「有機上網」電子學習分享會 @聖安當小學

1 YouTube Site 迎迎迎迎迎迎迎迎迎 聖聖聖聖聖 2014 聖 10 聖 18 聖 Enquiry: [email protected] Web Site: www.WebOrganic.hk Internet Learning Resources Centre

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. 1YouTube Site20141018Enquiry: [email protected] Site: www.WebOrganic.hkInternet Learning Resources Centre
  2. 2. 11e YouTube Site2
  3. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : 292 292 003
  4. 4. (): 25205820: 292 292 004
  5. 5. Media Publications30 Oct 201203 Oct 2012Roadshow Dec 2012PCM 7 Nov 2012 PCM 4 Sep 20125
  6. 6. SID 2014 Carnival6
  7. 7. HKDA Christmas Party @Google7
  8. 8. BYOD8
  9. 9. Within a month, we let teachers beconfident to use tablets inclassroom for 1-to-1 e-Learning.9Enablement Service for Tree School~40 hours of intensive training,co-plan, reflection, etc, in 3 - 4 months
  10. 10. ?10
  11. 11. 11
  12. 12. ?1. (Multiple Feedback Loop) 2. (Self-directed Learning) 3. (Cater Learning Diversities) 4. (Leverage Digital Learning Resources) 12
  13. 13. - -13
  14. 14. Education Trends (NMC Horizon Report 2012, 13, 14)Medium to Longer Term (Coming 2 5 years)1. Open Contents2. Game-Based Learning3. Learning Analytics4. Personal Learning Environments5. Augmented Reality (AR)6. Natural Human Interfaces7. Wearable Technology14
  15. 15. ?15
  16. 16. 2(I)2011 2012 2013 2014 2015WAAS(II)WAAS(I)(II)16
  17. 17. School543210TeacherParent StudentSocietyTarget17
  18. 18. http://edbsdited.fwg.hk/e-Learning/chi/index.php?id=4() () (6:09 13:16)(Watch Online)(5:11 8:48)(Watch Online)(4:05 10:22)(Watch Online)18
  19. 19. 19(apps)
  20. 20. WiFi(LMS)ProjectorDyknow iClass20
  21. 21. - QR CodePoppletNearpodKeynoteExplain EverythingiMoviehttp://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.454247964643435&type=121
  22. 22. Teaching Materials (Repository) Sharedrive, Dropbox, Edmodo, Moodle, eClass, iBook,iTune UPresentation EWB*, Keynote, Nearpod, iClassIn-class Assessment Edmodo, Nearpod, Socrative, iClassCollecting Feedback Edmodo, Nearpod, Socrative, iClass, LinoActivities, Homework , DocSharingTeacherEdmodo, Dropbox, GoogleDoc, YouTube, Keynote,Lino, Pages, Evernote, Explain Everything,Educreations, SkitchStory Telling / Video Editing iMovie, Explain Everything, Educreations, Audio NoteCommunication Email, Skype, Facetime, WebEx, LineStudent Profile eClass, Edmodo, MoodleStudentUtilities QR Scanner22
  23. 23. Level 1 Photo Taking Audio Recording Video Recording Popplet Level 2 AirPlay Text-to-speech Translate QR Code Level 3 Explain Everything Lino Nearpod / Dyknow Socrative Level 3+ Edmodo and many more.23Considerations:1. Daily life usage2. Network requirement3. Account setup4. *** Number of buttons ***
  24. 24. - Apps Popplet Lino 24
  25. 25. Popplet 25
  26. 26. English Vocabulary - Camping26
  27. 27. English Vocabulary - Winter27
  28. 28. / PoppletPoppletExplainEverything28
  29. 29. Lino Lino : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=L2zoKCbBvAw#!29
  30. 30. P.5 English Subject Vocabulary30
  31. 31. P.5 31
  32. 32. The Human BodyBuild a Body ___________________________________________________________________________(Apps)___________________________________________________________________________32
  33. 33. Linohttp://goo.gl/[email protected]
  34. 34. Dyknow 34
  35. 35. Dyknowhttp://goo.gl/NUI5cc35
  36. 36. 50Dyknow1. 2. 3. (Question Bank/Polling)4. (Pass the chalk)5. 36
  37. 37. Face SymmetryGrid Drawing for Kids ___________________________________________________________________________(Apps)___________________________________________________________________________37
  38. 38. - Apps Educreations Student Clicker-Socrative 38
  39. 39. - AppsExplain EverythingExplain Everything is an easy-to-use design,screencasting, and interactive whiteboard toolthat lets you annotate, animate, narrate,import, and export almost anything to and fromalmost anywhere.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1Q5trmzA5Q39
  40. 40. ContactFor enquiry, please feel free to contact Mr. Jeff Ng.Tel: 2922 9227Email : [email protected] Learning Resources Centre40
  41. 41. Internet Learning Resource Centre Internet Learning Resource Centre (ILRC). ILRC Confidential. All rights reserved.41
  42. 42. Internet Learning Resource Centre1: Internet Learning Resource Centre (ILRC). ILRC Confidential. All rights reserved.?42
  43. 43. -2014/151. 2. 3. 4. ()5. ()43
  44. 44. IT12IT(The HongKong Digital Academy) (1)(2)IT1. 2. 3. pad4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
  45. 45. -13 :-?- ()45
  46. 46. 46
  47. 47. 47
  48. 48. Safer Internet Day Internet Safety(InSafe)2004 655001. IT2. 3. 4. 5. www.sid.hk48
  49. 49. ???1. 2. 3. 4. !!49
  50. 50. Internet Learning Resource Centre Internet Learning Resource Centre (ILRC). ILRC Confidential. All rights reserved.2: 50
