صراع الأولويات conflict of priorities صراع الأولويات conflict of...

ات وي ل و راع الأ صConflict of Priorities

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Page 1: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

األولويات صراعConflict of Priorities

األولويات صراعConflict of Priorities

Page 2: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

بكل اخبروه و يسوع الى الرسل اجتمع و. علموا ما كل و فعلوا ما كل لهم شيء فقال

و خالء الىموضع منفردين انتم تعالواكانوا الذاهبين و القادمين الن قليال استريحوا

. لالكل فرصة لهم تتيسر لم و كثيرين Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him

all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And He said to them, "Come

aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a ,while" For there were many coming and going

.and they did not even have time to eat

بكل اخبروه و يسوع الى الرسل اجتمع و. علموا ما كل و فعلوا ما كل لهم شيء فقال

و خالء الىموضع منفردين انتم تعالواكانوا الذاهبين و القادمين الن قليال استريحوا

. لالكل فرصة لهم تتيسر لم و كثيرينThen the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him

all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And He said to them, "Come

aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" For there were many coming and going,

and they did not even have time to eat.

Page 3: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

خالء الىموضع السفينة في فمضواعرفه منفردين. و منطلقين الجموع فراهم

المدن جميع من هناك الى فتراكضوا كثيرون. اليه اجتمعوا و سبقوهم و مشاة

So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves. But the multitudes saw them

departing, and many knew Him and ran there on foot from all the cities. They arrived before them

.and came together to Him

خالء الىموضع السفينة في فمضواعرفه منفردين. و منطلقين الجموع فراهم

المدن جميع من هناك الى فتراكضوا كثيرون. اليه اجتمعوا و سبقوهم و مشاة

So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves. But the multitudes saw them

departing, and many knew Him and ran there on foot from all the cities. They arrived before them

and came together to Him.

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فتحنن كثيرا جمعا راى يسوع خرج فلمافابتدا لها راعي كخرافال كانوا اذ عليهم

. كثيرا اليه يعلمهم تقدم كثيرة ساعات بعد و. الوقتمضى و خالء الموضع قائلين تالميذه

And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for

them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many

things. When the day was now far spent, His disciples came to Him and said, "This is a

.deserted place, and already the hour [is] late

فتحنن كثيرا جمعا راى يسوع خرج فلمافابتدا لها راعي كخرافال كانوا اذ عليهم

. كثيرا اليه يعلمهم تقدم كثيرة ساعات بعد و. الوقتمضى و خالء الموضع قائلين تالميذه

And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for

them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many

things. When the day was now far spent, His disciples came to Him and said, "This is a

deserted place, and already the hour [is] late.

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القرى و الضياع الى يمضوا لكي اصرفهمما ليسعندهم الن خبزا لهم يبتاعوا و حوالينا

انتم ياكلون. اعطوهم لهم قال و فاجاببمئتي خبزا نبتاع و انمضي له فقالوا لياكلوا

. لياكلوا نعطيهم و دينار Send them away, that they may go into the" surrounding country and villages and buy

."themselves bread; for they have nothing to eat But He answered and said to them, "You give ,them something to eat" And they said to Him

Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth"."?of bread and give them [something] to eat

القرى و الضياع الى يمضوا لكي اصرفهمما ليسعندهم الن خبزا لهم يبتاعوا و حوالينا

انتم ياكلون. اعطوهم لهم قال و فاجاببمئتي خبزا نبتاع و انمضي له فقالوا لياكلوا

. لياكلوا نعطيهم و دينار"Send them away, that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy

themselves bread; for they have nothing to eat".But He answered and said to them, "You give them something to eat" And they said to Him,

"Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them [something] to eat?".

