휄로쉽 교회 월간지 우리 하나 되어 2011년 3월


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휄로쉽 교회 월간지 우리 하나 되어 2011년 3월 http://www.fellowshipusa.com


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  • After I finished reading Mark 4 for the M'Cheyne

    Daily Bible Reading plan, I was struck by a similar feeling

    that the disciples of Jesus had when they held on for dear

    life and witnessed Jesus calming the wind and the waves

    out in sea. As I sit here and reflect back on the 2011

    Philippines short-term missions trip, I feel that Jesus is

    asking me the same question that he posed to his disciples,

    Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?

    For me, this year's Philippines trip was all about faith.

    What do I mean? Well, I believe that the Lord allowed me

    to see and experience certain things on this trip so that I

    may grow in: 1.) my faith in a Sovereign God (even when

    nothing seems to go as planned) and 2.) my faith in a

    Loving God (who cares about every people group on the

    face of this earth).

    How different Calbayog City is now compared

    to when I visited five years ago on my first trip to the

    Philippines. Five years ago, the NCFC short-term team

    had to fly in to Tacloban City first and then take a three

    hour van ride to Calbayog City followed by another 30

    minutes of driving on uneven dirt roads to get to the

    SICAP Center, where Pastor Daniel & Ruth run a bible

    school. This time, we were able to fly directly into

    Calbayog City and drive on paved concrete roads to the

    SICAP Center. What a difference!

    Yet, there were still many things out of our

    control that made this year's trip a little more difficult than

    normal. For one, I was no longer just a team member like

    in the first trip, but I was a team co-leader. Especially with

    my personality, there was a sense of responsibility for

    team members and a need to have everything under

    control. But that was just not possible! Why? Well, in the

    mission field, you always need to expect the unexpected

    and be comfortable with the uncomfortable. That's just the

    best way I can put it.

    Pastor Daniel & Ruth warned us in an earlier

    email before we arrived to the Philippines that this month

    was unseasonably rainy. In fact, it had been raining every

    day since the beginning of December. Even the Filipinos

    were sick of the rain. In addition, Ruth shared with us in

    our orientation there that God had placed on her heart to

    Faith in a Sovereign God


  • 8share with this year's NCFC team the need to be prepared

    for inconvenience, discomfort, and delay. How true that

    turned out to be!

    Because of the heavy rain, our entire schedule

    was pushed back a couple of days. We were supposed to

    cross a river and arrive in the village of Lingkoro on the

    first day of ministry, but we were informed that the river

    had risen to waist-high on their village basketball court!

    Yet God was sovereign and in control. Instead of Lingkoro,

    Pastor Daniel decided for us to visit the villages of

    Borabud and Palale. As a result, we were able to share our

    testimonies and the gospel of Jesus Christ from house to

    house, and to minister to the children in the village through

    worship, skits, and other activities. How wonderful it was

    for me to hear people pray to receive Jesus Christ and to

    see children shouting the name of Jesus!

    We were eventually able to cross the river to

    Lingkoro, and then set out on a nearly three hour hike on

    slippery rocks and through thick mud up the mountain to

    the next village of Cagtotoog. It was truly physically and

    mentally tough for me (just shy of the infamous four

    hour hike into the village of Rojas barefooted and in the

    dark, rain, and waist-high mud five years ago). There were

    definitely opportunities for complaints and conflict among

    the team and physical accidents and injuries. Some of us

    older folks (including me) were wondering in our minds,

    What have we gotten ourselves into? Can we turn back?

    But our Sovereign God protected us the entire way and

    there were no major accidents or injuries. In addition, the

    team's unity and attitude were amazing! A great team

    always makes the team leaders' job easier, and I truly

    praise God for every team member he provided this year.

    Through all the inconveniences (with weather,

    electricity, and transportation), discomfort (with muddy

    hikes, humidity, mosquitoes, sleeping situations, and

    bathroom situations), and delays (with ministry schedule),

    our Sovereign God remained faithful and present.

    Ultimately, it was not about me being in control, but it was

    about God being in control. And I learned to place my faith

    in a Sovereign God and adopt the attitude of Jesus Christ in

    the midst of suffering in saying, yet not my will, but

    yours be done (Luke 22:42).

  • Faith in a Loving God

    My favorite part of ministry on this year's trip

    was the house to house evangelism we did in every

    village. Missionary Ruth shared near the end of the trip

    that, Ministry is for people, not people for ministry.

