of tbe varlo:ua lltlltea, All rust, 19].7, ancJ <~tb•r •nrceatlo~ planted, the barle:r a crease, llhlch · la and aurrender to Jfi..Nn • enemies at .. orrant&e!llabor and b\lalnell$ men, ',l'he

· mad• 11'l th• 'fall ~~:nd tbe ftr1t. of ll!1" ~nown to· il'QW Jietter tn "ollie locall• Involving .the. totr~nurQ by }luaula. ol 1\lm. Ja to 4,11 au the pre11e~t 11.nd futuro , .. r. ~r•rdln& lnereaaed J>Ork pr()(}uc- tle1, ml&bt l:le lnereaaed. '.l'h• uae or tne latter'• sphere ln northern Man· ne~ or the •overnment a ahlpyarda. tJon an!llnerea~d production of, food•' barJev tor food la lns:reaalnc 111 tJlla t.:hurla. u. Is •mderatoQd· thllt Chlnl . l'a)' of volunteer~ wlll .~o l1l accord·

. ltUlfll ln. the Sontb. '.l'aken hl connec- country and lt a· a welcoll\e tood. In· a,lao ·ent-crtatn~hla vl\!W and Ill pre- aneo -wtth tbe prn•lUnc 'Waae Ill the

· Ho~se Shoeing,-Etc::. · :

· tlon wltb the J'econimendatlolll prevt• leurope, ·. . _ . . · _ pared to aiahlt In the cxpulalon of · ahlpyar!!a at tho U~,ntt U1e1 arc c~tlletl. 91;1111 made, tt.aurc••tt In tun the prO« Summary of Othol" 1boommendatlonl. -~uasla from C.blncae terrltorr. Cooatructlon of llouflea for the i>ont• whleh the department tblnltll Jt Follow1n• 18 a ilumma"" or olh!lr 1111• ta bt1lnc_ puebed with. enerq, and lnlra,te to oft'er wltb a VlllW to ae- . .. • ., ,. 1 c b t e i!JU 1 hom11· wm be re11dy wh•en 1 -~_1'1· enou1b -.eat IUld dairy . prod• pi)rtant recommendaUollf tegardloc London.-A P»trogra~" d spa c o n e r . .

eereala, meat, poulttT1 anil perlahablee. the Exchange T~legraph Company un• th• .men are- called. lett, eertall, tupr and 9tber' atapt• . H•a" The ilumbo"' or ho- ahoulll der date ot Feb, 27 Ill)'&·~~ fa reported C•t4a Jro . .ltsutt4 to ell applicant-, anQ 'ptr.lthable food.l, wool and· cottoll • ·- b r1 t tement• .or th• vurpost of for tho xiatioa, lt.a annltt, and tho at- bt Jncr~tased b1 at le••t liS per cent from Luga that tho Ge-I'Jl\lln delllch• en. 111 • • .

t durlnc tbe tear 1918. · menta whl~h ent4'red tha~ tow!) a day the shipyard Yotunt~rlf. ~lault)'lnll · Uoa. t P"" n(a .. uona for t~ •P• •uga•. ... ... ort · a~ould be made · to or· two aso, are l1.1avtn•. 'l'he nuaalana, them accordlnJ to trade• and a•klq& 'ProJchlnt aprlac operationa, baaed .. • ..,..... '" .. at to e nnn4 When Cllll!d Bu~

apon tht latest anllable tnfornlatton malntalii tbi aerea1it of auaar eime a11d moving to' n1ect Uunp_. have turned to- suer• r 11•·· . · . • b • · ed •u-r beeta; and to lno:taa,e thett ward the ntafq ratlwaY and occupied ton• will be HiveD to .~otuuteara ear-

• P to the condition of the tall·plant. arm IQ~IJO. tar u ~"en et<>pt t~o well three IIU8U Jltatlon• Within twelyt lUI tbe ln,•,crlpUo.a, 11. B. SblpJ>ar.d. tr'Opl of winter l'!'btat and t'fO and al eatabllahed or are.~tcf."#taey to sound miles ()r PllltO'Y. I..arge nuuiM detach• Volunteers. . In addition, Ute wor~ to the aumber of meat and daley ant· -a-cultural p-eUet·. . . . ko er. wlll r_ecelye a ~ertlftcate ai~D.cd · 1 r· ....... f r 1.911 "'beJ repre- ••• ... menta arc .conc:entraUnc ncar Ps y, :-: tb~r,;;.i ~cbt o! tbe lpeefal· ProcSuetton of ptllfaetorJ IUbltl• Tbe :railway IUI,!n ate rormlns partllan . b1 ~lrmlln BurleJ, whlcb l'etldl: I