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و انظروا و اذهبوا عندكم رغيفا كم لهم فقال. سمكتان و خمسة قالوا علموا ان لما فامرهم

على رفاقا رفاقا يتكئون الجميع يجعلوا. االخضر مئة العشب صفوفا صفوفا فاتكاوا

. خمسين خمسين و مئة But He said to them, "How many loaves do you

have? Go and see" And when they found out they said, "Five, and two fish“. Then He commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the

green grass. So they sat down in ranks, in.hundreds and in fifties

و انظروا و اذهبوا عندكم رغيفا كم لهم فقال. سمكتان و خمسة قالوا علموا ان لما فامرهم

على رفاقا رفاقا يتكئون الجميع يجعلوا. االخضر مئة العشب صفوفا صفوفا فاتكاوا

. خمسين خمسين و مئةBut He said to them, "How many loaves do you

have? Go and see" And when they found out they said, "Five, and two fish“. Then He commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the

green grass. So they sat down in ranks, in hundreds and in fifties.

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رفع و السمكتين و الخمسة االرغفة فاخذو االرغفة كسر ثم بارك و السماء نحو نظره

قسم و اليهم ليقدموا تالميذه اعطى. . شبعوا و الجميع فاكل للجميع السمكتين

And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven, blessed and

broke the loaves, and gave [them] to His disciples to set before them; and the two fish He dividedamong [them] all. So they all ate and were filled.

رفع و السمكتين و الخمسة االرغفة فاخذو االرغفة كسر ثم بارك و السماء نحو نظره

قسم و اليهم ليقدموا تالميذه اعطى. . شبعوا و الجميع فاكل للجميع السمكتين

And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven, blessed and

broke the loaves, and gave [them] to His disciples to set before them; and the two fish He divided among [them] all. So they all ate and were filled.

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مملوة قفة اثنتيعشرة الكسر من رفعوا ثم. السمك من االرغفة و من اكلوا الذين كان و

. االفرجل خمسة نحو(44ـ 30 : 6مر)

And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish. Now those who hadeaten the loaves were about five thousand men.

(Mark 6 : 30 - 44)

مملوة قفة اثنتيعشرة الكسر من رفعوا ثم. السمك من االرغفة و من اكلوا الذين كان و

. االفرجل خمسة نحو(44ـ 30 : 6مر)

And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish. Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men.

(Mark 6 : 30 - 44)

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المسيح أولوياتChrist’s Prioritiesالمسيح أولوياتChrist’s Priorities

التالميذ بناءMaking & Teaching the Disciples

التالميذ بناءMaking & Teaching the Disciples

المفاهيم تثبيتSetting & Strengthening the Concepts

المفاهيم تثبيتSetting & Strengthening the Concepts

الصالة فى الليل يقضىSpending the night in prayer

الصالة فى الليل يقضىSpending the night in prayer

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الىموضع منفردين انتم تعالوا لهم فقالو القادمين الن قليال استريحوا و خالء

فرصة لهم تتيسر لم و كثيرين كانوا الذاهبينخالء. الىموضع السفينة في فمضوا لالكل

(32، 31 : 6مر) منفردين. And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" For there were many coming and going, and they did not

.even have time to eat So they departed to a.deserted place in the boat by themselves

)Mark 6 : 31 , 32(

الىموضع منفردين انتم تعالوا لهم فقالو القادمين الن قليال استريحوا و خالء

فرصة لهم تتيسر لم و كثيرين كانوا الذاهبينخالء. الىموضع السفينة في فمضوا لالكل

(32، 31 : 6مر) منفردين.And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" For there were many coming and going, and they did not

even have time to eat. So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves.

)Mark 6 : 31 , 32(

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities ولهذا ...

And that is why... ولهذا ...

And that is why...

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لياكلوا انتم اعطوهم لهم قال و فاجابو دينار بمئتي خبزا نبتاع و انمضي له فقالوا

. لياكلوا (37 : 6مر ) نعطيهم But He answered and said to them, "You give ,them something to eat" And they said to Him

Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth"."?of bread and give them [something] to eat

)Mark 6 ; 37(

لياكلوا انتم اعطوهم لهم قال و فاجابو دينار بمئتي خبزا نبتاع و انمضي له فقالوا

. لياكلوا (37 : 6مر ) نعطيهمBut He answered and said to them, "You give them something to eat" And they said to Him,

"Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them [something] to eat?".

)Mark 6 ; 37(

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities ولهذا ...

