ر جَْفْϠا ُةϽَصَّϠا ُادَآ...allahumma salli 'ala muhammadin salatan...

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 1 ُ ةَ الصُ ابَ آد رْ جَ فْ الAdaab as Salatul Fajr PRACTICES OF THE MORNING PRAYER AFTER SALATUL SUNNAH ٢ ْ انَ تَ عْ كَ رْ ةَ نُ سُ ةَ م لَ ك ةَ ادَ ه الش( ٣ ْ ات رَ م) ُ دَ هْ شَ أْ نَ أَ لَ هَ ل إ إل ُ دَ هْ شَ أَ و نَ أُ هُ دْ بَ اعً د مَ حُ مُ هُ ولُ سَ رَ و3 X - Kalimatush Shahada Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah, Wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasuluh. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger ْ ال جَ حَ وْ انَ ضَ مَ رُ مْ وَ صَ وْ اةَ ك الزُ اءَ يت إَ وْ ةَ الصُ ةَ امَ قَ إْ قَ ح تْ يَ ب. َ الَ عَ ت ْ ن م ه رَ شَ و ه رْ يَ خ رْ دَ قْ ال بَ و ر خَ ْ ا مْ وَ يْ لَ و ه لُ سُ رَ و ه بُ تُ كَ و ه تَ ك ئَ َ مَ و ا بُ تْ نَ مَ آ ى. دَ ا وَ نَ لَ ي هَ و َ لْ وُ سَ ا رَ يْ ي د يَ اسَ يَ كَ دْ ن ع نْ يَ تَ ادَ ه الش نْ يَ تَ م لَ كْ ال نْ يَ اتَ ا هَ نْ عَ دْ وَ أْ نَ ا مَ ي ةَ امَ ي قْ الَ مْ وَ يٌ ةَ عْ يَ نْ ي مَ الَ عْ ل لً ةَ مْ حَ ى رَ الَ عَ تُ ُ هَ لَ سْ رَ أ. Iqamatus Salat, wa itauz Zakat, wa sawmu Ramadan, wa Hajjul bayti, Haq. Amantu billahi wa malayikatihi, wa kutubihi, wa rusulihi, wal yawmil ahkire, wa bil qadiri, khayrihi wa sharrihi minAllahi ta'ala. Aw da'na hataynil kalimataynish shahadatayne, 'indaka ya Sayyidi Ya Rasulullah, wa hiya lana wadi'atun yawmal qiyamati, ya man arsalahullahu ta'ala rahmatan lil 'alamin. Reconfirming 5 Pillars of Islam and 6 Pillars of Iman (Faith): 1. The Testimony of Faith (Shahadah )- I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger 2. The performance of prayer (Salat ), 3. The payment of alms/charity (Zakat ), 4. The fast in Ramadan (Sawm Ramadan ), 5. The Pilgrimage to the House (Hajj al Bayt ), are true. I declare my belief in 1. God, 2. His Angels, 3. His holy Books, 4. His Messengers, 5. the Day of Judgment, 6. and in Destiny; both its good and evil being from Allah (Exalted is He!). May the truth of what I say be accepted, O Lord. We have commended these two testimonials to your safekeeping, O Messenger of Allah. They are for us a trust on the Day of Judgment, O you who were sent by Allah (Exalted is He!) as a mercy to the worlds. ه دْ مَ ح بَ و َ انَ حْ بُ س، مْ ي ظَ عْ ال َ انَ حْ بُ س، َ ُ ر فْ غَ تْ سَ أ( ٠١١ مرة) 100 X SubhanAllah wa bi hamdhihi, SubhanAllahil ‘Azeem, Astaghfirullah Glory be to Allah and to Him be praise. Glory be to Allah Almighty. I ask Allah’s forgiveness.

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لة الفجر آداب الص

Adaab as Salatul Fajr



ات ٣) الشهادة كل مة (مرداعبده أن وأشهد هللا إل إ له ل أن أشهد ورسوله محم

3 X - Kalimatush Shahada Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah,

Wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasuluh. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger

كاة و صوم رمضان و حج ال لة وإ يتاء الز .بيت حق إقامة الص

ن هللا تعال ه م ه وشر خير ر وب القدر .ىآمنت ب اهلل وملئ كت ه وكتب ه ورسل ه وليوم الخ

ي لنا ود ي يا رسول هللا وه ندك ياسي د يامة يا من أودعنا هاتين الكل متين الشهادتين ع يعة يوم الق

ين لعالم .أرسله هللا تعالى رحمة ل Iqamatus Salat, wa itauz Zakat, wa sawmu Ramadan, wa Hajjul bayti, Haq.

Amantu billahi wa malayikatihi, wa kutubihi, wa rusulihi, wal yawmil ahkire, wa bil qadiri, khayrihi wa sharrihi minAllahi ta'ala.

Aw da'na hataynil kalimataynish shahadatayne, 'indaka ya Sayyidi Ya Rasulullah, wa hiya lana wadi'atun yawmal qiyamati, ya man arsalahullahu

ta'ala rahmatan lil 'alamin. Reconfirming 5 Pillars of Islam and 6 Pillars of Iman (Faith):

1. The Testimony of Faith (Shahadah)- I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger

2. The performance of prayer (Salat), 3. The payment of alms/charity (Zakat), 4. The fast in Ramadan (Sawm Ramadan),

5. The Pilgrimage to the House (Hajj al Bayt), are true. I declare my belief in 1. God, 2. His Angels, 3. His holy Books, 4. His Messengers, 5. the

Day of Judgment, 6. and in Destiny; both its good and evil being from Allah (Exalted is He!). May the truth of what I say be accepted, O Lord. We have commended these two testimonials to your safekeeping, O Messenger of

Allah. They are for us a trust on the Day of Judgment, O you who were sent by Allah (Exalted is He!) as a mercy to the worlds.

ه يم ،سبحان هللا وب حمد (مرة٠١١)أستغف رهللا ،سبحان هللا العظ 100 X SubhanAllah wa bi hamdhihi, SubhanAllahil ‘Azeem, Astaghfirullah Glory be to Allah and to Him be praise. Glory be to Allah Almighty. I ask Allah’s forgiveness.

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 2

(After the 100th time)

يم أستغف رهللا ي العظ يم، هوالتواب إ نه ،إ ليه وأتوب القيوم هوالحي إ ل إ له ل الذ ح الر

ن ، ذنب كل م ية معص ن و ين يخال ف ما كل وم سلم، د ال

ن يعة، يخال ف ام كل وم ن الشر يقة، يخال ف ما كل وم الطر

ن فة، يخال ف ما كل وم ن المعر الحق يقة، يخال ف ما كل وم

ن يمة يخال ف ما كل وم ين أرحم يا .العز م اح .الرAstaghfirullahal ‘Azeem alladhi la ilaha illa Hu alHayyul Qayyum, wa atubu ilayh, innahu hu at Tawabur Rahim. Min kulli dhanbin wa ma'siyyatin,

Wa min kulli ma yukhalifu dinal Islam, Wa min kulli ma yukhalifush shari'ah,

Wa min kulli ma yukhalifut tariqah, Wa min kulli ma yukhaliful ma'rifah,

Wa min kulli ma yukhaliful Haqiqah,

Wa min kulli ma yukhaliful 'Azimah, ya Arhamar Rahimin.

