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( ) . . . . ., .., . ... , . . . .-. ./ ... . . IPPC ., WWF HELLAS). 2009 () VOCs . 2007 . . (VOCs,VolatileOrganicCompounds) . . . . .VOCs ( ) 450 . , . VOCs (EPA, Environmental Protection Agency) (API,AmericanPetroleumInstitute) .VOCs . Houston(TexasAir QualityStudy2000)4-5 (). , 50-150 ppb/. x 2-15,50 . (x) (Daumetal.,2002). (fugitiveemissions,flares, coolingtowers,).,, (AllenandRoselot,1997;Allen and Durrenberger, 2003). Allen and Durrenberger (2003) . ( ) . . VOCs() 60. VOCs Moschonasetal.(2001) Symeonidisetal.(2003). , VOCs . . . AllenD.T.andK.S.Rosselot(1997)PollutionPreventionforChemicalProcesses, (Chapter5,WasteAuditsandEmissionInventories,andChapter7,Preventing fugitive and secondary emissions), Wiley, New York. AllenD.T.andC.Durrenberger(2003)AcceleratedScienceEvaluationofOzone FormationintheHouston-GalvestonArea,TexasNaturalResourceConservation Commission, Technical Analysis Division, Houston, Texas. http://www.utexas.edu/research/ceer/texaqsarchive/pdfs/Emission%20Inventoryv3.pdf Daum P., J. Meagher, D. Allen, C. Durrenberger (2002) AcceleratedScience Evaluation ofOzoneFormationintheHouston-GalvestonArea,TexasNaturalResource Conservation Commission, Technical Analysis Division, Houston, Texas. www.utexas.edu/research/ceer/texaqsarchive/pdfs/EXEC_SUMMARY_Nov_02.pdf Moschonas,N.,S.Glavas,andT.Kouimtzis(2001),C3toC9hydrocarbon measurements in the two largest cities of Greece, Athens and Thessaloniki. Calculation of hydrocarbonemissionsbyspecies.Derivationofhydroxylradicalconcentrations,Sci. Total Environ., 271(1-3), 117-133, Symeonidis, P., I. Ziomas, and A. Proyou (2003), Development of an emission inventory system from transport in Greece, Environ. Modell. Softw., 19(4), 413421, (....) UNI VERSI TYOFCRETE Department of Chemistry Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory (ECPL) - , .. 71003 .: 2810 545028/545101 Fax: 2810 545078/545001 Voutes - Heraklion, GR-71003, GREECE Phone: +30 2810 545028/545101 Fax: +30 2810 545078/545001 Web Site: http://ecpl.chemistry.uoc.gr,E-mail: [email protected] 01-12-2008 . : () -. , -2007(-2007) . . . . .... 2

. ,(UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtection Agency US.EPA) (volatileorganic compounds,VOCs),(CO),(Sx), (x), (PM10&2.5), (3), (2S), ,,[1]. , ( ), . , . , (fugitiveemissions),(pointsourceemissions) . , , - . -2007: . -2007 . 1. .1.. (4.2. ) : (), (S2), (x), (PM10), (3). (VOCs) VOCs. [2,3]. (. (. [1]). : (). 2005-2006 [4,5]. [6-7]. ,,(BTEX),MTBE 3

(. [6] [7]) . -2007 .20032005(Makrietal.[8]) (()30ppb). -2007. II. 2. . . (. 6.1. ) ((Sx S2),(x),(PM10)) (VOCs) . :, . : ),, -2007, ) , , , ) [9],., , . : 1) -2007-- . , , (. 1). , -, . .HUS.EPA [10]26kg . , , , , MTBE, . . US.EPA11717 .EPA Henry A. Waxman 10-11-1999 [11]. 4

(.[12,13]) . 1 CleanAirAct1990-Section112 (Monitoring) . 1 (.. Tosco-RodeoOilRefinery,ContraCostaCounty,California,USA,1994: http://www.epa.gov/region09/features/tosco/). -2007. 1, (benzene) (formaldehyde) . , . 1 AcetaldehydeHydrogen sulfide AmmoniaMethane BenzeneMethyl mercaptan 1,3-ButadieneMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ButaneNaphthalene Carbon disulfideNickel carbonyl Carbon monoxideNitrous oxide Carbonyl sulfiden-Octane ChlorodifluoromethaneOzoneDiethanol AminePhenol Dimethyl sulfidePhosgene EthanePropane Ethyl benzeneSulfur dioxide EthyleneToluene Formaldehyde1,1,1-Trichloroethane Furan2,2,4-Trimethylpentane n-Hexanem-Xylene Hydrogen chlorideo-Xylene Hydrogen cyanidep-Xylene (Methyl mercaptan).(. /[14]). /0.5,15ppb, . 77%, 52 % 15% . 0.5ppb(partsperbillion1 ) . (2S) ,[15] 3 ppb. ,-2007, .HUS.EPA ,,TOXICRELEASEINVENTORY( )[16] . , 5

(ccupationalSafety&HealthAdministration-OSHA). US.EPA 2004 10 ( ) 1.400.710 Kg 11 OSHA.(..-fugitive emissions),(..-pointsourceemissions).minmax (..)(..)lbs(1kg=2.2.5lbs) : [.. 28.007-110.000 .. 25.000-40.819], 1,3- [.. 832-4.259 .. 823-18.476], MTBE, [.. 5.606-28.764 ..29.090-108.000],[ghi][..7-437..6-157],-[..519-6.101..546-3.184],-[..9.782-18.776..6.971-16.060], [..37-1.800..54-8.150],[..1.760-6.309..27-18.450], [..4.094-16.000..1.971-25.361],[..0.09-2.99gr..0.59-2.33].-2007 , (), PM10 PM2.5. (. . 188-2007). . ( )PM10. (.. ) [17],, , . [18] USEPA ( 1999) TOSCO OIL REFINERY (San Francisco Bay, California, USA) ( ) . Yake, B. et al. (. [8]) . -2007LDAR, (monitoring) (realtime) 1. , ,- . 2) , -2007 -, .US.EPA[19],(HazardousConstituentsSuspectedtobe PresentinRefineryWastesEPA)(2) . . 6

. -2007-,, 2. 2. OAlZarooni&Elshorbagy[20] (BOD)(COD) , . , - [21]. (.2) (Selenium),0,1-4.9mg/L (ppm)[22].[23]. ...50g/L(ppb) 5 ppb [24]. (.2) (. 6.1.2. -2007). 3) AcetonitrileAcroleinAcrylonitrileAnilineAntimony Arsenic Barium Benz (c) acridineBenz (a) anthraceneBenzeneBenzenethiolBenzidine Benzo(b)fluorantheneBenzo(j)fluorantheneBenzo(a)pyreneBenzyl chloride Beryllium Bis (2-chloroethyl) etherBis (2-chloroisopropyl) etherBis (chloromethyl) etherBis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalateButyl benzyl phthalate Cadmium Carbon disulfidep-Chloro-m-cresol ChlorobenzeneChloroform Chloromethane2- Chloronapthalene2-ChlorophenolChromium ChryseneCresolsCrotonaldehydeCyanide Dibenz(a,h)acridineDibenz(a,j)acridineDibenz(a,h)anthracene7H-Dibenzo(c,g)carbazoleDibenzo(a,e)pyreneDibenzo(a,h)pyreneDibenzo(a,i)pyrene1,2-DibromoethaneDi-n-butyl phthalateDichlorobenzenes 1,2-Dichloroethanetrans-1,2-Dichloroethene1,1-DichloroethyleneDichloromethaneDichloropropane Dichloropropanol Diethytl phthalate7,12-Dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene 2,4-DimethylphenolDimethyl phthalate4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 2,4-Dinitrophenol2,4-Dinitrotoluene Di-n-octyl phthalate 1,4-Dioxane 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine Ethyleneimine Ethylene oxide Fluoranthene Formaldehyde Hydrogen sulfide Indeno (1,2,3-cd)pyreneLead Mercury Methanethiol3-MethylchlolanthreneMethyl ethyl ketone (MEK)Naphthalene Nickel p-Nitroaniline Nitrobenzene 4-Nitrophenol Pentachlorophenol PhenolPyridine Selenium Tetrachloroethanes Tetrachloroethylene Toluene Trichlorobenzenes Trichloroethanes Trichloroethene Trichlorophenols Vanadium Cobalt Indene 1-Methylnapthalene5-Nitro acenaphthene StyreneQuinoline Hydroquinone Phenanthrene AnthracenePyrene 7

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14. (.9) : ( ,5../,70/, ). , . ..

