> huestis oil co. - nys historic...

f. M4W .iff' ITCOWOTOOA'JIIWNlL/THUWOAT/DiCtMSirm «Mp*«aa(MN* : |£^-jyia«s9te^ '^^ap^ito^rjser j*stor edraotf «?W>l»HI»l..«ii.l><M'nii'*'! .•^•'•inim, »g ffimi 1 W#w^§^ iltOP ..- rvt-. •v*$ rtstmaS' ifaftc^iPTflpBis^dBeniiblsp-:jEB^9^f^.-.aa^< : «eo&i'-'««&Bk':tit- the air, jri&tKfas seifit was eVe*> f%r ^hiSstm^ Efce is a happy time for both young •^. :-M'M:. •-':•••''• W & stories of the feirfih of Christ and Santa Claus " retold. •• ' ' ' . " ' • " • • Houses,©nee oMand d»ah looking, drfess ap at Christ- mas time Wearing ri&bons of red and gold,, holly,widths antf . pine. Windows gMy ^th Christmas «andtes, truly a wel- come sign. i " Each house feeeomes a haven of happfftess -at Santa's snowy m^h%." •' '• •'' " •"" l •• •* " •:'. happy eomi A. child-! - . •'• tooiri. N Mw ^l ,t S 'swej iqtoloipsilntp the $883)^ r o ^ y ^ o r S&nta was led esrery •>,! w§fm \4 Mr ifttfe:h^iw40^|>|^%^fep,ew S$n£a CJaus - -was. oomjg|§r ^£top% : .. '•.;- '•'•.'•./...•.• Iearriea h#ll#l^b^y>'&4l&4j|imhwse on Christmas morn < , • / Just three y ^ s and' six months .after the child had - •. tew*?<#'•*. .'.H,. '. -. : v . A short—thf^ry tree burst into flames, sooh filling "'• •• every *$$$&• •'• •''•.", : •• Ip^j^..af' ; ^^^ a ^e.-M^pc8 that night had been -" 'Fire'ah^ipomV '•''' Had the tre^]b r eeni pr^perJIy Seated and, the wning been inspected, The Christrn^ mbrn ;? WQJild, have-been as Christmas moms ^re,expected, , ,_, With a happy'family giving thanks around then Christmas-tree ,<. And a iiappy-little girl admiring her presents with great g|ee. The wiring ,h*ad not been inspected, the tree put up , v veiy dryV .Because of^tfis culpable carelessness an innocent child.' y & J o die. ••- —From the Fire Statidn Digest vStibmitted by ;M.wrence Crammond, ^Chief, %cbti$eji$g& Fire Department '''hi .1; vi« <•,•> -f School Forms Outinfi Club "the T itoudeioga * Middle ^School has established a girls outing ch}b. Jt ib an oiganf/a tion m which girls wdl partici- pate in snch activities m sKating, Ghnstma^ caroling, *jiifetng, and other pfcoitants mated to, the usual outing club activities * In a l^eent meeting of t#e or- gani&tipW, Margie Gocdk was eteceedjtre$ident-fbr this Reboot' #pat. The Vice prewdenj: is Mar- garet' Woods, ,Lmda^ G^anto JfuUMaal .... from around the ar©a by EI.EANOE MUREAY oga's main street, 1968 has a- il^u^ed. some interest among for- ihier jjesudeots who hiave wx#en iltat thsy were pleased to have a detailed word picture of Mont- calm Street. A* a matter of facst, a few said r "Exchange •fitreat" which tbfr ato»6l 0»e§ T^4S nimed StsdeeS, north a a tad *wthj is now Chaft^fcail Aveime, and ms not ithe "m«in" •strait a* ffi0„«ame ^U^^ct^aa-<se^e^ryi'tt5tt!!ttliw*^ de«»i|>* ^ n d ^ m e e ; Sj^fey Will Ser*^?it* pnblf^ty f chairmart v * »The staff, r a d v i ^ ^ % - . M ^schoo^ organization, ^^e/ '> Sj;ife f ^i^RliebergehtJ [and , Miss h&nda,Yoong. * l ." / * ] .w|[he iirst; activity M*h\gron|i thls^year was a pb&tm.af, Jca?cpl ^®>endeavorftGeTd ( onBfecember to. t -ii. Iwna wffl 1» *f help to jsameUiiB a hfiftid^ jpeara Ipiwn «t<aw ^iho i$ (fcri*i*g*-fco ^T^rttalwse *he«t«eefr, ^ e %^Bdpig$ aa*dr *he people I" A simdar boys drganizatfoh-js in the process foiination't The* membership of the ibbys group has bee,n\eStaBhshed^alc|d! ? plans»are being «made forq^ program andielection of'''" 4 ** ders. ' *• - ofh t i 3 Area Sludents Cto Dean'««Iist ALBANY— TJucee Ticonder oga and area students are ( among those named to the Dean s If on or Last at the Alban> C >llege of Pharmacy of limon Unueisity Dr Walter Singer, dean an nounces that these students iniauitained a " 3 ' average or a 2 0 quality pouit for the past academic year From the fifth \ear pharmacy class is Robert Corbo son of Mr and? Mrs Bruce CorV> of 102 Federal Street Mine\ille Fiom the senioT class in medi cal technology is Mi is Jo \nn Titzgerald daughter of Mr inc' Mrs Eric Titzgeiald of Higue From the fourth \ear pharm acy class is Miss Min Alice Sn)der daughter o ( the late Mr Rolhn I Snyder and Mrs \lice M Snydei of 8 Wile Street Ticonderoga '? "• " ' ' . > , v. .",. ''' "' I m^t" ~_ m' 1 x ~" ••'••»•=* •' - ti -'' i •.•"^••«' ' , _ ...t. ,gm : m-:^mijm* •mm' ! !mk : i::iUWi ' ~f&&^fr*&l%&9kz i m 'T'v'ift^F lrdlW'W v '-••>•• - * * & * & ' ' * . •^ tf it, ""• *mi+ M#7> WmM^^W^Wk . ;.-.:., •-• _^^ •• ?X mr *1j00 f •^••^w . , V $£• By Alex ZfaraAm «•; -Tp put it polit(|ly, tlie strike ^i^mployees of state mental in» ."'t^Sfltlions is challenging .O^yer- '•'i|6f Rockefeller i na \ery ! hpcjc^i. ^'Mhd of way. * '- . , v i*r$a; the surface Rockefeller rf^\p$est satisifed tv|,th'this/Ki^d; U M eomment: .• •• • "•• .' ';":>Al* ; "1 regard it as. t$4gic&£tt this 'J^ajitohas chosen jo make «ick . -people the pawnss «in a union . powe* play." . , ... ,; .... <• " ' But there is. also- i th»».possibit> ity that the unioo^'Couudi .W,; A^nerican Federa £ign "|3! ,^SCj County and MUiii^pal fl|mpfuy^ ees, is not tlje o n j ^ a r t ^ i n this; dispute u$ing siefci'i people . as, pawn«, : 1%- A ; .' ; '^ The Governor, }£$r %$$$£. , sounds a<. if he ha&rio $t»jle iff the game. */, - \.',;;.,.,": in Novembef, ||67, ,|^?c^e|. their own 'bargaining agents i.i one year. That was niter as In J inamed the Civil Service Em- ployees Assoeiation as then bar- gaining agent under the Taylor jLaw. For some time,"\inc' paiticu- •tely after the Tavlof Law went iulfto effect," the ' JdJ \" am! each other for th% tight to.icp resent state empl>!/ee* .In that battle, CSE* lus been ,mild, primarily btraus; it has a plose ^vorking feiaupn^lup with the..R.bckefellcr adxnmistrd* $ 6 n . . , T h e smallet, Coiu>c!il 50 has been more militant -ifeitt iiewnthe CSEA «, mak ?ing more militant »Oisc» Some observers interpret the law,W say that Roctcighei ha, 'jfjh^JJilwer to step in himself and feller promised at ^vmW0/m^TZ. P c ^T sie'"toivn meeting- t h f f l i i t | l ^ - ® e dispute after the one- wrkers would be .able 'to, ^m|e^^eridd;was up •» *^u "] i i.j.-i_i i |,n L mm HIM ••'-II - TViin'iiiVrT rt'*' i" <• \ivht.tfcftir ir'\ •*riii'^'ii' ' I'IT - m ' „,, r ,„ iMr " ' f. •ir i r»)i i A- Northern New York, St*t«.'#For*md«t Weekly Newiptper Publ.'.hetJ every ThuMd.y.|f , ^ M j j M | ^ 4 l . . Y. 15883 oiid <;!*«* rnatttr. illiijTltH •• " Sobtcrilfition Rtfss ** V'^ By;H«n»;Y*ir v E«*fx/W»ihingfon, Warren Counties (New York State) $5 £l«fWhfet in U. S. $6 4 i^h .•..o^yiriiiiffi^jw* ,. Th^e Stntifittl «i0m»i no financial reiponiibility for r/iWjrapjhic*! errbr* in #dv«rHsenionf« but will i-aprinf fhaf part of an advairtiioment in which the typooraphical error #irm' ej>" » ny <II 'im' »"•/ w i> w'^ww wv The description of Ticonder led* an^ W the rear he has hmlt \"phe^Wd|0rtts of *3ftf0ftd©r©ga MLL Continued From Pap One Laboratoiy m Glens Tall* Dm ing Ins service with the J&esfan Ii Laboratory he woiked on a va iety of piojects and is the a holder of a U S patent fur de veloping a new use for a papei making by product He "was a pioject engineer when he left the laboratory staff in 1967 to work with Drew phexnjjeal. Mr Iannucci is a native of Hudson Falls He is a 19^grad uate of Slydmore College, Saia toga Springs ' VETERIKAEXV , (Continued From* Page -Vne) thanlc everyone m the area^for the pleasant asisocfatidin^/^e Council 50' have *been~ battling ha% had here over,,the .years," •aite m&ito s 9ee ihft atrtiset % if f«r. the 'fiirst tomej, or 5, *he? first nanie:*tf.W*tylN$iSS rftlavOM ^orfe ,<pfiiitaf Mcr dhe>nes fvho spe WssPtese^ eaieh«&ay *orvast(al- 1 ;ize w h w A ^ ^ E ^ ^ ^ t m n it. TS |or iormep r'e^dent&'wH<> carry ^,lnePal-]p%ture of $m stoeet as theyilastSaW»'it JWf§xstye made nio alitem^Ho^d^escwbe imaer biuldijnigs eteept *wlLere mt was "necessary ifor purjios^s ol identi tteafaon v 1"? ^ For ja?staiQce lasf week we- end- ed our tour at C?e^ie' f l ? ure;heirs filling 4tat;oh -„wih0* ean^reimem ber Wbah w as i , them' , 'b i efore the filling ^tion'^x-Jifcde^yoii are pondering over (fiat.ope^ we will go on (The jnevi|able railroad tracks stall, eross^tihe mam street but with only occasional trams BwitobiiBg tlhis way^anaiiiait way on their own mystei!tp«s bua ness Just before crossing the bridge there is a veptjPocket park with its own minuite flofw ©r garden There is even a bench or two, and generally occupied At one tune there were many benches on the lawn in •front of the Ooinmunaity Building and they were used by 'TVondesroga citizens waiting for friends, visits with friends or by residents of nearby apartments The bench «s disappeared into the caverns of the Community Building un til only one remained, and. now that too has gone The only benches left are the ones at the /• menean Legion and at the tiny park' by the bridge The bridge is the same con- crete bridge that has- been there^ foi many years I know therre was an elaborate iron bridge there before that because when my sister was very young slie dared the impossible and walked, across the bridge on'the ,high cross piece Someone /told, our* father who gave her a severe "talking to" and probably >e%al- ly "severe" pumstopiaftt. KlnW- ang him, he probably was^em r% luetant admirer offte^eatCeven *hough\at frightened him *I do not knqsvv if anyone told him that she also dared to go down Weed' ville OEM 'on TraHbGaruig Tofte* skaites wluch^-was more than* "X ever dared Dr 'Pierce conclude)!. Many larph,, ni^k^ions.,^ fered heavy sdefdhatyo i hv-i flje larch sawfiy tbi^yeii in SDMUI- western I^ew^vSTork "State* , W&MmMs?, ).f tw ^f * New day will be near iithV&easonnl normals, according, to^the l kn^ day forecast issued ^y^He^tfS' Weather J§ureati at.theiBurRn^i ton, Vt, ^trpovt* Hi^hsVtll Ite in the' S0*s and lows Wtli&\eT?itgi? from W^io^tiS^degreesi N^»«ini|' portant 'day»fcOfday ^hange;S ak expected 1 followmg f ' tqdajt 4 wartmng treilid. A " Pfecipitatibn. -ifor the p^hod/ will totals Ojfi tiie^aveiage-morc than one** \\^mch< melted, oe cuinng as JV snp i w,ySaturda,y an^ snow tlurrjes Sunday and Moii« day Just beyond ithe bridge there a? De-bby Allen's filhng^stilipn -which seemsr tot»befcifayaystMiftfyi T3ie old grist mill, a|fterwaicds. Brake aid Stanton, nowhouse- Agway, rjm by Loren Drake, ^The buddanSg^is' Kept uligood cowdi- 4&oh. amd "eaanes e^etythmgrin ith& Juie'dlflfarm e^ui^ment a«d t a r d e a sfop.i>h.es * T v r Across fUver -S%«&t, which now bearjs^hhe^-seda'be name of £lehuyl0t Street, tihere ID anoth* iew wk*!& stiaitwm rtat < by rP«t •hartey. ^TMso-keas'«i0'aiwAyf *usy Thei Grand Vawn^aijd. 1 ^ * THE MARINE CORPS BUILDS MEN seveial attnafttive motel ot|its. The lM}ia>*e abosve -where . the Frenches lived is now owned by •jPom LaDue, one U the, local placemen, and as h,e lias $&w pi school bnsises, there Ate U&* ualy one ftp 1mf parsed ]&» sljhe, drive,. TSie Jh.Q'Uiie.a.t^thfe top^ of the hill where tlie Weeds lived is now own«# b y ^ e How-- «rds and opral£d ^ the; VKhite. Swan tourist pjlaee. Aaiound im corner Puc^t S^eet H 3fc B^waM tfttfr h*s ^&»tie i«aofcft m$& , H ' i' i 'Aax&s si^pept'StifW, ^ mone GQiWnW Souii W^a^ A^ enue, JHaT^^Chs^/^ntt^ei ihbttse.ithat \ >|he ^BB»W' fo 1 ®^ »Wfted,Jor jmany yjears,: H|£Mf fioturse ,08^2*0 |0W*»WeeaiWl^, School No Jonger used as a school, 4ts*TOture^fa$e *»IJ%. kno-wii, >btttrTit?^jwmitflyiJ*epfe oceup^ad bVittK* s adhdms^a^an crffieefe! Of the school s^sAm^ Weedville School still has it its ilarge'toyns,' frowt^ihack and on. ifche ^ide? and tihs^ohildiren of tlhe neigjftbol'hooafl&ikeuse of ut as a playground Next above the school the Er-ed Delano House has^een^a^totenst hrave for mdny sreafvarad it*kwhWS a motel unit nt^be re^tr it m known as the Laifehstnng^and has had a number of ownfers and operators fPresenUy it is under *he nT|anagement,of t yotang John LaPomte and his "Wife, JManicy All therihoas§s 'that have ibeen converted into Jiteujist "houses i{ufe->attraotave> and*well mm and w$h the inflt|X ot£, jmca- aner t o t i n g and ^winter ^«md ^atmmer salesmen attel business men, ithe-lmflSsfehouses anoVmo- tbels are generaaiy filled to ca- pacity Above -the liatchstrang Sthe New York Telephone^ Company lhas a handsome brick building with garages and parking area in the re$r Tlhe telephone com- pany has not been there too niany years but ujutil I f thought •about it I had fotgdtiben ihe Ihouse it replaOed, which 1 think wiaswknown as "the Cove]! House ^and ilmcl various ocoupanits after the Covells It wtfs a pleasant looking house witih a low^fnpnt and Side 1 -verandah The tele- phone building is a busy place and at the moment its windows are gaily decorated f ifior -Chinst-- mas Next doorfthe old-bpck.sfcprei occupied so many years- by ,the> Circle ^Market is now«.emiKtv > as Leon Greer has r e t a i l W3ien I was a chdd Mr HoldiejKh. hae\a store- itihere WhenvW^e Wereirt •Weedville School ^re went there to look over his a m y of oartaV and generally all •end^dAuying the- long; stretchy st«*ks of 1M»3> fte. 1 presuttie* TVu-v Hlldrefh. carped a full line of groceries but I only remeniiber -the bandy; counter I thought we would get our ftbtor of jTrconderola lSf6$ k %t ^east.as-fer.