I ask forgiveness from God Almighty, there is no God but He, the Ever Living, the Sustainer of (all) existance, and I turn in repentance to Him, verily He is the Forgiver, the Merciful,

from every sin and disobedience and 1. from all that opposes the religion of Islam, and

2. from all that opposes the Divine Law/Jurisprudence (Shari'ah), and 3. from all that opposes the Spiritual Path (Tariqah), and 4. from all that opposes the Spiritual Realization/Gnostism (Ma'arifah), and

5. from all that opposes the Reality (Haqiqah), and

6. from all that opposes firm Intention ('Azimah), O most Merciful of the Merciful.

(مرة٠١١) إ ليه وأتوب يم أستغف رهللا العظ 100 X Astaghfirullahal 'Azim, wa atubu ilayh. I ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty, and I turn to Him in repentance

(After the 100th time)

ه ه ل يمل ك ل نفس خلقتن ي ب ي، ل إ له إ ل أنت الهم أنت ر . موتا و ل حياة ول نشورا توبة عبد ظال م ل نفس

ك ك ووعد ن شر ما صنعت وابوء لك ب ن عمت ك . استطعت ماوأنا عبدك وأناعلي عهد علي أعوذ ب ك م

.نب ي فاغف رل ي فإ نه ل يغف رالذنوب إ ل أنت يا اهللوأبوء ب ذ Tawbatan 'abdin zalimin li nafsihi, la yamliku li nafsihi mawtan wa la

hayatan wa la nushura. Allahumma anta Rabbi, la ilaha illa Anta

khalaqtani wa ana 'abduka wa ana 'ala 'ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu.

A'udhu bika min sharri ma sana'tu, wa abo laka bi ni'matika 'alayya, wa

abo bi dhanbi faghfir li, fa innahu la yaghfirudh dhunuba illa Anta Ya Allah.

The repentance of a slave who has oppressed himself, who neither has power over his

death, nor his life, nor his resurrection. O God! You are my Lord. There is no god but You. You have created me. I am Your slave and I hold fast to Your covenant and Your promise

(as much as I am able). I take refuge in You from the evil I have done, and testify that Your Grace is upon me, and profess my sin. Forgive me, for there is no one who forgives sins except You, O Allah!

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 3

مران . ربنا ال تزغ قلوبنا بعد اذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة انك أنت الوهاب ) ٣:٨( سورة آل ع

“Rabbana la tuzigh qulubana ba'da idh hadaytana wa hab lana min ladunka rahmatan innaka Antal Wahhab.”

Our Lord, make not our hearts to swerve, after You have guided us; and give us Your Mercy; You are the Bestower. (Holy Quran, Surat Ali ‘Imran, 3:8)

.بصار يا وهاب يا وهاب يا وهاب، يا مسب ب األسباب ، يا مفت ح األبواب ، يا مقل ب القلوب واأل

ياث الم ين، يا غ كرام يا دل يل المتحي ر يث ين، يا حي يا قيوم، يا ذا الجلل وال . ستغ

باد ير ب الع ي ا لى هللا ، ا ن هللا بص .وافو ض أمر Ya Wahhab. Ya Wahhab. Ya Wahhab. Ya musabbibal asbab, ya mufattihul

abwab, Ya muqallibul qulubi wal absar. Ya Dalilal mutahayyirin, Ya

Ghiyathal mustaghithin, Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum, Ya DhulJalali wal Ikram.

Wa ufawwidu amri ilAllah, innAllaha basirun bil 'ibad.

O Bestower! O Bestower! O Bestower! O Originator of causes! O Opener of doors! O Tuner

(Changer) of hearts and eyes! O Guide of the perplexed! O Succour for those who seek Your aid! O Living! O Self-Subsisting One! O (You who are) possessed of Majesty and Bounty! I entrust my affair unto Allah. Truly, Allah is aware of His servants.

ن رحم ، ل تقنطوا م حسان يم ال ، فل تخي ب رجائنا يا قد نه ا ل ا ليه ة هللا ، ا ن هللا يغف ر يا من ل ملجأ م

يم ح يعا، ا نه هو الغفور الر رة أللهم ا نا نسألك العفو . الذنوب جم نيا والخ ين والد .والعاف ية ف ي الد ن روعت ي واقض دين ي، أللهم ، أللهم استرعورت ي وآم يل ك الجم تر ن جهد اللهم استرنا ب س ا نا نعوذب ك م

، وسوء ، ودرك الشقاء ين البلء لعالم ، ب حرمة من أرسلته رحمة ل ، وشماتة األعداء (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). القضآء

Ya man la malja minhu illa ilayhi, fala tukhayyib rajaana ya Qadimal ihsan.

La taqnatu min rahmatillah, innAllaha yaghfirudh dhunuba jami'an, InnaHu hu al Ghafurur Rahim.

Allahumma inna nas'alukal 'afwa wal 'afiyata, fid dini wad dunya wal akhira. Allhumma sturna bi satrikal jamil. Allahumma ustur 'awrati, wa

aamin raw'ati, waqdi deeni. Allahumma inna na'udhubika min jahdil balayi wa darakish shaqayi, wa suyil qadayi, wa shamata til a'dayi, bi hurmati

man arsaltahu rahmatan lil 'alamin (saws).

O From whom there is no refuge except in Him, do not disappoint our hopes, O Eternally

Beneficent. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives every sin. Truly, He is the All-Forgiving, All-Merciful. O God! We ask Your pardon, and ask for strength in religion,

in this life and the Hereafter. O Lord! Veil us with Your Beautiful Veil. O Lord! Veil my

imperfection and set me rest when I fear, and settle my debts. O Lord! We take refuge in

You from the pangs of tribulations, from being overtaken bymisfortune, and from an evil destiny, and from the gloating of mine enemies. By the sanctity of the one

whom you sent as a mercy to the worlds [Sayyidina Muhammad (saw)].

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 4

ية صلة ينا/المنج تنج

ي لنا ب ه ، وتقض يع األهوال والفات ن جم ينا ب ها م ، صلة تنج د يع أللهم صل على سيدنا محم ن جم ا م ، وترفعن يع السي ئات ن جم رنا ب ها م ، وتطه رجات الحاجات ندك أعلى الد وتبل غنا ب ها أقصى . ا ب ها ع يع الخيرات ف ي الحياة وبعد الممات ن جم .الغايات م

Salatu Munajiyah/Tunjina

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin salatan tunjina biha min jami'il ahwal

wal aafat, wa taqdi lana biha min jami'il hajat, wa tutahhiruna biha min

jami'is sayyi'at, wa tarfa'una biha 'indaka 'alad darajat, wa tuballighuna

biha aqsal ghayat, min jami'il khayrat fil hayat wa ba'dal mamat.