15. 93.000 .. . , / 7 - . . ( 25-30% ). ,, .16.. , . 17. ( ): . ( ) : - , : - (, , ) - . . 21. , . 18.2001 45 - , PETROLA (.13), .. ... PETROLA.. .19. . , . . ,, , ,, . , / 8 - , : 1739/87,(201/20-11-1987), 3199/2003, . ( 280 /9-12-2003) 256/1989, ( 121/11-5-1989) 16/5813/17-5-89, . ( 383/24-5-1989) 1650/15-10-1986, ( 160/18-10-1986) 3010/22-04-2002, , 1650/1986 97/11 96/61 ( 91/25-04-2002) 69269/5387/24-10-1990, . ( 678/25-10-1990) .. 15393/2332/5-08-2002, ( 1022/5-08-2002) .. 11014/703/104/13-03-2003, ( 332/20-03-2003) 43504/5-12-2005, , .( 1784/20-12-2005) .72/17-09-2003 20. , . : . 370,, 90.000 .. . . . , , , . , ,, , , , ,, , . , / 9 - , . , . 24 , , , .. . , / 10 - 3. 21. 07/08/2002 INTERGEO, (monitoring) , ,,6 ( ): : (Intergeo, 2002) . m . / 671281615 245863520 39712847,266 47112834,166 55012810,710 69512826,130 302426 22. /2007 167-168 : , : : - : 8" 76 - - 16 ( 1500m3) 76 - - 17 ( 4500m3). -():12/ 71 --16. - ( - Brackish water) : , . 76 --16 7 6 - -17. - : -:( , . 23./2008.8 1.489.200 ../ (170 ../). . , . 57,: . , / 11 - 9.2. . 3199/2003 ( 280/9.12.03), 16, . 4, ... 43504/05 ( 1784//20.12.05). , . : / (m) (m3/ 24520 39760 47160 55030 9.3. (, ,,.). ,,,, .416.3199/2003(280/9.12.03)43504/5.12.05( 1784/8/20.12.05). 24. . /2008 (.57 9.3), , , , , , 4 16 .3099/2003, . . 25.(.1650/10-08-1986,160/16-10-1986,3 4, . 3010/2002/22/04/2002, 91/25-04-2002 15393/2332/ 05-08-2002, 1022/05-08-20029 2,,1 /7.3 /2008, . , , ( , ). 26.2002 1620mg/l., Na C1 . .( INTERGEO/07-08-2002, 8). 19-06-2006 3 : ... 11.000 ../ . 12.000 ../ . 2700../.. () ... 27.20062008(), , 2460./ 91% !. , / 12 - . , / 13 : ( 2006 2008) 1 , , (.72/17-09-2003 ). 1 .. 49/26-02-2007 .. () , !!! ( 2005, 2008) 2006 ( 2008) ( 2008) ./. / : ( : 3360 ./, : 2520 ./, : 11.000 11.000 13.920 5.080.000 () 1.080 1.080 394.200 (, ) 4080 2700 4080 1.489.200 : ( , ) 12.000 12.000 11.000 4.015000 () 51602700 5160 1.883.4000 - 28. , , ,, , , . /2008.29., .3199/2003,1739/87 (.3)... /,.. .. 30...9700/04-02-2008 .... 4 ..146393/03-06-2008 ,4 170 ../ 1,5 . . ./.31.(/2008) 1,5. ,, , .. 3199/2003 2000/60 . 32.4. 1,5... . . . , / 14 - , ( 2000/60 .3199/2003). 33. /2008 , , - , - monitoring(/2008.46,.6.2) ( ). 34.04-04-2005,.5160 . . 6418/05-10-2005(1) (2) - (), ,,IIIA1,B1,2( )72/17-09-2003 , 1317-09-2003,(.3) (. 1739/87, 201 /20-11-1987, , 121/ 11-05-1989 .16/5813/17-5-89, 383 / 24-05-1989. : (/2008) 1,5 . .. (72/17-09-2003) / 2008. /2008, , . 16 4 . 3199/20038, , . , / 15 - , !! /2008 03-06-2009. . .3199/2003,.1739/19872000/60/, , . , , . ,, . . 3199/ 2003,. 1739/1987 2000/60/. 3199/2003 . /2008 91%(4080 ../24 1.5 . .. ) /2006 (2700 ../24 985.500 .. ). /2008 /2007 , /2008 .. , , . ( ). , 9 , . /2008 24 , 1739/87, 3199/2003, 1650/15-10-1986, 3010/22-04-2002, 256/1989, 43504/05-12-2005 4. 16/5813/17-5-89,69269/5387/24-10-1990,..15393/2332/5-08-2002,.. 11014/703/104/13-03-2003, . 72/17-09-2003. . , / 16 - . , / 174. 35. 7-06-2004 INTERGEO , 2004, (.3) 4m ( , 20/05/2004). 36.(.10)INTERGEO Bioventing() . .6 Bioventing(Soil Vapor Extraction). Bioventing Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) ().( ),(,)2() ( ).SVE ( ) . (). /2008 SVE .37.Chr.Palmer3(.193) :: ,, ,,6pH>8. : (.. ), (k< 10-4cm/s),,,. 2 U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Committee on in situ bioremediation (1993): In situ Bioremediation-When does itwork?pp. 50-53, Bioremediation Systems for Unsaturated soils. NationalAcademy Press, Washington D.C. 3 Chr. M. Palmer (1996): Principles of Contaminant Hydrogeology, 2nd Edition, 235 p. Lewis Publishers, New York, London, Tokyo - . , / 18,, 4 . 38. , . 39...49/26-02-2007, .. (Bioventing)100% ,..332/10-12-07 . Bioventing .() .40. (sorbed) , .41. , , , (.2). ..15393/23325 , / 16. () . /2008 , . INTERGEO / 07-06-2004,. 6 /2008 ( 6.2.6. ii) Bioventing (Soil vapor Extraction). Bioventing Soil Vapor Extraction ( ). SVE. 4 P. Domenico- Schwartz Fr. (1998): Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, pp 445-449 - . 2004,, INTERGEO/2004, 6-8 (-2005)/2008 03-06-2009!!( 6.2.6. ii.). . , , 5 . 2 . 1650/1986 " " 75308/5512/26.10.1990 , (. 691/2.11.1990, . ) . . , / 19 - 5. ..

