هغه يار چې بې وفا دې څه يار نه دې

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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pashto poetry


.r _ oI _.r .r> .. .rA frend who s unfathfu s no frend at a;Any endeavour that s not endurng s no task at a.Though worry dsturbs a man from seep,Yet the carefree are barey aroused.For the over a that counts n fe s beng together;Tme apart s no fe at a. !"#$%&"' ( ) * * +, - . /0 12 # 34 + 3 56 7% & 8"9 : ;0" +?' )@ &+ AB C+D 'Equaty page 100You spend so much tme dweng on the fauts of others;For Gods sake why dont you see your own shortcomngs?You turn the tny speck of error you detectInto a towerng mountan of vce.Your own sn s as bg as a mountan;Yet by seght of hand youve reduced t to a ys wng.If the scaes of |ustce were n your hand,You woud count your mue equa to anothers horse.Damned and cursed be such |ustce of yours,That you swtch |ustce for n|ustce.God gave you the status of an ange,But you make yoursef a donkey. .>> o_ _. oII J_.> , lIr_,IL. . I o ..,,. IWhat ght we see s veed;For beauty s beyond our understandng.Dont be fooed by outward appearances;But ook to the nsde.You cant te f a wanut s soft or hardBy ookng at the she._r . _> .,> .o. r. ,. .. o_ I,> > >I _r_I.,.o .. > c. ,s J . . I I,> _> _, _... ,. . > >EFGH IJFGKLMN OMPQL RSTL UVWGet up! Be satsed wth the bow of ove but one tme;Become a drnker of the cup of ove, and the Beoved.Bury yoursef ave n the so ke a seed.If you want greatness - take the pace of the drt.Wth a humbe atttude you can obtan the whoe word;Be underfoot ke the earth.Revea your own secrets to your enemy yoursef;K yoursef ong before death - and ve forever.>I. I,> o I o>oo...rIo.. >o _.>.o >o . o.c. >r >o > ._.I> I>I I, > o . oJ _>o .>o r _o c>o> oWth frends of tme; I go,Wth mad men ofthe desert; I go.fe has passed, ncompete the quest remans.Wth my ncompete taes, I go. Fear! Your bessng; It was;As fearessy wth the tmes; I go. crue frend! ome, for the end s near;Wth Your fase ecuses; I goFor when I make the word; a akhtoon of age;Wth my youthfu sprt; I go.Forever sha I go wth the vaant.For Im a akhtoon, and wth akhtoons; I go.That the rvas name as the tongue of e,To aradse, wth akhto, I w go.o . . . I .r_.I. I . . Io. o_ _ . I _ . .Io . . I o s _.> .Ir. I _ o_._ o_ . II_,.. I s I o.r_ r _I ... ...o _ . I _I, . . Io.ve caed you the cty of owers from the very bgnnng of my fe dont deserved you on bomb basts,ve kept your pcture n the runed home of my heart dont deserved you on bomb basts,f some body admred the beautes of the ondon cty,your pcture smed sowy n my heartf some body admred the afternoons of pars, ntensey remnd your saddar baar n my heartf somebody admred the budngs of washngton,your ovey qssa khwan has taken me n apf somebody admred the evenngs of dehyour evenngs scattered me from street to streeteven prefer your dust on the coors of sprng dont deserved you on bomb basts._o r,o _,I r _I. _,, . . __ _, .. I I,> . ,. .Ir o o . o o . , I..o> WDERIGGod, shoud I augh wth budsr cry wth a amentng nghtngae?God, shoud I ook at my beoveds beautfu facer ook at my burnng heart?God, must I fear your nnte her sha I gae at the beautes of heaven?Te me, et me know; cannot decdeWhether to pease you or to pease mysef?