O God! Blessings upon Muhammad. May they be blessings that deliver us from every fear.

And appoint for us the fulfillment of every need. May we be cleansed by them (the blessings) from every sin, and by them may we be raised to the highest stations. And by

them make us attain the furthest degrees/stations in all that is good in this lifa and the life after death.

Allahumma Aslih ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma Arham ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma Ustur ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma Ighfir liummata Muhammad.

Allahumma Ahfaz ummata Muhammad.

Allahumma Unsur ummata Muhammad.

ة للهم أصل ح أ د أم (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)محم

د ة محم (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)أللهم ارحم أم

د ة محم (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) أللهم استر أم

ة د أللهم اغف ر ألم (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) محم

د ة محم (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) أللهم احفظ أم

د أنصر أللهم ة محم (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) أم

O Allah! Reconcile the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Have mercy on the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Veil the imperfection of the nation of Muhammad.

O Allah! Forgive the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Preserve the nation of Muhammad. O Allah! Succour the nation of Muhammad.

ين أرحم يا م اح ين ارحم يا ارحمنا، الر م اح ين أرحم يا عنا، فاعف الر م اح ستار يا ،الذنوب غفار يا ،الرل رحمة سقيا الغيث اسق نا أللهم .القلوب فتاح يا ،العيوب ن اتجعلن و ين م رب .القان ط ين وأنت وارحم إغف ر م اح ين .خيرالر ين آم ين آم والحمد المرسل ين على وسلم .آم ين رب لل .العالم

Ya arhamar rahimin arhamna. Ya arhamar rahimin fa'fu 'anna. Ya arhamar

rahimin, ya Ghaffaradh dhunub, Ya Sattaral 'uyub, Ya Fattahal qulub. Allahumma sqinal qhaytha suqya rahmatin wa la taj'alna minal qanitin.

Rabbi ghfir warham wa anta khairur Rahimeen. Amin, Amin, Amin.

Wa salamun 'alal mursalin, wal hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'alamin.

O Most Merciful of the Merciful! Have mercy on us. O Most Merciful of the Merciful! Forgive

us. O Most Merciful of the Merciful! O Pardoner of sins! O Veiler of our shortcomings! O Opener of hearts! O Allah! Make us drink from the rain of Your Mercy and let us not be of

those who despair. My Lord, forgive and have mercy, for you are the Most Merciful. Amin. Peace be upon the messengers and praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 5

خلص سورة Ch.112(3 X Surat ul Ikhlas ()مرات ٣) ٠٠٢ ال

ة رب رب ك سبحانك ز ا الع فون عم والحمد المرسل ين على وسلم يص ين رب لل .لعالم Subhana Rabbika Rabbil 'izzati 'amma yasifun, wa salamun 'alal mursalin wal hamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin. Glory be to Your Lord, the Lord of Power, above what they describe! And peace be upon the messengers. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

،بيده الخير ،حي دائم ال يموت هو و ،يميت و يحي ،الحمد وله الملك له .له شريك ال وحده للا اال ا له ل .وهو على كل شيئ قدير

La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah. Lahul mulk wa lahul hamd, yuhyi

wa yumit, wa Huwa Hayyun da'imun, la yamut. Bi yadhihil khayr. Wa Huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadir.

There is no God but Allah. He is Unique One, He has no partner. His is the Kingdom and to Him is due all praises. He gives life and causes death. He is Ever-Living for eternity, never

dying. In His Hands is (all) good and He is over all things Powerful.

رام ، وصحب ه وآل ه ( ص) النب ي شرف ا لى نا أرواح وإ لى الك يقة ف ي مشائ خ ية الطر ية النقشبند العال يقة إ مام روح إ لى خاصة ين خواجه الخل يقة غوث و الطر د النقشبند بهاءالد ي محم ي، األؤيس البخار ستان ي عبد هللا الشيخ مولنا األول ياء سلطان وا لى الداغ د الشيخ مولنا األول ياء سلطان وا لى الفائ ز محمم يشام الشيخ ومولنا الحقان ي ناظ سادات نا القبان ي ادنان والشيخ القبان ي ه يق ين وسائ ر د . الفات حة .والص

Ila sharifin Nabi (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) wa aalihi wa sahbihil kiram, wa ila arwahi mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyyatil 'aaliyyah

khasatan ila ruhi Imamit tariqat wa ghawthil khaliqatii Khwaja Bahauddini

Naqshband Muhammadal Uwaisil Bukhari, wa ila sultanul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Abdullahil Faizad Daghestani, wa ila sultanul Awliya Mawlana

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, wa Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, wa Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, wa sayiri sadatina wa sadiqin.

Al Fatiha.

Honour be to the Prophet (Muhammad (saw)), and his family, and his distinguished

Companions, and to our honoured Shaykhs of Naqshbandi Order, especially the leader of the Way and arch-intercessor of the created world; Khwaja Bahauddin Muhammadul Uwaisil Bukhari, and to our Master, Sultanul Awliya (King of saints), Shaykh AbdAllah

alFa’iz adDaghistani, and Sultanul Awliya (King of saints), Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, and Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, and Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, and to all our

masters, and (those who are) the righteous. (Recite First Chapter of Quran al Fatiha.)

LIE DOWN on the right side, right hand under the head and recite:

جكم تارة أخر نها نخر يدكم وم نها خلقناكم وف يها نع إ نا .ىم عون ا ليه وإ نا لل . راج فالحكم ، العل ي لل يمان على ثب تنا أللهم الكب ير .ال

Minha khalaqnakum, wa fiha nu'idukum, wa minha nukrijukum taratan ukhra. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 6

Falhukmu lillahil '‘Aliyill kabir. Allahumma thabbitna 'alal iman.

Thereof (from the earth) We created you, and we shall return you into it, and bring you forth from it a second time. (Holy Quran, Surat Taha 20:55) Truly we belong to God and

indeed to Him we return. (Holy Quran, Surat alBaqara 2:156) And the decree belongs to

God, Most High, Most Great. O God! Keep us steadfast in faith. (Holy Quran, Surat Ghafir

(The Forgiver); 40:12)

IQAMATUS SALAT إ قامة الصلة اكبر اهلل اكبر، اهلل اكبر اهلل اكبر، اهلل

سول هللا أشهد دا ر أن ل ا له ا ل هللا ، أشهد أن محم

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah, Ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah. (till

end of Adhan)

SALATUL FARD فرض ركعتان ٢

After Second Rak'at of Fard, get up from Ruk'u saying

“Sam’i Allahu Leman Hamida” Then recite the "Du'a al Qunoot", before going to prostration

Then Say "Allahu Akbar" and go straight to prostration, (without wiping face or chest with hands.)