&s theAospital tH£$ Week btflt'wutn the feewjaaltogt e*tts wedidn,'t q_ttitejim*ke. jit T3se> s&ieet decorations for wiartmas ar* v along_-the street There -a>» and the large Ohristanias trae^on? the Hospital lawn as fftoactavely hghtedu jjAbove-fihevbttle npfi. .p^cre as t the J^sonae'bnihiihg^ jftftd ibeiWeen no^ir and afce-next *hapter of the, to^r we'will have io renjieadifeer or fnid outiWhaF *ouses were there bfeftire At fthe. t !mohifent we baVe drawin a Ifenk and, former TiconderiOga iresidenls wiH ipo^be 1 ahle to f s - fasS^zR eiaaotlyrWih^re t i e Ulastin.- Dec. Dear fcditor The Plattsburgh Press recent Iy published an article by Hal Otley concerning the Christmas Parade in Ticonderoga He Showed praise foi the manager ot thp parade bpt whett It c^me to 3anta Clabs, he Jfefally tov* ^red- his 1 face with mud; This ihoWsia<%ol knowledge t?n Ot* ley3s paper, and as we-all Jfdow » wyiier should know arid know well what he. writes about *The laqk oMyiowledge resulted from a ^poor jynve&tigation -QI the? sit? Uat'ioji. » « i "Tp-heign^with, Santa. Claus suppled the floab in tlie fiar> aife ^tK a->j^?at #e$l <, of * m<stf lihancliie^^ncludotrig the,«l6jgh m which) he v ^at JSe^even pamfed, jksdeigbjurns.?jf ,Th»s obvious ly, recfdifced a great deal of work (Jn*Santa3>.par): v He also^ll,d.1his out of?theVkmdiiesst of Jus hi&rt, wiittiorui receiving a penny for lus labor. And ashlar as remov* ing his makeup before' thenar pulled away, heLdjd»noMHe was trying tofixat, because the f ihob of kids after the parafde had just about pulled, it all off "And as far",*as\i$king; ^o the Ictds^as conGgrjaed, lipw *,P0|hl.d J he st< to tajb to a niobi^of \fcff3s *w! Were * just about jte^ripg juhl apart? As fai as I am, concern- ?d,*0^tley s sarcasm leaves much to- be desired ' At tins time J would^ like to ask a question of Mr Otley What did you do for the Christ- ina? parade other than degrade Santa? *mm*? mmm m f mm mm Adirondack Animal Humane M$ocM^m mm PETS for ANIMAL SHELTER StrMrroad, Ticond*)ro0li ) fihe flogs and m*s «t'$b.ft Shel- ifcgir: alpaiady ij&\% l itung w their (^cstols A*xg^aS0 mMh mueb ihope iamd *niticjifiata»n- fUue^pck- iog$ "haiig",flgBsnjtnfBiT-fe^tk- aag, in *ttte &pdi Utooo. by mams of ^fwd'barel m Wflneh we hope (people wJll J u f a . fev* 1 ^eans of d*g and cj»t IqaidLf. treats lor^feags o^f dry^fotoil ^ food OffcftH iStnlsar-Htihe lirajjdoiys, o;p- &$$&• tfee cash x$$sjtoe£s, itf& js, *he^re by eouitesy *& &e *is(riag- eT, Iftr. ^rapey, said* ijie Gtoand UltiforL Cojhpany -^T|LS battel has ^n i^ihtnapiive •&*$ at^peailing-s^gji is^m^eolieige at S^Gtoaeybtii^he ^ounid ifl'ue 3o ona&e $he pospar* •for the dogs and e4is' (%& food hafcrel ^Sjjbeein tObejoe- Saidfr Ja§rt TRhui^diay buj. no oae'ihastf^und 4 yejt' W n o p & 4herfr wj]| s6oin! •sotaht ,t3ie aiumsiJg_*-v(3H hav^ 4exif^jtr^a(ts ? .for\ i PIii?stofefcs Jhe. fed hhn, taeol to keep bun tconv iortableiaiid telephoned us, Bm simple ait would haye f been fw any of jthe^othter- paopfe who saw ham .to, \h;4ve telepho«ii$dithe Sfi^l- ier and ^ved ham the eoJd'iii&er" iabte Uinhappy days and'ni'ghts^ lpdiff£*s5ace to suffesning'ig the same a^&fference tha}t-f resulted in *he death of ^csaVese^nlll in New fc York CSufcy Everyone heai^d Jaer^ call fe£ hejlp and no 1 one' answered »<g^ fnenfitaL flffectiomate dog is-mow ajt"w!e Shelter -'Wh%ret he a ^ sheltered isnd p?ot&eed, x arad f --awatang Adoption to a good^ho:rne*-<attd •5jn^spnt!& of e^eswlMng. his 'tail wags and he is f orgeitting-his un- happy ©xperieaxQp ^ CTeaoids &*the sfefe-^isBaiig for cash ^dosajbio t is ( |«Ji i Chtatmas - TFhe ' d p ^ a r e aasuirH* o£ one Chrasitimas gifit^ ea&hT at Christ- mas Ea,ch dog AVJU receive-.^ ibox of People Craickenrs from th»5 <R T French Company , The •company had liOteiadefd me boxes ifor .T-oankfifewapgr «©[ ^pecea Yoti may reply m the>PJatts ^every i Humane 'Soouety ^i ^he iro-h PI-PEK un™ that ^»i»-.«»- {e TTlmiterl fifotoc as Tmaviil Wntmtl ».t> bu|gh Pre^s, since that paper jts the only paper that will publish* youi rubbish , I would wii,te moie, ^lyt^as. Mr Otley would say, I'm npl a very good writer Sincerely, « Thomas Loneigan ,.-w»(M»a^ housed in^the m* jWlHd^ig us ,ii«ae«s they know uick garage hefore.ft^nipv^ WttuA wjg t tt^'Jb«ere ^ nAc mt±rt%r 'Williittnft ilirfrf qnritfa * •— J '' ' ' " ">•••••••• •* -mm .<» sits,new ftdihiing j^si ab^dve g*he Gismd VftnQfr Jks »4 ve*y large p^fcinig^lot.;!© &$. front ^nAoin^the^de,^hj# it •ftsfikaini ly aeedg as^lhie; st#re«£s a t w ^ -full iof« cjidtomers *0he itoaetiv© buildihg v *$$£ Hals, ftfom fhe site^t and atbaohed to It fy&e ^onlda&n^liquor ^OJ^^. U ««*r •to jpak& the largw patteteg lot} 4he T e # . Rouse was moited ^i- tact imp WeedvSlile Hiul a«d doWn the first dip of *he loop, on* what •is mow North (Wayne Avenue,, These mtd-^ay tjrf (the street ^he ihouse loofe %& if it ihad always been (there TUe f*f|tis*h«d al- ready built a hew home on BlAcft .point or 'fcrojga Pomt a^ it ?s •now called Also the parking Hot (too* an the a*ea Whew the Very large house m which Maude Cook lived This house was •fcxm down, Next gofctg up the MU the house Where M3Ss Offrt- rude Stevens and her broiliher lived is now owned by Uebby Al- i 1 BRIDGE \Gtmtiwed rtom Page, flity) constmctioh estimates f on k&ex- at possible* locatnott-, for, flifc JUDGE (Continued From Page One) cu^siton and deliberation, it Is the Gehrig 4 of the mqrnbe.ri.bip of the 1 saidMlssex Cotfn'ty BW AsSotuauon«that the v Said -J. Clarence jHerlihy, is eminently qualified by virtue of his edu cational background, persdpal- ity, fempprament, char&eter<an:d experience to continue* to\pre jside as a Justice of the Supieme Gcjuft "NOW, ^TITERETORt, (BE I T Rl&CMUVEE, that t b p i ^ e x Coyhty Bar„ Association heartily endorse the saitt J Clarence JFRrhhy as to*his;qua'xfical?oris ^to-s,ucced himself to ibe office otSupreme Court Justice, iTlurd Department; f o u r t h judicial District, ^nd tTOJliTHER BE I T RF- SOLVJCP* thirt copies orthis Re- bolUtion "he tiansmtttetl f to the presidents df.ea'ch, tlOunty Bar Association in ihe^ Fourth Jud* Icial District < * " d V E ^ a t a'^pecial-ipeeting pi- the, Essex County fi^i A,«oc- ^ation *at Ehzabethtowii, " New Kolk^ on the 11th day oi Decern ber f ,1968 j ' , ,- The resolution" -was offered by- Trustee Harold R. Sdden, resident ^tic,e of JG&e^Cdun iy, iecond^d hy Daniel T I^an- nuig, Sr*, Essex County pisttjetf, ittoiney^ Joseph $ilAern>an K-Cesevdle and Charles P G<tf« vey, P6rt Heriry r Domihjck j Vijscardi, pjpsi dent of the Essex County Bar Association,, >xt^k$d that ' Judge ^erhhy Js WBlKdcservintr of {bis distinct honor and is Weh\ known to"thtf*siex Coun- ty aiea) whet^-he acfed ih ntLOr ney for/ ma^y ^duntf' residents pnpi" tp being elected k» the Su prtpae, Goyrt beadi artd had been ito Essex County as a trial judge and;, tousidered-by all H span t to hrik Cntnbefland, Head N fYV«tear'Plattibutgb, •with Grand l^le, Vt, neftj B«i- Xmgton, * Jlowever, l fdasjbrljcy study of this site Was" cdndviclPfl m ( 1958 and theptaji -jvas ieject- j?d as too costly i The two budges now J spaii- tnpg from the a f «ke ex^ttded from Albiirg, <*$,> io Koi«ei, Point, N Y t attdjtrom Addisom, Vt, to Crown Paiat, JNf f Y! IFic two states also are served bV sev- eral feny routes across the" lake. AdvdrHse In Th» SenKtiel Telephone 585»6701 bridge,, 'iwhich f has" widespreuj member* of the Essex Gottai* sttpport.iii v-Kew York Statr , "^ ^ s ° # ? f we most qmhked An easier plan Jud called *y% J<*^»*Jvgw%.t>ft tttt^taVw* post ffhe action of thet Ess&x Conn ty Bar Association follbvvvM un*' mediately the action of the VV&irren Couhty Bai Associa- tion, Jiidge Hferlihy's'-o,wn. 0 coun ty, wlib adopted a" i^solution endorsing Judge Heyliljy at i meeting held on the same drfte What makes popcorn pop? The kernels aerially explode They are detonated by pressure of. iha <ijteam that's gcera^cd when heat hits thetianmur"ie- tabled inside the kernel's hatd outer coat. .Uupted States as.maay pQted as needed fbe- $pmpany <li,d^at reaHaze that Etuha^n-e ^ d e i t i e s weJfiome anythamgr^ree/for tth^ ammalfs and tfhe^y -wetoe over- whehned with q u e s t s — too many to maJ qtct jgor Thiatnlcs .gipng so ithe fralaiiace *f ,the humane Socieities fwill a:ecelv« the boxes for OJarjsjtanajs. 0|£r Bttttiane Sociaty w ^ iamojlg the fetter and the box. J has come •wi|ha package for»?aaQltd<)g- Tire •Oats 1too•will jhava .urate gtUt at i^ajlt-r-a -large baberftf dr-ifed cat- jftEiP^fr'cmFthefir # a ? a i Jtf?i Cur- ran of J^oaib Henra* fias •ajTi.verl He gathers # foaj them each years i f ^barnig; with ^thjecs -items 4pm«thing ppeoiiali ^o young "Wafer G-unhang dntd vStepiiesn Bevdaqtiita Who toought odoV aald ends of their o~wn po^se«s- Jions to jths Thriffc ^tipp to help ihhe :dogs and oats $£ OKristtruas', Jt alsd 'means ^Dna&tfcxag: spscjal, 4o th& Peters^ (fo^suid Barroai 'boy* who hve mot far firpm (is *Ehey •oame to thee Oifcrift $ho^ *o .spend t>art of thfetr own mferi-' ey ^to-^dp the animals One *oy couM n<!»t $pj«nd .ths esuadt ajnouat he pflaiUKi&ol^ta* 'fsrpertd 30 * e ipnt the reixlakider- hjt th» ^ttfiite6A ! 'ccifitiaaTiKr « t th^ sfhioip AThe TTiecift-jaiu>p 4 has ^evecal rhexpensive and amcaotwre d^lls* 0nd i^ddy bbar^ lefrt aiift $ey ®M saH r mew If yoit "have i)pct icomipleited your CQn&sfnias sfhop- .jpintg, -do^not foigfet ""io look f at f tthef(toys wfc the jlipp" " We ihavs ^ee^lvfEijl several cash donations in" iiaie ipH <3hristmas and solft* of ii^m :S^feeif«ially niarJced i )&etvy "Christmas; ib' the ailoaials" from" Erances , Lyons, Stooori t^lte, Ajiry Beste of HRg&e ^and the Bioplcwood Park -Cannpfiiie l i s t jear. Lester's ?sJt\fjlqfe -Station €^ve ithe dogs attti^oats a ton pf eoal for ChrJ^a^Hhro>ugh Jff i JjesteiflWaher and C AJ lister "Wagner ^ l s year ^hey ga^e the jsnuount in ca$i 'tastsa^t and, $h$k gratttdfath** Waldrow Brgdshaw of Roltoat mateltedt th^ amouiit iThe dqgs^aid eats fe&l ittoet they ( are yejy }u«jky fa hav« fneajds ^such as these f\iem<Jg, ^adaeulwly -ait Ctas'tintts •For -sev-ajal hovms the other day there was a little teroWn *ind black shaggy $k*g ne^r thje eittrance to fhe <*cpmd tTuwqitj Fedple- canie a|dL vpent sayiag ir the pqi&r litthA&g'—iip is" lost— he is cold— he as Wng*7 " A p^ltodl the SeadtTrwis giv«i And thsr people Went «n- The dog was sidl coM and sstiU hungry hilt he wns not lost "Hxs people who owned huh mowed, out of; town and abandoned lum The dog is how at *he shelter warb, comforfcahle and ffed We?j>ieked him up at *h6 hoshie of Shelvxa Wells: on Sunday—am 1313 midst of the blizzard fee had be- i friended the dog and. takeu 1mm Ihome When she found Mm. She Annette Hamel, r C|rl H^rtley ; Constance' Hogle, Jtohm Hill, Tetry jHurlburti An$e Hyland, Douglas' Jontes, Ric|iard Jpnes, Gary Knightf, Joanne ^Krakev A^cky" Rrdkes, v Margaret LaDuc, Carol Landers, ^tarr Launder- viUe, Francme jLeerkes", Frances J^ynch, Ketn^etFj IMacAlptie, CarolynL Malaney, Colleen. Ma- laney, James JVfay, parlene'Mc Bride ** Also, J Kenneth McCauglun, Shaion Mclntyre, Barbara Mc- Keowov Barbara Michalak, Ma- rie Michalafc,* vBarbaTa Mooie, Lucihda Jrfooie, ^Cathy Moran* Ann Horette^ Kathleen Mor ette, "Manlyn ^Moi'ett, Debot^i Murray, Douglas, ISadeau, \oc- 'tona Nadeau, Margaret O'Brv- an, Mary jSue O'^ryan, < Cathy Pamccia, Marilyn JPeria, Nancy Peua, Jeanne, Po?zoulip Marjor- ie,Pmchell, PJJpla RoveUu f Toni ^Ryan^'ju^y Sacco, C^mi^ 5al- Patriqa Sears, Aiin^Smit|i, fer- gafet Smith, SMfley^Srraft, Mary ^rfe Stowell, purfta Swjfi- ton', Paul T'lombley; Paihek vanderwatker^ Barbara Yatiniei, Bienda Vannier* John Cviscardi, Mary Viscardi, Rose, Marie Vis cardit Kathy Wallace,^MaiV Pat Walsh/, Je<in WebW Kathleen Webbr Joaime Wells, , Patrioa Wlutcomb, Nancy White, Corby Whitford, Robert Whitford, Carols Wopd, -Kalhy Wooaaj^ Rosemary Woodard, Te t 5fy Wright. ^Members of the Senior, Band^ are flutes, Pamela Gaipey/1 "Pamela ; JjJalL * Frainces Lynch* Patricia Wlutcomb; Alter Clar- inet, Nancy White, Bass Clarin- et^ Na^icy Peway Alto Saxo-i phones: \ Matireen -Armstrong, Margaret O Bryan; ^Tenor Saxo- phone, ^Raymondi Coope^ Cla-- inets Jaane Craig, Janm§ Cfaf?