anastasia - vladimir megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - a4 - 108 pg


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excerpts from the anastasia books series - most amazing books.. genuine mystic.. loved her.. just sharing few anecdotes for those who cant read all.. but you really have to read the originals.. to enjoy and appreciate.. beautifully told.. as she says.. the emotional feeling sensations teach much more than just words.. :D


Page 1: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg
Page 2: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg
Page 3: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg

Contents :

Book 1 Anastasia Book 3 Creating the Space of Love

Encounter Chords of the Universe

Forest bedroom Spirit of a Foremother

Anastasia’s Ray Forces of Light

Who lights a new star A glimpse of hell

Dachniks Words change destinies

Seeds and bees Work out your own happiness

Mentors for your child Who are we?

Forest school A father’s role

The brain- a supercomputer The system

In him was Life: the Light of men Academician Shchetinin

Touching Paradise Mediums/ Channelers

Dreams- creating the future Should we all go live in the forest?

Strong people Re-creating Shambala!

Book 4 Co-Creation

All this exists right now! Capable to change the world The energy of Love

The beginning of Creation When fathers understand In His image and likeness

The first day A secret science Who is to blame?

Encounter and Love.. Our genetic code Old man at the dolmen

Adam’s unsatisfying apple Where we go in sleep Lessons of the Gods

Three prayers Other worlds Anomalies

Feel the deeds of all men Take back your motherland Hope for the world

Dining in the Taiga Everyone can build a home

Page 4: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg

Book 6 The Family Book of Kin Book 8.2 Rites of Love

Who raises your children? Love – the essence of the Cosmos

Conversations with my son Do our lives sync with the Divine programme?

Our distorted history Should we seek out our ‘other half’?

Our pristine origins False images

‘I shall make a Universe-Girl happy’ Academy of wise men

‘I shall save my mama Family-centered society

An invitation to the fulture Childhood Love

A dormant civilisation Love accelerates learning

Vedism Wedding rites

A wedding Conception

Raising children Telegony overcome

Feeding life Man brings a child into the world

Life without violence and crime Pregnant women alone

Science of Imagery Having babies

History Even in chaos there is purpose

The Wealthiest groom Soul-mate gatherings

A change of priestly tactics, Occultism Nuptial rite for women with children

The priest who still rules the world High-society ladies

A need to think Millennial encounter

The Book of Kin Anastasia’s wedding

To Live in a marvelous reality The Book of Happiness

Page 5: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg

The Ringing Cedars: Anastasia -Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre (Moscow Printshop No.11,1996)

Book 1

In 1994, an old Siberian man looking 75, wears a piece of special old cedar tree on his neck for the past

93 years and claims to be 119 years old. You hang it around your neck and press it with your left palm to

your chest. You can make designs and polish the outside with your own hands and feelings.

(The oldsters had said that the cedar wood should be given and not sold.)


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We walked along, getting deeper into the woods, and after about five

kilometers, stopped to rest. Here she took off her jacket kerchief and long

skirt and placed them in the hollow of a tree. All she was now wearing was a

light frock. She had suddenly metamorphosed from a country lass into the

most beautiful golden haired extraordinary beauty with a fantastic figure.

“Anastasia, you’re not afraid of walking through the taiga alone?”

“There is nothing I have to fear here,” replied Anastasia.

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When someone is in a state of love, they emit a radiant energy. It takes but a second for it to reflect off

the celestial bodies and come back to Earth, giving life to everything that breathes.

The sun is one of those bodies and it reflects but a fraction of such radiance.

Only bright rays can travel into space from man, and only beneficial rays can be reflected back to earth.

Under malicious feelings, man can emit only dark rays which fall into the depths of the Earth and bounce

off its core, returning to the surface in the form of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc.

There is one phenomenon that we desperately try to avoid, in fact are afraid to talk about.. why is it that

before formulating their teachings, all our great teachers became recluses, went into solitude, in most

cases went into the forests? (not to some super academy!) or to some mountain top. Why has nothing

been written about their solitude experiences?

Anastasia lives in the forest altogether alone. She has no house to call her own, hardly wears any

clothes, no shoes and does not store any provisions. She is a descendant of people who have been living

there for thousands of years, a representative of a whole different civilization.. merging with Nature.

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She was born here in the Taiga.

There are no problems for finding food. One should eat just as one breathes, not paying attention to the

food, not distracting our thought from more important things. The Creator has left that task to ‘others’.

She snapped her fingers and right away a little squirrel popped up beside her, hopping onto her hand.

Anastasia lifted her up to her mouth and the squirrel passed a cedar nut seed, shell removed, from its

mouth into hers. The whole forest around seemed ‘tamed’. This did not seem to me out of the ordinary.

At the academy complex, squirrels would come up to people and beg for food, even getting angry if they

weren’t given anything. Here I was simply seeing the process in reverse.

Anastasia has left the whole task of nourishment and life support up to Nature.

“Who is to blame if man has decided to change the Creator’s design? Whether it’s for better or worse is

up to you to divine! is sinful to waste thought on things like food.” <corporate control>

There are a multitude of examples of infants found in the wild, looked after by wolves or other animals.

<probably another reason why the corporates engender mass fear of nature and the wilds>

‘good morning, may this day come to you with blessings, and you should in turn greet it, with your

blessings’.. then she clapped her hands and the furry pelt turned out to be a huge bear in the cave. Her

bed is full of scented twigs in a dug out of one of the forest animals.. most often the bear’s. The first

thing she does upon waking is offer an exuberant outburst of joy to the rising Sun, to the new sprouts

and twigs and shoots. She touches them with her hands, strokes them. Then she runs over to the little

trees, giving them thumps on their trunks, while they shower down on her some pollen dew. Her whole

body appears to be covered in a sort of moist cream. She then lies down on the grass blissfully

stretching and squirming around. Then she runs off and jumps into her little lake.

The fragrance of her body was more pleasant than the most delicate perfume.

Her relationship with all the animals around is very similar to people with their pets. Many of them hang

around watching her. It takes a tiny glance or gesture of hers and the lucky one jumps up and rushes to

her feet. Often she would play lovely games with the wild animals. She’s most often nude or semi nude.

Absolutely everything around her, from a bug on a blade of grass to the big grizzly and the far off eagle

all respond directly in rhythm to her heartbeats. It can happen if you imbue your garden seeds with your

information and communicate more consciously with the plants.

(There are all sorts of tribes and peoples living far from civilization but they are not blessed with this

kind of contact with nature and animals. Anastasia says its because their thoughts are not pure enough.)

Man has not yet invented anything that is not already present in Nature. She is able to not only see

individuals at great distances but also what is going on in their lives. Daydreaming is visualising your own

future in various specific situations. Intuition is something besides the analytical reasoning that helps

determine his own and others’ behaviors. In a night dream people can communicate, empathise..

people can even control their dreams. Man is designed to control everything. <!!?>

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God is the interplanetary Mind/Intelligence. He is not to be found in a single mass- half is in the non-

material realm of the Universe, the sum total of all energies. Half is dispersed across the Earth in every

individual being/ Man. Dark forces strive to block these particles.

In the long term civilised man will realise the futility of the technocratic path of development and move

back to our primal origins. All the scholars are immature beings leading us to a dead end.

Every Man can talk with any other individual without the aid of a telephone. All that is needed is desire

and the will of both parties, as well as a developed imaginative sense.

The animals do not understand play acting.. and they ought not to, it is not entirely a good thing.

Anastasia had just done a whole series of impromptu acrobatics with a bear and a she-wolf got upset.

I am at a complete loss to understand how women are fooled to such a degree as to unwittingly attract

men with the charms of their bodies and thereby deprive themselves of the opportunity of making real

choices for someone close to their heart. Then they themselves suffer for a poor family life..

When two people join their lives together, it is very important that they have a spiritual attraction to

each other. Unfortunately, everything basically starts with the carnal, which passes/transfers to another.

See the individual, the soul, find a kindred spirit with whom you can attain true happiness, this is easy.

Don’t bother about make-up and outward appearances, just listen with interest to the person talking.

The technocratic forces are always trying to substitute the natural operating systems of the world with

their own cumbersome artificial systems that go against human nature. <Electricity leaves you cold!>

These dark controllers constantly try to make man give in to baser fleshly passions to stop him from

experiencing God-given Grace-magical Love, separating man from Truth. If a woman submits herself to

merely satisfying a man’s carnal needs, their togetherness is merely an illusion and a lie, regardless of

whether they are married or not. The act is one of giving of oneself so a Man can come into the world!

People are too pre-occupied with day-to-day living issues that they can’t open up to new awareness.

Dark forces try to keep pride alive in man in various ways, especially with money. Money is like a high

tension zone, an invention that has trapped man for millennia. Pride and its co-conspirator, anger.

Darks trying to deprive man of opportunity of receiving grace even through power words in prayers have

changed the language, introduced new words and removed old ones, distorted the meanings of words.

They attempt to lead man astray by fleshly lusts and passions. I have restored the original combinations.

All my abilities are inherent in Man. Things Man was given right from the start..

We are always so busy trying to help people in your world.

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People can learn so much from communicating with plants. Especially the hut-dwellers who personally

know every individual plant around them, nurturing them with their own loving fingers. They can teach

you so much, they become kinder and live longer. These people could help society become aware.

Plants react to people’s love or hate and exercise a positive or negative influence on their health.

Everything on Earth, every blade of grass, every insect has been created for Man, with its individual

appointed task to serve Man. But people know very little of how to take full advantage of them.

The whole time I was with her, not once did I see Anastasia sad, always bubbling with joyous energy.

For a surplus of cockroaches- simply bring a frog into the house. (roaches pick up tiny food particles)

Gardening Advice:

Every seed you plant contains an enormous amount of information about the Universe. By this the seeds

know the exact time down to the millisecond when it should come alive and grow, what juices to take

from the Earth, how to utilise the rays from the celestial bodies, how to grow, what fruit to bear. These

fruits are designed to sustain Man’s life, more powerfully and effectively than any manufactured drugs.

These fruits are capable of counteracting and withstanding any disease of the human body. But to this

end the seed must know about the human condition so that during the maturation process it can satiate

its fruit with the right correlation of substances to heal a specific individual of his disease.

Before planting, put into your mouth one or more of the little seeds, hold them in your mouth under the

tongue for atleast 9 minutes. Then place the seed between the palms of your hands and hold it for

about 30 seconds. You must be standing barefoot on the spot of earth where you will be planting it.

Open your hands and carefully blow on the seed lightly, warming it, it will know everything that’s in you.

Then hold it again about 30 seconds with your hands open, presenting it to the celestial bodies, so they

will help it. The seed will determine the moment for its awakening. After that you may plant the seed. In

no case should you water the seed and wash off your saliva, with your information, water it 3 days later.

Planting must be done on days appropriate to each vegetable, according to the lunar calendar. When

planting, it’s important to soften soil in the hole with your finger or bare toes and to spit into the hole.

Walking around the plot barefoot from time to time is recommended.

Do not pull up all the weeds growing in the vicinity of the sprouts, leave atleast one of each kind. Some

weeds serve to protect the plant from disease while others give supplemental information. During

cultivation also it is vital to communicate with the plant. It is desirable to touch it during the full moon.

The fruit of a seed cultivated in this manner, consumed by the individual is capable not only of curing

him of any diseases but also of significantly retarding the ageing process, rescuing him from harmful

habits, tremendously increasing his mental abilities and giving him a sense of inner peace. The fruit will

have its most effective influence if consumed no later than 3 days after harvesting.

It is not necessary to plant a whole row of one plant, just a few seeds each is enough. The fruits of these

plants will be clearly distinguishable from others in taste and composition.

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Have at least one sunflower plant. Keep almost 2 meter square for cereal grains. Make sure to leave an

island of 2 square meters for wild growing herbs that were not manually planted. You could bring in

some turf from the forest to help with the natural growth. Nature has plants to cure ALL the diseases.

The chief physician is your own body. It is endowed with the ability to know which herb should be used

and when, how to eat, how to breathe. It is capable of warding off disease even before its manifesting.

There should be atleast one colony of bees. Gather part of the honey and wax that they produce. If you

make a hive try to keep it as close as possible to natural conditions. Their presence is extremely

beneficial, they pollinate all the plants more effectively, increasing the yields. The bees’ mouths open up

channels in the plants through which the plants take in supplemental information reflected by the

planets, information that the plants, and subsequently the humans require. Before introducing a swarm

of bees into the hive, put in a little chunk of wax and some honey-plant. They will multiply themselves.

Break off the hanging honey comb but do not be greedy- leave some for the bees, especially for the

winter, in fact it’s better not to collect any honey at all during the first year.

In the morning, preferably at sunrise, walk out in the garden barefoot and approach any of the plants.

Touch them as you feel moved to, only before washing. If there is a grassy patch, lie down in it and

stretch out for about 4 minutes. Do not chase away any bugs that happen to crawl onto your body,

many of them open up pores on the body and cleanse them, so the body can expel its toxins easily.

If there is a pond on the plot, immerse yourself in it, or pour water on yourself as you stand near the

plants and seedbeds. And do not dry off immediately but shake off the droplets on the surrounding

plants, using your hands to brush off the water from the rest of the body.

In the evening, before going to bed, it is important to wash your feet using water with the addition of a

few drops of juice from saltbush and/or nettles, with no soaps. After washing, pour the water on the

seedbeds. The toxins in the feet perspirations give the plants and microorganisms supplemental

information about your current state of well-being. This is important too.

When to eat and how much is best answered by the individual’s own body signals of thirst and hunger.

What should one eat? Whatevers available at the moment! The body itself will select whatever it needs.

<I experienced this in the jungle on Ramana’s hill>

Follow your household pet and when they find some grasses or herbs to eat, tear off some of that and

add it to your own diet. Once or twice a week is sufficient. <’Garike’ grass is very medicinal!>

Gather some cereal grain, thresh it, grind it into flour and bake some bread yourself. This is extremely

important. Anyone consuming this bread even once or twice a year will build up a store of energy

capable of awakening his inner spiritual powers, calming the soul and benefiting his physical condition. If

shared with love and sincerity it will have a beneficial effect on relatives and friends as well.

Spend atleast 3 days each summer, eating only what is grown in one’s own garden plot, with bread..

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Disease is the result of man distancing himself from the natural system designs which can counteract

any disease easily. Anyone who has established such a relationship with the Earth and the plants on his

own plot of land has the opportunity of ridding his body of absolutely every kind of disease. The benefits

however, from setting up such information exchange contacts in a patch go far beyond healing diseases.

Illness is a conversation between God and man; it can be a warning or a deliverance from something

even more terrible. Only man himself, through his spirit and conscious awareness can cure anything,

himself and without any negative side effects- outside interference is often harmful.

You can visit holy places to cleanse yourself of the darkness.

In writing, more important than the arrangement of words, is the feelings that are to be conveyed from

one to another. You immediately forget the words, but the feelings and images remain a long time. So, if

feelings are directly associated with the marks, without thinking about any conventions, then one’s soul

will cause these marks to appear in just the right sequence and combinations to convey the feelings.

One can literally feel the planets and celestial bodies

Cedars store up the energy going out from man to space and give it back to man when required.

If the tree has stored up energies and not given out, then over the years if it fills up, it will start ringing

softly to draw attention. If heard and cut up and used good, otherwise in three years it will stop ringing

and will have to tortuously burn up all the energy internally over the next 27 years (and probably die).

Author sees a 500 yr old ringing cedar tree that has a top branch broken and is shooting out visible

energy to the cosmos, also its whole upper area is engulfed in a golden aura; he places his hands on the

tree and is able to audibly hear its hum of life, its ‘ringing’.

Bible, old testament – book of Leviticus (ch. 14, vs.4) – god teaches us how to treat people and

decontaminate their houses with the help of cedar. (42 mentions of cedar in the old testament.)

Academician Pallas says the healing properties of cedars increase with proximity to the tundra forests.

Druids called the chalice of cedar resin the ‘Chalice of Life’. <amrutha?>

The fire of Zoroaster was caused by the burning of cedar resin in a chalice.

King Solomon built a temple of cedar wood, paid the worth of 21 cities for the logs..

Some famous athletes ate cedar nuts. A businessman wanted nuts to process into cedar oil <500$/kg.

You need to use only wooden presses. Present day secret technology is in Turkey. Russians spend

millions or billions to buy foreign medicines to guzzle. What kind of powers are trying to erase the

memories of our forebears with wisdom from thousands of years, even within the century!?

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Flying saucer propulsion system is based on energy of generating a vacuum. Micro-organisms positione

don the inner surface of the upper part of a flying saucer, between the walls that are approximately 3cm

apart. Both the surfaces are porous. The organisms draw in air thereby creating a vacuum ahead of the

saucer, and as they pass through them, they are transformed into tiny sphere which are enlarged upto

half cm dia. These slide down between the walls into the lower part of the saucer where they

decompose into a gaseous substance. The walls of the saucer are also cultivated/grown like fungus. The

organisms can be produced or generated by the power of the will, much like a vivid concept or imagery.

The action of several dozen people having this ability is required and it takes about a year to make. A

flying saucer had landed here and I helped them repair their ship. They were afraid to approach people.

The Earth has everything that the Universe has. There is noone and nothing stronger than man but God.

Upon a challenge, she comes up with an innovation to purify the air- she assesses that most air

pollution is from automobiles, and that mostly when the muck mixes with the dust and is thrown

around on everything; so her suggestion is to have porous car bumpers that filter the air; her estimate is

that it could reduce pollution by upto about 38% and then no more due to too many other factors.

Technology can’t come close to her abilities as they lack feelings.

‘In him was life, and the life was the light of men’ – gospel of John

She always speaks the truth, speaks her mind.

When he gets angry, she leans against a tree, raises one hand, other on chest, trying to cleanse the air.

She tunes her heart to his heartbeat and he feels as though his mother and all his relatives were near

him, a sense of softness and good health throughout his body, it filled his heart with joy, freedom and a

whole new sense of Creation.

If you plan something in full detail, with your heart and will, the guardians will set things so it happens,

as long as it is within the laws of spirit. You have to think clearly and fast and with corresponding feeling

for it to actualise.. <this is written in the upanishads too>.. it is a very natural process.

Through your feelings you can do anything!

(Comparison of our raping the earth to a man on an aeroplane breaking off a piece of the wing to

fashion himself a primitive hammer and feeling mighty proud of his success. We can’t go on breaking

pieces off indefinitely. How can you not grasp that our Earth must not be tortured like this..)

The sun is like a mirror, reflecting emanations from the earth, invisible to the eye; coming from people

in a state of love, joy or other radiant feeling; returning in the form of sunlight, giving life to everything.

Bible: ‘and the life was the light of men.’

(Dr. Georges Lakhovsky ‘the secret of life: cosmic rays and radiations of living beings’ has suggested that

the sun is a cold black body. Viktor Schauberger argues similarly in Callum Coats’ ‘living energies’. Dr.

Phillip Callahan speaks of tachons and tries to detect them in solar rays and around people in a state of

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love like saints and meditating yogis. George Ivanovich Gurdjieff influenced naturalist Aldo Leopold ‘a

sand county almanac’ and economist EF Schumacher ‘small is beautiful: economics as if people

mattered’; he maintained that the sun neither shines nor warms in ‘beelzebub’s tales to his grandson’.)

Nobody/ nothing can control man apart from his own will. God wants the love of a free man for His love.

It is not the planets but man who controls their movements through his subconscious.. <Ravana tames

the planets and walks on them as steps to his throne.. then astrology is a dark forces con!>.. if

everybody together wants something to happen/appear it will.

You do not believe me.. yet in fact it is so simple.

Only believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in me.

I exist for whom I exist. Anyone who wants to believe can believe. Some find a great feeling of love,

kindness and inspiration welling up in their heart, like a shower of spring rain. The poetry of love-light.

Relax the body.. let go all the way.. as if you were going to go to sleep.. leave it to the imagination..

<Peter’s sensei Miru-san could do this in meditation like> Anastasia is also watching in his dream!

You can send people goodness with feeling, share information, read the future, heal, cheer up..

Anastasia is all day long visualising all sorts of situations from our past/present/future-‘it’s all the same’.

It’s absolutely necessary to keep one’s thoughts pure, you need strong radiant feelings..

Now my healing ray is many times more powerful than grandfather’s or great grandfather’s; they say

that is because there has arisen in me another feeling, the one called love; so great, so pleasant, a little

fiery, I want to share it with everyone, everything.. <when I’m in love it feels as if whole world responds>

She aims her ray at a person, illumines him with an invisible light and imparts to him her feelings and

aspirations toward goodness and light. Without interfering in his essential freedom of his choices.

‘God is love’- bible – ‘in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god’

Groups relate very much to the state of being of their head-persons.

Sleep under the stars, close to raspberry/ currant bushes or near cereal seeds you have planted, a place

of your constant contact with the plant world. You should be alone. Lie down and gaze at the stars..

physically and mentally wander across the celestial bodies. Relax. Free your thoughts…

Dream about the things and people that you treasure. This will awaken dormant cells in your brain.

Cosmic forces will be with you and will help you to attain your brightest and most unimaginable dreams,

to find peace in your heart and to establish/en-loven positive relationships with your loved ones. It is

especially important to do this on the eve of your birthday!

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Every new man is born a king, an angel – pure and undefiled. Through the soft crown he takes in huge

floods of information from the Universe. Each new-born has the abilities to become the wisest, God-like.

It takes him very little time to bestow grace and happiness upon his parents. During this period upto

nine years, he becomes aware of what constitutes creation and the meaning of human existence.

Everything that he needs to accomplish this already exists, only the parents should not distort this

genuine natural structure of creation by cutting the child off from the perfect Universe.

Despite his status as the most perfect being in the Universe, he is pandered to and treated as an

imperfect creature, even in the institutions that you consider educational. He is constantly reminded of

the values of this artificial world and the sovereign is made an indigent slave begging for handouts.

Children sense the lie even in the womb, even during conception - the artificiality of such false union,

and this makes them skeptical about everything their parents may tell them. A false union is frightening.

Women have to grasp the truth and their own appointed purpose and then the men will change too.

Ask the child in all seriousness to help you with your planting,raking,seeding or whatever you are doing

and in the process, talk to him about what you are doing. Every morning go see if the seed has sprouted

a shoot and share the delight! Do not use any preaching tone of voice, speak as to an equal (remember

he is superior to you in many respects). Proceed intuitively and he will happify your days! Next time you

can give your child his own seedbed and let him do whatever he wants without correcting him.

