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Introduction This Blueprint will help you to create outrageous advertising so that your customers will sit up and take notice of your product and/or services. It focuses on using outrageous advertising in your direct response marketing, and offers dozens of examples and tips! And now let’s hear from Bill Glazer: Bill: Outrageous and Successful Advertising is a combination of two things: of being outrageous and using direct response marketing.

• You've got to have a compelling offer. The offer is no good at all unless you have some sort of a deadline.

• You want to strengthen it with your guarantee.

• You've got to have a powerful headline to grab attention.

• You want to also strengthen it with testimonials. What other people say

about you is more believable than what you say about yourself.

• You can strengthen it by personalization where somebody believes that you are talking specifically to them.

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• If it's direct mail, you want to use things to grab their attention.

• And you can also strengthen it by using premiums for response.

• You want to use photos and cartoons to help further the story. Just being outrageous by itself will not get you the kind of results you want. People will laugh at it. People will be happy with it. They'll chuckle at it, but all we are about is money in the bank and so we want the money to go into the bank it means we want to get response.

The best ideas come from outside your industry. Don't make the mistake of only studying what your people inside your industry are doing. So what happens invariably when we do a Glazer-Kennedy event, somebody walks up to me and says to me, “I am in the business of providing windows for residential homes. Who else can you introduce me to who is in that business where I can see what they're doing in their marketing?” Because the normal thing is to study what's going on in their industry and copying it. So you want to look outside of your industry. Number two is everyone responds to outrageous advertising. Don't make the mistake of thinking your customers are too sophisticated for outrageous

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advertising. I don't care how snobbish you think your customers are. I don't care how snobbish you are. People like this [outrageous] stuff because people are generally bored and overwhelmed with all the marketing advertising messages that they see every day and they don't pay attention to it. What they talk about is stuff that gets their attention and they think it's clever and it actually makes them chuckle. So don't make the mistake of saying my customers won't respond to this. Use sequential mailings. Don’t think in terms of a one hit wonder. The only time you should only do one hit in your marketing is if you send out the first marketing piece and you get a zero response. You cannot multiply zeros, but if you get a nice response on the first marketing that you do send out a second one, send out a third one. With the Internet, obviously it's a lot easier to do a lot of multiple steps. Diversity leads to stability. This is an important concept. The reason why it's an important concept is don't just do the same media. So when you want to do multiple steps in your mailing do direct mail, do email, do other media that you can use to also in your sequential mailings. So if you have permission to do voice broadcasts, do voice broadcasts. If you have permission to do fax, use fax. Use as many different media as you can because different people will respond to different media. Use DVDs, use CDs, use all multiple medias. Create swipe files. If you came to my office you will see drawers and drawers and boxes and boxes of swipe files. When I'm looking for a fresh idea, I'm actually creating swipe files. So always be on the lookout for new smart ideas. And even if you don't have a use for them right now put them into your swipe files. Always be on the lookout for them.

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Seven Steps to Apply in Outrageous Advertising in any Business. Here's seven steps to apply in any business. Step number one. Accept the concept that all advertising can be outrageous. What you've got to do is you've got to look at ways in order to be outrageous. There are two enemies of this that you've got to be very careful of. Number one is the media sales person. The person that comes to your business is the radio sales guy, the newspaper sales guy, the yellow pages sales person. These are enemies of this concept that they're going to try to not make it outrageous because they want me-too-ism. You don't want me-too-ism. The other enemy of this is often, but not always, is the advertising agency. They want to win awards and they want real foo-foo stuff that's going to be really beautiful to win awards, real glossy stuff. They're enemies of this. Now some advertising agencies get this really well, so not all of them are that, but those are kind of enemies to that. A lot of times the enemies to this are your staff. Your staff wants you to not be as outrageous as you want to be. And yes, there are certain things that when you're outrageous that you are going to offend certain customers. It probably is not a lot, but the amount of people that respond as a result of standing out from the crowd is extraordinarily higher. So number one is accept the concept that all advertising can and should be outrageous.

