b.jjÖ^obmis day */aw

JnetnranM $ow9<nfo+^^. mrtmm fire i^^Jgfa^ Ö Pt».»«CtOieat WeWn HiiiMii.p.l .,,...,, »nxl In a* t*U u. Th a Company, mrmit* . -w-. 4poii, »tto»i aad rMiortntft-umit. inow i«*«' tjSaaaieeS "uiidiae*. haae pulvt.ee of ln.oruice*.*bnnM( .,.,¦. Bale* in port aad other r«*^Jg7*l WALBEB. Pieaidenl, «HO«. W.Biinwii.'««^M, johp.PH ^AtlfiL Ko. h E«*t Broadway. u w B.JJÖ^obmIs ,;«.*.*. n*ek.. ) FÄnu-r .»:>. .«¦'.".V"0' ,V */a"W<L *d. .Tmrnm, Etaa* -Ca.) Rf u .muri I Abhat I »»in'«»»- SS 1**11 ,i nmi-e.l h H,rd*eil. SRrr5 MEHH-'t .-.ch-'-. Batiltal B ltx) ÜlTri U»«n-K^ eT Lewrene» 1 ¦eTNBYBANBOvV iH H. B«m>w k I«) IP". 1». HAlOHT.lKv:bard.«, Hälfet A l-o.) b m wurrtocB, b m.%B a. wwiioea., JAM'S * t.ARNtR. No X riM-.t BlUfLC PaXoN, (Alieuk Paatva.) Bl>l< Ah i> r BMTF. 'Brntf. Br. ther . BtM ) D CROMWELL y. (Woodward A Or«*Mll) B.'r. VALENTIN» Veieutliie A *.«>.) E. J IMiNNKLL. No 14 flllMIIW* A>nCBOM 'f.. (Crom well « BiM.all.) VM El* nwjip i »oi«" r .r. f It WYMAN No B«'l««r«"P matthi" Mix. nrr.i. Eat** Mi^.-n a Ce.) VoH <i ALLfV fleAa B«ä*ta. Allan kO<>.> gg7,£, fth tlR'NM U-.tMcr-m a tin ,, all.) Xnmttnre. EKAMELED FIRNTITRE-H. F. FAR- A IM* ro * *. ' ov r»* n f rSaJ- on rvei «'*a *»" riu mt ?Inch EN »MF I-'" C'H A »1R i.R P'URNITl'Re.iJl jt'Wroi an rciora, *''d -' .. I* ¦» d«r' ra'ed hi la' d«e» fa, name, a.d *>¦»(». .. the W«nr.fae'oJ« arereoma, No* 46 a.id ah >A7ooe- tn it, MMrttl HrtM n e and Ornnd *te E^RTlfEN** ARE and~CHINA .150 oratoa Boott'a ' -.'.<¦...... anapa" Wmte Uiee.it«. L ( craU. Common lior.de *i . " Riu« W|U,,«r." j.lai ehape. * tu., a O. Id Lnator Juaa . Brid«wood *" CbiiiA For »» ? t<> i>« 'radn i"> <>r.«ii.*i u.rk.fw* ¦, .> by BI'ROk.SS, DALE A »»OfiDARii, No N Pea'l-at. A>m.t* foi the Maaolacturera. HETaTFiNT Im . I">LE ICE I'fTCHERS.- kVb*ti "dworli mt ».¦ awootly tu -raiae of-' tm* old oaket btckot," It wa> b -f.<re tl>p day* of modern InTen'kiua, Bow. ihr crn'fj peopl* h.\c " kirkod t'.e bu'ket " ami draw wat. i 'ri u. :lt if » w't. a ajaaja. To tn nk of oBBkMlf up th* water in tf.la KW liS-rty AA'o may y«* read of " Th* brauüfui nhayi', tn« ... in claln, Tbe til c pla'ed cbaio that revi.Ua« in J>e well." The tblr**y euiaen* Dim', obtain then tn; ..<« of *ii<r oh«"0(b th* andaidi'Und pt,«i*«. and wiUBl ao warm aa «A r^ipnre k U make it )>alatable wr'ch IrayU lo a I in and f«.r P'tcbera mat Will rODlaii ......... :i e Sefo-e it u.e.ta. Tht*. demand aaa ha mpplied at the wrll k n wo c«tid at ihe f ot of I rn. .'. PUied and Br <a ma D..,,!..« 10B P1TCHCB4 fr. m «Sti»i5, A,r «a)e ai Ni* 4 and H Builii,««hp, by 1,1 >.'! i . MART. fluiicn TiurrrarDBrB. PAPER WAREHOUSE.-J. T. DERRICK S< iN A Co., No *. Heekman et,. o*er . r »Ue :b iHf law eat term*: Writinji papm*, rj'i*ti«ri, Fmueh ana Amencall. Hew« Paper, all war*, welahia and Tualitiea Book Pep*', ail «i»rs», wei*5>u a. .: j a ..>?«. Tia«ne Pap*', fancy -olor« ai.d »blt-, of the !>*et quat'ly Hanpti* Pacer, wtji.e and - red. different wlitha. Hatten' Papel, totn a .d of the « quaJity tTtoth Parei *i!"t * i Knalnh Hardware *a: ci, a !*/*« aaeortaoeLt, )o*t . r.- tA Bheathma Papei of the ke«t qoaiity vA'rait.i.-,« Par ei, Straw, fUe and V a Tea P.rer of d'Aartnt tijea Ta« «l««-.fin« PatMi «yjahahla 'or rfJla C?tran ätcumrrB, «v'c ¦BV'TtWB AXD LiviafOOL 17, 8. M S 8. Co., 46 Wail-at. I NiwYi'RK, Iba V. MSI J Tly^fVnt'E..Tlif rat«-i.f Freij;)it by the BtaaUeMH o' thi« htaa, fr m Liverpool, la reduced ta £i per tun me*- aaretoett. at til forrber iior'ce E. R. COLLINS. )R CHARLESTON and FLORIDA..SEMI- aaeekly united rtatks wail unb. - roe Ii*, u ».i. fnei tai d fa.i |aiB| Sieam»bii> NkS ivillr, CaMf n B.r y will leave Tlei No. I.Norlh R-.-r .... n-V DAY. July fi, alt i'rlocl a a, precisely. Kor ff-iaht »;»pl» an koeid where all eill*ot lidin« will ba «igned; and for aaa aar» *i lb* idaV*. of IPOBPOBD, HLKBTON h Co. No. Bi('*.lw«\. Cab'U pat»a«e ai'>. Pti' .pie .d>.| St.amahlp 1 as. ADOmV-'l *"rreec uH lesve ol SATURDAY, Jn'lr ii Tie f«venie aWeaawi C AHf'i.lNa hnvii.g resumed tt r .ejular tiip* to v»fou* I.aj d ¦»« at the St John'* J'.-ver, ainri^a, co eer'i wt'h tb» ^leatrer« lrt«n New > otk, Je'vr ( Cfatrleilm e-t»r« 11'» M'AY, »i( 'clock p. rn. Through Tkket* to Jack- aorTill», a»l i l'uetki, t?d. P'OR CHARLESTON arid FLORIDA.8EMI- we>kly UNirE» STATP..S MaIL Li S E .Th* new .nd a..|i,ificeni Maaavhia jam -.s a'*OKR, Caft, S c Vail er. oi, n.a- da.. will ie*»e Pi-r No. 4 Nor'n River, ou sa T- VvBBAT July 1? at 4 ..' irw-k r>. u: preci«e'y. for Pr-i»nt aipv «.: i. -i. It ... J.,i ,.t «li, b ««i'ied, and f ir P*.«-f ¦ 'hf Ofiic- ot f*PO« Kurd TiLKSro«* a Ba.,Nai an«.'w*y. lb» f.vo'ife itevne' CaH(yi.|N\ han.-a .a* *d her ie*u ar tri|» to v.-iou« lar.diDa* on the St Joho'a Rivt r, Ho. da, wil coen.rr «rith «o« N-w Y.»k Ceum-'r* »nd keeve Th. le.r,.r .«¦, ry- ti'ESDa Y a' 2 ..'dick p. m. Throuah tJeket* to J*ckioiiTille *>3 |o pilvA*, a*l. F)K BREMEN fia iWUTHaMTTON.Tin Cnltro Stau« Mail Steomilup HhR.Ma.NN E. Ri»»t *, Coa.n.ai dei. will aaii f r 3HKMEN, touenin» at BOUrS- AMPTON to abd Um BaeDl and i.a*«c «er« for pn- ¦land aid Franc, on IATUBDAT, July 12. at 12 rr'nl^k ta k»> Pia Ba .17. N n Ike** mice or aaaaaaa no« law-Taaa to »oi r,. oa aaaaiih. In «"n.i BaAAa, Main a«i.h,u.fix In Fii.t Cabin Lower »») i-. ))» lb hawond t/sidu. 60 An ripene'ved Snryeon artnrlmd <o each «teamer Hpool« deJiver^n In Ht.'e ,.» Co. oou Nu pari »le .eeeiyert ihi the day .f aawtaaj All letter* mart paa* throuah the PnaVOfBe* Peat Wae.»«« r w.-iain. anyly to C'l-tANI) a. - i. No i) Houth *V|]IUni »t T4w vreamer WasHINOTON wM aueceed the rJKBMANN, ¦aid «*>i A .. i>. F OR LIVERPOOL.SteauiRbip LR BASON, T Ct*,k, con in«, der Tbi« new and powerful «'eamer will etil beta tie BlBlaB aid Nth Aa.ei can e..,».' MaJ Steam !'.< let C..u,o.Uj'« Dock, at lei.ov City, on T',Url'f DAY Jnl> T4 P«-<e«e money f. r fi.'.t c'a«* p*«.e;i(i*r« only, lot wb.'u "ihere I»aaeaiUal ae. ¦.mon«iatione *> l"0, inrludi'ij prttf WH.i.» and ai.wa.d'* f-e. f.u' wiibont wine* or lig^or«, wbieb r»u W obiamed on bi-.r I K'«irbt -akeT, »t iea«onable ¦akea Apply to E. C I N ARD. No 4 .¦<.'. .-¦».c... THE 111 W-VORK and LIVERPOOL WIT ED STATES MAIL STEAMERS-fha ahipe »v^npri». ta* AMI The a are: AIL.tNTIC, Cam. Olive* Eidridaej The BALI I'1 Cap . J ^aeph Cnrn«t.K;k ; The ADHIATIC. ( apt. Jamea "A eat Tbeae aiiita have h*«i builr b, co..tr«ct e*(<-.**!> for the fjO*- arnii.ei.t »er«» r. e.nv care buti-aD taken hafaWttat ..r-^lttou a* alao ii i).. r entine*. to kjaajN atrei atb a id «paed vjd thev aocoa.m..',aiii.t . lor paaM-naai« are uii-qualed for aienar,.-e «J^ aemfort l*rice of |*mm« from M^w- fnii to Liverp>Ki|, In ftrn «anli. m wM i-'d'... #" j Breaa l i>o>«.i to New Yck Sf and 'Jii afAkaaee Ba ei,.ri«iK-e.l «ur*e.in a"acned t" each «h.p |a>learihaea*> aa aeearad awHl mml tat, T». ai.ip. «f thi* lh.« have havfavwad «ee « «h* ^nikbetd* arid tnavon r'a-.tar fron k»*. wM aai eroe* th* Bank« aaaTIA of «2 detree* anul after the Bret of a -i. PROPOSED DATES OP SaIMNU. lau*. aiw voRA. Flue i.l*BB*t>OL. ¦ATI HDA'.... Ion* n, ItM WKDNESOAY.. lauieK.Uoa, ¦ATrhliAY....July S. ik.-*.. W K. IiNKhuA Y .. Jaiy S, |ATURDAY....J«lt lt,ia*A «.'Hi\'KSi/AV..JaiylO,Hi'A |ATORDAY....Aef. J IM*.' tvvoajPsf)AY..au. It** laTUwDAl ....A'.«. I«, 'k.M. |v eviVF.SDA Y.. Ana. 20, lBSt BaTVI'iAY... An* v, !*.>. ltVKnai«:SDaY..P.epL 1,IB3h. .ATI hHA > ....BatA. li. u-».. wy riNKtr»aY..Sept.l7.liM BaTi PDiY.....>.ept.P?,it-o. W kdnksd iY..t)cL l.lMt .a.'iiiday....»-ct. ii lasa. wKjiva ;jnAY..Oc. is,un |ATUII>AY....Oet tS.ibml va K'iNEsD AY . JeL 2«, IfcSf. ¦Alt hi ay... S t. 1b'«. WEDNESDAY..N..V. 12, IKV ¦ATI RUaY....No.. B, 11*4. V\ EBB I BDAf..*fart. AS,'»% Bath pa i ....I), e n. ip.v., wpt) «E«D aY..R«c vi iav. BATi;p.[)ay....Dr< %y, IRMk WKDNEKÜAY..Dee. M, IUA Wot fr«.iai.i otjyeaaaa*, aoply u, EDwaBD k Collins, No. M Wai) *t.m. T. Bkowm BHIPLE1 a C<. LiverpuU. RTTPHKN KENNAKD h Co., N... .T «u. in Pnai«, Londoa B. O WaINW RIOHT A To., Par* *b* owi ?». lAwaa .*¦'[. wi.l no se woonta' la iBf ROiA, BOve,, kaalBua, «r^ele, j.-w»ir* |.re. ien« >t. .! « metal*, ueieaf btfi. vt Batata a'* man«d therefor, and the value thereof at 1 ther^m. TnE BRITIfiH and NORTH AMERICAN ho* ai. mail STKAMSrilPS rv<?.0M * " w »"»B To LI v t k I 001. ' tl»f f poooaAV.ft-*) eMaaaai Cab a P««..*«. 76 raLlr ! aa aaa r..\ ra 11. tau.*>l. f h'" "Jbhi Paaawe*.aiiti ihAHIA V'.'m j\k ¦*.¦ canada.43eet, Lbm aau ., k "' hMBRICa.CaaaW .aaaa, kJtoTwT^on AP1 d a Sl t v :..n y,-i.^X,.tl' .j'.' lit MAOAhA. Leiten..le.ie.lt. 'w, p '^.v ,','. Pk-BMA. Judk-S. .- C.w, ¦* k-atk. » ennTlt.V { / «' 2? R. r*kWV >< re 11 Aa r r Ai all atlaiaial aaitaaai n bo.ri Th« Btraaia «.» elti** will a«4 I* *leaaai*Aa* f rloid Filler Bui; ..i. Bp.de. J»we|iy, Ptvehiaa I «a*a m M.i»u «u.i««« .if . ai MBB«] art *i(xe« tbarrl'.r ai.d the «aiue Ihereol th* «in «a«B«e»»«C for fi. i.bt or pa..., " apply to _I ( NARO. v.. * Bowii.» iraee. FW'M MW-YORK m IIAVBE OIRECT.- ¦BltlBH and B< BTU AMEJaH an BOTAL MAit PUD PACKET l (iHCa.sy. |TNA. Caa* M la CM EC .C»pt Small JURA... ... Cait. »«...ü,», LK.WaNON .CapA Cook '.abi.rja t^ad'iewi,.. . Oapfc Bmaiata Paiaa. . n.ut^a t. i laH r aaj aaaajat e'i | la.(let eykVaa alBBBfl ¦)aa.ei|eit aa ¦.uiu.o '»li«., ) Al'.i, ln<:lui.iua oiovi.Umi« »nj a*e» ..o'. t.o. t«.i «ri|,iio'».«, .r .i ju -i> wh'. li an .e o*- .ali .d ... board Th* Mt«te BBat ta ahayaaalr* lawaa Btal Ml I ytilated. Any on« wwbln« tu lata paa»a*>n i* l>.«:^J At v.#.l ..¦»Ja > ,e «b' feaen at m .<«;.t« rut/ a 1. ply e. C'NaBD, Ne. 4 Bowling rreem. Qirtimnmiie an* flailtoadf. Pi OR FHREWSIiURY. LONO HRANCII- rr.AL. HOHLAMlh, oC F A N HOUSE, SILVER ruiNT, liCFAM ruKr *.hi lArtMipvyi - rte mmm. Hfht dititru ».».Di»>f i«m«,4| miRisrofiira, i:«pi i# B Border, "til »"« ¦"¦>- < <.! i.( Jay «t., Noilh hi<m m 'olknes: I.It'1 ItW toil LEAVE OCEAN fOBT. Tio-o .... J My I, II jt m. Teeedey.Jel* ., 7| A nv. U ,U, ..Ly. J ,1» 4, I Ol WaOOfWdoJ... I «'v A. h a ,. Tbaraclay... J»N >0 I p m Churwlay.July i' 9 Fi**}. .in » m, c mi Frvdsy.J<i» II, I *, m. 8*l*idey.JhIt IJ, SI p m. W>tir>.y.July 12, 'i|L . >JOi u>. July 14 m Monday.July I«, M a bjl Tue..»..in ) 15. 1pm I' ic«'iv.Jaft li, fl Htagee for "an-i; V '../», H,-l Bonk, aid otbei parti of Uto ro mry. Tbl» H, m I hB *i *enilj offered to tba Lrereling aoux- WiO»rt) ihr brut adi.ptnl Bi at aver on toe Mut«. DAY boat for albany, from foot of Canal- ¦I *t* tari g-*t.The aieamhoat ARAiKNlA enO loo** ovary M"NI>A\ WF.HNR'tliAT mh! FRIDAY at 7 o'cioca, lai mna a' li-ieemet'iaie )>iMitu*e ^'ORTlBaNY, ai,«i in CONNECTION with the h a 11 ntiA'.-' B) mahatikia aiO the wübt . Ateaon- a a ItAaC NK*- Tv'Naie NEW »OBLD leave DAILT,at 9 i-c i> o as from win. t fee* of Coortlandl »t FHTiVhTnor^^ CUHntl .NS- r > '. i N TBIPR DAILY eteb -ay fun- d»ys rivi-trd.) '! * .-.>.. N*w-York ana re»al*av* Fiu.ui',j, L Li »t «| I and i0 a. ¦ , 1, 4, A* a * 7 p. in a* t i and ta> thai gtiui >«iKi«i'i at HaXMO* ( Paint on tta Kaat River ort» alia 230 a'., N,w Yn ». Taw twaniifbl atoatm r ISLA»U CITY. Fiashu a llai f «.. I Bet, Wave* Fnl'oo Market » it Ifrait of Fal¬ le rl.) at the ah .* br«TafS stTo»«'Bg flue viewt of ail obj*c e of k.uitat on botb »bore« id >be Eaat River, auo landing at Hub tri'» Poll t li> feral I) mi utea Here rvit i'rui'p trnta brat Aneareabd are taken tbeiiee >? K Bahn* (eight rotas) era* ana .if ike fl »»¦ »oed» in Ike roruitry, in twenty-fire tan. at*., in- r'arlh * .t'-pa at Fem t Btie-ge, M »spefi, Wugwd, New'own, Netltual D>pot«no Wet' Flashing The whole trip oecapioo le»a Iba, en booi. Paie, 'JO ceota. Excurrlin partioe «od rrbiole take- a< rvdne-d ratei, Peraone eon alto roach tbacara by »V» H t" tin CBj Itallroad. thioukb Ort«a Pout, of by ¦roc.irt tl ? 'a*4 »t ferry. IkJv^W-YflatK and HAfaLPM »AILHOAD. L^i NOTIl E.DISCONflNUANt'.Kaf KHIIDaY IK a INS. Afiar SUNDAY .the I3'li W. no Ltng ,'ar wiM be ria oa ILie ttevl for the trän«!«Ttaikon nf pm***- aera VVbL J CAMPMKLL, Soperit-'eBdoat. tl be A t cb n~r rTX_r*ö u t¥7^» I Tbe Thri ujh Tirket and Krocht Ottern of the (1RI AT wj-tkhn RAIL'VaV, BJHHlOAN Cc.NTRau RAILROAD, and Abrtr Hailroad aid 8t««nib»at Cau .eutkina to Crrtr«««, kluwaukee, <.*,. a. Horiu «u.i.. Sr. Laa'w. Cairo, and all potuta tA>at aid Sooth wert Via Ol'SrKNSJON BR1D0K BUPPALO. or OSWKOO. la at No l-n BROADWAY N.T. Comer rf Cnurtiendtat DART*) OLARR Atent IOHO lNLA7fi7KAlLR()AD---MlIMMER AR- J I AMiLbtF Nf*5..A)n auo ait. r FRIDAY. Jane 30, IBM, (.inrxlaj eirep'ert). T-n , 'mm r Earl.Leave Brooklyn for vlreenrort 9 a n. ard on Saturdaya 3;l4 p m.: for Taphank, IA. at at e SrAA p. m ; fot Lakeland, 9 a m., andSiASp. m.: for Ion ii '. a m. and .7:iA andfl p m ; r Syo<tat, 10 a ro ane 4: It p. rn. fi r Uempirear), B> a m., 4. l.'i and (I . to for Jamaica. 9 and !.' a u\.,9:48, 4:15. 6 and 7 D. .. Trakoo r.u»| VA'eai. Leave Orrenpor* for Brooklyo. i1 a rn and on I-noay» a'4 tj a m.; Yaphank,fl:Oa and It :36 a m.. Luke- laid A:**aa m a d 12:69 p m.. Fanninidele, 7:30 a ra.,and 1 p. m i -.in. " .i .. n. and 4:40 p. mt Hempetead. 6:28 7:!tl a m. and :!6 and \\ 13 p. m.; Jnnia'ra, M 13 7: HI, 8rlA*nd l|46a nr.. 1:1' and6:rV p rn. Freight Train lea*r*t at 7a o \E\V-JKHßat;Y RA ILR04D.For PHI LA- DPI PtilA and the «nuril and WE3T, via JERSEY CITY.Ala') and Eii-rea* Lrnee: Leave New »ort N ano 1] a, m ai d 4 and i ft tv. ; far* e>1; 111 m , t>2; etopoiaa at all weyaiatiota Thro«ili INeketa told fur Clnelrmati (#17 and * I* BAJ and the a h for Baltimore W«*binAton, Nor- f he And vhro'itb baktace cbe;kad ><> WuoinaUia In a rn. and e p rn J W WOODRUFF, Aaeiatact Sap't, iTJater Core. DR. TAYLOR" WATER-CORE, No. 650 'to a New-York.For Invtlid* and othera.in a beeJuiy l watton M.« L 11 H AND'RSOW, äaalata X R. Ml'NDE " W^TEb-CÜREESTABLIgH- Mr.NT.at FLORENCE (Northhampron) VlA-l«,.ecmo >f ib» lari.rt and h«at renulatul Ioatitntiooa of tie kind in the United S'a'ea Dr a*, ia tbe oldeat dleclp'o of Prieaanitt and one of lie firat writer* on rrje «n'-i-o. Price *I0 per week. D rtlrtiiral. 4i?ANTH' SAF84PARILLA.The Apfrieot. Au- kj tieeptic aid B*«'nr*iiv« proper!** of Ihi* i..vUnatl^ ,.r..