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Amrit Public School, Mau Summer Vacation Home Work Session (2018-19) Class-XI (Commerce) Why to do Holiday Homework? It has been designed to fire your imagination. It will make you to explore, discover and reinvent many new things. It will inbuilt your capability and confidence to face the upcoming examinations. It provide a primary platform to score good marks and weightage in internal assessments by school authority Project work generates proficiency in you इइ Project work generates 3 C’s & 3 I’s in you : →3 C’s- Creativity, Confidence, Criticism →3 I’s- Innovation, Investigation, Idea. Evaluation criteria for each subjects: Submission in Time - 2 Marks Originality - 4 Marks Expression & Language Accuracy - 4 Marks Creativity & Presentation - 4 Marks Content - 6Marks 20Marks Compulsory Instructions for Parents : Dear Parents , kindly facilitate your ward with internet facility in your supervision only to prepare H.H.W of the subjects given below : S.No . Subject Timing (Max.) Suggested Key Words 1. English 6 Hrs. Novels written by Agatha Christie. 2. Hindi 4 Hrs. इइइइइइइइइ इइइ, इइइइइइइइ इइइ, इइइइइइइइ इइइ, इइइइइइइइइइ इइइ, इइइइइइइइइइ इइइ 3. Economics 5 Hrs. Fluctuating rates of fuel in India

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Amrit Public School, MauSummer Vacation Home Work

Session (2018-19)Class-XI (Commerce)

Why to do Holiday Homework? It has been designed to fire your imagination. It will make you to explore, discover and reinvent many new things. It will inbuilt your capability and confidence to face the upcoming examinations. It provide a primary platform to score good marks and weightage in internal assessments by school

authority Project work generates proficiency in you इन

Project work generates 3 C’s & 3 I’s in you :→3 C’s- Creativity, Confidence, Criticism→3 I’s- Innovation, Investigation, Idea.

Evaluation criteria for each subjects: Submission in Time - 2 Marks Originality - 4 Marks Expression & Language Accuracy - 4 Marks Creativity & Presentation - 4 Marks Content - 6Marks

20MarksCompulsory Instructions for Parents : Dear Parents, kindly facilitate your ward with internet facility in your supervision only to prepare H.H.W of the subjects given below :S.No. Subject Timing (Max.) Suggested Key Words

1. English 6 Hrs. Novels written by Agatha Christie.2. Hindi 4 Hrs. भारतेन्दु युग, द्वि�वेदी युग, छायावादी युग, प्रगद्वितवादी युग,

प्रयोगवादी युग3. Economics 5 Hrs. Fluctuating rates of fuel in India

Money demonetization

Please don’t allow your ward to surf Internet daily . Subject:-Accountancy

1. Write and learn the following basic Accounting terms-i. Business Transaction and its main features.ii. Meaning , definition and types of Assets.iii. Meaning of Liabilities and its types.iv. Meaning of purchases and sales.

2. Distinction the following:i. Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure.ii. Stock and Inventory.

iii. Book-keeping and Accounting.iv. Accounting and Accountancy.

3. Write and learn the following:i. Objective of Accounting.ii. Advantages or uses of Accounting.iii. Limitation of Accounting.iv. Characteristics of Accounting.

Subject:-Economics1. From your locality collect the data regarding population, density of population, sex ratio ,

employment and unemployment ratio and represent on a graph paper.2. From the following data locate them on a pie chart .

Brand Name Selling PercentageOkai 20%Onida 10%LG 20%Videocon 35%Samsung 15%

3. What do you understand by Market? Give its features.4. What is the major difference between perfect and imperfect competition?5. How can you differentiate between Price Floor & Price Ceiling?6. How can an economy be developed? As a student of economics suggest some of the features of

developed economy.7. How will you serve your economy if you will get the chance of becoming CSO?8. What is Inflation? How will you differentiate between demand pull inflation and cost push

inflation? Give examples of each.9. How will you control inflation ,if you have the chance of becoming Finance Minister of India?10. What is Bank? Give examples?11. What is the major difference between Private Bank and Public Bank?12. Critically evaluate the profit of private Banks of the session 2017-18 and also show their

profit on graph paper?13. Population is increasing day by day; how will you suggest to control the population so that

economic stability can be sustained?14. Prepare a (survey) and case study of your area regarding money demonetization.15. Prepare a case study on fluctuating rates of fuel in India.Project:

Materials Required: A4 size coloured sheets ( 5 – 6) Between the primitive age and the modern age, man has covered a long distance and the world now has become a global village. Globalisation is a process of rapid integration or interconnection between countries. Read newspapers, magazines and collect the following information: • Factors that have enabled globalization. • The advantages of globalization with reference to India. • The disadvantages of globalization with reference to India. * Give your views on- Should India go for Globalization.