When you go to sleep under the stars take your child with you, but don’t be pointing out anything.

It is very important to know how to ask your child questions. Grandfather and great-grandfather would

approach me from time to time and ask questions, expecting answers. In our culture, older generations

treat an infant young child virtually as a deity, they use the child’s responses to check their own purity.

Bodies of people who wrap themselves in clothing to hide from the weather lose their ability to adapt.

Is our system of education and bringing up children sufficient to comprehend the meaning of existence,

to arrange every individual’s life-priorities in the correct order? Does it help or hinder our ability to make

sense of man’s essence and purpose? We set up a vast system and structure our lives in accordance.

There is absolutely no point in dividing up society; peoples’ hearts all beat in a similar way, across all

categories there are people sincerely striving for the light, for the good.


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Everything growing in the ground carries in itself psychic energy, including our Love.

Eating food prepared unlovingly by slaves/servants can be poisonous to health.

In Pagan Roman times the elite senators began to give skilled slaves land for lifetime use, with rights of

succession, to grow crops on, even allocating funds to build a house. A slave’s family couldn’t be

transferred to another master without their land, an inseparable part of the slave’s family.

Why do we feel helpless or insignificant? Why do we allow strangers to birth and teach our children?

In Vedic times, every father & mother would write a book of kin for their future children & grandchildren

not comprised of words but of deeds. Children will absorb the created space like thoughts from a book.

Those that begin to write will find the knowledge preserved within themselves! It is within each of us!

When people think deeply and write not just for anyone, but for their children, all pristine knowledge

will be revealed within them and come to light! Children will remember their parents’ teachings!!

“I was poor, only in old age did I begin to think on the meaning of life.. I’ve created a plan for a space..”

First, you should visualise this, and create a gladsome prospective dream within yourself & then allow it

(A small land will not serve man effortlessly,while too large a tract will require hired helpers & thoughts)

Nobody and nothing will have power over a man who has created his space of Love around himself!

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Book 3 : The Space of Love

She had the most extraordinary eyes – they looked at us tenderly, with kindness. And we could feel a

warmth from her gaze. It seemed as though she was looking not at our group as a whole but at each one

of us individually. We were all overcome by a feeling of excitement we couldn’t explain. It was as though

we’d forgotten about everything else and were simply drinking in this warmth, basking in it..

For every woman in love there will be only one man who is the best and most significant person in the

world- and that is the one she has chosen. And my beloved is the very best one for me.

Vladimir’s spirit was a fighting entrepreneur’s, in its struggle it did not even notice death approaching. It

helped my ray, and the other little rays of the people around who loved him came to the aid of my ray.

His practically dead flesh began to fill with life. Confronted by sincere, strong love, even death retreats.

Immortality of man is in love, in his ability to ignite love within himself. Love makes miracles happen.

I only strengthen the feelings of goodness, love and bright aspirations that they already had in them.

The book acts as a musical score, the reader will involuntarily utter within himself any sounds he reads.

Thus the hidden combinations and planetary symbols will resonate in the reader’s soul in pristine form.

The energy of the reactions taking place in the sun’s core are but a tiny fraction compared to the

released mental energy of a complex of many average spirits. The weakest such energy could be

compared to the force of a tornado. The greatest would be His, which I am still trying to comprehend.

Dolmens (megalithic tombs), ancient stone constructions 10,000 years old, precursors of the pyramids

of Egypt. Living people used to go there to die. Located in the mountains of the Caucasus, not far from

Novorossiysk, Glendzhik, Tuapse. The background radiation of the Earth fluctuates near the dolmens.

They are monuments to wisdom and the great self-sacrifice of one’s spirit for the sake of future

generations. They who went in did not suffer, they meditated on eternity and in spirit they would

remain forever on Earth, holding on to certain earthly feelings, but forever deprived of re-birth-ability.

The spirit stayed forever in the dolmen, waiting for visitors to impart the wisdom of our pristine origins.

The great tragedy of the dolmens is the utter lack of demand, nobody has come to acquire knowledge.


Who’s been leading us into this kind of swamp? ‘Man creates everything for himself.’

Anastasia said the time has now come for the speeding up of some kind of processes in the Universe.

And those whose way of life does not correspond to the natural laws of being will be subjected to trials..

First in an ordinary way to make them consciously aware of their actions and the path they are

following. Later more troubles will ensue, and then they will have to forsake life in order to be

regenerated as healthy beings but only after 9000 years.

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Miners tearing open the veins of the Earth, modern doctors thrusting themselves into genetic

engineering, scientists inventing deadly products- all these are already being rejected by society and are

not able to achieve peace of mind. Those who possess material goods suffer from moral dissatisfaction.

She maintains that the system we have created to provide artificial conditions for life is so imperfect and

will only result in natural cataclysms. Underground pipes are rotting and bringing this rot up for

drinking. The time will come when the most important scientists will come famished to the old grandma

on her plot of land to beg for a tomato to eat. The grandma on the other hand knows nothing of these

great scientists nor does she want to know. She lives a quiet life without their help, they can’t live

without her. The Universe needs her, it does not need them, who inhabit a fruitless world of illusions.

The powers have a problem protecting themselves from their own weapons and from the social

cataclysms that these weapons engender. They will kill each other fighting over grandma’s tomatoes.

Children whom we have not corrupted spiritually will find the way to winning salvation for themselves

and us and to attain the paradise that was given us right from the beginning.

Everything in our world is simple.

Every man is so constructed that he has access to the whole universe- both visible and invisible. Every

man can communicate with anyone and anything he wishes. Pretty much like a radio receiver. Which

source he finds reception at depends on his conscious awareness, his feelings and his purity. All this

must take place calmly and quietly, without intrusive attention drawn to greatness.

Voices who draw attention to their own greatness and the value of having chosen you of all people are

usually inferior, soulless creatures. They are not granted bodily existence so they attempt to occupy ours

It’s very simple- they themselves are cowards. You need to give them an ultimatum ‘get out of here or I

shall burn you with my thought!; they know very well that man’s thought is many times stronger!

Everyone’s thoughts still exist in space- they do not disappear into oblivion. Mu dream is still there. And

so are my thoughts, and everyone who wishes to can hear them.. even at the same time. Question is

only of the degree of distortion in translation, depending on the purity of the receiver.

In material life there are a multitude of sounds and voices claiming to be truth and trying to control your

mind and will, to make your life suit their purposes. But you are free to listen to them or to not listen.

You are free to decide and have noone to blame but yourself.

A question for which there is no answer in the Universe will immediately speed up the evolution of

everything. It will reach into all corners of the Universe and everything will set in motion for an answer.

How can I tell when the source is communicating truth? ‘When you hear more than just words, when

suddenly there is a flash of feeling or emotion in soul and tears of joy in eyes.’ <I had,reading this book!>

when you feel within yourself the impulse or urge to co-create and a thirst for purification, you may be

sure that you are clearly hearing the thoughts of Light. Cold information even if ‘wise’,with orders is not.

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Should we all go live in the forests? ‘But why go to another place to live?’ What do you mean why? The

dirty city air with noise and bustle. ‘But back there where it has become dirty, who is to clean it up??

You need to clean up the place you’ve been polluting first, wash away your sins, purify yourself first.’

After all, the place where you are living now was once a forest too.

Conscious awareness is the starting point for any attempts. The aspirations of one’s thoughts finds the

most effective path, just like any stream in Nature. It is already happening in Russia today. The factories

are not doing very well. There is less and less money for the armed forces. People are becoming aware.

There is no need to go to live in a forest, also the forest space will not open up so easily to newcomers.

The dachniks who plant gardens on the desolate abandoned land <alongside Bombay railway lines> with

their own hands, they are known and loved by every blade of grass on their plot. All these endeavour to

give back to the planters all the warmth of the Universe. True feelings are to be found in these people

who have themselves set up small oases of paradises in the midst of the bustle and gloom of death,

giving embodiment to the good in their souls! ‘Are words needed when deeds are holy?’ If your

intentions are good, let them be expressed right there where you are living.

Let your love illuminate those living around you.

I grew up in the forest, in the cradle of the Creator, but their souls have strived to brave the tortures of

hell and have survived. Their souls have overcome all and preserved their values of goodness, they are

stronger than those who have cut themselves off from the world behind stone walls. They are in the

world and are enriching the world with their presences. They should be remembered. [[pg200]]

A personality or image cult will always distract people from the essence, from themselves.

People from all over the world could communicate and find people of like spirit and like mind. They can

marry or atleast become friends, starting new common trends. (like a dating service)

It will come about, believe me, it will, just as I dreamt it, that’s how it will turn out. But nothing comes

about in the world all by itself, and nobody has power over man’s will. Man must work out his own plan.

Each one’s conscious awareness will point out the path to follow.

But who then is toying with our awareness, impeding us from choosing the joyous path? ‘Why grope for

causes outside, accusing others? A feeling so great has arisen in you, it is very appealing, let us dream..

We will recreate Shambala, within ourselves and in outward manifestation. Let each resident obtain a

little nut from a resinous cedar cone, place it in his mouth saliva for a while and plant it in his home.

Water it every day after putting his fingers in the water, always in a good humour, wishing good for

himself, his children and descendants, and with a conscious awareness of God. Everyday.

When the seed sprouts, share with it their innermost thoughts. On summer days and frost free nights,

place the little pot outdoors among other plants growing in the ground so that it can commune with the

stars, sun and moon, so that it can know the rain, the breeze and the spirit of the blades of grass all

around, to come back again to its friends and parents. This may be done many times.

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The seedling will grow and develop through the ages.. a cedar, after all will live over 500 years, beget off

spring and tell the young cedars about the souls of those who cultivated them. When the sprout has

grown to about 30cm it may be planted in the earth in early spring. Have the city authorities a lot 1 sq m

for those who don’t have land to plant their seedling. Everyone looks after his sapling, and helps others.

These will not be ordinary seedlings, they are like the Ringing Cedars, for they are warmed by the

kindness of human hearts. Having touched the human soul, they will take in the best rays the Universe

has to offer and start throwing them back to Man. And man and the Earth will begin to shine once more,

now and forever. And there will come a new conscious awareness and discoveries of universal

importance will go forth from such people throughout the whole Earth!

Of all the miracles on earth, nobody has ever heard of a city where every citizen has cultivated trees

such as these in this way, with extraordinary love and tenderness of soul, transforming their city of

stones into a true, living temple of the Universe, a Space of Love.

What is the point of creating something if it first involves destroying of a great, living creation? Just think

Vladimir, what if a demented person took one of Rembrandts canvases and cut it up to make little rabbit

shapes, would you call his actions creativity?? If artists’ consciousness should rise to a higher level, they

would create by entirely different means, similar to the means by which the Creator has created all in

His own impulse of inspiration. Thought is His chief instrument and only man has been given thought!

Creations are true only when thought is brought to fruition through the soul and intuition and feelings.

And the main factor here is and always will be, the purity of one’s awareness.

<by thinking I got some rats to leave, some grasses to grow, our lake to hold water, insects to come.. >

look how the little flowers thrive at our feet, their splendid shapes and colours, constantly changing.

These are something you can perfect with your thought. Concentrate and try to give them a better look.

Right before his eyes, on his whim Anastasia concentrates her attention and the flower’s petals turn red.

Man using material that is first slayed and dead and deteriorating, becomes more and more preoccupied

with plain rot, struggling to stop his creations from deteriorating, not thinking what genuine creation is.

Everything is preceded first by thought. Only with time does it get embodied in matter, or social order.

<but this is again forcing one’s will.. I find it is better to share Values and let others choose to do things>

Nature itself will bring everything back to a state of harmony, where it can thrive.

The flesh of male and flesh of female have merged into one and are united in you; similarly the spirit.

Who would want to, and for what purpose, replace your awareness, which the Creator gave to you?

Every little sprout on the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Creator. So how could the thought

come to you that the Creator could deign to withhold something from His supreme creation, man!

What could be more insulting for a Father than a comment like that?

Outwardly in appearance Anastasia may not look very different. Perhaps her body conveys a certain

lightness in the way she stands, or moves her hands, especially when she rises and walks so

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extraordinarily lightly. She gives the appearance of being light as a feather on her feet, yet physically

very strong. A sense of lightness, cheerfulness and a smile, always so vivacious. Not like people absorbed

in glum tense thought. Anastasia never allows her smile to leave her face. She constantly delights in the

sun and the grass, the rain and the clouds, like a carefree child constantly beaming with gladness. Even

talking about serious matters, she betrays no sadness. You are probably the first person addressed both

as goddess and a close friend (without genuflection) at one and the same time.

<she is too bound to the physical forest space of love. Mind over matter, the true space is Within!>

Right there in the world where you now live, create a space of Love. For the sake of our son and for all

the children in the world, make the whole earth a space of Love! Change the whole Earth!

People should all love each other, no more wars or crime, air to be pure and sublime, and the water too.

<what about those kids who were living hopeful of goodness in the midst of struggle.. there is always yin

and yang, good and bad, often the struggle is what makes one to exhibit strength.. or is love enough?>

For which of your achievements do you wish to receive respect from your son? Is she a fanatical recluse?

We’ve known more than a few fanatics <& saints!> who tried to change the world, and now are where?

Vanished like smoke into thin air. I knew that it is useless to argue with eccentrics and fanatics.

Water will be the proof of purification or filth around a society. I shall stop the factories spewing dirt.

The miners will comprehend that they cannot rend apart the precious veins of the earth. ‘I beg of you

people, please change your professions as soon as you can, do not bring hurt to the earth. Noone can

truly be happy as long as he is causing harm to the earth.

My dream is already resounding in the hearts of the people, transporting them over the abyss. Only

the doubters will run amiss and fall into the snare. But mankind, believe me, will be spared <obviously!>.

People will see what children can be, they will learn life in paradise.

The Father wishes to speak with each one equally, He abides no intermediaries.

The Truth was always there, right from the beginning, in each one’s soul. Not tomorrow, but here and

right now, each man may be happy and whole! He has filled each moment of every year with gladness!

May everyone know the melody of the soul!

Her dreams really did come true. Actually came true! Can it be that everything else may come to pass?

It’s all very simple on the whole- one can hear what is being said by the soul.

It’s not that hard to answer all the questions, but the answers will not take away the problems, for one

question begets another, just biting into Adam’s apple will not satisfy them. Anyone may hear the

answer for themselves. (Only one’s sense of self importance may lead people astray.)

All mysteries will be unfolded to man, and all at one man will discover with himself unimagined abilities.

Communing with Nature, man communes with the Divine. To understand Space is to understand God.

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Nursing mothers must have this knowledge, ability, sensitivity and awareness to transmit it to the baby.

The taste of the milk changes according to the mother’s feelings. Stress can even cause the milk to

congeal or even stop coming altogether. Men simply do not know the feelings and sensation inherent..

I need to raise my son properly in a space of Love, created and perfected by my forebears of centuries.

It may be small but it is what ties me to the whole substance of the Universe. Every man must create

around himself his own space of Love, and offer it to his child. Bearing children without it is criminal.

And if everyone understood this and acted upon it, then the whole earth would become the brightest

focus of love in the whole Universe! This is man’s purpose. Only man can create such a space. The space

of love begins in the mother’s womb, and then only spreads. Man has power to perfect/wreck his space.

My grandfather did train the eagle, thereby producing a new dimension to the space of love. This is

what my forefathers and foremothers have been doing since time immemorial.

Blue light of Love.

Every man can find all the answers- it depends on the purity of one’s thoughts and the motives behind.

Answers that do not come to you indicate that you are not sufficiently pure, unready, such is the law.

<myself too, feel when seeking an answer, I deserve to, and do get an answer, even if denied by some>

The greatest energy in the Universe is on this earth, we need only to understand it, this Pure Love.

Energy that is capable even of producing physical tangible heat/light energy, literally.

Real love does not come out of words, actions are required.

Science is not something that is available to everybody at once. Its achievements are used first only by

localized groups, often for their selfish and personal interests. The vast majority only hears what these

localized groups are disposed of themselves to reveal to the others.

Matter, cells, atoms, nuclei, nuclear particles in chaotic movement.. you know. If one visualizes them

vividly and in full detail, perceives and understands them properly and then uses the full powers of one’s

will/ imagination to extract from the nucleus even a single chaotically moving particle then…

You occasionally hear about this with soldiers in wartime, in extreme conditions, they see grenades or

bullets that even though flying at usual speed, with accelerated thinking and perceptive faculties it is

seen in slow motion. <I feel it is a sensitivity in the higher dimensions of perception which are beyond

our normal physical time.. something similar to sensitivity to future incidents that happen astrally first>

As long as my consciousness is in my body, I and I alone must take responsibility for all its actions.

Communicating only with what was bright in each one’s heart, She ignored the dark side. And in that

way she changed all of us.

Total Honesty. Sincere Simplicity.

Each one’s happiness lies within themselves, within each one of us.

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We need to learn to figure things out ourselves.

(There’s something that we can’t see that’s playing with us.)

After all, Everything with man heals itself eventually.

As before the glade was empty. No structures, not even a lean-to. But somehow I got the feeling that I

had come home. Even my mood was uplifted and a sense of calm had set in. I felt like going to sleep.

Wow! I thought- there’s absolutely nothing in this glade and yet I get the feeling that I’ve come home.

Evidently, one’s sense of ‘home’ is not in the size of one’s living space or castle, bu tin something else.

<even my home.. thought hardly anyone thinks it’s a home-home they all feel good and spend time>

“god surely gives to him who rises early”

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If he sees you & is interested, your baby will crawl over to you. Do not pick him up yourself, even if you

do it with good intentions but without his permission. He is already a man even if small in appearance.

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All during the feeding of the baby, Anastasia was totally oblivious to my presence and the world around

her, the whole time she concentrated her gaze on our son. It seemed as if they were communicating

with each other. Once in a while he would stop sucking and gaze up at her with different expressions.

The baby is a deity, immaculate angel. It’s totally unacceptable to interfere with its thought processes.

Anastasia’s grandparents would observe the baby for long periods of time as it was fascinated by a bug

or a flower. They would converse with her only when she herself paid attention to them and showed

desire to communicate with them.

A child allowed to communicate with such perfect beings as flowers and bugs would himself become

more perfect, than through communication with primitive lifeless objects. Also every blade of grass,

every bug is interrelated to the whole of Creation and subsequently aids the child in becoming aware fo

the essence of the Universe and of himself as a part of it.. also of his innate purpose in Life- to intensify

the force of the Light of Love radiating on/from the Earth. Artificial objects on the other hand have no

such connection and do not arrange priorities and values in the child.

Everything has already been provided for him by the Creator. Paradise on Earth.

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Man-the parents want happiness for their children, but have forgotten the path to happiness. Therefore

they are perpetrating violence out of good intentions. All kids believe in the kindness of their parents

and people around. They believe their parents, and slowly begin to repress their own desires/ dreams.

The children want to think everything through for themselves and make sense of what is going on,

but the parents simply interfere and don’t allow it. They try to figure out what the perfection is in the

‘joy-toys’ offered but there’s no way, in these absurd primitive objects, to find what was never there.

Still the children do not give up, keep searching, even if to no avail. Then they waver, and they who were

born to be rulers of the Universe, give up and assume that they are unable to decide anything for

themselves and betray their selves, just as they were betrayed by those who gave them birth.

Children are taught to think that they are nothing but ignorant and insignificant youngsters. In school

you are taught that man is nothing but a monkey, a primitive creature, and foolish to believe in God.

They are taught that there is only one leader who knows everything, a leader ‘chosen’ by the people.

They get carried away by poems glorifying the ‘leader’, without a second thought, and try to be the best.

<also schools mostly don’t let you have any time to think for yourself>

Poor memory of childhoods result from our internal attempts at excising the empty and fruitless in

order to spare our feelings, in an attempt to erase suggestions of hopelessness and suffering.

Then as people grow older and discover that man quite possibly, never was a monkey; and that the very

wise ‘leader’ is actually a very stupid tyrant; and that the whole generation is living life all wrong. Now

there is a ‘new system’ to live by. But then they become a parents suddenly, and unthinkingly, they hand

over their daughter to the ‘new system’, as though doing her a favour. And automatically, having

accepted abuse themselves as children, they begin abusing their own children now. Century after

century systems came and went, but all with the same goal–to transform people into a soul-less slaves.

Systems always operate through parents and self proclaimed wise teachers/gurus, coming up with new

teachings, engendering a whole new system (with the same objective) to separate you from God, and to

make you and God live and work only for their profit/benefit.

Anti-system – complete indulgence of the child’s whims in an all-permissive attitude. Any system is

calculated and weans the heart and soul away from true humanity in tune with the Universe, to prevent

clarity of vision, to prevent him from discovering himself in his beauty as a whole God-given Soul. There

are so many systems, but there is only one Truth. This alone shows that they lead in wrong directions.

The door is already open, All that remains is for eyes of the Soul to open and see the truth and be aware.

Look at life with an open heart. Purify thought. See the world, the Creator, the Universe and yourself.

I’ll not create a new system. You must look around yourself. Try to make sense of things through your

heart alone. My son knows neither violence nor fear. He is ever more confident that everything here is

subject to man and that man is answerable for everything. All the animals around serve as good, kind,

capable nannies who sincerely love our little boy. And there is no doubt at all that they would be ready

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at any moment to give their lives for their little fellow. What need is there for training them, everything

has been done ages before by the Creator.

The Creator is wise. He made everything more simple, and to perfection. From a man free of aggression,

fear, selfishness and other dark feelings- emanates the Light of Love. Even though it is invisible to the

eye, it is stronger than the light of the sun. its energy is Life-giving. Only Man! He alone is capable of

bringing warmth to all living creatures. That is why all living creatures are drawn to him. Thanks to the

Creator all newborns have such an ability.

Take the sun for instance. It is so far away, yet as soon as it rises, it touches a flower with its ray, and the

flower opens in delight. It seems as though they are so far apart from each other, but they are linked

together and one cannot exist without the other.

‘Anastasia, do all creatures like it when you stroke and caress them?’, grandfather asked her. ‘Yes they

all do. They keep wagging their tails to show how much they like my caressing. The grass and flowers

and trees like it too, but not all of them have tails to wag.’ ‘So everything desires to feel the embrace of

your hand?’ ‘Yes, and if everyone wants to be caressed, that means the wide Earth also wants to be.’

