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This Map-Gazetteer is designed as a book supplement (end note) for bothBook of Mormon and Mesoamerican history study. The map locates lands,features, and cities by number indexed to the gazetteer. The map code sign near the number is the site location. For ease of reference, the lands North-ward and Southward are alphabetized separately. 76 locations constructed from the text correlate well with Mesoamerica. Cities such as Ablom lackinggeographical reference or site identity with few exceptions have been omitted. The map location was started by Joseph Smith in 1842 while reading John Lloyd Stephens’ explorations of ancient Maya ruins in Central America (mapquote, upper right), when he appealed for Book of Mormon historicity study. The map is based on a wide range of impressively consistent data compiled over four decades from in depth contextual analysis of Book of Mormon history, and from archaeology, geology, environmental factors, and Spanish & Indian chronicles. This is the first map to substantially confirm locationsof major geographic features described in the Book of Mormon. In manycases viable options exist for city locations pending more data. Some siteidentifications are compelling and invite linguistic and/or Biblical archetype evidences, which substantially confirms the word map (Alma 22:27-35) within a Mesoamerican setting of Mormon’s abridged history.

Place Names Code: Italics = Bible lands geographic archetypes. Asterisk* = Nephite-Hebrew matches to Nahuatl or Maya place names. [Brackets] = Correlated ruins and lands in proper time and space.


1. ANTUM* - near hill Shim; probable land of large bodies of water in distant land northward (Alma 50:29; Mormon 1:3; Helaman 3:3-7); means “large bodies of water” (from Irreantum). [Teotihuacan regionin Valley of Mexico lake country; ca. 50 B.C. settlement from south.]

2. BOAZ* (“fleetness”) - north of Desolation and Teancum (Mormon 4:20); entry to southern highland Jordan region of Land Northward; named of south pillar at entrance of Solomon’s temple (2 Chr. 3:17). [Baeza, Oaxaca name survival, defensive ruins area.]. (cf. 9, 10 &11.)

3. BOUNTIFUL CITY - on east coast of narrow neck of land(Alma 51:30,32; 52:2,18). [Minatitlan, Veracruz; city or area. ruins.]

4. BOUNTIFUL LANDS* - east coastal lowland tropical forests fromland of Cumorah southward; north of Zarahemla & Jershon; across narrow neck of land to Desolation borderline (Alma 22:29-33; 27:22). [southern Veracruz, Tabasco, northern Belize (not to be confused with city).]

5. CUMORAH-RAMAH* - hill/land of many waters, rivers, and fountains; toward east sea near narrow neck (Ether 9:3; 6:4; Mosiah 8:8; 22:26). [Tres Zapotes ruins. San Martin volcano in Tuxtla Mountains;see map figures for Nephite/Mulekite period carvings.]

6. DESOLATION* - city on north end of narrow pass by west sea(Mormon 3:5,7,8; 4:3). [Juchitan, Oaxaca; see map statue.] (cf. 9.)

7. DESOLATION LAND - timberless arid land extended into land northward from narrow neck of land (Alma 22:30; Helaman 3:4-7). [State of Oaxaca and northward; extensive ancient deforestation.]

8. HAGOTH PORT - on west sea coast in borders of land Bountiful by land Desolation (Alma 63:5). [Mar Muerto lagoon by prime timber.]

9. JASHON * - northern pass defense into distant land Shem by hillShim (Mormon 2:16,17,20); from Jachin (“establish”) temple pillar; 2 Chr 3:17). [Rio Santo Domingo (Papaloapan) river pass to Tehuacan Valley ruins. Jachin pueblo, possible name survival?] (cf. 2.)

10. JORDAN * - north of city Desolation beyond Boaz (Mormon 4:19-22; 5:3); Tehuantepec river valley drains to south sea like PalestineArchetype. [Monte Alban, central Oaxaca, Jaredite & Nephite periods.]

