* entire counter piled with bargains pbr · mr. and mrs. john t. wray, owners wanted! men-wome n...

et Halcomb; Genievee Mc- Clnre; Loretta Kirby; Rachel Mull ins, and Rose Rowe. FLORIDA VISITORS Adm. and Mrs. Richard Tug- gle of Hobe Sound, Fla., ate spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Jalia Bray and family. VISIT TEXAS * Mrs. Asher Cummins and daugMer, Mrs. George Hona- ker, have returned after visit- ing^with Mrs. Cummins' son Glen Cummins and Mrs. Cum- mins in Dallas, Texas. It was their first trip by jet plane, and both enjoyed it*- Mrs. Cummins later dpcompa- nied Mrs. Honaker to Cin- cinnati, Ohio, for a visit. Recent visitors of Mrs. Ril- THE MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL, MT. VERNON, KENTUCKY I Mt. Vernon; Jack Roberts, 1 Mt. Vernon; C«il>» "ifl-y, i't. 1 Vernon; Irene Swinney, Mt. ; Yemon; Valerie Ann Las- 'I well, Orlando; 'Rose Ever- ; sole, Orlando; Louise Kirby, ! Mt. Vernon; Bemice Johnson, 1 Mt. Vernon; Mae Whiteaker, Mt. Vernon; Rache.I Lake, Conway; Esther Quinn, Liv- ingston; Mary Louise Burke, . Brodhead, Dismissed: Sarah Furman, Pine Hill; Barbara J. Vance. Mt. Vernon; Priscilfa Brown, Brodhead; twin Boys Brown, Brodhead; William Mason, Mt. Vernon, George Mason, Jr., Orlando; Brenda Lark, Mt. Vernon; Pearl Griffith, . Lamero; Pearl Jean Gross, Crab Orchard; Jean Carter, Mt. Vernon; Cora Hodge, Brodhead; Sallie Denny, Brodhead; Maggie Perciful, Mt. Vernon; Jack Roberts, Mt. Vernon; Cuba Kirby, Mt. Vemon; Irene Swinney, Mt. Vernon; Baby Girl Vance, Mt. Vernon. Social & Wo omen 6 n were: Mr. and Mrs. James Purcell and children, Danny and Re-r gina of Dayton, Ohio; Mrs. Flora M. Purcell of Rich- mond, Ind; Mr. and Mrs. Win- ter's Heal and children of Connersville, Ind; Charles Brown of'Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of Nor- wood,. Ohio; David* Browp of Somerset, end Mr. and Mrs. Billy Riddle and children. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Baker and family of Lexington spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Amy Meadows, his mother, Mrs. Florence' Baker and brother Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Rex McDaniel left Monday for their home in St. Petersburg, Florida. Rev. and Mrs. J. William Hall and daughters Linda and Amy left Friday for a two week vacation. Jhey will spend this week in Nag's Head, N-C., and will spend next week in Fredericksburg, Va., with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall and Mr. and Mrs. George Garner, oth- er relatives and friertds. W. Thompson has re- turned to his home in .West Palm Beach, Fla. Dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cromer were: Rev. Bdbby 'Brooks of Science Hill; Rev. and Mrs. Jack Moore and children Gail and Larry; Jack Go- forth; Mrs. Gertrude Hilton, and Mrs. Carrie Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cromer and Mrs. Gertrude Hilton at- tended the regular meeting initiation of Lincoln Chapter No. 486. Order of the Eastern Star at Stanford Monday evening. Mildred Wolfe of Dayton, Ohio is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jewell Parsons and "other relatives and friends here. Mrs. Carrie Raker and Mrs. Mintie Ponder were in Rich- mond Tuesday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monuts of Livingston were in Mt. Vernon Friday on business. Mr*. Gary Proctor Hoicomb-Proctor Vows Said Miss Norma Jean Holcomb, daughter of Mrs. Ada Hol- comb and the late Edward Holcomb of Mt. Vernon be- came the bride of Gary Proc- tor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- nard Proctor of the Brindle Ridge section July 29th at the home of Bro. Cecil Dail- ey- NEW ARRIVALS A son born August 3 to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gross of Crab Orchard. A daughter born August 6 to Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Kirby of Mt. Vernon. Completes Training Lloyd W. Caldwell, Eroom is employed and where Mrs. Proctor will seek em- ployment as a beautician. Those' attending the wed- ding were: Mrs. Holcomb, j 23. son of Mr. and Mrs. mother of the bride; Janet j ley Caldwell, Route 