:القنوت دعاء :حمده لمن هللا سمع بعد

نا أللهم ك توليت، ف يمن وتولنا عافيت، ف يمن وعاف نا هديت، ف يمن ب فضل ك اهد أعطيت، ف يما لنا وبار ف وق نا ي فإ نك قضيت، ما شر عنا واصر ، عليك يقضى ول لحق ب تقض ل ل وا نه ز ول واليت من يذ قضيت، ما على الحمد فلك وتعاليت ربنا تباركت ،عاديت من يع

ن اللهم نستغف رك ي النب ي على هللا وصلى ا ليك، ونتوب الذنوب كل م .وسلم وصحب ه آل ه وعلى األم ف أللهم ن عنا اكش م فه ل ما البليا ل رحمة سقيا الغيث اسق نا أللهم غيرك، يكش ن تجعلنا و م

ين، ين خير أنت و وارحم اغف ر رب القان ط م اح ب ينا فتحا لنا افتح أللهم .الر ين خير وأنت م ع . الفات ح فقط ين القوم داب ر ه والحمد ظلموا الذ ين ب ر ل لـ أكبر اهلل .( العالم

Dua Qunot Prayer (Shafi’ Madhab) Allahumma hadina bi fadlika fiman hadayt, wa 'afina fiman 'afayt, wa

tawallana fiman tawallayt, wa barik lana fima a'tayt, wa qinna wasrif 'anna sharra ma qadayt. Fa innaka taqdi bil Haq wa la yuqda 'alayk, wa innahu la

yadhillu man walayt, wa la ya'izzu man 'adayt. Tabarakta Rabbana wa ta'alayt, falakal hamdu 'ala ma qadayt. Nastaghfiruka, allahumma min

kullidh dhunubi wa natubu ilayk, wa sallallahu 'alan Nabiyil ummiyyi wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.

Allahumma akshif 'anna minal balaya, maa la yakshifuhu ghayruk. Allahumma sqinal qhaytha, suqya rahmatin wa la taj'alna minal qanitin.

Rabbighfir warham wa Anta khayrur rahmin. Allahumma aftah lana fathan mubinan wa Anta khairul fatihin.

(Fa qutia' dabirul qawma illadhina zalamu wal hamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalamin.)

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 7

O Allah! Guide us, by Your favour, to those whom You guided, and pardon us with those

whom You have pardoned. Bring us close to those whom You have brought nigh (befriended), and bless us in all that You gave us. Protect us and turn away from us the

evil of what You have decreed. For it is You that decrees and there is no decree upon You. You do not humiliate the one whom You have befriended and do not increase (empower) the one whom You have taken as an enemy. Blessed and Exalted are You, our Lord. To

You, all praise for what You have decreed. We ask Your forgiveness, O God, and turn in repentance to You; God’s blessings and peace be upon the Prophet (saws) and on his

family and his Companions. O God! Lift from us trials which no one but You can lift. O God! Give us to drink from the rain of Your Mercy and let us not be of the despondent; Lord, forgive and have mercy, for You are (Most) Merciful. O God! Open for us a manifest

opening for You are the best of Openers. (So the last remnant of the people who did evil was cut off. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.) (Holy Quran, Suratul An'am

6:45) God is Greatest.


( مرتين ٢) هللا ا ل ا له ل

ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) د هللا ا ل ا له ل سول محم ) هللا ر 2 X La ilaha illAllah

1 X La ilaha illAllahu Muhammadun Rasulullah.

There is no god but Allah, There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

ات ٣) هللا استغف ر :غفار ا ست ( مرIstighfar:

3 X Astaghfirullah (I ask Allah’s forgiveness.)

نك السلم أنت ألل هم ، ب السلم ربنا فحي نا السلم يعود وا ليك السلم وم لنا ك ف ك ب لط الجنة وأدخ ك وكرم ، ودارك وجود والجمال الجلل ذا يا وتعاليت ربنا تباركت دارالسلم ، والعظمة والبقاء كرام ين خير وأنت وارحم اغف ر رب يا ربنا يا وال م اح .الر

Allahumma Antas Salam wa minkas salam, wa ilayka ya'udus salam, fa

hayyina Rabbana bis salam, wadkhilnal Jannata bi lutfika wa karamika wa

judika, wa daraka Daras Salam. Tabarakta Rabbana wa ta'alayt, ya

dhalJalali, wal Jamali, wal Baqa'i wal 'Azamati wal Ikram, Ya Rabbana, Ya

Rabbi ghfir warham wa Anta khayrur rahimin.

O God! You are Peace and from You comes Peace and to You returns Peace; Make us live in

peace, our Lord. Enters us into the Garden by Your Grace and Generosity and Presence. And Your Abode is the Abode of Peace. Blessed and lofty are You, O Lord of Majesty, and Beauty, and Everlastingness, and Greatness and Bounty. O our Lord! O Lord forgive and

have mercy, for Yours is the best of Mercy.

ير هو و ،يميت و يحي ،الحمد وله الملك له .له شريك ال وحده للا اال ا له ل ات ٩ (.على كل شيئ قد )مر9 X - La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah. Lahul mulk wa lahul hamd,

yuhyi wa yumit, wa Huwa 'ala kulli shayy'in qadir.

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 8

There is no God but Allah. He is Unique, He has no partner. His is the Kingdom and His is

all praise, He brings to life and causes dead. And He is over all things Powerful.

،حي دائم ال يموت هو و ،يميت و يحي ،الحمد وله الملك له .له شريك ال وحده للا اال ا له ل

.المصير واليك ربنا غفرانك وأطعنا سمعنا .وهو على كل شيئ قدير ،بيده الخير

La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah. Lahul mulk wa lahul hamd, Yuhyi

wa yumit, wa Huwa Hayyun da'imun, la yamut. Bi yadihil khayr. Wa Huwa 'ala kulli shay'in qadir.

Sam'ina wa ata'na, ghufranaka Rabbana wa ilaykal masir.

There is no God but Allah. He is Unique, He has no partner. His is the Kingdom and His is all praise, He brings to life and causes dead. And He is the Ever-Living, He has no dead, All

good is in His hand. And He is over all things Powerful. We have heard and obeyed, O our Lord! Yours is our destiny.

لوات على رسول نا نا على صل أللهم :الص ، سي د د على محم نا آل و د سي د (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص). .وسل م محم

'Ala rasulinas salawat:

(in low voice): Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin wa sallim. Blessings upon our Prophet (pbuh): O God, send blessings and peace upon Sayyidina Muhammad and the holy Family of Sayyidina Muhammad (pbuh)

، أستغف ر هللا ، أستغف ر هللا ، أستغف ر هللا ول ا له ا ل هللا وهللا أكبر ة ا ل ب اهلل ،سبحان هللا والحمد لل يم ول حول ول قو .العل ي العظ

Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah,

Subhanallah, wal hamdulillah wa la illlaha illAllah, wallahu akbar, Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil 'Aliyyul 'Azim. I ask Allah’s forgiveness. Glory be to Allah! Praise be to Allah! There is no god but Allah and Allah is Greatest. And there is no strength, nor power except by God, The High, The


ن ب اهلل اعوذ يم الشيطان م ج حمن هللا ب سم . الر يم الر ح الرهكم ـ ه وإ ل ـ د إ ل ه ل واح ـ ن الر هو إ ل إ ل ـ يم الر حم .ح

A’udhu billahi minash shaytanir rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Wa ilahukum ilahun wahidun, la ilaha illa Huwar Rahmanur Raheem.

