zionism and israel.powerpoint.3.1

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Powerpoint on the history of Zionism and major events in the History of the State of Israel. Starting with 19th century Europe and Ottoman Empire, continuing to 21st century. Prepared by Dr. Seth Ward


  • Zionism and IsraelSeth Ward

    University of Wyoming

  • Europe in 1800

  • The European Background The French Revolution

    SanhedrinAssembly of Jewish Notables answers Napoleons famous questions. Napoleons career in the Eastern Mediterranean"Everything must be refused to the Jews as a Nation... and everything granted to the Jews as individuals." In French: Rappelons la formule fameuse d'un rvolutionnaire: Ne rien accorder aux juifs en tant que nation; tout leur accorder en tant qu'individu (Clermont-Tonnerre, 23 dcembre 1789).

  • EuropeThe ways of the Old Regime were reinstated after 1815, but by 1870s Jews had achieved citizenship rights in most places in central and Western Europe.

    In the first 2/3rds of the 19th century, Jews had to accept baptism to succeed in many places

    Western Europe: Edgar Mortara Case (1858-1859). Demonstrated the extent to which the Catholic Church supported the efficacy of Baptism, even done in secret and without family consent; but the political environment allowed (and even favored) a negative European reaction. Dreyfus Case 1893. Herzl reported it.

  • Early 19th Century Palestine Mehmet Alis conquest of Palestine (1831) accorded well with themes in Restoration Theology regarding Jews returning to the Holy Land. The conquests of Muhammad Ali (d. 1849) reached to Damascus and beyond. Damascus Affair Blood Libel in 1840.

    David Roberts--Mosque of Omar, 1839

  • Restoration Theology7th Earl of Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley-Cooper1801-1885) The State and the rebirth of the Jews (1839) among the first to call for Jewish settlement in Palestine and often credited with the idea A country without a people for a people without a country although this probably is based on writing by Alexander Keith in 1843. Image: Shaftesbury Memorial, Piccadily Circus London: Angel of Christian Charity (for his philanthropic works, not his politics). Joseph Smith: sent an emissary to the Holy Land

    During the 1836 dedication of the Kirtland Temple, Joseph Smith prayed fervently for the gathering of Israel. Several days later Moses appeared in the Kirtland Temple and restored the keys necessary for this gathering to begin (seeD&C 110:11). Image: Orson Hyde Dedicates the Holy Land

  • Developments in JudaismReform movement Hamburg temple, 1818Shimshon Rafael Hirsch 1808-1888Zacharias Frankel (Historic Judaism) 1801-1875Wissenschaft des Judentums. Abraham Geiger 1810-1874 Heine, Zunz, Graetz, others. Enlighteners and traditionalists

  • Ottoman ReformsOttomans: Lost Morea (Greece), Hungary, Egypt etc. Tanzimat: Glhane Hatt- erif (1839) Hatt- Humayun islahat fermani (1856).Reforms in Land ownershipConstitutional Reform 1876Abdlmecid I Ruled 1839-1861

  • Judaism: Land, Nation, ReligionJewish love for the land: Blessings of the Land and Blessings for Jerusalem ( ) in Grace after meals, Daily Prayer (Amida), Haftarah, etc. and Biblical promises of patrimony and progeny to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    Religio vs. Natio: is Judaism a religion or a nationality (an idea akin to ethnicity or race)?

    Haskalah (enlightenment) and Wissenschaft des Judentums: awakens interest in Hebrew, research into Jewish folkways, questions about nature of Jewish identity, rise of Jewish literature, poetry, fiction, education in math, science, newspapers, etc.

  • Persecution, Nationalism, EmancipationPersecution and Pogroms, especially in Russia in 1881 and after Kishinev and the failure of the Russian Revolution (1903, 1905) Emerging nation-states in Germany (Prussia), Italy (House of Savoy), European areas formerly part of the Ottoman Empire; attempts and movements in Russia, Austro-Hungarian Empire, etc.Emancipation gives rise to Antisemitism in Germany, France, and elsewhere.

  • Chaim Nachman BialikOn Bialik: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/bialik.htmlhttp://muse.jhu.edu/journals/modern_judaism/v024/24.3penkower.html

    http://benyehuda.org/bialik/bia061.htmlhttp://www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2003/08/24/on-the-slaughte/ http://poemsintranslation.blogspot.com/2011/02/bialik-on-slaughter-from-hebrew.html

  • On The SlaughterBialik Mercy O Heavens, beg mercy for me! If a god be in you2, with a way in you, A way that I never knew Pray unto him for me! My own heart is dead, prayer drained from my tongue. The hands lie limp, and hope undone. How long? Until when? How long?3 Executioner! Here is a neck to hew With your mighty axe. Put me down like a dog. All the world's my chopping block. And we're just Jews, just a few. My blood is fair game4. From the skull you sever Bursts the blood of old men, the blood of children. Murder's blood be on you forever.