1, Brod- and Edwina Holcomb, sis-' head, completed eight weeks ters of the bride; Herbert j of advanced artillery train- Smith, Mrs. Proctor's grand- ! ing at the Army Artillery and father; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ! Missile School, Fort Sill, Proctor, and Mrs. Etta Proctor Okla.,Aug. 1. He was trained the groom's grandmother, as a cannoneer in field ar- tillery. AUXILIARY MEETS The Ladies Auxiliary of i the Rockcastle County Bap- tist Hospital met at the hos- i pital'Monday evening. Mrs. j R. H. Haram, vice pjesident, i presided. A new bewing machine was purchased by the Auxiliary and placed in the Auxiliary Room of the Hospital. Plans were completed for tenth anniversary celebration the hospital's tenth anniver-. sary celebration which will be a potluck supper at the hospital, Sept. 2. at-7 p.m. Everyone is invited to cor.e and bring a covered dish. JOYCE CHASTEEN MARRIES JAMES HAfVPLD SEALS Miss Joyce Chasteen. dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Chasteen of Fairview and James Harold Seals, son of Mrs. Franji Mullins of Con- way weirvmited in marriage Friday night, July 15- The double ring ceremony' was.performed, by Rev. Raj- Dean at his home in Jackson County^ Miss Hazel Himes of Dispu- tanta was maid of honor. Donald Seals.of Conway, bro- ther of the groom, served as best man. The bride is a graduate of Mt. Vernon High School and is now employed by Manning. Maxwell and Moore at Berea. The groom, a graduate of Brodhead High School, is an employee of the H. K. Porter Company at Richmond. After a short wedding trip to Tennessee and Georgia ' h ey a t r !7fo W »"Wng.their j Thoraas s . p arsons , son of home at H I Pearl St.. Berea. j M[_ and p ar . sons, Wildie. was promoted Hospital Notes j to specialist five in Korea. Admitted: Mattie Cox, Mt. Vemon; Pearl Jean Gross. Crab Orchard; Jean Carter, Mt. Vernon; Caa Hodge. Brodhead; Sallie Denny. Brodhead; Maggie Perciful, j July 28. where he is assigned to the 23d Direct •'Support Specialist five is an en- listed rank equivalent to the rank of sergeant. Parsons, a personnel clerk in the group's Headquarters Wray Funeral Home 24-Hour Air-Condilioned - Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Service Member Ky, funeral Directors Burial Association Phone 986-3633 Collect Eerea, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wray, Owners WANTED! MEN - WOMEN from ages 18 and over. Prepare now for U- S. Civil Service Ja> openings during the next 12 monthi. Government position! pay high starting salaries. They proviae mucn greoier security than private employment and excellent opportunity for advance- ment. Many positions require little or no special- ized educaton or experience. But to get one of these jobs, you mult The competition is keen .and in some casev'only^ out of five pass. Lincoln Service has helped thousands-prepare for these tests every year since 1948. It is one of the largest and MM owned schools of -Mc kind and is not connected with the government. For FREE booklet on govenment jobs, including list of positions and salaries, fill out coupon and mail at once - TODAY. You will also get full details on how you can pre- pare yourself for these tests. . D O N T DELAY - A C T N O W ! LINCOLN SERVICE, Ky. 108-3B r} Pekin, Illinois I am very interested . Please send me absolutely FREE (1) A list of U. S- Government positions and U. S. Government Job. salaries; (2) Information on how to qualify for a Name . Age. . Street Phone City State (D3B) WEDDING ANNIVERSARY-- Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Isoocs of Mt. Vemon celebrated their 60tb wedding anniversary re- cently at Nicholasville. About 50 relatives and friends were present. A dinner was served. ' -\ Company, entered the Army ] non High School. Parsons in November 1%4 and com- j attended Eastern Kentucky pleted basic training at Ft. • State College. Richmond. Knox, Ky. He was last sta- Before emering the Army he tioned at Ft. Eustis, Va. i was associated with Parsons A 19S9 graduate of Mt. .Ver- i Equipment Co.."Mt. Vernon. NOW i ! ! AT Glenn Pennington AUTOMOWLES^ You'll Find All These Cars Plus Several More 1965 Chevrolet Impala 4 door hard lop .air conditioned 1965 Corvair Monxa 2 door hardtop 2 - 1965 Mustang 2 door hardlop'i . 