Subject:-Business Studies

1. Speak to 5 persons staying in your locality and list the economic activities they perform and also write their features one by one.

2. “Business has a vast impact on our society.” Explain.3. “Advertisement helps business to grow.” Explain.4. Define Human activities and explain.5. What are aids to trade? Name at least five aids to trade and their importance.6. Explain the life cycle of Business.7. Explain the role of profit.8. Write a short note on ‘Consumer Protection’.

Subject:-Physical Education

1. When was the first recorded Olympic Game held in Ancient Greece?2. Name the venue of the Ancient Olympic.3. What were the rules of the Ancient Olympic?4. Write down the oath taken by participants in the Modern Olympic?5. What does Olympic symbol represent?6. What is the motto of the Modern Olympic Game?7. What is the primary aim of Physical Education?8. What are some diploma courses in Physical Education?9. What are the duties involved in teaching Physical Education?10. Give examples of at least five soft skills needed for different careers.11. Write short note on- Arjun Award, Dronacharya Award.12. Where is headquarter of International Olympic Committee located?13. What do you understand by cities, Altius and Fortius?14. Write a note on India Olympic Association.15. Disuses the ancient Olympic Games.16. Write the main functions of IOC.17. Write down the rules for conferring Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratan Award.Project Work: Make a magazine of ‘Field & Equipment’ for the following games.


द्विवषय:-हि�ंदी1. आधुद्विनक काल के प्रमुख युगों( भारतेन्दु युग, द्वि�वेदी युग, छायावादी युग, प्रगद्वितवादी युग, प्रयोगवादी युग) की समय

सीमा एवं प्रमुख द्विवशेषताए ँबताते हुए इन युगों के प्रमुख कद्विव- कवयियत्री व उनकी रचनाओं के नाम लिलखिखए|2. छंद द्विकसे क�ते �ैं? इनके प्रकार बताते हुए द्विनम्नलिलखिखत छंदों की परिरभाषा उदा�रण सद्वि�त लिलखिखए:

दो�ा, सोरठा, चौपाई, कद्विवत, सवैया |3. द्विनम्नलिलखिखत में अंतर लिलखें-

a. उपन्यास एवं क�ानी मेंb. नाटक एवं एकांकी मेंc. आत्मकथा एवं जीवनी मेंd. संस्मरण एवं रेखालिचत्र में

4. द्विनम्नलिलखिखत अलंकारों की परिरभाषा उदा�रण सद्वि�त लिलखें-अनुप्रास अलंकार, यमक अलंकार, शे्लष अलंकार, रूपक अलंकार, उत्प्रेक्षा अलंकार, अद्वितश्योलिE अलंकार, मानवीकरण अलंकार, पुनरोलिE प्रकाश अलंकार, अन्योलिE अलंकार, वक्रोलिE अलंकार, भ्रांद्वितमान अलंकार, द्विवरोधाभास अलंकार, संदे� लंकार, प्रश्नअलंकार |

Subject:-Informatics Practices Q1. Write full form of following :

MICR, OCR ,TB ,OMR ,PB , ALU, DMP,VDUQ.2 Draw a labeled diagram of functional components of a computer.Q.3 What function is performed by ALU and CU each?Q.4 Compare between compiler and interpreter.Q.5 What is the basic function of memory? What is the measuring unit of memory?Q.6 Arrange the following printers in terms of speed and performance:

Dot Matrix Printer , Laser printer, Desk jet printerQ.7 Identify the input and the output devices :

Scanner, printer Bar code reader smart card reader, plotters, Screens web cameraQ.8 What is function of a web camera?Q.9 What is address bus? What is data bus?Q.10 Name the system software which loads all the program ,coordinates the input and output devices .Q.11 What is function of BIOS ?Q.12 Name some of the commonly used operating systemsQ.13 What is difference between compiler and interpreter?Q.14 What is a word processor .Give examples.Q.15 What is utility software. Give examples.Q.16 What is compression utility?Q.17 What is need of operating system ?Q.18 What are functions of operating system?Q.19 What is device driver ?What is need of it?Q.20 What is backup utility?Q.21 What is antivirus software? Name any two .Project Work:Make a program guideline magazine for all the mathematic’/ physics’ formulas studied in class X.