‘Then you, Anastasia, should embrace the whole Earth as well. Think about how you could do this’

saying which grandfather walked away. And I knew that he would not speak any more till I’d solved this.

A month later I noticed that just sensing my joyous,tender gaze from afar, animals would start wagging

their tails delightedly. They were delighted just by my looking at them or thinking of them with love. I

realised that they were just as happy as they had been earlier when I was stroking them with my hand.

Then I became aware of something more: there was this ‘I’ with hands and feet, yet there was also this

other ‘me’ that was larger than could be shown by hands, indeed capable of embracing the whole Earth!

‘Look grandpakins, see how happy all the creatures are even when I look upon them from a distance. It

is invisible, but something of me is embracing them, and it can embrace the whole earth too! I am

Anastasia, the little me, and there is the greater me. How this other me is called I don’t know yet, but I

shall think about how to call it properly and say its name and give you the whole answer, granpakins..

then will you start talking with me again?’ Great-Grandpa began talking with me right away ‘Call your

second half, soul, your soul. Cherish it and act in accord with this limitless soul of yours.’

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Children build all the buildings. Ten year old girls are capable of building a house, drawing splendidly,

cooking meals, dancing ballroom steps, and mastering the fundamentals of Russian martial arts. 300

pupils who all know Anastasia. Children take but a year at this school to master the whole public school

maths syllabus and 3 foreign languages. They neither recruit nor produce child prodigies,

they simply give them a chance to discover what lies within. The school charges no tuition fees. Though

they do not advertise, there are no vacancies, indeed there is a waiting list of 2,500 hopeful students for

an unexpected opening. Joyfully beaming faces of the kids! ‘Yes, since we are doing what we want, what

we can, what we love to do.. we are always happy.’ Studies and work they accomplish unsupervised and

unsegregated, self-organisedly.

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Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin (1944-) director/principal, Tekos School, near Gelendzhik. Originally a

music teacher, he has had a long and distinguished career in experimental education. Honoured with

the title ‘Akademik’ by the Russian Academy of Education.

Tell me, Vladimir, how old were you when you first became aware of your soul, when you felt it first?’

If the mother thinks of her child as if it were a baby Christ, it would definitely grow to its full potential.

Young mothers have to be left alone with their children, so that love may shine on them. And the

children, you see, their souls must be liberated from these tyrannistic theories.

This grey-haired wise scholar, academician seemed to think that children could be wiser even than those

whom we call professors. The children were talking with him as to an equal, and yet with respect.

In the bible it says: by their fruits ye shall know them. Biographical outline is meaningless. Academician

Shchetinin’s fruits are the happy beaming faces of the children studying at his school, and the parents’.

Maintaining relationships is the important thing. It’s a space where children are free to do as they like.

We try not to refer to the notion of age. They sit together. (one 17 year old is finishing university)

Teachers try to blend in with the students in the special group. They have the task of assimilating the ten

year maths course in one year and sharing it with the students working on the building construction.

Our collective ancestral memory has knowledge of the laws of the Cosmos, as well as techniques for

living in space. So it is very important to reject any suggestion that there is something they don’t know!

If the one doing the explaining entertains such a thought, his pupils will not know it. The explainer has to

enter into a relationship with the pupils who are focused on solving the problems, then the learning

process takes place all by itself. Never distracting them with memorization or attention to the learning!

The very thought of someone out there doing the teaching has to be rejected entirely. Working

together, the consciousness of any dividing line between teacher and pupil vanishes. <like in Yoga!>

The problem solving process brings along the necessary knowledge, and what actually takes place is a

recalling of things forgotten. It is very important that what they do should have a direct effect on people

around them, that what they are studying is not for themselves only. They are concerned about how to

share what they are learning with others. Marks are never important.

They have been entrusted with the beginning of the learning process. Each pupil you see here has been

assigned a group. He observes how his designated pupils work on the construction and watches to see

that members of his group do not fall behind their schoolmates. Considerable emphasis is laid on

motivation- the idea of service to others.

It is important to be in an atmosphere of sincerity, with no feelings of being offended or irritated. “that’s

wrong” is a phrase that is never used. In the language there is no stoppage of motion and no bad words.

What is bad does not exist. If found at a dead-end then words are suggestive, inspiring further attempts.

He helps them to connect to and strengthen and to spread their inner Light of Love.

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Shchetinin’s school is a regular government supported institution, not a private school. It comes under

the ministry of education of the Russian federation and does not charge tuition fees.

It is located far away in a ravine. There was an attempt on his life. His brother was killed. He has guards.

The Russian orthodox church has labeled the school a ‘totalitarian sect’ and it has become a target of a

concerted libel campaign in the mass media (see Book 7). In 2007 the school’s main building burnt down

for unknown reasons but was rebuilt by the pupils themselves in an even more impressive form.

(Sect/ latin:secta = teaching, movement, school – a religious community or group which has cut off from

prevailing church; an isolated group of people absorbed in their own narrow interests.)

What is the problem? Why is nothing changing in our country’s education system? It is the teachers!

‘what would become of the whole raft of academic titles and degrees, countless dissertations and

research institutions? After all they’ve worked out a whole system.. the machinery is in motion.’

People’s consciousness needs changing.

Before we fill children’s heads with any kind of moralizing, we need to think things through for ourselves

All stones’ pulses beat once a day.

A temple is a state of mind, not a form. The cupolas help you to access a particular state of mind. The

form is moulded by feeling. The building in which every stone is laid with a good thought, it heals.

In trying to gain the grace of a holy place, think what you might offer in return. And if you have not

learnt to emit light yourself, then why take it and bury it in yourself as if in a grave?

Just relax. The most important thing is to be sincere and talk about anything you’re concerned about.

Just ask your questions from the heart.

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Book 4 : Co-Creation:

All the truths in the universe are preserved forever in every human soul. Lies and falsehoods cannot

survive for any length of time. That is why so many different kinds of religious treatises are continuously

modified and thrown at man. Lies constantly need new disguises.

Try to determine the truth with your feelings. Trust yourself to them. Free yourself from dogmas.

2 monks Cyril (Kyril) and Methodius (Mefodii)created the Russian writing system.. or to be more

accurate, they changed the ancient writing system of our forefather Slavs, to make sure the culture

would be forgotten. So a new culture would be accepted and people would submit to new priests.

But the sprouts of truth remain unseen forever in the human soul. And all it takes is but a single drop of

dew so pure, for the sprout to grow and mature and blossom again!

A Domain-School of the Future:

there were several large wooden buildings connected by paths lined with different flowerbeds. Next to the set of structures was a natural amphitheater: a knoll where rows of benches descended from top to bottom in a semi-circle and where about three hundred people of different ages were sitting. Among them were older people with gray in their hair and people who were quite young. They seemed to be sitting in families, since grown men, women, and children of different ages sat higgledy-piggledy. Everyone was talking to everyone else excitedly, as if they were about to see something unusual.

On a wooden stage up front were two little tables, two chairs, and a large blackboard in back. Next to the platform was a group of children, fifteen or so, ranging in age from five to twelve and engaged in lively debate.

―There is something like a symposium on astronomy about to begin,‖ I heard Anastasia‘s voice.

―One of them from the group of debating children is just about to give the main report. They‘re still choosing who this will be. See, there are two candidates: a boy, nine years old, and a girl of eight. Now the children are voting. The majority chose the boy.‖

He took some papers with plans and drawings out of a manila folder and laid them on the table. All the children either gradually walked or skipped along to join their parents sitting on the benches. The red-haired,

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freckle-faced little girl—the other candidate for the speech —walked past the table with a proudly raised head. She was holding a bigger and thicker folder than the boy.

The boy by the table tried to say something to the girl candidate walking by, but the child didn‘t stop.

For a while the boy watched, distraught, as the proud red-haired child moved away. Then he again began to set out his pages with great concentration.

―No one taught them,‖ she replied. ―It was suggested to them that they themselves figure out how it is all arranged and then prepare and present their conclusions.

They have been preparing for more than two weeks, and now the important moment has come. Their conclusions can be opposed by anyone who wants to, and they will defend their opinion.‖ Each person present will engage and accelerate his thought about the planetary arrangement and perhaps will begin to think about something bigger. After all, the children have been thinking for two weeks, contemplating, and their thinking is not limited by any dogmas. They do not have any preset interpretations of the planetary arrangement hanging over them. We still do not know what they will come out with.‖

The goal of this symposium is not to work out any canons but to accelerate thought, which subsequently will determine the truth or come close to it.‖

The boy began to speak. He spoke confidently and enthusiastically for twentyfive or thirty minutes. His speech seemed to me total childish fantasy. ―If you look at the sky at night, there are a whole lot of stars shining there. There are different kinds of stars. There are very little stars and bigger ones. But the very little stars can be big, too. We only think they‘re little at first. But they are very big. Because when an airplane flies high up, it‘s little, but when we go up to it on the ground, it looks big, and lots of people can fit inside it. Each star could fit a lot of people. Only there aren‘t any people on stars right now. But they shine at night. The big ones shine and so do the little ones. They shine so that we will look at them and think about them.

The stars want us to do everything as well on them as on Earth. They envy the Earth a little. They want the same kinds of berries and

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trees to grow on them as we have and to have the same kind of streams and little fish. The stars are waiting for us, and each is trying to shine so that we notice it.

But we still can‘t fly to them because we have a lot to do at home. But when we‘ve finished up everything at home and everywhere and things are fine all over the Earth, we‘ll fly to the stars. Only we won‘t fly on a plane or rocket, because it takes a long time to fly on a plane, and it‘s long and boring on a rocket. Also, not everyone will fit on a plane or rocket, and rockets won‘t hold all kinds of freight. And trees won‘t fit, or a stream. When we‘ve made everything all over the Earth good, we, the whole Earth, will fly to the first star. A few other stars will want to fly to Earth themselves and press up to it. They‘ve already sent us little bits, and their little bits have pressed up to the Earth. At first, people thought these were comets, but these are bits of stars that wanted very much to press up to the beautiful Earth. They were sent by the stars that are waiting for us. We can fly up to a distant star as the whole Earth, and whoever wants to can stay on the star, so that it would be handsome there, like on Earth.

The boy lifted his pages and showed them to his listeners. On the pages were drawings of the starry sky and trajectories of the Earth‘s movement toward the stars. In the last drawing, two stars bloomed in gardens and Earth moved away from them in its intergalactic flight.

When the boy finished speaking and showing his drawings, the moderator announced that whoever wanted to could speak as an opponent or express his own ideas regarding what he had heard. But no one was in any hurry to speak. Everyone was silent and, it seemed to me, agitated for some reason.

―They‘re agitated because you need to bring good arguments and speak coherently. After all, their children are present. If a speech is incomprehensible or unacceptable to a child‘s soul, mistrust will arise toward the speaker or, even worse, dislike.

The heads of many of those present began turning in the direction of an elderly, graying man sitting in the middle of the hall. He had his arms around the shoulders of the little red-headed girl, the one who was one of the candidates for the report. Next to them sat a young and very pretty woman.

―Many are now looking at the graying man in the middle of the hall. He is a university professor. A scientist.

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He is retired now. At first, his private life didn‘t work out, and he had no children. Ten years ago he took a parcel of land and began setting it up himself. A young woman came to love him and they had this little red-haired girl.

The former professor loves his late child very much, and the red-haired girl, his daughter, regards him with great respect and love.

But the graying professor was slow to speak. It was obvious he was drumming a magazine out of agitation. Finally the professor rose and began to say something about the structure of the Universe, comets, and the Earth‘s mass. Finally, he concluded, ―The planet Earth, of course, does move in space and rotates. But it is indissolubly linked with the solar system and cannot move toward distant galaxies independently without its solar system. The Sun gives life to every living thing on Earth. Moving away from the Sun would mean a significant cooling on Earth and, as a consequence, the planet‘s death. We can all observe what happens even when we move a relatively short way from the Sun. Winter happens….‖ The professor suddenly fell silent. The boy speaker was going through his drawings, distraught, then looking inquiringly at his classmates with whom he had prepared his speech. But evidently the argument about winter and cooling was very weighty and understandable to everyone.

Suddenly, in the silence that followed, which had already lasted half a minute, the graying professor‘s voice was heard again.

However, it may be that the Earth itself has the same kind of energy as the Sun, but it just hasn‘t shown itself. No one has discovered it yet. Maybe you will one day. Maybe the Earth can be self-sufficient. This energy will manifest itself in something. The Sun‘s energy will manifest on Earth and like solar energy, it will unfold the flowers‘ petals. And then we can travel on Earth through the galaxy. But then—‖ The professor broke off and fell silent. A murmur of dissatisfaction arose in the hall. And it began…. Adults rose from their seats to refute the professor when it came to the possibility of living without the Sun.

The professor sat, dropping his graying head lower and lower. His red-headed daughter turned her head to face each speaker and sometimes rose slightly, as if she wanted to defend her father from his opponents with her body.

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An elderly woman who looked like a teacher took the floor and began talking about how bad it is to indulge and flatter children for the sake of their self-esteem.

The red-haired girl latched onto the lapels of her father‘s jacket. She began shaking him, nearly crying, repeating in a breaking voice, ―Papochka, you lied about energy. Did you lie, Papochka? Because we‘re children? The lady said you were being cowardly. Is being cowardly a bad thing?‖ Silence fell in the open-air hall. The professor lifted his head, looked into his daughters eyes, put his hand on her little shoulder, and said softly, ―I believed what I said, my daughter.‖ The red-haired child fell silent again. Then she quickly climbed up on the seat and her high child‘s voice shouted to the hall, ―My papa is not cowardly. My father believed it! He believed it!‖ The little girl sent her gaze around the now quiet hall. No one looked in their direction. She turned toward her mother. But the young woman had turned away and lowered her head, buttoning and unbuttoning the buttons on her jacket sleeve. The little girl again sent her gaze around the silent hall and turned to her father. The professor continued as before to look helplessly at his little daughter. The red-haired girl‘s voice was heard again in the absolute silence, but now it was kind and not loud. ―The people don‘t believe you, Papochka. They don‘t believe it because an energy still hasn‘t appeared on Earth that could open the flowers‘ petals like the nice Sun. But when it does appear, all the people will believe you. When it appears, they will believe you.‖ She straightened her bangs with a quick movement, jumped into the aisle, and ran off. When she reached the edge of the open-air hall she headed for one of the nearby houses, ran in the door, and a couple of seconds later appeared in the doorway again. She was holding a pot with some kind of plant in it. She ran with it to the now empty table for the speaker. She put the potted plant on the table, and her child‘s voice, loud and confident, was heard over the heads of those present. ―Here is a flower. It has closed its petals. The petals of all the flowers have closed, because there is no Sun. But they will open soon. Because there is energy on the Earth…. I … I am going to turn into energy that will open the flowers‘ petals.‖ The red-haired girl squeezed her little fingers into fists and began looking at the flower without blinking.

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The people sitting in their seats did not talk. Everyone was watching the little girl and the potted plant on the table in front of her. The professor slowly rose from his seat and walked toward his daughter. He walked up to her and took her by the shoulders, trying to lead her away. But the redhead jerked her shoulders and whispered, ―Why don‘t you help me, Papochka?‖ The professor must have been completely distraught. He remained standing next to his daughter, his hands on her childish shoulders, and he began looking at the flower, too. All of a sudden, the boy who had given the report stood up in the first row. He turned halfway to the hall sitting silently, sniffed, and walked toward the table. He approached the table with dignity and confidence and stood next to the red-haired girl. He too directed his stare at the plant in the clay pot.

And then I saw it! I saw children of different ages start standing up from their seats in the hall. One after another, the children walked toward the table. They stood side by side in silence and looked closely at the flower. Last was a girl of about six bringing along her very little brother, holding him with her two little hands. They squeezed in front of those standing there, with difficulty, and with someone‘s help she stood her little brother on the chair in front of the table. The little guy, gazing around at those standing there, turned toward the flower and started blowing on it. All of a sudden, the petals of one of the flowers on the plant in the pot began slowly opening. Very slowly. But the quieted people in the hall noticed it. Some of them rose silently from their seats. A second flower on the table opened its petals, and along with it a third and a fourth. ―Eee!‖ the elderly woman who looked like a teacher exclaimed in an ecstatic child‘s voice, and she began to clap. The hall broke out in applause. The handsome young woman who was the professor‘s wife ran from the hall toward the professor, who had stepped aside from the exultant children by the flower and was wiping his temple. She flung her arms around his neck and began kissing his cheeks and lips. The red-haired girl took a step toward her kissing parents, but the little boy reporter held her back. She jerked her arm away, but after taking a few steps she turned around, went right up to him, rebuttoned the unbuttoned button on his shirt, smiled, and turning quickly, ran to her hugging parents.

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More and more people from the hall came up to the table. Some picked up their children. Some shook the young speaker‘s hand. He stood there, holding out his hand for shaking, and with his second hand pressed the button just buttoned by the red-haired girl. Someone started playing something halfway between a Russian and Gypsy song on the bayan. An old man started tapping his foot on the stage, and a stoutish woman walked out to him like a plump swan. Two young fellows began a rollicking squatting dance, and the flower with its opened petals turned toward the rollicking Russian dance, which was drawing more and more people with its daring.

* * ** * ** * * Everyone’s heard that man is the image and likeness of God. Have you ever thought where and what are

God’s characteristics within you?! God gave us indestructible garments and inexhaustible food reserves.

The opportunities for creation are equal for all the people of Earth. Here man is accorded full freedom.

In the beginning of Creation:

Living energy elements existed, thought and created in the ‘dark’. And each contained everything –

thoughts, feelings and aspirations with themselves. Yet still, there were differences among them. In

each one a certain form of energy predominated.

There were these pulsations, but there was no overall motion or action or creation of any kind.

Then all at once, as by an impulse, all these energy-elements were touched by a communication. All of

them at once, throughout the unfathomable Universe. They suddenly began illuminating each other.

The resulting complex bore a most striking resemblance to man. Man who is still living today.

<therefore that would put it in the post Brahma level of creation.. Shiva in India being far Superior>

Precisely, it was similar to Man’s immaterial, Second, higher, sacred Self.

From across the Universe, one question was uttered, addressed to him: ‘what do you fervently desire?’

< the Buddha and others say desire is the cause of all suffering (meaning living?) haha he also suffered!>

He Dreams! And is nourished by the warming Energy of Love and Inspiration.

And man was born to create new creation, transforming it to an infinity of ever-repeating regeneration.

He emits invisible light, merging it into a whole, endowing everything in the universe with the joy of Life!

Let it unfold, let yourself feel what you have seen ..and you who are reading these lines at this moment,

you shall feel what you saw at the very beginning of your journey through time.

Man’s gaze caressed everything, with a feeling of delight emanating from him. Animals and plants

sensing the gentle calm settle down in delight, still so as not to interfere with the warm gracious light!

All of creation aspires to feel and know this light of grace which man alone is capable of creating.

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Sometimes folk tales tell of a past reality metaphorically, but sometimes they can be quite accurate.

The brontosaurus was really the Gorynytch (‘son of the hill’) Dragon! A huge beast over large in size full

of gas to make up for its weight so that it could fly short distances with its small wings. The gas was

collected from the digestive processes. Flint like teeth sometimes sparked and set the belched excess

gases on fire as they came out the mouth. (You can see this yourself by trying to set alight your burps!)

Adam felt no hunger sense despite the fruits around. He remained satisfied with the fresh air alone. The

air did not contain a single harmful particle. Pollens were floating in it, along with the purest dew. He

was fed by everything around through the air only. All life strives to please man, and the air and water

and breeze are all life-giving, under the impulse of love.

The air and waters around us now are dying, especially preserved and controlled.<Still some live on air>

For the cells of the body to be able to constantly renew themselves, LIVING air and water are needed.

<Its also possible to supply the ‘livingness’ just by thought-intention.. or Prana.. so no food is required!>

Adam was still alone and young and thriving at 118 yrs.. then became despondent so God created Eve..

Everything is in you. Love is all around you.

The universe is filled with a multitude of living energies similar to man’s second self. They are almost

like people, capable of comprehending all planes of being, but can’t materialize. This is man’s advantage.

Also there are complexes of energies similar to god, they have equalised energies but can’t create.

Thought and analysis is something like seeing a gorgeous woman and wanting to make love to her.. then

suddenly postponing that in order to cut her up to see how her organs and internal systems function.

An artist creates from inspiration and doesn’t need to analyse how he held the brush or applied paint.

Women should avoid intimate relations with men who allow destructive/negative thinking in them

Women are capable of changing the world! ..once they change their priorities of love.

Satisfaction of carnal intercourse is fleeting and incomplete, there is no participation of the higher self.

The sad consequence of carnal pleasures is children deprived of conscious aspirations toward the goal of

realisation of the Divine dream. (And women began experiencing pain in childbirth.) Rising generations

are doomed to live in torment, without opportunity to attain happiness lacking access to higher planes.

One of the first such women noticed her newborn to be deformed & frail, while the man was indifferent.

Prayer: how can you talk to god, with someone else’s words? ..esp. if you don’t even know the meaning!

God has already provided absolutely everything required for our joyful existence.

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..only we keep asking for more and acting all helpless and needsy

V: My Father, You are present everywhere! Weakness and sin – I shall not let them in, I am Your son,

Your joy I declare. My entire self shall magnify Your glory..

God : I have given you all. The Earth is all yours. You are fee in everything. You choose your own path.

You are yearning for something. What for? i stretch out my hands to you. All that I ask of you, my dear

son, is you be Happy. I am your Abba, your Father, the only One and you are My very Own son, dear son.

We shall be happy together as One!

He caresses the whole Earth with a Sun-Ray of Love, for all without exception. He never loses hope that

the daughters of His conception will follow the Divine path to conjoint creation, regeneration and joy.

Our Father has Faith and he waits.

People began distancing themselves more and more from God’s creations, building houses to live in,

cutting down everything around, taking great pride in killing God’s creatures, producing stuff out of

dead matter and considering themselves to be very wise.

To know beauty, one must include such beauty within one’s self.

A new dawn is coming for all the Earth.

Readers feel the thoughts between the lines, the energy of the Creator, the music of the Soul.

Ever since the beginning of creation, the whole of mankind is attracted by feelings alone.