1 V-8 3 speed 1965 Mustang 2 plus 2. 2 door hardtop 1965 Mustang 2 door hardtop 6 cyl: 1965 Plymouth Belvedere 2 door hardtop 1964 Buick Special Coupe 1964 Cadillac 4 door hardtop 1984 Chevrolet Impels 4 door sedan 1964 Chevrolet Belair 4 door 1964 Chevrolet Impels super sport 2 door hardtop 1964 Ford Custom 500 4 door 8 automatic - . 1964 Ford Country Sedan 1964 Thunderbird Convertible 1964 Ford Fair lane 500 4 door sedan 1964 Mercury 4 door 1964 Plymouth 4 door 9 passenger station wagon 1964 Pontiac Tempest Coupe 6 cyU standard shilt 1964 Tempest LeMans Sport coupe 6 cyl: standard 1964 Pontiac 2 plus 2 convertible '1964 -GTO Convertible ? ' 2— 1963 Chevrolet Impala Coupes 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4 door hardtop 1963 Chrysler Newport 4 door . 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop 2 - 1963 Ford Fallback 2 door hardtop's 1963 Olds Star fire 1963 Olds.88 4 door hard lop 1963 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible 1963 Pontiac Sport Sedan . r . "" 1963 Pontiac, Calalina 4 door 1963 Pontiac Calalina 2 door hardtop 2 - 1962 Cadillac Coupes 1 air conditioned 1962 Chevrolet Impala Coupe 1962 Chevy 2 2 door '• 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop 1962 Pontiac Calalina 4 door 1962 Pontiac Tempest LeMans Convertible 1962 Renault Corvelle .1962 Volkswagen 2 door J®® J Chevrolet Impala-»-t»oor hardtop 2 1961 Olds Star fire Convertible ^ 1961 Pontiac Bonneville Sport Coupe 1960 Mercury 4 door sedan 1960 Olds 88 2 door hardtop 1959 Mercury 4 door 1959 Pontiac Station Wagon Glenn Pennington AUTOMOBILES Berea, Ky. Shirts - Shoes - Dresses - Panties - Blouses - Socks - Shorts ^ (Priced So Low You Con't Afford Not to Buy) Throw Pillows BARGAIN/COUNTER * Entire Counter Piled With BARGAINS PBR DOLLAR STORE Where Your Dolar Buys More Mt. Vinii, If. Cone/JtoCMj&l'JtifiMQ Reg. $1.00 NOW 2 for $1.00 IN FLORIDA Mrs. Clyde Bamett and Rickyarespending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wil- liam Mahan and family at LeesburftjFla. Mr. Harnett will ioinWSffiSundav. DAUGHTER 30R*' A daughter, Kathy Marie. ; was bom to Staff Sgt.\and Mrs. Jimmie C. Clark Aug. 3! at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego. Calif. Mrs. Clark is the former Fva Jean ' Renner of Sand Springs and, | daughter of Mis. GebrgeV daughters, Shirley Raye and Jo Anne of Elizabethtown. FLORIDA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crawford and son, Craig of Orlando, Fla. are- visiting Mr? 'and Mrs. J. C- Crawford, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. B. S- Craig. Mrs. Crawford and Craig have re- cently returned from a tour of Furope and England. » HAD VISITOPS Week end guests of Mr. and j Mrs. J. D. McFerron were \ Mr. angers. S. B. Kiddle of Flemingsburg, and Mr." and Mrs. Charles Riddle and j M0'.'F.W.®KE3S f.'EET The newly-elected officers of the Mt. Vemon Chapter of Future Homemakers of Ameri- ca.held a picnic and meeting at Gup Springs School re- cently. "Those present were: Mrs. Lloyd Cain, advisor, her two children, Tina and Lloyd Lee; Rernice Bullock, Bar- bara Rader; Lucy York; Jan- WEDDING PLANNED-- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Richard Grif- fin of Mt. Vemon announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Doris Hamlin, to Bige William Towery, Jr., son of Mr. ond Mrs.' Bige William Towery of Conway. Miss Grif- fin is o graduate of Hie Kentucky Baptist School of Nurs- ing and Mr. Towery was graduated from Eastern Kentucky University and attends graduate school there. An August wedding is planned. ENGAGED- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter of Mt. Vemon an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Vicki. Rae, to Jerry Cojt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cox, also of Mt. Ver- .non-Miss CarterJs.« graduate «f Fugoiri Business Col- lege and Mr. Cox is a student at the University of Kentucky Law School. The wedding will be an event of Aug. 20*