I seek refuge with God from Satan, the Cursed one. In the name of God, the All Beneficent, the All Merciful. Your God is One God; there is no God but He, the All Merciful, the All

Compassionate.( (Holy Quran, Surat al Baqarah 2:163)

آية الكرسي

ه ه ل اللـ ـ نة تأخذه ل لقيوم ا الحي هو إ ل إ ل من ض األر ف ي وما السماوات ف ي ما له نوم ول س

ي ذا نده يشفع الذ م بين ما يعلم ب إ ذن ه إ ل ع يه يطون ول خلفهم وما أيد ن ب شيء يح ه م لم اب م إ ل ع

ع شاء يه كر وس فظهما يئوده ول ض واألر السماوات س يم العل ي وهو ح .العظ

يم هللا صدق .العظ

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Allahu la ilaha illa Huwal Hayyul Qayyum. La takhudhuhus sinatun wa la

nawm. Lahu ma fis samawati wa ma fil ard. Man dhalladhi yashfa’u ‘indahu

illa bi idhnihi ya’lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum wa la yuhituna

bi shayim min ‘ilmihi illa bima shaa. Wasi’a kursiyyuhus samawati wal ard.

Wa la yauduhu hifzuhuma, wa Huwal ‘Aliyyul ‘Azeem.

Sadaq Allahul ‘Azeem

(The verse of the Throne) Allah, there is no God but He, the Ever Living, Self Subsisting.

Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and

the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what

lies before them, and what will be after them. And they comprehend not anything of His

knowledge except for what He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and the earth. And

their preservation oppresses Him not. And He is the Most High, the Almighty.

(Surat al Baqarah 2: 255)

لم قائ ما ب الق سط ل ا له ا ل هو د هللا أنه ل ا له ا ل هو والملئ كة واولو الع يم شه يز الحك .العز سلم ند هللا ال ين ع . إ ن الد

Shahidallahu annahu la ilaha illa Hu wal mala'ikatu wa ulul 'ilmi qaaiman

bil qist. La illaha illa Huwal 'Azizul Hakim. Innad dina 'indAllahil Islam.

Allah bears witness that there is no god but He, and the angels and men of knowledge,

upholding justice; there is no god but He, the AlMighty, the All-Wise. The religion with God is Islam. (Holy Quran, Surat Ali 'Imran 3:18-19)

ع تشاء من الملك تؤت ي الملك مال ك اللهم قل ن الملك وتنز م ز ٬تشاء م ل تشاء من وتع تشاء من وتذ

ك ير، شيئ كل على ا نك . الخير ب يد ، ف ي هار الن وتول ج النهار ف ي الليل تول ج قد ج الليل ن الحي وتخر م

ج المي ت ن المي ت وتخر ساب ب غير تشآء من وترزق الحي ، م . ح

Qulillahumma Malikul mulki, tu'til mulka man tashaau wa tanzi'ul m0ulka mimman tasha'u, wa tu'izzu man tasha'u, wa tudhillu man tasha'u, bi

yadikal khayr, innaka 'ala kulli shay'in qadir. Tulijul layla fin nahari, wa

tuliju nahara fil layl, wa tukhrijul hayya minal mayyiti, wa tukhrijul mayyita minal hayy, wa tarzuqu man tasha'u bi ghayri hisab.

Say: O Allah, Master of the Kingdom, Thou givest the Kingdom to whom Thou wilt, and seizest the Kingdom from whom Thou wilt, Thou exaltest whom Thou wilt, and Thou abasest whom Thou wilt; in Thou hand is the good; Thou art overt all things Powerful. Thou

makest the night to enter into the day and Thou makest the day to enter into the night, Thou bringest forth the living from the dead and Thou bringest forth the dead from the

living, And Thou providest whomsover Thou wilt without reckoning. (Holy Quran, Surat Ali 'Imran, 3:26-27)

ي ول أعطيت ل ما مان ع ل أللهم نك الجد ذا ينفع ول قضيت، ل ما راد ول منعت، ل ما معط .رب ي الجد م

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ة ول حول ل و يم العل ي ب اهلل ا ل قو . العظ Allahumma la mani'a lima a'tayta, wa la mu'tiy lima mana'ta, wa la radda

lima qadayta, wa la yanfa'u dhal jaddi minkal jadd. Rabbi, la hawla wa la

quwwata illa billahi ‘Aliyil Azim.

O Allah! No one can disallow the one to whom You are giving, and there is no giver, to the one whom You have denied. And there is no refusing Your decree. Riches and good fortune

will not profit the possessor thereof with You (for nothing will profit him but acting in obedience to You). My Lord, there is no power and no strengh save in Allah, All-High and


ل هو ر األو ر والخ ن والظاه . عل يم شيئ ب كل وهو والباط

Huwal Awwalu wal Akhiru, waz Zahiru wal Batinu,

wa Huwa bi kulli shay'in 'alim.

He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward; He has knowledge of everything.

(Holy Quran, Surat alHadid, The Iron; 57:3)

Suratt al Fatiha (The Opener, Chapter 1) ة (الفات حة سورة )مرSurat al Ikhlas (The Sincerity, Chapter 112) خلص سورة ة( ٠٠٢ ال )مرSuratt al Falaq (The Daybreak, Chapter 113) ة( ٠٠٣ الفلق سورة )مرSurat an Nas (The Mankind, Chapter 114) ة(٠٠١ الناس سورة )مر

TASABIH تسابيح

ذا الجالل سبحانك يا عظيم سبحان للا ،والكرام يا رب

ة ٣٣)سبحان للا (مرYa Rabi, dhal Jalali wal Kamali, Subhanaka ya 'Azim SubhanAllah

SubhanAllah ... (33 times) O my Lord, Possessor of Majesty and Prefection. Glory be to You, O Almighty!

على نعمة االسالم وشرف اليمان دائما الحمد ل

ة ٣٣)الحمد ل (مر

'Ala ni'matil Islam, wa sharafil Iman, daiman, Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulillah... (33 times)

For the gift of Islam, the nobility of faith, always, praise be to Allah.

تعالى شأنه وال اله غيره اهلل اكبر

ة ٣٣)اهلل اكبر (مرTa'ala sha'nuhu, wa la ilaha ghayruh, Allahu akbar

Allahu akbar,... (33 times)

Exalted is His Affair, and there is no god but He, Allah is Greatest.

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يل اهلل اكبر ه بكرة وأص كث يرا وسبحان هللا وب حمد كب يرا والحمدلل

ير هو و .يميت و يحي ،الحمد وله الملك له .له شريك ال وحده للا اال ا له ل . على كل شيئ قد

.الوهاب سبحان رب ي العل ي األعلىAllahu Akbaru kabiran, walhamdulillahi kathiran, wa subhanAllahi bukratan wa asila. La ilaha illAllah, wahdahu la sharika lah. Lahul mulk wa

lahul hamd, yuhyi wa yumit wa Huwa 'ala kulli shayy'in qadir.