Example: Heron’s Formula




∆= √s (s−a ) ( s−b )(s−c )

Where a,b and c are the sides of triangle

Solve: double a = Double.parseDouble(textField1.getText());

double b = Double.parseDouble(textField2.getText());double c = Double.parseDouble(textField3.getText());

double s=(a+b+c)/2;

double area=Math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c));textField4.setText(“ ”+area);


1. Read the newspaper daily and find out the advertisement from the category of classified column of the newspaper and paste them neatly in your writing skill copy. Situation Vacant-2 Lost and Found-2 Missing-2 Obituary-2 Tours and Travels-2

2. Draw a figure of yatch and state its parts. You may also get help from the chapter “We are not…….”

3. (i) On the file sheets define the following figure of speech along with appropriate examples.a. Simileb. Metaphorc. Personificationd. Alliteration

(ii)Also compose your own poem by using any of the figure of speech.4. How can you make your summer vacation productive? Write an article to show how one can invest

its holiday in best way. (150 words)5. Write a letter to the DM of your District requesting him to make arrangement for proper school

transport rules in accord with the traffic rules in order to rescue major frequent road accidents of school bus/ vans. (180 words).

Project Work:Read any one of the following novels written by Agatha Christie and make a project on it. • The Mousetrap • Sparkling Cyanide • The Mystery of the Blue Train • 4.50 from Paddington • A Murder is Announced • Dead Man’s Folly Your project must contain the following features: • Cover Page • Table of Contents • About the author and her body of work (one page) • Summary of the play (one page) • List of major characters (with 3 - 4 lines describing each of them) • Describe the character you liked the most and mention why. (one page) • Try exercising your grey cells creatively, and change the ending of the story. Make somebody else the culprit and prove why only he/ she could have committed the crime. You cannot make the same person the culprit again. (one page) After the school re-opens, you will be given a worksheet on the play that you have read to test your knowledge.

Amrit Public School, Mau

Summer Vacation Home WorkSession (2018-19)

Class-XI (PCM/PCB)

Why to do Holiday Homework? It has been designed to fire your imagination. It will make you to explore, discover and reinvent many new things. It will inbuilt your capability and confidence to face the upcoming examinations. It provide a primary platform to score good marks and weightage in internal assessments by school

authority Project work generates proficiency in you इन

Project work generates 3 C’s & 3 I’s in you :→3 C’s- Creativity, Confidence, Criticism→3 I’s- Innovation, Investigation, Idea.

Evaluation criteria for each subject: Submission in Time - 2 Marks Originality - 4 Marks Expression & Language Accuracy - 4 Marks Creativity & Presentation - 4 Marks Content - 6Marks

20MarksCompulsory Instructions for Parents : Dear Parents, kindly facilitate your ward with internet facility in your supervision only to prepare H.H.W of the subjects given below :S.No. Subject Timing(Max.) Suggested Key Words

1. English 6 Hrs. Novels written by Agatha Christie.2. Hindi 4 Hrs. भारतेन्दु युग, द्वि�वेदी युग, छायावादी युग, प्रगद्वितवादी युग,

प्रयोगवादी युग3. Physics 5 Hrs. Refer to the topics of your choice given for the project.

4. Chemistry 5 Hrs. Atomic models of atom.

Please don’t allow your ward to surf Internet daily . Subject:-Physics

1. Write about the following:a. AU b. Light Year c. Parsec

2. Explain the Parallax Method for measuring large distance.3. What is International System of units?4. What are limitations of dimensional analysis?5. Find the dimensions of following:

a. Gravitational Constant b. Planck’s Constantc. Pressured. Power

6. Convert 1 N into dynes and 1J into ergs by dimensional analysis.

7. Find the number of significant figure in the following:a. 0.00034 b. 1.003 c. 8000 d. 3.500 e. 2.45×103

8. Check the correctness of given formula by help of dimensions:

a. S= ut+12 gt2

b. Sn th =u+12 a(2n-1)

c. v2= u2+2as9. Explain about the errors in product and division.10. If the percentage errors in the radius and height of cylinder are 2% and 3% respectively .Find the

percentage errors in its volume and curved surface area .11. Which is more accurate and why:

a. 40.00cm b. 40 mm c. 4.00m12. The centripetal acceleration (a) of a particle depends on its velocity (v) and radius of circle(r).