42.28-05-2004INTERGEO : : ( ). 10 m ( ) 4 m ( ). 43.7-06-2004INTERGEO(.4), 2004 : .. . . . , , , ...... 44.INTERGEO(.3), : ,p,,, . . , . 45.17-06-2005, .3//.15022 30 2008 : . , .. 14 . ..46. 24 27. ( Intergeo 10-09-2008. ,.46)25, , , . , / 20 - 48.INTERGEO ,20-10-2004 :. 20046-8 (- 2005) .... ( . 3//24291 21-12-2007) .. . 49...49/26-02-2007,. ,(100% ). .. ..). 50. ..634/11-12-2007 ., (100% ). .. ..) 51...583/19-12-2007 ( ) .. 52.07-06-2004INTERGEO .,, pumpandtreat() ,, ,, , . /2007/2006/2008, ,, ; 53. 6.2.4 /2008 : ) 12 :i) ( . , / 21 - ) ii) Bioventing . , .54.INTERGEO,10-09-2008 & (. ), ../2008, : , . . . ... , , 10-09-2008. , , INTERGEO. 55. (monitoring) (.11): . 2 - (monitoring) 2.1 . (monitoring) In Well Stripping2.2 In Well Stripping. To In Well Stripping - . : SVE(SoilVapor Extraction)... INTERGEO monitoring AirStripping() . , / 22 - . .monitoring .. . : INTERGEO 2004 /2007 /2008./2008(, . , , , ./2008 .. /2007/2008 ,( ,,.1650/1986"" 75308/5512/26.10.1990 , () . , ,,2004, , ,, . ( ) ( )pumpandtreat() , ,, , . , , /2007/2006/2008, , , ; . , / 23 - , , ( ) .,, (100%) , INTERGEO (10-09-2008) monitoringnWellStripping() ,INTERGEO,. n Well Stripping monitoring. . , / 24 - 6. 56. /2007, . 14 15 - : - - . , - . : (PFZ). 27Km.-, . . , . : . . 7 1999 ,, . :. . . , . . F1 F2. F1 F2 . F1 120-200cm. ,. . F1 : = 457207,13, =421062,26 F1F2, F1. F1 F1a F1B, F2. F2 : = 457131,03, = 421049,46. F3 . No80102. , . 100 , 50 . F3 , F1 F2... 36 : 4.1.8- , , . ( , , . . : - - . , / 25 - 57. ,, 7 1999,...2000 (...2003), : , . . . - 4 : :0-4m,. 2000 , U.B.C. '97 \ . II:4-7m . 2000 , U.B.C. 97 . III : 7-17 m, . II...2000, U..B.C. 97 C. IV: 17 m, IV200C ,U.B.C.97 D. 58.01-01-20042003( 17/115/9/275/07-08-2003, 1154/12-08-2003, -2000, 17/67/1/275/6-6-2003,781/18-06/2003 -2000.59. 0.16 g. ()2000200301/01/2004 7 1999, 2000. . , / 26 - 7. BE() , , .monitoring INTERGEO/2002,,(2004,), , . ( ) ( 24 )). 370, , 90.000 .. . . . , , , , . , ,,, ,,, ,, , ., /2008.(/2008)1,5 ... (72/17-09-2003) / 2008./2008,, .16 4 . 3199/20038, , !! . , / 27 - . 3199/ 2003,. 1739/1987 2000/60/., , , . , , ., , .3199/2003 . /200891%(4080../241.5...)/2006 (2700 ../24 985.500 .. ). /2008 /2007 , . /2008 ... ( ).,9 , ., ,,. 2004,, INTERGEO/2004,6-8(-2005) ./2008 03-06-2009!!(6.2.6.ii.),INTERGEO/2008, . . . , / 28 - , , 5.2.1650/1986" " 75308/5512/26.10.1990 , (.691/2.11.1990,. ) .INTERGEO 2004 /2007 /2008./2008(, . . /2008 . /2007/2008 ,. 1650/1986 " " 75308/5512/26.10.1990 , () . , ,,2004, . ( ) ( )pumpandtreat() ,, , , .,, , /2007 /2006 /2008, , , ; , , . /2008( ). 12 !! ( 03-06-2009). . , / 29 - . , / 30.E ; ( ) , () ( ) . () 2000 2003 01/01/2004 7 1999 2000. /200824,1739/87, 3199/2003, 1650/15-10-1986, 3010/22-04-2002, 256/1989, 43504/05-12-2005 16/5813/17-5-89, 69269/5387/24-10-1990, .. 15393/2332/5-08-2002, .. 11014/703/104/13-03-2003, . 72/17-09-2003, , , ,,, . 29- 09-2008

- ... . ., , , 2003.: , -. .. , . - . , .. 1.6. , . , , . Pb, Cd n 2 20 . 1,5 , 6 .100 . 2000 . . 427 . 5,9 1,9 , . . , / 31 - . , / 32 1. 6418/5-10-2005 - - . / /: 22 .. 10552 5 - 10 -2005 .. 6 4 1 8: & -19 200 : ' .:. .:210/5240708 Fax:210/5242087 : " " 05/04/2005',, ,, /,(. 14823/20-9-2005)- ( ) : 256 ( ) , / . : 1. .. - . , / 33 2. 6418/5-10-2005 - , / - , . 9 ( ), : / . 2. - 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8... 256 9. . ,'.72/2003 IIIA1,B1,2() . , , , , : (.. 9) (.. 2) 256 ( )(.. 8) (.. 6) : 1. - (, , ) 2. ( ). . . . , , ( ), 50 . , , , , ... - , . 50, . , (.. ) - . , / 343. .72/17-09-2003 '.72/17-09-2003, .1317-09-2003,-14.2218/94 09-09-2003. 9 31 . : .. . .: - - .. , . - . , / 35 .. . / , : .. : ',, , . , , . , . , . , , . . ,. , , . , . ., - , . , ., . . .. . ,.. ' : 1...30/96"".2503/97(...107/97,.') ", , , ". 2. .1739/87(...201/87,.')"" 11, . 4 15, . 4. .2218/94(...90/94,.')..".2240/94 (... 153, . ') " ...". 3. . 1650/1986 (... 160/86, . ') ". 4. .. 256/1989 (... 121/89, . ') " ". 5. ..16/5813/17-5-89(...383/89,.')..." " - . , / 366. 38 39 .. 3881/58 " ' " 11 .. 1277/72 " .. 3881/58" 7. ..11/.16.1/33518/13-12-90.... 8. ..11/.16.1/34069/18-12-90.... . 1739/87 10. . 163661/28-11-90, 176762/13-4-93, 180813/14-1-94 & 181107/4-2-94 .... , 11. . 250/91 (.... .. .11/.16.2/16648/5-6-91 .11/ 16.2/18714/25-6-91) 12. .273/94 . 1739/87 13. .2307/95(...113/95,.')" .. .." 14. .11/16/8500/22-3-91...(...174/91,.')" " 15. . .16/6631/1 - 6 - 89 ... (... 428/89, . ') " " 16. (...441/95,.'),.120/98 (... 111/98, . ') 17. .8616/25-6-03/ , (,, ) : I. 1. (, , - ,), , ( ) , - , . 1739/87, .. 256/89 .16/5813/17-5-90 ... 2. ( ): )/(...)-22(3),-.210 5240708, (, , , , ..) ) (....) / / -197,-.210 5980315, ( ). ) / - . & , , . 210 5561795, , . )/,-.98-100(6),-. 210 9287050, . - . , / 37) / - 2 (6 ), - . 210 3725660 . (,...,..), ( - ..., - ...., ..) . . . 3. -, . 1739/87 .' , ( ). 4. - . (, , ), - , ., ,..256/89 ( 5, .2) ... 5813/89 ( 5, .5). 5. , : -)- , . -(...,...,) . - , 50 . -, 6 . - 200 ' . ), , : - 150 . - . , . -, -,, (.2516/97, .. 