معجم الاعلام

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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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معجم الاعلام عربي -امازيغي-انجليزي-فرنسي وحدةالمعجم مركز التهيئة اللغوية منشورات المعهد الملكي الامازيغي


  • YEG e

  • YEG e

    fa - fEG - jReCG - HY

    dG IMhjdG dG ce

    2009 ,HdG

    amawal n usnvms

  • jReCG ad dG dG GQejdG dG ce

    4- bQ Le : S

    YEG e : GdGAmawal n usnvms

    ,MH FY ,QRCG IQf ,YG Me : dDdG dd TQ ,deH G Y

    hdG e ,QY dN : gHjReCG ad dG dG : TdG

    b jOf : Yd OGYEGUGdGh dGh KdGh LdG ce : Yd GNEG

    HdG - IjdG QdG e : W2008/0095 : ffdG GjEG bQ

    9954-439-92-7 : eOQjReCG ad dG d Xe dG

  • - 5 -


    7 ............................................................................... Ne

    12 .................................................................... dG RedG

    13 ........................................ fa - fEG -jReCG - HY : dG

    77 ............................................. HY - fEG -fa -jReCG Oe

    137 ...........................................HY - fEG - jReCG - fa Oe

    199 ...........................................HY - fa - jReCG - fEG Oe

    258 ......................................................................... aGZH

  • - 7 -


    gOGYEG a jdG dG ce T dG YdG LdG e S V dG Gg Qj dH SSCG dG ,hCG dG a .jReCG dG U ASQE dhCG IcCdh ,jReCG dG Rd JCj ,YEG H JdG ,fdG dG g g ,SQdGh HdG

    .GdG Gg a dG e fj dG GdGM ,jdG dGh HdG adG e a edG Zd HSG dDdG Gg AL de FdG dG Y SGH hj jReCG e dEG SdG LM Y ADg YCGGH J dG IdG KdG H jh ,YEG M H Nj dG IjdG gdG

    .dG,bdG H eYEG d e e d SGdG g CG dEG IQTEG QJh,j e fEG H ,dG GH KdG dG GP dG GOdG iS j e CGc gh ,HdG adGh IdGh YGPEG a dhGJ j dG dG e ,dcAHh .JJh Je H edG IdG Y Jh ,jReCd dG dG dEG JjCG Wj fEGh ,a eYEG QL j dDdG Gg EG dG j ,dP Y

    .JegG H dG Z e jY jT

    dG:SSCG MGe H dG Gg e OGYEG e

    dPh ,adGh YEG hDH JdG dG e c OY oL ,dhCG MdG a .1.1dG GH dG jfEGh fdGh HdG LdG e Ye AGSH

    Ne 1310 J F AH J ,dG LdG J J dG dG IOdG dEG GOSGh.YEG H Kh JQG GP e

    J e e Ne c oah ,c Y HdG FdG SQ oO ,fdG MdG a .2,dG Gg dCJ e jdG J dEG bCG g e AfG b dPh ,IM Y NGdG...Jh ,NQh ,Wh ,f Mh ,IH :e dG a Ze HW d e c OSGh


    .LGdG F fG (1

  • - 8 -

    ,dG UCG H J dG GOdG Yd dG IOe SJ J ,ddG MdG a .3MdG a hGoj e dEG ZCG a J GOe gh ,dEG dG LM Y GhYh

    .HdG eYEG.HdG dH Y u oY ee 760 j e Y IQY OdG Gg IK ALh

    dG e MH c qb ,jGdG a :ddG dG ah dG IMh 2ja TG ,Mh dG OGYEG HdG dG IOdHh ,L e jdG H dP a e HdG NGd jReCG He

    .iNCG L e jReCG LdGh eGdG e H NJMdG HdG a Y ,YL Y L a ,MdG fG ,dJ Me ahe Nh ,aGL QfGh dUCG e AfG jd HSG ie a dG b GMGh GMGhJ SG e gh ,Ye M eCG f dG IMh ja Lh Ggh .S GAjG

    :e GQGb.jJ CG hO LdG e e a OQh c hCG ,e g c IOdG OYG .1

    d JdGh adG YGdG fU b IOjdG hCG dH dG U ie Y tNJ .2.jReCG

    M ,aOGc e edGh ,MGh Qd cCG hCG H ,AbG Y ,MG .3ibCG dG J a QS dG ,"hGdG S" a aJ GOdG g coJ

    .VCG QGJhb OLG e H c e Ga eCG f jdG a Lh dG IdG dG aheY Oe dEG g dG Y a oMG bh .GdG J Ae Y IQOb IjL c QHGGP UN Oeh ,RjGh fhdGh eAdc d CG NGO dG GSH JeGdG QdG hCG dG a hGj dG aGdG bdG SJ ie e jReCG dH ITe U

    .gOYG J

    a d geb dG IYdG Y jdG Mh YEG dG edG dEG dG jH f CG g Uf (2.dG Gg e dhCG MdG

  • - 9 -

    IjL cGJh GOH YEG e a jReCG MUG dG YO J ,dP Y AHh:gCG GSG e IOe UCG XH

    TG SGH eEG dP jh ,Fb jd UCG e IjL c N gh :adG GSG .1 dG tufit a ch ,dG Y dd (b) bbi dG e U dG ubuy a c c H dPh ,dG SGH eEGh ,jdG Y d (iW) f dG e NoCG (H S) aslii dG a c ,jL d GME H dEG H adCe dG) abrzwur a ch ,(iCGQ) h (S) sl dG H dCdG SGH U dG

    .(S) zwur dG Y abr jdG IGOCG jH oH dG (dG,GjL de ea hCG dde Y Gd dG dO SH dPh ,ddG GSG .2 j dG hCG e e fG dG azuzzr dH GSG Gd f CG jh dG e U dG tifrgi Y j AdG fh ,dG g Re e dEG QdG

    .QdG Y d (sM) frgdG VdG J jh ,MUG Ia Ad iNCG d e d NCG gh ,VGbG .3jd Nh jReCG dG IQU dCG dG V ndG :U dEG dG ja gJ dG FH e X dG VdGh ,(be) asith ,(jOSG) astudyu e

    .(IdG) ttilifizyunh (dG) ssinima e QdGSG e gh ,dG Y LQN If e H c , jReCG HdG a dG Hh

    .3MdG dG M JMe AGHE jdG dEG j MH IQSG

    dG HOhRh .jdG (G) Y dG H FdCG hCG dG J M dG GOe JQfKh ,jReCG d gMCG .JdG f ah jCG g e OQe KH dDdGe dV Y j CG QdG j GHh ,jfEG d dKh ,fdG d

    .jfEG hCG fdG hCG jReCG hCG HdG ,HQCG GOdG iMEG Y

    .JMGbGh JMe Y SG dGh OGDa dG edG dEG jdG dH f (3

  • - 10 -

    NdG c bh ,fdH K jfEH f YJ j edH be HdG NdG AL:ddG dG j e Ggh ,jdG dH Heh

    Journalist / Journaliste /U fOCG H IOheh J H He (jReCG GOdG hCG) jReCG IOdG OQh dP HddG pJCGh .dEG dM a K SQEG dM a GOe SG AL M ,adG edG e

    : dG H:U

    anvmas unvmas invmasn

    f a OQh dG dG H a dPh adG edG g Y fMCG ASG J bhjReCG HdG OQh M ,SCG dG j e Ggh ,dGdG dG NdG a ITe SG

    : aU ee CG hO "jaCG IMdG e":e

    tamaddast tmaddast

    :jaCG IMdG etamaddast n tmuni n ifriqya

    :t.....t dG UdG IOjH cdG e J dG g C fDdG IQH SG Ohj dhAnvmas tanvmast

    dG dG dG dG OdG :ddG JdG ah dG HQCG H dG JCG HdHh:dG Z

    :NCGsnvms snvms snvms snvmas

    eh ,FfH dG Qb oY a ,GOe e M dSG j dG aCd dH eCG:OdG U H ITe Sb H Vh K

    : qOhmsafa ( d , akd) msafa msafa ttmsafa

  • - 11 -

    J bQ e MGh d YoCG ,jReCG He e cCG dG f a f dG ddG ah:UN

    :e1. amssflid umssflid imssflidn

    2. amspssu umspssu imspssa

    L hCG GQY OGjEG h d T hO dG H j dG Gg CG dEG IQTEG QJhY dH Jh ,e Vhh dG oY e kGPEG CGJ dG JFa ,dSG jW J

    .dG a dhe IOc jReCG HdGj Ldh ,GjL ee j CG Oj eYE Ie Y IGOCG dG Gg j CG eCG EGGjL e Oj e Ch ,dG hCG jReCG dEG iNCG dG e f f dEG,FdG M a d fCG cDf ,QdG j eCG dG Gg f fh ,fEG .a Y jhAGQBGh Me J Y jdG UM cDf c ,dGh dG dEG LM a GRe fCGh

    .dDe e JCS a e IOSd dG

  • - 12 -

    dG RedG

    NdG J :

    .dG Uh Sd jQhdG edG H J :

    .e M J dG dG a NdG e Jh

    OQdG a aOGdG H J : ,

    dG YdG H J : 2 ,1

    jfEGh fdGh HdG HdG H J : /

  • dGfa fEG jReCG HY

  • - 15 -


    Extermination / Extermination / IOHEG tigsri tgsri

    Crativit / Creativity / GHEG asnflul usnflul

    Union / Union / OJG tamunt tamunt

    Union europenne / European union / HhQCG OJG tamunt n uubba

    Convention / Convention / bJG tamyaqqant tmyaqqant timyaqqanin

    Fait divers / News items / ej M im^ji awassan imji awassan im^jitn iwassann

    Runion / Meeting / LG tasmuni tsmuni tismunay

    Confrence de rdaction / Editorial conference /jdG g LG tinawt n tirra

    Social / Social / YLG anamun Unamun inuman

    Invasion / Invasion / LG anbaz unbaz inbazn

    Etranger / Stranger / LCG 1. imzzi imzzi imzzan2. abani ubani ibaniyn

    Recensement / Census / AMEG a^^si^n usin isinn

    Informer / To inform / NCG snvms snvms snvms snvmas

  • - 16 -


    Slectionner / To select / QNG Sti sti sti stay

    Abrviation / Abbreviation / GNG azgzl uzgzl izgzal

    Enlvement / Removal / NG tiksi tiksi tiksiwin

    Disparition / Disappearance / ANG anvubu unvubu invubutn

    Diffrence / Difference / NG amzaray umzaray imzarayn

    Ralisation / Direction / GNEG asufv usufv

    Raliser / To direct / NCG Ssufv ( d) ssufv ssufv ssufuv

    Condamner /To sentence / GOCG Nk nk nki nkk

    Condamnation / Sentence / fGOEG anka unka inka^n

    Littrature / Literature / OCG taskla tskla tiskliwin

    Diffuser / To diffuse, to broadcast / GPCG zuzzr zuzzr zuzzr zuzzur

    Radiodiffusion / Broadcasting / YGPEG tanzwayt tnzwayt tinzwayin

    Radiophonique / Radiophonic / YGPEG anzway unzway inzwayn

  • - 17 -


    Dater / To date / qQCG ssakud ssakud ssakud ssakud

    Emission (fait d'mettre) / Emission / SQEG asif usif

    Emettre /To transmit / SQCG ssif ssif ssif ssifi

    Faxer / To fax / cdGY SQCG faki faki faki ttfaki

    Archives / Archive / TQCG timpit tmpit timpay

    Terrorisme / Terrorism / gQEG abrsiwd ubrsiwd

    Terroriste / Terrorist / HgQEG abrsgad ubrsgad ibrsgadn

    Crise / Crisis / eRCG tassast tassast tassasin

    Semaine / Week / SCG IMALASS imalass id imalass

    Hebdomadaire / Weekly / YSCG Anmalass unmalass inmalassn

    Interview / Interview / GSG asqsay usqsay isqsayn

    Interviewer(v.) / To interview / SG sqsa sqsa sqsi sqsa

    Consultation / Consultation / IQSG amcawa umcawa imcawan

  • - 18 -


    Accueil / Reception / SG asnubg usnubg

    Indpendance / Independence / SG tasimant tsimant tisiman

    Rception (fait de recevoir) / Reception / SG 1. IMI yimi^^ 2. uuf wuuf

    Ecoute / Listening / SG 1. timsliwt tmsliwt 2. assfld ussfld

    Studio / Studio / jOSG astudyu ustudyu istudyutn

    Semestre / Semester / SSCG 1. azgn n usgas uzgn n usgas2. a^iyur uiyur - iiyurn

    Bas ( de page) / Bottom ( of the page)a/ dG SCG anadda n tasna unadda n tasna

    Sketch / Sketch / SG sskitc sskitc id sskitc

    Pseudonyme / Pseudonym / Qe SG mffr ism mffr ism id mffr ism

    Indication / indication / IQTEG tamuli tmuli timula

    Publicit / Advertising / QTEG asussn usussn isussan

    Publication / Publicationa/ QGUEG taigt tigt tiigin

  • - 19 -


    Collision / Collision / GUG angas ungas ingasn

    Eclairer / To lighten / AVCG 1. ssidd ssidd ssidd ttisid2. ssfaw ssfaw ssfiw ssfaw

