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HRoot HR-MarketWatch Dec. 2013


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HRoot is a leading human resources media and Internet company in China, with such brands and services as HRoot.com, a world’s leading human resources management website; Human Capital Management magazine, a leading industry journal in China; Overclass, an elite club for HR professionals; Society for HR Executives (SHRE), the only society of HR executives in China; the Annual Human Resources Awards in Greater China, a top-notch industry event with utmost authority, scale and influence; the China Human Capital Forum, the largest among such events in China, and the China Human Resources Service Expo, the largest of its kind in the world, which may register over 20,000 visitors in 2014. In 2012, HRoot launched iPhone, iPad and Android apps of its Human Capital Management magazine and its “Guide to Human Resources Services Providers”, and the mobile app of “HRoot Forums and Expo.” HRoot releases the annual reports of the “Top 100 Human Resources Services Brands in Greater China” and the ”Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers”, and the monthly white paper of MarketWatch of Global HR Service Industry, each being celebrated as a guidepost of this industry.

The website of HRoot has some two million HR professionals as its registered users, who pay more than 500 million visits in total each year; HRoot has more than 20,000 people attending its off-line events each year and 30,000 readers of its publications; it serves over 20,000 customers now, including more than 95% of the Fortune 500 companies in China. It has more than 250 HR services providers, business schools, associations as its ad clients and sponsors; including nine of the top ten global HR services providers.

About The Publisher

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HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by CIS (Competitive Intell igence System) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS seamlessly monitors and tracks trend of developments of HR industries in real-time 24/365. Key data and information covering news, events and transformation of HR providers, competitors and competitive environment will be well collected, edited, sorted and delivered to readers on a monthly basis by our specialists. For more information please visit: http://marketwatch.hroot.com/ .

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8. APPENDIX 2: Global Rankings of Website Traffic of HR Service Providers

APPENDIX 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers



ABOUT HRoot 1.

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HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china-based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention.

The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch covers intelligence on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch provides business managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever-changing markets with flexibility.

Currently, the following contents and data are covered in this Intelligence:● Laws & Policies: Monthly updates on major laws of human recourses, polices and information issued or modified by national and/or local governments ● News & Events: Monthly updates on recruitment trends, personnel changes at HR service providers, latest business development, financial statement, major surveys & reports, awards, M&A,etc. ● Market Events: Monthly updates on marketing promotions by HR service providers, including summits, forums seminars,etc. ● Contracting Information: Monthly updates on information of clients entering into contracts with information of HR service providers.● Ranking of Market Capitalization of Listed Companies: Monthly ranking of listed HR companies by market capitalization. Data on market cap are calculated from the monthly closing price of companies. ● Ranking of Global Traffic of Websites: It is ranked according to the global traffic of websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected from tool bars by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website.

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HRoot 2013

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1 HRoot 2013

China to introduce its 401(k) Tax-Deferred Pension scheme in 2014 *****

(Dec. 6, 2013, /people.com.cn/) China is getting ready to launch a tax-differed corporate annuity, its own 401-style pension scheme, in an effort to consummate a multi-tiered pension system, which means Chinese workers will be allowed to pay income tax for their annuities based on the actual amounts they receive after retirement starting in early 2014, jointly announced Friday by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the State Administration of Taxation, aims to "promote the development of the country's multi-tiered pension system." Some newly announced key regulations are: 1) Employer contribution: Tax exempt, defined by earlier EA requirement as the contribution percentage dependent on plan design, caps the employer’s total contribution up to 8.33% of the previous year’s total salary;2) Employee contribution: Tax exempt within 4% of the employee’s previous year’s salary, capped at three times the City Average Salary;3) Investment income: Tax exempt on capital gains;4) Benefits withdrawal: Tax is paid when plan participants reach retirement age. Their monthly withdrawal will be added to taxable income and subject to Individual Income Tax*. The IIT will be withheld by the plan trustee.5)Current implementers of EA: For companies that currently implements the Enterprise Annuity, employees’ past contribution, for which the relevant tax has been paid for, will not be taxed again.First for HR industry news,trends and analysis,

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2 HRoot 2013

Guangzhou: if the medical insurance fund receives does not arrive at, the government will provide fiscal subsidies ****

(Dec. 6, 2013, Guangzhou) Guangzhou social health insurance regulations, which has been implemented for 13 years, will be replaced by the new version from January 1, 2014. The move does not mean that the new version only extends the period of payment from 10 years to 15 years. It is also reported that people who have never attended medical treatment insurance should complete the insurance registration before December 31, and also need to be sure they have enough money for insurance costs in their bank accounts. The main highlights of the new regulations is to establish a social health insurance system of urban-rural integration, which will be finished t by 2015. Additionally, new regulations clearly defined the government will take the risk of health insurance fund. Meanwhile, once the medical insurance fund receives does not arrive at, the people's governments at all levels will provide fiscal subsidies.

Pensions postponed: retire at 69 in U.K.****

(Dec. 6, 2013, /CNNMoney/) Under the reforms, which were presented as part of a bi-annual economic update on Thursday, the pension age will be linked to rising life expectancy and reflect the U.K. government's belief that workers should spend no more than a third of their adult life in retirement. The state pension age of 68 will now be enforced in the mid 2030s, about 10 years earlier than planned. And by the late 2040s it will rise to 69. The new regime will give the U.K. one of the highest pension ages in the world by the middle of the century, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Meanwhile, in the United States and Germany, the retirement limit will hit 67 by 2050, compared to a more generous 65 for workers in Japan and Mexico. Only two other countries -- Italy and Denmark -- are expected to have a normal pension age as high as 69 by then, the OECD said. Many countries are linking pensions to life expectancy as aging populations place increasing burdens on the state and government struggle to bring their borrowing under control. By raising its pension age, the U.K. government said it will save £500 billion over 50 years. The bitter news for young workers was delivered alongside an upbeat assessment of the U.K. economy.First for HR industry news,trends and analysis,

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3 HRoot 2013

90-day trial employment period criticized in New Zealand****

(Dec. 9, 2013, /skykiwi.com/ )The New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (BIE) allows employers to make an offer of employment that includes a trial period of up to 90 days. Trial periods are voluntary, and must be agreed in writing and negotiated in good faith as part of the employment agreement. Figures published by the BIE about 69,000 employers took on at least one new staff member in 2012 under the legislation. According to the BIE, an employee who is dismissed before the end of a trial period cannot raise a personal grievance on the grounds of unjustified dismissal. It is not known how many workers were dismissed during the 90-day-trial period, but the figures show that 27% of employers said they had fired at least one new employee during or at the end of their trial. This means at least 18,000 people lost their jobs in the first three months of employment last year, with the actual figure likely to be much higher.When asked why they had dismissed staff, most employers said it was because they were unreliable or had a bad attitude. Other reasons included employees not having the necessary skills, not getting on with colleagues, and not fitting in.

Ministry plans to ease restriction on staffing firms in Japan****

(Dec. 13, 2013,/HRoot/)The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare plans to revise a rule to limit temporary staffing periods to up to three years, officials said on Thursday. All workers with open-ended contracts with staffing agencies will be exempted from the rule and be allowed to continue to work at the same firm for more than three years. Currently, only 26 job types, including secretaries and television announcers, are exempted from the rule. The ministry plans to submit a bill for the revisions during an ordinary parliament session expected to start next month. Through the revision to the rule on temporary staffing periods, the ministry intends to improve employment conditions for dispatched workers. The ministry also plans to oblige staffing firms to offer new jobs to dispatched workers after three years. Recipient companies will be required to give them similar benefits and training opportunities to those of regular staff.

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5 HRoot 2013

German labor market remains healthy***

(Nov. 27, 2013,/GLOBAL TIMES/) German Federal Labor Agency announced recently that as the result of current positive economic data, including the euro area, and the confidence on economic outlook, the demand for workforce remains healthy and stably. It is reported that with the increase in employment, labor mobility will also be enhanced. But it is still challenge for enterprises to find the right people to fill jobs timely. For industry, the demand for labor led by retail, wholesale trade, construction and installation industry, health and social welfare sectors, catering , public service agencies and organizational unit, official data showed recently.

High labour costs in China putting off Japanese businesses ***

(Dec. 2, 2013,/ channelnewsasia.com/) For the first time in two decades China is no longer the premier destination for investment by Japanese firms due to higher labour costs and increasing political tensions between the two nations, reports channelnewsasia.com. China tumbled to fourth place, according to the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) in its annual survey, after 21 years of being named the most promising destination for overseas expansion. The JBIC asked companies already operating overseas to choose up to five promising nations and regions for their business in the next three years. Of the nearly 500 companies, 44.9% answered that Indonesia was a good place to do business, while China saw its popularity dive to a lowest-every 37.5% from a high of 62.1%. Of the companies that dropped China from their list entirely, 40% cited rising labour costs and difficulty in hiring enough workers as their primary concerns. Other concerns were a slowdown in the Chinese economy, intensifying competition with rivals, and bilateral political relations with Japan and China embroiled in a territorial dispute over islands in the East China Sea.

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Page 13: 英文版 2013.12 HR-MarketWatch

6 HRoot 2013

Private sector employment increased by 215,000 jobs in November****

(Dec. 4, 2013,/ Reuters/) Private sector employment increased by 215,000 jobs from October to November, making it the strongest month for job growth in 2013, according to the November ADP National Employment Report. Broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, the ADP National Employment Report is produced by ADP, a leading global provider of Human Capital Management (HCM) solutions, in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics. The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis. According to ADP's report, small businesses added the most jobs in the month with102,000, followed by largest firms with 65,000 jobs. Medium-sized companies added 48,000 jobs. Goods-producing employment rose by 40,000 jobs in November, up from 29,000 in October. Both construction and manufacturing payrolls added 18,000 jobs apiece. The gain for manufacturing was the largest since early 2012.

