Παιδιατρική | Τόμος 64 • Τεύχος 2 • Μάρτιος - Απρίλιος 2001

ISSN 0377-2551 °∂¡π∫√ £∂ª∞ ∫Ú˘„ÔÚ¯›· - ÙÚ¤¯Ô˘Û˜ ·fi„ÂȘ °. ™·ÎÂÏÏ¿Ú˘, ∂. ∫fiÎÎÔÚË, ™. µÏ·˙¿Î˘, ∞. ∫Ú·ÛÔ˘‰¿Î˘, °. ÷ڛÛ˘ ANA™KO¶H™∂π™ ™ËÌ·Û›· ÙÔ˘ Ȉ‰›Ô˘ Î·È Ù˘ ı˘ÚÔ͛Ӣ ÛÙÔÓ ·ÓıÚÒÈÓÔ ÔÚÁ·ÓÈÛÌfi ∫. ¶·ÓÙÛÈÒÙÔ˘ √ ıˆÚ·ÎÈÎfi˜ fiÓÔ˜ ÛÙ· ·È‰È¿. ∫ÏÈÓÈ΋ ‰È·ÁÓˆÛÙÈ΋ ÚÔÛ¤ÁÁÈÛË °.™. µ·ÚÏ¿Ì˘ ∏ ηÎÔÔ›ËÛË ·È‰ÈÒÓ ·fi ¿ÏÏ· ·È‰È¿ ¡. ¶ÚˆÙ·ÁfiÚ·-§È·ÓÔ‡ ∂ƒ∂À¡∏∆π∫∂™ ∂ƒ°∞™π∂™ ¢Â›ÎÙ˘ ‰È·ÌfiÏ˘ÓÛ˘ Ì ÙÔ Ì˘ÎÔ‚·ÎÙËÚ›‰ÈÔ Ù˘ Ê˘Ì·Ù›ˆÛ˘ Û ·È‰È¿ ÚÔÛ¯ÔÏÈ΋˜ ËÏÈΛ·˜ ÛÙÔ ¡ÔÌfi ∫ÔÚÈÓı›·˜ ∂. ¶··‚·ÛÈÏ›Ԣ, µ. ∫¿ÏÏÈÔ˘, ¡. ∫·Ì¿˜ §ÔÈÌÔÁfiÓÔÈ ·Ú¿ÁÔÓÙ˜ Î·È ¯·ÌËÏ‹ Û˘ÏÏÔÁÈ΋ ·ÓÔÛ›· ÛÙËÓ ÂӉ¯fiÌÂÓË ·ÈÙÈÔÏÔÁ›· Ù˘ ·È‰È΋˜ Ï¢¯·ÈÌ›·˜ ª. ¡Ù·Ï·Ì¿Áη, ∂. ¶ÂÙÚ›‰Ô˘, ¢. ∆ÚȯfiÔ˘ÏÔ˜, ∞. ªÂÓÙ‹˜, Õ. ™Î·ÏΛ‰Ô˘, £. ∫·Ú¿ıÈÔ˜, º. ∞ı·Ó·ÛÈ¿‰Ô˘-¶ÈÂÚÔÔ‡ÏÔ˘, ª. ∫·ÏÌ·ÓÙ‹, ¢. ∫ÔÏÈÔ‡Ûη˜, ∂. ∫ÔÛÌ›‰Ë, π. ¶·Ó·ÁÈÒÙÔ˘, º. ∆˙ˆÚÙ˙¿ÙÔ˘-™Ù·ıÔÔ‡ÏÔ˘ ™˘ÁÎÚÈÙÈ΋ ÌÂϤÙË ¯ÔÚ‹ÁËÛ˘ Ê˘ÛÈÎÔ‡ Î·È Û˘ÓıÂÙÈÎÔ‡ ÂÈÊ·ÓÂÈÔ‰Ú·ÛÙÈÎÔ‡ ·Ú¿ÁÔÓÙ· ÛÙÔ Û‡Ó‰ÚÔÌÔ ·Ó·Ó¢ÛÙÈ΋˜ ‰˘Û¯¤ÚÂÈ·˜ ÙˆÓ ÚfiˆÚˆÓ ÓÂÔÁÓÒÓ ∂. ÷Ù˙ˉ¿ÎË, ∂. ∫ÔڷοÎË, ª. ÃÚÈÛÙÔ‰Ô˘Ï¿ÎË, ∫.ª. ª·ÚÁ¿ÚË, ¢. ª·ÌÔ˘Ï¿Î˘, ∞. ª·ÓÔ˘Ú¿, Ã. °È·ÓÓ·ÎÔÔ‡ÏÔ˘ √ÏÈ΋ ·ÓÙÈÔÍÂȉˆÙÈ΋ ÈηÓfiÙËÙ· Ï¿ÛÌ·ÙÔ˜ ·ÛıÂÓÒÓ Ì ÎÏ·ÛÈ΋ Ê·ÈÓ˘ÏÎÂÙÔÓÔ˘Ú›· ˘fi ‰›·ÈÙ· ∫.∂. ™Ô‡ÏË, ™. ∆۷ΛÚ˘, °.∞. ∫·Ú›Î·˜, ª. ªÔ‡Î·˜, ¶. ªÂ¯Ú¿Î˘ GENERAL PAPER Current management of the undescended testis G. Sakellaris, H. Kokkori, S. Vlazakis, A. Krasoudakis, G. Charissis REVIEW ARTICLES The importance of iodine and thyroxine in the hyman organism K. Pantsiotou Chest pain in children. A clinical diagnostic approach G.S. Varlamis Abuse of children by their peers D. Protagora-Lianou ORIGINAL PAPERS The tubercular infection index among pre-school age children in the district of Korinthos ∂. ¶··‚·ÛÈÏ›Ԣ, µ. ∫¿ÏÏÈÔ˘, ¡. ∫·Ì¿˜ Infectious agents and low herd immunity in the etiology of childhood leukemia M. Dalamaga, E. Petridou, D. Trichopoulos, A. Mentis, A. Skalkidou, T. Karpathios, F. Athanasiadou-Piperopoulou, M. Kalmanti, D. Koliouskas, E. Kosmidou, J. Panagiotou, F. Tzortzatou-Stathopoulou Comparative trial of natural and synthetic surfactants in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome of prematurity E. Hatzidaki, E. Korakaki, M. Christodoulaki, K.M. Margari, D. Mamoulakis, A. Manoura, C. Giannakopoulou Plasma total antioxidant status in phenylketonuria patients on diet K.H. Schulpis, S. Tsakiris, G.A. Karikas, M. Moukas, P. Behrakis 93 101 115 125 132 136 145 154 March - April 2001 Volume 64 No 2 . . ¶AI¢IATPIKH TOMO™ 64 TEYXO™ 2 ETO™ 2001 M¿ÚÙÈÔ˜ - ∞Ú›ÏÈÔ˜ 2001 ∆fiÌÔ˜ 64 ∆‡¯Ô˜ 2 . . Continuation of table of contents inside title page ∏ Û˘Ó¤¯ÂÈ· ÙˆÓ ÂÚȯÔÌ¤ÓˆÓ ÛÙËÓ ÚÒÙË ÂÛˆÙÂÚÈ΋ ÛÂÏ›‰·

