your gift 2014

Loughborough University Development Trust | Issue 3 Taking Loughborough Forward Your Gift Thank you!

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Your Gift is an annual publication, providing details of how donations made by alumni and supporters of Loughborough University are helping to enhance the student experience at Loughborough


Page 1: Your Gift 2014

Loughborough University Development Trust | Issue 3

Taking Loughborough Forward

Your Gift


Page 2: Your Gift 2014


Contents01student support

05campus improvements

07 legacies

08across the schools

09donor wall

16ways to give

17a donor’s perspective

Loughborough University Development Trust, Development and Alumni Relations Office, Hazlerigg, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1509 223447 Fax: +44 (0)1509 223983 Email: [email protected]


The views in this brochure are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Editor or the University.

Editor: Development and Alumni Relations Office, Loughborough University. Publisher: Loughborough University.

Design and Production: Design and Print Services, Loughborough University.

Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped with this issue.

Front Cover Photo: Loughborough Students’ Union (LSU) Executive and staff members saying thank you. L-R Jane Turner, Danni Hitchins, Gayathri Seneviratne, Phil Jenkins. The LSU benefit from gifts to the LUDT.

Welcome to the latest edition of Your GiftThe past year has been a significant one for philanthropy at Loughborough University. We have seen an increase in the number of our alumni, staff, and friends who have chosen to support the University and we are especially grateful to Jon Wood, a Loughborough graduate, who donated £1 million in support of the University’s sport strategy.

Your donations over the last year have made a significant difference to the student experience at Loughborough and this magazine will highlight some of the projects and initiatives that would not have been possible without your support. I hope you will enjoy reading about the difference your donations have made.

On behalf of our students and staff I would like to thank you for contributing to Loughborough and helping us to maintain our position as a leading University.

Your continued support will help us to develop the University further and ensure that it remains a University to be proud of for future generations.

Professor Robert Allison Vice-Chancellor and President of Loughborough University

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student support | 01

Tomorrow’s LeadersBased within the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Tomorrow’s Leaders was established with the aim of developing and piloting a Leadership Development Programme for 20 high achieving undergraduate students exhibiting leadership potential.

The programme comprises of a number of educational and developmental sessions focused on developing an individual’s self-understanding. It also helps to create transferable skills that can be put to use in a number of different careers.

RoboGalsRobogals is an international student-run organisation aimed at primary and secondary school girls. The scheme uses fun and educational initiatives to encourage more females into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Throughout the year, 33 volunteers from Loughborough Students’ Union Action have run workshops that have benefited almost 100 girls aged 9-18 years.

ConnectConnect is a student-led initiative that supports students in setting up and managing employer-focussed, extra-curricular activities. The project focuses on developing students as critical thinkers together through student enterprise and enhanced employability skills.

A current Chemical Engineering student and founder of EcoFuture (an energy saving project) said that the Connect initiative enabled her “to develop the skills that employers actively seek…skills which are necessary to allow students to transition from student to working life with the confidence and self-assurance that we really can make a difference”.

Loughborough FundGenerous gifts to the Loughborough Fund have been distributed to a variety of projects across campus, including student-related initiatives, library books and conference support for our Water, Engineering and Development Centre. Here are some other examples of initiatives that the Loughborough Fund has supported this year.

“Loughborough University is renowned for preparing students well for the working world and heavily encourages work placements. With initiatives like this in place it can only strengthen the University’s reputation.”

James Bowtell and Sam Jones - Sport Management and Mechanical Engineering, 2014

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02 | student support

Loughborough Experience AwardsThe Loughborough Experience Awards were set up to recognise students and staff who have made an exceptional contribution to the Loughborough Experience. Awards include Warden of the Year, Team of the Year and the Shirley Pearce Better Decisions Award.

To recognise and remember the past winners, Peter Davenport (Civil Engineering, 1955 and former Alumni Association President), made a donation to the Loughborough University Development Trust for an interactive screen. The screen was unveiled at this year’s Experience Awards, held on June 17th, and shows all the winners and the impact they had on Loughborough.

Fluor In August 2013, Fluor, a global engineering and construction company, donated £13,000 to the Department of Materials Engineering to support the purchase of a high-tech table top Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The machine also has an Oxford Instruments energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer system attached to it which allows students and staff to conduct chemical analysis.

Santander Universities Global In 2008 Loughborough University and Santander Universities Global signed an agreement that enabled Loughborough to provide student support together with a variety of initiatives and projects across campus. Santander Universities acts as an international network of over 1,000 higher education institutions in more than 20 countries. Loughborough was one of the first Universities to join. The partnership has grown significantly since 2008 with Santander Universities supporting a broad range of initiatives impacting on staff and students across the University, including:

• Enabling nearly 200 scholars from 11 different countries to realise their academic dream;

• Providing financial support for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students from the UK and overseas to come to Loughborough;

• Enabling staff and students to collaborate with fellow academics and students from all around the world sharing best practice and new ideas through Mobility Scholarships;

• Enabling students to accomplish their sporting dreams and develop their talent in world-class facilities, whilst also gaining a degree through sports scholarships;

• Allowing Loughborough Students’ Union to provide outstanding support for its international community;

• Supporting Business and Enterprise initiatives through prizes, awards and opportunities to attend specialist courses which have significantly contributed to the development of the next generation of entrepreneurial business leaders.