«. jetl n. rencer it* rafo anJ rer'aui eure in cxea of Sciofnla, Liy*i Con piiint, Dtapepiia and nutnnooa ah »r<iua a id *ru> .- Preoarod anl (old hy A. B »t D. SANDS No. |«f Fnltoi -at. e ryui füniue» IN PURSUANCE of on order of laVi Surrogate of ttie County of New-York, notlre n> hereby «ivrea to all peraona havira rlaima aiainrt MAHRS Z J At OUS, late .if the Ci'j of New Yi rk, dereaeed, to pre**nt the aame, eri k vourhern thereof, to the laficrthcr, at hx attire, No. 1V4 »trert, in tit City cf New- York, oa or before the twelfth <V. ol Dtcember ueit D»ter New Vuik. rb* alatb dav of Juoe 1F-6. FL1AS Z. JACOBS. AdaiMatrat r of je)7 lewOrnTu* Mark £ Jacob*. f>eea*ed. 1^ PURSUANCE ot aii onlar of the Mirrvtjht« of U>a County of New-York, notice ia htrebv *etai. a* til Benin . bavn . elafca * ann *t m.- ne'e ct DANIEI ERBETa, la't ,/( the CM) of New-Y »k, o-te« oil. lo pr-at'.t the **ma, wi'b vtn.tber* thereof to the anhiciier a" tiie offi e af M*rUa A bmith«, Mab N Aa»].|,.,m rhe Crty of New-Yorii, oi or be- tati the iwelltli dnv >f Decenihei next Date-. N-w-foik the .ittbday f Julo i«5«. KMr li' US RHOUKS, jcifi lawfmTn Eaecutor. MORTliAGh SALE.JAMES H. MOxiROVY" and t a t URISTU^ mace and deliver** to BENJA- i in H. ¦.¦ II a en in. Indenture of Moita*** bea'**n Sate tl . tt it) Irs, da\ ol Jol}, bj the year IBM, f -n ed a ti e pavn.ri t of ice BOB ot one thousand three hotwired doUara oil or r.eline the fif'ttrni, d*y of A, ril next thereafter, with ba> larear laetetO) Braan nau ot aaid Mor'*a(re, at aeven per can' per ai lubi, hieb aaio Mor'«aie contain* a power o' tale of rhe piettneea ti . rehy n ortra*ed 00 d»l«tili of payment, pr*l.u mt lo the d i diM I, iher.oC* o wlnrh Mortcaae, wub t|i* power of .ale iheie n eoi'fned w ia r- rord-<* in th* Office .if tna <ui*m- ter of ihe City ai d Count) of Ne- York, in Liber No. 177 of *>'¦. .'.«..». page No. i.i,i i. the tecoad lay of tu*oat. ID'4. Defauli baa been med» >b« couottion of raid Afottai** by r. of nin-peyuent of tbe money cured tobe paldthettby, by meat a wb'reuf tbe j ower of aalt became 0|ier*tive The raio Mor'*a*e baa beet Only atai*. ed by Aba aaid Benj*- min F. Wile to lUnne R Randolph lor valuable couaidera- BMMk, by an loa-run ei t to writui*, ar d aald Kai.d d..b <a now tbe s'liimte,holder and owner cf raid MirWa^e. rtiorel* due and pajable opon aaid M. r'.ac at Ihe dato here*f the *uia or i ur hnncred aiul nineiy-lwo d'.Uar* and eighty taut* ov*r ai d above all payments xuaoe on account of or npon aaid Mort¬ gage. SOOae it hereby gire< that, pursuant to rh, ».*....<. la .lick rat» ti.ade ai.d pi, video, the eaid Moitgace will be sWabBae**] b*i a sah the Murtjiage ortnuaes graxted by aa'd Mor'gag*, at paWa aaetloa. at the Rotunda tbe Merehaiita' Etcltange in'he I iiy if N'ea-Yuik, ot SATUrtDAY, im- ?..-tu* day of Auru.t ii the year IUI, at II o'c'ofk at noon of that day . wbnh raid Moitgage piemise* ar* aeacribed nt laid Maatgage a* Milt/we: All'hone two eertain lota, pfeeet, or porrel* of land aituate, lyii g ai <l hi iijK in the T*>: tieth (ts't, Sixleen'h) aid of lb* City of hew York, between to* Seve' th ana F.ighth Arennrw, known and distil guifheo on a o.tp on fil* in the OAta of tbe Rrgia'er Ii *nfl lot the City ard Cinnty of New-York cititled A Men tt* L >ta ot Lanil "r Cround. ibe property of Oabrial II I siid, 'eii g (ant of toe Urn, ol Samne J U Norton, de¬ ceased, by the l ambers SO ithirty) ¦ I 31 (thirty one) beAog to- geiher bouLdrd soatl erly It ttm by Tbif tyatvenib H/Oet. and esmeily by letnuu l«t (tturt) two) on aaid n ap northerly .n tbe re.r by lot* numbers U Ithirtee') and ti (twelv. ) on said n ap, BLd weiserly b> lot B.hnl 2P (twenty nine) on *at<l map.tacb of said lots cental ibag in front and] rear lw-uty-flv* fti ' n.nie of le»s. ai.d in length nu each aide ninety -*»h', nine n rhes Dirt or leea, »«..«.'i .g . .»l . r. ftet on theeaarer'y line or aide ol int (31) thiny-ot e, wUkIi i* BOt included ui aatd Mirtgag. -Tla'.d New-York, 3d May in"**. « REUNE R RANDOLrH, As-ignee Mortatge, Fes-da i... * No. 2J0 < Veat Mai « ni6awl3trD New York Ott». SUPREME COUKT.City anri County of Near- Y ork M A Ro ARE r A >N NEILSON, widow, and Ad ti .1 .> ... . ol the c<- .:» eh*tt*ia ai d rfl.r-la of JOHN NEIL- SON inii-r doe' ed AgaiLti AiEOROE MALLON. FaT- Mi K Mt ELROY. < Larie* L-nl *. d Margaret his wife. Levi )<¦ del. Heni) H. E lio t. Ja*Bw*C Holda, Jamet Fiantjran, Th'ma* O'lt Letoj, ^avid Smith. Ata Oardi et Tho natOifd ntr, TkeUilted Bi*»es Tra.t Company <>f New York, Raoolv ers, Ac oil FeWnheld and Lnu or *'rigbt, Pr-*ble ,t, bo _ To the abovt-bained Defendiat«, aird each of them: To i are btrtby f....n i.e.' an* reqaeei to answer tba co'op'aiut iu tl *tHoi which wdl i>r fii-d in t'* office oT rhe 04»rk ol lb* ( ity aid Cooi ty of New Yor*. at Ibe a^ity Ijal la stil city, and to »~Me ¦ < j ot your answer to tbe (.id conipkaiut BD tne tulsrtiber. jt h't office No ti Mriibani.' Ktrbange.iB the City of Ntw-Y oik. wi bin twentv days after th* mivico of thi* sun n.o a in y, u, e xcltitive of 'he day nf firb service; and if you tail to answ.r the sab) coinnOmt within Ibe lime -I »res iu. irr i. till ii tkiio nr. ion "ill spjiy to the Com: for fat r-'.*f den* red in ihe eonpulrt.- I»*t«d New York March 18, iMC. by.B UaawTa» HENRY DAY, Plainnrt a Attoruey. 81 1 hi Mh COURT..City and County of New- Ulk.-JOHN M KIB Uk aiu JAMES M B\LL aiakbal F/EKiEL FHrlCH fl.d JACOB ADAMS-S.iii- ¦mis d r a n ,4iey ciiulac-. |i om not served | To »bo»a def.i iUMs You *f* hereby .uiiiinonro and leqoi'ed to Bn*w"' lie n u e'a-nt n. ibia ee'i m. wbaOb will be Ii ed in th« office "f ile i 1.1| ifthe City ai. ¦! Coo. .y of New Ym g at tl* Cry Hall in Coy of New-\oik. and ». »er*. a ropy of .our *»..*'«. the iai.1 «i'ii|l int on'hesnhr ir.s. at *iroffic*. at No I'a t .... iv the aaid ei*y, wilbin I wrnly data BfaaB the servaa oftr bjlB»iBbBI » "ti y-a, exelntiv- of rhe day "f^uciterv t'«; and ,i tea 'ad at awe l»w« »am roaipisii t althiri'he tfne afore said ibe pi... tiffs lr tbie ar'um »ll'take iud# 0'i t aga-rtat y it tot <>e .*» o'f'i. bmdred *nd twenty nl'" H.rlar* %. d thlr'y- »ix eer.'s wib hnterest Iron »be 24tb "ay of Septembor, one. tb. Betbd e gl.' htitv-r* I suit li>J Cre and for th- fu'thei san, of . b-s» kuiined and eighty «* et.llst» to.* **vr..iy-.i* Bt**a.TfHa in'ereat Iron .he Hal dav ,f Maitb, *M, hcaidea the cost* ftai* sctlox.. Dalcd M*\ 28, lAAA. I.AW'ION k LA RNED. Pl*k.l»es-A'uai-ya Tie roanilMi.t in Una action «es filtd in the ..hV* ot Ibe. t 1. k I th. l it j aixl Comity o' N.- V-C ..; tbe ^d day of j,,, \ftt ' LAWTON b LtRNED, jea'l.wewTo_ Plaint.tfs' Aitorisaya CrpT;r ME COURT-Ciq tv<i ( ounty of New- 0 V,,l -jmikukm' ANN NEURON, w .d..w, ad ad ¦.ll.lt r.»»tx ol tbe g.«.H. rbafelaand eff»r»a of Ott» N«'L- ^' ,., hu deeratoa. again*! OtORUI Mt'.LoN, PAT- to ( K Mrl.l.H'iV t'larles Lerf a. d M «rgai .'ai* wile, boai Him en. Ue»r] H Elliot'. Jaui-*.C. H.en, Jao.es 1 boa nOti« l.e.,,t DavM Su.it»., am Oaedoar, Tho ..aa f.ari Bs», 11,. I 1,1 ed f ta Bl T-USt ('¦ in| *li» of N. w Yurk, lle< BIV . s. a- n *J1 fm isabeH, and Lu'fiei W,v!,t I ,e*.d«. I, be 'to ihe tU.e »n rd It, Un a. U *ud each of the n ar* aarahtatuAiM imf mt-i r*aaif*d « «¦ «w i 'i.W*J » kataaa *e »ai wMcl **« a* 8*M ia daa offi e f-h- i.-rk of tbe m y »' I u. 'y if ham ¦York. Bt toe Cuy Hal in «ai i city a .1 to ."w .r, , , ,f voir *M*>*I -o ihe iM roti.p'aif.t o.I thOS'lb Berlbet, .tri., |f,r. .\. hV Merebaua' Exo.a.ge. lultaLnj ol Ntw^nk .1 hi-, iwei.lv days.f'»' BB«r!ea nf this sn.o on..a \...,. ,,.|.,lV, ufthedvy < a. tl ac r\let «nO BT M f.ll lo -w. ,le ...d tl ...I sint W.U.". lh< I. '.. .''»'. |. air.-lft .. ih . ,,... w,|, ....j, to ire. Curl f.; 'bo »xW4» ¦ tr f-f la Ik* aaaaalalbl I'a'.d New Yulk March IK, l*X. jtrt lawt »1u. HENRY PaY, Pli mt f » A'Wtnej GREAT BRITAIN. PrraeOi.t Own CoTre*i<otMt<i(.t London, Tuesday, June I«, B|| Many of our journals have articles on the Hutuuer assault, and you can easily conceive tbe shame and tbo mischief of that black ttory. The regular bigota here tbrug their asouldera aad tay: " What " can }ou make of a people whose Senators act "like Uli» man Brooka And ao all the old atotiea about Yankee violence, tic, mm* up again, and barm it done to the good rauae of na¬ tional friendliness and national i>tp* :t Emer- aou'i Concord speech wi.l weigh with many here who do not ordinarily ÄeddJc with politici, but »ho bonor that " fine, pure, traoalueent-minded man," aa Carlyle emphatically called E. one dav in my hearing. Of courte all American doings are wntched more cloaely here while this contro¬ versy it ptnJ ug between the two countries. The HaieHHl cauard by the Stunner matter.the Slavery fighta in Kausal.are diffuse»d all over the country through our press, and people shake their brad* and ILiuk you have "enough onyoar hands." Howiver, except in the few quarters where cer¬ tain persont r.re angry that the British son't flare- up agaimt you for the benefit of unscrupulous politicians, the tone of liritiah comment ia moder¬ ate, generous aud wise. We bave our owndifncul- ti« a, aud enough to do with our own ahamea and aorta. About £17,000 had been received, up to yetter- dav, lortbe fufierers by the French flood; and tbe lubtcription is »Welling daily. People are anxious to ihow that our talk of the "alliance'' waa not all part of tbe smoke of the war. The impression is, that this terrible event will demand by the miiery it cames, all Napoleon s tact, skill, ami » nergy; that ax far as ba has gone he has met it will and und it adroitly; ami the great mass of Enlnhnitn (buning our Republican*, who are few,) bave so little hope of French freedom, that tbey are contented to see him ralinc, if he will rule with aa eye to social reforms and s.>cial pro ttctitn. In fact, as I bave often said in these let¬ ters, there k a lull in political excitement, properly men'led, just now. Social questions are tbe fashion; managing talent the thing in demand. Tbua, in England, our active intellects work on tducation, reformatory institutions, charities, and lofortb, for tbe most part: while our Premier ia one whose politics nobody knows.wbo is aup- ]-o*ed to be abstractly a Tory, but who has a Whig-Liberal Cabinet and mueh Radical support, being a vt-teran in parliamentary and Downing Street busiuees, and a tough old wit. worldling, and schemer. 1 be meeting of tbe Administrative Reform Asso¬ ciation on Saturday, hewever, went off more briskly than one would have expected in so apathetic a time. Roebuck, the new chairman, mule a long speech, and pointed tut that the thing to be done was to work on tbe House ot Commons through the eonttituen- l ies. Tbia the Association means to attempt by organizing a correspondence with b Toughs and cities (in tbe counties tbey can fo nothiug). and keeping a ledger in which tbe votes of eacQ mem¬ ber aie recorded, ia ttrrortm. In this way they think they will check corrupt voting; and tbey will aUo put forward candidate*) of Mieir own W e shall tbua bave, in fact, a new Political Club in tbe country.which is what theAssoi'unon will amount to. Its real object v ill bo to try, by get¬ ting pow er in tbe House of Commons, to beat down tbe yrfntige ot tbe " families".introduce new men Uto the Oovcrniiient. and change the system of the country. /*> There are jbjecttdiriieult and important enough. If a previous letter I pointed out to you toe) basis on Klick tbe strei gth ol tbe famili»'s" rests. Jt ir not birth or rttnk, only, but a combination of three with propeity.und that property ofa polici- cul impoitancc.wbiah constitutes their power. | That power is unchecked by the Crown, which ia all but a mere pageant.especially as the prostat! holder is a Quem, and a* her consort labors utder the disadvantage of being a loreigner. A.inn, this social weight is ot iuimeri«e conse* quence. If Mr. Bugcby, M. P., can be of any ute to a party, be if freely invited out; in diffii tilt position,*, Mrs. Bugsby is even asked, toOl and many a promising reformer has Seen muzzled with a table-napkin. A ball at the Duke of Dev¬ onshire's. a dinner at an Karl's.these are tbe fatal rockt on which our great modern reformer! split' Itiathe women that do it. The women den't care twopence about politics, (in the middle elatWCI nt all events), but they do care al tut soci¬ ety ami their daughters; and tbey tease Uugsby < ut J his life U> use his influence f..r their ad- Tancemeiit in that way. Our aristo, racy has its roots »pread tlirouch the whole of the middle classes I mm its peealiar cbarart>r; it ia not a nobltsst like that Of Austria or Trussiu, but an in- i.tiiution tui gtntri* which hat sufficient of the feudal element to uave it from being vulgar and modern, while being essentially wealthy, and con¬ nected with wealth, and recruited most carefully in mi b a way aa to keep it itroug. l or iuatance, you don't see the great marcan ile names iu the Administrative beform movement, with all its boasts about its "business" character. Why1 Be cause a really gre>.t merchant is one of the aris¬ tocracy biimclf. He may be made a Peer, or he may marry at all eveuts among tbe order. He lives amoig them.be buyi? land **o much has intermarriage taken place, that I doub' if more than one or twa of out great families, could prove ibe siitun quarters required in Ger¬ many.that is, tiie nobility of tbe sixtoen gieat-great-graiid-parents.to do which insures tbe aobltste of a person's whole blood. Aid it U facta like this which (however they may male us laugh at tbe ultra-aristocratic tone some- timee shown) really constitute tbe aristocracy's power, bor could the facto be otherwise; tor time bat played sucb batoc with tbe original ancient nobility tnut the Peerage c >uld hardly stand, cite, as it «l.