'-11 <If the departmentowho bave hacJ tut .. tor IU&IIr, lndudlnc JJOrpum, detachmentS. alons the line, "l'bll Ia to cerUtJ (name of 'YOl· -· tt.• beoetlt of lld·flee from acrtcultu· corn and cane alru~~ maple producta From Smolcnak comea. thO repor\ .vnteer) er (cltr, atat,), . •hat

. tal l~aden tbrouchout. tbo co'llntl"f. and ·bon•1 ean and lho'uld be tn• that the German• !Ia 'Yo met wltb urolletl ln the United Statts a ued · •Lrons realatt.nce wltbln alxtHn Sblp'fard Volunteera o( l'ub•

Our· led Erttrta fteqP,Jirecf. e • . lie servlco lteatno to ald tho _ *'Not'flithstaodlnr an Jnereaaed ·pro- Sorabum alrup,lt Ja pqlated out, mar Yerats (1M miles) from Ort!ba and. 11-aUon, hi 111 lmperaU\'t needl

·~ t•eUoll of atapte uops ln the Ualted be productcl ln aurlJ everJ lltn.to In were torc:ed to rotlre •. 'l'be Oenn.,na for mere~nt ablpa wltb. whlcla to Jtate. In 19l.T, ther'e' 11 need for more the Un~on, and lner;&l!ed production of bave· baen trylnl to cro•• ·tho Der.. 0.\'trcoiAO· the nbmarlne JU(joaeo .food," the promm lltatea. "Taldnl torch~.!Wettl would -ttnable tbe pub· elna rlTer and couaolldate the ground and malntt~ln our foreta at the ~nto aeeount our own nl!tM,·the net<k llc to eoDaene aUll further tht aunr 'fn order to becht operattona In "the dl· front." . · tf tht ~;~aUou aeaodated "'th Ul Ia 1uppl7 In tbe form aott anllablt for recUon ot ·Onba ,and . OOJJIIJ, . Red lhlpyar4l tt Wln or LtH. tkls 'War. nd . the lleedlf ·or fdtt~dlr tr~JliJl)OrtaUon to ~ur toldtera. .. . .. Ouarda concentrated at Kroupl •ta· '"l'h• world war will b•. won or ....... . -tHtral naUona, our *t dorta wtll · · DairY ,,..lluota. 'itle aupplJ of dalrJ lion JJrevented lllo Otll'DlliniJ trom ad· In the American ahlptarcb. .. rtq.,ulre4 to proTide moucll food: 111. prodaeta thou14 be Jlla1ntalnt4 to meet vanclnl rn the direction ot Onht.. thtt drlnn 11 a blo" at the kaiser. ttl.t. Wlltthtr tht war eontlnuM or .the •f4tdl 'M thta C01Uit.r7 an<1 tO. btlp Direct Snfom'latlon from NoTo Bellt l'Cttr1 aJalp t•ra.a out brlnp Amerloa t-ot. the 4emanc1a on thla countrt. be- nppty. the lnertUinc dttnanda or tht. ~1• 1hat. tho OennJln1 have reeeln4 11.._..... to 1ictorJ." . ;. tnllt of the tuenutnc- population and allies. . . . orden to m~ke nc,J rurthcr adnnco and Hfto•• who ''" th!!lr •treoath ant tllt Meduf i:uropewlll be cr••t. Aft Pautt.ty. Poultrt production a!louJd tbe•Otrt'llau eaulry l*trola wblcll ap- lnlutnce to the lpffiJJ conatrudloa of