And that is why... ولهذا ...

And that is why...

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مملوة قفة اثنتيعشرة الكسر من رفعوا ثم. السمك من و

(34 : 6مر) And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments

and of the fish. ) Mark 6 : 43(

مملوة قفة اثنتيعشرة الكسر من رفعوا ثم. السمك من و

(34 : 6مر) And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments

and of the fish. ) Mark 6 : 43(

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities ولهذا ...

And that is why... ولهذا ...

And that is why...

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و السفينة يدخلوا ان تالميذه الزم للوقت وقد يكون حتى بيتصيدا الى العبر الى يسبقوا . الجبل الى مضى ودعهم بعدما و الجمع صرف

(46، 45 :6مر) ليصلي. Immediately He made His disciples get into the

boat and go before Him to the other side, to .Bethsaida, while He sent the multitude away

And when He had sent them away, He departed : to the mountain to pray. ) Mark 6 45)46 ,

و السفينة يدخلوا ان تالميذه الزم للوقت وقد يكون حتى بيتصيدا الى العبر الى يسبقوا . الجبل الى مضى ودعهم بعدما و الجمع صرف

(46، 45 :6مر) ليصلي.Immediately He made His disciples get into the

boat and go before Him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while He sent the multitude away.

And when He had sent them away, He departed to the mountain to pray. ) Mark 6 : 45 , 46(

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities

سيحالم ت


Christ’s Priorities ولهذا ...

And that is why... ولهذا ...

And that is why...

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الخدمة فى النجاح) الذات) تحقيق

Success in service)proving oneself(

الخدمة فى النجاح) الذات) تحقيق

Success in service )proving oneself(

المشاكل تجنبAvoiding Problems

المشاكل تجنبAvoiding Problems

التالميذ أولوياتThe Disciples’ Priorities

التالميذ أولوياتThe Disciples’ Priorities

Page 15: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

بكل اخبروه و يسوع الى الرسل اجتمع و. علموا ما كل و فعلوا ما كل (30 : 6مر) شيء

Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what

they had taught. )Mark 6 : 30(

بكل اخبروه و يسوع الى الرسل اجتمع و. علموا ما كل و فعلوا ما كل (30 : 6مر) شيء

Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what

they had taught. )Mark 6 : 30(

الميذالت ت


The Disciples’ Priorities


الت تولويا


The Disciples’ Priorities ولهذا ...And that is why...

ولهذا ...And that is why...

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القرى و الضياع الى يمضوا لكي اصرفهمما ليسعندهم الن خبزا لهم يبتاعوا و حوالينا

(36: 6مر) ياكلون." Send them away, that they may go into the

surrounding country and villages and buythemselves bread; for they have nothing to eat."

(Mark 6 : 36)

القرى و الضياع الى يمضوا لكي اصرفهمما ليسعندهم الن خبزا لهم يبتاعوا و حوالينا

(36: 6مر) ياكلون."Send them away, that they may go into the

surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread; for they have nothing to eat."

(Mark 6 : 36)

الميذالت ت


The Disciples’ Priorities


الت تولويا


The Disciples’ Priorities ولهذا ...And that is why...

ولهذا ...And that is why...

Page 17: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

لياكلوا انتم اعطوهم لهم قال و فاجابو دينار بمئتي خبزا نبتاع و انمضي له فقالوا

. لياكلوا (37 : 6مر) نعطيهم But He answered and said to them, "You give ,them something to eat" And they said to Him

Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth"of bread and give them [something] to eat."?

(Mark 6 : 37)

لياكلوا انتم اعطوهم لهم قال و فاجابو دينار بمئتي خبزا نبتاع و انمضي له فقالوا

. لياكلوا (37 : 6مر) نعطيهمBut He answered and said to them, "You give them something to eat" And they said to Him,

"Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them [something] to eat."?

(Mark 6 : 37)

الميذالت ت


The Disciples’ Priorities


الت تولويا


The Disciples’ Priorities ولهذا ...And that is why...

ولهذا ...And that is why...