11. JORDAN DEFENSE CITIES - wide valley where various fortified cities cut off passage north (Mormon 5:4). [Southern Oaxaca passage defense cities: Mitla, Yagul, Tlacolula, Caballito Blanco, Matatlan, Chichicapa, Sta. Catarin Minas, Ocatlan, Sta. Ana Zogache, Ejutla, Miahuatlan, Sn. Martin Lachilaa; also lower Tehuantepec River valley.]

12. JOSHUA* - fortified land west and north of David by west sea near narrow neck of land (Mormon 2:6); city of Joshua was northwest of Jerusalem (city of David), a possible archetype with David (cf. 35). [Tzutzuculi, Tonala, Pijijiapan, Pacific coastal Tonala district.]

13. LACHONEUS DEFENSE - northwest highlands of Land South- ward by Narrow Pass (3 Nephi 3:17-23; 4:4-7, 16-25; Mormon 3:7-10, 14,16; 4:1-4). [Vistahermosa thru northwestern Chiapas (unexplored).]

swamp land that was an inlet sea or lagoon in Jaredite times.]

15. LINE BOUNTIFUL LAND DESOLATION - Borderline thru narrow neck of land between forested Bountiful and arid Desolation;traverses narrow neck 1.5 days journey from west sea coast, and one day’s journey in another spot (Alma 22:29-32; Helaman 4:7). [Sierra Madrea mountains along Chiapas-Oaxaca-Veracruz border.]

16. MORIANTUM* - Nephite defense across narrow neck on eastcoast from Desolation (Moroni 9:9); from “Irreantum” meaning “manywaters” (1 Nephi 17:4); near land of many waters. [Minatitlan area.]

17. MORON LAND - highland land Desolation (Ether 7:5-6; 14: 11). [Morelos, Puebla, Oaxaca; Chalcatzingo or Monte Alban possible capital.]

18. MULEK - east coast southward from city Bountiful (Alma 51:26; 52:2, 20-27). [La Venta, or possibly Comalcalco area, No. 14.] Mulek may be the “bearded foreigner” on Stela 3 at La Venta for his meetingCoriantumr. Izapan Nephite/Mulekite carving added to Altar 3 (see figs.).

19. NARROW PASS* - strategic communication route on west seacoast of narrow neck; became DMZ battle field (Alma 50:34; 52:9;Mormon 3:7,8; Helaman 3:5-7). [Narrow Pacific coastal plain of Tehuantepec; local Nahuatl place names mean “pass.”]

20. NEHOR LAND - Jaredite lowlands competing center to highland capital of Moron, located in east coastal lowlands (Ether 7:4-6; 14:11). [Olmec/Jaredite region in southern Veracruz has extensive ruins.]

21. RIPLIANCUM (“large to exceed all”) - large lagoon, day’s journey north of Ramah-Cumorah (Ether 15:8-11). [Rio Papaloapan “Butterfly” (largest wings) may be logogram for Ripliancum lagoon.]

22. SEAS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST & WEST - General reference to land southward & land northward settlements from sea to sea in four directions (Helaman 3:8). [Fits Mesoamerica perfectly.]

23. SHEM - north of Jashon, near hill Shim (Mormon 2:17,20,21).[Cholula, Puebla; Shem & Shim same in Hebrew.] (cf. 25.)

24. SHERRIZAH TOWER* - mountain defense, probably between Teancum and Boaz (Moroni 9:7). [Guengola, Oaxaca, fort cityoverlooking Tehuantepec river drainage and coastal plain.]

25. SHIM HILL* - landmark hill land Antum on travel routefrom Moron to Cumorah on east sea (Mormon 1:3; 4:23; Ether 9:3).[Cerro La Malinche, Puebla if on course from Chalcatzingo “Moron”.]

26. TEANCUM* - near Desolation by west sea (Mormon 4:3; Alma52:9). [Tehuantepec city ruin and name transliteration/translation.]


27. AARON - inland from Moroni bordering Moroni and Nephihah(Alma 8:13; 50:14). [Poptun, or Caracol, Belize, relative to Moroni.]