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Τριμηνιαία έκδοση της Ελληνικής Παιδιατρικής Εταιρείας


  • ISSN 0377-2551

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    ANAKOH .

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    GENERAL PAPERCurrent management of the undescended testisG. Sakellaris, H. Kokkori, S. Vlazakis, A. Krasoudakis, G. Charissis

    REVIEW ARTICLESThe importance of iodine and thyroxine in the hyman organismK. Pantsiotou

    Chest pain in children. A clinical diagnostic approachG.S. Varlamis

    Abuse of children by their peersD. Protagora-Lianou

    ORIGINAL PAPERSThe tubercular infection index among pre-school age children in the district of Korinthos. , . , .

    Infectious agents and low herd immunity in the etiology of childhood leukemiaM. Dalamaga, E. Petridou, D. Trichopoulos, A. Mentis, A. Skalkidou, T. Karpathios, F. Athanasiadou-Piperopoulou, M. Kalmanti, D. Koliouskas, E. Kosmidou, J. Panagiotou, F. Tzortzatou-Stathopoulou

    Comparative trial of natural and synthetic surfactants in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome of prematurityE. Hatzidaki, E. Korakaki, M. Christodoulaki, K.M. Margari, D. Mamoulakis, A. Manoura, C. Giannakopoulou

    Plasma total antioxidant status inphenylketonuria patients on dietK.H. Schulpis, S. Tsakiris, G.A. Karikas, M. Moukas, P. Behrakis









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    N Kawasaki Epstein-Barr. , . , . , . , . , .

    . , . , . , . , .

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    E.. , . . , .

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    CASE REPORTSCongenital diaphragmatic hernia presenting with acute respiratory distress in an infantN. Baltogiannis, E. Papandreou, C. Chiotinis, V. Charisi, D. Keramidas

    Transient cortical hyperostosis and elevation of alkaline phosphatasefollowing long-term administration ofprostaglandinJ. Kaleyias, N. Iakovidou, E. Megaloyianni, S. Rammos, G. Kourakis, H. Dellagrammaticas

    Congenital syphilis: a current threatE. Korakaki, E. Hatzidaki, A. Manoura, P. Smirnaki, I. Papamastoraki, C. Giannakopoulou

    Kawasaki disease assosiated with primaryEpstein-Barr virus infectionG. Triantafyllidis, D. Karakaidos, P. Zosi, T. Vlachou, L. Kanaris, C. Karis

    Facial palsy caused by latent mastoiditis . , . , . , . , .

    Seizures after dermal exposure to DEETM. Narlioglou, G. Briassoulis, T. Hatzis

    Disorders of thyroid function in children with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)A. Kaimara-Papathanasiou, C. Hadjiathanasiou, C. Theodoridis

    LETTERS.. , . . , .

    PAEDIATRIC NEWS. Papadopoulou-Couloumbis










    Continuation of table of contents


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    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 5

  • PCR : Couroucli XI, Welty SE, Ramsay PL, Wearden ME Fuentes-Garcia FJ, Jiyuan NI, Jacobs TN Towbin JA, Bowles NE : .

    RSV Trefny P, Stricker T, Baerlocher C, Sennhauser FH : M. A

    : ;Levesque BM, Pollack P, Griffin BE, Nielsen HC : M. A

    Berg M, Cook L, Corneli H, Vernon D, Dean J : .

    IL-8 RSVAbu-Harb M, Bell F, Finn A, Rao WH Nixon L, Shale D, Everard ML : M. A

    . Shaw MP, Bath LE, Duff J, Kelnar CJ, Wallace WHB : . -

    : Ljungman G, Gordh T, Srensen S, Kreuger A : . -

    LITERATURE ABSTRACTSDetection of microorganisms in the trachealaspirates of preterm infants by polymerase chainreaction: association of adenovirus infection withbronchopulmonary dysplasiaCouroucli XI, Welty SE, Ramsay PL, Wearden MEFuentes-Garcia FJ, Jiyuan NI, Jacobs TN Towbin JA, Bowles NEGreek translation: S. Fotopoulos

    Family history of atopy and clinical course of RSV infection in ambulatory and hospitalized infantsTrefny P, Stricker T, Baerlocher C, Sennhauser FHGreek translation: M. Anthrakopoulos

    Pulse oximetry: Whats normal in the newborn nursery?Levesque BM, Pollack P, Griffin BE, Nielsen HCGreek translation: M. Anthrakopoulos

    Effect of seating position and restrained use on injuries to children in motor vehicle crashesBerg M, Cook L, Corneli H, Vernon D, Dean JGreek translation: . Tsoumakas

    IL-8 and neutrophil elastase levels in the respiratory tract of infants with RSV bronchiolitisAbu-Harb M, Bell F, Finn A, Rao WH Nixon L, Shale D, Everard MLGreek translation: M. Anthrakopoulos

    Obesity in leukemia survivors: The familialcontributionShaw MP, Bath LE, Duff J, Kelnar CJ, Wallace WHBGreek translation: F. Athanasiadou-Piperopoulou

    Pain variations during cancer treatment inchildren: A descriptive surveyLjungman G, Gordh T, Srensen S, Kreuger AGreek translation: F. Athanasiadou-Piperopoulou

    Scheduled Medical Meetings











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  • E E E


    IE EM 92A 115 28T:. (01) 7771 140 / 7771 663, Fax: 7758 354

    E E : . : . -M : . -

    : . A-: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : A.