  51. 51. 10 Education Trends10 TRENDs: Change in learning dynamics - Learning happens any where, anytime, any interaction, and any direction1. Teacher-centric Student-centric (Cater learners diversity)2. Single measurement Multi-dimensional assessment (Holistic assessment)3. One-directional (spoon-feeding) Bi-directional / Multi-directional Student learns from other students (SS) Teacher learns from students (ST) Parent learns from students (SP)4. Individual Group collaboration (incl. cross-geographic)5. Inside school (class) Outside school (class) / Cross-school (local & global)6. During school time (using MMLC) Beyond school time (Students own device)7. Structured / Formal Explorative (Problem-based) / Social (Game-based)8. Off-line (paper-based) On-line (Internet/ Social media network)9. Knowledge is king Creativity is king10. Text-based Video-based51
  52. 52. PISA 2012PISA 2012 2012Programmefor International Student AssessmentPISA 2012OECD65/ PISA 2012OECD20002012451485,0001503-12-2013http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201312/03/P201312030416.htm52
  53. 53. Teaching and Learning Activity Template Current and Target StateClass Level 1 Class Level 2 Class Level 3End of Year Chi Eng Math GS Chi Eng Math GS Chi Eng Math GS2013/142014/152015/162016/17Remarks53
  54. 54. 54Teaching and Learning ActivityLegendLegendNot started: No adoption of e-Learning elementsAcquiring: Evidence of utilizing e-Learning elements in limited number oftopics occasionally. Usually learning happens in classroom andinfrequent use at home.Mastering: Evidence of systematic use of e-Learning elements in majoritylearning activities. Usually learning happens in classroom and at homewith occasional use in outside campus activities.Optimizing: Evidence of strong integration between e-Learning elementsand curriculum. Regular acquisition of new e-Learning elements frommarket and discharge of un-suitable elements.Leading: Evidence of innovative use and creation of e-Learning elementsand tools. Regular sharing with other local and international educationprofessionals, media and stakeholders.
  55. 55. (Seamless Learning)2. Search forbackgroundDover Straitsearthquake of 158016th Century England3. Interested to Watch Other Plays1. WatchedShakespeare's play -Romeo and Juliet55
  56. 56. (Seamless Learning)4. Socialize withother opera-goersoutside City Hall 5. Conduct an on-linesurvey about opera6. Sharing findings onthe Internet. Discuss andpresent to classmates.7. Satisfied.gainedknowledge inEnglish, History,ICT, etc.56
  57. 57. Internet Learning Resource Centre Internet Learning Resource Centre (ILRC). ILRC Confidential. All rights reserved.3: 57
  58. 58. 58
  59. 59. http://youtu.be/oHqUMXCaD1o59
  60. 60. Seed Ambassador Activities60Cisco Company Visit22 Feb 2013Reference Cases:1. HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School2. The Yuen Yuen Institute MFBM Nei Ming Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College3. The Hong Kong Taoist Association Ching Chung Secondary School4. Lok Sin Tong Leung Wong Wai Fong Memorial School5. PLK Horizon East Primary School6. YCH Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School7. SKH Kei Oi Primary School8. TWGHs Ko Ho Ning Memorial Primary SchoolDigital Inclusion Fun Day26 Jan 2013NWS Geo Tour13 Apr 2013Crossroad Simulation Game12 Apr 2013
  61. 61. SEN Contents @HK Digital Academy61- Reference Cases:1. Lok Sin Tong Leung WongWai Fong Memorial School
  62. 62. Internet Learning Resource Centre Internet Learning Resource Centre (ILRC). ILRC Confidential. All rights reserved.4: 62
  63. 63. 63Take-home Exercise 11. Camera / Safari Find 5 cylindrical items and take a photo2. Skitch Label the length but do not write the unit of measure3. Popplet Add two popplets (one with cm3 and one with m3) Link the 5 items with correct units of measure4. Edmodo Submit to Edmodo as assignment #3
  64. 64. 64Take-home Exercise 21. YouTube Search a Video tutorial about volume calculation2. Socrative (or Nearpod) Teacher A opens a room and use Short Answer tocollect comment on such video Teacher B login as student to give comment Teacher A captures screen as evidence3. Email Using ipad to send the captured screenshots [email protected]
  65. 65. 65Take-home Exercise 31. Educreations / Explain Everything Teacher A takes a 30s Video about Algebra Retrieve a photo from Dropbox about Algebra2. Edmodo Teacher A copies the lesson link and pastes in Edmodo3. Edmodo Teacher B clicks the lesson link view the video
  66. 66. 66Take-home Exercise 41. Lino Share your favorite travel destination using 9 memos Hint: Culture / Weather / Attractions / Activities / Festival /Accommodation / What special thing to do? Capture a screen2. Edmodo Post to Edmodo as a note Comment on another teachers note
  67. 67. 671. CameraTake-home Exercise 5 Record your class teaching2. iMovie Add opening text (about subject) and ending text (schoolname) Add a photo Add background music Upload to YouTube