ysj cpd framework, ukpsf and mahara eportfolios

YSJ CPD Framework, UKPSF and Mahara ePortfolios Phil Vincent HeLF February 2016 Technology Enhanced Learning | [email protected]

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YSJ CPD Framework, UKPSF and Mahara ePortfolios

Phil VincentHeLF February 2016

Technology Enhanced Learning | [email protected]

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YSJ CPD Framework

• Recognising Academic Practice

• Accredited by HEA

• Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow

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YSJ CPD Framework

• Written vs Dialogic

• Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PCAP)

• 100% academic staff engagement by 2014/2015

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Dialogic Route

• ePortfolio evidence

• Developed over time

• Mentors & assessors

• Aide memoire

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Dialogic Route

• Showcase expertise and experiences

• 90% chose dialogue / eportfolio route

• Higher success rate

• Explore UKPSF

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• Collaboration and collegiality, development and reflection

• Formative eportfolio

• Stimulate eportfolio use

• Uptake in Mahara use

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“The self-reflection encouraged by producing the ePortfolio was an unexpected benefit. I thought I would just be describing my practice, whereas I ended up really evaluating it and thinking about how it could/should improve.”

“[The process] did precisely [what was intended] - I found that thinking what to include in the e-portfolio made me reflect on what I had been doing and


“It was a good platform for [this], as it allowed small areas of text plus downloads of larger files plus photos to break it up and stimulate discussion.”

“Certainly the process of pulling lots of things together for the dialogue process in response to the criteria was great in terms of me understanding

aspects of what I have done and indeed, just how much I have done.”

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“Do the dialogue route; use your mentor and the time with them effectively; dedicate time, where possible, as the process is relatively straightforward and the Mahara bit is not time consuming! Think through your evidence using the templates and have confidence in your practice.”

“Mahara allowed for the ‘documentation’ of and ‘drawing together’ of evidence, to support the dialogic process. It gave me an opportunity to look back and reflect upon my achievement and plot my progression over time.”

“I really enjoyed the process, and once I understood the ePortfolio and what is actually needed for the different elements of the assessment – I found the actual process of being reflective very rewarding.”

“It's been good for me to use the e-Portfolio in a real-world scenario, rather than simply exploring and testing its features for the benefit of teaching


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“I couldn't get on with it at all to begin with but [the TEL team] helped me a lot and I ended up really enjoying it.”

“I found it quite unintuitive at first and continued to be frustrated by some of its less flexible aspects, but soon got used to its overall use.”

“It would have been useful to have been advised to set up the portfolio in advance, much of the focus was on the IT related to the portfolio rather than the content.”

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Inhibitors & Enablers


• Time pressures and competing priorities

• Lack of motivation

• Lack of clear goals

• Lack of understanding of the value

• Technological problems


• Modelling practice

• Mentorship

• Feedback

• Senior management support

• Technical support

• Flexibility

• Deadlines

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Next Steps

• Maintain 100% engagement

• Maintaining ‘Good Standing’

• Staff / Student survey of Mahara use

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• Phil Vincent

• Technology Enhanced Learning Manager

• York St John University

[email protected]

• (01904) 876782

• @PhilVincent