    E .

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    92 115 28: (01) 7771 140, Fax: 7758 354

    Bimonthly PublicationThe Official Journal of the Hellenic Paediatric Society

    PublisherK. Griveas

    OwnerHellenic Paediatric SocietyMichalakopoulou 92Athens 115 28Tel. (01) 7771 140 / 7771 663, Fax: 7758 354

    Scientific Editorial BoardPresident : K. MalakaEditor : Z. Papadopoulou-CouloumbisMembers : E. Agelaki-Georgaki

    : F. Athanassiadou-Piperopoulou: M. Anthrakopoulos: G. Varlamis: P. Kafritsa: A. Konstadopoulos: Th. Tsiligiannis: K. Tsoumakas: S. Fotopoulos: . Hatzis

    Manuscript Editing

    Greek EditingF. Mavroidi

    English EditingZ. Papadopoulou-Couloumbis

    Correspondence Hellenic Paediatric Society Michalakopoulou 92Athens 115 28Tel: (01) 7771 140, Fax: 7758 354

    EITHMONIKE EKOEI E..E. 14, 151 25 MT.: 68 89 180 Fax: 68 89 290

    E 10000 .E, : 5000 .

    Publishing CoordinatorSCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS LtdParadisou 14, Marousi 151 25Tel.: 68 89 180 Fax: 68 89 290

    Annual SubscriptionAll foreign countries: US $ 30

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    SSN 0377-2551i

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  • 93

    : 80% . - - (hCG) - 3 -. 2 , . , - . . , - , .

    : , .

    Abstract: The undescended testes are unilateralin approroximately 80% of cases, are rarelycorrected by human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG), and should be treated by orchiopexybefore the patient reaches the age of 3 years topermit optimal tubular development and spermfunction. A cryptorchid testis does not maturenormally after the age of 2 year and may produceantibodies which may have adverse effects on thenormal contralateral descended testis. The highera cryptorchid testis resides above the scrotum, themore dysgenetic the morphology is likely to be.Hypoplastic cryptorhid testis should be removedearly. In general, high-positioned testes that havenot been surgically placed into the scrotum beforemidadolescence should be removed.

    Key words: undescended testis, management.

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    Current management of the undescended testisG. Sakellaris1, H. Kokkori2, S. Vlazakis1, A. Krasoudakis1, G. Charissis1


    2001;64:93-100 Paediatriki 2001;64:93-100

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    8 - - 10 - 12 , . - , - , - , - 80% .

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    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 94

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    , - , . 80% - . , - . - .


    . , , -.

    , Mller - . - . - - . .

    6% .

    - 85% . -, . , - - .

    - (vanishing testis) - . , - FSH LH -


    - . , - Leyding - .

    , . - , .

    - - .

    - - .

    o ,

    , , . - , - .

    - - , . 80% - , - - , - . - - , .

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    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 95

  • 96

    2001;64:93-100 Paediatriki 2001;64:93-100

    . - , (6). , - .

    - , - . - . -, - (7).

    - 1,5 ml 3 ml 11 . 3-4 , (12-15 ml). , .

    - , .

    , (8). - - -, . , , - - -. , .

    - -.

    85% -

    , - . - -

    - . - , , , - .

    , , , .

    , - - - . , - , -. , , .. -, , , ().

    , - . - . - -, , . -, - (FSH), (LH) HCG. (FSH), (LH), , (9-11).

    , -, , - , - (12).


    , .

    (hCG) -

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 96

  • 97

    2001;64:93-100 Paediatriki 2001;64:93-100


    hCG - . 2 , hCG . , - hCG , - 10%. hCG -, -.

    - (LHRH) -, , - hCG. - LHRH, spray.

    LH-RH 10 - 400 mg x 3 . , - (CG) 1500 U ( -), . , LH-RH.

    2 .

    -, .

    . -

    - -, - .

    , , - , - . - - - 4 .

    , -

    . - 18 3 , - (14).

    - - , - - .

    , , - Lattimer-Benson-Lofti , . , - - .

    - ( 5%), - , - . - - , - (15).

    Fowler-Stephens , , - , - - (16). - - . (- 30%), - . - .

    - , (17).

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 97

  • 98

    2001;64:93-100 Paediatriki 2001;64:93-100

    , , - Silastic, - - , -.

    (Silber Kelly) - , -. .

    , - , (La Roque) . - , . .


    Fowler-Stephen -- , .

    6 , (18-20).

    , - (21-23).

    15% . , -. , . , - .

    , - .

    - -. , - .


    40-65%, , . 6 92%. , - - .

    , - , - (24).

    100% . - , , . - 6 , - 50% 30% -.

    , - 40%.

    FSH . LH - Leydig - .

    - 3 , 70%, - 13 , 15%.

    , - 5% -. - , -, , .


    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 98

  • 99

    2001;64:93-100 Paediatriki 2001;64:93-100


    - - 4 .

    - - - . .

    12% -

    . 30-50 - . - 200 - (25).

    26 . - .

    , -, - .

    - - 5 , - .

    14 - . . - , - - -. -. , , - . , - .

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    2001;64:93-100 Paediatriki 2001;64:93-100

    H : 11-09-2000 H : 13-12-2000

    : 6, 700 14, . ,

    : () . , - . : - PCR , ,, , , . , 28 36 . - . : 89 28 , 13 , 45 31 -. 36 , 15 , 39 , 39 (). DNA , , 28 (12/45=27% 1/31=3%, p

  • 101

    : - (15 mg). (150-500g), , -. , , -, - -, . 10% -, - 24, - 100 g. , , - , , (, ) , -, , , Chernobyl. (, , ) . -, ( - ), 17% - , . - 64% . - - , - .