Subhana Rabbiul ‘Aliyyul alal Wahhab.

Allah is most Great in His Greatness, and much praise be to God. Glory be

to Allah, in the morning and evening. There is no God but Allah. He is Unique One, He has no partner. His is the Kingdom and to Him is due all praises. He gives life

and causes death. And He has power over all things. Glory be to my Lord, the All High, Supreme, Most Munificent.

على يصلون ومالئكته للا إن (العظيم للاه صدق (. تسليما وسل موا عليه صلوا آمنوا الذين ايها يا النبي

InnAllaha wa mala'ikatahu yusalluna 'alan Nabi, ya ayyuhal ladhina

amanu, sallu 'alayhi wa sallimu taslima. (Sadaq Allahul ’Azeem)

Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe! Send blessings on

him and greet him with all respect. (God Almighty speaks the Truth). (Holy Quran, Suratul

Ahzhab, The Combined Forces 33:57)

ات ٣ ( صلوات )مر

د نا محم على آل سي د د و نا محم ك وسل م ،ب عدد كل داء ودواء ،أللهم صل على سي د وبار

م كث يرا عليه وعليه

( الثالثه المرة في والحمد ،كث يرا كث يرا ( ين ب ر لل .العالم 3 X Salawat

Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin, wa 'ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad. Bi 'adadi kulli da'in wa dawa'in wa barik wa sallim 'alayhi wa

'alayhim kathira.

(3rd time, at the end after “Kathira” recite:)

...kathiran kathira, wal hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin. O God! Send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, according to the number of every illness and cure. Bless and grant peace to him and them, many times. …

endlessly. And praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

TAHLIL تهل يل

Fa'lam annahu: أنه فاعلم:

100 X La ilaha illAllah (100 times) مرة ٠١١( ل ا له ا ل هللا(

Know that: There is no god but Allah.

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ة٠١ (صلوات سل م ) مر د و على آل محم د و أللهم صل على محم

10 X Salawat Sharifa

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin wa sallim. O Allah, send blessings and peace upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad.

يفة المأثور لوات الشر لوات ( سي د الص )سلطان الص

Sayyid as Salawatul (Sultanus Salawat)

(Master of Praising upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

[Refer to page 16 of this document to read Sultanus Salawat.]

.Subhana Rabbil 'Aliyul 'alal Wahhab.سبحان رب ي العل ي األعلى الوهاب Glory be to my Lord, All-High, Supreme, Most Munificent.

PERSONAL DU'A (Supplication) ي دعاء شخص

ن ب اهلل اعوذ يم الشيطان م ج حمن هللا ب سم الر يم الر ح .الر

ي هللا هو حمن هو والشهادة الغيب عال م هو ا ل ا له ل الذ يم الر ح ي هللا هو . الر المل ك هو ا ل ا له ل الذ

ن السلم القدوس ن المؤم يز المهيم ا هللا سبحان ،المتكب ر الجبار العز كون عم الخال ق هللا هو . يشر

ئ ر البار يز وهو ،واألرض السموات ف ي ما له يسب ح .الحسنى األسماء له ،المصو يم العز . الحك A’udhu billahi minash shaytanir rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Huwa Allahulladhi la ilaha illa Huwa, 'Alimul ghaybi wash shahadati, Huwar Rahmanur Rahim. Huwa Allahulladhi la ilaha illa Huwal Malikul Quddusus

Salamul Mu'minul Muhayminul 'Azizul Jabbarul Mutakabbir. SubhanAllahi 'amma yushrikun. Huwallahul Khaliqul Bari'ul Musawwiru, lahul asma'ul

husna. Yusabbihu lahu ma fis samawati wal ard, wa Huwal 'Azizul Hakim.

I seek refuge with God from Satan, the Cursed one.

In the name of God, the All Beneficent, the All Merciful.

He is Allah; there is no god but He. He is the Knower of the Unseen and Visible; He is the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. He is Allah; there is no god but He. He is the King, the

All-Holy, the All-Peace, the All-Faithful, the All-Preserver, the All-Mighty, the All-Compeller, the All-Sublime. Glory be to Allah, above what they associate! He is Allah, the Creator, the

Maker, the Shaper. To Him belong the Names Most Beautiful. All that is in the heavens and the earth magnifies Him; He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. (Holy Quran, Surat alHashr,

The Exile 59:22-24)

ل هو ر األو ر والخ ن والظاه . عل يم شيئ ب كل وهو والباط

Huwal Awwalu wal Akhiru, waz Zahiru wal Batinu,

wa Huwa bi kulli shay'in 'Alim.

He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward; He has knowledge of everything.

(Holy Quran, Surat alHadid, The Iron; 57:3)

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نا نا واسق نا واعف عناواغف رلنا وارحمنا وتب علينا واهد ين، ربنا تقبل م واصل ح شأننا و شأن المسل م

ين .ب حرمة من أنزلت عليه سورة الفات حة . وانصرنا علي القوم الكاف ر

Rabbana taqabbal minna, wa’fu anna, waghfir lana, warhamna, wa tub

’alayna, wasqina, waslih sha’nana wa sha’nal Muslimin, wansurna ‘ala

qawmil kafirin, bi hurmati man anzalta ‘alayhi Suratul Fatiha

O our Lord! Accept (this) from us and absolve us. Forgive us and have mercy on us. Accept

our repentance and guide us. Quench (our thirst), and improve our condition and the condition of the Mulims. Give us victory over the corrupters (qawm l-mufsidin), by the

sanctity of the one to whom You revealed the First Chapter of Quran (The Opener)

ات ٣) الشهادة كل مة (مر

داعبده أن شهد وأ هللا إل إ له ل أن أشهد X Kalimatush Shahada 3ورسوله محمAshhadu an la ilaha illAllah,

wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His servant and Messenger

Istighfar إستغفار

(مرة٠١١)أستغف رهللا

احمين الفات حة . أستغفر للا من كل ذنب ومعصية ومن كل ما يخالف دين السالم يا أرحم الر

100 X Astaghfirullah

(After 100th time, say) Astaghfirullah min kulli dhanbin wa ma'siyatin wa min kulli ma yukhalifu dinal Islam, ya arhamar rahmin. alFatiha.

I ask Allah’s forgiveness. I ask Allah’s forgiveness for every sin and disobedience and from all that opposes the religion of Islam. O Most Merciful.

Surat YaSeen (Chapter 36) ٣٣ يس سورة

Start by “YaSeen (SallAllahu ‘Alayhi wasSallam), Wal Quranul Hakim…

(recite the entire Surah (chapter))

...عون ج تر وإ ليه الحكم له وجهه إ ل هال ك شيء كل (At the end of Surat YaSeen, Recite:) Kullu shayy’in halikun illa Wajhahu, lahul Hukmu wa ilayhi turja’un.