Derive formula among them by dimensional analysis.Project :

Project Materials Required : One Project file , Text Book, Writing & Drawing Materials, Internet & Library support, Covering Material, Reference Books, Newsprints , Photographs, Graphs, where applicable Instructions / Guidelines : You are required to prepare a technical report formally written, including an abstract, some theoretical discussion, experimental set up, observation and data collected, analysis and discussion of the result, conclusion e.t.c The project can be a theoretical one as well on any of the topic related to physics. You can work on any topic of your choice from the list given below: 1) Role of physics in technology 2) Application of vectors and scalar quantities and its significance. 3) Rocket propulsion and application of Newton’s Law .4) Simple Harmonic motion 5) Center of mass, M .I and related topics. 6) Friction’s advantages, disadvantages in day to day life its law and application. 7) Bernoulli’s principle and its application. 8) Pascal law. 9) Thermal radiation. 10)Carnot’s cycle. 11) Simple Machines. 12) Resonance. 13) Thermodynamics 14) Physics related with other Sciences. 15)Uniform circular motion, Rigid body dynamics. Any other Information: The report should be kept simple, but neat and elegant. (use A4 size sheet ) (minimum 5-7 pages) It should be hand written.

Subject:-ChemistryQ.1- What is chemistry? Name the important branches of chemistry. Describe briefly the scope of chemistry.Q.2-What do you understand by significant figures? Describe with examples the rules for determining the significant figures.Q.3-What is the latest system of unit? What are the seven basic units in this system? Derive units for the following physical quantities.

(a) density (b)speed (c) force (d) pressure (e)energyQ.4-what are the law of chemical combination? Discuss any three laws in detail. Q.5-Describe the main postulates of dalton's atomic theory. How has the theory been modified on account of various discoveries?Q.6-Explain the term atomic mass. What do you understand by the terms: (a)average atomic mass(b)gram atomic massQ.7-How many significant figures should be present in the answer of the following calculation? (a)5x5.364 (b)0.0125+0.7864+0.0215 (c)0.02856x298.15x0.112/0.5785Q.8-Give molecular mass of the following compounds; (a)H2O (b) CO2 (c) CH4

Q.9-Calculate the amount of carbon di oxide that could be produced when; (a) 1 mole of carban is burnt in air. (b) 1mole of carbon is burnt in 16 g of dioxygen. (c) 2mole of carbon is burnt in 16 g of dioxygen.Q10. Calculate the atomic mass (average) of chlorine usng the following data:

Isotope Natural Abundance Molar mass35Cl 75.77 34.968937Cl 24.23 36.9659

Q11. Determine the molecular formula of an oxide of iron in which the mass percentage of iron and oxygen are 69.9 and 30.1 respectively.Q12. Calculate the mass of 60% H2SO4 required to decompose 50g chalk CaCO3?Q13. Describe the mole fraction.Q14. What is Relation between Mole fraction and Molality?Q15. Calculate the total number of electrons present in 1.4g Nitrogen Gas.Project:Prepare a Project Report on “ATOMIC MODELS OF ATOM (about 10 pages of A4 size coloured sheets)

Thomson model – its characteristics & limitations Rutherford’s nuclear model of atom - its characteristics & limitations Bohr’s model of atom - its characteristics & limitations Quantum Mechanical Model of atom.

Subject:-Mathematics1. Write the set {


, 25 ,

310 ,

417 ,

526 ,

637 ,

750} in the set builder form.

2. Write down all the subset of {a,b,c}.3. Let U= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} , A={2,4,6,8}, B={2,3,5,7} verify that (A U B)’ = A’ ∩ B’4. For any two sets A and B prove that: AU(A∩B)=A.5. A survey of 500 television viewers produced the following information, 285 watch football,

195watch Hockey, 115 watch Basketball, 45 watch football and Basketball, 70 watch football and hockey, 50 watch hockey and Basketball, 50 do not watch any of the three games. How many watch all the three games.