    Eclairage / Lighting / IAVEG 1. asidd wasidd asiddn2. assfaw wassfaw assfawn

    Grve / Strike / GVEG asalag usalag isalagn

    Grve (tre en ) / Strike (to be on )a/ VCG 1. slg slg slig slag 2. g asalag

    Remou, perturbation / Perturbation / GVG amrwi umrwi imrwan

    Rediffusion / Rebroadcasting / dG IOYEG azuzzr amalas uzuzzr amalas

    Handicap / Handicap / bYEG ammuo^ ummuo immuoa

    Sit-in / Sit-in / YG 1. avimi uvimi ivimitn 2. avjdim uvjdim ivjdimn

    Dtention / Detention / YG amma wamma

    Prparation / Preparation / OGYEG asmar usmar ismarn

  • - 20 -

    GbG dG OGYEG

    Mise en page / Page setting / dG OGYEG asmutg n tasna usmutg n tasna

    Mass mdia / Mass media / YEG asnvms usnvms

    Informatique / Computer science / eYEG tasnmalayt tsnmalayt

    Annonce, avis / Announcement, notice / YEG tusmirt tusmirt tusmirin

    Affichage /Billposting / (dEG) YEG asmal usmal

    Assassiner / To murder / ZG nv nva nvi nqqa

    Assassinat / Murder / ZG tinvi tinvi

    Chanson / Song / ZCG 1. izli izli izlan 2. avnnij uvnnij ivnnijn

    Tube / Hit song / SdG ZCG izli n usgas izli n usgas

    Editorial / Editorial / MaG taumt tumt tiumin

    Adaptation / Adaptation / SbG takssuyt tkssuyt

    Adapter / To adapt / bG ksi ( zg) ksi ksi kssi

    Vote, suffrage / Vote / GbG astay ustay istayn

  • - 21 -

    eCG ObG

    Economie / Economy / ObG tadamsa tdamsa

    Economique / Economical / ObG admsan udmsan idmsann

    Economiser / To economise / bG dms dms dmis ttdmas

    Insertion / Insertion / bEG asidf usidf

    Souligner, insister / To stress, to insist / scCG sddid sddid sddid ttsddid

    Cohsion / Cohesion / dG tamyamat tmyamat

    Prise de vue / Shooting / IQdG dG tasulft tsulft tisulaf

    Coller / To stick / dCG slv slv sliv slav

    Diction (bonne) / Diction (good) /a(L) AdEG afrrz n wawal ufrrz n wawal

    Electronique / Electronic / fhdEG alikuniy ulikuniy ilikuniyn

    Composer (une oeuvre) / To compose / qdCG sniy sniy sniy snay

    Italique (criture en-) / Italics (writing in-) /a(N) deEG tirra nanin

    Prince / Prince / eCG agldun ugldun igldunn

  • - 22 -

    TfEG fEG

    Production (processus) / Production / fEG TasyafuT TsyafuT

    Production (rsultat) / Production / (M) fEG TayafuT TyafuT tiyafutin

    Produire / To produce / fCG syafa syafa syafa syafa

    Suicide / Suicide / QfG mnviman mnviman

    Suicidaire / Suicidal / QfG n mnviman

    Election / Election / fG astay wastay astayn

    Internet / Internet / ffCG antirnit wantirnit

    Victoire / Victory / QfG tarnnawt trnnawt tirnnawin

    Soulvement / Rising / VfG tankra tnkra tinkriwin

    Dpression arienne / Air depression / L VfG uguz n wau wuguz n wau

    Avertissement / Warning / QGfEG asmigl usmigl ismigiln

    Avertir / To warn / QfCG smigl smigl smigl smigil

    Ranimation / Intensive care / TfEG assidr ussidr

  • - 23 -

    wH fCG

    Ranimer / To resuscitate / fCG ssidr ssidr ssidr ssidir

    Dflagration / Explosion / QfG 1. aiqqs uiqqs iqqsn 2. abaqqay ubaqqay ibaqqayn

    Exploser / To explode / fG 1. iqs iqs iqs^ iqis^^2. bbaqqi bbaqqi bbaqqi ttbaqqay

    Sparatiste / Separatist / dfG amngiri umngiri imngiran

    Grippe aviaire / Bird flu / QdG GfGfG adxcam n waylaln udxcam n waylaln

    Dconnexion / Disconnection / JG fG Ubuy n uzday wubuy n uzday

    Coup dtat / Coup d'tat / SS fG asdm usdm isdam

    Une (la) / The first, title page / (dG) dhCG tamzwarut tmzwarut timzwura

    Interprter / To interpret / shCG fasr fasr fasr ttfasar

    Bref (en-) / Brief(in-) /a(- `H) RjEG s uzgzl

    Rubrique / Column / H tavmrt tvmrt tivmrin

    Diffusion / Diffusion, broadcasting / wH azuzzr uzuzzr

  • - 24 -

    dH nH

    Chercher / To look for, to seek / nH 1. rzu rzu rzu rzzu 2. siggl siggl siggl siggil 3. inag inag inag ttinag

    Enqute / Inquiry / rH arzzu urzzu irzzutn

    Recherche scientifique / Scientific research / Y H 1. arzzu amassan urzzu amassan 2. asiggl amassan usiggl amassan

    Parlement / Parliament / dH ablaman ublaman iblamann

    Parlementaire / Member of the parliament / fdH ablamaniy ublamaniy iblamaniyn

    Programme / Programme / efH avawas uvawas ivawasn

    Emission (de tlvision )/ Programme / (fjJ) efH asays usays isuyas

    Logiciel / Operating system / (SM) efH avawas uvawas ivawasn

    Messagerie lectronique / Electronic messagery / fhdEG jH amyazan alikuniy umyazan alikuniy

    Chmage / Unemployment / dH tarwuri tarwuri

    Champion / Champion / l nH anbraz unbraz inbrazn

    Championnat / Championship / dH tabrza tbrza tibrziwin

  • - 25 -

    neBJ (J) dH

    Rle principal / Main role / (J) dH TILALT TAMQQRANT tilalt TAMQQRANT tilalin TiMQQRANin

    Envoi / Sending / (SQEG ) rH azan wazan azann

    Dlgation / Delegation / H akaba ukaba ikaban

    Plateau / Stage, set / WH tamsult tmsult timsal

    Communiqu / Release / H asiw usiw isiwa

    Gras / Bold / jY oH azurar uzurar izurarn

    Clown / Clown / GH 1. abaqtic ubaqtic ibaqticn2. amsyyp umsyyp imsyypn

    Portrait / Portrait / jJQH tafrist tfrist tifras

    Environnement / Environment / H amna umna imnan

    Date / Date / jQJ asakud usakud isUKAD

    Datation/ Dating / jQCJ tassakudt tssakudt

    Composition / Composition / dCJ asnay usnay

    Comploter / To conspire / neBJ Ngz ngz ngiz ttngaz

  • - 26 -

    LJ jhCJ

    Interprtation / Interpretation / jhCJ afasr ufasr ifasrn

    Commerce / Commerce, trade / IQJ tasbbabt tsbbabt

    Rdaction / Writing, drafting / jJ tirra tirra

    Sensibilisation / Sensitization / J asfrk usfrk

    Reportage / Report / J asag^gu usaggu isugga

    Analyse / Analysis / J asfsi usfsi isfsitn

    Salut / Hello / J AZUL

    Inauguration / Inauguration / TJ aum uum i^^umn

    Rappel / Reminder / cJ askti uskti isktitn

    Patrimoine / Patrimony / GJ ayda wayda

    Travelling / Travelling / aGJ azizzl uzizzl

    Ordre (organisation) / Order / JJ anmala unmala inmalatn

    Translation (action of translating) / Traduction (action de traduire) /aLJ asuvl usuvl

  • - 27 -

    jJ (f) LJ

    Traduction (rsultat) / Translation (result) /a(f) LJ tasuvlt tsuvlt tisuval

    Cryptage / Encoding / eJ antal untal

    Enregistrement / Recording / J asusr ususr isusar

    Armer (s) / To get armed / nsJ alf ulf ulif ttalf

    Armement / Arming / lsJ asalf usalf

    Divertir (se) / To entertain, to amuse / sJ urar urar urir tturar

    Divertissement / Entertainment / J asurar usurar isurarn

    Justification droite / Right alignment / dG Y jJ asmisi vr ufasi usmisi vr ufasi

    Justification gauche / Left alignment / QdG Y jJ asmisi vr ulma usmisi vr ulma

    Parasitage / Jamming / jJ 1. adida udida 2. ii yii

    Dsertification / Desertification / tJ asnzruf usnzruf

    Dclaration / Declaration / jJ tasguri tsguri tisguriwin

    Vote / Vote / jJ astay ustay istayn

  • - 28 -

    J jJ

    Tournage / Shooting, filming / jJ asulf usulf isulaf

    Solidarit / Solidarity / oeJ tabdadt tbdadt

    Epuration ethnique / Ethnic cleansing / bY J asizdg auan usizdg au^an

    Manifestation (culturelle) / Manifestation / IgJ amussu umussu imussutn

    Droguer (se) / To take drugs / GQdG WJ duhdu duhda duhdi ttduhdu

    Coopration / Cooperation / hJ amyawas umyawas

    Cooprative / Cooperative / fhJ tamyawast tmyawast timyawasin

    Diversit / Diversity / O qJ tamanawt tmanawt timinaw

    Pluralit / Plurality / jO qJ tamagut tmagut timagutin

    Torture / Torture / jJ asrfufn usrfufn

    Condolances / Condolences / jJ afcad ufcad

    Commentaire / Commentary / J avfawal uvfawal ivfawaln

    Consignes / Instructions / J taratin taratin

  • - 29 -

    J (U) J

    Couverture (vnement) / Covering (events) /a(U) J Asag n imjitn usag n imjitn

    Changement / Change / tJ asnfl usnfl isnfal

    Dtail / Details / UJ afruri ufruri ifruritn

    Progrs / Progress / l qJ alay walay alayn

    Prsentation / Presentation / jJ asmnid usmnid

    Rapport (compte rendu) / Report / jJ tanat tanat tanain

    Imitation / Imitation / J taft tft

    Technicien / Technician / J atiqniy utiqniy itiqniyn

    Tlvision / Television / IJ ttilifizyun ttilifizyun id ttilifizyun

    Interprtation (rle) / Interpretation (theater) /a J asmdya usmdya ismdyatn

    Rbellion / Rebellion / lO qJ tavwwavt tvwwavt tivwwavin

    Coordination / Coordination / J azdduy uzdduy

    Animation / Animation / J asmussu usmussu

  • - 30 -

    onK J

    Excution / Execution / J azzgir uzzgir izzgirn

    Dveloppement / Development / J tigmi tigmi

    Dveloppement humain / Human development / jH J tigmi tanfgant

    Variation / Variation / l J amyanaw umyanaw imyanawn

    Contrebande / Smuggling / jJ assrwl ussrwl

    Communication / Communication / UGJ amyawa umyawa imyawan

    Accord / Agreement / oaGJ amsasa umsasa imsasatn

    Adieu (l'-) / Farewell / jOJ amsafa umsafa

    Expansion / Expansion / qSJ anval unval invaln

    Mise au point / Clarification / VJ assisfiw ussisfiw issisfiwn

    Technologie / Technology / LdJ tiknulujiYt tiknulujiYt tiknulujiYIN

    Fixer / To fixe / K zzgu zzga zzgi zzgaw

    Fixe (tre-) / Fixed (to be-) /aonK zgu zga zgi ttzgu

  • - 31 -

    Q rL aK

    Culture / Culture / aK tussna tussna tussniwin

    Rvolution / Revolution / IQK tagrawla tgrawla tigrawliwin

    Prix (honorifique) / Prize, award / IFL tasmvurt tsmvurt tismvurin

    Ressortissants marocains l'tranger / QdG a HdG ddG Moroccans living abroad

    imvrabiyn n tmizar n b^a

    Ignorant / Ignorant / gL 1. aqbbani uqbbani iqbbaniyn2. war tussna war tussna id war tussna

    Bless (tre-) / Injured (to be-) /a p oL 1. tturs tturs tturs tturs2. as ugs ugis ttas

    Course / Running / L tazzla tazzla

    Bless (n.) / Injured (n.) /ajL 1. amtturs umtturs imttursn2. angzum ungzum ingzam3. amagus umagus imugas

