• • • • . ....

. . I ' . --. . I. ' -'f ' ·oj I . ' , . ' . '!: '• 1 ' ' . ' ' . ., •' . ' ' .. ·--· ' ... . { ·. ·-- " •... ' . . . ' . ' '!i ' . ' ' . .. - .; .. ' f.'. .. . " . . ·. .-iob•t•. ··1 . ' . .... . . . . "(•: ' ... . . . .... ·. ·, . .. .. .. ··.' ... . . .. . ·., ·_. I . ' ... •• ... to Now.• .• - Ill I . . i ' I . . . ----· . ,_ ' . ' .. . . \ ' · CAR,IUZOZQ;; MEXICO,. li'RlJ.?A Y, NOVEMllER 6, l93t , ijUMBER 45 :J. \..ri.IC¢$ Rqdeo 8 St•t••· ia lQ32 Business Men' o, rganlze to Oppose federal Bureaucracy' American Labor Democratic Cooperation , ·' ·November 14•15 by in Wa,ge Lowest fn Cost on Depre.,sion Relief ·· - Vite TanatYtr . ·· ... - " - Tax lner.ease .p25 per cent - - : • . . _ .• Wa!>biul(tou, Oct.-'l'he elect.• . Washington Oct.-Business men of the Peoria in . Nov •. 5 -In tb11 Commenting on th,e speech ·of . "' . ': . oral vote of eight at._tes ii tbe · • • ' · • ·· ·. · . '. · ff. ··. . · • seru."l nf t1wtf studies wbicb H. Robert H. Exec uti Y.e Di· witnessed a . su:mtnr HI limit.lietf(lr P.tealt1ent ip llhnOIS e an orgamzatlon knorn as !h9 E. 1\: iles, Chairmqn of the Fair of the N•tionlll New MexTCO ia J.93:Z b)' the of "a Fed.eration ot. Busmess as a protest and I protection Tariff LeaiZ'U.', is writlug for tbe Committee. In be charged pe.cted to pack .. lbe g.a;apd · stand Repulllic:ag• to party atfair 11 agamst _the acbvlttes of R.ederal Government bureaucracy, Hoof>ier Farmer, be discusses tbe that Democratic leaders were con· and new at t b e and informed about wbich in some instances have been followed ·by State and Iacal tariff witb rcla1ion to au·d tent letoad business and unem• • Dona A.oa .Copnty Fdr Grouuds and a governments. . . · a number ?r coucrete It• because. such · aud. SJ.tnda,, Noumber pohtu:al COmlll.elltator 'wbo COD• . , It was stated at. tlie meetinft. ·. according to . the Chi 0 tlons to b is point of would a Oemo- . 14th aud when the Las tributes to C.olltcr's Wjekly . . · . . . · . ·· 11 vtew that is the adnt•nlstaauou. the Hvu•· Crucea XlwantJ Rodeo/ gets the pseudonylll of "Tbe. Geutle· State and. local m labor in th world. con· too Po!!t•Dispatcb says: under way. mau at the Key bole," aa thts country are engaged lll more than e1ghty hnes of sidering the cost of procJuctiou. "A leas fitting time, from bla woek!t of unremitting 13· by tht latter in, a recent b:fue of business or of industry in di.rect competitiol1. with their own "Nn informed person muaurea own standpoint, to burl such • . bor, arrangements at \be ,Rodeo tbls . of citizens." ·AS a result of the growth of bltreaucratic govern:. by the amouut paid per cba.rgc at t,bc Democratic leader• grouuda •!r: . cu.wplete. Ar.eua oth !! · wrote their l.lstt ment, it was a$serted that tues· within the' last· sixteen years hour or per day." sa vs Mr. ab1p, could budly have been ts ready. It has been of Hoo!er tates aud both ptck• have inereased 325 per cent and that SOO OOO public ervants "but by tbc returu 1 9 production lectcd It bu becu only,. few designed and built by Jobnulc td atee. . · ' · · · · . • • • ' 5 for tbe paid, that Is by tllt days since the leaders of the Mullens A.merlc:a'a noted Rodeo "If tbelc t o gucnes prove to are now necessary for the acbVlhCS of the bureaucracy. t . d ocr at i • p:trty assented cbcl.!rfnllJ . · ' ' · · C t• th p . · . ·th T . 1 , wage cos ·pzur, per poun , ur " · , d'rector, will act in .that ca· be ncar rigbt, tt sa,. 8 omnien mg e eona meetm_g, e rnune says. ()l'r urd produced .. to Mr. Hoover's plan for aidiur. pacity dunng the two btg -day1. tbc wrtter, •tbcntbe greateat.pol• 'The change In the methods and ObJects of the Mr cites the fqllowlu !Janks, aud tbu• helping tore· Chutes. corra<ts, and ca.teb·pens •ucal overturn that has ever taken' Government has been made without an agreement as to the 11 · 1 · t ti · g a tore business confidence. Not dj b 1 i . . . U!l ra on, · are so arrang.c t .•t ong .• rrnat• place In, four years hu occurred general pr*Jnciples involved. • . • • Nor W""S consent obta'tn· dtd_ leadert i u d t 11 b bl J "' "In 1910 AIJ,lerlean b 0 " 0 a,, wa e awposst e. cunce !lilt national ed that new general doctrines of government should be adopted. factorv worker used two ami oue• gtvc' ,,romfltly to In the pelgbbprhood of Wbat ItS the reason?" . 11 · ., . • . tbe Hoover but A.Jfre4 C?Dteatants lrom cveryaeetioo of For 11nllwer be quorcs a tetter " !t lS to believe, the Trtb?nc continues, half tlmci more horRt! powf'r. and E. Smith,, Ot•mocratic numiaet , tbc West wiU compete in the ,va• !rom. a Republican oMchJ. in a that if the involved had been submitted to a con. producccl twq and one•bmlf for the prc,tdcncv tn 1928, Y>olua• rious events comprising tbe ,daily Maddie Western state detailtng stitution•l convention they could not have been adopted, ... mort> output than tbc tarilv eudimcd tbu plan, program •. With thirty ltead of the conditions tberc But what could not have been done deliberately and upon full 0 1 wllvs our neareat com· .. i\oll few weeks before, tbt ) · f 1 · · ·· . prutor. ur were corru• U 1 1 d very best buc:klng borau, o ncaa llgriculuare, wbicb conalderaboh of all the: meanings and portents has been done 'ondiu I hi h r with u oam"' .llmocrat c ca err>htp n direct from the '?' "perhaps wall. throw some llgbt by gradual approach tiy yielding to this expediencw or that :a «'· o r wage prompth and u beartlly todt,raed mo"a Rwghug Dr.os raucb to ou the cood1,10ca wb'icb are af ral ' . . m tbc Il,«wcr rnnv" for a morator• Montana) including "Old De· fccting tbe Republican party so mo to th1! Idea, that economic our output per worktr inm on war dt•bts, anothrr rffort preuion." the toughest outluv advtr!.\cly " . . or some Idea of SOCial perfechbshty. < Thus an utterly WlJ!) abnut twcuty•fiV(.' per C4'nt to restore pro!Spl!flt,\'o Tltc truth 1 elfllng in tbe Northwest, 75 bead Saying t b a t the Republican strange- form of Federal Government has been developed with more than pre· war 11nd Et.rope's is tb<"l't tbe til! ot Mcsicau ateeraand calves, and party dcpeuds generally upon the the promise of still more. sweeping alterations of principle and per cent Today our bu (JUt "" ntouc. 'II) . tb? ""'1 of 40 bead «»fwild bone11. tbc man• t.umcrs to carry national elee• procedure if not defmitely opposed and checked." per flctory worker aver• the R"publlcnn adnllnfstrauoa fa agcment ia as1ured ol plenty tloun, tbc wr.itcr Jl!lks, "where ia The Tribune points out that nearly every from ftft,! per cent m..,re tbna its effort remedy the econotnll of stock for a wltd, fast, snappy tbt' party gotnJ: to get ita vote io d d h h d • , . ln auuauon abow from at art lo finiab. 1932. provided there is nCS great stan M S as a lts !peCtal orga.mzatton ,behm.d 1t. . In the knitting and ' Ed Wr'tabt J•ad·tng "O ... bll" improvement?" Conti au i 0 a, It is theannounced.purpose of the Federation of American lnduntrv. the contrast iu clomcstie 1'b i . h • ' "' .. .,. " • B · · t t d 't · h h h . · ere 11 no merat w ere tbert comedian wbo bas clowned tb .. "1'ba Gentleman at the K-eybo1e'' usmm o ex en 1 It orgamzahon t roug out t e country to amt forettrn waqe11 as rPiatrd to i t . 