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Jobless claims average rises by 6,000**

(Dec. 12, 2013) The U.S. four-week moving average of initial claims for unemployment insurance rose by 6,000 in the week ended Dec. 7 to 328,750 from the previous week’s revised figure of 322,750, according to seasonally adjusted numbers released today by the U.S. Department of Labor. The four-week moving average decreases the volatility of the weekly numbers. Total initial claims for unemployment insurance for the week rose by 68,000 to 368,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 300,000.

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8 HRoot 2013

Accenture acquires engineering specialists evopro**

(Nov.28, 2013) Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has announced an agreement to acquire consulting and engineering company evopro group for an undisclosed sum, a software development and engineering services company headquartered in Budapest. Accenture expects the acquisition to increase its ability to develop and improve industrial applications. Additionally, it will strengthen its skills in the industrial software and automation market. This is Accenture’s third acquisition aimed at enhancing its range of capabilities for manufacturing clients. Accenture recently acquired PRION Group and publicised plans to acquire PCO innovation. Both companies specialise in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) services.

On Assignment announces two acquisitions, sale of its Allied Healthcare Unit ***

(Dec. 2, 2013, /BUSINESS WIRE/) On Assignment, Inc. (NYSE: ASGN), a leading global provider of diversified professional staffing solutions, today announced the following transactions: a definitive agreement to acquire CyberCoders Holdings, Inc., a leading national permanent placement recruiting firm; the acquisition of Whitaker Medical, LLC, a leading physician staffing firm; and the sale of its Allied Healthcare business unit to Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. (NASDAQ:CCRN), a company that specializes in healthcare staffing. Entered into a definitive agreement to acquire CyberCoders Holdings, Inc., a technology-enabled permanent placement recruiting firm, for $94 million in cash and an earn-out opportunity of $11 million. Completed acquisition of Whitaker Medical,LLC, a physician staffing firm, for $17.1 million in cash and an earn-out opportunity of $5 million. Completed sale of the Allied Healthcare unit for $28.7 million. Operating results of this unit will be treated as discontinued operations."These transactions are all part of our publicly stated drive to strategically grow the Company and solidify our position as a top player in the markets we serve," said Peter T. Dameris, On Assignment's President and Chief Executive Officer. "

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Page 16: 英文版 2013.12 HR-MarketWatch

9 HRoot 2013

CTG announces new CEO**

(Dec. 6, 2013,/HRoot/) China Talent Group (CTG), a leading outsourcing services provider in human resources and business processes in China announced today the following changes to the company’s executive team to take effect on December six, 2013.He Wei will succeed Li Hao as Chief Executive Officer of CTG. Li Hao will still be the president of CTG for taking charge of the company’s daily routine and supporting the development and growth on enterprise strategy, innovation management, CSR. He Wei will be a director on the Company’s Board to in charge of implementing the Board resolution and the daily operation and management of CTG.

Bluestone announces restructure plan and appointments***

(Dec. 8, 2013,/HRoot/) International recruitment firm Bluestone Global Ltd (BUE: ASX) announced today that the company has commenced a financial and operational restructuring and the appointment of a new CEO and director. In the company’s most recent financial statement, the company reported a dramatic -14.8% fall in revenue for the year ending 30 June 2013. The company also reported a worse net loss for the year, compared with 2012. Bluestone is a specialist labour hire, professional placement, mining services and international recruitment firm trading under three key brands: Bluestone Recruitment, ResCo Services and Ultimate Skills. A Deed of Compromise has been reached with the Australian Taxation Office On completion of the agreement, the Board will appoint Mr Anthony Kelson as a Director of Bluestone and Mr Stephen Sasse as CEO. This announcement follows numerous changes to the Executive Team and Board in the past year, which have included the resignation of seven members, including Managing Director Rabieh Krayem.

Hellman & Friedman looks to sell HR software firm Kronos****

(Dec. 11, 2013, NEWYORK,/REUTER/) Private equity firms Hellman & Friedman LLC and JMI Equity are exploring a sale of human resources management software firm Kronos Inc, which could be valued at more than $4 billion, people familiar with the matter said recently. Kronos is in early-stage talks with a small group of private equity firms, including KKR & Co LP, TPG Capital LP and Bain Capital LLC, about a potential deal, the people said. Oracle Corp and SAP AG would be natural buyers for Kronos but have so far shown little interest, the people added. Hellman and Friedman is working with Morgan Stanley on the sale of Kronos, which has annual earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of around $350 million, two of the people said.

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10 HRoot 2013

First Advantage announces new global headquarters***

(Dec. 12, 2013, /HRoot/) First Advantage, a Symphony Technology Group (STG) company and the leading global provider of screening analytics and identity solutions, today announced details of its move to a new global corporate headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia.The move to a state-of-the-art facility enables the company to further establish its unique identity and culture with associates and clients, creating an environment that fosters client-centricity, innovation and collaboration. To better accommodate First Advantage’s rapid global growth and increasing demand for its industry-leading screening solutions, the company sought to relocate its corporate headquarters to an open-concept office environment more conducive to collaboration. The new headquarters offers special amenities to employees, such as walking trails and an onsite fitness club several restaurants, a bank, a travel agency, shuttle buses to public transportation and child care services, providing greater convenience to employees and strengthening their work-life balance.

Global consulting firm Booz & Company approves combination with PwC****

(Dec. 23, 2013,New York) Booz & Company’s global partners have voted overwhelmingly to approve a combination with PwC. The two organizations announced October 30th they had signed a conditional merger agreement. Following the required regulatory approvals and assuming the fulfillment of other customary closing conditions, the deal is expected to conclude in the first quarter of 2014. Until the closing, the two organizations will continue operating separately. After closing, PwC and Booz & Company will work together to create a global operating model for the new combined business. The branding for the business, under the PwC umbrella, is being jointly determined now and will be announced in the coming months. Since Booz & Company is a privately held firm, the financial details of the deal are not being disclosed. Together PwC and Booz & Company will form a leading global advisory business that designs winning strategies for the world’s top companies and can execute them across a wide range of functions and service offerings. “Clients are demanding practical strategies that deliver sustainable outcomes. Our industry is responding with consolidation across the consulting spectrum. We have chosen to lead this change – to deliver better results for our clients and help transform our industry,” said Cesare Mainardi, CEO of Booz & Company. “We believe this positions us together as a ‘Category of One’ - the only global consulting team that’s figured out how to truly bridge the best of operational and strategy consulting.”

Fullcast Holdings appoints President and CEO**

(Dec. 23, 2013,Tokyo) Fullcast Holdings Co Ltd has appointed Kazuki Sakamaki as President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director, to replace Hiroyuki Towaki, effective from 1 January 2014. The move comes after three years of successful restructuring under Towaki from 2010, according to the company. For the next fiscal year, as the launch of new services has achieved tangible results, the Company has decided to pursue further growth of its outsourcing and dispatch business under the new management of Sakamaki, who was promoted internally.

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12 HRoot 2013

Korn Ferry ignites new Brand***

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(Dec. 3, 2013, LOS ANGELES, /PRNewswire/) Korn Ferry (NYSE:KFY), a single source o f l eade rsh ip and t a l en t consult ing services, today revealed its evolved brand expression. The move marks the most signif icant brand transformation since Korn/Ferry International was founded in 1969 by Lester Korn and Richard Ferry. The refreshed brand -- which includes a new logo, brand platform and multimedia creative campaign -- is designed to mirror Korn Ferry's strategic shift from traditional provider of executive search into broad provider of leadership and talent solutions."Leadership and talent is the single greatest issue on the minds of CEOs and their boards today, which is why Korn Ferry is seizing the opportunity to create the world's preeminent leadership and talent consulting organization" said Gary D. Burnison, CEO, Korn Ferry. "The time had come to boldly enhance our brand to reflect the dynamic, multi-faceted organization into which we have evolved. Korn Ferry is increasingly the bridge between our clients' business and talent strategies." Accenture announces key leadership appointments and two new growth platforms***

(Dec. 5. 2013, / PR Newswire /) Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has made key appointments to its global leadership team, creating new roles in strategic areas of its business. The appointments are related to the launch of Accenture Digital, which brings together the company’s industry-leading digital services into a new, integrated end-to-end digital capability; the launch of Accenture Strategy to help clients address issues at the intersection of business, technology and operations; and a new leadership role focused on enhancing the company’s position in growth markets including Asia Pacific, Africa and Latin America. At the same time, Accenture has named a new leader for its Products operating group. “Our clients operate in an increasingly complex and fast-paced marketplace, and we need to constantly evolve to ensure we are structured to deliver the innovative solutions they need to solve their business challenges,” said Pierre Nanterme, Accenture’s chairman and CEO. “Today’s appointments reflect our commitment to aligning some of our most-seasoned and innovative leaders with the critical needs of our clients and with growth opportunities for Accenture.”

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13 HRoot 2013

Job-review site Glassdoor hints at IPO ***

(Dec. 5, 2013, /allthingsd.com/) Glassdoor, the job-review site that has also become a job-listings and recruiting platform, wants to go global. That is, more global than it is today — the Sausalito, Calif.-based company says 25 percent of its traffic already comes from outside the U.S. Glassdoor has raised $50 million in a round led by Tiger Global Management, along with Dragoneer Investment Group and existing investors Benchmark, Sutter Hill Ventures, Battery Ventures and DAGVentures. “The need for information to figure out where to work transcends industries, it transcends borders,” said Glassdoor CEO Robert Hohman. “All the proof points are that this has been a very global need.”Hohman declined to reveal the company’s revenue figures but said, “It’s a real business.” “We are approaching a size when we begin to think about being a public company. IPO is probably the next logical step.” said Hohman.

