ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

2009 ً ﻋﺎﻣ44 ﻗـﻮى ﻛﺘﺐ ﺗﻌﻠﻴﻤﻴـﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻣﺘﺪادأﺷﻬﺮ و أﻋﺪادى اﻟﺼــﻒ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻰ اول اﻟﻔﺼﻞ اﻟﺪراﺳـﻰ اول اﻟﻔﺼﻞ اﻟﺪراﺳـﻰ اHell o ! Based on 2 nd Prep First Term ﻣﻠﺤﻖ اﻟﻤﺮاﺟﻌﺔ واﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎتBy Ayman Abdel-Hamid ﻣﺮاﺟﻌﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻤﻔﺮدات اﻟﺘﻰ ﺗﻢ دراﺳﺘﻬﺎ ،ً ﻣﺮﺗﺒﺔ أﺑﺠﺪﻳ ﻣﺮاﺟﻌﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻘﻮاﻋﺪ اﻟﺘﻰ ﺗﻢ دراﺳﺘﻬﺎدارات ا اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت ﻣﻦ ﻣﺨﺘﺎرة ﺗﺪرﻳﺒﺎت ــﺎ ﻟﻤﻮاﺻﻔــﺎت اﻟﻮرﻗﺔً اﻟﻤﺨﺘﻠﻔــــﺔ ، ﻃﺒﻘ اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﻟﻜﻞ ﺛﻼث وﺣﺪات ﻋﻠﻰ ﺣﺪةول اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﻔﺼﻞ اﻟﺪراﺳﻰ ا ﺗﺪرﻳﺒــﺎت ﺗﺤﺮﻳﺮﻳــﺔRevision on vocabulary Revision on grammar Selected exercises from different directorates, on every 3 units First term exams Written worksheets اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻢ اﻟﻤﺆﺳﺴﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺤﺪﻳﺜـﺔﺳﻜﻨﺪرﻳــﺔ ﻟﻠﻄﺒـﻊ واﻟﻨﺸـﺮ واﻟﺘﻮزﻳـﻊ ﺑﺎﻟﻘﺎﻫــﺮة وا11381 : ﺷﺎرع اﻟﻤﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻌﺒﺎﺳﻴﺔ ـ اﻟﺮﻗﻢ اﻟﺒﺮﻳﺪى8 08002220000 : أو اﻟﺮﻗﻢ اﻟﻤﺠﺎﻧﻰ26823792 - 24677183 : ت

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Page 1: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1


أشهر وأقـوى كتب تعليميـة على امتداد 44 عاما

الصــف الثانى ا�عدادىالفصل الدراسـى ا$ولالفصل الدراسـى ا$ول

Hello ! Bas

ed o


2nd PrepFirst Term

ملحق المراجعة واالمتحانات

ByAyman Abdel-Hamid

● مراجعة على المفردات التى تم دراستها ،

مرتبة أبجديا● مراجعة على القواعد التى تم دراستها

ا�دارات امتحانات من مختارة تدريبات ●

الورقة لمواصفــات طبقــا ، المختلفــــة االمتحانية لكل ثالث وحدات على حدة

● امتحانات الفصل الدراسى ا$ول● تدريبــات تحريريــة

● Revision on vocabulary

● Revision on grammar ● Selected exercises from different

directorates, on every 3 units

● First term exams ● Written worksheets



المؤسسة العربية الحديثـةللطبـع والنشـر والتوزيـع بالقاهــرة وا�سكندريــة

8 شارع المنطقة الصناعية بالعباسية ـ الرقم البريدى : 11381ت : 24677183 - 26823792 أو الرقم المجانى : 08002220000

Page 2: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

Part 1● General Revision on Vocabulary

. äGOôتdG ≈∏Y áeÉY á©LGôe ●

● General Revision on Grammar. óYGƒ≤dG ≈∏Y áeÉY á©LGôe ●

Part 2● Revision Exercises ¿Éëàe’G äÉØ°UGƒªd á``≤HÉ£ªdG á∏Ä°SC’G •É``ªfCG ™«ªL ≈∏Y á``LQóàeh áØãμe äÉ``ÑjQóJ ●

. áØ∏àîªdG äGQGOE’G äÉfÉëàeG øe IQÉàîe ( IóM ≈∏Y äGóMh çÓK πμd )

● Monthly Tests . ájô¡°T äGQÉÑàNG ●

Part 3● First Term Exams . ∫hC’G ≈°SGQódG π°üØdG äÉfÉëàeG ●

: óéJ , ÜÉàμdG ájÉ¡f ≈a● Written worksheets . ájôjôëJ äÉÑjQóJ ●

Part 1


Page 3: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1


General Revision

on Vocabulary


General Revision

on Grammar

Page 4: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

4Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

A) General Revision on Vocabularyمراجعة عامة على المفردات الجديدة التى تمت دراستها بالفصل الدراسى ا$ول مرتبة ترتيبا أبجديا

Aabbreviation ........................... QÉ°üàNGaccurate .................................... ≥«bOaccurately ......................... ≥«bO πμ°ûHage ....................................... ø°S , ôªYair .............................................. AGƒgalone ......................................... ó«Mhalthough ................. ¿CG øe ºZôdÉH , ¿CG ™eAmerica ................................... ÉμjôeCGas soon as .............................. ¿CG OôéªH

Bbad ........................................... A≈«°Sblade ............................... ( π°üf ) IôØ°Tburn .......................................... ¥ôëjbury ............................................ øaój

Ccalories ..................... ájQGôëdG äGô©°ùdGcane (sugar) ..................... ôμ°ùdG Ö°übcartoon .............................. ¿ƒJQÉc º∏«acentimetre ............................ ôફàæ°Sceremony .................... º°SGôe , ∫ÉØàMGchange ....................................... ô«¨àjchess .................................... èfô£°ûdGChina ....................................... ø«°üdGcloud ........................................ áHÉë°Scollect ...................................... ™ªéjcommunicate ............... π°UGƒàj , π°üàjcompare ................................... ¿QÉ≤jcondensation ......................... ∞ãμàdGcondense ................................. ∞ãμàjcontact .................................... π°üàj

continuous ............................... ôªà°ùecooker ........................... ( RÉLÉJƒH ) óbƒecool ............................................ OôÑjcotton ....................................... ø£≤dGcrop ....................................... ∫ƒ°üëe

Ddiet ..................................... ≈FGòZ Ωɶfdream ......................................... º∏Mdrop .................................... á£≤f , Iô£bdry ............................................. ∞éj

Eelectric .................................... ≈Hô¡cend ............................................. ájÉ¡fenergy ........................................ ábÉWentrance .................................. πNóeescape ...................................... Üô¡jetc. ............................. ( ïdEG ) √ôNBG ≈dEGevaporate ................................. ôîÑàjevaporation ............................. ôîÑàdGeverywhere ....................... ¿Éμe πc ≈aexcited ............................. QÉãe , π©Øæe

Ffeel ................................... ¢ùëj , ô©°ûja few ................................ ( Oó©∏d ) π«∏bfewer ................................ ( Oó©∏d ) πbCGfinger ................................... ó«dG ™Ñ°UCGfire ................................... π©°ûj , ≥∏£jfitness .............................. á«fóÑdG ábÉ«∏dGflexible ....................................... ¿ôeflight attendant ........... ¿Gô«£dG áØ«°†e

Page 5: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

Part 1

5 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

flour .......................................... ≥«bOfollow .......................................... ™Ñàjfree time .......................... ÆGôØdG âbhfree ......................................... ≈fÉée

Ggas ............................................. RÉZgeography ............................ É«aGô¨édGget fit ........................... Ék«fóH É k≤F’ íÑ°üjgolden ....................................... ≈ÑgPgram .......................................... ΩGôLgreedy ........................... ™°ûL , ´ÉªW

Hhammer .................... ( ¢TƒcÉ°T ) ábô£ehandle ..................................... ¢†Ñ≤ehard .......................................... Ö∏°Uhard-working .................. óée , ó¡àéeharvest .................................... ó°üëjheight .............................. ∫ƒW , ´ÉØJQGhealth ...................................... áë°üdGhorrible ................... ÖYôe , ™«¶a , ¬jôc

Iillness ...................................... ¢VôeIT = information technology ...........

äÉeƒ∏©ªdG É«¸ƒdƒæμJ

Jjourney ..................................... á∏MQ

Kkeep ..................... ( äÉfGƒ«M ≈Hôj ) ßØëjkind ................................ ±ƒ£Y , Ö«W

Llaboratory ................................ πª©elarge ........................ ™°SGh , ô«Ñc , ºî°Vlay (an egg) ........... ¢†«ÑJ , ( ¢†«ÑdG ) ™°†J

lend .............................. ∞∏°ùoj , ¢Vô≤ojless .................................. ( ᫪μ∏d ) πbCGlifeboat ................ ( IÉéædG ) PÉ≤fE’G ÜQÉba little .............................. ( ᫪μ∏d ) π«∏blight ......................................... ∞«ØNlook forward to ................... ≈dEG ™∏£àj

Mmathematics ...................... äÉ«°VÉjôdGmeasure .................................... ¢ù«≤jmend ........................................ í∏°üjmessage ................................... ádÉ°SQmetre .......................................... ôàemodern ......................... iô°üY , åjóMmore ........................................... ôãcCGMs ................ ( ’ ΩCG áLhõàe º∏©f ’ ) ICGôeEG

Nnail .......................................... Qɪ°ùeneedle ................................. áWÉ«N IôHEGno one .................................... óMCG ’

Oocean ........................................ §«ëeoffer .................................. Ωó≤j , ¢Vô©j

PPacific Ocean ............... iOÉ¡dG §«ëªdGpalm ........................... ó«dG ( áMGQ ) ∞cparts of speech .............. ΩÓμdG ΩÉ°ùbCGpen friend ................... á∏°SGôªdÉH ≥jó°Uphotographer ........................... Qƒ°üepiano ........................................... ƒfÉ«Hpilot ........................................... QÉ«Wpliers ......................................... ásjOQRplough ..................................... çôëj

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6Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

polite ............................ Üò¡e , ÜODƒepractise ........................ ¢SQɪj , ÜQóàjprefer ....................................... π°†Øjprobably ........................... πªàëªdG øeprogram .................................. èeÉfôHpull ................................. ó°ûj , Öë°ùjpump up ........................ ≈a AGƒ¡dG ïØæjput on weight .......... ÉkfRh OGOõj , øª°ùj

Qquantity ..................................... ᫪cquiet ......................................... ÇOÉgquite .......................... ( Ée óM ≈dEG ) É keɪJ

Rramp .................................. Qóëæe ôªereally .......................................... É k≤Mrecently .............. Öjôb âbh øe , ÉkãjóMreserve .......................... ( IôcòJ ) õéëjrise ............................. ( ¢ùª°ûdG ) ¥ô°ûJRomans .................................. ¿ÉehôdGroof ........................ ( ∫õæe ) í£°S , ∞≤°Srough ....................................... ø°ûN

Ssaw ........................................... QÉ°ûæescissors ..................................... ¢ü≤esense ......................................... á°SÉMsew ........................................... §«îjsign (language) .............. ( IQÉ°TE’G ) á¨dsinger ........................................ ≈æ¨esink ......................................... ¢Uƒ¨jslave .................................. ( ΩOÉN ) óÑYsmooth ........................................ ºYÉfSphinx ................................. ∫ƒ¡dG ƒHCG

spill ........................................ Öμ°ùjsteam ........................................ QÉîHstone ......................................... ôéMstore ......................................... ¿õîjstorm ....................................... áØ°UÉYstudio ....................................... ƒjóà°Ssugar cane ....................... ôμ°ùdG Ö°üb

Tterrible ...................................... ™«¶aterrified ............................. G kóL ∞FÉNtest ........................................... ôÑàîjthumb .............................. ΩÉ¡HE’G ™Ñ°UCGtomb .......................................... IôÑ≤etongue ..................................... ¿É°ù∏dGtool ........................................ ádBG , IGOCGtractor ............................. ≈YGQR QGôLtrainer ..................................... ÜQóetransport ................................... π≤æjturn into ............................. ≈dEG ∫ƒëàjtyre ........................... ( kÓãe áLGQO ) QÉWEG

Vvapour ....................................... QÉîH

Wwave .......................................... áLƒeweigh .......................................... ¿õjweight ................................. ¿Rh , π≤Kwheat ......................................... íªbwooden ................................... ≈Ñ°ûNwool ......................................... ±ƒ°Uworried ...................................... ≥ p∏b

تدرب على هذه المفردات من خالل أسئلة المراجعة الشهرية بعد شرح القواعد .

Page 7: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

Part 1

7 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Conjugations of Irregular Verbsتصاريف ا$فعال الشاذة ( التى ال يضاف لها d- أو ed-) ، مرتبة ترتيبا أبجديا

Infinitiveπ©ØdG Qó°üe

Past Simple§«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG

Past Participle∫ƒ©ØªdG º°SG

(ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdG)






























(äÓ°UGƒªdÉH ≥ë∏j ) ∂°ùªj



¢ü≤j , ™£≤j




( kÓãe IQÉ«°S ) Oƒ≤j





≈∏Y π°üëj , ô°†ëj




( kÓãe É keÉ©W ) ∫hÉæàj , ∂∏àªj

was / were














































Page 8: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

8Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

Infinitiveπ©ØdG Qó°üe

Past Simple§«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG

Past Participle∫ƒ©ØªdG º°SG

(ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdG)























ßØëj , »Hôj

∑ôàj , QOɨj






( áHGO hCG áLGQO ) Öcôj



























sank / sunk
































Page 9: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

Part 1

9 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

B) General Revision on Grammarمراجعة عامة لما تم دراسته من قواعد لغوية خالل الفصل الدراسى ا$ول

( لكل ثالث وحدات على حدة )

Units 1, 2, 3, Revision A

1. Verb to “be” الفعل يكون



Subject PronounsπYÉØdG ôFɪ°V



am (=’m)I

is (=’s)He / She / It

are (= ’re)We / You / They

. ( º«¶©àdGh ΩGôàMÓd ) ™ªédG á∏eÉ©e πeÉ©j É kªFGO ¬æμdh OôØe ¬H ó°ü≤oj ¿CG øμªj You ô«ª°†dG ¿CG ßM’

EXAMPLES : I am 14 years old. Last year, I was 13.

My father is a doctor. He was in Alexandria last week.

They are at school today. They were at the park yesterday.

2. Forming Questions تكوين ا$سئلة

. ΩÉ¡Øà°SG ᨫ°U øjƒμJ øe óH’ ∫GDƒ°ùdG øjƒμàd ¬fCG πÑb øe âaôY á∏ªédÉH øμj ºd GPEGh , πYÉØdG ≈∏Y ( á∏ªédÉH OƒLƒªdG ) óYÉ°ùªdG π©ØdG ºjó≤àH ¿ƒμàJ ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G ᨫ°Uh

: ≈∏j ɪc , á∏ªédG øeR Ö°ùM ≈∏Y (do/does/did) Ωóîà°ùf óYÉ°ùe π©a

A) Yes / No Questions ( πg ) ≈橪H á∏Ä°SCG

. (No) hCG (Yes) : `H É¡æY áHÉLE’G ¿ƒμJ ∂dòd , πg : ≈橪H á∏Ä°SC’G √òg ™«ªLhπYÉa + ( óYÉ°ùe ) π©a óYÉ°ùe π©a + πYÉa

Ali is Is Ali ?

They are Are They ?

Noha has got Has Noha got ?

She likes Does she like ?

I watch Do you watch ?

Is Ali in the second year ?

Are they at school today ?

Has Noha got a computer ?

Does she like tea ?

Do you watch English films ?

. äÉaÉ°VEG iCG ¿hóH iCG , Qó°üªdG ≈a ¿ƒμj É kªFGO (do / does / did) ó©H ≈JCÉj iòdG π©ØdG ¿CG IÉYGôe ™e


™ªL ➞


Page 10: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

10Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

B) Wh-Questions ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G äGhOCG ΩGóîà°SÉH á∏Ä°SCG

: á∏ªédÉH ø«©e AõL øY ∫CÉ°ùjh , ΩÉ¡Øà°SG áª∏μH CGóÑj ¬fCG ≈a ∫hC’G ´ƒædG øY ∞∏àîj ´ƒædG Gògh

My name is Ashraf.What is your name ?

We live in Tanta.Where do you live ?

Ali is 13 years old.How old is Ali ?

I was born on 7th June, 1993.When were you born ?

: ≈∏j ɪc , á∏Ä°SC’G √òg øjƒμJ É kªFGO ôcòJh ●

ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G IGOCG + óYÉ°ùe π©a + πYÉa + ( á∏ªédG π©a ) + ( ΩÓμdG ≈bÉH ) ?

Where is Ali ?When were you born ?What time do you go to school ?

: á«dÉàdG ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G äGhOCG É k°†jCG ôcòJh ●- What GPÉe / Ée - How ∞«c- When ≈àe - How old ôªY ºc- Where øjCG - How long IóªdG ∫ƒW ºc- Who ( πbÉ©∏d ) øe

3. The present simple tense زمن المضارع البسيط

Use : ¬eGóîà°SG : çhóëdG IQôμàe IOÉY øY ô«Ñ©à∏d §«°ùÑdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR Ωóîà°ùj ●

I go to school early every day. : πãe áàHÉK á≤«≤M øY ô«Ñ©à∏d hCG ●

The sun doesn’t fall in the morning. It rises.Form : ¬æjƒμJ

: øe §«°ùÑdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ¿ƒμàj ● . (go) : πãe , ( äÉaÉ°VEG iCG ¿hóH iCG ) Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a π©ØdG -1

. ÖFÉZ OôØe º°SG hCG he / she / it πYÉØdG ¿Éc GPEG es hCG s ¬d ±É°†e π©ØdG -2watches / rises.

Page 11: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

Part 1

11 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Affirmative äÉÑKE’G

I / We / You / They drive / work / do / etc. ïdEG

He / She / It drives / works / does / etc. ïdEG

Questions á∏Ä°SC’G

Do I / we / you / they drive ? work ?

do ? etc. Does he / she / it

Negative ≈ØædG

I / We / You / They don’t drive. work.

do. etc. He / She / It doesn’t

Note the following ≈JB’G ßM’

øμj ⁄ GPEG ( ≥Ñ°S ɪc ) á«ØæŸG πª÷G hCG á∏Ä°SC’G øjƒμàd IóYÉ°ùe ∫É©aCÉc do/ does Ωóîà°ùf Ée ÉnkÑdÉZ ●

. óYÉ°ùe π©a á∏ª÷ÉH

. Qó°üŸG ᨫ°U ≈a É kªFGO ¿ƒμj do/ does ó©H ≈JCÉj π©a iCG ¿CG IÉYGôe Öéjh

: á«dÉàdG äÉjÉ¡ædG ióMEÉH ≈¡àæj ¿Éc GPEG ] §≤a - s ¢ù«dh ] - es π©Ø∏d ±É°†j ●

- o go Ögòj goes

- ch watch ógÉ°ûj watches

- sh wash π°ù¨j washes

- ss guess øªîj guesses

- x fix í∏°üj fixes


My mother works in a big school. She teaches English.

A postman doesn’t work in an office.

I go to school on foot every day.

We live next to a big supermarket.

Does your mother help you with your homework ?

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12Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

4. Present simple of the verb ( have got )

I have (= ,ve) } got two brothers.

etc. ïdEGHe / She / (It) has (= ,s)

We / You / They have (= ,ve)

EXAMPLES :Have you got any brothers or sisters ? . πg : ≈æ©Ã ∫GDƒ°SYes. I,ve got one brother, áàÑãe áHÉLEG but I haven,t got any sisters. á«Øæe áHÉLEGWhat has Heba got in her hand ? ΩÉ¡Øà°SG IGOCÉH ∫GDƒ°S

5. The present continuous tense زمن المضارع المستمر

Use ¬eGóîà°SG: πãe ; É¡«∏Y ΩÓμdG AÉæKCG çóëJ AÉ«°TCG øY åjóë∏d ôªà°ùªdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR Ωóîà°ùj ●

My father is sleeping at the moment.Look ! It’s raining.Form ¬æjƒμJ

: øe ôªà°ùªdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ¿ƒμàj ●






I am (= I’m) playing.



He / She / It is (= He’s ... etc.)

We / You / They are (= We’re ... etc.)







Am I playing ?

eating ?

writing ?etc.

Is he / she / it

Are we / you / they

am } + π©ØdG Qó°üe + ingis are

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Part 1

13 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term




ædGI am not playing.



He / She / It is not (= isn’t)

We / You / They are not (= aren’t)

● Key words

: πãe ôªà°ùŸG ´QÉ°†ŸG øeR ≈∏Y ∫óJ äɪ∏c ∑Éægh ●now ¿B’G Look ! ô¶fGat this time âbƒdG Gòg ≈a Listen ! ™ªà°SGat the moment á¶ë∏dG √òg ≈a . ¿B’G çóëj A≈°ûd √ÉÑàf’G âØ∏d Ωóîà°ùJ ∫É©aC’G √ò`g ●

MORE EXAMPLES :I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.It’s raining now, so we can’t go out.- “Are you doing your homework, Ali ?” - “No, I’m not.”- “What are you doing ?” - “I’m watching a film on TV.”

6. Should يجب

( äÉaÉ°VEG iCG ¿hóH iCG ) Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a π©ØdG √ó©H ≈JCÉj É kªFGOh , áë«°üæ∏d should π©ØdG Ωóîà°ùj ●: ≈∏j ɪc ;

You should study hard. áàÑãe á∏ªLYou shouldn’t watch much TV. á«Øæe á∏ªLShould I answer these questions ? z πg { ≈橪H ∫GDƒ°SWhat should Adel do before the exam ? ΩÉ¡Øà°SG IGOCÉH ∫GDƒ°S

7. Joining words (and, but & so)● and ( ∞£©dG hGh ) ........ h ........

: iôNCG ≈dEG áeƒ∏©e hCG Iôμa áaÉ°VEGh ∞£©∏d Ωóîà°ùJ ●The water vapour rises. The water vapour cools.The water vapour rises and (it) cools.