1 A II 11 " • ba h · . . . a uo na aron ' • great CbeJ..enoe abow the past aix • •Y•= com. t t e growth of bureaucriittc government, and to protect of production •• shown. ::::;; Jeart 1 and his mute "Wbat•a• "Without upatat() New York, the individual business man against its encroachments and Mtlea says: Man,'.' wiiJ eatertain before •ud tbe Republican• haven't look·ha coippetition, ".. ' .. An iu an easy dut"}ng each perrormance witb i!1 the Empire State. It " rural It has been heretofore pointed out that the expansion of «h v'• twent r·flv(' to' t6eu mauy comedy acts. t.bMachusetta that usually ever• thirtY kntthnR" mat>blnra •nd il P d r . tb R d 11 c ,mu the Democratic m 11 .: ,rit• of bureaucraltc government, as shown by the record, has been knltn 1 800 pairs nf ,.. 00 d "otton i roel'e s rom c n Po wt " , ] t d R . bl' d • • t b t f h. h • " " u 10 to the Las Ktwani• It i9 ,ruraa arges. un er scan n mmts t e cos w .tc IS snck• In 8 dav. for.• piece pri"e Club Cbildrenu' t!Jat •• Repubhcaul · It ts tn tbe partly mcluded m gove.rnmental expenditures, whtch m the two cents per t1nxen pairs. nr ont• 1 fund. . rural !lt>ctions of Oh;o. Icdiana, last pence year of the \ViJson (Democrat) administration were aixth or one cent per pair. She 1 IJ.Iinos'l nnd M•c!ugan that tbe approximately $1,100,000,0(){), and in the last two years of a Is aatiafiecf because this ueta. berl· , • ,. ,., ••a..::• • • Repubhcons are to be Republican ndministrotion more than SS OOO 000 OOOeach year $3 oo pl'r day-the lowest price i fouo·i · · · ' ' • per (J•Ir and the hhrhrst per! i Jlls· Week 10 fliSfMY M out that the e i t i.e • -a •lay in tb(' '.'orld in this indu111try. ,.,t<:r •• ,w:;,ye.t: .. w.Jt havE> tbetr reasl')nfl for drsaffccttou suuestlons for 193e DemO((itl( Plilform I She knits ninety dozen p:alrs of ... .. A .i f c be citu a predic;hoc by pei'IOOI . women's h081! per da' for 0!1('• nov ..,- ec e 9 a on o llllr 1 ·r · 1 0 f b 1 It's Up Ta You I AF fER tbc doctor has preseribcr1 I o r your particular ill· . . Nicbols II, 1894; \V •300eO';:;to t at t W h. 0 . , fnurtb or one cent pE>r. P•lr •. No fatcwe11 address to his att;nl'• c w.' !."Ut?uat c as .tngton, c;ymP!>siUm o!. !.uggesttons for a lower paid, ponr. 1783 ; Kllnsas prohibi· 121 4 3 mty. lf tbat ts any· Democratic platform 10 whtch was tmltated by .the pre· foretJtn competitor ness, it ia up to you to bavc tbwt prcacrip tion filled by au ex• , bitiM, 1880 :here oear. be ndd 11 sentation of vrews ?f Jouett ?f ·quais ber. , N .. A . . then Micbtgao wdl bave to be the Democratic Nattonal Execubve..COmnuttell ts continued tn ·•An Americ11n w•av""· 0\'. _,.- UStrta !'IJorOS an A flU• k . tt b . j' f j h '..., ' ' ,. iatice. 1 9 1 8; Ruc; 9 ia declarea stnc en o_u• t a rst 0 · e g " t the cun:ent of the Bullehn, by the 13 000 vuds or mc>.dium fine war 00 Turker, 1914 ; Clo'lE' of state!l asstgocd to Mr. Uooycr. Women s National pemocrattc Club. .The followmg ex· tnn cloth ,,, wet>k for a waue of tb" 'l'birtv Years' War. 1648 _ . . tracts from suggestions made by promtnent Democrats m the $16.00. She runs frnm thirty to pt"rieoced p b a r lb aeist whom you can depeod upou for ac• curacy and bouuty NM. ClevE>laod elected A Republican De• November number: 'levt'nty·fi"c looms A&rainilt "ix tn Ptuideut or the trnitl'd StatP!I, nounce.s High Tarlff George Gordon Battle N. ): In my 9pinion twttlve ·looms in Envland. nur 1884; Battle or Sao Jacinto, fa _ the pla!form declarem favorof.nabonal referendum 1!> prindp11l competitor. Whrlihnutd in its preparation. OUR gtock of druga tbt P&i1ipplnes, 1899. Cot William .c. Proeter, Chair· Vtew.s of the of this country upon sbt' not two and nne•balf timc>s, No•. of S 3 x. muaof tbc Board of tbi!.Procter tanff rates whtchpromote. monopoly and .tn· t11P wacre for five time!l tbe out· oily, 1757;Battleof tnketuuutt. & (hmblt Co. prominent Ia JUStice Bhould be lowered. Wagner bill (for · 185-i; Republican victQriesjn the aff.tlts of tb£? Rerubliea:n par• ment of an service) be enacted mto "An Indian c:ott.,n mill. ... Congre!lssional .Erection,, 1918. t.r oml a: mefubl:!r of President The pubhc uttbtles shoutg be subJected to local regu.Jatton wl'll·rquipped. with cotton .rrow• Nov. 6-Bnuleot Bet· ltoover•s l'!mergettcy C<lmmittee wtth every safeguard to provide that they may earn a fatr and near tbe factory door. l':tvq ghtttJ, liinu·Cfiau surrend .. on . Uuemploymf!n,t, in proper return . . . . . .. . .. it11 11n aver11gl> of !t 25 ers to the Japnnese •. 1914 . . . Sen;ttor. D1U. (Wash.). questions sqopld be per wee-k. Attd yet, Xndllt !IPndtt N'o•; 7-Battle of 'Oelmout, Mis· h'X'be level of wages iu our the dotpmatmg tssues m the commg campntgn. HevJSIOn <Jf to the Uulted. States for drills and $out'i. 1 l86l; 8Qlsbe•ist!l capture tJwn couotry bas been the ! 8 fJff downward. A law Wlll . people m deuiws because nurll 'are Petr<;grad, 1917: or 'l'ip- t•vely bigb, not becau•e ot tbe Jssuance of v,vatered stock tn large orgamzaborts. engaged cheaper wltb- our $14 oo wag«' is alwaya fresh auc:t. we U!le no in filliug prellcrlp• tion!l. Store peea11oe: 1811 t:mff. but in spite of it. mt-ersu\,te busmess. . . . .. . .. .. · • . .. .. . tbau her!. , ,,. . No•. 8-Getteral Cad.otnll succeed may have beett sa•d ti• M.llM.fLhogan favor an .Eredut •. :.:._:, :,: .. :::_ .. :.:: .. :::, ,::*.::,:..,:.: .. ed by General l>ia.t. 'i9t7· itt tbe pll!lt ! be lld· on In near Y. a o t e rates lll. t e present tart aw. . stau- etieau · re 11'auta.g<>s tif.a:hsgh t•r• hshed of a more elastic currency. Repeal of Federal Farm I . . . . . . . . .·.• . . .. . . a tatnlv tt'Ue1bat the fart.II tlo., is a Board Act, · , c:bcs Sedan. 1918, Montana bartd•ea.p to aud to the- etstitct ,...;.. . . .. (. . )• . . 'b''l-,· · .... d .. mitt<!cl to the Ul1i()H, 1889. world.;' · · . \Aingressman M. C. Tarver Ga. Proh1 nion be Pirst ·National Bank · ·· · · · eschewed. The primary issue is tHe tariff and the party !houtd ·-- ,, '"'' .. ___ __ ' > ""'""*"•···-··· ·-"" ,., ' "';: , ...... "': .,., o'"·:· promise a and intelligent thereo.f. . .. •e;- t' 'atarztJI?irt;:,, ...... ,... Congressman_ Ramspeck [Ga.]: of the I CARRIZOZO. 1(, M. ,_ ..... , ................................... _:..• ---------- . . ., ·4 ,, .. ·J . Pattonite the : to a competitivt basis, raisitig the inc:otne taxes· in the . · brackets. Iri.ctease the inheritance taxes and provide a (ARRilOZO' fATING · ·HOUSt· . . Otat &pedditH. "'st.. .,. U""..a:.. 1" .Jtit. .:... ...... lAft ...- .... ::'"···· .., •• .1.1: .. w ¥,llVV I 1ft4¥-. . oea , •• . _,_"' .. ' ' "-- .- . ' . ' " ,... .. ,., ,. "- . r - · Carrizozo :Home Laundry . f . . Specializes in ... ·rAMtLY WASmNG ' .. ' ' . i -' Don't Continue to lot tho · · , other fellow nvo what you · ate apendinr Save it· Yourself I . .. ., . , . · .

