Ήσαν Οι Ψευτομεσσίες, Εβραίοι Επαναστάτες

Ήσαν οι Ήσαν οι Ψευτομεσσίες, Ψευτομεσσίες, Εβραίοι Εβραίοι επαναστάτες; επαναστάτες; * Υλικό για την Υλικό για την επεξεργασία του επεξεργασία του Τόμου Γ. <<Μιά Τόμου Γ. <<Μιά Ψυχοιστορική έρευνα Ψυχοιστορική έρευνα για τον επαναστατικό για τον επαναστατικό χαρακτήρα των εβραίων χαρακτήρα των εβραίων ψευτομεσσιών και την πραγματική γεωπολιτική ψευτομεσσιών και την πραγματική γεωπολιτική τους στόχευση>>, τους στόχευση>>, *** Μέ τιμητική Αφιέρωση *** στόν τόσο ταπεινό όσο και σπουδαίο Τεχνοκράτη φίλο μου Δρα Δρόσο Κ., Αφέντη της Λύρας. * υπό + Αποστόλου Κ. Γάτσια Αποστόλου Κ. Γάτσια, ερευνητή, ΔΣ Ενώσεως Συγγραφέων Ευρώπης * Εκδόσεις Αυτόνομου και Εκδόσεις Αυτόνομου και Ανεξέλεγκτου Κέντρου Ανεξέλεγκτου Κέντρου Καταγραφής, Τεκμηριώσεως και Καταγραφής, Τεκμηριώσεως και Αξιολογήσεως των Ανατρεπτικών Ατόμων και Αξιολογήσεως των Ανατρεπτικών Ατόμων και

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Υλικό για την τελική διαμόρφωση μιάς μελέτης σε τόμους σχετικά με τους Ψευτομεσσίες, την Παγκοσμιοποίηση, τα ανατρεπτικά κινήματα και την σχέση τους με τις αιρέσεις, τον Αντίχριστο, τους εβραίους και τους αλήτες πωλητικούς σάν τα καθήκια που γδέρνουν σήμερα την Ελλάδα.


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* . , . , , . , , . , , . , , ., , ., . 2, . 495 () () The Encyclopaedia Africana Dictionary of African Biography (In 20 Volumes). Volume Two: Sierra Leone-Zaire. Ed. L. H. Ofosu-Appiah. New York: Reference Publications Inc., 1979. Kimbangu, Simon c.1890 to 1951 Church of J. C. through the Prophet Simon Kimbangu Zaire (D. R. Congo)

Simon Kimbangu (circa 1890-0ctober 12, 1951) was the leader of what is generally considered the most important independent Christian religious movement in central Africa. Although active only a few months before being arrested and imprisoned by the colonial government, Kimbangu developed a following which later developed into a large organized church named "l'Eglise de Jsus-Christ sur la terre par le prophte Simon Kimbangu" ("The Church of Jesus Christ on Earth by the Prophet Simon Kimbangu").

Simon Kimbangu, who belonged to the Kikongo group, was born at Nkamba, a village about 50 km (30 mi) north of the present Mbanza-Ngungu. Both his mother and father died when he was very young so he was raised by his grandmother Kinzembo. Kimbangu attended primary school at the nearby Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) station of Ngombe-Lutete where he was baptized and where he learned about the Bible. For a time he worked as a Baptist evangelist, teaching and preaching in local villages. About this time, he married Marie Mwilu who bore him many children, including Joseph Diangienda, Charles Kisolokole, and Salmon Dialungana Kiangani.

During a flu epidemic in 1918, Kimbangu received what he interpreted as the call of God. In an attempt to evade the call, he fled to Lopoldville (now Kinshasa). Because the call continued even in the capital, however, and because life in the large city was difficult, Kimbangu returned to Nkamba where, on March 18, 1921, he received a vision asking him to proclaim the gospel. Other visions followed and Kimbangu finally answered the call to preach and heal. People responded eagerly, bringing many sick to be healed. It was widely reported that Kimbangu performed miracles, cured the infirm, and even was able to raise the dead. Kimbangu became known as a prophet with a special mission from God, and his village of Nkamba was called the New Jerusalem.

In the services he led, Kimbangu emphasized singing, praying, Bible reading, and a sermon. An important element of his ministry was healing and as he laid his hands on the sick, Kimbangu was seized with trembling. Kimbangu's teachings, based on the Bible, centered on three themes: destruction of all fetishes, prohibition of polygamy, and worship of one true God. Identifying God with Nzambi, the African Supreme Being, Kimbangu portrayed God as being closely linked to Africans.

Immediately, Africans from as far away as Lopoldville, the French Congo, and Angola began flocking to Nkamba. Because Lower Congo (now Lower Zaire) had been deeply affected by the impact of colonialism, Kimbangu's message was eagerly received. Not only had people from the Lower Congo region been heavily recruited to work on the railroad and plantations, they had also been exposed to intense and often competitive mission activity. As Kimbangu's reputation grew, Africans abandoned their fields, deserted their jobs and journeyed to Nkamba where they listened to an African prophet describing a God who was concerned about the needs they felt as Africans.