  • Building the LandMoses Montefiore: Quarters outside the walls of Jerusalem: 1860 Alliance Isralite Universelle founds Agricultural School 1870Baron Edmund de Rothschild1908Arab nationalist movementreaction to Young Turks and deposition of Abdul Hamid; Sharif Hussein appointed Amir of Mecca1909Tel Aviv founded, First Kibbutz started at Degania.

  • Writings

    Moses Hess Rome and Jerusalem 1862Leon Pinsker Autoemancipation 1882Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (1858-1922)moved to Palestine in 1881

  • Theodore Herzl (1860-1904)http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/Herzl.html Jewish State Judenstaat 1896http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Zionism/herzlex.htmlFirst Zionist Congress 1897Old New Land Altneuland 1902

  • Cultural, Labor, Religious ZionismAsher Ginzberg (Ahad Ha-Am) Cultural Zionism.A.D. Gordon: power of labor (Labor Zionism)Socialist movement emerged, with Histadrut labor union, Labor Party (Mapai). Mizrahi movement: Religious Zionism. R. Abraham I. KookChief Rabbi of Palestine: Secularists are participating in Gods Work.

  • 1916-1918Arab Revolt under Lawrence of Arabia with Sherif Hussein of Mecca.Balfour Declaration (Nov. 2 1917). Allenby enters Jerusalem (Dec.)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qApUFVHREo Blood and Oil has documentary footagewith a dramatization of Allenbys famous Status Quo speech.Hava Nagila Jewish Legion.

  • Foreign Office November 2nd, 1917 Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. Yours sincerely, Arthur James Balfour

  • Lawrences proposed map

  • British MandateHerbert SamuelFirst Commissioner Arab opposition: British redefine area in which Jewish National Home is to be applied. Mandate appoints Hajj Amin al-Husseini as Mufti of JerusalemGrowth of Revisionist movement of Jabotinsky and Begin.1925Aliyah 4refugees from anti-Semitism in Poland and elsewhere 1929Arab attacks in Jerusalem, Safed, Hebron1936Mufti forms Arab Higher Committee, , begins anti-Jewish propaganda campaign, general strike and violence. Arab attacks in 1936 killed a few Jews; British tried to work both sides, with a pro-Arab policy in some ways but also providing Orde Wingate to train Haganah. 1937, Peel Commission responds to 1936 riots: recommends partition1939 White Paper: does not adopt partition. Closes off Jewish immigration.

  • Partition PlansLeft: Peel Commission 1937/8, three sectorsRight: UN 1947, seven sectorshttp://domino.un.org/maps/m0103_1b.gif

  • Declaration of IndependenceMay 14 1948http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/mideast/israel.htm

  • 1948-1956

    1947-1948 Fighting with Arab Irregular forces1948 Israel Independence, Arab states attack1949 January: General elections. 1st Knesset takes office on Tu Bishevat.Map:http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/israel_pol_1972.jpg (next slide) Law of ReturnDP resettlementFedaiyeenArab Boycott: primary, secondary and tertiary. Desecration of Jewish sites in JordanAl-Kiyana al-SahiyuniyyaGamal Abd al-Nasser 1952, 1956October 29, 1956: Sinai Campaign

  • 1956-19761959 Relations with West Germany1960 Eichman trial (hanged in 1962)PLO: formed in Jordan 1964, charter adopted in 1968. Al-Fath The Conquest most important group.June 1967 Six Day WarSept. 1970: Black September (PLO Ousted from Jordan 1970-71).1972 War of Attrition1972 Munich Olympics. 1973 Yom Kippur War1975 UN Resolution on Zionism1976Entebbe raidMyths and facts http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/myths/mf7.html UN Resolution 242 http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/UN/unres242.html Three Noes: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Peace/three_noes.html

  • 1977-1989

    1977 Likud wins electionsNovember 1977 Sadat visits Israel1978 Camp David1981 Sadat assassinated1982-1985 Lebanon Campaign: Lebanese Civil War 1975-1990PLO, Syria, Maronites (Christians), Druzes, Shiis, Sunnis. PLO sent to Tunis. 1980s Hezbullah1987 Intifada starts in Gaza. 1988 King Hussein relinquishes claims on Jerusalem, Arafat talks about readiness to accept the existence of Israel 1989 Fall of Soviet Union

  • 1989-2000

    1991 Gulf War, Madrid conference1993 Oslo Accords Handshake on Sept. 13.1994 Purim massacre by Baruch Goldstein1995 Nov. 4 Rabin Assassinated 1996 Netanyahu Elected2000 Clinton/Barak/Arafat at Camp David

  • Second (Al-Aqsa) Intifada 2000-05First intifada started 1987; many believe 2nd was centrally planned. Visit of Sharon to Temple Mount October 2000 Hostilities: Dolphinarium, Sbarro, 2001. 2002: Karinne A, Passover Bombing, April: Battle of Jenin, Bethlehem Standoff. June: GWBush Road MapResponse: targeted removals, human-int, security barrier, isolation of Arafat.2004-announceo Gaza withdrawal, Ahmad Yassin, Death of Arafat, Paris Nov. 11. Map of fence: http://www.seamzone.mod.gov.il/Pages/ENG/map_eng.htm