BRIDGE HR opened WeChat platform officially**

(Dec. 20, 2013,/HRoot/) BRIDGE HR’s WeChat platform opened officially to release leading human resource management information. And BRIDGE HR’s public account is: BridgeHR. You can select "Add By ID" - enter "BridgeHR". You can also scan the 2-dimensional bar code. In terms of geographical distribution, BRIDGE HR, based in Shanghai, is a comprehensive company with the most developed operation network in the Yangtze Delta Region. It has established branches and subsidiaries in Beijing and Guangzhou, and offers one stop human resource management services in 120 cities nationwide.

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14 HRoot 2013

Harvey Nash Group reports Q3 growth**

(Nov. 29, 2013,/HRoot/) Staffing Firm Harvey Nash (LON:HVN) announced in its trading update today that the Group is trading in line with expectations with continued momentum, particularly in the permanent recruitment market, beginning to feed through to the Group’s results.Revenue for the quarter ending 31 October 2013 increased by +19% compared to the same period last year, while gross profit and operating profit both increased by +6%. Gross profit from permanent recruitment for the quarter was +11% higher than the previous year, gross profit from contracting was +9% higher and, due to redundancy costs in Germany, gross profit from outsourcing was -13% lower. For the nine months ending 31 October 2013, revenue was +15% higher than the equivalent period in the previous year, gross profit was +6% higher and operating profit was unchanged. This represents significant progress over the course of the year to date.

KPMG achieves record global revenues for FY13**

(Dec. 12, 2013, Hong Kong) KPMG International (KPMG) today announced record-high aggregated revenues of US$23.42 billion for the fiscal year ended 30 September 2013, representing a 3.7% increase in local currency terms over the previous year. The Americas delivered strong growth over the year, with revenues rising by 6.7% driven by a 16.4% growth in Advisory revenues, 7.4% increase in Tax and a 0.3% increase in Audit revenues. EMA revenues grew by 2.6% with strongest growth in Germany, Ireland and Switzerland as many of the region’s leading economies returned to growth. The Asia Pacific region reported revenue growth of 1.1%, reflecting the difficult economic situation affecting some of the largest economies in the region and the slow IPO market, a traditional strength of KPMG. Michael J. Andrew, Chairman, KPMG International, commented: “KPMG has a longstanding commitment to supporting clients in the world’s fastest growing economies and this focus drove 16.3% annual growth in revenues in India, 14.3% in Mexico, 13.1% in Africa and 10% in China.”

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15 HRoot 2013

Paychex Q2 revenue up 7% FY 14**

(Dec. 18, 2013,/THE WALL STREE JOURNAL/) Paychex, Inc. (NASDAQ:PAYX), a leading provider of payroll, human resource, insurance, and benefits outsourcing solutions for small and medium-sized businesses today announced total revenue of $610.5 million for the three months ended November 30, 2013 (the "second quarter"), an increase of 7% from $559.4 million for the same period last year. Net income increased 7% to $158.7 million and diluted earnings per share increased 5% to $0.43 per share. Operating income increased 8% to $248.6 million.Martin Mucci, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We are pleased with our progress in the second quarter of fiscal 2014. The rate of growth in our Payroll service revenue accelerated to 5% and Human Resource Services revenue growth continued to advance at a double-digit rate. Sales execution remained strong, particularly in core payroll and in Human Resource Services. We continue to deliver client satisfaction and client retention at record levels."

Accenture reports first-quarter fiscal 2014 results**

(Dec. 19, 2013, NEW YORK, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Accenture (NYSE: ACN), a global leading organizations providing management consulting, technology and outsourcing services, reported financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2014, ended Nov. 30, 2013, with record net revenues of $7.4 billion, an increase of 2 percent in U.S. dollars and 3 percent in local currency over the same period last year. Diluted earnings per share were $1.15, an increase of $0.09, or 8 percent, over the same period last year. Operating income for the quarter increased 4 percent, to $1.09 billion, or 14.8 percent of net revenues, compared with $1.05 billion, or 14.5 percent of net revenues, for the first quarter of fiscal 2013. The operating margin expansion of 30 basis points includes a benefit of approximately 20 basis points from a reduction in reorganization liabilities. Gross margin for the quarter was 33.3 %, compared with 32.8% for the first quarter last year.

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17 HRoot 2013

Global Talent Competitiveness Index launch ****

(Nov. 26, 2013, /HRoot/ ) The first edition of the Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) was launched today by INSEAD, based on research in partnership with the Human Capital Leadership Institute of Singapore (HCLI) and Adecco. The Index, which measures a nation’s competitiveness based on the quality of talent it can produce, attract and retain, placed Switzerland at the top of the ranking, followed by Singapore and Denmark in second and third place respectively. It is reported that European countries dominate the 2013 rankings. The GTCI framework considers how each country scores against six pillars – Enablers, Attract, Grow, Retain, Labour and Vocational Skills (LV) and Global Knowledge Skills (GK) – populated by 48 variables. This allows a broad combination of data measuring how a country grows, attracts and retains talent, going from government policy and quality of education to sustainability or lifestyle for example. The GTCI model covers 103 countries, representing 86.3% of the world’s population and 96.7% of the world’s GDP.

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Randstad survey: high labour costs hurting businesses in Australia**

(Nov. 27, 2013 ) A survey of Australian businesses by Randstad showed the 25% of the nation’s business leaders are worried about productivity levels; compared with 17% in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and 19% in India, reports afr.com. Productivity gains in Australia are a problem, according to Michael Roddy, Strategic Account Director for Randstad, especially given the competition with other nations, particularly Asian countries, who have lower labour costs. The survey found that 46% of the business leaders interviewed believed the top productivity challenge facing their company was developing leadership skills among employees to drive business growth. A further 26% said legislation impacting on workforce flexibility and costs was their biggest challenge to productivity.

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18 HRoot 2013

Robert Walters Q3 Asia Job Index reveals 24% YoY increase of job adverts volumes In China***

(Nov. 29, 2013,/HRoot/) The total number of job advertisements for professional positions grew by 9.9% from Q2 to Q3 2013, led by a strong rise in job adverts in China (+10.5%) compared to Q2, and up 24% year-on-year, which was a significant increase, according to Robert Walters Asia Job Index for Q3 2013 released by Robert Walters. It is reported that the Robert Walters Asia Job Index tracks advertisement volumes for professional positions in all key industries across the leading job boards and national newspapers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia. Arthur Wang, Managing Director of Robert Walters China, commented, “With the new government on board there is a sense of improved optimism and great support for the government’s strategy to shift China’s economy away from pure manufacturing and move towards service industries. As this continues to progress, demand for accountants, lawyers and retail servicing experts is likely to remain strong.”

Hays survey: Canada’s skills gap widening***

(Dec. 1, 2013, /HRoot/)The shortage of skilled employees in Canada is deepening, and government policies that tightened the rules governing foreign workers have made the situation worse. That’s the message of a new study from global recruiting firm Hays PLC, which surveyed the skills gap in 30 developed countries around the world. Canada ranks ninth among those countries for the severity of its skills shortage, and its score deteriorated in the past year. The report said skills shortages are not directly linked to the state of the economy in any individual country, but are more closely aligned to government policy, the efficiency of educational institutions in turning out graduates with the right skills, and how effectively employers train their workers. The situation in Canada and other developed countries will likely get worse as the global economy recovers, said Hays chief executive Alistair Cox, who was visiting Canada this week from the multinational’s headquarters in Britain.

Talent shortage to challenge the competitiveness of employers in Hong Kong 2014***

(Dec. 3, 2013, /finet.hk/) The 2013/14 Randstad World of Work Report released by Randstad revealed that employees in Hongkong will have two major challenges: attracting talent and retain high quality employees. It is also reported that two-thirds (65%) of employees in Hong Kong tend to leave their company mainly because of the lack of opportunities for career development and personal progress (67%) and the unattractive salary and compensation (51%). Randstad reported that the shortage of skilled labor , stress of wage and high employee turnover rate make employers to provide better skills on selection and development. Fortunately, the businesses surveyed said that all of them are ready for investment on talent manage strategy and systems for attracting excellent talent.

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ECA International survey: the projected salary increase amounts to just 1% in real terms in Hong Kong next year***

(Dec. 1, 2013,/HRoot/) Employees in Hong Kong can expect to see their salaries increase by an average of 4.5% in 2014, according to the latest Salary Trends survey by ECA International, the world's leading provider of knowledge, information and technology for the management and assignment of employees around the world. The figure is the same as the uplift local employees received this year, but with inflation of 3.5% forecast for next year, the projected salary increase amounts to just 1% in real terms. Increases are likely to be highest in the banking and insurance industries. Those working in transport and logistics are expected to receive slightly below-average uplifts. Despite the marginal increase expected for Hong Kong, Asia as a whole is the region where employees will see the highest real wage increases. "A wage increase of just 1 per cent after adjusting for inflation means that employees in Hong Kong will receive some of the lowest wage rises in the world next year in real terms," said Lee Quane, regional director – Asia, ECA International. "On a more positive note, this real wage increase is actually higher than the increase recorded in 2012, and roughly the same as the one recorded here for 2013."