-e*. Tbo Courtenaye and Detercuxes are poor. Air instance. The wca-thieiw hcuses are tbote which hold tbeChureh lauds, like tie Ruttel . and Cavendishes. Many are from lawyers.like tbe Cardigan! and lUrdwickea, an*l even tie illuttriout Howards, wbo first rote by law and afteiward by marriages. Unul fact* like these are studied and allowed for, and until it is ucdeittood bow tbe " popular" branch of the legielatuie it rea'ly ariatoeratie too, one does not see what a game an association like the ooe under (list-union bat to play. There is a movement hi Scotland for a moau- mint to Hi William Wallace; and a mooting vti iocd be presided over by 1 ord Elgiu, who, at bead of tbe Brutes, ia a very popular man. TheSecre tai> of the Comaaittee ie the Rev. i hariea Roger ot Stirling, who it now bringing out Tbe Modera Bcottltb Minstrel".a work which compr tes the most modern Scottish songs. Scotland still boasts a goed real of it udal romantic .sin, as it, duet a t.t.eKi deal of Pretby terian ze.i), but is more active in mi bey -making than ia either. 1 hero is a mo* enger conti it raging between Pnifotyjori Per iit r *nd Prastr. for tbe Kdinburgh chair, leid by tie late eir William tiaatiltco I orrier (libe Aytouo) it a ion-io-law of Profess »r Wilson't", aid is edit;ug bit "collected tiorkt " of which the Noctis Ambrosiamr form* a part, of courte, am. excite plenty of critical in¬ dignation by appeariu* iu liltMif original paot ply ol eart aim. Perrier is backed by the ('outerva- ihe.Prater rather by the, Liberal interest The latter bat a hiyh testimonial from that tmstt ro- uiaikntle ai.d eminent man Isaac Taylor, it.' author af the Natural HUtOiy of EottoiiaOMi and to many otber works and 'vh. , beside bein^ a great scholar and pbilosopbie theologian, han made some fiuo improvemeata in the machioerv und by manufaetufers. Which of these men will win, 1 cannot in tha l»-a»t predict. I'rasei iseddior if tbe Sortk Hrtlish Rtcttw, %h.¥tt> Kmj.sIcv, ra- vid Motion a id Coventry Patr.-.ore *nD> t*i many cleffr reviews. The Jecisi..ni* to b*3 uisilcoy tbe ii.uiicipal Hoard of Kciinburgli.tbo body pM«l gave Aleiat Jer smith hia situitein bisauso tbe> l< It Ifcat loOtloW haJ been sixunlucky ia trcatiiit; it* roe-ts. ttet tbey oognt In do what they tNH I r any pott tbey »o«W tuttct. l'h. so MttW I are erwehr »aziled, and wiTl be alad, I think, to irt rid of the natter by their decision of f"th Jury. J M) Htrrary bodaet ii await, aa usual Juat now. Iioaglaa Jerrold talka of writing "a liUle b^ok.'' I met Douglas t'other da», and «aid, " So there i* to be po war with America1" "No. You didn't think to, did yon 1" hei an«w< red. ju the war. Uaoflaa baa written aa article on tue aeaault on tfumnarin hia paper.sorrowful and angry, for be baa always been a friend of the United 6utea. I böte he teilt do the " little book ' thia Hummer. perbapa at Iloulogoe, where be iroea for change of air and leisure generally. London, Friday. June 20, Kei. It ia asserted that Faluieraton would harr) die- mitred Dallas. butjAhat the Cabinet waa agaiuet him, and that he wn directly outvoted. I don't Eretend to know that thia ia true, bnt give it aa a it of political goasip. We are told of Minis- teiial dissensions and of poaaible crises. But, n.t¦«iie.hii»', let ua rely more on what is cer- tain and obvioua. Parliament spares the Ministry and evades 0, hat*-n on the difficulty, ao much ao that hrre and there one beara an M. P. whisper that we have "cringed enough." The Oppoaition. though th» ir organ freely condemns the Miuiatry, doe* Lot take active measures against them in the Ilouae. 'Hi¦> visbto let the matter pet settled as fjPJM tly aa possible, and, indeed, could ,<lo their little part} no good by acting otherwise. 7%« Timtt haa distinctly moderated ita tone, hav¬ ing, of courae, found ont that Dallas was not to be dismissed, Aid seeing that it would be absurd to talk big in the face of such a hit of moderation. So Jupiter has been following the ltad of other papera, ah owing how a war with America would gratify despots, pooh-pot hing the Central Ainericao dispute as of vt r iai'd importance, and lecturing oar diplo matistt lor genual stupidity, 'ihe fact is, tha tbe public bur. not declared iurlf as may hare bee exptcttdby those who wanted to atir it up. O Central America, nine Ifritone out of ten know nothing and care nothing. \Vl.o the Moequitoe .re, w lure (i ret town is, whether on the Atlanti «>r i'atitic, rot one peiton iu the ten really ia quires. And ns for Mr. Cremptuu, why they know as little of him as of the Mosquitoes, and are read to think him a burglar and an are. If you nippoa all IMl is '. wringing" to jau. however, yoa ttr 'wrcng; for the same public uever believed itself rendier to wage a naval war than now. Itut, really, the questions in dispute teeral so triding, and John Bull (1 mean th" simple unpolitical average Hull) is so little aiumus to fight about nothing, with anybody, or to tight with America, at all, that we are wonderfully pacific; aud, such being the cate, politicians have to follow suit. I expect to find im making "concessions," therefore, ib Central America, which ia realty the only im¬ portant matter of controversy, while the enlist¬ ment row dies out grudually ol itself. All this discussion bring! the geaeral subject of America much more before us than it usually is. 1 be public here don't know nearly so much of the rmied States as you would perhaps expect. What with the classics and French, and European politic*, their atieniion it diawn away fiom your history. Wien they travel their first impulse ia to go to France, Switzerland and Italy. The reprinting of your authors (a movement which I have observed advancing for yeats) ia doing more to cliange (hit than anything. As the steamers increase iu num¬ ber, and passages in qtiickui sa, we shall proba- b y \isit more.tbe run to >ew-York being much what the run to Edinburgh waa iu the laat century. 'J beie influences v.T.l tend to overcome whatever feelings may linger an either side of the Atlantic dangerous to natural good-will. I mentioned some time since a speech of Lord Stanley's, in which ho advocated a closer attention to Anxlo-Snxon quea- timsand intertsts altogether, and less meddkiug with the Continent. 1 hie: policy has made u good dial of stir iu some quarters, especially iu the Berth, ::t.d will probably cause more, l'cop e be¬ gin to ate that there ia really no chanoe of our stateimen interfering to any practical purpose in countries like Italy lor instance. Their realauxie- ties iu Ike present state of Europe are r*>r tho cause of r tie;.a fi eling w l.ieh was at the bottom of their eagem* 14 to stop the Kuasiun war. \\ hy should thty be likely to ahake ihe seats of lope, Kaiser, or oil.er poontate, when every cunvtijeinn is felt hi ic like tl.t- kktrck ot a distant earthquake If TOM study our periodicals about this time, yo i will bate a le'tt r el ance than at oruiuary ttmet, of tea ii g who ore your friends and who not, in 1* »glai.il. TAe fW ia sore, for it is I'a me re ton'* organ and Louis Napoleon's. Hut then Ihe Post has no weight, but ia only cuiious for ita fashiona¬ ble news, which is picket] up from lady'sniaid« and Lutlers by an enterprising individual. Ott great occasions, The Putt and Tlu Herald insert the do tsi sworn at state parties which are sent by millmers i>e advertisements. The political impor¬ tance of such papers can scarcely be gTeat! The poor Morning Chronicle I «Nm't count, for it ia no¬ toriously eriete. passed son e years since from Whii:s to I'et litea- and lately Irom the Feelitee to one acatcel) kuoava who or what. The Liberal preaa is generally kindly to America, especially Iht T.tadtr, written by Ihorntou Munt and otaers. TAt Tiait* 1 expect will give you a tcrub or two at ittervala for some time to come: precisely be> caote it has had to haul in its horns ou the serious n atter. TUt Times will support I'almereton ao leng as at can lend the country by so doing; hut U dio not see i s way to that on thia occasion. I \ er- i y believe The Times would like a:i American wal¬ lt they thought they couid get the country to like it.which they can't. A aar would iucrease ita importance and stimulate its, stle. If it succeeded with us. The Times would he powerful as its trum¬ peter; if we made failures, The Times would de¬ nounce our governing ayatem as used up, ami be ten times more powerful than ever Depend M it, 11 is last confide ration ia felt by our statesmen. hii.epi: whom a dread of that unscrupulous print is widely felt. 'I here are now various tigueof the session's hav¬ ing inn the best partofita cour»e. Morning ait- tings of the House of Commons hire begun, and an extra activity in puahing < n measures is percep¬ tible. Last Tueedny Walpole gained a majority over t;oveinme;;t by moving some resolut'one on Irish education, which, if carried out, wo a Id up- tet the present system and ctmpel the Kornau Catholics to have the Bible read to them at the Latioial Schlots Hy one of those accideata I which happen two or three times in every session, he triumphed, but will be overturned auain by au- { other rttolution early next week. I mention this reall) tiifl ng acbitvement merely as a fact of the day.and the reception of it everywhere shows thai Irish I'roteaiaut bigotry wiil not prove a saf* | caid fcr politicians wiabing to "use ' it in our times. We are l'roteatant enough here in tho po- litical and literary world, gooduesa know*: but it is«»Lsidered thrt sign id' a goose or a bigot (af ol ones wantiuc to humbug rceae or bigots) to be ni xious te annul any sy Hiera that works well for tie ln,g-pertecut<d Catholics of Ireland. Pi or Sir Jmhua Walmsley is »tili unable to get a chence ot reforming the Britiah Constitution He i* l< ug:cg to have a cobble at the venerable machine lie letorn* to the job with the pertinacity ofa boro ai d a gt» afer or sturdier bore does not tltat. As aajeakerhe it more ft porific than Pomuua.more iulimg t. nn Lethe; and Lethe ia tt very bed river to turn ou when you have itn "Augean stable, that fteady old image ') to cleanse." No douU he be means well. Fut the Liberals don't think him the rtan for the job, and the country ia apathetic ni ut Ihe job itrelf. Tbeie ne»er waa a greater iu- diflerebce to reform, and Cobden and ilrigut are both hors du tomlal. ->ne from l|a*lllliW the other from ill-bealth. Koebuck ia to 'ji\\o the chair at an Adminiatrative Heform no-etiug t«> morrow, but eien from that (the fashionable " reform ' of rhe day) nobody expet ts anythiiig. JasdfB, theo, the cLbnt es of poor Sir It shu t doing any thing in th" Ifouse of Commons which is intent on t'ie piart'eal dispittch r>l" bueineea, anyhow, before gKiUte time. Ol the whole, it baa been a dull meeting of l'irlitment; no great debates (ev<»pt peilaps the Kiirs one); no close ruus to speak of. Lisraeli ha* done nothing, and n it advanced hie poffion, and we eeem to b»ve v,o new aj»«akMra coming up. Ibe age geia dalier wi'kout gettuig more- viitut.ua. 1'ol.t.eiaua arc ieea flagrant iu iheit ji t s, and le*e *»ney in their fo'ie, thaa iu tint .laya alen ''roker ayaja peror»t!n^ md pimpiu^; hut Ihoutib anoie reep-ectaMe thev BM n ahler: and if our young men work harder, tbey waat more da*h ajbd go. more nature and life. TI« terrible miscreant, Win. Palmer, made hi* eiit in front of Stafford jail last Satnrdav.stnrv born, ailent and game to the teat, bo spent his last week ot life stoically, wearing the prison dreaa (in which he died), seeking nothing in the nay of extra Axd but a aalad occasionally, ami fiually going to bia doom master of bis nerves. Had tbe proof of Cook's death failed, he was to bave been tried for tbe murder « f bis wile, who was p doubt one of his victims. Tbe town s* armed with visit oraon the nan's last morning, and v.'.,""" persons were aaaen bled to see fcim die. The crowd behaved well.an example to our Olu RmWf moos which are the ttandiig reproach of the tBOtropoHo. Aa was expected, Palmer made DO cou'etaion, I sup¬ pose in stern defiance of the public >ld with bo wieh to vex any of fheiu who might be b Minted by u.irgivinct. He persisted in saving that he ' did "not poison Cook with ittTftMisTTi ' and some people tlink this iusplied an auuiiotion that he oid poitcu fcim witn lometbirg But conjectures are fabs. The world is satisti) d of bis guilt aud breathes more freelv, now that the gr*ve has closed over the blackest villain of the age. The nineteenth itnry, in spite of its enlightenment, can oo a little in tbe way of villaius; and when auch a t re aa Mr. P. appears, it begins to have a glimmerirg that the devil is still extatt, will travel by rail as readily as by the old coach, aad Lidea bis hoofs, jauntily, in patent leather. ( I have a little bit of literary gossip lor you, this time, .loin Konter (of Ta* tlraminer, aud the Life of Goldsmith,) is going to be married Us the widow of Colburn, the publisher G. H. I .ewes, the " Yionin" mi Tht Leadtr. author of " Ran- thorpe,' ac, ia busy on a translation of Spinoza. I shall be curioua to iee what the world saya to tbe grand old Hebrew.tbe most misrepresented of philosophers.who has never appeared in our language before. The aforesaid John Förster made a steer b (tor " 1 be Press") at tbe late Dinner by tie Lord V.ayor to men of Science and Letters. 