84/84 ..), ,' . 6. , ,( -). , ( - . , / 38 ). 7. , , 9, . 2 . 1739/87. , , , , ' . II. : 1. 4 . 2. 20 10 . 3. 40 . 4. 30 . 5. 20 . 6. 52 . 7. 20 . 8. 15 / .. . 9. 50 .... . 10.15... 0300 . 11. 100 .. 12. ,, ... ( ). 13. . 14. (),( ), . III. : . - . , / 39 1. : ),, , : --, ---- 100(.. - ). ) , . . , ' . 2. : ) 500 ( ). )600 , , .. 400 ... . : 1.,, , , . 2. , , , , . 3. ,, 300 , : ) ' . ), ,, . IV. - . , / 40 , ,, (,,,, .. ), : . 1. (). ... 500., 200 ( 5%). 2. ...,,( 5%): . , 500 ...(),15050 . , . . .,600 ...(),200100 . ...,,- , . 3. , , 6 , ... , . . ,, ,..227/87, ,. : 1. (),5, ( ),1000 - . , / 41,,2 . . ,250,150, 100 ( 5%). 100( -100), . 2. : , , (5), 300, ''(1000 ), 10 , . 150 100 5%. 4. 5, ,, 200 , . ., . 5., ' 150( 5%), . 6., , 1000(' ),, ,' . 7., 200 , 10004,5 , . - . , / 42 150 ( 5%) . - 1. , ,13.1739/87, , .. 256/89 5813/89 ... .1739/87, (..). , . 2., , )() .... , , - . ) ( ). ) . ) 1.500 . )500 1.000 ..., .. ) . .... . ) .

) 20 100 . 3.,, . 1739/87 ( 13 . 1). . . - - - . , / 43 1. : ) , . ) , . ), , , '200 ...,100 ...50( ). 500 .. 2. , , , ( , ). , , 300 . 3. 20, . ,- - 15, (10), 1,1500, . 4. , . . 5. 20 , . . 6. , , ,... .... - . , / 44{ ). V. ' . VI. 1. : ' . 2. : , , . 3. : 5 .5 ' . 4. : 300 . 5. (): 4 . 6. :,4 ,., ..., , . 7. :()() ,, . . 8., , , . VII. . 1. . . 2., , , . - . , / 45 3. , . 4. , , . 5. , . , . 6. : ) 1/500,1/1.000,1/5.000 . ) . ) . ) , . ) 300 . 7. , , : . 1:50.000. ( , , ..). 8. , (,,,,..). . 9. , , . 10. . 11. , . 12. : - . , / 46 ) , , . ) ,, . )- ,, . ) , , ' . , 1. - ..) . ) ... (...., ..., ) . ) ' . )() 200 . 2.--- - .. ) . ) . ) . ) 150 . ) .) .3. 20 , . .25..256/89 . VIII. 1. (10) . 2. , 967,10.1 11.4.1739/1987 . - . , / 473. (6) , , , . IX. 1.. 1739/1987 . 2. 10 . 3. , (, , ..). ... , . 4. , , , , , . X. : 1. . 2. ,' (, , ..) 3. . , . 4. - . 5. ( ). 6. ,,, . ( ). 7. , . 8. . ( , ). XI.- 1. ,() ..., . - . , / 482. . 3. , 967,10 1114.1739/87 . . 1. , . 2. ,,, ,, , .. . 3, , ( ). XIII. 1.,,,,.. , , , ,...,( ),,,, , . 2. ,,9.. 256/89 . 16/5813/17-5-89 : ) ' (6) , . ) (, .. ) (6) . ) , (6) . ) (2.934,70) . . ) . 3. , 9 .. 256/89 11 .. 1277/72. 4. 1 - . , / 492 , 459(.2218,13,.3),11.. 1277/1972. ', , . (2) , . . , , . - Bioventing U.S. National Research Council . , / 50 - . , / 51 - 2 . , / 52 - . , / 53 - . , / 53 - . , / 543 ()(.) . 2004 -BEE (. ) (. ). , . . . . , , Intergeo. - . , / 554 1 - 1.1 2004 2004 . BEE INTERGEO HELLAS LTD. . INTERGEOHELLASLTD , , ( ) ( - ). ,(10) (-2004). -(1). / . . . , Bioventing . - . , / 565 . . (24). . , . , INTERGEO : BEE. To 24 . , () . . , 2005 2006 - . , / 576 1.2 2007/8 3 , Intergeo . (11,12-I) 20071. , - 20082 (13) . 13,14,2215,16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21 ( 1) 23-25 . , : (15) 1. (14) 2. (1) 3. : 10-36m : - . , / 587 1. 2. (oil product recovery test) 3. (purging) 4. : , . 5. 6. 7. -. . 8. : 1. . 2. (5) 24 . 3. ( ). 1.3 2004 & 2007/8 2004 2007/8 ,Intergeo . TotalFluidRecovery ( 2). - . , / 598 : ),2,3,5,6,7,8,9 2004 . 9 & 10.To 1 cm . )13,14,19,22()23 ().24 2008. . Total Fluid Recovery , to . , . , . . INTERGEO . INTERGEO : - . , / 609 1) 2) 3) . 4) (, ) 5),, ( ) 6) INTERGEO . (EN ISO 17025) BEE. 1.4 2004, 2007/2008 2004-2008 : . & -. . ( , ..). - . , / 6110 2004(2008) : ) .0-1cm1-2 (9,10) 99% 2004.. - . (BEE) . )13,14,19,22() 23(),2008 2 . ) , . ) , . ) . . . - . , / 6211 2 - (monitoring) 2.1 . (monitoring) InWell Stripping. 1. . To : ), . . )(4), . (10) . 2. . . - . , / 6312 2.2 In Well Stripping ToInWellStripping . : SVE (Soil Vapor Extraction) ( ) ,InWellStripping (3): I. II. . - . , / 64III. SVE ( ) . IV. (activated carbon) (adsorption) SVE . . - . , / 6514 3 - , : ox ( -1). . SVE . .To , . TotalFluid Recovery ( A-l). . . , , - . , / 6615 Intergeo , . - . , / 67 16 4 - & 2004 , 2 , . - ' . TotalFluidRecovery()InWell Stripping() 10 . ( 4): i. , . To .', . ii. ., BEE - . , / 68iii.. . . iv. . . To In Well Stripping , . - . , / 6918 in well stripping Hinwellstripping . . ,IntergeoHellasLtD. (Intergeo Salzburg) . , , HJI.A , . www, neip.navy.milwww.frtr.govwww.epa.govwww, usace. army, mil www.usqs.gov Intergeo Hellas Ltd - . , / 70 - . , / 71 - . , / 72 - . , / 73 1..146393/3.6.2008 , ,, -,, , . ,.. , , , .. (6) ( diesel ), , 140 1,2.. (), , , .. , , , , . 1 , , , , ,. ,30%, .(.133) VGO() /, ,- . 2. . : - . . , . 2,, . ( , ,) () . , . 697 / 193 / ( 80%) . ,1,8 .(,.111), 90.000 (2005)58.000. , 20.000 (1 159 ), ...(.99), 30% (.122 ) 350.000 , ...1, ,... . ,, ., 1 (20000)x159/1000 = 3180t/day . ( 1) 2862x365=1160700t/year 1160700x0,3=348210t/year . 3 , ... , , .... . 10 (1997- 25 gr/m3,2007- 8 gr/m3). EPER(Europeanpollutionemissionregister) 20062004 1260. 697 kg/(.180), , 5000 .

