jdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...24, at 8 15 pm. valter poole is...

Bortniansky Borodtn Wagner Hans Hlmmer PHIL OLSON ....................... I" f WE PRINT IT AS WE GET IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR - ADVERTISING C AS NO RELATION TO OUR POLICY ____ ... .,J Elaine Marie Arndt Returns form New York SmItty the M C WIth a milllon. frIends IS now at the newly decorated MayfaIr, Mack at Seven MIle road. MISS Elame MarIe Arndt returned recently by plane from New York CIty where she attended the NatIOnal Can. ventlOn of the Dancmg Masters of America at the Astor Hotel. MiSS Arndt also attended the World'. FaIr, after whIch she spent several weeks 10 mtensIve traInmg and study of the dance There IS no cover no mmlmum and nC) admiSSion at thIS popular nIght spot. Re-asonable pnces and two floor shaWl nIghtly make thIS the greatest amuse- ment value of any nIght club In the state PhIl Olson and hIS Sweet and Swing Band, featunng -our Crooner, Jack Wallace, have charge of the largest dance floor of any slmdar place In the cIty There is also plenty of free parkmg space WIth a untformed attend- ant r- ..' .'C~r;~;ti~;' .+.~.- JESt Onge was transEerred from the Kercheval and St Clair branch, DetrOit, of the Kroger Stores, to 344 Rivard Blvd. branch Kroger Store~ Bert Mayer, manager oE the Kroger .tore at 17037 Kercheval In Grosse POinte, IS enjoying a two-week vacatIon In Northern Ii' Ontario and wtlI be back With us 1 the week of August 28~ ,........ .. .... ... ... ........ "H' .... ............... By Mall $200 per year. Smgle CopIes 5 Centl The Federal Mustc Project of the Works Project Admmistra- tion, Florence S Kerr, ASSIstant Admlnlstrator, presents the DetrOIt Federal Symphony Orchestra m a program sponsored by the Grosse Pomte Board of EducatIon, at the Grosse Pomte HIgh School campus. Grosse Pomte Blvd and FIsher road, on Thursday, August 24, at 8 15 pm. Valter Poole IS conductor, WIth Herbert Straub, aSSOCIateconductor. PROGRAM SS Peter and Paul RUSSianA Cappella ChOIr Peter J Donskoy, DIrector NIcholas Salowlch, Announcer 1. Prelude to First Act to "Lohengrm" 2. Symphony No 1 m F Major Allegro AdagIO Scherzo Allegro con Brio INTERMISSION Detroit Federal Symphony Orchestra Presents Program August 24th 3 A. Psalm B. Peasant ChOlr from th~ Opera "Pnce Igor" C. "Glory to Prmce Vladmu" from the Opera "Bons Godunov" Moussorgsky D. In the FIeld ~ Folk Melody E. Dubmushka arr by Klba1chlch F. The Blacksmiths Folk Melody G. Peasants Horovod. arr. by Sovltsky H. Along the Petersburg Road TradItIOnal Folk Song 4. Overture, "Remzl" ..... I": ~r agner The two Wagnenan excerpts on tonight's program are among the most popular of that masler's works. Easily the most gifted Russian a Cappella Choir in these parts, is the one heard on tonight's program. The beauty and depth of their artistry should make their sing. ing something to be long remembered. The entire chorus presents a very colorful picture as they sing in full native costume. Hans Hlmmer, long a reSIdent of Detrolt, enjoyed the first per. formance of hIS symphony last year 10 thIS same senes of concerts, It IS a work based on conventIOnal structure, a fourlh movement, scherzo, havmg been added smce It was la$t played Chain Stores Pay Over Half Million in Taxes in 7 Months Phil Olson and His Band at The Mayfair , ...s~:i:-;;R:.O;-;- "I on September 6th Grolle POinte .ehools IU'e I II scheduled to re-open on Wednes .. day morning, September 6, Eol. I lOWing the .ummer vacation. -.......-_ _ _ . Lochwood to Be Main Speaker at Meet Aug. 27 The Cham Store Tax DIVIsion, under the superVlSlon of Harry F Kelty, Sec .. retary of State, has been reVIsed to effect -economIes In operatIon and to Jmpr-ove th1s tax collectIon dIVISIon In all itS functIons George E Bullen, dIrector of thIS dI- ViSIon, reports that SInce January 1, 1939, 1110 cham compames have been h<:ensed In MIchIgan domg bus mess through 0,157 retaIl outlets m the state, 73 new chams have been InvestIgated and added to the tax roll tn the first SIx months Over $1000000 has been collected tn Itcense fees from old ac- counts for prIor years operattOn, whIch were uncovered through the mvestiga. tIon system now eployed the 1939 de. hnquency IS less than one half of one per cent, due to the constant follow up In collectIons From January I, 1939, to August 1, 1939, $58932062 has been collected from cham store and cham counter li. censes. The malt tax IS also handled by thIS dlv1S1on. Mr Charles Lockwood, well known lawyer, wtll be the speaker at a bnef commemoration program to be held at a PICntc celebratIOn of the 150th annt .. versary of the BIll of RIghts ThIS pIcnIc WIlt be held on Sunday August 27 at the ABC Summer home on MoraVIan drIve Just outSIde of Mt Clemens The entertainment at thIS 4'Blrthday Party for Democracy' WIll feature a unIque baIt game between Crowley. Mtlner A F of L workers and Hudson Motor CI 0 workers The umpIre WIll be Reverend J H Bollens, chaIr- man of the CIVIl RIghts FederatIon Dance mUSIc by the RadIO Ramblers, Abe LevInes versatIle band, WIll add zest to the colorful occaSIon TIckets may be obtamed at the CIVIl RIghts FederatIon, 1001 Hofmann bUlldmg,CadIllac 6278, and all affIlt- ated org:amzabons. 6 , ~W" _~"~ __ ~~_~ __ * ,1 Grosse Pointe Revolver Club Briggs Beauty Ware Defeats Pointe All.Stars MembershIp in the Grosse Pointe Revolver Club has been mcreasIng monthly and attendance at practIce shoots held each Saturday has .been very grattfymg, wonderful turnouts and plenty of real &11Joyment On Satur- day, August 26, a Medal Shoot wtll be held as thiS IS the thtrd offICIal meet of the newly mformed orga01zatIon Membership IS sttll open to any clh. zen above the age of 21 who IS mter'"' ested In shoohng The BrIggs Beauty Ware softball team defeated the Grosse POInte Alt. Stars last Thursday evenmg by the score of 2 to 0, at the Defer school playgrounds before a record crowd of .; 000 spectators The boys from Grosse POInte game a good account of them. selves and had the champtOns warned for etght mnmgs, loslng the game m the nInth. - Yankee Stars in Television Broadcast MIchIgan avenue, West Dear- Location of Wayne Co. License Plate Offices ConventIon begtns at Boston next Sunday. All veterans who plan to at. tend are to conta-ct Commander LInge- mann before elavmg DetrOIt. Commander Whately has hIgh hopes for the Sons of Veterans Drum and Bugle Corps at next year's annual con. ventton, bemg but one year old, the corps lacks experience for thIS year s <:onventl0t,1 at Boston Next Sunday, the final outing and p1cmc to be held at Warren, M cilgan There 11 be a ball game, races, games With valua.flle prIzes Take Mound Road dIrect ot Warren, then follow the arrows A return game WIth McClellan Sta- tIon team will be played Fnday at the NeIghborhood Club grounds The boys at McClellan claIm the umpIre won the last game for the Vets They wIll supply the umpIre WIth all these narrow, crooked streets, won t some of you Vets keep a patern,al eye on Maloney at BO:.t')n? Secretary of State's offIces In Wayne county are as follows Mam offIce, 5800 Woodward avenue, corner of Hendrie 16440 Woodward,HIghland Park 11350 J oseaph Campau avenue, Ham. tramck 6006 Mtchigan avenue 14319 MIchIgan avenue, born 22159 born 22523 Grahot avenue, East DetrOIt. 11804 Grahot avenue 10821 East Jefferson avenue 15100 Mack avenue, Grosse Park 604 East Vernor HIghway. 172()() Lahser road Grand RtVer and Kentucky avenues 1534 Fort street, Lmcoln Park 108 West Mam street, Northvll!e Chamb.er of Commerce Buddmg, Plymouth 150 Maple street, Wyandotte. 28817 Telegraph road, Flat Rock. 4060 West Jefferson avenue, Ecorse Fort street pollce stabon, Fort and Green streets Also a. branch In :Wayne, MIch. THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICf GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24,1939 On Thur.day, AUCQ.t 24, boy. frOm all the Gro ••• Pointe play .. ground. wIll b. lue.le of Walter O. Brilg. and the Detroit Tiler •• W .. han,ton Senators wilI pro .. 'VIde the oppo'lllon on that da.te. Bu .. es wall be at the .chool. at 1.00 o'clock to take the children, '0 h071 be on time. L. B OLDHAM, Pubhsher Children's Classes at Local Flower Show The annual Flower, Fruit and Vege. table Show, sponsored by the Grosse Pomte and Eastern MIchIgan HortI cultural SOCIety WIll be held at the NeIghborhOOd Club on Saturday and Sunday, September 9 and 10 A class of speCIal Interest to boys and gIrls of Grosse POInte TownshIp IS one callmg for, t Best collectton of wIld flowers, properly named " Books on WIld Flowers wJ11be awarded for first and second prtzes. - Another class for ehl1dren under 12 years of age <:aIls for an artIstic ar- rangements of garden flowers, for \\-hlch speCIal awards Will be gIven Entnes for the~e should be made WIth MISS Nlasak at the NeIghborhood Club Students Urged to Make Changes Early Due to the rush and large amount of work necessarydurmg the first days Joe DIMaggio (left) and Joe McCarthy, of which is being distributed without charge by of the opemng of s<hool,It WIllnot the world champion New York Yankees. the Fisher Body diVISion of General Motor~ he pOSSIble for Grosse Pomte HIgh watch a telecast of the oll',clal 1939 AmerICan 10 celebrauon of the baseball centenmal. Other School students to make any changes League sound mouon picture, "First Century feature pictures are soon to be broadcast by 10 thetr IndlVldualschednles at that of Baseball", in the dugout at Yankee sta- teleVISionfrom New York on a regular weekly. tlme Schedule changes later would dltun, Both play stellar roles In the film. schedule, It has been announced_, put the students at such a dIsadvantage _ that It would be unadvlSableto walt J · H. h B kS d untd then In order to take care of UnlOr 19 rea s pee any necessary changes, Mr Saltzer, ~~:;;ta:~tr:~~p;~e;:~~b~f':c~I~o~ffI~~ Record- Opens September :a~~p~~:a;;e:h:~o:~:d~:~e ~~h~:~I~; , that tune and before September 3. he saId l'Weather condItIons durmg I unhl later in September. This branch BreakIng all records lor speed of the early part of the WInter were qUIte WIll move from the basement of the ............................... _ ... constructIon, Grosse pomte s new John favorable but conSIderable delay was I Park MUnICIpal bUlldmg and the new Briggs Stadium D PIerce JUnior High School WIll open caused by cold and snow later tn the quarters Will afford by far the best fa- WIth the rest of the publIc school sys- season" cilitles In any of the five pubhc hbrary to Be Host to tem as scheduled on Wednesday, Sep. It was also reported that there had branches mamtamed by the Board of Boys of Pointe tember 6 Such was the announcement been four strIkes among different Educabon. made publtc today on behalf of the trades at the school dunng the con- DerrIck and Gamber, the architects, Board of EducatIon by SuperIntendent struchon penod All of them were report that the 950-seat audItOrIum Will of Schools E R Van Kleeck. area WIde strIkes, not mvolvmg dIs- not be <:ompleted September 6 The Ground for the butldlOg was first putes over the school construction audltormm has been hIghly praIsed by broken December 8, so that the total Charles E LeaVItt, former aSSIstant many vIsltors to the bU11dmg hme elapsed between the breakmg of prll;1cIpal at the Grosse Pomte High The Board of Educatlon IS plannIng ground and the opemng of school IS School and the new prInCIpal at Pierce, to arrange open house perIods and Just under nme month-a speed record has zeen on duty most of the summer guIded tours of the new buddmg later 1'1 thIS area for school house construc- arrangIng the detaIls of schedules for In the fall It IS planned to serve noon tlon Th cornerstone was laId In Apnl classes, teachers, and puptls Mr Leav. lunch at the bulldmg starting the first "Only the une~ampled co: operation 1tt and hIS clerks opened the offIces at day of school, WIth Mrs Bertha Town- wIth..tbe. Board of Rducatton of ~r:clu .. .f,U1t"ceon 1 AuguSL 16.. ....-.; &end, maRa-ger '6f the 111ghschool eafe- Haft )"01lf' FlJma printed at Leach'. tects, contractors, and the Pubhc PreparatIon fot' the opening <Jf the tena m general charge About the same Works AdmInIstratIon, plus a great school lIbrary on the second floor has I scale of prtces Will prevatl as at the deal of good luck) has made thIS pos- been m progress smce early SprIng and hIgh school cafeterIa The PIerce SIble," Dr. Van Kleeck saId 4The Mrs Dorothy ChrIstIan, ltbrartan, who cafeterta is housed m the gIrls gym. bond ISSue whIch pays about fortY' per 15' bemg transferred to the PIerce naSIum WIth clever tables and benches cent of the cost of the butldtng was School from th Malre School has been whIch fold mto the walls when not 10 voted September 27 and bIds on the catalogmg books SlOce August 1 use, producmg a substantIal economy constructIon were opened December 2' The PIerce School faculty will hold 10 construction costs I their first meetIng 10 the completed 'In fact, despIte the unusually large Alger Post News buIldmg FrIday mornIng September 1 amount of speCIal eqUIpment and iur- After a meetIng With Mr Leavttt and nIture In thIS bU11dmg, we predict that WIth Paul Junge, Dean of Boys, the the final and .complete constructIon teachers wtll be conducted on a tour coststructIon costs per CUbIC foot WIll of the bUlldmg by Dr Van KIeeck be surprIsmgly low," Dr Van Kleeck Through the co-operatIon of the saId Grosse Po1Ote Park police dC1Jartment NeIghbors of the PIerce School are and VIllage offICials, detellad plans for be10g sent a letter from the- SuperIn. traffIC protection on Kercheval, be. tendt, offerlOg <:0 operatIon from the tween PIerce and Defer Schools, are school employees 10 the admInIstratIon beIng worked out One-way traffIC WIll of playground, traffIC and other school be mamtalOed on the driveway whIch problems The Board of EducatIon has CIrcles the new buddIng WIth mcomutg prOVIded, InSIde the PIerce grounds, trafrIC onto the schOOl grounds enter- concrete parkmg area suffICIently large mg the west drIve and leaVIng on the for the teachers and custodIans plus east dnve enough for pupIls' bicycles NeIghbors of the new school have The seventh and eIghth grade juntOr co operated WIth the Board of Educa.. hIgh school annexes 10 the Defer- tIon m the erection <Jf a fence on the Trombly and CadIeux Schools are all east and west Sides of the property and bemg dlscontmued on the St Paul SIde Another fence ------- between the park10g area back of the Kathrine's Restaurant Now school enclosesthe fourth SIdeof the at 17150 Kercheval Ave. playground Kathertne s Restaurant WIshes to an. Dr Van Kleeck said that the school nounce that they have moved to theIr bul1dmg had been placed as near the new location at 17150 Kercheval, be.. Kercheval SIdewalk as practIcal tn tween St ClaIr and Neff road order to conserve as much of the SIte They speclaltze tn a bUSIness men's lunch and also WIsh to mform you that as pOSSIble for playground purposes The Supermtendent and John R they boast of theIr full course dmners Barnes, DIrector of Instruction and and sandWiches. ------- E E Allen, AdmInIstrattve ASSIstant, have been III town all summer workmg on the schOOl bUlldmg Supenntendent Van Kleeck stated that marked copIes of the floor plans of the bUildIng, show- Ing each pupil where hIS home room IS located, WIll be mal1ed to every PIerce enrollee before school opens Transportation routes are bemgworked East Dear. out wIth the Lake Shore Coach Lmes, Inc One hundred fifty two PIerce pu. ptls Will come from the eastern end of the school thstnct, theIr parents haymg requested that they attend Jumor hIgh school at the new bUlldmg rather than at the semor hIgh school Pomte butldmg Roy Howard, new Industrial Arts teacher, and Harland Woodworth, Manual Arts teacher who IS being transferred from the Defer Annex, w1l1 both begm work 10 advance of the other teachers preparmg theIr class- rooms for occupancy. LIbrary books have already been moved to the butldlng and are to be transferred to the puptl hbrary In the near future To aVQld congestion at the openmg of school the opemng of the pubhc hbrary branch m the west wmg of th{; buddmg IS to be postponed Auto License Fees Show Increase Over '38 .... . . , .. ,......,...- --....... ... - Business increased tn the mam of- fice of the secretary of state In DetrOIt 10 the extenl of $340,000 m the first nIne months of the sale of 1939 auto hcense plates as compared WIth the same perIod of 1938, accordmg to a re- port issued by Manager John A Aaron The 1939 full year plates were placed on sale Octo-ber 28 last Manager Aaron's report also lOdlcates generally Improved bu-smess condlhons In that 14336 more persons bought full year lIcense plates than durmg the 1938 comparative perIod DurlOg the nme months 1938 comparatIve pertod a total of 113,376full.years plates were sold as compared With 127,712 for 1939 FIrst half year plates also showed an m.. crease of 4,430, the 1938 figure beIng 41,858 as agamst 46,288 thIS year SInce AprIl 4 when the secretary of state took over the collectIon of sales tax on motor vehIcles the malO offIce collected $307,53774 A eorrespondmg mcrease in bUSIness has been noted In branch offices throughout Wayne county Total re$1strattons In Wayne county up untIl the time the last half year plates went on sale July 11 showed an lOcrease of 25,259 In the whole year 1938 the regIstratton was 547,181 for all types of passenger and commerCIal vehIcles whtle thIS year the total had mountedto 572,440 by July 11. First half year plates expIre at mId. 11Ight August 31 and It IS estImated by Secretary of State Harry F Kelly that more than 150,000 mototJsts In Wayne county w1l1have to get last half plates before September 1 PreparatIons have been made m all off1ces to handle record crowds durIng the last few days of the sale The new and COmmOdIOUS maIn offIce at 5800 Woodward avenue, at Hendrte avenue can handle approx. Imately 6,000 persons a day. rHE GROSSE POlftTE PRINTING CO. PallU._ PHONE LENOX n. ~OL. l4-No. 1 prolle Exaggerations? _ .•. ~.~ ~.~.~.~._, ~,_ .. ,~._,_.' .. ByA. PRYOR Ob, pshaw- Swmg Kmg, Artie Shaw, certainty packed '.em In at Eastwood No one danced, no one talked, no one drank, they Just stood around the band stand and gaped at maestro Shaw. All the LIttle women were pleading for hiS autograph and we were afraId that one Jitter bug was g01ng to become hysterl .. cal If she dtdn t get It so a fflend of ours scrIbbled ffArtJe Shaw" on a pIece of paper and handed It to her, saymg, f Here, take thIS, I have two" The gIrl ibroke out In a rash of pleasure, hugged the priceless autograph (of my {flend) to her bosom and wept her thanks a11 over the place. We sat behmd two women on a. bus the other day and WIth our ears flap- ping 10 the breeze, as usual, we over- heard them dlScussmg books Fmally cne saId, I Have you read 'Address Unknown'?" To whIch her compamon replIed, "Yes, and Isn t It a cute story." ,II I I I Not smce Aunt Ernaline moved out of our apartment, has anythIng pleased 'Us as much as the lInformabon Please' hIghball glasses, that Canada Dry gIves away WIth every purchase of theIr gln- aerate. (One glass to two quarts IS the present score) Not only are the glasses good lookmg, but there are ten qUIzzes en each glass and the more befuddled wout' braIn becomes, (as you dnnk gm .. gerale, of course,) the more fun an .. 8werlDg the questions Good advertIS- Ing, thIS growmg practtce of gIVtng somethmg away WIth every purchase of a Company's product We can hard- ly walt fQr;tthe day when we can grab off a paIr of overshoes or a gladstone bag, by merely bUYIng a tIn of aSptrln One day tast week, a. Grone Fowte man, whose house IS near the 'drInk,' col1ed to hIS WIfe and asked her to come out to see the hundreds of snakes in theu" back yard She caUed back, "Just take a. Bromo Seltzer and he down, It W1lt pass off" A little later, he had kIlled fifty one non-pOIsonous snakes, and hIS WIfe took the Bromo Seltzer. In one of Mrchigan's summer resorts, one Perella TIlt 18 the proprtetor-ess of the lone.reIgntng hall' dressmg estabhshment Apparently MiSS TIlt 15 given to "Goldwymsms" that keep the ViSItIng vacatIoners m an uproar It IS saId that she descnbed one matron's lovely blonde haIr, as bemg full of 'lust' Recently MiSS T has been gomg to a. doctor for some glandular dIsturb- ance and when one of her patrons &Clkedhow she was gettIng along, she rephed, "Oh, I'm much better now SlUce Dr. has been ultra-vIolatIng me' It remmds us, a. ltttle WIstfully, of the mamCUrIst we had In CahfornIJ., who told uS she had to economomze SlUce her husband had been drownded She also bemoaned the fact that she felt dee-troop, ever smce her baby was porned. Eleanore Fatlo, whose first novel, ,IPanegan Place," was a best sener,. tells (Continue<!on PageTwo) Yacancies Announced in United States Army Major Joseph L. Bachus, Infantry, MIchIgan RecrUItIng OffIcer for the UnIted States Army, announces the fol. lowmg vacanC1es 1 for Quartermaster Corps, Fort Brady (Sault Ste Mam), Mlch,gan. 7 for AIr Corps, Scott Field (Belle- vIlle), Illmols 17for AIr Corps,SelfrIdgeFIeld(Mt Clemens), MIchlgan-one man of thIS assIgnment to be a cook or baker. HawaIi 7 AIr Corps ~ r~~:~:;~masterCorps ... Hi~h s't;;;;M;;--, 1 Coasl Arhllery Purchase Books on I Panama 5 QuartermasterCorps Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2 1 Infantry 1 MedIcal deparment Gros.e Pointe Hllh School Applicants should report to the Re. atudent. wan he ahle to purchaae , C1 uItmg OffIce, 631 Federal bulld111g, thei .. 'book. for the fall term I DetrOIt MIchIgan, WIthout delay, since Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I no dIfficulty IS bemg encountered 10 morning, August 31, September i l securlOg' deSIrable appltcant$ 1 and 2, -announces Mr. D. W .. FIrst-Brmg your bIrth or baptIsmal Duguad, bookstore manal'er. record with them. Mr. Duguid points out that I Second-Report early. student. will save much time, OffIce hours are from 8 a m to 4 30 worry and waiting If tbey will t p 01 datly, except Saturday, when the I plan to come in at thaI' time. i OffIce closes at 12 noon. """" ...- _