    Journal / Newspaper / IjL avmis uvmis ivmisn

    Crime / Crime / jL abkki^^ ubkki ibkka

    Mare basse / Low tide / Q rL tayssa n yill tyssa n yill

  • - 32 -

    L (fEG) L

    Corps (humain) / Body / (fEG) L tazzit tazzit tizza

    Scheresse / Draught / L tavart tavart

    Association / Association / L tamsmunt tmsmunt timsmunin

    Association des uvres sociales / YLG YCG L Association of social work

    tamsmunt n igan inamunn

    Public / Public / QL agdud ugdud igdudn

    Rpublique / Republic / jQL tagdudant tgdudant tigdudanin

    Aile / Wing / L ifr yifr afriwn

    Aile gauche / Left wing / jCG L ifr alma yifr alma afriwn ilman

    Aile droite / Right wing / jCG L ifr afasi yifr afasi afriwn ifasiyn

    Dlit / Felony / jL aznnir uznnir iznnirn

    Gnrique (d'un film) / Generic / jL asmnad usmnad ismnadn

    Rgion / Region / L 1. tamnat tmnat timnain 2. tasga tsga tisggiwin

  • - 33 -

    M rL

    Ignorance / Ignorance / rL 1. TAQBBANIT tqbbanit 2. artussna artussna

    Rgional / Regional / L anmna unmna inmnan

    Arme / Army / L tasrdast tsrdast tisrdas

    Accident / Accident / KOM angas ungas ingasn

    Gardien / Keeper / SQM anaf wanaf anafn

    Ordinateur / Computer / SM amsudds umsudds imsuddas

    Soustitre (cinma) / Subtitle / (FS) TM aduzwl uduzwl iduzwal

    Bus / Bus / aM ubis ubis id ubis

    Etat (situation) / State (situation)a/ dM addad waddad addadn

    Mto / Weather forecast / dG dM addad n unzwi waddad n unzwi

    Evnement / Event, fact / M amzzu umzzu imzza

    Frontire / Frontier / wM awttu uwttu iwtta

    Guerre / War / M imnvi imnvi imnvan

  • - 34 -

    rM (sS) QM

    Librer / To liberate / (sS) QM sdrfi sdrfi sdrfi sdrfay

    Libert de presse / Press freedom / adG jM tadrfi n tnvmast tdrfi n tnvmast

    Ceinture de scurit / Security belt / edG GM abkkas n tnfrut ubkkas n tnfrut ibkkasn n tnfrut

    Parti (politique) / Party / M amulli umulli imullitn

    Calcul / Calculation / M a^^si^n usin isinn

    Foule / Crowd / rM 1. amdurru umdurru imdurra2. arbio urbio irbion

    Embargo / Embargo / QM tifrgi tfrgi tifrgiwin

    Tranche horaire / Time slot / eR M tizi tizi

    Civilisation / Civilisation / IQM tavrma tvrma tivrma

    Prsence (immanence) / Presence / QM tilit tilit

    Audience (assistance)/ Audience / (QL)QM agdud ugdud igdudn

    Sauvegarde / Saving / rM apu upu

  • - 35 -

    U M M

    Fte / Feast / M 1. tafugla tfugla tifugliwin2. tamvra tmvra timvriwin

    Droits dauteur / Copyrights / dDdG M Izrfan n umgay Izrfan n umgay

    Arbitre / Referee / l` nM anfgur unfgur infgar

    Gouvernement / Government / eM tanbat tnbat tinbain

    Gouvernemental / Governmental / eM unbi wunbi unbin

    Solution / Solution / M afra ufra ifratn

    Organisation du Trait de l'Atlantique Nord / WCG dG M North Atlantic Treaty Organization

    amulli alanti n ilm umulli alanti n ilm

    Grand cordon / Grand cordon, broad ribbon / ic dM allam amqqran wallam amqqran

    Prservation de la nature / Nature preservation / dG jM apu n ugama upu n ugama

    Campagne / Compaign / M amzizzl umzizzl imzizzal

    Campagne de publicit / Advertising compaign / jQTEG M amzizzl n USUSSN

    Campagne de presse / Press compaign / U M amzizzl anvmas - umzizzl anvmas - imzizzal invmasn

  • - 36 -

    (Y) dG QGM

    Dialogue / Dialogue / QGM amsawal umsawal imsiwal

    Entretien / Interview / (He) QGM amsnala umsnala imsnalatn

    Animal domestique / Domestic animal / dCG GM amudr anamyar umudr anamyar imudar inamyarn

    Animal sauvage / Wild animal / Me GM amudr aramyar umudr aramyar imudar iramyarn

    Extrieur (adj.) / External / LQN n ba

    Spcial / Special / UN imli ^imli im^lay

    Case / Case / fN tuzunt tuzunt tuzunin

    Information (nouvelle) / News / N anvmis unvmis invmisn

    Dpche / Dispatch / LY N tussikt tussikt tussikin

    Information dtaille / Detailed information / se N anvmis ifrurin unvmis ifrurin invmisn ifrurin

    Violation de la loi / Law violation / fdG N tii n uslgn

    Discours / Discourse / N inaw yinaw inawn

    Ligne (en-) / On line / (Y) dG g ifili

  • - 37 -

    sTO AGM N

    Lignes rouges / Red lines / AGM N iwtta izgavn iwtta izgavn

    Sommaire / Summary / UN talusi tlusi tilusa

    Dsaccord / Disagreement / N amzaray umzaray imzarayn

    Confusion / Confusion / rN arway urway irwayn

    Intrieur (n.) / Inside / NGO agnsu ugnsu insan

    Interne / Internal, interior / NGO ansan ugnsan insann

    Doublage / Dubbing / HO alas ( s) walas

    Diplomatique / Diplomatic / SeHO adiblumasiy udiblumasiy idiblumasiyn

    Diplomate / Diplomat / (Xh) SeHO adiblumas udiblumas idiblumasn

    Diplomatie / Diplomacy / SeHO tadiblumasit tdiblumasit

    Degr / Degree / LQO 1. tasflt tsflt tisfal 2. tafsna tfsna tifsniwin

    Gendarme / Gendarme / cQO ajaami ujaami ijaamiyn

    Inaugurer / To inaugurate / sTO m m im m

  • - 38 -

    dG SCGQ aO

    Dfense / Defence / aO amzav umzav

    Enterrement / Burial / raO amal umal

    Enterrer / To bury / naO ml ml mil ml

    Guide / Guide / dO amanar umanar imanarn

    Rle / Role / QhO tilalt tilalt tilalin

    Tour / Round / IQhO tawala twala tiwal

    Priodique (n. et adj.) / Periodic, Periodical / QhO azmzan uzmzan izmzann

    Tournoi / Tournament / (VjQ) QhO tabrza tbrza tibrziwin

    Etat (institution) / State (institution) /adhO awank uwank iwunak

    Pied ( de page) / Bottom of the page / dG jP ania n tasna unia n tasna ini^^an n tasna

    Prsident / President / FQ axatar uxatar ixatarn

    Rdacteur en chef / Editor in chief / jdG FQ amqqran n imaratn umqqran n imaratn imqqrann n imaratn

    Entte / Heading of a page / dG SCGQ inixf inixf inixfn

  • - 39 -

    VjQ bGQ

    Contrler / To control, to check / bGQ uf uf uf ttuf

    Opinion / Opinion / CGQ tannayt tannayt tannayin

    Connexion / Connection / JG rHQ azday uzday izdayn

    Autoriser / To authorize / qNQ ssurg ssurg ssurig ssurag

    Autorisation / Authorization / NQ turagt turagt turagin

    Rplique / Retort / tOQ tamrarut tmrarut timrura

    Message / Message / dSQ tuzint tuzint tuzinin

    Courriel / Email / fhdEG dSQ Tamyazant talikunit tmyazant talikunit timyazanin tilikunin

    Officiel / Official / SQ amaddud umaddud imaddudn

    Censure / Censorship / HbQ aslgamu uslgamu

    Danse / Dance / rbQ 1. aka uka ikan2. asyys usyys isyyisn

    Chronique / Chronicle / cQ tamzrayt tmzrayt timzrayin

    Sport / Sport / VjQ tunnunt tunnunt tunnunin

  • - 40 -

    `S VjQ

    Sportif / Sporty / VjQ amanun umanun imunan

    Vent / Wind / jQ azwu uzwu

    Corner / Corner / jhGR tavmrt tvmrt tivmrin

    Tremblement / Earthquake / GdR amdudi umdudi imdudiyn

    Zoom / Zoom / hR UZUM wuzum

    Cte / Coast / MS tavart tavart tivura

    Scoop / Scoop / U S abrzwur ubrzwur ibrzwurn

    Enregistrer / To record / qS susr susr susr susur

    Marquer un but / To score a goal / (ag) qS ssu sswa sswi sswa

    Prison / Prison / S avzu uvzu ivzwan

    Prisonnier / Prisoner / S 1. amvzu umvzu imvza 2. anpbas unpbas inpbasn

    Tirage / Print run / rS anzav unzav

    Secret / Secret / `S tantla tntla tintliwin

  • - 41 -

    hf S qS

    Clandestin (adj.) / Clandestine / qS uffir wuffir uffirn

    Clandestin (n.) / Stowaway / (Le) qS anaffar unaffar inaffarn

    Clandestinit / Clandestineness / jS tuffra tuffra

    Ligne / Line / rS 1. izriri izriri izriran2. aa ua iarn

    Souligner (tirer une ligne) / Underline, underscore / sS zriri zriri zriri zriri

    Ambassade / Embassy / IQS tamsqadt tmsqadt timsqadin

    Infrieur / Inferior / S anaddaw unaddaw inaddawn

    Ambassadeur / Ambassador / S amsqad umsqad imsqadn

    Script / Script / jS askrib uskrib iskribn

    Secrtaire ( de rdaction) / Sub-editor / jdG jS imiri imiri imiran

    Arme / Weapon / S alaf ulaf ilafn

    Arme nuclaire / Nuclear weapon / hf S alaf avyay ulaf avyay ilafn ivyayn

  • - 42 -

    SS S

    Corbeille / Bin / S 1. tandut tndut tinuda2. tasgrut tsgrut tisra

    Armer / To arm / nsS salf salf salf salaf

    Srie / Series / S asddi usddi isdditn

    Echelle / Scale / q` oS taskala taskala taskaliwin

    Paix / Peace / pS tanagrit tnagrit

    Pacifique / Peaceful / pS anagray unagray inagrayn

    Audiovisuel /Audiovisual / H S aslii uslii isliin

    Annuel / Annual / S asasan usasan isasann

    Soire artistique / Artistic evening / a IS tamddit tanaut tmddit tana^ut timdditin tinauin

    Tourisme / Tourism / MS tamallayt tmallayt

    Vhicule pig / Trapped vehicle / e IQS tamssudut tumdiyt tmssudut tumdiyt timssudutin tumdiyin

    Politique (la) / Politics / SS tasrtit tsrtit tisrtay

    Politique (adj.) / Political / SS asrtiy usrtiy isrtay

  • - 43 -

    OhT (SdG SQe) SS

    Politicien / Politician / (SdG SQe) SS amsrtiy umsrtiy imsrtiyn

    Scnario / Scenario / jQS asinaryu usinaryu isinaryutn

    Cinma / Cinema / S ssinima ssinima id ssinima

    Participer / To participate / QT dru dra dri drru

    Ecran / Screen / TT amia umia imian

    Citation / Quotation / l pgT abdar ubdar ibdarn

    Tmoin oculaire / Eyewitness / Y gT inigi inigi inagan

    Rseau, filet / Net, net work / T 1. taratsa tratsa tiratsiwin2. A^^^^^^^^^^a ua i^^^^^^^^^^wan

    Explication / Explanation / T asfru usfru isfra

    Touche (football) / Touchline / (IdG hN) T tama tama tamwin

    Police / Police / WT lbulis lbulis

    Policier / Policeman / WT abulis ubulis ibulisn

    Hors jeu / Off-side / OhT affrtl uffrtl iffrtal

  • - 44 -

    AGU QT

    Emblme / Emblem / QT tamatart n uburz tmatart n uburz timitar n uburz

    Transparent (tre) / Transparent (to be)a/ qT faw faw faw ttfaw

    Transparence / Transparency / aT tamafawt tmafawt

    Format / Format / rT talva tlva talviwin

    Tmoignage / Testimony, evidence / IOT tugga tugga

    Mensuel / Monthly / T ayyuran wayyuran ayyurann

    Martyr / Martyr / T amsggaytu umsgg^aytu imsgguyta

    Sa majest / His majesty / ddG MU BAB N Waddur

    Son altesse royale / His royal highness / dG dG MU bab n tattuyt tagldant id bab n tattuyt tagldant

    Net (adj.) / Neat / U uzdig uzdig uzdign

    Journalisme, presse / Journalism / aU tanvmast tnvmast

    Hygine / Hygiene / U tazdgi tzdgi

    Dsert / Desert / AGU tanzruft tnzruft tinzraf

  • - 45 -

    CN HV AGdG

    Sahara / Sahara / AGdG PA

    Journaliste / Journalist / U anvmas unvmas invmasn

    Parabole / Dish / U aqi uqi iqay

    Journal / Newspaper / U avmis uvmis ivmisn

    Conflit / Conflict / GU amnzav umnzav imnzavn

    Page / Page / U tasna tasna tasniwin

    Son / Sound / (j e) U imsli imsli imslitn

    Voix / Voice / (j e) rU 1. ag ug igan2. tamijja tmijja timijjwin

    Voter / To vote / sU Sti sti sti stay

    Photographie / Photography / IQU tawlaft twlaft tiwlafin

    Victime (dun accident) / Accident victim / KOM V ungis wungis ungisn

    Penalty / Penalty / AGL HV tiyti tanfgurt tiyti tanfgurt tiyta tinfgurin

    Coup franc / Free kick / CN HV tiyti s tidt tiyti s tidt

  • - 46 -

    VQY HdG dG

    Cisjordanie / West bank / HdG dG agmma n tagut ugmma n tagut

    Avion / Plane, jet / IFW taylalt taylalt taylalin

    Equipage / Equipment / bW agaluf ugaluf igulaf

    Table / Table / dhW tadabut tdabut tidabutin

    Impression (action dimprimer) / Printing / YW asiggz usiggz

    Imprimer / To print / nW siggz siggz siggz siggiz

    Presse (sous ) / Press (under ) /a(b ) dG g ubrid n tigt

    Mdecin / doctor / W 1. amsgnaf umsgnaf imsgnafn2. abib ubib ibibn

    Nature / Nature / W agama ugama

    Aviation / Aviation, flying / GW asaylal usaylal

    Injustice / Injustice / rX Ark^^^^^^^^^^^^id urkid irkidn

    Dahir / Dahir / X aahi uahi iahin

    Opposer (s) / To oppose / VQY zzl zzl zzil ttzzl

  • - 47 -

    qY UY

    Orage / Storm / UY tignut tgnut tignaw

    Capitale ( politique) / Capital ( political ) /aUY tamaunt tmaunt timuan

    Chmeur / Unemployed / WY War tawuri war tawuri id war tawuri

    Suprieur / Superior / Y 1. amattay umattay imattayn 2. anaflla unaflla inafllatn

    International / International / dY agravlan ugravlan igravlann

    Oprateur / Operator / eY amswuri umswuri imswura

    Gouverneur / Governor / (cM) eY anbba unbba inbban

    Oprateur technique / Technical operator / J eY Amswuri atiqni umswuri atiqni imswura itiqniyn