1 believe that tbe affair went off dully, in conse¬ quence of nobody's knowing who or what ought to te "drunk" (1 don't mean intoxicated) first. Ar¬ thur Helps spoke for " Litcrature '.iu a speech that was ioo long and too slow.yet the author of " I n. nds in Council is surely a man fasti whom one win Id txpect something striking and felicitous. "Itter dinner-speaking," however, ia a branch of oratory by itself, in which tbo cleverest men fail. Dickens is thought very good at it; but tbo tame can te said of ftw.v 1 have seen a new American book.a "History of (be American Privateers,'' by George Cogges- ball. which I dare say w ill be noticed a good deal in our reviews, from tbe topic and the time The t>bl tar gives us Britons some hard rubs but he tcls some gocd yarns, and seems an honest kind of fellow, fo will probably be let off cheap. Sir Edmund Lyous is to be made a Peer. A good-natured, clever man; be isevtu ttill more.a lucky one. He is of a West Indian mercantile family. When . Captaiu in the Navy lie got the place of Minitter at Athens, and there, by a roman¬ tic accident married hit daughter to the Karl of Arundei and Surrey, now Duke of Norfolk. Sir Baldwin Walker it to be made a Baronet. This it "Walker Pasha," who served sometime in tbe Turkish Navy, and sinac rose to bo Surveyor in his own service. You will remember his figuring in the Syrian War. The controveraies to w hieb our sbip-luildii'g bat given rise in the pre- si nt generation, are innumerable. It is not a g >od sign in theac- regions of Mo to be a man who gets ( u. TURKEY. r.oni Our rywi, Cor'espoL.ln ,t Constantinople, Monday, June 9, ISM. Leiters from Ret? York, as well as the sfoleovo Tkiiu nk, nached here by the Persia J-ett in twenty day* If«01 the dire of their bntof mailed. Tbig mty be crstdered another of the wonders of ouriimts. We ueed to alb w six we -ka for a tet¬ ter to pass between thin and the Dnitetl StiV«, thin one month, and now ouly twency days urs re¬ quired for a journey, by na aud land, tjfaotM five thortand m o s. Aa rhere u ai edition ot M treVfl ni rk txteitlipg fraui Cons'SJitiLOple t*» Liverpssul, via Aduanopli. Bhumlu, Rustchuk, Vi.oni, A«5., it is cow possible to procure tM Pcrsta's Auur cau news in five or s'x hours after hs-i irrlTOl.tb>ia briigTg Nic-York nod Cotibtantino/o witr.in ten days ot cfch otber. It in much sp ken of here, ond rrems to be gea- era ly bcluvtd.though Meed I am ofeHfod to ad mit all Igporaooo of ihr oi'gin of the report.b»t a 1'ne of Amerem .tram, ra it aoou*. to bv sraru-d between New-York and Odessa, touohiin/ at va- lieut intermediate ports in tbe Mediterranean and Archipelago. There have already been two Amer¬ ican ships at Odessa since the poOOO.the Gejorge Hubbard of Bosfau ai.,! Martha Ann of New- York. '1 he former returned wi-h the same re¬ port, and it wa» thought that tbe Czar Was going to tpoatdfao im li a line, in the view of connesting mere «nd more Ms country with the I nited States. All the merchants here are greatly pleased with this prijeet, and premise tl enyelvet to nee Amer¬ ican commerce exteid itself iamuutly iu the Last. Such a Iilc. touching at Marseiiles (Genoa ou its return) aud Smyrim, would form at)interettiug route, and ought to pr.y we'l by its pas*eüg«rs. 1 he-Turks, ure extending their telegraphs, and a>o about putting up a line frocn Adriauop'e to Bel¬ grade, on tbe Danube, and from this place through to Albania. Kvcn the Persian Government has projects of this kind trom its Turkish frontier near Pay a i id to 1 ir he ran. An inte lligeut y oung geutle- i; ;.u. Aid de-Camp of tbe shah, ai.d chief urago- BM (Dreg* on f), named Mii/a Melcur Khau, has been tent here for various purpo-es oouuected with the foreign relations of rersia with Kurope aid America, and t«> obtain information reapeetng tbe telegraph, of which a marvelous account, he says, has rent bed tbe ear of the Kiblek i Aalem (center of the universe). I have made a point of postii c him up with regard to tome data about our op n teli graphs, and ibeir inventor iu particular, aid am pr< mit cd, in catc tbo Sbah docs put up one in Persia, to receiv e for the Professor his Majes¬ ty't most valuable order of tbe "Lion and tbe Sun." American shipping, which abounded here during the war, is beginning now to fa'l off. Some of the fine clippers, however, having been chattered by tbe year, or for shorter period t, bavs not yet worked theircontracts oat. I he Great Ri public has bad a tire charter, now about to ex¬ pire, if £'J,(H üa n onth. She hit takeuher last load of ';,"''<» soldi* rs, 170 officers, a large amouut of liuitiao cannon, und a goodly number of officert' horses on deck. She has beeu a valuable ser.tut to tie tfrtpeh, and her matter Capt. Liutehurner I ftn ejer.e )<<* country and calling credit. Mmy o tl e American captains have had tb< ir wive* with .hen : some have left them at home and taken substitutes in their stead during their tervic i in the loisd of the Payiiim and the Ru»t . an arrange- mint, tl.oiuh cf eourse en inly of a domestic iattire, which has been too peculiar not to hava been kirwn beyond tbe "family circle " and may be regarded as aaother " tign of tbe tiuiea." Tl e (itti man Govt rnmeiit is taottt t*s send to the I'liited Sfatet for BOOVber ship builder, since tke d. j «Hure of the regretted Rhodes, ashitsa cilossua, the double-banked T6 gun tng.te, cal ed tio " KUfltitk'' OT tbo Victorious, is . ot thej tin*st vesiels in tbe world. After he left Con¬ stantinople bis pnpils built several ships for tbs ¦fOOtit Mi'fan, man/ of them good one*: and all showed tttmrelvea wortLy of their tutor. Tbe suj erioi i flicers in the Admiralty, such as Mus- toi ba iml Salii Pachaf, having t.cen eductted in Pliglai.d (or fit least sent there lor that purp .sr), aro owing tbeir advancement wholly to tue-offleul old of tt.e British tn.b istador. rhey htve made a j < int of rootio| t ut every'l iuc American from tue Arsenal, and loepta* mt wholly under Kuulish pay. t.'emseqtiently, tne MOBikurj, and even now nid tb< n a tt<-au>er, bat always been pur- i hated in > upland. In fine. Hmliiih influence iules the Saltau'a ats< ak BM net a bird i vh has leer» allow id to fly over it bivii, ^ fbo letot plume of an American col"r. IrcCf g th* me By »ig Be of th« tirnee, wheat) he vha rui,r nay r> «d, w«. ü e am««r»> wb proved at U.« link- tillage of Tan . toe a tsrtmie G I. Kr* ion: oo Thood*) la»u The i'eo*,ie* oaasidam hwl «oc«p««rJ .b avi<«>i<ii from <eea. W»hr» of 7**> »>wr*v umrni f faypir to eprtid ihe Fourth *t hi* ''Unity Beat, a) nme or two from u r dep >t of ti e tlm*. n rliv»-r !Ui- xad at Terry tow a. Hi roue mean*, aabaew-* In (ien Webb, the ,r. .0.,>n"c got abovi, i^fn-u ii . tie tta'td at If* v.INge, »bd n*.e of thaai . -iftergj. 1 to Col Fren>«.|,t. laieudialiti und in &-a<or«j«y w th e rerolution far bid takeo at tb« Tary ertart of the carctaign, tie Cob a* i ..^.fSerj to flea. *V< bb that b* thoald Ire e.blietd tjc.i., aiinaeli trie anticipated pitaeuie a* he had dVt. rntuwd in no loe'eec* to tvv Caed aajbMd r»e»p« oo»> d»nt>g the Pr»»i.ie»iWi coeta»*, Hiwrtr, tt e ic) abi'aaU <rf t)iu»ri *.¦«¦ *a«w«'o ot this charge is tb> plan on»d tae erttvel ot the trmo wful. wit to h*Ye brought the oaaai ot tbe p-ope, coLMqo«i th, t> ey tu o«d out <n greet * jioN r* .>> w«l- (onehini I'poo 0en Wehr»'» *i>eorj*e*a*j tbe eereaea- »tat err wl kh ff clod»d Col K-eirem > r*<:, too pro- pmty t:d kmo taate of hat d*t« nntoetioa were at»ret appaii nt to tt* crowd, and, though evidently ii,.«*j j o i t. d at Lot p.,, n,£. ibe man wtuxn they k»l < ii . to !,. rj, r the) acqoie-tcd cheertalfy ia hi* de» cieion. ai d geve »hr»e trtue* ihre- hearty a* d tagaro- t ant rhu re tor Fremont. A t*-r tu*, Itreo aeare ware givm for "Jttfie," whr, with a epeotrun Yoaag AnnK*, aaa in t eceua. Mrs Fr-pi nt mi aaoiart ed to* carriage thtoagli *he uiallitude, vailed; and with delicate cvurleey, t"e rag»r p-opto MflaaJaael frt n p-tfjg to* ch ae, or . vto u «u fc-ung their good Nehrgby repeating tnr rbeera wbicn oad pracedid her app*arai ce. AfUr taAm;; he* wat, however aha m in, mo her vail to geilet Bl tl <. peeparalMiaa lOOtO receive Dr h or ha 1,0, and iiatt have beee g'-it/aVd lcceeC to D-rctiTt the wel' d-eee-d and we|t botMPred tbitig. Her banr soibe, hUekettd aad til*ok-oatred bo> p ajed at th« r«piagc window, aii.1 preao<mm**tdol . he ¦rtthrtr ei d dau|(htei# b*aV lolavorol tiee/oaaVr of eu< h a cbdd. IliyWevtr the dieepy-intinent may have, tot tho tine, dampi c«d tL« ».._:. a.-n .not the crowd, aota hat the biet let l.i g w*« inotiile t Rid t'e mnurvre who nit. id il h I vel) aud katerettiag Hieet>ngi>f 4 Freinot.t Cub < n the e. me aagat, gnr« Baa uetikatta aagat that tie very tipicr'.ict ot aeeiiig their e«j*daiota] had warm« 0 their b'ooii Intrmh, togttata ma-' of people wan never odW betid in TeMNt,'«p betöre; the enti e pootilali >o tuieed net, fl*ge and b*i,iie-e were waving, one with the Wirde itecribed "Join C. Prenn>nt, the man '. a 1. to the nanon dehuhte to honor." Sora« fifty private caniagte were Hoitu-g the a>nvtl of O l, \\> \>h eiiO lo* illuairiou* vi»itoi; a oaaaa . waa raedy to r,i'Et unee their conj't'i:. and the Udiea ul T-errytowo tl.not."eo ih> belcou>«e aid w.rajow», «ad even Uta sTieit* of the vicinity Ceitiucly n»t leea taao lurce) tl.oufhi.d j oj.ie were gathered op.u, half a day's notice Some idea, of taa Iu eut ebiha*i«>w fur Uta Kepubbcao ciu»e and eandciate whien exe-te in that quarter ma) be u ru a fromth'e iirratnetaoce Btfore tbetaM <:o>,a.-pnik will tall opoo the ntaaa, whvh el ail t.uiet in'o eoeb a tiUze a* hoe never heea acea before Vv'eet, heeter C.unty only ind.cattw th- techog ol ibe Stite aid ot the Koiin Fatal A< cidiht . A coirerpvtdent write- aa that r.t a liuehanan lieiiLtr Cetticat'on at Kew Caaaan, O in., on the 3d ioat>, an up: -iou of c*rtndge« took, plot i .probably miiueed by a carrleealy thtaara |ga* c-ecke).try which twnr> boje were buni'd.».rtmS t t il tm badly end one totally. Tne oet/ieatwre went in with thiir firing an*! khoutiog an Uiough notbmcj )<.n.iLiable had happemd. Uta village of Coming, Steuhea Coon'y, wm flailed 1-y a fi'e m bUhoh,j U»e, whu h deatroyad U utj'Om e l otiee-e, wftb a luea of about aloo 000. Turn inmiatce ir about lit 000 P UBLW MEETINGS* BOARD O* ALDERMKN. lfoMiAY, July 7-Aid. laAafl ll IUkrbh m ll.o Chair. CaaaaaMaaaafaaaai from /)»/«irfme»/*,.a .nimuu cn'ii ¦ %>aa>ran ived itoai th t .n ru the Oerpora. tioi, it. a-ewer to a leredoihej. iu ion Ut City aV»i'« Ii ad Cara I. e B> arn i f C»ii ti'nuD paaead at eerdi- taree autboiicmg ihe \\-,yo- >..»; en'or >ev ke .»t nil j k atnre, lie, idfte for City R-»iJriitt<1 V*>K -oi* bxioaT t- e p' f ot eaeb af |i00 prr f*r, A:o Th (JeMaml «im. ],.> apoutoti* pi mu m r g to I bet legality ot eat', ptae re, ticu-i iba | p»»*BBi»aa ot tu-- »»-T»rtJ Igt» es . nte wth t «R ihoa Coaaeak tv. r.. Couaael au wt- e tie qutetli'ir h ;'tl, as fi 'io*e, und then g red o Ion oi ktlfai on the . »r»j o i eoir. W ttilii-r'Bei im n i.n C'eunell hare an.b''o a*** *. tie ><rjor lBe n*h< to j-an or rr»t/»» lic*i.»e» of i uj Haeroad Carad 'io tt>i» anarieai I «n«v-rr tn-t law Major h»* oower wttboat at \ gr«Lt Inn. the Cfc*aa o t' auti' . S.cv*d: u ttthei the Cicin 0: t'outiel1 h«»o 'ke ii*bt to fix the land 'or littI rtI ar + \tt a. utioi f tt . tea car Tu tti. qu«rt ol 1 BP/Wi r. I., ten.* c*i*a. cl< arly m. r iiaoO-or* tie lt>B4 n.»> SM*B fwi*( l'rrau w»i la taia que.ckia, i ra**r Ii. u »kl .r.i i an ul ii \ m/m Ivli. 7Awn. wLelLe iL* I tu.n,.» C<an:iJ h.*» la* rlf bt to iui- paaoajaaaH) cl f . « car wI'Lovi' i. ... To tl.!. .(a., ... I iiusei L_ the .0iruiaur. I bat II in a*'. *. in i,.r., a* a |e We irji.leln,... «i. 1 utrtutu *a*icia* of tha 1*1 taatew»i üpealae*fäaa Itegu» rtftr )o« u> * waaaoaaat j,em « ii <-f a y ueinkea i iiieod hs |'i med. Ct u ii vnicaiion iraaa tka OtaaMaW hi *n-wer to a riro'u ion celling fm a iipf of the amou-i of moo-ytl l| e dtt on aoci unt of ppt/ieg for ihe Mtyor'eOffice m'i.i e Jei'iiaiy, .".'<;, «n- ifaiiag iei-i, aleo f >r adv.r- .!i :i, » 1 t't ni.no r ti i pere, Ate, amt'.eUv- lal ». m f< r ti e object* r f.rieO lo in 1853, aad t?,<49 S3; atrounterj aaid fr.m Jaaaait l t>Juoal3t leM wee *.! V. 17 Aihl bül- pre«-nt«i| f m l-wtpay li June, 15ON aa.Total fir 18 ii.nn u-, 18 340 8'i. Tl.i n w-peitre meet patinatted weie I'kr On% Bo-i, »I chm talk, idieivec IiZO ii, 11. 18.6, $39«; a-.d Ihr Atrnoitan. 1419 03, a' (1 Verean'ilr Journtü, taiieyear $'07 67. <¦< U-r-um vn y .. o 11 30 lo |t39, On mo ion tut pspvr aae rtfcmd to iba C- Hit' i't» e or W kal ce. >nn> tie ( oi troll, r in r.latioa to the abnaalan- propriaiiore for tL« fi-<-ai «eai en<liogJut» 30. e>v itrilof tl»m l ave; hem labnaetex ; nearly the a*.tiro epj.it p'lnl Oi a foi " ofl et fee-*, ' coD-jty coii'.iugeacied «1.0 etaatfc>'geat eip.r.»»» tit tae fjeanaatm ('.lum il arn alnady eiieured. Ti.e t nnoll-r makea taa ea- iMfe*lMeV| eadae totl e> CotoBoa 0a>d ai eew.lla* l.t-LCrtre ot otl.11 rlain.anta who a-e eiuila'l> -i oatc'L, Evii tie FuaVtbof July bill* caat>0' t> |aa*d1 daytrl n pioviaion lenarlt. Ui '¦> ir.o to the CmnrHltee. M'tfge oui tue Mayor -i^getiiu< tie ueceaeit; of a pahJie n.o><men , ovir and above the Couniava 0*1 oola. Aloeinian Ely d»nonn«vd * *- meeeage aa itileirdeuf for buLCca.lt, auti rid io the itayor lu i.-.-curu,g '.aa ntmitatien ha G< vt«ior Aid ra.iL VoorLi* tool the eai.e* ground, aad tidi- culeo the Wayoi'e ii.ee>ag u- for n<< other'hau ptai'ie*! pi. ]n mi. 'Ihe kattel ..out an lutliT.tlaul iu tue cojn- ij rue fay a.t>, a* i bed ih« uay it «oa »r u-n. leutttatitig ibe M»y> i to Ucoaea a lantlnlate foe fJiVtlBtir, Le [Alu. V..J tfioughr !oo»«d very aoa- I. oe tu Ii *ke the be.i of i». aa for thi* p*i>«r, DO aai. ed .t i«t< n io a committee*. A < . ( limy »o ure-it a"<. V.«iibie of arn.»ly iaerjrt. ilg th. 4iarr b. hi- idUeOfk* 11« u.»o«d tb,-aacu- n u wtyild b' \a Mi bL a akuajga t » it t-i Arte . ie S. ie, raatrafl aeii aa* aud ih.t to p in- w-w l arrail ajao A 01« li aaid i ' " r . B i a"d 'be) va i'.neiff re .t'.rftug the «i.oeile, rmt . ic., oo ( itv r li r. I<»fe in to the <'..nun 'ie* hSaauce. Ti.. |'Mt*Vaa,d »< »> ?* .?..yev.mug |eju:ep« Saiun ey eld -¦¦ :.<' ¦.. tili bueitieee i* 0i*kO->ed of. Ar join Bed tv Tu*e<l«v. -*m- BOARD OK STTERVI80RV. VOBDIT. Ju-> 7.S iparva«ri KlT in 'ne t*ft».r. huts hitirrtd.ii: tie »oir Corouert he q .trtt r eidog June 3o, ItM, eaweaa'ia*] In Oo.Oeit ißL (or naaaalaatd iBpeawa e.tt*tiling tbe a»m. ; «Ui, 0-130 ft fo>t-tt'ifrt>m >S*a o'.iioi*, n«'t kaula r-i iu the) aJov.. Iii ol emciy ii .-.-o.|. r f»r »d»er. eta, m leletaj t to nt.xf i>a Jo eg' n atlaat uettt«/* Ar-t.ttti! laitt~T lo et«t r. ^ .tit-t e "*'ip*retaira to m al at haatjiae I bt*t aud .a-e opoti **¦**» n bd< ratla, anl tue l.nw « jonmed w u.a. day at 10 c'.- , k. _ 17 A A N. Hi > IM IHIkD A.vimi g.WuMAM ImDL » eOHMBli. A tii e aaMtrred at Bo W| Tnud aaaaOJOi eb ait 't{ o'ch i k Uet night, cauf« d by a candle ca/elteely left bu mug whuh »et fire Id the be-d elo Jiea. a w.voan i an.e o WdDodd or Hm r ia w»* «o M vere'y kaaaad ?he ia r.ot i iptr ted to »urv r-.