( . IQôμàªdG äɪ∏μdG ±òM π°†Øoj ∂dòd , QGôμàdG ≈¨∏j ∞£©dG ¿CG ßM’ )

● but øμd áÑ°ùædÉH çhóëdG á©bƒàe ô«Z ¿ƒμJ Égó©H ≈àdG á∏ªédG É kªFGOh ) ø«à°†bÉæàe ø«à∏ªL ø«H §Hô∏d Ωóîà°ùJ ●

: ( É¡∏Ñb ɪd

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14Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

My grandfather is over seventy. He still works hard.

My grandfather is over seventy but he still works hard.

● so ∂dòd . ( ÖÑ°ùdG É¡∏Ñbh áé«àædG Égó©H ≈JCÉj É kªFGOh ) iôNCÓd áé«àf ɪgGóMEG ø«à∏ªL ø«H §HôJ ●

It’s raining. I’m not going outside.

ÖÑ°S + so + áé«àfIt’s raining so I’m not going outside.

8. Relative Clauses with (who, which and where)

á∏°üdG äGQÉÑYh , ø«à∏ªL ø«H §Hô∏d Ωóîà°ùJ where h which h who á∏°üdG ôFɪ°V ● AõédG ó©H ™°VƒJ ∂dòdh á∏ªédÉH ø«©e AõL ∞°Uƒd Ωóîà°ùJ ] á≤HÉ°ùdG ôFɪ°†dG óMCÉH CGóÑJ ≈àdG äGQÉÑ©dG [

: Iô°TÉÑe ¬Ø°üJ iòdG ● who

: ] åfDƒeh ôcòe , ™ªLh OôØe [ πbÉ©∏d ≈àdG / iòdGThis is the boy. He lives next door to Amgad.

This is the boy who lives next door to Amgad.

çóëàf ódh iCG í°Vƒàd á∏°üdG IQÉÑY Éæeóîà°SG ∂dòd , ÉgOôتH ≈æ©e §©J ºd ≈dhC’G á∏ªédG ¿CG â¶M’ ●. á∏°üdG IQÉÑY ≈a QôμªdG AõédG ±òëf ÉæfCG ßM’h , ¬æY

● which: ] ™ªLh OôØe [ πbÉ©dG ô«¨d ≈àdG / iòdG

What’s the name of that tool ? It is next to the knife.

What’s the name of that tool which is next to the knife.

● where: ( ......... ¬«a iòdG ¿ÉμªdG ) å«M

This is the room. Amgad usually works in it .

This is the room where Amgad usually works.

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15 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

9. to + infinitive

ᨫ°U ≈a π©a É kªFGO Égó©H ≈JCÉj ≈àdGh ( ≈μd ) ≈橪H (to) IGOC’G ΩGóîà°SÉH ¢Vô¨dG øY ôÑ©f ÉæfCG ôcòJ ●: ] äÉaÉ°VEG iCG ¿hóH : iCG [ Qó°üªdG


We use needles to sew with.Pliers are used to hold or cut metal.We use nails to fix pieces of wood together.What are these scissors for ?We use them to cut paper and cloth with.

10. The past simple tense زمن الماضى البسيط

Use : ¬eGóîà°SG : ≈°VɪdG ≈a ≈¡àfGh CGóH çóM øY ô«Ñ©à∏d §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG øeR Ωóîà°ùf

Magdy went to the zoo last Friday.

Form : ¬æjƒμJ: øe IOÉY §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG øeR ¿ƒμàj

→ verb + -d / -ed


: IPÉ°ûdG ∫É©aC’G øe ≈fÉãdG ∞jô°üàdG hCG→ go → went / see → saw

: ≈∏j Ée G kó«L ßM’. ôNBG óYÉ°ùe π©a á∏ªédÉH øμj ºd GPEG ∫GDƒ°ùdG ≈a did Ωóîà°ùf ●

. ôNBG óYÉ°ùe π©a á∏ªédÉH øμj ºd GPEG ≈ØædG ≈a didn’t Ωóîà°ùf ●. ] äÉaÉ°VEG ¿hóH iCG [ Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a É kªFGO π©ØdG ≈JCÉj didn’t hCG did ó©H ●

. (-ed) Égó©H ±É°†jh - i ≈dEG - y ∫G Ö∏≤J ; øcÉ°S ±ôM É¡∏Ñbh -y : `H ≈¡àæj iòdG π©ØdG ●study studied reply replied

● Key words :: πãe , ≈°VɪdG ≈a ≈¡àfG π©ØdG ¿CG ≈∏Y ∫óJ äɪ∏c ™e §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG øeR Ωóîà°ùjh ●

yesterday ¢ùeCG

last ( week ) ≈°VɪdG ( ´ƒÑ°SC’G )

a ( week ) ago ≈°†e ( ´ƒÑ°SCG ) òæe

in the past ≈°VɪdG ≈a

in 2002 2002 ΩÉY ≈a

when I was young G kô«¨°U âæc ÉeóæY

Once, ............ Iôe äGP

One day, ............ Ωƒj äGP

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Seif and Magdy were neighbours.They lived in a small village.When did you see that hole ?I saw it yesterday.He didn’t have tools so he didn’t mend it.Did you go to school last Saturday ?

Units 4, 5, 6, Revision B

11. The past continuous tense زمن الماضى المستمر

: ôªà°ùªdG ≈°VɪdG øeR ¿CG ôcòJ: øe ¿ƒμàjh , ≈°VɪdG ≈a Ée âbh ≈a çhóëdG ≈a Iôªà°ùe âfÉc AÉ«°TCG ∞°Uƒd Ωóîà°ùj ●


were } + π©ØdG Qó°üe + ing

EXAMPLES :The lion was arriving in the town. ( äÉÑKEG )Were the boys playing with a ball ? ( ΩÉ¡Øà°SG )What was the butcher doing ? ( ΩÉ¡Øà°SG IGOCÉH ∫GDƒ°S )The boys weren’t shopping. ( ≈Øf )

ICÉéa â©£b øμdh ≈°VɪdG ≈a Iôªà°ùe âfÉc AÉ«°TCG øY åjóë∏d É k°†jCG ôªà°ùªdG ≈°VɪdG Ωóîà°ùjh ●: ≈∏j ɪc ( While ɪæ«H ) h ( When ÉeóæY ) : `H ∂dP øY ôÑ©fh , iôNCG AÉ«°TCG ÖÑ°ùH

: ôªà°ùªdG ≈°VɪdG ≈a ( when ÉeóæY ) IóYÉb ôcòJôªà°ùe ≈°VÉe when + §«°ùH ≈°VÉe

The butcher was cutting meat when the lorry arrived in the town.: ≈∏j ɪc ; á∏ªédG ájGóH ≈a ≈JCÉJ ¿CG øμªjh

When + §«°ùH ≈°VÉe ôªà°ùe ≈°VÉeWhen the lorry arrived in the town, the butcher was cutting meat.


: ôªà°ùªdG ≈°VɪdG ≈a ( While ɪæ«H ) IóYÉb ôcòJ§«°ùH ≈°VÉe while + ôªà°ùe ≈°VÉe

The lorry arrived in the town while The butcher was cutting meat. : ≈∏j ɪc ; á∏ªédG ájGóH ≈a ≈JCÉJ ¿CG øμªjh

While + ôªà°ùe ≈°VÉe §«°ùH ≈°VÉeWhile the butcher was cutting meat, the lorry arrived in the town.


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12. There + is / arewas / were

+ º°SG + [ π©a + ing ]

≈a Ée âbh ≈a çóëj ¿Éc Ée hCG , ÉæeÉeCG çóëj Ée ɪ¡H ∞°üf ø«à∏ªL ø«H §Hô∏d Ωóîà°ùJ IóYÉ≤dG √òg ●

. ≈°VɪdG

: øe ¿ƒμàJ ´QÉ°†ªdG ≈a

There + is Oôت∏d

are ™ªé∏d + º°SG + ( π©a + ing)

There is a photographer. He’s drinking tea.

There is a photographer drinking tea.

There are two boys . They are playing with a ball .

There are two boys playing with a ball.

: øe ¿ƒμàJ ≈°VɪdG ≈ah

There + was Oôت∏dwere ™ªé∏d

+ º°SG + ( π©a + ing)

There was a butcher. He was cutting meat with a knife.

There was a butcher cutting meat with a knife. etc.

There were three cats. They were playing with a ball.

There were three cats playing with a ball.

13. The Future Simple with “will” زمن المستقبل البسيط

: ( Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a π©a ) Égó©Hh will Ωóîà°ùf πÑ≤à°ùªdG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d ÉæfCG ôcòJ ●

I will travel to Luxor next week.= I’ll travel to Luxor next week.Will you come with me ?No, I won’t.No, I won’t come with you.


ΩÉ¡Øà°SGIô°üàîe á«Øæe áHÉLEG á∏eÉc á«Øæe áHÉLEG

: πÑb øe âaôY ɪc will É k°†jCG Ωóîà°ùf óMCG IóYÉ°ùe ¢Vô©f hCG IóYÉ°ùªdG Ö∏£f ÉeóæYh ●

( will + π©ØdG Qó°üe )

Will you make me some tea ? ( IóYÉ°ùe Ö∏W )

I’ll do the vegetables for you. ( IóYÉ°ùe ¢VôY )

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14. will be able to سوف يكون قادرا أنللتعبير عن القدرة على عمل شىء فى المستقبل

: ≈g ( can ™«£à°ùj ) π©ØdG øe πÑ≤à°ùªdG ᨫ°U : ¿CG ôcòJ ●: π©ØdG Qó°üe É k°†jCG Égó©H ≈JCÉjh ( will be able to ¿CG G kQOÉb ¿ƒμj ±ƒ°S )

EXAMPLES :I think we will be able to travel overseas.Do you think people will be able to live on the moon 50 years from now ?

15. The present perfect tense زمن المضارع التام

¬dh ≈¡àfG ¬fCG ÉeEG ) ô°VÉëdG âbƒdÉH á∏°U ¬dh ≈°VɪdG ≈a CGóH çóM øY ôÑ©æd ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR Ωóîà°ùf ●.( çóëj ∫GRÉe hCG , ¿B’G ô«KCÉJ

: ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ΩGóîà°SG óæY π©ØdG çhóM âbh ôcP ΩóY ≈YGôjh ●EXAMPLES :

I have visited Alexandria. . ájQóæμ°SE’G äQR.( ájQóæμ°SE’G øY Iôμa ióæY íÑ°UCG ≈æfCG ƒgh ; ô°VÉëdG âbƒdG ≈∏Y ô«KCÉJ ¬d øμdh ≈¡àfG çóëdG Gòg ) ●Ahmed has lost his book. . ¬HÉàc ó≤a óªMCG

. ( G kOƒ≤Øe ÜÉàμdG ∫GRÉe ¬fCG ƒg ô°VÉëdG âbƒdG ≈∏Y √ô«KCÉJh ≈¡àfG çóëdG Gòg ) ●I have learned English. . ájõ«∏éfE’G á¨∏dG âª∏©J

. ( ájõ«∏éfE’G á¨∏dG º∏©JCG âdRÉe ≈æfC’ G kôªà°ùe ∫GRÉe çóëdG Gòg ) ●● Form : ¬æjƒμJ

: øe ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ¿ƒμàj ●


Affirmative äÉÑKE’G

I / We / You / They have (=—’ve) lost.done.taken.He / She / It has (= —’s)

Interrogative ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G

Have I / we / you / they lost ?done ?taken ?Has he / she / it

+ past participle (p.p.) ( á∏ªédG π©a øe ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdG )}

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Questions with question words ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G äGhOCÉH á∏Ä°SCG

Whathave I / we / you / they lost ?

done ?taken ?has he / she / it

Negative ≈ØædG

I / We / You / They have not (= haven’t) lost.done.taken.He / She / It has not (= hasn’t)

MORE EXAMPLES :I’ve got a red exercise book, but I haven’t got a blue one.

Sameer has finished his homework.

Our teacher has asked us to do some homework on farming.

Have you found your lost book ?

● Key words

ever & never

• ever ≈°†e âbh ≈a , ≥HÉ°ùdG øe: ≈∏j ɪc á∏Ä°SC’G ≈a ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ™e (ever) Ωóîà°ùJ

Have you ever been to a farm ?

Has Ali ever grown plants ?

• never G kóHCG: iôNCG ≈Øf ᨫ°U É¡©e Ωóîà°ùj ’h ≈Øf áª∏μc ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ™e (never) Ωóîà°ùJ

I have never kept an animal.

Ali has never grown a plant.

. π©Ø∏d ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdGh has hCG have ø«H É kªFGO ¿É©°VƒJ never h ever ¿CG ßM’h

● just ( ≈°†e ô«°üb âbh øe ) k’ÉM ø«H ™°VƒJh , ô«°üb âbh øe ≈¡àfG çóëdG ¿CG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ™e (just) Ωóîà°ùJ

: π©Ø∏d ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdGh has hCG have

The chicken has just laid an egg.

I’ve just found this.

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● yet ¿B’G ≈àM : á∏ªédG ájÉ¡f ≈a ™°VƒJh ≈ØædG hCG ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G ≈a ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG ™e Ωóîà°ùJ

Have you eaten your breakfast yet ?

No, I haven’t eaten it yet.

The man hasn’t cut all the grass yet.

since òæe & for Ióªd

: π©ØdG É¡bô¨à°SG ≈àdG IóªdG ¿É«Ñd ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ™e for h since øe πc Ωóîà°ùJ ●

How long have you been a businessman ?

I’ve been a businessman for 10 years.

I’ve been a businessman since 1997.

: ΩGóîà°S’G ≈a for h since ø«H ¿QÉb ●

16. Tag Questions السؤال المذيل

¢ù«dCG ) : √Éæ©e ¿ƒμj É kªFGOh , Ée áeƒ∏©e ó«cCÉJ ±ó¡H á∏ªédG ájÉ¡f ≈a ™°Vƒj ô«°üb ∫GDƒ°S øY IQÉÑY ƒg ●: ( ? ∂dòc

EXAMPLES :You haven’t moved my red exercise book, have you ?

That’s the phone, isn’t it ?

since + çóëdG ájGóH á£≤f

: πãe AÉ«°TCG Égó©H ≈JCÉjh

for + çóëdG É¡bô¨à°SG ≈àdG IóªdG

: πãe AÉ«°TCG Égó©H ≈JCÉjh

2 o’clock




last week


2 hours

3 days

5 monthsfor

a day

a week

eight years

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● Form : ¬æjƒμJ: øe πjòªdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG ¿ƒμàj -

( á∏ªédG πYÉa ô«ª°V )( iOÉY ∫GDƒ°S iCG πãe ¬eGóîà°SG IóYÉb )

ø«H á∏°UÉa ™°VƒJ∫GDƒ°ùdGh á∏ªédG

á∏``````````````````````````````````````````ªL , óYÉ°ùe π©a + πYÉa ô«ª°V ?

: ∫GDƒ°ùdG Gòg øjƒμJ óæY É¡JÉYGôe Öéj óYGƒb ∑Éægh

: óYÉ°ùe π©a á∏ªédÉH øμj ºd GPEGh , ∫GDƒ°ùdG ≈a Ωóîà°ùj iòdG ƒg á∏ªédÉH OƒLƒªdG óYÉ°ùªdG π©ØdG - 1. á∏ªédG øeR Ö°ùM ≈∏Y (do / does / did) Ωóîà°ùf

. á∏Ä°SC’G √òg ≈a º°SG ΩGóîà°SG í°üj Óa , á∏ªédG πYÉa ≈∏Y Oƒ©j ô«ª°V ΩGóîà°SG øe óH’ - 2. Ék«Øæe ∫GDƒ°ùdG ¿ƒμj áàÑãe á∏ªédG âfÉc GPEG - 3

. ÉkàÑãe ∫GDƒ°ùdG ¿ƒμ«a á«Øæe á∏ªédG âfÉc GPEG ÉeCG - 4: πãe , Iô°üàîªdG ᨫ°üdG ΩGóîà°SG øe óH’ ≈ØæªdG ∫GDƒ°ùdG ≈a - 5

can’t / aren’t / haven’t / didn’t / etc. . ïdEG

MORE EXAMPLES :Soha has taken it, hasn’t she ?You want to see them, don’t you ?I didn’t give you an exercise book, did I ?It won’t take long, will it ?You took my book, didn’t you ?

Units 7, 8, 9, Revision C17. As soon as, when, before & after

¿ƒμj ÉeóæYh , ø«KóM ÖbÉ©J øY ôÑ©J ≈gh , á«æeR §HGhQ (after, when, as soon as) ôÑà©J ● : ≈JB’Éc IóYÉ≤dG ¿ƒμJ πÑ≤à°ùªdG øY ΩÓμdG

AfterWhenAs soon asBefore


¿CG OôéªHπÑb} + πYÉa + §«°ùH ´QÉ°†e , πYÉa + (be) going to +


EXAMPLES :After they go inside the Pyramids, they are going to go shopping.

When Ahmed comes back, I’m going to take his photo.

As soon as the taxis are here, We’re going to leave.

Before I go to the club, I’m going to phone Ashraf.

am — is — are

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● ويمكن استخدام هذه الروابط بين الجملتين وال يتغير ما بعدها : – I’m going to give this toy to Salma as soon as we see her.

18. The future simple with “be going to”

É¡Khóëd §£îe AÉ«°TCG øY ô«Ñ©à∏d §«°ùÑdG πÑ≤à°ùªdG øeR ™e (be) going to ᨫ°U Ωóîà°ùf ÉæfCG ôcòJ ●: ( πÑ≤à°ùªdG ≈a çGóMC’G √òg ºàà°Sh πÑb øe äóYCG ób á£îdG ¿CG iCG ) . πÑ≤à°ùªdG ≈a

Hesham is going to eat as soon as he arrives.

( ............ OôéªH πcCÉj ±ƒ°S ΩÉ°ûg )

: øe ¿ƒμàJhI amHe / She / It isWe / You / They are }+ going to + π©ØdG Qó°üe


Where’s Hesham going to go at 8.30 ? ( ∫GDƒ°S )He’s going to go to his office. ( áàÑãe á∏ªL )We’re not going to travel next year. ( á«Øæe á∏ªL )

19. The past passive §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG øeR ≈a ∫ƒ¡éª∏d ≈æѪdG ᨫ°U

: ΩÓμdG ≈a º¡e ô«Z hCG ±hô©e ô«Z á∏ªédG πYÉa ¿ƒμj ÉeóæY ∫ƒ¡éª∏d ≈æѪdG ᨫ°U Ωóîà°ùJ ●

Some of the ancient kings of Egypt were buried in pyramids.

É k°†jCG ƒgh ) º¡æaóH ΩÉb øe ±ô©f ’ Éægh , ( äÉeGôgCG ≈a Gƒoæ pa oO AÉeó≤dG ô°üe ∑ƒ∏e ¢†©H ) : ≈橪dGh. ∫ƒ¡éª∏d ≈æѪdG ᨫ°U Éæeóîà°SG ∂dòd ( º¡e ô«Z

Form :: øe §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG ≈a ∫ƒ¡éª∏d ≈æѪdG ᨫ°U ¿ƒμàJ ●

( OôتdG ™e) was ( ™ªédG ™e) were


The first pyramids were made about 4.700 years ago.

The biggest pyramids were built at Giza.

The work was done by around a hundred thousand slaves and workers.

} + p.p. ( á∏ªédG π©Ød ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdG )

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(v-ing) Égó©H ≈JCÉj äGô«Ñ©JI like

I prefer

I enjoy

I'm interested in

I'm good at

I look forward to

I don't mind

(to + Qó°üe) Égó©H ≈JCÉj äGô«Ñ©J I'd like

I'd prefer

I want

(prefer ø«∏©ØdG πÑb AÉL GPEG ¬fCG ßM’ ● ɪgó©H ≈JCÉj (would = ’d) π©ØdG ( likeh ¿B’G ) ≈橪dG ¿ƒμj h (to + Qó°üe)

( ΩÉY ¬LƒH ¢ù«dh §≤a


to playfootball.

20. Verbs followed by (v-ing) or (to + Qó°üe)

21. Punctuation الترقيم

● Capital letters : IÒÑμdG ±hô◊G øcÉeC’Gh ´QGƒ°ûdGh OÓÑdGh ¢UÉî°TC’G Aɪ°SCG ≈ah á∏ª÷G ájGóH ≈a IÒÑμdG ±hô◊G Ωóîà°ùf ÉæfCG ôcòJ ●

. ïdEG .... I Òª°†dGh äGQÉ°üàN’Gh ÖàμdGh IQƒ¡°ûŸGYesterday I met Mr Alan Jones who wrote "Science World" at the Pyramids in Giza.

● Full stop : á£≤ædG. ájÈÿG πª÷G ájÉ¡f ≈a ™°VƒJ É¡fCG ôcòJ ●

I come from Tanta.● Question mark : ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G áeÓY

. ∫GDƒ°ùdG ájÉ¡f ≈a ™°VƒJ É¡fCG ôcòJ ●Where's my book ?

● Speech marks : ¢ü«°üæàdG äÉeÓY: ÉfÒZ ôNBG ¢üî°T ¬dÉb øμdh , Éæd ¢ù«d ΩÓμdG Gòg ¿CG ¤EG Ò°ûæd É¡eóîà°ùf ÉæfCG ôcòJ ●

Ahmed said, "I have finished my homework."] (,) á∏°UÉa ¢ü«°üæàdG äÉeÓY πÑb ™°†f ÉæfCG ßM’h ]

: ¥ôØdG ßM’h ¤ÉàdG ∫ÉãŸG ¤EG ô¶fG "I have finished my homework," said Ahmed. ÒÑc ±ôëH CGóÑJ ’ ¢SGƒbC’G ó©H ≈àdG áª∏μdGh , ¢SGƒbC’G πNGOh á∏ª÷G ó©H Éæg â©°Vh (,) á∏°UÉØdG ]

: πãe É kª°SG âfÉc GPEG ’EG (capital)"I have finished my homework," Ahmed said.

} }

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24Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

● Comma ( , ) á∏°UÉØdG

: ÌcCÉa äGOôØe çÓK É¡H áªFÉb äGOôØe ∞£©d É kªFGO É¡eóîà°ùfh ●

Sailors, soldiers, fathers and children were waiting to see the king.

: πãe , á∏ª÷G ≈a áØ∏àîŸG AGõLC’G ÚH π°üØ∏d É k°†jCG Ωóîà°ùJh ●

This is my pen friend, Zeinab.