- } Claire Delano, Margaret 3}ens- more, Bienda Gregou-ey, Cmda Gfegoire,t Starr l,aunder\i'ie, Barbaia* McKeown, Mary Sue O'Bryanj Suzanne plcott, Ton! Ryan f Judith Salstead*, , Coron- ets Keith Clark, Warren 1 Denv more.'James Guipn, Carl Hart- ley, Robert Whitford; k '-Irenai Htu-n Margaret LaDuc, B||t tone Horn Rooert Diunas; Tromhonesi Dortald""Handiett, Ann SniithV^PanjL Tjgolmbley, Percdssidn. Steven FJfa»ci|ico, Dale fcrasiei, Howard Granger, Day|d MacAlaiaey Margaret Smith K Y The public is cordially i$f&* ed/to'attend Admission is^ jfee, PLANE mm :> v ^s{Cpniinued Ffoift Page One) "andflinuchlonger to use the $uh« way ' 1% this nnodelto 4af/ nms i* essential- Thai; i^hwhf the air- plane has become »such a |jdp- ular meaps ol |iartspoitatiOt)f - I personally Iodkfjorward to the dky that Hve * may tak^a pla,ne heie m Ticonderoga MkjL fly anywhere \ye 'wish, Withput the necessity ol drjvmg Qur cars Anv hirther than 1 'our own jali- potl, * IfAIiM BUMNJUsS , Ydimers spend $30 bilhon a year on produc,tjdn expenses 'maiket M0 billion woith of pro- ducts * A i. v -PAGE SEVEN w!*,,.,i &K»IC'J rtj'jjyr ,* " *. •*/,•*£ ^ '• .. r -i •>•?*•&',,v '- ' j •* » • ...•."•' "-w 1 ' Mi- i< "••*' .<' .T-**V'» '#|.^t^y^th&}ttjtit>K' have put in as Puerto Rico until Feb. 10, while v.'-*. ^iateisu.i-3Ji--i -^_>._-XT... « ._ .•.. g Uf j \fayersohn leaves fj" St f#e. .'""''The ,toWn fathers ?$5Clrtas frees set-up in Locke's Christmas i?^;atvthe Shell;$tati6n has to :;|g'bj§Hpijt'Off .about "4- feet. The men "'•v.K .simpfiy;-can't get to the top to ?'vi^'-Vy^^. lj|lit^"Each year v||^ipa ; | | s | t h | most perfect tree in ;; : >; ; 'r'tp\^nj-S.4&^rence Stuifelt going ^iiit^Thir^ield's swamp with the '$£'{r4ct£f>''found this'year^s tree- E. I %*;:'BJ.was-Jircju^ .to cooperate and I ' t'Mitbjg&lef ujV'but it isn't lighted I ••Mi^nAfe&Ki f-l'X excitement opl'aiidiCcWjnTfn.. Homeroom «i«H S^l%ltimas parties will be held J, t'';^o^'^ri'd^;'''mSi-n{ihg. and school .^^Mljl'^g^smjlfsed' about noon. '• : Jt%j.acK3^w|ate^p^n'jaWuary 6th. i>^"y ,'jT-heSunday.School Christmas <Efe ., - % f ^ . '-' •••••. ;• •,•:'.' - ; . . . . : : r-$&%\. CORRECTION ' '-•. ^TSPOfc^^UE^Oiff The ;''V^|fesS v ot^^|ej: Jtensetfe .listed li*\*;^efeeh'tly ani«5}&« the servicemen : ^:^%M»| , *hp''Schfb5ri; Lake'^No. ^ f t u d s o n area; w^* incorrect. His S^^a|tdjr^ss s is: # follows? •ECf$-Roger US thfl6 .a. ' { f f i ^ ^ ' S ^ W r . Jve* v 4ith Ad^ent^hdre'WiH^Bi ^ ^ a i p t e d ; 'Tfeersermon' s «opic. Willi ^beti' "Great l ^ f ^ f A f iattH," •• > '" ' 5.00 p 'm. "Christmas Candle- light Set-vice The Pilgrim and 4 Chancel Choir' v(Al sing » % ' y * Monday) Dec. %3rd * v * 7*30 p 'TO Sunday School Ghristma$ -Program x at the "v v Tuesday, Dee. Wh 7-30 p, m -Christmas Eve I Communion Service. All mvit- ^ed . / Thomas on Jan. 31. No one dreamed that rh<* pir- tnre of Louis Mavenolnt and. Grace Hudowalski would be on the front of a magazine. The Low Bidder, the official publi- cation of tlie Association of General Contractors-of America, printed the picture with the heading "Louis Mayersohn re- ceives plaque at the Damboree party on August 19. honoring Louis Mayersohn and the late Edward. Hudowalski." The re- lease mentions Robert Misrh serving Beef Pottersville with Noodles Chestertown' and San- gria Schroon Lake .,. .it men- tioned the history of the Star- buckville Dam and Dot F^lkel and Janet Misch who dreamed* up the idea. . The Misehs Xmas party Is on' Dec. 23rd in New York.and. we are tempted to accept the invit- ation. The first Monday for years is free as the Sentinel plans an early edition next week. Actually, we are asked to write on Thursday evening just in case the staff makes the dead- line. *. . . . Kathy'Misch arrived in New York just,in time to take a train ride '^$h: hers parents to Brown University as Kathv wanted to be filled in ,wi|h all. the ? details of the European tripi Bob^was to lecture to <tlie facu^ ty and Kathy wouldn't heal 1 about. M $ f -and; Johiii .for -an- ;pth.er IW^ays if sheKdidh't go;<. 'Member]S',^f all faishiS are• i'a-? vited toav^ception tc^ be givefif itt/hohor of Tather Bernard- KeV- fitjgg to beheid at the"C^mmun*' Hy/ Church Center th,is Wednes* Wj[ :eVenihg' from ? to 9; A ^hj^ber of persons have written* ? ®;*-%^" Bishop expressing their admiration of Fxthei Kellogg who has done so much m^unit- rng: tlie parishioners of all tht churches Rev Drake received a very nice reply from the Bishop in answer to his letter He rend both liters during church ser- vicei fyesferday 'at f the Commun- ity Church. Clara Richardson is on cloud It I ham H Duplets t Bulwra Ion QuaVle, d.ilighter «l Mr. and Mis V\ i* ler Ciirl Quayle, 4147 State Park Drive, Akron, Ohio, andty!"- iam Harry Dupuis oi 1616 Tl ircl Ave., Watervliet, wete nnitetl m 1 marriage Saturday, \o\ $p-t,h» "* ,'." " [>. m. in the DHniar \fcth- r:nre ol Veigen-j„<lH Clmrrh. 'I he reiemOny | \va-> p e r f o r m e d b\ the Rtv Rob-r ' ^"'lomab and Father Paul < |p. ^ % j » a ^ » ^ ; carapi-^e'ihemsolves at Keeiu s1|k¥'• too'*||rw|lrM-:degrees;" c^U J. eel themselves by aM;.;irr ups^Afc• that is• 'very••^?*ife vhight' nan* tCeeiie V a l ^ s S v - soft sjx>ken person bur he was ed themselves by w a l k i n g ^ l l successful in (on\incino the Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Tucker. Jr. ^tjtedas.vniffhf. 1#ttr'„,#|©ftdl(.y.. driver that the seivire is eNccll- rs '"dtlicr of I'P iiri" preen dress Smith. v ;, h ronir , "- , i->' r dark "icen \el- 'vet com '• ; th !i;nmoni'in<r ;ir- lean-tc^shelter near-GriJ of the'.cold Npr^i the pinegios- ,..,.>,.» beaks.-allowe^liis'to rut branch- °» die Long Trail;- 'ift A|e|nj|>nt| to p( ., ?W. i C ; l" isimns. So this year we had I ..^'S^tS«Si^^"l", r ";pri"r5>. ".v^' *"', J.-' V: TF ; V'^ r i r " v & ^uMrwuw^n* iu rac uranrn- "» ™ W U R u « v w •Wnj^nt t o p( ., , nc federal inspector io f . # # f M ' ^ | # ^ m'tt"'"^ ^ ^ m * M ™lW e Lmn ts esof S,cotcri piftfe from the plant- saved themselves by staySn^ptu.! ( he<k the ffreens befor-we were I /#t:^^S^?:J¥ • G W ^Olted. Al- ; en S aged.. ; 33iey ai*n : t gpinrvtp ings back; o'tt#© r Haley Home- They were in a: shelter,.'.bu* it| allowed to mail .hem. Mr. Hild- .stead. The beautiful pinkish red J was five below and 10.6. rr|ile- j rc ,|, () | Keescville said that .and gray bi^ds^re larger than j per-hour winds howled .'a.qros.si (locks „f the pine grosbeaks in 'the eveningJa^o^beaks and have .Aft-'Tabor. You can imagine',he Keescville area are killed ort " v4 "" 1 - rpire' appeal. The; y}™ 1 the wind chill. index- Was | l)y iiutoinohiles. I he birds luuc so nauch pleasing mellow, whistle and tlu: fact that the birds fora^j for themselves, never coming- near some a month back, we found the squirrels had stolen even' cone. We read that the early visit, of the pine grosbeaks meaifc the spruces' ip the Onin- dian forests are not bearing the normal crop of cones and afLer the grosbeaks that crossbills, redpolls, fierce goshawks will soon follow. None of^these birds bother with feeders, nor mind the bitter winters. . . . Snow bunting or snow- flake flocks come from Canada •when snows are so deep tfia) their source of food, pigweed", all kinds of grass, are .covered with •*---•• - •» •* ^CftMer and Ives Calendars I We invite oar friends and customers U s;top at our f office | « t »»« »f J these beautiful calendaics.' - % Charles E. Wood Real gstaie'& ftrgurance ^chroon take* New torlt ? •MM > Huestis Oil Co. M©biJ heating oil OIL BURNER SDtVICE Schroon Lake - Chesterton Area New ^OBIL o<u au«Neft$ AALANCeO PAYMENT H A N ~ PHONf 4°4.5513 Yesterday afternoon the Albany 1 110 | t . a r ; m ,| airs me;m nothing County Airport reported the m them. Thev crave the gravel ... , wind chill index was 30 degrees t h;it iwul (tews use .and drivers a feeding station except to hejow zero during the aftgrnoon SOUK time seem to enjov running check what's going on. Of COLU-SC hours. The'wind chill index is ( |, r birds down. He ",o Mini-, our tune might vary if later on a .measure of determining how ,i 1( . s( . |,i n i s ddiglulul as .Iocs we find that the buds that they ^Jd it actually feels, rather, Ken Loike were eating on the nines were, tnan tne temperature the ther- completely destroyed so .that' mometer reads. there won't be any cones next! ^ couldn't have happened summer. j to a millionaire . . .and we had ... On the other hand the better report thejncidentpr'on- same Scotch pines were -loaded t 0 a s t 0 ° many .people at Ghes- with cones in July and August tertown's Gulf Station last Fii- and when we went to gather (la i v heard oiir furious sump's;- ler saw his first two snoto ban'b in^s when he and .Ruth w£$ here at Thanksgiving The\af' most white bird is. a cheertii}. singer even in iero feather.*';' 'you never in^itibn lity deep "snows, ^erinie Haitd> a ^diet-fpoKen.. n^qh'jinL whe put some"'kind of stuff ;n the ( biaCk-tof> % the ba' P k door and .in the'*.'g^rage.-:'•They" said h jWo^ildn'.t: hhri/ the Jsphalt. AVor- ftt worry^.worry.JWhat caused :M the. trouble? ^'defective oil favorite - bird," ^fat^d•» D^^| ter ' ftnappenfr once in mond said, "The sparro^feii§iHi?P' 0 0O^c#-,ii0r^&|ilters. Keii This Christina^ we .ue not sending ns many (^lirisnn'.is card, as usual. As long as I he lion- derogn Seniinel is gi\ii^ us :i "present" ol writing the column on Thursday evening in hope- that the Sentinel will be printed earl), we will use the column i<- send greet ings. We have heard of at least six families who are not sending in-town cards thi'; don't as the town is JO that everyone sees each other at least once a week, Aleth.".. that Phinney's Chevrolet forgot to put in the oil when the-g:u- age gave our new car its first oil °l lail F; " Thei ' e » n ' ta P '? i ] l e a k ^hiiCtmas. A smart idea, al u e uj : e? a 8e.; w in.«st«; vou aRreei when we learned that the car ; nil ii took.tliree qts. of oil. We were wrong, wafer covered.. the oil, and until we investigated on Saturday, We didn't know of the horrible danger to the wall-to- wall carpet (gold'eOlbr no les;). That sent us off again and the poor meriC at Phinney's Che^o- let mtist-have tehe ; c| wc had -traded foi"'a- Ford", instead- of a Chevmlf^Aj: any,|"ate>uo came NEWC0MB Around Our Town The Newcomb Facidty held their annual Christmas party at Tom Bissell's camp in Long Lake on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carter's infant daughter was baptized on Sundav. She was -'.named Bethanie Lynn. In a basketball gaipe with Indian Lake "on Tuesday, New- comb lost 77 to 63. T h e f. A', •squad J-lso l Qst 45 t $ 44. ] n a *e ithe' spot i>n its b^ast.' i*^£w** i^.mtM ihat in jH:? arae Fr ' da y w,th Horicon tfi •adore "the tree sparrow hut sel.|w s - yeanc'oS'e^gehc? at his ! i.f Wf0tnb s 1 uad wa l^virtorion- ^dom mention it .for" the blip-*#e*l Stafion>|t hafp^ed to him T he soore^was 51 to SO. The JVs tmaJ?e| this area its winter n«»fl$|f»t 0 OGe. .'B'«t Jdjjlfe- Kellv onlv .Maude and Dot'Frehch like mfat a P»nt of oil a$ he noticed cdil it the Canada sparrow; a i - f w leak,almost a t ^ c e . But we •a4lore' , the'tree sparrSw'hut S I is - yeats-V'pS \c&$fatoci~ at his ! ^lf wcomb s 1 uad was victorious. *ctt%m. num<.,' n « :•. u^i',".^:• :*. ^~* -.Shrfl i**ri*i*i-it ulH&l-iru- J . . The score was 51 to """" '"" also won ^5%> 33. The Catholic Daughters of _ _ r , , „ _.