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    VQ~UMJll · CAR,IUZOZQ;; NE~. MEXICO,. li'RlJ.?A Y, NOVEMllER 6, l93t , ijUMBER 45 :J. ~~=~~~~~~~~~==~~==~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= L~as \..ri.IC¢$ Rqdeo Hoov~rGinnOaly 8 St•t••· ia lQ32 Business Men' o, rganlze to Oppose federal Bureaucracy' American Labor tJi~he,.st Democratic Cooperation



    ·November 14•15 by Tw'»EJperJ•··•Forllsee~·Fara in Wa,ge Lowest fn Cost on Depre.,sion Relief ·· - Vite TanatYtr . · · ...

    - " - '· Tax lner.ease .p25 per cent - '· - : • . . _

    . -~·b:.· ~r:~.:; .• ~nw.~· .::.~v,ev:r Wa!>biul(tou, Oct.-'l'he elect.• . Washington Oct.-Business men of the Peoria ~ection in . 'Yoshingt~n, Nov •. 5 -In tb11 Commenting on th,e speech ·of . "' . ': • . oral vote of eight at._tes ii tbe · • • ' · • ·· ·. · . '. · ff. ··. • • . · • seru."l nf t1wtf studies wbicb H. Robert H. L~cas, Exec uti Y.e Di· witnessed a . su:mtnr ~·cut HI limit.lietf(lr P.tealt1ent HooY~r ip llhnOIS ~ecently e ec~ an orgamzatlon knorn as !h9 E. 1\: iles, Chairmqn of the Fair of the aep~blic:an N•tionlll So~tthwer,te.r~ New MexTCO ia C~· J.93:Z b)' the joi~t .~on:~'st. of "a Fed.eration ot. A~~~can Busmess as a protest and I protection Tariff LeaiZ'U.', is writlug for tbe Committee. In be charged pe.cted to pack .. lbe g.a;apd · stand Repulllic:ag• ac~Jve to party atfair11 agamst _the acbvlttes of R.ederal Government bureaucracy, Hoof>ier Farmer, be discusses tbe that Democratic leaders were con· and new bleacher~ at t b e and w~ll informed about p~llt!cal wbich in some instances have been followed ·by State and Iacal tariff witb rcla1ion to wag~s au·d tent t~ letoad business and unem•

    • Dona A.oa .Copnty Fdr Grouuds eon.d~tluna," and a Wa~htng.ton governments. . . · - · pr~s~·o~s a number ?r coucrete It• ploy~~ut c:ontln1,1~ because. such · Sat~rday aud. SJ.tnda,, Noumber pohtu:al COmlll.elltator 'wbo COD• . , It was stated at. tlie meetinft. ·. according to . the Chi 0 l~str.l tlons to su~taln b is point of COO~ItiOos would .~lect.· a Oemo- . 14th aud 1St~~ when the Las tributes to C.olltcr's Wjekly . . • · . . . · . ··

    11 ~· ca~ vtew that Am~r1can/abor is the c~:attc adnt•nlstaauou. the Hvu•·

    Crucea XlwantJ ~h1b Rodeo/ gets the pseudonylll of "Tbe. Geutle· T~1bune (R~p.) t~t Fed~ral, State and. local govern~eJ;lt m che~trest labor in th world. con· too Po!!t•Dispatcb says: under way. mau at the Key bole," a a rec~mled thts country are engaged lll more than e1ghty s~parate hnes of sidering the cost of procJuctiou. "A leas fitting time, from bla ~A(ter woek!t of unremitting 13· by tht latter in, a recent b:fue of business or of industry in di.rect competitiol1. with their own "Nn informed person muaurea own standpoint, to burl such • .

    bor, arrangements at \be ,Rodeo tbls mag~:dn . ln~epc~dentl.Y of citizens." ·AS a result of the growth of bltreaucratic govern:. wag~s by the amouut paid per cba.rgc at t,bc Democratic leader• grouuda •!r: . cu.wplete. Ar.eua eac.~ oth !! · wrote their l.lstt ment, it was a$serted that tues· within the' last· sixteen years hour or per day." sa vs Mr. ~fllea. ab1p, could budly have been •e~ equl~ment ts ready. It has been of Hoo!er tates aud both ptck• have inereased 325 per cent and that SOO OOO public ervants "but by tbc returu 19 production lectcd It bu becu only,. a· few designed and built by Jobnulc td ~hcumt atee. . · ' · · · · . • • • ' 5 for tbe w~tgcs paid, that Is by tllt days since the leaders of the D~m· Mullens A.merlc:a'a noted Rodeo "If tbelc t o gucnes prove to are now necessary for the acbVlhCS of the bureaucracy. t . d ocr at i • p:trty assented cbcl.!rfnllJ . · ' ' · · C t• th p . · . ·th T .1 , wage cos p~r ·pzur, per poun , ur " · , d'rector, ~b~ will act in .that ca· be any~bere ncar rigbt, tt sa,. 8 • omnien mg ~pon e eona meetm_g, e rnune says. ()l'r urd produced .. to Mr. Hoover's plan for aidiur. pacity dunng the two btg -day1. tbc wrtter, •tbcntbe greateat.pol• 'The change In the methods and ObJects of the Fcde~l Mr Mil~s cites the fqllowlu t~e !Janks, aud tbu• helping tore· Chutes. corrahtp n

    ~shipped bcr~ direct from the '?' "perhaps wall. throw some llgbt by gradual approach tiy yielding to this expediencw or that ~oatil a:o~t t~c :a «'· o r wage prompth and u beartlly todt,raed mo"a Rwghug Dr.os raucb to ou the cood1,10ca wb'icb are af ral • • ' . . • • ~ • m tbc Il,«wcr rnnv" for a morator• Montana) including "Old De· fccting tbe Republican party so mo cons1dera~on, to th1! humamt~r.~n Idea, that economic •·In..19~0 our output per worktr inm on war dt•bts, anothrr rffort preuion." the toughest outluv advtr!.\cly " . . or some Idea of SOCial perfechbshty. < Thus an utterly WlJ!) abnut twcuty•fiV(.' per C4'nt to restore pro!Spl!flt,\'o Tltc truth

    1elfllng in tbe Northwest, 75 bead Saying t b a t the Republican strange- form of Federal Government has been developed with more than pre· war 11nd Et.rope's is tbblnra •nd il

    P d r. tb R d •

    11 c ,mu the Democratic m11 .: ,rit• of bureaucraltc government, as shown by the record, has been knltn 1 800 pairs nf ,..00d "otton i

    roel'e s rom c n Po wt " , ] t d R . bl' d • • t • b t f h. h • • " " u 10 to the Las Cruc~s Ktwani• Bo9t~u It i9 ,ruraa N~w .~erseJ arges. un er ~pu scan n mmts robnn~, t e cos ~ w .tc IS snck• In 8 dav. for.• piece pri"e or~ Club Uor1erprlvile~ted Cbildrenu' t!Jat •• Repubhcaul · It ts tn tbe partly mcluded m gove.rnmental expenditures, whtch m the two cents per t1nxen pairs. nr ont• 1 fund. . rural !lt>ctions of Oh;o. Icdiana, last pence year of the \ViJson (Democrat) administration were aixth or one cent per pair. She 1

    IJ.Iinos'l nnd M•c!ugan that tbe approximately $1,100,000,0(){), and in the last two years of a Is aatiafiecf because this ueta. berl· , • ,. ,., ••a..::• • • d1c•bc~~ Repubhcons are to be Republican ndministrotion more than SS OOO 000 OOOeach year $3 oo pl'r day-the lowest price i ~***~ lt~::.anl :&::.&:~ fouo·i · · ~ · • ' ' • per (J•Ir and the hhrhrst wa~P per!

    i Jlls· Week 10 fliSfMY M P(!ioti~g out that the e i t i.e • ~-"- -a •lay in tb(' '.'orld in this indu111try. ,.,tu!!ed foretJtn competitor

    ness, it ia up to you to bavc tbwt prcacrip tion filled by au ex•


    bitiM, 1880• :here oear. ac:cur~tE>, be ndd11 • sentation of t~e per~onal vrews ?f Jouett ~house,. Cba1~an ?f ·quais ber. ,

    N .. A • . . then Micbtgao wdl bave to be the Democratic Nattonal Execubve..COmnuttell ts continued tn ·•An Americ11n oo~>rator w•av""·

    0\'. _,.- UStrta !'IJorOS an A flU• • k . tt b . j' f j h • • '..., ' ' ,. iatice. 1 9 1 8; Ruc;9ia declarea stnc en o_u• t a rst

    0 · e g " t the cun:ent 1~ue of the De~ocrottc Bullehn, IS~yed by the 13 000 vuds or mc>.dium fine ct~t· war

    00 Turker, 1914; Clo'lE' of state!l asstgocd to Mr. Uooycr. Women s National pemocrattc Club. .The followmg a~e ex· tnn cloth ,,, wet>k for a waue of

    tb" 'l'birtv Years' War. 1648_ . . tracts from suggestions made by promtnent Democrats m the $16.00. She runs frnm thirty to

    pt"rieoced p b a r lb • aeist whom you can depeod upou for ac•

    • curacy and bouuty

    NM. 4~Grover ClevE>laod elected A Republican De• November number: 'levt'nty·fi"c looms A&rainilt "ix tn • Ptuideut or the trnitl'd StatP!I, nounce.s High Tarlff George Gordon Battle (~ttorney, N. ~· ): In my 9pinion twttlve ·looms in Envland. nur

    1884; Battle or Sao Jacinto, fa • _ the pla!form s~ould declarem favorof.nabonal referendum 1!> prindp11l competitor. Whrlihnutd

    in its preparation.