In order to pay for the so-called soul-less ‘ease-makers’, man suffers daily with a shortened lifespan.

Burdock root is replacemes bread/potatoes. Keeping it in milk will soften it. Cedars give flour for scones.

The milk is from cedars, by grinding the kernels of the nut with a special stick in a wooden mortar, with

a good attitude ..and little by little, keep adding living spring water.

In garden-plots, when people isolate a species from others and accelerate their growth using fertilizers,

the plants are unable to take in everything they need nor to become self-sufficient and healthy-tasty, to

please man!

City foods are all unhealthful, made suitable for conservation and transportation and speedy cooking.

Your body itself will cure you. When you have tasted some foods, the body will feel like eating more of

whatever it needs to heal itself. <Don’t think your way into selection or quantity!>

Three days is enough for herbs to heal you of your pains. She packs clumps of the herbs he liked for him.

But if you don’t change your lifestyle and eliminate the causes of illness, there is no point in healing you.

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We don’t have to go to a healer every time we feel ill.<We can be self-responsible!> I eat what I want.

Pain is a conversation with god. Disease and pain are not natural for man but effects of his wrong living.

People are already aspiring to create a new world in<with> their thoughts!

There is nothing more powerful in the Universe than the substance of living thought-images.

They sing the songs of visions of the future and it comes to pass.. it is a practice that needs to be

strengthened. One of Anastasia’s forefathers practices it until he creates an invisible vision powerful

enough for his wife to fall more in love with than she was loving him. Then he deems himself ready and

goes out into the world. He gathers bards and priests and sings them the song of Egypt and it realises.

The words were combined in such a way to cause their listeners to hang on each new combination with

bated breath. The captivating melody & resonant voice beckoned, fascinated and created living images.

The melding into one of thought & dream calls into being the inspired vision of one possessed of power.

Thus man-woman only is the son of god and a co-creator likewise.

The secret is an egg.. whatever you feel yourself to be inside, you will hatch into the world outside.

One who creates will never bring himself to entreat of others. One who creates is capable of giving of

himself. (Those who entreat are already well within the shell of disbelief.)

The day will come when all fathers will understand that they are the ones given the responsibility for the

world in which their children will live in. The day will come when every father will try to make the world

a happier place before bringing his beloved child into the world.

The bards further sing these songs of vision amongst the people.. who continue to sing those songs with

feeling pregnant and powerful. <Like Sarvajnas innumerable songs today. Finnish and other tales speak

of songs of power that the ancients used to sing in order to achieve whatever they wished. Som monks

also use power-songs.. even large stones like those in pyramids can be moved by song.>

My forefather was the first high priest, before the kings were called pharaohs. For 19 years he taught

them to study the supreme science of all sciences- imagery, to learn to create grand inspired images.

Then was begun the inner temple of the inaccessible secret sect that controls the whole of society.

Everyone can teleport themselves through space. The owner of a body can dissolve its atoms.. One must

have purity of thoughts and must be able to think very quickly in images and visualise in specific detail

one’s self and desire, also a strong will and faith in one’s self..

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You have to visualise all your bodily matter down to the tiniest atoms and nuclei and their chaotic

particles, then mentally dissolve them in space. Then reassemble them in their former sequence, in their

outwardly chaotic movement accurately. It is very simple, just as children’s building blocks.

If you don’t get an accurate picture of where you want to go, your body might get lost.

If there is no atmosphere on another planet you must take along some of your surrounding atmosphere.

Generally its better not to transport the body, just watch with one’s ray or transport the second self only

Even now the immaterial self moves about freely, only people don’t assign it any specific tasks..

Usually it happens to people when they sleep, but it is also possible to do the same while awake.

But due to the general bustle of modern life, various dogmas and contrived problems, people are losing

control of their own selves and losing the capacity for imaginative visualisation.

Man is always able to make contact between two existing realities.

There are a lot of planets with life existing on them, but none are more interesting than our Earth.

No man has discovered the secret of creating a reproducing, regenerating form, only God’s creations.

There is a planet that is 6 times Earth’s volume and has beings outwardly similar to Man. Their

technology is artificial and has been perfected far beyond ours. Alien Life on this planet believes itself to

be on par with God and is striving for predominance over God’s other creations.

Anastasia induces a dream-like state in him and takes his immaterial self on a trip to this alien planet.

There was absolutely no vegetation, only various sorts of machines with a plethora of hoses quivering.

Huge egg shaped factories producing flying saucers, pre-programmed and running un-managed.

Minimum waste factories, sucking up exact quantities of materials from the soil and manufacturing a

vast range of products from food to powerful weapons. Aquiring required energy from its environment.

A scanning antenna picks up your brain waves and anything you visualise, the machine should make it.

The aliens totally resembled humans of well built athletic bodies and handsome proud heads with hair.

Wearing thin multi-coloured one-piece outfits and one sported a neatly trimmed moustache.

They exhibit no emotions, they have no feelings, their minds work evenly and logically with set goals.

The aliens plan to alight on Earth and propose to the governments an exchange of limited technology

and facilities in exchange for farmlands and gardens, (and overall control). They claim to represent the

Mind of the Universe, claim to be the supremest alien power and will be proclaimes God’s emissaries.

Man would totally lose touch with his immaterial Divine self and basically become a bio-robot, working

certain hours daily for the very devices that are supposedly serving them outwardly. It’s a trap.

When people recognise their mistake, they will start ending their lives by suicide.

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They are trying to understand man’s ability to reproduce, so they will not destroy man.

They already have people working for them involuntarily – people who lack faith in themselves and God.

When man begins to think that he is not a perfect creation and that the other beings are superior, he

himself feeds them with his own supportive thought and imagery! <Just like Mountbatten to the British>

(Never doubt in your own ability, potential, perfection, ability, harmony, self-sufficiency,joy..)

They are able to provoke feeling of fear, reverence or excitement in men. They can paralyse not only a

person’s will, but also his consciousness and his body. <Sounds like many abduction-sex experiments.>

A full complex of human feelings, even just one is stronger. It is also possible to accelerate thought to a

speed unknown to those who have no feelings. Their energies can be neutralized with a brighter more

confident and more perfect thought! (Anastasia materializes herself there and neutralises it.)

“I want to animate and bring alive the image of God to the people, to make his grand Dream clear to all”

“I am not alone. You are not alone. Paradise will appear here on earth by our conjoint co-creation!”

Don’t be afraid of yourself. Don’t be ashamed to present yourself before God! Believe in the new ways.

Know that things will change. <Be the change!!>

The dark forces with their multitude of teachings try to conceal the most important from man. By

occupying the mind, they take people away from their feelings.

Take back your motherland people. All people should live in a splendid garden; cultivate a special

family tree for his descendants; strive everyday for Love; learn to raise happy and righteous children.

All the wisdom of the Universe is included for ever in each soul right from the moment it is created.

Even today everyone can build a home, feel God with their soul and live in a co-created Paradise.

**The whole secret lies in utter simplicity.**

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Branches and leaves falling on the earth bring on the worms to fertilise the ground. Grasses growing all

around regulate the composition of the earth. The bushes help clear it of excess acids and alkalis. Leaves

falling from the trees have absorbed many diverse energies of the universe, from stars, sun, moon..

<Also, I think we should not be watering the plants much, it weakens them, & is not energized like rain>

If they think more of money than of the land, how can they be happy. What is in you is reflected around.

Plant saplings for goat & hen pens. Dig out a pond. Set up an empty log for bee hives. Trees for a gazebo.

Summer sleeping area out of living things. A creative workshop. Sleeping places. A living room. All living!

In the forest trees grow even half a meter apart, and between them bushes and grasses..

There is nothing useless in nature and there are no purposeless weeds nor harmful beetles. Locusts will

not touch the lots that we have outlined. Fruits will attract birds who will automatically control insect s.

Continuously ploughing the same land is like torturing an open wound.

When everything grows harmoniously, the fruits will be marvelously tasty and healthful.

It is important that the transition in habits be smooth. Only be sure that your grandchildren will not

need the kind of home that you building, later on. They will understand on their own as they grow.

Your grandchildren will build a wooden home with trees planted by grandfathers so lovingly. These

homes will start curing them, keep them from impurities and inspire them to brightness.

Love does not tease anyone and does not play games. It tries to stay with everyone forever.

If you want to raise children, first you must become that kind of man- happy and intelligent, harmonious

People don’t pay full attention to the whole experience leading up to the birth, so they are born cripples

The technocratic world tries to separate the 3 main points in us, crippling us..

Parental thought (in beginning there was the Word/Thought) What kind of life they foresee for the child

Another human plane will be born and light a new star in the heavens when two bodies merge into one

in love, and with thoughts of a splendid creation, in the very place of your Paradise home for your child.

The conceived wife should live in that space for 9 months, best if its between spring and autumn.

Nothing should distract her except joy and pleasant feelings; and the sounds of Divine creations; with

her whole self, feeling the whole Universe; seeing the stars giving them her child as a gift.

A new plane of being should come about in the space, right there on the spot of conception and where

the birth should take place; and the father should stay close by, feeling like he wants to be born again..

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Such a space with a loving plane of being would greet you with great joy; in illness it would heal the

body and soul; if weary it would give you rejuvenating food and drink and embrace you in gentle sleep;

waking you with a joyful dawn.. This is your native motherland- where the planes of being can merge.

Thought is the origin of everything. The currents of all energies of the Universe will converge on two

lovers’ merged thoughts, together contemplating a splendid creation.

Parents always strive to instill in their children all the very best abilities, sincerely wanting their

children’s abilities to exceed their own. Creator has wholly given Man all to which He Himself aspires.

Why go back? Life goes on! And each one is given opportunity at any moment to create a splendid life!!

Children will bury you on your motherland-family domain and give you a chance to be reborn again.

Everything around, each shrub will remind them of you, and not with sadness but much gladness!

Your line will thus be immortal; for it is only good memories that bring souls back to Earth. Called by

genuine feelings, for the virtue of their way of life and pleasant memories left behind souls return soon.

The guardian angels of your ancestors both near and distant will watch over you. In three generations,

their souls will once again be embodied on the earth again. Still their energies will watch over you.

Noone will be able to aggressively invade you kin’s domain terrain!

Each blade of grass will be healthful to you. And each breeze will bring you healing pollen from flowers.

The energy of all your forebears will be with you. Planets will await your dictation to co-create with you.

And the face of your beloved will reflect from every petal of the splendid flowers in perpetuity.

<Where there is dearth of space or lack of means, the school could be the common motherland garden>

It looked like a family gathering,but there was a very wise teacher,purposely not attracting any attention

Parents participate in their childrens’ explorations, education and testing. (Now they’re so irresponsible)

Emotions and feelings can accelerate thought many times; children consider themselves equal to adults.

What’s there to think about? She feels all the information and takes in as much as she wants. The

answers to all questions are right here in space, right with us. Everything right from the moment of

creation is stored in and around each individual. We just need to know how to download the info.

You should be able to feel both matter and the invisible in equal measure. Don’t be defining with mind.

Why didn’t you say a proper goodbye to your wife and son? Anastasia feels all planes of being equally.

The spiritual and the material you need to feel both in equal measure<Take from Lakshmi both boons>

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Book 6 : The Book of Kin/ The Family Book

Grown ups don’t ever have time to talk to their children about meaning in life, destiny, future paths..

but if we never have a serious conversation with our children… who then is raising them?

‘Raising children means also raising yourself.’

Raising of children depends entirely on your own understanding of the world, how you live your own

life, how your parents live and how society in general lives. Children follow the lifestyles not the words.

Psychologists speak of child raising at earliest a year old, Anastasia speaks of before the conceptual act.

<some ancient cultures (now called tribal) pray to the gods to hear the baby’s song, and this is sung

before making love, also later whenever the person is sad or lost the whole village sings him the song!>

Psychologists notes: first Anastasia dulls your sexual appetites, talks about proper ways of conception,

night-time in a cozy dug-out, with fragrances of sweet grasses and flowers, you ask her to lie with you

with full trust and faith, you are attracted to this female body in close intimate quarters, a body radiant

with health, you sense the fragrance of her breath, yet no sexual impulse, you are thinking of your

dream-son to continue the family line, you involuntarily place your hand on her breast to caress as if you

were caressing your son, and no memory of the details of the act, only that it was amazing.

When two bodies merge as one, another human plane will be born and light a new star in the heavens.

Right on the spot where the conception occurred, the birth should take place; and the father should stay

close by. Child will experience complete connection with Universe and God will raise a crown over them!

No psychologist or physiologist of today would deny the influence of external mental factors on the

formation of the foetus; a major factor (sometimes the dominant one) is the man’s attitude to the wife;

thus we can’t deny that a man’s thoughts about a woman at the moment of their sexual intimacy will

have an unmistakable influence on the formation of the future individual, as a co-creator. The difference

could quite possibly be as strikingly different as the difference between contemporary man and the ape.

The child will obtain a kind of energy absent in those born haphazardly. Something Man alone can give.

The inexplicably pleasant feeling is strong and lasting, and what makes a strong and loving family.

Having experienced which also man cannot go back to mere sexual gratification nor betrayal of the

beloved. (which is what happened so totally to Vladimir) This moment marks the start of a happy family.

A marriage made in heaven can only be affirmed by the couple’s extraordinarily splendid mental state,

which leads to the birth of a new Man. A marriage dependent on a scrap of paper is not a marital union.

A marital union should be established by a man and a woman in their highest mental state.

Parents and children always represent what seem to be different cultures, world views, priorities.

The child is raised without any understanding of how anything impossible might exist for Man! If young

women capable of bearing healthy children get the message, it means everything will change.. !!

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My colleague is already past forty and his wife is two years younger, they rarely have sex but he began

talking with his wife about having a child. At first she was quite surprised and said it was too late, but

her attitude toward her husband took a turn for the better. He gave her Anastasia’s sayings to read and

discuss. Then one night he began caressing his wife, not thinking only of sex but also of their future son.

His wife responded with similar caresses. ‘Something’ happened the details of which neither remember.

Neither had ever felt anything like it before; and the main thing is his wife has fallen in love with him!

They now have a new joint hobby in painting; they paint their future family domain, a future paradise

for their children to be. The wife’s only regret is that the conception was not in their own domain, built

with their own hands. She is convinced that she can have yet another child later, and so does my friend.

Only animals mate thoughtlessly when in heat. 90% men are unable to satisfy women. The myth is but a

psychological suggestion for the basis of a gold-mine of a sex industry. 60% of marriages do not last, and

the rest are far from perfect.

‘They’ try all sorts of tricks to persuade people that satisfaction is something that you can easily obtain,

thinking only of carnal desire; at the same time, separating Man from Truth. Who would want to come

into the world as a result of carnal pleasure only and not that great impulsion of Love!

Psychologist: “Anastasia’s sayings are fraught with great philosophical meaning and wisdom from an

ancient culture. They could be set forth in some ancient book, maybe millions of years old. What she

says has the kind of depth and accuracy of expression that one associates with what I think are the most

important thoughts set forth in ancient manuscripts, as well as modern scholarly works… she created

the most scientific book of knowledge with her very life, interacting with you, to bring it to the people!”

Most readers feel this intuitively, many are ecstatic, even if unable to fully make sense of the cause..

because they are absorbing information on a subconscious level. But it can be taken consciously too.

Of astrological significance there are three dates of reference, of decision, of conception, of birth.

Anastasia speaks of the merging of the three <?>. if we give priority to the birth, then matter is primary

in our world view. If priority is to the moment of merging of thoughts then awareness takes precedence.

Thus we find two different cultures which determine our way of life. Spiritual and material. These have

been in conflict for ages. But she speaks of the merging of these and the third <energetic, feelings> also.

She took the best combination of mystical sounds & hid them in the text of the book to benefit readers.

But this does apply to any book doesn’t it..

Every time Anastasia approaches, the whole taiga quiets down, vigilant.. to see if the newcomer poses

any sort of threat or unpleasantness to her, ever ready to protect her; if no aggression was detected

then everything would calm down again. As she’d approach, I’d feel a warming sensation in my heart,

something only she was capable of producing, with her look.

Animals have demarcated territories. Anastasia’s glade is her family’s, thence the special relationship to

the animals around in it. Just like pets, animals strive to get some sort of attention and love from man.

All animals aspire to feel the light of grace radiating from man, this is a real, natural phenomenon.

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Are they naturally so or were specially trained? All the female creatures accept Anastasia’s son as their

own. They look after feed and nourish the child. And in warm climates, foods are available a-plenty.

Bible says ‘ determine the purpose of every creature.’ (Genesis)

It’s his son! Conversation ensues..

And what do you want to be.. ‘but I already am, papa’

When you grow up what are you going to do? ‘I shall be you papa, I shall carry on what you do now.’

Mama Anastasia told me that you are such a hero my dear papa! It is hard for you. You go to places

where many people find it very hard to live, to do good to people there.’

I was very sad to learn that there are people who do not have their own glade to live in, pick food in, and

that they are always being frightened and.. have to work.. to not do what they themselves want to..

What are you learning? What subject? ‘I learn the whole subject.. all the subjects. I have to chase up the

speed of my thought to the speed mama Anastasia has, quicker than a ray of sunshine.’

Yes, you must try your best, my son Volodya. ‘fine papa, I shall try even harder.’

When he makes him read from a textbook he says that he receives no clear concept, it is broken.. when

mama or grandpa speak or when I read His book, the whole concept is so clear in everything. The

Concepts come by themselves when there is truth being told.

Indeed, why did this book, a textbook for children, contain such crap, exactly the opposite of nature?

Whatever’s behind this is more significant that a mere mistake. It is designed! Thus important to

someone.. who? Why? Questions would arise such as: ‘what happened, why are we forced to work now’

‘I did not understand how you got angry and wanted to hit mama, that would mean that you didn’t love

her, like she loves you. But then mama explained that you loved her very much but didn’t recognise it.

‘You wrote the books papa, because you wanted to make the world a better place for me.’

‘Mama told me that I must be worthy of you and the world. I need to grow up, understand everything.

(Earlier she had told Megre that he had to be worthy of his son, by convincing the whole world on Love)

‘Your ninth book papa, will be a living book, co-created by many many people- grown ups and children.

It will consist of a whole lot of splendid chapters- paradise domains. People will write this book on the

Earth with God’s happy letters, and mama taught me to read these living, eternal letters to make words.

Its letters speak and can be translated into any language. I could bring you some of the little letters, only

why carry them around- it is better for them to stay where they are. I can read you the letters from here

“The Universe itself is a thought, a thought form which was born a dream, which is partially visible as

matter. My son, you are infinite, you are eternal, within you are your dreams of creation.”

The whole area of the taiga was planted with trees and plants whose names formed letters and words!

Anastasia said that for 1000s of years her forebears preserved the letters of this book in original order.

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‘Mama told me- first and most important when I grow up is- I need to make a particular girl happy!

Every girl is like the universe. Each girl has within her all the diverse energies of the Universe. Universe

Girls should be happy and I must be sure to make one of them happy. I am the one who will make her

the healthiest, the happiest and the most beautiful Universe Girl in the Universe!

‘Where you live papa, many people are sick from ‘anti-living’ conditions.

‘Energy is good, needful, it is everywhere.. but it should not be collected in a large quantity in one place.

Grandpa taught me how to control radiation only it must not be talked about openly- some use it badly.

What do you think makes people happy? ‘The Space they make for themselves.’

What if the girl leaves you? ‘Then I shall build a Space of Love all on my own, first alone then with my

child, and together we shall preserve Love in this Space. For myself, the child, and for the girl, papa.’

‘Who will make her happy if I look for another girl? She will come back. And she will see the marvelous

garden. I shall make it so all the creatures serve and obey her. Everyone and everything in this Space will

sincerely love her. She will wash herself, have a good rest and become even more beautiful than ever.

And the stars above her will shine brighter and happier than anywhere else. But, if you papa, if you had

not thought all this up about a situation with her leaving, she would never have left!’

‘Yes papa, man creates all kinds of situations with his thought.’

‘I could, but I do not want my thought to run counter to yours papa, I will seek out another way.’

Everything I said he immediately checked against his ‘concepts’, with which he easily distinguished

between truth and falsehood. On the whole he seemed like another being from me, not my birth son!

With children one must be absolutely sincere and truthful.

Children are beaten to make them realise that they were wrong. ‘Can’t they understand this before it?

Even when parents explain it to them they can’t understand?’ They can’t that’s why they are at fault.

‘And the ones who did not explain it to them understandably are not at fault??’ Well.. no.. that is..

‘May I give you a hug papa?’ You? You want to hug me too? ‘Yes papa!’

From time to time Volodya tried to look into my eyes, chatting away the whole time.

The grass is always green when it feels good.

Crop circles are made from human negative energy. She tries to absorb and burn up some of it herself

and the grass turns white in a circle around her and she becomes real weak. (A bear steps in and dies.)

“All anger on Earth, leave your deeds and make haste to me, join fray with me, try your utmost.. I stand

alone.. try to defeat me.. come meet me together.. the fight will be fightless. ”

I thought these were just words but everything she says comes true.

To fight against malice you have to know everything about your enemy.. <better to cure the cause>

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The cedar tree Anastasia was leaning against began to extend the needles of its lower branches toward

her. The needles began emitting a barely noticeable pale-bluish glow that slowly enveloped Anastasia

with a crackling sound something like under a high voltage electric line. The needles of All the

surrounding cedar trees had also started glowing with the same faint bluish light, pointing at Anastasia.

Anastasia was healed.. she jumped into the white circle and started dancing like an acrobatic ballerina,

the animals and birds drew near and slowly the grass started turning green again.

‘Granddaughter Anastasia, the Space you are creating, how is it being limited by your thought?’

My thought and my dream have merged into one, without encountering any limitations.

‘Human souls are accepting the world you are creating.. Tell me, what energy is driving your creation?’

The same energy that grows a tree and unfolds the buds to turn them into the flowers we see.

‘What kind of forces might interfere with your dream?’

When I dream I don’t visualise any interference. All challenges I see on my path ahead can be overcome.

‘You are free in everything. Order my soul to embody itself as you see fit.’

I cannot permit myself to order anybody’s soul. The soul is free- a creation of the Creator. But I shall

dream that your soul find a worthy embodiment in the most splendid garden you have ever seen.

