arunachal agri expo 2011concludes agri expo-2017.pdf · 2017. 1. 27. · unachal agri expo 2017...

'/ ~~ Arunachal Agri Expo .. •- of ~. •, ••••• particularlyOrangeandLitchi,throughwhich Arunachal Agri Expo2011 underwav I'~ '\' farmerscan increas.etheir incomeandsolv.eunem- ployment by adopting new technology with good . planting materials and virus free budded plants of Also present on the , Orange. He insisted on water harvesting by farm- occasion was Dr. Jiten- ersanduseofmicromodeirrigationforsavinghor- dra Kumar, Director, ticultural crops. DMAPR,Anand, Gujarat, Dr. Jitendra Kumar,.spoke on the importance Prof. M. Premjit Singh, of aromatic plants in general and informed that VC, CAU, Imphal,T<!miyo around 9000 plantscould be utilized for medicinal Tatak, DC, East Siang, use and that 70% of world population depend on Pasighat, Or.AK Pandey, medicinaland aromatic plantsfor various ailments. Dean,CHF,Pasighatand Prof. M. Premjit Singh, Vice Chancellor, CAU, hostsoffaculty members, Imphal, Manipur in his presidential address ex- students and progressive pressed that, by the year 2022 we need to double farmers from all over lhe the income of farmers by adopting the 2nd Green • Maksam Tayeng ,state. I Revolution in Eastern India and NE region. He The aqricultural expo was orga- urged farmers in NE region to adopt organiclarm- PASIGHAT, Jan 21: Legislator nized by College of Horticulture & ing for nutritional security apart from food security. Kentp Rina today exhorted farm- Forestry, CAU, Pasighat and KVK, He further informed that CAU-R1 is a rice variety .ers to adapt to new and innovative CHF, Pasighat under the theme which will increase yield and income for farmers. technology for increased horticul- "TechnologyLedAgriculture". He also took referenceof a successful progressive tural production and productivity I Welcoming all, Dean, CHF Pa- farmer of Tripura, one Vishwajit Mazumdar who is for the bettelment of the state. He sighat, Dr. AK Pandey, expressed now earning annual income of Rs. 18 lakhs from was speaking at the inauguration that Arunachal Pradesh is fortunate farming injust 2.6 Hectareof lands. of the 2 days Arunachal Agri. Expo to be blessedwith a vast diversity of Altogether,aroundsevenhundredfarmersfrom 2017 here at College of Horticulture flora and fauna. He emphasized on ~cross the state participated in today's agricultural & Forestry, CentralAgricultural Uni- importance.of citrus products of the xpo drawing around one thousand four hundred versity, Pasighat. statil p .• f' i. lsltors.Among otherexhibltors,M/sSiangBiotech ______________ --.,__ ~-----_;_.-----.-, ocated at Orin Market, Pasighatwho have tied up } ith Maxgrow Biotech Pit. Ltd, Ludhiana, Panjab nd Falcon Garden Tools Pvt. Ltd. Ludhiana, Pan- b demonstrated to promote and create aware- ess on organic products. i ~ Arunachal Agri ExPO 2011 concludes 11 Farmers urged tofocus on quality produce • Maksam Tayeng Progressive farmer/grower cum Member of Board of Man- agement of CAU, Jokut Modi, highlighted on quality product rather than' onquantity, and asked the farmers to move to- wards the entrepreneurship in future. Lok Sabha MP, Ninong Er- ing in his valedictory speech laid stress on the marketing channels and setting up a mini- mum support price for farmers' produce. He appealed to the farmers to exhibit qualitative produce, rather than quantity. In today's concluding day of the expo, around 400 farmers participated and the winners of the various sub-events were awarded. PASIGHAT, Jan 22: The Ar- unachal Agri Expo 2017 under the theme "Technology Led Agriculture" concluded today at College of Horticulture & For- estry, Central Agricultural Uni- versity, Pasighat where various programmes such as Farmer- Scientist Interaction, Healthy Baby Show, Dog Show, and Technical Farm Demonstration to farmers by the CHF scientists were conducted. Dean Dr.AK Pandey, thanked the farmers for their participation and enthusiasm in the event. He stressed on the need of farmers to adopt new technology in hor- ticulture crops. •••