All things perish except His Face. His is the Judgment, and unto Him you shall be

returned….(Holy Quran, Surat al Qasas 28:88)

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Asma'ullahil Husna الحسني أسماءللا

(99 Beautiful Names of Allah)

حيم حمن الر بسم للا الر

حمن ح ،هو للا الذي ال اله اال هو العالم الغيب والشهادة هو الر لههه جل ( يم الر السالم ،القدوس ،ملك ال ، )جلا

لههه جل (المتكب ر ،الجبار ،العزيز ،المهيمن ،المؤمن ر ،البارئ ،خالق ال )جلا ار ،الغفار ،المصو ،الوهاب ،القه

اق ز لههه جل ( لعليم ا ،الفتاح ،الر افع ،الخافظ ،الباسط ،قابض ال ) جلا جل (البصير ،السميع ،المذل ،المعز ،الر

لههه لههه جل (الكبير ،العلي ،الشكور ،الغفور ،العظيم ،الحليم ،الخبير ،اللطيف ،العدل ،حكم ال )جلا حفيظ ال ) جلا

قيب المجيب الواسع الحكيم الودود المجيد لههه جل (المقيط الحسيب الجليل الكريم الر باعث الشهيد ال )جلا

لههه جل (ولي الحميد المحصي المبدئ المعيد المحيي المميت الحي القيوم الحق الوكيل القوي المتين ال )جلا

مد القادر المقتدر ال لههه جل ( واجد الماجد الواحد الص ل اآلخر ال )جلا ر األو م المؤخ الباطن الوالي اهر الظ مقد

اب لههه جل ( المتعالي البر التو ؤوف )جلا لههه جل ( ذوالجالل والكرام ،الملك المالك ،المنتقم العفو الر مقسط ال )جلا

ار النافع النور الجامع الغني المغني المعطي المانع لههه جل ( الض شيد الوارث هادي البديع الباقي ال )جلا الر

بور .الص

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Huwallahulladhi la ilaha illa Huwar Rahmanur, Rahimu (Jalla Jallaluhu), alMalikul, Quddusus, Salamul, Mu'minul, Muhayminul, 'Azizul, Jabbarul,

Mutakabbir (Jalla Jallaluhu), alKhaliqul, Bari'ul, Musawwirul, Ghaffarul, Qahharul, Wahhabul, Razzaqul, Fattahul, 'Alim (Jalla Jallaluhu),

alQabidul,Basitul, Khafidur, Rafi'ul, Mu'izzul, Mudhilus, Sami'ul, Basir (Jalla Jallaluhu), alHakamul, 'Adlul, Latiful, Khabirul, Halimul, 'Azimul, Ghafurush,

Shakurul, 'Aliyyul, Kabir (Jalla Jallaluhu), alHafizul, Muqitul, Hasibul, Jalilul, Karimur, Raqibul, Mujibul, Wasi'ul, Hakimul, Wadodul, Majid (Jalla

Jallaluhu), alBa'ithush, Shahidul, Haqqul, Wakilul, Qawiyyul, Matinul, Waliyyul, Hamidul, Muhsiyul, Mubdi'ul, Mu'idul, Muhiyyul, Muminul, Hayyul,

Qayyum (Jalla Jallaluhu),, alWajidul, Majidul, Wahidul, Ahadus, Samadul,

Qadirul, Muqtadir (Jalla Jallaluhu), alMuqaddimul, Mu'akhirul, Awwalul, Akhiruz, Zahirul, Batinul, Waliyyul, Mut'aliul, Barrut, Tawwab (Jalla

Jallaluhu), alMuntaqimul, 'Afuw wur, Ra'uful, Malikul mulke, Dhul Jalali wal Ikram (Jalla Jallaluhu), alMuqsitul, Jami'ul, Ghaniyyul, Mughniyyul,

Mu'tiyyul, Mani'ud, Darrul, Nafi'un, Nur (Jalla Jallaluhu), alHadiyul, Badi'ul, Baqiyul, Warithur, Rashidus, Sabbur.

لههه جل جلا -Jalla Jallaluhu = May He be Glorified and Exalted!

He is Allah; there is no god but He. He is the Knower of the Unseen and Visible; He is the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate, (May He be Glorified and Exalted). The King, the All-

Holy, the All-Peacable, the All-Faithful, the All-Preserver, the All-Mighty, the All-Compeller, the All-Sublime, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Creator, the Maker, the Shaper, the All-Forgiver, the Dominator, the All-Bounteous, the All-Provider, the Opener, the Omniscient, (Jalla

Jallaluhu). The Contracter, the Expander, the Abaser, the Exalter, the Raiser (to Honour), the Humiliater, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Supreme Arbiter, the

Just, the Subtle, the All-Cognizant, the All-Forbearing, the Greatest, the Most Forgiving, the Rewarder, the Most High, the Grand, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Preserver, the Nourisher, the

The Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center of Vancouver, BC 15

Sole Reliance, the Sublime, the Generous, the Ever-Watchful, the Responder, the Limitless,

the All-Wise, the Loving, the Glorious, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Resurrector, the Witness, the Ultime Truth, the Trustee, the Strong, the Firm, the Patron, the Praiseworthy, the

Reckoner, the Originator, the Restorer, the Granter of Life, the Bringer of Death, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Founder Who has no needs, the Glorified, the Unique, the One, the Eternally Besought, the All-Powerful, the Bestower of Power,

(Jalla Jallaluhu). The Advancer, the Retarder, the First, the Last, the Manifest, the Hidden, the One Who has Change Over All, the Highly Exalted, the Beneficent, the Accepter of

Repentance, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Avanger, the Eraser of Sin, the Most Compassionate, Lord of All Dominion, Possessor of Majesty and Bounty, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Upholder of Equity, the Gatherer, the All-Wealthy, the Enricher, the Giver, the Denier, the Creator of

Harm, the Creator of Good, the Light, (Jalla Jallaluhu). The Guider, the Originator, the Everlasting, the Inheritor, the Guide, the Patient, (Jalla Jallaluhu).

د ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أح ي لم يل .د جل جلله جلت عظمته ول ا له غيره الذ Jalla Jallaluhu Jalat azmatahu wa la ilaha ghayruhu ladhi lam yalid wa lam

yulad wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad.

May He be Glorified and Exalted! His Greatness has become manifest, and there is no god but He, Who has not begotten and has not been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone.

د على صل صمد يا حد أ يا ات ٣) محم )مر

3 X Ya Ahad, Ya Samad, salli 'ala Muhammad. O Unique One! O Eternally Besought! Bless Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

11 X Surat alIkhlas (The Sincerity 112) خلص ة سور ة ٠٠) ٠٠٢ ال (مرSuratt alFalaq (The Daybreak 113) ة( ٠٠٣ الفلق سورة )مرSurat anNas (The Mankind 114) ة(٠٠١ الناس سورة )مر

(مرة٩)له ا ل هللا ل ا

د هللا ا ل ا له ل سول محم (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)هللا ر

9 X La ilaha illAllah 1 X La ilaha illAllahu Muhammadun Rasulullah (saws). There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (pbuh).

ة٠١(صلوات سل م ألل ) مر د و على آل محم د و هم صل على محم10 X Salawatu Sharif Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammadin wa sallim. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon our master Muhammad and upon the Family of our master Muhammad (pbuh).