28. AMMONIHAH - 3 days journey on north of Melek; toward Aaron (Alma 8:6,13). Impenetrable fort (Alma 49:4). [Tikal 36 sq. mi. fort.]

29. AMNIHU HILL - hill battle field near east bank of river Sidon east of Zarahemla (Alma 2:15). [large hill east of Palenque and south of Tenosique, off east bank, about a mile long and a half mile wide.]

30. ANGOLA - west of Zarahemla (Mormon 1:10; 2:3,4); on retreatroute northward; possible Golan heights name type. [San Cristobal area.]

31. ANTIONUM - east of Zarahemla and Sidon, south of Jershon, neareast sea, bordering on south wilderness (Alma 31:3). [Machaquia, Poptun, or other ruin off southern end of Maya Mountains. Zoramite prayer tower“Rameumptiom” here is etched on a Comalcalco brick (18).]

32. ANTIPARAH - between Judea and city by west sea (Alma 56:9,31). [El Sitio, large city on east side of Rio Suchiate from Izapa to sea (cf. 33).]

33. CITY BY SEA - west sea coast, Narrow Strip of Wilderness border region (Alma 56:31). [El Jobo, large site near sea coast, has Izapan stela.]

34. CUMENI* - up from Zarahemla, between Zeezrom and Judea by narrow strip of wilderness border and pass north (Alma 57:11,16). [Ruins of Cambote & Salcaja fortified Huehuetenango; Cunen place name.]

35. DAVID* - west and northward of Angola (Mormon 2:5) toward Joshua; possible capital city of central highlands, and biblical Jerusalem (city of David) name and capital prototype. [Chiapa de Corzo “capital”.]

14. CITY OF LIB - city by narrow neck of land, by place where seadivides land (Ether 10:19-20). [La Venta located on an island in a

37. EAST WILDERNESS CITIES - many unnamed cities built north of Moroni (Alma 50:13-15; 62:32). [Tikal, Uaxactun, Nakbe, El Mirador, Machaquia, Guatemala; Lamanai, Mountain Cow, Cuello, Cerros, etc.]

38. FIRST INHERITANCE* - southern Nephi land associated with Lehi west coast landing (Alma 22:28; Mosiah 10:13). [Usulutan, El Salvador.]

39. GID - east coast southward, along coast from Mulek (Alma 51:26; 55:25,26). [Aguacatal fort; or possibly Bellote/Comalcalco area.]

40. GIDEON - in valley over river Sidon, east of Zarahemla; over fromJershon, north of Menon (Alma 6:7; 30:19,21). [La Florida valley ruins.]

— HERMOUNTS - see Wilderness of Hermounts (73).

41. HELEM* - beautiful valley 8 days travel from Mormon; a captivityfort (Mosiah 23:3,19). [Valpariso, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, ruins fort.]

42. ISHMAEL - down from Nephi, enroute to Middoni (Alma 20:2,7,14). [Utatlan, or Zacualpa on upper Rio Motagua.to Salama valley pass.] (cf. 53.)

43. JERSHON - over from Zarahemla by east sea on south of ecologicalland Bountiful (not city) in course of land Nephi (Alma 27:22,23; 35:1; 36:19). [Xunantunich (Benque Viejo), or Lamanai (king Lamoni name?).]

44. JERUSALEM - Lamanite city beyond Mormon covered by waterat crucifixion destruction (Alma 21:1); water “came up” (3 Nephi 9:7)[Chukumuk ruin under water off south shore of Lake Atitlan.]

45. JUDEA - west coastal plain, narrow strip of wilderness border regionbetween Cumeni and Antiparah (Alma 52:11; 56:9,14); Judah prototype.[Izapa, Soconusco; See 3 figs: Stela 5 “Lehi” tree of life, Stela 89 rises from bands of death, Stela 50 bearded ancestor crosses sea in migration rebirth.]