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JnetnranM $ow9<nfo+^^.mrtmm fire i^^Jgfa^Ö Pt».»«CtOieat WeWn HiiiMii.p.l .,,...,, »nxl Ina* t*U u. Th a Company, mrmit* . -w-. 4poii, »tto»i aad

rMiortntft-umit. inow i«*«' tjSaaaieeS "uiidiae*.haae pulvt.ee of ln.oruice*.*bnnM( .,.,¦.

Bale* in port aad other r«*^Jg7*l WALBEB. Pieaidenl,

«HO«. W.Biinwii.'««^M,johp.PH ^AtlfiL Ko. h E«*t Broadway.

u w B.JJÖ^obmIs ,;«.*.*. n*ek.. )

FÄnu-r .»:>. .«¦'.".V"0',V */a"W<L *d. .Tmrnm, Etaa* -Ca.)

Rf u .muri I Abhat I »»in'«»»-SS 1**11 ,i nmi-e.l h H,rd*eil.

SRrr5 MEHH-'t .-.ch-'-. Batiltal B ltx)ÜlTri U»«n-K^ eT Lewrene» 1

¦eTNBYBANBOvV iH H. B«m>w k I«)IP". 1». HAlOHT.lKv:bard.«, Hälfet A l-o.)b m wurrtocB, b m.%B a. wwiioea.,

JAM'S * t.ARNtR. No X riM-.tBlUfLC PaXoN, (Alieuk Paatva.)Bl>l< Ah i> r BMTF. 'Brntf. Br. ther . BtM )D CROMWELL y. (Woodward A Or«*Mll)B.'r. VALENTIN» 0» Veieutliie A *.«>.)E. J IMiNNKLL. No 14 flllMIIW*

A>nCBOM 'f.. (Crom well « BiM.all.)VMEl*nwjip i »oi«" r .r. -¦

f It WYMAN No J« B«'l««r«"Pmatthi" Mix. nrr.i. Eat** Mi^.-n a Ce.)VoH <i ALLfV fleAa B«ä*ta. Allan kO<>.>gg7,£, fth tlR'NM U-.tMcr-m a tin ,, all.)


EKAMELED FIRNTITRE-H. F. FAR-A IM* ro * *. ' ov r»* n f rSaJ- on rvei «'*a *»" riu mt

?Inch EN »MF I-'" C'H A »1R i.R P'URNITl'Re.iJl jt'Wroian rciora, *''d -' .. I* ¦» d«r' ra'ed hi la' d«e» fa, name, a.d*>¦»(». .. the W«nr.fae'oJ« arereoma, No* 46 a.id ah >A7ooe-tn it, MMrttl HrtM n e and Ornnd *te

E^RTlfEN** ARE and~CHINA .150 oratoaBoott'a ' -.'.<¦...... anapa" Wmte Uiee.it«.

L ( craU. Common lior.de*i . " Riu« W|U,,«r." j.lai ehape.* tu., a O. Id Lnator Juaa . Brid«wood *" CbiiiAFor »» ? t<> i>« 'radn i"> <>r.«ii.*i u.rk.fw* ¦, .> by

BI'ROk.SS, DALE A »»OfiDARii, No N Pea'l-at.A>m.t* foi the Maaolacturera.

HETaTFiNT Im .I">LE ICE I'fTCHERS.-kVb*ti "¦ "dworli mt ».¦ awootly tu -raiae of-' tm* old

oaket btckot," It wa> b -f.<re tl>p day* of modern InTen'kiua,Bow. ihr crn'fj peopl* h.\c " kirkod t'.e bu'ket " ami drawwat. i 'ri u. :lt if » w't. a ajaaja. To tn nk of oBBkMlf upth* water in tf.la KW liS-rty AA'o may y«* read of

" Th* brauüfui nhayi', tn« ... in claln,Tbe til c pla'ed cbaio that revi.Ua« in J>e well."

The tblr**y euiaen* Dim', obtain then tn; ..<« of *ii<r oh«"0(bth* andaidi'Und pt,«i*«. and wiUBl ao warm aa «A r^ipnre k

U make it )>alatable wr'ch IrayU lo a I inand f«.r P'tcbera matWill rODlaii ......... :i e Sefo-e it u.e.ta. Tht*. demandaaa ha mpplied at the wrll k n wo c«tid at ihe f ot of I rn. .'.

PUied and Br <a ma D..,,!..« 10B P1TCHCB4 fr. m «Sti»i5,A,r «a)e ai Ni* 4 and H Builii,««hp, by 1,1 >.'! i . MART.

fluiicn TiurrrarDBrB.

PAPER WAREHOUSE.-J. T. DERRICKS< iN A Co., No *. Heekman et,. o*er . r »Ue :b iHf law

eat term*:Writinji papm*, rj'i*ti«ri, Fmueh ana Amencall.Hew« Paper, all war*, welahia and TualitieaBook Pep*', ail «i»rs», wei*5>u a. .: j a ..>?«.Tia«ne Pap*', fancy -olor« ai.d »blt-, of the !>*et quat'lyHanpti* Pacer, wtji.e and - red. different wlitha.Hatten' Papel, totn a .d of the <» « quaJitytTtoth Parei *i!"t * i

Knalnh Hardware *a: ci, a !*/*« aaeortaoeLt, )o*t . r.- tABheathma Papei of the ke«t qoaiityvA'rait.i.-,« Par ei, Straw, fUe and V aTea P.rer of d'Aartnt tijeaTa« «l««-.fin« PatMi «yjahahla 'or I» rfJla

C?tran ätcumrrB, «v'c

¦BV'TtWB AXD LiviafOOL 17, 8. M S 8. Co., 46 Wail-at. INiwYi'RK, Iba V. MSI J

Tly^fVnt'E..Tlif rat«-i.f Freij;)it by the BtaaUeMH1« o' thi« htaa, fr m Liverpool, la reduced ta £i per tun me*-

aaretoett. at til forrber iior'ce E. R. COLLINS.

)R CHARLESTON and FLORIDA..SEMI-aaeekly united rtatks wail unb. - roe

Ii*, u ».i. fnei tai d fa.i |aiB| Sieam»bii> NkS ivillr, CaMfn B.r y will leave Tlei No. I.Norlh R-.-r .... n-V

DAY. July fi, alt i'rlocl a a, precisely. Kor ff-iaht »;»pl»an koeid where all eill*ot lidin« will ba «igned; and for aaaaar» *i lb* idaV*. of IPOBPOBD, HLKBTON h Co. No. 2»Bi('*.lw«\. Cab'U pat»a«e ai'>. Pti' .pie .d>.| St.amahlp 1 as.ADOmV-'l *"rreec uH lesve ol SATURDAY, Jn'lr iiTie f«venie aWeaawi C AHf'i.lNa hnvii.g resumed tt r .ejulartiip* to v»fou* I.aj d ¦»« at the St John'* J'.-ver, ainri^a, co

eer'i wt'h tb» ^leatrer« lrt«n New > otk, Je'vr ( Cfatrleilme-t»r« 11'» M'AY, »i( 'clock p. rn. Through Tkket* to Jack-aorTill», a»l i l'uetki, t?d.


.nd a..|i,ificeni Maaavhia jam -.s a'*OKR, Caft, S cVail er. oi, n.a- da.. will ie*»e Pi-r No. 4 Nor'n River, ou sa T-VvBBAT July 1? at 4 ..' irw-k r>. u: preci«e'y. for Pr-i»ntaipv «.: i. -i. It ... J.,i ,.t «li, b ««i'ied, and f ir

P*.«-f ¦ 'hf Ofiic- ot f*PO« Kurd TiLKSro«* a Ba.,NaiJ» an«.'w*y. lb» f.vo'ife itevne' CaH(yi.|N\ han.-a.a* *d her ie*u ar tri|» to v.-iou« lar.diDa* on the St Joho'aRivt r, Ho. da, wil coen.rr «rith «o« N-w Y.»k Ceum-'r* »ndkeeve Th. le.r,.r .«¦, ry- ti'ESDa Y a' 2 ..'dick p. m. ThrouahtJeket* to J*ckioiiTille *>3 |o pilvA*, a*l.

F)K BREMEN fia iWUTHaMTTON.TinCnltro Stau« Mail Steomilup HhR.Ma.NN E. Ri»»t *,

Coa.n.ai dei. will aaii f r 3HKMEN, touenin» at BOUrS-AMPTON to abd Um BaeDl and i.a*«c «er« for pn-¦land aid Franc, on IATUBDAT, July 12. at 12 rr'nl^k tak»> Pia Ba .17. N n Ike**mice or aaaaaaa no« law-Taaa to »oi r,. oa

aaaaiih.In «"n.i BaAAa, Main a«i.h,u.fixIn Fii.t Cabin Lower »») i-. ))»lb hawond t/sidu. 60

An ripene'ved Snryeon i« artnrlmd <o each «teamer Hpool«deJiver^n In Ht.'e ,.» Co. oou Nu pari »le .eeeiyert ihi the day.f aawtaaj All letter* mart paa* throuah the PnaVOfBe* PeatWae.»«« r w.-iain. anyly to C'l-tANI) a. - i.

No i) Houth *V|]IUni »tT4w vreamer WasHINOTON wM aueceed the rJKBMANN,

¦aid «*>i A .. i>.

FOR LIVERPOOL.SteauiRbip LRBASON,T Ct*,k, con in«, der Tbi« new and powerful «'eamer

will etil beta tie BlBlaB aid Nth Aa.ei can e..,».' MaJSteam !'.< let C..u,o.Uj'« Dock, at lei.ov City, on T',Url'fDAY Jnl> T4 P«-<e«e money f. r fi.'.t c'a«* p*«.e;i(i*r« only,lot wb.'u "ihere I»aaeaiUal ae. ¦.mon«iatione *> l"0, inrludi'ijprttf WH.i.» and ai.wa.d'* f-e. f.u' wiibont wine* or lig^or«,wbieb r»u W obiamed on bi-.r I K'«irbt -akeT, »t iea«onable¦akea Apply to E. C I N ARD. No 4 .¦<.'. .-¦».c...


ta* AMIThe a

are:AIL.tNTIC, Cam. Olive* Eidridaej

The BALI I'1 Cap . J ^aeph Cnrn«t.K;k ;The ADHIATIC. ( apt. Jamea "A eatTbeae aiiita have h*«i builr b, co..tr«ct e*(<-.**!> for the fjO*-

arnii.ei.t »er«» r. e.nv care buti-aD taken hafaWttat ..r-^lttoua* alao ii i).. r entine*. to kjaajN atrei atb a id «paed vjd thevaocoa.m..',aiii.t . lor paaM-naai« are uii-qualed for aienar,.-e «J^aemfort

l*rice of |*mm« from M^w- fnii to Liverp>Ki|, In ftrn «anli.m wM i-'d'... #" j Breaa l i>o>«.i to New Yck Sf

and 'Jii afAkaaee Ba ei,.ri«iK-e.l «ur*e.in a"acned t" each «h.p|a>learihaea*> aa aeearad awHl mml tat, T». ai.ip. «f thi* lh.«have havfavwad «ee « «h* ^nikbetd* arid tnavon r'a-.tar fronk»*. wM aai eroe* th* Bank« aaaTIA of «2 detree* anul after theBret of a -i.

PROPOSED DATES OP SaIMNU.lau*. aiw voRA. Flue i.l*BB*t>OL.

¦ATI HDA'.... Ion* n, ItM WKDNESOAY.. lauieK.Uoa,¦ATrhliAY....July S. ik.-*.. W K. IiNKhuA Y .. Jaiy S,|ATURDAY....J«lt lt,ia*A «.'Hi\'KSi/AV..JaiylO,Hi'A|ATORDAY....Aef. J IM*.' tvvoajPsf)AY..au. It**laTUwDAl ....A'.«. I«, 'k.M. |v eviVF.SDA Y.. Ana. 20, lBStBaTVI'iAY... An* v, !*.>. ltVKnai«:SDaY..P.epL 1,IB3h..ATI hHA > ....BatA. li. u-».. wy riNKtr»aY..Sept.l7.liMBaTi PDiY.....>.ept.P?,it-o. W kdnksd iY..t)cL l.lMt.a.'iiiday....»-ct. ii lasa. wKjiva ;jnAY..Oc. is,un|ATUII>AY....Oet tS.ibml va K'iNEsD AY . JeL 2«, IfcSf.¦Alt hi ay... S t. 1b'«. WEDNESDAY..N..V. 12, IKV¦ATI RUaY....No.. B, 11*4. V\ EBB I BDAf..*fart. AS,'»%Bath pa i ....I), e n. ip.v., wpt) «E«D aY..R«c vi iav.BATi;p.[)ay....Dr< %y, IRMk WKDNEKÜAY..Dee. M, IUAWot fr«.iai.i otjyeaaaa*, aoply u,

EDwaBD k Collins, No. M Wai) *t.m. T.Bkowm BHIPLE1 a C<. LiverpuU.RTTPHKN KENNAKD h Co.,

N... .T «u. in Pnai«, LondoaB. O WaINW RIOHT A To., Par*

*b* owi ?». lAwaa .*¦'[. wi.l no se woonta' la iBf ROiA,BOve,, kaalBua, «r^ele, j.-w»ir* |.re. ien« >t. .! « metal*, ueieafbtfi. vt Batata a'* man«d therefor, and the value thereof at

1 ther^m.


rv<?.0M * " w »"»B To LI v t k I 001.' tl»f f poooaAV.ft-*)eMaaaai Cab a P««..*«. 76raLlr ! aa .¦ aaa r..\ ra 11. tau.*>l.f h'" "Jbhi Paaawe*.aiiti

ihAHIA V'.'m j\k ¦*.¦ canada.43eet, Lbmaau ., k

"' hMBRICa.CaaaW .aaaa,

kJtoTwT^onAP1 d a Sl t v :..n y,-i.^X,.tl' .j'.' litMAOAhA. Leiten..le.ie.lt. 'w, p '^.v ,','.Pk-BMA. Judk-S. .- C.w, ¦* k-atk. » ennTlt.V { / «' 2?R. r*kWV >< re 11 Aa r r

Ai all atlaiaial aaitaaai n bo.riTh« Btraaia «.» elti** will a«4 I* *leaaai*Aa* f rloid

Filler Bui; ..i. Bp.de. J»we|iy, Ptvehiaa I «a*a m M.i»u«u.i««« .if . ai MBB«] art *i(xe« tbarrl'.r ai.d the «aiue Ihereolth* «in «a«B«e»»«Cfor fi. i.bt or pa..., " apply to

_I ( NARO. v.. * Bowii.» iraee.


PUD PACKET l (iHCa.sy.|TNA. Caa* M la CM EC .C»pt SmallJURA... ... Cait. »«...ü,», LK.WaNON .CapA Cook

'.abi.rja t^ad'iewi,.. . Oapfc BmaiataPaiaa. . n.ut^a t. i laH r aaj aaaajat e'i | la.(let eykVaa alBBBfl

¦)aa.ei|eit aa ¦.uiu.o '»li«., ) Al'.i, ln<:lui.iua oiovi.Umi« »nja*e» ..o'. t.o. t«.i «ri|,iio'».«, .r .i ju -i> wh'. li an .e o*-.ali .d ... board Th* Mt«te BBat ta ahayaaalr* lawaa Btal Ml Iytilated. Any on« wwbln« tu lata paa»a*>n i* l>.«:^J At v.#.l..¦»Ja > ,e «b' feaen at m .<«;.t« rut/ a 1. ply

e. C'NaBD, Ne. 4 Bowling rreem.

Qirtimnmiie an* flailtoadf.


ruiNT, liCFAM ruKr *.hi lArtMipvyi - rte mmm.Hfht dititru ».».Di»>f i«m«,4| miRisrofiira, i:«pi i# B

Border, "til »"« ¦"¦>- < <.! i.( Jay «t., Noilh hi<m m 'olknes:I.It'1 ItW toil LEAVE OCEAN fOBT.

Tio-o .... J My I, II jt m. Teeedey.Jel* ., 7| A nv.U ,U, ..Ly. J ,1» 4, I Ol WaOOfWdoJ... I «'v A. h a ,.

Tbaraclay... J»N >0 I p m Churwlay.July i' 9

Fi**}. .in » m, c mi Frvdsy.J<i» II, I *, m.

8*l*idey.JhIt IJ, SI p m. W>tir>.y.July 12, 'i|L .

>JOi u>. July 14 m Monday.July I«, M a bjlTue..»..in ) 15. 1pm I' ic«'iv.Jaft li, flHtagee for "an-i; V '../», H,-l Bonk, aid otbei parti of Uto

ro mry. Tbl» H, m I hB *i *enilj offered to tba Lrereling aoux-

WiO»rt) ihr brut adi.ptnl Bi at aver on toe Mut«.