22. Abbreviations االختصارات

áHÉàμdG ≈a Ωóîà°ùJ äɪ∏μdG øe AGõLCG hCG áæq«©e ±hôM øY IQÉÑY ≈g ájõ«∏éfE’G á¨∏dG ≈a äGQÉ°üàN’G ●

á∏ãeCG øeh , ( ájõ«∏éfE’G á¨∏dG ≈Kóëàe iód áahô©e ᫪dÉY äGQÉ°üàNG ≈gh ) á∏jƒW äɪ∏c πëe πëJh

: ≈∏j Ée ∂dP

: πãe Aɪ°SC’G πÑb Ωóîà°ùJ äGQÉ°üàNG ●

Mr (= Mister) PÉà°SCG , ó«°S Mrs (= Missis) áLhõàe Ió«°S

Dr (= doctor) Ö«ÑW , QƒàcO Ms ( ’ ΩCG áLhõàe º∏©f ’ ) ICGôeG

: πãe ¢SQGóªdÉH á°UÉN äGQÉ°üàNG ●

prep (= preparatory) iOGóYEG lab (= laboratory) Ωƒ∏Y πª©e

maths (= mathematics) äÉ«°VÉjôdG

: πãe ¿ÉehôdG á¨d øe IPƒNCÉe á©FÉ°T äGQÉ°üàNG ●

E.g. (= for example) ∫ÉãªdG π«Ñ°S ≈∏Y P.S. ÜÉ£N ájÉ¡f ≈a ±É°†J áXƒë∏e

etc. (= etcetera) ïdEG , √ôNBG ≈dEG

: πãe Qƒ¡°ûdGh ΩÉjC’ÉH á°UÉN äGQÉ°üàNG ●

Mon (= Monday) ø«æKE’G Ωƒj Sat (= Saturday) âÑ°ùdG Ωƒj

Nov (= November) ôѪaƒf ô¡°T

: πãe , øjhÉæ©dG áHÉàc ≈a Ωóîà°ùJ äGQÉ°üàNG ●

St (= street) ´QÉ°T Rd (= road) ≥jôW

: πãe ∫É©aC’G áHÉàc óæY óYGƒ≤dG ≈a Ωóîà°ùJ äGQÉ°üàNG ●

I’ve (= I have) he’s (= he is / he has)

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Part 1

25 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

23. The passive صيغة المبنى للمجهول

Form :: øe ¿ƒμàJ §«°ùÑdG ≈°VɪdG ≈a ∫ƒ¡éª∏d ≈æѪdG ᨫ°U : ¿CG ôcòJ ●

( OôتdG ™e) was ( ™ªédG ™e) were } + p.p. ( á∏ªédG π©Ød ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdG )


The first pyramids were made about 4.700 years ago.The biggest pyramids were built at Giza.The work was done by around a hundred thousand slaves and workers.

: øe ∫ƒ¡éª∏d ≈æѪdG ᨫ°U ¿ƒμàJ §«°ùÑdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ≈ah ●amisare } + p.p. ( á∏ªédG π©Ød ådÉãdG ∞jô°üàdG )

• English vowels are made by touching different fingers of the left hand with the first finger of the right hand.

• ‘C’ is made by holding the thumb and first finger of the right hand in the shape of the letter ‘C’.

24. by + v-ing

( .. ≥jôW øY hCG .. ᣰSGƒH ) : ≈橪dGh ,(by) ôédG ±ôM ó`©H (-ing) ¬d ±É°†e π©ØdG ΩGóîà°SG ßM’ ●


“N” is made by putting .....................“O” is made by touching .....................

25. Joining Words الروابط

: G kó«L á«JB’G §HGhôdG ¢SQOG ●● Or hCG

: á«ØæªdG πªédG ø«H §HôdG hCG ∞£©∏d Ωóîà°ùJ ●Andy cannot hear. He cannot speak.Andy cannot hear or speak.

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26Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1● as soon as ¿CG OôéªH

: âbƒdG ≈a ø«KóëdG ø«H áHQÉ≤ªdG hCG áYQÉ°ùªdG øY ôÑ©Jh ø«à∏ªL ø«H §Hô∏d Ωóîà°ùJ ●Louis Braille heard about Barbier’s system. Then he was interested in it.As soon as Louis Braille heard about Barbier’s system, he was interested in it.

● Although ¿CG øe ºZôdÉH , ¿CG ™e. ≈橪dG ≈a ¢†bÉæJ ɪ¡æ«H ø«à∏ªL ø«H §Hôj , §HGôc although Ωóîà°ùJ ●

A≈°ûdG ¿ƒμàa á«fÉãdG á∏ªédG ÉeCG , áàHÉãdG á≤«≤ëdG Égó©H ≈JCÉ«a , ¿ÉμªdG ≈a but ¢ùμY ™°VƒJ ≈gh ). ( áàHÉãdG á≤«≤ëdG ™e ¢†bÉæàªdG

EXAMPLES : He couldn’t see, but he went to the village school.= Although he couldn’t see, he went to the village school. My grandfather is over seventy, but he still works hard.= Although my grandfather is over seventy, he still works hard.

( . Although `H ΩÓμdG äCGóH GPEG ø«à∏ªédG ø«H (,) á∏°UÉa ™°Vh ¢ùæJ ’h )

Units 10, 11, 12, Revision D

26. The present perfect continuous tense زمن المضارع التام المستمر

Use ¬eGóîà°SG ô«°üb âbh øe ≈¡àfG hCG , G kôªà°ùe ∫GRÉeh ≈°VɪdG ≈a CGóH çóM øY ôªà°ùªdG ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ôÑ©j ●

: πãe ; Ék`ë°VGh ∫GRÉe √ô«KCÉJhIt has been raining all this morning. The streets are all wet.Form ¬æjƒμJ

: øe ôªà°ùªdG ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ¿ƒμàj


has } been + π©a + ing





E’G I / We / You / They have




reading.etc.He / She / It has

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Part 1

27 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term





G Have I / we / you / they


working ?

playing ?

reading ?etc.

Has he / she / it





I / We / You / They haven’tbeen




He / She / It hasn’t

EXAMPLES :What have you been doing recently ?

Hesham has been drinking much tea recently.

Salma hasn’t been practising a lot in the last few weeks.

Have you been working as a teacher since you finished school ?

Since & For π©ØdG É¡bô¨à°SG ≈àdG IóªdG ¿É«Ñd ôªà°ùªdG ΩÉàdG ´QÉ°†ªdG øeR ™e (for) h (since) Ωóîà°ùf ÉæfCG ôcòJ ●

: ¿B’G ≈àMh CGóH òæe

: ÉæfCG ßM’h òæe π©ØdG É¡bô¨à°SG ≈àdG IóªdG ôcòf for ó©H - ø«æ°ùdÉH , Qƒ¡°ûdÉH , ΩÉjC’ÉH ) ¿B’G ≈àMh ájGóÑdG

. ( ïdEG ... iôNCG çGóMCG hCG ∫É©aCG iCG for ó©H ôcòf ’ -

ø«©e çóM ≈g π©ØdG ájGóH á£≤f ¿ƒμJ ¿CG øμªjh: ≈∏j ɪcsince IóYÉb ¿ƒμJ ádÉëdG √òg ≈ah( ôªà°ùe ) ΩÉJ ´É°†e + since + §«°ùH ≈°VÉe

He has been playing football since he was a child.

for + çóëdG É¡bô¨à°SG ≈àdG IóªdG

a daya weekeight years

3 hoursfour days5 months

forsince + çóëdG ájGóH á£≤f

yesterdaylast week1999

3 o’clockTuesday



27. Always & Never

: äɪ«∏©àdG AÉ£YEG óæY ≈¡ædGh ôeC’G ≈a ΩÓμdG ájGóH ≈a Never h Always Ωóîà°ùJ ●

• Always be careful when you cross the road. ] âÑãe ôeCG [

• Never buy too many sweets. ]( ≈¡f ) ≈Øæe ôeCG [

. ( äÉaÉ°VEG iCG ¿hóH iCG ) Qó°üªdG ᨫ°U ≈a ¿ƒμj ¿CG óH’ ɪgó©H ôeC’G π©a ¿CG ßM’h

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28Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Part 1

28. might

. Qó°üªdG ≈a π©a Égó©H ≈JCÉjh , π©ØdG çhóM ∫ɪàMG hCG á«fÉμeEG øY ô«Ñ©àdG óæY (might) Ωóîà°ùJ ●

I might buy something at this shop.

Never play with knives or you might cut yourself.

Always wash fruit before you eat it, or you might be ill.

29. The first conditional with “if” and “will” or “might

≈a hCG ô°VÉëdG âbƒdG ≈a çhóëdG πªàëe A≈°T øY ô«Ñ©à∏d á«Wô°ûdG πªé∏d ≈dhC’G ádÉëdG Ωóîà°ùJ ●

. πÑ≤à°ùªdG

If you aren’t careful, you will fall off the bike.

If + §«°ùH ´QÉ°†e { willmight } + π©ØdG Qó°üe

¿CG iCG ) π©ØdG çhóM á«fÉμeEG Oôée ¿É«Ñd ¿É«MC’G ¢†©H ≈a will øe k’óH might Ωóîà°ùf ÉæfCG ßM’h ●

. ( πbCG ¿ƒμ«°S π©ØdG çhóM ∫ɪàMG


If you leave sharp knives on the table, The children might cut


If the teacher is ill tomorrow, we might have a new teacher.

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Part 1

29 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

30. Expressions of countable nouns & uncountable nouns

: ≈∏j ɪ«a (Uncoutable) ó©J ’≈àdG Aɪ°SC’Gh (Countable) ó©J ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G ø«H ¿QÉb ●

Countable Uncountablemany ( Oó©∏d ) ô«ãc

I don’t have many friends.

a few ( Oó©∏d ) π«∏b

I have a few friends.

much ( ᫪μ∏d ) ô«ãc

We didn’t buy much sugar.

a little ( ᫪μ∏d ) π«∏b

We bought a little sugar.

: ≈∏j ɪ«a lessh fewer ø«H ¿QÉb ●

fewer ( Oó©∏d ) πbCG less ( ᫪μ∏d ) πbCG

: ó©J ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G πÑb fewer Ωóîà°ùJ

You should eat fewer sweets.

ó©j º°SG

. ∫É©aC’G ≈∏Y ∫óàd G kóHCG fewer Ωóîà°ùJ ’h

: ó©J ’ ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G πÑb less Ωóîà°ùJ

You should eat less chocolate.

ó©j ’ º°SG

: ∫É©aC’G ≈∏Y ∫óàd less Ωóîà°ùJ ¿CG øμªjh

I should sleep less.

: á≤HÉ°ùdG ™°VGƒªdG ™«ªL ≈a Ωóîà°ùàa more ÉeCG ●— You should eat more vegetables.— You should drink more milk.— You should sleep more.

: ¿QÉb ●How many ? ( Oó©∏d ) ºc How much ? ( ᫪μ∏d ) ºc

Oó`©dG øY ∫GDƒ`°ù∏d How many Ωó`îà°ùJ

: ( ó©J ≈àdG AÉ«°TCÓd )

How many sweets have you

been eating ?

How many vegetables are ...... ?

. É k©ªL ¿ƒμj É kªFGO Égó©H iòdG º°S’G ¿CG ßM’

, á`«ªμdG øY ∫GDƒ`°ù∏d How much Ωóîà°ùJ

: ( ó©J ’ ≈àdG AÉ«°TCÓd )

How much meat have you been

eating ?

How much fruit is ...... ?

. OôتdG á∏eÉ©e πeÉ©J ó©J ’ ≈àdG Aɪ°SC’G ¿CG ßM’

. ( õ««ªàc ) ¬æY ∫CÉ°ùf iòdG A≈°ûdG º°SG ôcòf ¿CG óH’ √òg ΩÉ¡Øà°S’G äGhOCG ó©H ¬fCG ßM’h ●

ó©j º°SG

∫É©aC’G ó©H

ó©j ’ º°SG

Page 30: ملحق اللغة الإنجليزية 2ع ت1

Revision Exercisesتدريبات مكثفة ومتدرجة على جميع

أنماط ا!سئلة المطابقة لمواصفات

االمتحان ( لكل ثالث وحدات على حدة )

[ أسئلة مختارة من امتحانات ا1دارات

التعليمية المختلفة ]


Monthly Testsاختبارات شهرية

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Part 2

31 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

Units 1, 2, 3, Revision A أسئلة مختارة من امتحانات ا دارات على الوحدات

A) Language Functionsالسؤال ا!ول فى ورقة االمتحان :

1. Finish the following dialogue.

Aya is asking Sama about her favourite subject.

Aya : What’s your ................................(1)............................... subject ?

Sama : It’s science.

Aya : Do you do ...................................(2)............................ at school ?

Sama : Of course. The last one was about ....................(3).................. .

Aya : What does it mean ?

Sama : It means water turns into ..........................(4)........................... .

● Finish the following dialogue.

Salah is telling Adel about his father’s job.

Adel : What’s your father’s job ?

Saleh : He’s ...............................................(1)............................................ .

Adel : What does he .............................(2)....................... in his work ?

Saleh : He works with tourists and other visitors.

Adel : Does he do anything else in the hotel ?

Saleh : Yes, he makes ...................(3)................... all the rooms are clean

and ....................................(4)....................................................... .

● Finish the following dialogue.

Saad sees Sameh making something with many tools.

Saad : What are you doing ?

Sameh : I’m making a ............................(1)...................... for my sister.

Saad : What is this model ?

Saleh : It’s a fishing ..............................(2)........................................... .

Saad : I see you have a lot of ............................(3)........................... .

Saleh : No. I have a hammer and some nails, but I ...............(4)............

these pliers and this saw from my uncle.

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32Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

السؤال الثانى فى ورقة االمتحان :

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) Osama wants to know what scissors are made of. Osama : What are scissors made of ?

Ahmed : ................................................................

B) Nesma asks Asmaa about Dr Hussein. Nesma : ................................................................ ?

Asmaa : Dr Hussein went to the bus-stop early to catch the bus.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) Samy asks Alaa about condensation. Samy : What does condensation mean ?

Alaa : ................................................................

B) Nawal and Maryam are discussing jobs. Nawal : Where does a TV reporter work ?

Maryam : ...............................................................

A) Hala and Nora are talking about tools.Hala : What’s a knife used for ?Nora : ............................................

B) Hazim is asking Mohamed about last Friday.Hazim : ................................................... ?Mohamed : Last Friday I went to the Egyptian museum.

السؤال الثالث فى ورقة االمتحان :

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. Steam is

2. A mechanic is someone who

3. Pliers are used to

4. A knife is used for

5. Ice is

Ba) hold or cut metal.b) cutting food.c) water under Oº.d) hot water vapour.e) teaches students.f ) works in a garage and fixes cars.

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Part 2

33 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

● Read and match.A

1. A hotel manager 2. Condensation means3. A saw is made4. Doctors always5. This is the hospital

Ba) from metal and wood.b) where Dr Khaled works.c) look after their patients.d) makes sure the rooms are clean.e ) water turning into water vapour.f ) water vapour turning into water.

● Read and match.1. “Evaporate” means.

2. “Snow” means

3. “Steam” means

4. “Condense” means

5. “Rain” means

a) Water under 0o which falls from the sky. b) To change from water vapour into water.c) Water which falls from the sky.d) To change from water into water vapour.e) Hot water vapour.f ) water which is under 0.

السؤال الرابع فى ورقة االمتحان :4. Read the following, then answer the questions.

Once there was a boy called Ramy. His father was a poor farmer. While he was waking in the street, he saw an old man sitting at the side of the road. The man was very ill and needed help. Ramy was very kind and took him to the nearest hospital.

The old man thanked Ramy and asked about his name and address. The boy didn’t want the old man to know that he was poor and his father was a farmer. So, he said that his name was Ashraf Ali and his father was a teacher. He also said that they lived in Tanta. A few days later. The old man died in hospital and left all his money to Ashraf Ali who helped him when he was very ill. Of course because Ramy told lies, he didn’t get any money.A) Answer the following questions.

1. How was the old man ?2. Why didn’t Ramy get any of the old man’s money ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. Ramy’s father was a ..............

a) doctor b) farmer c) teacher d) fisherman

] (∫hCG ΩôJ) iOGóYE’G ≈fÉãdG ∞°üdG (ájõ«∏éfEG á¨d) ≥ë∏e - 3Ω [

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34Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. ............... took the old man’s money.a) Ashraf b) The doctor c) Ramy d) Ali

5. The underlined word “him” refers to ..............a) the farmer b) Ramy c) Ashraf d) the old man

السؤال الخامس فى ورقة االمتحان :

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

Vocabulary1. My best friend is Hatem. We ....................... like football.

a) too b) second c) both d) same2. “What’s your ....................... ?” _ “I’m Egyptian.”

a) language b) nationality c) job d) subject3. To stay in the hotel, you should complete this ....................... a) form b) farm c) from d) frame4. How ....................... are you staying in our hotel ? a) much b) long c) many d) tall5. I want to make ....................... that the number is correct. a) sure b) shore c) sorry d) shoe6. A ....................... must think fast and speak well. a) carpenter b) mechanic c) TV reporter d) doctor7. A hotel manager makes sure that the rooms are clean and ............. a) comfortable b) full c) busy d) noisy8. A mechanic checks ....................... and fixes them. a) engineers b) engines c) desks d) chairs9. I work in a science lab. I’m a ...................... .

a) scientist b) designer c) head teacher d) nurse10. A ....................... is someone who lives next door to you. a) mechanic b) shopkeeper c) neighbour d) reporter11. Mum asked Ahmed to do some ...................... . a) housework b) tea c) sandwiches d) coffee12. We sleep in the ....................... . a) bathroom b) sitting room c) bedroom d) dining room

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35 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

13. What’s the best ............................ to dry the floor ? a) road b) way c) one d) what14. You should always tell the ............................ . a) lies b) true c) truth d) tooth15. The sun ............................ in the morning. a) doesn’t shine b) falls c) rises d) sinks16. Stones ............................ in water. a) sink b) float c) flat d) think17. ............................ is water under Oº which falls from the sky. a) Rain b) Steam c) Snow d) Vapour18. Turning water into water vapour is called ............................ . a) evaporation b) condensation c) freezing d) boiling19. Hot water vapour is called ............................ . a) snow b) steam c) rain d) ice20. Ali is doing an experiment in the ............................ . a) library b) playground c) bathroom d) lab21. When clothes dry in the sun, it is ............................ . a) evaporation b) condensation c) raining d) boiling22. ............................ is turning water vapour into water. a) Evaporation b) Condensation c) Raining d) Freezing23. We are going to play outside if the ............................ is good. a) water b) rain c) road d) weather24. A very small copy of a car or a plane is called a ............................ . a) model b) medal c) pedal d) needle25. We use a ............................ to fix two pieces of wood together. a) hammer b) nail c) needle d) drill26. Needles are made of ........................... . a) plastic b) wood c) cloth d) metal27. My uncle works in a ............................ which makes cars. a) shop b) factory c) farm d) garage28. ............................ are used to hold or cut metal. a) Scissors b) Pliers c) Hammers d) Saws29. A carpenter uses a ............................ to hit nails into wood. a) saw b) knife c) needle d) hammer

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36Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

30. A ........................ is used to cut wood. a) knife b) needle c) saw d) hammer31. You can make holes in wood or metal by using a ....................... . a) needle b) drill c) knife d) saw32. The top of a house is called a ........................ a) brick b) handle c) loaf d) roof33. Can you help me ........................ my car, please ? a) lend b) mend c) sew d) saw34. Carpenters use a lot of ........................ a) tools b) pools c) holes d) needles35. Don’t hold the knife by the ........................ . You may cut yourself. a) blade b) drill c) hammer d) handle36. My father doesn’t like ........................ any tools, so he buys a lot of

them. a) borrowing b) lending c) giving d) selling

Grammar37. My name ........................ Amgad. a) is b) was c) are d) were38. My father works in this hotel. He ........................ lots of people. a) met b) meeting c) meet d) meets39. My favourite hobbies ........................ football and computers. a) is b) was c) are d) were40. Where ........................ born ? a) you were b) were you c) did you d) have you41. Where ........................ work ? a) does Samir b) Samir does c) is Samir d) has Samir42. I ........................ twelve years old. a) ’s b) ’m c) ’ve d) ’d43. We ................... a flat in Alexandria and we go there every summer. a) having b) has got c) have got d) has44. What ........................ your mother do ? a) do b) does c) doing d) done45. Noha ................. two or three hobbies. a) have b) has c) having d) is

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Part 2

37 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

46. You shouldn’t ........................ up your mother when she is tired. a) wake b) waking c) woke d) wakes47. Noha ........................ do her homework every day. a) shouldn’t b) should c) don’t d) did48. The children ........................ with their toys now. a) is playing b) playing c) are playing d) play49. Where is Ahmed ........................ ? a) sleep b) sleeping c) sleeps d) slept50. We can’t go out to play because it ........................ outside. a) was raining b) rains c) rained d) is raining51. Ramy ........................ in a house near the sea. a) living b) lives c) live d) life52. The sun ........................ in the morning. a) rising b) is rising c) rises d) rise53. When water ......................, it turns into steam. a) boiling b) boils c) boiled d) boil54. Stones ........................ in water. a) doesn’t float b) floated c) don’t float d) float55. Why are you ........................ that plate in steam ? a) holding b) hold c) holds d) held56. It’s ten to eight and Omar ........................ for school. a) leave b) leaves c) was leaving d) is leaving57. Ramzy usually ........................ to school because it’s very near. a) walking b) walks c) is walking d) walked58. Amany ........................ to school today because she’s late. a) doesn’t walk b) isn’t walking c) walked d) walks59. I’m not going out ........................ it’s too hot today. a) but b) so c) and d) because60. The water vapour rises ........................ cools. a) but b) and c) so d) where61. Mum isn’t here, ........................ she told me to do the housework. a) because b) but c) so d) when

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62. He was very late .......................... he took a taxi.

a) so b) because c) but d) why

63. Water vapour is light .......................... it rises high into the air

a) but b) because c) not d) so

64. Boil the water, .......................... don’t forget to make tea.

a) but b) so c) because d) as

65. Fill a kittle with water .......................... boil it.

a) but b) and c) so d) because

66. The man .......................... helped me is a policeman.

a) who b) which c) where d) when

67. The science lab is the place .......................... we do experiments.

a) who b) which c) when d) where

68. This is the house .......................... my father bought.

a) where b) which c) who d) when

69. This is the house .......................... Ahmed was born.

a) where b) who c) which d) when

70. Ahmed met a friend in the shop .......................... he buys sweets.

a) which b) where c) who d) when

71. Ahmed spoke to Mr Ali about the lion .......................... he saw.

a) where b) who c) which d) when

72. The school .......................... Ali studies is very old.

a) which b) where c) who d) when

73. My mother telephoned her friend ..................... was very surprised.

a) which b) where c) when d) who

74. Dr Khalid went to the clinic .......................... is a kilometre from the


a) where b) who c) when d) which

75. Pliers are .......................... of metal.

a) making b) made c) make d) makes

76. Sameh doesn’t like .......................... cars for people.

a) pushing b) pushed c) push d) pushes

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السؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. My sister went to hospital because she was very ill. (Why)

2. The first lesson starts at eight o’clock. (What time)

3. I borrowed this magazine from Ali. (Who)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Condensation is water vapour turning into water. (What)

2. Scissors are used to cut or hold metal. (Why)

3. Ali used nails to fix the door. (Who)

OR :

شكل آخر للسؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :

6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.