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Countries/regions Asia Rank 2014 Global Rank 2014

Pakistan 1 3

India 2 4

Vietnam 3 4

Bangladesh 4 6

Indonesia 5 9

Sri Lanka 6 11

China 6 11

Philippines 8 18

Thailand 9 20

Malaysia 10 21

Korea Republic 11 23

Hong Kong 12 33

Singapore 12 33

Taiwan 14 38

Japan 15 60

Nominal salary increase forecast rankings for Asia ‘Real’ salary increase forecast rankings for Asia

Countries/regions Asia Rank 2014 Global Rank 2014

China 1 3

Pakistan 2 4

Bangladesh 3 5

Thailand 4 6

Vietnam 5 7

Philippines 6 8

Malaysia 7 9

Korea Republic 8 12

India 9 20

Taiwan 10 22

Singapore 11 28

Indonesia 12 36

Sri Lanka 13 52

Hong Kong 14 54

Japan 15 63

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Robert Half International: social perceptions impacting on female career advancement in Hongkong***

(Dec. 9, 2013) Society’s perception of women’s role and the lack of work-life balance are holding women back from advancing in their career compared to men, according to a survey from global recruitment firm Robert Half. In the survey, HR directors were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with a list of reasons why female employees were not climbing the career ladder as fast as their male counterparts. At the top of the list were societal perceptions of women’s role, with 43% of respondents agreeing that this was one of the reasons why women were not advancing in their career. When compared, the responses from men and women varied and it became more apparent as 58% of female HR directors said that societal stigma was holding women back. Other perceptions as to why females may not be progressing as fast in their careers as their male counterparts include lack of work life balance (41%), and (more controversially) being overly-emotional in the workplace (37%), and the desire for women to be liked by their peers (35%). Job adverts fall for a second month in Australia***

(Dec. 9, 2013) The number of jobs advertised on the internet and in newspapers fell for the second consecutive month, and there are no clear signs of the labour market bouncing back in the coming months, reports Sky News Australia.The total number of jobs advertisements fell by -0.8% in November following a -0.1% fall the month before, according to the latest ANZ Job Advert Survey. The number of job adverts placed on the internet fell by -1% in November while those placed in newspapers fell by -0.8%. The number of jobs advertised in November was -10% lower than a year ago.

Aon Hewitt survey: new Chinese government regulations give more options on maximizing returns from total rewards***

(Dec. 9, 2013,Shanghai)The government of China announced its new tax incentive on Enterprise Annuity (thereafter referred as 'EA') on 6 December, 2013, the nation's qualified supplemental retirement plan. The new regulation, which reduces the Individual Income Tax (IIT) to a large degree by using a tax deferral mechanism, is expected to be effective on 1st of January, 2014. Aon Hewitt, the global human resources business of Aon plc (NYSE:AON), observes that the new regulations represent the only tax benefit for Chinese employees. Aon Hewitt says that it is time for employers to reconsider their total rewards strategy, especially how they can maximize the total rewards returns to employees. Current implementers of EA: For companies that currently implements the Enterprise Annuity, employees' past contribution, for which the relevant tax has been paid for, will not be taxed again. Based on Aon Hewitt's 2013 Human Capital Intelligence Survey, China's average salary increase is 8.5%, with only 23.2% of the Chinese companies having established a supplemental retirement plan. The new regulations may alleviate the current situation where "cash is the king" in China, and push employers to consider talent attraction and retention from a total rewards perspective. One that includes overall benefits, retirement and taxation.

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21 HRoot 2013

51job releases Resignation and Salary Adjustments in China 2014****

(Dec. 9, 2013,Shanghai,/PRNewswire/) Resignation and Salary Adjustments in China 2014, released by 51job(NASDAQ: JOBS), a leading job board and HR provider, showing that the overall mobility of employee decreased slightly with the average turnover rate of 16.3% in 2013, while the salary increases will be modest to 8.8% in 2014. It is also reported that China’s financial industry will continue to be a magnet for job seekers in 2014, as it was announced that it is the job sector with the greatest potential for salary increases next year. The report states that as much as a +10.4% increase in salary would be possible for financial sector employees, outpacing other industries, which are more likely to shore up salaries after cutting them this year. Other sectors likely to increase their employees’ salaries by a relatively high margin are estate agents (+10.1%), high-tech industries (+9.9%), and the bio-medicinal sector (+9.2%). According to 51Jobs, with a growing talent war, Chinese companies need to improve their talent management and enhance their staff development, in order to increase their employees’ overall satisfaction and increase employee retention.

Michael Page survey: no slowing of hiring activity in 2014 in Japan***

(Dec. 10, 2013,/HRoot/) Hiring activity in Japan during 2014 is expected to be healthy, recording similar levels to 2013 if not slightly better, according to the views of employers surveyed for the Michael Page Japan 2014 Salary & Employment Forecast. Sharing their expectations on the recruitment outlook for 2014, nearly half of the 755 employers surveyed consider the current employment market to be steady when compared with the last 12 months. A further 21% are more confident, viewing the hiring market as slightly stronger, while 18% believe it is stronger. With an ongoing expectation for a positive employment market, 46% of surveyed employers are expecting a professional skills shortage over the coming year. In particular, bilingual skills (English and Japanese) continue to be a sought-after requirement for many roles yet difficult to find within the talent pool. While the impact of a skills shortage on business is translating into an increased need to develop more targeted attraction strategies according to 46% of surveyed employers, it is not likely to impact salary levels based on the view of 41% of survey respondents.

Korn Ferry : diversity is the key factor in determining future success in Asia***

(Dec. 10, 2013,/HRoot/) A survey from recruitment firm Korn Ferry entitled ‘The Diversity Scorecard 2013: Measuring Board Composition and Diversity in Asia Pacific’, has found that while there has been incremental progress in improving gender diversity on boards in most Asia Pacific countries, the female representation on boards remains low, reports China Weekly News.The study's findings underscore an urgent need for Asia's boards to recruit more diverse directors, as markets across Asia Pacific confront obstacles; such as increasing regional competition, consumer shifts, regulatory uncertainty, and in many locales a shortage of key talent. Female directors account for less than 10% of boards in all of the countries examined, except in Australia, in which 16.7% of directors are female. More than 50% of boards in India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea have no female directors and only six of the 900 boards examined have more than three female directors.

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22 HRoot 2013

ManpowerGroup survey: Chinese employers expect hiring pace to remain steady for the third consecutive quarter in Q1 2014****

(Dec. 10, 2013, Shanghai) The first quarter 2014 Manpower Employment Outlook Survey report released by ManpowerGroup, the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, reveals that Chinese employers expect the hiring pace to remain steady in the first quarter of 2014. China’s Net Employment Outlook2 of +13% (seasonally adjusted1) is unchanged quarter-over-quarter and 2 percentage points weaker year-over-year. According to industries: employers in both the Finance, Insurance & Real Estate sector and Manufacturing sector report the strongest hiring intentions with a Net Employment Outlook of +14% respectively; both Outlooks remain unchanged compared with the previous quarter, and are 1 percentage point weaker

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year-over-year respectively. Elsewhere, a positive hiring pace is anticipated in both the Transportation & Utilities sector and Wholesale & Retail Trade sector, with employers in both sectors reporting Outlooks of +13%. A steady hiring pace is expected by employers in both the Services sector and Mining & Construction sector, where Outlooks stand at +11%. The Out look in the Mining & Construction increases 8 percentage points quarter-over-quarter and 10 percentage points year-over-year. According to regions and cities: the most upbeat hiring pace is reported in both South Region and East Region, both with Outlooks of +13%. As for cities, employers in Shenzhen anticipate the most optimistic hir ing intent ions, with the Outlook of +16%, which is 3 percentage points stronger quarter-over-quarter, but 1 percentage point weaker year-over-year.

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Michael Page survey: employers forecast big pay rises 2014 in China****

(Dec. 12, 2013, /China Daily/) Many Chinese employers expect to see as much as double-digit salary increases for their employees in 2014, according to the China 2014 Salary & Employment Forecast released by Michael Page. It is reported that most of those respondents said they expect their average salaries to rise by 6% to 10%. And about 37% of the interviewees agreed that people in procurement and supply chain positions are very likely to see a double-digit salary increase. The top four job positions that are likely to experience a double-digit salary increase include procurement and supply chains(37%), property and construction(31%), engineering and manufacturing(25%) and technology(25%). China's progress in building second- and third-tier cities is fuelling demand for skilled employees, which also has helped to bring about the likely sizable salary growth.

Hay Group survey: pay rises to weaken in 2014****

(Dec. 12, 2013, /HRoot/)Salary rises across the world are expected to weaken according to the latest pay forecast data from global management consultancy, Hay Group. Salaries are set to increase by +5.2% on average but rises for 2014 are expected to average -0.3 percentage points less than last year’s forecast of +5.5%.Venezuelan workers look set to receive the biggest pay increase of +27%. Yet, with local inflation predicted to reach 36.4% in 2014, employees will actually feel a significant cut in real income. Salary rises in Europe are forecast at +3.1% on average, boosted by high rises in emerging nations. This compares to +3.3% in 2013.North America is set to see rises of +2.7% in 2014 compared to +2.9% last year. In the Middle East pay rises have stabilised but forecasts are down on 2013. The average rise forecast is +5%, down from +5.5% last year. Ben Frost, consultant at Hay Group, comments: “This year’s global forecast highlights a significant slowdown of pay rises into the new year, as GDP growth in many parts of the world remains subdued. Even where optimistic rises are expected in fast growing markets, high inflation means the economic recovery won’t be felt in the pay packets of employees in many countries.”

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24 HRoot 2013

Career International survey: salaries up average of 8.3% 2014 in China****

(Dec. 12, 2013, /HRoot/) Enterprise salaries are projected to increase by an average of 8.3% next year in China, a fall of -1.03% compared to this year, which declined for five consecutive year, according to research conducted by Career International, one of the leading talent management provider. It is reported that although the expected increase of employees is 16%, salaries of the director level management are forecast to rise 6.6%, non-managers with 10.2%, which means there is a big differences between the reality and dreams. More specifically, there is almost no difference on the salary increase between big cities and lesser-developed cities in China. There is an obvious difference among private corporate, foreign company and state-owned enterprise, with 8.9%, 8.0% and 7.9% respectively. Career International says that the top and most effective strategy for private corporate is improving the level of compensation and benefit.