    Fardeau / Burden / AY AGA waga agatn

    Expression / Expression / IQY tawnnit twnnit tiwnna

    Numro / Number / OY uun wuun uunn

    Justice / Justice / rY tazrft tzrft

    Torturer / To torture / qY srfufn srfufn srfufn srfufun

  • - 48 -

    lY Y VY

    Offres demploi / Job offer / Y VY askan n twuri uskan n twuri

    Condolances (prsenter ses-) / Condolences (to express ones-) /a iqY fcd fcd fcd ttfcad

    Militaire / Military / Y 1. asrdas usrdas isrdasn2. aoki uoki iokiyn

    Rvolte / Revolt / Y avwwiv uvwwiv ivwwivn

    Membre / Member / Y agmam ugmam igmamn

    Panne technique / Technical breakdown / J Y anngzi unngzi inngzitn

    Grce (pardon) / Pardon / Y asurf usurf

    Contrat ddition / Edition contract / dG Y tamvunt n tigt tmvunt n tigt timvwan n tigt

    Rapport, relation / Connection, relationship / bY amyassa umyassa imyassatn

    Afficher / To post up / qY smal smal smil smal

    Science / Science / pY tamassant tmassant timassanin

    Drapeau / Flag / (jGQ) lnY acnyal ucnyal icnyaln

    Travail / Work / lY tawuri twuri tiwuriwin

  • - 49 -

    hZ U Y

    Devise / Currency / U Y adrim anzmar udrim anzmar idrimn inzmarn

    Attentat suicide / Suicide attempt / jQfG Y tasivt tamnvimant tsivt tamnvimant tisiva timnviman

    Colonne / Column / OY tannalt tannalt tannalin

    Raciste / Racist / Y amssau umssau imssua

    Violence / Violence / rY tiki tki

    Titre / Title / GY AZWL uzwl izwiln

    Adresse / Adress / (ebEG) GY ansa wansa ansiwn

    Violent / Violent / Y uki wuki ukin

    Mondialisation / Globalisation / dY tasmaalt tsmaalt

    Fte du trne / Throne feast / TdG Y tafugla n udabu

    Attaque / Attack / IQZ asugi usugi isugitn

    Amende / Fine / eGZ tafgurt tfgurt tifgar

    Conqute / Conquest / hZ alik walik ilakkn

  • - 50 -

    Aa (KM) Z

    Couvrir (un vnement) / To cover (an event) /a(KM) Z ssag (imjitn) ssag ssag ssaga

    Jaquette / Coat, jackett / (c) Z tavarift tvarift tivarifin

    Diffr (en-) / Recorded broadcast / Te Z s war asrad

    Souris (ordinateur) / Mouse (computer) /a(SM) IQCa tavrDayt tvrDayt tivrDayin

    Fax / Fax / ca lfak lfak id lfak

    Vide (n.) / Emptiness / Ga tugawt tugawt tugawin

    Spectacle / Show / La afj ufj ifijn

    Tri / Sorting (out) /aR ra afran ufran

    Section / Section / ra ayyaw wayyaw ayyawn

    Equipe / Team / ja tarabbut trabbut tirubba

    Dtailler / To detail / sa sfruri sfruri sfruri sfruruy

    Trimestriel / Quarterly / a N ka yirn

    Espace / Space / Aa asayrar usayrar isayrarn

  • - 51 -

    lJb a

    Scandale / Scandal / a azwar uzwar izwarn

    Pauvret / Poverty / ra ala ula

    Paragraphe / Paragraph / Ia agum ugum iman

    Dfunt / Deceased / a igllin n (+ ism n umttin)a

    Dsengagement / Disengagement / GdG ta ufuv zi wufuv zi

    Dcryptage / Decoding / edG ta arantal warantal

    Art / Art / a taui tui tiuiwin

    Artiste / Artist / a anau unau inua

    Anarchiste / Anarchist / (dG Y FK) Va amtruy umtruy imtray

    Anarchie / Anarchy / Va tamtruyt tmtruyt

    Inondation / Flood / a angi ungi ingiyan

    Film / Film / a lfilm lfilm id lfilm

    Tueur / Killer, murderer / lJb amnvu umnvu imnvutn

  • - 52 -

    U Uob Qb

    Lecteur / Reader / Qb imvri Imvri imvran

    Continent / Continent / IQb amnaw umnaw imnawn

    Boycotter / To boycott / nWb bnnz bnnz bnniz ttbnnaz

    Salle de confrences / Conference room / GVdG Yb tadala n tinawin tdala n tinawin tidaliwin n tinawin

    Code de la route / Highway code / dG fb aslgn n ubrid uslgn n ubrid

    Rglement interne / Regulations / NGO fb aslgn ANSAN uslgn ansan islgnn insann

    Tuer / To kill / nb nv nva nvi nqqa

    Tu / Killed (person) /ab inivi inivi inavan

    Prsenter / Present / sb smnid smnid smnid smnid

    Diffamation / Defamation / rb ajdar ujdar

    Dcision / Decision / QGb tavtast tvtast tivtasin

    Disquette / Floppy disk / Uob taqait tqait tiqaiin

    Disque dur / Hard disk / U Uob abil aqurar ubil aqurar ibiln iqurarn

  • - 53 -

    b ee Ub

    Compact-Disc / Compact disk / ee Ub taqait tuddizt tqait tuddizt tiqaiin tuddizin

    Tirage au sort / Drawing lots / Yb 1. tasvart tsvart tisvarin2. ilan ilan

    Division (administration) / Division, department / (IQGOEG) b tazuni tzuni tizuniwin

    Coupure de presse / Clipping / U Ub tagzzumt tanvmast tgzzumt tanvmast tizmin tinvmasin

    Nouvelle (genre) / Short story / Ib b 1. tanqqist taquat tnqqist taquat tinqqisin tiquain 2. tanqqist tugzilt tnqqist tugzilt tinqqisin tugzilina

    Palais / Palace / b tagadirt tgadirt tigidar

    Bombardement / Bombardment / rb tiyti s ugari tiyti s ugari

    Cause (affaire qui se plaide) / Case, suit / b tamsart tmsart timsarin

    Bande de Gaza / Gaza strip / IZ b agmma n vzza ugmma n vzza

    Couper / To cut / nb 1. bbi bbi bbi ttbbi2. gzm gzm gzim gzzm

    Morceau / Bit, piece / b agzzum ugzzum izman

    Forteresse / Fortress / b agadir ugadir igudar

  • - 54 -

    qc pb

    Console / Console / pb tabniqt n imassn tbniqt n imassn tibniqin n imassn

    Rpression / Repression / lb amsay umsay imsayn

    Canal, chane / Channel / Ib asaru usaru isura

    Forces auxiliaires / Auxiliary forces / IYe Gb taggalin n twisi - taggalin n twisi

    Forces armes / Armed forces / e Gb taggalin tilafin - taggalin tilafin

    Ecrivain / Writer / lJc amara umara imaratn

    Secrtaire d'tat / State secretary / dhdG Jc anflus n uwank unflus n uwank inflas n uwank

    Catastrophe / Disaster / KQc tawavit twavit tiwavin

    Caricature / Caricature / JjQc asfrv usfrv isfrav

    Caricaturer / To caricature / ( nSQ ) GJjQc ssfrv ssfrv ssfriv ssfrav

    Camra / Camera / Gec lkamia lkamia id lkamia

    Gras (mettre en ) / Bold (to write in ) /ajdG dH c Ssizur (tirra) ssizur ssizur ssizur

    Livret / Booklet / qc tadlist tdlist tidlisin

  • - 55 -

    M SGc

    Brochure / Brochure / SGc taravt taravt taravin

    Graphisme / Graphism / aGc 1. tisisklt tsisklt 2. tiwwunva twwunva

    Basket-ball / Basketball / dG Ic 1. tawjja n tsknit twjja n tsknit 2. tacamma n tsknit tcamma n tsknit

    Volley-ball / Volleyball / IFdG IdG 1. tawjja n tratsa twjja n tratsa 2. tacamma n tratsa tcamma n tratsa

    Football / Football / dG Ic 1. tawjja n ua twjja n ua 2. tacamma n ua tcamma n ua

    Handball / Handball / dG Ic 1. tawjja n ufus twjja n ufus 2. tacamma n ufus tcamma n ufus

    Chronologie / Chronology / Ldfhc tasnakudt tsnakudt

    Mot / Word / c taguri tguri tiguriwin

    Plante / Planet / cc atri utri itran

    Rfugi (n. et adj.) / Refugee / L amzawg umzawg imzawgn

    Observer / To observe / M nu na ni ttnu

  • - 56 -

    SDe pY

    Joueur / Player / pY 1. amh umh imhn2. axmma uxmma ixmman3. amurar umurar imurarn

    Rfugier (se) / To seek refuge / Cd zug zug zug ttzug

    Commission d'audit / Audit board / dG d tasqqimt n uzzray tsqqimt n uzzray tisqqimin n uzzray

    Asile / Refuge / Ad azawg uzawg

    Jeu / Play, game / ld 1. urar wurar2. axmm uxmm^

    Rencontre / Meeting / Ad 1. amnala umnala imnalatn 2. anmuqqar unmuqqar inmuqqarn

    Point de presse / Press meeting / U Ad anmuqqar anvmas unmuqqar anvmas inmuqqarn invmasn

    Dialecte / Dialect / d tantala tantala tantalayin

    Complot / Conspiracy / IeGDe angaz ungaz ingazn

    Congrs / Congress / nJDe agraw ugraw igrawn

    Institution / Institution / SDe timrslt tmrslt timrsal

  • - 57 -

    SGe udDe

    Auteur / Author / udDe amgay umgay imgay

    Revue de presse / Press review / dG a OQh e min d iwint tfifvin

    Table ronde / Round table / Ije IFe 1. tasqqaymut tsqqaymut tisqquyma 2. asurs usurs isursn

    Maquillage / Make-up / ce 1. ta^uli tuli2. asingl usingl

    Pourparlers / Discussions, talks / Me 1. imdiwiln imdiwiln2. imakan imakan

    Initiative / Initiative / IQ nOe tasntayt tsntayt tisntay

    Match/ Match / IGQe tamnyugart tmnyugart timnyugarin

    Direct (adj.) / Alive / pTe usrid usrid usridn

    Direct (en-) / Alive / I nTe s usrad

    Envoy / Messenger, envoy / e amazan umazan imazann

    Envoy spcial / Special envoy / qUN e amazan imli umazan imli imazann imlay

    Barricade / Barricade / SGe afrag ufrag ifragn

  • - 58 -

    Ye O qe

    Diversifi (tre ) / Diversified / O qe myanaw myanaw myanaw ttmyanaw

    Spectateur / Spectator / pe amfj umfj imfjn

    Rebelle / Rebel / Oe avwwav uvwwav ivwwavn

    Vari (tre ) / Varied / qe myanaw myanaw myanaw ttmyanaw

    Interprter / To interpret / qe smdya smdya smdya smdya

    Famine / Hunger / Ye BUHYYUF BUHYYUF id BUHYYUF

    Socit / Society / e amun wamun amunn

    Actualit / News, current events / je timirt tmirt timirin

    Revue / Magazine / e tasvunt tsvunt tisvwan

    Chambre des conseillers, snat / Senate / jQdG e asqqim n insfawn usqqim n insfawn isqqimn n insfawn

    Chambre des dputs / Chamber of deputees / GdG e asqqim n imura usqqim n imura isqqimn n imura