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e t Halcomb; Genievee Mc-Clnre; Loretta Kirby; Rachel Mull ins , and Rose Rowe.

FLORIDA VISITORS Adm. and Mrs. Richard Tug-

gle of Hobe Sound, F la . , ate spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ja l ia Bray and family.

VISIT TEXAS * Mrs. Asher Cummins and daugMer, Mrs. George Hona-ker, have returned after vis i t -ing^with Mrs. Cummins' son Glen Cummins and Mrs. Cum-mins in Dallas, Texas . It was their f i rs t t r ip by je t plane, and both enjoyed it*-Mrs. Cummins later dpcompa-nied Mrs. Honaker to Cin-cinnati , Ohio, for a visi t .

Recent vis i tors of Mrs. Ril-

THE MOUNT VERNON SIGNAL, MT. VERNON, KENTUCKY I Mt. Vernon; Jack Roberts, 1 Mt. Vernon; C«il>» "ifl-y, i ' t . 1 Vernon; Irene Swinney, Mt. ; Yemon; Valerie Ann Las-

'I well , Orlando; 'Rose Ever-; so le , Orlando; Lou i se Kirby, ! Mt. Vernon; Bemice Johnson, 1 Mt. Vernon; Mae Whiteaker,

Mt. Vernon; Rache.I Lake , Conway; Esther Quinn, Liv-ingston; Mary Lou i se Burke,

. Brodhead, Dismissed: Sarah Furman, Pine Hil l ; Barbara J . Vance. Mt. Vernon; Pr i sc i l fa Brown, Brodhead; t w i n Boys Brown, Brodhead; William Mason, Mt. Vernon, George Mason, J r . , Orlando; Brenda Lark, Mt. Vernon; Pear l Griffith,

. Lamero; Pear l Jean Gross , Crab Orchard; Jean Carter, Mt. Vernon; Cora Hodge, Brodhead; Sallie Denny, Brodhead; Maggie Perc i fu l , Mt. Vernon; J a c k Roberts, Mt. Vernon; Cuba Kirby, Mt. Vemon; Irene Swinney, Mt. Vernon; Baby Girl Vance, Mt. Vernon.

Social & Wo omen 6

n were: Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Purcel l and children, Danny and Re-r gina of Dayton, Ohio; Mrs. Flora M. Purcel l of Rich-mond, Ind; Mr. and Mrs. Win-t e r ' s Heal and children of Connersvil le, Ind; Charles Brown of 'Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of Nor-wood,. Ohio; David* Browp of Somerset, end Mr. and Mrs. Billy Riddle and children.

Mr. and Mrs. Les te r Baker and family of Lexington spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Amy Meadows, h is mother, Mrs. F l o r e n c e ' Baker and brother Paul .