    Abstract: Iodine is an essential trace element inthe human body and is present only in minutequantities (9 mg). The daily consumption of iodineis small (150-500 g), but iodine deficiency is oftenobserved, because there is small quantity of iodineon the earth. In developing countries iodinedeficiency is observed among the poor, who live inmountainous areas, without public transportationand far away from the sea. Those people onlyconsume locally produced vegetable foods, and aredeprived of animal and of preserved foods whichcontain more iodine. When one finds goiters inmore than 10% of the population, then there isiodine deficiency in that district and the con-centration of iodine in 24 hour urine collection isless than 100 g. Iodine deficiency duringintrauterine life and during the first 3 years maycause unrepaired damage with developmental,psychokinetic and intellectual delay (Neurologicalcretinism and Myxedematous cretinism) and anincrease in fetal loses. Iodine deficiency duringchildhood and adolescence may cause an increasein the incidence of bronchocele, developmentalretardation and an increase in the incidence ofthyroid cancer following nuclear accidents such asthat of Chernobyl. In adulthood iodine deficiencymay cause goitre, which causes difficulty in swal-lowing and breathing, and hypothyroidism as wellas toxic goitre and cold nodules which can becancerous. Today iodine deficiency has beenreported to be present in about one billion people(17% of the earths population) who live inmountainous areas in developing countries.Enrichment of food with iodine (water, salt, bread) is

    2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    The importance of iodine and thyroxine in the human organism. Pantsiotou



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  • 102

    2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114

    , - , . , - . 1:3500 . , - , . , , - - . , 1979, .

    : , , , - , , , , .

    a national priority in every country. Iodine actsthrough the action of thyroid hormones whichregulate the maturation of various tissues, increasethe metabolic rate and augment the enzymaticreactions. In areas with iodine deficiency theaffected population has a low index of intelligence,growth retardation and decreased hearing ability.The incidence of congenital hypothyroidism is1:3500 newborns in the first month of life and ifuntreated may cause mental retardation. During theprenatal period congenital hypothyroidism, havenormal development because thyroxine is providedby their mother. Since 1979, all the newborns in ourcountry undergo screening for congenitalhypothyroidism and are treated with thyroxinewithin the first month of life (approximately 30newborns are treated every year with thyroxine forhypothyroidism and have a regular follow up).

    Key words: iodine, iodine deficiency, goitre,endemic goitre, neurological cretinism,myxedematous cretinism, selenium deficiency,congenital hypothyroidism.


    - , - - . - 1820 - , - . , , .

    , , 22 - ( ) (1). - , ,

    100mg, . , - 15 mg . - (3,4) ( 1), - , () -.

    1817 - (-) (2). - , - . - 1957. 20 - - ( 10 - ), , - - - . . - 4 3 rT3,

    4 FT4 3 RT3 TSH TBG


    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 102

  • 103

    2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114

    , - (3).

    , - , ( 1). 3.


    , - , , , , -. , - - (5). 10% , (

    ). - 20 200-250 (6).

    , . EdwardBrowne (1644-1708), : . , - . , - - , - (7). , 1180 , , (8). Lugol -, -, 19 ( ). 1907

    3,3 (2)

    (4) 3,5,3 - (3)

    3,3,5 - ( - 3)

    1. - - . 4 3 . 3 , -. r3 2 . ,,, D1,D2, D3, . D3 5 4 3.

    D2,D1-1 (5)

    D3-1 (5)

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 103

  • David Marine, , - .

    (- 2) (9,10) , - (11,12). - - (13) , Chernobyl 26 1986. , - 131 - - . (- ), - , - (14) -.

    , -. . , 30-50 g, 100-250 g.

    ( squamous), , -. , ( - ), ( ) ( )(15). , - Keshan ( ) Kashin-Beck

    2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    1. 100 gr (4)

    mg mg mg g g 240 270 3,0 4 2 170 410 2,5 1530 20 60 210 2,5 3 20 110 390 6,4 49 (;) 240 250 9,7 14 6 19 25 1,9 2 3 6 9 0,6 9 3 41 5 0,4 3 (;) 10 25 0,7 7 10 93 30 1,4 25 59 550 52 2,9 50 23 36 31 1,0 24 16 12 33 1,6 90 14 150 42 1,1 18 28 200 25 7,7 45 120 130 51 26 45 160 110 24 1,6 28 6

    2. -

    . 1. 2. 3. 4.

    . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

    . 1. 2. , 3. 4.

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 104

  • 2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    . 10 ng/ml, - 60-110 ng/ml. , .

    , 80% 5 . 10% - , -, ( ), - , - , -, , ( 2). , , - . , - , - (16,17). Kashin-Beck , - . - . , , .


    - ( 17%) 6 , - (18). , - , - , -

    (19). - (, -, ) , , , . - . 50-100 ( 3) (20). - , -, , - - ( 3). , - - (, , , -, ) ( 4) - (21).


    - -, (22). - 30-250

    3. WHO

    >30 g 0-5 90 g

    5-12 90 g 1-3 90 g

    4-6 90 g7-10 120 g

    150 g 200 g 200 g

    2. . .

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 105

  • -. 80% . 1g/. - , - . , - , . (23). - 4 . 64% 4.

    - (24). , . ( 4-10 g/-) - . , , - - . , 300






















    . 70-130

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 106

  • 2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    (25). -

    - . - . - 50-60 g/ 0,7 g/ . (26), - -. - . -, - , . - , - , - - . - - , - - .

    (27). , , , . - , -. , . ,

    - , . - , , - , (- 5). . - , , ( -) (28).

    , - . . , . 1924 - , 1999 - (29).

    1993, - WHO, UNICEF ICCIDD, - , , . -, , - (catering) - . -, , 8-12 . - 10 -, 2 (), (, , -) 8 - ( 4) (30). ,

    5. K ,

    24 (g/L) 100 g/L 50-100 g/L 25-50 g/L 25 g/L

    4. , 1923-1990

    1923 1960 1974-78 1981-88

    (ppm/kg NaCl) 0 3,75 7,5 15 (g/gr ) 18 8 90 45 150 7724 -131 % 52 13 27 5 22 6

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 107

  • , , - ( ). , - , - , - . 45 - - (31). - , . - , . - - - - , , . , - . -, , (32).

    , . (), (3), , 25-50 (ppm) (33,34). , 2,5-5 gr - 100-200 g . - 150-500g (0,15-0,5 mg).


    50 g, ., , 25 g, . : ) ( , - ), - , - , ) ( - TSH), .

    , - TSH (22) - . , -, .