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salary increase bewteen 2010-2014

2014 salary increase in private ,foreign and state-owned enterprise

Private Enterprise Foreign Enterprise State-owned Enterprise

Salary increase rate of Manager level

Rate of average salary increase

Non-managers salary increase rate

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Monster Worldwide survey: workers are the world’s most industrious in China***

(Dec. 13, 2013,/ huanqiu.com/) A recent survey has revealed that China is considered to be the most 'industrious' nation in the world, according to research from Monster Worldwide, in collaboration with Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK), a German global market research institute.According to the international survey, which tracked data on economic and labour-related ‘competitive spirit’, Chinese employees are the most industrious people in the world, followed by workers from Germany and the US.Employees from France are considered to be the laziest people in the world. It is reported that Chinese employees work on average 44.6 hours per week, while the German employees average about 33.5 hours of work per week. And although China has more public holidays than Germany, Chinese employees have only ten days of paid leave on average, while German employees have 25 days.

CareerBuilder lists the best jobs for 2014 **

(Dec. 13, 2013) Applications and systems software developers topped a list of well-paying, in-demand jobs for 2014 released today by CareerBuilder and EMSI, and followed by market research analysts and marketing specialists and training and development specialists. “More high-wage jobs will be created in 2014 which will, in turn, fuel the creation of jobs at lower pay levels," said Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder. "The challenge is many of these in-demand, skilled positions are in areas where companies are already experiencing a shortage of qualified labor.”High-wage jobs to watch out for in the new year, including jobs added in 2014, include:

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· Financial analysts · Physical therapists· Web developers · Logisticians· Database administrators

KPMG survey: strategies to prioritise talent management in UK**

(Dec. 16, 2013)The latest report by the global network of professional service firms, KPMG, has revealed that many organisations are taking a narrow approach to talent management strategies, with many taking a short term approach. According to Stephen Gilbert, Practice Director at ReThink Talent Management, there are three key steps HR professionals must implement to avoid this and ensure talent management remains relevant to both businesses and individuals: 1)Meet the need: Talent processes can often become overly complicated causing confusion over the role and impact of these strategies. It’s vital that any talent management solutions tackle the real problem senior business managers face: resourcing gaps. 2)Focus on quality not quantity: The fundamental goal of any talent management plan is to ensure the right people are in the right role, at the right time. Highlighting the large number of candidates interviewed or promotions given are irrelevant. 3) Embrace technology: The world is becoming increasingly digital and technology is playing a greater role in the business arena, yet few are using this resource to its potential.

· Meeting, convention and event planners· Interpreters and translators· Petroleum engineers· Information security analysts

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OECD Unit labour costs stable in the third quarter of 2013***

(Dec. 19, 2013,/ peprobe.com/) Unit labour costs (ULCs) in the OECD area continued to slow in the third quarter of 2013 to 1.0% compared with 1.3% in the second quarter of 2013. This reflects a continued year-on-year increase in labour compensation per unit of labour input that was partly offset by positive year-on-year labour productivity growth. Unit labour costs (ULCs) in the OECD area were unchanged in Q3 2013 compared with the previous quarter, with growth in labour productivity (+0.4%) only slightly outpacing a rise in labour compensation (+0.3%).The pattern of ULCs growth across economies remains mixed. ULCs increased slightly in the Euro area (+0.1%) while they fell in the United States (-0.2%) and continued to decline in Japan (-0.6%).

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Randstad survey: healthcare workers remain confident about economy & job security***

(Dec. 18, 2013,/ fiercehealthcare.com/) Healthcare workers are confident in the economy and the future, according to the latest edition of the Randstad Healthcare Employee Confidence Index. Employee confidence in the third quarter of 2013 reached 59.2 percent, the highest level among healthcare workers since the first quarter of 2012, The index rose to a reading of 59.2 in the third quarter from 54.3 in the second quarter. However, due to the time frame of the survey, it does not account for any change in attitudes that may have occurred during the government shutdown.”"Healthcare organizations continue to maneuver in the transforming healthcare environment, with executive roles such as chief medical officer and chief nursing officer particularly in high demand given the small talent pool,” said Steve McMahan, executive vice president of Randstad US, Professionals.

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Manpower releases the Employment Outlook Survey for the first quarter 2014***

(Dec. 20, 2013, Shanghai)According to the Manpower Employment Outlook Survey for the first quarter 2014, intentions of finance, insurance and real estate and manufacturing recruitment in six major industries are strongest. And Net Employment Outlook is +14% respectively. Shanghai Free Trade Zone (Shanghai FTA) has attracted leading banks, trading and transportation enterprises settled in investment, which will help to increase employment in these industries to some extent. Meanwhile, it will also bring coastal areas to improve business opportunities. The survey serves as a bellwether of labor market trends and activities. It’s territories to measure their intentions to increase or decrease the number of employees in their workforce during the next quarter. ManpowerGroup’s independent survey data is sourced by financial analysts. The Manpower Employment Outlook Survey is the longest-running, most extensive, forward looking employment survey in the world, commencing in 1962 and now polling over 66,000 employers in 42 countries and it’s accepted economic indicator.

Adecco survey: firms urged to adopt more competitive hiring strategies in Singapore ***

(Dec.20 ,2013,/ channelnewsasia.com /) With a tight labour market expected to persist in 2014, Singapore firms will have to adopt more competitive hiring strategies, reports channelnewsasia.com. Recruitment experts have said the labour shortage is forecast to put upward pressure on wages going forward. However, more job opportunities are expected to come from certain sectors like healthcare and pharmaceuticals. With Asia's rising importance in the global economy, talent is expected to continue to flow into the region. Meanwhile, Ian Grundy, head of marketing and communications for Adecco Asia concluded: "In Singapore, it is going to be really competitive next year. Organizations are going to have to offer market rates... good benefits, good remuneration packages to really bring in the best people. If they do not do that, there is enough choice in the market for candidates".

BRIDGE HR posted CEIBS - BRIDGE HR Recruitment Index**

(Dec. 21, 2013,/HRoot/) BRIDGE HR, which is dedicated to providing professional HR solutions for clients, posted the first quarter of 2014 CEIBS - BRIDGE HR Recruitment Index recently showing that hiring index rose slightly the next quarter, and the National Recruitment Index is 1.30% compared with the previous quarter (1.28%), an increase of 0.02% points, an increase of about 1.56% compared last year.

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Michael Page to release ten professions for 2014 in Brazil**

(Dec. 24, 2013, Brazil) In 2014, the year of the World Cup and elections in Brazil, Michael Page Executive Search, has surveyed which skills will be most in demand. According to Paul Bridges, Chairman of Michael Page in Brazil, many sectors will see increases next year, but areas related to marketing and infrastructure will be the most requested. Overall, Michael Page highlighted ten key roles for 2014. These roles are shown below:1. Digital Marketing2. Business Planning 3. Marketing and Sales4. Civil Engineering5. Geo-Scientists (geophysicists, geologists)6. Work Safety Engineers7. Actuary8. Data Scientist (training in computer science or systems analysis)9. Law/Accounting10. Engineering/Economics

Kelly survey: free agents increasing in China**

(Dec. 27, 2013) Employers will have to rethink their approach to hiring, organisational structure and strategic planning. And workers will have to balance the advantages of greater flexibility and freedom to control their own careers with the removal of the "safety net" provided by a full-time role. Teresa Carroll, general manager of Kelly's outsourcing and consulting group and senior vice-president of its Centers of Excellence, estimates that free agents already account for about 45% of the workforce in the US. In Asia, Carroll notes that "talent supply chain management" is even more challenging. "Aside from the war for talent, the regulations and the costs, there's a unique psychographic in Asia," she says. "In this region, full-time employees are now free agents - loyalty is pretty much dead."Carroll sees a bright Asian future for recruitment process outsourcing and management service provision, which are now entrenched in the West. "The challenge for organizations is to pull together all the talent sources. Another trend that could take root in Asia is "online staffing", where internet-based firms "collate" all freelancers and offer their services to subscribers.

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Hays retains Best Finance and Accounting Executive Recruiter in Asia award***

(Nov. 27, 2013 ,/HRoot/) For the second consecut ive year, recrui t ing experts Hays has been named the Best Finance and Accounting Executive Recruiter for Asia. The awards, organised by CFO Innovations Asia, an online publication that reaches more than 21,000 top-level finance managers in the corporate sector in Asia, were held at the Marina Mandarin in Singapore on Tuesday November 19.Senior finance leaders across Asia voted Hays the best recruiter ahead of Michael Page and Robert Half, at the second CFO Innovations Awards. Hays Accountancy & Finance in Singapore accepted the award on behalf of Hays Asia in front of about 150 attendees from key financial organisations across the region. The award was one of several presented, including CFO of the Year and Partner of the Year. “We are once again delighted to receive this award which underlines our dedication to helping Asian countries address the issue of attracting the top talent in the face of ongoing and profound skills shortages,” said Christine Wright, Operations Director for Hays in Asia.

Career International wins CCH China STAFF "Recruitment Firm of the Year "award***

(Dec. 5, 20103, Shanghai /PRNewswire /)The 16th CCH China STAFF Awards ceremony was held in Shanghai. Career International, one of the leading total recruitment solution providers in Asia, has been named the "Recruitment Firm of the Year", based on the excellent performance in 17 relevant industries and fields to help clients to realize their talent recruitment strategies. The most prestigious awards in China's HR field, the "China STAFF Awards" event is organized yearly by China Staff magazine, a bilingual journal belonging to CCH group and dedicating to in-depth analysis of HR management issues in China to recognize the individuals and organizations that have strategically leveraged HR policies and practices to meet the growth objectives of their business.