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Page 1: Jdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...24, at 8 15 pm. Valter Poole IS conductor, WIth Herbert Straub, aSSOCIateconductor. PROGRAM SS Peter and Paul RUSSianA Cappella


• WagnerHans Hlmmer•


....................... I"



____ ... .,J

Elaine Marie ArndtReturns form New York

SmItty the M C WIth a milllon.frIends IS now at the newly decoratedMayfaIr, Mack at Seven MIle road.

MISS Elame MarIe Arndt returnedrecently by plane from New York CItywhere she attended the NatIOnal Can.ventlOn of the Dancmg Masters ofAmerica at the Astor Hotel.

MiSS Arndt also attended the World'.FaIr, after whIch she spent severalweeks 10 mtensIve traInmg and studyof the dance

There IS no cover no mmlmum and nC)admiSSion at thIS popular nIght spot.Re-asonable pnces and two floor shaWlnIghtly make thIS the greatest amuse-ment value of any nIght club In thestate

PhIl Olson and hIS Sweet and SwingBand, featunng -our Crooner, JackWallace, have charge of the largestdance floor of any slmdar place In thecIty There is also plenty of freeparkmg space WIth a untformed attend-antr- ..'.'C~r;~;ti~;'.+.~.-

JESt Onge was transEerredfrom the Kercheval and St Clairbranch, DetrOit, of the KrogerStores, to 344 Rivard Blvd.branch Kroger Store~

Bert Mayer, manager oE theKroger .tore at 17037 KerchevalIn Grosse POinte, IS enjoying atwo-week vacatIon In Northern

Ii' Ontario and wtlI be back With us 1the week of August 28~

,......• .. .. .... ... ... • ........ "H' .... ...............

By Mall $200 per year. Smgle CopIes 5 Centl•

The Federal Mustc Project of the Works Project Admmistra-tion, Florence S Kerr, ASSIstant Admlnlstrator, presents the DetrOItFederal Symphony Orchestra m a program sponsored by the GrossePomte Board of EducatIon, at the Grosse Pomte HIgh Schoolcampus. Grosse Pomte Blvd and FIsher road, on Thursday, August24, at 8 15 pm. Valter Poole IS conductor, WIth Herbert Straub,aSSOCIateconductor.