Under pressure from the Catholic missions, especially the Redemption Fathers, who feared the excessive zeal of an untrained lay preacher, and from plantation owners, who were disturbed by absenteeism, the colonial administration was compelled to investigate the affair of Simon Kimbangu. On May 11, 1921, the administrator Morel came to Nkamba to assess the situation. Arriving at a time when Kimbangu was preoccupied by a religious experience, Morel was treated rudely and ignored by the prophet. For a time, the colonial government tried to halt the flow of people to Nkamba by prohibiting the transportation of the sick as a hazard to public hygiene. As the pilgrimages continued, however, government agents were ordered to arrest Kimbangu. When the agents arrived at Nkamba, on June 21, 1921, Kimbangu escaped and went to live clandestinely in the village of Nsanda near Lopoldville. During the time Kimbangu stayed at Nsanda, the movement developed xenophobic tendencies and a hostility towards the state. This was in spite of Kimbangu's counsel to submit to the authorities and pay taxes to the government.

On September 14, 1921, Kimbangu was captured at Nkamba where he had returned voluntarily to await arrest. Before a court-martial held in Thysville (now Mbanza-Ngungu), presided over by a single judge, Commander Rossi, Simon Kimbangu was condemned to death for "having disturbed the security of the State and the public peace." Inflamed by a vindictive press campaign launched by l'Avenir Colonial Belge ("The Future of Belgian Colonialism"), the political atmosphere in the Congo became extremely tense; machine guns were mounted in Lopoldville to prevent a possible uprising on the part of the African population. In spite of pressure from whites in the colony, King Albert of Belgium (reigned 1909-34) commuted Kimbangu's death sentence to life in prison. Kimbangu was transferred to jail in Elisabethville (now Lubumbashi) where he remained until his death on October 12,1951.

In prison, Kimbangu was known as a kind, peaceful, and quiet man. While other prisoners expressed anger and resentment at their plight, Kimbangu showed patience and love towards the authorities. While other convicts fought among themselves for larger portions of food, he shared his rations. A fellow inmate, a murderer who later became a Protestant minister, described a dramatic moment when Kimbangu divided his piece of precious meat and distributed it to the other inmates. By this act Kimbangu demonstrated not only his unselfishness, but also his courage because sharing food was strictly forbidden in the prison. After this symbolic act, Kimbangu walked into the warden's office a place which was absolutely off limits to prisoners, saluted the official, and returned to his cell.

Following Kimbangu's arrest, members of the movement found it difficult to continue the teachings of the prophet. Not only were they harassed by government officials who placed Nkamba under martial law and forbade anyone to express allegiance to Kimbangu, they were also troubled by heterodox tendencies as various prophetic personalities arose to claim leadership in the sect. Andr Matwua began Amicalism in 1926, Simon Mpadi founded the Mission of Blacks in 1939, while Toko Simao Gonzalves started Nzambi Mapapu in 1947. Xenophobic in their preaching, these leaders encouraged Kimbanguists to resist taxes, expect firearms from God, and return to polygamy. In general, Kimbangu's emphasis on the Bible was ignored in favor of direct visions as the primary source of religious authority.

In spite of these difficulties, Kimbangu's son Joseph Diangienda was able to organize the diverse group of people loyal to the exiled prophet into a single Christian ecclesiastical organization. In 1948, Diangienda was allowed to visit his father, who apparently named Diangienda as his successor. From 1951, Diangienda systematically reestablished contact with the followers of the prophet who were organized at Nkamba and Lopoldville under the name Kintwadi. In 1954, Diangienda became leader of Kintwadi. Because the colonial administration officially had ordered tolerance for sects that did not disturb public order or state security, in 1955 the Kintwadists under Diangienda organized public demonstrations in Lopoldville to gain government acceptance of Kimbanguism. From 1955 to 1957, they also tried to build support for their cause in Belgium and other Western countries. Then, in September 1957, Joseph Diangienda published a restatement of Kimbanguism in which he affirmed the politically neutral and exclusively confessional nature of the movement. Finally, on December 24, 1959, Belgian authorities signed a decree lifting the prohibition against the Church of Jesus Christ on Earth by the Prophet Simon Kimbangu.