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31 HRoot 2013

Cornerstone OnDemand named a 2014 Best Place to Work**

(Dec.11, 2013,/BUSINESS WIRE/) Cornerstone OnDemand (NASDAQ: CSOD), a global leader in cloud-based talent management software solutions, has been named one of the Best Places to Work in 2014 as part of the Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards, ranking fourth on the list of medium-sized companies.. The Employees’ Choice Awards rely solely on the input of U.S.-based employees, who elect to provide feedback on their jobs, work environments and companies via Glassdoor’s anonymous online company review survey.The Glassdoor company review survey includes both quantitative and qualitative questions designed to capture a genuine and authentic inside look at what it is like to work at particular jobs and companies. The survey asks employees to rate their satisfaction with the company overall and key workplace factors such as career opportunities, compensation and benefits, work/life balance, senior management, and culture and values. In addition, employees are asked to describe the best reasons to work at their company, as well as areas for improvement.

ADP won the reward of recommended outsourcing services**

(Dec. 16, 2013, Beijing ) ADP, the world's leading provider of human capital management solutions, announced recently that the company won the "recommended outsourcing services", which awarded by Human Resource Association for Chinese & Foreign Enterprises, Beijing (HRA), with its excellent local services, standardized internal management, perfect operating performance, clear service concept, high integrity and good reputation. ADP China said it is an important affirmation for ADP to enter China human resources outsourcing market since 2006.

Cloud Recruit Technology wins CCH China STAFF “Best eHR Software Provider of the Year”**

(Dec. 17, 2013,/HRoot/) Cloud Recruit Technology (Beijing) Ltd., Co. announced recently that the company has been named the Best eHR Software provider of the Year, which was named by the 16th CCH China STAFF Awards ceremony held in Shanghai. The most prestigious awards in China's HR field, the "China STAFF Awards" event is organized yearly by China Staff magazine, a bilingual journal belonging to CCH group and dedicating to in-depth analysis of HR management issues in China to recognize the individuals and organizations that have strategically leveraged HR policies and practices to meet the growth objectives of their business. It is reported that the company with this honor should provide the best effective solutions on HR strategy, cost budgeting, organization development, leadership development, succession planning, HR technology and constitute planning , which could help customers develop high-performance work environment and bring them the measurable benefits as well.

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Hay Group to hold its International Conference in Asia for the first time***

(Nov. 28, 2013,/ nbd.com.cn/) The Hay Group International Conference, which is being held for the first time in Asia, took place at the Pudong Shangri-la Hotel, Shanghai on November 27-28, 2013. The conference, with its theme of Leading Transformation, provides a platform for globally respected management experts and business leaders to share their personal experiences of transforming businesses to face the realities of a fast-changing world. Hay Group's President and CEO Stephen Kaye unveils top five challenges for CEO in 2014 as its International Conference. The top five challenges CEOs will face in 2014 are globalization 2.0, demographic shift, disruptive technologies, employee engagement, and constant transformation. That is the message from renowned management consulting firm Hay Group as it holds its annual International Conference in Shanghai this week. Among the top five challenges, Hay Group identified transformation as the toughest. "Over the past 10 years, we have seen a continuous upward trend in transformation within the business sector," said Mr Kaye. "The former partner may become the current competitor, the once local company turns into a global organization, and expertise originated in the East shifts to the West. Meanwhile, changing technology is challenging the business model and will speed up the process of change."

FESCO Adecco opens Swiss visa application center in Shanghai ***

(Nov. 29, 2013, Shanghai, /PR Newswire/) FESCO Adecco, which bills itself as the largest multinational human resource company in China, will start a new visa center for the Switzerland on Nov. 28th to handle an expected 20,000 applications annually. As the first visa application center for the Switzerland in Shanghai, it offers postal applications and other services for accredited companies and travel agencies using channels dedicated to organizations accredited by the consulate general and with approved destination status. Once the diplomatic mission's decision is made, passports are transferred in the same secure way back to the visa application center. Applicants can follow their status online in real time through their personal account on a dedicated website.

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FESCO selects infosys to develop an innovative HR service platform**

(Dec.13, 2013,Beijing, /PRNewswire/) Infosys announced that it has been selected by FESCO to develop a Human Resources (HR) services platform, 'iSynergy'. FESCO is the first Chinese company to provide professional HR services to foreign enterprises and financial institutions as well as economic organizations in China. Users at FESCO can now access the company's HR services through a single window on 'iSynergy' using self-service options. "We chose Infosys as our implementation partner because we understood the value they can bring to our customers. Infosys understood, not just our unique needs, but also the needs of our clients. They were able to tailor their solution to meet these needs. " said HaoJie, Vice-President of FESCO.

CDP Group and China Merchants Bank Shanghai Branch strategic alliance****

(Dec. 26, 2013,/ PRNewswire /) CDP Group and Shanghai Branch of China Merchants Bank signed the strategic cooperation agreement held in the CDP Group’s headquarter Shanghai on December 25. The signing of a strategic cooperation agreement will further expand cooperation space between the two sides, which is the industry's first cooperation attempts between HR service and bank-enterprise. The move is to undertake cooperation milestone in enterprise personnel, benefits, annuities business fields, which marks the two sides of the business cooperative relations enter a new stage of development. According to the agreement, Shanghai branch of China Merchants Bank will provide an integrated financial services program. The two sides will act as long-term strategic partners to carry out all-round cooperation.

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35 HRoot 2013

Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals Australians are retiring earlier than expected****

(Dec. 10, 2013,/xkb.com.au/) Australians are ignoring government pleas to work longer and instead are taking early retirement when they hit their 50s, new figures show. The government wants workers to retire at 67, but the average retirement age is closer to 59 for men and 50 for women, the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed on Monday. Last financial year, the average age at retirement for people aged 45 and over was 53.8. The bureau's latest survey on “retirement and retirement intentions” in Australia suggests government plans to increase the retirement age to 67 may face some resistance. It shows the average actual age of retirement is lower than the average intended age of retirement for all age groups. But it also shows a significant number of people in the labour force aged 45 or over – almost one in five – are not planning to retire until they are at least 70.

Consolidation trend hits healthcare staffing firms***

(Dec. 19, 2013, /HRoot/) Management teams in healthcare staffing have been busy crossing items off of their holiday shopping lists, with a steady stream of acquisitions announced over the fourth quarter. Consolidation in the industry is on an upswing as companies position themselves to capitalize on a predicted increase in demand in 2014 and beyond. AMN Healthcare Services Inc. (NYSE: AHS), the largest U.S. healthcare staffing firm with $912 million in 2012 U.S. healthcare staffing revenue and 10 percent market share, purchased healthcare vendor management system (VMS) ShiftWise in November. AMN was quick to specify that the newly acquired business would continue to operate independently with no change in its leadership team, and would remain a vendor neutral VMS.“This strategic acquisition is an investment in addressing the diverse needs of our clients by providing a unique vendor neutral technology option as well as other workforce technology solutions that will instantly expand our capabilities,” AMN President and CEO Susan Salka said in a press release at the time.

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37 HRoot 2013


Exchange rate,12/30/2013HKD1 0.1290 USD

TWD1 0.0333 USD

EUR1 1.3746 USD

GBP1 1.6480 USD

AUD1 0.8856 USD

JPY 1 0.0095 USD

CNY1 0.1648 USD

CHF1 1.1040 USD

Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Dec. 302

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Dec.30, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Nov.29, USD,mn

Compared with previous month

1 ADP 安德普翰 Nasdaq NASDAQ ADP 38,860.00 USD,mn 38,860.00 35,100.00 10.71%

2 Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc./Mercer 3 威达信集团 New York Stock Exchange NYSE MMC 26,500.00 USD,mn 26,500.00 26,110.00 1.49%

3 Aon 怡安 New York Stock Exchange NYSE AON 25,110.00 USD,mn 25,110.00 24,770.00 1.37%

4 LinkedIn Corp. / New York Stock Exchange NYSE LNKD 24,250.00 USD,mn 24,250.00 25,010.00 -3.04%

5 Paychex / Nasdaq NASDAQ PAYX 15,980.00 USD,mn 15,980.00 15,980.00 0.00%


ADEN/ADE 13,352.54 CHF,mn 14,973.54 14,741.20 1.58%

7 Workday / New York Stock Exchange NYSE WDAY 14,340.00 USD,mn 14,340.00 14,240.00 0.70%

8 Randstad 任仕达 NYSE Euronext (Amsterdam) AMS RAND 8,290.00 EUR,mn 11,395.43 11,276.89 1.05%

9 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 New York Stock Exchange NYSE TW 8,960.00 USD,mn 8,960.00 8,110.00 10.48%

10 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团 New York Stock Exchange NYSE MAN 6,790.00 USD,mn 6,790.00 6,340.00 7.10%