46. JUDEA NORTH - other unnamed cities (Alma 56:15,22). [El Nuevo Dia zone, Los Toros, Mazatan, Escuintla, Acaoyagua, and Barrancon in Chiapas, Soconusco coastal district; 3-day march up coast toward Joshua.]

47. LEHI - east coast north of Moroni (ALMA 50:15,25; 51:26); named for coastal inlet ship dock like Usulutan? (38). [False Cay, Big Creek, Belize area.]

48. LEHI-NEPHI - central highland valley, land Nephi capital overlooked Shilom and Shemlon; down from mountains north of Shilom, and up from Ishmael (Mosiah 11:12; Alma 20:2). [Kaminaljiuyu, Guatemala, ancientcapital of highlands; see stela figure of bearded old king, suggests Lehi.]

49. MANTI - up south of Zarahemla, east of Zeezrom, at head of riverSidon (Alma 22:27; 43:40-42; 56:14); north of narrow strip of wilderness and east of south wilderness. [Coban, Alta Verapaz area fortified ruins.]

50. MANTI HILL - near Zarahemla (Alma 1:15). [NE peak of Chiapas mountains with ruin on top, like imposing peak at Palenque.]

51. MELEK - over from Zarahemla by wilderness west of river Sidon (Alma 8:3). [Altar de Sacrificios / Nine Hills area, upper Usumacinta.]

52. MENON - by Sidon above Zarahemla (Alma 2:24). [Piedras Negras.]

53. MIDDONI - down from Ishmael (Alma 20:7). [El Porton, Salama (42).]

54. MORIANTON - east coast north of Lehi (Alma 50:25; 51:26)[Rio Azul, Belize; or other city ruin in region dating to same time.]

55. MORONI - east coast on borders of land Nephi (Alma 50:13; 51:22). [sunk off coast of Punta Gorda, Belize in Bay of Amatique?] on

56. MORONI-LEHI AREA CITIES - many unnamed cities settled northin East Wilderness by sea (Alma 62:30-32). [numerous LPC sites in Belize.]

57. MORMON* - land and waters; wilderness (mountains) with spring fedstream or lake bordering Nephi (northward?) (Mosiah 18: 4,5,8,31). [Antigua area. Chimaltenango valley at large spring waters of Almolonga.Merom Waters “high place” on upper Jordan river valley a prototype?]

58. MORONIHAH - during destructions at crucifixion a great mountain was carried up upon this city (3 Nephi 8:10); location unknown, but somecovered by volcanic ask; one near San Salvador, El Salvador is 75 feet deep.

59. NARROW STRIP OF WILDERNESS (NSW) - Mormon’s mountain range geography key between Nephi and Zarahemla at Sidon headwaters; runs east-west in straight line from east sea and by headwaters of Sidon thru Manti (Alma 22:27; 50:8-l1). [Chuacas-Las Minas mountain range & spur.]

36. EAST WILDERNESS - mountain wilderness forest north of Nephi, east of Zarahemla by east sea (Alma 50:7,8,9). [Maya Mountains region.]

over from Manti (Alma 56:25). [Tzimin Kax, Belize; other ruins qualify.]

62. NOAH - near Ammoniha (Alma 16:3; 49:11-12). [Seibal or options.]

63. OMNER - east coast beyond Gid or north of Morianton (Alma 51:26);.Breaks war history onZarahemla NE border frontier. (LPC fortified sites atCerros in northern Belize, Becan, or Edzna, Campeche.]

64. RIPLA HILL - on east of river Sidon south of Manti (Alma 43:31,32).[prominent mountain south of San Cristobal, Vera Paz, east of Sidon valley.]

65. SHEMLON - beyond Shilom, visible from Nephi (Mosiah 10:7,8; 11:12). [south of lake Amatitlan.] Ammon viewed land on north hill bench (Mos. 7:5).

66. SHILOM - Hebrew shalom (“hello, good-by”) suited name for gateway city to highland valley of Nephi; in Nephi borders next to extensive wilderness (not north); large hill as battle field, and great tower up on north (Mosiah 7:5,21; 9:8; 10:8-10; 11:13; 22:11). [Amatitlan and plateau north overlook valleys.]