· Jll)tdat11 tlt'Onr tl&Uiand Will be made 1to tncrtu~ rr .. u,, .. ptdall1ln back t~caretl at Novo Bello haYe retlre4. atalp; render l!llt'Vlee that 11 l*otrtoUe tel thla ~ntrr tor moata aud 11•• J'&rdl ani\ on farms l'!'bere waate mat.. Accordlnr to the Dollhcvtk al\4 b.labtr •eonUtJ to· the auceentul ftoc.k, la 1911, ',notwlthttalldlnr the rlal Ia available an4-.tlae purchan of In Petro&rad, tlabllns pro- termlnaUon of the t~'ar/' · un1 dltlleulUf.'l encouotered, the uptllllft aratn• and othtr ml.tertal Ja Wcdne!lday ll!omlnl for ~n1 tor ·the orranlutton ot tbt farm~ planttcl the lara~tt aerNcet ~ot req.nll'l<l. . . . poul!salon of Ptkof and a mctllllae BhlpJatd Votuntetn were 1114 with In the ht•tor:r of.lhl! naUon. banNted Corn. An act6lce or com approll· from Lusa ••Y.t Jt Ia deflnl\~11 tn Ru•· th.e yJew to lnttrftre aa little as posal· ~rei eropa of mo.t thlnp e:re•ot mateiJ ~ual to that of 101Tihottld bt 1lanvossceafon: : \hr wltli the prtvatt lndustrlat eon· "but, and wetftdect ln ~HUT Jn· p1mttd,1tlth poutbto Bllaht: rtducUoo• Tho council of•ptOplo'a conu:ntasar- Nru ad to •au.n the minimum of #H.I4nc- the llUmber of 111'0 .toc:kl' In etrtaln aect10111 to tree areu tor Jes, aecordln,; to a Reut~r dll))atcl:l lacon•lnlenee to the workti'JI tbom·

"'l'lte MtuaUon f• such .that cblef em- aprlD&' whnt. from P11trograd, bu 1111uld another ae1vN, tbllll aboatd be II Yea to the P'rOdnc- Oatt, lnley, A lot, BllOkWhHt . and call to arma, J~ the co !.Ira& ot which It Under thll 17atem. wbell an •eetr• U. ot -lhl ~f.'lt atlple .tOOil Pl'Odllcts. FlaxHIHI. The uea In oats 1bould be l5 declar<'d tho Oerman lnTadera are tone or elfl'trleal welder, Llackamltb, wltll apeelalatreM on wheat and .lM>Po malntaltted, ·tlptclall:r Ill rt&ton• and artesttus tbe" workmen'• and 110Jdlera' t»U~r mott>r, carpenter or any otb('t tile le.dlnr 'tf&r f()()(ts!' .· Oil .atl• whlcll are aot 10 1'tll ac1apttd countlls, ahDOUng c~ptur~ll Red 80ardl ot the skilled worke...- or lf'bon..- 11 en•

Tb Routh t1 urrtd to pro"Yide food to othtr rratns. but 1rith a smatl ~uc- and armtng Ot>rman and Austrian prt.. Nlled, he nHd not tcar that be wlll be . (or Jta •wn peoplt and 1eed for Ita }\Ye Uon to. prO'YJ~ tor lncruatnr the oncrs In the Ukraine. · . ~lied upon tQ qutt h111' pruent pGsl• ~and then to plant u 1:11uch et'ittOI:l wheat aert~~re. Batle1 production 'l'llo proclwatlon aaNrts tbat the tlon without 110Ut'l and ro lmmedlat .. u etll weU be euttl'tated and hannt• shofld be lnue&led Jtt rectons where troops at tbc tront baYo now IJUII~ 17 t<t a •hlpJard. 'l'ttt! rovcrnmtnt doeJI t4. 'l'o:ratsera ot hop and beef ani· lt rron beat, M'Pfclall1 In tht north• thl!m•ctvr• togetbC!r and aro rdJ.f:ltlnr 11~ contmplate · I111Uirlt <'&11• to the

· cal• the world need tor· meata and ern ed«e ot tbe corn belt and Ill He- tho tnvat~Jott. it eonctudes: • voluntttra tltUll the ynrds are reactr to · rata lu.aacte clear. Faraten are ur1ed UoM north and wHt of the· bolt; and "May the blood !!pllled ln lhlt un• rtctl'Ye tbeld. to join wltb the Dlf!li on the ranees In rlce. 'buekw)lut·and daueed prC>duc· .,q,tll1atruggln ran t1t1 tlttJ hrJtdA~tf the Wilen a nuin Is t~nrotlfd he m.,­Pl'O't'ldlnc ahl!ttl whOso wool It needed Uon 11houtd b6 tnilntalned and, If pos- O<!muu1 SodallatJJ, who att! atl()wlnJ male• hit pc!l'iiOnaJ plan• In a~cordaMe