11 Robert Half International 罗致恒富 New York Stock Exchange NYSE RHI 5,800.00 USD,mn 5,800.00 5,310.00 9.23%

12 The Ultimate Software / Nasdaq NASDAQ ULTI 4,280.00 USD,mn 4,280.00 4,380.00 -2.28%

13 SEEK 4 / Australian Securities Exchange ASX SEK 4,490.00 AUD.mn 3,976.34 4,078.27 -2.50%

14 Team Health Holdings / New York Stock Exchange NYSE TMH 3,180.00 USD,mn 3,180.00 3,250.00 -2.15%

15 Hays 瀚纳仕 London Stock Exchange LON HAS 1,800.00 GBP,mn 2,966.40 2,941.20 0.86%

16 Booz Allen Hamilton 博思艾伦 New York Stock Exchange NYSE BAH 2,790.00 USD,mn 2,790.00 2,580.00 8.14%

17 Neusoft 东软 Shanghai Stock Exchange SHA 600718 15,340.00 CNY,mn 2,528.03 2,517.29 0.43%

18 Michael Page International 米高蒲志国际 London Stock Exchange LON MPI 1,500.00 GBP,mn 2,472.00 2,451.00 0.86%

19 51job 前程无忧 Nasdaq NASDAQ JOBS 2,320.00 USD,mn 2,320.00 2,160.00 7.41%

20 Health Net / NYSE Euronext (Paris) EPA HNT 2,300.00 USD,mn 2,300.00 2,400.00 -4.17%

21 Yonyou 用友 Shanghai Stock Exchange SHA 600588 13,340.00 CNY,mn 2,198.43 2,189.09 0.43%

22 Kronos 克罗诺思 New York Stock Exchange NYSE KRO 1,990.00 USD,mn 1,990.00 1,930.00 3.11%

23 Temp Holdings / Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2181 205,470.00 JPY,mn 1,951.97 2,013.61 -3.06%

24 On Assignment / Nasdaq NASDAQ ASGN 1,880.00 USD,mn 1,880.00 1,830.00 2.73%

25 Korn Ferry 光辉国际 New York Stock Exchange NYSE KFY 1,300.00 USD,mn 1,300.00 1,140.00 14.04%

26 TrueBlue / New York Stock Exchange NYSE TBI 1,060.00 USD,mn 1,060.00 1,050.00 0.95%

27 USG People / NYSE Euronext (Paris) AMS USG 767.98 EUR,mn 1,055.67 1,044.68 1.05%

28 Kelly 必胜 Nasdaq NASDAQ KELYA 944.71 USD,mn 944.71 859.54 9.91%

29 Insperity5 / New York Stock Exchange NYSE NSP 925.13 USD,mn 925.13 905.95 2.12%

30 Meitec 明达科 Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 9744 88,970.00 JPY,mn 845.22 871.91 -3.06%

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Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Dec. 302

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Dec.30, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Nov.29, USD,mn

Compared with previous month

31 McMillan Shakespeare / Australian Securities Exchange ASX MMS 868.95 AUD.mn 769.54 789.27 -2.50%

32 Kingdee 金蝶 Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKG 0268 5,810.00 HKD,mn 749.49 749.49 0.00%

33 Sthree / London Stock Exchange LON STHR 431.28 GBP,mn 710.75 704.71 0.86%

34 Kforce / Nasdaq NASDAQ KFRC 701.85 USD,mn 701.85 686.68 2.21%

35 AMN Healthcare Services / New York Stock Exchange NYSE AHS 680.23 USD,mn 680.23 638.87 6.47%

36 Barrett Business Services / Nasdaq NASDAQ BBSI 671.67 USD,mn 671.67 610.33 10.05%

37 Monster / New York Stock Exchange NYSE MWW 636.38 USD,mn 636.38 636.38 0.00%

38 Resources Connection 荟才 Nasdaq NASDAQ RECN 578.00 USD,mn 578.00 557.74 3.63%

39 Synergie / New York Stock Exchange EPA SDG 357.55 EUR,mn 491.49 486.38 1.05%

40 Groupe Crit / NYSE Euronext (Paris) EPA CEN 345.89 EUR,mn 475.46 470.51 1.05%

41 Dice Holdings / New York Stock Exchange NYSE DHX 415.71 USD,mn 415.71 403.32 3.07%

42 Corporate Resource Services /

FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board OTC CRRS 400.39 USD,mn 400.39 362.26 10.53%

43 Robert Walters 华德士 London Stock Exchange LON RWA 242.36 GBP,mn 399.41 396.02 0.86%

44 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 Nasdaq NASDAQ HSII 369.12 USD,mn 369.12 330.18 11.79%

45 CDI Corporation / New York Stock Exchange NYSE CDI 367.64 USD,mn 367.64 304.00 20.93%

46 Saba Software / Nasdaq NASDAQ SABA 357.43 USD,mn 357.43 355.05 0.67%

47 Cross Country Healthcare / Nasdaq NASDAQ CCRN 303.08 USD,mn 303.08 228.79 32.47%

48 Pasona 保圣那 Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2168 27,750.00 JPY,mn 263.63 271.95 -3.06%

49 Impellam Group / London Stock Exchange LON IPEL 154.97 GBP,mn 255.39 253.22 0.86%

50 ClickSoftware Technologies / Nasdaq NASDAQ CKSW 237.10 USD,mn 237.10 226.65 4.61%

51 Staffline Group / London Stock Exchange LON STAF 143.69 GBP,mn 236.80 234.79 0.86%

52 Volt Information Sciences 渥特 PINK PINK VISI 208.13 USD,mn 208.13 201.88 3.10%

53 Chandler Macleod Group / Australian Securities Exchange ASX CMG 205.15 AUD.mn 181.68 186.34 -2.50%

54 Hudson 翰德 Nasdaq NASDAQ HSON 128.76 USD,mn 128.76 115.09 11.88%

55 WDB Holdings / Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 2475 12,780.00 JPY,mn 121.41 125.24 -3.06%

56 Harvey Nash Group / London Stock Exchange LON HVN 73.45 GBP,mn 121.05 120.02 0.86%

57 104 Job bank 104人力银行 Taiwan Stock Exchange TPE 3130 3,490.00 TWD,mn 116.22 117.96 -1.48%

58 Fullcast Holdings / Tokyo Stock Exchange TYO 4848 10,240.00 JPY,mn 97.28 100.35 -3.06%

Exchange rate,12/30/2013HKD1 0.1290 USD

TWD1 0.0333 USD

EUR1 1.3746 USD

GBP1 1.6480 USD

AUD1 0.8856 USD

JPY 1 0.0095 USD

CNY1 0.1648 USD

CHF1 1.1040 USD


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39 HRoot 2013

Notes:1. Market Capitalization: Market cap is calculated from the total value of a company's stock, namely total shares of stock times price per share. It fluctuates with stock market. 2. Above data come from the closing prices of local exchanges of the companies on Dec.30, 2013. 3. Marsh & McLennan Companies is the parent company of Mercer. 4. SEEK is the parent company of zhaopin.com. 5. Insperity was formerly named Administaff.


Exchange rate,12/30/2013HKD1 0.1290 USD

TWD1 0.0333 USD

EUR1 1.3746 USD

GBP1 1.6480 USD

AUD1 0.8856 USD

JPY 1 0.0095 USD

CNY1 0.1648 USD

CHF1 1.1040 USD

Ranking Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese Stock Exchange Code of

Exchange Stock Code

Mkt captial on Dec. 302

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial Dec.30, USD,mn

Mkt captial on Nov.29, USD,mn

Compared with previous month

59 ATA 全美测评 Nasdaq NASDAQ ATAI 92.87 USD,mn 92.87 93.79 -0.98%

60 Computer & Technologies 科联系统 Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKG 0046 463.97 HKD,mn 59.85 59.85 0.00%

61 Hydrogen Group / London Stock Exchange LON HYDG 24.90 GBP,mn 41.04 40.69 0.86%

62 NetDimensions 网维 London Stock Exchange LON NETD 22.56 GBP,mn 37.18 36.86 0.86%

63 Clarius Group / Australian Securities Exchange ASX CND 19.71 AUD.mn 17.46 17.90 -2.50%

64 Prime People / London Stock Exchange LON PRP 9.25 GBP,mn 15.24 15.11 0.86%

65 DLH Holdings / Nasdaq NASDAQ DLHC 14.89 USD,mn 14.89 11.74 26.83%

66 Hamilton James & Bruce / Australian Securities Exchange ASX HJB 3.34 AUD.mn 2.96 3.03 -2.50%

67 Workstream /FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board OTC WSTMF 1.20 USD,mn 1.20 1.37 -12.41%

68 Fortune Industries / New York Stock Exchange NYSE FFI 1.60 USD,mn 1.60 1.60 0.00%


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Rank Company Namein English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global

Traffic RankWebsite Traffic

Rank in Country2Backward

Linking3Search Engine


1 Oracle 甲骨文 www.oracle.com 503 540 4,290 9,370,000

2 IBM 国际商业机器公司 www.ibm.com 764 357 5,750 19,200,000

3 zoho.com / zoho.com 809 661 713 659,000

4 CareerBuilder 凯业必达www.careerbuilder.com 814 242 1,820 3,760,000

www.careerbuilder.com.cn 1,117,859 70,500 87 96,100

5 zhaopin.com 智联招聘 www.zhaopin.com 1,161 125 1,380 6,330,000

6 ADP 安德普翰www.adp.com 1,465 358 621 106,000

www.adpchina.com 293,603 96,575 61 624

7 51job 前程无忧 www.51job.com 1,709 170 1,370 18,100,000

8 SAP 思爱普 www.sap.com 2,668 829 2,670 9,310,000

9 Accenture 埃森哲 www.accenture.com 4,145 877 2,050 121,000

10 Deloitte 德勒-人力资本咨询 www.deloitte.com 5,369 5,436 NA 841,000

11 SilkRoad 仕睿 www.silkroad.com 6,371 1,708 130 41,300

12 Gallup 盖洛普 www.gallup.com 6,758 2,565 50,100 1,260

13 Ernst&Young 安永-企业咨询 www.ey.com 9,196 7,749 2,390 98,300

14 PwC-Human Resource Consulting 普华永道-人力资源咨询

www.pwc.com 10,056 9,426 1,740 217,000

www.pwccn.com 491,499 68,938 NA 5,910

15 SAS 赛仕软件 www.sas.com 10,731 8,413 1,530 336,000

16 Yingjiesheng 应届生求职网 www.yingjiesheng.com 11,361 857 472 7,790,000

17 ChinaHR.com 中华英才网 www.chinahr.com 11,418 1,008 1,290 1,460,000

18 KPMG Consulting 毕马威-企业咨询 www.kpmg.com 12,579 7,556 1,370 336,000

19 Robert Half International 罗致恒富 www.roberthalf.com 13,495 3,260 482 7,840

20 Sage 赛捷 www.sage.com 14,771 9,833 407 7,790,000

21 JobsDB 中国人才热线 www.cjol.com 17,715 1,756 565 1,110,000

22 Kenexa / www.kenexa.com 27,776 8,749 241 51,100

23 Aon 怡安 www.aon.com 31,646 13,762 630 83,600

24 Randstad 任仕达www.randstad.com 33,209 11,098 436 51,100

www.randstad.cn 2,614,590 NA NA 9,170

25 PageUp People / www.pageuppeople.com 33,520 583 275 17,800

26 Hays 瀚纳仕 www.hays.com 38,579 3,754 614 24,800

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41 HRoot 2013


Rank Company Namein English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global