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, . , ,, , ., , (. 16). 50% . ; , CO2 .. 25% , 8 2012., 5,75%201010%2020. ,.. (..Eco-driving). 10-15% . ,., ,, 1,2-3,7%(). 25 . , . () , . . . ; , . 2005, 2020., 2030.,., ; ; , . , -, . (). , ( 9 10 , ).,: ; , , . , ( ) . IPPC AAnkA s1sAAA .. B , LL.M., MSci : . , zzuwivnwvrvvzzinw.. . , B . B , . .z z.: H zoo8l: .. ioo8/1 (,oo/o1), [] .', ... oMV, r, ur/o8u/, II II Rr, R, Ro, R8 Ru) :ooo/r:/ ...' 1.i ioo8/1. 1.1 ioo8/1.1 .`z.z 6l6: ( zoo8l:} H oo/o1 ( ioo8/1) oiwuznorvvivuznoozzuz.. 1-:o:/i::i/-.o.iooi , oiwnw norvvivnw noozzvnw.. 11o1a/o:/1oa/1a.:.ioo: ....) ...) ,. roo/ru8o roo) :. +oro/:oo:, ..:111/ioi1/io.:.ioo: : . roo/ru8o : + + .+oro/:oo:. ,[] - . .. 1-:o:/i::i/iooi ... ( 1oii), , 1, , , , :...() , (o) 1o , , . , . , ` -.1 ioo8/1. (, rich) (MDEA ...,DEA ), (HS), 1o11o ( )[I.H. Gary and G. E. Handwerk, Petroleumrefning(Dekker, 1o8a), ioo-: Arthur L. Kohl and Richard B.Nielsen, Gas Purifcation(1oo), ao-1a ioo1/11: :ooo/+ oiwuz norvvivuznoozzuz.. 1:-88/i-/i8.:.iooo( :8:)Foster o Wheeler, - [...], 1a.o.ioo, -.:.a.i.i]. - Ro( ). (AxiwvRvcvwvvzriowUwir, ARU, owzz-.o) aoot/h, owzzz vzxvrzuzHS/ io t/ [ 1 oiwuznorvvivuznoozzuz1-ooio/1o.o.iooo]. , in-situ, .. Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated PollutionPreventionand Control Reference Document onBestAvailable Techniques for the Vaste Treatments Industries,8.iooo, . (xxx). 1oii. ::i.1i: . oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz ..11o1a/o:/1oa/1a.:.ioo: ( ::i).i (-) 1o , , , , ... , vvrvzioz . 11ioo/i.-.ioo: (.....), [] 1i: oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz .. 11o1a/o:/1oa/1a.:.ioo:... noozzvizvvvizuz vvinzzzowrivnw vnw .. 1-:o:/i::i/-.o.iooi... , . , ..... noozzviz vvvizvizvvinzzzowrivnw vnw ..., , , noozzviz vvvizuz vvinzzzowrivnw vnw, ioo8/1 [, IPPC].z.] IPPC , noozzuz vvvizuz vvinzzzowrivnwvnw, IPPC. , IPPC, , , ,, . ioo8/1 : : [ ] 1o [ . 11ioo/i.-.ioo: (.....) r:+ ... rror,//o+/ro,/r,.+.:oo+... ) .. r+u+/:++:/.u.:oo:..., :-o. 8 . ioo8/1. o1 ioo8/1.: ], , , ., IPPC, '[]: ... . oo/o1 :o.1o.ioo8. , , , '' ioo8/1.', - [] ... , o 8 , , , , , : [ ], [ ], o [ ], 1o[ ] 1: [ ], 1a ) ) [ ] 1- i[ ], :o ioo, ., :o.1o.ioo, B .z.q oiwunorvvivunoozzu1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8. , oiwunorvvivunoozzu 1-ooio/1o.o.iooo, , , :o.o.ioo, ... .'` , ' 1a . () ioo8/1.'' , , , , . , :o.1o.1ooo[, , , :oiooo]. . i:-a, 1.1 1.i ioo8/1/.' -1 ioo8/1/.'` 1.1 oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz1-ooio/1o.o.iooo.a ....',:o.o.ioo :.o.ioo8, .z. zoo8l: , . ivzzruvionw rvnnzvnw oiworurnw :'[i]t follows that, inapplying national law, whether the provisions inquestionwere adoptedbefore or afer the directive, the national court called upon to interpret it is required to doso, as far as possible, in the light of the wording and the purpose of the directive in orderto achieve the result pursued by the latter and thereby comply with the third paragraph ofArticle 18o of the Treaty... ,' ().', (), .' ' 1.a oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz 1-ooio/1o.o.iooo.' C-1oo/8o Marleasing[1ooo] ECRI I-1oo, 8., .' C-:o ao:/o1 Pfeier[iooa] ECR I-o88:-, 11o: [], , , , , , , , ...' C-a-o/o8 Centrosteel [iooo] ECR I-ooo, 1:[] , , , , ...' C-:ii/88 Grimaldi [1o8o] ECR I-aao, 1-8:[] , , . , , , , ., , , , , ....- (Best Avalaible Techniques Reference Documents, BREFs).' 1i ioo8/1 ( 1oi oo/o1/), Luvovvzw Iwrvcvzrvn Poiiuriow Pvvyvwriow zwnCowrvoi Buvvzu (EIPPCB). , (o) oiwuz norvvivuznoozzuz 11o1a/o:/1oa/1a.:.ioo: ( ::i), 1oi oo/o1/ (EEL i-/io/1o.1o.oo), .z.6 E ioo8/1 . , , . , B . zzuwivzvrvvzziz .. , .z.6.: iooo/oo. , ' / : () , , () ...z.6.z , , , , , '. uo/or/ , ioo:/Cao/o, . Coao 1o/oi/ioo:, . 11 [BREF ] uo/or/ , iooi/C1i/oa, . C o1i 1o/o1/iooi,. io[BREF ]. http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pages/FActivities.htm.' 1oi . () () iooo/oo oi . () ().. -1/ioo ( -a).o, ` , , B ... , rxnorzio ruz nivvzrvizz , 1 i ia, , . , :[] , , , , ..., , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , . () [ -, 1i, i:-a, io, io] . 1o:a/1o8o( 1oa), 1o.:oii/iooi ru/o ru8o ( 1aa). , 8:/1o1/ ,1ooo/8o1/ .` -: . 1o:a/1o8o ( 1oa), - . :oii/iooi ( 1aa). .r. (ozox.) :-io/iooo, 1o .] ].: B ].:.: 5Oz (-oMW) . , ioo-/:: , . , , , :, K.Y.A... ioa-/1-11/8..ioo- ( , ), , . , 1oo mg/Nm` :1. (bubbleapproach- (bubble, ), 1.1.1 . oiwuznorvvivuznoozzuz1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8. :i . 1ooo/:i, : ioo-/:: 1oo mg/Nm` -oMW-:ooMW, :. a. () Vioo1/8oVoiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz..ioa-/1-11/8..ioo- ( ooi).8 ) [8-o mg/Nm`, ]i. [1aoo mg/Nm`, : ]:. SO`[1:-omg/Nm`, /]a. -o-1ooMW `'[1oo-:-o mg/Nm`, , -, ioo-8-o mg/Nm`]., B , .`X X ( NO). , , a-o mg/Nm`.`` , B 1-o :oo mg/Nm` , .` Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries, i.ioo:,-.i.1o, . a:: [t]he Commission has noted thedivergent views of the Technical Working Group (TWG)concerning the average sulphur dioxide emission levelswhenburning liquid fuels, associated with the use of BAT.TeCommissionfurthernotesthat Council Directive1ooo/:i/EConthe sulphur content of certainliquidfuels prescribes a maximum emission limit value of 1oomg/Nm`, whichequates to1sulphur inheavyfueloil, asamonthlymeanvalueaveragedoverall plantsintherefneryfrom1Ianuaryioo:. Inaddition, themorerecentlyadoptedDirectiveioo1/8o/EConlargecombustion plants provides for emission limit values intherangeof iooto1oomg/Nm` dependingonthecharacteristics of plants covered by that directive. In thisperspective, the Commission believes the range of o to8o mg/^m`, as average sulphur dioxide emission levelswhen burning liquid fuels to be consistent with BAT. Inmany cases, achieving the lower end of this range wouldincur costs and cause other environmental eects... Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries, i.ioo:,-.1, . aio.` Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on BestAvailable Techniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries,i.ioo:, :.1o.:, . 1a8, CONCAWE.`' Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Large Combustion Plants, .iooo, . a:, o.a:.` Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries, i.ioo:,. ai-: reducing ceSOi emissions from typically smallcontributors when they become a signifcant part of thetotal emissionand if cost-eective (e.g. faring, gases fromvacuum ejector gas burnt in furnaces).`` 1.1.1 . oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8.` Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries, i.ioo:,-.i.1o, . a:o: reduceNOxfromboilersandheatersusing gas fuel to io - 1-o mg/Nm` (lower levels for naturalgas andhigher ones for small heaters withprimarymeasures)...from boilers and heaters using liquid fuel to-- - :oo mg/Nm` (the lower levels relates only to boilerswith SCR and the higher levels only to small heaters withprimary measures)...oHCU B owzzz vovowoizznzzuz (Hynvo-Cvzcvvv Uwir, HCU), .` , X ( NO) ioo mg/Nm`.` , B 1-o mg/Nm`.` HCI HF (HCl) (HF) .` , : io 8o mg/Nm` , .`, B 1o 1 mg/Nm`, . H . '[] , - (. a) o (. i). ...].:.z B . :` , o.iMW, i.11.ioo:, O: VI (B) ioo1/8o VI(B) oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz.. ioa-/1-11/8..ioo- ( ooi).` 1.1.1 . oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8.` Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries, i.ioo:,-.i.-, . a:i (BATfor catalytic cracking): reduceXemission to ao 1-o mg/Nm` (lower end is onlyapplicable whenSCRandlowsulphur feedstockareused) by a suitable combinationof: (i) modifcationof thedesignandoperationof regenerator, especiallytoavoidhightemperaturespots. Tis techniquemayraise the CO emissions and cannot be environmentallyjustifedif amajor or completerevampis necessary;(ii) hydrotreatment of the feedstock if it is economicallyand technically viable...Tis technique is easier toimplement when amine scrubbing and Claus capacitiesandhydrogenareavailable...; (iii)usingSNCRontheregeneratorfuegas, achievingaNOxreductionofoo- o...(iv) using SCR on the regenerator fue gas...BREF , , .` Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries, i.ioo:,:.1.i, . 11i.` i1 . () () .. 118o/1o81 ( io:),. Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques inCommonVaste Vater andVaste GasTreatment - Management Systems in the Chemical Sector,i.ioo:, a.:.i, a.1o, a.11.' a()i, -a oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz ..ioa-/1-11 /8.. ioo- ( ooi).1o1. , ` B i. oiwu norvvivu noozzu1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8, B :. , B , . , , B . 1., ... q8l)z6l:.].zoo: ( z]}. (Cr), .[] 1i , , [] : ... [ ] . , 1 . a() noozzuz18i:/o/-.11.1oo ( 11:i), :/o-::/ii.o.1o81 ( a ). ( , , , ...) , . , , , : ...) [] ) - , , ) , ... [.., - . , , noozzuz18i:/o/-.11.1oo].` oiwu norvvivu noozzuao:o:/:.o.ioo8 oioiwunorvvivunoozzu a8-o/io/1.:.ioo1( i-:). . 1oi ioo8/1([] , , II[.- , iooo/11/ ] , , ... -: . oiwu norvvivu noozzua8-o/io/1.:.ioo1 ( i-:). . -: iooo/11 ([] , )11, , (Cr), (As), (Zi), (Cd), B . [] , , . , , ..... ... . , , 1 i . B .].zB ].z.: z5 B S owzz wzvruzuz vior (Suivuuv Rvcoyvvy Uwir, SRU):...use state-of-the-art control and monitoring systems. Use of a tail gas analyser linked tothe process control system(feedback control) will aid optimumconversionduring all plantoperating conditions, including changes to sulphur throughput..., -S, Claus, :.o.io11., owzzz wzvruzuz vior, -o oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuza8-o/io/1.:.ioo1( i-:). Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on BestAvailable Techniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries,i.ioo:-.i.i:, . aa1. . -.1, . aia: BATisto:...implement a monitoring systemthat allows adequateprocessingandemissioncontrol...Someelements of amonitoring system could include: (i) continuousmonitoringofpollutantsforhighvolumefowswithahigh variability in pollutant concentrations... a.:.o . oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8.1i , B , o8.- oo.--oo.o. , . , , :.o.io11, () owzz wzvruzuz vior:oo.-, S/SO, , Claus, () S. , B . .' -SO , . B - ( , ), , (advanced process control)., , 1.1.iooo, .` , , , Ringelmann1 , , . , (opacity) io, ( ) . Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on BestAvailable Techniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries,i.ioo:-.i.i:, . aa1. , a.i:.-.i.1 , . :o, : [f]eed/air ratiocontrol, temperaturecontrol of the furnace, reactors and condensers and gooddemistingof liquidsulphur, especiallyfromthefnalcondenser exit gas stream are important parameters inobtaining maximumsulphur recovery. Good controland availability is crucial as a technique, to deliver anydesigntargets. Inthisline, theuseof state-of-the-artcontrol and monitoring systems can be seen as animportanttechnique. Useofatail gasanalyserlinkedtotheprocess control system(feedbackcontrol) willaid optimumconversion during all plant operatingconditions, including changes to sulphur throughput...a.:.o. , -, oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8.' . a.o.o oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8. Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on BestAvailable Techniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries,i.ioo:,-.i.i:, . aai: BATfor faringis to(i) usefaring as a safety system(start-up, shutdowns andemergencies); (ii) ensure smokeless and reliableoperation; (iii) minimise faring by a suitablecombination of: balancing the refnery fuel gas system,installinga gas recoverysystem, usinghigh-integrityrelief valves, applying advanced process control, reducingrelief gas tofarebymanagement/goodhousekeepingpractices... , :.io: fare systems can be equippedwith adequate monitoring and control systems necessarytooperatesmokelesslyandshouldbeobservedat alltimesundernonemergencyconditions. Suchsystemscan include fow measurement, for which provennon-intrusive systems at the fare base are available, withautomatic steam control, luminosity measurement withautomatic steamcontrol, remote visual observation usingcolour TV monitors in relevant plant control rooms withaccess to steam control, pilot fame detection, etc...` 1.1.1 . , 1.1.i . , 1.1.: (-) . , 1.1.a . , 1.1.oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz 1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8. , , i1. ().. 118o/1o81 ( io:). a.:.1: .AndrewG. Clarke,IndustrialAir Pollution Monitoring(1oo8), :oo Frank Uekoetter, Te strange career of theRingelmann smoke chart, Environmental Monitoring oAssessment, 1oo (ioo-), 11-io.1: B , owzz vovowovzrvvvzzizz. , B , ioo8/1 , o.1 ng/Nm`TEO. (adsorption).].z.z , o18om. , . Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on BestAvailable Techniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries,i.ioo:i.ioo:, -.i.o: BATforCatalyticReformingisto:... quantifythe dioxinemissions fromthe catalystregenerator. ..Since all techniques are quite newandnot widelyusedyet, furtherdatagatheringondioxinclean-up techniques are necessary.... , :.o, a.o.o[[s]ome EU(+) refneries have already applied andmonitored dioxins emission from catalytic reformers...]. [BREF, Annex I, Table 1o.o, . a:]. ,. USEPA, Technical Support Document for the :oooEuent Guidelines Plan(1i.iooo), EPA-8i1R-oo-o18,December iooo, 1a.o: EPApreviouslydeterminedthat dioxinanddioxin-likecompounds areproducedduring catalytic reforming and catalyst regenerationoperations at petroleumrefneries.... iooo. , US EPA, Technical SupportDocument for the :oo, Euent Guidelines ProgramPlan (iooa), EPA-8i1-R-oa-o1a, ..: [b]ased onthe informationcollectedduringthe detailedreview,EPA concludes that dioxins might be produced in highconcentrations at petroleum refneries during reformercatalyst regeneration processes. While some dioxincongeners might bepresent inthetreatedeuent atsome refneries, the most toxic congeners, i,:,,8-TCDDand i,:,,8-TCDF, have only been detected in the fnaleuent at onepetroleumrefneryat aconcentrationbelow the method minimum level...Contaminationof API separator [. ] sludgewithdioxins suggests that at least some of the dioxins fromcatalytic reformer regeneration wastewater partitiontotheoilyandsolidphasesintheAPIseparatorandaccumulate inthe sludge. API separator sludges aremanaged as hazardous wastes. In-process controltechnology eectively removes dioxins from segregatedcatalytic reforming catalyst regeneration wastewater.Tis control technology consists of solids removal and/orGAC adsorption... [] ,, [] , , [ 1i 1: , , oiwuz norvvivuznoozzuz 11o1a/o:/1oa/1a.:.ioo: ( ::i) 11 1i()ioo8/1]. , IPPC , o.ioo:, , rvnnzvourvnovzrzuzvzi vrzoovzzrnnw (EPER), o.ooo1 kg/ ( , ). , . . , a 1oo/iooo 1(:) iooo/ao. Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques inCommonVaste Vater andVaste GasTreatment / Management Systems in the Chemical Sector,i.ioo:, a.:.1o, . ::-, a.o, a.1o, a.11: [w]hendioxins canbe expected it is BATto abate dioxins by usinga GAC (Granular Active Carbon) flter (adsorption) attheendoffuegastreatment. Techniquesthatachievecomparable results (see Table a.11) are also considered asBAT... ioo m`/ , 1oio m`/ , - oiwuz norvvivuznoozzuz 1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8.1a... B : , , , B.'