‘Neither shall I order you, Grandpakins, only I shall urge you most strongly to embody yourself soon

once more upon the Earth. You will appear once more, young as before and will be my best friend.

Grandpakins Moisay (Moses), let your soul be always within me and beside me.’

There should be no refuse dumps of cemeteries. Things happen there that go against the laws of nature.

The relatives of the deceased, through their very thoughts of the departed, prevent them from

reappearing in new earthly embodiment. <Christians & Muslims are buried. Brahmins & Parsees aren’t.>

Bodies should be buried in their own domain, with no special headstone mark.<Like the village farmers>

The grass, flowers, trees, bushes that come up will be the continuation of the life of their bodies. This

way the soul upon leaving the body is afforded greater opportunity for splendid reincarnations.

In the kin’s domain, thoughts of the deceased before they die will have been creating a Space of Love.

Their descendants will stay on to live in this Space, in contact with everything growing therein, even

their parents thoughts, taking loving care of what their parents had created.<Farmers’ life is in the soil!>

No tragedy, death is simply a transition to a new and splendid existence. Even he showed no sign of grief

What about people living in the city? Well, perhaps they will give a thought, atleast in their old age, on

how they shouldn’t live a life devoid of any thought of the future or for eternity.

When you go to sleep with heavy, dark, unpleasant thoughts, you will most probably have a nightmare.

But if you go to sleep with bright thoughts, you will have pleasant dreams. Death is only a dream..

Great-Grandfather is the descendant of priests who did tremendous works through the centuries. Once

he even stopped a tremendous explosion through his will and his gaze, but it made him blind. It is

possible if the gaze is directed with confidence in Man’s power and unshakable will.

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Our son had begged Grandfather to go on living even though he could not go on any longer, and he did.

Just as when someone close calls to a person and it stirs unconscious people to life.

Our son has been doing works undertaken by few people today. Now he has accepted within himself all

of GreatGrandfather’s strength which he imparted to him with his soul. I was asking God to help our

son. When he knelt before him, Volodya uttered special words whose meaning is comprehensible only

to those who fathom the Creator’s process of work. He told Grandpa sincerely and confidently that he

was capable, through his own self, of helping him and his soul stay on the Earth. I don’t feel that kind of

strength within me. Few indeed have heard invitations to incarnations in the future, therefore his joy!

I taught Volodya to conceal his abilities so that he could go out into the world and live among people,

without appearing strange, not standing apart. After all there is so much one can do by staying within.

But something extraordinary has happened. Who our son is now, what his purpose in life, we must learn

There is an element of sadness when someone is stronger and more insightful than his generation..

Anastasia, my Siberian recluse, she is all alone. Incredibly alone. Because she would not betray principles

She then decided to do something amazing, she has begun calling others into this splendid dimension.

Those capable of understanding her, feel her.. and she has been patiently waiting.. <connecting time!!!>

Perseverant & unshakable in her hopeful vision. Christ Jesus was probably the same way. With no friend.

God doesn’t need to be worshipped. He is waiting for our cooperation. Take one hectare and create a

paradise on it, this would bring joy to our Father <in heaven, and Mother Earth> But no!

Who is making idiots of us?

You will be able to withstand it once you have got beyond noticing their attempts and give all your

thought over completely to the Marvelous Reality! (Never ever consider yourself defenceless.)

I am a Ved-Russ

Just like me, you are a Vedruss, only dormant. Our people thrived in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, England,

Germany, France, India, China and many other states.. Up until 5,000 years ago they were thriving on

lands from the Mediterranean and Black Sea to the farthest northern latitudes. We are Asians,

Europeans and Russians as well as those who recently call themselves Americans.

We’re in fact god-people, all from a single Vedruss civilization. (Ved=knowledge/to know ..-vedic, veda)

There was an age of life on our planet known as the Vedic Age when mankind reached a level of

sensitive knowledge allowing it to create energy images through collective thought. Transitioning into a

new era of existence known as the Imagery Age. With energy images created by collective thought,

mankind was co-creating the Universe. It could have even created earth-like life on other planets.

And it would have had it not committed any mistakes during the Image Age that lasted 9,000 years.

Mistakes due to insufficient purity of thought, insufficient culture of feelings, leading man into occultism

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The Occult Age has lasted for 1,000 years now. <1,500?> Ultimately, degradation of consciousness and

insufficient purity, along with knowledge and opportunity of highest levels, repeatedly leads man to

global disaster. Repeating many times over billions of earth years. Now we are again in the Occult Age.

And as always disaster of global proportions was supposed to take place but the deadline has passed.

<in 1993-5?> We have passed the end of the Occult Millenium.

Now it is up to everyone to take stock of their essence and purpose, and where the mistake was made.

We should help each other. Then an era of joyous life on earth will be ushered in!

The Universe is anticipating it with bated breath and great hope.

(In the meantime, the forces of darkness are feverishly trying to control people’s minds. Priests placed

themselves above God. They destroyed the Vedruss culture. They conceal our history and culture.)

Possible for people to get a feel for the truth on their own. Evaluate with their own sense of logic.

Example: nothing is said about history of Russia from even 2,000 years ago <Russians are the Warmest!>

The ones imposing the new religion and rule will stamp out the old culture especially if it was great.

<Then it must have been much greater than the Indian even?> But who is behind controlling the religion

3,000 years ago we were thriving only on Russian territory. Dark forces had come upon the whole earth.

We needed to hold out another 1,000 years and convey the knowledge to future generations. We

managed 1,500 years before going to sleep on the material plane.

The Vedruss civilization went to sleep, unconquered, remaining alive on all planes of being. And this

happy civilisation is dormant right to this day, until those who are awake search out the mistake that led

to earth civilisation’s present-day situation, with absolute precision, then the dormant ones will awake.

Just who thought up this particular move I cannot say, it is probably someone very close to God. You, as

a Vedruss yourself, should try to wake up, atleast a little. <Age old fight of god n satan.. rise Beyond it !>


Once every million years man is called to account for his mistakes with a global cataclysm. Million years

are divided into 990,000 years of Vedic Age, 9,000 years of Image Age and 1,000 years of Occult Age.

All God’s feelings are inherent in Man and through them he is able to obtain any advice needed directly.

And should Man make a mistake, God simply gives a hint, without disturbing the general harmony or

infringing on Man’s freedom. <This is the way I operate! It is in tune with God’s law and way! >

There was no multitude of gods and religions. People lived a divine way of life. There were no diseases.

No rulers reigned over human society. There were no boundaries marking states. Nature was a

paradise. Humans were primarily engaged in discoveries, and the sharing of these among all. All were

happy. Families were formed by the energy of love. Everyone was fully aware that a new family would

create a new oasis of splendor on the planet. Rituals and festivities were imbued with great meaning,

sensitivity and conscious awareness of the real Divine existence on Earth.

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The recognition of the union of two people in love – the union of two a wedding :

When two gazes meet and a spark of feeling is ignited. It doesn’t matter if boy or girl approaches first.

You can tell a lot about the feelings simply by looking in each other’s eyes. ‘With you my beautiful I

would create a Space of Love to last forever’ ‘My god, I am ready to help you in grand co-creation.’ Next

they would jointly select a location for their future home. No need of telling anyone their plans. They

would visit the place often, sometimes spending the night there under the open sky or a simple shelter,

constructed of tree branches. The place calls them and draws them to itself, much like an infant.

From early childhood they have been witness to their parents’ marvelous domains created in love.

Aspiring now to create their own. They have to mentally formulate the design for their own home.

Planning the arrangement for a wide variety of plant life, where everything could work in mutual

support and harmony. Arranged so everything grows on its own, without any physical effort from man.

Factoring in even the disposition of the planets, as well as daily flow of air currents. The young lovers try

to arrange it so that whenever a breeze blows it’d waft a bouquet of different scents into their home.

The parents do not ask questions, just wait in eager joyful anticipation of the children’s asking questions.

All the while watching as the child spends time in meditation. It might take months or years. During this

time though, there would be no physical intimacy between the lovers.

Everyone in both their villages is fully aware of the grand happening that is going on. Participation of the

whole village, sometimes even several neighboring villages together, occurs for the conjugal celebration.

First they pay their respects at the bridegroom’s village, at every house, inviting them to come for a visit.

Each household awaiting their arrival with great anticipation and excitement. For they knew that when

lovers come to visit a new energy of Divine Love would fill their domain! <the whole Universe rejoices!>

And the sincere appraisal by the lovers of anything in their domains, for it indicated their desire to have

something similar in their own domain. All residents prepared for this. <Something like a learning.>

When the selected day arrives, everyone would rise at dawn and hasten to the site of the couples new

home for a visit! They would take up position around the perimeter (marked by dried branches, while

in the middle rose a small mound decorated with flowers. <it’s almost how my physical space grew!>)

The magnificent groom ascends the mound excitedly and begins a speech- he sets forth the design of

the new Space which he has co-dreamed with his beloved, describing and indicating in detail where each

tree will grow, each bush, where the bees can build their homes, where the worker-bear will hibernate.

The people listen with rapt attention for over three hours. Whenever he points out a spot, someone

from the group of listeners will go over and stand on the future site, with the sapling to be planted.

Whether old or child, each time the people bow to him for having shown himself worthy of the young

couple’s appreciation (while they did the rounds of the village domain appreciations).

<Instead, i’d draw to the site the Creative energies of the Universe in a creative living evolving Dream!>

These young lovers are treated like deities, inspired by Love, Co-creating a splendid domain design.

His bride has been following the whole proceeding with great emotion and excitement. He grasps her

hand and leads her to the mound. He presents his marvelous inspiration for it all.

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Every maiden has her own particular charm, but There come special moments in the life of every

woman when she rises over everyone else. <sweet sixteen, marriage, pregnancy> When she raises her

eyes to greet the people around her, cries of excitement of the whole crowd merge as one and the

maiden’s face breaks into a bold, hearty smile. She is overflowing with the energy of Love!!

Her cheeks glow more intensely than usual. Her clear eyes and body, vibrant with health, reach out to

envelop the people and the whole space around them in radiant Warmth!

Everybody falls silent in the presence of this goddess in all her Beauty. There is no question of haste.

Then the maiden’s parents, accompanied by the whole family, both young and old, solemnly make their

way to the mound. They pause and bow to the couple.

The mother asks- ‘All the wisdom of our family line lies in you, my daughter. Tell me do you see the

future of the land you have chosen?’ ‘Yes, mama, I see it.’ ‘Do you like everything about the future you

have been shown?’ ‘Yes mama, here will be a splendid Paradise garden, a living home.’ (And if she has

any more ideas she runs around the plot saying what will grow there and how it will add to the Space).

The maiden all aglow like a fairy, starts dancing all around her future garden. And once more, the people

remaining hurry about with the seeds in their hands, to the relevant spots pointed out. Back at the

mound she says ‘Now the Space here will be splendid in its sheen. The earth will be a marvelous scene.’

‘Tell everyone daughter, who will be crowned to reign over all the marvelous Space around?’ She takes a

sweeping look at everyone holding plants and seeds and waiting, and turns to the young man beside her

‘He is worthy to wear the crown, his thought is able to create a future that will be splendid.’ She touches

his shoulder, he gets down on one knee before her and she places a garland of sweet smelling grasses

woven by her own hand on his head. Then running her fingers through his hair with her right hand

(three times) she takes hold of his head and draws it a little closer to herself.

Then the groom’s father approaches with the whole family and asks-‘Who are you whose thought is

creating a Space of Love?’ ‘I am your son, and I am the son of the Creator.’ ‘ Crown has been placed

upon your head as a sign of a great mission ahead. What will you do as sovereign of your domain?’

‘Shall create a future that in all ways most splendid will remain.’ ‘How will you see the reflection of

Universal Love on earth?’ ‘This one girl, father, for me she is the reflection of Universal Love on earth.’

The young couple holds hands while the two families merge and share hugs and jokes and laughter.

‘Thanks to all who have come and shared, holding the energy of Love in such high esteem. May what has

been conceived by the soul’s dream now sprout from the earth!’ Then with pride and joy and great

emotion, the people plant the seeds and saplings in the ground. Each one plants one in the right spot.

Others walk about the perimeter of the plot and singing, throw the seeds they have brought with them

into the ground. A marvelous garden has been planted!

Others retreat to without the perimeter, leaving only two families around the mound. Unusually for the

season, a few drops of very warm rain fall to the ground for a short while.. tears of joy and tenderness of

our Creator’s eyes.. for what could be dearer to a parent than a marvelous creation of His children!

Groom speaks-‘Let all the creatures given to Man by the Creator live together with us in friendship!’

From the circle, an old man presents the couple with a puppy that had greeted them in a very friendly

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way when they had come on their tour of domains, which they had taken a great liking to. ‘This dog has

been trained to help Man teach all the other animals.’ Other people approach the shelter, carrying in

their arms a kitten or lamb, or leading a bear cub or colt. They quickly fashion tree branches into wicker

fences to attach animal pens to their shelter. The dwelling is filled with animals. Tremendous

importance in this. For in mixing together in this way, the animals forever live in friendship, caring and

helping each other. It is the law of the Creator of Nature. Growing up together, they remain friends later

Man did not bother feeding the animals, instead the animals fed man! In the Vedic age, both man and

his household pets were vegetarians, never eating meat. Tremendous variety of plants..

‘Hearty thanks to everyone, thankyou all for co-creating this Space. My descendants will care for it for

centuries to come.’ ‘Our thanks to the mother who bore the creator. For the joy of the Creator of the

sun, moon and sprinkling of stars in the sky, as well as our most beautiful earth, we shall co-create

everything you<we> are able to think of!’ ‘Together, you alone are able to inspire my dreams!’

Both families congratulate them, and the people dance the khorovot around the plot, with song.

Evening has approached by now, a whole day.. The couple go home separately to rest for two days.

While the best craftsmen from both villages will build the couple a little house to the accompaniment of

songs and khorovot. Fitting in moss and grass to make a sweet smelling ambience. Finally, the women of

the villages will place the best fruits of their harvest in the new home, and the two mothers will cover

the bed with linen and by the second night everyone one will disappear.

When domains like this begin to multiply, the whole earth will be clothed in God’s flourishing garden,

where disease doesn’t have even a foothold and food requirements of everyone are hourly provided.

Man’s gaze is constantly gladdened, delights fill the ear and fragrances the nostrils in infinite variety.

Domains that were later called ‘Paradise’ in occult books, as people lost their vast store of knowledge.

Thought should remain free and applied for creative purposes.

A Law: A single creator inspired by love is stronger than all the sciences combined, if deprived of love.

‘What are you thinking of?’ ‘Of him, our future child.. my how beautiful you are!’..tenderly touching her

Both are enveloped in the warm breath of Love and carried to indescribable heights. This love deepens!

The birth of a son/daughter was also the occasion for a grand celebration and a life-significant rite.

There were many celebrations back in those days when millions of happy families made earth delightful

Raising children:

Happy families are so rare that there cannot be any miraculous system of child-raising, no use searching.

The parents’ and societies lifestyles raise the kids. Parents don’t want to take responsibility so the hand

them over to so-called experts on whom they can lay the blame later, lacking faith in themselves.

More important is the culture of feelings capable of compressing all knowledge into a tiny nucleus. The

Vedic school is certainly not pushy nor intrusive and doesn’t have any treatises or dogmas. It transmits

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all information through feelings. Every time a new emotion arose in you, new information was taken in.

such information is truly vast in scope, and is revealed on later on when you remember the feelings.

<Memories are after all stored in the emotional mind body of feelings> It would require a whole

scholarly treatise to describe all the information that passes through a man in a flash of feelings. A

correct complex of sequenced emotions in right order can multiply a man’s knowledge a thousandfold.

The balance of feelings is extremely important (eg:fear of the bear, soon followed by trust in Anastasia).

Though in equilibrium, the constantly pulsating feelings engender more streams of information.

Children were raised by the whole societies way of life, by festivities and celebrations. Wherein young

and old all joyously took part together. These were tests for the children and adults, and a means of

information exchange of tremendous systematic stores of knowledge.

Learning was moment to moment and exciting, not forced boring learning from a class teacher. Parents

if not with the help of eagles, they would take infants up mountains or trees for a larger perspective.

Experiencing a whole gamut of feelings, in that moment a child takes in a multitude of information. And

from that height he sees his mama smiling and waving, his mama with her breasts of life-giving milk.

From the height, everything seems to be a single whole, inseparable from his mama.

They learnt the significance of winds, functions of the planets, purpose of 530,000 species of flora,

accurately telling the interrelationship of each species with others. Just by observing elders.

Children would never ask nor would elders preach.

Zoology, agronomy, astrology, art.. teachers also came in winter to common halls. And if a child showed

especial interest, the teacher would go over and talk to the family at their home. The teacher is always

warmly welcomed. He would talk to the child for as many hours as the youngster wished. Noone knows

definitively who learnt more from whom! The elderly would ask questions with considerable respect.

He would argue with the child without being preachy. Free from the multitude of concerns that occupy

us today, there was no need to record the discussions, conlusions, discoveries in any form. Besides, any

rational discoveries made were immediately shared with everyone to use and put into practice! Parents

and other members of the household might also listen to these scholarly discussions. If the child came

to a conclusion that the adults thought wrong, they would say ‘Excuse me, but I can’t understand you.’

The child would try to explain himself and would often prove himself right. <old days teachers traveled.>

in spring, all would gather in the common hall and children would display all their findings and creations.

Our culture and way of life raises our kids. <it’s not just one teacher but the whole society; it’s important

strengthen independence of children to connect to the light age subtle society,to resist parents/society>

Lying to children (eg:distorting history) causes them to lie to themselves & creates false ways of thinking

so above all, children should know the truth about themselves. First of all we must verify in our hearts.

Once children have learnt the essence of history, a new path must be sought, in consultation with them.

(the works of the creator were made perfect right from the beginning.. look at the plants and animals)

<true, if you observe, no evolution seems to be happening at all, unless civilised weakening of humans>

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Ancient man should be depicted as a happy family with both intelligence and child-like purity in their

faces. Love on the parents’ faces. Human bodies in harmony with their surroundings, striking in their

beauty and graceful power of spirit. A flourishing garden all around. Creatures all around on the alert to

render their services with gratitude.

A second picture should be of crazy battle armies fanatically inspired by crazed priests and ruled by alien

standing lords. The third honest picture should be of polluted, obese, sad people of modern life.

Ask: ’Which of these lifestyles would you like to live.’ ‘How can we change the situation today?’ And the

children will come up with the answer, maybe slowly, but they will find it, creatively ! Just a single

sincerely asked question, together with the parents’ desire to hear their child’s answer, is capable of

uniting parents with their children, making them happy forever. The joint quest for happiness is infinite.

occult priests made tremendous efforts to distort and besmirch the significance of Vedic rituals.

Girls who haven’t managed to select a man make little rafts with wine, fruit, flowers, wreath and a lamp

and send it downstream with a prayer and a dance. Men looking for their loves jump in and select one.

Then they travel upstream depending on how much oil was burnt in the lamp and they find the tree..

Pieces of fruit resemble each other only superficially. The fruit of trees and plants of the same species,

even growing side by side, can show marked differences in shape, colour, fragrance and taste.

They always fall in love with each other on the first meeting and the love is extraordinarily passionate.

People in the Vedic times did not experience a single disease of the flesh, even to 150 or 200 years age.

They maintained a lively spirit and joy of living. With no doctors or healers, for their domains of love

completely regulated food intake,supplying everything required by the bodies,in alignment with planets.

Each season, various plants mature and fruit in particular sequence.<ayurveda says: eat seasonal plants>

Herbs and berries all at the time of their own choosing <not hybridisedly forced by man> attempt to

attract human attention by unusual shape, colour and fragrance for consumption! They’d have taken

into account what lies underground, other plants around them, determining man’s greatest needs.

Then noone worried about what and how much to eat back then, and still they consumed the needful.

Garlics, oregano, male fern, birthwort and many others can be used to painlessly terminate a pregnancy.

While the details of which ones help a healthy foetus grow can’t be fully determined by anyone but Him.

The one inside His mother’s womb, He is taking care of Himself and His mother too. That is why usually

the bearing mother becomes healthier, happier and younger looking. Best in her own garden.

Wines were prepared from different kinds of berries, but healthy, not strong and intoxicating like vodka.

Man selected only those animals that were considered kind, tender and keen of mind, also who

demonstrated an eagerness to offer to Man their milk, not just any animal’s milk! If a child went up and

touched the udder of a cow or goat, and if it moved away not wanting to share, then they’d not milk it.

Animals know when the composition of their produce is suitable for us!

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Whatever we eat feeds our body, mind and soul; plus it gives us information from the whole Universe.

Disfavor can cause a plant to shrivel up <JC Bose and others’ experiments show it> <giving the ‘evil eye’>

Love and hearty communication to a plant can help it flourish, and keeps weeds from growing around.

<this is my experience too- thinking/willing/wishing various plants and pests in and out of the garden>

<Thrown away plants grow so well when saved> Instantly a plant can become poisonous if faced with

aggression. So noone would attack their garden with a hoe nor think of taking anything without asking.

There were no acts of theft or violence and no laws to prevent the same; not even any insulting words.

Laws can never protect from evil deeds. Should anything bad happen, whole settlement-Space suffers.

There were no hierarchical structures in Vedic society, no rulers. There were no territorial boundaries.

Energies of aggression would affect every growing thing, leaving impressions and illness on offspring.

While travelers leaving feelings of joy cause the Space to radiate even greater Beauty and Joy!

Even on a long journey, a Man would not bother to carry food. He would find more than enough along

the way to feed himself, and in a settlement he would ask- it was considered an honour to serve guests!

Vedic peoples’ sensitivities were highly refined. They could easily distinguish the taste of pilfered food

and that from a generous handed person. Supermarket food has no feeling or soul, beholden to noone.

Every domain serves as an impenetrable fortress to evil and as a mother’s womb to the dwelling family.

Everything around just loves the children!! <’Be as a child’ for ‘children enter the kingdom of God’>

Buried in their own Spaces, their information and essence is assimilated back into the plants and Nature.

Till today noone can explain why people in foreign lands so desire to be buried in their own countries.

In old days, peoples’ energies were far greater, and all living beings were drawn to them as to the Sun.

Collective Thought

Not just understanding function of growing things and summoning beasts to serve him, Man can use

collective thought to control the weather, cause springs to well up, affect life on distant stars. Fact.

