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Lithium in the globular clusters ω Centauri & M4 Lorenzo Monaco ESO – European Southern Observatory / Santiago (Chile) [email protected] Collaborators: P. Bonifacio, S. Villanova, L. Sbordone, E. Caffau, H.-G. Ludwig, et al.

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Lithium in the globular clusters ω Centauri & M4

Lorenzo Monaco

ESO – European Southern Observatory / Santiago (Chile) [email protected]

Collaborators: P. Bonifacio, S. Villanova, L. Sbordone, E. Caffau, H.-G. Ludwig, et al.

ωω Centauri: GC or dSph? Centauri: GC or dSph?

ω Centauri is the most massive GC and is commonly considered as the remnant of an accreted dwarf galaxy

Villanova et al 2007

ωω Centauri: GC or dSph? Centauri: GC or dSph?

Villanova et al 2007Bellazzini et al 2001

ωω Centauri: GC or dSph? Centauri: GC or dSph?

Villanova et al 2007Johnson et al 2010

ωω Centauri: GC or dSph? Centauri: GC or dSph?

Scarpa et al 2003

Majewski et al 2012

Tolstoy et al. 2009

ωω Centauri: Centauri: GC or dSph?GC or dSph?

The Sgr dSphThe Sgr dSph


Majewski et al. 2003

M54 + Sgr Nucleus & M54 + Sgr Nucleus & ωω Centauri Centauri

Siegel et al. 2007

M54 ωCen

Villanova et al 2007

Monaco et al., 2010

The Lithium content of ω Cen


● About 100 targets up to V=18

● Safe detection of the Li resonance doublet

Monaco et al. 2010

ωω Cen stars have Cen stars have Li abundances close Li abundances close to the Spite plateauto the Spite plateau

The Lithium content of ω Cen

The 1st (stellar) Lithium

measure in an extra-galactic

stellar system?

Monaco et al. 2010

The Lithium content of ω Cen

● Issue for solutions of the cosmological Li problem through pre-processing of Galactic material through massive Pop III stars (Piau et al. 2006)

Li in Galactic globular clusters:The case of M4

Na vs O in Galactic globular clusters:The case of M4

Marino et al. 2008

Li vs Na in Galactic globular clusters


NGC6752 Pasquini et al. 2005

Bonifacio et al. 2007

Li vs Na in Galactic globular clusters

● Fast rotating massive stars (FRMS)

→destruction of the original Li content● Massive AGB stars

→may have an important lithium yield● Li production tend to erase the Na vs Li anti-


Possible polluters of the gas from which the second generation of stars formed in GCs:

Li in Galactic globular clusters:The case of M4

Monaco et al. 2012

● Search for a Na vs Li anti-correlation

● P85 – FLAMES/VLT● About 90 targets up to

V=17● Safe detection of the

Li resonance doublet

A Li-rich dwarfs in the Globular Cluster M4

Monaco et al. 2012

● We detected a dwarf in M4 having a Li content compatible with the cosmological value

● Is it really the primordial Li or is it a case of pollution?

A Li-rich dwarfs in the Globular Cluster M4

Monaco et al. 2012

● The shallow slope of the A(Li) vs A(Na) anti-correlation suggests Li production in place

● #37394 has a high Na content: it is a 2nd generation star

D'orazi & Marino, 2010

Mucciarelli et al. 2011


Li – O – Na in M4 giants and dwarfs

A Li-rich dwarfs in the Globular Cluster M4

Monaco et al. 2012

Where can pollution come from?

● Pollution from a now evolved companion which produced Li?

● Pollution from massive AGB stars?

● Primordial scenario cannot be discarded