DAY boat for albany, from foot of Canal-¦I *t* tari g-*t.The aieamhoat ARAiKNlA enO loo**

ovary M"NI>A\ WF.HNR'tliAT mh! FRIDAY at 7 o'cioca,lai mna a' li-ieemet'iaie )>iMitu*e

^'ORTlBaNY, ai,«i in CONNECTION with theh a 11 ntiA'.-' B) mahatikia aiO the wübt . Ateaon-

a a ItAaC NK*- Tv'Naie NEW »OBLD leave DAILT,at9 i-c i> o as from win. t fee* of Coortlandl »t

FHTiVhTnor^^CUHntl .NS- r > '. i N TBIPR DAILY eteb -ay fun-d»ys rivi-trd.) '! * .-.>.. N*w-York ana re»al*av* Fiu.ui',j,L Li »t «| I and i0 a. ¦ , 1, 4, A* a * 7 p. in a* t i and ta>thai gtiui >«iKi«i'i at HaXMO* ( Paint on tta Kaat River ort»

alia 230 a'., N,w Yn ». Taw twaniifbl atoatm r ISLA»U CITY.Fiashu a llai f «.. I Bet, Wave* Fnl'oo Market » it Ifrait of Fal¬le rl.) at the ah .* br«TafS stTo»«'Bg flue viewt of ail obj*c e ofk.uitat on botb »bore« id >be Eaat River, auo landing at Hubtri'» Poll t li> feral I) mi utea Here rvit i'rui'p trnta bratAneareabd are taken tbeiiee >? K Bahn* (eight rotas) era* ana.if ike fl »»¦ »oed» in Ike roruitry, in twenty-fire tan. at*., in-r'arlh * .t'-pa at Fem t Btie-ge, M »spefi, Wugwd, New'own,Netltual D>pot«no Wet' Flashing The whole trip oecapioole»a Iba, en booi. Paie, 'JO ceota. Excurrlin partioe «odrrbiole take- a< rvdne-d ratei, Peraone eon alto roach tbacaraby »V» H t" tin CBj Itallroad. thioukb Ort«a Pout, of by¦roc.irt tl ? 'a*4 »t ferry.IkJv^W-YflatK and HAfaLPM »AILHOAD.L^i NOTIl E.DISCONflNUANt'.Kaf KHIIDaY IK a INS.Afiar SUNDAY .the I3'li W. no Ltng ,'ar wiM be ria oa

ILie ttevl for the trän«!«Ttaikon nf pm***- aeraVVbL J CAMPMKLL, Soperit-'eBdoat.

tl be A t cb n~r rTX_r*ö u t¥7^»I Tbe Thri ujh Tirket and Krocht Ottern of the


and Abrtr Hailroad aid 8t««nib»at Cau .eutkina to Crrtr«««,kluwaukee, <.*,. a. Horiu «u.i.. Sr. Laa'w. Cairo, and all potutatA>at aid Sooth wertVia Ol'SrKNSJON BR1D0K BUPPALO. or OSWKOO. la

at No l-n BROADWAY N.T.Comer rf Cnurtiendtat DART*) OLARR Atent

IOHO lNLA7fi7KAlLR()AD---MlIMMER AR-J I AMiLbtF Nf*5..A)n auo ait. r FRIDAY. Jane 30, IBM,

(.inrxlaj eirep'ert). T-n , 'mm r Earl.Leave Brooklyn forvlreenrort 9 a n. ard on Saturdaya 3;l4 p m.: for Taphank,IA. at at e SrAA p. m ; fot Lakeland, 9 a m., andSiASp. m.:

for Ion ii '. a m. and .7:iA andfl p m ; r Syo<tat, 10a ro ane 4: It p. rn. fi r Uempirear), B> a m., 4. l.'i and (I . tofor Jamaica. 9 and !.' a u\.,9:48, 4:15. 6 and 7 D. .. Trakoor.u»| VA'eai. Leave Orrenpor* for Brooklyo. i1 a rn and on

I-noay» a'4 tj a m.; Yaphank,fl:Oa and It :36 a m.. Luke-laid A:**aa m a d 12:69 p m.. Fanninidele, 7:30 a ra.,and1 p. m i -.in. " .i .. n. and 4:40 p. mt Hempetead. 6:287:!tl a m. and :!6 and \\ 13 p. m.; Jnnia'ra, M 13 7: HI, 8rlA*ndl|46a nr.. 1:1' and6:rV p rn. Freight Train lea*r*t at 7a o

\E\V-JKHßat;Y RAILR04D.For PHILA-DPI PtilA and the «nuril and WE3T, via JERSEY

CITY.Ala') and Eii-rea* Lrnee: Leave New »ort N ano 1]a, m ai d 4 and i ft tv. ; far* e>1; 111 m , t>2; etopoiaa at allweyaiatiota Thro«ili INeketa told fur Clnelrmati (#17 and* I* BAJ and the a h for Baltimore W«*binAton, Nor-f .« he And vhro'itb baktace cbe;kad ><> WuoinaUia In a rn.

and e p rn J W WOODRUFF, Aaeiatact Sap't,

iTJater Core.

DR. TAYLOR" WATER-CORE, No. 650'to a New-York.For Invtlid* and othera.in a beeJuiy

l watton M.« L 11 H AND'RSOW, äaalata XR. Ml'NDE " W^TEb-CÜREESTABLIgH-Mr.NT.at FLORENCE (Northhampron) VlA-l«,.ecmo

>f ib» lari.rt and h«at renulatul Ioatitntiooa of tie kind in theUnited S'a'ea Dr a*, ia tbe oldeat dleclp'o of Prieaanitt andone of lie firat writer* on rrje «n'-i-o. Price *I0 per week.



4i?ANTH' SAF84PARILLA.The Apfrieot. Au-kj tieeptic aid B*«'nr*iiv« proper!** of Ihi* i..vUnatl^ ,.r..«.jetl n. rencer it* rafo anJ rer'aui eure in cxea of Sciofnla,Liy*i Con piiint, Dtapepiia and nutnnooa ah »r<iua a id *ru>

.- Preoarod anl (old hy A. B »t D. SANDS No.|«f Fnltoi -at.

e ryui füniue»

IN PURSUANCE of on order of laVi Surrogateof ttie County of New-York, notlre n> hereby «ivrea to all

peraona havira rlaima aiainrt MAHRS Z J At OUS, late .ifthe Ci'j of New Yi rk, dereaeed, to pre**nt the aame, eri kvourhern thereof, to the laficrthcr, at hx attire, No. 1V4»trert, in tit City cf New- York, oa or before the twelfth <V.ol Dtcember ueit D»ter New Vuik. rb* alatb dav of Juoe1F-6. FL1AS Z. JACOBS. AdaiMatrat r ofje)7 lewOrnTu* Mark £ Jacob*. f>eea*ed.

1^ PURSUANCE ot aii onlar of the Mirrvtjht«of U>a County of New-York, notice ia htrebv *etai. a* til

Benin . bavn . elafca * ann *t m.- ne'e ct DANIEI ERBETa,la't ,/( the CM) of New-Y »k, o-te« oil. lo pr-at'.t the **ma,wi'b vtn.tber* thereof to the anhiciier a" tiie offi e af M*rUaA bmith«, Mab N Aa»].|,.,m rhe Crty of New-Yorii, oi or be-tati the iwelltli dnv >f Decenihei next Date-. N-w-foik the.ittbday f Julo i«5«. KMr li' US RHOUKS,

jcifi lawfmTn Eaecutor.

MORTliAGh SALE.JAMES H. MOxiROVY"and t a t URISTU^ mace and deliver** to BENJA-

i in H. ¦.¦ II a en in. Indenture of Moita*** bea'**n Satetl . tt it) Irs, da\ ol Jol}, bj the year IBM, f -n ed ati e pavn.ri t of ice BOB ot one thousand three hotwired doUaraoil or r.eline the fif'ttrni, d*y of A, ril next thereafter, with ba>larear laetetO) Braan nau ot aaid Mor'*a(re, at aeven per can' perai lubi, >» hieb aaio Mor'«aie contain* a power o' tale of rhepiettneea ti . rehy n ortra*ed 00 d»l«tili of payment, pr*l.u mt lothe d i diM I, iher.oC* o wlnrh Mortcaae, wub t|i* power of.ale iheie n eoi'fned w ia r- rord-<* in th* Office .if tna <ui*m-ter of ihe City ai d Count) of Ne- York, in Liber No. 177 of*>'¦. .'.«..». page No. i.i,i i. the tecoad lay of tu*oat. ID'4.

Defauli baa been med» >b« couottion of raid Afottai** byr. of nin-peyuent of tbe money a« cured tobe paldthettby,by meat a wb'reuf tbe j ower of aalt became 0|ier*tiveThe raio Mor'*a*e baa beet Only atai*. ed by Aba aaid Benj*-

min F. Wile to lUnne R Randolph lor valuable couaidera-BMMk, by an loa-run ei t to writui*, ar d aald Kai.d d..b <a

now tbe s'liimte,holder and owner cf raid MirWa^e. rtiorel*due and pajable opon aaid M. r'.ac at Ihe dato here*f the *uia

or i ur hnncred aiul nineiy-lwo d'.Uar* and eighty taut* ov*rai d above all payments xuaoe on account of or npon aaid Mort¬gage.SOOae it hereby gire< that, pursuant to rh, ».*....<. la .lick

rat» ti.ade ai.d pi, video, the eaid Moitgace will be sWabBae**]b*i a sah the Murtjiage ortnuaes graxted by aa'd Mor'gag*,at paWa aaetloa. at the Rotunda tbe Merehaiita' Etcltangein'he I iiy if N'ea-Yuik, ot SATUrtDAY, im- ?..-tu* day ofAuru.t ii the year IUI, at II o'c'ofk at noon of that day.wbnh raid Moitgage piemise* ar* aeacribed nt laid Maatgage a*

Milt/we:All'hone two eertain lota, pfeeet, or porrel* of land aituate,

lyii g ai <l hi iijK in the T*>: tieth (ts't, Sixleen'h) aid of lb*City of hew York, between to* Seve' th ana F.ighth Arennrw,known and distil guifheo on a o.tp on fil* in the OAta of tbeRrgia'er Ii *nfl lot the City ard Cinnty of New-York cititledA Men o« tt* L >ta ot Lanil "r Cround. ibe property of Oabrial

II I siid, 'eii g (ant of toe Urn, ol Samne J U Norton, de¬ceased, by the l ambers SO ithirty) ¦ I 31 (thirty one) beAog to-

geiher bouLdrd soatl erly It ttm by Tbiftyatvenib H/Oet. andesmeily by letnuu l«t 8» (tturt) two) on aaid n ap northerly.n tbe re.r by lot* numbers U Ithirtee') and ti (twelv. ) on

said n ap, BLd weiserly b> lot B.hnl 2P (twenty nine) on *at<lmap.tacb of said lots cental ibag in front and] rear lw-uty-flv*fti ' n.nie of le»s. ai.d in length nu each aide ninety -*»h', nine

n rhes Dirt or leea, »«..«.'i .g . .»l . r. ftet on theeaarer'yline or aide ol int (31) thiny-ot e, wUkIi i* BOt included ui aatdMirtgag. -Tla'.d New-York, 3d May in"**. «

REUNE R RANDOLrH, As-ignee Mortatge,Fes-da i... * No. 2J0 < Veat Mai «

ni6awl3trD New York Ott».

SUPREME COUKT.City anri County of Near-Y ork M A RoARE r A >N NEILSON, widow, and Ad

ti .1 .> ... . ol the c<- .:» eh*tt*ia ai d rfl.r-la of JOHN NEIL-SON inii-r doe' ed AgaiLti AiEOROE MALLON. FaT-Mi K Mt ELROY. < Larie* L-nl *. d Margaret his wife. Levi)<¦ del. Heni) H. E lio t. Ja*Bw*C Holda, Jamet Fiantjran,Th'ma* O'lt Letoj, ^avid Smith. Ata Oardi et Tho natOifdntr, TkeUilted Bi*»es Tra.t Company <>f New York, Raoolvers, Ac a» oil FeWnheld and Lnu or *'rigbt, Pr-*ble ,t, bo _To the abovt-bained Defendiat«, aird each of them: To i are

btrtby f....n i.e.' an* reqaeei to answer tba co'op'aiut iu

tl *tHoi which wdl i>r fii-d in t'* office oT rhe 04»rk ol lb*( ity aid Cooi ty of New Yor*. at Ibe a^ity Ijal la stil city,and to »~Me ¦ < j ot your answer to tbe (.id conipkaiut BD tne

tulsrtiber. jt h't office No ti Mriibani.' Ktrbange.iB the

City of Ntw-Y oik. wi bin twentv days after th* mivico of thi*sun n.o a in y, u, e xcltitive of 'he day nf firb service; and if

you tail to answ.r the sab) coinnOmt within Ibe lime -I »res iu.

irr i. till ii tkiio nr. ion "ill spjiy to the Com: for fat r-'.*fden* red in ihe eonpulrt.- I»*t«d New York March 18, iMC.

by.B UaawTa» HENRY DAY, Plainnrt a Attoruey.

81 1 hi Mh COURT..City and County of New-Ulk.-JOHN M KIB Uk aiu JAMES M B\LL

aiakbal F/EKiEL FHrlCH fl.d JACOB ADAMS-S.iii-¦mis d r a n ,4iey ciiulac-. |i om not served | To »bo»adef.i iUMs You *f* hereby .uiiiinonro and leqoi'ed to Bn*w"'

lie n u e'a-nt n. ibia ee'i m. wbaOb will be Ii ed in th« office "file i 1.1| ifthe City ai. ¦! Coo. .y of New Ym g at tl* Cry Hall

in 0« Coy of New-\oik. and ». »er*. a ropy of .our *»..*'«.

the iai.1 «i'ii|l int on'hesnhr ir.s. at t« *iroffic*. at No I'a

t .... iv the aaid ei*y, wilbin I wrnly data BfaaB the servaa

oftr bjlB»iBbBI » "ti y-a, exelntiv- of rhe day "f^uciterv t'«; and

,i tea 'ad .« at awe l»w« »am roaipisii t althiri'he tfne afore

said ibe pi... tiffs lr tbie ar'um »ll'take iud# 0'i t aga-rtat y it

tot <>e .*» o'f'i. bmdred *nd twenty nl'" H.rlar* %. d thlr'y-

»ix eer.'s wib hnterest Iron »be 24tb "ay of Septembor, one.

tb. Betbd e gl.' htitv-r* I suit li>J Cre and for th- fu'thei san, of

.b-s» kuiined and eighty «* et.llst» to.* **vr..iy-.i* Bt**a.TfHain'ereat Iron .he Hal dav ,f Maitb, *M, hcaidea the cost* ftai*

sctlox.. Dalcd M*\ 28, lAAA.I.AW'ION k LA RNED. Pl*k.l»es-A'uai-ya

Tie roanilMi.t in Una action «es filtd in the ..hV* ot Ibe.

t 1. k I th. l it j aixl Comity o' N.- V-C ..; tbe ^d day of

j,,, \ftt' LAWTON b LtRNED,

jea'l.wewTo_ Plaint.tfs' Aitorisaya

CrpT;r ME COURT-Ciq tv<i ( ounty of New-0 V,,l -jmikukm' ANN NEURON, w .d..w, ad ad

¦.ll.lt r.»»tx ol tbe g.«.H. rbafelaand eff»r»a of Ott» N«'L-^' ,., hu deeratoa. again*! OtORUI Mt'.LoN, PAT-to ( K Mrl.l.H'iV t'larles Lerf a. d M «rgai .'ai* wile, boai

Him en. Ue»r] H Elliot'. Jaui-*.C. H.en, Jao.es1 boa nOti« l.e.,,t DavM Su.it»., am Oaedoar, Tho ..aa f.ari

Bs», 11,. I 1,1 ed f ta Bl T-USt ('¦ in| *li» of N. w Yurk, lle< BIV

. s. a- n *J1 fm isabeH, and Lu'fiei W,v!,t I ,e*.d«. I, be

'to ihe tU.e »n rd It, Un a. U *ud each of the n ar*

aarahtatuAiM imf mt-i r*aaif*d « «¦ «w i 'i.W*J » kataaa*e »ai wMcl **« a* 8*M ia daa offi e f-h- i.-rk of tbe m y»' I u. 'y if ham¦York. Bt toe Cuy Hal in «ai i city a .1 to

."w .r, , , ,f voir *M*>*I -o ihe iM roti.p'aif.t o.I thOS'lb

Berlbet, .tri., |f,r. .\. hV Merebaua' Exo.a.ge. lultaLnj ol

Ntw^nk .1 hi-, iwei.lv days.f'»' BB«r!ea nf this sn.o

on..a \...,. ,,.|.,lV, ufthedvy < a. tl ac r\let «nO BT Mf.ll lo -w. ,le ...d tl ...I sint W.U.". lh< I. '.. .''»'.

|. air.-lft .. ih . ,,... w,|, ....j, to ire. Curl f.; 'bo »xW4»¦ tr f-f la Ik* aaaaalalbl I'a'.d New Yulk March IK, l*X.

jtrt lawt »1u. HENRY PaY, Pli mt f » A'Wtnej

GREAT BRITAIN.PrraeOi.t Own CoTre*i<otMt<i(.t

London, Tuesday, June I«, B||Many of our journals have articles on the Hutuuer

assault, and you can easily conceive tbe shame andtbo mischief of that black ttory. The regularbigota here tbrug their asouldera aad tay: " What" can }ou make of a people whose Senators act"like Uli» man Brooka And ao all the oldatotiea about Yankee violence, tic, mm* upagain, and barm it done to the good rauae of na¬tional friendliness and national i>tp* :t Emer-aou'i Concord speech wi.l weigh with many herewho do not ordinarily ÄeddJc with politici, but»ho bonor that " fine, pure, traoalueent-mindedman," aa Carlyle emphatically called E. one davin my hearing. Of courte all American doingsare wntched more cloaely here while this contro¬versy it ptnJ ug between the two countries. TheHaieHHl cauard by the Stunner matter.theSlavery fighta in Kausal.are diffuse»d all over thecountry through our press, and people shake theirbrad* and ILiuk you have "enough onyoar hands."Howiver, except in the few quarters where cer¬tain persont r.re angry that the British son't flare-up agaimt you for the benefit of unscrupulouspoliticians, the tone of liritiah comment ia moder¬ate, generous aud wise. We bave our owndifncul-ti« a, aud enough to do with our own ahamea andaorta.About £17,000 had been received, up to yetter-

dav, lortbe fufierers by the French flood; and tbelubtcription is »Welling daily. People are anxiousto ihow that our talk of the "alliance'' waa notall part of tbe smoke of the war. The impressionis, that this terrible event will demand by themiiery it cames, all Napoleon s tact, skill, ami» nergy; that ax far as ba has gone he has met itwill and und it adroitly; ami the great mass ofEnlnhnitn (buning our Republican*, who are

few,) bave so little hope of French freedom, thattbey are contented to see him ralinc, if he willrule with aa eye to social reforms and s.>cial prottctitn. In fact, as I bave often said in these let¬ters, there k a lull in political excitement,properly men'led, just now. Social questions aretbe fashion; managing talent the thing in demand.Tbua, in England, our active intellects work on

tducation, reformatory institutions, charities, andlofortb, for tbe most part: while our Premier iaone whose politics nobody knows.wbo is aup-]-o*ed to be abstractly a Tory, but who has a

Whig-Liberal Cabinet and mueh Radical support,being a vt-teran in parliamentary and DowningStreet busiuees, and a tough old wit. worldling,and schemer.