After the Congo won its independence in 1960, Kimbanguism became increasingly important in the life of the nation. Besides operating a seminary, and primary and secondary schools, the Kimbanguist Church developed an ambitious program of social services in Lower Zaire and Kinshasa. Together with Protestantism and Catholicism, Kimbanguism was recognized by the Zairian government as a major religious organization. Unlike Protestants and Catholics, however, Kimbanguists relied on their own constituency in Zaire for almost their entire leadership and financial support. (Sabakinu Kivilu)Bibliography: Efraim Andersson, "Messianic Popular Movements in the Lower Congo," Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia, XIV, Uppsala, 1958; G. Balandier, La sociologie actuelle de l'Ajrique Noire("The Present-Day Sociology of Black Africa"), Paris, 1963; J. Banda-Mwaka, "Le Kimbanguisme en tant que mouvement pr-politique chez les Kongo" ("Kimbanguism as a Pre-Political Movement Among the Kongo"), Bulletin du C.E.P.S.I., 1972; E. Bazola, "Le Kimbanguisme," ("Kimbanguism"), Cahiers des Religions Ajricaines, I, 1968; C.A. Chome, Kimbangu, jondateur d'Eglise ("Kimbangu, Church Founder"), Brussels, 1960; Levi Keidel, Black Samson, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1975; M. Martin, "Le Kimbanguisme" ("Kimbanguism "), Cahiers des Religions Ajricaines, 2, 1968; P. Raymaekers, "L'Eglise de Jesus Christ sur la terre par Ie Prophete Simon Kimbangu," ("The Church of Jesus Christ on Earth by the Prophet Simon Kimbangu"), Zaire, XII, 1959.

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HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Frum" \n _blankohn Frum (*) , ), , , , . , , , , .* John Frum, Wikipedia, : John Frum (also called John Brum, Jon Frum, or John From) is a figure associated with cargo cults on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu. He is often depicted as an American World War II serviceman who will bring wealth and prosperity to the people if they follow him. He is sometimes portrayed as black, sometimes as white. Quoting David Attenborough's report of an encounter: "'E look like you. 'E got white face. 'E tall man. 'E live 'long South America."

The religion centering on John Frum arose in the late 1930s, when Vanuatu was known as the New Hebrides, although there was a claim in 1949 that it had started in the 1910s. The movement was heavily influenced by existing religious practice in the Sulphur Bay area of Tanna, particularly the worship of Keraperamun, a god associated with Mount Tukosmera. In some versions of the story, a native man named Manehivi, using the alias "John Frum", began appearing among the native people of Tanna dressed in a western-style coat and assuring the people he would bring them houses, clothes, food and transport.

Others contend that John Frum was a kava-induced spirit vision. Said to be a manifestation of Keraperamun, this John Frum promised the dawn of a new age in which all white people, including missionaries, would depart New Hebrides, leaving behind their goods and property for the native Melanesians. For this to happen, however, the people of Tanna had to reject all aspects of European society including money, western education, Christianity, and work on copra plantations, plus they had to return to traditional kastom (the Bislama language word for customs).

In 1941, followers of John Frum rid themselves of their money in a frenzy of spending, left the missionary churches, schools, villages and plantations, and moved inland to participate in traditional feasts, dances and rituals. European colonial authorities sought to suppress the movement, at one point arresting a Tannese man who was calling himself John Frum, humiliating him publicly, imprisoning and ultimately exiling him along with other leaders of the cult to another island in the archipelago.

Despite this effort, the movement gained popularity in the early 1940s, when 300,000 American troops were stationed in New Hebrides during World War II, bringing with them an enormous amount of supplies (or "cargo"). After the war and the departure of the Americans, followers of John Frum built symbolic landing strips to encourage American airplanes to land and bring them "cargo". Versions of the cult that emphasize the American connection interpret "John Frum" as a corruption of "John from (America)" (though it could mean John from anywhere), and credit the presence of African American soldiers for the idea that John Frum may be black.

In 1957, a leader of the John Frum movement, Nakomaha, created the "Tanna Army", a non-violent, ritualistic society that organised military-style parades of men whose faces were painted ritual colours and who wore white T-shirts with the letters "T-A USA" (Tanna Army USA). This parade takes place every year on February 15, the date on which followers believe John Frum will return, and which is observed as "John Frum Day" in Vanuatu.

In the late 1970s, John Frum followers opposed the imminent creation of an independent, united nation of Vanuatu. They objected to a centralised government they feared would favour western modernity and Christianity that would be detrimental to local customs. However, the John Frum movement has its own political party, led by Song Keaspai. The party celebrated its 50th anniversary on February 15, 2007. Chief Isaak Wan Nikiau, its leader, was quoted by the BBC from years past as saying that John Frum was "our God, our Jesus," and would eventually return.

In December 2011, Radio New Zealand International reported that the "president" of the John Frum movement (and jointly of Nagriamel) was Thitam Goiset, a woman of Vietnamese origin and sister of businessman Dinh Van Than, despite the leadership of these movements having been "previously [...] held by high ranking male chiefs". In 2013, Thitam Goiset was sacked from her role as Vanuatu's ambassador to Russia amid evidence of corrupt activities.

* 19 20 . Tuka 1885. , , , , , . , , , , .

, , , , (*), , . . * , , The Prince Philip Movement is a religious sect followed by the Kastom people around Yaohnanen village on the southern island of Tanna in Vanuatu. It is a cargo cult of the Yaohnanen tribe, who believe that Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the consort to Queen Elizabeth II, is a divine being. According to ancient tales, the son of a mountain spirit travelled over the seas to a distant land. There he married a powerful lady and in time would return to them. He was sometimes said to be a brother to John Frum of another local cargo cult. he people of the Yaohnanen area believe that Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the consort to Queen Elizabeth II, is a divine being. They had seen the respect accorded to Queen Elizabeth II by the colonial officials and concluded that her husband, Prince Philip, must be the son referred to in their legends.