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Post on 01-Feb-2021




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    ~~ Arunachal Agri Expo• • .. • - of ~. • , ••••• particularlyOrangeand Litchi,throughwhichArunachal Agri Expo2011 underwav I'~'\' farmers can increas.etheir incomeand solv.eunem-

    ployment by adopting new technology with good. planting materials and virus free budded plants of

    Also present on the , Orange. He insisted on water harvesting by farm-occasion was Dr. Jiten- ers and use of micromode irrigation for saving hor-dra Kumar, Director, ticultural crops.DMAPR, Anand, Gujarat, Dr. Jitendra Kumar, .spoke on the importanceProf. M. Premjit Singh, of aromatic plants in general and informed thatVC, CAU, Imphal,T

    • Maksam Tayeng ,state. I Revolution in Eastern India and NE region. HeThe aqricultural expo was orga- urged farmers in NE region to adopt organiclarm-

    PASIGHAT, Jan 21: Legislator nized by College of Horticulture & ing for nutritional security apart from food security.Kentp Rina today exhorted farm- Forestry, CAU, Pasighat and KVK, He further informed that CAU-R1 is a rice variety. ers to adapt to new and innovative CHF, Pasighat under the theme which will increase yield and income for for increased horticul- "TechnologyLedAgriculture". He also took reference of a successful progressivetural production and productivity I Welcoming all, Dean, CHF Pa- farmer of Tripura, one Vishwajit Mazumdar who isfor the bettelment of the state. He sighat, Dr. AK Pandey, expressed now earning annual income of Rs. 18 lakhs fromwas speaking at the inauguration that Arunachal Pradesh is fortunate farming in just 2.6 Hectare of lands.of the 2 days Arunachal Agri. Expo to be blessedwith a vast diversity of Altogether, aroundseven hundredfarmers from2017 here at College of Horticulture flora and fauna. He emphasized on ~cross the state participated in today's agricultural& Forestry, CentralAgricultural Uni- importance.of citrus products of the xpo drawing around one thousand four hundredversity, Pasighat. statil p .• f' i. lsltors.Among other exhibltors, M/s Siang Biotech______________ --.,__ ~-----_;_.-----.-, ocated at Orin Market, Pasighatwho have tied up


    ith Maxgrow Biotech Pit. Ltd, Ludhiana, Panjabnd Falcon Garden Tools Pvt. Ltd. Ludhiana, Pan-b demonstrated to promote and create aware-ess on organic products. i


    Arunachal Agri ExPO 2011 concludes11 Farmers urged to focus on quality produce

    • Maksam Tayeng Progressive farmer/growercum Member of Board of Man-agement of CAU, Jokut Modi,highlighted on quality productrather than' onquantity, andasked the farmers to move to-wards the entrepreneurship infuture.

    Lok Sabha MP, Ninong Er-ing in his valedictory speechlaid stress on the marketingchannels and setting up a mini-mum support price for farmers'produce. He appealed to thefarmers to exhibit qualitativeproduce, rather than quantity.

    In today's concluding day ofthe expo, around 400 farmersparticipated and the winnersof the various sub-events wereawarded.

    PASIGHAT, Jan 22: The Ar-unachal Agri Expo 2017 underthe theme "Technology LedAgriculture" concluded today atCollege of Horticulture & For-estry, Central Agricultural Uni-versity, Pasighat where variousprogrammes such as Farmer-Scientist Interaction, HealthyBaby Show, Dog Show, andTechnical Farm Demonstrationto farmers by the CHF scientistswere conducted.

    Dean Dr.AK Pandey, thankedthe farmers for their participationand enthusiasm in the event. Hestressed on the need of farmersto adopt new technology in hor-ticulture crops.