PROGRAMSS Peter and Paul RUSSianA Cappella ChOIr

Peter J Donskoy, DIrectorNIcholas Salowlch, Announcer

1. Prelude to First Act to "Lohengrm"2. Symphony No 1 m F Major

AllegroAdagIOScherzoAllegro con Brio


Detroit Federal SymphonyOrchestra Presents

Program August 24th

3 A. Psalm •B. Peasant ChOlr from th~ Opera "Pnce Igor"C. "Glory to Prmce Vladmu" from the Opera

"Bons Godunov" MoussorgskyD. In the FIeld ~ • Folk MelodyE. Dubmushka • arr by Klba1chlchF. The Blacksmiths • Folk MelodyG. Peasants Horovod. arr. by SovltskyH. Along the Petersburg Road TradItIOnal Folk Song

4. Overture, "Remzl" ..... I": ~r agnerThe two Wagnenan excerpts on tonight's program are among

the most popular of that masler's works.Easily the most gifted Russian a Cappella Choir in

these parts, is the one heard on tonight's program. Thebeauty and depth of their artistry should make their sing.ing something to be long remembered. The entire choruspresents a very colorful picture as they sing in full nativecostume.Hans Hlmmer, long a reSIdent of Detrolt, enjoyed the first per.

formance of hIS symphony last year 10 thIS same senes of concerts,It IS a work based on conventIOnal structure, a fourlh movement,scherzo, havmg been added smce It was la$t played

Chain Stores PayOver Half Million in

Taxes in 7 Months Phil Olson and HisBand at The Mayfair


on September 6thGrolle POinte .ehools IU'e I

II scheduled to re-open on Wednes ..day morning, September 6, Eol. IlOWing the .ummer vacation.-.......-_ _ _ .

Lochwood to Be MainSpeaker at Meet Aug. 27

The Cham Store Tax DIVIsion, underthe superVlSlon of Harry F Kelty, Sec ..retary of State, has been reVIsed toeffect -economIes In operatIon and toJmpr-ove th1s tax collectIon dIVISIon Inall itS functIons

George E Bullen, dIrector of thIS dI-ViSIon, reports that SInce January 1,1939, 1110 cham compames have beenh<:ensed In MIchIgan domg bus messthrough 0,157 retaIl outlets m the state,73 new chams have been InvestIgatedand added to the tax roll tn the firstSIx months Over $1000000 has beencollected tn Itcense fees from old ac-counts for prIor years operattOn, whIchwere uncovered through the mvestiga.tIon system now eployed the 1939 de.hnquency IS less than one half of oneper cent, due to the constant followup In collectIons

From January I, 1939, to August 1,1939, $58932062 has been collectedfrom cham store and cham counter li.censes. The malt tax IS also handledby thIS dlv1S1on.

Mr Charles Lockwood, well knownlawyer, wtll be the speaker at a bnefcommemoration program to be held ata PICntc celebratIOn of the 150th annt ..versary of the BIll of RIghts ThISpIcnIc WIlt be held on Sunday August27 at the ABC Summer home onMoraVIan drIve Just outSIde of MtClemens

The entertainment at thIS 4'BlrthdayParty for Democracy' WIll feature aunIque baIt game between Crowley.Mtlner A F of L workers and HudsonMotor C I 0 workers The umpIreWIll be Reverend J H Bollens, chaIr-man of the CIVIl RIghts FederatIon

Dance mUSIc by the RadIO Ramblers,Abe LevInes versatIle band, WIll addzest to the colorful occaSIon

TIckets may be obtamed at the CIVIlRIghts FederatIon, 1001 HofmannbUlldmg,CadIllac6278, and all affIlt-ated org:amzabons.


,~W" _~"~ __ ~~_~ __* ,1

Grosse PointeRevolver Club

Briggs Beauty WareDefeats Pointe All.Stars

MembershIp in the Grosse PointeRevolver Club has been mcreasIngmonthly and attendance at practIceshoots held each Saturday has .beenvery grattfymg, wonderful turnouts andplenty of real &11Joyment On Satur-day, August 26, a Medal Shoot wtll beheld as thiS IS the thtrd offICIal meetof the newly mformed orga01zatIonMembership IS sttll open to any clh.zen above the age of 21 who IS mter'"'ested In shoohng

The BrIggs Beauty Ware softballteam defeated the Grosse POInte Alt.Stars last Thursday evenmg by thescore of 2 to 0, at the Defer schoolplaygrounds before a record crowd of.; 000 spectators The boys from GrossePOInte game a good account of them.selves and had the champtOns warnedfor etght mnmgs, loslng the game mthe nInth.


Yankee Stars in Television Broadcast

MIchIgan avenue, West Dear-

Location of Wayne Co.License Plate Offices

ConventIon begtns at Boston nextSunday. All veterans who plan to at.tend are to conta-ct Commander LInge-mann before elavmg DetrOIt.

Commander Whately has hIgh hopesfor the Sons of Veterans Drum andBugle Corps at next year's annual con.ventton, bemg but one year old, thecorps lacks experience for thIS year s<:onventl0t,1 at Boston

Next Sunday, the final outing andp1cmc to be held at Warren, M cilganThere 11 be a ball game, races, gamesWith valua.flle prIzes Take MoundRoad dIrect ot Warren, then followthe arrows

A return game WIth McClellan Sta-tIon team will be played Fnday atthe NeIghborhood Club grounds Theboys at McClellan claIm the umpIrewon the last game for the Vets TheywIll supply the umpIre

WIth all these narrow, crookedstreets, won t some of you Vets keepa patern,al eye on Maloney at BO:.t')n?

Secretary of State's offIces In Waynecounty are as follows

Mam offIce, 5800 Woodward avenue,corner of Hendrie

16440 Woodward,HIghland Park11350 J oseaph Campau avenue, Ham.

tramck6006 Mtchigan avenue14319 MIchIgan avenue,


born22523 Grahot avenue, East DetrOIt.11804 Grahot avenue10821 East Jefferson avenue15100 Mack avenue, Grosse

Park604East Vernor HIghway.172()()Lahser roadGrand RtVer and Kentucky avenues1534 Fort street, Lmcoln Park108 West Mam street, Northvll!eChamb.er of Commerce Buddmg,

Plymouth150 Maple street, Wyandotte.28817 Telegraph road, Flat Rock.4060 West Jefferson avenue, EcorseFort street pollce stabon, Fort and

Green streetsAlso a. branch In :Wayne, MIch.


On Thur.day, AUCQ.t 24, boy.frOm all the Gro ••• Pointe play ..ground. wIll b. lue.le of WalterO. Brilg. and the Detroit Tiler ••W .. han,ton Senators wilI pro ..'VIde the oppo'lllon on that da.te.

Bu .. es wall be at the .chool. at1.00 o'clock to take the children,'0 h071 be on time.

L. B OLDHAM, Pubhsher

Children's Classes atLocal Flower Show

The annual Flower, Fruit and Vege.table Show, sponsored by the GrossePomte and Eastern MIchIgan HortIcultural SOCIety WIll be held at theNeIghborhOOd Club on Saturday andSunday, September 9 and 10

A class of speCIal Interest to boysand gIrls of Grosse POInte TownshIpIS one callmg for, t Best collectton ofwIld flowers, properly named "

Books on WIld Flowers wJ11beawarded for first and second prtzes.- Another class for ehl1dren under 12years of age <:aIls for an artIstic ar-rangements of garden flowers, for\\-hlch speCIal awards Will be gIven

Entnes for the~e should be madeWIth MISS Nlasak at the NeIghborhoodClub

Students Urged toMake Changes Early

Due to the rush and large amountof work necessarydurmg the first days Joe DIMaggio (left) and Joe McCarthy, of which is being distributed without charge byof the opemng of s<hool,It WIllnot the world champion New York Yankees. the Fisher Body diVISion of General Motor~he pOSSIblefor Grosse Pomte HIgh watch a telecast of the oll',clal 1939 AmerICan 10 celebrauon of the baseball centenmal. OtherSchool students to make any changes League sound mouon picture, "First Century feature pictures are soon to be broadcast by10 thetr IndlVldualschednles at that of Baseball", in the dugout at Yankee sta- teleVISionfrom New York on a regular weekly.tlme Schedule changes later would dltun, Both play stellar roles In the film. schedule, It has been announced_,put the students at such a dIsadvantage _

that It would be unadvlSableto walt J · H. h B k S duntd then In order to take care of UnlOr 19 rea s peeany necessary changes, Mr Saltzer,

~~:;;ta:~tr:~~p;~e;:~~b~f':c~I~o~ffI~~ Record- Opens September:a~~p~~:a;;e:h:~o:~:d~:~e ~~h~:~I~; ,

that tune and before September 3. he saId l'Weather condItIons durmg Iunhl later in September. This branchBreakIng all records lor speed of the early part of the WInter were qUIte WIll move from the basement of the

............................... _ ... constructIon, Grosse pomte s new John favorable but conSIderable delay was I Park MUnICIpal bUlldmg and the newBriggs Stadium D PIerce JUnior High School WIll open caused by cold and snow later tn the quarters Will afford by far the best fa-

WIth the rest of the publIc school sys- season" cilitles In any of the five pubhc hbraryto Be Host to tem as scheduled on Wednesday, Sep. It was also reported that there had branches mamtamed by the Board of

Boys of Pointe tember 6 Such was the announcement been four strIkes among different Educabon.made publtc today on behalf of the trades at the school dunng the con- DerrIck and Gamber, the architects,Board of EducatIon by SuperIntendent struchon penod All of them were report that the 950-seat audItOrIum Willof Schools E R Van Kleeck. area WIde strIkes, not mvolvmg dIs- not be <:ompleted September 6 The

Ground for the butldlOg was first putes over the school construction audltormm has been hIghly praIsed bybroken December 8, so that the total Charles E LeaVItt, former aSSIstant many vIsltors to the bU11dmghme elapsed between the breakmg of prll;1cIpal at the Grosse Pomte High The Board of Educatlon IS plannIngground and the opemng of school IS School and the new prInCIpal at Pierce, to arrange open house perIods andJust under nme month-a speed record has zeen on duty most of the summer guIded tours of the new buddmg later1'1 thIS area for school house construc- arrangIng the detaIls of schedules for In the fall It IS planned to serve noontlon Th cornerstone was laId In Apnl classes, teachers, and puptls Mr Leav. lunch at the bulldmg starting the first

"Only the une~ampled co: operation 1tt and hIS clerks opened the offIces at day of school, WIth Mrs Bertha Town-wIth..tbe. Board of Rducatton of ~r:clu .. .f,U1t"ceon1AuguSL 16.. ....-.; &end, maRa-ger '6f the 111ghschool eafe-

Haft )"01lf' FlJma printed at Leach'. tects, contractors, and the Pubhc PreparatIon fot' the opening <Jf the tena m general charge About the sameWorks AdmInIstratIon, plus a great school lIbrary on the second floor has Iscale of prtces Will prevatl as at thedeal of good luck) has made thIS pos- been m progress smce early SprIng and hIgh school cafeterIa The PIerceSIble," Dr. Van Kleeck saId 4The Mrs Dorothy ChrIstIan, ltbrartan, who cafeterta is housed m the gIrls gym.bond ISSue whIch pays about fortY' per 15' bemg transferred to the PIerce naSIum WIth clever tables and benchescent of the cost of the butldtng was School from th Malre School has been whIch fold mto the walls when not 10voted September 27 and bIds on the catalogmg books SlOce August 1 use, producmg a substantIal economyconstructIon were opened December 2 ' The PIerce School faculty will hold 10 construction costs

I their first meetIng 10 the completed 'In fact, despIte the unusually largeAlger Post News buIldmg FrIday mornIng September 1 amount of speCIal eqUIpment and iur-

After a meetIng With Mr Leavttt and nIture In thIS bU11dmg, we predict thatWIth Paul Junge, Dean of Boys, the the final and .complete constructIonteachers wtll be conducted on a tour coststructIon costs per CUbIC foot WIllof the bUlldmg by Dr Van KIeeck be surprIsmgly low," Dr Van Kleeck

Through the co-operatIon of the saIdGrosse Po1Ote Park police dC1Jartment NeIghbors of the PIerce School areand VIllage offICials, detellad plans for be10g sent a letter from the- SuperIn.traffIC protection on Kercheval, be. tendt, offerlOg <:0 operatIon from thetween PIerce and Defer Schools, are school employees 10 the admInIstratIonbeIng worked out One-way traffIC WIll of playground, traffIC and other schoolbe mamtalOed on the driveway whIch problems The Board of EducatIon hasCIrcles the new buddIng WIth mcomutg prOVIded, InSIde the PIerce grounds,trafrIC onto the schOOl grounds enter- concrete parkmg area suffICIently largemg the west drIve and leaVIng on the for the teachers and custodIans pluseast dnve enough for pupIls' bicycles

NeIghbors of the new school have The seventh and eIghth grade juntOrco operated WIth the Board of Educa.. hIgh school annexes 10 the Defer-tIon m the erection <Jf a fence on the Trombly and CadIeux Schools are alleast and west Sides of the property and bemg dlscontmuedon the St Paul SIde Another fence -------between the park10g area back of the Kathrine's Restaurant Nowschool encloses the fourth SIdeof the at 17150 Kercheval Ave.playground Kathertne s Restaurant WIshes to an.