„-, WV11 V¥ ^ America, Court Oqr Lad> of && P^PPer- The tree sp"in%W d driven #'Q mil&:hefore the xfen "v. No. 1511 held their an- seldom flies to a bush higher T ^ flasher went-ofi ind off. nu;i1 Christmas party on Sundav thansix feet It has the distmc- From now on every time wt get evening in the Long 1 Lake Town tion of singing real songs m Bit- gas we will have the oil checked HaI1 - A lovely buffet supper ter \ymter weather ~ , We missed seehig- p^elvn 6irr- ' ' ' ' '" leigh on Saturday due to the de- lay caused by the car. She ex- pected us m dme forJuncheor as we were bringing? the ManJi of Dimes surralies tn Timn^ A birthday party given an nuaily by Giace Hudowalsjcu at hei home in Albany honors two meni Jini^Cheney and S.ey. Beri nard Grossman, pastor of the Trinity Methodist Church This year the party is to be on the 21sL Stephanie Budpen. arrives at theJ^Iuclo , ftut OP Surula) to b ; e With Gracie for the holid,W Art apdfaae,Hodglqnvdo^d up their home at Severance andf moved Qn ^Saturday t<5> Jim MMMMM I «*-. Schroon Lake GuysfeDolls Team standings: Tour Rest Motel 3022, Blasdells Restau- rant 30-22, Dtake Lumber 2% 2S, Lakeview Equipment 26-26 ; Pitkin Ford 23 20, Lyons Phar- macy 20-82, x Mens high triples fc sitigles^ C Rbcque ^72-214, P ty%tch S30230, B. OeZalia 520-200, D, MfKerizie 610-202, G flaw is •Hi) 187, J, Tyrrell 50M82 Wbntens high triples & sin- gles: A. riairis 447-l$0, f, Effan 144 167, R DeXalia 44M6S& McKcrvie 425-148, E Welfc 420160, M. Dimick 413-151, Dumns 46^JS3, J Hall 406 IfiS, J Clark 409-170 "High- team triple Pitta'n Ford 1<)0L High team single- Drake Lumbei <)60. Dimes supplies to Ticonder- oga. Ev'kept returning t n \ W r home and jdidn'r see our car - . we kept returning ni our car passing her house and didn't •see her car We settled for lun; cheon at the Wagon. Wheel all bv ourselves I T J m * Very &ood Of course we &$$& Tnelajes Chenefi for thfr winter- Km I^f Is 1 < 1 ?J hfc %?,»" fri ^dlv leaves t in, Jwnary for Uuerto Sf*l ™f**l* W* W»v. It was ^ " ' wimrtg U T i c d n d e ^ a xvhile it s U? we 5 "^^ h ^ ®* °ws of m shops continued jo smile. Route 73 is % good condition. Tommy BuiJeigh ^nd his ad, orable wile, Atthurtyri, who live on long Tsland were home for the weekend. Bemuse the rain turned into snow yes.terdav iiic»v stayedtoer last high* 50 the fam'-' ily had a good, visits Arthurlyn arid Tommy are going to her home in i\labamsi: fot Christ- nias. Tommy met her there When working foi the Intei na- tional Papei Co She nears n si?e 9 dress and a Pk sboe and is so pretty Because we were late for our date with E\elyh fc>rleigh we didn't drive to the Highland, ComnioniQr to give Harriet B|<dner, her material for the MOV drive. Ws'J&fe it with Mary D,dy ,xvho knows Harriet, Wlten the Dalys" daugh-! tei, Mai ion and Al Ranows and their children, Stete and TonV was enjoyed by menibeis ar^d their guests. Mr. and; Mrs. Paul Blanchette and Mr. and Mrs. Lilburn Yandon attended from Newcomb. A Christmas Eve service will be conducted at the United Methodist Church beginning at 1 1 1 - j Vt O 1:15 p. m, • 1 Russell Bissell of 'fPlattsburgh visited his mOth#, . $£h. Ruth Bissell on SSturday.."*.' The Janies Armstrbtfe f;imil\ moved f«flrinebri3o|. Hills to White Fialrfs, N. Y, this past weekend. ' - ' . • ' ,Gne oi die apartment houses in WinetH-ook Hills has been closed, " The Victor Valenzie family hafve moved from Winebrobk Hilk to the house recently va- cated by tnjfe Donald (heeiie lhmHyi->.?.*^""-:v'----' • "•' DortaRl Wells Vistted his niother, n Mrs. lite^n Rorqkie this-basrweifeeiia;.-•'"."''. '•• M k G-e'orge "SJhatt^Kiiessy and' son, Mvid andt IMf. and Mrs. Michael Shahg^eissy, motored to New York City on 'Saturday to meet Mrs. Lester LeClair arid children who were .returning; from Germany. j, Eastern Star News The regrtrlar meeting of'the Order of the Easteni S£ai*, Jep- tha Chapter Mo* W. was MM Tnesday evening, December 3 at POfctefsville, N. >.'• with Vel- rn|i Bissell acting* matron at»d wfllidm Hall, afting.patmn, in the absence of Lucille and Paul Jones wjio were' on a trip to Mi'.-s Ali'-e Pati'itie B'ood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Blood, jr. ol Putnam Station and Roy Thomas Turker, Jr.. .H>n of Mrs. Ruth Tucker and the lite Roy I nomas Tucker, Sr. ol Vergenne-., X'ermonr were united in main'a"e \'o\ ember 23, at St. M:uy's Church in Ti- conderogn. The Re\. John J,a- Pierre officiated at the nuptial mass. The Inide. gi\en in nlariiage hv her father, was attired in a floor length gown of organ/a and (haniilly lace, sabrina neck- line, trimmed with seed pearls and sequins, lonj; tapered sleev- es, full uaditioiial .skirt, Dior bow hack and streamers. Her de- tachable train attached to the .shoulders in ortr,an/a, outlined wtih chaniilly lace, terminating to a chapel tiain. Her silk im- ported shoulder length bonllan: veil fell fiom a ctouti of lace, dimmed with seed pearls and crystals. Also attached to the right ol her ciown was a s;»ie; of orange blossoms Irom ih.- \cil ol her grandmother, the late Josephine K//o. dating from lf)lfi and to the Iclt ol the crown was ;i .seed pearl from her moth- c-t's crown. The Inide carried a cascade ol white carnations. Miss lionnie Mattison of Ti- conderoga and Vergennes was maid ol honor. She wore a rose pink floor length gown of crepe dc chine, high mandarin collar and (. hiffon sleeves trimmed with miniature appliqued r oses sheath skirt. Miss Mattison's head piece, a circular nylon veil attached to a crown of seed pearls and crystal*. Her colonial bouquet was of pink carnations. Miss Vicki Backus of Ticon- deroga anil Veigennes was bridesmaid. F^er gown matched that qf the maid of honoi in de- l t.id 'M na! was rendered usage was pin* 1 honor, iindesmiuds wctc Mrsf I I Margaret (Clarence) St.i/o>d of J the church was, Ticoncleroga, and Mfts'T vnihft*' J pink gl-id'olfsi Down, of Latham. 4 *| wedding rrfntie by the Oiganuty soa-ies. s^e x^oie a corsage or Mrs. Rachel Worth. .7'he sotyist white c:ir-.-i'inns. was Mrs. Elizabeth Riley No/ ' >T»-s. Tucker. t'>e groom's mile. mother, was atmo! : n a blue „iss Gloria-Ann Qiravle ^Sis» and silver dress, with silver rf- ter el the bride, was maid ressories. Hei corsage was pink, honor. Bridesmaids wcic NlrsJ 1 cr»r"r*tioris. Thrc ;i'tar ol t tlocor-"ed \v'ih 1 and -ihe n>-o!, n ',i u . as Arthnrj Walter Dupuis of .^oH ii«m- Po-tter of T'cond^—o-n I ry, bi.. her oi, .the tfi;Oc*( i w.1$ Immediately following the best man. Ushers were Clarence? double ri'iT cercmom a recep- '"" lion was he'd at ihe Th-ond**''- o^a Cioii'iirv Club for about I 2. r > pi 1 ests. Out-of-town tmesis were from Massachusetts, \ew Hinm- "•hire, C.'nnne^tintt. Glens Falls, Troy. Waterford. Potiersvil'e, Snraiopt Smimrs, Ruiland, Bris- tol, Middlebnrv, Burlington, Vern-ennes and Putnam S'ation. The "Don Rush" IVmd pay- ed at the reception with Mrs. Iren" Backus as vocalist. The wedding cake was made bv "Tion" Mattison, aunt of ihe foiido. 11 consi-.ted of ihe throe botioni lavers, shaped in the form of .1 tin c leaf clovr with four swan |)i!lais holding the top I aver whi.Ii wm icpned with a stryofoan archway w-ith the !>ride and ^ruii'i arid c:i« It of the attendants dressed -:i the. colors of the weild'nv. Th<' coiif)lo left on a weddin j tii[) to (Ja|>e Cod, Ma,.sac!uisi'tts taking in Doints of ir terra ds did the bride • moiier and lath- er. The bride chos- a bnght green and white bonde-.l- acrilnji dress tiimmed W'lh white. Her corsagje was ^vhiie .'arnaliom. Mrs. Tuck?. ; s : giaduaie cl. Ticonderoga High .Vhool and the Canale Sthod a[ Ue.i'ity. Culture, Plattsb-i'gh, and is i-n- , i|ht^f Of Mr. and^Js^-^fyfe t\f * •conidin of mmms *9\m^ and ,£agle LalfeiilhiMp, gfapri- daughter of r ^§Hs<i»{dbi^H^ Thomas Q r i W - f i ^ J CfejlU iformcrly of-M«W'^i^|CitftiaTM. .tlie late Mr, Thcaip^*an^t}^f Bermuda. Regular business was carried on and then the election of officers took place. Velma Bissell was elected matron for the year 19fi9, Sharon Bissell, associate rrfatron; William Hall, patron and Paul Jones, associate patron; Jean Baker, conductress; and Ethel Bissell, associate con- ductress. 'A', Christmas party was held in„the dining room, which W.-3 gaily .decorated with a silver tree trimmed with red oma ments. A large table was piled high with gifts and diere was also a tableful of grab-bag gifts. A delicious supper of potato and macaroni salads, roils, ap- ple .and pumpkin pies, fruited jellO and weight watchers jello was served. Secret Pal names were drawn foi the coming year. The next meeting will be held on January 7 and this will he installation of officers. Offr icers are requested to wear floor- length gowns ami gloves. The refreshment committee is: Ruth Thomas, Esther Harnett, G?PPy Sm tth. Mat t ie Agard, and A<le- line Agard: The conferring of degrees by Glebdale tbdge T ^ AM' which was';. to take place December 9 >was cancejlletl until, a,later date. Ethel^^ahd,. ' Sharon Bissell jonhjeye^ •;_'jd- rlo'iiHney, ' s Ver- mpmrfn Siteaiy^kfternoQ'n, De- ce«|her & -^Wh^e <. tlfe| attended an initiation* of cariiD({da'tes iiito the] Order # |h^ Eastern ^tar, . Evergreen/., ^te^i.'' W^,.';' M. Vivian Corliss, „pasl g^and n|a- trotj,, Athiene 'mm;' m$tcttt depjnty ',gi;ahd matxoh and^Lesr lie j Monroe,,. district deputy grajfid patijpn spolttj and, con^ :g*afuiated the /offiters, on. their tm$ work-v.-, -;• -. : --. . ',",•>.•. •. TJchVious refies)imet}ts : xj^fe served. The tai4e,decorations Jw6r* Sattta plati^ plates; nap- ] Mns r and coa&tters. ,.'-••':. kte Hi. 'a^d-'Mis^Jfe ployec 1 at Simt >o) 10s Precision Corrlcl'in - "Of.'SafttafH^hah*, in Vergennes,-VennoiU. •—* T '--'- *-»-- •' ' - : - Mr. Tucker is a graxlmue of Vergennes Union Hig-i School and has serv.jd fentr years in ihe- U. S. Army Air Force. He !•> em- ployee 1'at Cieiletal Kl--'!lit ih Burlington, Vermont Mr. and Mrs. Tucker w-11 make their lu.ine ;u J.') (; U 'e:i Street, Vergennes Vermont. Pre-nuptial events included a hrklal shower givc.i bj h tends in Vergennes and one,in Ticon- deroga at the Ii M"-.' ; of Mrs. Donald Mattison by her atiei.d . ntsaiu' fiiends. -,•'] II' ! > u t and Jane Dia/. of Glens Falls. 'ilernbers of ih-. t^idij panv were entertained at tile home of Mr. a.id Mrs. Donald Mattison, Ticonderoga following the wed- ding rehearsal. , Ronsier - C/tfHi Mis* LintUi Cliihts, datightei of Mrs. Marjorie Chjlds d\i \ ihe late Sherman C'liJils oi I'.ir- Ilenry, became tj,r luide <>I Ph41i|> Botisier. sin 0I Mrs. Uc-i- !nh Boiisier of f!ii|e,.l.i;i •>, Wi- rnont Saturday, Xs»\. D h T h e Rev. Kenneth Cr«,s-.,pii> fonnexl the double/ rln^ caudle light ceremony. a,t p o'clock, in ilie First Presbyterian Church in Port Henry. Traditional vending music was played by Aitfhie C^ross. '. The bride v.is given in i;a«v riaRe by her.iiot,J:, . Rnmolnl C'hilc's The-nw'd'of honor was the bride's sister Susan, ; . « Douglas Kendal, brodier-J^ law of the brideg. jom. ..jvas,^ il best man. Ujh]:*.- wer; Pe£t, Riclmrd JSi'itel^e /niM .Mark, LaFave. ; A^ recepiiomwas held a-Utfttj home 01 Lw hi i !•• m . XV.|y/. «^rhtee>, ; ?sei-vr.oM" }-^A^.J^kn- •Mrs.. B*#>r/it •miitifafifci& the ••• n *matt •-. ;V;mity ,f : ..VBcatJly Shop in .afidUiftifcyv^'";.4|..: 'BouiJierfc'jk'wj/v.^tM$?ii«ai&iM et>iployed!., : ,by •'. MaugzB. €oi»- jstrt|ciipti 4^tWwy;\$ -^bnwi^j •-'•'• '^$f$4?*-''''''' Staflord ot 1 icOnderog 1 ,md N'irholas Noi-mile of Cofio 1 \ $ A reception was he'd in tho^ lounge of the Church after which the bridal coiiolfc ',e f o4 a Christmas holiday t u p t b Floiida. 4 , r Mr. and Mrs. Dupuis Hill r&" K side at 95 Shajter Road, Albany, The bride is a grad'.'.ate o* tm University of Akron and Orexr el Institute of Techno*. j,> ^fte is associate professor at t h e SlaUfc University of New York Al- bany (School of Education)., T 'he bridegroom is a gi actuate of Ithaca College arid ii a njivy veteran. He is a membei of thei faculty of Heatly High School^ Green Isjand. - , "- * Benedict -, Qpnfihto * •> Miss lola ScJu^n>dla,pp" Gjorik:*,, lin and Bradley Benedict were ujiited in marriag^, -SatUifcr" and- E.aglfrJbake.t^j,/! i ^"^ Mr. and Mrs. Hm^v?Bl Beh# diet,' Jr: : o^Bet^^:Cpjf> grandson .-o'£ ^Jjfytfma * $*V Fnmklin-' C: Bradle*f o f ^ t ^ t Il;wens--Corm7-^nd^itie/ i l|iBir^Ij < ''v and Mrs. Henrfli&^f^^f of NeW'Haveri|.>":5!V..;|T ^ 1 Miss MaI£aiiS^#&% (jon^lK was maid. • of . h b t t o r ^ r IheLiRf- ter. Bridesmaids w s r * m \ $*$<& Karen Flint arid Si^'fl Ifur«ere> + of Woodhridge^ >Sn%in •> AdnW^ and Constance. FrOnM <if <5uft Tj , ford, Conn. and^r'a.viSlfctk'ol Upper Darby,.'fe' rfl . Atf The brides -g^wn' w& Ifyl hea^y silk, long §l«[c^eidl Vidi a* short tram, trimnledil with lacjF belonging to her ^aMrhaJ grirkfc mot±er made"To/. • Iffl.: ih ftalV Her Jace veil belonged u>^ cousin, Mrs. R4ch^di,liens|i^t? of Washington^ Xfc ^> She-^r- ried: a bottqnet ttt^hite chTV35m». thenatuns: " >V*-i, ( ( " ^ * T"he bridesmaid fi gowns ^ter^ lons^leeveduvinBacolored top and deep, green •; .yeivtft' W Tji^ wort? Mm }.h£adp3<i<$ and garaied mafehp^g sbonqqe% of 'yellow and ru^^wwaSthe muois. • - .-•'?/%..(.j?'" \ Thongs Slotji^I of Wood-* br«%e-was bestv^han. Usbe»4 wene Henr^ Behefffit.MI, ibroflw er ^ the^r^om, lohiitPiuttm ol Betbaqy, Timothy English ot .#*£!&& ,\riin ? m: **ftqk ot 0 » aiid.Thom^fwlweiler of ••.. : 5 ; 'M$L p£>mfQN - .^ -#e«r ount;e-; serving 4V ,csmm. -ftsh nnQVides-ahnnt o^e lotirth ', of the proeein , recoct- minded for the cj^%; iJlet of a ncii-^i«Uly active,-2^ar>oU man»* ,' -»'.'• '-n..t.»i-iiiij.iii^;,-)i^^^5 « i*.i^- I ;"•••. in', 1062; tjherW^rfe'• ?om.e f 50d . *fo6,^ itents^ ednialtitogp b r n in one torn- or. ajidf%p today ;£her^>w6(S9!*B|^s^:.^rotltict"(-, •. ,,. •"•. /.ir'^^&^"U\ .... ... T _ „. v .... . _ ...yl^!it".»A.;|»iit» catch <. -Eggs cookigjllat tdo.hw-'teflif^' ..wSs. •.estlfced'^l •.|lfi0-'.'-.; milhw t '"•eratftrss tviTH; |ieeora©'ton'|[f ; im#-thti*life%he^^^^ even; ifi ieathet'y. ••,.,],,t • •-. •.•-^^•^•\C-'i*0&^^'^i^^^^ } ^ x ^^