6. If A= {-1,1}, find A×A×A.7. Determine the domain and range of the relation R={(x,x+2:x∈{0,1,2,3,4})}8. If f(x)= (x-a)2(x-b)2. Find f(a+b).

9. If f(x)={ x2 when x<0xwhen 0 ≤ x<1

1x when x ≥1

Find (i) f(1/2) (ii) f(-2) (iii) f(1)

10. If f(x)=2 x

1+ x2 , Show that f(tan x)= Sin 2x.

11. Find the domain and range of function f(x)=3.12. Find the domain and range of function f(x)=x+2.13. Find the domain and range of function f(x)=x2+3

14. Find the domain and range of function f(x)= x+2x+3 .

15. Find the domain and range of function f(x)=√ x2−4Project:Speak to a person in your neighborhood who is in the profession that you aspire to pursue. Find out about the work profile and the applications of Mathematics in that field. Submit a report in two pages : Page 1: Profession & Work Profile Page 2 : Applications of Mathematics

Subject:-Biology1. How is key helpful in the identification and classification of an organism.2. Brinjal and potato belong to the same genus Solanum, but to different species. What define them as

separate species?3. Fungi are cosmopolitan, Write the role of fungi in your daily life.4. Match the following:

List-I List-IIa. Protista i. Multicellular producerb. Fungi ii. Multicellular decomposerc. Plantae iii. Unicellular eukaryoticd. Animalia iv. Multicellular heterotriphic

5. What do you mean by the term ‘algal boom’ and ‘red tides’.6. What is numerical taxonomy?7. Name branch of taxonomy related to morphology.8. Prepared the chart of five kingdom.9. Name two bacteria commonly employed in genetic engineering.10. Match the column- I with the column –II. Choose the answer which gives correct combination of

the two column:

Column-I Column-IIA-Rhizopus i. AscomycetesB-Penicillium ii. BasidiomycetesC- Ustilago iii. DecuteromycetesD- Alternaria iv. Phycomycetes

11. Differentiate between Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes.12. Who was Carolus Linnaeus?

13. What is difference between flora , fauna and vegetation?14. A planet may have different name in different regions of the country or world. How?15. Prepare a chart or model of any human organ/ prepare a chart or Model of plant or animal

physiology from your syllabus.Or

Plant a herbal plant or having some botanical importance in a flower pot. Also mention its importance and biological significance on project file.

Project: Make Herbarium sheets of any 10 plant specimens(Use A-3 sized white chart paper) Mention the date of collection, taxonomic categories and scientific name of the collected specimen)

Subject:-English1. Read the newspaper daily and find out the advertisement from the category of classified column of

the newspaper and paste them neatly in your writing skill copy. Situation Vacant-2 Lost and Found-2 Missing-2 Obituary-2 Tours and Travels-2

2. Draw a figure of yatch and state its parts. You may also get help from the chapter “We are not…….”

3. (i) On the file sheets define the following figure of speech along with appropriate examples.a. Simileb. Metaphorc. Personificationd. Alliteration

(ii)Also compose your own poem by using any of the figure of speech.4. How can you make your summer vacation productive? Write an article to show how one can invest

its holiday in best way. (150 words)5. Write a letter to the DM of your District requesting him to make arrangement for proper school

transport rules in accord with the traffic rules in order to rescue major frequent road accidents of school bus/ vans. (180 words).

Project Work:Read any one of the following novels written by Agatha Christie and make a project on it. • The Mousetrap • Sparkling Cyanide • The Mystery of the Blue Train • 4.50 from Paddington • A Murder is Announced • Dead Man’s Folly Your project must contain the following features: • Cover Page • Table of Contents • About the author and her body of work (one page) • Summary of the play (one page) • List of major characters (with 3 - 4 lines describing each of them) • Describe the character you liked the most and mention why. (one page) • Try exercising your grey cells creatively, and change the ending of the story. Make somebody else the culprit and prove why only he/ she could have committed the crime. You cannot make the same person the culprit again. (one page) After the school re-opens, you will be given a worksheet on the play that you have read to test your knowledge

Subject:- C++ with Computer ScienceQ1. Draw a labeled diagram of functional components of a computer.Q2. What function is performed by ALU and CU each.Q3. Compare compiler and interpreter.Q4. Write a program to convert 0C into 0F.Q5. Write a program to find:

Simple Interest Compound Interest

Q6: Write a program to make simple calculator.Q7: Write a program to enter 5 subjects mark and calculate Total Mark, Percentage and grade. Project Work:Make a program magazine for all the mathematic’/ physics’ formulas studied in class X.