It is unclear just when this belief came about, but it was probably some time in the 1950s or 1960s. It was strengthened by the royal couple's official visit to Vanuatu in 1974, when a few villagers had the opportunity to actually see Prince Philip from a distance. The Prince was not then aware of the cult, but it was brought to his attention several years later by John Champion, the British Resident Commissioner in the New Hebrides.

Champion suggested that Prince Philip send them a portrait of himself. He agreed and sent a signed official photograph. The villagers responded by sending him a traditional pig-killing club called a nal-nal. In compliance with their request, the Prince sent a photograph of himself posing with the club. Another photograph was sent in 2000. All three photographs were kept by Chief Jack Naiva, who died in 2009.Anne, Princess Royal, visited Tanna in October 2014. She is the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. She had visited Vanuatu in 1974, but had not previously travelled to the island.

The cult in the news. On 27 September 2007, British television station Channel 4 broadcast Meet the Natives, a reality show about five Tanna men from the Prince Philip Movement on a visit to Britain. Their visit culminated in an off-screen audience with Philip, where gifts were exchanged, including a new photograph of the Prince.In 2010 Australian journalist Amos Roberts visited Tanna and reported on the locals' celebration of Philip's 89th birthday, for SBS's magazine program Dateline. In 2011 the people of Yaohnanen village were featured in an episode of the second series of An Idiot Abroad with Karl Pilkington. In 2013, Man Belong Mrs Queen, a book by British writer Matthew Baylis, investigated the historical and anthropological origins of the movement and provided an account of the author's own stay on the island of Tanna. An interview about the movement featured in a programme about Mount Yasur made by Kate Humble for BBC and broadcast in 2015.

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. ' : . ' . . Geula Cohen [ ]. , , : - . , , ...*. * : Israels Ayatollahs : R. Mergui Ph. Simonnot, : Saqi Books, G. Britain, 1987, . 170-171 ;, . , . 75. Geula Cohen: . , . , . . : - - , x- , . , .Rex Israel ; , 666, . , -, - , - -. , - -, 666, = 666, () Edictum, , , ! , , : osanna! Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, Rex Israel. 666 , . 54. . , . , ! . . , .

, , , , : 1935-1945, ' . 1948 , : ;*, * : , Watch Tower Bible and ract sosiety of Pennsylvania, 1990, . 218. ; : , : ! , ' .... : ' . ' , . , . , , , ' , ! . ; ; ; , . : , , , , , , , , . . , , , , . .. , , ... *. * . , , . 125. ; , , *, * [: , 2,18]. . , , , , . , , [!] , , , [!] , ... , ! ; , - [ : ], , , , [ ], , , . , [ ], , * * , , , [ , . 28-29]. , , , . , . , , , , , *. * [: . : , = 666, 5 , 1987, . 31 ..].' ; : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (2015), = , , Benedictus, . , , , , ...- ! , 666! . , . , : , *. * [ , . 22]. , . , , , . , , , *, * [ . 18]. ; , , *, * [ . . : , , , . 8]. : , [ , ], : *, * [= ], [ PG, , 94, 1216]. ' , , , , , ' , . : , , , , , , *, : , 3-4. ; , , 666, , , , , , , - , -, , . , , , , . : , . ' , , , *. * , 16-18. , , , . , [ ], , *, * , P.G. 106, 368. '; ; , , . : ... ' , ' ; , , , ; *, * . , , . 154. , . , [ .. , ], , , , , *. * [ , ].. , , . . ' ; , . . *. * : ., , ., , . , . 136.*; * [ , , : , , . ]. , , ' , .., .

, . , 1840 *. * [: ANGLO-ISRAELISM; BRITISH ISRAELISM; WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD. History. The principal belief of Anglo/British Israelism is that the British [and by extension Americans, Canadians, and others] are the spiritual and literal descendants of the ancient Israelites. Anglo-Israelism has a long history. The Puritan colonists in America viewed themselves as spiritual descendants of the ancient Israelites. However, it was not until 1840 that John Wilson published Lectures on our Israelitish Origin which first proclaimed that the British people were the actual descendants of God' s chosen people]. , , , , . 721 .. , . , , . , , [ , ]. ; . , . .