1. comfortable — sure — the rooms — A hotel manager — are — makes.

2. water — into — is — Evaporation — water vapour — turning.

3. metal — used — hold — Pliers — or cut — are — to.

● Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.

1. tired — arrived — feeling — Magdy — Seif — when — was.

2. didn’t — lending — to Magdy — tools — like — Seif — his.

3. knives — food — use — with — cut — We — to.

السؤال السابع فى ورقة االمتحان :

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. A TV reporter checks engines and fixes them. (.........)

2. We use a drill to cut wood. (.........)

3. Look! The bird was eating the plant. (.........)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. When you climb a mountain, air slowly gets warmer. (.........)

2. Evaporation means steam turning into water. (.........)

3. This is the shop which I buy cheese and other food. (.........)

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40Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. While Noha was studying, she was hearing an accident. (.........)

2. I told Soha about the dog where I saw. (.........)

3. Stones fl oat in water. (.........)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Steam is cold water vapour. (.........)

2. The top of a house is called a handle. (.........)

3. A mechanic boxes cars. (.........)

السؤال الثامن فى ورقة االمتحان :8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

stayed home — angry — listening — watching

A noisy day

Yesterday was a holiday. Sally ..............................................................




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41 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

● Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

mechanic — garage — checks — hard

My uncle

This is my uncle Magdy ....................






● Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

hard tool — metal — have got handles — hold or cut


These are pliers. .............................





السؤال التاسع فى ورقة االمتحان :

D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. who is nicer, seif or magdy

2. i didn t go to alexandria last summer

● Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. what is mona s job

2. mona often plays volleyball on friday

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Test on Units 1, 2, 3A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue.Nadia and Heba are talking about jobs.Nadia : Hello, Heba. Can I ask you some questions ?Heba : Yes, ................. (1) ................. Nadia : What’s your father’s ................. (2) ................. ?Heba : He’s a carpenter. Nadia : ................. (3) ................. he work ?Heba : He works in his workshop.Nadia : What ................. (4) ................. ?Heba : He uses hammers, saw and nails.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

Mona and Noha are talking. A) Mona : What were you doing at 7.30 yesterday morning ?

Noha : ....................................................................................

Nabil knows that Nasser is good at science. B) Nabil : ................................................................................. ?

Nasser : Evaporation means water turning into hot water vapour.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. The top of a house

2. This is the girl

3. Evaporation means

4. A TV reporter works

5. Making models is a hobby

Ba) water turning into steam.b) water vapour turning into water.c ) which Eman enjoys a lot.d) who won the prize.e) in television.f ) is called a roof.

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.When the wind blows across the surface of water or the sun shines

on water, some water evaporates and turns into water vapour. Water vapour is light, so it rises into the air. When water vapour gets high in the

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sky, the air is cool and the water condenses into small drops of water.There, drops of water join together to form clouds. Sometimes water drops in the clouds become big and heavy and start to fall to the ground. This is rain. In colder weather, ice in the clouds also sinks and falls to the ground. This is snow.A) Answer the following questions.

1. When does some water evaporate ?2. Why does water vapour rise into the air ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. When water vapour gets high in the sky, the air is cool and the

water ...................... a) evaporates. b) condenses. c) boils. d) drinks.

4. Drops of water join together to form .......................a) clouds. b) water vapour. c) rain. d) wave.

5. ..................... is ice in the clouds which falls to the ground.a) Ice cream b) Ice tea c) Snow d) Steam

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. When water freezes, it turns into .....................a) ice b) vapour c) drops d) rain

2. ............... are used to hold or cut metals.a) Saws b) Pliers c) Scissors d) Knives

3. My cousin is a sales ..................... in a shop.a) designer b) assistant c) reporter d) mechanic

4. The tourist looked at the map when he felt he was ...................a) last b) list c) lost d) least

5. This is the shop .................... my mother buys our clothes.a) which b) when c) what d) where

6. Ahmed always ................... his room on Friday.a) cleaning b) is cleaning c) cleans d) cleaned

7. When I phoned Soha, she .................... dinner.a) having b) has c) is having d) was having

8. It’s too hot today ...................... I’m not going out.a) but b) so c) and d) because

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6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. My favourite hobby is football. (What)

2. The sun rises in the morning. (When)

3. My sister helped me do the housework. (Who)

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. I played football when I broke my leg. (.........)

2. Ahmed spoke to his friend where was surprised to see him. (.........)

3. When water vapour rises, it evaporates. (.........)

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

uses tools — saw — hit — make

A carpenter

A carpenter works in a workshop. ...






D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. this is samy s grandfather who is a carpenter

2. what s your name please

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Units 4, 5, 6 + Revision B أسئلة مختارة من امتحانات ا دارات على الوحدات السؤال ا�ول فى ورقة االمتحان :

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue.

Noha and Fatma are talking about the farm. Noha : Have you .............................(1)......................... been to a farm ? Fatma : Yes, I have.Noha : What did you see there ?Fatma : I saw a lot of ......................(2)............................... and animals.Noha : Why do farmers .................(3)......................................... cows ?Fatma : They keep cows for .........................(4)...................... and milk.

● Finish the following dialogue.Amany and Ashraf are discussing yesterday’s accident.Amany : Did you read yesterday’s newspaper ? Ashraf : No, I ....................(1)...................... What was in it ?Amany : A lorry was taking a lion to the zoo, but it ...........(2)............ .Ashraf : What happened after that ?Amany : There was a policeman ................(3)................. near the lorry. He called the police station and they caught it.Ashraf : Was anybody injured ?Amany : No. The people in the street were ..............(4).......... because the lion hunted a donkey in the street but not anybody.

● Finish the following dialogue.A teacher is asking Maged about the importance of computers.Teacher : Have you got a computer ?Maged : Yes I have.Teacher : What can a computer do ?Maged : It can do difficult ................(1)................... very quickly. Teacher : Why is a computer ................(2)................. ?Maged : Because it’s fl exible, ................(3)................... and can

store lots of information.Teacher : Where are a computers used now ?Maged : In banks, at home and in ..............(4)............... .

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السؤال الثانى فى ورقة االمتحان :

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.Atef wants to know what Amr was doing when he phoned him.

A) Atef : What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday ?

Amr : ................................................................................ .

Noha and Afaf are talking. B) Noha : .............................................................................. ?

Afaf : No, I’ve never been to a farm.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. A) Sabry : .................................................................................... ?

Kamal : The policeman spoke to the police station on the radio.

Huda is talking to Nabil. B) Huda : ................................................................................... ?

Nabil : I will be able to drive when I’m 25.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues. Amal wants to know the use of chickens for farmers.

A) Amal : Why do farmers keep chickens ? Nasra : ..................................................................................... .

Hany is asking Abdou about ploughing.B) Hany : .................................................................................. ? Abdou : The farmer used a tractor to plough his field.

السؤال الثالث فى ورقة االمتحان :B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.A

1. How small do you think

2. Will you

3. In the future, we will

4. When I saw the lion

5. Will computers be able

Ba) probably drive flexible cars.b) to invent machines ?c) computers will be in the future ?d) which he likes a lot.e) open the car door, please ?f ) it was eating meat.

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47 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

● Read and match.A

1. I have given you the book,

2. Soha has never

3. We keep goats

4. Computers are

5. We keep chickens

Ba) to get eggs.b) don’t I ?c) haven’t I ?d) machines which follow instructions.e) gone to a farm.f ) to get milk and meat.

● Read and match.A

1. Doctors use computers,

2. Would you prefer

3. I like

4. The man on the tractor

5. Greedy means

Ba) hasn’t cut all the grass yet.b) taking more than you need.c) don’t doctors ?d) don’t they ?e) going for a walk every night.f ) to go to the park or the beach ?

السؤال الرابع فى ورقة االمتحان :4. Read the following, then answer the questions.

Computers are probably the most important modern invention. They

are machines which follow programs that tell the computer how to

store and control electronic information. A computer can do difficult

sums very quickly.

Computers are important for three main reasons. They are flexible,

accurate and they can store lots of information in their memory.

Computers are now used in banks, at home and in factories. The

internet allows people to communicate with anyone around the world

in a matter of seconds. Most books are now made with the help of

computers. Even doctors use computers to help them examine their


a) Answer the following questions.

1. Why are computers important ?

2. What do programs tell the computer ?

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b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Computers can store ....................

a) food b) information c) time d) money

4. .................... allows people to communicate with anyone around

the world in seconds.

a) A letter b) The fax c) The internet d) Books

5. Programs are .................... .

a) telephones b) machines c) books d) instructions

السؤال الخامس فى ورقة االمتحان :C) Usage and Writing

5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.


1. The policeman spoke to the police station on the ....................... .

a) television b) radio c) camera d) mobile

2. I can’t phone my father because I know he’s in a .................... now.

a) meet b) taxi c) wedding d) meeting

3. Huda’s mother gave her some medicine for her ...................... .

a) illness b) ill c) patient d) nurse

4. The flight ...................... gave us drinks and food on the plane.

a) manager b) driver c) pilot d) attendant

5. “Terrified” means “very ...................... ”.

a) sad b) happy c) hungry d) frightened

6. There was ....................... in the house because it was on fire.

a) rain b) smoke c) steam d) snow

7. The man called the ...................... when he saw the smoke.

a) station b) bus station c) hospital d) fire station

8. The ....................... is the place where we go shopping.

a) zoo b) shop c) market d) police station

9. My aunt got married last Friday, but I didn’t go to her ...................

a) factory b) wedding c) shopping d) meeting

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49 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

10. Farmers use ........................ to plough their fields.a) cars b) lorries c) tractors d) trucks

11. My uncle is a farmer. He ........................ lots of animals.a) grows b) keeps c) meets d) eats

12. Wheat is one of the most important ........................ in Egypt. a) animals b) factories c) colours d) crops13. We keep ........................ for eggs. a) cows b) chickens c) goats d) sheep14. We can get flour from ........................ . a) sugar cane b) cotton c) tomatoes d) wheat15. I have never seen farmers ........................ their crops. a) harvest b) cook c) eat d) plough16. Farmers keep cows for meat and ........................ . a) plants b) bread c) milk d) eggs17. My grandfather used a tractor to ........................ his field. a) harvest b) plough c) sell d) build18. We ........................ cotton plants to get cotton. a) draw b) borrow c) keep d) grow19. We ........................ sheep to get wool. a) grow b) draw c) keep d) borrow20. We don’t like people who are ........................ . a) polite b) kind c) quiet d) greedy21. My mother gave me a ........................ ring on my birthday. a) wooden b) plastic c) golden d) widen22. Look ! The chicken has just ........................ an egg. a) boiled b) eaten c) bought d) laid23. My father wore a jumper made of ........................ because the

weather was cold. a) cotton b) wood c) wool d) gold24. Farmers keep a lot of useful animals. Keep means ........................ . a) buy and sell b) sell and buy c) own and look after d) use and help25. A tractor is ........................ that helps farmers plough their fields. a) a machine b) a tool c) an animal d) a crop

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26. I was watching a ....................... about a lion.

a) cartoon b) balloon c) telephone d) carton

27. The girl was watering the plants because they were ..................... .

a) try b) cry c) thirsty d) dry

28. They took the lion to the zoo in a ........................ .

a) taxi b) plane c) lorry d) bus

29. Programs are ...................... which tell computers what to do.

a) instructions b) quantities c) noises d) machines

30. ........................ can do difficult sums very quickly.

a) Carpenters b) Compasses c) Computers d) Telephones

31. In a few years, we’ll probably drive ...................... cars.

a) electric b) flexible c) terrified d) huge

32. ...................... my instructions and you’ll understand what to do.

a) Go b) Follow c) Walk d) Leave

33. Computers can ........................ lots of information.

a) continue b) switch on c) forget d) store

34. Computers will ....................... be cheaper in fifty years.

a) accurately b) flexibly c) probably d) electrically

35. A ...................... is a person who flies planes.

a) carpenter b) driver c) mechanic d) pilot

36. Computers were ....................... 60 years ago. Now they’re cheap.

a) enormous b) large c) expensive d) cheap

37. Computers are very ........................ in doing difficult sums.

a) slow b) accurate c) bad d) difficult

38. Doctors use computers to ....................... their patients.

a) examine b) answer c) kill d) store

39. In .................., computers store information about people’s money.

a) schools b) hospitals c) banks d) books

40. Computers are probably the most important modern .................... .

a) instruction b) invitation c) invention d) examination

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Grammar41. I didn’t hear the telephone because I ..................... . a) slept b) was sleeping c) sleep d) sleeps42. My mother was very ill because she ..................... to take the

medicine for her illness. a) forgot b) forgetting c) was forgetting d) forgets43. Two women ...................... when the lorry arrived. a) shop b) shopping c) was shopping d) were shopping44. I wanted to borrow my friend’s book, but he said he didn’t like

................... me any books. a) lend b) lending c) lent d) lends45. When Noha ................. Sally in the street, she did not speak to her. a) met b) meeting c) meets d) have met46. While we ...................... football, Ali fell over and broke his leg. a) played b) were playing c) play d) plays47. Ashraf ..................... while he was watching TV. a) sleeping b) sleeps c) sleep d) slept48. When I phoned Soha, she ...................... lunch. a) had b) was having c) has d) having49. I ..................... to Port Said last summer holiday. a) go b) went c) going d) goes50. Will you ..................... the vegetables, Sally ? a) does b) do c) doing d) did51. “Will you help me with my homework, Dad ?” — “Yes, I ..................... ”. a) won’t b) could c) will d) did52. .................... you make me a cup of tea, Soha ? a) You’ll b) You will c) You won’t d) Will you53. I don’t think people will ..................... live on the moon. a) can b) be able to c) be able d) able54. Tamer usually has eggs for breakfast. Tomorrow he .................

jam. a) has b) having c) will have d) have55. Maha thinks she will be able to ............... a car when she’s twenty. a) drive b) driving c) drove d) drives

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56. My father usually goes out in the evening, but this evening he .................. because he’s tired.

a) goes out b) doesn’t go out c) won’t go out d) went out57. When Omar leaves school, he’ll look .................. a job. a) after b) before c) at d) for58. Mustafa may .................. married when he’s 25. a) get b) gets c) getting d) got59. Sally is thirteen now. In March next year she .................. fourteen. a) is b) was c) will be d) should be60. You .................. to Magdy, weren’t you ? a) are speaking b) were speaking c) spoke d) speak61. I can borrow your camera, .................. ? a) can I b) I can’t c) can’t I d) can I not62. Soha .................. the salad, has she ? a) has eaten b) hasn’t eaten c) have they d) doesn’t eat63. You .................. my CD, have you ? a) haven’t moved b) moved c) have moved d) move64. The boys didn’t have time to read the lesson, .................. ? a) have they b) they didn’t c) didn’t they d) did they65. That’s not your pen, .................. ? a) is it b) isn’t it c) it is d) it isn’t66. Ahmed and Salma .................. to the park, haven’t they ? a) haven’t gone b) have gone c) went d) has gone67. Dad .................. return home early, will he ? a) can’t b) will c) won’t d) isn’t68. Those flowers are pretty, .................. ? a) are they b) aren’t flowers c) are they not d) aren’t they69. Have you ever .................. to a farm ? a) go b) are c) been d) be70. The farmers .................. ploughed the fields yet. a) didn’t b) hasn’t c) have d) haven’t

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71. Have you ........................... been to a farm ? a) never b) yet c) ever d) every72. Hussam has ........................... all the letters. a) write b) written c) writes d) wrote73. I’ve visited Luxor. I ........................... there last winter. a) ’ve gone b) go c) went d) gone74. My father ...................... a doctor for more than twenty years now. a) was b) has been c) is being d) will be75. He hasn’t phoned me ........................... April. a) ago b) for c) since d) yet76. We have learned English ........................... 7 years. a) ago b) for c) since d) yet77. Sara hasn’t finished her homework ........................... . a) ago b) for c) since d) yet78. Mustafa has been out ........................... 2 o’clock. a) ago b) for c) since d) yet79. Salem bought this car 2 years .......................... . a) ago b) for c) since d) yet80. Magda has been out ........................... 2 hours. a) ago b) for c) since d) yet81. My father has been a businessman ........................... 15 years. a) ago b) for c) since d) yet82. They have been in Matrouh ........................... 10th June. a) ago b) for c) since d) yet83. Ahmed hasn’t washed all the dishes .......................... . a) ago b) for c) since d) yet84. I’ve known Hany ........................... 2001. a) ago b) for c) since d) yet85. “Have you ever been to a farm ?” — “Yes, I have. The last time I

.................. there was last week.” a) have been b) went c) go d) been86. The girls haven’t finished collecting the litter ...................... . a) just b) yet c) ever d) never87. Hany likes travelling. He .................... a lot of countries since he

was a boy. a) visits b) visited c) has visited d) will visit

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السؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. No, I’ve never been to a farm. (Have)

2. They were taking the lion to the zoo by lorry. (How)

3. In the future, people will live on the moon. (Where)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Next year I’ll be fourteen. (How old)

2. She left England last month. (When)

3. The farmer used the tractor to plough his field. (Why)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. The man bought the chickens from the market. (Where)

2. I will be able to drive when I leave school. (Will)

3. Computers are important because they can store lots of

information. (Why)


شكل آخر للسؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences

1. work — A policeman — in — a radio — his — uses.

2. can — sums — quickly — do — computers — very.

3. were — boys — a ball — There — two — with — playing.

● Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.1. information — lots — can — electronic — store — of — Computers.2. planes — to — computers — fly — able — Will — be ?3. them — stored — forget — Computers — on — the information —


● Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.1. get — sheep — Farmers — meat — to — keep.2. need — than — taking — Greedy — you — more — means.3. field — plough — a tractor — The farmer — his — to — used.

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السؤال السابع فى ورقة االمتحان :7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. There were two boys play with a ball. (..........)

2. They haven’t visited us for 2004. (..........)

3. I don’t think I’ll be able to driving a car next year. (..........)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. There was a butcher sells meat. (..........)

2. Computers usually forget the information stored on them. (..........)

3. Soha doesn’t mind to give me her camera. (..........)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. I haven’t given you the book, haven’t I ? (..........)

2. Farmers use tractors to blow their fields. (..........)

3. As seen as I see Samy, I’m going to give him the book. (..........)

السؤال الثامن فى ورقة االمتحان :8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

tractors — milk — fl our — eggs


Farmers are active and hard-

working. They use .........................








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● Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.(The words in the box may help you.)

small and cheap now — store — sums accurately — used in

ComputersComputers are the most important

modern invention. .................................





● Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.(The words in the box may help you.)

by bus — family — animals — happy

The zooI visited the zoo last week. ...........................................................................................................




السؤال التاسع فى ورقة االمتحان :D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following two sentences.1. in march next year i ll be fourteen

2. an ambulance took tarek s mother to hospital

● Punctuate the following two sentences.1. mona often plays volleyball on friday

2. what was nabil doing at seven o clock yesterday

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Test on Units 4, 5, 6A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue.

A farmer’s son is asking his father about farm life.

Son : Can I ask you some questions, dad ?

Farmer : Of course, dear.

Son : Why do we ....................................(1).................................... ?

Farmer : We keep them for wool and meat.

Son : Why do we ....................................(2).................................... ?

Farmer : We grow these plants to get cotton.

Son : Why do we ....................................(3).................................... ?

Farmer : For eggs, of course.

Son : So, we grow wheat to .................(4).................................... .

Farmer : Yes, that’s right. Well done.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Omar : Do you like watching cartoons ?

Salma : ..........................................

B) Ahmed is asking Hussein about farmer’s job.

Ahmed : ................................................................ ?

Hussein : He grows different crops and vegetables.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. The farmer killed all the


2. Computers are the most

3. We grow sugar cane

4. Farmers keep a lot of

5. Computers can store


a) informations.

b) to get sugar.

c) useful animals.

d) becuase he was greedy.

e) to get milk.

f ) modern inventions.

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4. Read the following, then answer the questions.An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and

stayed with a framer. Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening. Then when it went dark, he went back to the farm and had good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want money but give me one of your pictures. What is money ? In a week it will be finished, but your painting will be here.”

The artist was very happy and thanked the farmer for saying such nice words about his paintings. The farmer smiled and said, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to be an artist. When he comes back, I’ll show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where did the artist go for a holiday ?2. Why did the farmer want a picture ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. The farmer didn’t want his son to be ....................

a) a farmer. b) an artist. c) a student. d) a doctor.4. The farmer thought the pictures were ....................

a) very bad. b) fantastic. c) interesting. d) beautiful.5. The underlined word “He” refers to ....................

a) the son. b) the farmer. c) the artist. d) the picture.