Mr. and Mrs. Rex McDaniel left Monday for their home in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Rev. and Mrs. J . William Hall and daughters Linda and Amy lef t Friday for a two week vacat ion. J h e y will spend th i s week in Nag ' s Head, N-C., and will spend next week in Fredericksburg, Va., with their parents , Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall and Mr. and Mrs. George Garner, oth-er re la t ives and friertds.

W. Thompson has re-turned to h is home in .West Palm Beach, F l a .

Dinner gues ts Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cromer were: Rev. Bdbby 'Brooks of Science Hill; Rev. and Mrs. J a c k Moore and children Gail and Larry; Jack Go-forth; Mrs. Gertrude Hilton, and Mrs. Carrie Baker.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cromer and Mrs. Gertrude Hilton at-tended the regular meeting

initiation of Lincoln Chapter No. 486. Order of the Eastern Star at Stanford Monday evening.

Mildred Wolfe of Dayton, Ohio is spending a few days with her s i s t e r , Mrs. Jewel l Pa r sons and "other re la t ives and f r iends here.

Mrs. Carrie Raker and Mrs. Mintie Ponder were in Rich-mond Tuesday shopping.

Mr. and Mrs. Char les Monuts of Livingston were in Mt. Vernon Friday on b u s i n e s s .

Mr*. Gary Proctor

Hoicomb-Proctor Vows Said Miss Norma Jean Holcomb,

daughter of Mrs. Ada Hol-comb and the late Edward Holcomb of Mt. Vernon be-came the br ide of Gary Proc-tor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber-nard Proctor of the Brindle Ridge sec t ion Ju ly 29th at the home of Bro. Cecil Dail-ey-

NEW ARRIVALS A son born August 3 to Mr.

and Mrs. John D. Gross of Crab Orchard.

A daughter born August 6 to Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Kirby of Mt. Vernon.

Completes Training Lloyd W. Caldwell ,

Eroom i s employed and where Mrs. Proctor will seek em-ployment a s a beautician.

Those' attending the wed-ding were: Mrs. Holcomb, j 23. son of Mr. and Mrs. mother of the bride; Jane t j ley Caldwell , Route 1, Brod-and Edwina Holcomb, s i s - ' head, completed eight weeks ters of the bride; Herbert j of advanced artillery train-Smith, Mrs. Proctor ' s grand- ! ing at the Army Artillery and father; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ! Missile School, Fort Sill, Proctor, and Mrs. Etta Proctor Okla . ,Aug. 1. He was trained the groom's grandmother, a s a cannoneer in field ar-

t i l lery.

AUXILIARY MEETS The Lad ies Auxiliary of i

the Rockcas t le County Bap-t i s t Hospi ta l met at the hos- i p i ta l 'Monday evening. Mrs. j R. H. Haram, vice p j e s iden t , i pres ided.

A new bewing machine was purchased by the Auxiliary and placed in the Auxiliary Room of the Hospital .

P l ans were completed for tenth anniversary celebrat ion the hosp i t a l ' s tenth anniver - . sary celebrat ion which will be a potluck supper at the hospi ta l , Sept. 2. at-7 p.m. Everyone i s invited to cor.e and bring a covered d i sh .


Miss Joyce Chas teen . dau-ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Chasteen of Fairview and James Harold Seals , son of Mrs. Franji Mullins of Con-way we i rvmi t ed in marriage Friday night, July 15-

The double ring ceremony' was.performed, by Rev. Raj-Dean a t his home in Jackson C o u n t y ^

Miss Hazel Himes of Dispu-tanta was maid of honor. Donald Seals.of Conway, bro-ther of the groom, served a s best man.

The bride is a graduate of Mt. Vernon High School and is now employed by Manning. Maxwell and Moore at Berea.

The groom, a graduate of Brodhead High School, is an employee of the H. K. Porter

Company a t Richmond. After a short wedding trip

to Tennessee and Georgia ' h„ e y a

tr ! 7 f o W » "Wng . the i r j T h o r a a s s . p a r s o n s , s o n o f

home at H I Pear l St.. Berea. j M[_ a n d p a r .

sons , Wildie. was promoted Hospital Notes j to spec ia l i s t f ive in Korea.