لوات سي د لوات سلطان ( المأثور الشريفة الص )الص

Sayyid as Salawatul Sharifa al Mathur (Sultanul Salawat)

(Master of Praising up on Prophet Muhammad (saw)

[Refer to next page for Sultanus Salawat.]

Ihda (Gift) إهداء [Refer to last page of this document for Ihda]

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يفة المأث لوات الشر لوات ( ور سي د الص )سلطان الصSayyid as Salawatul (Sultanus Salawat)

(Master of Praising upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

الع رب وسل م على جميع األنبيآء والمرسلين وآل كل أجمعين والحمد ل .المين صل يارب

لوات د الص نا محم ين سي د (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)على أشرف العالم

لوات د الص نا محم ين سي د (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)على أفضل العالم

لوات د الص نا محم ين سي د (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)على أكمل العالم

د، عليه وعليهم صلوات للا تعالى ومآلئكته وأنبيائ د وعلى آل محم ه ورسله، وجميع خلقه على محم

ساداتنا أصحاب رسول للا أجمعين، ورضي للا تبارك وتعالى، عن السالم، ورحمة للا تعالى وبركاته ة المجتهدين الماضين، وعن العلمآء المتقين وعن األ وعن التا وليآء بعين بهم بإحسان، وعن األئم

شائخنا في الطريقة النقشبندية العلية ، قدس للا تعالى أروا الحين، وعن م كية، الص حهم الزر للا تعالى أضرحتهم المباركة، وأعاد للا تعالى علينا من بركاتهم وفيوضاتهم دائما، ونو

العالمين رب .الفاتحة . والحمد ل Salli, ya Rabbi, wa sallim 'ala jami'yil anbiya'i wal mursaleen, wa aali kullin

ajma'een, wal hamdulillahi Rabbil 'alameen. 'Ala ashrafil ‘alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawat (sallam)

‘Ala afdalil ‘alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawat (sallam) ‘Ala akmalil ‘alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawat (sallam)

Salawatullahi ta'ala wa Mala'ikatihi wa Anbiya'ihi wa Rusulihi, Wa jami'yi Khalqihi 'ala Muhammmadin wa 'ala aali Muhammad, 'alayhi wa

'alayhimus salam wa rahmhtullahi ta'ala wa barakatuhu, Wa radiAllahu tabaraka wa ta'ala 'an sadatina Ashabi Rasulillahi ajma'een, Wa ‘anit

tabi'yina bihim bi ihsan, Wa 'anil a'emmatil mujtahidinal madin, Wa 'anil 'Ulamail muttaqin, Wa 'anil Awliyais salihin, Wa am Mashyikhina fit

tariqatin Naqshbandiyyatil 'Aliyya, QaddasAllahu ta'ala arwaha-humuz zakiyya, wa nawwarAllahu ta'ala adrihatahumul mubaraka,

wa a'adAllahu ta'ala 'alayna min barakatihim wa fuyudatihim da'iman. wal

hamdulillahi rabbil 'alameen. Al Fathiha.

O my Lord, blessings and peace be upon all the prophets and Emissaries, and on the family

of every one of them. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Blessings upon the Noblest of all Creation, our Master Muhammad (saws). Blessings upon the most Preferred of all Creation, our Master Muhammad (saws). Blessings upon the most Perfected of all

Creation, our Master Muhammad (saws). Blessings of God (Exalted is He!), of His angels, of His prophets, of His emissaries, and of all creation be upon Muhammad and the family of

Muhammad; May the peace and mercy of God (Exalted is He!) and His blessings be upon him and upon them. May God, the Blessed and Most High, be pleased with everyone of our Masters, the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad), and with those who

followed them in excellence, and with the early masters of juristic reasoning, and with the pious scholars, and the righteous Saints and with our Shoyokh (guides) in the exalted

Naqshbandi Order. May God (Exalted is He!) sanctify their pure souls, and illuminate their blessed graves. May God (Exalted is He!) return to us of their blessings and overflowing bounty, always. Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds.

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:إهداء IHDA(Gift)

نا الى روح نبي نا م اصلة د سي دنا ألل هم بل غ ثواب ما قرأناه ونور ما تلوناه هدية و صلى للا عليه )محم

ة أل (وسلم ربعة، وإلى وإلى أرواح إخوانه من األنبياء والمرسلين وخدماء شرائعهم، وإلى أرواح األئم

إلى روح إمام الطريقة و غوث أرواح مشائخنا في الطريقة النقشبندية العالية خاص خواجه الخليقة ة

داألؤيسي البخاري، والى سلطان األولياء الشيخ عبدللا ال ين النقشبند محم فائزالداغستاني بهاءالد

د والنا الشيخ والى سلطان األولياء م ، والشيخ ، وموالنا الشيخ هيشام القباني ، ناظم الحقاني محم

مان صاحب ، ادنان القباني د سي دنا الز (السالم عليه )عيسی سي دنا للا روح ،(السالم عليه )المهدي محم

يقين سائرساداتنا الى و (السالم عليه ) علي سي دنا للا سيف و د .الفاتحة .والص

Allahumma balligh tawaba ma qaraanahu wa nura ma talawnahu,

hadiyyatan wasilatan minna ila ruhi Nabiyina Sayyidina Muhammadin

(SallAllahu 'alayhi Wa sallam), wa ila arwahi ikhwanihi minal Anbiyai wal

mursalyin, wa khudamaai sharay'ihim, wa ila arwahil a'imatil arba'ah, wa

ila arwahi mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyyatil 'aaliyyah, khasatan

ila ruhi Imamit tariqat wa ghawthil khaliqati Khwaja Bahauddin

anNaqshband Muhammadal Uwaisil Bukhari, wa ila sultanul Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Abdullahil Faizad Daghestani, wa ila sultanul Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, wa Mawlana Shaykh

Hisham Kabbani, wa Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, Sahibul Zaman Sayyidina

Muhammadul Mahdi ('alayhis salaam), wa Ruhullah Sayyidina ‘Isa ('alayhis

salaam), wa Sayfullah Sayyidina 'Ali('alayhis salaam), wa ila sayiri

sadatina wa sadiqin. Al Fatiha.

O God! Grant that the merit of what we have read, and the light of what we have recited, are (considered) and offering and gift from us to the soul of our Prophet our Master

Muhammad (pbuh), and to the souls of his brothers; all Prophets and messengers, and to our honoured Shaykhs of Naqshbandi Order, especially the leader of the Way and arch-

intercessor of the created world; Khwaja Bahauddin Muhammadul Uwaisil Bukhari, and to our Master, Sultanul Awliya (King of saints) Shaykh AbdAllah alFa’iz adDaghistani, and Sultanul Awliya (King of saints), Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, and

Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, and Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, and to all our masters, and (those who are) the righteous. Al Fatiha (Recite First Chapter of Holy Quran (The Opener).)

(This presents the reward of the preceding recitations to the Prophet (saw) and to the Shaykhs of Naqshbandi Order