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Understand that you are not your customer. Big mistake. People come to me all the time and say, "I wouldn't respond to that." Well, you're not your customer. Understand that you are not the customer. Number three is look for outrageous in obvious places. So in obvious places look for outrageous stuff. What is one of the best places to look for outrageous advertising? In your own mailbox. So when you look through your mail, as you're going through it, even if you don't want to respond to it look for hey, I'm going to pull this aside and put it into my swipe file. On the website, that's another place. So look for it in very obvious places. Look for it in unobvious places. What I mean by that, well, for example I was in Santorini, Greece and we saw this donkey. I said to the guy, here's whatever it was, whatever money they use, pesos or whatever it was there, I gave it to him and I said, "I just want a photo." I got on the donkey, but the donkey then started taking me up the mountain. But the whole thing I wanted was the picture. I wanted the photo of me on the donkey so that I could do this one is which one is the bigger ass? I was looking for a place to be outrageous. Unbelievable when I sent it out how many customers said to me, "Bill. I think you were the bigger ass." I mean that's the kind of response that you're actually looking for.

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I was in the Negev Desert. I got on a camel and I did this here, which was a lost customer reactivation campaign. I'm looking for you. So I went like this to make that pose. When I took the photo I knew how I was going to use that. So when you travel, when you see things that are opportunities for you to take photos with it, take photos with it and also some of the best humor that there is is self-deprecating humor. Make fun of yourself. I just made fun of myself in front of you when I told you my customers thought I was the bigger ass. You all laughed, okay? And it's because people like that self-deprecating humor. Number five is Get and Stay Involved in Your Outrageous Advertising. Really important. This is not a place to delegate it completely. Get and stay involved with it. The marketers that I know that are the most successful, they don't give this to a staff member, they don't give to an advertising agency, they get and stay involved with it. Now there's a big, big, big by-product of that, which I'll get to at the end of this talk, but there's a big win to it by you getting and staying involved with it. Number six is swipe and deploy. Constantly be looking for ideas. What I prefer you to do is look for ideas outside of your industry and not inside of your industry. And number seven is Discover the Greatest Benefit about Outrageous Advertising that I'll reveal at the end of this Blueprint, which loops back to step number five. By you getting and staying involved with it delivers to you really

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the biggest benefit of this Blueprint. So let's get into the 13 Dynamite Ideas. New stuff. So here's the background to this. Before I wrote my book on outrageous advertising a lot of members used to send me their stuff. Since I wrote my book multiply that times 10 and now I get an unbelievable amount of stuff at the office that people send me. And what I do is throughout the year I keep the best stuff to show you guys at the Super Conference and here is this year's collection of best stuff.

The first one is the giant giggle ball. And this one actually right here I received because of a gentleman, C.J. Bronstrup, who actually won a day of consulting with me at a contest, and after a day of consulting he sent me this giant giggle ball, which has a message that's printed on it. Now let me ask you a question. Do you think if this comes to my office that it's going to get to me? Do you think if your number 10 envelope with your crappy sales letter comes to my office it's going to get to me? This is going to get to me. If you want to cut through the clutter, if you want to get through the gatekeeper, there you go. And here is actually the website that you can go to to order the giant giggle balls and you can do these one at a time. This isn't a mass-mailing thing.

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Number two is, and this one is from Dr. Greg Nielsen. A box shows up at the door wrapped as a gift. It's from the return address Guess Who. This one's actually a plastic bag and inside the plastic bag is a fortune cookie box and a letter. If you open up the fortune cookie you find the special offer that you get to go into Dr. Greg Nielsen's chiropractic office. Now what I am showing you here is a couple of things that's important to you. Number one is plastic bag. A plastic bag is a cool way to mail something because now you can sort of see it. Number two is very dimensional with the box. And number three is there's a sales letter in here. So there's a sales letter in order to deliver the message. As a matter of fact, the cool thing about the sales letter: the back of the sales letter is a Chinese menu.

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Number three. So Richelle, one of her clients is an OB/GYN doctor and this is actually a birthday mailing that they send out to their patients of the OB/GYN practice. One of the things that they also include in the birthday mailing is an invitation for the patient to come back to the office.

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David Loynd is a member and he sends out this popcorn bag in a plastic envelope and on the outside of it he sends it out with a “Is this too corny? Thank you for allowing us to service your vehicle. Pop back in soon. Pop back in soon for your next service.” There is no offer on here at all other than the whole reciprocity offer. I will tell you that if it were me I would put an offer and a deadline on here.