Admitted: Mattie Cox, Mt. Vemon; Pearl Jean Gross . Crab Orchard; Jean Carter, Mt. Vernon; C a a Hodge. Brodhead; Sallie Denny. Brodhead; Maggie Perc i fu l ,

j July 28. where he i s ass igned to the 23d Direct •'Support

Special is t f ive is an en-listed rank equivalent to t h e rank of sergeant .

P a r s o n s , a personnel clerk in the group's Headquarters

Wray Funeral Home 24-Hour

Air-Condilioned - Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Service

Member Ky, funeral Directors Burial Association

Phone 986-3633 Collect Eerea,

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wray, Owners


f r o m a g e s 18 and over. P r e p a r e now for U- S. Civil Service Ja> open ings dur ing t h e n e x t 1 2 m o n t h i .

G o v e r n m e n t p o s i t i o n ! pay high s t a r t i ng sa lar ies . They p rov i ae m u c n g reo ie r secur i ty t h a n pr iva te e m p l o y m e n t a n d exce l len t oppor tun i ty f o r a d v a n c e -m e n t . M a n y pos i t ions r e q u i r e l i t t le or n o specia l -ized e d u c a t o n or expe r i ence .

But t o ge t o n e of t h e s e jobs , you m u l t T h e compe t i t ion is k e e n .and in some casev'only^ o u t of f i v e p a s s .

Lincoln Service h a s he lped t h o u s a n d s - p r e p a r e fo r t h e s e t e s t s every year s ince 1 9 4 8 . I t is o n e of t h e l a rge s t and MM owned schools of -Mc k ind a n d is not c o n n e c t e d with t h e g o v e r n m e n t .

For FREE bookle t on g o v e n m e n t jobs , inc luding list of posi t ions a n d sa la r ies , fill o u t coupon a n d ma i l a t o n c e - T O D A Y .

You will a l so ge t fu l l de ta i l s on how you c a n pre -p a r e yourself fo r t h e s e tes ts .

. D O N T DELAY - A C T N O W !

LINCOLN SERVICE, Ky. 108-3B r} Pek in , Illinois I a m very in te res t ed . P lease send m e abso lu te ly FREE (1) A list of U. S- G o v e r n m e n t posi t ions a n d U. S. G o v e r n m e n t J o b .

sa la r i e s ; (2) I n f o r m a t i o n on how to q u a l i f y fo r a

N a m e . A g e . .

S t r e e t P h o n e

City S t a t e (D3B)

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY-- Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Isoocs of Mt. Vemon celebrated their 60tb wedding anniversary re-cently a t Nicholasvi l le . About 50 re la t ives and friends were present . A dinner was served . ' - \

Company, entered the Army ] non High School. Pa r sons in November 1%4 and com- j attended Eastern Kentucky pleted b a s i c training at Ft . • State College. Richmond. Knox, Ky. He was last s ta- Before emering the Army he tioned at F t . Eus t i s , Va. i was assoc ia ted with Pa r sons

A 19S9 graduate of Mt. .Ver- i Equipment Co.."Mt. Vernon.

NOW i ! ! AT

Glenn Pennington AUTOMOWLES^

You'll Find All These Cars Plus Several More

1965 Chevrolet Impala 4 door hard lop .air conditioned 1965 Corvair Monxa 2 door hardtop 2 - 1965 Mustang 2 door hardlop ' i . 1 V-8 3 speed 1965 Mustang 2 plus 2. 2 door hardtop 1965 Mustang 2 door hardtop 6 cyl: 1965 Plymouth Belvedere 2 door hardtop 1964 Buick Special Coupe 1964 Cadillac 4 door hardtop 1984 Chevrolet Impels 4 door sedan 1964 Chevrolet Belair 4 door 1964 Chevrolet Impels super sport 2 door hardtop 1964 Ford Custom 500 4 door 8 automatic - . 1964 Ford Country Sedan 1964 Thunderbi rd Convertible 1964 Ford Fair lane 500 4 door sedan 1964 Mercury 4 door • 1964 Plymouth 4 door 9 passenger station wagon 1964 Pontiac Tempest Coupe 6 cyU standard shilt 1964 Tempest LeMans Sport coupe 6 cyl: standard 1964 Pontiac 2 plus 2 convertible