1 be meeting of tbe Administrative Reform Asso¬ciation on Saturday, hewever, went offmore brisklythan one would have expected in so apathetic a time.Roebuck, the new chairman, mule a long speech,and pointed tut that the thing to be done was to workon tbe House ot Commons through the eonttituen-l ies. Tbia the Association means to attempt byorganizing a correspondence with b Toughs andcities (in tbe counties tbey can fo nothiug). andkeeping a ledger in which tbe votes of eacQ mem¬ber aie recorded, ia ttrrortm. In this way theythink they will check corrupt voting; and tbeywill aUo put forward candidate*) of Mieir own

W e shall tbua bave, in fact, a new Political Clubin tbe country.which is what theAssoi'unon willamount to. Its real object v ill bo to try, by get¬ting pow er in tbe House of Commons, to beat downtbe yrfntige ot tbe " families".introduce new menUto the Oovcrniiient. and change the system ofthe country. /*>There are jbjecttdiriieult and important enough.

If a previous letter I pointed out to you toe) basison Klick tbe strei gth ol tbe famili»'s" rests. Jtir not birth or rttnk, only, but a combination ofthree with propeity.und that property ofa polici-cul impoitancc.wbiah constitutes their power. |That power is unchecked by the Crown, which iaall but a mere pageant.especially as the prostat!holder is a Quem, and a* her consort laborsutder the disadvantage of being a loreigner.A.inn, this social weight is ot iuimeri«e conse*

quence. If Mr. Bugcby, M. P., can be of anyute to a party, be if freely invited out; indiffii tilt position,*, Mrs. Bugsby is even asked, toOland many a promising reformer has Seen muzzledwith a table-napkin. A ball at the Duke of Dev¬onshire's. a dinner at an Karl's.these are tbefatal rockt on which our great modern reformer!split' Itiathe women that do it. The women

den't care twopence about politics, (in the middleelatWCI nt all events), but they do care al tut soci¬ety ami their daughters; and tbey tease Uugsby< ut J his life U> use his influence f..r their ad-Tancemeiit in that way. Our aristo, racy has itsroots »pread tlirouch the whole of the middleclasses Imm its peealiar cbarart>r; it ia not a

nobltsst like that Of Austria or Trussiu, but an in-i.tiiution tui gtntri* which hat sufficient of thefeudal element to uave it from being vulgar andmodern, while being essentially wealthy, and con¬nected with wealth, and recruited most carefullyin mi b a way aa to keep it itroug. l or iuatance,you don't see the great marcan ile names iu theAdministrative beform movement, with all itsboasts about its "business" character. Why1Be cause a really gre>.t merchant is one of the aris¬tocracy biimclf. He may be made a Peer, or he

may marry at all eveuts among tbe order. Helives amoig them.be buyi? land **o much hasintermarriage taken place, that I doub' if more

than one or twa of out great families, couldprove ibe siitun quarters required in Ger¬many.that is, tiie nobility of tbe sixtoengieat-great-graiid-parents.to do which insurestbe aobltste of a person's whole blood.Aid it U facta like this which (however they maymale us laugh at tbe ultra-aristocratic tone some-

timee shown) really constitute tbe aristocracy'spower, bor could the facto be otherwise; tor

time bat played sucb batoc with tbe originalancient nobility tnut the Peerage c >uld hardlystand, cite, as it «l.-e*. Tbo Courtenaye andDetercuxes are poor. Air instance. The wca-thieiwhcuses are tbote which hold tbeChureh lauds, liketie Ruttel . and Cavendishes. Many are fromlawyers.like tbe Cardigan! and lUrdwickea, an*leven tie illuttriout Howards, wbo first rote bylaw and afteiward by marriages. Unul fact*like these are studied and allowed for, and untilit is ucdeittood bow tbe " popular" branch of thelegielatuie it rea'ly ariatoeratie too, one does not

see what a game an association like the ooe under(list-union bat to play.There is a movement hi Scotland for a moau-

mint to Hi William Wallace; and a mooting vtiiocd be presided over by 1 ord Elgiu, who, at beadof tbe Brutes, ia a very popular man. TheSecretai> of the Comaaittee ie the Rev. i hariea Rogerot Stirling, who it now bringing out Tbe ModeraBcottltb Minstrel".a work which compr tes themost modern Scottish songs. Scotland still boastsa goed real of it udal romantic .sin, as it, duet a

t.t.eKi deal of Pretby terian ze.i), but is more activein mi bey -making than ia either. 1 hero is a mo*

enger conti it raging between Pnifotyjori Periit r *nd Prastr. for tbe Kdinburgh chair,leid by tie late eir William tiaatiltcoI orrier (libe Aytouo) it a ion-io-law ofProfess »r Wilson't", aid is edit;ug bit "collectedtiorkt " of which the Noctis Ambrosiamr form* a

part, of courte, am. excite plenty of critical in¬dignation by appeariu* iu liltMif original paot plyol eart aim. Perrier is backed by the ('outerva-ihe.Prater rather by the, Liberal interest Thelatter bat a hiyh testimonial from that tmstt ro-

uiaikntle ai.d eminent man Isaac Taylor, it.'

author af the Natural HUtOiy of EottoiiaOMiand to many otber works and 'vh. , beside bein^a great scholar and pbilosopbie theologian, hanmade some fiuo improvemeata in the machioervund by manufaetufers. Which of these men willwin, 1 cannot in tha l»-a»t predict. I'rasei iseddiorif tbe Sortk Hrtlish Rtcttw, %h.¥tt> Kmj.sIcv, ra-

vid Motion a id Coventry Patr.-.ore *nD> t*i manycleffr reviews. The Jecisi..ni* to b*3 uisilcoy tbe

ii.uiicipal Hoard of Kciinburgli.tbo body pM«lgave Aleiat Jer smith hia situitein bisauso tbe>l< It Ifcat loOtloW haJ been sixunlucky ia trcatiiit;

it* roe-ts. ttet tbey oognt In do what they tNHI r any pott tbey »o«W tuttct. l'h. so MttW

I are erwehr »aziled, and wiTl be alad, I think, toirt rid of the natter by their decision of f"th Jury.

J M) Htrrary bodaet ii await, aa usual Juat now.Iioaglaa Jerrold talka of writing "a liUle b^ok.''I met Douglas t'other da», and «aid, " So there i*to be po war with America1" "No. You didn'tthink to, did yon 1" hei an«w< red. ju the war.Uaoflaa baa written aa article on tue aeaault ontfumnarin hia paper.sorrowful and angry, for bebaa always been a friend of the United 6utea. Iböte he teilt do the " little book ' thia Hummer.perbapa at Iloulogoe, where be iroea for change ofair and leisure generally.

London, Friday. June 20, Kei.It ia asserted that Faluieraton would harr) die-

mitred Dallas. butjAhat the Cabinet waa agaiuethim, and that he wn directly outvoted. I don't

Eretend to know that thia ia true, bnt give it aa ait of political goasip. We are told of Minis-

teiial dissensions and of poaaible crises. But,n.t¦«iie.hii»', let ua rely more on what is cer-

tain and obvioua. Parliament spares the Ministryand evades 0, hat*-n on the difficulty, ao much ao

that hrre and there one beara an M. P. whisperthat we have "cringed enough." The Oppoaition.though th» ir organ freely condemns the Miuiatry,doe* Lot take active measures against them in theIlouae. 'Hi¦> visbto let the matter pet settledas fjPJM tly aa possible, and, indeed, could ,<lotheir little part} no good by acting otherwise. 7%«Timtt haa distinctly moderated ita tone, hav¬ing, of courae, found ont that Dallas was

not to be dismissed, Aid seeing that itwould be absurd to talk big in theface of such a hit of moderation. So Jupiter hasbeen following the ltad of other papera, ahowinghow a war with America would gratify despots,pooh-pot hing the Central Ainericao dispute as ofvt r iai'd importance, and lecturing oar diplo

matistt lor genual stupidity, 'ihe fact is, thatbe public bur. not declared iurlf as may hare beeexptcttdby those who wanted to atir it up. OCentral America, nine Ifritone out of ten knownothing and care nothing. \Vl.o the Moequitoe.re, w lure (i ret town is, whether on the Atlanti«>r i'atitic, rot one peiton iu the ten really iaquires. And ns for Mr. Cremptuu, why they knowas little of him as of the Mosquitoes, and are readto think him a burglar and an are. If you nippoaall IMl is '. wringing" to jau. however, yoa ttr

'wrcng; for the same public uever believed itselfrendier to wage a naval war than now. Itut,really, the questions in dispute teeral so triding,and John Bull (1 mean th" simple unpoliticalaverage Hull) is so little aiumus to fight aboutnothing, with anybody, or to tight with America,at all, that we are wonderfully pacific; aud, suchbeing the cate, politicians have to follow suit. Iexpect to find im making "concessions," therefore,ib Central America, which ia realty the only im¬portant matter of controversy, while the enlist¬ment row dies out grudually ol itself.

All this discussion bring! the geaeral subject ofAmerica much more before us than it usually is.1 be public here don't know nearly so much of thermied States as you would perhaps expect. Whatwith the classics and French, and European politic*,their atieniion it diawn away fiom your history.Wien they travel their first impulse ia to go toFrance, Switzerland and Italy. The reprintingof your authors (a movement which I have observedadvancing for yeats) ia doing more to cliange (hitthan anything. As the steamers increase iu num¬

ber, and passages in qtiickui sa, we shall proba-b y \isit more.tbe run to >ew-York being muchwhat the run to Edinburgh waa iu the laat century.'J beie influences v.T.l tend to overcome whatever

feelings may linger an either side of the Atlanticdangerous to natural good-will. I mentioned some

time since a speech of Lord Stanley's, in which hoadvocated a closer attention to Anxlo-Snxon quea-timsand intertsts altogether, and less meddkiugwith the Continent. 1 hie: policy has made u gooddial of stir iu some quarters, especially iu theBerth, ::t.d will probably cause more, l'cop e be¬gin to ate that there ia really no chanoe of our

stateimen interfering to any practical purpose incountries like Italy lor instance. Their realauxie-ties iu Ike present state of Europe are r*>r tho causeof r tie;.a fi eling w l.ieh was at the bottom of theireagem* 14 to stop the Kuasiun war. \\ hy shouldthty be likely to ahake ihe seats of lope, Kaiser,or oil.er poontate, when every cunvtijeinn is felthi ic like tl.t- kktrck ot a distant earthquake

If TOM study our periodicals about this time, yo i

will bate a le'tt r el ance than at oruiuary ttmet,of tea ii g who ore your friends and who not, in1* »glai.il. TAe fW ia sore, for it is I'a me reton'*organ and Louis Napoleon's. Hut then Ihe Posthas no weight, but ia only cuiious for ita fashiona¬ble news, which is picket] up from lady'sniaid«and Lutlers by an enterprising individual. Ottgreat occasions, The Putt and Tlu Herald insert thedo tsi sworn at state parties which are sent bymillmers i>e advertisements. The political impor¬tance of such papers can scarcely be gTeat! Thepoor Morning Chronicle I «Nm't count, for it ia no¬

toriously eriete. passed son e years since fromWhii:s to I'et litea- and lately Irom the Feelitee toone acatcel) kuoava who or what. The Liberalpreaa is generally kindly to America, especiallyIht T.tadtr, written by Ihorntou Munt and otaers.TAt Tiait* 1 expect will give you a tcrub or twoat ittervala for some time to come: precisely be>caote it has had to haul in its horns ou the seriousn atter. TUt Times will support I'almereton ao

leng as at can lend the country by so doing; hut Udio not see i s way to that on thia occasion. I \ er-

i y believe The Times would like a:i American wal¬

lt they thought they couid get the country to likeit.which they can't. A aar would iucrease itaimportance and stimulate its, stle. If it succeededwith us. The Times would he powerful as its trum¬

peter; if we made failures, The Times would de¬nounce our governing ayatem as used up, ami beten times more powerful than ever Depend Mit, 11 is last confide ration ia felt by our statesmen.hii.epi: whom a dread of that unscrupulous print iswidely felt.

'I here are now various tigueof the session's hav¬ing inn the best partofita cour»e. Morning ait-tings of the House of Commons hire begun, andan extra activity in puahing < n measures is percep¬tible. Last Tueedny Walpole gained a majorityover t;oveinme;;t by moving some resolut'one on

Irish education, which, if carried out, wo aId up-tet the present system and ctmpel the KornauCatholics to have the Bible read to them at theLatioial Schlots Hy one of those accideata Iwhich happen two or three times in every session,he triumphed, but will be overturned auain by au- {other rttolution early next week. I mention thisreall) tiifl ng acbitvement merely as a fact of theday.and the reception of it everywhere showsthai Irish I'roteaiaut bigotry wiil not prove a saf* |caid fcr politicians wiabing to "use ' it in ourtimes. We are l'roteatant enough here in tho po-litical and literary world, gooduesa know*: butit is«»Lsidered thrt sign id' a goose or a bigot (afol ones wantiuc to humbug rceae or bigots) to beni xious te annul any sy Hiera that works well fortie ln,g-pertecut<d Catholics of Ireland.

Pi or Sir Jmhua Walmsley is »tili unable to get a

chence ot reforming the Britiah Constitution He i*l< ug:cg to have a cobble at the venerable machinelie letorn* to the job with the pertinacity ofa boroai d a gt» afer or sturdier bore does not tltat. Asaajeakerhe it more ft porific than Pomuua.moreiulimg t. nn Lethe; and Lethe ia tt very bed riverto turn ou when you have itn "Augean stable, thatfteady old image ') to cleanse." No douU hebe means well. Fut the Liberals don't think himthe rtan for the job, and the country ia apatheticni ut Ihe job itrelf. Tbeie ne»er waa a greater iu-diflerebce to reform, and Cobden and ilrigut are

both hors du tomlal. ->ne from l|a*lllliW the otherfrom ill-bealth. Koebuck ia to 'ji\\o the chair atan Adminiatrative Heform no-etiug t«> morrow, buteien from that (the fashionable " reform ' of rhe

day) nobody expet ts anythiiig. JasdfB, theo, thecLbnt es of poor Sir It shu t doing any thing in th"Ifouse of Commons which is intent on t'iepiart'eal dispittch r>l" bueineea, anyhow, beforegKiUte time. Ol the whole, it baa been a dullmeeting of l'irlitment; no great debates (ev<»ptpeilaps the Kiirs one); no close ruus to speak of.Lisraeli ha* done nothing, and n it advanced hiepoffion, and we eeem to b»ve v,o new aj»«akMracoming up. Ibe age geia dalier wi'kout gettuigmore- viitut.ua. 1'ol.t.eiaua arc ieea flagrant iuiheit ji t s, and le*e *»ney in their fo'ie, thaa iu tint.laya alen ''roker ayaja peror»t!n^ md pimpiu^;hut Ihoutib anoie reep-ectaMe thev BM n ahler:

and if our young men work harder, tbey waat moreda*h ajbd go. more nature and life.TI« terrible miscreant, Win. Palmer, made hi*

eiit in front of Stafford jail last Satnrdav.stnrvborn, ailent and game to the teat, bo spent hislast week ot life stoically, wearing the prison dreaa(in which he died), seeking nothing in the nay ofextra Axd but a aalad occasionally, ami fiuallygoing to bia doom master of bis nerves. Had tbeproof of Cook's death failed, he was to bave beentried for tbe murder « f bis wile, who was p doubtone of his victims. Tbe town s*armed with visitoraon the nan's last morning, and v.'.,""" personswere aaaen bled to see fcim die. The crowd behavedwell.an example to our Olu RmWf moos whichare the ttandiig reproach of the tBOtropoHo. Aawas expected, Palmer made DO cou'etaion, I sup¬pose in stern defiance of the public >ld with bowieh to vex any of fheiu who might be b Minted byu.irgivinct. He persisted in saving that he ' did"not poison Cook with ittTftMisTTi ' and some

people tlink this iusplied an auuiiotion that heoid poitcu fcim witn lometbirg But conjecturesare fabs. The world is satisti) d of bis guilt audbreathes more freelv, now that the gr*ve hasclosed over the blackest villain of the age. Thenineteenth c» itnry, in spite of its enlightenment,can oo a little in tbe way of villaius; and whenauch a t re aa Mr. P. appears, it begins to have a

glimmerirg that the devil is still extatt, willtravel by rail as readily as by the old coach, aadLidea bis hoofs, jauntily, in patent leather.

( I have a little bit of literary gossip lor you, thistime, .loin Konter (of Ta* tlraminer, aud theLife of Goldsmith,) is going to be married Us thewidow of Colburn, the publisher G. H. I .ewes,the " Yionin" mi Tht Leadtr. author of " Ran-thorpe,' ac, ia busy on a translation of Spinoza.I shall be curioua to iee what the world saya totbe grand old Hebrew.tbe most misrepresentedof philosophers.who has never appeared in ourlanguage before. The aforesaid John Förstermade a steerb (tor " 1 be Press") at tbe late Dinnerby tie Lord V.ayor to men of Science and Letters.1 believe that tbe affair went off dully, in conse¬

quence of nobody's knowing who or what ought tote "drunk" (1 don't mean intoxicated) first. Ar¬thur Helps spoke for " Litcrature '.iu a speechthat was ioo long and too slow.yet the author of" I n. nds in Council is surely a man fasti whomone win Id txpect something striking and felicitous."Itter dinner-speaking," however, ia a branch oforatory by itself, in which tbo cleverest men fail.Dickens is thought very good at it; but tbo tamecan te said of ftw.v

1 have seen a new American book.a "Historyof (be American Privateers,'' by George Cogges-ball. which I dare say w ill be noticed a good dealin our reviews, from tbe topic and the time Thet>bl tar gives us Britons some hard rubs but hetcls some gocd yarns, and seems an honest kind offellow, fo will probably be let off cheap.

Sir Edmund Lyous is to be made a Peer. Agood-natured, clever man; be isevtu ttill more.alucky one. He is of a West Indian mercantilefamily. When . Captaiu in the Navy lie got theplace of Minitter at Athens, and there, by a roman¬

tic accident married hit daughter to the Karl ofArundei and Surrey, now Duke of Norfolk. SirBaldwin Walker it to be made a Baronet. Thisit "Walker Pasha," who served sometime intbe Turkish Navy, and sinac rose to bo Surveyorin his own service. You will remember hisfiguring in the Syrian War. The controveraies tow hieb our sbip-luildii'g bat given rise in the pre-si nt generation, are innumerable. It is not a g >odsign in theac- regions of Mo to be a man who gets( u.