Traffic RankWebsite Traffic

Rank in Country2Backward

Linking3Search Engine


27 Infor Global Solutions 恩富www.infor.com 44,742 26,417 500 61,600

www.infor.cn 3,172,553 NA 93 979

28 Jobcn 卓博人才网 www.jobcn.com 46,346 5,586 309 995,000

29 CEB / www.executiveboard.com 54,195 20,303 266 78,200

30 Vistage 伟事达 www.vistage.com 55,620 13,720 115 9,630

31 Booz & Company 博思 www.booz.com 65,181 51,670 252 17,700

32 CIIC-Shanghai 中智

www.ciicsh.com 82,035 50,109 NA 89,200

www.ciicbj.com 763,647 33,937 34 11,400

www.ciic.com.cn 1,783,158 74,226 NA 12,100

33 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 www.towerswatson.com 85,777 62,304 349 17,700

34 Mercer 美世 www.mercer.com 94,173 73,744 492 454,000

35 HayGroup 合益集团 www.haygroup.com 105,246 91,699 492 57,400

36 Hudson 翰德 www.hudson.com 109,556 9,143 1,100 540,000

37 Kelly 必胜www.kellyservices.com 112,357 36,322 866 4,520

www.kellyservices.cn 4,429,037 NA 59 281

38 DDI 智睿咨询 www.ddiworld.com 113,691 78,370 94 34,900

39 Michael Page International 米高蒲志国际www.michaelpage.com 115,312 40,414 NA 38,800

www.michaelpage.com.cn 490,703 46,931 407 40,900

40 Wolters Kluwer 威科 www.wolterskluwer.com 126,304 83,551 654 11,800

41 Antal International 安拓国际 www.antal.com 126,954 62,939 54 481,000

42 Adecco 德科 www.adecco.com 129,788 112,249 494 2,040

43 Kronos 克罗诺思www.kronos.com 133,737 59,359 199 7,930

www.kronos.cn 2,600,719 NA 6 720

44 ATA 全美测评 www.ata.net.cn 137,532 10,992 54 2,320

45 First Advantage 首优咨询 www.fadv.com 145,431 75,832 53 2,490

46 Kingdee 金蝶 www.kingdee.com 149,767 8,474 315 220,000

47 Korn Ferry 光辉国际 www.kornferry.com 156,815 110,915 299 5,390

48 Hirede 雇得易 www.hirede.com 164,052 10,585 49 11,500

49 Egon Zehnder International 亿康先达 www.egonzehnder.com 188,991 60,266 117 5,630

50 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华集团 www.manpowergroup.com 198,637 128,536 595 6,900


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Rank Company Namein English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global

Traffic RankWebsite Traffic

Rank in Country2Backward

Linking3Search Engine


51 Beisen 北森 www.beisen.com 201,816 11,914 80 1,350

52 yonyou 用友 www.yonyou.com 219,766 11,697 NA 149,000

53 Neusoft 东软 www.neusoft.com 222,348 14,974 NA 13,000

54 EFESCO 上海外服 www.efesco.com 238,202 10,905 176 28,900

55 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 www.heidrick.com 240,032 155,516 195 851

56 Spencer Stuart 史宾沙 www.spencerstuart.com 251,333 165,756 92 2,570

57 Russell Reynolds Associates 罗盛咨询 www.russellreynolds.com 264,240 170,492 99 67,500

58 Bluesteps 蓝步 www.bluesteps.com 273,211 167,615 91 2,280

59 Edenred 艾登瑞德 www.edenred.com 294,186 29,858 196 2,500

60 Spherion Corp 思安 www.spherion.com 305,899 100,468 112 5,780

61 01 Job 第一招聘网 www.01job.cn 312,933 13,143 63 416,000

62 Lumesse 路敏思 www.lumesse.com 314,428 8,251 99 2,970

63 FESCO 北京外企 www.fesco.com.cn 318,646 17,300 227 199,000

64 Talent2 天柏 www.talent2.com 374,481 99,468 56 19,900

65 NetDimensions 网维www.netdimensions.com 430,659 199,554 137 1,840

www.netdimensions.cn 4,067,171 NA 92 155

66 Jobkoo 职酷网 www.jobkoo.com 466,559 29,061 87 695,000

67 Robert Walters 华德士www.robertwalters.com 562,084 112,007 46 1,220

www.robertwalters.cn 2,303,312 NA 6 6,720

68 MRI Network Worldwide / www.mrinetwork.com 577,566 170,540 91 3,620

69 Amrop Group 安立国际 www.amrop.com 614,371 NA 58 696

70 NorthgateArinso 安瑞雅 www.ngahr.com 627,693 157,212 94 480

71 Weaver 泛微 www.weaver.com.cn 636,181 27,730 44 18,700

72 Cegos 企顾司 www.cegos.com 821,647 89,736 243 789

73 ECA International ECA国际 www.eca-international.com 929,880 NA NA 856

74 CloudRecruit 云招科技 www.ourats.com 930,598 NA 44 1,940

75 Assess Systems 海问联合 www.assess-systems.com 1,035,546 300,301 8 617

76 Tale Base 倍智 www.talebase.com 1,089,601 NA 28 3,080

77 Bo Le 伯乐管理有限公司 www.bo-le.com 1,329,058 NA 9 3,200

78 BenQ Guru 明基逐鹿 www.benqguru.com 1,433,188 19,297 NA 70,500


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Notes: 1TrafficRank:Itisrankedaccordingtotheglobaltrafficofthewebsites,whichwasthemeanofthemonthlystatisticcollectedbyAlexa.ThenumbervariouswiththedailyPVsbyindependentIPs,andthusindicatesthepopularityofawebsite. 2Domesticwebsitetrafficrankings:ItistheaveragefigureofthestatisticsobtainedbytoolbarofAlexa.Allthefiguresarethetrafficrankingsinthenativecountriesofthewebsites. 3Alllinksdirectedbyotherwebsitedoucmentsarereferredtoasbackwardlinks.Themorebackwardlinksawebsitehas,themorepopularityandsupportithas. 4ThesearchenginetrafficiscountedbytheGoogleAdministraterTool;thenumberoftimesacompany'swebsitePVsdirectedbyGooglealsoreflectshowpopularitis. 5Ifacompanyhasmutipledomainnames,itswebsiteglobaltrafficiscollectedfromitsmostvisitedwebsite.


Rank Company Namein English

Company Name in Chinese Domain Name Website Global

Traffic RankWebsite Traffic

Rank in Country2Backward

Linking3Search Engine


79 eCEIBS 中欧商业在线 www.eceibs.com 1,551,218 61,289 110 10,100

80 de Bono 德博诺www.debonogroup.com 2,014,797 NA 6 57

www.debonochina.com 17,873,624 NA 1 5

81 CTG 易才 www.ctghr.com 2,363,770 NA 50 6,490

82 ExecuTrain 易得训 www.executrain.com 2,663,473 NA 11 5,710

83 Leadership 立德管理顾问 www.leadershipinc.com 3,007,624 NA 3 708

84 HJSoft 宏景软件 www.hjsoft.com.cn 3,024,573 NA NA 1,600

85 Career International 科锐国际 www.careerintlinc.com 3,069,282 NA NA 2,550

86 Right Management 睿仕管理www.rightmanagement.co.uk 3,274,791 NA 20 954

www.rightmanagement.cn NA NA 5 215

87 CDP Group 薪得付 www.cdpgroupltd.com 3,622,191 NA NA 8,420

88 Engma 英格玛 www.engma.net 3,851,811 80,898 45 2,710

89 TaiHe Consulting 太和顾问 www.taihe.com.cn 3,867,351 NA 50 616

90 Cyberwisdom 汇思软件 www.cyberwisdom.net.cn 4,850,483 NA 2 1,230

91 Insupro 鼎源万家 www.onehome.cn 5,073,217 NA 5 729

92 kayang 嘉扬 www.kayang.com 5,493,486 NA NA 121

93 NormStar Group 诺姆四达集团 www.normstar.com 7,685,623 NA NA 788

94 China Star 中国四达 www.chstar.com.cn 10,014,098 NA NA 503

95 Genesis Education Group 人众人 www.renzhongren.com 11,937,873 NA NA 59,700

96 power plus 一佳一网络科技 www.powerplus.com.cn 12,791,305 NA 35 1,840

97 InnoWeaver 创拓软件 www.innoweaver.com 12,977,900 NA NA 239

98 China Team 欧信英才 www.chinateam.com 14,294,417 NA NA 3

99 Platinum 铂金 www.platinumchina.com 24,113,406 NA NA 1,010

100 Vanguard Technology 万古科技 www.vgtech.com.cn NA NA NA 924


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