, , . . 20 , [USA]. . , .. *. * [The Hebrew Scriptures Old Testament records how a schism occurred among the ancient Israelites, separating the land into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. About 721 BCE, the former was captured by the Assyrians, and taken into captivity. British Israel writers developed the belief that these 10 tribes became lost to history and wandered far from the Middle East. They stated that the stone used in the coronation of King David was transported to the British Isles where it exists today as the Stone of Scone. The latter stone is still used for the coronation of British queens and kings. The writers promoted the belief that divine authority was transferred from ancient Israel to England along with the stone. British Israelism was quite popular during the ascent of the British Empire, but quickly lost favor as the Empire was disbanded. In reality, the lost tribes of Israel are believed to have been simply assimilated by local tribes. The origin of the Stone of Scone has been traced to rock outcroppings in Scotland. In the early years of the 20th century, Charles Parham and John Allen were the main teachers of British-Israelism in the United States. Parham later went on to found the Pentecostal movement. Allen' s book Judah' s Scepter and Joseph' s Birthright spread the concept through the Adventist and other churches]. ; ' , , , , , , : . , , *. * [ , ^ , , , 43]. ! . , . , , , , , , , , , , . . , . , . .., , , 1974, *. * : Gilles Kepel: , , , . 1992, . , . 270. .. . . , , , , , 1967. . ( ), , , , --, .

, . , , *. * : Aran Gideon, Jewish Zionist Fundamentalism: The Block of the Faithful in Israel, Goush Emounim, [: : ], . . , , : ! , , , [ ], . , , . , . , [ 1995], . Teddy Kollek, , : *. * Dwight L. Kinman, 666, , . 239. ! , 11 2001, , , . ' , , , ' . . ' . ; , , , . , ! , . , , , , ..., , , . . . , . , ! ! ! , , , , , - -! ' . ; ; ; ., . ., . . . ' ' ... *. * [ ]. . . ; , , , . . . , : . . . , . . . ' ' . *. * : Peter LeMesurier, . 252 C. Cumbey, , . 11.. . , , , , , : , *. * . 36, [= ]., ' . . , , , : *, * [ .... , 3]. , , , *, * [ , . 11]. . , , , , , , , ' . ' .. , , , *, * : [ ] . 30, . 128, [= , , ' , ]. , , , , , *, * : . . , , . 13. . , , , . 18, (= , , ), , , , ., , . , , . , , , , (= , , ), : , , [= , , . . 6-12], , *.* , (), http://antiairetikos.blogspot.gr, - , , , 13: 6 . : . : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . , ; , , , , , , , ' . ; . , , : *. * : Gareth Knight, , 1985, . 223 .. , *, [NEW AGE V]. * : , , , . 2000, W. Martin: The kingdom f The Cults, : The New Age Cult, Bethany House Publishers, D. Groothuis: The New Age Movement. IV, . Schlinck: , . . . ; , [1875] , , - . ' , , , , [, , , ]. , , , , ' . . , , , . , . , , ... , .

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. , . , . , , . , . , , , , LSD [' ], , . ; . , , , . , . , . . ! . , [= ], . , [vvn : ], . , , . , , . ; . [Green peace] . . 1978 , , - [910 ]. , [ ], , . ; , 1960 1970. , . . , 666, . [1988] , , , , . . . , . . [ ].

' , , , , ' , , ' , ... , . , , , , . . , [. , , ], , . . , ' , , ' , ' . , [;] , ' . , 1909 *. * [Fundamentalism. In America, the movement protesting against liberal theology became known as fundamentalism. Fundamentalists believed not only in the verbal inspiration and infallibility of the Bible, but also in a whole series of evangelical doctrines published around 1909 under the title of THE FUNDAMENTALS]. : . , . . , . , . ' , ... , . : . *. * [The writers included such men as B B Warfield, H C G Moule and James Orr. They emphasized the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross, the reality of eternal punishment, and the need for personal conversion. In later years the term 'fundamentalism' came to denote an unduly defensive and obscurantist attitude which was anti-scholarly, anti-intellectual and anti-cultural. For this reason, many conservative theologians who might be regarded as heirs of the original fundamentalists disown the label today. From Handbook To The History Of Christianity, ed. Tim Dowley [Lion, Berkhamsted, England; Eerdmans, Grand Rapids MI, USA, 1977] p 596.- Articles -What is a Fundamentalist? by James Kiefer]. ; , , [ ], : ... , 180 . . 1979 , , , , , . ' ', , , . .

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90 , , . : , ' , ' . , , . ' . . *. * : , , . 240. : . : *! * : . , 2 ., . 463. , , ! .. , . 1553 : , , , , ! ( ). , , . o, : , , , , , , *. * : , , , : . . , : . . 87, ( : , , ^ . , , , , ). , , : , , *, * : , , 26, (= , , ^ , , ). 6 . , . "" . . . . . . . . , . . .

. . . , . . 66, ( ) ( ) . . . . , ( ), . . , , , , : , , , .

, , , , . , , *. * : , . ., , , (= , * , ^ , ^ . , , , , ^ , ). ! (: http://wol.jw.org), , , , , : . 400 6 .. , . 5:34-40. . , , . 1949, , , , , [ , ], .

, ' , , , , , . , : .

, , , , . Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Peter von Hahn. , 1784 Adam Weishaupt, .