    Groupe / Group / Ye tarabbut trabbut tirubba

  • - 59 -

    nde e

    Anonyme / Anonymous / e warism warism id warism

    Confrence / Conference / IVe tinawt tinawt tinawin

    Vidoconfrence / Video-conference / jdH IVe tinawt s ufidyu

    Conservateur / Conservative / ae impi impi impan

    Rgie / Control / ae taspawt tspawt tispawin

    Attentat / Attempt / (AGYG) dhe tasivt tsivt tisiva

    Rdacteur / News writer / Que amara umara imaratn

    Chroniqueur / Columnist / cQ Qe bu tmzrayt id bu tmzrayt

    Local (adj) / Local / qe advaran udvaran idvarann

    Portable / Portable / e 1. ittyasayn 2. n ufus

    Standard (tlphonie) / Switchboard / Jg e tauni tuni tiuniwin

    Ocan / Ocean / e agaru ugaru igarwn

    Contravention / Contravention / nde Unuf wunuf unufn

  • - 60 -

    je poe

    Informateur (indicateur) / Informant / poe anmmal unmmal inmmaln

    Brves / Briefings / Ge Tugzilin Tugzilin

    Disparu / Disappeared / e amnvubu umnvubu imnvuba

    Drogu / Drugged / (GQd e)Qse imdihdi imdihdi imdihdan

    Drogue / Drug(s) /aGQe isduhdutn isduhdutn

    Ralisateur / Director / ppoe amsufv umsufv imsufav

    Dlibrations / Deliberation / dhGe amdiwl umdiwl imdiwal

    Mare haute / High tide / (dG) qe tawant n yill tawant n yill

    Entraneur / Coach / uQe amssanun umssanun imssunan

    Directeur / Director / je anmhal unmhal inmhaln

    Ville / City / je TAMDINT tmdint timdinin

    Agenda / Agenda / Ice tamssktit tmssktit timssktay

    Radio (poste de ) / Radio / je anzway unzway inzwayn

  • - 61 -

    pe SGe

    Correspondant / Correspondent / SGe amazan umazan imazann

    Correspondance / Correspondence / nSGe amyazan umyazan imyazann

    Contrle / Control, checking / nbGe tiaf tiaf

    Contrle du son / Sound control / dG bGe asmsasa n wawal usmsasa n wawal

    Emetteur, expditeur / Transmitter / pSe amssif umssif imssifa

    Centre / Center / ce ammas wammas ammasn

    Central / Central / ce anammas unammas inammasn

    Crypt / Coded / Ree until wuntil untiln

    Mixage / Mixing / re asrks usrks isrkas

    Comptition / Competition / He ampizwar umpizwar impizwarn

    Assistant / Assistant / pYe amawas umawas imawasn

    Assistance / Assistance / I nYe tawasa twasa

    Interviewer (n.) / Interviewer / pe amsqsi umsqsi imsqsan

  • - 62 -

    e Qe

    Consultant, conseiller / Consultant, counselor / Qe 1. amcciw umcciw imcciwa2. ansfaw unsfaw insfawn

    Hpital / Hospital / e 1. asgnaf usgnaf isgnafn2. bia bia id bia

    Indpendant / Independent / pe ansiman unsiman insimann

    Auditeur / Listener / e 1. amssflid umssflid imssflidn2. amspssu umspssu imspssa

    Thtre / Theater / e amzgun umzgun imzgunn

    Pice de thtre / Play / Me tamzgunt tmzgunt timzgunin

    Feuilleton / Serial / e imsddi imsddi imsdditn

    Marche / Walk / Ie 1. tawada twada tiwadiwin2. tikli tikli tikliwin

    Tlspectateur / Televiewer / pgoe amannay umannay imannayn

    Problme / Problem / e tamukrist tmukrist timukrisin

    Scne (tableau) / Scene (tableau) /ae tim^it tmit tima

  • - 63 -

    ne Qe

    Source / Source / Qe asagm usagm isugam

    Source bien informe / Well informed source / soe Qe asagm invmsn usagm invmsn isugam invmsn

    Service / Service / e tanafut tnafut tinufa

    Cameraman / Cameraman / Que 1. amsulf umsulf imsulaf2. bu lkamia id bu lkamia

    Grviste / Striker / poe amsalag umsalag imsalagn

    Aroport / Airport / Qe azaz uza^^^^^^z izazn

    Dpliant / Leaflet / je tufit tufit tufiin

    Manifestation (protestation) / Protestation / Ige taskant tskant tiskanin

    Opposant / Opponent / V pQe amuzzl umuzzl imuzzal

    Opposition / Opposition / VnQe tuzlt tuzlt

    Handicap / Handicapped / e amo^^u umou imoa

    Traitement / Processing, treatment / de asmkl usmkl

    Dtenu / Prisoner / ne anamu unamu inuma

  • - 64 -

    f nQe ce

    Bataille, combat / Battle, fight / ce amtwiy umtwiy imtway

    Donnes / Data / e 1. isfka isfka2. timuca tmuca

    Rationnel / Rational / e amnlli umnlli imnlla

    / JGh YEd ddG dG Higer Studies Institute of Information and Communication

    Institut Suprieur dInformation et de Communication asinag amattay n tnmmalt d umyawa

    Standard (adj.) / Standard / Qe anaway unaway inawayn

    Assassin / Murdered / e inivi inivi inavan

    Ngociateur / Negotiator / Vhe amhiw umhiw imhiwa

    Ngociation / Negotiation / Vhe amhawa umhawa imhawan

    Clavier / Keyboard / n r ne tanast tanast tanasin

    Combattant / Fighter / Je 1. amnnav umnnav imnnavn2. anmtwiy unmtwiy inmtway

    Comparaison / Comparison / f nQe asmzazal usmzazal ismzazaln

  • - 65 -

    Me We

    Boycott / Boycott / We abnnz ubnnz

    Article / Article / e amnni umnni imnnitn

    Entrepreneur / Entrepreneur / he amssnti umssnti imssntiyn

    Entreprise / Entreprise / dhe tamssntit tmssntit timssntiyin

    Rsistant / Resistant / he anzbay unzbay inzbayn

    Rsistance / Resistance / ehe tanzbayt tnzbayt tinzbayin

    Econome / Steward, bursar / pe andmas undmas indmasn

    Extrait / Extract / ne tussift tussift tussifin

    Prsentateur / Presenter / ue amsmnid umsmnid imsmnad

    Local (n.) / Location / e advar udvar idvarn

    Costume / Costume, garment / He timlsit tmlsit timlsa

    Observateur / Observer / pMe imni imni imna

    Observation / Observation / Me ini ini inan

  • - 66 -

    pe e

    Rsum / Summary, rsum / e tagwit tgwit tigwin

    Affiche / Bill / ne tasmmalt tsmmalt tismmalin

    Dossier / File, dossier / e asdaw usdaw isdawn

    Roi / King / pe agllid ugllid igldan

    Royal / Royal / e agldan ugldan igldann

    Touche (clavier, piano) / Key (keyboard, piano) /a nne ta^at tat tiuin

    Royaume / Kingdom / e tagldit tgldit tiglday

    Militant / Militant / Ve amvnas umvnas imvnasn

    Concurrent / Competitor / ae amzzazwr umzzazwr imzzizwar

    Concurrence / Competition / ae amzizwr umzizwr imzizwar

    Discussion / Discussion / be 1. amsgdal umsgdal imsgdaln2. amaka umaka imakan

    Tribune / Tribunal / pe tabadut tbadut tibuda

    Producteur / Producer / pe amsyafu umsyafu imsyufa

  • - 67 -

    (HbdG SQe) e ne

    Elu / Elected / ne imsti imsti imstiyn

    Produit / Product / e ayafu uyafu iyufa

    Coordonnateur / Coordinator / ue amzday umzday imzdayn

    Animateur / Presenter / ue anamus unamus inumas

    Parutions / publications / GQe tififvin tfifvin

    Estrade / Platform / e tadkant tdkant tidkanin

    Paysage / Landscape / e amuvli umuvli imuvliyn

    Organisation / Organization / e tamaddast tmaddast timaddasin

    Organisation des Nations Unies / United Nations Organization / IdG eCG e Tamaddast n tmtta imunn

    Amnesty International / International Amnesty Organization / dhdG dG e Tamaddast n usurf agravlan

    Organisation de lUnion Africaine / African Union Organization / jaCG IMdG e Tamaddast n tmuni n ifriqya

    Perspective / Perspective / Qe amnad umnad imnadn

    Censurer / To censor / (HbdG SQe) e slgm slgm slgim slgam

  • - 68 -

    QNCG Le (ne) pe

    Exil (n. et adj.) / Exile / (ne) pe amntul umntul imntal

    Varits / Varieties / Ye izlan ittyanawn izlan ittyanawn

    Emigr / Emigrant / Le amzwag umzwag imzwagn

    Attaquant / Attacker / Le 1. amsugi umsugi imsugitn2. amaay umaay imaayn

    Festival / Festival / Le anmuggar unmuggar inmuggarn

    Contrebandier / Smuggler / ue amssrwl umssrwl imssrwln

    Mission / Mission / e asvlf usvlf isvlaf

    Ingnieur du son / Sound engineer / U Se ajnyu n imsli ujnyu n imsli ijnyun n imsli

    Ressources humaines / Human resources / jH OQGe isugam infgann

    Citoyen / Citizen / pWGe anmuri unmuri inmura

    Citoyennet / Citizenship / nnWGe tamuri tmuri

    Mort (la) / Death / e tamttant tmttant

    Flash dinformations / Newsflash / QNCG Le tUsmt tanvmast tusmt tanvmast tusmin tinvmasin

  • - 69 -

    Nf Se

    Musique / Music / Se aawan uawan iawan

    Rendez-vous / Appointment / Ye 1. Anmuqqar unmuqqar inmuqqarn 2. Amnala umnala imnalatn

    Site / Site / be asit wasit asitn

    Montage / Montage / fe tigri tgri

    Mort (le) / Dead (person)a/ qe amttin umttin imttinn

    Mdaille/ Medal / dGe tamadayt tmadayt timadayin

    Terrain / Field / Ge abaraz ubaraz ibarazn

    Discriminer / To discriminate / qe snupyu snapya snupya snupyu

    Racisme / Racism / Y e 1. asnupyu auan usnupyu auan 2. tassaut tssaut

    Dput / Deputee / Ff amari umari imura

    Rescap (n.) / Survivor / f unjim unjim unjimn

    Electeur / Elector / Nf amstay umstay imstayn

  • - 70 -

    f Tf

    Editeur / Editor / Tf amag umag imagn

    Porte-parole / Spokesman / SQ Wf amssiwl s yism n umssiwl s yism n imssiwln s yism na

    Fentre / Window / Iaf 1. acjm ucjm ic^^^^^^^^^^jam2. taznut tznut tizna

    Discuter / To discuss / bf sgdl sgdl sgdil sgdal

    Rescap (tre -) / Surviving (to be -) /af Njm njm njim njjm

    Star / Star / rf itri itri itran

    Appel / Call, appeal / AGf avuri uvuri ivuritn

    Confrence de presse / Press conference / U Ihf tinawt tanvmast tinawt tanvmast tinawin tinvmasin

    Conflit / Conflict / Gf amnzav umnzav imnzavn

    Audimat / Audimat / SG f 1. asvl n uspssi usvl n uspssi2. asvl n ussfld usvl n ussfld

    Copier / To copy / f ssnvl ssnvl ssnvil ssnval

    Copie / Copy / f tunvilt tunvilt tunvilin

  • - 71 -

    (HCG) nf f

    Systme / System / f ANAGRAW unagraw inagrawn

    Activit / Activity / f amussu umussu imussutn

    Mdiatiser / To give media coverage / nf skk (invmisn i) skk skk ttskka

    Edition ( informations) / News bulletin / QNCG If invmisn invmisn

    Animer / To animate / qf smussu smussu smussi smussu

    Hymne national / National anthem / Wh f izli anamur izli anamur izlan inamurn

    Texte / Text / f ai ui iin

    Texte intgral / Unabridged text / ec f ai iSMDn ui iSMDn iin smdnin

    Escroquerie / Swindling / rf amday umday

    Semestriel / Biannual, half-yearly / S f Aiyuran iiyurann

    Propret / Cleanliness / af tavusi tvusi

    Excuter / To execute / sf zzgr zzgr zzgir zzgar

    Exiler / To exile / (HCG) nf zzug zzug zzug zzwag

  • - 72 -

    (Ic) g Hf

    Syndicat / Labor union / Hf ANMALlU unmallu inmulla

    Dbat / Debate / Tf 1. amsgdal umsgdal imsgdaln 2. amaka umaka imakan

    Cliquer / To click / (SM) nf kliki kliki kliki ttkliki

    Fin / End / jf asmur usmur ismurn

    Tlphoner / To telephone / nJg WWT ttilifun

    Tlphone / Telephone / ppJg ttilifun ttilifun id ttilifun

    Emigrer / To emigrate / Lg 1. zug zug zug ttzug2. wa wa wi ga

    Attaquer / To attack / Lg 1. sug (xf) sug sug ttsug 2. ai (xf) uki uki ttai

    Emigration / Emigration / Ig tazwagt tzwagt tizwag

    Assaut / Assault / g tukya tukya

    But (objectif) / Goal, objective /a(jZ) g awttas uwttas iwttasn

    But (sport) / Goal / (Ic) g timsswit tmsswit timsswitin

  • - 73 -

    sOh jg

    Dfaite / Defeat / jg tii tii tiiwi

    Air / Air / AGg Au wau

    Antenne / Antenna / FGg imzgi imzgi imzgitn

    Loisirs / Leisure / jGg taramsut tramsut tirumsa

    Comit de rdaction / Board of editors / jdG g agraw n tirra ugraw n tirra igrawn n tirra