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Post on 25-Oct-2019




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Page 1: > Huestis Oil Co. - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1968-12-19/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · The description of Ticonder led* an^ W the rear he has hmlt \"phe^Wd|0rtts



: |£^-jyia«s9te^ '^^ap^ito^rjser j*stor edraotf «?W>l»HI»l..«ii.l><M'nii'*'! . • ^ • ' • i n i m , »g ffimi1

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ifaftc iPTflpBis dBeniiblsp-:jEB 9 f .-.aa <:«eo&i'-'««&Bk':tit- the air, jri&tKfas seifit was eVe*>

f%r ^h iSs tm^ Efce is a happy time for both young

•^. : - M ' M : . •-':•••''•

W & stories of the feirfih of Christ and Santa Claus " retold. ••' ' ' . " ' • " • •

Houses,©nee oMand d»ah looking, drfess ap a t Christ­mas time

Wearing ri&bons of red and gold,, holly,widths antf . pine.

Windows gMy ^ t h Christmas «andtes, truly a wel­come sign. • i "

Each house feeeomes a haven of happfftess -at Santa's

snowy m^h%." •' '• •'' " •"" l •• •* " •:'.

happy eomi

A. child-! - . •'• tooiri.

NMw^l ,tS


iqtoloipsilntp the

$883)^ r o ^ y ^ o r S&nta was

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w§fm \4

Mr i f t t f e : h ^ i w 4 0 ^ | > | ^ % ^ f e p , e w S$n£a CJaus • - -was. oomjg|§r £top%:.. '•.;- '•'•.'•./...•.•

Iearriea h#ll#l^b^y>'&4l&4j|imhwse on Christmas morn < , • /

Just three y ^ s and' six months .after the child had

- •. tew*?<#'•*. .'.H,. ' . -. : v .

A short—thf^ry tree burst into flames, sooh filling "'• •• every *$$$&• •'• •''•.", : •• I p ^ j ^ . . a f ' ; ^ ^ ^ a ^ e . - M ^ p c 8 that night had been -" ' F i r e ' ah^ ipomV '• ' ' ' Had the tre^]breeni pr^perJIy Seated and, the wning

been inspected, The Christrn^ mbrn;?WQJild, have-been as Christmas

moms ^re,expected, , ,_, • With a happy'family giving thanks around then

Christmas-tree ,<.. And a iiappy-little girl admiring her presents with

great g|ee. The wiring ,h*ad not been inspected, the tree put up

, v veiy dryV .Because of^tfis culpable carelessness an innocent

child.' y & J o die. ••- —From the Fire Statidn Digest

vStibmitted by ;M.wrence Crammond, ^Chief,%cbti$eji$g& Fire Department

'''hi .1;


<•,•> - f

School Forms Outinfi Club "the T itoudeioga * Middle

^School has established a girls outing ch}b. Jt ib an oiganf/a tion m which girls wdl partici­pate in snch activities m sKating, Ghnstma^ caroling, *jiifetng, and other pfcoitants mated to, the usual outing club activities *

In a l^eent meeting of t#e or-gani&tipW, Margie Gocdk was eteceedjtre$ident-fbr this Reboot' #pat. The Vice prewdenj: is Mar­garet' Woods, ,Lmda^ G^anto


. . . . from around the ar©a by EI.E ANOE MUREA Y

oga's main street, 1968 has a-il u^ed. some interest among for-ihier jjesudeots who hiave wx#en iltat thsy were pleased to have a detailed word picture of Mont­calm Street. A* a matter of facst, a few saidr "Exchange •fitreat" which tbfr ato»6l 0»e§ T^4S nimed StsdeeS, north aatad *wthj is now Chaft^fcail Aveime, and ms not ithe "m«in" •strait a* ffi0„«ame

^U^^ct^aa-<se^e^ryi'tt5tt!!ttliw*^ de«»i|>* ^nd^mee; Sj^fey Will Ser* ?it* pnblf^tyfchairmartv„ *

»The staff, r a d v i ^ ^%- . M schoo^ organization, ^^e/ '> Sj;ife

f ^i^RliebergehtJ [and , Miss h&nda,Yoong. * l." / * ]

.w|[he iirst; activity M*h\gron|i thls^year was a pb&tm.af, Jca?cpl ^®>endeavor ftGeTd(on Bfecember to. t -ii.

Iwna wffl 1» *f help to jsameUiiB a hfiftid^ jpeara Ipiwn «t<aw iho i$ (fcri*i*g*-fco T rttalwse *he«t«eefr, ^ e %^Bdpig$ aa*dr *he people

I" A simdar boys drganizatfoh-js in the process q£ foiination't The* membership of the ibbys group has bee,n\eStaBhshed^alc|d! ?plans»are being «made forq^ program andielection of'''"4** ders. ' *• -

ofh t i

3 Area Sludents Cto Dean'««Iist

ALBANY— TJucee Ticonder oga and area students are (among those n a m e d to the D e a n s If on or Last a t the Alban> C >llege of Pharmacy of l i m o n Unue i s i ty D r Wal ter Singer, dean an nounces that these students

iniauitained a " 3 ' average or a 2 0 quality pouit for the past academic year

From the fifth \ear pharmacy class is Rober t Corbo son of Mr and? Mrs Bruce CorV> of 102 Federal Street Mine\i l le

F iom the senioT class in medi cal technology is Mi is Jo \ n n Titzgerald daughter of Mr inc' Mrs Eric Titzgeiald of H i g u e

From the fourth \ ea r pharm acy class is Miss M i n Alice Sn)der daughter o ( the late Mr Rolhn I Snyder and Mrs \ l ice M Snydei of 8 Wile Street Ticonderoga

'» '? "• " ' ' . > , v. • .",. • ' ' ' " ' I • m ^ t " ~ _ m ' 1 x~" ••'••»•=* •' - • t i - ' ' i • . • " ^ • • « ' '

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, V $£• • • By Alex ZfaraAm

«•; -Tp put it polit(|ly, tlie strike ^ i^mployees of state mental in» ."'t^Sfltlions is challenging .O^yer-'•'i|6f Rockefeller i na \ery!hpcjc^i.

^'Mhd of way. * '- • . ,vi*r$a; the surface Rockefeller rf^\p$est satisifed tv|,th'this/Ki^d; UM eomment: .• •• • "•• .' • ';":>Al*

; "1 regard it as. t$4gic&£tt this 'J^ajitohas chosen jo make «ick

. -people the pawnss «in a union . powe* play." . , ... • ,;....<• " ' But there is. also-ith»».possibit> ity that the unioo^'Couudi .W,; A^nerican Federa £ign "|3! ,^SCj County and MUiii^pal fl|mpfuy^ ees, is not tlje on j^a r t ^ in this; dispute u$ing siefci'i people . as, pawn«, :1%- A ; • .' ;„ '^

The Governor, }£$r %$$$£. , sounds a<. if he ha&rio $t»jle iff

the game. */, - \.',;;.,.,": in Novembef, | |67, ,|^?c^e|.

their own 'bargaining agents i.i one year. That was niter as In J inamed the Civil Service Em­ployees Assoeiation as then bar­gaining agent under the Taylor jLaw.

For some time,"\inc' paiticu-•tely after the Tavlof Law went iulfto effect," the ' JdJ \" am!

each other for th% tight to.icp resent state empl>!/ee*

.In that battle, CSE* lus been ,mild, primarily btraus; it has a plose ^vorking feiaupn^lup with the..R.bckefellcr adxnmistrd* $6n..,The smallet, Coiu>c!il 50 has been more militant -ifeitt iiewnthe CSEA «, mak

?ing more militant »Oisc» Some observers interpret the

law,W say that Roctcighei ha, 'jfjh JJilwer to step in himself and feller promised at ^vmW0/m^TZ. P c ^T

sie'"toivn meeting- t h f f l i i t | l ^ - ® e dispute after the one-wrkers would be .able 'to, ^ m | e ^ ^ e r i d d ; w a s up • » * ^ u "] i i.j.-i_i • i |,n L m m HIM ••'-II - TViin'ii iVrT rt'*' i" <• \ivht.tfcftir ir'\ •*riii'^'ii' ' I'IT - m ' „,, r , „ iMr

" ' f .


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i A-

Northern New York, St*t«.'#For*md«t Weekly Newiptper Publ.'.hetJ every ThuMd.y.|f , ^ M j j M | ^ 4 l . . Y. 15883

oiid <;!*«* rnatttr. illiijTltH

•• " Sobtcrilfition Rtfss ** V' By;H«n»;Y*irv

E«*fx/W»ihingfon, Warren Counties (New York State) $5 £l«fWhfet in U. S. $6 4 i^h


,. Th e Stntifittl «i0m»i no financial reiponiibility for r/iWjrapjhic*! errbr* in #dv«rHsenionf« but will i-aprinf fhaf part of an advairtiioment in which the typooraphical error

#irm' ej>" » ny <II ' i m ' »"•/ w i> w'^ww wv The description of Ticonder led* an^ W the rear he has hmlt

\"phe^Wd|0rtts of *3ftf0ftd©r©ga

MLL Continued From Pap One

Laboratoiy m Glens Tall* Dm ing Ins service with the J&esfan Ii Laboratory he woiked on a va iety of piojects and is the a holder of a U S patent fur de veloping a new use for a papei making by product He "was a pioject engineer when h e left the laboratory staff in 1967 to work with Drew phexnjjeal.

Mr Iannucci is a native of Hudson Falls H e is a 1 9 ^ g r a d uate of Slydmore College, Saia toga Springs '

VETERIKAEXV , (Continued From* Page -Vne)

thanlc everyone m the area^for the pleasant asisocfatidin^/^e Council 50' have *been~ battling ha% had here over,,the .years,"

•aite m&ito s9ee ihft atrtiset % if f«r. the 'fiirst tomej, or5, *he? first nanie:*tf.W*tylN$iSS rftlavOM ^orfe ,<pfiiitaf Mcr dhe>nes fvho spe WssPtese^ eaieh«&ay *orvast(al-1

;ize w h w A ^ ^ E ^ ^ ^ t m n it. TS |or iormep r'e dent&'wH<> carry ^,lnePal-]p%ture of $m stoeet as theyilastSaW»'it JWf§xstye made nio alitem^Ho^d^escwbe imaer biuldijnigs eteept *wlLere mt was "necessary ifor purjios^s ol identi tteafaon v 1"?

For ja?staiQce lasf week we- end-ed our tour at C?e^ie'fl?ure;heirs filling 4tat;oh -„wih0* ean^reimem ber Wbah wasi ,them','biefore the filling ^tion'^x-Jifcde^yoii are pondering over (fiat.ope^ we will go on (The jnevi|able railroad tracks stall, eross^tihe mam street but with only occasional trams BwitobiiBg tlhis way^anaiiiait way on their own mystei!tp«s bua ness Just before crossing the bridge there is a veptjPocket park with its own minuite flofw ©r garden There is even a bench or two, and generally occupied At one tune there were many benches on the lawn in •front of the Ooinmunaity Building and they were used by 'TVondesroga citizens waiting for friends, visits with friends or by residents of nearby apartments The bench «s disappeared into the caverns of the Community Building un til only one remained, and. now that too has gone The only benches left are the ones at the /• menean Legion and at the tiny park' by the bridge The bridge is the same con­

crete bridge that has- been there^ foi many years I know therre was an elaborate iron bridge there before that because when my sister was very young slie dared the impossible and walked, across the bridge on'the ,high cross piece Someone /told, our* father who gave her a severe "talking to" and probably >e%al-ly "severe" pumstopiaftt. KlnW-ang him, he probably was em r% luetant admirer offte^eatCeven *hough\at frightened him *I do not knqsvv if anyone told him that she also dared to go down Weed' ville OEM 'on TraHbGaruig Tofte* skaites wluch^-was more than* "X ever dared

Dr 'Pierce conclude)!.

Many larph,, ni^k^ions.,^ fered heavy sdefdhatyo i hv-i flje larch sawfiy tbi^yeii in SDMUI-western I ew vSTork "State* ,

W&MmMs?, ) . f tw ^f *

New day will be near iithV&easonnl normals, according, to^the lkn^ day forecast issued ^y^He^tfS' Weather J§ureati at.theiBurRn^i ton, Vt, ^trpovt* Hi^hsVtll Ite in the' S0*s and lows Wtli&\eT?itgi? from W^io^tiS^degreesi N^»«ini|' portant 'day»fcOfday ^hange;S ak expected1 followmg f' tqdajt 4 wartmng treilid. A "

Pfecipitatibn. -ifor the p^hod/ will totals Ojfi tiie^aveiage-morc than one** \\^mch< melted, oe cuinng asJVsnpiw,ySaturda,y an^ snow tlurrjes Sunday and Moii« day

Just beyond ithe bridge there a? De-bby Allen's filhng^stilipn -which seemsr tot»be fcifayays tMiftfyi T3ie old grist mill, a|fterwaicds. Brake aid Stanton, nowhouse-Agway, rjm by Loren Drake, The buddanSg is' Kept uligood cowdi-4&oh. amd "eaanes e^etythmgrin ith& Juie'dlflfarm e^ui^ment a«d tardea sfop.i>h.es * T v r

Across fUver -S%«&t, which now bearjs hhe -seda'be name of £lehuyl0t Street, tihere ID anoth* iew wk*!& stiaitwm rtat < by rP«t •hartey. ^TMso-keas'«i0'aiwAyf

*usy Thei Grand Vawn^aijd.

— 1 ^ *



seveial attnafttive motel ot|its. The lM}ia>*e abosve -where . the

Frenches lived is now owned by •jPom LaDue, one U the, local placemen, and as h,e lias $&w pi school bnsises, there Ate U&* ualy one ftp 1mf parsed ]&» sljhe, drive,. TSie Jh.Q'Uiie.a.t thfe top^ of the hill where tlie Weeds lived is now own«# b y ^ e How--«rds and opral£d ^ the; VKhite. Swan tourist pjlaee. Aaiound im corner o£ P u c ^ t S^eetH3fc B^waM tfttfr h*s ^&»tie i«aofcft

m$& , H ' i' i

'Aax&s s i^pep t 'S t i fW, ^ mone GQiWnW Souii W^a^ A^ enue, J H a T ^ ^ C h s ^ / ^ n t t ^ e i ihbttse.ithat \ >|he ^BB»W' fo1®^ »Wfted,Jor jmany yjears,: H|£Mf fioturse ,08^2*0 |0W*»WeeaiWl^, School No Jonger used as a school, 4ts*TOture^fa$e * » I J % . kno-wii, >btttrTit?^jwmitflyiJ*epfe oceup^ad bVittK* sadhdms^a^an crffieefe! Of the school s^sAm^ Weedville School still hasitits ilarge'toyns,' frowt^ihack and on. ifche ^ide? and tihs^ohildiren of tlhe neigjftbol'hooa fl&ike use of ut as a playground Next above the school the Er-ed Delano House has^een^a^totenst hrave for mdny sreafvarad it*kwhWS a motel unit nt^be re^tr it m known as the Laifehstnng^and has had a number of ownfers and operators fPresenUy i t is under *he nT|anagement,of tyotang

John LaPomte and his "Wife, JManicy All therihoas§s 'that have ibeen converted into Jiteujist "houses i{ufe->attraotave> and*well mm and w$h the inflt|X ot£, jmca-aner to t ing and ^winter «md ^atmmer salesmen attel business men, ithe-lmflSsfehouses anoVmo-tbels are generaaiy filled to ca­pacity

Above -the liatchstrang Sthe New York Telephone^ Company lhas a handsome brick building with garages and parking area in the re$r Tlhe telephone com­pany has not been there too niany years but ujutil If thought •about it I had fotgdtiben ihe Ihouse it replaOed, which 1 think wiaswknown as "the Cove]! House and ilmcl various ocoupanits after

the Covells It wtfs a pleasant looking house witih a low^fnpnt and Side1 -verandah The tele­phone building is a busy place and at the moment its windows are gaily decorated fifior -Chinst--mas

Next doorfthe old-bpck.sfcprei occupied so many years- by ,the> Circle Market is now«.emiKtv>as Leon Greer has r e t a i l W3ien I was a chdd Mr HoldiejKh. hae\a store- itihere WhenvW e Wereirt •Weedville School ^re went there to look over his a m y of oartaV and generally all •end^dAuying the- long; stretchy st«*ks of 1M»3> fte. 1 presuttie* TVu-v Hlldrefh. carped a full line of groceries but I only remeniiber -the bandy; counter