Dr Van Kleeck said that the school nounce that they have moved to theIrbul1dmg had been placed as near the new location at 17150 Kercheval, be ..Kercheval SIdewalk as practIcal tn tween St ClaIr and Neff roadorder to conserve as much of the SIte They speclaltze tn a bUSIness men's

lunch and also WIsh to mform you thatas pOSSIble for playground purposesThe Supermtendent and John R they boast of theIr full course dmnersBarnes, DIrector of Instruction and and sandWiches.-------E E Allen, AdmInIstrattve ASSIstant,have been III town all summer workmgon the schOOl bUlldmg SupenntendentVan Kleeck stated that marked copIesof the floor plans of the bUildIng, show-Ing each pupil where hIS home roomIS located, WIll be mal1ed to everyPIerce enrollee before school opensTransportation routes are bemgworked

East Dear. out wIth the Lake Shore Coach Lmes,Inc One hundred fifty two PIerce pu.ptls Will come from the eastern endof the school thstnct, theIr parentshaymg requested that they attendJumor hIgh school at the new bUlldmgrather than at the semor hIgh school

Pomte butldmgRoy Howard, new Industrial Arts

teacher, and Harland Woodworth,Manual Arts teacher who IS beingtransferred from the Defer Annex, w1l1both begm work 10 advance of theother teachers preparmg theIr class-rooms for occupancy.

LIbrary books have already beenmoved to the butldlng and are to betransferred to the puptl hbrary In thenear future To aVQld congestion atthe openmg of school the opemng ofthe pubhc hbrary branch m the westwmg of th{; buddmg IS to be postponed

Auto License FeesShow Increase Over '38

.. . . ..,..,......,...- --....... ...-

Business increased tn the mam of-fice of the secretary of state In DetrOIt10 the extenl of $340,000 m the firstnIne months of the sale of 1939 autohcense plates as compared WIth thesame perIod of 1938, accordmg to a re-port issued by Manager John A AaronThe 1939 full year plates were placedon sale Octo-ber 28 last ManagerAaron's report also lOdlcates generallyImproved bu-smess condlhons In that14336 more persons bought full yearlIcense plates than durmg the 1938comparative perIod DurlOg the nmemonths 1938 comparatIve pertod a totalof 113,376full .years plates were soldas compared With 127,712 for 1939 FIrsthalf year plates also showed an m..crease of 4,430, the 1938 figure beIng41,858 as agamst 46,288 thIS year SInceAprIl 4 when the secretary of statetook over the collectIon of sales tax onmotor vehIcles the malO offIce collected$307,53774 A eorrespondmg mcreasein bUSIness has been noted In branchoffices throughout Wayne county

Total re$1strattons In Wayne countyup untIl the time the last half yearplates went on sale July 11 showed anlOcrease of 25,259 In the whole year1938 the regIstratton was 547,181 forall types of passenger and commerCIalvehIcles whtle thIS year the total hadmountedto 572,440 by July 11.

First half year plates expIre at mId.11Ight August 31 and It IS estImated bySecretaryof State Harry F Kelly thatmore than 150,000 mototJsts In Waynecounty w1l1have to get last half platesbefore September 1 PreparatIonshave been made m all off1ces to handlerecord crowds durIng the last few daysof the sale The new and COmmOdIOUSmaIn offIce at 5800 Woodward avenue,at Hendrte avenue can handle approx.Imately 6,000 persons a day.


PHONE LENOX n.~OL. l4-No. 1

prolle Exaggerations?

_ .•.~.~~.~.~.~._,~,_..,~._,_.'..

ByA. PRYOROb, pshaw-

Swmg Kmg, Artie Shaw, certaintypacked '.em In at Eastwood No onedanced, no one talked, no one drank,they Just stood around the band standand gaped at maestro Shaw. All theLIttle women were pleading for hiSautograph and we were afraId that oneJitter bug was g01ng to become hysterl ..cal If she dtdn t get It so a fflend ofours scrIbbled ffArtJe Shaw" on a pIece

of paper and handed It to her, saymg,f Here, take thIS, I have two" The gIrlibroke out In a rash of pleasure, huggedthe priceless autograph (of my {flend)to her bosom and wept her thanks a11over the place.

We sat behmd two women on a. busthe other day and WIth our ears flap-ping 10 the breeze, as usual, we over-heard them dlScussmg books Fmallycne saId, I Have you read 'AddressUnknown'?" To whIch her compamonreplIed, "Yes, and Isn t It a cute story.",II I I I

Not smce Aunt Ernaline moved outof our apartment, has anythIng pleased'Us as much as the lInformabon Please'hIghball glasses, that Canada Dry gIvesaway WIth every purchase of theIr gln-aerate. (One glass to two quarts IS thepresent score) Not only are the glassesgood lookmg, but there are ten qUIzzesen each glass and the more befuddledwout' braIn becomes, (as you dnnk gm ..gerale, of course,) the more fun an ..8werlDg the questions Good advertIS-Ing, thIS growmg practtce of gIVtngsomethmg away WIth every purchaseof a Company's product We can hard-ly walt fQr;tthe day when we can graboff a paIr of overshoes or a gladstonebag, by merely bUYIng a tIn of aSptrln

One day tast week, a. Grone Fowteman, whose house IS near the 'drInk,'col1ed to hIS WIfe and asked her tocome out to see the hundreds of snakesin theu" back yard She caUed back,"Just take a. Bromo Seltzer and hedown, It W1lt pass off" A little later,he had kIlled fifty one non-pOIsonoussnakes, and hIS WIfe took the BromoSeltzer.

In one of Mrchigan's summer resorts,one Perella TIlt 18 the proprtetor-essof the lone.reIgntng hall' dressmgestabhshment Apparently MiSS TIlt 15

given to "Goldwymsms" that keep theViSItIng vacatIoners m an uproar It ISsaId that she descnbed one matron'slovely blonde haIr, as bemg full of'lust' Recently MiSS T has been gomgto a. doctor for some glandular dIsturb-ance and when one of her patrons&Clkedhow she was gettIng along, sherephed, "Oh, I'm much better now SlUceDr. has been ultra-vIolatIngme'

It remmds us, a. ltttle WIstfully, of themamCUrIst we had In CahfornIJ., whotold uS she had to economomze SlUceher husband had been drownded Shealso bemoaned the fact that she feltdee-troop, ever smce her baby wasporned.

Eleanore Fatlo, whose first novel,,IPanegan Place," was a best sener,. tells

(Continue<!on Page Two)

Yacancies Announcedin United States Army

Major Joseph L. Bachus, Infantry,MIchIgan RecrUItIng OffIcer for theUnIted States Army, announces the fol.lowmg vacanC1es

1 for Quartermaster Corps, FortBrady (Sault Ste Mam), Mlch,gan.

7 for AIr Corps, Scott Field (Belle-vIlle), Illmols

17for AIr Corps,SelfrIdgeFIeld (MtClemens), MIchlgan-one man of thISassIgnment to be a cook or baker.

HawaIi7 AIr Corps

~ r~~:~:;~masterCorps ... Hi~hs't;;;;M;;--,1 CoaslArhllery Purchase Books on I

Panama5 QuartermasterCorps Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 21 Infantry1 MedIcal deparment Gros.e Pointe Hllh SchoolApplicants should report to the Re. atudent. wan he ahle to purchaae ,

C1 uItmg OffIce, 631 Federal bulld111g, thei .. 'book. for the fall term IDetrOIt MIchIgan, WIthout delay, since Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Ino dIfficulty IS bemg encountered 10 morning, August 31, September i

lsecurlOg' deSIrable appltcant$ 1 and 2, -announces Mr. D. W ..FIrst-Brmg your bIrth or baptIsmal Duguad, bookstore manal'er.

record with them. Mr. Duguid points out that ISecond-Report early. student. will save much time,OffIce hours are from 8 a m to 4 30 worry and waiting If tbey will t

p 01 datly, except Saturday, when the I plan to come in at thaI' time. iOffIce closes at 12 noon. """" ...- _

Page 2: Jdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...24, at 8 15 pm. Valter Poole IS conductor, WIth Herbert Straub, aSSOCIateconductor. PROGRAM SS Peter and Paul RUSSianA Cappella

,I I I I I I

I •• I I 1 I


Carry-Out Food.

and enjo,




, I

I I I ••

Ca.h a~d C...."Slightly HigherDehvered


Bohemian BEER

,Thursday, August 24, 1939





We SpeCialize In Launderin.. andCleanlnR CurtalUI and Draperies.

14727 Kerchevalat Ashland

Home of those famous PleaYour Favorites Baked

Chicken, FrUit and MeatOrder Today for Tomorrow

17140 KerchevalTU.2.7210

---_._-- --------

•• I ••• I



SPECIAL40c - Business Men's Lunch 40c

Cube SteakSalad. Potatoes. Vegetable

Tea. Coffee

ResidoDc...-t30S BucluD.hamTUxaclo 2.1717


Business Men's Lunch 11 to 2Full Course Dinners to 8 P. M Sandwiches till 12 P M.


$1.25Eelix Francois Beauty Salon

to Visit Our New Location at

17150 KERCHEVAL (Between St. Clai. and Neff Rd)

• The Same Delicioqs Food • The Same Popular Price.


Enjoy your summer beauty work In a pleaSing, cool .a10.SPECIAL MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY

SHAMPOO ANDFINGERWAVE (With your favorite operators)


Steel, for pennanee)'Picket, for beautyWire, for econom,

Materials or eredlon

Clothes Line Posts. Steel or Wood. Permanent Dr removable

MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO.10403 Harper Est"bliched 1909 Plaza 2850



Lenox 5885

Grosse Pointe'. Representatives of the Ogilvie SlIter'

Niagara 3753 Punch & Judy Theatre Bid,.1IlI" '''IIIIIII'!!!! 11111'I'I'II'!! II! 1111'1111'It" 1'1111' 11'1111111 1l111IIIlUlIIIIIIIIIIIII'III

IUIIIIIIIII=mumlll 1I11U11111l11U11II11111lImmmulll=11I1I1lI1I11I11l_ ..

MISS Mary Jean LeaVitt of Somersetroad, aSSIsted by her parents Mr andMrs Charles E Leavitt, Wlll be hostess

Cadillac Society, C.A.R.

Paid Well for UsingImproper Plates

to members of Cad1l1ac SOciety, Chit ..dren of the AmerIcan RevolutIOn) andtheir famlhes, at a beach party andmente supper Wednesday, August 30,from three to eight 0 clock Members

A travehng carmval company re~ of Jahn Paul Jones SOciety and theircently paid $360 50 to the State of famlhes are also tnvlted Mrs RobertMichIgan when charged 1n the Upper L Kerr, of Yorkshtr-e road, state C.Penmsula With the operatIon of five A R d t dId httrucks Without Michigan hcense plates pret" CenA' Rant leT aug

ll ebr•

JUnIor sta e reasurer, Wl eThe company It was estabhshed by Ih d tonore gues s.Department of State mvesttgators IS R t h ld h Meserva lOllS S OU feac 1S'a MIchigan owned orgaUlzatlOn but Its L b M d A 28eav1tt y on ay ugustmovmg eqUIpment bore lIcense plates M M 1 'E Sof another state Under the statute lSS an ynn avage, JUnIor

f d h I bstate CAR recordmg secreatry, gave

a oreign owne ve iCe may e oper. h hated In the State for a perIod of 10 a benefit bndge party at er orne on

Yorkshire road Friday, for the Na....days 1f 10 commeclal use but 1ll no m. 1 CAR b Id f dstance can a MIchigan owned vehIcle tiona Ul lUg unbe operated wIthm the State WIthoutM1chigan plates


Minor Repairs Free


Detroit City AirportLicen.ee1 Instructors


Phone Pingree 0665 forestimates



in your home this comingwinter by having your

Attic Insulated

GetYour Clothes Ready forLabor Day Week End Now

Robin Hood ArcheryRange

Mt. Clemens Drive at 7..Ml'" Rd.Leno~ 6088


Robin Hood ArcheryRange

This ad. with the purchase of30 shots for 25c, good for 30shots absolutely free.

ENJOYGreater Comfort

Learn to Fly!1939 AirplanesFully Insured

Brunning FlyingService

CABINET MAKERReproduction. of 8n. furnltur. mad.

to order-A., It,l. Qr periodRepairs and Refim.hing a SpeClalt.,

For Dependable PlumbingIn Your Locality I

WM. C. COELIUS1331 Bedford Tux 2.9509

Res Niagara 3624 LEnox 84164638 All•• Rd. 15106 Kercheval


Th~ ffy" Inter ..:Branch hoys' golftournament 1S to be held at ChandlerPark Tuesday, August 29, at 2 p mAny boy who IS a member of the Y'(under 18 years of age) may enter thlStournament-entnes close August 28Warren Johnson Jr, Gus Gorguze and

Meuiah LutheranChurch

Southeast corner of Kercheval andLakeWOOd avenues A H A Loeber

On the followmg Sunday the J effer.son Baptist pr.eacher w1ll be the RevJames S KIrtley D D, of ErlangerKentucky. Dr KIrtley wfs mterImpastor 1n 1931 ptlor to the commg ofthe Rev M Zwayer present pastor,who wlll return to h1s PUlPit on Sep-tember 10

...... .... ..... .... .... .... .... ... ..... ..... ..IGrand Opening! II Upper Mack Cleaner II

& Tailor17457 MACK AT NEFF "

Phone TU. 2.8120

I WATCH WEEKLY SPECIALlWe Call for and Dellvert Remodeling and AlteralionlI at R.a.onabl. Prlc ••

.~._ ..~~E_~~~~~_ .......)