'1964 -GTO Convert ible ? ' 2— 1963 Chevrolet Impala Coupes 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4 door hardtop 1963 Chrysler Newport 4 door . 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop 2 - 1963 Ford Fallback 2 door hardtop's 1963 Olds Star fire 1963 Olds.88 4 door hard lop 1963 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible 1963 Pontiac Sport Sedan . r . "" 1963 Pontiac, Calalina 4 door 1963 Pontiac Calalina 2 door hardtop 2 - 1962 Cadillac Coupes 1 air conditioned 1962 Chevrolet Impala Coupe 1962 Chevy 2 2 door ' • 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop 1962 Pont iac Calalina 4 door 1962 Pontiac Tempest LeMans Convertible 1962 Renault Corvelle .1962 Volkswagen 2 door J®® J Chevrolet Impala-»-t»oor hardtop 2 1961 Olds Star f ire Convertible ^ 1961 Pontiac Bonneville Sport Coupe 1960 Mercury 4 door sedan 1960 Olds 88 2 door hardtop 1959 Mercury 4 door 1959 Pontiac Station Wagon

Glenn Pennington AUTOMOBILES

Berea, Ky.

Shirts - Shoes - Dresses - Panties - Blouses - Socks - Shorts ^ (Priced So Low You Con't Afford Not to Buy)

Throw Pillows


* Entire Counter Piled With BARGAINS


Where Your Dollar Buys More

Mt. V i n i i , I f .


Reg. $1.00

NOW 2 for $1.00

IN FLORIDA Mrs. Clyde Bamett and

Rickyarespending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wil-liam Mahan and family at L e e s b u r f t j F l a . Mr. Harnett will ioinWSffiSundav.

DAUGHTER 30R*' A daughter, Kathy Marie. ;

was bom to Staff Sgt . \and Mrs. Jimmie C. Clark Aug. 3! at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego. Calif . Mrs. Clark is the former Fva Jean ' Renner of Sand Springs and, | daughter of Mis. GebrgeV

daughters , Shirley Raye and J o Anne of El izabethtown.

FLORIDA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crawford

and son, Craig of Orlando, Fla . are- visit ing Mr? 'and Mrs. J . C- Crawford, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. B. S- Craig. Mrs. Crawford and Craig have re-cently returned from a tour of Furope and England. »

HAD VISITOPS Week end gues ts of Mr. and j

Mrs. J . D. McFerron were \ Mr. a n g e r s . S. B. Kiddle of Flemingsburg, and Mr." and Mrs. Charles Riddle and j

M0'.'F.W.®KE3S f.'EET The newly-elected of f icers

of the Mt. Vemon Chapter of Future Homemakers of Ameri-ca.held a picnic and meeting at Gup Springs School re-cently.

"Those present were: Mrs. Lloyd Cain, advisor, her two children, Tina and Lloyd Lee ; Rernice Bullock, Bar-bara Rader; Lucy York; Jan -

WEDDING PLANNED-- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Richard Grif-fin of Mt. Vemon announce the engagement of their daugh-ter, Doris Hamlin, to Bige William Towery, J r . , son of Mr. ond Mrs.' Bige William Towery of Conway. Miss Grif-fin is o graduate of Hie Kentucky Baptist School of Nurs-ing and Mr. Towery was graduated from Eastern Kentucky University and at tends graduate school there. An August wedding is planned.

ENGAGED- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carter of Mt. Vemon an-nounce the engagement of their daughter, Vicki. Rae, to Jerry Cojt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cox, a l s o of Mt. Ver-

. n o n - M i s s C a r t e r J s . « graduate «f F u g o i r i Bus iness Col-lege and Mr. Cox is a student a t the University of Kentucky Law School. The wedding will be an event of Aug. 20*