    - (.. , 2 mg ). - - ( Hashimoto), Graves , - , , - -. - , , , . , , - , , - - (35). -

    2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    4. . : - . : - ( ). C: . D: - . E: . F: - .

    ( )

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 108

  • 2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    ( Wolf-Chaikoff) - (36,37).

    , , - - (38,39). - , (, ) (40).

    3 , - -, , - , -. - -, (41).

    - , - (42,43), - (44,45). 4 14 g/dl ( - TBG), .

    , 50% - 4 6 g/dl. - . 3 - , - TSH. 4 3, .

    TSH - (46) , , -, - (47).

    (48). - , (49).

    - , - , - 10 - (50).

    , - . , - - (51). - .


    - - . 3 - 5 - , 4. 3 - , - . FT4, TBG TSH - , 12 - , 36 -.

    - . 4 - , 4 - , - - - (52). -, 4 3. 4 - - (53). , FT4 - . -, FT4 . , FT4 - . - ,

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 109

  • , - 3 -. , , 4 -. , -. , . 4 6 .

    4 , , , , - ( 5)(54). , , - .



    . , 4 . - 100 g . - - , - (55,56), - (57).

    FT4 , . - ( ) , . FT4 TSH --, -. , - - .

    2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    5. , - .


    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    , -


    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 110

  • 2001;64:101-114 Paediatriki 2001;64:101-114


    , - .


    , . 1979 ( ), - (58). , 3-7 , - . - . - - TSH. TSH >30 I U/L, - . , -, , .

    1 3427 -. 1996 - 545 (59). , - , , - . , . . - , 10% - .

    85% ( 40%, - 40%, 5%) 15% - - . - 1 10.000 -

    TSH (60), ( ) - (61,62).

    - () - . , - , - - - (63). - 1 (F-1), - 2 (F-2) Pax 8. (Knock out) , . - - . PAX 8 - - - .

    15% , -

    6. - (,, ).

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 111

  • . - , . : 1) -, 2) (64), 3) - (65), 4) Pendrel (66). - TSH (67) - . - TSH - , TSH 4 (68).


    - - (69). , - -. - , - . -, , , - - ( 6). , , -

    . -, - . . , , ( 7) (70) , -, -, -. , , - , - .

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    : , , - . - , - , . , . -, , , , , . - - - , - - , , - . , , - .

    : , .

    Abstract: Chest pain or precordial pain is afrequent symptom in childhood and a veryfrequent cause for seeking examination by apediatric cardiologist. The fear of heart disease onthe part of the parents is the main cause for anadditional anxiety to the pediatrician, but alsochest pain itself is often a difficult problem to solveif the diagnosis is based entirely on clinical criteria.This review analyzes chest pain in children withemphasis on the particularities pertinent to theyoung age group as well as on the available dataaccumulated from studies in adults. Moreover, thediagnostic approach on the part of the pediatricianis meticulously analyzed which, among others, isbased on the etiology and the specific clinicalsigns, as well as on the data derived from ouroutpatient cardiology clinic. Specific emphasis isgiven on the description of the clinical signs, aswell as on the various etiologic factors. Despite thelow incidence of the cardiac causes of chest painin childhood, their prompt recognition by theclinician is essential since it will contributesignificantly to the overall prognosis. A diagnosticalgorithm is finally presented which is used in ourpediatric and pediatric cardiology clinics of ourhospital.

    Key words: chest pain, diagnostic approach.

    . K . .

    Chest pain in children. A clinical diagnostic approachG. S. Varlamis


    - , . ... ..., .....

    Associate Professor of Pediatrics - Pediatric Cardiology4th Pediatric Clinic, Aristotelion University of ThessalonikiA.H.E.P.A. Hospital, Thessaloniki

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 115

  • () -

    , . - , . , , , - (1,2).

    - - , - - - .


    , - - (Houssay, 1963) (3). 16 , : - , (4). , - (1,5,6). - , , - - , (6,7). , , , -

    , , , (2,8).

    , - . - stress - , . , , - . - -, (1) (1,2,9-11). : ) , , - , ) , , (1,5,11).

    , , , , , - 7-9 .

    , - .

    2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124


    1. (1,10,11)

    -3 .6-18 .18-36 , . .3-7 .7-9 . .

    .>9 .

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 116

  • , , , (6,7,12). Selbst (13) - ,6:1000. Brenner (14) Fyfe (15) - . , - , (16), 0,18% 2:1000. -, 77 18570 (0,45%), , 7 100 , 3 (17). , - - 2,59% (58/2236 ). - , - . - 13 . - ( -: = 1:1), , . -

    - 12 , - , 12 . 3 45-69% 3 19% , - 3 , - (18-22). 103 , - () 65%.


    - (24,25), - - . -, - -. , ( 1) (24-26).

    - - (27). 3 (10,13-15,20,21,28) 4, (7,13-15,19,20,22). - : ,

    2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124


    2. . (4,23-25)

    , , , >30 min, , , , , - , , . .

    , , , , , . . 5 min , .

    - - . , 3 - : 1) 3 - , 2) , .. 1 3) 48 . - , , , , , , , .

    ( ), , , -, . , - , .

    , - .

    , - , 3 min, , - .

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 117

  • , - .

    , -, - , , - (, - . ). - : ) - : 12-85%, ) -: 15-31%, ) : 12-21%, ) -- : 5-17%, ) - : 4-7%, ) : 4-21% ) : 1-6% (1,7,15-17,19-22,26-30). - - , . 5 - (7,13-15,19,21,22,26,31,32).

    - , 2,5 103 - ,

    ( ). 34 (33%) - . 20 (19,4%), 4 (3,8%), - 21 (20,3%), 8 (7,7%). 16 (15,6%) .

    , - (14,16,26). - 34/103 : 47%, - 38,2%, - ( , - .) 8,8%, 2,9%, 2,9% ( 2).

    - . , , - , - , - , . - , , stress. , .. , ( 30%) , (29,31,32), - .

    1. :

    2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124



    1. .

    3. - (10,13-15,19,20,27)

    1. 1. :2. - . 3. . + 4. .

    2. :. .

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 118

  • . , . - . -: 4-6 , (27).

    2. (precordial catch syndrome): , -, 0,5-5 min, - . - (26,33).