11253• 12051• 10491• 12561• 13788• 13372

W L.Pe!I 0 10001 0 1000010000100000000o 0 00000000

National Dl",I.106(Playoff Serle.)

(Sponsored by the Grosse PomteBoard of EducatlOn)


(Playoff Sme.)W L Pet1 0 1.0001 0 10001 0 1000I 0 100001000010000100001000


The attendance at the Grosse p01nteplaygrounds sponsored by the GrossePomte Board of Education follows forth weeks enQ,1ttg

June 25 •July 2 •July 9July 16 •July 23July 30Augu.t 6Augu.t 13Augu.t 20

Jeffenon AvenueBaptiat Church

Bradley ••YanksMarathon.S Club


Score.Bradley 3. S Club IYanks 9, Marathon 2

ScorelC Y 0 I, Firefighter. 0Grlfftth and Wade 6, St Ambrose 2Kelleys 15, Kerchevals 2TrOJans 11, DeVan 1Games Thursday, Augu.t 24, 6 30

p mC Y 0 vs Kerchevals at Defer.Kelteys vs TrOJans at Defer.DeBan vs St Ambrose at Defer.Grlfflth and Wade vs Firefighters

"t Trombly.

C Y O.Grlfflth and Wade •Kelley ••TrOjansFIrefightersKerchevals •DeVanSt Ambrose.

Grosse PointePlayground Ball


13337 East Jefferson at LakeVIewRev Wayland Zwayer, pastor

The vacatlon preacher thIS SundaywIll be the Rev Roland M Traver ofPhIladelphIa Well known In thIS VI"Cinity, the Rev Mr Traver was pastorof the Immanuel Church of Detroit andpr10r to that pastor of the Mt Clem ..ens Church He IS now pastor of theImportant and hlstonc North Frank ..ford Church of Phdadelphta, Pa HeW111preach at the eleven 0 clock mornIng worsh1p at the Jefferson AvenueBapttst Church The evenmg ChapelServtce at 7 30 WIll be conducted bythe young people of }"nendly Down,all ages 1nvlted The Church Schoolmeet. at 9 45 a ",.

Wc_~ c_ ,,,,x-, '""'"",_""-L,,, -'.. ~.,"",," __ """"L.'U.~.~. (..,~.~

Grosse Exaggerations

V. F. W. MaintainsHome for Orphans

One of the outstandl:tJ.g achleve ..ments Or! the Veterans of ForeIgn"Vars of the Un1ted States durmg lts40 year h:1story 18 the establIs.hment ofthe V F W NatIonal Home at EatonRapIds MICh

Founded 10 1925, the V F \I. Na.tlonal Home today houses apprOXl"mately 200 sons and daughters of

j Amencan war veteran'! They are ~hev,ards of their fathers' overseatj com~rades the members of the V F W I

who vo1untanly have assumed guardw

Ian shIp over these chIldren 10 memory

The f slttmg WIth our c1tronella andf1trhng With our £l1t' days are aboutover Pretty soon now, we shalt em ..bark for the atilc and reheve the mothsof our long underwear They must beftd up on 1t and ought to welcome thecl-ange to a dIet of lastex bathIngsUlts vVe wandered mto Best's theother day WIth an eye toward the newbustle hats They have some verycute ones but the millmery departmentIS a httle scarey We always :find our.sel> es talkmg to someone at our elbow,who turns out to be a plaster head andneck comment less The salesgirls

(Contmued from Page One)a very amusmg story on herself. Abouta )-ear ago a friend cf hers asked Ifshe had a copy of the book and findmgthat she hadn t the fnend tned to buyone but the book had long been out ofprmt Mrs Faho then deCIded to geta copy for her fnend from d. secondhand dealer m books She put 10 anorder and two weeks later the dealerhad obtamed a copy When Mrs Faboopened the fly leaf, she dIscovered, 10her own handwrItmg, To dea .. Peggyv,lth much love always, Eleanore" Ap.parently 'dear Peggy had no q .1aln15about selhng Eleanores book auto~graphed or no, but the funnv part 1$that Mrs F has no Idea who Peggycould have been

NI 2553

Newcomers m Grosse Pomte whohave chl1dren to enroll In e1ther theJumor sent9r hIgh school at Fisherroad and M,aumee avenue or In therew John D PIerce Jumor HIgh schoolat Kercheval and Somerset are urgedto register the pupIls at those buttdmgsI tl11s week or next week before theopenmg rush, Dr E R Van Kleeck,_I Supermtendent of Schools, announcedtoday The offIces 10 both bUlldmgsare open dally durmg bUSIness hoursfor registratlon

\pOSSible the production of tender vegetables dunngWUrt-et months.

The Istokpoga regIon has fine muck -SOil rich inmIneral content SItuated as It IS 28 feet above LakeOkeechobee, 21 mdes east towards the ocean, splendidnatural dramage IS afforded the sectIon The .area 11also In the arteSIan well belt and flowmg wells maybe secured at depths ranging from 150 to 400 feet.GeographIcally, lstokpoga IS located In the center ofthe pemnsula In 1936, the Seaboard Rallway built aten nule spur Into Sunvale from. LorIda 10 al tQprovlcleslupJl1!'i l~jJll1es for the P'9!l'~' fIIm.r...... •

$250 and up

One Day Service

OpPcslte theHigh School Campus

Delivery Service

9908KerchevalLenox 7994

Renovating of all kinds ofMattresses. Pillows

Box Springs

New Mattresses. Bed Springs

Miller Mattres Co.of the natIon's soldier dead

In every detad, the V F W Nabon ..al Home provldes Its young chargesWIth the hfe of average, normal youngAmer1cans They attend the pubhcschools of Eaton RapIds The churchesof varIOUS denommahons 10 the sameCIty alford them the opportunIty topursue the rehgl0us instruction towhIch they are 1ndlvldually luchnedAt the Home, they hve 10 famIlY-SIzedhouses whIch represent the umque'cottage UnIt" plan' of the proJectThere are 22 of these cottages now oc.cupled, each of them butlt or purchased pastor, 1434 Lakewood avenue Te1e-by a state department of the V F W phone Lenox 2121

Under the personal supervls10n of I f Bought W1th a PrIce I" ThIs worda. house mother who, In several m.. of the Apostle Paul WIll be dIscussedstances, IS the aetual mother of one or m the sermon on the coming Sunday,more chlldren 10 her care, a group 0+ August 27 The serV1ce wd1 take placeperhaps ttght or mne boys and gtrlc; at 10 a m The Sunday School WIllof auorted ages hve a typtcally fanuly meet at 9 o'clockhie They are' dressed tnd1vIdually The Ladles' Atd wIll resume ItsThere are no unIforms at the V F \V meetings next Wednesday, August 30NatIonal Hartle, any more than there at 1 30 p _m _are dornutorle$ Moreover, the mdI"VIdual children are fostered and de ..veloped They help w1th the house.work The boys help WIth the farm'" ork on the 640-acre £arm WIth Itsfloeks of chIckens, tts herd of cattle,Its gardens and frUlt trees

In $.ddltIon to the cottages and farmbUlldmgs, two recent acldihons to theHome property 111ustrate the co-opera ..tIon of the Ladles' AuxIhary W1th Itsparent OrganIzatIon One IS the $35,000

there are very helpful and courteOUS hospItal completed several years agoone of them prevented a customer from The other IS the $75000 Commun1tybuvmg our last year s felt, whtch we ICenter lj. beautIful new buddmg whIch,had tossed on the counter whIle we WIth Its gymnasIum and aUdttorIum,wandered about the store bemg mlS. stage, assembly rooms, dreSSIng rooms

~:;:mu.-uuu:t: taken for a salesgIrl It s all very com.. and other faclbhes, 1S an Ideal center

Iphcated but handled wlth dlspatch by for the SOCial achvlties, not only of

Itre wOlkmg gOlls And that remmds the reSidents of the Home, but of theIus-the whIstle Just blew Eaton RapIds publ1c as a whole

The V F. W Nabonal Home wasNew High School founded entirely through the voluntaryPupils Urged to Register contributIOn. of the V F Wand ,t.

I Aux1hary However, once a year, theAmerIcan public has an opportumtyto share In thIS f hvtng memonal topatnottsm" through the nattonwldedlstrlbuhon of Buddy PoppIes, span ..sored by the organtzatIon m V F WcommumtIes throughout the countryfor the benefit of dlsa.bled veterans,the Widows and orphans of veterans,and the mamtenance of the V. F WNatIonal Home at Eaton Rapids.



The public is cordially invited

Kercheval, bet. Ashland and Manistique

Sixth Church of Christ. Scientist

For the past to years with the Grosse Pointe Hardware

Announces the opening of a new andmodern store to be known as


Rich Farming Section Being Developed at Istokpoga, Florida{

~11"'"':\%, .. I ~.

~ Lake Istokpo(2l, Fla ~•• Dev~lopment of the Istok-pop famung seetton south of Sebnng IS progressmgrapld:ty. 1,000 acres 1$ bemg cleared out by W. H.:Melvin of ;ChIcago under the direction of H O.ISebring. The .bove photos show a field of vege ..tables, a bulldozer ulied m clearlDg the land., the shorehne Qf the lake, and a drawmg of the area along theeastem abare of Istokpoga The draWIng shows hoW'the area enJoyS excellent all' drat.naglll ThIS advantage.colll1>Uleclw,tb the te",p.nns effecl of the 1ak~1llSl<e.!


Phone TU. 2.5660

Opening Services, 10:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7:30 p.m.

Rolf's Hardware

THE BEAUTY BOXTU. 2.2149 51 Oak Street (Rear)

Sunday, Aug. 27, 1939



Com.pletely Redecorated Mack at Seven MIle RoadDetrOit's Most Beautiful NIght Club Presents



Two Floor Shows NightlyNo M1UImum No AdmtSSlO11

'. Closed MondaysImported & DomesUc Wmes & Ltquors

No Cover ChargePopular Price.

Chinese and AmerIcan Foods

When It Doesn't Cost Any MoreWHY NOT HAVE THE BEST


Car Wash, 39c, with7 GALS. OF GAS

Hi ..Speed Cas .. Oils and GreasesT,re and Battery Service

..... -_......... ...... ........ - --- 5'.... ......... . ..... . . ... . ..._. . . . .... .... . tTHE MAYFAIR '


__ _ __ , M .

•• If ----



17465 Mack Cor. NeffNiagara 0290




Page 3: Jdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...24, at 8 15 pm. Valter Poole IS conductor, WIth Herbert Straub, aSSOCIateconductor. PROGRAM SS Peter and Paul RUSSianA Cappella

• (






Full of zest and flavorcut from quahty Steer



• ~:25cpkg 4-~

2 Fo~~;:.o25c2 large 39cboxes




12811 Woodward at Glendale7624 W McN.chols at

Pennington8110 Mack neer Maxwell



Quahty pouItry_Ideal to serve

hot or cold

Silverere$t FancyColumb1aR1ver

Cut from tenderquahty Steer Beef


Standing R1bROAST OF



Fun Qt Jar








Michigan Fresh Dressed Broilerse:..;---""'-.~~:~}~~,.

A Value Only TOM Could Offer

GOLD MEDAL orPillsbury's Flour


Kentucky Sprmg



TOM"S Week-End Bargain Parade:

Well Trained,EFFICIENTCourteous Clerks

To Assist with YourFOOD SHOPPING


SPRY Shortening 3 ;:~46c~~I L It( Van Came's _t=a.. if'~. II\ Evaporated. • • can lJI.",

TF.o6. L,p'o,', Ydlow li lb. ":» -. 6'__ ~ Label Black • • pkg ~ • ....,

RINSO. • • • 2 L::e: 35c

Coronet CoffeeJ~LL.()SALMONLux Flakes.

Nutr1bous _ dehc10usEat more Lamb for pep

and good health

Leg of Lamb

14200 E. Jefferson at Newport I7938 Kercheval at Van Dyke

16322 E. Warren nr. 3-MI1e Drive

Unusual Display Nowat Graywood CleanerS'

pupt1s on double sessions get all of the'\\ork of the regular hIgh school course,yet the fact that the butldmg 1Scrowd~ed beyond capaCity means that much oftheIr preparatton for classes must bedone out of school

Eventng classes wIll open September11 WIth classes offered :In a large num"ber of bulldlllgs throughout the CItyFree Instructton WIll be offered lU theelementary grades and III cItIzenshIpThe hIgh schools WIll offer more than200 courses In vaned fields

Harry F. Kelly ReturnsFrom Eastern Visit

Jack of trumps, and fulfilled her con-tract WIth the KIng of trumps

NOTE. (a) Declarer gave thIS an-alySts at the conclUSIon of the playI counted seven trIcks, four trumps

and three Aces In SIde SUits, and rea-hnd that I would have to ruff my los-mg DIamonds 10 dummy to make my-contract I realIzed also that If theopponents got mto the lead tW1ce andled trumps each time I would be sunkSo I put them mto the lead Immedi-ately With Clubs got nd of my double-ton Club, and was all set for cross~ruftlng before they could get In thelead a second tIme '

(b) At another table, one studentwho has taken her brIdge seru:rnsly,opened With a. trump and defeated thecontract.