    OUR gtock of druga

    tbt P&i1ipplnes, 1899. Cot William .c. Proeter, Chair· a~'7rtain the~ Vtew.s of the vot~rs of this country upon pro~t· sbt' not ~et two and nne•balf timc>s, No•. ~-Battle of ~osbtch. S3 x. muaof tbc Board of tbi!.Procter ~Jt!~n. Tho~e tanff rates whtchpromote. monopoly and .tn· t11P wacre for five time!l tbe out·

    oily, 1757;Battleof tnketuuutt. & (hmblt Co. ton~r prominent Ia JUStice Bhould be lowered. Th~ Wagner bill (for the~tabhsh· put~ · 185-i; Republican victQriesjn the aff.tlts of tb£? Rerubliea:n par• ment of an u~em~~~~ment service) s~ould be enacted mto l~w. "An E:~~st Indian c:ott.,n mill. ... Congre!lssional .Erection,, 1918. t.r oml a: mefubl:!r of President • The pubhc uttbtles shoutg be subJected to local regu.Jatton wl'll·rquipped. with cotton .rrow•

    Nov. 6-Bnuleot 1em~ppe~ Bet· ltoover•s l'!mergettcy Ct may have beett sa•d ti• ~natorl M.llM.fLhogan -£*~.]:hi favor an ~~ffmledtate .Eredut ~.: •. :::~.~. ~: ~· ~~~-~.::~-~. ~....:...~-~-!ll!ZZS~J!. :.:._:, :,: .. :::_ .. :.:: .. :::, ,::*.::,:..,:.: .. ~-eo ed by General l>ia.t. 'i9t7· A~Q itt tbe pll!lt co.~t:eru,inJt ! be lld· • on In near Y. a o t e rates lll. t e present tart aw. . stau-etieau · ~ahtbow- Divi$io~ re • 11' tif.a:hsgh i~ t•r• hshed of a more elastic currency. Repeal of Federal Farm I

    .· . . . . . . . . .·.• . . .. . . a tatnlv tt'Ue1bat the fart.II tlo., is a Board Act, · , c:bcs Sedan. 1918, Montana ad~ bartd•ea.p to u~ aud to the- etstitct ,...;.. . . .. (. . )• . . 'b''l-,· · .... d .. mitt

    I CARRIZOZO. 1(, M. ,_....., ................................... _:..• ---------- .

    . .,

    ·4 ,, .. ·J .

    Pattonite the : to a competitivt basis, raisitig the inc:otne taxes· in the . · brackets. Iri.ctease the inheritance taxes and provide a

    (ARRilOZO' fATING · ·HOUSt· . . Otat &pedditH. ~

    "'st.. .,. U""..a:.. 1" .Jtit. .:... ...... lAft ...-....::'"···· .., •• .1.1: .. ~ .~ w ¥,llVV ~ I 1ft4¥-. . A"~~..r oea , • •• •

    . _,_"' .. ' ' "-- .- . ' . ' .~


    ,... .. ,., -~ • ,. "- . r • -

    · Carrizozo :Home Laundry . f . .

    • • Specializes in ... ·rAMtLY WASmNG


    • ..

    ' ' .

    i -'

    • Don't Continue to lot tho · · , other fellow nvo what you

    · ate apendinr •

    Save it· Yourself I . • ..

    ., . ~--· , .

    · . •

  • •. ,,·

    Scripture Quotation Puzile • ....,..........,


    ' . ''

    •• • ' ' ;.. ' •

    Banbury Tarn ..... nou rintr, PIIStc ort!!>o

    ' .. ', .


    ' '

    · ·cl{fhtta ot 110 Jgch 'tbh:k uAil cu~ tllree-lrwb l!Ql!llfel!. lllch Jl!IStr.y mr1do In the hrdlnnry way ~nny he os()d, but It is not 110 dqllcatc. J'u( hvo ten· ·

    -. _. ~·· . - . t~poontuls or• -the tollowJog fll(ljl,; on eneh ll'lllllrc on Olle side, t(lltl qv'er anrJ prc11s the edges tightly tAlgether uftcr Jnolalenlng. Dalto tw!lnly minutes ln

    ' a hot o1•en.. .

    t •. \ . ..

    ' 1 v U.L 1

    I II Orang" Shortcako.-Prcpnre tho rid!

    blllcult drwgh lri 11n1 form d!.'Slretl, el• tbelr In 11 large cnl1e Alr In blllcults. • ~ . Sileo peeled ornnges very Jblo unil mill' with ·sugllr to swe~ten, J..ct stun(}

    I Ui\11&.111 I I I I ) I

    vv .1\e.ll j], 1.1 .. -·---~ '

    for no hour Of mbre ·to dltiSotve tl1e stf:;nr nod 11enson. 11our over tho but· terecl shortcnko and dccornte tile tot' wlth slices ot ornnge. . l ·

    Shtep Kldnoyi. .... Sidn and split thiJ kidneys and plnco on skewers with plcct•tJ ot bacon between Cllch kidney. Senson well wlth mU!Itnrd, 11nlt nnd p!'pper, or AllY savory sensoJIIJig de· sired. l'lnJI'.' ln tront ot· 111m. , · Upon 1 h to bll nr ontd bt~dl ton~a eoine one prlntftd ll nlx•word quo• --· ... -'~--....--------'-----·-....... -------·--------

    Cation rrum tha Uut oome ono elae cumo ulonu und rubbe>d tiWII)' the Upper j!Orl IJt lho \lf'rD ('UP YOU lllkO ll poncJI llild finJ~Il OUt tbO Wiler .• tO ••Jc• them opoll lila olz "ordo7

    TRUMBULL LIGHTs ·oF NEW YoR_K .. ~ALTER -- - --- -~.L-- - .... ·- --- '---,_- ~~"''""'" > --"'"--. ' . A Bear Who Finda Ice and Mll•t•l' 1~lth her baby until sprlnl:

    Snow Warm «'flllll'H. Mr. l'olur flenr rottms nbopt nil 11 lnll'r long: ho doean•r •com 'to ll«•t••l n lonu winter llle~!p. •AII'II. lle!nr lltnrt•ll IIJI It l:fCilt denJ Ot fut to kCl'lJ lwr ullvo throu~:h her alceplnt: HCnson. \\'lll'n ht-r 1Juh1 grows up nmJ Ia stron~: ftlfl'. too, will nml1o her.wlt a 1110\V

    •can• nntl tolh1w lu.•r mother's example.

    Wo l'an't nil bo l>f tho anrnr OJIInlop. that In rr•rl n ln. 'l'o mnut c·rc•111 urc•n. anow unll lro nro rnld hut not oo to tho bcont.lllful wl,llc• lwur ot IIIII fro)Wil !North. In U1o r•lt'turo )'"ll ruoy "·''" llr11. llconr nntl hllr haby. Rprlr111 hnn coml!, the ll'u hna hrolwn 11\\IIY, nncl

    ' . ,. \

    Tho l'olnr Jhmr•,j fl>el or paws arc Xt>ry powC!rful nntl In ortler Umt they mny llo .Wcuro In wulltll'il: -on atl{tllCr.!{.. ~ h'l', many prh'kly halra ~:row on tho cnii'A. And oh, how thllllo llcaulltul ~rt•nturu mn swim t.tnd divot You ace llwy must bo nblo to, for tho foocJ

    Jnrnes nlld Mu1 Wll111111 l'resum llnvo· ~cc•nUy returnecl from n sum: mer In Fmnw. Thc1 spent 11011\0 time at hrldf:ll ICII JSnlne, that llttlo town In n llulo valle)' nt thO etlgo of. the Alps. Whllo there, !llr. Preston niet Ilunt· lngton llnrter trom MO!lllfiell!, Ohio, wboao roUter, It aeerna to me, wne a congrcaamun o.r ~tmntor. At nny rnrc,

    , 1 I ~

    ' ···-=-


    • I

    ,, •

    +"t""'h"Y llko ltCIII Uvea Jrl t11o wntcr, Scali nrc n un•nt dcll~ury na 11 walrus meat, but when tbeao nro not to bo hnd, the bean contunt tltcmlelvca with bcrrlet. l'l'.rhnl'• thcso mak~ ruther nice dt4t lll'rt I I

    Unb.Y brons Aro born u bllnl! u tiJet n and tlllmt~pb omclalt In oejrersuhd the lnvemloo wna euc-('MI.IfUII1 tc;~tl!d oa progtntos t

    ---9·0· >



    "ltrout tho &tortes lin tt'f.ll What klttd ot O•hctuJau woul\t Jolt think Jo!lt:t WI !If'

    "1 woulci-'t thfuk tut wu • ftdltr-tnon at all· ltlt'•· • •r•t~Wd nrm nnd found It tho llh:e dod tonallt-rlgbt ncrou the lane trom ,-our broth· cncr ot an o:ilc tree. cr·ln·latv. One ot thoso lddl aretv to "Rclnx," bo lll11il to . the grupplor. bo a vrctt,y wcll·kpown wdter. Dla ''Look. Feel my arm. Can't rou see nome 1a Struthent Uurt... It's relaxed? Loosen up .rour muselel.