I thought we would get our ftbtor of jTrconderola lSf6$ k %t ^east.as-fer.&s theAospital tH£$ Week btflt'wutn the feewjaaltogt e*tts wedidn,'t q_ttitejim*ke. jit T3se> s&ieet decorations for wiartmas ar*valong_-the street There -a>» and the large Ohristanias trae^on? the Hospital lawn as fftoactavely hghtedu jjAbove-fihevbttle npfi. .p^cre as t the J^sonae'bnihiihg^ jftftd ibeiWeen no ir and afce-next *hapter of the, to^r we'will have io renjieadifeer or fnid outiWhaF *ouses were there bfeftire At fthe.t!mohifent we baVe drawin a Ifenk and, former TiconderiOga iresidenls wiH ipo^be1 ahle to f s -fasS^zR eiaaotlyrWih re t ie Ulastin.-

Dec. Dear fcditor

The Plattsburgh Press recent Iy published an article by Hal Otley concerning the Christmas Parade in Ticonderoga He Showed praise foi the manager ot thp parade bpt whett It c^me to 3anta Clabs, he Jfefally tov* ^red- his1 face with mud; This ihoWsia<%ol knowledge t?n Ot* ley3s paper, and as we-all Jfdow » wyiier should know arid know well what he. writes about *The laqk oMyiowledge resulted from a ^poor jynve&tigation -QI the? sit? Uat'ioji. » « i

"Tp-heign^with, Santa. Claus suppled the floab in tlie fiar> aife ^tK a->j ?at #e$l <, of * m<stf lihancliie^^ncludotrig the,«l6jgh m which) he v at JSe^even pamfed, jksdeigbjurns.?jf ,Th»s obvious ly, recfdifced a great deal of work (Jn*Santa3>.par):vHe also^ll,d.1his out of?theVkmdiiesst of Jus hi&rt, wiittiorui receiving a penny for lus labor. And ashlar as remov* ing his makeup before' thenar pulled away, heLdjd»noMHe was trying to fix at, because the fihob of kids after the parafde had just about pulled, it all off "And as far",*as\i$king; ^ o the Ictds^as conGgrjaed, lipw *,P0|hl.d J he st< to tajb to a niobi of\fcff3s *w! Were * just about jte^ripg juhl apart? As fai as I am, concern-?d,*0^tley s sarcasm leaves much to- be desired '

At tins time J would^ like to ask a question of Mr Otley What did you do for the Christ­ina? parade other than degrade Santa?


mmm m f mm mm

Adirondack Animal Humane M$ocM^m





StrMrroad, Ticond*)ro0li

)fihe flogs and m*s «t'$b.ft Shel-ifcgir: alpaiady ij&\% litungw their (^cs to ls A*xg^aS0 mMh mueb ihope iamd *niticjifiata»n- fUue^pck-iog$ "haiig", flgBsnjtnfBiT- fe^tk-aag, in *ttte &pdi Utooo. by mams of ^ fwd 'bare l m Wflneh we hope (people wJll Ju f a . fev*1

^eans of d*g and cj»t IqaidLf. treats lor^feags of dry fotoil ^ food OffcftH iStnlsar-Htihe lirajjdoiys, o;p-&$$&• tfee cash x$$sjtoe£s, itf& js, *he re by eouitesy *& &e *is(riag-eT, Iftr. ^rapey, said* ijie Gtoand UltiforL Cojhpany -^T|LS battel has ^n i ihtnapiive •&*$ at peailing-s^gji

is^m^eolieige at S^Gtoaeybtii^he ^ounid ifl'ue 3o ona&e $he pospar* •for the dogs and e4is' (%& food hafcrel ^Sjjbeein tObejoe- Saidfr Ja§rt TRhui diay buj. no oae'ihastf^und 4 yejt' Wnop& 4herfr wj]| s6oin! •sotaht ,t3ie aiumsiJg_*-v(3H hav^ 4exif jtr a(ts?.for\iPIii?stofefcs Jhe.

fed hhn, taeol to keep bun tconv iortableiaiid telephoned us, Bm simple ait would hayefbeen fw any of jthe^othter- paopfe who saw ham .to, \h;4ve telepho«ii$dithe Sfi^l-ier and ^ved ham the eoJd'iii&er" iabte Uinhappy days and'ni'ghts^ lpdiff£*s5ace to suffesning'ig the same a^&fference tha}t-f resulted in *he death of ^csaVese^nlll in New fc York CSufcy Everyone heai d Jaer call fe£ hejlp and no1

one' answered »<g^ fnenfitaL flffectiomate dog is-mow ajt"w!e Shelter -'Wh%ret he a ^ sheltered isnd p?ot&eed, xarad f--awatang Adoption to a good^ho:rne*-<attd •5jn spnt!& of e^eswlMng. his 'tail wags and he is f orgeitting-his un­happy ©xperieaxQp ^

CTeaoids &*the sfefe-^isBaiig for cash ^dosajbiotis(|«Ji i Chtatmas - TFhe ' d p ^ a r e aasuirH* o£ one Chrasitimas gifit ea&hT at Christ­mas Ea,ch dog AVJU receive-.^ ibox of People Craickenrs from th»5 <R T French Company , The •company had liOteiadefd me boxes ifor .T-oankfifewapgr «©[ ^pecea

Yoti may reply m the>PJatts ^every i Humane 'Soouety ^i ^he iro-h PI-PEK u n ™ t h a t ^»i»-.«»- {e TTlmiterl fifotoc as Tmaviil Wntmtl ».t> bu|gh Pre^s, since that paper jts

the only paper that will publish* youi rubbish ,

I would wii,te moie, ^lyt^as. Mr Otley would say, I'm npl a very good writer

Sincerely, « Thomas Loneigan

,.-w»(M»a^ housed in^the m* jWlHd^ig us ,ii«ae«s they know uick garage hefore.ft^nipv^ WttuA wjg t t t^ ' Jb«ere ^ nAc mt±rt%r 'Williittnft ilirfrf q n r i t f a * •—J'' ' ' " • " > • • • • • • • • •*


.<» sits,new ftdihiing j^si ab dve g*he Gismd VftnQfr Jks »4 ve*y large p^fcinig^lot.;!© &$. front ^nAoin^the^de,^hj# i t •ftsfikaini ly aeedg as^lhie; st#re«£s a t w ^ -full iof« cjidtomers *0he itoaetiv© buildihgv *$$£ Hals, ftfom fhe site^t and atbaohed to It fy&e ^onlda&n^liquor OJ^^. U ««*r •to jpak& the largw patteteg lot} 4he T e # . Rouse was moited ^i-tact imp WeedvSlile Hiul a«d doWn the first dip of *he loop, on* what •is mow North (Wayne Avenue,, These mtd-^ay tjrf (the street ^he ihouse loofe %& if it ihad always been (there TUe f*f|tis*h«d al­ready built a hew home on BlAcft .point or 'fcrojga Pomt a^ it ?s •now called Also the parking Hot (too* an the a*ea Whew the Very large house m which Maude Cook lived This house was •fcxm down, Next gofctg up the MU the house Where M3Ss Offrt-rude Stevens and her broiliher lived is now owned by Uebby Al-

i 1

BRIDGE \Gtmtiwed rtom Page, flity)

constmctioh estimates fon k&ex-at possible* locatnott-, for, flifc

JUDGE (Continued From Page One) cu siton and deliberation, it Is the Gehrig 4of the mqrnbe.ri.bip of the1 saidMlssex Cotfn'ty BW AsSotuauon«that the v Said -J. Clarence jHerlihy, is eminently qualified by virtue of his edu cational background, persdpal-ity, fempprament, char&eter<an:d experience to continue* to\pre jside as a Justice of the Supieme Gcjuft

"NOW, ^TITERETORt, (BE IT Rl&CMUVEE, that t bp i^ex Coyhty Bar„ Association heartily endorse the saitt J Clarence JFRrhhy as to*his;qua'xfical?oris to-s,ucced himself to ibe office

otSupreme Court Justice, iTlurd Department; fou r th judicial District, ^nd

tTOJliTHER BE I T RF-SOLVJCP* thirt copies orthis Re-bolUtion "he tiansmtttetl fto the presidents df.ea'ch, tlOunty Bar Association in ihe^ Fourth Jud* Icial District < *

" d V E ^ a t a'^pecial-ipeeting pi- the, Essex County fi^i A,«oc-^ation *at Ehzabethtowii, " New Kolk^ on the 11th day oi Decern berf,1968j' , ,-

The resolution" -was offered by- Trustee Harold R. Sdden, resident ^tic,e of JG&e^Cdun iy, iecond^d hy Daniel T I^an-nuig, Sr*, Essex County pisttjetf, ittoiney^ Joseph $ilAern>an K-Cesevdle and Charles P G<tf« vey, P6rt Heriry r

Domihjck j Vijscardi, pjpsi dent of the Essex County Bar Association,, >xt^k$d that ' Judge ^erhhy Js WBlKdcservintr of {bis distinct honor and is Weh\ known to"thtf*siex Coun­ty aiea) whet^-he acfed ih ntLOr ney for/ ma^y ^duntf' residents pnpi" tp being elected k» the Su prtpae, Goyrt beadi artd had been ito Essex County as a trial judge and;, tousidered-by all

H span t to hrik Cntnbefland, Head N fYV«tear'Plattibutgb, •with Grand l^le, Vt, neftj B«i-Xmgton, * Jlowever, l fdasjbrljcy study of this site Was" cdndviclPfl m (1958 and theptaji -jvas ieject-j?d as too costly i

The two budges now Jspaii-tnpg from the af«ke ex^ttded from Albiirg, <*$,> io Koi«ei, Point, N Y t attdjtrom Addisom, Vt, to Crown Paiat, JNff Y! IFic two states also are served bV sev­eral feny routes across the" lake.

AdvdrHse In Th» SenKtiel Telephone 585»6701

bridge,, 'iwhichf has" widespreuj member* of the Essex Gottai* sttpport.iii v-Kew York Statr , " ^ s ° # ? f we most qmhked

An easier plan Jud called *y% J<*^»*Jvgw%.t>ft tttt^taVw* post

ffhe action of thet Ess&x Conn ty Bar Association follbvvvM un*' mediately the action of the VV&irren Couhty Bai Associa-tion, Jiidge Hferlihy's'-o,wn.0coun ty, wlib adopted a" i^solution endorsing Judge Heyliljy at i meeting held on the same drfte

What makes popcorn pop? The kernels aerially explode They are detonated by pressure of. iha <ijteam that's gcera^cd when heat hits the tianmur" ie-tabled inside the kernel's hatd outer coat.

.Uupted States as.maay pQted as needed fbe- $pmpany <li,d^at reaHaze that Etuha n-e ^deities weJfiome anythamgr^ree/for tth^ ammalfs and tfhe y -wetoe over-whehned with q u e s t s — too many to maJ qtct jgor Thiatnlcs .gipng so ithe fralaiiace *f ,the humane Socieities fwill a:ecelv« the boxes for OJarjsjtanajs. 0|£r Bttttiane Sociaty w ^ iamojlg the fetter and the box. J has come •wi|ha package for»?aaQltd<)g- Tire •Oats 1 too •will jhava .urate gtUt at i^ajlt-r-a -large baberftf dr-ifed cat-jftEiP fr'cmFthefir #a?a i Jtf?i Cur-ran of J oaib Henra* fias •ajTi.verl He gathers # foaj them each years i f

^barnig; with ^thjecs -items 4pm«thing ppeoiiali o young "Wafer G-unhang dntd vStepiiesn Bevdaqtiita Who toought odoV aald ends of their o~wn po^se«s-Jions to jths Thriffc ^tipp to help ihhe :dogs and oats $£ OKristtruas', Jt alsd 'means ^Dna&tfcxag: spscjal, 4o th& Peters^ (fo^suid Barroai 'boy* who hve mot far firpm (is *Ehey •oame to thee Oifcrift $ho^ *o .spend t>art of thfetr own mferi-' ey ^to-^dp the animals One *oy couM n<!»t $pj«nd .ths esuadt ajnouat he pflaiUKi&ol ta* 'fsrpertd 30 *e ipnt the reixlakider- hjt th» ttfiite6A!'ccifitiaaTiKr « t th^ sfhioip AThe TTiecift-jaiu>p4 has ^evecal

rhexpensive and amcaotwre d lls* 0nd i^ddy bbar^ lefrt aiift $ey ®M saHr mew If yoit "have i)pct icomipleited your CQn&sfnias sfhop-.jpintg, -do^not foigfet ""io lookfat

ftthef(toys wfc the jlipp" "

We ihavs ee lvfEijl several cash donations in" iiaie ipH <3hristmas and solft* of ii^m :S feeif«ially niarJced i)&etvy "Christmas; ib' the ailoaials" from" Erances , Lyons, Stooori t^lte, Ajiry Beste of HRg&e ^and the Bioplcwood Park -Cannpfiiie l i s t jear . Lester's ?sJt\fjlqfe -Station €^ve ithe dogs attti^oats a ton pf eoal for ChrJ^a^Hhro>ugh Jff i JjesteiflWaher and C A J l is ter "Wagner ^ l s year ^hey ga^e the jsnuount in ca$i 'tastsa^t and, $h$k gratttdfath** Waldrow Brgdshaw of Roltoat mateltedt th^ amouiit iThe dqgs^aid eats fe&l ittoet they(are yejy }u«jky fa hav« fneajds such as these f\iem<Jg, ^adaeulwly -ait Ctas'tintts

•For -sev-ajal hovms the other day there was a little teroWn *ind black shaggy $k*g ne^r thje eittrance to fhe <*cpmd tTuwqitj Fedple- canie a|dL vpent sayiag irthe pqi&r litthA&g'—iip is" lost— he is cold— he as Wng*7 " A p^ltodl the SeadtTrwis giv«i And thsr people Went «n- The dog was sidl coM and sstiU hungry hilt he wns not lost "Hxs people who owned huh mowed, out of; town and abandoned lum The dog is how at *he shelter warb, comforfcahle and ffed We?j>ieked him up at *h6 hoshie of Shelvxa Wells: on Sunday—am 1313 midst of the blizzard fee had be-i friended the dog and. takeu 1mm Ihome When she found Mm. She

Annette Hamel, rC|rl H^rtley; Constance' Hogle, Jtohm Hill, Tetry jHurlburti An$e Hyland, Douglas' Jontes, Ric|iard Jpnes, Gary Knightf, Joanne Krakev A cky" Rrdkes,v Margaret LaDuc, Carol Landers, ^tarr Launder-viUe, Francme jLeerkes", Frances J^ynch, Ketn^etFj IMacAlptie, CarolynL Malaney, Colleen. Ma-laney, James JVfay, parlene'Mc Bride **

Also, J Kenneth McCauglun, Shaion Mclntyre, Barbara Mc-Keowov Barbara Michalak, Ma­rie Michalafc,* vBarbaTa Mooie, Lucihda Jrfooie, ^Cathy Moran* Ann Horette^ Kathleen Mor ette, "Manlyn ^Moi'ett, Debot^i Murray, Douglas, ISadeau, \oc-'tona Nadeau, Margaret O'Brv-an, Mary jSue O'^ryan, < Cathy Pamccia, Marilyn JPeria, Nancy Peua, Jeanne, Po?zoulip Marjor-ie,Pmchell, PJJpla RoveUufToni ^Ryan^'ju^y Sacco, C^mi^ 5al-

Patriqa Sears, Aiin^Smit|i, fer-gafet Smith, SMfley^Srraft, Mary ^rfe Stowell, purfta Swjfi-ton', Paul T'lombley; Paihek vanderwatker^ Barbara Yatiniei, Bienda Vannier* John Cviscardi, Mary Viscardi, Rose, Marie Vis cardit Kathy Wallace,^MaiV Pat Walsh/, Je<in WebW Kathleen Webbr Joaime Wells, , Patrioa Wlutcomb, Nancy White, Corby Whitford, Robert Whitford, Carols Wopd, -Kalhy Wooaaj^ Rosemary Woodard, Tet5fy Wright.

