zsh & fish: better *bash* for hackers

zsh & fish better “bash” for hackers

Upload: ruslan-sharipov

Post on 15-Aug-2015




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zsh & fish better “bash” for hackers

prefer CLI over IDEs, GUIs, WebUIs

we already know zsh

is zsh only about autocompletion?

features / advantages over default bash

1. Shared history between shells

1. Shared history between shells

zsh: works out-of-the-box bash: needs custom function in .bashrc

any shell workaround: tmux

2. Autocorrection

[nyae] cheatsheet: n - no y - yes

a - abort e - edit

3. Autocompletion

3. Autocompletion

3. Autocompletion

Tons of supported commands out-of-the-box + plugins

ls, rake, kill, ssh, mount, umount, cap and much more

4. Autoexpand

or never type too much!

4. Autoexpand

5. Arrow keys history search*

* requires tiny ~/.zshrc configuration * Pro-mode: https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search

6. Default aliases

.. aliases cd .. ~ aliases cd ~

cd.. aliases cd .. cd… aliases cd ../..

cd…. aliases cd ../../.. md aliases mkdir -p

rd aliases rmdir d aliases dirs -v

Remember? -bash: cd..: command not found

vi - mode

vi - mode

7. oh my zshOpen source, community-driven

framework for managing your ZSH configuration.

It comes bundled with a ton of helpful functions, helpers, plugins, themes, and a

few things that make you shout...

7. oh my zsh

100+ themes

7. oh my zsh

150+ plugins

just 1 command to happyness:

curl -L http://install.ohmyz.sh | sh


fish shell

Smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family

fish shell

fish shell

2 killer-features:

- autosuggest-as-you-type - smart tab suggestions


fish shell: autosuggestion


fish shell: smart tab suggestions

autosuggest-as-you-typefish parses your man pages and generate completions

fish shell: smart tab suggestions


and turns any command usage to …

fish shell: smart tab suggestions


fish shell: smart tab suggestions


fish shell: smart tab suggestions