    So a mao trom &lnrlJtltld ani! an• 'l'lllt 11 actin~;." · · t~tller trom lfanll7Unk had to 10 aU "I ana loosened up," rrowled the Ute war to nt·ldeJ lea Daloa to be- ,nesUer. A moment later, wh~n ·tile come trlenda and dlllCOver that the'7 cameras began to crlnd. tbe director llliKht hne met 11 bo11 Jn .WI• ailed for acuon. talllckon. "Tbat wnstler rave me a ahove

    It ..... 81 one oi tbe •moat famooa of that JeD~ me the enUre ltn&th of a abJp•a deck," 1111 Mt!Jbao. 110f

    New Yorkers who aald to btl brant!• courH; had to bll • retake,. be-now dau~hter-ln·Jaw, "M7 dear, u ao tillite he aborl'!l me rl&bt out ot tlte ttttra weddlnr clft. I present you with t'amtra fteld. and I wu auppoaed to thla formula tor happ1nelll Ill mar- 1 • -'d 11 .rto&o: Olre 10Ut ltnabnn!S one night be tn the picture. o tact, ' _. r.

    llelcban, "I was auppOiftl to Jl?t lD a weet 0tr ani! uk 11~ quesUon1.•• 1 1 t b .. Jn thl!lo dn71, tho man ml&llt have ' 18 11 1 ore. • ·• • awltl:lacd and ctvcn that advice to All Look at p!rturea cr wmpcUtora In coo. It la getting Ill) that It a man tho ~togra'l'uro section• ot tho now• (lfllru perfect IJOllttlde lib can llntJ It P:JPCf'lo Tllo rctcrnns look at encb In the home. JUlio womnn wl•o ntbcr tthllo thc1 shako ltnodl. Tbe uaro to run tho acwlng ·lllachlno Ia new uuo bolders, or man7 ot them. now out runnlnS U~o ' machlntl. ·appror to tumble tor thO' ltnncJ ot an

    'l'llo daughter ot 'tile founder or 11 allreranrr whllo stnrlng tntent11 at the d I I .... ctlmera. . lltrlnlf ot nlckel·nn '11 mo C!mpor u.... co. ""· no:tlln:atcata.l-WNV sa"!~ ,

    mnrrltd, lnd her huaband bought a tarae totmtrr pl•oo. Not long ago thla couple 18\'e n big party, to tthleb both olcJ and Jlltlnr wuo lnvltt!d. It \YU • rorgeons atralr with all the trlmmlnga weiltb Uld &~ve lt. EY·

    Geoloaiat Finds Fub . 380 Million Years Old

    nccJ Lodge, Alont.-A nu111ber or fi!b whtcb awntll to the watcra of Montnnll &io, senrsato wetc caught here r«cutJ.r-wltb a I:(!O!ogiJit'a ptt'k.

    l>rot. n. '1'. Cllnmberlaln, fe:~dct of tbe l'rln~ton gco!~tcul ctpedlUon In tllo Bdftooth a:ountalns J114t mmmer found embedded 1a tho red abate Oft the nee of Ue.Jrtool't butte «eTei'al i'Ghlllacd !JPel:ltti£111 Of ostracodcrms -llsbllte rte!lttn'f.l that awam In American tl'l'ers ooas aro. · ~be ostracoderm roscmblu a erou bdwem a crnb and a tlounder. Ita lJod:r waa about IM'!Ten tncl!h tonr nncJ ,.... (O~ercd by a bony pttllo mueb like a crnb'• abelL l'roJeetlor from beneath the plato wu a tall l!!.d n

    · Jllllr C'Jf Joint~ ftftillt'r!l tllUcb like tbe fAtae clawa ot a ctatflab. ,

    Opfloat., •• U•• Canton, Obfo.-'l'he roost. delicate

    taall: ever pertotnted bt f'.arl Kropf, veterinary, was that. ot laaclnJ a lump . on tbe head O.l.llon at the zoo.

    Min Ludtte OatH. qu~n of il.&rl• CUlture at the f..OS Atltele. COtltlt,y taJr tu Pomona. di.d Jtt fult ro1*1 robes, an odd combination' ot till'm overall• lllld rego.t eru!til~


    ' ' .

    I , .. t -- • t !

    ~ Qtttmnil. ftwe®rl..-'t'tlt ~\\llc1t J'factl#!f' tlUftt'(IU)', k~OW~ tQ niotl tl41o nst~ntrt. ._.._ .to M~• ~· tllliii.OIItild bJ 1\ -1\Mf•tentlna In· \llit . Utt .• t. broa1J~ttlttl r~tlt •ft. t11. · .x. ac. ft~ntlttt k ._.,_.,_ ~ltttt of. W• tttr. . · ·. .. . . .. .. . .... ·

    ·. · 'ttin!lt'r i\1\" _., _. ha,~ \\'m"-. .. .- lti. lW.t11tN ~t~iltllllo tll*IMt~ · . ·

    . "ll•tt•t.. ..,t t~ .u.ctttJobtl~ :wm · ,ttft

  • \ •

    •. •' .··• ' ' • . , ... . ' . .

    .. t j· . . -.. I i·,


    ·,·,, ' ' . \.

    . " . .... ~ •Jj

    : ... :: ·.:·.· .. ·N· .,··.:u·· .. ·-- ·c··rotl··r· ·.···N· · a·a · .. · · . · .·. · ·. . .ew· at· · ~s or · .. ew . .au: ress·: · . ' ·, . . ' . ' .



    • .. 4 I .I

    •• •• ... ' .•>'


    . . . '"" ·- .... ' . '

    '·' .

    By qf.m~Is mcao:r.As ' .

    ~ ....... .

    ,._. .......... . . I

    T O SUC1 llS J:i'Jg S;r~p 'nnd cndor$C)cJ b, l)by.slclalllJ tor over 1:10 sear~·

    ·Children, need rtQ ur;lnr to tnke ft.

    . . "I nm stilt only: forlf·lh·c, but 1

    h11f!! n ·ltre!lt and sci:ret .Jlrcntl or l!rowi1ll!! oltl; tor It llccmll to ·mo. thnt

    old Is to bl.' .usciCll.'l. 'l'lle -worhl Is and more tlll'llln: ·to youth nrill sh·ength, nnd hn1.1 Jells nnrl lsS time tor n:;e. Alnl·hu It Ill n foolish f'-'nr on my pnrt, lmt It Is a very renl one."-D. n. ·

    f thlnlt nil fenr8 or fh!l rnturc nre foolish, but tho tlrwhl& dliliJreo·, cxpxranc .mo~cfl ancl.innlids, l'Jnc for aclplu tQQ. I" pl~mnt tlavcir Jll4~ ·

    ·· iccasy tQ ultc re&U4rly. ~n &l!owa,,l!Joomllcld, N.J. Sat~ ~cauvcs, H. F, JU~i~ ,t!; Co.,·It!c •• New York.



    Jtre$fone BA.TTEitiES

    ca .. ., extra power and lon~tr ur. atfowftlt priet'!S.l\llldeand ~euarantecd' l.y Ftrdtone. Trade tn your old l.attny and be eurc your esr will atart qulck1J enn In ooldeat weather. .

    ---~- 5.7.5 . u.a• ,, ... 17.91

    ~. .. -7.37

    •. ,. 1.11


    r ~ z:::-,:%~~~;.t::-: J ' 1[ turton..,. N•rW~rll: . .

    nn.t .. • hnlce at ...... •;,a -. ...... Dealua •••• Y•• IIOIMJ' ...,.. ••~'•• 'l'n lett• •

    -• • 1 •

    • • • •

    .. '; .


    ' ,.

  • . _ .... "· .... --. ,. _______ . ~· .-.-.,..,--.~, -~· ~-.~. ~-~-=-~·-·--~--~ _,..,., '-""' -.J~-' ..,., __ ,.,_ ·""'" _,,.,_. .... , :""·. ,_...,, .~t.-.:• ,.,..,., ,_.,.f .,-:.,,..,_ ."'!'. '""-~--'""-.·!"":-... ~"""-..l""'-: ::""'"""'' ""·""'· .. -'""' 11!1!)111114 IIIII# ##!1. '!'!' . ., ,!!!it. ~--.11111.11111 •• !Ill. ---1!!11. .... I !i#\1, .11#1 .. -~,._: !111.1#1., 1!1#!· .. :!10'.2. ,,.._: .Ill!_ .. I'¢11.--.--~-~·:_'""--}"'"1. -#11!111!~; !1!1-f""· ~~~~~-~!;P""f.:--~l,f'""-J'l!ll -;II!I! .. 1!1! .. Ill!(~. /-- --• ; -~·- _,., -~ ..... ;,·,. .. _'>' .... _ .. ;..1: '., ,_· ',• ·; .. ·:-:·~---, ..•. __ ·;_,~~-·)-t;-111_'_:_. __ ·.~ ~

    • • ' ' ' -~- ~I .,,: .,. 1 l;t- ,;~'-\oif#-~ ', - · • : • '

    •• r;.··

    . . •

    ..• ! '' . ,·. • ''; " . ~~l"'il'# lf•~•.H•-'# ~- • 1."'· ~ ........ > ,. -.- .;. • - ·-~ ~ ···--·~--- -.'-' ,· >··. . ' '... .... . ;. . ' ., ' ' ': t , __

    ' ',l., ~~ 4!1'!11..-."r, ' . - ···' - - . . _.I / , ; ·.· •'' · ' , ', , ,''"•""' .. _·

    =~· . -~~~~~=·· ~ ; • K '• ~ '···,, ~~==~~~~-~---~~==~~ .. ' _, ... ' ( 't• -.. bt &, +.,. .N WS !t!l. i. ';t'b.•OQ~ol.vell ugP - ·• Oil Ane.ho; New~ , . -- . -. Noti¢~ -- . .. - . L~liiiiiN..,.,...C ' . . meo . . un • .., : " tbnfl!looi ., ••~iodo .. of •W . . . - . . . ...... ~· 1!1111< • ·.• :y TR ·-- . : ': ' . ·_ . . . ~ . ' · - ' PufA~hed _ _ -·_ _ . _. ·_ · - eon•tructl«m llP tf• H~!l h~lt Qf . J. c. -:Qr.i'cklei hu ' NJ.lmber.'of ,A,:ppli¢•tJop ··l969, . -· -- · · . . ·- · - · . . ~ .. . · · · . : .