    Squelette / Skeleton / Y g tavssa tvssa tivssiwin

    Clair / Clear / VGh anafaw unafaw inafawn

    Dcrypt / Decoded / (Ree Z) VGh aruntil waruntil aruntiln

    pidmie / Epidemic / AHh abayyu ubayyu ibayyun

    Documentaire / Documentary / FKh untim wuntim untimn

    Documenter / To document / sKh ssntm ssntm ssntim ssntam

    Avis (opinion) / Viewpoint / f Lh tannayt tannayt tannayin

    Adieu (dire ) / Make one's farewells / sOh msafa ( d, akd) msafa msafa ttmsafa

  • - 74 -

    Iah bQh

    Feuille ( de papier) / Sheet of paper / bQh 1. tifrt tifrt tafriwin2. Tawriqt twriqt tiwriqin

    Ministre / Ministry / IQGRh tamawast tmawast timawasin

    Ministriel / Ministrial / QGRh amawsas umawsas imawsasn

    Ministre / Minister / jRh amawsas umawsas imawsasn

    Moyens de communication / Means of communication / JG FSh ammakn n umyawa wammakn n umyawa

    Dcoration (insigne) / Medal / Sh tamadayt tmadayt timadayin

    Milieu / Medium / l nSh 1. ammas wammas ammasn2. tu^^^umt tuumt tuumin

    Centrer / To centre / sSh 1. un un ^^un ttun 2. snamms snamms snamms snammas

    Squence / Sequence / Uh tagzzumt tgzzumt tizmin

    Spot publicitaire / Publicity Spot / jQTEG Uh tagzzumt n usussn

    National / National / Wh anamur unamur inamurn

    Dcs / Decease / Iah tamttant tmttant

  • - 75 -

    ej rah

    Dlgation / Delegation / rah akaba ukaba ikaba

    Dlgation journalistique / Journalistic delegation / U ah akaba n invmasn

    Agence / Agency / dch tasnurayt tsnurayt tisnuray

    Agence de presse / Press agency / AfCG dch tasnurayt tanvmast tsnurayt tanvmast tisnuray tinvmasin

    Prince hritier / Heir apparent / dG dh amkkusu n tgldit umkkusu n tgldit imkkusa n tgldit

    Quotidien / Daily / ej Awassan uwassan iwassann

  • OeHY fEG fa jReCG

  • - 79 -

    abaqqay, aiqqsDagration / Explosion / QfG

    abaqtic, amsyypClown / Clown / GH

    abarazTerrain / Field / Ge

    abayyuEpidmie / Epidemic / AHh

    abdarCitation / Quotation / pgT

    abkkas n tnfrutCeinture de scurit / Security belt / edG GM

    abkki^^Crime / Crime / jL

    abnnzBoycott / Boycott / We

    abulisPolicier / Policeman / WT

    abrid n tigt (g-)Presse (sous -) / Press (under -) /dG b

    abrsgadTerroriste / Terrorist / HgQEG

    abrsiwdTerrorisme / Terrorism / gQEG

    abrzwurScoop / Scoop / U S

    ablamanParlement / Parliament / dH

  • - 80 -

    ablamaniyParlementaire / Member of the parliament / fdH

    abani, imzziEtranger / Stranger / LCG

    agadirForteresse / Fortress / b

    agalufEquipage / Equipment / bW

    agamaNature / Nature / W

    agaruOcan / Ocean / e

    AGAFardeau / Burden / AY

    agdudAudience (assistance), public / Audience, public / QL ,QM

    agldanRoyal / Royal / e

    agldunPrince / Prince / eCG

    agllidRoi / King / e

    agmamMembre / Member / Y

    agmma n vzzaBande de Gaza / Gaza strip / IZ b

    agmma n tagutCisjordanie / West bank / HdG dG

  • - 81 -

    agnsuIntrieur (n.) / Inside / NGO

    agravlanInternational / International / dY

    agrawCongrs / Congress / nJDe

    agraw n tirraComit de rdaction / Board of editors / jdG g

    ag, tamijjaVoix / Voice / rU

    agumParagraphe / Paragraph / Ia

    agzzumMorceau / Bit, piece / b

    ansanInterne, intrieur (adj.) / Internal, interior / NGO

    as, ttursBless (tre - ) / Injured (to be - ) / p oL

    addadEtat (situation) / State( situation) / dM

    addad n unzwiMto / Weather forecast / dG dM

    adxcam n waylalnGrippe aviaire / Bird u / QdG GfGfG

    adiblumasDiplomate / Diplomat / SeHO

    AdiblumasiyDiplomatique / Diplomatic / SeHO

  • - 82 -

    adida, iiParasitage / Jamming / jJ

    admsanEconomique / Economical / ObG

    aduzwlSous-titre (cinma) / Subtitle / FS TM

    adrim anzmarDevise / Currency / U Y

    advarLocal (n.) / Location / e

    advaranLocal (adj.) / Local / qe

    aahiDahir / Dahir / X

    abib, amsgnafMdecin / Doctor / W

    abil aqurarDisque dur / Hard disk / U Uob

    auAir / Air / AGg

    ai iSMDnTexte intgral / Unabridged text / ec f

    aiTexte / Text / f

    afasrInterprtation / Interpretation /jhCJ

    affrtlHors jeu / Off - side / OhT

  • - 83 -

    afus (n -), ittyasayn Portable / Portable / e

    afrag Barricade / Barricade /SGe

    afra Solution / Solution /M

    afran Tri / Sorting (out) / R ra

    afruri Dtail / Details / UJ

    afrrz n wawal Diction (bonne) / Diction (good) /L AdEG

    afj Spectacle / Show / La

    afcadCondolances / Condolences / jJ

    akabaDlgation / Delegation / H ,rah

    akaba n invmasnDlgation journalistique / Journalistic delegation / U ah

    ai (- xf), sug (-xf)Attaquer / To attack / Lg

    apuSauvegarde / Saving / rM

    apu n ugamaPrservation de la nature / Nature preservation / dG jM

    aoki, asrdasMilitaire / Military / Y

  • - 84 -

    axatarPrsident / President / FQ

    axmma, amh, amurar Joueur / Player / pY

    axmm, urarJeu / Play, game / ld

    aqbbani, war tussnaIgnorant / Ignorant / gL

    aqiParabole / Dish / U

    ajaamiGendarme / Gendarme / cQO

    ajdarDiffamation / Defamation / rb

    ajnyu n imsliIngnieur du son / Sound engineer / U Se

    alafArme / Weapon /S

    alaf avyayArme nuclaire / Nuclear weapon / hf S

    alas (-s)Doublage / Dubbing / HO

    alayProgrs / Progress / l qJ

    alfArmer (s) / To get armed / sJ

    alikConqute / Conquest / hZ

  • - 85 -

    alikuniyElectronique / Electronic / fhdEG

    allam amqqranGrand cordon / Grand cordon, broad ribbon /ic dM

    amagus, amtturs, angzumBless (n.) / Injured (person) / jL

    amaddudOfciel / Ofcial / SQ

    amaay, amsugiAttaquant / Attacker / L oe

    amanarGuide / Guide / dO

    amannayTlspectateur / Televiewer / ge

    amanunSportif / Sporty / VjQ

    amara Ecrivain, rdacteur / Writer, news writer / pJc ,Que

    amariDput / Deputee /Ff

    amattay, anafllaSuprieur / Superior / Y

    amawasAssistant / Assistant / pYe

    amawsasMinistre, ministriel / Minister, ministrial / QGRh ,jRh

    amazanCorrespondant, envoy / Correspondent, messenger, envoy / SGe ,e

  • - 86 -

    amazan imliEnvoy spcial / Special envoy / qUN e

    amgayAuteur / Author / udDe

    amdayEscroquerie / Swindling /f

    amdiwlDlibrations / Deliberations / dhGe

    amdudiTremblement / Earthquake / GdR

    amdurru, arbioFoule / Crowd / M

    amaka, amsgdalDbat, discussion, / Debate, discussion / be ,Tf

    amalEnterrement / Burial / aO

    amfjSpectateur / Spectator / pe

    amkkusu n tglditPrince hritier / Heir apparent / dG dh

    amhawaNgociation / Negotiation / Vhe

    amh, amurar, axmmaJoueur / Player / pY

    amhiwNgociateur / Negotiator / Vhe

    amo^^uHandicap / Handicapped / e

  • - 87 -

    Amqqran n imaratnRdacteur en chef / Editor in chief / jdG FQ

    amiaEcran / Screen / TT

    ammakn n umyawaMoyens de communication / Means of communication / JG FSh

    ammasCentre / Centre / ce

    ammas, tuumtMilieu / Medium / l nSh

    ammaDtention / detention / YG

    ammuo^Handicap / Handicap / bYEG

    amnadPerspective / Perspective / Qe

    amnaEnvironnement / Environment / H

    amnala, anmuqqarRencontre, rendez-vous / Meeting / Ye ,Ad

    amngiriSparatiste / Separatist / dfG

    amnnav, anmtwiyCombattant / Fighter / Je

    amnniArticle / Article / e

    amnlliRationnel / Rational / e

  • - 88 -

    amnvuAssassin, tueur / Murderer, killer / pJb

    amnvubuDisparu / Disappeared / e

    amntulExil (n. et adj.) / Exile / ( ne) pe

    amnzavConit / Conict / Gf ,GU

    amnawContinent / Continent / IQb

    amudr anamyarAnimal domestique / Domestic animal / dCG GM

    amudr aramyarAnimal sauvage / Wild animal / Me GM

    amulliParti (politique) / Party / M

    amulli alanti n ilmOrganisation du Trait de l'Atlantique Nord / North Atlantic Treaty Organization /