It is possible to create an atmosphere capable of supporting human life, plant a garden and find oneself

with one’s beloved in that garden, in the flesh, even on the Moon. But before that can happen,

collective thought must transform the whole Earth into a flourishing Paradise garden.

Objects weighing upto 9 tonnes could be moved by even 9 people gathered together.

To make it easier to use collective thought for the benefit of the majority, without wasting time

congregating a whole lot of people together in one place, Vedic elders invented images of various gods

and began to control Nature with the help (of the collective concentrated thought focused in) these.

<but if collective purity is there, there is no need to control anything in blissful Paradise on Earth...!>

Gods of Sun, Fire, Rain, Love, Fertility.. everything needed for life.

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Unlimited opportunity has been given to Man by Divine Nature, if only he could overcome the

temptations associated with unlimited authority and hold the energies of the Universe in balance.

<but why do they think the Universe needs help to balance? We need to harmonise with it, that’s all>


There were 6 people of maximum ability.. one lost his inner balance and self-importance predominated.

Then slowly in all 6 and like attracting like they met together and concentrated all their thought on how

to become masters of all people on earth. <some say that some lower level evil aliens are behind this>

They called themselves in public-‘priests’. Reincarnating over centuries, they are still living today. All the

peoples on earth are governed by just 6 priests, of separate dynasties 10,000 years old. <from Atlantis>

They have been transmitting their occult knowledge and science of imagery/imagination to their heirs.

Taking great pains to hide the Vedic knowledge from other people. Among the 6, 1 is considered chief,

called the High Priest, who considers himself the ruler of human society.

He will muster his bio-robot soldiers against the forces of Ved-russ, along with the dark occult sciences,

especially to eliminate me (after hearing of me through these books), let him do that, he will have less

time for his other plans! He tried already to eliminate me with a little energy and was surprised it failed.

You will see the angry slander and attacks of the press against us will increase even more.

Do not be afraid of them. Whatever that is fearsome, is powerless to affect a fearless Man!

Whatever you may see, you should forget immediately and forever, no matter how monstrous. Once

forgotten, it ceases to exist all together. Think it over calmly, do not be hasty to give in to your doubts.

The known claimants for world domination once close to seizing universal authority have inevitably

been wiped out. That is the way it has always happened since 10,000 years since there is a secret ruler.

He toys with nations and their rulers, as well as with all the individual people. Originating in Egypt. The

pharaohs were the rulers over all people, and worshipped as gods. It was to them that people turned,

with pleas for auspicious crops, timely rains, less winds, etc. It is the priests who were the channels of

interaction between the people and the Deities.. <Never follow a guru- connect Directly yourself>

Look at all the facts and you will see that the pharaoh was nothing more than a bio-robot puppet in the

hands of the priests. Candidates for pharaoh-ship were trained from childhood under supervision of the

priests, in a secret temple. <..more often than bio-engineer, they brainwash and convert humans>

Some pharaohs tried to escape but failed. The priests held invisible and relentless control over them.

Also it is exercised over the masses with the aid of invented suggestions as to what is order of Universe.

What is required is a bit of free time, alone, to reflect in peace; but the daily cares and concerns are so

planned as to pre-occupy man endlessly, <they are keeping everyone busy and rest-less>.

In every country wars. Crime, disease and disasters are on the increase, yet noone (is allowed to) ask-

‘is human society on the path of progress or further degrading day by day?’

The priests held their science in the strictest secretive control. They didn’t even write it down on scrolls,

but invented a secret language of their own.Till date these simple truths are passed down to new priests

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6,000 years ago, the High Priest decided to subject human souls and to direct all their love and

tremulous affection back to himself, through ‘scientific thought’. Interpret history on your own and see.

Read the Old Testament Bible, the Jewish people were programmed troops of the priesthood. Jesus

tried to glean inklings into the science of imagery in his journeys among wise men, and tried to de-

program his people. He succeeded in making a new religion to serve as a counterbalance to the terror.

His religion was not for all nations but only for Jewish people. ‘I was sent only for the lost sheep of Israel’

<That’s what saints do- try to learn about everything, and devise ways to best help the people around.>

After the 40 year programming by tool-Moses around Sinai, Jewish people were lost in hypnotic dream.

<Therefore the controls through money, ways of living, cunning and occultism etc.>

<In the occult world, everyone lives by deceit only.. so Jesus had to found an occult religion to connect>

The priests modified Christianity to sync with their own teachings. Rome fell after adopting Christianity.

391 AD, the Byzantine Emperor burnt the temple of Sarapis, Library of Alexandria with 700,033 volumes.

Mostly of the heathen peoples, but also including a few with Vedic knowledge, which were salvaged, not

burnt but concealed and studied in turn by a narrow circle of the devoted, before being destroyed.

<The truth is accessible to all, available everywhere, connecting to everything.. just open up to it!>

Then the priest spread belief in reincarnation(hell/paradise)so they wouldn’t think of happy life on earth

<seems like heaven and hell are unreal, though peoples’ thoughts might’ve created them, but most

important is how to create beautiful life here and now on earth around us, living well right now!>

When fanatic priest-preachers came to Russia, making theories, the Bayans (Minstrels) would laugh and

compose song-parables that would quickly spread through the people of Russia, laughing at the priests:

The heavenly bodies twinkling in the dark tell about the life of the whole Universe. A relaxed alertness

in your soul allows you to read the Book of the Heavens. But it will not open for idleness or curiosity,

only for pure and meaningful thoughts. Also each of you can choose a star-planet to settle on, provided

you can create there a more perfect creation than the one on Earth.

Once in 3 years the people would collect in a glade and God would talk to them in a human voice.

Everything has been designed so that God creates splendor only in conjunction with Man. There must

be co-creation, together. You yourselves include love and freedom of choice, and God is ready to follow.

The best place of one’s soul is in the garden-of-paradise created by one’s own hands and soul. The trees

and plants are God’s own materialized thoughts; in looking after them and treating them with love and

conscious awareness, we communicate with God. We are re-born in and to look after our own gardens.

Freedom of thought is eroded by non-living things, like cars. My horse-cart doesn’t require my attention

What is living shall eternally serve man, while what is dead only shortens his years. I want to understand

the sense of the grand Creations. Each bit’s purpose and way of interaction. To be happier and help you.

It’s not about being rich or poor but of having enough of everything and being self-sufficient and happy.

Vedic people speak to God through nature. Instead of bowing before Him, they tried to understand Him.

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The priests sought people with a trace of selfishness and pride, in a plan to separate people from their

domains and divide them up, away from God. Their first approach is with numerous gifts, and a crown!

<remembering the sense of Gandhi preaching happy village life, as senseless people pile up in cities..>

Little by little all the people got drawn into the game of ‘serfdom to the Princes’, away from co-creation.

<the age-old divide-and-rule policy> Not by killing, conquering but by cultured way of life can we unite.

Paganism still carried within itself a lingering sense of the Divine Vedic Culture. False rumors of sacrifices

where the Vedic people did not even eat meat, and hardly cooked food on fires. Check ancient recipes.

They respected the turnip and drank mead beer from flower pollen and herbs. Shiten-boiled honey drink

‘Christianity’ calls for equality and brotherhood of all, exempting ofcourse the ruling princes and priests.

<Just like Communism and most other religions.> Source manuscripts of Vedic peoples were confiscated

Japan, India and China instead of modified Christianity, the priests used occultism since a 1,000 years.

Mankind directs its tremendous energies at made-up images and abstract subtler worlds and realms.

The real world receives less and less of man’s life-creating warmth and love. Mankind fails in its purpose.

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The latest temporal borderline represented mankind’s 1,000,000th anniversary of civilisation on earth.

It took only 3 Vedic people, not asleep, to remove the soporific occult spells enough to avoid cataclysm.

The power of God’s Vedic culture is coming back to them. And God is gaining hope. Now it’ll not happen.

The High Priest is an elderly man in ordinary clothes, surrounded by ordinary things, in a normal house

with just two servants and a family- a wife and two sons- but even his family does not know who he is.

But if you observe closely, you will see that he spends the whole day in isolation. On his face you can see

the depth of his meditation. His eyes are concealed behind a foggy film. He never shows surprise, never

laughs. He merely pretends, but beneath half lowered eyelids he is working out his grandiose plans.

<See! even the High Priest sees the benefit of free time by living a simple easily maintained life style.>

Will take him just a year to orally transmit the inherited occult knowledge from a dynasty of priests to

one of his sons, whom he is training in secret now, without his knowing it, developing special abilities.

All the world’s money belongs to him and works for him- including what you have in your pocket now.

Not a single one of his assistants, army commanders, law drafters, prison managers, executioners has

any suspicion of who is secretly commanding him and by what means ordering, he uses occultism tricks.

Everywhere there are people who all at once start to hear voices from sources unknown, and they may

be orders to carry out actions and they may be carried out. Occultism has spread far and deep.

Sometimes they don’t hear an audible instruction but are simply drawn from within to carry out actions.

(People reporting these are carted off to psychiatric ‘prison’ hospitals and dulling Pills are administered).

Pride dominates him, constantly aspiring to create his own world and hold it in subjection. They distract

and occupy people with daily concerns <and other intoxicants> so they can’t reflect on their paths.

All technology and artificial information channels are controlled by the priests, through the people.

Therefore they don’t have to be wary of every word in every broadcast themselves, they simply create a

general condition where everyone is out to make money. Advertising for example has become intrusive,

sophisticated and aggressive in mental suggestions (consumers pay for ads on buying products shown)

Countries borrow money on interest and peoples’ taxes pay this back to banks to increase his capital.

More and more people want more and more money to buy everything. But it can’t buy love or feelings,

or the taste of fruit intended for the one who grew it with loving mindful attention. They become lonely.

The lifestyles of most people is fertile soil for terror, disease and all sorts of catastrophes, making them

accessories to the priests’ plans. Even you smoke, terrorizing your own body! Why talk about other

people, start with yourself and your own lifestyle, especially those who live in cities. The deadly gas that

car drivers pollute the air with. Isn’t it harmful and dangerous to live in flats. The way of life in big cities

is aimed at destroying and disorienting Man in respect to natural space. All people are accessories!

To make a ray to destroy the mastermind, i’d have to charge up my ray with a great deal of malicious

energy, concentrating it within myself. And even destroying him, his program would continue to operate

and ‘evil’ will find another priest even stronger than the one I destroy.

You cannot fight evil with evil- that way only evil increases. The first thing is do not lie.. to yourself!

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Tomorrow is another day. It will be better. Why be cautious lets release our dreams and fly after them!!

Anastasia: “I am always beside you. Whenever you think of me. Feel this..”

See how simple everything turns out to be! ..oh, how we have complicated this simplicity!

Book 8.2 - Rites of Love

Don’t be lazy to use your mind. Anyone forgetting the wisdom of his forebears deserves derision. It

makes no difference whether it was on his own or under the influence of occult priests.

Welfare of people lies in loving families and not in money, independence, facitilities..

Love is a living, self-sufficient living being. It is never thoughtless, it has its own thoughts and feelings. By

the Will of God it comes to every man, to make his life eternal in love, sharing the Divine Programme.

But if man doesn’t listen, it is forced to leave.

The ancient wedding rite transforms an initially flaring feeling of love into a permanent one.

Soulmate: a person close to you in spirit and views of life, a pleasant communicator, an attractive one,

someone capable of inspiring you to love. It is essential to seek out this soulmate, than await destiny.


The paternal impression on the child to be conceived. 150 years ago in England Lord Morton, and later

Scottish George Douglas, Earl of Morton in 1820 tried cross breeding horses. He mated his mare with a

zebra but no offspring resulted due to species incompatability. Later he bred her with an English colt and

she gave birth to a foal with traces of stripes. He is referred to in later journals. Dog-breeders also find

that the most thoroughbred dam will no longer produce thoroughbred pups if even once mated with a

mongrel. Similarly with pigeons. Scientists show this extends to people too.

<personally I too have realised this by my observation-any man she mates with affects future children>

White skinned parents have given birth to black children due to former liaisons between the

grandmother or mother with black men. Therefore the value for virginity on marriage.

Contraceptives will not prevent the paternal impression of telegony. Scientists have determined that the

first man in the life of a virgin leaves his imprint on her in spirit and in blood, for her offspring to come.

All other men thereafter have nothing to offer her but their semen and diseases of the flesh. This and

promiscuity leads to the current massive lack of understanding between fathers and children, and

degradation of society. Also if the lady is thinking of another while conceiving, the offspring would bear

resemblance to him. She subconsciously retains memory information of the first man in her life..

<Probably the first man is the strongest as it is the most powerful and lasting sensation of first love!>

With certain rites these effects (even of a rape) can be erased. But feeling is essential, especially of love.

And it is essential to prepare for the conception, and important to give birth only at home. There are

even rites to establish loving connection-relations between step-children and new parents.

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Colleges, universities, bars, discos, restaurants and resorts are good for meeting people and coupling but

do not as a rule, result in happy life of love and harmony. 90% of such marriages end in divorce.

Principally due to false image: clothes, makeup, talks.. Our way of life doesn’t help us meet our loves.

Source of proto-indian-aryan-european white race in Arkaim Valley, southern Ural steppe, 2000 BC.

Arkaim was an academy. Teachers of wise-men lived and worked there. They researched the universe.

Studed the influence of celestial bodies on man. Their tremendous discoveries were never recorded.

They worked out the optimal rites and presented them to the people to put to use, while they observed

and made corrections as required. <The older Brahmins, scientists! Still not into mind over matter!!>

<Most optimal is to love and harmonise, and in love everything will happen best!> Circularly built city.

Clay pipes from the water storage direct cool air to furnaces and storage areas. Same size as Stonehenge

and built in alignment with the planets and stars. Outer circle is dedicated to the Moon and inner to Sun.

Square (earth) in the circle (universe) is the original Cosmic mandala, natural and harmonious.

Swastika (right facing, yang) (sun) is symbol of goodness, happiness, creativity, success. Left is opposite.

It has been used since upper Paleolithic (late stone age) times, 10,000 – 40,000 years ago. No good/bad.

I was already prepared to go off to India or Tibet to learn, but as it turned out, there was no need to

go anywhere; everything was available right here and now, and now I invite everyone..

The farther back you go, the fewer people you will encounter who eat meat. There were sufficient

vegetables and fruits. Indeed meat could have been harmful to their stomachs. Meat was first eaten by

a man that was either crazed of infected with a terrible disease, which has come down to our present.

For a man living in Love is incapable of killing. <Krishna has different thoughts on the matter.>

Where a pack of wolves would tear a man to pieces, a lone infant in the forest would be fed by them.

Because the infant has no aggression or fear with which the man creates unease in his environment. The

first peoples were like the infant. Love was dominant in them, along with a genuine interest in the world

around them therefore it was no effort for them to domesticate and train wild animals and birds. As for

the animals, you know that they find their highest benefit in Man’s feelings of love and care for them.

Reptiles shed their skins, or else when they die and the ants clean out the skins, we can use for clothing.

Man began to forget that he is the son of God, and that God does not keep slaves, nor need them. The

royalty traitored their own peoples, allowing foreigners to ride in and rule as lords under the church. The

Mongols taking advantage of the unrest took over the churches with fewest of men, by not harming the

peasants and only killing the nobles and priests. But after they became similar lords.

If invaded, peasants would hide their provisions and pack the rest, along with belongings and disappear

in the forests. Armies wouldn’t last long without food, and cannot hunt in noisy groups. Smaller

expeditions looking for game would perish in traps. Traps would be set up even for their retreat paths.

The family chain leads us to God <aliens?> To betray one’s forebears’ ideas is tantamount to killing God.

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Childhood Love

The activities of the Vedruss people amounted to a continuous learning cycle. It was a great and joyous

school of conscious being. All their celebrations were tests of mind and skill. The system of festivals and

rites were intricately arranged to involve all children in their preparations, learning various disciplines..

The examinations were like festival celebrations and the adults taught as well as learnt from the children

Sometimes the adults would use the childrens’ thirst for knowledge to get help in chores around the

house in exchange as well. The children aspired to great mastery from a young age and asked all adults..

The ‘bayans’ (bards) reminded people not only of past events, they also gave portents of the future,

commending the world of marvelous feelings. Noone compelled the children to attend.

It was felt that the teacher should himself attract childrens’ attention to the stories of science he’d tell.

In talking with their children at home, parents would perceive right off how properly they were taught.

There is truly great meaning in early love, something Vedruss people well knew the grace of such love.

They knew how to treat love kindly, to embrace it as a heavenly gift to the family, not to make fun of it,

to respect its every trace. They valued its great and diverse energies and so Love would spread with joy!

Grandma’s advice to little Liubomilka who fell in love with Radomir- You need to get up earlier in the

morning, get out and run to the spring to wash yourself in pure spring water. When you get home have

some porridge, not just sweet berries. Your efforts will reflect in your outward beauty and energy within

..make colourful embroidery patterns on your dresses. Learn verse and singing ‘koliadki’ (early carols

that children would to make up on the spot for each family), talk with the wise-men who can teach you.

The appearance of Love was greeted as help sent from God, for they knew that they could, in harmony

with Love, inspire the child to marvelous heights, to become the very best she can for the loved one.

They knew that the inspiration of Love would help the girl grasp the essence of the subject in no time!

<It appears I did love my dad after all.. when he had a stroke I learnt so much right off in the hospital!>

“O great energy of God! Turn and help my daughter with your grace. Do not burn her immature heart.”

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when instruction proves too grueling for the pupil it can be counter-productive. When a man has a

specific goal, learning for him becomes an exhilaration, and assimilation speeds up a 100 times. And

when Love enters the equation, the resultant effect is unsurpassed. She is capable of scanning the

thought of any wise-man. Just a few words spoken can be sufficient to explain the whole subject to her

in the blink of an eye, and beyond that to even engage her thinking faculties.

Love – a great energy, the gift of God – was paramount in her education.

True love will most certainly be reciprocated!

The Vedruss people had no fear of granting their children full freedom.

Holding the beloved’s hands is a good part of games as one can easily sense their feelings.

--“With you my marvelous goddess, I could co-create a Space of Love to last forever.”--

--“I am ready to help you in your grand co-creation.”--

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They did not make daily routines of kisses and embraces so that at the moment of conception their

energies would be at their peak potential. Also they never made dates for themselves. Intimacy before

the wedding, before creating the nest was considered an affront to their future children.

He would come to the domain through all weather and observe in detail, for eg: the way the snow lay.

They would plan the wedding just before planting season to accord with the collective custom.

“Where will you gain the inspiration, my son and crowned son of the Creator?” “In Love! There is one

girl, father, and for me she is the reflection of Universal Love on this Earth.”

Joint creation and joy shared by all in its contemplation is precisely what God wants of man!

Overcoming Telegony (Consequences of Previous Relationships):

If the woman has had a previous relationship, then the first man will undoubtedly exert an influence on

the character and appearance of a child fathered by another man later. Same goes for men’s relations!

When new events and sensations are sufficiently bright, the old information will be erased.

A Rite: He should set up a bed in the open air, in natural surroundings, where the couple lives. They

should fast for 3 days and sleep 3 nights under the stars. Before sleeping, each night the man should

wash the woman and himself with spring water, rubbing her down with flaxen fabric (not himself). He

should be still wet when he lies down in bed with the woman. They should not indulge in intimacy.

While falling asleep under the stars, on the first night they should forgive each other for all past

transgressions and right away begin to visualise their future child. Each thinking how the child should

resemble the partner.

After these three days, the man places a flower garland on the woman’s head (where in the wedding

rite the woman places it on the man’s head); then they are free to engage in fleshly intimacy. The

planets will erase all harbored information about past children that have never been conceived.

This rite is not required for couples who have jointly sought out and prepared their own domain to live.

The search itself and the days preparing the site will purify them, if they spend 3 days thinking of child..

By the third night, they will have been receiving help in thought form from their future child in ‘heaven’.

Also we need to apologise to our ancestors, for the hiding of their culture from peoples’ eyes. Only then

will great discoveries begin to take place among man, only then will their thoughts be able to help us.

Just as soon as intimacy occurs between a man and a woman, a spirit is born in space, ready for birth.

Even if they’re just having fun, the spirit appears when the man achieves satisfaction. <Therefore, does

masturbation waste this spirit appearance or some of that energy.. thus the old wives tales against it?>

The colossally powerful build up and lightning speed release of the man’s energy precisely forms a spirit!

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The appearance of pain at the moment of birth is a sign of an erroneous psychological approach to

birth. So many animals give birth in natural surroundings and hardly any perish or even experience

suffering. Rather than pain, the woman receives from the Creator a reward of the feeling of bliss and a

chain of joyful ecstasies during labour. It should be joyful and pleasant.

Man himself, deceived by occult sciences and suggestions from the dark side, intruding on Nature’s

methods, has made childbirth so painful for the mother and a fatal shock for the baby. (The most crucial

and impressionable moment of conception of in a physical body, they have turned into a nightmare!)

The mother’s pain occasions untold mourning on the part of the child.

It is possible to not only give birth without pain, but with supreme pleasing joy and delight!

Anaesthetics may lessen the pain for the mother, but they increase the torture for the infant by cutting

him off further from contact with his mother, instilling fear and lack of self-confidence, into adulthood.

This may prevent him from being born again.

In caesarian sections, the child is forcibly torn away from his mother. ‘Why so rudely? Why not freely??’

Caress the child during labour, talk with it, express your thoughts to it, invite it to be born into the world

He should feel it as an invitation for him to be born of his own free will! Then the information will stay.

What is experienced by the mother is felt by the child. Fear and pain erases the information.

Maternity Wards probably originated in ancient Eqypt and Rome, for pregnant slave mothers. She was

allowed to stay with her baby for 5-9 days before returning to work. She was allowed access to her child

for nursing and at night for 6-12 months. After weaning, the child was reared by trained nurse-slaves.

Later the child was raised by other slaves depending upon the purpose the overlord chose for him. They

were brainwashed from childhood to consider him a god, with a specially designed religion even

Sounds so similar to our reality even today, isn’t it!<I for one wouldn’t imagine being apart from my her>

Maternity ward, nursery, school, college and presto slave ready to work ceaselessly. Only it is even more

effective now as the overlord is invisible, therefore we think we are free and won’t rebel.