... B , .` , , ... : (NaOCl), . , B , (i) (ii) (), , . 1. Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution PreventionandControl ReferenceDocumentontheapplicationofBest Available Techniques to Industrial Cooling Systems,1i.ioo1, a.o.i, . 1-1.' Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution PreventionandControl ReferenceDocumentontheapplicationofBest Available Techniques to Industrial Cooling Systems,1i.ioo1, :.a.-, . 11a, 11o . [ ] :.a.:, . 1o8 ., :.i, :.: [ ]. . Foster oWheeler, - [...], 1a.o.ioo, . 8, 8., . :8a.` a.:.1o . [v] , . .... . a.:.1o . , i oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz 1ao:o:/:.o.ioo8.. Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated PollutionPrevention and Control Reference Document on theapplicationof Best Available Techniques to IndustrialCooling Systems, 1i.ioo1, V.1-i, . i1: ., ()V.:, . i1o., XI.:.a, . i8o ., . Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control Reference Document on the applicationof Best Available Techniques to Industrial CoolingSystems, 1i.ioo1,a.o.:.i, a., . 1-o, (shock) (intermittent) o.i o.-mg/Nm`(/ ). . .:.a, .., : [a]s concerns the marineenvironment, the purpose of the biocide treatmentis tomaintainthesystems sucientlycleansoas toensuretheirproperoperation. Fortheseaintakes, themain problem is to avoid the development of molluscs(mussels, oysters, etc.) inside the cooling system.Tecurrent practiceistheinjectionof chlorine. It isgenerally producedon-site by sea water electrolyses.Tis process avoids the risk involving the transportof NaOCl by truck. Te chlorination can be madeon continuous or discontinuous (seasonal) basisdepending on many factors such as meteoclimaticcharacteristics of the site, water quality, cooling circuitdesign and biofouling typology (settlement periodsandgrowthrates). Mainlytheinjectiontakesplaceinlowdoses sothat the concentrationinfree chlorineinthedischargeisgenerallybetweeno.1ando.-mg/lnormally (sporadically o. mg/l). Te value of this limitconcentration is set by local regulations. However, whenit reacts with some organic matter, chlorine may lead tothe formation of organohalogenated substances (mainlybromoformin seawater)... , , 1 mg/Nm` , .a.ia.8, a.-o, . :8, -.1 (Generic BAT). To BREF (1o.1, Annex I) o.1 o.1-mg/Nm`. IPPC , o.ioo:, AOX 1ooo kg/ rvnnzvo urvnovzrzuz vrzoovzz rnnw (EPER) , . . , ao 1oo/iooo 1(:) iooo/ao.1- B - . ( o: ) o.oi m`/t (throughput). ..... 1:oiom`/, iia-1.o t/ 81oa8:a t/ . , -1ooooo b/- -oooooo t/. - (process euent volume) B . ( o:) o.-: m`/t (throughput). 1o18om`/( ), :o18o t/, . .].z.] B. , : , , :o. , . , B :'...special contingency arrangements should be in place for rapid reporting of abnormal Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Pollution Preventionand Control IPPC) Reference Document on Best AvailableTechniques for Mineral Oil and Gas Refneries, i.ioo:, .ai. : ..... 1:oiom`/ 1=:o- 1b/=-ot/ (). -.:..-.1. FosteroWheeler, - [...], 1a.o.ioo, -.:..-. 8.i, [] ) / . o.r), - . /.r /.:) ./.+).. 8.: [] / +o . , , 8.a, [] / , : (i) ( ) (ii) / (iii) (iv) ., .' uvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Prevention andControl IPPC) Reference Document on the GeneralPrinciples of Monitoring, .ioo:, .o, . o :.i.i.:, .ao.1oand upset events, including ...breakdowns of monitoring equipment... [i]n cases wheretheprocessandabatement techniquesareworkingundernormal conditionsbut theemissions cannot be measured because of a disturbance or breakdown of the measuringsystem, then the average measurement results can beusedas default emission factorsto calculate the emissions. If the performance of the abatement treatment technique istime-dependent then the latest result can be used to calculate the emissions. Operationalcontrol parameters, surrogate parameters, mass balances and other estimation techniquesmay also be applied here..., . B , : , , . , :[t]he determination of the timing requirements (time, averaging time, frequency, etc.) forELVs and related monitoring also needs to take into account the following factors: (i) thetime during which harmmay occur to the environment (e.g. 1- - oo minutes for breathingof air pollutants, annual deposition for acid rain, 1 minute to 8 hours for noise, 1 hour toia hours for waste water)..., ..... ,8, . , , , iooi/:/ :`[] :() , , , . , , . , . ... Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Prevention andControl IPPC) Reference Document on the GeneralPrinciples of Monitoring, .ioo:, i.-, . i.` , 1 . () (1) oiwuz norvvivuz noozzuz.. :8o:8/io1o/i1.o.ioo- ( 1::a) .1() , , ... B , .q . B . , . Luvovvzw Coxxissiow, Integrated Prevention andControl IPPC) Reference Document on the GeneralPrinciples of Monitoring, .ioo:, i..1i, . :i.18 : , ..., ... ..... (. ....) ... (genericBAT), (BREF , , . ). , , , : . ... ... mg/l)pH [6.0-9.0] [6.3-8.3] [6.0-9.0] I0 [0.03-0.I3], I.I', [0.03-3]