Harry F Kelly, Secretary of Statehas Just returned from the annualmeetIng of the Assoclabon of Secre-tartes of State at DIxboro Notch, NewHampshIre WhIle east he also attendedthe seSSIons of the Nattonal SafetyCouncIl and the American ASSOCIatIonof Motor Vehtcle AdmIDlstrators 10

New York CIty.

Detroit School Pupilsto Start Studies Sept. 6


Contract Bridge

The "poor wise man" J

ONCE, LONG AGO, "lhe.. "'a.a little etty," which 1MS be--Sieged by a great king, and in

this city there dwelt & upoor wiseman' who by his wisdom deliveredthe city So we are told by the writerof Ecclesiastes, who further deelaresthat 'the words of wise men areheard in quiet more than the cryat him that ruleth among fools,' and,also, that f wisdom is better thanweapons of war' (Ecclesiastes 9 U.15, 17. 18) The latter stattment i.echoed today by spiritual thinkersin many lands, and wiser ways ofhandlmg world problems are beingsought It is increasingly evidentth~t many are recognizing the futil-ity of war as a. means of setthng' na-tional or international problems

The teachings ot Christianity havealways been opposed to war, and YetlU the long centuries tlinca .ChrilstJesus preached the gospel ot pea.eeon earth and good wUl to men, therehas ueeD unceasing warfare Theages have advance/i slowly In theapprehension and demonstration ofspiritual truth It took many longyears of education and enlightenmentberbre the practice of slaTery wasabolished in -civilized countrtes Toabolish the barbarism of war de-mands the united effort ot all whoare interested in the progress ofCivilization

War 1s pagan uncivilized, idolat-rous Peace IS Godhke lSph'ltual, and,in the best sense, civilized Centuriesago, the prophet Micah proclaimedthe coming of the true peace to theworld when he said of God (Micah4 3) 'He shall judge among manyp~ople and rebUke strong nationsafar off, and they sh~Il beat theirswords into plowshares, and theirspears into pruninghooks nationshall not lift up a aword against na,.-tion, neither shall they lea.rn war anymore This ideal of peace betweennations and peoples can be reahzedas the mdividuals who comprise themgain a more correct sense of God andman and a demonstrable understand-109 of the omnipotence of God, good

There is no doubt that the way Ifrighteous concdiaUon is onEl that raquires great wisdom, not only in In-ternational affairs but also in theaffaus of indiViduals. False beliefsof greed competition, jealousy, domi-natIon, and racial prejudice are someof the causes of wa.r, and these be-Ifefs must be overcome in indiVidualand collective consciousness TheApostle James, in his wise epistle,wntes (1 5), <lIt any of ~ou lackwisdom let him ask of God, thatgiveth to all m.en liberally, and up ..braideth not and it shall be givenhim and he further defines divinewisdom thus (3 17) "The wisdomtqat IS from above is first pure, thenpeaceable, gentle, and easy to bellltreated, full ot mercy and go04frUits Without partiabty, and with-OUt hy,pocrisy ,

There 'g a aha.rp distinetlon be-tween divine Wisdom. and the waysand means of worldly wisdom A cha.r-acterlstic of true wisdom Is that itIS unselfed. it desires the good of allmankind It is compassionate, tol-erant, and forgiVing In < Seienceand Health with Key to the Scrip.tures Mary Baker Eddy writes(p 2<75), "No wisdom is wise butfils wl,oom, 00 tr'!lll lMrpe, no Jove1s lovely, no life 18 Life out the dl-vme. no good is but the good Godbestows ' To desire this divine wis ..dom, and to seek it diligently, notonly enriches our lives but enablesus to work out our human problems

To seek and find divine wisdom,one must be willing to give up self-Importance self-love, and intellectualpride, and learn to be humble ThereIS no task so important to one s spir.itnal welfare a.JS the pursuit of divineWisdom •••

Our greatest :need Is to learn 10pray the Cbristianly scient111c pra.yerthat acknowledges the supremacy ofGod good, and tho consequent Both.fnguess of eVil This prayer of aftlr.matlon enables us to know that noth-mg can hInder the right way, thewise way, from being revealed to us,now, to meet the present need .A.constant reminder of spiritual realityis the -'DaIly Prayer" from the Man-ual of The Mother Church (Art VIII,Sect 4) by Mrs EdOY .. 'Thy klog.dom come,' let the reign ot divineTruth, Life ana Love be estabUshpdIn me and rule out of me all sin,and may Thy Word enrich the affec-tions of all mankind, and governthem 1 -The C'hri8tiM Science Mon".tor. .u

WestS-A 6 4H-A K Q 3D-A 6 3 2C-84



A most unique and unusual dIsplaywas seen at the Board of EducatIonoffices On St ClaIr avenue last weekand now may b~ seen at the GraywoodCleaners on Kercheval avenue betweenNotre Dame and St ClaIr avenues Itwould be welf worth your whIle to stopand see what the ehtldren tn GrossePomt.e a.re dOIng on our playgroundsthIS summer For example, you Willsee an entire VIllage constructed bythe chtIdren consIsttng of a grocerystere gas statton, theatre barber shopchurch, pet shop, library, flower shopand- even to a s~nd pde and swmgs onthe vlllage playground There are num~erous scrapbooks, colorful trays, potholders, murafs, gmgham grandmothers, yarn dolls, nut cups for parttes,pd.per dolls, woven basket .., woooen

More than a quarter of a mdlion scrap books and autograph bookl:t, 1'1'1-

boys and gIrlS WIll return to' school tlttton fish bowls that make you wantWIth the offICIal opemng of the 97th to stop a.nd feed the fish waste paperyear of free public educatton In the bc..ll.kets. cloth dolls, belts male ofCIty of DetrOit on Wednesday, Sep- leather, vases, beach sandals, plaque:.tember 6th They Will be gretted by raffIa. vases, leather bracelets peach7760 teachers and admtnlstrators, and stone nngs and baskets that md.ke you3300 non teaching employees "ant one for yourself, cloth pot hold

Fnor to the openmg of school to ers pocket stlhouettes ammal CU .. outs,pupIls, Supermtendent Frank Cody arttficlal flowers, beaded brd.....ele 3

wlll meet all prmcIpals In the audl~ party mVItattons, finger pamtmg, dectonum of Wayne University at 9 00 orattve lanterns, and many many oH erTuesday mornIng September 5 Dr. thmgs of mterest Everyone CoingetHenry Vaughn, Publtc Health Com- some good Id~as On what to Take andmiSSioner, wtll address the school prm~ haw to make It too TI e work IS veryclpals at the Tuesday mornmg meetmg well done by chIldren ranging any-on the precautIons and symptoms of where from five to 14 ThiS IS themfanhle paralYSIS Followtng thIS, the tenth summer that thIS WOrKha" beenprmcIpals WIll meet theIr teachers 111 carrIed on In Grosse POinte The Boardthe mdwidual school bUIldmgs at 1 00 of Educatton hIres speCially tramedo'clock Tuesday afternoon At 1 45 to employees who work w~tl1the ChI' Jren2 00 pm, Tuesday, September 5th, each day durtng the hours of 9 30 11 mSupermtendent Cody w-ill add prmC1- unhl 8 30 p mpals, teachers, and Parents in hJS an- The follOWIng are som"" of the chllnual school year message over RadIO dren who partICIpated III the sumn'erStahon WJR The publtc 15 mVIted playground aCIttvIhes th s year andto Sit ltt" on thIS faculty meeting, at v. hOse varIOUS articles are now on dlswhIch the head of the nahon s fourth play In the wmdow of the Graywoodlargest school system WIll outhne the Cleanersprogram of educatIon for the CIyt'S 317 Jean Wltherellt 1462 AnItapublIc schools. George HelWIg, 1627 AlUta

RegIStratIon at Wayne UmversIty Martlyn Hoadley. 1382 AnttaWIll take place Monday, September 11, Tommy Stafford, 1721 AnIta.through Saturday, September 16, With Ronny Beatty, Grosse Pomte Wood~classes openmg on Monday, September VIVIan HelWig, 1627 Alllta18 Palrlcla McLoughhn,1346B shop

The capaCIty of the- CIty'S 8chool Mary Jo Wortley, 1363 GraytonbuIldIngs WIll be sltghtly lllcreased Manon De Sutter, 698 Notre Damethrough the addition of an audItorIum Walter De CeulllIck 1561 Brys DrJ\egymnasIum and several classrooms to Ralph Wedyke, 2118 Roslynthe MackenZIe and the Denby HIgh BII1y Farquhar, 99 Lakeshoreschools, and the additton of two cla,ss- JackIe Kmcade, 1363 CadIeuxrooms to the PershIng HIgh school Theresa Kerbrat 97 Oak streetClassrooms have also been added to Patty Coffey, 884 Nottmghamthe Schulze and White Elementary Estelle Needham, 161 McKtnleyschools One temporary buddIng wtll Jean Swan, 863 Beaconsfieldbe ready for occupancy In the elemen- Jo~Jo Cavanaugh, 710 Notre Dametary group. The Stratford Elementary Armehne Bussor. 746 Lorameschool, for a number of years closed Betty Ann Hayes, 1377 CadIeuxto school use and occupied by the Wel. Joyce Gerloch, 884 Beaconsfieldfort Department, has been recondI- Alfred Stem, 847 NottInghamboned for occupancy by the schools DoriS MItchell, Notre DameA new elementary school to be known Ann Reno, 1311 CadIeuxas the Isaac Crary, located at 16164 Norma Ardltte, 1356 BishopA<;bury Park, WIll open to 420 pupIls Andrea. Geary, 1383 CadIeuxThIS bUlldtng supplements a temporary RIchard West, 532 5t ClaIrstrtlcture opened a year ago In the Jean Gherman 866 NottinghamrapIdly developIng community of Pur- LOIS Warren, 714 Notre DameItan and Asbury Park Included In Eltzabeth Murphy 699 Balfourthe schOOl bUIldmg tn use are two-the Marlon SayWord, 99 LakeshoreIrvmg and PestalozzI-wtuch have Manlyn M~Gowan, 1251 Nottmghamgiven conSIderably more than a half KatIe West, 532 St Claircentury of serVIce Nancy Anderson 626 Notre Dame

By P G MUNRO Of thIS year's 265,000 boys and gIrls DavJd Seeber, 847 Westchester(Orlgmator of The Autobldder) awaIting the opemng of schools, 17000 Frances ArdItto, 1356 BIshop

Some very tnterestmg hands turn up wdl enroll m the kmdergarten, 120000 Lorna Turner, 1'416 Beaconsfieldat The Brown Stone on Tuesday eve In the elementary schools (grades 1 Norllle Schaefer, 594 ~otre Damemngs The followmg hand lI1ustrates through 6), 60 000 m the mtermedlate Annabelle Rogers, 11 Roslynvery sound analYSIS school. (gradcs 7 throogh 9), 47,000 Sally Seymour,175McMIllan

North In the hIgh schools, 9000 In speCIal JeSSIe Farquhar, 99 LakeshoreS-K 5 education classes, and 7500 10 Wayne Blount Slade, 833 NothnghamH-9 8 7 5 UnIVefSlty(full tIme) Whtle the en. ShIrleyMurtagh, 1161 BIshopD-K 8 4 roUment In the kmdergarten and ele. Dorothy ArdItto, 1356 BJshopC-K Q 10 7 mentary schools has shown a slight de~ Laura Murphy, 699 Balfour

East crease durmg the past three years, the Edith R KO'lley, 860 Beaconsfields-J 8 7 3 number of pupils regJstermg In Inter- Bobby Hancock, AnItaH-J 1062 meo.. le aud hIgh schools has shown Joyce Daneker, 583 St OaltD-7 marked gams It IS expected that thIS Lotus Allor, Oak streetC-A 9 5 2 Jear1s enroIlment 1n hIgh school will Bobby Beatty, Grosse Pomte Woods

South apprOXImate SIx per cent more than Dorothy Delln, 20881 MackS-Q 109 Z lhat of l.sl year Wayne UnIverstty Martha West, 532Sl C1.. rH-4 enrollment has shown tremendous m.. MarIan CourtureD-Q J 10 9 5 creases over a perIod of several years, LorraIne Neeme, NottInghamC-J 6 5 unbl at the present time It IS four. Mary Fowler, 682 Notr-e Dame