1831 Yekaterinoslav ( ). . 17 Nikifor Vassilievich Blavatsky, ' . . 1848 1873 . .

, Karl Marx (Haim Mardochai Kissel), . Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) Amici d' Italia. 1866 Blavatsky , Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) .

Mazzini Garibaldi [Carbonari], . Blavatsky Mentana (3 1867) Garibaldi . , . Hippolyte Lon Denizard Rivail (1804-1869, Allan Kardec) Nicolas Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) .

1873 . 1874 Henry Steel Olcott. . William Quan Judge . Albert Pike (1809-1891). (33 ) . .

, . 1866 , , 17 (1865-1869) Andrew Johnson (1808-1875), . Andrew Johnson . William Morgan, -, 1826, . Albert Pike , . , .

Giuseppe Mazzini, . Albert Pike Mazzini. . O Santiago , Caro y Rodrigez The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, , Albert Pike Mazzini 15 1871. , .

William Guy Carr, . Satan, Prince of this World. . Lady Edith Queenborough, , . 20 1870 Raffaele Cadorna (1815-1897) , , . Mazzini , , , , .

Sovereign Chief of Political Action, Albert Pike Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, . O Albert Pike , . Cyclopaedia of Fraternities, [ 600 ], 1730 . Charleston . . 1886 Albert Pike New and Reformed Palladium. , . Bataille ( Lo Taxil Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pags, 1854-1907) , Baphomet, 1801 Charleston Isaac Hyman Long. . , , , , . [;]. ., Albert Pike Baphomet. Mazzini , The Supreme Secret Ritual. . , . Albert Pike Blavatsky. . , .

-, , , , . , , . , , , .

, ' . . , Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction. , , . Albert Pike Sovereign Pontiff of Lucifer Supreme Dogmatic Directory, 10 . Mazzini Sovereign Executive Directory of High Masonry Marx Hengels, 1864.

Albert Pike, Blavatksy , Blavatsky . 66 Freemasonry Universal, vol. V, Part 2, Autumn Equinox 1929 : "we have declared and proclaimed and by these presents do declare and proclaim our illustrious and enlightened Brother, H. P. Blavatsky, to be an Apprentice, Companion, Perfect Mistress, Sublime Elect Scotch Lady, Grand Elect Chevaliere de Rose Croix, Adonaite Mistress, Perfect Venerable Mistress, and a Crowned Princess of Rite of Adoption".

The diploma is signed

John Yarker 33, Sovereign Grand Master

M. Caspari 33, Grand Chancellor.

A. D. Loewenstark 33, Grand Secretary. . Helena P. Blavatsky Henry Steel Olcott 1877. Blavatsky Olcott . Adyar Madras . 1889 Annie Besant (1847-1933) .

H Blavatsky 1891. Olcott 1907, Annie Besant. , . William Quan Judge, 1895 , 1896 Katherine Tingley. 1898 Ernest Temple Hargrove Theosophical Society of America Robert Crosbie United Lodge of Theosopists 1909. Blavatsky. .

, Annie Besant 1902 Francesca Arundale. , Lodge of International Mixed Masonry, Le Droit Humain. , Charles Webster Leadbeater. . Jiddu Krishnamurti. H Besant . Krishnamurti . Besant Adyar . -.

1915 Alice La Trobe Bateman, Foster Bailey, 32 , Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949). Besant . 1920 Lucis Trust 1923 Arcane School, , .

, Albert Pike. . , , . . , , , , . . H. P. Blavatsky :Isis Unveiled, (1877) . . - . . . . , , . , , . . , . , ' , . , . . , , , , , .The Secret Doctrine (1888) . . . , , , , , , , , , , .

Blavatsky . . . Albert Pike . . , . . . Blavatsky , , .

. - ' . , ' . , . , , . , . ' . . .

, , . , . , ' . . , . , . . *.* , , : ---Lady Edith Queenborough, Occult Theocracy, 1933, vol. 1 p 209. -Albert C. Stevens, Cyclopaedia of Fraternities, New York 1899, p. 101 - Dr. Bataille, Le Diable au XIX Sicle, Paris 1895, p.330 - . , , , 1973 (2 .) --- , : , 1967 --- . , , 1973 (4 .) .. ; ; ; ; ; , , .

, . , . . , 2000 , , ... : . . ' , . . 2000. 2015, . ; , . . , . , , , ;*. * [ : ; : , 1996, = Will Jews Accept the Antichrist as Their Messiah? by Kathy McKinney, March/April 1996. Broadcast Jews have waited a very long time for the coming of their Messiah. They believe he will be a man that will deliver them from persecution, bring peace and security to Israel, and restore Jerusalem to her former spiritual state. Many Jews believe the time for their Messiah' s appearance is imminent. Some believe it will happen yet before the year 2000! The New Testament also predicts the appearance of a great world leader. This man will be known to Christians as the Antichrist. According to scripture, the antichrist will be heralded as a great peacemaker. Could Jews mistakenly accept this great peacemaker, the Antichrist, for their long-awaited and desired Messiah?]. . , , ' . ' . , , , . , .