    • ... -'":·-·,";·' .. ~.,., ''

    &atared ... (lj)OC>o,i>Jill,..,114;t~d'IW• ~. tl1e~Arli1$ .con h:reu.:e llgr~eml!~t. fro~ llowar!J, PellP~Yt!a•l'i~; _ . Sa·qti F~j N. M •• O~;t()\>er lUff,. , • ;.' . . ( .. , _ B tweed .. ) : . .. . -••ai.•• tJM llfM~ •ll'lot· ... -

  • -~ ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~-::::::::~~~~~~-.~~~~r>•·••·•····,.,.,, .... ,.,,,. ' •'' ., .. ·'' • . ' ,· f. • J·. , ) .. ,·· ', .;: ' ,.· :. ·.· ·.·. ' ' ,., '. • • ' ,.' J ·' ' •. ·.. .~... ;:. ·, •JQ ~~·="~·==== .. =····;*~·--='·~~~-=·==·~··=·!=~'-~~~···~·= =~··~· =~·=·~·=··~\\ =~~~=~~~···~·· ~===·=· .. ~··. .. ..... .. " ' ' . ' ''

    " -~, -t,_ ,-.-\- ···- -~· ·;.·. .· .. ·· ... ·. ·. ..· Qguralt~mJ .. ' •tBdd~t¢.:· .: . :· .. · ·· ~t . • .. ..::. ~. ,· · ···•. •1 ... · u. ". u~~~.~:l•.t.~!.url~:. !f,·.!~~t.J P. !!.Q~ '(;~~.~~·'. at(til~eri · th~ Mr~ Claqd ar~glll, . . . . . , - . . ...

    'J I.


    . · .. · . '-~ ip~at.··twocla \ .. ~ • " .. l' • "'" . . · . . . ·· · . , : · ,, · · t.l .·· · "'· i.. El p · · pi~.' :"rb.e )lrt>a~~t. c.:iol · evt:nbt.ft'• .· .. •nc:l bo~ tUppl:t llt ll bl:'ldl(e pa..rty l~$t Frhlll7 ev•

    ,:Qf tlof !}. Wef:.-,: p: ·· ..•••• ()., ·· . • "' t.;J,.I. n"OY""d to be • n' t. It') ) ;:a ·.1 • , .> .·· · :. · · . , ' • 11'\hn~l~tinl{ brtaht~\\!t,' · . "1•. · ' ' .w ... ,,.,.. ,~ . ;- : .· .. ·· ~tUPf• I?Q~r "'(·~~· · p He~ Jln.,.

    · ·•· ·. ·• ~·'Dr. F.!(; JO.h~Jllc>l'i. ~p~pt MQ~· , , · ~ ~ . '•cry. . -,il•ir~ . Punng ~U~e · Doyle R.~tfrQW ·won . . . •. . .. ,,..J ln ~l Pi!-~Q· ". .. ' . . . . . . A, .Q,· B1.U!::ll, wl,IQ went to. tb~ .· .· . b~Jutifull1• .: ~~~:Qr•te,d while M;ril. ~v~))'n. 1 : ~1 . . • . ' . ' . rr: . s,.P. h.D$p1tal iu s~n Fr·~ ...... · .· .· c>.f· htt:u:b '!ll'~re·~uctioued to ••pture(l tlla set:I,)J:I

    Mr. •nd Mrs. Delber~ Donob"e, hi h d · • th t ··on .. Dr~ a lid Mta •. c.. ~, F,reemau sevcra.l . day a this wcf'k. Tbey ac:c:ompani~:d b.J Cody FnJak Boo• ~st c ;:._~~ J.!: •!ut ~cg~~c·~~-

    eatertaiaed a t~., {tieuds at a left 'l'ues~ay for Ruido~Jo to visit aer, of IUh~oil, wbo ar~ makiog sembling hil mncbill.ery aud ·ma• • ve.u:aon sunper taat Sunday. · a sister of Mr. Barratt's, aud were teria.l" at once. Between ciue

    ' r an extea:~ded toar of Canada aJtd .. ' to return· to Los Aa_eeles from hundred and ou~ bsaudrccl fifty Albert ~unbr~ll auecedc:d iu that point. the 'tt'e1ttr• Statea, atopped here mea will be employed, arid we

    killinK" hi• dc;er thia season, Be . to vialt Mr. Mra. Gcorie Dou~ bear tb~ ~xpeudit"re will . be tdlled a ~lS•pouader, Mr. and Ura. A. C, Cliaer and allut. · · arOADd ~19.0,00_0, •

    aug,hter, Gwen, left for Fair• Rn. L. D. Jord·aa held servl~es Herman Kelt' went to Roawell Tb~ttsday on busiuen for tbe Ht"h wa; ~epartmeut,

    b11aks, Ari:r;., last Sunday. wbcrr &ere Suo day a'Jler· tbe u!lual Sun .. Ar mlstlce Day Mr. Climer will act as section ay Sc:hool m~ethlf:'. Proclam atfon rorc:PJan OD the s P.. Tbe Clua• --,¢ .. ~=· . -

    Mrs, Ed LonG' of Tucumcari ers baveresided here for so long • \Vuhiugton, f'iov. 2 -A vrvc• is spendiog.lWO WCek&- with her that C'fCffODC. rt•grctU to los~ lamation C:alliog upoo citizens Of alsler, Mra. Jobu Harkey. them. the Uoi.\cd Staten to obse~ve No·

    Mr•• and · '••rt. Jimmie Lee veiQber U 111 Armistice d_ay wltb

    : . ' • ,

    •' ',

    { . . . . . ·. .. PRICES •BICIS•fiQCI8 .

    ·GOODYEAR '. SPE.E.DWAY · $ L 1.1 e t I II e Guaranteed o •••••• ••••••••••


    City Garage

    v. Reil. Prop. carrizozo, N .. ~1. • ••


    . '

    . ' . .


    - Mra. J. B. Ski~oer came from ceremoolea pledging au effort to

    .\ . ~pat a portion l of .~be wTeebk io Las Vega,! 'l'burdada1y .to vis11t1 l'perpetuate tbe peace of the ===-=~::"-~=~.~~o~c=:":c~"-----~.-~~ ,:":'."~-0--~ .• -:-. :""~c-·· "":' .• "":'"~. -~--:':":',,"":.0~--===== > '"'41 .. all(), rctora og uome tua• her aon noy, au amtly uot world" was issued todaJ by PrU•

    -' 4!'1• · SuudaJ. Mra Skinner 11id Mr. ~· ·- ideat lloonr •.

    Mra. Arcb Parker, of Toc:um· Skinner bad imprond very mueo carl, apent two here with Mr1. stuce beiug at Las Vegas aud Sarah lluebea till• w~ek.. tbcy would probably reaaain


    Mn. L. L, Ptten · .. 4 daucb· there for the wiuter. ter,-of Aacbo, were Yiahora ia Mrs, J. E. Fader cama up frQm Ctrriaoao Tburaday. Alamoeordo SaturdaJ to be with

    Mr. ~ucl Wra. Frank Cordo wbo ber little eraaddaugkter,Fraacca Yhlt Th~m Yiaitecl tba JCudatr raucb thi• Cbarlea, wbo Jut been quite H -b"' T~le~thone 'ill e~ returaed to Cbicaeo Tlaura• Mrs, Bill Cbar,Ju llaa alto been ., 11 .. e · · · · m nd unable to fill her polillo~t ~o~ZA~tttra a,.y at aehool uay. • in the posloftic:e. Nr Lovela.c:e ;;t.,;-:!"ti:at ~~~ir*Lo:i

    l(r. aacl Mra. C. A. Uc:Cam• bat ~el! aa!'llating in tha oH!C:t Dlltulce tht to'tlnl JOU are i caillaL tht telephone nlllll-moa and dauchter. Ardeaue, " •· ahtce her illntu~ ~ _(or tht a:a•=- undar

    ited frieucla ia TMcllmcari tlae . . • : 'ftleh lt lf llatt ·~ l.l..t> Mr-. Kulllaer arrind :;etterdaJ accordial to word rec:tt•ed froaa p. m., as 'boUt hue the same i:~UuSC,T\ue } QT a'\\u. n\l\1t\· \.\SlJ \:"' \.\\l,J

    ttom Chicago ac:compauled by Jlra. HaleJ, who is witll ldm. birthday. About fifty children Kts. Cb~alet !'aait, w&o wiU tt· Tbis is good nan te et'et.Jbody, and a few rrown•ups parttcipated maio • few days llt the 0-0. especially to. the Me•• foree, Utt, its the happj tYertt and b!ltb bon• · .. ·· . . . . . . . .. tlale1 expecta to ret•nr boaa otees were the recipients of beau•

    Kngrueer Scott1 BeU, ~bo baa SuadaJ •irllt. . tiral gifts and many good wiabes. 1tee• ill at bialloau~ht T.acumead . . • . . . .. .. T&e telreibmentg were uke. aittce t&tuiddle oi October, · · Later-Wt. HaJe.J Improved· so ... . d • .... d .