East 15 the declarer at a contract of teenth m enrollment of major educa- Norman Laquere 2044 HamptonFour Hearts North opened WIth the honal mshtuhons m the Untted States Edward Leahey, 2118 RoslynKmg of Clubs and declarer went mto For the past several years, housmg Barbara SmIth, 336 McKmleya huddle WIth herself After some de- condIttons In the schools have been a Mary Ahce Cavanaugh, 710lIberation she won the trtck With the problem of major concern to the Board DameAce 10 dummy and ImmedIately return- of educatton ThiS year's bul1dmg pro- Helen Krywey, 2208 RIdgemonted the deuce of Clubs South won With gram represents only a very mmor part Pauline Laquere, 2044 Hamptonthe Jack and led hI" smgleton trump of the expanSIon necessary to meet Nancye Gregory, 2038 Hamptonto reduce the Impendmg ruff 10 Dla- the greatly overcrowded conditions III Sally Cavanaugh, 710 Notre Damemonds Declarer, however, had the certam sechons of the CIty There will Irene Lequere, 2044 HamptonSItuatIon correctly analyzed She won be more than 1600 elementary pupIls Pat West, 583 St ClaIrthiS tnck WIth the Ace of trumps on half day seSSlOns With the openmg Mary Ann Cannon, 355 McKlOleycashed the Ace of DIamonds and ruffed of schools the first of the month, and Mary Ann West, 532 St ClaIra dIamond WIth dummy s 6 of trumps. 3300 pupIls WIll be hou<:.~din temporary Leslie Yeag~r, 1315 YorkshIreThe 5 of Clubs was played from dum- quarters This represents three per Fay Pankow, 1260 Graytonmy and ruffed with the 3 of trumps In cent of the elementary populatIon of LOUIse Clancy, llZS Lakepomteher own hand Another DIamond was the publtc schools In the hIgh schools, Ann Reno, 1311 CadIeuxruffed tn dummy WIth the 10 of trumps, where growth has been greatest 23000 Joanne Smger, 274 McKmleyand dummy s last Club ruffed WIth the pupils wdl be on double seSSIons, With Beatnce Smger, 1142 MarylandQueen of trumps tn declarer sown certam of the hIgh schools operatmg ELVira Espertt, 186 McKinleyhand She cashed the J1ce of Spades, irom 8 00 a clock III the mornIng till Irene Brtssor 746 Lorrame

