* charles v was catholic and against muslims and lutherans who unwillingly signed the peace of...

* Absolute Monarchs in Europe,1500- 1800

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Page 1: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Absolute Monarchs in Europe,1500-1800

Page 2: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


*Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg

*Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria

*Son Philip II gets Spain, Spanish Netherlands and American Colonies

*Philip was shy, serious, aggressive and religious

*Seizes Portugal and territories around the world in 1580

Page 3: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


*Tons of gold and silver poured into Spain with Philip taking ¼ to 1/5

*Spain develops 50,000 man standing army

*Fighting throughout Europe over religion

*Philip defends Catholicism by defeating the Ottoman Empire before losing to QE1

*Spain’s wealth allows it to remain strong despite the defeat

Page 4: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


*Art flourishes in Spain with wealth (Forbes Life)

*Don Quixote (1605) birth of modern novel

*Cervantes wrote of poor man in rusty armor on feeble horse who tried to right wrongs

*Making fun of chivalry or defending idealism??

Page 5: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


* Inflation and taxes cause prices to rise and middle class to disappear (today)

*Guilds caused goods to be purchased from other countries (cash outflow)

*Spain needs money to finance wars and borrows it from other countries

*Declares bankruptcy 3 times

*Dutch protestants revolt and 1,500 are executed in a single day

*11 years later the Netherlands declares independence while southern Catholic Belgium stays with Spain

Page 6: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


*Dutch are tolerant of other religions

*Dutch was a republic with elected governors of provinces

*Rembrandt and other artists flourished

*Stable government let Dutch focus on trade

*4,800 ships and Dutch East India Company thrive

Page 7: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


*Philip II was very controlling as were many European monarchs for centuries to come

*Absolute monarch – king or queens who held all of the power within their states’ boundaries and controlled all aspects of society

*Divine right – God created the monarchy who acted as God’s representative answering only to God and not their subjects

Page 8: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


*Cities and kingdoms grew in Europe as monarchs became more powerful

*Middle class backed monarchs because they were supportive of business

*Monarchs became more powerful than the church

Page 9: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

*Spain’s Empire & European


*Upheaval and conflicts in 17th century led to

*Larger armies

*Heavier taxes

*Peasant unrest and uprisings

*Monarchs increase power to deal with subjects

Page 10: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*Catholics and Huguenots (French Protestants) clash

*8 wars in 36 years brings chaos to France

*1572 many Huguenots massacred at Henry of Navarre’s wedding to queen’s daughter

*Henry survives and becomes king in 1589

*Robust, athletic, handsome, fearless & clever

*Converts to Catholicism and issues Edict of Nantes which is tolerant of Huguenots

Page 11: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*Works to reunite and grow France until he is stabbed to death by a religious fanatic in 1610

*His son Louis XIII takes over and is a weak leader

*Cardinal Richelieu is his powerful minister and former head of French Catholic church

*Protestant cities could not have walls and he weakened noble powers in favor of middle class to better support the monarchy

*Involved France in 30 Years War to try to weaken Hapsburg rulers of Spain, Austria, Netherlands and HRE

Page 12: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*Skepticism – nothing can ever be known for certain

*Doubts about the church

*Montaigne develops essay – brief work that expresses the writer’s thoughts or opinion

*Descarte’s skepticism leads to scientific method

Page 13: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*Louis XIV becomes the most powerful French king beginning at age 4

*Cardinal Mazarin leads France and is disliked because of a strong central government

*Nobles threaten Louis XIV’s life which strengthens his resolve

*Nobles fought amongst each other, were violently repressed and peasants were sick of rebellion so monarchy triumphs

Page 14: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*Louis takes control at 22 and excludes nobles from councils

*Intendants – collected taxes and administered justice – were given more power

*Colbert – finance minister – promoted French industry, raised tariffs, reduced reliance on imports, developed colonies

*Louis XIV cancels Edict of Nantes leading to many skilled people leaving France

Page 15: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*Lived a life of luxury, ate well, 500 servants, nobles at palace to flatter him

*Nobles lived at Versailles where he could control them better

*Versailles was over 500 yards

*Promoted opera and ballet and writings

*Art was used to glorify the king instead of God

Page 16: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*20 million people in France made it the largest country in Europe with the largest army and most advanced weapons

*Fought wars to expand which was stopped by other countries uniting against France

*Poor harvests, wars, and taxes took toll on French

Page 17: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

The Reign Of Louis XIV

*War of Spanish Succession is fought to keep Bourbons from uniting 2 countries

*13 year war with Spain and France not united and Great Britain getting Gibraltar and slaves for American colonies

*Other colonies were taken from France

*Louis XIV dies in bed in 1715 with many French happy.