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. Do you think people ............. live on the moon 50 years from now ?a) will be able to b) are able toc) can d) have been able to

2. Wool is ...............a) made of cotton. b) made of animal hair.c) made of plastic. d) made of trees.

3. Sara hasn’t eaten the sandwich, ............... ?a) has Sara b) hasn’t Sara c) has she d) hasn’t she

4. We have been students ............... 8 years.a) ago b) for c) since d) yet

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5. There was a butcher ............... meat with a knife.

a) cutting b) cut c) cuts d) has cut

6. Magdy ............... how to play the piano yet.

a) has learnt b) hasn’t learnt c) learnt d) learning

7. A tractor is a ............... that a farmer uses.

a) machine b) tool c) plant d) animal

8. Computers never ............... the information stored on them.

a) remember b) forget c) keep d) help

6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.

1. used — The — the — field — tractor — plough — farmer — his — to.

2. don’t — meeting — kind — you — What — like — of people ?

3. man — the — the — The — bought — market — chickens — from.

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Hassan has been a businessman since five years. (..........)

2. Farmers harvest their eggs when they are ready. (..........)

3. They’ll be here in 15 minutes, didn’t they ? (..........)

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

difficult — sums — work — quickly — everywhere — Doctors


Computers are the most important

modern invention. ............................



D) Punctuation

9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. have ali and samy gone to the zoo

2. you took my book didn t you

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Mid-Term Tests (Units 1 - 6)

Test (1)A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue.

Walid asked Hany about his father’s job.

Walid : Can I ask you some questions?

Hany : Yes, ............................................(1)...........................................

Walid : What is your father’s job?

Hany : .....................................(2)..................................... a carpenter.

Walid : .....................................(3).......................................... he work?

Hany : He works in his workshop.

Walid : What ...........................(4)................................... does he use?

Hany : He uses hammers, saws, nails and drills.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Heba asks Salma what she was doing yesterday.

Heba : What were you doing at 7.30 yesterday morning?

Salma : ................................................................................ .

B) Sameh wants to know what happens when water boils.

Sameh : .............................................................................. ?

Teacher : Water turns into water vapour.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. Someone who is very afraid is

2. To understand what to do,

3. When I leave school,

4. The top of a house is called

5. Making models is a hobby

Ba) I’ll be able to drive.b) terrifiedc) which I enjoy a lot.d) where I live.e) a roof.f ) follow the instructions.

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4. Read the following, then answer the questions.Ahmed and his wife Nadia live at a beautiful village near Luxor. They

wanted to be rich to buy a new car and have a beautiful house. They

had a bad idea. They decided to search for treasures of the ancient

Egyptians and steal them. So, they went at midnight to one of the

old temples of Abu Simbel, they broke the door with a hammer and

entered. They used a big torch to guide them. They tried to steal

some treasures put in a big glass box but the policemen caught them.

“What are you doing here, Ahmed and Nadia ?” said the officer. “We

are visiting the temple,” said Ahmed. In the end, the policemen took

them to prison because they were greedy and thought badly.

A) Answer the following questions.1. Where did Ahmed and his wife go at midnight ?

2. Why did the policemen catch them ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. Ahmed and Nadia live at a nice ...............

a) village b) city c) town d) office

4. They used a .............. to guide them.

a) hammer b) torch c) pen d) gun

5. Ahmed and his wife were taken to prison because they were ......

a) sad b) happy c) rich d) greedy

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Stones do not ....................... in water.

a) sink b) fly c) float d) condense

2. Ahmed saw a friend in the shop ................... he goes to buy sweets.

a) where b) which c) who d) what

3. Don’t hold the knife by the ..................... . You might cut yourself.

a) drill b) hammar c) handle d) blade

4. It’s ten to eight and Sara ...................... for school.

a) leave b) leaves c) is leaving d) was leaving

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5. My father ...................... home until seven o’clock, will he? a) will return b) won’t return c) hasn’t returned d) doesn’t return6. Programs are ....................... which tell computers what to do. a) instructions b) games c) quantities d) noises7. Your ...................... is someone who lives next door to you. a) shopkeeper b) father c) designer d) neighbour8. I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear the telephone because I ...................... . a) am sleeping b) was sleeping c) slept d) will sleep

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. There was no hight, so I couldn’t read. (Why)2. We buy meat at the butcher’s. (Where)3. Next month. I’ll be fourteen. (How old)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. I don’t mind to help a friend who has a problem. ( .................. )2. They have never gone to the zoo, haven’t they? ( .................. )3. Evaporation means steam turning into water. ( .................. )

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences. (The words in the box may help you.)

works hard — grows — keeps — cow — goes to bed

FarmersThe farmer usually gets up early. .............






D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. does mustafa live in tanta2. those flowers are pretty aren t they

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Test (2)

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue.

Ahmed : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come from?

Tourist : I come from England.

Ahmed : What ...................(1)....................... you visit in Cairo?

Tourist : I visited the Pyramids and the Egyptian Museum.

Ahmed : Did you visit Luxor and Aswan?

Tourist : Not yet. I ..................(2).................... to visit them tomorrow.

Ahmed : ...........................(3)................................... will you go there?

Tourist : ...........................(4)................................... or by train.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Ali and Hany are talking about meeting an important person.

Ali : Have you met any important person this year?

Hany : ................................................................................ .

B) Samar asks Esraa about cars.

Samar : .............................................................................. ?

Esraa : Cars are made of metal.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. Snow is

2. This is the school

3. Doctors use computers,

4. Farmers keep cows

5. The phone rang

Ba) to get milk and meat.b) while I was sleeping.c) water under 0° which

falls from the sky.d) do they?e) don’t they?f ) where my father works.

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4. Read the following, then answer the questions.Sixty years ago computers were enormous. They were also expensive

and slow. Now computers are getting smaller and cheaper and this will continue. We’ll probably use computers in different ways in the future. We’ll put more computers into planes and we’ll use them in cars, too. We use some computers in planes now but in the future they probably won’t need people to fly them. A computer will be able to fly a plane by itself.Now we use computers to help us to design and invent new machines. In the future computers might design machines by themselves without the help of people.A) Answer the following questions.

1. What were computers like 60 years ago ?2. What are computers like now ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. Enormous means very ..............

a) dark b) big c) old d) small4. In the future computers will probably be able to ............

a) fl y b) buy a plane c) sell a plane d) fl y a plane5. The underlined word “them” refers to ............

a) planes b) cars c) computers d) machines

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. A ....................... is used for sewing. a) drill b) nail c) needle d) saw2. What ................... when your uncle arrived yesterday afternoon? a) have you done b) were you doing c) are you doing d) you were doing3. When water boils, it ..................... . a) sinks b) completes c) condenses d) evaporates4. In the future, Salma ...................... drive a car. a) will be able to b) is able to c) can d) has been able to

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5. This is the shop ...................... my mother buys our clothes. a) when b) what c) who d) where6. Computers can ....................... lots of electronic information. a) continue b) store c) tell d) switch on7. ...................... people take more than they need. a) Good b) Speedy c) Greedy d) Kind8. Heba was speaking to Mona, ...................... ? a) was she b) wasn’t Heba c) isn’t she d) wasn’t she

6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.1. last − his − Samy − all − do − night − homework − didn’t.2. tomorrow − four − won’t − to − I − until − able − come − be − home.3. your − put − when − A spoon − tea − sugar − is − in − useful − you.

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. I haven’t got any needles to fix this wood to the wall. ( ................. )2. This is the room who I’ve just painted. ( ................. )3. While Ahmed crossed the road, a car hit him. ( ................. )

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences. (The words in the box may help you.)

examine — medicine — computer — help

DoctorsDoctors work in hospitals and clinics. ..






D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. can i borrow a hammar and some nails please2. i think we ll be able to visit aswan next winter

] (∫hCG ΩôJ) iOGóYE’G ≈fÉãdG ∞°üdG (ájõ«∏éfEG á¨d) ≥ë∏e - 5Ω [

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Units 7, 8, 9 + Revision C أسئلة مختارة من امتحانات ا دارات على الوحدات

A) Language Functionsالسؤال ا�ول فى ورقة االمتحان :

1. Finish the following dialogue.

Ahmed's father is going to the ticket office. Ahmed : Why are you going to the ticket office, Dad ?

Father : I’m going to ........................(1)................... tickets to Aswan.

Ahmed : What are you going to do after that ?

Father : As .....................(2)..................... I reserve tickets, I’m going to

meet your uncle at the airport.

Ahmed : Can I come with you ?

Father : No, Ahmed. After we all ..................(3)................ dinner, we’re

...................(4)................... leave for the cinema.

● Finish the following dialogue.

Fahmy is asking Hatem about his personality.

Fahmy : What .........................(1)........................ of person are you ?

Hatem : I’m a polite, friendly and funny person.

Fahmy : What kind of people don’t you like ...................(2)................ ?

Hatem : I don’t like meeting people who are .................(3)................ .

Fahmy : Would you like .....................(4).......................... a pen friend ?

Hatem : Yes, of course.

● Finish the following dialogue.

Ahmed and Omar are talking about pen friends.

Ahmed : Have you ................. (1) ................. a pen friend, Omar ?

Omar : Yes, his name is Tom, He is .......... (2) ............ England.

Ahmed : Do you write letters for him ?

Omar : Yes, I .......... (3) ............

Ahmed : Do you write to him .......... (4) ............ English ?

Omar : Yes, Tom doesn’t know Arabic.

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السؤال الثانى فى ورقة االمتحان :

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Salma is at Rania’s house.

Rania : Tea or coffee ?

Salma : ................................................................ .

B) Nawal asks Fayza about her interests.

Nawal : ........................................................................ ?

Fayza : I’m very interested in English and science.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Samy knows a lot about the Pyramids.

Omar : Where were the biggest pyramids built ?

Samy : ..................................................................... .

B) Mustafa asks Ali about senses.

Mustafa : ................................................................. ?

Ali : We have 5 senses.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Mai is asking Huda about learning English.

Mai : How long have you been learning English ?

Huda : ...................................................

B) Hazim is asking Mohamed about last Friday.

Hazim : ................................................... ?

Mohamed : Last Friday I went to the Egyptian museum.

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السؤال الثالث فى ورقة االمتحان :

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. Salma is funny

2. We go to the museum

3. Hesham is hard-working

4. I went to the train station

5. I am looking forward to

Ba) to reserve a ticket to Tanta.b) going to the beach.c) and makes other people laugh.d) to get flour.e) because he does a lot of

homework.f ) to see the ancient treasures.

● Read and match.


1. We smell

2. What’s he going to do

3. My teacher might be angry

4. I came to live here

5. Would you like to

Ba) three years ago.b) as soon as he arrives ?c) gone to a farm ?d) with our nose.e) make friends overseas ?f ) if I don’t do my homework.

السؤال الرابع فى ورقة االمتحان :4. Read the following, then answer the questions.

Some of the ancient kings of Egypt were buried in Pyramids. The first Pyramids were made about 4,700 years ago and the biggest Pyramids were built at Giza. The Great Pyramid of King Khufu took about twenty years to build. Two million stones were used to make it and the work was done by around a hundred thousand slaves and workers. Scientists think that large stones were cut from rocks in the mountains, transported by boat on the River Nile and then lifted onto the walls. Finally the stones at the front of the wall were cut to the correct shape.

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a) Answer the following questions.1. How long did the Great Pyramid take to build ?2. How were the large stones transported ?

b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. ...................... stones were used to build the Great Pyramid. a) 4,700 b) 100,000 c) 200 d) 200,0004. The biggest Pyramids were built .................... . a) for King Khufu b) in the River Nile c) at Giza d) at the same time5. Khufu ..................... buried in Pyramids. a) and all other kings were b) was the only king who was c) and all other kings weren’t d) and some other kings were

السؤال الخامس فى ورقة االمتحان :

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

Vocabulary1. You can see a lot of ancient treasures in the ...................... . a) cinema b) zoo c) park d) museum2. He went to the ticket office to ........................ plane tickets. a) reserve b) serve c) send d) write3. Don’t go home alone. I’m going to ....................... you. a) call b) collect c) reserve d) sell4. King Khufu was ...................... in the Great Pyramid. a) sitting b) bread c) burned d) buried5. Sally, Soha and Samy met near the ............... of the Great Pyramid. a) top b) window c) entrance d) end6. Hesham is going to meet ...................... at the airport. a) kings b) farmers c) sailors d) tourists7. They went to see the ancient ....................... in the museum. a) tombs b) treasures c) tickets d) cars8. My father decided to ...................... a place on the train. a) reserve b) buy c) sit d) stand

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9. ........................ Samy comes home from school, he’s going to make himself a cup of tea.

a) As b) Soon c) So d) As soon as10. The pyramids were built by thousands of workers and ................... . a) sailors b) selves c) slaves d) sleeves11. A ........................ is a person who controls a ship or a boat. a) seller b) sailor c) sender d) slave12. Abu Simbel is a ........................ south of Aswan. a) museum b) school c) temple d) tomb13. When the king died, he was buried in a ........................ . a) museum b) school c) temple d) tomb14. Stones were ........................ by boat on the River Nile. a) pulled b) transported c) built d) cut15. Large stones were cut from rocks in the ........................ . a) sea b) beach c) mountains d) temples16. Outside Abu Simbel, there are four enormous ............ of Ramses II. a) photos b) statues c) pilots d) pyramids17. You won’t pay any money. It’s all ........................ . a) expensive b) cheap c) free d) busy18. E-mails are much ........................ than letters. a) slower b) longer c) faster d) shorter19. I have a ................. in Greece and I send him a letter every month. a) father b) pen friend c) book friend d) workbook20. Please be ........................ with the mobile phone. Don’t drop it. a) lazy b) sad c) boring d) careful21. What ........................ of person are you ? a) time b) colour c) kind d) nice22. The film was ........................ so Heba left the cinema early. a) interesting b) good c) wonderful d) boring23. Soha isn’t ........................ and never eats too much food. a) boring b) greedy c) angry d) kind24. Sally makes other people laugh. She’s really ........................ . a) greedy b) boring c) funny d) noisy

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25. “Lazy” is the opposite of ........................ . a) greedy b) funny c) hard-working d) quiet26. We all like people who are ........................ . a) polite b) noisy c) lazy d) greedy27. Samy is ........................ in learning new things. a) good b) bored c) sad d) interested28. “IT” is the ........................ of information technology. a) station b) vibration c) abbreviation d) evaporation29. I’m not very ........................ at writing English. a) interested b) greedy c) good d) polite30. “........................ people” are people who connot see.

a) Blind b) Deaf c) Dead d) Short31. We ........................ with our nose.

a) hear b) see c) smell d) feel32. Deaf people use the ........................ langauge to learn. a) Braille b) sign c) English d) eye33. “What does this ice cream ........................ like ?”-“It’s delicious.” a) feel b) smell c) taste d) look

Grammar34. I’m going to tell my Dad as soon as I ........................ him. a) saw b) seen c) see d) sees35. The girls are going to ........................ shopping in the morning. a) going b) go c) goes d) went36. When Ahmed comes back, Soha’s going to ..................... his photo. a) take b) takes c) taking d) took37. Scientists think large stones .............. from rocks in the mountains. a) cutting b) cut c) cuts d) were cut38. The stones ........................ by boat on the River Nile. a) transported b) were transported c) were transporting d) transporting39. Some of the ancient kings of Egypt ........................ in pyramids. a) were burying b) was buried c) were buried d) buried40. Thousands of workers and slaves ........................ the pyramids. a) were built b) building c) built d) build

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41. Abu Simbel .......................... into the rock of a mountain. a) cutting b) was cutting c) cut d) was cut42. Abu Simbel .......................... for Ramses II. a) built b) was built c) was building d) building43. Engineers .......................... numbers on the stones so they knew

where to put them. a) were written b) written c) wrote d) writing44. The biggest pyramids .......................... at Giza. a) were built b) built c) were building d) building45. The Great Pyramid of King Khufu .......................... about twenty

years to build. a) was taking b) took c) was taken d) takes46. My father really enjoys .......................... lunch at home. a) have b) to have c) having d) had47. Sama .......................... to send e-mails to her pen friend. a) isn’t wanting b) don’t want c) doesn’t want d) want48. I’m not interested in .......................... . a) painted b) to paint c) painting d) paint49. Soha would prefer .......................... letters to Ann. a) to send b) sends c) sending d) send50. What would you prefer ......................., fish or meat ? a) eating b) to eat c) eats d) ate51. Maha has a lot of housework and doesn’t want ........................ TV. a) watch b) watching c) to watch d) watched52. “Tea or coffee ?” — “I ......................... tea, please”. a) prefer b) would prefer c) preferring d) preferred53. Samy is looking forward to .......................... from his pen friend. a) hearing b) heard c) hear d) hears54. Soha ......................... sending e-mails to her new pen friend. a) would prefer b) wants to c) doesn’t mind d) would like

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55. I’d like .......................... to a boy.

a) to writing b) writing c) to write d) wrote

56. All the English letters .......................... by using your fingers.

a) make b) makes c) are made d) are making

57. Many new schools .......................... every year.

a) are building b) are built c) building d) built

58. English letters are made by .......................... your hands.

a) use b) used c) uses d) using

59. “C” ..................... by holding the thumb and first finger of the right

hand in the shape of the letter “C”.

a) spells b) is spelling c) is spelt d) spelt

60. The system of writing for the blind is now .......................... by Braille’s


a) knowing b) known c) knows d) knew

61. The first school for the blind .......................... in 1771.

a) is opened b) was opening

c) was opened d) opened

62. This man is not happy .......................... he is very rich.

a) but b) because c) although d) so

63. Andy can’t hear .......................... speak.

a) and b) or c) but d) although

64. My father is very busy, .......................... he watched the match.

a) although b) and c) or d) but

65. .......................... Mustafa is not blind, he’s learning to read Braille.

a) Because b) But c) Also d) Although

66. I’m .......................... you as soon as I come back home.

a) going to phone b) phoning

c) phoned d) will phone

67. Ameen .......................... in a car accident.

a) injured b) was injuring

c) was injured d) injured

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السؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Shady is kind and hard-working. (What kind)

2. The Great Pyramid was built 4,700 years ago. (When)

3. Abu Simbel temple was built for Ramses II. (Who)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. We’re going to leave home at 8.30. (What time)

2. As soon as we get to the museum, we’re going to buy tickets.


3. The biggest pyramids were built at Giza. (Where)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. We’ve got five senses. (How many)

2. We smell with our nose. (How)

3. Horses feel smooth. (What)

OR :

شكل آخر للسؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :

6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.

1. them — stored — forget — Computers — on — the information —


2. built — Pyramid — the — was — Great — When ?

3. take — like — would — Which — to — you — book ?

● Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.

1. cut — a mountain — Abou Simbel — the rock of — was — into.

2. make — you — overseas — Would — to — friends — like ?

3. known — writing — everywhere — is — Braille’s — system.

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السؤال السابع فى ورقة االمتحان :7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. The Great Pyramid built for King Khufu. (...........)

2. I’m looking forward to hear from you. (...........)

3. After my mother comes home, she preparing dinner. (...........)

● Read and correct the underlined words.1. Listen to this music. It tastes beautiful. (...........)

2. ‘C’ is made by used one hand. (...........)

3. She’s been learning the sign language since two months. (...........)

السؤال الثامن فى ورقة االمتحان :8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

buried — built 4700 years ago — safe — took 20 years

The Great PyramidSome of the ancient kings where

buried in pyramids. King Khufu ..................................................................



● Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.(The words in the box may help you.)

office, meeting — 11.15, reserve tickets — airport, tourists — evening, answer e-mails

A busy dayTomorrow, Dad is going to have a

busy day. As soon as ........................................................................................




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● Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

hear – sign language – by using – special school

A deaf boy

Mustafa is deaf. ....................................






السؤال التاسع فى ورقة االمتحان :

D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. after he arrives home he s going to have lunch

2. monas father works in giza

● Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. after hesham comes home for lunch he’s going to go to giza

2. there were soldiers sailors fathers and children waiting to see the


● Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. what is heba s favourite hobby

2. is braille s writing system used in all countries

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Test on Units 7, 8, 9A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue.Noha is talking with her mother, Nawal, about deaf and blind people. Noha : Is it difficult for ............(1)............ people to read and write ? Nawal : No, it isn’t.Noha : So, how can they learn ?Nawal : They use the ...............................(2)........................................... .

Noha : And what about ..........................(3).............................. people ?Nawal : They can read by touching. It’s special writing for them called .................................(4).................................. .

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Ahmed asks Samy about something. Ahmed : What does a knife feel ? Samy : ........................................................................ .

B) Sameera wants to know Soha’s interests. Sameera : ................................................................... ? Soha : My favourite hobby is collecting stamps.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. We can feel

2. What does it taste like ?

3. Deaf people can communicate

4. St is short for

5. Rd is short for

Ba) street.b) road.c) it’s sharp.d) by using their hands.e) with our fingers.f) It’s delicious.

4. Read the following, then answer the questions.Louis Braille was born in 1809. When he was three, he went blind

after an accident. Although he was blind, he went to the primary school. In 1819, he went to the world’s first school for the blind in

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Paris. In 1821, Braille met Barbier, the inventor of a way to send messages. Braille made Barbier’s system better to become known by Braille’s name and used by nearly all blind people. In 1826, he become the first blind teacher at his school when he was 17. In 1829, He wrote his first book. In the same year, he became ill. He died in 1852.A) Answer the following questions.

1. When did Louis Braille become blind ?2. What did Braille invent ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.3. The world first school for blind was in ....................

a) London. b) Tokyo. c) Paris. d) Cairo.4. Braille went blind after ....................

a) an accident. b) school. c) work. d) playing.5. Braille became ill in ....................

a) 1852. b) 1825. c) 1829. d) 1821.

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c.

1. This chocolate ............... sweet and delicious.a) touches b) looks c) tastes d) feels

2. I’d like ............... to a girl.a) to writing b) writing c) to write d) wrote

3. “IT” is the ............... of information technology.a) invention b) invitation c) evaporation d) abbreviation

4. King Khufu ............... in the Great Pyramid.a) was burying b) buried c) has buried d) was buried

5. ............... play with knives or you might cut yourself.a) Never b) Always c) Sometimes d) Do

6. The opposite of wet is ............... a) hard b) sharp c) cold d) dry

7. We ............... with our nose.a) spell b) taste c) smell d) feel

8. My father went to the ticket office to ....... a seat on the plane to Luxor.a) buy b) serve c) reserve d) sell

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6. Write questions using the words in brackets.

1. Sally is kind and friendly. (What kind)

2. You can reserve tickets at the ticket office. (Where)

3. This sandwich tastes spicy. (What )

7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. All vowels are making on the left hand. (...........)