! , , , [. 3,1], . , , , , : , , , , *.* [= The Jews have always thought their Messiah would be a mortal male descendant from the House of David anointed by God. Under Messiah' s reign, Jews from all over the world will be gathered to the land of Israel, and Jerusalem will be restored as the spiritual capital of the world. They also believe Messiah will bring about an era free of war, fear, hatred, and intolerance. Some rabbis believe Messiah will rebuild their Temple, paving the way for them to resume animal sacrifices to atone for their sins. Others rabbis believe the Messiah will only return to an already built Temple [Malachi 3:1] where they are already sacrificing as they believe the scriptures instruct them to do. Chaim Richman, Head of the Temple Institute in Israel, sums it up this way, Regardless of whether the Temple is built before or after Messiah' s appearance; the person who is a descendent of David but also completely human, who is the greatest teacher who ever lived, who has the power single-handedly to turn humanity back to its original spiritual values, and reconnect every person will be the Messiah.] ; ' . , . , . , 2,4, ' , , *. * [The Antichrist will be a man that will ascend to power by bringing peace and diplomacy to the Middle East and thus the world. As the peace process is drawn to a conclusion, it is almost certain provisions will be made for the Jews to build their temple. Once the temple is rebuilt and sacrifice has begun, the Antichrist will enter the holy place. According to II Thessalonians 2:4, the Antichrist will exalt himself above, ...all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.] ; , ... . , . , [13,11-12], . [13,8], : , . , *.[As he proclaims himself their long-awaited Messiah, he will tell the Jews they no longer need to offer sacrifices. According to Revelation 13:11-12, the Antichrist will also be promoted by a miracle-working religious partner. In fact Revelation 13:8 says, And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in book of life of the Lamb.The Antichrist will dominate world politics, eventually affecting every person on earth. Messiah vs. Antichrist]. ' ; , . . ' . ' . , [ 8,25] . . . ' , . . , [11, 30-32], . , ' *. * [The Jews believe their Messiah will suddenly appear at the temple. The Bible prophesies the Antichrist will sit in the temple. The Jews believe that Messiah well bring peace to Israel and ultimately the world. The Antichrist will establish peace in this long troubled region. Daniel 8:25 says that he ...by peace shall destroy many.... Jews believe their Messiah will rule the world and return Jerusalem to being the spiritual capital of the world. The Bible predicts the Antichrist will rule the world with Jerusalem as his headquarters. The book of Revelation prophesies that the Antichrist will be worshipped by all people of the world whose names are not written in the Lamb' s Book of Life. It is obvious Jews are in real danger of believing the coming false Christ is really the true Christ. According to Daniel 11:30-32, many Jews will believe the Antichrist is their Messiah. Fortunately, some Jews will resist this false messiah.], 1000 ! 3,5 . , ' ...*. * [Jews that resist the Antichrist will come under severe persecution for three and one-half years. Ultimately, their true Messiah will appear, deliver them from the Antichrist, and usher in His promised 1000-year reign of peace...]. , ' , , . . *! * 1960, , . , , 836 1977, 3 . , . 39 .. , , David Brandt Berg ( 18 1919 Oakland , 1 1994, ), , , "The Family International". 50 . , , , . , . 1971 , ...** , ( , http://www.mixanitouxronou.gr), . . , . , " ". : " ;" 9 2005, 30 , . , . . , , . , , . , , , 1998. , , 12 . , : ! ;

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, . 1978, . . , , .

78, . , . . , , . , . . , .

, , . . . , . , . . 200 . : . , . . *. * , " "., , . , . , , , . , . . , . . , 9 . , , 9 12. , , , . , . , . 90, , . , . . 25 1975 . , , .

, 20 , . . 700 , *.* . 445 , , , . . , 2 . . , . . 10, , , . 2001 . , , . 26 , . , . . email , , . 2004 , . , . 9 2005, , , . , . , , . . , : . . : , ;...*.* (18 1919 1994) . , , .. History of The Family International / Children of God. Founder David Berg. Berg's Heritagea cultic legacy. : David Brandt Berg (February 18, 19191994) was born in Oakland, California, to a family with strong Christian traditions. His mother Virginia Brandt, had came from a long line of notable pastors and evangelists. The Brandts were descendants of three brothers, Adam, Isaac, and Jacob Brandt, German Jews who had converted to Christianity and set sail for the new world from Stuttgart, Germany, in 1745. Living their new faith as peaceful Mennonite farmers, they settled in Pennsylvania and later moved to Ohio. , , , . , . Virginia Brandt, . Brandts , , , , Brandt, , 1745. . ... , . Poljak , 1900-1963. . . . , [: ..., . 503 ..], . , ... , ( !) , , , , ... !

1935 - . , ... 1937, ... ... , 1944, , . 1946, ... Zion, , ! ( ). Poljak . 1951 (= Patmos, !). 1952 (= Basel, 1897, !). 2 1954 .