    3. Tietze: , - .

    , , - . (26).


    4. : 7-9 . - - (5-17%). stress, , ( )

    2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124


    4. () (7,13-15,19,20,22)

    . .

    1. 1. . 2. . .

    2. Kawasaki 1. . 2.

    1. () 3. 2. 4.

    . .

    5. (7,13-15,19,21,22,26,31,32)

    . , , (catch), Tietze, , - , - , , , , -, , , , , -, ( ), ( ), .

    . , , ( ), , , -, , , , .

    . , stress, , , , , .

    . , , , , , -, , , Zollinger-Elison, , , -, , .

    . 1. : , , .2. : Hodgkin, , , , .3. : , , , , Marfan, -

    , , .

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 119

  • (21,34). 103 , 20%, , , 45,6% (47 ) .

    5. - - . -, , . - , - (35).

    1. :

    - ( 31% ), (30-32) - - -- . (18-25% ), , - . -, , - (23,30-32,36). 103 , 16

    103 (15,5%) . , , - 5% - , 1,7%.

    2. Kawasaki: Ka-wasaki, 1 - , - / 50% . , , 2 3 , . -, - ( 2) - (37).

    :) -



    ) -.

    ) , - .

    : )

    2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124












    N=34 N=103












    2. % 34/103 . : 34 , . : 103 . : 1 = , 2 = , 3 = - , 4 = , 5 = .


    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 120

  • , ) , ) , - - 3.

    - . - . : - , , -, - , pH , , , , (19,26,27).


    , 1:5-6 . - (19,22,26) ( 5 ):

    1. : - 12 .


    .3. + -

    + Coxsackie.

    4. : + .

    5. : - .

    6. : , .

    7. : - .


    . - 1:6 1:3 . (1,7,13-15,19-22,26) ( 5):

    1. : 12 .

    2. : .

    3. : , .

    4. : .


    2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124


    : ; ; : ;

    , , , - , , , -

    , .

    , , , , ,, , .




    3. . .


    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 121

  • ) (13-15,19,26,27,35-37) ( 6):

    1. - ( , , , , -, , -).

    2. : , -, 1-6/6, , - (.. - -).

    3. : : ) - ( / - ), ) (- , , - , - ).

    4. : -,

    . 5. :

    , , - .

    ) (13-15,19,26,27,34-37) ( 7):

    , , . - . :

    1. - ( ) - .

    2. -, -, (colla-psus).

    3. , .

    4. - -, ,

    2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124


    7. (13-15,20,27,28,36-38)

    1. 2. -- 3. Kawasaki 4. + , 5. , , 6. ,

    7. - , , 8. - ,

    = , = , =

    6. (13-15,19,26,27,35-37)

    1. , 2. , 3. Valsalva 4. , 5. 6. , , 7. 8. ,

    = , = () ()

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 122

  • 2001;64:115-124 Paediatriki 2001;64:115-124


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    -, , - - , - , - ( ) - - - ( 50%) .

    ) (13-15,19,26,34-36):

    1. .

    2. + + - shock, - .

    3. , - , .

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    : . . 85, 546 43,

    : (RSV) . : 6, , - , . - RSV - . : 172 12 (99 73 ). - . : , 62% 29% (p

  • : 20 - - , - , -. - , - . , . - . . , , .

    : , , .

    Abstract: Over the past twenty years, indeveloped countries, there is a growing convictionthat bullying constitutes a form of child abuse. It hasbeen found that some children are repeatedlyinvolved in such incidents, either as bullies or asvictims. These experiences have adverseconsequences on their mental and physical health,social development and academic progress. Inparticular, children with special needs are atincreased risk for victimization. The purpose of thisreview is to heighten the pediatricians awareness ofthis problem. Epidemiological data, characteristicsof bullies and victims, health consequences andintervention modalities are discussed.

    Key words: bullying, victimization, peer relation-ships, children with special needs.

    2001;64:125-131 Paediatriki 2001;64:125-131


    . -

    Abuse of children by their peersD. Protagora-Lianou


    , . , peer abuse , -, ( ) . . , , -

    - (1).

    - : , -, , - .

    , - .


    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 125

  • . , - (2,3).

    1999 -

    350 . , 11,6% . (17,4%) - (8,5%). (16,8%) (6,6%). 23,2%, (36,5%) (10,4%). , (22,7% 3,5% ) (26,1% 10,2% ). - , - (29,4% ) (6). , , 29% 12-15 49% - 16-19 . - : 42% , 36% - 26% (7). - - . Olweus 1977 , 13.000 8-16, 8% , 9% (1). , - ( ) 27% -/ 10% (4), , , 17%, - 17% 15% (5).

    , , , ( - ) (1,4,8). . , - , -

    . -, (1,4,8). , - (4,8)., - (3).

    -: , , -:

    : (tempe-rament) , (9,10). (11). - . - , (12). - (13). ( -). , - ( - )(14). - . - - (15).

    K : , (, .) , . - - , . , - . , - . - (1,3). .

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    - . , - (16,17). - , . , , -. - (18). - , (19,20). -, (21,22). - - (23). . ( ) - - (24,25). - - - . 15 21 , - ( -) , , . , (26,27). , - . , - , -, , (27,28).

    : . -, , (29). .

    - .

    . : -

    , , , - , , - . 30% . . - , - , - (30). , , - , (31).

    : - - (32). -. , - , ( -) (33).

    : , (34). , - . - , , - - (35).

    : - , . , . , - -. - (33). , ( ) (29).



    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 127

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    /o - . , 50% (15% ) (3). -, - : ) - , ) - , ) (35).

    : , -/ (1). , . . , - . , - (1,3).

    : - (38%) (29).

    : -

    , - , -, - (37-40). (38,40). , - - , , 8% (41). - , . - , - , - (16). 20 -, .

    , - (38,44). : , , o (18,27,39,40,45,46). , - (47).

    : - , (38). , - : , - , (40). , - (44).


    8 16 . , . - 8 - (49,50).

    , - (, -) (51). - 23 , , - (49). -- , , - (51). , . , - 24 , - - (4,15).



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  • 129

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    . , - . (1,25,53-56): ) - , ) - , ) - (.. , ), ) , ,) - - ( - ) ) ( ).