Example: Heron’s Formula



2∆= √s (s−a ) ( s−b )(s−c )Where a, b and c are the sides of triangle Solve:main(){double a,b,c,s;cout<< “Enter the value of a,b,c”;cin>>a;cin>>b;cin>>c;s=(a+b+c)/2;double area=sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c));cout<< “area”<<area;}

Subject:- Physical Education

1. When was the first recorded Olympic Game held in Ancient Greece?2. Name the venue of the Ancient Olympic.3. What were the rules of the Ancient Olympic?4. Write down the oath taken by participants in the Modern Olympic?5. What does Olympic symbol represent?6. What is the motto of the Modern Olympic Game?7. What is the primary aim of Physical Education?8. What are some diploma courses in Physical Education?9. What are the duties involved in teaching Physical Education?10. Give examples of at least five soft skills needed for different careers.11. Write short note on- Arjun Award, Dronacharya Award.12. Where is headquarter of International Olympic Committee located?13. What do you understand by cities, Altius and Fortius?14. Write a note on India Olympic Association.15. Disuses the ancient Olympic Games.16. Write the main functions of IOC.

17. Write down the rules for conferring Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratan Award.Project Work: Make a magazine of ‘Field & Equipment’ for the following games.


द्विवषय :-हि�ंदी1. आधुद्विनक काल के प्रमुख युगों( भारतेन्दु युग, द्वि�वेदी युग, छायावादी युग, प्रगद्वितवादी युग, प्रयोगवादी युग) की समय

सीमा एवं प्रमुख द्विवशेषताए ँबताते हुए इन युगों के प्रमुख कद्विव- कवयियत्री व उनकी रचनाओं के नाम लिलखिखए|2. छंद द्विकसे क�ते �ैं? इनके प्रकार बताते हुए द्विनम्नलिलखिखत छंदों की परिरभाषा उदा�रण सद्वि�त लिलखिखए:

दो�ा, सोरठा, चौपाई, कद्विवत, सवैया |3. द्विनम्नलिलखिखत में अंतर लिलखें-

a. उपन्यास एवं क�ानी मेंb. नाटक एवं एकांकी मेंc. आत्मकथा एवं जीवनी मेंd. संस्मरण एवं रेखालिचत्र में

4. द्विनम्नलिलखिखत अलंकारों की परिरभाषा उदा�रण सद्वि�त लिलखें-अनुप्रास अलंकार, यमक अलंकार, शे्लष अलंकार, रूपक अलंकार, उत्प्रेक्षा अलंकार, अद्वितश्योलिE अलंकार, मानवीकरण अलंकार, पुनरोलिE प्रकाश अलंकार, अन्योलिE अलंकार, वक्रोलिE अलंकार, भ्रांद्वितमान अलंकार, द्विवरोधाभास अलंकार, संदे� लंकार, प्रश्नअलंकार |

Amrit Public School, Mau

Summer Vacation Home WorkSession (2018-19)

Class-XI (Humanities)

Why to do Holiday Homework? It has been designed to fire your imagination. It will make you to explore, discover and reinvent many new things. It will inbuilt your capability and confidence to face the upcoming examinations. It provide a primary platform to score good marks and weightage in internal assessments by school

authority Project work generates proficiency in you इन

Project work generates 3 C’s & 3 I’s in you :→3 C’s- Creativity, Confidence, Criticism→3 I’s- Innovation, Investigation, Idea.