·w ett111p sotdtera. 11lblt>1 lno:eatt«L the Ol!rman 'Worknt~ to be nuked with -th• co•nnment'll t~·hibea •nd be . ne prorraa dll!CU!Itta the farm la• Grain lorablli'M. Tho production ot among the cc-.tng nlid .tudaes:• teadJ .-ben the call eoml't, . Itt will 1

· kr problem, polnu out the lines or et· p-ain aorpum• (kaftr, mtlo, teterlta. . - · . · t.Mn have allaiUnJ< hltn • dettnttt job fort tor rellet~ and ouUln¢S the ae~"YI· etc.) aboult be IAcrealed rrutly No Italian 8hlp1 aunk Last WMk. at a deftnlte plaet. at a dl!tlnltt?. cen• tfN of the federal and state acencln tbroucbout the drltt portion of the . Romc.-ltaUan shlpplns was lm· erous rate of pay. · to fal'Jllsh aut1tan~. Plains ftalon. xattn are Ute most muno from German aubmarlnea and Queta •f E:ath lUll,

aprtng Wheat. ~rtatll craln crops bt this Netfoa and mln~a In the -wtJelt ended Feb, !!3. · Each stale b.. been a!lllfgnl!d a ta 4eallill l'l'lth the qucsUon ot they can be made to supplement wbeat curtain -;r·Fit~-Haiu German•, quota, b.Ued upon tbt poputatlon and ,

.Sill wheat. tbe prorram ~tatl't; as bumaa food and to r~1a¢e cora u With the Amulcan Army tu france, lnduatrtia. The quota l!J a.a follows: n. ao,..ao •f •111rin1 wheat lbtuld anlmal1ood. · 1\larch 1.-A lltrOnc ·aeJ'Ii'WI attack

1to fnorHMd In or4ir u mak• certain PoU.toti. The uormal aetUse ot fotlowlnr • beavr barrase tire against ~:';• ti~;;;::: ::~ · f!::n.:~r::rL that w. thaU ht.vo an alfl-fiUato aua:~pty trl11h and neet J'lt)'tatoes · l!hould be the Atnerlcan trenehea In tbe Chemin Vermont ••••t• t,m Ohio .t whist for our own uut an II tt meet tnalntaJned Ill 1911. notwlthsWltllnl' dl!a Dilnt<'ll !lector Wllll repulsed l'l'lth 'Ka ... ~huuuau.w. Jrtt~r,~ :·:·:·:·:·: ;ij;~~ thO ne .. • ef th• a lilts. the tara• crops In 1011. Joilecs to the attacke%'8. The yeti· ~-=::C~.':J::~:: :;: MtchfPn ··•

"'White the aru of winter wheat Hay, Fora~ and Palturtt. Wher· p1lccd Amt:tfcan ma~hlno- suns eeut. Ne" York ...... s..,. wttteni!a ... . to"nln1tl7 wu the tarrest oil record, ever fH.I!itb1t, the aro& dt'Yoted to hat. stl·tams ot bullets Into the adVIUlefng Mlnn•tota .... J.TC Afit:•ma .... . tll4!! ~natuon. Of th• crop, u reported. fora1e and aliare ~ should be ln.. enemy and u the Gertna.n barraMO ~:!!,~;t";:::::.J:~i _i'~~::::• .. ::: 011 DeceJDbet' 1. wu .the lowl!!lt f't'er crt'aitd and thtH prodtit:U should be fire tlfted the Arrterle!an artUiert Nortl1 Dak6t&. UM . t.oul•lan& •••• morded1 1ndleaUnr a probable produe• us(.!d t" a cater extent £11 p1ace ot quickly tafd· down a curtain ot tlre-, l!outh l>dota. 2.• OklahOma •••• tltG .. of OIDJ 540,000,000 bushel& (HIIiiJ arid Other <!OiietilfrlltH, 'rl lth l N•brullta ..... 4.~ Teieu

> .