    . (1,3): ) - ,) , ) -, ) - ) , .

    - - .

    30 , -

    Dan Olweus - (1). , - . - . , - . , (-o , - , ), - . , - -

    , -, (1,3,49). -, - -, - . , - (57). - . - 50% (48). , , (57,58). , , : ) ) , ( - -) (31,59,60).


    - - (2,3,58). To 1999, - (Policy Statement), , - (61). Pediatrics in Review (- 2000), (62). - (2,57,61): () - - , ()

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    H : 26-09-2000H : 15-12-2000

    : - 15, , 153 51E-mail: [email protected]

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 131

  • H 2.000.000

    . AIDS, - -, - . 2000 2020, 1 -, 200 - 35 -, . - , 1% , 5-10% -

    , - (1). - (2).

    , , , - AIDS - , 0-30%.

    - . 2/3 . -

    2001;64:132-135 Paediatriki 2001;64:132-135


    : - - . . - 248 (180, 68 ), - Mantoux. 0-4 mm, 5-9 mm 10 mm, - - . -, . 1,2%. - .

    : , -, , Mantoux.

    Abstract: The aim of this study was todetermine the tubercular infection index in thedistrict of Korinthos. We studied 248 children ofpre-school age (180 Greeks, 68 immigrants) inwhom we performed the Mantoux test. Weconsidered as negative reaction a diameter of 0-4mm, uncertain reaction a diameter of 5-9 mm, andpositive reaction a diameter 10 mm. Weconclude that the tubercular infection index inKorinthos is low (1,2%) and it is primarily due tothe immigrant population of our town.

    Key words: tuberculosis, pre-school age,tubercular infection index, Mantoux test.

    . 1, . 1, . 2

    The tubercular infection index among pre-school age children in the district of Korinthos. 1, . 1, . 2


    1 2 -

    General Prefecture Hospital of Korinthos1 Pediatric Clinic2 Obstetrics - Gynecology Clinic

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 132

  • , 1.500.000 AIDS(1,3-5).

    - - . - 250.000 (1). , , - -, .


    1999, 248 - 4-6 (180 , 68 ) 6 2 . 12% - - ( - ).

    - BCG. -, 0,1 ml - PPD Pasteur 5 - 0,1 ml. 6-10 mm. - 48 . - 0-4 mm, 5-9 mm 10mm. 2.

    248 , 236

    Mantoux, 95,2%, 12 - Mantoux 4,8% (- 1). 2. , - 180 , 175 Mantoux ( 97,2%) 5 Mantoux ( 2,8%). 68 , 61 Mantoux ( 90%) 7 - Mantoux ( 10%) (1). , 90% .

    12 ( ) Mantoux ( 1), 9 - BCG( Mantoux) 3,6%, - 3 (), 1,2%.


    - (6). , , - Mantoux , - BCG. BCG, 15 mm, 3-30 mm (7). , Mantoux>10 mm BCG, (8). - , : 1) . , , , - , 2) , 3) , 4) , (9).

    Mantoux (10), - :

    Mantoux >5 mm

    2001;64:132-135 Paediatriki 2001;64:132-135


    1. Mantoux.



    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 133

  • : ) HIV , ) - , ) - Ro -.

    Mantoux 10 mm -: ) -, ) , ) -, , ) , ) 15 mm - -.

    - , HIV , - (7).

    - Mantoux 9 (5 - 4 ), - 1 10 mm. 5 - - ( , - ). -, - . Mantoux 3 ( ).

    2 >10 mm BCG, 1 5, - >17 mm -

    . 3 - , .

    - 1,2% - . - . 1987-1998, - (11).

    , - 1,8% (- . -) (2). - , 1995 , .

    , , - . , , - , BCG, - Mantoux : ) 12-15, ) 6 , ) 11 , - . -

  • 8. American Academy of Pediatrics: Report of the committeeon infectious diseases. Tuberculosis 1994;480-503.

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    : . 14, .. 203 00, -

    : - () . () , 24 . : - , , , - , , - APGAR. - 92%. , . : 718 : 51% ,28% . 39,31,6 ( ), 3370550 g APGAR 8 9 . : 97,21,6% 97%. . 0,17% 24 (p = 0,0001). -

    [ 0,44% (p = 0,001), 0,98% (p = 0,0001)]. : - 97,2%(2 : 94-100%). - . - . -.

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  • 2001;64:136-144 Paediatriki 2001;64:136-144


    . 1, . 1,2, . 1,2, . 3, . 1, . 4, . -5, . 6, . 7, . 8, . 9, . -10

    Infectious agents and low herd immunity in the etiology of childhood leukemiaM. Dalamaga1, E. Petridou1,2, D. Trichopoulos2, A. Mentis3, A. Skalkidou1, T. Karpathios4, F. Athanasiadou-Piperopoulou5, M. Kalmanti6, D. Koliouskas7, E. Kosmidou8, J. Panagiotou9, F. Tzortzatou-Stathopoulou10


    2 , Harvard,

    3 Pasteur,

    4 / ,

    5 -, , ,

    6 -

    7 -

    8 -

    9 -

    10 -, ,

    1 Department of Hygiene and EpidemiologyAthens University Medical School

    2 Department of Epidemiology Harvard School of Public Health, USA

    3 Diagnostic Services DepartmentHellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens

    4 Second Department of Pediatrics, Athens UniversityMedical School, A. Kyriakou Childrens Hospital

    5 Second Department of PaediatricsAristoteleion University of ThessalonikiAHEPA General Hospital

    6 Department of Paediatric Haematology-OncologyUniversity Hospital of Heraklion

    7 Department of Paediatric Haematology-OncologyIppokration General Hospital, Thessaloniki

    8 Department of Paediatric Haematology-OncologyA. Kyriakou Childrens Hospital, Athens

    9 Department of Paediatric Haematology-OncologyAgia Sophia Childrens Hospital, Athens

    10 Unit of Childhood Haematology-Oncology, FirstDepartment of Paediatrics, Athens University MedicalSchool, Agia Sophia Childrens Hospital


    : - (ALL) - - - . - ALL - , - ALL. , 10 - , 94

    Abstract: It has been suggested that acutelymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children may be arare outcome of a delayed non specific infection insituations of low herd immunity to a relatively widerange of infectious agents. We assumed that newlydiagnosed childhood leukemia cases, in compa-rison to their controls, would be characterised by amore seronegative spectrum to the infectiousagents examined, with the exception of a stronglypositive response to that infectious agent, which isassumed to trigger ALL. A case control study wasundertaken in Greece of 94 newly diagnosed casesof ALL who were compared to an equal number ofhospitalized children (controls) for minor non-infectious conditions, and who were matched for

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 136

  • , - HTLV-1 , . - - : ) , - (1), ) , - (2,3), ) , - (herdimmunity) (4) )

    - - .