2. You can communicate with deaf people by use the sign language.


3. We smell with our tongue. (...........)

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

nose — tongue — see — ears

Our senses

Everyone has got five senses. We .






D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. louis braille s writing system is known everywhere

2. we haven t visited alexandria since last year

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أسئلة مختارة من امتحانات ا دارات على الوحداتUnits 10, 11, 12 + Revision D

A) Language Functionsالسؤال ا�ول فى ورقة االمتحان :

1. Finish the following dialogue.Ashraf sees his sister Sarah busy writing something. Ashraf : What are you doing, Sarah ?Sarah : I’m writing a letter to my ........................(1)..................., Suzy.Ashraf : .......................(2)..................... have you been writing to her ?Sarah : I’ve been writing to her ...................(3).................. 3 months.Ashraf : What is she ........................................(4).................................. ?Sarah : Reading and playing the piano.

● Finish the following dialogue.Samy and Hany are talking about sea animals. Samy : I’ve just bought this book. It’s about sea animals. Hany : What is that animal ?Samy : It’s a .....................................(1)............................................. .

Hany : But I know that they are black !Samy : Not all of them. This is the great white shark. Hany : Is it .......................................(2)............................................. ?Samy : Oh, yes of course. If one of them smells you in the water, it might try ..............................(3).............................................. .

Hany : And what is that animal with .....................(4).................... ?Samy : It’s the octopus.

● Finish the following dialogue.Ahmed’s father advises him not to play football in the street. Father : I see you are holding a pump, Ahmed. Ahmed : Yes, it’s our neighbour’s pump.Father : Have you ......................(1)................... up your bicycle tyres ?Ahmed : No, I haven’t. I’ve been pumping up the ..............(2)..............


Father : But today is Monday and you go to the club on Friday.Ahmed : Yes, dad, but we’re going ....................(3)................................ .

Father : Oh, it’s very dangerous. Never ...........(4).......... in the street.

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السؤال الثانى فى ورقة االمتحان :2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Hany doesn’t feel well. He is at the doctor’s clinic.Doctor : How much water have you been drinking each day ?Hany : ............................................... .

B) Maha’s mother is asking her question.Mother : ............................................... ?Maha : I’ve been learning English for 8 years.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

A) Soha is interested in chess. Sara : What is your favourite hobby ? Soha : .................................................... .

B) Ahmed is asking Ibraheem about collecting stamps. Ahmed : ................................................... ? Ibraheem : I’ve been collecting stamps for five years.

● Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A) Nasser asks Ashraf about the food which has fewer calories.

Nasser : Which food has fewer calories, vegetables or meat ?Ashraf : ............................................... .

B) Basma and Sahar are speaking about what they are interested in ?Basma : ............................................... ?Sahar : I’m very interested in IT and computers.

السؤال الثالث فى ورقة االمتحان :

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.


1. How long have you

2. Never sit too near the TV

3. It’s a good habit

4. If a killer whale is injured,

5. The sailors died because

Ba) it will go to the doctor.b) the others will eat it.c) their ship sank in a storm.d) been learning the sign language ?e) when you watch a film.f ) to go to bed early.

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● Read and match.A

1. If you put the boxes on the


2. Always take your key

3. If you study hard,

4. How long has she

5. My brother has been


a) been playing the piano ?

b) you might pass the test.

c) practising for the final match.

d) when you go to bed.

e) when you leave the house.

f ) they might fall on your head.

السؤال الرابع فى ورقة االمتحان :4. Read the following, then answer the questions.

There are several enormous animals in the sea. The blue whale is the

biggest animal in the world. It lives in the sea. It’s as long as four buses

and as heavy as 25 elephants. Killer whales are the most dangerous

animals in the sea. Sailors are terrified of them. They have huge teeth

and they attack anything that swims in the sea.

Sharks are 12 metres long and as heavy as two elephants. Sharks can

smell blood. If they smell blood, they will swim towards it. Never go

swimming in the Red Sea if you have cut yourself. An octopus has got

eight arms. If an octopus catches you, don’t move, it will leave you.

a) Answer the following questions.

1. Which animals are the most dangerous in the sea ?

2. Why mustn’t you swim in the Red Sea if you have cut yourself ?b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. An octopus has ................ arms. a) 7 b) 8 c) 10 d) 64. The underlined word “they” refers to ................ . a) elephants b) killer whales c) sailors d) sharks5. The shark is ........... two elephants. a) heavier b) not as heavy as c) as heavy as d) as long as

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السؤال الخامس فى ورقة االمتحان :

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

Vocabulary1. I need a hammer to ................. the window. a) break b) pump up c) fix d) water2. Her two ................. are playing chess and collecting stamps. a) sports b) games c) happens d) hobbies3. Travelling by sea is called “.................”. a) selling b) sailing c) swimming d) seeing4. What’s the weather ................. today ? a) like b) form c) kind d) doing5. My favourite hobby is ................. stamps.

a) getting b) collecting c) stealing d) buying6. ................. wash your hands before and after you eat.

a) Never b) Always c) Ever d) Might7. ................. has got eight arms.

a) A shark b) A killer whale c) An octopus d) A snake8. The blue ................. is as heavy as 25 elephants.

a) shark b) whale c) snake d) octopus9. A large sea is called ................. .

a) a canal b) a river c) an ocean d) a lake10. A line of high water on the sea is called ................... . a) an ocean b) a storm c) a river d) a wave11. ................... means to drop water, milk, juice or other things. a) Spell b) Spill c) Pump d) Test12. When something goes down under the water, you can say that it

.................. .

a) floats b) practises c) swims d) sinks13. Salma’s favourite hobby is ................... stamps. a) breaking b) calculating c) collecting d) calling14. This is the boat which we ................... when the weather is nice. a) drive b) ride c) sail d) sell

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15. Soha has been ................... the piano a lot these days.

a) breaking b) practising c) collecting d) sailing

16. We usually do ................... in the school laboratory.

a) experiments b) experience

c) practising d) mathematics

17. My mother wants to ................. some shopping at the supermarket.

a) make b) do c) grow d) keep

18. If you don’t turn off the .................. in the bath, the water might

spill onto the floor.

a) tape b) tip c) tap d) top

19. Never leave a pan at the front of the .................. .

a) cook b) cooking c) cooks d) cooker

20. The boat sank very quickly because there was a bad .................. .

a) sea b) ocean c) wave d) storm

21. A .................. is someone who travels and works at sea.

a) seller b) sailor c) solar d) singer

22. The boat sailed quickly when the wind started to .................. .

a) blow b) flew c) slow d) draw

23. They were ................. so they didn’t die.

a) frightened b) blind c) lucky d) sad

24. When sailors are in danger, they can .................. a rocket to other

ships to help them.

a) tire b) fire c) kick d) throw

25. A .................. helps sailors and other people to be safe during a


a) living boat b) boat life c) lifeboat d) thief’s boat

26. Never leave young children .................. in the kitchen.

a) with you b) alone c) safely d) before

27. My favourite hobby is playing ..................

a) cheese b) chase c) chess d) chose

28. Ahmed has been pumping up his bicycle .................. .

a) tired b) tiring c) try d) tyre

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Grammar29. Where has the Zaki family been ................... a picnic ? a) having b) had c) has d) have30. Ramy ................... living in Fayoum for five years. a) has b) has been c) is being d) being31. I was very tired yesterday because I ................ football in the evening. a) playing b) have been playing c) have played d) played32. Hany is tired because he ................... all the way to school. a) ran b) has been running c) running d) runs33. What have these people .................. today ? a) doing b) does c) been doing d) did34. My favourite hobby is running. I’ve been running ........... last year. a) from b) for c) since d) ago35. Braille’s writing system .................. in many countries. a) used b) is used c) is using d) uses36. If Ashraf .................. tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. a) will come b) comes c) came d) coming37. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we might ................ to the beach. a) going b) goes c) go d) went38. Never .................. near the TV when you watch a match. a) sat b) sits c) sitting d) sit39. .................. take your key when you leave the house. a) Never b) Might c) Always d) Every40. If the teacher ............. ill tomorrow, we might have a new teacher. a) be b) is c) was d) being41. Never .................. football in the street. a) play b) plays c) playing d) played42. Ahmed has been cleaning his room .................. half past two. a) for b) since c) at d) from43. .................. has Ken been making paper models ? a) How many b) What c) How long d) How much44. Always .................. your teeth before going to bed. a) clean b) cleaning c) cleans d) cleaned

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45. You shouldn’t play with knives or you might .................. yourself. a) cutting b) cuts c) cut d) will cut46. If you study hard, you might .................. the test. a) pass b) passing c) passes d) passed47. If you .................. snakes alone, they won’t injure you. a) left b) leave c) leaving d) leaves48. If I .................. tired tonight, I’ll go to the park. a) wasn’t b) was c) am d) am not49. She has been living with her aunt .................. 15 years. a) since b) for c) ever d) yet50. My father has been driving cars .................. he was twenty. a) since b) for c) ever d) yet

السؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :

6. Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Lifeboats are important because they save people if there’s a

storm. (Why)2. Mustafa has been collecting stamps for 4 years. (How long)3. The weather is hot today. (What)

● Write questions using the words in brackets.1. Sailors work at sea. (Who)2. If you spill water, somebody might fall over it. (What)3. Ann has been playing the piano for four years. (How long)

OR :شكل آخر للسؤال السادس فى ورقة االمتحان :

6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.1. is injured, — it — will — If — the others — whale — eat — a killer.2. have — a picnic — you — having — Where — been — your ?3. put — in — place — Always — a safe — shopping.

● Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.1. a very — an ocean — large — The name — is — sea — of.2. leave — knives — a table — Never — on — sharp.3. running — long — you — How — been — have ?

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السؤال السابع فى ورقة االمتحان :7. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. How many has Amr been using the computer ? (..........)

2. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we might went to the beach.


3. Never spoke loudly in the class. (..........)

● Read and correct the underlined words.

1. You should eat less sweets. (..........)

2. Never look right and left before you cross a road. (..........)

3. My father has been worked in his office all day. (..........)

السؤال الثامن فى ورقة االمتحان :

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

London – for 10 years – interested in – write in English

My pen friend

This is my pen friend, Sarah. ..........................................................




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● Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four (4) sentences.

(The words in the box may help you.)

sea animal — not very dangerous — eight arms — don’t move, be safe

The Octopus

This is the octopus. ......................




D) Punctuationالسؤال التاسع فى ورقة االمتحان :

9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. i ve been learning english for 7 years

2. if the weather isn t good we might be ok

● Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. how long has ali been living in tanta

2. i ve been helping heba a lot recently

● Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. what is heba s favourite hobby

2. sam hasn t been learning arabic for a long time

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First Term Examsامتحانات الفصل الدراسى ا�ول


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( ١ ) محافظة القاهرة ــ إدارة عين شمس التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue between a reporter and a tourist.Reporter : Hello, can I ask you some questions?

Tourist : Yes, ..........(1)..........

Reporter : Where do you come from?

Tourist : ..................(2)....................

Reporter : ..................(3)....................?

Tourist : I am a doctor.

Reporter : Is this your first visit to Egypt?

Tourist : ..................(4).................... I enjoyed it a lot.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Ahmed is asking Ali about tools.

Ahmed : What is a hammer made of ?

Ali : ........................................ .

b) Mona is asking Noha about the city where she lives.

Mona : ........................................ ?

Soha : I live in Tanta.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. We keep goats to

2. Computers are

3. This is the girl

4. steam is

5. The Pyramids

were built

a) who won the prize.

b) a hot water vapour.

c) millions of years ago.

d) machines which follow instructions.

e) it turns into steam.

f) get milk and meat.

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4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Sixty years ago, computers were enormous. They were also expensive

and slow. Now computers are getting smaller and cheaper and this

will continue. We’ll probably use computers in different ways in the

future. We’ll put more computers into planes and we’ll use them in

cars, too. We use some computers in planes now, but in the future we

probably won’t need people to fl y them. A computer will be able to

fl y a plane, by itself. Now we use computers to help us to design and

invent new machines. In the future, computers might design machines

by themselves.

A) Answer the following questions.1. What were computers like 60 years ago ?

2. What are computers like now ?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Enormous means very ......................

a) dark b) big c) old d) small

4. In the future, computers will probably be able to ..........

a) fl y b) buy a plane

c) sell a plane d) fl y a plane

5. The underlined word “them” refers to the .................

a) planes b) cars c) computers d) machines

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Amal hasn’t got ...................... brothers.

a) some b) any c) much d) a lot

2. People who live next door are called ...............

a) visitors b) assistants c) neighbours d) cooks

3. ................... is bigger a lion or a horse ?

a) What b) How c) Which d) Where

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4. We .................. pictures with a camera.

a) make b) play c) draw d) take

5. The shirt is ..................... expensive to buy.

a) two b) to c) too d) so

6. I haven’t visited Luxor ....................... four years.

a) ago b) since c) when d) for

7. We usually help our mother ....................... the house work.

a) make b) do c) keep d) watch

8. We don’t like ....................... people.

a) frindly b) kind c) greedy d) helpful

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. This food tastes delicious. (How)

2. No, I’m not cold. (Are)

3. Mum bought two kilos of meat. (How much)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. You shouldn’t help blind people.

2. Mum will go shop this afternoon.

3. I has never been to Luxor.

8. Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences:These words may help you

(need — calories — energy — fit)

A healthy diet is good for any body



D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentence.

1. my uncle visited london and rome last month

2. has nadia ever been to luxor

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( ٢ ) محافظة الجيزة ــ إدارة البدرشين التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:Ahmed is asking Ramy about himself.

Ahmed : What’s your name?

Ramy : My ..................(1).................... is Ramy.

Ahmed : ..................(2).................... were you born?

Ramy : I was ..................(3).................... in Cairo.

Ahmed : What’s your ..................(4)....................?

Ramy : It’s 35 Horreya street, Cairo.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Samy wants to be a doctor.

Kamal : What would you like to be?

Samy : ........................................ .

b) Nora and Soha are talking.

Nora : ........................................ ?

Soha : My favourite hobby is reading.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. I’m interested

2. You Should eat

3. Pliers are used to

4. The ambulance took

5. Before I get home,

a) hold or cut metal.b) I’m going to get bread.c) the injured boy to hospital.d) to fix wood together.e) fewer sweets.f) in computer.

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4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Water is very important in our life. We need it for dinking, washing,

cooking and watering plants. Teachers must tell children that water

can turn desert into green lands and getting electricity. Everyone

should feel sorry for every drop that falls carelessly. Teachers must

tell children that water is important to grow crops.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Why do we need water?

2. Why should everyone feel sorry?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. At home, we get water from ......................

a) taps b) land c) desert d) electricity

4. We use water to grow ...................

a) children b) buildings c) crops d) factories

5. Water can turn desert into ...........................

a) crops b) electricity c) fishing farms

d) green lands

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. You must ........... well before you answer the questions.

a) to think b) thinks c) think d) thinking

2. We use a drill ............... make holes.

a) to b) for c) in d) by

3. This factory ................... fifty years ago.

a) built b) is built c) was building d) was built

4. Science is an interesting ..................

a) subject b) film c) meal d) factory

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5. ............. follow your mother’s advice. This will help you.

a) Never b) Always c) Don’t d) Should

6. Doing sports improves .......................

a) fitness b) watching c) writing d) guessing

7. Farmers ....................... wheat to get fl our.

a) present b) bury c) make d) grow

8. She is very tired. She .............. all the rooms of the house.

a) clean b) cleaning

c) has been cleaning d) have been cleaning

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. I have been waiting for two hours. (How long)

2. Soha studies English at school. (Where)

3. Twenty students are in our class. (How many)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. Samy doesn’t have some books.

2. Salma enjoy cooking food.

3. How many sugar do you need?

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of three sentences:The words in the box may help you

(milk — eggs — wool — fl our)

Farmers keep and grow many things



D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentence.

1. how longs has aya lived in giza

2. how fast can gamal s horse run

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96Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ٣ ) محافظة القليوبية ــ إدارة الخانكة التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:A visit to the Pyramids of Giza.

Dad : We’re going to visit the Pyramids of Giza next Friday.

Mum : Great! ...............(1)................. are we going to go?

Dad : By taxi. We’re going to leave early at ..........(2)...........

Mum : The children like ..........(3)............ the Pyramids very much.

they’ll realy enjoy it.

Dad : We ..................(4).................... the boat museum too.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Nadia and Asma are talking about good friends.

Nadia : What should good friend be?

Asma : ........................................ .

b) Raheel and Mariam are talking about models.

Raheel : ........................................ ?

Mariam : Yes, I’m good at making all models.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. Condensing is

2. Farmers keep chickens

3. I’m going to buy a camera,

4. Mona hasn’t tried

5. These new machines

a) to get eggs and meat.

b) were invented by our scientists.

c) turning vapour into water.

d) invented by our scientists.

e) as soon as I save enough money.

f) her new computer yet.

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97 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Mohammed think the Nile Restaurant is the best restaurant

in Nasr city. The people there are friendly and the food is very

delicious. A cook comes and makes the food at your table. It’s

really interesting to watch !. The Nile restaurant is expensive

but mohammed thinks it’s worth the money. It’s always busy

and it is difficult to find a table. But It’s a great place to eat in.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Why does Mohammed think the Nile restaurant is the best in

Naser city?

2. Where does the cook make food for an eater?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. The Nile restaurant is mohammed’s ............... restaurant.

a) favourite b) boring c) worst d) frightening

4. The underlined word delicious means ...................

a) horrible b) quite hot

c) very good to taste d) fresh

5. The Nile restaurant is ...........................

a) not expensive b) quite cheap

c) not cheap d) not busy

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Aya has just ...................... an e-mail to her pen friend.

a) sends b) send c) sending d) sent

2. We buy bread from the ...............

a) baker b) baker’s c) bakers’ d) bakers

3. Do you think people will live ............... the moon in future?

a) at b) with c) in d) on

] (∫hCG ΩôJ) iOGóYE’G ≈fÉãdG ∞°üdG (ájõ«∏éfEG á¨d) ≥ë∏e - 7Ω [

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4. While he was running, he .................. down.

a) falls b) fall c) fell d) falling

5. ..................... is bigger, a lion or a horse?

a) What b) How c) Which d) Where

6. When the ....... blew, my kite started to rise high in the sky.

a) cloud b) wind c) sun d) moon

7. A nail is made of .......................

a) wood b) plastie c) metal d) paper

8. Would you like to ....................... horse riding with me?

a) run b) go c) climb d) play

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. My new shirt is yellow. (What colour)

2. I was in Aswan last January. (Where)

3. Next year, I’ll be fourteen. (How old)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. Turn on the tap. I don’t need water.

2. He is interested in collect stamps.

3. Sorry, I’m very busy to help you.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four sentences about your uncle’s farm:The words in the box may help you

(grow — cotton — what — eggs — meat )

My uncle has a farm.



D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. has godi ever been to alexadria

2. my grandfather keeps chickens cows sheep and goats on his farm

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99 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term


( ٤ ) محافظة الغربية ــ إدارة غرب المحلة التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

A doctor is examining Hatem who injured his foot.Doctor : What’s wrong with you.Hatem : I .............(1)............... my foot.Doctor : How did it happen?Hatem : While I was playing football. I injured it.Doctor : Let me examine it.Hatem : Is it .............(2)............... ?Doctor : No, it isn’t but you should ...........(3)........... in bed.Hatem : How ...............(4)................. should I stay in bed?Doctor : for three days.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Maha is asking Saly about neighbours.

Maha : What should a good neighbour be like?Saly : ........................................ .

b) Ahmed wants to borrow Hesham’s camera.

Ahmed : ........................................ ?Hesham : Here you are.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. Sink is the opposite of

2. Louis Braille helped all

blind people when

3. We keep goats to

4. This is the car

5. Adjectives are

a) words which describe nouns.

b) which my father bought.

c) Float.

d) he designed a better system of

reading and writing for them.

e) get milk and meat.

f) to control robots.

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100Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Sixty years ago, computers were enormous. They were also expensive

and slow. Now computers are getting smaller and cheaper and this

will continue. We’ll probably use computers in different ways in the

future, we’ll put more computers into planes and we’ll use them in

cars, too. We use some computers in planes now, but in the future we

probably won’t need people to fl y them. A computer will be able to

fl y a plane by itself. Now, we use computers to help us to design and

invent new machines. In the future, computers might design machines

by themselves without the help of people.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. What were computers like 60 years ago?

2. What are computers like now?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Enormous means very ......................

a) dark b) big c) old d) small

4. In the future, computers will probably be able to ...........

a) fl y b) buy a plane c) sell a plane

d) fl y a plane

5. The underlined word them refers to the ..............

a) planes b) cars c) computers d) machines

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. ............... play with knives or you might cut yourself.

a) Always b) Never c) Usually d) Sometimes

2. It is ten to eighr and Saly ............... home.

a) leave b) is leaving c) left d) are leaving

3. They went to dee the ancient ................... in the museum.

a) treasures b) tickets c) cars d) tombs

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4. Hesham nearly enjoys .................. lunch at home.

a) to eat b) eat c) eating d) eats

5. Ahmed likes computers but he isn’t interested in ...............

a) to paint b) paints c) painting d) to painting

6. A line of high water on the sea is called ...............

a) ocean b) storm c) wind d) wave

7. The kind and quantity of food which we eat is called our ..........

a) diet b) energy c) menu d) health

8. Yoghurt has fewer ................... than ice cream.

a) calories b) taste c) milk d) food

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. I live in Tanta. (Where)

2. They went to Alexandria by train. (How)

3. A drill is used for making holes. (What)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. Ahmed hasn’t wash all the dishes yes.

2. Noha always brushed her teeth after she eats.

3. She is clever on making kites.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four sentences:The words in the box may help you

(My pen friend — Ann brown — 15 years — tennis)

I have a pen friend in America.



D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentence.

1. rasha is tavelling to luxor next monday

2. how long has ali been living in mansoura

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( ٥ ) محافظة البحيرة ــ إدارة كفر الدوار التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Ali is talking to a tourist.

Ali : Welcome to Egypt, how are you?

Tourist : ..................(1)....................

Ali : ..................(2).................... ?

Tourist : I’m from England.

Ali : ..................(3).................... ?