' ' -.·· J. A. :ADAMS·_ . . '. 2. • ~ • ' .· . NEW MEXICO . . .. . '

• •

•• • ' ' 1)

··fJhe ~ew · 9/,ee~taurant • • '> 1

' ' • "'11 ••

• • . On 11tAin'Strcctl between the Garages, will be l.!onductcct' g

• under tho. ntLJI\C ·.of ·

The· Great Western . , . I .

and we will try to make it nll ·tlutt nnmc inrplics, givin{{ .. prmnpt and courteous service to all. Clcanlhu~s!l nud .. fah·

. denting o~r motto. If you onlt bave one niekcl it will buy ·something here; or it Ws a sqmn'd meal, \VC. bavo itt so don't fail to give UJ-..a. <'1111 and be plcnsed.

W. B. PAYNE; Mapager •


Buy From Us and Save Money ' .

.The e's • • •

W. 0. lfORHAN, Proprietor •



Everything to Wear---Terms Cash

J. A. BIVINS al. CO. Saddlery and. Ha!'!~ess

. Shop..&de Saddle~ and Boots and Cowboy Supplie1, AUTO TOPS A SPECIALTY. Repdring neatly done.


• Wlle~t the actual produeUon 'flill be ·, BiNf Ant male. 'l'be suamber or bed. th" Gotnmns ret. ttl 'II out it atnx 0 ~:.:~··::::: •·~ Vontua •••••• ~ter C!r tess tblil the eitlmate wlll anlmiilllahbutd be mal!ltaliied and, In :~o~:~~~. T:t:ee F!~:h !~td1e~serlean )larytan• .... 1.~. ~;~~~;;!·:;;;: __________ ..._.._...., l

1 •• r----------------...,

t~d 11¢n cendlUolil pre'lldltnr be- areas where It Ia eturt,T tilt best ran1e ...,0. und*", nlat, ot Cot ••• 1,:it0' ~otorac!o •••••• · .

8. · Bo .. · · T · E KELLEY.

tlreftl now- 1u1i t~ae. Ullitot har•e•t. It and ft.rm·practfc:e. ~o:Qld bUnueued. " . ...., ,_. ~- . , • - ~~~";1,;;~i~~:~ ~;t:o:!~·.:~:: -·~~o • c . ~-- I · • • thua Were .Jla~e,d to liprtu,t wheat In . Stan.tt Peii1 ariel trt1nuU. The. prO- ~llroad Bill P.a .. ed by Hou•e; N. ~atollna ••• t,%tl ttta11 ......... , . OW oy· 0 s·, ', Punerat I)frectot" and Licensed UU. 'O'Dited Statu tbla)eat an acreli&e dac:Uoa or •beans and pea• lbcluld be WaeblflstO'n.=The biti to xovetn ted• tt ('arollna. ... us:~ N'ilva;!a · ....... i , EmbAlmer ~ual fo tke lrtliil of the r~ord ptant!nr lucrtaaed In r~.rfot.W ~o whleh the:r.are ·erat t)l!t<ratlon f>t railroads was puaed ~~'i: :;:;:;;1l;~J ~:~~-;.~~ .. :; 11( p· it r . · Pltorte 96 Ill each S,prlot wheat atat• within Ute adapted, becattllt! of their hl&h tood: by th~J HoUse bY a :vote of 331 to 8. Kenlllt!kJ' • •••• l,t40 caUtUI'illa uhl·~.·.i .. '0 $11.00 to $ .... oo Fet " . ',',· Oarrb:OJO . ' New Mexico 1ott.O JUra, thero would bt 10wn ap. value, kceplnr ~tualltJilS, atld &Yallabll~ The St>tta~e· tJrtwtousty blld paned lho 'l'ellnnBH .... f,M2 SO , L::::::::::::z:=::::::::::::=:::::==:;:~=:! pc-o:dmateft ~,soo.ooo acres. If Uaere ttt for domcalle or eXVQrt trade~ lor bill wbfcb fio¥1 'xoea to conft>renM. 't'rad•• Neeclec:J Jn lhlpbulldln;. AL ~~~·--·=-·=~""''¢""~· lhould be planted an acrt~re equal to be1msand peanuta Ahoutd be luau~ Jtlte Uouse bnt vrovtdes tor the te- . ·The depatbne.nt of labor )}'as pro•fiJ.. B. be. ·sh · · 'Th Dif' · tile IUra Of tht l'Kord plibtll1(.tot ~aeb 111 Otder t!) iJUppleltlent b~lliU llbd Pf!U turn ()f lbe toads ta their OWII~ril t'id the followlnl tfwt lbolfffi!C the kind · ar. . r . 0p ,,, e 1erence .t&tt· wtthhi the lllat avt )'tan there as hutnln food. II ;a I!Otirce ot tnUt!h Years· lifter the war f!tU:ts, ·lnatelld of ot trtldea t~bati\eedoo tn llblvbulldlnr:, . . . . w01114:1a ll<l1t1t approxtmatelf 21;()()(),· needed ou, ar,td u anl~t~alteed!l. tn. el«bteett roottthiJ> as the senate u 4 a $11ertat Appeal 11 aildrH~I!d 'to ·come in .and let me give you 1 Between tke Cost of. Good CIOO acre.. ~.1au~ord 11111nttng torany .Perl•halllia. (a) lratket rardens draft proposi!d, and the Uottse mell!~ men In thl)se nccuplltliiii!J .to tonrolf lo a. good h4ircut ·and s1t11.vc. . .!. ••d. Ch••p p·rlll'tl.