    , - (2,4,5,7-10), , , Greaves - (10). , - (ALL) c-ALL ( ) - . , , - ,

    2001;64:136-144 Paediatriki 2001;64:136-144


    - - , - , , - . -, 5 . , 5-14 - Epstein-Barr, -6, 19, . 5 , - , - -, , , - .

    : , -, , , , ( , , , , , , - 19, -6, Epstein-Barr, ).

    age and gender. To assess past exposure against arange of infectious agents, a battery of tenserological tests was used. The results showed thatin children less than five years of age there was littleevidence for an association of childhood leukemiawith the serology of any of the ten studied. Incontrast, among children over five years of age,there was a statistically significant positiveassociation of leukemia with the Parainfluenza virusand a series of inverse associations with EpsteinBarr virus, Human Herpes Virus-6, Mycoplasmapneumonia and Parvovirus B19. In conclusion,among children five years of age or older, the risk ofleukemia is higher when in cases of low herdimmunity for several agents their immune system ischallenged by late infection from an infectiousagent which, as a rule, affects children at a youngerage.

    Key words: child, acute childhood leukemia,etiology, herd immunity, delayed infection,infectious agents (Influenza virus A, Influenza virusB, Adenovirus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus,parainfluenza viruses, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Human Herpesvirus-6, Parvovirus B19,Mycoplasma pneumoniae).

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 137

  • . , - - , - . - - -, , , (12).

    , - - (4,9-11,13). -- (case control study). - - - - , - , - ALL. - , , - , - .


    , --, 450 (0-14 ), . 388 - . 104 ALL, - - , ., - - . 1995-1997, - - (128 ) - , 126 - .

    10 104 - ALL -. , 94 - . - ALL, , , . , - (matched control) ( 6 ), - , 17 - , - .

    1. E : , -, , (-20 C) - Pasteur, - , - -.

    IgG , , , (RSV) , ELISA GenzymeVirotech Gmbh, -. - : - , - - , - 6 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, - RSV (RSV- ) . - IgG . , - , - . , - , - G. ( 3,3,5,5-) - , -. . - 450 nm, 620 nm, - ELISA (Hitachi ELISA reader). - (cut-off) - 10. - : 0,0-9,0: , 9-11: , >11: -. (+), (++) (+++) ,

    2001;64:136-144 Paediatriki 2001;64:136-144


    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 138

  • 2001;64:136-144 Paediatriki 2001;64:136-144


    - .

    To IMX CMV IgG Abott, IgG . (), - CMV. , -, - . - IgG CMV , - G, . - - IMX. - (calibrator) . - 15 AU/ml - CMV. (+), - (++) (+++) ., .

    IgG (VCA) Epstein-Barr, - (IFA VCA IgG) Gull, - . - VCA HR1 Burkitt. 1:20 , VCA. -IgG -, --. - 200, Zeiss FITC - 515 nm. - . - EBV.

    IgG HHV-6, BIOS Gmbh, . 1:20, , - HHV-6. - - -IgG , -. -

    200, - Zeiss FITC - - 515 nm. - . - HHV-6.

    IgG -19 , ELISA Biotrin Parvovirus B 19 IgG (3 - ), -. IgG 19 - VP 2 , . - , -, - - G. - - . 1 - , . - 450 nm, 620 nm, ELISA(Hitachi ELISA reader). (cut-off, COV) - . : 1,1 COV - . - . - (+), (++) (+++) , (cut-off) .

    IgG - ELISA Mp-Savyon Diagnostics SeroELISA, . , - . - . -- - . (-- ). - 405 nm (Hitachi ELISA reader). - . - (calibrators). . .

    2. : , - - (two by two table). , - (multiple logistic regression), , - ,

    2001 MAPT- API 17-10-01 15:34 139

  • . -, - (conditional logistic regression) . ( 5 5 ), - - , - (matching factors).


    , , -

    -. , , - . -, , - - - , - . , -


    2001;64:136-144 Paediatriki 2001;64:136-144

    1. 94 ALL 94

    p 2N (%) N (%)

    56 59,6 56 59,6 38 40,4 38 40,4

    () 4 52 55,3 48 51,15+ 42 44,7 46 48,9

    1,00 88 93,6 88 93,6 6 6,4 6 6,4

    0,696 27 28,7 23 24,57-9 16 17,0 20 21,310-12 32 34,1 30 31,913 19 20,2 21 22,3

    0,02 74 78,7 59 62,7 20 21,3 35 37,2

    0,04 55 58,5 41 43,6 39 41,5 53 56,4

    0,05 73 77,7 83 88,3 21 22,3 11 11,7

    (g) 0,03

  • 2001;64:136-144 Paediatriki 2001;64:136-144


    . , - , 2. - -.

    3 . - (- ) Epstein-Barr .

    4 - - (- ) - . , , 5 5. - (profile) - - , 5 . , 5 (p = 0,01), Epstein-Barr (p = 0,11), HHV-6 (p = 0,05), (p = 0,02) 19 (p = 0,07). -, , -

    Epstein-Barr, -6 , -, -, .

    , - - EBV,HHV-6 . 94 -, 16 , - 10 ( -: 1,7, p = 0,20). - 52 48 5 ( : 0,9, p = 0,87)., 5, ( : 3,9, p = 0,04). 5 , (80%) .


    - . , - - , -

    2. (ORs) 95% (95% CI) ALL - ( ) ( ): ( )

    OR 95% CI OR 95% CI

    1 0,99 0,92-1,07 1

    1,14 0,61-2,14 1 1

    0,48 0,25-0,93 0,51 0,28-0,95 1 1

    0,56 0,28-1,11 0,53 0,27-1,03 1 1