    0A T•o

    · - ~ · L tbi.t ...... H. 1 ... - c· •. '-o·w. aau WlC:•el an c coa. bia 6rst. trip·· iato Carri~lo T•ts• =•c:u w.... a"'· f e • e ·• b" h.d k . d . · .. .. · tbili motnio • 1arge art . &.J ca es Ylere serve ! dar. 9 • . . . . · g Jo}ce bad sewen C!n~le

  • . .

    HEA.,RT . . OPTBP

    NORTH .,



    (WNU lonlto)

    C:.PJtll .. ~~ 'I'UII•• l1r• Uo•tl7



    Hit 1-"rutltA hulcl up th~~t oi•Rm "' \fo.lna• hi llun. ''" lhfJ l!ttc · lte~n11e '-111 JunmJ' )ftlll\Sofnttr) ond .,. AJH' "tlh ac•ld du•t and fur• \1 tt•• Motuflt•d l'olu• pont nt •···•• 1- •••l·tttuH-~ Oorct .41ou ll•t.•r dlcttltlfttO \\IU1 hl8 ln•OOI· 1•oHnl alll•"''"'· lnG{l-'t'lllr IIDib •It fetQat•tll•ll 11\Q.J)O rnr the t ell• lur• nf th• l""lfldtlll 11&\lHJf •laflc:a •"•' In the troll• o l•urt, h ,r,lh n\o tn•n At lh11 ..... •t,IIAn \•a•t•na t••'•' Jnt• o Mn• MiliAn I• U).riJied at tt.a DIIHO) uf fh !kalcra

    at MoviH t>ollco tit Berlin• ere bcllll" taugbt

    to &boot nt running ob.Jcct.l b7 plc· · t~ thrown on tho acrcen by a mo. tloii""l'lctnre proJector. . 'l'be acenK &bow bnmuoa and nnlmula raelDI" acron a allUil screen, and to hlt tfiem requlr1 can join tho .,t>gullr aquad.

    Pel .. t s-r. Vltallt1 t>canut grower~ bavo U1oucbt that

    ~·stored moro than a rear ~r two would Io10 Ita Tle&lltJ, but ,ovem-lllent tm• lr.u11eato that ~oo

  • i \

    ' i '


    " • i

    ...... ' ,I 1

    ~· - • I '",. . . ' • ~.. -~

    • •

    ~~··~~~~~~~E==-=~~~~· ~~··E;;·~~~f5~~~·~====~==~~·====~==~·==~~~~~· --~~ ·' ,.. . . ' ' ' '

    ... • :>,." " -~-. .

    ' ~ ,, '

    ' .

    . )




    t } I



    ,, • . . .

    . OUR co· •.

    ',• -

    . ' • <

    ' . •

    .ION l·c·sE· · ~· ; , , I - - ", ~- • ,

    ' .· ' I - ' • , . .

    ' - - - .... 1, ... , ' . . . . . . .. " T . . . •

    • •

    • . · ()ur :Pet · Peere ,. • . .


    SAY!_ LEJIJME GM: ')1:)0 MY • . I

    PeRSCRIPTI~ ..... FIX YOU UP IN NO T1ME!! ..... ETC ... E I C ....

    • •




    / /


    The End of

    A "Ok'e 1HR04T! ..... SAY. •• l:'L&. TEL.(. VUH 'me '{SRY THING FOR THAT! OtoME A WORL.Q4 ~/,......._

    •.• ETC.- c :J ( ) )

    SWEl-L., HEC~ .... SWELL!!~



    ·• 0



    ' •

    Jfbrgotten ' :

    HEROE·S ' ' . - . - " .

    j. l'JJ' •


    A TC)ugb. Old PiC)neer ·

    I T IS a tar ery trom OrliUns Whnrt In the Uostou of colonial duya ·to the "Qold Couet" ot Chh:n~:o, but there· · · Is a llnl; bc~\veen the two. dror liome ot the "400" or the mldw~t ntetrupolls. us they serve ntte1·noun ten In thalr luxurious ntJnrtments null penthouses, can look down Into Lincoln llllrk uuct cun 1;1ec there u reminder or the hi>r· torlc "tea pourlug" which took 11luce In Mnssnchuseus HiS yt•ars u~:o. lt Is n slu1ple grunlto bouldl;'r, beurlng a brom:o tublet whereo.n you llliiY r\:ud "In wemury or Uuvh.l 1\.knnlsun. the lust survivor ot the 'llostuu-'l't>u l'urty,' who dll.'d In Ghlcugo l?ebruury ,:l-1, ls."•:!, uged one hundred and Uftceu yl.'ars, three months, sevl!lltecm dnys, uud Is burled neur 1 his B(IQt."

    • • ~ et tho Poston 'l'eu l'arty wus cmly Qne lnclclt'nt ·In one or the mo~t r~tmnrknble cureers.ln nil Amerlt'llll hid· tory. lnnlson wus born In NoiV IJumtJSblrc Ill 11:10 lllld \VU8 OIIC of tiiQ nrst to enlist ut the outbreak of t1111 ltevolutlon. lit< wu11 u minute mun ut l.t>xlngtuo nnll Ccl!lcurll nnd with hla fatln~r und two brothers he rnu~:ht ut llunker Ulll. lie st•rwd ln. the Cnu· tlnl.'otul urmy, 1111 a soldier and scuut, wus captured' b~ the Mohuwk lndlnti'l und held no 11 prisoner Cor, lll!ftlmt yenra. After the wur ho enllstt'd 11i tho rcllular urnw und Wltll u ruembur I ot the gnrrlaon ot tho lll'lil Fort Dt•:ar· born. Althouch (l:JIII tsc\·l.'nty, 110 n" culhslell In IBU.'l for 11 term or fh·c n•nr• und wn1 a uurvh'or ot the Fnrt I lll'lirhortfmnlllltlt't('. lit' 111 11nld to tmvc tou~;bt til S:Jt'kl'll'l llnrbur In tho Wur

    1 "t 1812 nnd to huvo bt'('ll wountlro In 1 thO llrtll)' b)' II l:rtllleflhO.I Ill \\'llllttmts• ! bu~ . 1

    Next ho IICitlt>d In New \'orll nnd · met with fur more tll.anutera than vnr I ho hntl duriDII hli llenko In two wura. II. fulling tr('• frncturu1l Ills ellull antl btoko Ilia collnr bono and two rl~: 11 a• mllllar1 reYJew lbo dlac:IIDr&o ot a ronuon broke both ot tala lega: 11nd tllu 1.11\'lr of a horse lett a ltllr on hll toro-bt'lld width 11e rorrltd Ull ble dt'Uth,

    Coldr are common ~oca!Js~ pooplo ~ro c:aroloss, Prompt

    us~ of aspirin will always c~ ~ coid. Or rollovo your cold at any stago. And gonulne aspirin can't·hurtyou. Take . . . two tablets of. Bayer ~plrln at tho first indication of ~ cold,

    and that's usually tho ond of it. If overy symptom . hasn't

    dls~:~ppeared In Cl fev/,hours, rope(lt. Bayer Asplr.ll) does not depress tho heart. Take enough to give complete relief.

    And If ~ur throat Is sore, dissolve threo tablets In water . ' '


    · and gargle away all soreness. In every package of genuine "'

    Bayer Aspirin are proven directions fpr colds, headaches, ' ' '

    sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis. Millions who used to auffor

    from these things havo found winter comfort In aspirin.

    . . \f~ .

    iBAYER·~~,~ ASPIRIN;' ~-~-"" ~= • , . ··-

    Marconr Aaathcr Dlrlb Rate 51umSM Jn:ao Cnollu &,;hllu, \\'bOll(! Juut 1111 t;n.ciltlllll \\'Oil cunurntulnt.

    homo for homl'l('t!ll Chlco~:o tlot:ll ro- In~: hl't'tlt'lf thnt bnhl(!a wero urrlvln~: l'l!ntly burnt dQ\\'11, In n gn:ut lover fnoter tlmn tlr:~tht Wt>ro r«ord~. ot nnlluntn, null nt a luncheon she ntnrm wn11 lq>rt•:tll ot onotl1t'r stump, told oo onlrnnl story. In birth mll•n. 'l'llla tlmo It wna rotS:

    "Tht'fO WOI Onl'O tl rolored (;l'DliP. Thl'rc! hal bcwn IUCb a dt'fltl(!d ~I)moo," eho bt>gnn, "wJto bad a dol.l clint' In lbo fl'llno b)rtb rnto tlint t1u1 U!lrnecl '7>1oroo\'(!r.' rot worlll 11 fnrlnr. 11 problem .:reat·

    "'Qui!Cr noml'. that, tor a dog,' u c;r than eTI'r :.ctoro rootronlcd. No· whlto gl?ntlt>m!lo lltllll. 'Wlil'ro clld botly knowa lho cnutt>, d)'l llllnnxer 1011 t~ct the nnmo trom, Jontut? Du111Ctlo ot tho .K(!ntlogton Kitten

    "'ltoreov(!r am n Dlblll'nl 111\tnl.', club tbow. '

    eol1.' Juntua. tho O\Tncr of tho dQJ:. ~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~ exttlnlnlld. 1

    "'\'Mi' told the gcnll"mon. •now t '

    to~· "'Don't )'OU fflllt'IDbCr, tmb,' 11uld

    tbb rolored ccnucrnao, 'wllftt de gooll book ll!lfl: ·

    . .