*His legacy was mixed

Page 18: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Central EuropeanMonarchs Clash

*Protestant Union and Catholic League form in Germany to protect from each other and Calvinists in 1608

*1618 Thirty Years’ War begins as conflicts over religion and territory break out

*Hapsburg armies from Austria and Spain plunder Germany and crush Protestants in 1st 12 years

*French, German and Swedish defeat Hapsburgs

*4 million Germans dead and did not recover for over 100 years (South)

Page 19: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Central EuropeanMonarchs Clash

*Treaty of Westphalia

*Hapsburg states of Spain and Austria weakened

*France strengthened by gaining German territory

*German princes independent of HRE

*Ended religious wars in Europe

*New peace process involving all parties

*Beginning of modern states as independent states emerge separate from the church (Map 604)

Page 20: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip
Page 21: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip
Page 22: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip
Page 23: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Central EuropeanMonarchs Clash

*Areas, and empires struggle to develop

*Nobles dominate in some areas and control kings

*Serfs and middle class dominate in other areas

*Ottoman and HRE begin to decline

*Political boundaries change

Page 24: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Central EuropeanMonarchs Clash

*Prussia rises as a power

*Maria Theresa has power in Austria

*Frederick the Great ruled Prussia with religious tolerance and belief ruler should be like a father

*War of Austrian Succession has Frederick the Great defeating Maria Theresa and making Prussia a power

Page 25: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Central EuropeanMonarchs Clash

*Seven Years’ War – Austria, France, Russia and others vs. Britain and Prussia

*1756-1763 – fought in Europe, India and North America with most European areas involved

*No territorial changes in Europe

*France loses colonies in NA and India as Britain emerges as a power.

Page 26: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Absolute Rulersof Russia

*1462-1533 Territory conquered around Russia, government centralized and Mongols ousted

*Ivan IV = Ivan the Terrible took throne at 3

*Boyars – landowning Russian nobles

*Ivan seized power at 16 and named himself czar

*1547-1560 – “good period” –added lands, code of laws, and ruled justly

Page 27: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Absolute Rulersof Russia

*Accuses boyars of poisoning wife Anastasia in 1560

*Police force hunts down and kills “traitors”

*Executes thousands, seizes boyar lands

*Killed oldest son in 1581 and weak 2nd son is left to rule in 1584

*Time of Troubles 1584-1613 many rulers

*Michael Romanov selected in 1613 and 300 years of Romanov rule

Page 28: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Absolute Rulersof Russia

*Peter the Great – many reforms

*Serfdom continues into 1800 with serfs as property linked to land they lived on

*Russia isolated from Renaissance by Mongols and geographically with no warm seaport

*Russian Orthodox religion doesn’t agree with Protestantism or Catholocism

*Peter travels to west and see many innovations

Page 29: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Absolute Rulersof Russia

*Westernization – using western Europe as a model for change

*Brings church under state control

*Reduced power of landowners

*Modernized army with European officers

* 200,000 man army with heavy taxes

* Introduced potatoes

* 1st newspaper started

*Allowed women at social gatherings

* Switched to western fashions

*Opened schools

Page 30: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Absolute Rulersof Russia

*Fought 21 years with Sweden and built St. Petersburg on swampy site

*Many died building city

*Made the new capital

Page 31: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

*Elizabeth I has no heir and leaves much debt

*James Stuart of Scotland becomes King James I

*James did not make Puritan desired reforms to the Catholic Church

*Fought with parliament over money

*Issues new Bible translation

*Charles I (James son) becomes king in 1625

Page 32: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

*Charles dissolves parliament over money needed to fight Spain and France

*Petition of Right 1628

*No imprisonment without due cause

*No taxes without Parliament’s consent

*No soldiers housed in private homes

*No martial law in peacetime

*Charles agrees to petition but ignores it and becomes very unpopular

Page 33: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

*English Civil War

*Charles upsets Scots and Puritans by trying to force Anglican Church rituals

*Parliament and Charles clash as he flees palace and forms an army

*1642-1649 English Civil War

*Oliver Cromwell (Puritan) captures Charles, tries and executes him publicly

Page 34: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

*Cromwell’s rule

*Abolishes monarchy and House of Lords and establishes a republican government

*Constitution written, but torn up as Cromwell becomes a military dictator

*Puts down an uprising in Ireland where hundreds of thousands die of famine and disease

*Puritan morality enforced with no theater, sporting events, and dancing

*Tolerated religions except for Catholics

Page 35: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

*Restoration and Revolution

*Cromwell dies in 1658, parliament is restored and Charles II takes the throne

*Restoration – restoring of the monarchy

*Habeas corpus – appear before a judge, guaranteed a trial

* James II succeeds in 1685 and he is Catholic

*Older Daughter Mary married to William – prince of the Netherlands

*Glorious Revolution - William and Mary overthrow James II who flees to France and restore Protestantism

Page 36: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

*Limits on Monarch’s Powers

*William and Mary recognize Parliament as partner in governing

*Constitutional monarchy – laws limit ruler’s power

*Bill of Rights (1689)

*No suspending Parliament’s laws

*Freedom of speech in Parliament

*Petition of grievances by citizens

Page 37: * Charles V was Catholic and against Muslims and Lutherans who unwillingly signed the Peace of Augsburg * Son Ferdinand gets HRE & Austria * Son Philip

Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

*Monarch needed Parliament’s consent to rule

*Parliament needed monarch’s consent to rule

*Cabinet – government ministers or officials who represented the majority party in Parliament

*Prime Minister is leader of majority party which continues today