The elite (and middle classes) wouldn’t dream of giving birth outside of their own home with midwives.

Wards are clear testimony to the intention of disabling a woman’s instinct to continue their family line.

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Over the 9 months in the coziness of the womb, all the information about the order of the universe and

about man’s purpose on earth right from the beginning of creation are imparted to him.

The foetus reacts to the condition and feelings of not only the mother but equally those of the father.

<Then I was influenced by my grandfather only coz grandma and dad were not present at birth?> When

the father talks with his pregnant wife, the foetus acutely perceives the feelings communicated.

Caresses of the tummy, trying to listen to the baby, tender impulses are deeply felt. Whatever the

parents take joy in appreciating, the child will feel and after birth will delight in similar appreciations. So

also any frights or other feelings will also register in the child’s subconscious and affect his life. As the

father shares, during pregnancy, so also the child will automatically become an expert in song/science.

There are many instances where children play music from recall, as it was played to them in the womb.

Child raising begins from the mother’s womb, and even from a bit earlier.

Over the 9 months, the parents can teach the child a great deal. Such lessons need no repetition. The

child will retain for life any such imparted information. It is the father in particular who is responsible for

the higher-level components of Man, shaping as it were his child’s intellectual and spiritual self.

Man’s child is primarily a psychological, not a physiological achievement, through thoughts and feelings.

Sadly the physical aspect has been thoroughly rooted into human society, relegating the principal

component of the human self to the background or even completely eliminating it.

The foetus in the mother’s womb was originally a thought-creation.. of the Creator, indeed of Nature.

When a man brings forth a child..

In accepting that birth is mainly a physical procedure, most people exclude the Great Spirit Creator God

from the process. It is very necessary for man to attend his wife’s labour.

The father gives birth to the second, non-material self. (‘Controllers’ help us give up this right to instruct)

A pregnant woman with an absent husband should spend atleast 3 hours (preferably at the same time)

daily, communicating with the child in the father’s name or conversing mentally with the father about

the future child. Obviously, even if there are arguments there should not be any form of aggression.

These talks could also be accompanied with a same pleasing, light food and drink taken prior to talk.

Also the mother needs to choose a specific star in the heavens through which to communicate to her

beloved man. A star to think upon each time before initiating mental dialogue with/about the father.

She should formulate a thought-picture of the father, his true characteristics, world view, habits, etc.

Differences of opinion should be explained in loving manner, and blame taken for misunderstandings.

Importantly, rule out negative aspects and remember only the good while communicating with the child

and stroking her tummy cherishingly.

The mother needs to spend as much time as possible in real solitude. Then the child will feel both her

and his father, it will feel the father’s aura. If the woman does this, the man will come back to her. Again

Love will flare up in him with unaccustomed strength and provoke him to good deeds.

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(A woman in love, could use this foetal energy to induce a man who was not in love with her, even if he

were with another, even if they had not had intimate relations as yet.. communicating to the child in his

name, in which case the child would even bear a greater outward resemblance to this chosen beloved!)

(Anastasia uses this ability to restore Vladimir’s wife’s and daughters love and respect for him!)

Vedruss Birthing

The mother’s mother and grandmother would be present and describing their own experiences in detail.

They gave birth in their own homes, in a wooden bathtub, a little shorter and not as deep as ours now. It

had little ledges on the outsides to serve as footrests. Later the tub served as a cradle for the newborn.

It is filled with pure spring water, heated to body temp. The room air was comfortably warm to be nude.

The tub is oriented so that the mother is facing toward the rising sun (east).

Another smaller container of water is placed beside the tub. On the bench lay four smooth flaxen towels

During the birth, only the husband is to be present in the room with the birthing mother. Even the

couples’ close relatives and experienced midwives were also excluded.

Just before labour began, the father would light a fire he’d prepared for, at the entrance to the domain,

from which sweet smelling smoke would waft into the house. This was where the close relatives would

gather to wait, along with the midwife and often a wise-man (in case any abnormalities cropped up).

The couples’ parents would have brought food and drink for everyone to partake of, but they were all

not allowed to enter the domain, nor was the husband allowed to go to or even speak with them.

Nothing & noone was to interfere with/distract the thought of the birthing parents receiving their child.

During the contractions, the mother would continuously talk with her emerging child, encouragingly,

both mentally as well as audibly. Mother, child and father are all participants in the process.

It is very important that the mother’s first look at her newborn be without any fright (despite deformity)

her gaze should be tender and joyous. <Here a mother often doesn’t even see her baby till much later>

The father picks up the baby out of the water and using his mouth sucks the mucus out of his little

mouth and nose, and places him on the mother’s tummy. The mother then offers her breast to the child.

This often prompts the expulsion of the placenta, which the father places in a prepared container,

before using a knife disinfected over a flame to cut off the umbilical cord, and then tying it.

Then father places the baby on a towel, washes him and wraps him in a second towel and places on bed.

Then he washes his wife’s body and dries her off with a clean towel and leads her to the bed by the baby

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Using either his hands or mouth, the father strains off a small quantity of milk from the mother’s breast

and sprays it over a flaxen sheet, with which he covers the mother and newborn baby lying on her.

Later he sits down and looks at his wife lovingly, talking to her whenever she wishes it.

He lights the fire prepared for in the hearth. He pours out the birthing and bathing water between the

two trees that they had planted soon after conception. (Later he would bury the placenta also there.)

Seeing the smoke from the chimney, the relatives would understand this as a signal of a successful birth

and would congratulate each other heartily, partake of food and drink and then disperse to their homes.

They knew that even good thoughts from people other than the parents would put the newborn on the

defensive. Besides, deliberately or inadvertently, relatives might distract the parents’ mental field aura.

While breast-feeding, the mother should concentrate her whole loving attention on feeding the child

and mentally conversing with him. She should not be distracted by random conversations and thoughts.

There’s an old proverb : ‘He took it in with his mother’s milk.’

The birth of advanced spiritual thinkers is especially important in this age of science and technology.

(Where your loving thoughts strongly focus at the time of your death is where you will be re-born.)

The great Vedruss civilisation which had existed for tens of thousands of years was replaced by a

chaotic, barbaric order of human social life. The period of slavery began and continues till today.

Germany, England, Poland, the Baltic.. were all one people, one language, one culture with Vedruss.

People who strive for conscious awareness of the Divine earthly being. Discovering the truth within

themselves and changing their way of life from the core. Seeking answers within themselves.

Perhaps a period of chaos and mistakes was needed, so that man might learn and not repeat in future.

Life continues and not a single story about life can ever be considered to have come to an end!

Earlier it was taught that lovers themselves should find each other by the whim of fate. Then man found

he could control his destiny, or atleast give fate a hint of what he desires.. searching for his soulmate.

People began organizing special events to facilitate soulmates’ meeting each other.

Every autumn, after the summer field works, gatherings go on in various towns over 2-3 months.

One’s profession cannot and should not be a goal of life for man. That would be a debasing of self.

Any profession, however prestigious, limits one from allowing the spirit to develop and accomplish the

acts of the Universe, to build his own corner of Paradise on Earth and found a happy family line..

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“With you, fair goddess, (and your fine son), I would co-create a Space of Love to last forever.”

“We are ready to help you in your grand co-creation.”

When the child shows interest in the creating of the future domain and orchard, he must be brought

into the search for the future spouse and father. Every mother knows her own son best. Many children

do not immediately welcome some new person into their own home. And in the absence of any such

desire it is better not to introduce anyone else into the home.

The new couple can co-habit but until the child accepts the new father as his own they cant marry. The

motive energy source for the nuptial rites will be the thought of the child.

In the open air, under the stars, with a fire burning (or 3 candles) and make a mutual declaration of

desire to co-create life together, it being important that it be to the child’s liking especially.

“Here on the ground of our family domain I wish a happy life for our family line. I wish to build a house

and plant an orchard. I ask for your agreement child, to be wedded to your mother, and you to be mine.

“Thankyou my son, for helping me find a husband. I agree to become his faithful wife, to surround with

loving care, with your permission.” “Ofcourse mama. And I shall help you take care of him.”

(The exact words are not so important as the thoughts and the feeling behind what is spoken.)

It is important that the planets standing above hear you..

Take a wide mouthed vessel out of which each participant should drink atleast 3 swallows of water.

Then wash their hands and hair. Then they all lie down on the grass for atleast 9 minutes, head to head

holding each other’s hands and looking up to the starry sky. Mentally ask the planets above them to

help them build a happy life for their family line, requesting love to take residence in their domain.

This will definitely happen if the thought of all involved is sincere and strong.

It is okay if the love is not strong at the time of the wedding, love will undoubtedly grow stronger in time

This is a very powerful rite but it is not occult. Plants, water, earth, human thought, planets and stars all

take part in the rite. The heavenly bodies present form a silent alliance to assist these people’s dreams.

This discovery was made by a wise man after ninety years of observing planets and people’s deeds.

It is possible to erase the bad old memories and make space for new bright ones.

Bachelors used to offer manual services in exchange for food to widows, staying upto a month, by way

of getting to know one another and possibly get interested in becoming life partners. If there was

mutual attraction, she would ask him to stay on after the month. And after a year they get married.

It shouldn’t be that the men choose but the women who should choose their soulmate man!

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Some women rent out flats and come build houses and start farming in the outskirts near forests. One

beautiful 53 years old who says what she thinks speaks of hearing the snow fall and also melt too!

We have to organise events that will assist men to get acquainted with such women setting up domains.

Perhaps each unmarried person could post their address and contact details on the site.

The stronger the families’ role in the state, the more loving families will be living in it.

In the absence of Vladimir, Anastasia marries herself to him, in the presence of her grandparents,

heaven and the stars. She places her own crown on her own head with her own hands..

“I gave my consent for all to hear. My chosen one is thinking about his consent and can take his time.”

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Anastasia – = resurrection (Greek); a(not)-nast(nasty/deteriorating), anasta =undeteriorating (Sanskrit)

Vedat =being fully aware; Zna =know; Medved =bear, Med=mead/honey, Ved=wit/know; Vedma =witch

Chelovek = Man ‘God created man in his own image.’(bible- genesis); from chelo=thinking and vek=time

an expression for man’s mastery over time by virtue of his god-bestowed thinking, reasoning capacity.

Humus = organic constituent of soil; human being – too physical/material a term for Man;

related to concepts like humble, humility; also the term man seems to exclude of half of the humans;

similarly person is closely tied to latin persona = mask, artificial appearance (rather than inner essence)

Raduga = rainbow Shambala = source of happiness in Tibetan

Rod = god, the term used by ancient Slavs to designate the Source of all life <rodowy=birth?>

Rodina = motherland

Priroda = attached to god/source = Nature

Sect/ latin: secta = teaching, movement, school – a religious community or group which has cut off from

prevailing church; an isolated group of people absorbed in their own narrow interests.

Dachnik = cottager; Lada – goddess of Love

Radomir- name derived from roots Rad = joyful (a derivative of Ra=sun) and Mir = peace

Liubomila –derived from Liub = love and Mil = (my) dear

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I have conceived a way of turning all people living on the Earth into slaves of our pharaoh. This is something that is impossible to achieve even with the help of countless troops and exhausting wars. Yet I shall achieve it with but a few sentences. Once they have been pronounced, only two days will pass, and then you will see how the world will begin to change. Look: down below us, long columns of slaves shackled in chains are carrying one stone each. They‘re guarded by a multitude of soldiers. The more slaves there are, the better it is for the government. That‘s the way we have always seen it. But the more slaves there are, the more we end up fearing their rebellion. We increase security. We are forced to feed our slaves well, because otherwise they‘ll be unable to do this hard physical labor. Even so, they are lazy and inclined to rebellion. Look how slowly they move, but the sentry has grown lazy. He‘s not urging them on with the cat o‘ nine tails, and he‘s not beating even the strong and healthy slaves. But soon they‘ll be moving much faster. They will need no guards. The sentries, too, will become slaves. Here is how we can achieve this. Today at sunset, let the heralds issue the pharaoh‘s decree, which will declare: ―With the dawn of the new day, all slaves will be granted complete freedom. For each stone that he delivers to the city, each free man will receive one gold coin. The coins can be exchanged for food, clothing, shelter, a palace in the city, and for the city itself. From this day forward, you are free men.‖ When the priests grasped the full import of what Cracy had said, one of them, the oldest among them, uttered these words: ―You are a demon, Cracy. Your conception will enshroud a great number of the earth‘s peoples in demonism.‖ ―So let it be said that I am a demon. And let it be, that in the future, people will call this conception of mine democracy.‖ At sunset the decree was issued to the slaves. They were astounded, and many were unable to sleep that night, as they contemplated their new and happy life. The next morning the priests and the pharaoh once again ascended to the platform atop the man-made mountain. They could not have imagined the scene they now saw before them. Thousands of people, former slaves, were racing against each other to haul the very same stones as before. Many, the sweat streaming off them, were carrying two stones each. Others, carrying one stone, were running along, kicking up the dust. There were also several sentries hauling stones. These people, who now thought of themselves as free – after all, their chains had been removed – were striving to acquire as many of the coins they were lusting after as possible, so that they could build their happy lives. Cracy spent a few more months on his platform, gazing with satisfaction at what was transpiring The significant books are those books which shape a given way of life of a segment of the human community. —Anastasia‘s grandfather ...a person can be considered spiritual if he is capable of undertaking actions beneficial to the Earth, his family, and his parents, that is, to God. If someone who calls himself spiritual cannot make himself, the woman he loves, his family, and his children happy, then that is pseudo-spirituality. —Vladimir Megre For centuries seekers have been looking for a holy place on Earth. They believe it is called Shambala and that in that place a connection can happen between anyone and the universal wisdom. ...And they will not find it if they keep searching this way, for Shambala is inside each of us, and its outward manifestation is recreated by people. —Anastasia

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Tales From the Future : ―I still am married, Johnny. We had one son. And now two grandchildren,‖ Sally replied joyfully. Why don‘t you have a seat at the table in the gazebo, and I‘ll bring you your infusion.‖ John Heitzman took a seat on a plastic lawn chair out on the house‘s veranda, and when Sally brought him a large wineglass with some infusion, he asked: ―Sally, why did you say you knew just what kind of infusion I needed?‖ ―Well, my father would gather herbs and dry them and then make infusions for your father, and they would help your father. I learned to gather herbs, too. And my dad told me that you have the same hereditary illness as your father, Johnny.‖ ―But how did you know when I‘d come to visit?‖ ―I didn‘t know, Johnny. You see, I gathered the herbs just in case. So, Johnny, how did your life turn out? What do you do?‖ ―My life‘s taken various twists and turns. I‘ve done this and that. But I don‘t feel like remembering that now. It feels good here with you, Sally. It‘s beautiful. You have a lot of flowers, a garden.‖ ―Yes, it feels good here. I like it very much. The only thing is, do you see over there, to the right? They‘ve started building something there. It‘s going to be a garbage processing plant, and, they want to build some kind of factory there, on the left, too, and they want us to move somewhere else. But your trip must have tired you out. It‘s clear you‘ve come a long way, Johnny. I see how tired you are. I‘ll make a bed up for you by the open window, and you go lie down a have a good rest. Just drink up your infusion first.‖ John Heitzman had a difficult time getting undressed. He really was tired . His muscles, trophied from lying motionless for six months, could barely keep him on his feet. It was hard for him to pull the blanket up over himself, but once he had, he went right to sleep. These days, he usually couldn‘t get to sleep at all without a sleeping pill. But here, he went right to sleep… * * * He didn‘t see the morning at all, because he awoke only at noon. He took a shower and went out onto the veranda. Sally was getting lunch ready in the summer kitchen, and a little boy and girl were helping her. ―Good afternoon, Johnny. I can see you slept well. You look like you‘ve grown so much younger. Here, meet my grandchildren. This is Emmy, and this young man‘s name is George.‖ ―And I‘m John Heitzman. Good morning!‖ he said, extending his hand to the little boy. ―Good. Now you‘ve gotten acquainted. While Emmy and I make lunch, why don‘t you men have a walk around the garden and work up an appetite?‖ Sally suggested. ―I can show you the garden,‖ George said to Heitzman. The old man and the little boy strolled through the beautiful garden. The boy pointed out various plants and talked non-stop about all their properties. Heitzman was busy thinking his own thoughts. When they reached the end of the garden, the boy announced: ―And here, behind this acacia tree, is my mansion.

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Grandma built it.‖ Heitzman moved a branch aside and saw… In the small glade beyond the acacia stood his little house. Made of the same plastic seedling pots. Only the roof was made differently. And the curtain covering the entrance was different. Heitzman moved the curtain aside, bent over a bit, and stepped into the little house. Everything was arranged just like before, except that on the table there was a photograph pressed between two sheets of plexiglass. It was a photo of Sally‘s grandson. ―Just as it should be,‖ John Heitzman thought. ―The house has a different master now, and a different photo, too.‖ Heitzman picked up the photo and, just to have something to say, said: ―You came out well in this picture, Georgie.‖ ―But that‘s not a picture of me, Uncle John. That‘s a picture of the little boy Grandma was friends with when she was little. He just happens to look like me.‖ * * * A limping John Heitzman was trying to move along the garden path as quickly as he could, leaning on his stick and stumbling as he went. He went up to Sally and, breathing quickly, a bit confused, he asked: ―And where is he now? Where is your husband now, Sally? Where is he?‖ ―John, please calm down. It‘s not good for you to be so agitated. Please sit down,‖ Sally said softly. ―You, see, John, it just so happened that way back when I was a child, I promised a certain very good little boy that I would be his wife…‖ ―But we were just playing,‖ John practically shouted, jumping up from his chair. ―We were just children playing.‖ ―Be that as it may, let‘s just say that I‘m still playing. And that I‘m pretending you‘re my husband,‖ Sally said, and quietly added, ―My husband and my beloved.‖ ―George looks a lot like me when I was a boy. Does that mean you had a baby after that night, Sally? Did you have a baby?‖ ―Yes, I had our son, John. He looks like me. But he has your very strong genes, and our grandson is like a copy of you.‖ John Heitzman looked back and forth between Sally and the little boy and girl who were setting the table on the veranda, and he couldn‘t say another word – his thinking and his feelings were all confused. Then, for some reason he himself didn‘t understand, he said, speaking sternly, ―I have to leave right away. Goodbye, Sally.‖ He took two steps down the path, turned around and walked up to Sally, who was standing there silently. John Heitzman, struggling and leaning on his cane, went down on one knee before Sally, took her hand and slowly kissed it. ―Sally, I have something very important to do, something I can‘t put off. I have to leave now.‖ She laid her hand on his head and tousled his hair a bit. ―Yes, of course, if you have important things to do, problems to solve, then you need to go. If things get difficult for you, John, then come here to us. Our son owns a small company now – it‘s got a lovely name, Lotus – and they do landscape design work. He doesn‘t have any special training, but I taught him myself, and he‘s come up with some very talented projects, and he can barely keep up with the work. He helps me out with money and comes to visit me every month. I imagine you must be having money problems? And a few health problems, too. Come see us, John. I know how to get you your health back, and we‘ll have enough money.‖ ―Thank you, Sally… Thank you… I have to get there in time! I have to…‖

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He walked along the path to the exit, lost in thought about his plan. And Sally watched John‘s receding figure and whispered to herself: ―Come back, my love!‖ An hour later, she repeated this phrase once more, as an incantation. She forgot all about her grandchildren, and she didn‘t notice the helicopter circling for more than half an hour, up above her plot of land with its little house and beautiful garden. * * * John Heitzman‘s helicopter hadn‘t even landed on the roof of his office building yet, but his closest assistants and secretaries were already waiting in the meeting room, feverishly checking their figures and preparing to report to their boss. They were no longer used to having him present at their meetings. And so now they awaited their boss with a certain degree of trepidation and fright. John Heitzman came in, and everyone stood up. He started speaking before he‘d even gotten to his spot at the head of the table: ―Take your seats. No reports. Listen carefully, because I‘m not going to repeat anything. There‘s no time for that. So. There‘s a country estate in Texas. Here‘s its address. I instruct you to buy up all the land within a hundred mile radius of the estate. Buy up all the industrial complexes located on that land even if you have to pay three times what they‘re worth. Those of you who handle real estate transactions can leave and get the operation moving immediately. If need be, put all your agents to work. This operation should take no more than one week.‖ One of the assistants jumped up and hurriedly headed for the exit. John Heitzman continued: ―All of the buildings, factories and plants on those lands are to be demolished within no more than a month‘s time, even if you need to bring in hundreds of construction companies to do it. Within a month, the area where they once stood needs to be seeded with grass. John Heitzman addressed the sole remaining assistant in the room: ―There‘s a small company in Texas with the beautiful name of Lotus. Execute a five-year contract with them. Put them in charge of drawing up plans for a settlement to be located on all the land we acquire surrounding that estate in Texas. Whatever price they ask for, double it. Make it happen.‖ * * * Two weeks later John Heitzman was addressing a crowd of fifteen hundred people. The landscape designers, botanists and agronomists in the audience had made their way to this auditorium through employment agencies. All of them were hoping to get work, especially, since the ad had specified a contract price that was twice what they usually earned. John Heitzman came out onstage and began speaking in his usual categorical and even slightly gruff way: ―In accordance with the contracts presented to you, each of you will be allotted irrevocable, lifetime use of a plot of land two hectares in size. You will given several designs of pre-fabricated homes to choose from, and these homes will be built on each plot on the spot you specify, at our company‘s expense. Every year for five years, our company will pay out the sum of money specified in the con tract to each adult member of the family. Your task is to develop this territory granted to you for lifetime use. To plant gardens and flowerbeds, to dig ponds and lay out paths. To make everything

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lovely and good. Our company will cover the cost of all saplings and any seeds you request. That‘s all I have to say. If there are no questions, those who wish to do so can come sign their contracts.‖ But complete silence reigned in this audience of fifteen hundred people. Not a single person rose from his seat to approach the little tables where secretaries sat with contracts awaiting signatures. After a minute of complete silence, one elderly man rose from his seat and asked: ―Tell me, Sir. This location you‘re suggesting we move to, is it lethally contaminated?‖ ―No,‖ answered one of Heitzman‘s assistants. ―On the contrary. This location is exceptionally environmentally pure and its land is suitably productive.‖ ―Then tell us, be honest: what kind of experiment are you planning to carry out on people?‖ asked a young woman, jumping up from her seat. ―Many of us have children, and I, for one, have no intention of subjecting my child to who knows what kind of experiment.‖ The audience began to buzz, and cries of ―opportunists,‖ ―inhuman,‖ and ―monsters‖ began to be heard. People began getting up from their seats, and one by one, they began leaving the auditorium. * * * Heitzman‘s assistants tried to offer some explanations, to answer some of people‘s questions, but in vain. Heitzman watched hopelessly as people flowed out of the auditorium. He understood, that if they left, that would be the end of his hope. Or even the end of more than that… He so wanted to do something nice for Sally, for his son and his grandchildren. He didn‘t want there to be any smokestacks next to Sally‘s cozy country house. He wanted there to be gardens blooming and kind neighbors living around her. He‘d bought up the land, and on his orders they‘d torn the smokestacks down. And they‘d sown grass. But the only way the land could improve was if good people came to live on it. But they were leaving. They hadn‘t understood. And how could they understand? How could they believe? Stop! Suddenly it dawned on Heitzman: they didn‘t believe, because they didn‘t know anything! What if he were to tell them the truth… John Heitzman stood up and, quietly, hesitantly at first, began speaking: ―People. I understand. I have to explain what‘s motivating my company to take these actions. But it‘s impossible to explain. Totally impossible. That‘s because, I… You see, my motivation…or rather, all of these contracts are very important to me personally. Or, how should I put it…‖ Heitzman got confused and wasn‘t sure how to continue. But the people had stopped. They were standing in the aisles, and in the doorways of the exits. And they were looking intently at Heitzman. They weren‘t saying a word, and he wasn‘t sure what to say next. Even so, he pulled himself together, and he went on: ―When I was a child… when I was a young man… I came to love a certain girl. But back then I didn‘t realize I loved her. I married other women. Had a business. This girl and I didn‘t see each other for fifty years. I didn‘t remember about her. But not long ago I remembered about her. I understood that she was the only person who had ever sincerely loved me. And still loves me. But I didn‘t know that then. I didn‘t even remember her. And I also understood, that she is the only person I could ever love. I met with this girl. Of course now, she‘s already of an age. But to me, she‘s the same as she used to be.