Poljak 1955 , . . Mottlingen , , ! .Albert Springer. Albert Springer Poljak , . , : , ( !). , : ) ,

) ... 1914 1

) ... 1994.

1954, 3 . 1954 1994 . , , . , , . , , !

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. , . , , : , . , , , , , , , , , , . , . , , , *. * (= , , , , , ^ , , , , ). O , , . , .. , .Foedor Judaicus! [, ].

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* [. ., . 4 . 14].

, , : , , . 1600 , , [. ], , ^ , ' . . , , , , , ' , . , , , , , ' , , *, * [: . , , , , . 93]. . , : ... ; , , , , , ^ ! . , . , . ! , , , , , , , , , , , . ; . : ... , , , , , . , , : ' ^ ... ' *, [: , , 13]. , , ..., [= , -, , , , , . , , . - , , ' ...]. ! , ' , , . , , 16 *, * : , . , . 2 , . , . 2 . 19. T , , , , . , , *. * , 641 .., Radioislam, : Jewish Slaughter Christians in 641 AD Jerusalem as the Agents of the Persians. A History of Palestine from 135 AD to Modern Times, p. 81, Oxford University Press, New York, 1909. According to A History of Palestine from 135 A. D. to Modern Times, by James Parkes [Oxford University Press, New York, 1909], Persians in 614 A.D. invaded Palestine, a part of the Christian Roman Empire of the East, and took Jerusalem. Here is Mr. Parkes' s account: There is no doubt that the ... Jews aided the Persians with all the men they could muster, and that the help they gave was consider able. Once Jerusalem was in Persian hands a terrible massacre of Christians took place, and the Jews are accused of having taken the lead in this massacre [op. cit., p. 81].. . . 415 .. , , , , : ... : , , . , , , *.* [ , ' : , , ^ , . , ]. , , , ' , . , , , , , . ' , *. * [ , ' , , . , , , , , ]. . , , , *. * [ , , ^ - , , ]. , . , , . *.* [ ' . , , ]. , , , , . , , , . , , , , *. * , ^ , . , , ' , . . , ' , , , : , , . ' , . , , *.* [ . . , , , , , - -, , . , . 1901, . 452]. . . , ' , ' ; , , , , *, * [ : , , , . 97]. , , , , , , , :*. * , ^ , , ... , , , ! .

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*1. , 4 ..*, * [. , 98 .. 49 .., . ! . , 1, . 312, : ]. *2. 4 ..

*3. *, * [: . , Jewish War 2.60-65 and Jewish Antiquities 17.278-284], 4 .. *4. , *, * [: , Jewish War 2.433 and Jewish Antiquities 18.1-10 and 18.23; Acts of the apostles 5.37]. , , , , ... ! [: . , 1, . 312], [ , 6-64 ..] (6 ..), *5. ( 28 ..),

*6. *. * , , ! [: , , , , : , Jewish Antiquities 18.63-64; Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a-b], ( 30 ..), *7. *, * [: , Jewish Antiquities 18.85-87], (36 ..), *8. (44 ..),

*9. *, * : . , Jewish Antiquities 20.97-98 and Acts of the apostles 5.36 (45 ..), *10. *, * [. , Jewish War 2.259-263 and Jewish Antiquities 20.169-171; Acts of the apostles 21.38], (52-58 ..), *11. *, * : , Jewish Antiquities 20.188, (59 ..), *12. *, * : , Jewish War 2.433-450, (66 ..), *13. Gischala (67-70 ..),

*14. (67 ..),

*15. -*, * : , Jewish War books 4-7, (69-70 ..), *16. *,* : , Jewish War 7.437-450, (73 ..), *17. *,* : Appian, Civil wars 2.90; Cassius Dio, Roman history 68.32, 69.12-13; Eusebius, History of the church 4.2.1-5; Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum 435, 436, 438, 439, 444 and 450, (115 ..), *18. (132-135 ..)

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, , . , -, , 1127. . . . 130 .. , . , . , , *, * [: , , . 19 .]. , (: ), , , *, * [: . , , 17]. . . *.* [: Abot de Rabbi Nathan A 38.3; Babylonian Talmud, 57-58; Genesis Rabbah 65.21 (on 27.22); Lamentations Rabbah 1.16 45 and 2.2 . 4; Palestinian Talmud, 4.5 (commenting on Mishna, Ta'anit 4.6); Palestinian Talmud, Nedarim 3.8 (commenting on Mishna, Nedarim 3.10-11a); Seder Elijah Rabbah 151; letters from Wadi Murabba`at (ed. P. Benoit, J.T. Milik and R. de Vaux); 15 (ed. Yigael Yadin); Appian, 50; Cassius Dio, 69.12.1-14.3; Eusebius, History of the church 4.5.2 and 4.6.1-4; Fronto, ; Historia Augusta, 14.2; Hieronymus, 2.15; Justin the Martyr, 31.5-6 and Dialogue with the Jew Trypho 108.1-3]. . . ... , . , . . , , . .

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