    Kt'nnl!on Wttl married four tlm!'a and wn1 tl1e father .,, twelll7•l\ro cbll· drtn. Lnto In life he bctamo ar~p:trar· e(t from 1111 d11ldtcn and wcnt to Cbl· CIJO to lito- In 18!5. nndlna that bit llevoluttonllry war ponPlao ot $3 wiU DOl ('DOUgh for 1111 IIYIDg I!XpatiCI. ht' 10011 up moounl tabor again and nlen:d the l'hl· rogo tntlllt!um oi nn ~lhlblt. 1-'or rho lngr rwent7 moulhl ot his life be w111 · ""'llmorer, the dog eotnc nnd bC?drldoJon bur Ilia lllgbl nnd hl'.1rJn.:. · llrked bill woundll."'" · Whlrb hnd fulled him tor n llmt'. bn I com~> pt!rfl'l'l os;nln nnd llo retnln•-d lhO!U! fllt'llllll'11 tllllll bill drotb In IS:.:!. i . . . ~ The Ddenea of Fort JcfFeraon

    Y UU will .ooll In ¥DID un Ute ltefl)o lullunar; war DlOJ•II for 1-'ort Jf!l· fers:on, II flNJb:lbly was nl'ft'r plnn•tl on any of tl:om. rot 1111 rxlsll:nt'o t1'ttll a llhort one. nur during tlml brh.•f lime II Will lbl' IIN>ue of one ot the must l•en•lc lfl'frll'an trontll!r. It \TaB buill In 1181 upun otdrNI trom Uor. Tbum:u• JPITrr~>un of \'lr~:lnla h.\' l'ol. llrur.:a llo;:ru t'lork Dt>:lf Mn) llrhl'll C'l't'l.'li lu ~· llurnl!d to Loulqo;:llle I l(".;nlnr: In command t'apl. Jnnw.o 1'1::: ! Jt,tl, a vNerau of Wnshin;:ton's arm) ~ and nf t'lnrk·s ex(l('dltlnn Into lhe 1111 noll rountr;r. An;:t>red bg lh!JI In , trnslon upnn their lands the l'hoccnw• and t'ltcFIInltlu-s un•lt>r thrir hnll·bret'>1 t'lll('f l'nllwr1 mnrc-ht'd agnlnst f.'or1 Jefl'Pnue. dem~mted the aurreudtl• of tl:o ron, promising ·to ilpnre th" lives of the sellle'ra. bul di!t'lnrlng lh:u If there wns turthet resi!Jtrtnce hr rnlght nor be able to ttmtrol hla Wllr• rlors It they ont-tt IIWe(ll orer the Walltt'

    Ca(ltnln l'l~tliolf 111ade 1 counter pro-fiOS:tl. lr rht! Indians wotlld•rntu (he siege, the ll!ttters would abondnn tfJe fort and IMV! the ruuntry. ('albert

    .11greecl tn inibmtl this pi'flflos:tl to " · councll of the lhlrrlors. Wbtl~ Ute council w1111 In progtcu tclllforremehll trorn t.oulsvllle artlvrd arid pretultll· tiona wete made to defend the tort to thtdnst. · Tliu Indft1ns lmmedlntt>11 nftnc·kt-•t. but the 11mnll rnnuon which the r.oult· yllte pnttJ h:tcl brought llntl Whlt>h hftd bi!l!l't motintctl on the wofla · lllllwi!d them down b1 tht~ ecoi'C!'. hOI drBfille this the batlle rn,;ed flerreiJ ·for tmnr11 · befolin Calbert .:n•e up tile llttethpr ro •tfttl the tori br ilflll'rtr Jiitd reUred froiD t!ie" ttelr1, The i!ettler~ llkl, htlit

    · 1111t enouJh. The!)' prepnrecJ t(f etncu-·ate the tort. IOI'rlf' to .«o tn f.ouh•vllle lind otheta 'to thtdl tortttet ff!lliies ltl K'IIJktlllkl•• 111. Wtth thc:>f~ rfetJ:trture tt1e ·t01't tell Into rutna IUJII Ydthln .. ShOrt ttme- the~ 1tlldt!l'tli'U btid il,kttll'll -mw~ (lie ~t wt:er~ Fi~rlJeft~r-

    . IOU bad lit:OOI!. .. · . 1111. tm. WNld Hew..,.... U..i•J

    Reward lor l.t.rr• Famill•• Jte\,·nrtJitlg flon>nt• (tf Jnrt;o fmnl·

    1ft'S ta llllo or lh& mott brllllnnt tunl'· tlonll Umt tnko tll:trc nnnu.11ty nl tiJP llotel do \'llle. l'nrlu. Nrorly 1:.0 ml'r and hron!!.r, on:-ordlns: to tho merit• or "nrb enett, UN'e lllln yrnr cU•trlbotetl, Tilt> ~old II!OO:ll!l \ft'lll to lbll 1J:tft'l11JI at t>II'Yen llllll twelro olrtpl'lng, lllh'M' to tboM ot E-Ight or nine, ond bronr.c to thoso . . ot fin•, ab: or 111.'1'('11,. Tlll''rt! w!'ro nino or tho golll clnu thiJr year, lwenty,ouo of tho Rll?er nod more thnn one buudr('t) brom•:e onea pre-st>nted.

    I far B·eHer Exleraal Re•e•r ·

    No molter bow tip to dolt) yo:Jr doctor Jn. tht're It ono o!d·flll!llloncd remedy ho often finds most hclptnt~ tho momtrd t~lnster. F01' genernUons lt bas been rceo;;nlzed all tiJJci'tlt In tn:otlng b:ld colds. varttcutnrb' where vnettmnfilll IJJ fet~n:d. Dnt today many pbn!cltu:IJJ rrollu that there It EOmetbJng tn: better In tho wny ot txternnt trt>atment. gMng resuttJ nrver before obtalnt'd. It Ia D. •u.. The PenetraUnl Gmnlclde. For quickly checldnr coughs and colds It ft1 alwQYa d€pMdable. Should at· way11 be used where vneumonta thrcatenli or hat 11et ln. n. & H. 111 tho ontr germlcldo thnt penetratell when extC!tnnU, appUed. There 111 notJilng else lllce lt. no 11ub11Utnte for u. Your druntst ahould haTe It In stock. . Or we will mall a. :tnU-Illte bottle on tecel.Pt ot $1.%i and ·hill name. t111Ctul booklet :tree. F. ·E. ltoltlns CO., li3 JJeyerJt St., llostou, lfaM. (AdY.) ' """""------

    Q\aett "1 hear. Katherlne ta morrylng thnt

    X·i't!Y ipeclnflst," ''Y"s. Whnt tan he 1e~rtn her?'

    · Whet• It She¥ld Be

    NURSES KNOW Nca~£5 11«1 nuny bre.lkdoWlil and llCfinus illr.CCM'I cau:cd IJy lettin~t tho l}'lltl'm "run,doml" tmtil it Ia too 'lltlk to ll;tht o!J s;uir'il. ) They 61110 ltoCO ~lOTI (lf(S(raba

    f:rl!on' Syrup for pwp!c who oro llff• \'011!1, cacl!y ttn>d, una Me to a!t't'p. These prop!o might bna bad a long_ S:t~ of illnn:11-ifi:.tod th"y rttmt:rt:d qllt(~ly ud cow glow witb Ctll'!J'r. nnd bQ!tli.

    'leu. too on "~ up' )'Our yill11itf• ned tallXJ }'Our Cfllllt to the akltll. Th11. wommful tO!lle rey!cnW!r-.t tbe body with v.lltub!c ingrrilienU. so that e\"t'll tluJ (Jnt f€W dmn1 a1alt the dl:tnge, Ckt We ~ttine Fcl!owa' S)TUp fro:n )-out druiiist tocby.


    ..\ lazy mnn mny prny for rain: and ho prttyll tor a 11low. drlltzllnK eM', so that fie won't hn vo to get up and &hut tllo wlndowll.

    hi* INDIGESTION u.,.,.,.., • PRESCRIPTION UethHN..tutelttlt•Mtt"-N ,.,..._.,..,, •• tuti•••W ..,, .. ill-lea. a a hH fntrilltC -~~·- .. _, ..... Qv. T .. ,ohe'IT"teualaii

  • ''

    ';.! '' ' " ' ·' ' ,···, '. ,.,, ~ ~~~,_.,.,~'""'""""~"""':""'..,..._,~"""""'"""""'!"'!!"1""'"""'1'!!"--"""""'"""""'~--"""""'""""'"~-...... -""""'~l!lllllll!ll!l!lllllll . •'' -·-·-.-· .• ,.. . .. ,.-,--•.4.·-