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الناس أولوياتPeoples’ Prioritiesالناس أولويات

Peoples’ Priorities

Page 19: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

كثيرون عرفه و منطلقين الجموع فراهمو مشاة المدن جميع من هناك الى فتراكضوا

. اليه اجتمعوا و (33 : 6مر) سبقوهم But the multitudes saw them departing, and

many knew Him and ran there on foot from all the cities. They arrived before them and came

.together to Him )Mark 6 : 33(

كثيرون عرفه و منطلقين الجموع فراهمو مشاة المدن جميع من هناك الى فتراكضوا

. اليه اجتمعوا و (33 : 6مر) سبقوهمBut the multitudes saw them departing, and

many knew Him and ran there on foot from all the cities. They arrived before them and came

together to Him. )Mark 6 : 33(

ناسال تولويا


Peoples’ Priorities

ناسال تولويا


Peoples’ Priorities ولهذا ...

And that is why... ولهذا ...

And that is why...

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رفاقا رفاقا يتكئون الجميع يجعلوا ان فامرهم. االخضر العشب (39 : 6مر) على

Then He commanded them to make them all sit.down in groups on the green grass )Mark 6 : 39(

رفاقا رفاقا يتكئون الجميع يجعلوا ان فامرهم. االخضر العشب (39 : 6مر) على

Then He commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the green grass. )Mark 6 : 39(

ناسال تولويا


Peoples’ Priorities

ناسال تولويا


Peoples’ Priorities ولهذا ...

And that is why... ولهذا ...

And that is why...

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. شبعوا و الجميع (42 : 6مر) فاكلSo they all ate and were filled. )Mark 6 : 42(

. شبعوا و الجميع (42 : 6مر) فاكلSo they all ate and were filled. )Mark 6 : 42(

ناسال تولويا


Peoples’ Priorities

ناسال تولويا


Peoples’ Priorities ولهذا ...

And that is why... ولهذا ...

And that is why...

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بأولويات تصطدم أن دوناآلخرين

Without stepping on otherpeoples’ priorities

بأولويات تصطدم أن دوناآلخرين

Without stepping on other peoples’ priorities

تلتزم أن الحكمةبأولوياتك

It is wise to stick to your priorities

تلتزم أن الحكمةبأولوياتك

It is wise to stick to your priorities

أولوياتك يتبن\ى حولك م[ن لتجعلTo make those around you

subject to your own priorities

أولوياتك يتبن\ى حولك م[ن لتجعلTo make those around you

subject to your own priorities

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لفكرة ... ... نعمYes ... To the idea of... لفكرة ... ... نعم

Yes ... To the idea of...

ال ... .... و نعمYes ... And No...

ال ... .... و نعمYes ... And No...

لفكرة ... ... الNo ... To the idea of

لفكرة ... ... الNo ... To the idea of

أكل ومحتاجين جاعواThey are hungry and they need food

أكل ومحتاجين جاعواThey are hungry and they need food

اآلن ينصرفواLeaving now

اآلن ينصرفواLeaving now

Page 24: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

لفكرة ... .. نعمYes ... To the idea of... لفكرة ... .. نعم

Yes ... To the idea of...

لفكرة ... ... الYes ... To the idea of...

لفكرة ... ... الYes ... To the idea of...

محدودة اإلمكانياتLimited Supplies/Facilities

محدودة اإلمكانياتLimited Supplies/Facilities

تنفع مافيشحاجةThere is no solution

تنفع مافيشحاجةThere is no solution

ال ... .... و نعمYes ... And No...

ال ... .... و نعمYes ... And No...

Page 25: صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities صراع الأولويات Conflict of Priorities

لفكرة ... ... نعمYes ... To the idea of... لفكرة ... ... نعم

Yes ... To the idea of...

لفكرة ... ... الYes ... To the idea of...

لفكرة ... ... الYes ... To the idea of...

الناسمستعجلة People are in a hurry

الناسمستعجلة People are in a hurry

النظام عدمNo System

النظام عدمNo System

ال ... .... و نعمYes ... And No...

ال ... .... و نعمYes ... And No...