^Members of the Senior, Band^ are flutes, Pamela Gaipey/1 "Pamela; JjJalL * Frainces Lynch* Patricia Wlutcomb; Alter Clar­inet, Nancy White, Bass Clarin­et Na icy Peway Alto Saxo-i phones: \ Matireen -Armstrong, Margaret O Bryan; ^Tenor Saxo­phone, Raymondi Coope^ Cla--inets Jaane Craig, Janm§ Cfaf?-} Claire Delano, Margaret 3}ens-more, Bienda Gregou-ey, Cmda Gfegoire,t Starr l,aunder\i'ie, Barbaia* McKeown, Mary Sue O'Bryanj Suzanne plcott, Ton! Ryanf Judith Salstead*, , Coron­ets Keith Clark, Warren1 Denv more.'James Guipn, Carl Hart­ley, Robert Whitford; k '-Irenai Htu-n Margaret LaDuc, B||t tone Horn Rooert Diunas; Tromhonesi Dortald""Handiett, Ann SniithV^PanjL Tjgolmbley, Percdssidn. Steven FJfa»ci|ico, Dale fcrasiei, Howard Granger, Day|d MacAlaiaey Margaret Smith K Y

The public is cordially i$f&* ed/to'attend Admission is jfee,

PLANE mm :>v

^s{Cpniinued Ffoift Page One) "and flinuch longer to use the $uh« way ' 1% this nnodelto 4af/ nms i*

essential- Thai; i^hwhf the air­plane has become »such a |jdp-ular meaps ol |iartspoitatiOt)f -

I personally Iodkfjorward to the dky that Hve * may t ak^a pla,ne heie m Ticonderoga MkjL fly anywhere \ye 'wish, Withput the necessity ol drjvmg Qur cars Anv hirther than1'our own jali-potl, *

IfAIiM BUMNJUsS , Ydimers spend $30 bilhon a

year on produc,tjdn expenses 'maiket M0 billion woith of pro­ducts * A

i. v


w!*,,.,i &K»IC'J rtj 'jjyr ,* " *. •*/,•*£ ^ '• . . r -i •>•?*•&',• , v '- ' j •* » • . . . • . " • ' "-w 1 ' Mi- i< "••*' • .<' .T-**V'»

'#|.^t^y^th&}ttjtit>K' have put in as Puerto Rico until Feb. 10, while v.'-*. iateisu.i-3Ji--i -^_>._-XT... « ._ .•.. gUfj \fayersohn leaves fj" St

f#e. .'""''The ,toWn fathers ?$5Clrtas frees set-up in

Locke's • Christmas i?^;atvthe Shell;$tati6n has to

:;|g'bj§Hpijt'Off .about "4- feet. The men "'•v.K

.simpfiy;-can't get to the top to ?'vi^'-Vy^^. lj |lit^"Each year

v | | ^ ipa ; | | s | t h | most perfect tree in ;;:>;;'r'tp\ nj-S.4& rence Stuifelt going ^iiit^Thir^ield's swamp with the

'$£'{r4ct£f>''found this'year^s tree- E. I %*;:'BJ.was-Jircju^ .to cooperate and I ' t'Mitbjg&lef ujV'but it isn't lighted I ••Mi^nAfe&Ki f-l'X


opl'aiidiCcWjnTfn.. Homeroom «i«H S^l%ltimas parties will be held J,t'';^o^'^ri'd^;'''mSi-n{ihg. and school

.^^Mljl'^g^smjlfsed' about • noon. '•:Jt%j.acK3^w|ate^p^n'jaWuary 6th. i>^"y ,'jT-heSunday.School Christmas <Efe . , - % f ^ . ' - ' • • • • • . ;• • , • : ' . ' - • ; . . . . :

:r-$&%\. • CORRECTION ' '-•. ^ T S P O f c ^ ^ U E ^ O i f f — The

; ' 'V^|fesSvot^^|ej: Jtensetfe .listed li*\*;^efeeh'tly ani«5}&« the servicemen

: ^:^%M»| ,*hp''Schfb5ri; Lake' No. ^ f t u d s o n area; w^* incorrect. His

S^^a|tdjr^sssis: # follows? •ECf$-Roger

US thfl6 .a. ' { f f i ^ ^ ' S ^ W r . Jve*v4ith Ad^ent^hdre'WiH^Bi ^ ^ a i p t e d ; 'Tfeersermon' s«opic. Willi ^be t i ' "Great l^ f^fAf iattH," ••

>'" ' 5.00 p 'm. "Christmas Candle­light Set-vice The Pilgrim and

4 Chancel Choir' v(Al sing »% ' y * Monday) Dec. %3rd * v * 7*30 p 'TO Sunday School

Ghristma$ -Programx at the "vv Tuesday, Dee. Wh

7-30 p, m -Christmas Eve I Communion Service. All mvit-

^ed . /

Thomas on Jan. 31. No one dreamed that rh<* pir-

tnre of Louis Mavenolnt and. Grace Hudowalski would be on the front of a magazine. The Low Bidder, the official publi­cation of tlie Association of General Contractors-of America, printed the picture with the heading "Louis Mayersohn re­ceives plaque at the Damboree party on August 19. honoring Louis Mayersohn and the late Edward. Hudowalski." The re­lease mentions • Robert Misrh serving Beef Pottersville with Noodles Chestertown' and San­gria Schroon Lake .,. . i t men­tioned the history of the Star-buckville Dam and Dot F^lkel and Janet Misch who dreamed* up the idea. . The Misehs Xmas party Is on'

Dec. 23rd in New York.and. we are tempted to accept the invit­ation. The first Monday for years is free as the Sentinel plans an early edition next week. Actually, we are asked to write on Thursday evening just in case the staff makes the dead­line.

*. . . . Kathy'Misch arrived in

New York just,in time to take a train ride '^$h: hers parents to Brown University as Kathv wanted to be filled in ,wi|h all. the?details of the European tripi Bob^was to lecture to <tlie facu^ ty and Kathy wouldn't heal1

about. M $ f -and; Johiii .for -an-;pth.er IW^ays if sheKdidh't go;<.

'Member]S', f all faishiS are• i'a-? vited toav^ception tc be givefif itt/hohor of Tather Bernard- KeV-fitjgg to beheid at the"C^mmun*' Hy/ Church Center th,is Wednes*

Wj[ :eVenihg' from ? to 9; • A ^hj^ber of persons have written* ?®;*-%^" Bishop expressing their admiration of Fxthei Kellogg who has done so much m^unit-rng: tlie parishioners of all tht churches Rev Drake received a very nice reply from the Bishop in answer to his letter He rend both liters during church ser-vicei fyesferday 'atf the Commun­ity Church.

Clara Richardson is on cloud

It I ham H Duplets t B u l w r a I o n QuaVle,

d.ilighter «l Mr. and Mis V\ i* ler Ciirl Quayle, 4147 State Pa rk Drive, Akron, Ohio, and ty !"-iam Harry Dupuis oi 1616 Tl ircl Ave., Watervliet , wete nnitetl m 1

marriage Saturday, \ o \ $p-t,h» "* ,'." " [>. m. in the DHniar \ fc th-

r :nre ol Veigen-j„<lH Clmrrh . 'I he reiemOny | \va-> performed b \ the Rtv Rob-r

' ^"'lomab and Father Pau l <

|p. ^ % j » a ^ » ^ ; carapi-^e'ihemsolves at Keeiu s1|k¥'• too'*||rw|lrM-:degrees;" c^U J. eel themselves by aM;.;irr ups^Afc• that is• 'very••^?*ife vhight' nan*

tCeeiie V a l ^ s S v - soft sjx>ken person bur he was ed themselves by w a l k i n g ^ l l successful in (on\ incino the Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Tucker. Jr. ^tjtedas.vniffhf. 1#ttr'„,#|©ftdl(.y.. driver that the seivire is eNccll-

rs '"dt l icr of I ' P

iiri" preen dress Smith. v ; , h ronir ,"- ,i->'r dark "icen \el-'vet com '• ; th !i;nmoni'in<r ;ir-

lean-tc^shelter near-GriJ of the'.cold Npr^i the pinegios- , . . , .> , .» beaks.-allowe^liis'to rut branch- °» die Long Trail;- 'ift A|e|nj|>nt| t o p(.,

? W . i C;l" isimns. So this year we had I . .^ 'S^tS«Si^^"l" , r";pri"r5>. " . v ^ ' *"', • J . - ' V: T F ; V ' ^ r i r " v & ^ u M r w u w ^ n * iu rac uranrn- "» ™ W U R u « v w •Wnj^n t t o p(., , n c federal inspector io f . # # f M ' ^ | # ^ m ' t t " ' " ^ ^ ^ m * M™lWe L m n ts e s o f S,cotcri piftfe from the plant- saved themselves by s taySn^ptu . ! (he<k the ffreens b e f o r - w e were I / # t : ^ ^ S ^ ? : J ¥ • G W ^Ol ted . Al- ;enSaged. . ;33iey a i*n : t gp inrv tp i n g s back; o ' t t#© r Haley Home- They were in a: shelter,.'.bu* i t | allowed to mail .hem. Mr. Hild-

.stead. T h e beautiful pinkish red J was five below and 10.6. rr|ile- j r c , | , ( ) | Keescville said that .and gray b i ^ d s ^ r e larger than j per-hour winds howled .'a.qros.si (locks „f the pine grosbeaks in ' the eveningJa^o^beaks and have .Aft- 'Tabor. You can i m a g i n e ' , h e Keescville area are killed ort "v4""1- rpire' appeal. The; y}™1 the wind chill. index- Was | l)y iiutoinohiles. I he birds luuc so nauch pleasing mellow, whistle and tlu: fact that the birds fora^j for themselves, never coming- near

some a month back, we found the squirrels had stolen even' cone. We read that the early visit, of the pine grosbeaks meaifc the spruces' ip the Onin-dian forests are not bearing the normal crop of cones and afLer the grosbeaks that crossbills, redpolls, fierce goshawks will soon follow. N o n e of^these birds bother with feeders, nor mind the bit ter winters.

. . . Snow bunt ing or snow-flake flocks come from Canada •when snows are so deep tfia) their source of food, pigweed", all kinds of grass, are .covered w i t h • * - - - • • - •»

•* ^CftMer and Ives Calendars I We invite oar friends and customers U s;top at our f

office | « t »»« »fJ these beautiful calendaics.' - %

Charles E. Wood Real gs ta ie '& ftrgurance ^chroon take* New torl t

? •MM

> Huestis Oil Co. M©biJ heating oil

OIL BURNER SDtVICE Schroon Lake - Chesterton Area

New OBIL o<u au«Neft$ AALANCeO PAYMENT HAN ~ PHONf 4°4.5513

Yesterday afternoon the Albany 11 1 0 | t . a r ; m , | a i r s me;m nothing

County Airport reported t h e m them. Thev crave the gravel ... , wind chill index was 30 degrees th;it iwul (tews use .and drivers

a feeding station except to hejow zero dur ing the aftgrnoon SOUK time seem to enjov running check what 's going on. Of COLU-SC hours. T h e ' w i n d chill index is ( | , r birds down. He ",o Mini-, o u r tune might vary if later on a .measure of de te rmining how ,i1(.s(. | , i n i s dd ig lu lu l as .Iocs we find that the buds that they ^ J d i t actually feels, ra ther , Ken Loike were eat ing on the nines w e r e , t n a n t n e temperature the ther-completely destroyed so .that ' mometer reads. there won' t be any cones nex t ! ^ couldn't have happened summer. j to a mill ionaire . . .and we had

. . . On the other hand the better report t h e j n c i d e n t p r ' o n -same Scotch pines were -loaded t 0 a s t 0 ° many .people a t Ghes-with cones in July and August tertown's Gulf Station last Fii-and when we went to gather ( l a i v heard oiir furious sump's;-

ler saw his first two snoto ban'b in^s when he and .Ruth w£$ here at Thanksgiving The\af' most white bird is. a cheertii}. singer even in iero feather.*';' •

'you never in^itibn lity

deep "snows, ^erinie Haitd> a ^diet-fpoKen.. n^qh'jinL whe put some"'kind of stuff ;n the

(biaCk-tof> % the ba'Pk door and .in the'*.'g^rage.-:'•They" said h jWo ildn'.t: hhri/ the Jsphalt. AVor-ftt worry^.worry.JWhat caused : M the. trouble? ^'defective oil

favorite - bird," fat d•» D ^ ^ | t e r ' ftnappenfr once in mond said, "The sparro^ feii§iHi?P'00O c#-,ii0r^&|ilters. Keii

This Christina^ we .ue not sending ns many (^lirisnn'.is card, as usual. As long as I he l i o n -derogn Seniinel is g i \ i i ^ us :i "present" ol writing the column on Thursday evening in hope-that the Sentinel will be printed earl) , we will use the column i<-send greet ings. We have heard of at least six families who are not sending in-town cards thi';

don't as the town is JO

that everyone sees each other at least once a week,


that Phinney's Chevrolet forgot to put in the oil when the-g:u-age gave our new car its first oil

° l l a i l F ; " T h e i ' e » n ' t a P ' ? i ] l e a k ^hiiCtmas. A smart idea, al

u euj: e? a 8e. ; w in.«st«; v o u a R r e e i when we learned that the car ;n i l i i took.tliree qts. of oil. We were wrong, wafer covered.. the oil, and until we investigated on Saturday, We didn't know of the horrible danger to the wall-to-wall carpet (gold'eOlbr no les;). That sent us off again and the poor meriCat Phinney's Che^o-let mtist-have tehe;c| wc had -traded foi"'a- Ford", instead- of a Chevmlf^Aj: any,|"ate>uo came

NEWC0MB Around Our Town

T h e Newcomb Facidty held their annual Christmas party at T o m Bissell's camp in Long Lake on Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carter 's infant daughte r was baptized on Sundav. She was -'.named Bethanie Lynn.

In a basketball gaipe with Indian Lake "on Tuesday, New-comb lost 77 to 63. T h e f. A',

•squad J-lso l Q s t 45 t$ 44. ] n a

*e ithe' spot i>n its b ^ a s t . ' i * ^ £ w * * i ^ . m t M iha t in j H : ? a r a e F r ' d a y w , t h Horicon tfi •adore "the tree sparrow h u t se l . |w s - y e a n c ' o S ' e ^ g e h c ? at h i s ! i . f W f 0 t n b s 1 u a d w a l^vi r tor ion-dom mention it .for" the blip-*#e*l Stafion>|t hafp^ed to him T h e soore^was 51 to SO. The JVs

tmaJ?e| this area its winter n«»fl$|f»t 0OGe. .'B'«t Jdjjlfe- Kellv onlv .Maude and Dot'Frehch like mfat a P»nt of oil a$ he noticed cdil it the Canada sparrow; a i - fw leak,almost a t ^ c e . But we

•a4lore',the'tree sparrSw'hut S I i s - yeats-V'pS \c&$fatoci~ at his !^lfwcomb s 1 u a d was victorious. *ctt%m. num<.,'n« :•. u^i',".^:• :*. ~* -.Shrfl i**ri*i*i-it ulH&l-iru- J . . • The score was 51 to """" '""

also won 5%> 33. T h e Catholic Daughters of

_ _r, , „ _.„-, „ WV11 V¥ America, Court Oqr Lad> of && P^PPer- The tree sp" in%W d driven #'Q mil&:hefore the xfen"v. No. 1511 held their an-seldom flies to a bush higher T^ flasher went-ofi ind off. nu ; i 1 Christmas party on Sundav thansix feet It has the distmc- From now on every time wt get evening in the Long1 Lake Town tion of singing real songs m Bit- gas we will have the oil checked HaI1- A lovely buffet supper ter \ymter weather ~ , We missed seehig- p^elvn 6irr- ' ' ' ' '"

leigh on Saturday due to the de­lay caused by the car. She ex­pected us m dme forJuncheor as we were bringing? the ManJi of Dimes surralies tn T i m n ^

A birthday party given an nuaily by Giace Hudowalsjcu at hei home in Albany honors two meni Jini^Cheney and S.ey. Beri nard Grossman, pastor of the Trinity Methodist Church This year the party is to be on the 21sL Stephanie Budpen. arrives at theJ^Iuclo, ftut OP Surula) to b;e With Gracie for the holid,W

Art apd faae,Hodglqnv do^d up their home at Severance andf moved Qn ^Saturday t<5> Jim



Schroon Lake Guys fe Dolls Team standings: Tour Rest

Motel 3022, Blasdells Restau­rant 30-22, Dtake Lumber 2% 2S, Lakeview Equipment 26-26; Pitkin Ford 23 20, Lyons Phar­macy 20-82, x

Mens high triples fc sitigles^ C Rbcque ^72-214, P ty%tch S30230, B. OeZalia 520-200, D, MfKerizie 610-202, G flaw is •Hi) 187, J, Tyrrell 50M82

Wbntens high triples & sin­gles: A. riairis 447-l$0, f, Effan 144 167, R DeXalia 44M6S& McKcrvie 425-148, E Welfc 420160, M. Dimick 413-151, Dumns 46^JS3, J Hall 406 IfiS, J Clark 409-170

"High- team triple Pitta'n Ford 1<)0L

High team single- Drake Lumbei <)60.