ruffed her last Diamond ~Ith dummy & 4 00 or S 00 tn the afternoon. While Dolores Parker, 1048 Wayburn.

~~~--"'~~.d.2._~_~ ~~.t-",- ~J< ~~<--~.......!~ to.....-_~~~ ~



10 Shots for 25c

MO.SKEET.OMiniature Trap Range

Mt Clemens DrIve0pPos1te Dr1ve-ln Theatre

Elecmc Motor R"I'IUI'

DUNCAN " McNICOL14127 Charlevoix at W.yb1lnl

NI,hb, Sua. AHoUda ..

TR 2-8008




W'e furnish. targets, guns andammunition. Drive out thiS week ..end. Every courtesy extended toladles. Free Instruct10n

Skeet Shooters"It's the Bird ThatCalls Th.s Fall"



Grosse PointeLawnmower Shop

Expert Sharpen1ng and Repa1rlngon Lawn and Power MowersSaw F1hng and Tool Grndmg

4150 Cacheux Rr. TUxedo 2 3272


2 pa"a $1.00


The famous INTERWOVEN self supportIngfNu_Top" Wonderful wear resll~t1ng toes andheels, combmed with superlative stylmg, makethese socks Fall's best buy for men Whether youprefer plam, patterned or clocked, you'Jl find whatyou want 1n our complete stock



quick •.. easy ... economicalwith a NEW GAS RANGENow,more than ever before, it's e.sy to put up foods

by the oven canmng method. The new Cert.fied Per-formance GAS ranses are so flexible, so adaptable, thatthe preparatIOn and process.ng of fresh fruits and vegeta.bles takes less time, holds more complete flavor and color,.s more umform 10 results. The b.g, heavily insulated Gasrange ovens hold mf'.:>reJars, make canning more pleasantby keeplOg kltchens comfortable and cool.But oven cano.ng is just one of the thousand ways you'llfind your 1939 Gas range serves you better. In the prep.aratiOn of three meals a day It 1$fast~r, more responsIve toevery cook.ng method, bnngsfoods to greater perfection ofappearance and taste, .s thnftyas can be.Call MISS HIckey, Home ServIceDepartment, jor free Oven canntngrecIpes Phone CHerry 3500

NEW FEATURESAutomatic lighting Ihroughoufl newspeed plu$ simmer top burners, largeroven, With heat control c:lccurate downto 250", smokelG$S drawer-type brOiler,and oven heovlly Insulated for economyand comfort porcelain tlnlsh and round ..ed corners for easy cleaning


!\tArN OFFICE - Clifford at Bagley GratlotOffice-13't7Gratlo~Avel1ueBoulevard-General Motors BuddIng Highland Park-13307 WoodwardGrand Rlver-14462 Grand R1verAve Hamtramck _ 11601 ]ogeph CampauEast Slde-13101 East Jefferson Ave Dearborn-221I3 Mlchlf;an AvenueWestSlde-771SW VernorHJghway Wyandotte-3046 Fast Street


YES, calling all men's attention to the "SOCK" of the season'


They DO Stay Up

CI S I 17114 KERCHEVAL AVe.e near St Cla1rmea r eAlso Cameras and Camera Supplies

Realize Your Dreamof Thrilling Hair •••••• How confident and carefree youcan feel when your coffure is cre ..ated by

JakimecBeauty SalonLENoxmo

... B_afIeId at .1.8'...-

Thursday, August 24, 1939

"Who would ever unaginethere was that much dIrt In ourcar? No wonder It sounded hkeit had a touch of ac;thma I'mgOing to speak to my Henryabout thIs-he's so carelessabout-"'%at Isn't from careless treat-ment, Ma'am All cars get fullof dIrt and gum inSIde That's

twhat makes them sluggIsh andrinefficlent ••• makes them olelbefore theIr tIme There'snothmg Henry can do about Itexcept to have us VItalize Itevery 3,000 rodes."

Staelens Super ServiceCity of Grosse Pointe

Niagara 0266 17800 Mack AveAt: Rivard

l,.._... .... ..... ... ... .... .... ...... ... ..-.. ........ ...... ..........--..........-.......

Page 4: Jdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935...24, at 8 15 pm. Valter Poole IS conductor, WIth Herbert Straub, aSSOCIateconductor. PROGRAM SS Peter and Paul RUSSianA Cappella



630 ~i



lb ••for





344 Rivanl BlTd.15%29Kercheval Ave ..

M ..... y .340

Thursday, AuguSt 24, 1939

students Improve a great deal and man ...age to denve real benefits from It.

I In all ....my years of teachmg Eng-ltsh VIII," Mrs Kmkead saId, lItwothmgs contmue ot surprtse me OneIS the unusually large amount of read-Ing that some students have done be-fore entenng the course and wh1le 1ft.

It The other IS the utter lack of read-mg experience that other students havegamed durIng the same leng~h ofhmel"

17315 Mack Avenu.NIagara 0054

15222 E. Jef'feraoD A."e.MU.90S7


CLEANERS AND DYERS ITUxedo 2-3000 Mack at Nottingham


,Lovelf Skin •••

Give your complexion a chanceto be lovely. Let Donna help youkeep your neck, back and shouldersjust as lovely as they ought to be.


lb. 37eIb.33eIb.25e

THIS WEEK ONLY ••• At your Kroger Storel We're ma>kingthisamazing offer' Keep alert ••• Watch the person In the grocery depart-ment serVIn' yOU••• If h. falls to mention Kroger's finer, fresher,hot~dated coffee before paTin, for your grocery purchases-a fullpound of FRENCH COFFEE Is yours ABSOLUTELY FREE.

.Ilttl;.:m:mtllllleach for drugs-call tuxedo 2 3333-1ce cold beer_cand1es-leach forservice-ophone now-films pnnted-corner charlev01x and lakepomte-tuxedo 2 3333-baby needs rubber goods sudden serVIce-leach drugcompany-phone now for servIce-tuxedo 2 3333leach for drugs-call tuxedo 2 333'3-1ce cold beer_candles-leach forserVIce-phone now-films pnnted-corner charleVOIX and lakepomte-tuxedo 2 3333--baby needs rubber goods sudden serVice-leach drugcompanY'"""1'hone now lor servIce-tuxedo 2 3333leach for drugs-call tuxedo 2 3333-Ice cold beer-candIes-leach IQrserVIce-phone now-films prmted-corner charlev01x and lakepomte-tuxedo 2 3333----baby needs, rubber goods sudden serVIce-leach drugeompany-ophone now for serv1ce-tuxedo 2 3333leach for drugs-call tuxedo 2 3333-1ce cold beer_candIes-leach for.serVIce-phone now-films prmted-corner charlevo1x and lakepomte-tuxedo 2 3333......baby needs, rubber goods sudden serVIce-leach drugcompany-ophone now for servIce-tuxedo 2 3333leach lor drugs-call tuxedo 2~$333-1ce cold beer_cand1es-leach forservlce-ophone now-films printed-cornel charleVOIX and lakepomte-tuxedo 2 3333----baby needs rubber goods sudden serVIce-leach drug'company-ophone now for servIce-tuxedo 2 3333leach for drugs-call tuxedo 2 3333-Ice cold beer_candIes_leach forserVIce-phone now-films prmted-corner charleVOIX and lakepomte-tuxedo 2 3333----baby needs rubber goods sudden serv1ce-leach drugcompanY-9hone now for servIce-tuxedo 2 3333

graduates of Grosse Pomte HIghSchool now at colleges throughout thecountry have r~turned to tell her thatthe EnglIsh VIII course they tookhere was one of the most helpful sub.Jects they have .ever studIed and hasbeen of Immeasurable aSSIstance 10

carrymg on theIr work away fromhome.

Mrs Ethel Kmkead teacher of Eng.lIsh VIII, states that m spIte of theWIde scope of the ltterature course, the




FREE DELIVERY17037 Ke'I'cheval Ave. 16117 Mack ATtlIl••Phones: NI. 6500.&501 Niagara 01&7

20788Mack A_ Loch.oo.





BROILERS • 1b.23e Potatoes. 5 ~~1geC ET"~-L~Y~OUi~C~NN IN CS U {p"(ri's\~hKROC EIlS\






CRACKERS 2 ,;~.15c PILLSBURY'S 24l1.1b 67,Dehclous Coeoanut s.ckGOLD CAKE ... h 25cPure Bulk AVGNDALE BREAD FLOUR

l4¥a Jb 53cVINEGAR •• 1 10c • • sack

•,]I. I~

Embassy Cuaranteed



,RAISI N BREAD • • • 21:;::. 15c ~~~!~I~PP;'~".:'Y:'b1DcrFROM VINE RIPENED TOMATOES. COUNTRY CLUB tan CAN MILK 4 i:~220,TOMATO JUICE ••• 3 a:.::23c Pu,e, Spl,y a ~

(POPULAR SHORTENINGS- TOMATO CATSUP 3~:;~.25cCRISCO OR SPRY 3 Ib 49 K,oger~ A:.lon PI•• bottl. DepOSIt

•• ee. C Chlorite 2 bt .. 15cCountry Club

SPINACH • ~:;.a1DcCountry Club GuaraDteed

GRAPEfRUIT~:n'1 DcSliced or Halved Country Club





15205Mack LE 4233


ltjlbs. S<)c• All Flat Pieces Nicely

Ironed, incl. Handkerchiefs• All Wearing Apparel

Returned Reacly for IroningWe Do All Kinds of Laundry

We Also SpeCialIze In

Cur tams and Drapes


New Bicycles at Low PrIcesUled RebuIlt Bicycles Painted. hke new

Lawnmowers SharpenedGrosse Pomte Motor &: Bike Shop

A C Verbrugghe 1423 Lake'PolnteCall fo~ NI 9478 DelIver

the most dIffIcult courses offered atGrosse pomte In Just a smgle five~month semester, the class studIes alltjpes of lIterature, mc1udmg the novel,drama, poetry, essay, and short storyTo begm WIth the very earhest tIme,wren man had hardly learned to recordhIS thoughts, and contmue on up to thepresent day WrIters IS the objects ofthIS course

Accordmg to Mrs Flam, many

I LUBRICATIONby FRED'S . - _ -...- -_._-_ .._..-

Is the Talk of the Pomte III - - ~ 11111111111111111

l~~f:~~f'~~i"";~;!;:=t~!~d"~~~III CAR SUPPL Y I

Standard Oil Products IBeaconsfield and Kercheval





Fop Job Printina of the Letter klnatcall Gro ... Pointe PrintlDC Co., 15121Kel'C'hev.L Leos llGZ.

Hay Fever Sufferersto Get Some Relief

The state highway department Illan-ned to come to the aSSistance of hayfever sufferers thIS week

Orders were Issued from Lansmg todlstnct foresters to report all mfesta.tlons of ragweed along trunkhne hIgh,-ways to maintenance crews The crewswdl cut down the weed during perIodsof ltght traffIC before the pollen hasan opportuntty to spread In the aIrThe department saId that the weed waspartIcularly prevalent along new rIght~of way where the ground had recentlybeen worked.

By RICHARD MILLER(B,gh School JournalISm Student)Grosse pomte HIgh School prOVIdes

a fine background 10 lIterature for ItSstudents In the opm:u:m of Mrs RuthFlom, English teacher and dean ofgIrls

Mrs Flom, inclIned toward Enghshthough she may be, because of her po.5ItlOU,does not lack substanhal reaSonsfor her statement I In the first place,Grosse Pomte IS one of th-e hIghschools WhICh offers courses In Eng~hsh VIr and VIII. The courses, whIchare rather hIgh speCIalIzed and eaSIlycomparable to college work are recom.mended only to students who were verycapable In handlIng their past EnghshsfudIes" Mrs Flom declares

In !act, In order to get mto Eng-hs1' VII and VIII, a group of sevenexammattons known as techmcal Eng~hsh tests must be mastered WIth ascore of 90 per cent or better Thesetests cover all the parts of grammarWIth whIch the student must be wellacquamted If he IS to do well In thecompOSItion course, Enghsh VII

As far as the study of lIterature goes,Engltsh VIII, a world ltterature course,IS generally conceded to be one of

English Class OffersFine Background


:;, : A " ~ ~L ~~~~i~¥&<,i\l'.1¥I\6~¥A. if!"'~ ,'\,,,,@.~J ~

Homemade-Jelly WillS Prize for Farmer!

Christian ScienceChurchea


I AST year Ervin Swinehart, of f ~FRE$H MINT JE~~yLExeland, Wisconsin, received a (Yo-Teesabout 5 medium glasses)

premium front the Sawyer County 1 cup spearmmt !eave$ and 'Stems,Agricultural Fair for ,,-his ~home 81,; ~~~~e:ugar).. -..Jmade chokecherry jelly. \ % cut) apple vtne&'11'

S h "-'0 1 cup waterMr wine art who farms il:i Green coloring "-acres, admits that his hobby is help }'n bottle frUit peetin,lng children As a school omcer and Wash spearmint. Do not remove4-H Club leader he believes that no the leaves from stems1eader can be a good leader without '1'\ J"ea.ure ~into 3 quart" saucepanand press (with wooden potato ~doing the work himselt-and whl!n masher or glass ~ Measure sugar,l(.:It comes to lessons in jeUymaking vinegar and water into s/lucepanthis prize winner certainly knows and miX with mint it'what he s talki'ng about Mr Swine- Bring to a boll o;'er hottest fire'bart'S ~ooking ability I'runs in the While mixture 1S coming to a ball,family. too-for when his daughter, -add coloring to give desired shade,sylvia was only 12 years old she Usa colorlDg which frUIt acids do Ii'Wonfirst place in the International not fade As soon as mixture bolls, !tcontest. _ _ _ add bottled fruit pectin, sUrring

An,. man who wants to malta a constantly Then bring to a fun I1latch of hcmemade jellles would do rolling ~oil and boll hard % minute I...well to use a champion recipe like Remove from fire and skIm To IthIS one He 11 have a perfect prod remove all trace of mint leaves,vet every tIme-whether or not he pour hot jelly through fine SIeveenters it at the faIr to compete for into glasses ~ Paraftln hot 3elly at)!!prize like Mr, Swluehart sll~ - •

"Chrtst Jesus" WIll he the subject ofthe Lesson Sermon In all Chl;IstJan

GIRLS AND BOYS-NOTICEIAmateur show, Fnday, August 25-

tIme.3 pm, on the NeIghborhood Clubplayground ThIS marks the last of ourweekly events for the summer play ..ground program

We 11 be lookmg forward to seemgall you talented gIrlS and boys

The bIcycle parade last FrIday foundmany gady decorated b1kes, and thefollOWIng boys and gIrlS were luckywinners 10 the vartOUS races

Betty Gray, 8 years old came 10 firstfor the straIght race, for boys andgirl's under 10 years, Margaret Graycame In first for glrlS 12 years of ageand Odlel Van Damme wa-s first for14 year old boys, and h~ also won firsthonors for the no hands race TheprIze lor the best decorated b1ke wentto Carl Orto1£.


$186.75.... $019.25

At GoodWIll IndustrIes of DetrOIt artaverage of 40 apphcants for employ ..ment are beIng turned away each weekbecause of lack of materIals,-hand1.ca.pped people, many of them in des~perate need, who because of their ageor phYSical defeets are classed as I un-employable' In commerCIal fields.

Work Is prOVIded the 200 on theGOOdWIUpayroll by the renovatton andrehabIlItation of discarded clothmg,shoes, furniture, kitchenware andother household eqUIpment donated byhouseholders throughout Greater De ..trolt and MIchIgan

ViSItors are welcomed and are shownthrough thIS mterestmg plant bygUides who explam the varIOUs pro~cesses through WhICh the discardedmatertals are put on theIr way to anew hfe It

If you have clothing, furnIture, rugs,kItchenware or any household eqUIp.ment that IS of no further use to yout can be put to excellent use In helpmghose who WIsh ot help themselves, If

you WIll phone Randolph 8060 and askor a GoodwIll truck to calL

You Can HelpThe Handicapped

Olander asked all motoflsts to begmobservance of regulattons whIch wdlbecome law September 29 ThIS lawmakes it a ntlsdefeanor to cross theeenterlIne on a four.lane pavement orcross mto the center lane of a three~lane hIghway except when passmg

ThIS ,omt state pollce-htghway de.partment safety program was put mtoactIon Over the July 4 week~end Overthe four~day hobday penod, 12 personswere mJured latally. The toll for thesame days of the preVIOUS years was31.

Anticlpattng record trailic volumesover the Labor Day week end, statepolIce and state hIghway offIc1als areplannmg concerted actton to preventaCCidents durmg the holIday penod

Comm1ssloner Oscar G Olander ofthe state polIce cancelled leaves for alltroopers irom September 1 to 4 andordered officers concentrated In heavytraffIC areaS and at Important mter~sectIons State HIghway CommIs~S10ner Murray D Van Wagoner Qr.dered constructton halted on all hIgh.ways where traffIC was contmumg tomove over roads under rePtlr or re.placement DIstrIct engmeers were di.rected to Inspect all hIghways ior haz ..ards whICh mIght be ellmmated Angravel hIghways w1ll be dust proofedbefore the hohday.

Concerted Action toPrevent Accidents in

State Being Planned

China Cabinet

~c~~~~!:ti!.~Stimulating and Cheerful


, DOOR MAN PARKS YOUR CAROpen Every Evening Interior Counselor Service

Budget Payments

Eight Pieces are priced at

Here is refreshing simpliCity,definite beauty and character.The Modern of Toelay portrays the feebng and trend ofprogress. In the above pieces there IS much to stlmulat.enthUSiasm and desire. Richly finished golden tan mahoganyveneers, fine cabinetry and strong constructIon F 01" thosewho prefer the most recent 1ft modern deSign, we innte yourInspection of these pieces.

Review LinersFor Rent Neigh1)orliooCfCluJ.: SOlence churches throughout the world

l~ on Sunday, August 27FOR PARTIES Automat'c phono- Activitiesgraphs. best orchestras, latest rK- The Golden Text (John 1 14) ISF. Sale ord. Grosse pOlllte MUSIC.Nt 5864 - J'The Word was made flesh, and dwelt

L Camong us, (and we beheld hIS glory,

FOLDING baby buggy and a teeter awn are Team standing. of the NeIghborhood the glory a. of the only begotten of2~;~e, good condltton, cheap TU TWO HIGH SCHOOL BOY~ several Club Playground Ball League the Father) full of grace and truth"

years experIence, desIre more lawns Tuesday League A h B b hOILBurnmg kItchen range Black and In Grosse POInte Farms referenc.es, W L Pet mong tel Ie cItatIons IS t IS

white enamel W1th reserVOIr m good 35c per hour NI 9538 or NI Oa82~ 6 0 1000 passage (IsaIah 52 73 I How beautifulcFoanrdm't.Ion26 Oak St, Grosse Fo1Ote MusI-" C. Y. O. • upon the mountams art the feet of

y \ Hol) con 5 1 833 hltn that brmgeth good tIdmgs, thatBABY BED, base burner. Lenox MUSlC-Lelb Conservatory of MUSIC, Samts • 3 3 5"00 pubhsheth peace, that brmgeth good

0685 establtshed In 1912 VOIce, Plano DeVans 2 4 333 udmgs of good, that published salva~]fOYS' BICYCLE-28' fully eqUIpped Vlohn, Harmony and Theory 14950 W,ldcat. t $ 167 bon, that .alth unto Z,on, Thy God

10 good condItton 595 Washmgton East Jefferson at City hmlts and 989 Shamrocks 1 S ..167roal;l NI 7390 IBarnngton Jom the Grosse pomte re!gneth lit-TWO FRENCH ORIENTAL RUGS stnng orchest!;"a Viohns, mandohns Wednesday League CorrelatIve passages to be read from

WIth pads, clrapenes and tapestnec; gUItars and banJOS Before purChaSIng W L Pct Ithe Chnstlan s'clence textbook SCI~dmette set telephone chalf and table a strmg mstrument It IS adVIsable to FIre FIghters 4 2 667 ILeno'" 3058 consult an experIenced tea~her Phone IG eOce and Hea th WIth Key to the Scnp. 1Lenox 9301-6 to 9 p nt at the Lelb race 4 2 667 tures ' by Mary Baker Eddy, mcludeFURNITURE _ Seven~plece Duncan Conservatory of MUSIC 14514 E Jeffer~ Kelley's Bar 3 2 600 the followmg (p 333) "The advent of

Phyfe dmette Shereton settee hvmg A e ' Trogens 2 3 400t I h h son v t Jesus of Nazareth marked the firstHenrIe s Meats 2 4 333 centry of the Christlan era but theGnffIth~Wade 1 3 250 ChrIst IS WIthout begmnmg of years

Results of games played August 15 or end of days"Samts 11, Shamrocks 5Rolycons 4, DeVans 1.C Y, 0 3, WIldcats I.Result. of games played August 16Grace 2, GrIffIth-Wade 0Trogens 10, Kelley s Bar 3Henne's Meats 2, FIre FIghters 1Results of games played August 20DeVans 2, Samts 1C Y 0 4, Samts 2C Y 0 2 Holcon IHolycon 2, WIldcats 0Shamrocks 2, WIldcats 1.DeVans 7, Shamrocks 3The followmg teams are ehgible to

play In playoff senes WhICh wIll starton Sunday, August 27, at 10 a m

C. YO, Holycon, DeVana, WIld ...cats, Flre FIghters, Grace, Kelley sBar Gnffith Wade and Trogens

Schedule for first games Sunday,Augu.t 27

Trogens vs Keltey's Bar, diamondNo 1

DeVan! vs GrIfflth~Wade, dIamondNo 2

Grace vs WIldcats dIamond No 3Holyoon vs Flre FIghters, dIamond

No 4CYO,bye.

room sUt e ounge c aIr, c eap. up-staIrs 14541 CharlevoIxMUST SELL-Imported dmner set

dIshes Kntghthood pattern antiqueOnental throw rug drapes three-pcivory sun room set unusual VIctorIantable two lamps, pressed glass Mur-ray.J351BEAUTIFUL llvmg room sutte lounge

<:hatr dmette bedroom breakfast setrugs, Hoover sweeper gas range, re~fngerator fireplace txtures telephone.dand and chan" tab es lamps mIrror,brlC a brae 13421 HampshIreUPRIGBT-PIAN041500- dehvered

free 1n Grosse pomte (formerly usedby Grosse Pomte HIgh School) r finefor recreation room NI 7295ONE PAIR foot saver shoes whit'f

boucle dress reasonable LE 8485

Wanted-To BuymNTED-To-buy 3-bedroom -mex

pensive Grosse pomte home Adetres'!'Box LM Grosse Pomte RevIew, 15121Ker-cheval Ave

- Help---WantedWANTED-GIrl lIVing near Webster

and Belanger to care lor chIldren afew tImes a week NI 3843

WC)rk Wanted-FemaleRESPONSIBLE WOMAN-;an ts

laundry to do at home spaCIOUSyardfor outSIde drymg everythmg doneseparately, best J;eierences TU 2~3799TWOREU--:ABr:E HIgh School gIrl.

want to take care of chIldren eve~tungs. excellent references TU 2~3799BELGIAN WOMAN want. general

housework by day NIagara 5224HOUSEKEEPING for employed cou-

pie, good cook also ehIld s nurse,ha. ref",rence. Call AR 3034.At AMERICAN laundress wants work

m own home each separately wash~ed, sun drIed neatly Ironed buttonsC'eplaced first class shIrt Ironer eqUIp~fced to do best of work, delIvery serv.e TU 2-2779 12

Rooms for RentLAKEPOINTE, 979 south of J effer~

son-Large front rOom twlO beds,or Single, gentlemen preferred Lenox6837 Park prtvdegesTWO SINGLE ROOMS or small

apa:rtment In prIvate home nearGros!e Pomte HIgh School Addl"essBox A Grosse Pomte ReVlewBEAUTIFUL frotit""room, excellent

transportatIOn near churches andschools, reasonable 15127 Ea.t J ef-ferson

House for RentMARYLAND, 1214 (m the rear)-5

fooms, hot water heat garage re.decorated, only $30 InqUIre 5575 Mal"~ishque _, Bungalow for RentAVAILABLE for occupancy Sept 1

To responSIble tenant modern bun.galow I. 5 large rooms glassed porchref stocker one year lease at $Sj 00nr schools and shoppmg dIstrIct ref~erence reqUIred 586 Notre Dame cornet St Paul Shown between 3 and6, FrIday and Saturday


Garage to Rent t

SINGLE GARAGE-IOI8 -Beacon;:field • f