    We're ultimately here for people. We're not ultimately

    here for ministry. How true that is! The reason that house

    to house evangelism was my favorite part of ministry was

    because it allowed us to sit among the Filipinos, to

    interact with them at their level, and to develop the

    compassion that Jesus so often had for people (Mark

    6:34). My prayer was that we would be able to see them

    through the eyes of our Loving God.

    On every house to house evangelistic visit that we did

    in each village, we were accompanied by SICAP pastors

    or staffs to help us translate when we shared our

    testimony and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have to admit

    that I learned so much from the SICAP pastors and staffs.

    One thing that they always seemed to stress was the fact

    that Christianity is about a relationship we have with God

    through Jesus Christ and not simply a religion like all the

    other religions of the world. I believe this truly resonated

    with the villagers that we spoke with because many of

    them come from a Roman Catholic background, where

    religion was simply trying to do the right things and going

    through the motions.

    As a result, God impressed upon my heart to

    emphasize his love in my testimony sharing. I had not

    planned to share about my love story with my wife, but

    God nudged me to share that story to bring out the

    amazing love of God. I would usually begin my testimony

    by saying, We're here in the Philippines to share about

    the love of God with you, but I have two love stories that

    I would actually like to share with you.

    What's so special about my love story with my wife?

    Well, throughout the one and a half years of pursuing her

    before we started dating, she actually said no to me

    three times, and in the last time she even said never

    toward the possibility of us ever being together. The

    deeper heart issue was her fear of abandonment and her

    self-image since her parents divorced when she was

    young and her mother left the family. She had always

    wondered why a mother could do this to a child, and


  • believed perhaps she was simply unlovable even in the

    eyes of God. She would say something like, If you knew

    who I am and what I have done in my life, you wouldn't

    want to love me. But God impressed upon my heart to

    share with her Song of Songs 4:7, which says, All

    beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you. I

    shared that verse because I believed that as a child of God

    and washed by the blood of Jesus Christ, she was perfect

    and flawless in the eyes of God. It's not to say that she will

    never sin again in her earthly life but to say this is her new

    identity in our Loving God. Her new identity trumps all the

    bad things she has ever committed in her life and all the

    good things she could ever accomplish in her life as well.

    For the Filipinos, sin seemed to be more an issue about

    shame (who they are) rather than guilt (what they have

    done). Ultimately, even though many of them admit they

    are sinners, they still profess that they have not really done

    anything extremely bad in life. But, of course, sin keeps us

    from a relationship with a Loving God. Sharing the two

    love stories seemed to spark the interest of the villagers,

    which then allowed me to share the gospel more in depth

    and to ask if they would like to have a personal

    relationship with God through Jesus Christ by praying the

    sinner's prayer. Most of the villagers that we shared with

    say they would like to pray the sinner's prayer. But Pastor

    Daniel mentioned that 99% of them will probably say

    yes out of respect. This made me wonder many times

    whether they were sincere in praying to receive Jesus


    There was one particular mother that I shared my

    testimony with in Palayan, the last village that we visited.

    It was a hard trek through the muddy rice fields just to get

    up to her home. Thoughts of the hike up to Cagtotoog

    came flooding back, and I thought to myself, God really

    must have a divine appointment for us with this lady.

    After sharing my testimony and the gospel, I thought to

    myself, Wow, I did a great job. This lady will accept Jesus

    for sure. She was silent for a while, and then turned to our

    translator to say, I'm not ready to accept Jesus. What?

    How could this be?

    Reflecting back on that evangelism encounter, I

    realized now that whether they are or are not sincere and

    whether they say yes or no really is not my responsibility. I


  • simply needed to trust that a Loving God who cares about

    every people group on the face of this earth will provide

    salvation according to his timing and his will. I realized

    that I was supposed to place my faith in a Loving God and

    not in my abilities or skills to share the gospel. After all,

    we do not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as

    we proclaim the testimony about God but with a

    demonstration of the Spirit's power (1 Cor 2:1-5).

    So who will God use to continue to follow-up with

    each villager that we shared with throughout the two

    weeks that we were in the Philippines? Some of the

    villages seem so remote without any infrastructure or

    roads leading into them, yet God has not forgotten them.

    He reminded me that he has risen up local pastors and

    staffs through SICAP to continue the follow-up work and

    to bear his light. These servants of God are truly the

    heroes of faith. The NCFC team had to endure the hike

    into Cagtotoog once this year, but they hike in once every

    week. My prayer and hope is that our Loving God will

    continue to use them until every village in Samar is



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