Evaluation criteria for each subject: Submission in Time - 2 Marks Originality - 4 Marks Expression & Language Accuracy - 4 Marks Creativity & Presentation - 4 Marks Content - 6Marks

20MarksCompulsory Instructions for Parents : Dear Parents, kindly facilitate your ward with internet facility in your supervision only to prepare H.H.W of the subjects given below :S.No. Subject Timing(Max.) Suggested Key Words

1. English 6 Hrs. Novels written by Agatha Christie.2. Hindi 4 Hrs. भारतेन्दु युग, द्वि�वेदी युग, छायावादी युग, प्रगद्वितवादी युग,

प्रयोगवादी युग3. Economics 5 Hrs. Fluctuating rates of fuel in India

Money demonetization

Please don’t allow your ward to surf Internet daily . English

1. Read the newspaper daily and find out the advertisement from the category of classified column of the newspaper and paste them neatly in your writing skill copy. Situation Vacant-2 Lost and Found-2 Missing-2 Obituary-2 Tours and Travels-2

2. Draw a figure of yatch and state its parts. You may also get help from the chapter “We are not…….”

3. (i) On the file sheets define the following figure of speech along with appropriate examples.a. Simile

b. Metaphorc. Personificationd. Alliteration

(ii)Also compose your own poem by using any of the figures of speech.4. How can you make your summer vacation productive? Write an article to show how one can invest

its holiday in best way. (150 words)5. Write a letter to the DM of your District requesting him to make arrangement for proper school

transport rules in accord with the traffic rules in order to rescue major frequent road accidents of school bus/ vans. (180 words).Project Work:Read any one of the following novels written by Agatha Christie and make a project on it. • The Mousetrap • Sparkling Cyanide • The Mystery of the Blue Train • 4.50 from Paddington • A Murder is announced .• Dead Man’s Folly Your project must contain the following features: • Cover Page • Table of Contents • About the author and her body of work (one page) • Summary of the play (one page) • List of major characters (with 3 - 4 lines describing each of them) • Describe the character you liked the most and mention why. (one page) • Try exercising your grey cells creatively, and change the ending of the story. Make somebody else the culprit and prove why only he/ she could have committed the crime. You cannot make the same person the culprit again. (one page) After the school re-opens, you will be given a worksheet on the play that you have read to test your knowledge. Humanities1.Write in minimum 1000 words about India . INDIA¿

2.Write and learn Indian constitution (Article 1 to 395 and 12 schedules). (Help in Bare act/ Laxmikant)

3.Write and learn “Preamble”.4.Development of Indian constitution.(Write and read) (1773 regulating act to 1947 Indian Freedom Act.)(help in Laxmikant/ परीक्षावाणी/ Spectrum Rajeev Aheer )5.Amendment in Indian Constitution . (help in bare act/ Laxmikant).6.Write a brief history of Ancient to Modern & Modern to Contemporary India. (Minimum 1000 words)7.Fundamental Rights. (Art. 12 to 35)8.Fundamental Duties. (Art.- 51(A))9.DPSP

Economics1. From your locality collect the data regarding population, density of population, sex ratio ,

employment and unemployment ratio and represent on a graph paper.2. From the following data locate them on a pie chart .

Brand Name Selling PercentageOkai 20%Onida 10%LG 20%

Videocon 35%Samsung 15%

3. What do you understand by Market? Give its features.4. What is the major difference between perfect and imperfect competition?5. How can you differentiate between Price Floor & Price Ceiling?6. How can an economy be developed? As a student of economics suggest some of the features of

developed economy.7. How will you serve your economy if you will get the chance of becoming CSO?8. What is Inflation? How will you differentiate between demand pull inflation and cost push

inflation? Give examples of each.9. How will you control inflation ,if you have the chance of becoming Finance Minister of India?10. What is Bank? Give examples?11. What is the major difference between Private Bank and Public Bank?12. Critically evaluate the profit of private Banks of the session 2017-18 and also show their

profit on graph paper?13. Population is increasing day by day; how will you suggest to control the population so that

economic stability can be sustained?14. Prepare a (survey) and case study of your area regarding money demonetization.15. Prepare a case study on fluctuating rates of fuel in India.Project:

Materials Required : A4 size coloured sheets ( 5 – 6) Between the primitive age and the modern age, man has covered a long distance and the world now has become a global village. Globalisation is a process of rapid integration or interconnection between countries. Read newspapers, magazines and collect the following information: • Factors that have enabled globalization. • The advantages of globalization with reference to India. • The disadvantages of globalization with reference to India. * Give your views on- Should India go for Globalization.