11• , · ·

· )'eu-WU20.Ul.QOO. hi 1911• 'Xll• acr.e- near Ia~&• c:oneumtnr celftera should ure veilfar finAl rate•llxlns authorllr tbfl.· Uttlt!c:l Statu Shlpyttrd •oltln· • . - A~ .._

JP tot ~IWl ••• 18,511,000... • be Increased ad u to meet.· aa .~earlt tn .·the ·President, wblle the SenMe teett: # ._ • · GEO. B. llYDE : ttn. departmeat ot agtlettlture bu ai. po88Ibte, the l)i!eQ!I ot tb• CO!nlllUtll• would lei\~IJ tbls: ]lOWe.' ln .. tbe Intel" Aeoltlene ftild ef!!<'tdcd Wi'lderl, "*" Oapitan. New Mextoo f jl. to sUght that he who -

. atttullt atttdled all tbtllt records and t)', and. In order to o~·rtate the neeM• state Commerce· Commlsaloa. ·. . ~litOll l'I'OtkeNJ, lllarluitnltltJJ, 1\ilgt.,. · · · 1 o~ ttlter uta 111 eouneclton wltlt the · sttt ot tt'tlnllporUnr such PTMUc111 . . --·-·-·*..-,;, . •mltha, droi')-tdrae men,, lfilnt~ tame..-, ::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::· ·=·::::::::::::::::::::::::=!I i~ ·From ·print~r. to eut 1W' eottd1Uo~s and need•, ftom·dlll~ii~ paln.ts. . , · . ' · · ; ·· · · U. ~'· .Protuta- Murdeta on Line. . . furnace mett. ·i;ottei'nlak~nl. rt1efl)t11, .

1_ prtnter to aecute hi• prilllit)g.

)Iota tht.t tt '!¥111 be po~lbte this :rear · 'lt Ill tmpottllllt to do all that 11 ~ . ~~ Pa!tl, 'l'ex.-·llt>IH!I\ted attack& ott reoamets, ~rpm tilt'S', ahlp eatPenteriJ; _.......,. I . '&t f. ttw centl'ftss tha.n.What to -ect~.tt &1;1. a~ilge til ~cei!S of the l!lble to wlleYe tl;te strain upc>a trans- ttnlted State« bOrder patr(lla_ durtq- dQJ::k btiltdefil. chlppet'tl lind calke~ I k.ls reiliy wonh hatdfy evtr


' noortl ~re whteh Wall pllnted Ia nortaUoll tacllltlel. . ' . . ' -the laflt rnontfl ttnd actlvltlt"lf o! Mex• t;lft!t'rtcat workerli, el!!!drlcliulil, 'Wire> DO IT' NOW .... .,[he I mallet day laborer waaes at _., OlL . lt u b~U•tea: lhilt lncreas'ed (b) 'the· plantlnJ of hotitt.lfStdeu~o 1can llnlpera. resutuug In tbe dMth ot men. crane opetatm. fonildrt work• for 1'1111· this unpleuant talk.

ldtiiea tt~ be m:urtd" ln mtet. ud e!ptclallt tor tamU.r .n'~edi and tot ·fifteen petaoM within A month, re- etil. htb<lreril C•ll ldncf~J):. tottsmel, · ·PAP!: It ' .