Tourist : I’ll stay two weeks in Egypt.

Ali : Which places are you going to visit in Egypt?

Tourist : ..................(4)....................

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Nada and Yara are talking about the length of studying English.

Nada : ........................................ ?

Yara : I’ve been studying English for 2 hours.

b) The teacher is asking a student about a saw.

Teacher : What is the saw used for?

student : ........................................

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. If I lost my way,

2. Computers are

3. Deaf people

4. This is the car

5. Ahmed is too tired

a) can’t hear.

b) which my brother bought.

c) I’d ask a policeman.

d) modern inventions.

e) can’t see.

f) to watch TV.

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103 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Every summer holiday Ahmed goes to Port Said with his family. Last

August Ahmed’s family stayed in Cairo. Ahmed played on the beach,

went swimming with his cousins. He also enjoyed watching his uncle

fishing in the sea. In the evening Ahmed and his cousins went for a walk

along the Suez Canal. At the end of August Ahmed returned with his

uncle’s family to Cairo. Ahmed’s father went to the railway station to

meet them.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. What did Ahmed’s uncle do in the sea?

2. Where did Ahmed’s father meet them?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Ahmed lives in ..............

a) Cairo b) Alexandria c) Suez d) Port Said

4. Ahmed went to Port Said in ...................

a) winter b) spring c) summer d) autumn

5. Ahmed returned to Cairo on the ...............

a) 1st b) 11th c) 21st d) 31st

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. I would like ...................... to the university.

a) going b) to go c) go d) goes

2. The door bell rang while I ............... tea.

a) drink b) was drinking c) drank d) drunk

3. Mr. Ramy ................... a new car today, doesn’t he?.

a) has b) does c) has got d) doesn’t

4. Egyptians were very happy when their team ...... the match.

a) lost b) won c) sold d) said

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5. I haven’t seen you ............. we were in the party.

a) ago b) since c) for d) yet

6. Cotton clothes ............... smooth.

a) sound b) smell c) feel d) task

7. To keep ............ you should exercise more.

a) fit b) fat c) weak d) fix

8. This is the shop .......... my mother usually buys our clothes.

a) when b) what c) who d) where

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. I found my pen friend’s address in a magazine. (Where)

2. Nadia has drawn nice pictures. (What)

3. Doctors look after patients in hospitals. (Who)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. Blind people can’t hear.

2. My father is a doctor. He works in a school.

3. Computers will is cheaper in twenty years.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of three sentences: “Our senses”

The words in the box may help you

(Hear — smell — taste - eyes)

We have got five senses



D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentence.

1. i see you are too busy aren t you

2. we don t go to school on friday

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105 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ٦ ) محافظة ا�سكندرية ــ إدارة شرق ا�سكندرية التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Magda is talking to Amina about her favourite school subject.Magda : Hi Amina ! ..................(1).................... ?Amina : This is a history book.Magda : Fine. Do you like history ?Amina : Yes, ..................(2).................... ?Magda : My favourite subject is English.Amina : ..................(3).................... ?Magda : I like it because it helps me understand English films.Amina : That’s nice ..................(4)....................Magda : See you. Pleased to talk to you.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Sameh got up late and his mother is talking to him.

mother : You shouldn’t have got up late.

Sameh : ........................................

b) Ahmed and Rami are talking about Alahly team.

Ahmed : ........................................Rami : I think so, no other team in Egypt is better than Alahly.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. Computers are machines

2. Buffaloes and goats

3. Ice is

4. programs are instructions

5. Eating cakes and sweets

a) Will cause many problems to your teeth.

b) given to the computers.c) We use for games and fun

only.d) Water which is under 0.e) give us milk and meat.f) We use to store information

and play games.

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106Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Fifty years ago, computers, mobiles and modern technology that we

enjoy today were just dreams or something very strange. Now, those

things became part of everyday life. Sometimes, they become a very

important part of our daily routine. If computers and internet stop for

any reason life will be very difficult as everything is nearly connected

to the internet. Planes in the sky and ships in the sea even some trains

depend deeply on computers. Nowadays, mobile phones became of

great value as everyone is using them. Technology is important and

useful when used perfectly.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Why are computers important?

2. How can life be without modern technology?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. 50 years ago, thinking of modern technology was .........

a) good b) bad c) new d) strange

4. Now, mobile phones are very ...................

a) important b) big c) old d) value

5. Planes and trains are nearly controlled by ................

a) the internet b) computers c) mobiles d) software

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Soha is interested in music and she ...................... to a song.

a) listen b) listening c) is listening d) listened

2. Ahmed likes to read ............... magazines.

a) dangerous b) comic c) bad d) well

3. When water is frozen it turns into ...................

a) ice b) snow c) vapor d) steam

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4. Because Soha was ............. she ate all the cake.

a) nice b) not hungry c) greedy d) kind

5. Samy ..................... do all his home work last night.

a) hadn’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) didn’t

6. Sally and Soha ..................... some bread.

a) has bought b) have bought c) did bought d) buys

7. Chickens give us ............... and meat.

a) eggs b) oil c) bread d) meat

8. Mayar is very good ............... speaking.

a) at b) in c) on d) of

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. We keep animals to get meat and milk. (Why)

2. Most students go to school by bikes. (How)

3. Giraffes usually eat grass. (What)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. Ahmed is really bad of math.

2. Rami never brush his teeth after lunch.

3. This is the book who cost me 600 pounds.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of three more sentences:The words in the box may help you

(lunch — football — enjoy — nice time)

Last week we went to El Montazah




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentence.

1. our teacher says that cairo and alex are two big cities

2. are nada and shereen twins

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( ٧ ) محافظة مطروح ــ إدارة مطروح التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:Salma asks Asmaa about the mid-year holiday.

Salma : Where will you spend the mid-year holiday?

Asmaa : ..................(1).................... on the farm.

Salma : ..................(2)....................?

Asmaa : I will go with my family.

Salma : How will you travel?

Asmaa : ..................(3).................... .

Salma : ..................(4).................... ?

Asmaa : I’ll stay there for a week.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Fatma : What were you doing at 7.30 yesterday?

Sara : ........................................

b) Hussein : ........................................?

Maryam : I am interested in computer.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. We keep goats to

2. This is the car

3. Computers are

4. A knife is used for

5. This is the girl

a) cutting wood.

b) who won the prize.

c) to control.

d) machines which follow instruc-


e) which my father bought.

f) get milk and meat.

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109 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .It was five O’clock in the evening in April. Helen turned to Diana and

said, if it’s five o’clock, why is the sky getting darker? And why do I feel

hotter? Diana said I can smell something. The girls looked behind them

at a factory where some men were making tables and chairs. At first

they did not see any thing, then Helen pointed to some smoke which was

coming out of the top fl oor. “the factory’s on fire” Helen shouted “I must

tell the people inside” “Yes and I must telephone for help” Diana replied.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. What was happening to the sky ?

2. What were the men doing?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. How was Diana feeling ?

a) hotter b) happier c) cooler d) darker

4. What did Helen point to ?

a) the sky b) the smoke

c) the people d) the fl oor

5. What must Diana do ?

a) cry b) smell the smoke

c) put out the fire d) call for help

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. ...................... you written the losson ?

a) Are b) Do c) Have d) Can

2. This is the room ............... My sister sleeps.

a) which b) where c) who d) when

3. Soha would prefer ................... letters to Ann.

a) to send b) send c) sent d) sends

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4. While the girl ..... the plants, the lion jumped out of the car.

a) watering b) was watering c) waters d) were watering

5. We ..................... Our food with our tongue.

a) touch b) listen to c) taste d) touch

6. When we went to count the energy in food we count the ....

a) calories b) metres c) litres d) sweets

7. When water boils, it ...............

a) sinks b) condenses c) freezes d) evaporates

8. The top of the house is called a ...............

a) brick b) handle c) tool d) roof

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. A drill is used for making holes. (What)

2. I have got five daughters. (How many)

3. Yes, I’ve studied my lesson. (Have)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. In the future I will can drive a car.

2. I haven’t study the lesson yet.

3. Ahmed has decided asking for help.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four more sentences:The words in the box may help you

(store — information — used — banks — doctors — use)

Computers are probably the most important inventions




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. does ali live in tanta

2. i don t go to school on friday

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111 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ٨ ) محافظة المنوفية ــ إدارة شبين الكوم التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Asmaa and Esraa are talking about her teacher of English.

Asmaa : Who teaches you English this year ?

Esraa : Miss Wafaa.

Asmaa : ..................(1).................... ?

Esraa : Yes, she is kind and helpful.

Asmaa : ..................(2).................... do you have a week ?

Esraa : Six lessons a week.

Asmaa : ..................(3).................... a dictionary in class ?

Esraa : Yes ............(4)....................

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) A teacher is asking a studentt about water

teacher : What will happen when water boils ?

Student : ........................................

b) A asks B how long he has been playing computer games.

A : ........................................ ?

B : I have been playing computer games for three years.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. Deaf people use sign

2. Evaporation is

3. A saw is used to

4. The opposite of “better”

5. Goats give us

a) cut wood.

b) cuting cheese.

c) milk and meat.

d) turning water into steam.

e) is worse.

f) language to communicate.

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4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Eating food with too many calories means that we start to

put on weight. Food gives us energy but we need a healthy diet

to give us the right quantities of energy. Meat and cheese have

many calories but vegetables and fruit have fewer calories. A

healthy diet contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Meat,

fish and eggs are full of proteins. Bread, rice and macaroni are ful

of carbohydrates. Butter and oil are full of fats. We should choose

our food carefully to be healthy and to live a comfortable life.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Why should we eat healthy food?

2. What does a healthy diet contain?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. “put on weight” means to be ...............

a) happy b) fit c) fat d) fed

4. A healthy diet contains ...................

a) proteins b) fats

c) carbohydrates d) all of them

5. ................... has a lot of calories.

a) Apple b) Bananas c) Oranges d) Meat

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. The news ...................... very bad two weeks ago

a) is b) are c) were d) was

2. English is my favourite ...............

a) hobby b) subject c) matter d) sport

3. We have been living in Menoufia ................... a long time.

a) since b) ago c) while d) for

4. This cake ............. sweet and delicious.

a) tastes b) touches c) looks d) feels

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113 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

5. While I ..................... , I fell down.

a) walk b) was walking c) walking d) walked

6. What is your ........... . I am Egyptian.

a) language b) name c) nationality d) address

7. As soon as she .......... her homework, she is going to sleep.

a) will do b) does c) is doing d) did

8. Ali spoke to his friend ............... was surprised to see him.

a) where b) which c) when d) who

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. If the weather is good, I’ll go to the sea. (What)

2. The stones were transported by boats on the Nile. (How)

3. The school day begins at 8 o’clock. (When)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. are you understand the lesson ?

2. Fatima is good at speak English.

3. I have little friends this year.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of three more sentences:The words in the box may help you

(hear — nose — tongue — feel)

Our five senses help us a lot. We can see with

our eyes.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. i d like to learn english

2. he has got two sons hasn t he

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114Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ٩ ) محافظة الدقهلية ــ إدارة السنبالوين التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:Salma and Manar are talking about visiting the Pyramids.

Salma : Have you ever been to the Pyramids?

Manar : ..........(1)......... . I went there three times before.

Salma : ...........(2)........... did you last go there?

Manar : The last time I went there was a year .......(3)........

Salma : What are they like?

Manar : They are ..............(4)..........

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Maher and Ahmed are talking about hobbies.

Maher : What is you favourite hobby?

Ahmed : ........................................

b) Mai and Aya are talking about the new science teacher.

Mai : ........................................?

Aya : I think he is kind and helpful.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. If you don’t hurry

2. What would you like

3. We can smell things

4. This website is free

5. Where do tou think

a) with our nose.

b) people will live in the future.

c) to do in your free time?

d) you won’t catch the bus.

e) You don’t have to pay money.

f) you’d miss the bus.

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115 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Eman left her house at ten to eight. She walked to school with

her friends, Nora and Mai. They arrived at school at eight o’clock.

Their first lesson was English. Then they had maths at puarter to nine.

It’s nine thirty now. Eman is having a science lesson. She is doing an

experiment with Alaa, another girl in her class. Eman always enjoys

science lesson. She wants to be a scientist when she grows up. Alaa

likes science too, but she doesn’t want to be a scientist. She wants to

be a TV reporter.

A) Answer the following questions.1. What’s Eman’s second lesson?

2. How do Eman and her friends go to school?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. ............... wants to be a scientist.

a) Alaa b) Eman c) Noura d) Mai

4. Eman has science at ...................

a) quarter past nine b) half past nine

c) quarter to nine d) nine

5. Eman is doing an experiment ...................

a) alone b) with a brother

c) with a classmate d) with a sister

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. When water freezes, it turns into ......................

a) steam b) ice c) water vapour d) gas

2. We don’t like him because he is ...............

a) helpful b) polite c) greedy d) kind

3. The house ................... we live is big and comfortable.

a) who b) which c) when d) where

4. My mother is interested ............. reading short stories.

a) in b) at c) on d) of

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5. ..................... the doctor’s instructions to get better.

a) Do b) Make c) Follow d) Go

6. She’s never late for school, ........... ?

a) isn’t she b) is she c) has she d) hasn’t she

7. Stones don’t ............... on water.

a) fl oat b) sink c) fl y d) swim

8. My father has been working in Kuwait ............... ten years.

a) ago b) since c) when d) for

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. Computers will be cheaper in twenty years. (When)

2. No, mother hasn’t prepared lunch yet. (Has)

3. My uncle has got four children. (How many)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. We use a drill to hit nails into wood.

2. A reporter must think quickly and speak good.

3. My father has bought a new car last week.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of three sentences:The words in the box may help you

(mechanic — garage — machines — earns)

This is my brother.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. is your father s car made in egypt

2. she s got a star in arabic

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117 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٠ ) محافظة كفر الشيخ ــ إدارة سيدى سالم التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:Two friends are talking about jobs.

Sami : What is your father’s job?

Ahmed : He is a ...........(1)............

Sami : ...........(2)................ does he work?

Ahmed : He works in hospital.

Sami : How does he ...........(3).......... his patients?

Ahmed : He examines them and gives them .........(4)........

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Mona is asking Amira about the senses.

Mona : How many senses have we got?

Amira : ........................................

b) Two friends are talking about Aswan.

Hani : ........................................?

Adel : No, I have never been to Aswan.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. He is interested in

2. We do experiments

3. A saw is used

4. We keep goats to

5. This is the car

a) to cut wood.

b) which my father bought.

c) get milk and meat.

d) in the science lab.

e) who won the prize.

f) reading stories.

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118Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Maher lives in Cairo, but he usually goes to Alexandria for his summer

holidays. He goes there by bus. Maher’s uncle lives there. Maher always

stays with him for two weeks. He will go there again this summer. He

will go swimming and play on the beach. Maher loves Alexandria. He

thinks it is fantastic place for a holiday.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Maher go in the summer holidays?

2. How long does he stay there?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Maher travels to Alexandria by ...............

a) car b) bus c) train d) plane

4. Maher lives in ...................

a) Cairo b) Suez c) Alexandria d) Tanta

5. Maher goes to Alexandria in ...................

a) spring b) winter c) summer d) autumn

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. This is the shop ...................... my father buys our clothes.

a) where b) what c) who d) when

2. They went to see the ancient ............... in the museum.

a) tombs b) treasures c) tickets d) car

3. Samir is clever, ................... he?

a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) aren’t d) wasn’t

4. When water boils, it .............

a) sinks b) condenses c) freezes d) evaporates

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119 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

5. There is a lorry ..................... a lion to the zoo.

a) carries b) carry c) carrying d) carried

6. We don’t like ........... people.

a) polite b) helpful c) kind d) greedy

7. We ............... English since 2003.

a) are learning b) have been learning

c) learning d) were learning

8. When we want to count the energy in food, we count the ...

a) calories b) metres c) litres d) sweets

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. Hana was born in London. (Where)

2. The sun rises in the morning. (When)

3. Tamer went to Luxor by train. (How)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. The news are wonderful.

2. I look forward to meet my old friends.

3. Always play football in the street.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four sentences: “Our new computer”The words in the box may help you

(e-mail — the internet — information — games)

We have got a new computer.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. rami is travelling to giza next monday

2. what s the weather like in egypt

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120Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١١ ) محافظة الشرقية ــ إدارة ههيا التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Two friends are talking about jobs.

Ahmed : Hello, Omar! Your shirt is nice. Is it new?

Omar : Yes, .............(1)..............

Ahmed : When ..............(2)....................?

Omar : I bought it last week.

Ahmed : ..............(3)..........?

Omar : Seventy pounds.

Ahmed : It is cheap. I ..............(4).......... one next Friday.

2. Supply the missing parts in the two mini-dialogues.a) Nader and Reda are talking about tools.

Nader : .....................................

Reda : A hammer is used for hitting nails into wood.

b) Huda is asking Mona about the taste of an ice-cream.

Huda : What does an ice-cream taste like?

Mona : .....................................

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.A B

1. “Evaporation” means

2. We keep cows and


3. We don’t mind

4. Never play with knives

5. This is the house

a) to get meat and milk.

b) having fish or meat for lunch.

c) where Samy was born.

d) to have fish or meat for lunch.

e) turning water into water va-


f) or you might cut yourself.

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121 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Ahmed and his wife Nadia live at a beautiful village near Luxor.

They wanted to be rich to buy a new car and have a beautiful house.

They had a bad idea. They decided to look for treasures of the ancient

Egyptians and steal them. So, they went at midnight to one of the

oldest temples of Abu Simbel. They broke the door with a hammer and

entered. They used a torch to guide them. They tried to steal some

treasures but the policemen caught them. “What are you doing here,

Ahmed and Nadia?”, said the officer. “We are visiting the temple”, said

Ahmed. In the end, the policemen took them to prison because they

were greedy and thought badly.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where did Ahmed and his wife go at midnight?

2. Why did the policemen catch them?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Ahmed and Nadia live at a nice ...............

a) village b) city c) town d) office

4. They used a ................... to guide them.

a) hammer b) torch c) pen d) gun

5. Ahmed and his wife were taken to prison because they were


a) sad b) happy c) rich d) greedy

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. The Great Pyramid ...................... in Giza.

a) was built b) built c) is built d) was building

2. Nora’s hobby is ............... stamps.

a) giving b) collecting c) stealing d) sailing

3. Abeer ................... when the lights went out.

a) is reading b) was read c) has read d) was reading

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4. A doctor looks ............. sick people.

a) forward b) for c) after d) up

5. There are two boys ..................... in the garden.

a) plays b) played c) are playing d) playing

6. ........... didn’t you come to school yesterday?

a) Where b) Why c) What d) When

7. As soon as he ............... home, he will have some rest.

a) arrive b) arrives c) arrived d) arriving

8. A fl ight attendant works on a ...........

a) bus b) train c) plane d) ship

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. He has been playing football for 3 hours. (How long)2. Yes, they are going to the cinema tomorrow. (Are)3. They went to Cairo by train. (How)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. This film is interested.

2. Rami watches a film now.

3. We get dry when we swim.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four sentences: “Computer”The words in the box may help you

(everywhere — send e-mail — store — doctors — information)

We have got a new computer.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. what is your book about mona

2. i m going to travel abroad in march

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123 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٢ ) محافظة السويس ــ إدارة السويس التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:Amir is writing a lettter to his pen friend.

Hany : What .............(1).............. Amir?

Amir : I am writing a letter to my pen friend, Tom.

Hany : .........(2).............. have you been writing to him?

Amir : I’ve been writing to him ...........(3)........... 2007.

Hany : What is ...........(4).......... in?

Amir : He is interested in reading stories.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Kareem : What are scissors used for?

Randa : .........................................

b) Ayman : .........................................?

Kamel : The best thing to do when you are lost is to ask for help.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. A neighbour is someone

2. The car stopped

3. Needles are tools

4. I don’t like

5. We use knives for

a) which we use to saw with.

b) lending my books to anyone.

c) where Samy was born.

d) who lives next doors to you.

e) cutting food.

f) because the engine has

something wrong.

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124Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Dr. Hafiz had a long day last wednesday. His car wasn’t working

so first he walked with his daughter Zeinab to a bus stop where she

could catch a bus to her school. Then he stopped a taxi to go to work.

He arrived at the hospital at half past seven and worked all morning.

He saw lots of patients. He examined one boy who injured an arm

in a car accident and another girl who had some problems with her

eyes. In the afternoon, he went on foot to the clinic which was about

a kilometre from the hospital. He wanted to finish at six. At five to

six, the phone rang. It was Nadia, Ahmed’s mother. Nadia told Dr.

Hafiz about Samy, who injured his foot while he was playing football.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Dr. Hafiz work?

2. Why did Dr. Hafiz go to work by taxi?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Zeinab is a ...............

a) student b) teacher c) doctor d) farmer

4. The girl who Dr. Hafiz examined, had problems with her ...........

a) ears b) hands c) eyes d) legs

5. Dr. Hafiz is a ............... doctor.

a) selfesh b) helpful c) bad d) lazy

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. I was doing my homework and my mother and father ........ at work.

a) are b) were c) is d) was

2. It’s half past seven and Amgad ............... home.

a) leave b) leaves c) is leaving d) are leave

3. Salma should eat ........ sweets or she might have bad teeth.

a) less b) fewer c) more d) too many

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125 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Tell me about the story you have been ............. a) read b) reading c) write d) watch5. We usually boiled eggs in a ..................... in the garden. a) glass b) bag c) pan d) spoon6. Cotton clothes ........... smooth. a) sound b) smell c) feel d) taste7. As soon as he ........ to the restaurant, he’s going to eat lunch with

a friend. a) gets b) get c) got d) going8. We wanted some eggs, so we waited for the chickens to ...... some. a) lie b) lay c) lied d) lain

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. Next year, I will be fourteen. (How old)2. He is too tired because he worked all day. (Why)3. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. (What)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. When you boil water, it turns into ice.2. Computer is the most important inventor.3. How much have you been studying French?

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences about:“The Pyramids”

The words in the box may help you (Pyramids — ride camels — nice time — happy)A lot of tourists like to visit Egypt..........................................................



D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. he s going to buy a car on monday2. mona teaches french at school doesn t she

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126Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٣ ) محافظة جنوب سيناء ــ إدارة جنوب سيناء التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Waleed meets a tourist.Waleed : Welcome to Egypt.

tourist : Thank you.