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She loves her garden. She does everything beautifully. And I wanted her to be surrounded by beauty. And good neighbors. It would be better if good, happy neighbors lived nearby. But how could I make that happen? I was a businessman, and I‘d accumulated a certain sum of money. So I bought the land and divided it up into plots and thought up these contracts here. And I did this for my beloved. Or maybe, I did it for myself?‖ * * * John Heitzman pronounced this last phrase as if he were asking himself, and as he went on, he spoke as if he didn‘t even see the people before him, as if he was discussing it with himself out loud. ―We live for some reason – for what reason? We‘re striving for something – for what? I‘ll die soon, and what will I leave behind? Nothing but decay. But now I‘m determined not to die before I make my project a reality. I will leave behind something eternal. I‘ll leave behind a garden for my beloved. I‘ll leave behind gardens. At first I just wanted to hire a lot of workers or contract with a big landscape design company. Contract with them to look after the plantings. But then I realized: beauty ends sterile somehow, if it isn‘t somebody‘s. And so I decided it should be somebody‘s. So that‘s why I‘m giving you plots of land and houses, and all I‘m asking for in return is for beauty all around my beloved. You didn‘t believe that the terms we‘re offering you in the contracts were real…. You didn‘t understand what our goal is in offering these contracts. Now you know.‖ * * * John Heitzman fell silent. The people standing in the room were silent, too. The first one to break the silence was the woman who‘d been most vehement in expressing her distrust. First she quickly walked up to the row of tables by the wall, where the contracts were laid out,sked one of the secretaries to enter her name and signed the contract without even reading it. Then she turned to the people in the room and said: ―Yes I signed it. I was the first to sign. I‘ll go down in history for that. Because I am the first. Just think about it: no man, no matter how rich he might be, has ever given a greater gift to his beloved than that man standing on stage there. There‘s no greater gift you could give.‖ ―No one‘s ever been able to think up anything greater than that. Not in the entire known history of mankind,‖another woman shouted out from the audience. ―I love you,‖ called out a third. ―I want a plot next to your beloved. What‘s her name?‖ asked a fourth. ―Her name is…‖ Heitzman began, and then went on: ―Well, maybe she doesn‘t need to know about this. Let her think that this is just the way the fates decreed.‖ Moving as one, the people in the room rushed to the tables by the wall. A line formed. People were joking happily and calling each other as nothing less than neighbors, but the great majority of them, especially the women, were directing their gaze, shining with love, at the man standing on the stage. For the first time in his life, John Heitzman personally experienced the energy of kindness, love and sincere delight emanating from a great number of human souls. A healing energy capable of vanquishing everything, any ailments. When he left the stage, he was no longer limping. And during the next several months, he personally took an active part in

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making sure the factories on the land he‘d bought were torn down, personally discussed the details of the plans for the entire settlement around Sally‘s estate, personally consulted about the landscaping options for each separate plot as well as the entire infrastructure. * * * When, after a year, he once again walked up to the gate of Sally‘s estate, all around, as far as the eye could see, people were already planting large gardens of small saplings, and near Sally‘s gate he saw several saplings with carefully wrapped root balls. Sally seemed to have sensed his arrival and ran to meet him. ―John, it‘s so good you‘ve come! So good! Hello, John!‖ She ran up to him, fast and ardent as a girl. She seized John‘s hand and dragged him in to have some tea, all the while happily talking non-stop: ―You know, John! What a miraculous thing is going on around here! I‘m so happy! Unusually happy. There aren‘t going to be any smokestacks near our house any more. And we‘ll have nice neighbors. Life is so full to bursting all around! So full! Don‘t you worry if things aren‘t going well with your business, John. Say the heck with everything and come live here. We‘re rich now: our son got a lucrative contract, actually an unusually lucrative contract. Now he‘s in charge of the landscape design and planning for the whole project here. And we‘ve gotten a little more land, too. Our son‘s going to build himself a new house there. And if you want, you and I will live here.‖ ―I do want to,‖ John Heitzman answered, and added: ―Thank you for the invitation, Sally.‖ ―But why are you going to live in an old house?‖ rang out a voice behind John Heitzman. He turned and saw his son. He knew right away that this was his son. And the young man continued: ―So I gather that you‘re my father? When Georgie told me how you thought the photo of Mom‘s childhood friend was a photo of him, then I figured out who‘d come to visit. And besides, Mom‘s never been good at hiding her feelings.‖ ―Of course, I don‘t feel the same way Mom does about you, not yet, but I‘m prepared to finance the construction of a new cottage for my happy parents.‖ ―Thank you, Son,‖ John Heitzman replied, holding back. He wanted to go embrace his son, but for some reason he hesitated. The young man took the first step. Putting his hand out, he introduced himself: ―John.‖ * * * ―This is great! It‘s wonderful – now you‘ve met. When you get to know each other a little better, then you‘ll like each other, but for now let‘s go have some tea,‖ said Sally. And at the table, Sally once again excitedly talked nonstop about all the unusual goings on in recent months. ―You can‘t imagine, John. Just try to imagine. This story they‘re telling around here is like the most beautiful fairy tale in the world. A life fairy tale come to life. Just imagine, John: people are saying that one person bought up all this land around here. Then this person invited the best landscape designers, agronomists and gardeners, and he gave each of them, totally free, several hectares of land that‘s theirs to use for as long as they live. He told them to make their plots lovely. And he gave them all the saplings and seeds free of charge, and on top of that, he‘s going to pay for all beautification of those plots of theirs for five years.

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Just imagine, on top of it all, he‘s going to pay. This person put every last penny he had into this project.‖ ―Well, maybe not every last penny,‖ Heitzman objected. ―But that‘s what people say – every last penny. And do you know why he‘s doing all of this?‖ ―Why?‖ John Heitzman asked calmly. ―Now this is the really beautiful part of what‘s going on. He did this so that his beloved would be able to live surrounded by all this beauty. They say she also does landscape design. And that she‘ll also have an estate somewhere around here. But no one knows where she is and who she is. Can you imagine what will happen when people find out who she is?‖ ―What?‖ ―What do you mean, ‗what?‘ Everyone will want to get a good look at her right away and even touch her, as if she were some kind of goddess. Me, personally, I‘d like to touch her. She must be a very unusual person. Maybe she looks unusual on the outside, or maybe, she‘s unusual inside. ‗Not a single woman in the world could inspire a man to do such an unusual and lovely thing.‘ That‘s what everyone around here is saying. So, everybody is going to want to see this man and his unusual woman, and touch them, even.‖ ―I imagine they will,‖ John Heitzman agreed, and then he added: ―So what should we do about that, Sally?‖ ―Why we?‖ Sally asked in amazement. ―Because that unusual woman, the one for whose sake everything‘s going on around here – is you, Sally.‖ Sally looked at John without blinking, trying to make sense of what she‘d heard. Something sank in, and the teacup fell from her hands, but no one paid any attention to the sound of the breaking cup. John Heitzman turned at the sound of a falling chair and saw that his son had impulsively sprung from his seat. John Junior went up to his father and, speaking in a soft baritone, said excitedly: ―Father! Father! Can I hug you?‖ John Heitzman hugged his son first and heard the beating of his heart. John Junior embraced his father and whispered, elated: ―I‘ve never heard of anyone declaring his love in such a powerful way, without any words at all, not anywhere in the world. I‘m so proud. I admire you, Father!‖ When father and son turned toward Sally, she was still taking everything in. Suddenly her cheeks flushed, and it was as if it smoothed out her wrinkles. Teardrops began flowing from her eyes. Embarrassed at her tears, Sally went right up to John Senior, seized his hand and led him toward the door to the veranda. John Junior watched as his parents, hand in hand, set off along the path leading to the acacia, behind which stood their little childhood house. They walked slowly at first, then suddenly set off running toward the acacia, just like teenagers. Ten years later, John Heitzman, who‘d grown younger now, was sitting in the club café along with other men from the community. Laughing, he explained to them: ―Listen, there‘s no way I‘m going to run for President. Don‘t even try to convince me. And it has nothing to do with my age. You can run a country without being President. You can run a country from your own garden. Look – you‘ve shown by your own example how to build a real life, and all of America is

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turning into a blooming garden now. If it keeps on going like this, maybe we‘ll catch up to Russia.‖ ―We will catch up! We will!‖ Sally asserted, walking in. ―But right now, Johnny, let‘s please go home. The little one doesn‘t want to go to sleep without you.‖ Then she added, whispering in his ear, ―And neither do I.‖ A pair of young people, John Heitzman and Sally, walked hand in hand along the shady, sweetly scented alley toward their house. In the spring, it always seemed to them that their life was only beginning. The way real life was beginning all across America. * * ** * ** * *

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Referrals to :

Mikhail Petrovich Shchetinin (1944-) director/principal, Tekos School, near Gelendzhik.

Tom Brown, Jr.–the tracker,the search(Englewood cliffs, NJ, prentice Hall ‘78) treats wild animals as pets

Leo Tolstoy –‘education does not educate it only spoils’; ‘the best education system is having no

system at all’ ; article titled ‘education and instruction’

Lost in the Taiga (on the Lykovs family, who die off when brought to civilisation) – Vasily Peskov (trans.)

Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov – living with nature, resilient to cold

John Taylor Gatto, NY, ‘the school system has been deliberately designed to ‘dumb children down’

and kill their creative potential, so as to turn them into compliant members of a faceless workforce’

the early years are a prison of games in which children are confined and toys are suffocating your

child’s consciousness at exactly the moment when big questions about the world beckon..’

Nikolai Fiodorovich – elderly philosopher

Alexander Sergeevich – child psychologist

Anatoly Akimov – torsion fields and energy rays connecting people

Psychologist and writer Oksana Lavrova mentions Anastasia, calling her a an extraterrestrial biologist.

Sergei Vladimirovich Speransky – biology expert with Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute, expts

with mice to detect extra sensory abilities, member of International Academy of Energy Info Sciences.

Duma Education Committee

Anastasia ecological creativity centre, 1997, M I Kalinin School, Verkhnyaya Troitsa, Kalinin Dist.Tver

Oblast 171622

Mikhail Prokhorov – biological/ecological science experiments of human influence on plant growth.

Vladimir Andreevich Mironov – chairman of healers foundation

Elena Ivanovna Roerich ‘living ethics’

Anatoly Akimov and Vlail Kaznacheev speak of the Supreme Mind and interrelationship of Man and the

Universe, as of certain rays invisible to normal sight, emanating from Man; with photographs of rays.

Mikhail A Fyrnin ‘collection of Dostoevsky’s thoughts, pub Estonia 2003

Daltonism after English chemist-physicist John Dalton (Manchester, 1766-1814) who also taught

mathematics and natural philosophy, is a red-green type of colour-blindness.

Mary Baker Eddy – Christian science.. to revisit primitive christianity and reintroduce the healing aspect

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(Evgenia Kvitko of ‘Krestyanskie Vedomosti’ writes of Anastasia;also Ekaterina Golovin of ‘Moskovskaya

Pravda’; and ‘Lesnaya Gazeta’, ‘Mir Novostei’, ‘Radio Rossiya’, ‘Chudesa i Prikliuchenia’ (‘wonders and

adventures’):’In their boldest dreams our academics come nowhere near the insights of Anastasia..’)

Ya. N.Koltunov-president cosmos society of tussian space exploration committee, Moscow-wrote poem?

Doukhobors -persecuted sect in Tsarist Russia, similar Vedic ideas;L.Tolstoy helped them to Canada1899

Zveniashchii kedr: Anastasiia,’96 in US library of congress (control no.98171763); Book2 Zveniashchie

kedry Rossii,’97 in US library of congress collection (LCCN 98216313)

Dr. Viktor Medikov ‘putin, megre and Russia’s future’-“ringing cedars become new russian national idea”

Igor Vladimirov, head of Anastasia Readers Club, st. petersburg

10 million copies in Russia alone; international best seller in 20 languages; inspired, 1,000s are relocating

to eco-villages, planting trees, changing their lifestyles, re-connecting to the Earth; feeling a huge

creative upsurge, 1,000s have started writing poetry, songs and making paintings.

Now upto 35 million dachnik families (upto 70% of the population) grow their own food on their plots.

For millennia, the Hunzakur peoples in a valley in the north of Pakistan have been practicing an

agriculture very similar to the one described by Anastasia, eating food exclusively from their gardens,

establishing a closed loop of matter-information-energy exchange between people and their plants.

They are recognised as the most healthy and long-living people on Earth, all live over 100 years.

‘Take no thought for your life- what ye shall eat or what ye shall reap’ - Bible

Albert Scweitzer, Africa –‘In return for little work, Nature supplies a native with everything he requires.’

‘on the edge of the primeval forest: experiences and observations of a doctor in equatorial africa’

Annenerbe – Nazi organization collecting books of wisdom from all over the world

russki express – Anastasia articles

(near) Vladimir Ceramics factory of Alexander F. Nacharov found Russian ancestors arriving along the

Klyazma river as early as old stone age, 25,000 years ago. They found jewelry, tools, art, civilised clothes.

Vladimir State Museum of History and Ethnography put out a booklet on the amazing Sungir site. For 20

years since 1956 archaeological investigations have been going on under Dr Otto Nikolaevich Bader,

head of Archaeological Division of Moscow Central Industrial District Museum of Anthropology. Mikhail

Mikhailovich Gerasimov with Galina Viacheslavovna Lebedinskaya & TS Surnina, Waxed Reconstruction

Laboratory at the Ethnographical Institute of Soviet Academy of Sciences recreated the Sungirian races.

(They had domesticated the mammoths for work and transport like elephants).

Commune of readers setting up domains near Vladimir and other villages too.

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reader’s letters :

- Lucette

- Anthony, Australia

- Avid

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Page 104: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg

Vladimir Megre (the author, born 1950) was a well known entrepreneur from Novosibirsk, Siberia. His

1995 encounter with Anastasia transformed him so deeply that he abandoned his business and went to

Moscow to write a book on her. He now lives in Vladimir, Russia 240km east of Moscow, writing. He has

established the Anastasia Foundation, NPO, for promoting Russia’s nascent eco-village movement.

Efrosinya Verkhusha – Megre’s grandma was a white witch, she would cure animals by spending a day

with them.. she’d lay out a whole bunch of dried herbs and offer them to the animal to try, if it did taste

it she’d throw it into a water-filled pot on the stove on a coal fire, and finally dropped her night-cap in.

Early morning she takes the animal along to the forest, allowing it to look for herbs on its own, picking

up some of the herbs from where it ate. From time to time, talking to the animal soothingly, cheerfully.

She gives the herbs to owners with instructions, while the frisky animal is reluctant to leave our yard, it

keeps turning its head and looking longingly at grandma; and every time passing her house, slows down!

There is suitable time at which each herb is to be consumed therefore she spends the whole day looking

and the soaking of nightcap, applying to my face, was just to make the animal well predisposed to us.

John Woodsworth (the translator) has 40 years in Russian-English translations from poetry to stories. 23

years of association with the University of Ottawa, Canada as Russian teacher, certified translator, editor

and Research Associate with the university’s Slavic Research Group. He is a poet himself in Russian. With

his wife, a poet and amateur artist Susan K Woodsworth, they are directors of the Sasquatch Literary

Arts Performance Series, Ottawa.

Leonid Sharashkin (the editor) is writing his doctoral dissertation on the spiritual, cultural and economic

significance of the Russian dacha gardening movement at the University of Missouri, Columbia (brixey).

His master’s degree is in Natural Resources Management from Indiana University, Bloomington. He

worked for 2 years as programme manager at the World Wildlife Fund for Nature- Russia, in Moscow.

He was the editor to Russia’s largest environmental magazine ‘the Panda Times’. With his wife Irina

Sharashkina, he has translated into Russian- ‘small is beautiful’ by EF Schumacher, ‘the secret life of

plants’ by Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird, ‘the continuum concept’ by Jean Liedloff (speaks in very

similar vein to Anastasia’s concepts), ‘birth without violence’ by Frederick Leboyer., [email protected] to order books (USA & Canada)

for bulk discount transactions [email protected] $15 Anastasia Foundation for Culture and Assistance to Creativity, Vladimir, Russia along with

Page 105: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg
Page 106: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg

Dear Anastasia, HIII!!! :

What to do in this fucked up world? I am already living by these ancient principles but the world doesn’t.

Since I was a kid I believed in great Vedic wisdom, how are people so blind as to not see conspiracies??

Still though I hardly agreed, I never rebelled or tried to change, I just did what I wanted to quietly.. even

today though I see much I only believe in and encourage honesty.. I don’t force people I just show them.

I tried to love the love of my life but her mom makes her think it is not the best dream. I had a love child

with her but she didn’t even let me have it, killed it. Dad had a stroke, we had a deep connected talk and

he wanted to leave, the relatives and doctors have kept him alive. Children I totally respect and love and

love to learn with them, all my time goes in keeping the adults, attendants and teachers from bothering.

As an artist I created more and more powerful works expressing the core energy of life, inspiring others;

still they who know everyone are liars carry on behind liars to share lies and build a make-believe world.

Two years I created numerous exhibitions in many spaces, created powerfully moving spaces of feeling,

yet hardly a handful of people came and though they were visibly affected, started talking other things..

I built a house of love with my own hands and am growing a natural jungly-garden with fruits and birds..

though all can feel the peace and love and comfort, none think it is ‘livable’, even though Its been 7years

I’ve been trying in all ways I could think of to help my mum and finally at a psychiatrist they thought of

giving me pills.. that was a final straw and now I do not consider her a mother anymore, just a zombie.

As soon as I get new knowledge I wish to share it with everyone but teachers hide and people doubt.

Showing people how to feel energies, intuition; how to be healthy, think well.. still they run after riches..

Reading all scriptures and speaking meaningfully to people’s hearts, yet they stick to their egoistic views.

Connecting to everyone from the heart, living life on my terms, healthily enjoying all fun things in my

own simple way, having all the time in the world, yet people find it better to slave for future security.

Valuing Love above all else, giving all my time and love to her, she feels smothered, and finds me lost.

Showing complainers numerous solutions to their problems but they do not want to do anything for it.

Having experienced and being able to share immaterial realities, yet they scorn and believe in ‘science’.

However happy the children and therefore the parents are, they don’t allow me to work very long..

Creating a lovely space with my hands and love and thoughts too.. in and around,, sharing with others,

they feel drawn and have started coming home and many talk about it, yet none think of trying it out.

I’ve experienced possibilities of many forms of abilities developed yet lost interest and remained here

normally among people and still holding to principles and truth. Yet people don’t see the quality of life.

What can be done? How to change the world? Or rather, how to help the world to change itself!.. ???

Love! Love is the only answer!!

Please connect with me.. contact.. if possible come!!! ..i do not have much money.. but much love

[email protected] 0091(0)97388 38573 no.6, unnathi layout, chikkagubbi, Bangalore, india, 560077

God Bless !! <3



Page 107: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg

- Do you visit India? Bangalore?? I have already been working on my own Space of Love!!

- Has anyone started anything in link or harmony with what you are doing in India?

- Have your connected children come up with any solutions to return earth to a Paradise state?

Discrepancies for Clarification:

- All the information in the books are not totally accurate, would be good to discuss in person!

- Jesus died in India, Kashmir after continuing to teach till he was 80+

- The idea is to not control Nature, to work in harmony with the Universe

- Liberation is to go beyond both the good and bad.. the struggles are natural and endless

- You are also following a book instead of living an evolving tradition!

- All Truths/Knowledge is available and accessible by all..

- Anastasia’s claim to methods of influencing people is similar to the High Priest’s! even tho free?

- Great George Bush managed to escape to his ranch? <He will not go down in history!>

- Pope John Paul II of the orthodox church will help you? Isn’t he a priest??

The friend of mine who shared these pdf books with me,

said that some friends of his had actually met Anastasia.. or maybe it was friends of his friends?

Anyway, Vladimir looks like a smart businessman and not a spiritual genius saint,

which he would have to be if it was not Anastasia’s words but his own that he was penning down.


the degree of creativity the books share, convey and inspire is great.. even in this abridged version!


There must be Some Good Going on! Hahaha

God Bless!!


Page 108: Anastasia  - Vladimir Megre -- abridged from books 1,3,4,6,8b - A4 - 108 pg