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Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard Making City from ScarCity Lessons from Latin American cities Pablo Allard Decano, Facultad de Arquitectura y Arte Universidad del Desarrollo Socio Director URBANICA Consultores

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Making City from ScarCityLessons from Latin American cities

Pablo AllardDecano, Facultad de Arquitectura y Arte

Universidad del Desarrollo

Socio Director URBANICA Consultores

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Latin-America has experienced a dramatic development over the last 3 decades.

Today it is home to more than 560 million people (8% of the world’s population), and will reach 800 million population by the year


Regional Per Cápita Income is above world´s average, it doubles China´s and is four times the one of India, Asia and Africa.

80% of latinos live in cities, and we are the fifth global economy, with a GDP of 4 trillion dollars by 2009.

In Latam cities, most basic needs are covered and their citizens are gradually demanding better quality of life.

Source Saúl Pineda, Universidad de Rosario Inteligencia de Negocios 2012

Latin-American cities in the global context

Rate of growth of Latin American cities in 2011 (as variation of GDP)McKinsey’s Global Institute has recently published

its ranking of the most dynamic global cities towards

the year 2025.

Among the top 75: 29 are located in china, 13 in the

US, 3 in Europe and 8 in Latam

S.Paulo 4, México 28, B.Aires 32, Río 34, Brasilia

49, Lima 66, Belo Horizonte 67 and Santiago 73

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

What we have in common…Socio-spatial segregation and the overlap of formal and informal dynamics

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

We started by retrofitting the informal…Recognizing the slums as part of the city and using infrastructure as a bridge for social equity

“Social Infrastructure”

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Civil Works as Opportunities for Civic Life…Medellín, Bogotá, Rio de Janeiro, La Paz and Caracas are using innovative transportation

infrastructure as a way to break social exclusion and segregation

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

And we are bringing opportunities where needed…Social Infrastructure and community buildings become signs of hope and pride for the poor

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

“We are moving much faster towards a middle class society than we ever imagined 20 years ago. My feeling is that we are

crossing the threshold” Fernando Enrique Cardoso. Former President of Brasil

More than 350 million latinos, about 75 million households have reached a middle class lifestyle, with an average annual

income of 20 thousand dollars.

The scarcity of public services and social infrastructure, and the departure of the state in the provision of public goods

derived in the fact that most of the claims and demands for better quality of life of this emerging classes were covered by

the private or informal sectors.

The city of the New LatinosDeparting from cuantitative demands towards qualitative demands

Percentage of the population below the poverty line

Blue=City Grey=National

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

We customize, renovate, expand and recycle everythingIn every social group and context

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

We aggregate ValueTo our assets…

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

And adapted policy to accommodate and anticipate growth…The case of ELEMENTAL in Chile. Use public resources to guarantee half of a middle

income house able to grow instead of a small complete low income one

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

We are turning waste into energy…100% of sewage water in Santiago is treated and returned into the aquifer, biogas captured

in the process currently serves more than 30 thousand households in the city

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Map of all public tweets posted in Santiago in July

15 representing near 820.000 tweets.

Source: Jorge Mujica, IBM

73% of internet users in Chile have

SmartPhones, 81% use Facebook,

60% Youtube, 59.7% WhatsApp and

20% Linkedln.

These social networks have opened

new forms of collective organization

and collaboration that “Leap-frogged”

long term restrictions for social,

economic and cultural development.

We are connectedLow-cost Smart City

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Real TL of a Public Bus System user in Santiago with the helpline of the Transportation Agency and Bus Company

We interact

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

21% of Colombians and 19% of Brazilians

would be willing to use their cellphones as a

mean to pay in a store. This is twice the

Russians. (MasterCard 2012)

This means that pre-paid mobiles and

electronic credit are becoming non-cash

alternatives for those who have no access to

banking in order to pay for products and

services they needs.

Fuente: MasterCard Worldwide 2012

We´ll get banked without banksThe power of those without power

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

And we are resilientNatural Disasters as opportunities for accelerated development.

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

DichatoDichato before and after the earthquake and tsunami.

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard



te: M



Planning resilient communitiesReconstruction Master Plan for Dichato PRBC18

TERRITORIOS: New architecture, landscape, urban and regional design in Chile UDD/Berkeley Simposium Pablo Allard

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo AllardTERRITORIOS: New architecture, landscape, urban and regional design in Chile UDD/Berkeley Simposium Pablo Allard

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Dramatic socio-economic changes and institutional stability in Latam have

triggered the conjunction of key components to face the challenges of an

emerging urban continent:

• Institutional capacity (Political Stability and sound Long-Term Policy)

• Innovative Design (Progressive Architecture & Planning)

• Informal creativity (Emerging Community Involvement in process)

• Formal opportunism (Retail Colonization and Deployment)

• Private provision of public goods (Infrastructure and Services)

• Planning for resilience and sustainability (Risk as opportunity)

• Claims for social justice (reforms & recognition of urban debt)

we should capitalize these experiences, articulate the forces, find the right

strategies and move forward into implementation

Moscow Urban Forum Infrastructure and Improvement of the Environment in the Megacity Pablo Allard

Pablo [email protected]

@pallardsDean Facultad de Arquitectura y Arte

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago & Concepción, CHILE

Thank You