TURKEY.r.oni Our rywi, Cor'espoL.ln ,t

Constantinople, Monday, June 9, ISM.Leiters from Ret? York, as well as the sfoleovo

Tkiiu nk, nached here by the Persia J-ett in

twenty day* If«01 the dire of their bntof mailed.Tbig mty be crstdered another of the wonders of

ouriimts. We ueed to alb w six we -ka for a tet¬

ter to pass between thin and the Dnitetl StiV«,thin one month, and now ouly twency days urs re¬

quired for a journey, by na aud land, tjfaotM fivethortand m o s. Aa rhere u ai edition ot M treVflni rk txteitlipg fraui Cons'SJitiLOple t*» Liverpssul,via Aduanopli. Bhumlu, Rustchuk, Vi.oni, A«5.,it is cow possible to procure tM Pcrsta's Auur cau

news in five or s'x hours after hs-i irrlTOl.tb>iabriigTg Nic-York nod Cotibtantino/o witr.in ten

days ot cfch otber.It in much sp ken of here, ond rrems to be gea-

era ly bcluvtd.though Meed I am ofeHfod to admit all Igporaooo of ihr oi'gin of the report.b»ta 1'ne of Amerem .tram, ra it aoou*. to bv sraru-dbetween New-York and Odessa, touohiin/ at va-

lieut intermediate ports in tbe Mediterranean andArchipelago. There have already been two Amer¬ican ships at Odessa since the poOOO.the GejorgeHubbard of Bosfau ai.,! Martha Ann of New-York. '1 he former returned wi-h the same re¬

port, and it wa» thought that tbe Czar Was goingto tpoatdfao im li a line, in the view of connestingmere «nd more Ms country with the I nited States.All the merchants here are greatly pleased withthis prijeet, and premise tl enyelvet to nee Amer¬ican commerce exteid itself iamuutly iu the Last.Such a Iilc. touching at Marseiiles (Genoa ou itsreturn) aud Smyrim, would form at)interettiugroute, and ought to pr.y we'l by its pas*eüg«rs.

1 he-Turks, ure extending their telegraphs, and a>o

about putting up a line frocn Adriauop'e to Bel¬grade, on tbe Danube, and from this place throughto Albania. Kvcn the Persian Government hasprojects of this kind trom its Turkish frontier near

Pay a i id to 1 ir he ran. An inte lligeut y oung geutle-i; ;.u. Aid de-Camp of tbe shah, ai.d chief urago-BM (Dreg* on f), named Mii/a Melcur Khau, hasbeen tent here for various purpo-es oouuectedwith the foreign relations of rersia with Kuropeaid America, and t«> obtain information reapeetngtbe telegraph, of which a marvelous account, hesays, has rent bed tbe ear of the Kiblek i Aalem(center of the universe). I have made a point ofpostii c him up with regard to tome data about our

op n teli graphs, and ibeir inventor iu particular,aid am pr< mit cd, in catc tbo Sbah docs put up onein Persia, to receiv e for the Professor his Majes¬ty't most valuable order of tbe "Lion and tbeSun." American shipping, which abounded hereduring the war, is beginning now to fa'loff. Some of the fine clippers, however, havingbeen chattered by tbe year, or for shorter period t,bavs not yet worked theircontracts oat. I he GreatRi public has bad a tire charter, now about to ex¬

pire, if £'J,(H üa n onth. She hit takeuher last loadof ';,"''<» soldi* rs, 170 officers, a large amouut ofliuitiao cannon, und a goodly number of officert'horses on deck. She has beeu a valuable ser.tutto tie tfrtpeh, and her matter Capt. LiutehurnerI ftn ejer.e )<<* country and calling credit. Mmy o

tl e American captains have had tb< ir wive* with.hen : some have left them at home and takensubstitutes in their stead during their tervic i inthe loisd of the Payiiim and the Ru»t.an arrange-mint, tl.oiuh cf eourse en inly of a domesticiattire, which has been too peculiar not to havabeen kirwn beyond tbe "family circle " and maybe regarded as aaother " tign of tbe tiuiea."

Tl e (itti man Govt rnmeiit is taottt t*s send tothe I'liited Sfatet for BOOVber ship builder, sincetke d. j «Hure of the regretted Rhodes, ashitsacilossua, the double-banked T6 gun tng.te, cal edtio " KUfltitk'' OT tbo Victorious, is . ot thejtin*st vesiels in tbe world. After he left Con¬stantinople bis pnpils built several ships for tbs¦fOOtit Mi'fan, man/ of them good one*: and allshowed tttmrelvea wortLy of their tutor. Tbesuj erioi i flicers in the Admiralty, such as Mus-toi ba iml Salii Pachaf, having t.cen eductted inPliglai.d (or fit least sent there lor that purp .sr),aro owing tbeir advancement wholly to tue-offleulold of tt.e British tn.b istador. rhey htve made a

j < int of rootio| t ut every'l iuc American fromtue Arsenal, and loepta* mt wholly under Kuulishpay. t.'emseqtiently, tne MOBikurj, and even

now nid tb< n a tt<-au>er, bat always been pur-i hated in > upland. In fine. Hmliiih influenceiules the Saltau'a ats< ak BM net a bird i vh hasleer» allow id to fly over it bivii, ^ fbo letot plumeof an American col"r.

IrcCfg th* meBy »ig Be of th« tirnee, wheat) he vharui,r nay r> «d, w«. ü e am««r»> wb proved at U.«link- tillage of Tan . toe a tsrtmie G I. Kr* ion: oo

Thood*) la»u The i'eo*,ie* oaasidam hwl «oc«p««rJ.b avi<«>i<ii from <eea. W»hr» of 7**> »>wr*v umrnif faypir to eprtid ihe Fourth *t hi* ''Unity Beat, a)nme or two from u r dep >t of ti e tlm*. n rliv»-r !Ui-xad at Terry tow a. Hi roue mean*, aabaew-* In(ien Webb, the ,r. .0.,>n"c got abovi, i^fn-u ii. tie tta'td at If* v.INge, »bd n*.e of thaai . -iftergj. 1to Col Fren>«.|,t. laieudialiti und in &-a<or«j«yw th e rerolution far bid takeo at tb« Tary ertart ofthe carctaign, tie Cob a* i ..^.fSerj to flea. *V< bb thatb* thoald Ire e.blietd tjc.i., aiinaeli trie anticipatedpitaeuie a* he had dVt. rntuwd in no loe'eec* to tvvCaed aajbMd r»e»p« oo»> d»nt>g the Pr»»i.ie»iWi coeta»*,Hiwrtr, tt e ic) abi'aaU <rf r« t)iu»ri *.¦«¦ *a«w«'oot this charge is tb> plan on»d tae erttvel ot the trmowful. wit to h*Ye brought the oaaai ot tbe p-ope,coLMqo«i th, t> ey tu o«d out <n greet * jioN r* .>> w«l-(onehini I'poo 0en Wehr»'» *i>eorj*e*a*j tbe eereaea-

»tat err wl kh ff clod»d Col K-eirem > r*<:, too pro-pmty t:d kmo taate of hat d*t« nntoetioa were

at»ret appaii nt to tt* crowd, and, though evidentlyii,.«*j j o i t. d at Lot p.,, n,£. ibe man wtuxn they k»l

< ii . to !,. rj, r the) acqoie-tcd cheertalfy ia hi* de»cieion. ai d geve »hr»e trtue* ihre- hearty a* d tagaro-t ant rhu re tor Fremont. A t*-r tu*, Itreo aeare ware

givm for "Jttfie," whr, with a epeotrun YoaagAnnK*, aaa in t eceua. Mrs Fr-pi nt mi aaoiarted to* carriage thtoagli *he uiallitude, vailed; andwith delicate cvurleey, t"e rag»r p-opto MflaaJaaelfrt n p-tfjg to* ch ae, or . vto u «u fc-ung their goodNehrgby repeating tnr rbeera wbicn oad pracedidher app*arai ce. AfUr taAm;; he* wat, however aham in, mo her vail to geilet Bl tl <. peeparalMiaa lOOtO

receive Dr h or ha 1,0, and iiatt have beee g'-it/aVdlcceeC to D-rctiTt the wel' d-eee-d and we|t botMPredtbitig. Her banr soibe, hUekettd aad til*ok-oatredbo> p ajed at th« r«piagc window, aii.1 preao<mm**tdol. he ¦rtthrtr ei d dau|(htei# b*aV lolavorol tiee/oaaVrof eu< h a cbdd.

IliyWevtr the dieepy-intinent may have, tot thotine, dampi c«d tL« ».._:. a.-n .not the crowd, aota hatthe biet let l.i g w*« inotiile t Rid t'e mnurvre whonit. id il h I vel) aud katerettiag Hieet>ngi>f 4 Freinot.tCub < n the e. me aagat, gnr« Baa uetikatta aagatthat tie very tipicr'.ict ot aeeiiig their e«j*daiota]had warm« 0 their b'ooiiIntrmh, togttata ma-' of people wan never odW

betid in TeMNt,'«p betöre; the enti e pootilali >o

tuieed net, fl*ge and b*i,iie-e were waving, one withthe Wirde itecribed "Join C. Prenn>nt, the man'. a 1. to the nanon dehuhte to honor." Sora« fiftyprivate caniagte were Hoitu-g the a>nvtl of O l,

\\> \>h eiiO lo* illuairiou* vi»itoi; a oaaaa . waa raedyto r,i'Et unee their conj't'i:. and the Udiea ul T-errytowotl.not."eo ih> belcou>«e aid w.rajow», «ad even UtasTieit* of the vicinity Ceitiucly n»t leea taao lurce)

tl.oufhi.d j oj.ie were gathered op.u, half a day'snotice Some idea, of taa Iu eut ebiha*i«>w fur Uta

Kepubbcao ciu»e and eandciate whien exe-te in thatquarter ma) be u ru a fromth'e iirratnetaoce BtforetbetaM <:o>,a.-pnik will tall opoo the ntaaa, whvhel ail t.uiet in'o eoeb a tiUze a* hoe never heea acea

before Vv'eet, heeter C.unty only ind.cattw th- techogol ibe Stite aid ot the Koiin

Fatal A< cidiht .A coirerpvtdent write- aa thatr.t a liuehanan lieiiLtr Cetticat'on at Kew Caaaan,O in., on the 3d ioat>, an up: -iou of c*rtndge« took,

plot i .probably miiueed by a carrleealy thtaara |ga*c-ecke).try which twnr> boje were buni'd.».rtmSt t il tm badly end one totally. Tne oet/ieatwre went

in with thiir firing an*! khoutiog an Uiough notbmcj)<.n.iLiable had happemd.

Uta village of Coming, Steuhea Coon'y, wm

flailed 1-y a fi'e m bUhoh,j U»e, whu h deatroyadU utj'Om e l otiee-e, wftb a luea of about aloo 000. Turninmiatce ir about lit 000


lfoMiAY, July 7-Aid. laAafl ll IUkrbh m ll.oChair.

CaaaaaMaaaafaaaai from /)»/«irfme»/*,.a .nimuu

cn'ii ¦ %>aa>ran ived itoai th t .n .« ru the Oerpora.tioi, it. a-ewer to a leredoihej. iu ion Ut City aV»i'«Ii ad Cara I. e B> arn i f C»ii ti'nuD paaead at eerdi-taree autboiicmg ihe \\-,yo- >..»; en'or >ev ke .»t nilj k atnre, lie, idfte for City R-»iJriitt<1 V*>K -oi* bxioaTt- e p'f ot eaeb af |i00 prr f*r, A:o Th (JeMaml«im. ],.> apoutoti* pi mu m r g to I bet legalityot eat', ptae re, ticu-i iba | p»»*BBi»aa ot tu-- »»-T»rtJ

Igt» es . nte wth t «R ihoa Coaaeak tv. r.. Couaaelau wt- e tie qutetli'ir h ;'tl, as fi 'io*e, und then g redo Ion oi ktlfai on the . »r»j o ieoir. W ttilii-r'Bei im n i.n C'eunell hare an.b''o a*** *.

tie ><rjor lBe n*h< to j-an or rr»t/»» lic*i.»e» of i uj HaeroadCarad

'io tt>i» anarieai I «n«v-rr tn-t law Major h»* oower wttboatat \ gr«Lt Inn. the Cfc*aa o t' auti' .

S.cv*d: u ttthei the Cicin 0: t'outiel1 h«»o 'ke ii*bt to fixthe land 'or littI rtI ar + \tt a. utioi f tt . tea car

Tu tti. qu«rt ol 1 BP/Wi r. I., ten.* c*i*a. cl< arly m. r iiaoO-or*tie lt>B4 n.»> SM*B fwi*( l'rrau w»i la taia que.ckia, i ra**rIi. u »kl .r.i i an ul ii \ m/m Ivli.7Awn. wLelLe iL* I tu.n,.» C<an:iJ h.*» la* rlf bt to iui-

paaoajaaaH) cl f . « car wI'Lovi' i. ...

To tl.!. .(a., ... I iiusei L_ the .0iruiaur. I bat II in a*'. *.in i,.r., a* a |e We irji.leln,... «i. 1 utrtutu *a*icia* of tha 1*1taatew»i üpealae*fäaa Itegu» rtftr )o« u> * waaaoaaatj,em « ii <-f a y ueinkea

i iiieod t« hs |'i med.Ct u ii vnicaiion iraaa tka OtaaMaW hi *n-wer to a

riro'u ion celling fm a iipf of the amou-i of moo-ytll| e dtt on aoci unt of ppt/ieg for ihe Mtyor'eOffice

m'i.i e Jei'iiaiy, .".'<;, «n- ifaiiag iei-i, aleo f >r adv.r-.!i :i, » 1 t't ni.no r ti i pere, Ate, amt'.eUv-lal ». m f< r ti e object* r f.rieO lo in 1853, aadt?,<49 S3; atrounterj aaid fr.m Jaaaait l t>Juoal3tleM wee *.! V. 17 Aihl bül- pre«-nt«i| f m l-wtpayli June, 15ON aa.Total fir 18 ii.nn u-, 18 340 8'i.Tl.i n w-peitre meet patinatted weie I'kr On% Bo-i,»I chm talk, idieivec IiZO ii, 11. 18.6, $39«; a-.dIhr Atrnoitan. 1419 03, a' (1 Verean'ilr Journtü,taiieyear $'07 67. <¦< U-r-um vn y .. o 11 30lo |t39, On mo ion tut pspvr aae rtfcmd to ibaC- Hit' i't» e or W kal ce.

>nn> tie ( oi troll, r in r.latioa to the abnaalan-propriaiiore for tL« fi-<-ai «eai en<liogJut» 30. e>vitrilof tl»m l ave; hem labnaetex ; nearly the a*.tiroepj.it p'lnl Oi a foi " ofl et fee-*, ' coD-jty coii'.iugeacied«1.0 etaatfc>'geat eip.r.»»» tit tae fjeanaatm ('.lum il arn

alnady eiieured. Ti.e t nnoll-r makea taa ea-

iMfe*lMeV| eadae totl e> CotoBoa 0a>d ai eew.lla*l.t-LCrtre ot otl.11 rlain.anta who a-e eiuila'l> -i oatc'L,Evii tie FuaVtbof July bill* caat>0' t> |aa*d1 daytrla» n pioviaion lenarlt. Ui '¦> ir.o to the CmnrHltee.M'tfge oui tue Mayor -i^getiiu< tie ueceaeit; of

a pahJie n.o><men , ovir and above the Couniava0*1 oola.Aloeinian Ely d»nonn«vd * *- meeeage aa itileirdeuf

for buLCca.lt, auti rid io the itayor lu i.-.-curu,g '.aantmitatien ha G< vt«ior

Aid ra.iL VoorLi* tool the eai.e* ground, aad tidi-culeo the Wayoi'e ii.ee>ag u- for n<< other'hau ptai'ie*!pi. ]n mi. 'Ihe kattel ..out an lutliT.tlaul iu tue cojn-

ij rue fay a.t>, a* i bed ih« uay it «oa »r u-n.

leutttatitig ibe M»y> i to Ucoaea a lantlnlate foefJiVtlBtir, Le [Alu. V..J tfioughr !oo»«d very aoa-

I. oe tu Ii *ke the be.i of i». aa for thi* p*i>«r, DO

aai. ed .t i«t< r» n io a committee*.A < . ( limy »o ure-it a"<. V.«iibie of arn.»ly iaerjrt.

ilg th. 4iarr b. hi- idUeOfk* 11« u.»o«d tb,-aacu-n u wtyild b' \a Mi bL a akuajga t » it t-i Arte. ie S. ie, raatrafl aeii aa* aud ih.t to p in- w-w l arrailajaoA 01« li aaid i ' " r . B i a"d 'be)

va i'.neiff re .t'.rftug the «i.oeile, m» rmt . ic., oo( itv r li r. I<»fe in to the <'..nun 'ie* hSaauce.

Ti.. |'Mt*Vaa,d »< »> ?* .?..yev.mug |eju:ep«Saiun ey eld -¦¦ :.<' ¦.. tili bueitieee i* 0i*kO->ed of.Arjoin Bed tv Tu*e<l«v.


BOARD OK STTERVI80RV.VOBDIT. Ju-> 7.S iparva«ri KlT in 'ne t*ft».r.huts hitirrtd.ii: tie »oir Corouert he q .trtt r

eidog June 3o, ItM, eaweaa'ia*] In Oo.Oeit ißL (ornaaaalaatd iBpeawa e.tt*tiling tbe a»m. ; «Ui, 0-130ft fo>t-tt'ifrt>m >S*a o'.iioi*, n«'t kaula r-i iu the)aJov.. Iii I» ol emciy ii .-.-o.|. r f»r »d»er. eta, mleletaj t to nt.xf i>a Jo eg' n atlaat uettt«/*

Ar-t.ttti! laitt~T lo et«t r. ^ .tit-t e "*'ip*retairato m al at haatjiae I bt*t aud .a-e opoti **¦**»n bd< ratla, anl tue l.nw « jonmed w u.a. day at 10c'.- , k.


17A A N.

Hi > IM IHIkD A.vimi g.WuMAM ImDL » eOHMBli.

A tii e aaMtrred atBo W| Tnud aaaaOJOi eb ait 't{o'ch i k Uet night, cauf« d by a candle ca/elteely leftbu mug whuh »et fire Id the be-d elo Jiea. a w.voan

i an.e o WdDodd or Hm r ia w»* «o M vere'y kaaaad?he ia r.ot i iptr ted to »urv r-.