heather laperle › undergraduate & graduate degree from sdsu › 5 years of professional academic...

Download Heather LaPerle › Undergraduate & Graduate Degree from SDSU › 5 Years of Professional Academic Advising Experience › 3 Years of Student Management Experience

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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  • Heather LaPerle Undergraduate & Graduate Degree from SDSU 5 Years of Professional Academic Advising Experience 3 Years of Student Management Experience San Diego State University Large Urban University 35,000 Students College of Business Top 3 Majors 4,000 Students 10 Programs 2 nd Highest GPA- 2.9
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  • Manage 4-6 Peer Advisors Hire Train Schedule Payroll Evaluate Goal Setting Model Leadership Mentor
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  • Challenge to Communicate with 4-7 Peer Advisors Decided on a Weekly Newsletter Wanted to Create a Training Tool that would also Connect the Peer Advisors Leadership Opportunity for a Lead Peer to Manage the Product and Fellow Peer Advisors
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  • Campus Resource Spotlight: Student Life and Leadership Study Abroad Spotlight: Korea ADFA- The New Kid on The Block Personal Financial Planning Certificate Beyond the Bachelors- The Sports MBA How to Declare Your Upper Division Major What Comes After College? Peer Post Article Topics Career Services Be a Leader! Major Focus: Two New Management Specializations Cultural Competency Certificate Program SDSU Tutoring ServicesAll About Internships Resume Tips
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  • Started Spring 2009 to Increase Teamwork Top 5 Reasons to Visit the BAC! Five Tips for Success During a Difficult Budget Crisis The College of Business Career Fair!
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  • Attended 2009 National NACADA conference Saw a Peer Advisor presentation that included a Civic Learning Experience Wanted to integrate opportunity To share my passion for Community Services
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  • Recognized the Importance of Retreats Uncertain of what Topics to Focus on Wanted to Develop as Opposed to Train Give an Opportunity for Group Bonding
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  • Time Management Conflict Style and Resolution Communication Motivation Peer LEAD Topics Getting Involved Leadership Professionalism
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  • Activities were fun and interactive Spend time outside of the office Learned more about other Peer Advisors Effective communication comes from GOOD listening! Retreat was memorable Leadership and Teamwork Better communication skills=a better leader
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