67. SI D ON R I V E R * (“fishery”) - drainage north from Nephi wilderness Mts.range borderline, runs north thru center of land Zarahemla. [Negro-Chixoy-Usumacinta (“fish river”) river system; see Manti, Zarahemla & NSW No. 59.]

68. SEBUS WATERS - possible lake in dry highlands area of Nephi where flocks watered (Alma 17: 26). [Amatitlan or Agua de Ayarza.]

69. SIDOM - over from Zarahemla in Ammonihah region (Alma 16:1,18).[Dos Pilas or neighboring ruin. Siddom & Sodom southeast archetype?]

70. SIRON - Lamanite city south of Antionum in borders of land Nephi (Alma 31:3,7; 39:3). [San Filepe ruins at lake Izabal (Isabel name sake)crossing in the Quirigua archaeology zone and possibly part of that land.]

71. SOUTH WILDERNESS - mountain wilderness across southern land of Zarahemla land, on both sides of river Sidon (Alma 16:7). [from west to east, the Cuchumatanes massif, Chama, and Santa Cruz mountain ranges.]

72. WEST WILDERNESS - west coast mountains and lowlands extendthru Zarahemla, Nephi, and land of First Inheritance (Alma 22:28). [Sierra Madre del Sur range and Pacific coastal from Tehuantepec to El Salvador.]

73. WILDERNESS OF HERMOUNTS - northwest from Zarahemla; filled with ravenous wild beasts (Alma 2:37). [lowland Tabasco/Sidon floodplain forest north and west of Palenque zone infested with crocodiles and jaguars; Hermonthes Egypt, place of wild beasts, a name archetype.]

74. ZARAHEMLA* - capital in center of land Zarahemla, up and west ofSidon river from eastern coast in south wilderness; down north from Nephi about 21 days (Alma 60:1,19; Helaman 1:18, 27; Mosiah 23:3; 24:20,25). [Palenque region; Nueva Esperanza or other unexcavated early city site.]

75. ZARAHEMLA CENTRAL CITIES - many unnamed cities thru centerof land from Zarahemla (Helaman 1:22-27,34); possibly same route as 327 A.D.retreat toward land Bountiful (Mormon 2:3-6). [interior Chiapas & Tabasco.]

76. ZEEZROM - between Manti and Cumeni by “narrow strip of wilder-ness” borderline (Alma 56:14). [La Lagunita, LPC hill top fort; no option.]

MAP CONSTRUCTION Mormon’s word map of greater lands and features (Alma 22) expands with distant travels and political war history in border regions. Many citiesunnamed have only passing reference, yet are essential to accurate map construction. City region gaps are everywhere: in Nephi (Jarom 1:6-8), Zarahemla (Helaman 1:22-27,34) East wilderness (Alma 62:30-32, West Wilderness (Alma 53:8; 56:15,22), and Land Northward (Mormon 5:4-7).

Directions : north/south, east/west - literal planetary cardinal directions. northward/southward - inter-cardinal directions.

Wilderness : uninhabited mountains and other forests; rarely desert like in Arabia, except possibly in the Land Northward.

Topo terms : over to, down to, up to, up into, even to, by, near, round about.

This study map is designed to introduce specific site locations from future discoveries. It is a supplement to book, Book of Mormon-Mesoamerican Historic Geography.To order and get updated research contact www.ancientamerica.org,www.garthnorman.com, or E-mail [email protected]. (Comments and study questions are welcome.)

Profits from sales support ongoing research. © 2005 V. Garth Norman & Ancient America Foundation

60. NEPHI* - highlands always “up” south of Zarahemla, on southof narrow strip of wilderness borderline (Alma 22:27; 50:8,11). [highland & adjacent coastal Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. City see no. 48.]

61. NEPHIHAH - by Aaron inland from Lehi and Morianton (Alma 50:14);