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Number five is very, very cool. The colossal gram. And this came from a friend of mine when my book hit the bestseller list, but since that time I've gotten a bunch of them and there's the address, there's the phone number there if you want to order these. This thing shows up in your mailbox, again, one of the things that's best about this, it doesn't even fit in your mailbox. So like they've got to like make a special effort to hand the damned thing to you. And then when you get this, when you get this in your hand what are you going to do right away? It doesn't matter what you're doing you're going to open this thing up right away because you're going to say to yourself, "What the hell is this thing?"

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The next one is the Giant While You Were Out Tube.

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So this next one is a video. It's real abbreviated. Lloyd's a Titanium Mastermind member and this is one of the things that he used to market his seminar for martial art school owners and he did multiple steps and this is one of his last things he did. Video: ... place in your life. Right now you have to make a decision. Are you going to come up the next Martial Arts Millionaire Blueprint event? Yes, or no? Quite honestly the scenario you just saw to be on the fence or thinking about it or not sure, stay home. I don't need you. I found out a long time ago I work best with people that are motivated, people that want to learn, people that want to take the step to another level, people that want to take their business to another level, people that want to take themselves and their personal...

What did I have to do with that when I saw it? I had to swipe and deploy that, right? Video: Now you have to make a decision, but before I get started let me ask you a simple question. Are you going to come to the 2011 Marketing and Moneymaking Super Conference? Yes or no? Quite honestly, if the bad guy on your shoulder is influencing your thinking about it then just stay home. We don't want you. I found out a long time ago I work best with people that are motivated, people that want to learn, people that want to take the next...

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We swiped that ourselves and we did our own take on it. We did a little White House in the background. That guy over there, Robert Phillips, is our copywriter; I dressed him up as a secret service guy. If you saw the whole video, throughout the video he's talking into his watch and he's checking his hair… We had so much fun with that.

Next one is actually a mailing piece I created for a client of mine. I show you this for a couple of reasons. Number one is because of the priority mail envelope. Again, if you're looking for a short cut to get opened this is as good as one to get. We had split tested this ourselves against Fed Ex and we find that we get the same results on this versus Fed Ex and this is about 40% the cost of Fed Ex, so this priority mail envelope, and this is actually from the United States Postal Service. The other thing is the use of a grabber, so this is a letter that I actually wrote for this client and this is about in order to keep the client after they finish their coaching program and move them to the next program and we put in here an actual extension cord about some shocking information that we have for them. So again, the use of a smart grabber that you'd put in there and in this particular case in this coaching program it is about $10,000 a year to put them into the next coaching program, so a $10,000 a year we could invest in this envelope and in an extension cord. And I tell you that because most people are downright cheap about their marketing and they won't spend enough. They want things like postcards to do

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a lot of heavy lifting for them and there's a place for postcards, but the smart question you want to look at is what is a customer worth? Question number one. Write that down. What is a customer worth to me? And then here's the second question, which is the more important question, is what will I cheerfully spend in order to get that customer? When you know that, that is a great empowerment to allow you to spend the money on the marketing that you need to spend because most people do not get the results they want to get because they are woefully under-spending and they're just too darned cheap in doing what they need to do.

Here's the next one. This comes from Rory Fatt, another Titanium member. This came in my mailbox, which is the large triangle box and once again, just put the label on here and you just put this in the mailbox and again, this comes to your office, this comes to your home -- you are going to open this thing up right away. And inside he's promoting an event he's doing and he has a checkered flag. And again, this is all about just attention grabbing stuff, almost sort of shock and awe type.

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The next one is from Dr. Brian Berg. He's an orthodontist. So what I'm about to show you will only work for orthodontists. He mails to other dental practices and he sends them pretty frequently. Each month there's a different one. And this particular one is the February Celebrates National Chocolate Mint Month. National Chocolate Mint Month. And in here he sends them a box -- a thing of chocolate mints. Now most dentists, they're not doing anything like this at all to get new patients as referrals. Some dentists are pretty smart about getting referrals, but this is like putting it on steroids by marketing to other people who have your customers. So the question is, who out there has my customer that I would like to have? And how can I now communicate with them on a regular basis to now get them to refer to me more often? And this is a very smart strategy to do that.