    WCG dG M

    amunSocit / Society / e

    amurar, axmma, amhJoueur / Player / pY

    amuvliPaysage / Landscape / e

    amussuManifestation (culturelle), activit / Manifestation, activity / f ,IgJ

    amuzzlOpposant / Opponent / V pQe

  • - 89 -

    amrwiPerturbation, remou / Perturbation / GVG

    amvnasMilitant / Militant / Ve

    amvzu, anpbasPrisonnier / Prisoner / S

    amsafaAdieu (l'-) / Farewell / jOJ

    amsalagGrviste / Striker / p oe

    amsasa Accord / Agreement /aGJ

    amsawalDialogue / Dialogue / QGM

    amsayRpression / Repression / lb

    amsggaytuMartyr / Martyr / T

    amsgdal, amaka Discussion, dbat / Discussion, debate / be ,Tf

    amspssu, amssflidAuditeur / Listener / e

    amsqad Ambassadeur / Ambassador / S

    amsqsi Interviewer (n.) / Interviewer / pe

    amsmnid Prsentateur / Presenter / ue

  • - 90 -

    amsnala Entretien / Interview / QGM

    amsugi, amaay Attaquant / Attacker, striker / Le

    amsudds Ordinateur / Computer / SM

    amsufv Ralisateur / Director / p oe

    amsulf, bu lkamia Cameraman / Cameraman / Que

    amsrtiy Politicien / Politician / (SdG SQe) SS

    amssanun Entraneur / Coach / uQe

    amsgnaf, abibMdecin / Doctor / W

    amssauRaciste / Racist / Y

    amssflid, amspssu Auditeur / Listener / e

    amssif Emetteur, expditeur / Transmitter / pSe

    amssiwl s yism n Porte-parole / Spokesman / SQ Wf

    amssnti Entrepreneur / Entrepreneur / he

    amssrwl Contrebandier / Smuggler / ue

  • - 91 -

    amstayElecteur / Elector / Nf

    amswuriOprateur / Operator / eY

    amswuri atiqniyOprateur technique / Technical operator /J eY

    amsyafuProducteur / Producer / pe

    amsyyp, abaqticClown / Clown / GH

    ampizwarComptition / Competition / He

    amcawaConsultation / Consultation / IQSG

    amcciwConsultant / Counselor / Qe

    amtruyAnarchiste / Anarchist / (dG Y FK) Va

    amttinMort (le) / Dead person / e

    amtturs, angzum, amagusBless (n.) / Injured (person) / jL

    amtwiyBataille, combat / Battle, ght / ce

    amyanawVariation / Variation / tJ

    amyassaRapport, relation / Connection, relationship / bY

  • - 92 -

    amyawaCommunication / Communication / UGJ

    amyawasCoopration / Cooperation / hJ

    amyazan alikuniyMessagerie lectronique / Electronic messagery / fhdEG jH

    amzarayDsaccord, diffrence / Difference, disagreement / N ,NG

    amzavDfense / Defence / aO

    amzawgRfugi (n. et adj.) / Refugee / L

    amzgunThtre / Theater / e

    amzdayCoordonnateur / Coordinator / ue

    amzizwrConcurrence / Competition / ae

    amzizzlCampagne / Compaign / M

    amzizzl anvmasCampagne de presse / Press compaign / U M

    amzizzl n USUSSN Campagne de publicit / Advertising compaign / jQTEG M

    amzwagEmigr / Emigrant / Le

    amzzuEvnement / Event, fact / M

  • - 93 -

    amagEditeur / Editor / Tf

    ANAGRAW Systme / System / f

    anagrayPacique / Peaceful /S

    anadda n tasnaBas (- de page) / bottom (- of the page) / dG SCG

    anaddaw Infrieur / Inferior / S

    anafawClair / Clear / VGh

    anaffarClandestin (n.) / Stowaway / (Le) S

    anaflla, amattaySuprieur / Superior / Y

    anammasCentral / Central / ce

    anamunSocial / Social / YLG

    anamurNational / National / Wh

    anamusAnimateur/ Presenter / q pe

    anamuDtenu / Prisoner / ne

    anawayStandard (adj.) / Standard / Qe

  • - 94 -

    anauArtiste / Artist / a

    anbaz Invasion / Invasion / LG

    anbbaGouverneur / Governor / eY

    anbrazChampion / Champion / nH

    angasAccident, collision / Accident, collision / GUG ,KOM

    angiInondation / Flood / a

    anguzComplot / Conspiracy / IeGDe

    angzum, amagus, amttursBless (n.) / Injured (person) / jL

    andmasEconome / Steward, bursar / pe

    anafGardien / keeper /SQM

    anfgurArbitre / Referee / l` nM

    anflus n uwankSecrtaire d'tat / State secretary / dhdG Jc

    ankaCondamnation / Sentence / fGOEG

    anpbas, amvzuPrisonnier / Prisoner / S

  • - 95 -

    ania n tasnaPied (- de page) / Bottom of the page / dG jP

    anmalaOrdre (organisation) / Order / JJ

    anmalassHebdomadaire / Weekly / YSCG

    ANMALlUSyndicat / Labor union / Hf

    anmhalDirecteur / Director / je

    anmmalInformateur (indicateur) / Informant / pe

    anmnaRgional / Regional / L

    anmuggarFestival / Festival / Le

    anmuqqar, amnalaRendez-vous, rencontre / Appointment, meeting / Ad ,Ye

    anmuqqar anvmasPoint de presse / Press meeting / U Ad

    anmuriCitoyen / Citizen / pWGe

    anmtwiy, amnnavCombattant / Fighter / Je

    anmzizwrConcurrent / Competitor / ae

    anngziPanne technique / Technical breakdown / J Y

  • - 96 -

    anvalExpansion / Expansion / qSJ

    anvmasJournaliste / Journalist / U

    anvmisInformation (nouvelle) / News / N

    anvmis ifrurinInformation dtaille / Detailed information / se N

    anvubuDisparition / Disappearance / ANG

    ansaAdresse / Address /GY

    ansfawConseiller / Counselor / Qe

    ansimanIndpendant / Independent / pe

    antalCryptage / Encoding / eJ

    antirnitInternet / Internet / ffCG

    anzavTirage / Print run / rS

    anzbayRsistant / Resistant / he

    anzwayRadio (poste de - ), radiophonique / Radio, radiophonic / je ,YGPEG

    arantalDcryptage / Decoding / edG ta

  • - 97 -

    arbio, amdurruFoule / Crowd / M

    arkidInjustice / Injustice / rX

    aruntilDcrypt / Decoded / (Ree Z) VGh

    artussna, TAQBBANITIgnorance / Ignorance / rL

    arwayConfusion / Confusion / N

    arzzuEnqute / Inquiry / H

    arzzu amassan, asiggl amassanRecherche scientique / Scientic research / Y H

    aka, asyysDanse / Dance / bQ

    aumInauguration / Inauguration / TJ

    avawasLogiciel, programme / Operating system, programme / efH

    avfawalCommentaire / Commentary / J

    avimi, avjdimSit-in / Sit-in / YG

    avjdim, avimiSit-in / Sit-in / YG

    avmisJournal / Newspaper / IjL ,U

  • - 98 -

    avnnij, izli Chanson / Song / ZCG

    avuriAppel / Call, appeal / AGf

    avwwavRebelle / Rebel / Oe

    avwwiv Rvolte / Revolt / Y

    avzuPrison / Prison / S

    asag^guReportage / Report / J

    Asag n imjitnCouverture (vnement) / Covering (events) / (U) J

    asagmSource / Source / Qe

    asagm invmsnSource bien informe / Well informed source / se Qe

    asakudDate / Date / jQJ

    asalagGrve / Strike / GVEG

    asalfArmement / Arming / qJ

    asaruCanal, chane / Channel / Ib

    asaylalAviation / Aviation, ying / GW

  • - 99 -

    asayrarEspace / Space / Aa

    asaysEmission (- de tlvision) / Programme / (YGPEG hCG fjJ) efH

    asgnaf, biaHpital / Hospital / e

    asdmCoup dtat / Coup d'tat / SS fG

    assan Annuel / Annual / S

    asdawDossier / File, dossier / e

    asddiSrie / Series / S

    asfrkSensibilisation / Sensitization / J

    asfru Explication / Explanation / T

    asfrvCaricature / Caricature / JjQc

    AsfsiAnalyse / Analysis / J

    askan n twuriOffres demploi / Job offer / Y VY

    askribScript / Script / jS

    asktiRappel / Reminder / cJ

  • - 100 -

    asqqim n imuraChambre des dputs / Chambre of deputees / GdG e

    asqqim n insfawnChambre des conseillers, snat / Senate / jQdG e

    asqsayInterview / Interview / GSG

    asiggl amassan, arzzu amassanRecherche scientique / Scientic research / Y H

    asiggzImpression (action d'imprimer) / Printing / YW

    asidd, assfawEclairage / Lighting / IAVEG

    asidfInsertion / Insertion / bEG

    a^^si^nCalcul, recensement / Calculation, census / M ,AMEG

    asifEmission (fait d'mettre) / Emission / SQEG

    asinag amattay n tnmmalt d umyawaInstitut Suprieur d'Information et de Communication / Higher Studies Institute of

    Information and Communication / JGh YEd ddG dG

    asinaryuScnario / Scenario / jQS

    asingl, ta^uliMaquillage / Make-up / ce

    asitSite / Site / be

    asiwCommuniqu / Release / H

  • - 101 -

    asizdg auanEpuration ethnique / Ethnic cleansing / bY J

    aslgamuCensure / Censorship / HbQ

    aslgn ANSANRglement interne / Regulations / NGO fb

    aslgn n ubrid Code de la route / Highway code / dG fb

    asliiAudiovisuel /Audiovisual / H S

    asmalAfchage / Billposting / YEG

    asmarPrparation / Preparation / OGYEG

    asmdyaInterprtation (rle) / Interpretation / J

    asmklTraitement / Processing, treatment / de

    asmiglAvertissement / Warning /QGfEG

    asmisi vr ufasi Justication droite / Right alignment /dG Y jJ

    asmisi vr ulma Justication gauche / Left alignment /QdG Y jJ

    asmnadGnrique (d'un lm) / Generic / jL

    asmnidPrsentation / Presentation / jJ

  • - 102 -

    asmur Fin / End / jf

    asmussu Animation / Animation / J

    asmutg n tasna Mise en page / Page setting / dG OGYEG

    asmsasa n wawalContrle du son / Sound control / dG bGe

    asmzazal Comparaison / Comparison / f nQe

    asnayComposition / Composition / dCJ

    asnflulCrativit / Creativity / GHEG

    asnflChangement / Change / tJ

    asnubgAccueil, rception / Reception / SG

    asnupyu auan, tassaut Racisme / Racism / Y e

    asnvmsMass mdia / Mass media / YEG

    asnzrufDsertication / Desertication / tJ

    asugiAttaque / Attack / IQZ

    asufvRalisation / Direction / GNEG

  • - 103 -

    asulfTournage / Shooting, lming / jJ

    asurarDivertissement / Entertainment / J

    asurfGrce (pardon) / Pardon /Y

    asurs, tasqqaymutTable ronde / Round table / Ije IFe

    asuvlTraduction (action de traduire) / Translation (action of translating) / LJ

    asusr Enregistrement / Recording / J

    asussn Publicit / Advertising / QTEG

    asrad (s-) Direct (en-) / Alive / I nTe

    asrad (s-)Diffr (en-) / Recorded broadcast / Te Z

    asrdas, aokiMilitaire / Military / Y

    asrfufnTorture / Torture / jJ

    asrksMixage / Mixing / re

    asrtiyPolitique (adj.) / Political / SS

    asvlfMission / Mission / e

  • - 104 -

    asvl n uspssi, asvl n ussfldAudimat / Audimat / SG f

    asvl n ussfld, asvl n uspssiAudimat / Audimat / SG f

    assfaw, asiddEclairage / Lighting / IAVEG

    assfld, timsliwt Ecoute / Listening / SG

    assidr Ranimation / Intensive care / TfEG

    assisfiw Mise au point / Clarication / VJ

    assrwlContrebande / Smuggling / jJ

    astayElection, suffrage, vote / Election, vote / jJ ,fG ,GbG

    astudyuStudio / Studio / jOSG

    asyys, akaDanse / Dance / bQ

    aa, izririLigne / Line / rS

    AiyurSemestre / Semester / SSCG

    AiyuranSemestriel / Biannual, half-yearly / S f

    acnyalDrapeau / Flag / (jGQ) Y

  • - 105 -

    acjm, taznutFentre / Window / Iaf

    atiqniyTechnicien / Technician / J

    atriPlante / Planet / cc

    aiqqs, abaqqayDagration / Explosion / QfG

    awankEtat (institution) / State (institution) / dhO

    awassanQuotidien / Daily / ej

    awttasBut (objectif) / Goal, objective / (jZ) g

    awttuFrontire / Frontier / wM

    ayafuProduit / Product / e

    aydaPatrimoine / Patrimony / GJ

    ayyawSection / Section / a

    ayyuranMensuel / Monthly / T

    azazAroport / Airport / Qe

    azanEnvoi / Sending / H

  • - 106 -

    azawgAsile / Refuge / Ad

    azgn n usgasSemestre / Semester / SSCG

    azgzlAbrviation / Abbreviation / GNG

    azgzl (s uzgzl)Bref (en-) /Brief (in-) / RjEH

    azdayConnexion / Connection / JG rHQ

    azdduyCoordination / Coordination / J

    azizzlTravelling / Travelling / aGJ

    azmzanPriodique (n. et adj.) / Periodic, periodical / QhO

    aznnirDlit / Felony / jL

    AZULSalut / Hello / J

    azurarGras / Bold /jY H

    azuzzrDiffusion / Diffusion, broadcasting / wH

    azuzzr amalasRediffusion / Rebroadcasting / dG IOYEG

    azwarScandale / Scandal / a

  • - 107 -

    AZWLTitre / Title / GY

    azwuVent / Wind / jQ

    azzgirExcution / Execution / J

    aawanMusique / Music / Se

    ala Pauvret / Poverty / ra

    a^^^^^^^^^^aRseau / Network / T

    bab n tattuyt tagldantSon altesse royale / His royal highness / dG dG MU

    BAB N Waddur Majest (Sa-) / His majesty / ddG MU

    bbaqqi, iqqs Exploser / To explode / fG

    bbi, gzmCouper / To cut / nb

    bnnz Boycotter / To boycott / nWb

    BUHYYUFFamine / Hunger / Ye

    bu lkamia, amsulfCameraman / Cameraman / Que

    bu tmzraytChroniqueur / Columnist / cQ Qe

  • - 108 -

    ba (n-)Extrieur (adj.) / External / LQN

    g asalag, slgGrve (tre en -) / Strike (to be on -) / VCG

    gzm, bbiCouper / To cut / b

    dmsEconomiser / To economise / bG

    duhduDroguer (se) / To take drugs / GQdG WJ

    druParticiper / To participate / QT

    ufContrler / To control, to check / bGQ

    fakiFaxer / To fax / cdG Y SQCG

    fasrInterprter (expliquer) / To interpret / shCG

    fawTransparent (tre) / To be transparent / T

    fcdCondolances (prsenter ses -) / Condolences (to express one's-) / iqY

    klikiCliquer / To click / nf

    ka yirn (n-)Trimestriel / Quarterly / a

    ksi (- zg) Adapter / To adapt / bG

  • - 109 -

    igllin n (+ ism n umttin)Dfunt / Deceased / a

    ifili (g-)Ligne (en-) / Line (on-) / dG Y

    ifrAile / Wing / L

    ifr afasi Aile droite / Right wing / jCG L

    ifr alma Aile gauche / Left wing / jCG L

    ilan, tasvart Tirage au sort / Drawing lots / Yb

    IMALASS Semaine / Week / SCG

    imdihdiDrogu / Drugged / (GQd e)Qse

    imdiwiln, imakanPourparlers / Discussions, talks / Me

    imakan, imdiwilnPourparlers / Discussions, talks / Me

    impiConservateur / Conservative / ae

    imiriSecrtaire (- de rdaction) / Sub-editor / jdG jS

    IMI, uufRception (fait de recevoir) / Reception / SG

    im^ji awassanFait divers / News items / e

  • - 110 -

    imjiFait (n.) / Event, fact / bGh

    imnviGuerre / War / M

    imniObservateur / Observer / pMe

    imvrabiyn n tmizar n b^a Ressortissants marocains l'tranger / Moroccans living abroad / QdG a HdG ddG

