· pdf file · 2014-08-11created date: 6/13/2014 1:20:17 pm

\A/p nrrt thp Ppr rnonf Metropolis and the Piaggio MP3 head-to-head in our c0mmuter sh00t-0ut t0 see howthey both shaped up. WordEr Carli Photo8: Joe Dick

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\A/p nr rt thp Ppr rnonf

Metropolis and the PiaggioMP3 head-to-head in ourc0mmuter sh00t-0ut t0 seehowthey both shaped up.

WordEr CarliPhoto8: Joe Dick


Yf you've never seen them before, you might thL < that three-wheeled

I scooters look liJ<e extra-terreshial beings beamed down from Planel,

I Zorg. They look heaw and cumbersome and you may question howIeasily you can get them axourd comers. However, in reality, they boasta number of benefrts, including increased stabiliw - tianks to that extrawheel on the front - and boast plenty of rmderseat ardDoot storage space,and are more agile than you may tlfnk. With more people realising tiesead%ntages, the scooters axe gov/ing in populaxity and as a result, a numberof manufacturers axe getting in on the act and offering a thee-wheeler intleir rarge. We put the Peugeot Mehopolis 400i RS a.Ild the Piaggio MP3 500LT head-to-head to see how they would suit a modem-day commuter. Bothscooters cost axound S80 to tax for a year - the same as a bike over 600cc -

however, tftey're exempt from congestion chaxges in London and benefltfrom the free parking tlrat bikes ard scootels can expect.


The underseat storag€ appearsthe sam€ size as the Peugeot and itgoesallthewaythr0ughto the rear b00! 50 therel provisionfor

longer items too. l wa5 surprised that there wasnt room forafulffacehelm€t in the Piaggio, howeverthe new2014 MP3,launched just beforewewentto press, has -great news.

Ihewinds(reen isadjustable with the use oftook, so that dep€nding on y0ur height y0u(anfindthe best position forwindprotedi0n.

Sing e cyl ider,dua -ignition, 4 stroke.4-valve,492cc

[email protected] (29 skw)ar7250rpm

@-Front 2x240mmdiscFear:240mm disc

rrTil.-Front:Tube ess (2r)120/10x121rRear:Tubeless140n0 x 14ln

E{(ffrIRfif[-FrontrArtculatedquadrilatera conslstingoffouralumin !m armssusra n ng IWo srcenngtubes and p!l l rcdsuspens 0n ce0metrywith offset wheel axle.Bear: Dualactionhydrau rc shock absorberwith adlustab e preload

Pillion provision is g00d and there3 a largebackrestfor extra omf0rt as wellas flip-outpillion fo0trests.

While it doesnl have allthe iatestgadgetsand gizmos 0n il sud as the k€yless ignition0fthe Metropolis, some may prefer the goodold-fashioned key.




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There's plenty 0fpun(hfrom the MP3 andthe ac(eleration is strong. The scooterswoops around (ornerswith easeand thesuspension works a treat. There3 a manualhandbrake in between yourlegson the seatplinth and a footbrake pedal is in(luded s0that the s(ooter (an be ridden on a carlicenre (ifyou passed your driving testbefore January 19, 20ll).

Yamaha's Tricity 125Yamaha is getting in on the three-wheeled actand hasjust launched theTrici ty - a 125ccthree-wheeled 5cooter with a single-<ylinder, liquid'(ooled, fouFstrokeengine.l t feature5 disc brakes on thefrontand rear, has a 6.6-litre fuel ta nkand weighs juit 1 52k9. Theretstorage fora full-face helmet underthe seat and it is expected to bepri(ed at below€4000 in Europe.At a lower price point and asmall€r (apacity, it's agreat introduction to thethree-wheeled world.


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Peugeot Metropolis400i RS tTree

Pillions have a small backrest, which isnltoo comfortable after l0nger distances as itdigs in dightly at the bottom 0f your ba*;however, th€ gnb rails arewell-plared andthe seatforthe dder and Dillion@mfonable. The riding position B natunland the seat features an adiurtable ba*.The footboads offer plenty 0f room for yourlegs and feet - morethan on the MP3.

The l,letroDolis also features a foot bnkefor the same rcasonsas the MP3,

The windsneen is easilyadjustabl€. Simplypush the two buftons 0n the ftont and you(an slide it up and down, whid means itcanbe danged easily.

When padcd next to the MP3, thellletropolis looka lot more modem -pedraps due to its striking white (olourscheme with orange a((ents and bladandpolished alloy wheel rims. lt also features'follow you homdlights whid stay on whrnyou vralk away ftom the scooter, We testedthe RS version. whid is around f200 morcthan the standad il00i, and features anunber of cosnetic differences.

There is a large underseat storage (ompartment but unlike the2013 l,lP3 there is 1o0m in the b00t for a full-fa(e helmet. When

a(essing under the seag the seat tends to drop back down s0 you have tohold it up - on a f7000 madrine itwould have been a nic finishingtoudto have a hydrauli( strut t0 keep it in pla(e.

Pa*ed with allthe latest tednology-sud as keyless ignition and pr0ximitycentrallo(king - you just need to keepthekey in youl podet t0 get 0n and off thes(ooter and power up the 399( engine. ltfeatures an elect c handbrake on thehandlebar nearthe dash - and the dashitself look like ifs from a fighteriet,rather than a maxi-scooter.

Eoth the lretroDolis and MP3 featurecntrestands, although simply by lockingthe wheelsthe s(ooters remain updght.Theabilityto lo(k the whe€ls also means thatwith pndi(e, ',ou don't have to put youlfeet down, even at traffic lights, whidmakesson€ (ar ddvers do a double take.

3ggcc, liquid'cooled,four-stroke, CWautomatic

120n0x12inRear: Tubeless 140t0 x14in

front axle with ahydraolic single shockabsorber adjustable inpfeload and positionedho zontally.Beac Adjustablehydmulic dualshockabsoder



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