Waleed : Is this your ..............(1).................... visit to Egypt?

tourist : No, it’s my second visit to Egypt.

Waleed : ..............(2).......... do you come from?

tourist : I come from England.

Waleed : Did you enjoy your visit?

tourist : ..............(3)..........

Waleed : ..............(4).......... will you go back home?

tourist : Next Friday.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Ahmed : What’s your favourite hobby?

Ali : .........................................

b) Ayman : .........................................?Kamel : No, I have never been to a farm.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. I’ve been working as a


2. When water boils,

3. I’m good at

4. A knife is used for

5. The ticket is free, so

a) cutting food.

b) you don’t have to pay any


c) it turn into ice.

d) for about ten years.

e) making friends.

f) it turn into steam.

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127 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .It was winter, a poor woman went to a doctor’s house at night.

She asked him to see her son who was sick at home. When the doctor

entered the woman’s house, he knew that she was very poor. She had

no food and the room was very cold. When he examined her son, he

found out that he wasn’t really ill, but he was very weak and hungry.

The doctor gave the woman a little box and went out. When she opened

it, she was surprised to find 200 pounds inside it.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. When did the woman go to the doctor’s house?

2. Why was the woman surprised?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. The doctor was ...................

a) greedy b) bad c) kind d) angry

4. There was ................ in the box.

a) money b) food c) medicine d) water

5. The underlined word it refers to ...................

a) the woman b) the box c) the doctor d) the son

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. As soon as Amr ...... Ashraf, he’s going to give him a present.

a) meet b) meeting c) met d) meets

2. Samy saw his friend in the shop ........ he goes to buy sweets.

a) what b) which c) who d) where

3. It has been raining ................... 9 o’clock.

a) at b) since c) for d) on

4. There is a cat ............. the rat.

a) chases b) chasing c) chase d) chased

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5. I was born ..................... 27th July 1999.

a) in b) at c) on d) of

6. Will you ........... the dishes for me, please?

a) watch b) open c) wash d) close

7. The cake ........ sweet and delicious.

a) tastes b) feels c) sounds d) looks

8. ............ are used to hold or cut metals.

a) Pliers b) Scissors c) Knives d) Saws

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. I’m polite and friendly. (What kind)

2. I’ve been living in Sinai since 2002. (How long)

3. My father works in a big company. (Where)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. The sun falls in the morning.

2. The Pyramids built thousands of years ago.

3. I’m interested at reading stories.

8. Look at the picture and write of three sentences on:“My birthday”

The words in the box may help you

(friends — presents — happy)

Yesterday was my birthday.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. amany is clever isn t she

2. hend and amira visited dahab

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129 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٤ ) محافظة أسيوط ــ إدارة ديروط التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Heba is asking Faten about their ill friend.

Faten : Our friend Mona is ill

Heba : ..............(1).................... you visited her yet?

Faten : Yes, I have visited her.

Heba : Who did you ..............(2).................... with?

Faten : I ..............(3).......... with my sister.

Heba : How was Mona?

Faten : She was ..............(4)..........

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Ashraf asks Ayman about his father’s job.

Ashraf : .........................................?

Ayman : He is a hotel manager.

b) Naglaa is asking Noha how long she has been sewing her dress.

Naglaa : .........................................?

Noha : I have been sewing my dress for two hours.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. Nabil is greedy,

2. What kind of person

are you?

3. Flour is used for

4. We taste our food

5. Would you like to

a) making cakes.

b) cutting food.

c) I’m kind and polite.

d) with our tongue.

e) so we don’t like him.

f) go shopping.

] (∫hCG ΩôJ) iOGóYE’G ≈fÉãdG ∞°üdG (ájõ«∏éfEG á¨d) ≥ë∏e - 9Ω [

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130Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Hassan is fourteen years old. He lives with his family in Luxor,

but he wasn’t born in Luxor. He was born in Cairo. He has got one

brother. His name is Ahmed and he is thirteen years old. His father is a

hotel manager and his mother is a scientist at the university. Hassan’s

favourite hobby is playing football.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where was Hassan born?

2. How old is Hassan’s brother?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Hassan’s father works in a ...................

a) school b) university c) hotel d) club

4. There are ................ people in Hassan’s family.

a) three b) four c) six d) five

5. Hassan’s favourite ................... is playing football.

a) subject b) school c) hobby d) hotel

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. The butcher was ........ meat with his knife.

a) drinking b) cutting c) breaking d) eating

2. We ............... to school tomorrow.

a) will go b) went c) go d) going

3. Farmers ................... chickens to get eggs and meat.

a) harvest b) grow c) plant d) keep

4. Have you ............. seen farm crops in a market?

a) already b) never c) ever d) yet

5. Two million ............. were used to build the great pyramid.

a) book b) stones c) bricks d) notebooks

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131 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

6. My brother is interested ........... going to new places.

a) in b) at c) with d) of

7. A person who lives next to your house is called a ...............

a) teacher b) mechanic c) thief d) neighbour

8. We use ...... to join pieces of wood together.

a) nails b) saws c) pliers d) needles

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. I have been running for 4 hours. (How long)

2. I’m interested in learning English. (What)

3. They went to Alexandria by train. (How)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. I’m good at write stories and playing chess.

2. Ramy watches a film now.

3. Hammers, saws, scissors and pliers are machine.

8. Look at the picture and write a paragraph of three sentences:The words in the box may help you

(Favourite — club — friends — twice a week)

I like football very much.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. ali and ahmed play football every monday

2. he has got two sons hasn t he

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132Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٥ ) محافظة سوهاج ــ إدارة سوهاج التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:Aya is asking Rana about her father’s job.

Aya : What does your father do?

Rana : He is a ............(1)................

Aya : ...........(2)................ does he work?

Rana : In hospital.

Aya : How does he help his .............(3)..........?

Rana : He examines them and gives them .......(4).............

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Sandra and her friend Merna are talking about people.

Sandra : What kind of people don’t you like meeting?

Merna : .........................................

b) Ali is asking Tamer about tools.

Ali : .........................................?

Tamer : No, a drill is used for making holes.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. Can you help me

2. Heba is funny and makes

3. Dalia realy enjoys

4. Farmers grow wheat to

5. The opposite of “good” is

a) “bad”.

b) eating at home.

c) play chess.

d) mend my car, please?

e) other people laugh.

f) get fl our.

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133 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Life in the village is very interesting and quiet. Farmers get up in

the early morning. After breakfast, they go to their fields quickly. They

work there until night. They use tractors to plough their fields before

growing the crops. Farmers know that plants cannot grow without

water. So they dig small canals to irrigate their lands.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where do farmers go after breakfast?

2. Why do farmers dig small canals?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Farmers use tractors for ................... their lands.

a) ploughing b) watering c) buying d) selling

4. Plants cannot grow without ................

a) ice b) water c) crops d) canals

5. Farmers are usually ...................

a) slow b) greedy c) active d) lazy

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Maged decided to ........ a place on the train.

a) stand b) sit c) buy d) reserve

2. If one of the killer whales ............... ,the others will eat it.

a) is injuring b) injures c) is uninjured d) are injured

3. Would you like ........... to the swimming pool tonight, Karim?

a) go b) to go c) going d) gone

4. A line of high water on the sea is called a .............

a) wave b) ocean c) storm d) wind

5. We ..................... our food with our tongue.

a) see b) touch c) listen to d) taste

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134Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

6. Computers can ........... lots of electronic information.

a) switch off b) switch on c) store d) continue

7. There are some boys ............... tennis in the park.

a) plays b) playing c) are playing d) play

8. She’s never late for school, ................?

a) is she b) hasn’t she c) has she d) isn’t she

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. I have five senses. (How many)

2. I was born in Sohag. (Where)

3. He has been drinking a lot of water each day. (How)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. I’m good at reads in English but I’m not very good at writing it.

2. Nada always brush her teeth after she eats.

3. Maha was born at March 16th, 1974.

8. Look at the picture and write a paragraph of three sentences:“Knives”

The words in the box may help you

(metal — handles — sharp — cut)

Knives are useful tools.



D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. can you help ali please

2. as soon as he arrives home he ll start his homework

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Part 3

135 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٦ ) محافظة قنا ــ إدارة قنا التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:

Haytham is asking Tarek about a football match.

Haytham : Did you watch the football match on TV last Friday?

Tarek : No, I ..............(1)....................

Haytham : ..............(2).................... didn’t you watch it?

Tarek : Because ..............(3).................... at home.

Haytham : What were you doing?

Tarek : I ..............(4)................ my uncle in hospital.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.

a) Ahmed : What is a saw used for?

Radwa : .........................................

b) Samy : .........................................?

Amir : I practise sports twice aweek.

B) Reading Comprehension

3. Read and match.A B

1. Never play with knives or

2. My brother is a scientist

3. I haven’t got any

4. Braille’s writing is a system

5. If you lose energy

a) toys to play

b) you’ll soon feel hungry.

c) you might cut yourself.

d) at the university

e) to play tennis.

f) for blind people.

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136Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Last summer, we decided to go to Alexandria to spend our holiday

there. We travelled by train. It was a sunny morning. We arrived there

before sunset. We stayed at a nice hotel overlooking the sea. Next

morning we went to the beach. The sea was wonderful. We did a lot

of interesting things there. In the evening we went to the theatre to

watch a nice play.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. What does the underlined word refer to?

2. Why did they go to Alexandria?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. They went to Alexandria by ...................

a) road b) rail c) air d) sea

4. They watched the play ................

a) in the eveining b) in the morning

c) at noon d) at midnight

5. They stayed at a hotel overlooking the ...................

a) Nile b) theatre c) train d) sea

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. ........ he is rich, he hasn’t got a car.

a) Although b) But c) As soon as d) When

2. He ............... when he fell asleep.

a) is reading b) was reading c) has read d) was read

3. Tutankhamon was buried with many presents in his .........

a) house b) village c) tomb d) home

4. I’d prefer ............. an e-mail.

a) send b) sent c) to send d) sends

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137 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

5. It’s not expensive ..................... this website.

a) to use b) using c) uses d) used

6. ........... cross the street when the light is red.

a) Ever b) Never c) But d) When

7. You don’t pay any money to join the club, it is ...............

a) fast b) far c) false d) free

8. A ................ is the inside surface of hand.

a) thumb b) finger c) tree d) plam

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. She has been trying her new computer. (What)

2. He cut himself because he was playing with a knife. (Why)

3. You should cross the street when the light is green. (When)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. I shouldn’t eat many sugar.

2. She uses a put to carry water to the plants.

3. I look forward too hearing from you.

8. Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences:The words in the box may help you

(last Friday — parents — car — tourists)

The Pyramids of Giza are great.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. yes this is my uncle ahmed

2. the village where i live is near tanta

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Part 3

138Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٧ ) محافظة ا0قصر ــ إدارة إسنا التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Hani and Amr are talking about pen friends.

Hani : Have you ever written to a ..........(1).............?

Amr : Yes, I have.

Hani : What’s his ..............(2)....................?

Amr : His name’s Tom.

Hani : Where’s he from?

Amr : He’s from ..............(3)................

Hani : What is he .............(4)................ in?

Amr : Football and computers.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Omar asks the carpenter about the tool which makes holes.

Omar : Which tool makes holes?

carpenter : ....................................

b) Ahmed asks Tamer about the place where he was born.

Ahmed : ...................................?

Tamer : I was born in Luxor.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. We keep cows and goats

2. Sign language

3. Greedy people

4. Mona is a hotel manager

5. You might cut yourself

a) want more than they need.

b) She works in a famous hotel.

c) if you play with knives.

d) we haven’t got any sugar.

e) to get meat and milk.

f) is a way of talking.

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Part 3

139 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Mr. Adel was born in Luxor. He was born in 1976. He has a daughter

and a son. He is very kind and helpful. He likes listening to music. He

teaches maths in a prep school in his city. All his students like him. A

week ago Mr. Adel decided to buy a computer to help him in teaching.

He asked his friends to help him choose a good computer. They told

him that a good computer costs 2000 pounds. Mr. Adel had only 1800

pounds. So, he borrowed to complete the price. Now he is happy with

his new computer.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of person is Mr. Adel?

2. How many children does Mr. Adel have?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Mr. Adel borrowed ............. pounds to buy his computer.

a) 2000 b) 1800 c) 200 d) 300

4. The underlined word “They” refers to ................

a) computer b) Mr. Adel

c) Mr. Adel’s friends d) pounds

5. .............. days ago Mr. Adel decided to buy a computer.

a) Five b) Six c) Four d) Seven

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Tamer makes other people laugh. He is really ..............

a) boring b) funny c) greedy d) noisy

2. This is a shop ............... my mother buys our clothes.

a) where b) who c) which d) when

3. Yesterday a car accident ................... in the street.

a) see b) saw c) is seen d) was seen

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140Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Farmers grow ............. to get fl our.

a) cotton b) sugar cane c) wheat d) vegetables

5. Fatma ..................... English since 2006.

a) study b) studies

c) was studying d) has been studying

6. ........... people cannot hear.

a) Blind b) Deaf c) Poor d) Dumb

7. If you ............... careful, you might cut yourself.

a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) isn’t

8. Food gives us ................

a) heat b) energy c) diet d) butter

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. A sales assistant works in a shop. (Where)

2. No, I’m single. (Are)

3. I’d like to be a doctor. (What)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. When water boils, it turns into ice.

2. I’m interested in it and computers.

3. Listen to this music. It tastes beautiful.

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences:The words in the box may help you

(see — taste — smell)

We have got five senses.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. how long has ramy been teaching english

2. luxor and aswan are famous cities in egypt

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Part 3

141 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٨ ) محافظة أسوان ــ إدارة أسوان التعليمية

A) Language Functions

1. Finish the following dialogue:Mai is asking Sally about her father’s job.

Mai : What is your father’s ..........(1).............?

Sally : He is a farmer.

Mai : ..............(2).................... does he work?

Sally : He works on a farm.

Mai : What does he ..............(3)....................?

Sally : He grows vegetables and different crops.

Mai : Do you help him?

Sally : Yes, I ..............(4)....................

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Sameh : What were you doing at 8 o’clock yesterday evening?

Hany : ....................................

b) Ahmed : ...................................?

Walid : I’m very interested in IT and computers.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. We keep goats to

2. This is the car

3. Computers are

4. A knife is used for

5. This is the girl

a) cutting wood

b) who won the prize.

c) control robots.

d) machines which follow instructions.

e) which my father bought.

f) get milk and meat.

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142Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Mona lives with her family in Aswan. She is in Aswan prep school.

Her father is a doctor in Aswan hospital. Her mother is a housewife.

She cleans the house and cooks the food to her family. Mona has got

one brother and one sister. Her brother is a doctor in the same hospital

with his father. Mona always gets high marks in all subjects. Her sister

is a secretary. She works in an office. She can use the computer very

well. She speaks English and French very well. She doesn’t like cooking.

They are a very happy family.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Why is Mona a good student?

2. What does Mona’s brother do?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. There are ................... people in Mona’s family.

a) four b) five c) three d) six

4. Mona is the ................ person in the family.

a) oldest b) youngest c) younger d) older

5. Mona’s sister ...................

a) is a good cook b) uses the computer

c) speaks one language d) is a housewife

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. When we boil water, it turns into ..............

a) ice b) vapour c) drops d) rain

2. This the shop ............... my mother buys our clothes.

a) when b) where c) who d) what

3. In the future, he ................... drive a car.

a) will be able to b) is able

c) can d) has been able to

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143 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. This chocolate ............. sweet and delicious.

a) touches b) looks c) tastes d) feels

5. If you ..................... hard, you will get high marks.

a) studies b) studied c) study d) studying

6. Samy has a lot of homework and he doesn’t want ....... TV.

a) watches b) watch c) to watch d) watching

7. They went to see the ancient ............ in the museum.

a) tomb b) treasures c) tickets d) cinema

8. Programs are ............ which tell computers what to do.

a) instructions b) quantities c) noises d) compasses

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. Manal was born in 1999. (When)

2. They went to school by bus. (How)

3. A saw is used for cutting wood. (What)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. Fady always brushed his teeth after eating his meals.

2. This is the cat who I saw under the table.

3. We enjoy read stories about seas.

8. Look at the picture and write three more sentences:The words in the box may help you

(see — hear — smell — taste)

We have got five senses. We can feel with our





D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. rania and ashraf went to cairo last month

2. yes I met aly yesterday

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Part 3

144Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ١٩ ) محافظة الوادى الجديد ــ إدارة الداخلة التعليمية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Ali meets a tourist and asks him some questions.Ali : Hello, I’m pleased to meet you.Tourist : I’m pleased to meet you, too.Ali : Where ...........(1)............. ?Tourist : I come from England.Ali : It is your first visit to Egypt.Tourist : .........(2).............. I visited Egypt two years ago.Ali : .........(3)........... are you going to stay here ?Tourist : Two weeks.Ali : Which places are you going to visit ?Tourist : ..........(4).......... at Giza and the Valley of the Kings in Luxor.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.a) Hany asks Samy about the carpenter’s tools.

Hany : What do carpenters use to cut wood ?

Samy : ....................................

b) Alla is talking to Mohamed about his birthday.Alla : How ................................... ?Mohamed : I will be 13 years next week.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. What was Ali doing yesterday ?

2. How are you ?

3. What kind of person are you ?

4. What do you enjoy doing ?

5. Are you good at English ?

a) I’m eleven years old.

b) I’m friendly and funny.

c) I like going for walks

and enjoy playing.

d) Yes, I’m.

e) Fine thanks.

f) He was watching TV.

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Part 3

145 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Adel is a pupil in Tahreer Prep school. He likes reading so he always

borrows books and stories from the school library. Every summer

holiday, Adel and his family go to Cairo. They go there by bus because

there aren’t any trains in the New Valley. It takes eight hours to reach

there. Adel goes to the zoo and the pyramids in Cairo. Adel’s family

spend a month in Cairo every year. They come back to the New Valley

before the school starts.

A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Adel live?

2. What places does Adel visit in Cairo?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. Adle’s family spend ................... days in Cairo.

a) thirty b) three c) thirteen d) fourteen

4. Adel borrows books and stories from the library he likes ...

a) playing b) reading c) eating d) running

5. The underlined word “there” refers to ...................

a) The New Valley b) Cairo c) village d) pyramids

C) Usage and Writing5. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Computers are the most important ..............

a) invention b) interesting c) clothes d) transport

2. When water ............... it turns into steam.

a) cools b) boils c) fl oats d) freezes

3. Deaf people can communicate with ................ language.

a) sign b) traffic c) bad d) high

4. An ............. takes ill people to the hospitals.

a) apple b) egg c) ambulance d) ant

5. While he ....................., his father came.

a) play b) played c) playing d) was playing

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146Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

6. Ahmed speaks to his friend ......... was surprised to see him.

a) which b) where c) who d) what

7. As soon as they leave home, they ............... to catch a taxi.

a) going b) go c) went d) are going

8. Naser has been living in Cairo ................ seven years.

a) since b) for c) yet d) already

6. Write questions using the words in brackets:1. I was born in Cairo. (Where)

2. My brother goes to school on foot. (How)

3. I’m a teacher. (What)

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. There was a boy plays football.

2. He is interested in paint.

3. We taste food with our legs.

8. Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of four sentences about: “Mr Sherif”The words in the box may help you.

(go to school — early — teach English — help us — love him)

Mr Sherif is a teacher.




D) Punctuation9. Punctuate the following two sentences.

1. You re leaving today aren t you

2. is assuit south of tanta

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147 Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

( ٢٠ ) محافظة البحر ا0حمر ــ إدارة البحر ا0حمر ا0زهرية

A) Language Functions1. Finish the following dialogue:

Arwa and Aya are talking about the summer holidays.Arwa : Where are you doing on holiday this summer?Aya : We ..............(1).................... to the Plam Beach.Arwa : ..............(2).................... will you go?Aya : Next month.Arwa : Where will you ..............(3)....................?Aya : In a hotel near the sea.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues.A) Teacher : What happens when you boil water?

Student : ....................................

B) Student A : .................................... ?

Student B : A doctor helps sick people.

B) Reading Comprehension3. Read and match.

A B1. You can’t enter the cinema

2. People who can’t see

3. Before is the

4. A knife is used

5. She won’t be late

a) for cutting foodb) opposite of after.c) without a ticket.d) will she?e) for cutting metals.

f) are called blind.

C) Usage and Writing4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. A funny person makes you .............. a) angry b) happy c) sad d) hungry2. This chocolate ............... sweet and delicious. a) tastes b) touches c) looks d) feels3. Hesham is not good at ................... a) sing b) song c) singing d) sings

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148Teacher - Hello ! - Second Prep - First Term

4. This is a shop ............. my mother buys clothes. a) when b) what c) who d) where5. ..................... turn off the taps in the bath. a) Always b) Never c) Often d) Ever

5. Read the following passage, then answer the questions .Mr. Atef, his wife and their two children went to uncle Hassan’s

farm near Tanta last Friday. They went by car. They started at seven and arrived at nine. Their uncle welcomed them. He is married but he hasn’t got any children. They saw people, animals, trees and plants on the farm. They played, ate and drank a lot. They were very happy on that day. They went home at seven o’clock.A) Answer the following questions.

1. Where did Mr. Atef’s family go last week?2. How did they go there?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

3. There are ................... people in Mr. Atef’s family. a) three b) four c) five d) six4. Uncle Hassan has got ........... children. a) no b) one c) two d) three5. Mr. Atef’s family went home ................... a) in the afternoon b) after midnight c) in the evening d) today

6. Re-arrange the following words to make sentences:1. saw - cut - We - wood - a - with - can.2. playing - likes - She - music.3. got - Heba - brothers - hasn’t - any.

7. Read and correct the underlined words:1. People get very dry when they siwm.2. I am old than my brother.3. Have you open the door, please?

D) Punctuation8. Punctuate the following two sentence.

what is mostafa s jop

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المؤسسة العربية الحديثـةللطبـع والنشـر والتوزيـع بالقاهــرة وا�سكندريــة

8 شارع المنطقة الصناعية بالعباسية ـ الرقم البريدى : 11381ت : 24677183 - 26823792 أو الرقم المجانى : 08002220000

10346 : ´GójE’G ºbQ