Physical Education

1. When was the first recorded Olympic Game held in Ancient Greece?2. Name the venue of the Ancient Olympic.3. What were the rules of the Ancient Olympic?4. Write down the oath taken by participants in the Modern Olympic?5. What does Olympic symbol represent?6. What is the motto of the Modern Olympic Game?7. What is the primary aim of Physical Education?8. What are some diploma courses in Physical Education?9. What are the duties involved in teaching Physical Education?10. Give examples of at least five soft skills needed for different careers.11. Write short note on- Arjun Award, Dronacharya Award.12. Where is headquarter of International Olympic Committee located?13. What do you understand by cities, Altius and Fortius?14. Write a note on India Olympic Association.15. Disuses the ancient Olympic Games.16. Write the main functions of IOC.17. Write down the rules for conferring Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratan Award.Project Work: Make a magazine of ‘Field & Equipment’ for the following games.


1. Write down the rules for conferring Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratan Award. हि�ंदी

1. आधुद्विनक काल के प्रमुख युगों( भारतेन्दु युग, द्वि�वेदी युग, छायावादी युग, प्रगद्वितवादी युग, प्रयोगवादी युग) की समय सीमा एवं प्रमुख द्विवशेषताए ँबताते हुए इन युगों के प्रमुख कद्विव- कवयियत्री व उनकी रचनाओं के नाम लिलखिखए|

2. छंद द्विकसे क�ते �ैं? इनके प्रकार बताते हुए द्विनम्नलिलखिखत छंदों की परिरभाषा उदा�रण सद्वि�त लिलखिखए:दो�ा, सोरठा, चौपाई, कद्विवत, सवैया |

3. द्विनम्नलिलखिखत में अंतर लिलखें-a. उपन्यास एवं क�ानी मेंb. नाटक एवं एकांकी मेंc. आत्मकथा एवं जीवनी मेंd. संस्मरण एवं रेखालिचत्र में

4. द्विनम्नलिलखिखत अलंकारों की परिरभाषा उदा�रण सद्वि�त लिलखें-अनुप्रास अलंकार, यमक अलंकार, श्लेष अलंकार, रूपक अलंकार, उत्पे्रक्षा अलंकार, अद्वितश्योलिE अलंकार, मानवीकरण अलंकार, पुनरोलिE प्रकाश अलंकार, अन्योलिE अलंकार, वक्रोलिE अलंकार, भ्रांद्वितमान अलंकार, द्विवरोधाभास अलंकार, संदे� लंकार, प्रश्नअलंकार |

Subject:-Informatics Practices Q1. Write full form of following :

MICR, OCR ,TB ,OMR ,PB , ALU, DMP,VDUQ.2 Draw a labeled diagram of functional components of a computer.Q.3 What function is performed by ALU and CU each?Q.4 Compare between compiler and interpreter.Q.5 What is the basic function of memory? What is the measuring unit of memory?Q.6 Arrange the following printers in terms of speed and performance:

Dot Matrix Printer , Laser printer, Desk jet printerQ.7 Identify the input and the output devices :

Scanner, printer Bar code reader smart card reader, plotters, Screens web cameraQ.8 What is function of a web camera?Q.9 What is address bus? What is data bus?Q.10 Name the system software which loads all the program ,coordinates the input and output devices .Q.11 What is function of BIOS ?Q.12 Name some of the commonly used operating systemsQ.13 What is difference between compiler and interpreter?Q.14 What is a word processor .Give examples.Q.15 What is utility software. Give examples.Q.16 What is compression utility?Q.17 What is need of operating system ?Q.18 What are functions of operating system?Q.19 What is device driver ?What is need of it?Q.20 What is backup utility?Q.21 What is antivirus software? Name any two .

Project Work:Make a program guideline magazine for all the mathematic’/ physics’ formulas studied in class X.

Example: Heron’s Formula




∆= √s (s−a ) ( s−b )(s−c )

Where a,b and c are the sides of triangle

Solve: double a = Double.parseDouble(textField1.getText());

double b = Double.parseDouble(textField2.getText());double c = Double.parseDouble(textField3.getText());

double s=(a+b+c)/2;

double area=Math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c));textField4.setText(“ ”+area);