Dimes supplies to Ticonder­oga. Ev'kept returning tn \Wr home and jdidn'r see our car - . we kept returning ni our car passing her house and didn't •see her car We settled for lun; cheon at the Wagon. Wheel all bv ourselves ITJm* Very &ood Of course we &$$& Tnelajes

Chenefi for thfr winter- Km I^fIs 1<1?Jhfc % ? , » " f r i^dlv leaves t in, Jwnary for Uuerto Sf*l ™f**l* W * W»v. It was

^ " ' wimrtg U T icdnde^a xvhile it sU?we5 "^^ h^ ®* °ws of m shops continued j o smile. Route 73 is % good condition.

Tommy BuiJeigh ^nd his ad, orable wile, Atthurtyri, who live on long Tsland were home for the weekend. Bemuse the rain turned into snow yes.terdav iiic»v stayed to er last high* 50 the fam'-' ily had a good, visits Arthurlyn arid Tommy are going to her home in i\labamsi: fot Christ-nias. Tommy met her there When working foi the Intei na­tional Papei Co She nears n si?e 9 dress and a Pk sboe and is so pretty

Because we were late for our date with E\elyh fc>rleigh we didn't drive to the Highland, ComnioniQr to give Harriet B|<dner, her material for the MOV drive. Ws'J&fe it with Mary D,dy ,xvho knows Harriet,

Wlten the Dalys" daugh-! tei, Mai ion and Al Ranows and their children, Stete and TonV

was enjoyed by menibeis ar d their guests. Mr. and; Mrs. Paul Blanchette and Mr. and Mrs. Lilburn Yandon attended from Newcomb.

A Christmas Eve service will be conducted at the United Methodist Church beginning at 1 1 1 - j V t O

1:15 p . m, • 1 Russell Bissell of 'fPlattsburgh

visited his mOth#,. $£h. Ruth Bissell on SSturday.."*.'

The Janies Armstrbtfe f;imil\ moved f«f l r inebr i3o | . Hills to White Fialrfs, N. Y, this past weekend. ' - ' . • '

,Gne oi die apartment houses in WinetH-ook Hills has been closed, " The Victor Valenzie family hafve moved from Winebrobk Hilk to the house recently va­cated by tnjfe Donald (heeiie lhmHyi->.?.*^""-:v'----' • "•'

DortaRl Wells Vistted his niother,nMrs. lite^n Rorqkie this-basrweifeeiia;.-•'"."''. '••

M k G-e'orge "SJhatt Kiiessy and' son, Mvid andt IMf. and Mrs. Michael Shahg^eissy, motored to New York City on 'Saturday to meet Mrs. Lester LeClair arid children who were .returning; from Germany. j ,

Eastern Star News The regrtrlar meeting of'the

Order of the Easteni S£ai*, Jep-tha Chapter Mo* W. was MM Tnesday evening, December 3 at POfctefsville, N. >.'• with Vel-rn|i Bissell acting* matron at»d wfllidm Hall, afting.patmn, in the absence of Lucille and Paul Jones wjio were' on a trip to

Mi'.-s Ali'-e Pati ' itie B'ood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Blood, jr. ol Pu tnam Station and Roy Thomas Turke r , Jr. . .H>n of Mrs. R u t h T u c k e r and the l i te Roy I nomas Tucker , Sr. ol Vergenne-., X'ermonr were united in main'a"e \ ' o \ ember 23, at St. M:uy's Church in Ti-conderogn. The Re\ . John J,a-Pierre officiated at the nupt ia l mass.

T h e Inide. gi\en in nlariiage hv her father, was attired in a floor length gown of organ/a and (haniilly lace, sabrina neck­line, trimmed with seed pearls and sequins, lonj; tapered sleev­es, full uaditioiial .skirt, Dior bow hack and streamers. Her de­tachable train attached to the .shoulders in ortr,an/a, outlined wtih chaniilly lace, terminating to a chapel t ia in. Her silk im­ported shoulder length bonllan: veil fell fiom a ctouti of lace, d immed with seed pearls and crystals. Also attached to the right ol her ciown was a s;»ie; of orange blossoms Irom ih.- \cil ol her grandmother , the late Josephine K//o. dat ing from lf)lfi and to the Iclt ol the crown was ;i .seed pearl from her moth-c-t's crown. T h e Inide carried a cascade ol white carnations.

Miss l ionnie Mattison of Ti­conderoga and Vergennes was maid ol honor. She wore a rose pink floor length gown of crepe dc chine, high mandar in collar and (. hiffon sleeves trimmed with miniature appl iqued roses sheath skirt. Miss Mattison's head piece, a circular nylon veil attached to a crown of seed pearls and crystal*. Her colonial bouquet was of pink carnations.

Miss Vicki Backus of Ticon­deroga anil Veigennes was bridesmaid. F^er gown matched that qf the maid of honoi in de-

l t.id 'M na! was rendered

usage was pin* 1 honor, i indesmiuds wctc Mrsf I I Margaret (Clarence) St.i /o>d of J

the church was, Ticoncleroga, and Mfts'T vnihft*' J pink gl-id'olfsi Down, of La tham. 4 * |

wedding rrfntie by the Oiganuty

— soa-ies. s^e x^oie a corsage or Mrs. Rachel W o r t h . .7'he sotyist white c:ir-.-i'inns. was Mrs. Elizabeth Riley N o / ' >T»-s. Tucker. t'>e groom's mile. mother, was a t m o ! :n a blue „iss Glo r i a -Ann Qiravle ^Sis» and silver dress, with silver rf- ter el the bride, was maid o£ ressories. Hei corsage was pink, honor. Bridesmaids wcic NlrsJ1

cr»r"r*tioris. Thrc ;i ' tar ol t

tlocor-"ed \v'ih 1 and -ihe n>-o!,n',i u . a s Arthnrj Wal ter Dupuis of .^oH ii«m-Po-tter of T'cond^—o-n I ry, bi.. her oi, .the tfi;Oc*( i w.1$

Immediately following the best man. Ushers were Clarence? double ri'iT cercmom a recep- '"" lion was he'd at ihe Th-ond**''-o^a Cioii'iirv Club for about I 2.r> pi 1 ests. Out-of-town tmesis were from Massachusetts, \ e w Hinm-"•hire, C.'nnne^tintt. Glens Falls, T roy . Waterford. Potiersvil'e, Snraiopt Smimrs, Rui land, Bris­tol, Middlebnrv, Burlington, Vern-ennes and Pu tnam S'ation.

T h e "Don Rush" IVmd pay­ed at the reception with Mrs. Iren" Backus as vocalist.

T h e wedding cake was made bv " T i o n " Mattison, aunt of ihe foiido. 11 consi-.ted of ihe throe botioni lavers, shaped in the form of .1 tin c leaf c l o v r with four swan |)i!lais holding the top I aver whi.Ii wm icpned with a stryofoan archway w-ith the !>ride and ^ruii ' i arid c:i« It of the at tendants dressed -:i the. colors of the weild'nv.

Th<' coiif)lo left on a weddin j tii[) to (Ja|>e Cod, Ma,.sac!uisi'tts taking in Doints of ir te r ra ds did the br ide • m o i i e r and lath­er. T h e br ide chos- a bnght green and white bonde-.l- acrilnji dress tiimmed W'lh white. Her corsagje was ^vhiie . 'arnaliom.

Mrs. Tuck? . ;s : giaduaie cl. Ticonderoga High .Vhool and the Canale S t h o d a[ Ue.i'ity. Culture, Plattsb-i 'gh, and is i-n-

, i|ht^f Of Mr. a n d ^ J s ^ - ^ f y f e t\f *

•conidin of mmms *9\m^ and ,£agle LalfeiilhiMp, gfapri-daughter ofr ^§Hs<i»{dbi^H^ Thomas Q r i W - f i ^ J CfejlU iformcrly of-M«W'^i^|CitftiaTM. .tlie late Mr, Thcaip^*an^t}^f

Bermuda. Regular business was carried on and then the election of officers took place. Velma Bissell was elected matron for the year 19fi9, Sharon Bissell, associate rrfatron; William Hall, patron and Paul Jones, associate patron; Jean Baker, conductress; and Ethel Bissell, associate con­ductress.

'A', Christmas party was held in„the dining room, which W.-3 gaily .decorated with a silver tree trimmed with red o m a ments. A large table was piled high with gifts and diere was also a tableful of grab-bag gifts. A delicious supper of potato and macaroni salads, roils, ap­ple .and pumpkin pies, fruited jellO and weight watchers jello was served. Secret Pal names were drawn foi the coming year.

T h e next meeting will be held on January 7 and this will he installation of officers. Offr icers are requested to wear floor-length gowns ami gloves. T h e refreshment committee is: R u t h Thomas , Esther Harnett , G?PPy Sm tth. Mat t ie Agard, and A<le-l ine Agard:

T h e conferring of degrees by Glebdale t b d g e T ^ AM' which was';. to take place December 9 >was cancejlletl until , a , la ter date.

Ethel^^ahd,. ' Sharon Bissell jonhjeye^ •;_'jd- rlo'iiHney, 'sVer-mpmrfn Siteaiy^kfternoQ'n, De-ce«|her & - Wh e <. tlfe| attended an initiation* of cariiD({da'tes iiito the] Order # |h^ Eastern ^tar, . Evergreen/., t e ^ i . ' ' W ,.';' M. Vivian Corliss, „pasl g^and n|a-

trotj,, Athiene 'mm;' m$tcttt depjnty ',gi;ahd matxoh and^Lesr lie j Monroe,,. district deputy grajfid patijpn spolttj and, con^ :g*afuiated the /offiters, on. their tm$ work-v.-, -;• -.:--. . ',",•>.•. •.

TJchVious refies)imet}ts : xj fe served. The tai4e,decorations

Jw6r* Sattta plati^ plates; nap-]Mnsr and coa&tters. ,.'-••':.

k t e Hi. ' a ^ d - ' M i s ^ J f e ployec 1 at Simt >o) 10s Precision Corrlcl'in- "Of.'SafttafH^hah*, in Vergennes,-VennoiU. •—* T ' - - ' - *-»-- •' ' - : -

Mr. Tucker is a graxlmue of Vergennes Union Hig-i School and has serv.jd fentr years in ihe-U. S. Army Air Force. He !•> em­ployee 1'at Cieiletal Kl--'!lit ih Burlington, Vermont

Mr. and Mrs. Tucker w-11 make their lu.ine ;u J.') (;U 'e:i Street, Vergennes Vermont.

Pre-nuptial events included a hrklal shower givc.i b j h tends in Vergennes and one , in Ticon­deroga at the Ii M"-.' ; of Mrs. Donald Mattison by her atiei.d . n t s a i u ' fiiends. -,•'] I I ' ! > u t and J a n e Dia/. of Glens Falls.

'ilernbers of ih-. t ^ id i j panv were en ter ta ined a t tile home of Mr. a.id Mrs. Donald Mattison, Ticonderoga following the wed­ding rehearsal. ,

Ronsier - C/tfHi Mis* LintUi Cliihts, datightei

of Mrs. Marjorie Chjlds d\i \ ihe late Sherman C'liJils oi I'.ir-I lenry, became tj,r luide <>I Ph41i|> Botisier. s in 0I Mrs. Uc-i-!nh Boiisier of f!ii|e,.l.i;i •>, W i -rnont Saturday, Xs»\. D h

T h e Rev. Kenneth Cr«,s-.,pii> fonnexl the double/ r ln^ caud le light ceremony. a,t p o'clock, i n ilie First Presbyterian Church in Port Henry.

T rad i t iona l v e n d i n g music was played by Aitfhie C^ross. '. The bride v.is given in i;a«v

riaRe by her. i iot ,J: , . R n m o l n l C'hilc's The-nw'd'of honor was the bride's sister Susan, ; . «

Douglas Kendal, brodier-J^ law of the brideg. jom. ..jvas, il best man. Ujh]:*.- wer; Pe£t, Riclmrd JSi'itel^e /niM .Mark, LaFave. ; A recepiiomwas held a-Utfttj home 01 Lw hi i !•• m . XV.|y/. « rhtee>,;?sei-vr.oM" }-^A^.J^kn-

•Mrs.. B*#>r/it •miitifafifci& the •••n*matt •-. ;V;mity,f: ..VBcatJly Shop in .afidUiftifcyv^'";.4|..: 'BouiJier fc'jk'wj/v. tM$?ii«ai&iM et>iployed!.,: ,by •'. MaugzB. €oi»-jstrt|ciipti 4^tWwy;\$ -^bnwi^j

•-'•'• '^$f$4?*-'''''''

Staflord ot 1 icOnderog 1 ,md N'irholas Noi-mile of Cofio 1 \ $

A reception was he 'd in tho^ lounge of the Church after which the bridal coiiolfc ',e f o 4 a Christmas holiday t u p t b Floiida. 4 , r

Mr. and Mrs. Dupuis Hill r&"K

side at 95 Shajter Road, Albany, T h e br ide is a grad'.'.ate o* tm

University of Akron and Orexr el Ins t i tu te of Techno*. j,> ^fte is associate professor at the SlaUfc University of New York a£ Al­bany (School of Education).,

T 'he bridegroom is a gi actuate of Ithaca College arid ii a njivy veteran. He is a membei of thei faculty of Heatly H i g h School^ Green Isjand. - , "- *

Benedict -, Qpnfihto * •> Miss lola ScJu^n>dla,pp" Gjorik:*,,

lin and Bradley Benedict were ujiited in marriag^, -SatUifcr"

and- E . a g l f r J b a k e . t ^ j , / ! i ^ " ^

Mr. and Mrs. Hm^v?Bl Beh# diet,' Jr: : o ^ B e t ^ ^ : C p j f > grandson .-o'£ ^Jjfytfma * $*V Fnmklin-' C: Bradle*f o f ^ t ^ t Il;wens--Corm7-^nd^itie/il|iBir^Ij<''v and Mrs. H e n r f l i & ^ f ^ ^ f of NeW'Haveri|.>":5!V..;|T ^ 1

Miss MaI£aiiS^#&% (jon^lK was maid. • of .hbt tor^r IheLiRf-ter. Bridesmaids wsr*m\ $*$<& Karen Flint arid Si^'fl Ifur«ere>+

of Woodhridge^ >Sn%in •> AdnW^ and Constance. FrOnM <if <5uftTj, ford, Conn. and^r'a.viSlfctk'ol Upper Darby,. 'fe ' r f l . Atf

The brides -g^wn' • w& Ifyl hea^y silk, long §l«[c eidl Vidi a* short tram, trimnledil with lacjF belonging to her ^aMrhaJ grirkfc mot±er made"To/.• Iffl.: ih ftalV Her Jace veil belonged u > ^ cousin, Mrs. R4ch^di,liens|i^t? of Washington^ Xfc ^ > She-^r-ried: a bottqnet ttt^hite chTV35m». thenatuns: " >V*-i, ( (" ^ *

T"he bridesmaid figowns ^ter^ lons^leeveduvinBacolored top and deep, green •; .yeivtft' W Tj i^ wort? Mm }.h£adp3<i<$ and garaied mafehp^g sbonqqe% of 'yellow and ru^^wwaSthe muois. • - .-•'?/%..(.j?'" \

Thongs Slotji^I of Wood-* br«%e-was bestv^han. Usbe»4 wene Henr^ Behefffit.MI, ibroflw er the^r^om, lohiitPiuttm ol Betbaqy, Timothy English ot

.#*£!&& ,\riin?m: **ftqk ot 0 » aiid.Thom^fwlweiler of

••..: 5; 'M$L p£>mfQN

- . ^ -#e«r ount;e-; serving 4V ,csmm. -ftsh nnQVides-ahnnt o^e lotirth ', of the proeein , recoct-minded for the cj^%; iJlet of a ncii- i«Uly active,-2^ar>oU man»*

, ' - » ' . ' • '-n..t.»i-iiiij.iii^;,-)i^^^5 «

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