    imvriLecteur / Reader / Qb

    imsddiFeuilleton / Serial / e

    imsli Son / Sound / U

    imsti Elu / Elected / ne

    imzgi Antenne / Antenna / FGg

    imzzi, abaniEtranger / Stranger / LCG

    imliSpcial / Special / UN

    inag, rzu, sigglChercher / To look for, to seek / nH

    inawDiscours / Discourse / N

    inigiTmoin oculaire / Eyewitness / Y gT

  • - 111 -

    inixfEntte / Heading of a page / dG SCGQ

    iniviAssassin, tu / Killed (person), murdered / e ,b

    invmisnEdition (informations) / News bulletin / QNCG If

    iniObservation / Observation / Me

    ii, adidaParasitage / Jamming / jJ

    isduhdutnDrogue / Drug(s) / GQe

    isfka, timucaDonnes / Data / e

    isugam infgannRessources humaines / Human resources / jH OQGe

    itriStar / Star / f

    ittyasayn, n ufusPortable / Portable / e

    iwtta izgavnLignes rouges / Red lines / AGM N

    izlan ittyanawnVarits / Varieties / Ye

    izli anamurHymne national / National anthem / Wh f

    izli, avnnijChanson / Song / ZCG

  • - 112 -

    izli n usgasTube / Hit song / SdG ZCG

    izrfan n umgayDroits dauteur / Copyrights / dDdG M

    izriri, aaLigne / Line / rS

    lbulisPolice / Police / WT

    lfakFax / Fax / ca

    lfilmFilm / Film / a

    lkamiaCamra / Camera / Gec

    mlEnterrer / To bury / aO

    mffr ismPseudonyme / Pseudonym / Qe SG

    min d iwint tfifvinRevue de presse / Press review / dG a OQh e

    mnvimanSuicide / Suicide / QfG

    mnviman (n-)Suicidaire / Suicidal / QfG

    msafa (-d, -akd)Adieu (dire -) / To make one's farewells / sOh

    myanawDiversi (tre -), vari (tre -) / Diversied, varied / O qe , q pe

  • - 113 -

    ngzComploter / To conspire / neBJ

    NkCondamner / To sentence / GOCG

    njmRescap (tre -) / Surviving (to be -) / f

    nvAssassiner, tuer / To kill, to murder / b ,ZG

    nuObserver / To observe / M

    ubuy n uzdayDconnexion / Disconnection / JG fG

    uguz n wauDpression arienne / Air depression / L VfG

    uuf, IMIRception (fait de recevoir) / Reception / SG

    uffirClandestin (adj.) / Clandestine / S

    ufuv ziDsengagement / Disengagement / GdG ta

    ukiViolent / Violent / Y

    unbiGouvernemental / Governmental / eM

    ungisVictime (d'un accident) /Accident victim / KOM V

    unjimRescap (n.) / Survivor / f

  • - 114 -

    unufContravention / Contravention / nde

    untilCrypt / Coded / Ree

    untimDocumentaire / Documentary / FKh

    urar, axmmJeu / Play, game / ld

    urarDivertir (se) / To entertain, to amuse / sJ

    usridDirect (adj.) / alive / Te

    uunNumro / Number / OY

    uzdigNet (adj.) / Neat / U

    UZUM Zoom / Zoom / hR

    rzu, siggl, inagChercher / To look for, to seek / nH

    mInaugurer / To inaugurate / sTO

    salf Armer / To arm / sS

    sgdlDiscuter / To discuss / bf

    sddidInsister, souligner / To insist, to stress / cCG

  • - 115 -

    sdrfi Librer / To liberate / (sS) QM

    sfruriDtailler / To detail / sa

    sqsaInterviewer (v.) / To interview / SG

    siggl, inag, rzuChercher / To look for, to seek / nH

    siggzImprimer / To print / nW

    sikk (invmisn i)Mdiatiser / To give media coverage / f

    slg, g asalagGrve (tre en -) / Strike (to be on -) / VCG

    SlgmCensurer / To censor / (HbdG SQe) e

    slvColler / To stick / dCG

    smalAfcher / To post up / sY

    smdyaInterprter (un rle) / To interpret / qe

    smiglAvertir / To warn / QfCG

    smnidPrsenter / To present / qb

    smussuAnimer / To animate / qf

  • - 116 -

    snamms, unCentrer / To centre / sSh

    sniyComposer (une uvre) / To compose / qdCG

    snupyuDiscriminer / To discriminate / qe

    snvmsInformer / To inform / NCG

    sug (-xf), ai (-xf)Attaquer / To attack / Lg

    susr Enregistrer (son) / To record / qS

    srfufnTorturer / To torture / qY

    Ssag (imjitn)Couvrir (vnement) / To cover (an event) / (KM) Z

    ssakudDater / To date / qQCG

    ssfaw, ssiddEclairer / To lighten / AVCG

    ssfrvCaricaturer / To caricature / GJjQc nSQ

    sskitcSketch / Sketch / SG

    ssidd, ssfawEclairer / To lighten / AVCG

    ssidrRanimer / To resuscitate / fCG

  • - 117 -

    ssifEmettre / To transmit / SQCG

    ssinimaCinma / Cinema / S

    Ssizur (tirra)Gras (mettre en -) / Bold (to write in -) /jdG dH c

    ssnvlCopier / To copy / f

    ssntmDocumenter / To document / sKh

    ssufv (- d)Raliser / To direct / NCG

    ssuMarquer un but / To score a goal / ag S

    ssurgAutoriser / To authorize / sNQ

    stiSlectionner, voter / To select, to vote / QNG ,sU

    syafaProduire / To produce / fCG

    bia, asgnafHpital / Hospital / e

    PASahara / Sahara / AGdG

    tabadutTribune / Tribunal / pe

    tabdadtSolidarit / Solidarity / oeJ

  • - 118 -

    tabniqt n imassnConsole / Console / pb

    tabrzaChampionnat, tournoi / Championship, tournament / QhO ,dH

    tagadirtPalais / Palace / b

    taggalin n twisiForces auxiliaires / Auxiliary forces / IYe Gb

    taggalin tilafinForces armes / The armed forces / e Gb

    tagdudantRpublique / Republic / jQL

    tagwitRsum / Summary, rsum / e

    taglditRoyaume / Kingdom / e

    taguriMot / Word / c

    tagrawlaRvolution / Revolution / IQK

    tagzzumt n usussnSpot publicitaire / Publicity spot / jQTEG Uh

    tagzzumt tanvmastCoupure de presse / Clipping / U Ub

    tagzzumt Squence / Sequence / Uh

    tadabut Table / Table / dhW

  • - 119 -

    tadala n tinawin Salle de confrences / Conference room / GVdG Yb

    tadamsaEconomie / Economy / ObG

    tadkantEstrade / Platform / e

    tadiblumasit Diplomatie / Diplomacy / SejO

    tadlist Livret / Booklet / c

    tadrfi n tnvmast Libert de presse / Press freedom / adG jM

    ta^at Touche (clavier, piano) / Key (keyboard, piano) / n ne

    taftImitation / Imitation / J

    tafgurtAmende / Fine / eGZ

    tafugla, tamvraFte / Feast / M

    tafugla n udabu Fte du trne / Throne feast / TdG Y

    tafristPortrait / Portrait / jJQH

    tafsna, tasfltDegr / Degree / LQO

    takssuytAdaptation / Adaptation / SbG

  • - 120 -

    taqaitDisquette / Floppy disk / Uob

    taqait tuddiztCompact-Disc / Compact disk / ee Ub

    TAQBBANIT, artussnaIgnorance / Ignorance / rL

    talusiSommaire / Summary / UN

    talva Format / Format / T

    tamagut Pluralit / Plurality / jO qJ

    tamadayt Dcoration (insigne), mdaille / Medal / Sh ,dGe

    tamaddastOrganisation / Organization / se

    Tamaddast n usurf agravlan Amnesty International / International Amnesty Organization / dhdG dG e

    Tamaddast n tmuni n ifriqyaOrganisation de lUnion Africaine / African Union Organization / jaCG IMdG e

    Tamaddast n tmtta imunnOrganisation des Nations Unies / United Nations Organization / IdG eCG e

    tamafawt Transparence / Transparency / aT

    tamallaytTourisme / Tourism / MS

    tamanawtDiversit / Diversity / OtJ

  • - 121 -

    tamassantScience / Science / pY

    tamatart n uburzEmblme / Emblem / QT

    tamaTouche (football) / Touchline / (IdG hN) T

    tamawastMinistre / Ministry / IQGRh

    tamauntCapitale (- politique) / Capital (political-) / UY

    tamddit tanautSoire artistique / Artistic evening / a IS

    TAMDINTVille / City / je

    tamijja, agVoix / Voice / rU

    tamnat, tasgaRgion / Region / L

    tamnyugartMatch / Match / IGQe

    tamukristProblme / Problem / e

    tamuliIndication / indication / IQTEG

    tamuntUnion / Union / OJG

    tamunt n uubbaUnion europenne / European union /HhQCG OJG

  • - 122 -

    tamuriCitoyennet / Citizenship / nnWGe

    tamrarutRplique / Retort / wOQ

    tamvunt n tigtContrat ddition / Edition contract / dG Y

    tamvra, tafuglaFte / Feast / M

    tamsart Cause (affaire qui se plaide) / Case, suit / b

    tamsqadt Ambassade / Embassy / IQS

    tamsmunt Association / Association / L

    tamsmunt n igan inamunn Association des uvres sociales / Association of social work / YLG YCG L

    tamsult Plateau / Stage, set /WH

    tamssktit Agenda /Agenda / Ice

    tamssntitEntreprise / Entreprise / dhe

    tamssudut tumdiytVhicule pig / Trapped vehicle / e IQS

    tamtruyt Anarchie / Anarchy / Va

    tamttantDcs, mort (la) / Decease, death / e ,Iah

  • - 123 -

    tamyaqqantConvention / Convention / bJG

    tamyama^tCohsion / Cohesion / dG

    tamyawastCooprative / Cooperative / fhJ

    amyazanCorrespondance / Correspondence / SGe

    tamyazant talikunitCourriel / E-mail / fhdEG dSQ

    tamzwarutUne (la) / Title page, the rst / (dG) dhCG

    tamzguntPice de thtre / Play / Me

    tamzraytChronique / Chronicle / cQ

    tanagritPaix / Peace / pS

    tanatRapport, compte rendu / Report / jJ

    tanafutService / Service / e

    tanastClavier / Keyboard / ne

    tanbatGouvernement / Government / eM

    tandut, tasgrutCorbeille / Bin / S

  • - 124 -

    tankraSoulvement / Rising / VfG

    tanqqist taquat, tanqqist tugziltNouvelle (genre) / Short story / Ib b

    tanqqist tugzilt, tanqqist taquatNouvelle (genre) / Short story / Ib b

    tannaltColonne / Column / OY

    tannaytAvis, opinion / Opinion, viewpoint / f Lh ,CGQ

    tanvmastPresse, journalisme / Press, journalism / aU

    tantalaDialecte / Dialect / d

    tantlaSecret / Secret / w`S

    tanzbaytRsistance / Resistance / ehe

    tanzruftDsert / Desert / AGU

    tanzwayt Radiodiffusion / Broadcasting / YGPEG

    tarabbutEquipe, groupe / Group, team / Ye ,ja

    taramsutLoisirs / Leisure / jGg

    taravtBrochure / Brochure / SGc

  • - 125 -

    taratsaFilet / Net / T

    taratinConsignes / Instructions / J

    tarnnawtVictoire / Victory / QfG

    tarwuriChmage / Unemployment / dH

    tavariftJaquette / Coat, jackett / (c) Z

    tavartCte, scheresse / Coast, draught / MS ,L

    tavmrtCorner, rubrique / Corner, column / jhGR ,H

    tavusiPropret / Cleanliness / af

    tavrDaytSouris (ordinateur) / Mouse (computer) / (SM) IQCa

    tavrmaCivilisation / Civilisation / IQM

    tavssaSquelette / Skeleton / Y g

    tavtastDcision / Decision / QGb

    tavwwavtRbellion / Rebellion / lO qJ

    tasbbabtCommerce / Commerce, trade / IQJ

  • - 126 -

    tasga, tamnatRgion / Region / L

    tasguriDclaration / Declaration / jJ

    tasgrut, tandutCorbeille / Bin / S

    taskalachelle / Scale / q` oS

    taskantManifestation (protestation) / Protestation / Ige

    tasklaLittrature / Literature / nOCG

    tasflt, tafsna Degr / Degree / Je ,LQO

    taspawtRgie / Control / ae

    tasqqaymut, asursTable ronde / Round table / Ije IFe

    tasqqimt n uzzrayCommission d'audit / Audit board / dG d

    tasimantIndpendance / Independence / SG

    tasivtAttentat / Attempt / dhe

    tasivt tamnvimantAttentat suicide / Suicide attempt / jQfG Y

    tasmaaltMondialisation / Globalisation / dY

  • - 127 -

    tasmmaltAfche / Bill / ne

    tasmuniRunion / Meeting / LG

    tasmvurtPrix (honorique) / Prize, award / IFL

    tasnakudtChronologie / Chronology / Ldfhc

    tasnaPage / Page / U

    tasnmalaytInformatique / Computer science / eYEG

    tasnuraytAgence/ Agency / dch

    tasnurayt tanvmastAgence de presse / Press agency / AfCG dch

    tasntaytInitiative / Initiative / IQ nOe

    tasulftPrise de vue / Shooting / IQdG dG

    tasuvltTraduction (rsultat) / Translation (result) / (f) LJ

    tasrdastArme / Army / L

    tasrtitPolitique (la) / Politics / SS

    tasvart, ilanTirage au sort / Drawing lots / Yb

  • - 128 -

    tasvuntRevue / Magazine / e

    tassakudtDatation / Dating / jQCJ

    tassastCrise / Crisis / eRCG

    tassaut, asnupyu auanRacisme / Racism / Y e

    TasyafuTProduction (processus)