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The next one probably is the most outrageous thing that I have seen in a long time and this one comes from a member who is asking for my help. And what happened is it's a box and inside the box was a roll of toilet paper. And so I get this thing and I open it up and there's a roll of toilet paper. And I see on the roll of toilet paper that there's writing on the toilet paper. What do I have to do? Bill Glazer, everybody goes, "Dear Bill, my name is" -- I won't tell you his name. "I live in" -- I won't tell you where he lives. "I am a member of the Glazer-Kennedy No BS Marketing Program. I am 72 years old and still working as a commission only salesman for home security alarm company. My wife of 26 years decided to run off with her high school sweetheart. Does it get better than this? But I need to increase maintain my sales. I believe that a very professional direct mail letter to new homeowners would generate the leads to help me accomplish this. Bill, there is no way that I can afford to pay you the fee you would charge to write such a letter, but everybody goes, my proposal is this: You and Dan keep a clipboard with notepad in your bathrooms when you go. Think and write a masterpiece. If this is as successful as I anticipate that it will be I will donate $25 per sale to your favorite charity. I am including some info to help. I really appreciate your help and hope you have fun with this. It might even make a good outrageous story. Thank you," and then his name. Good stuff, right? I wrote him back. I told him he created the best sales letter I've ever seen.

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Number 13. This is really cool. Darin Spindler does this thing called Kids Bowl Free. Bowling allies, the biggest problem that they have is their slow times of year, which is when? The summer time. And so they do a program to help these bowling allies stay busy in the summer time, which is kids bowl free. At least they get the income from the food that they buy while they're there, and they also are able to sign them up for the leagues more because they start bowling more, so they want more during the winter time. So it works really well. Last year he built a list of 1,600,000 kids around the country that they were in the Kids Bowl Free campaign. This year they did a Kids Bowl Free tour and they took this bus right here and they toured around the country with this bus. And so this is what the bus looks like. This is some of the marketing pieces that they created to promote this in the area, but what I also have for you an actual video of this. So let me just show you this right now. Narrator: Brighton School in Baton Rouge got a visit early Monday from Kidsbowlfree.com. Darin: Yeah, I'm Darin Spindler with the Kids Bowl Free Summer Bowling Program and I'm in town today to launch the Kids Bowl Free Summer Bowling Program here in Baton Rouge, and behind me you can see the bus. We're going around the country over the next 37 days to promote youth bowling and our great sport of bowling.

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Narrator: In addition to seeing a really cool bus, the students at Brighton were each given two free games of bowling to enjoy every day this summer, and that's the purpose of the bus tour. Darin: Kids bowl free is an opportunity for kids to receive two free games of bowling every day all summer long at participating bowling centers and you have a couple of them participating here, Circle Bowl and Metro Bowl in Baton Rouge. They just go to kidsbowlfree.com, the parents register and then we'll send them two free games every day all summer via email. Mom prints the coupons or dad and delivers them into the bowling center. Narrator: Bowling is fun for kids and it's healthy for them too. Darin: Actually, you move over 300 different muscles while you're bowling. You can burn off a couple of hundred calories bowling two games and it's like walking close to a half a mile just bowling two games. Narrator: Visit kidsbowlfree.com and register your children and your grandchildren for two free games of bowling every day through this summer. There's absolutely no strings attached. Bill: Okay. So think about the brilliance of this whole thing. So he delivers to them every day via email a certificate for two free games of bowling. The first thing is it's a huge list building strategy, so now these local because he signs up local bowling allies all over the United States, they're getting a list of these kids in their area. They're getting lists. And because they're delivered every day by email, people have to put in the right email address. They can't put in fictitious email addresses, so they're getting really good clean lists for these bowling alleys, so it's a very strong list building strategy. Plus they're filling up their bowling alleys during the slow time of year. The smart question you have to ask yourself is when is my slow time of the year? And what could I do to stimulate more business during my slow time of year?