Jttt!Oill.wbetei!PrlUt·wh~ttproouctlon J'resei:tlnt .'food tor tuturex ""' ,,ah1 ltllted f!i a. eonfl'tf!_llce- durlns whleb tmlillte ·. m&kert, mltbl~llltl 111111 ·lr y0\1 want good work at '* bctfnl: to ~ reuonllblt promtalnt, .slto'Uld b~ emph'aalzed. . . · Mar. Oert. Oo<n"ge W. Reedt. In eom.· tnachlJie lttnda Call IIOrb) •. h~tp- P:iC~_;th.'t "· . •_ righ~ aet Y¢01' ,. . , .... t&lt Mntclt liictei8et tali be mad& (C) The eoafmerdat vroouctll)li ot mafid ot the AI'Mtkatt troop!! at El en; ptlntenr. p1umbttll •n4 PIP* job r·---. ~ totat:. •ereq* Wlll ')Jo areatly lu• tteased a bOY* norn:tal wbereYe~ lt. J~ :Mexican Consltl Ot-uerat Andre~ Gar•. ttful, •blptlttm, . •t111etural Iron j . -· ·_ . 0 ·

., 1 . ::i:!t:~\~O:::.Iil :O~n\~~: !:r.=::~~u!~~Jli~~~~r.~~:~~- !~J c:~=t~fr!~ ~i~:! ri:f~~t;!: wor~:~·J!!~t:s-boner~ up. _ceJ~~ene. SA,~ocBJUJI . ._ __ .. At This fftc:e _, · ... tllf •&uoa~ bttUiot bHil .tht able.. · · 'Ua~ 111'~~. ' · · · · ·· · ·

• . ' 1 ..

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,;,.l Local New&.-. . . . . . . . .. •. .. -- . ~---· ·--· -- .· ..

l'.ax .\ ""'''"""r A1f n•cln Onn ''''" ~' •~ 111 ( 'tplton 11 t1.1~ or lt\n

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•••• •••••

• : io . .. . . . ' . . ,. . .. ..

· Nattve. Seed ·Corn . . . ' .

Cane Seed •

• ' . . .

Onton Setts. •

• > .

Studebak~r I Wagons . ' '

·Cotton . Waste Drill · Steel

. ' .. Dry Batteries · -Spark ~lugs··



• . ,

. ~-·

Dynamite· Fuse & Ca,Jls · Portland Cem~nt . . . Lime •

. Bl~cksmith~-oal .. ' ;

• • •

Steel R~ofing • •

Denatured Alcohal. Etf! . .

• • • •


. ' .

' . ~


' . The I tsworth.


Ruidoso Saw Mill H. H. LUCAS, .. Manager ·


Ruidoso~ New Mexico. • •

' • . . • • " ....__., . . .

• . - ¥ ' • . '

·' >

• . .

. •




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Q~UALITY·._ lUIS . . . '"'"~- ,. ~ . .

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SPRING IN. ·youR • - . t"

• -'

' - . .

-_Clothes· . We feature HARTSCHAt"l" . NER:& MARX, becaw~e we

. ' ..-~ . \

.believe they· are the cheapest · clot~es . for the· money you . cdn 'buy- · . . · ·

Ours' is . · t~e Largest clothing stock J within so'

• • tpiles ·of Capitan · Suits from $15 to $30

· ~eigl.et 1hlrotlfers · C!tarri•n~o, ·N.ew· JJlit.txito.

~ - >

"A Good Habit'' .. · . ' . .To can:at)he Sunshine Pharmacy . . ..... - ...


}vhen in town and talk over. those needs in the Drug line.

'" " r~.".lVe are in' business · fbt vour --' Health'! \VE are EXPERTS

make us prove it. .our stock is new and com.plete and it wont cost you any more to get the Ht!st.



.. • •

• • • , .

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• . '

> • ... •



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