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The Outrageous Hall of Fame

The first one is the handwritten sales letter. And City Print are the people that printed it up for me and the last time I counted I had documented 68 different business industries have used the handwritten sales letter almost to a point they've copied my stuff almost like exactly word for word they've used this thing. As a matter of fact my intellectual property attorney right now is going after all 68 of those guys. But, no, you're free to use it. The handwritten sales letter on yellow legal pad goes into the Hall of Fame for Outrageous Advertising. And City Print USA are the people that print it up for me.

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Number two. The Wallet Mailer. The wallet mailer goes in the Hall of Fame. The wallet mailer is a paper envelope that's mailed out, and you can see on the bottom is what the outside looks like where you just put on a label on the outside and on the top you put the stamp and then inside when you open it up it has printed in there a fake credit cards in there and on the right hand side there is that panel that's there, that like light tan panel, that's where you print your own special message on there that's all customized just for you. So here's what happens is you get a paper wallet envelope that appears in your mailbox. What do you think is in the wallet? Money. So what are you going to do when you think there's money inside? You're going to open that sucker. So you now put inside a letter and the way to do this is the very top edge is actually printed like a hundred dollar bill.

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So the hundred dollar bill appears to be sticking out the top of the envelope when you open it up . . . I used this many times in my retail business and I've used it many times for my clients in different industries, but you want to also tie in your message to money, so in this particular case I tied it into Dollar Discount. This definitely goes in the Outrageous Hall of Fame. It works consistently over and over and over again. It's really a glorified envelope is what it is.

Number three is the mini trashcan. The people at 3D Mail have this thing. Once

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again you put a label on the outside of this baby. You actually mail it with postage right on the trash can. Many people are also putting them in a box, a small little box to mail it out, but regardless of how you use it, whether you mail the trash can or put the trash can in a box, it always gets a very good response. My suggestion is not to use the box. My suggestion is just to mail out the trashcan. And then inside you will use this with some kind of message that you always want to tie into the thing you're sending. I send this piece out and I say to them, "Obviously you've thrown my first two pieces out in the trash that I sent you before, so I've now taken the liberty of doing that for you. You're now getting the third letter that's already pre-trashed for you." And then we start off with that and it always gets me a nice little bump in response. So this one goes in -- this is number three that goes into the Outrageous Hall of Fame.

Number four is the bank bag. And the bank bag definitely goes in the Hall of Fame and this is where you actually, as you can see, one side of the bank bag gets a label and also gets stamps and the other side you make up some fictitious bank. When I was in the retail business I had a Farmers and Merchants type of bank I created. One little trick about this, it's not even a trick, it's something you have to do, there's a zipper on top of the bag and the post office will not mail it for you unless you tape down the zipper, so I used to actually make a little adhesive, what I called a “security tape,” and we would tape it down so it would go

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through the post office. And then inside you put a message, same thing as the wallet mailing is when you get a bank bag in your mailbox you think there's money inside and you're going to have to open it up. I'll tell you a funny story about this, well I thought it was funny, it's in my book by the way. I actually have a client that's Farmers and Merchants Bank and I created a multi-step campaign for them to go after businesses within a two-mile radius of one of their branches and the third step I used in it was a bank bag. So for a bank I actually mailed a bank bag, so it's the first time I ever actually used it where it really was a bank.

Number five is this simple little lunch bag. Now, these are super cheap and they're available anywhere. Just put a label stamps on there. If you're using a lunch bag you've got to make sure that when people open it up there's a reason why they're getting a lunch bag, so you want to make sure that the inside is consistent with the outside. So whenever I've written campaigns for this I've always tied it into some kind of free lunch. If you do this you get free lunch, if you come in I'll give you a certificate to take to the local deli you get a free lunch, whatever. I always tie in the outside to the inside.

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Any business can be doing this, should be doing these, and this one clearly goes into the Outrageous Hall of Fame.

Summary The biggest benefit is outrageous advertising is fun and lets you make your business fun and wildly successful. I can't say this enough, outrageous advertising is fun and lets you make your business fun and wildly successful and I highly recommend that you figure out how to employ more outrageous advertising in your business. Not only will it make it fun, but you'll see response like you've never seen before. So with that said, we are done with this Blueprint! End of presentation.