A new agreement has been signed to continue the support from Santander Universities Global Division for a further three years.In April 2014 Ian Nugent, from Fluor, visited

the department to meet with students and

staff and see first-hand the difference the

donation from Fluor had made

“We are very grateful to Fluor for their donation towards the SEM. The students have enjoyed using the table top SEM and appreciate the opportunity it provides for them to learn skills that will be required in their future employment.” Scott Doak, Director of the Loughborough Materials Characterisation Centre

Peter commented: “It was my great pleasure to support the University in this way. I have been part of the Loughborough Experience Awards since they started and I am proud of everything they represent. The screen will be a permanent record of the Awards and all the winners.”

Josh Hurrell, former Students’ Union President

at the screen unveiling

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o: L






“When I heard that I had received a Development Trust Scholarship I was so excited, because it meant I could just concentrate on my degree, and not worry about having to get numerous jobs to support my learning. I want to thank all those that have donated to the Development Trust Scholars Fund as it allows me to make maximise my time here at Loughborough.”

Adam Huddart – Carlton Laser Development Trust Scholar, 2013

“I have greatly appreciated the support that I have received from Loughborough over the course of my degree. Without the continued support I would not have been able to achieve what I have done today and I am certain that without the coaching support I would have struggled to become part of the national squad.”

Peter Briggs - Badminton Sports Scholar, 2013

“My studies have assisted me to gain an understanding of all aspects of the design and operation of comprehensive water, sanitation and hygiene systems (WASH) in developing countries, including my country, Malawi. I would not have achieved the aforesaid without the support from donors to the Loughborough University Development Trust who covered the greater part of my tuition fees. I want to say thank you to the donors as their support will go a long way in shaping the provision of WASH services in developing countries, consequently helping to reduce poverty.”

John Bright Joseph Njalam’mano – WEDC Distance Learning Scholar, 2011 – 2013

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“As a student Telethon caller at Loughborough I have the pleasure of speaking with a wide range of alumni. I really enjoy hearing about their experiences at Loughborough and finding out how much has changed over the years.

The Telethon is invaluable work experience for me and other students, but we also get the opportunity to make a difference to the University.

On behalf of the calling team I would like to thank all the alumni who have been kind enough to take the time to talk to us and to offer their financial support.”

Holly Tatnell – Social Psychology Student

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Transformation of the Pilkington Library With the support of alumni and friends, the University undertook a major rebuild and refurbishment of the Pilkington Library to upgrade facilities and improve the building’s sustainability credentials.

The key aim of the project was to enhance the student experience by increasing the number of study spaces available, improving access to ICT and the quality and range of facilities available to library users.

campus improvements | 05

The transformation of the Library has also seen the following:

• Open access computers have increased from 160 to 200;

• Study spaces have increased by 300 to 1,370;

• Bookable Group Study Rooms have increased in number from 6 to 10;

• The Library High Demand collection has been re-located to a custom designed space;

• There are new information and enquiry desks on all levels;

• The PC Clinic has been re-located to Level Three;

• More use has been made of natural lighting;

• The Library entrance has been made more spacious and welcoming;

• All four Library levels have had new carpets fitted.

We are particularly grateful to Dr. the Hon. David J. Saul, the Past Student Association and the Garfield Weston Foundation for making significant donations to support the transformation of specific areas of the Library.

“The library never used to be somewhere I wanted to go - it was too old, tired, with poor lighting and little guarantee of a space

to work. The improvements, especially to the 4th floor, have completely turned me around, and in spite of living in town I now make an active effort to work in the library where I find the space

more constructive following its improvements.” Student and Library User

“The refurbished library is a piece of outstanding transformational work” Professor Robert Allison – Vice-Chancellor

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“How would I describe my Loughborough experience? Unique and amazing... Did Loughborough change my life? Absolutely... Loughborough University holds a very special place in my heart – wonderful friends, great education and lasting memories – but also much more than that. It fundamentally helped me grow as an individual when I studied here and continues to help me grow in my career many years afterwards... donating is not only my chance to give a little bit back but also a chance to help the many worthy causes that the LUDT supports across campus and the community.”

Paul Glover – Information & Computing, 1994

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legacies | 07

“As tuition fees increase, financial support is more important than ever and legacy gifts are a fantastic way to encourage, and sometimes enable, hardworking individuals to achieve the best degree possible. As the recipient of a legacy gift, I also appreciate the honour in being chosen. The world desperately needs engineers to solve its overpopulation and energy problems and engineering degrees are amongst the hardest and most time consuming to achieve. Financial support reduces the necessity of a job during university, enabling the student to focus on the degree.

I am extremely grateful for my scholarship and hope more parties in the future will consider setting up legacy gifts because I know from experience it can be really life changing.”

Charlie Booth – Ethel Reynolds Bradley Legacy Scholar

Leaving a LegacyLegacy gifts have been a part of Loughborough’s history since 1935 when Mrs Annie Thompson left a legacy to support the sons of clergy, professional men and other residents in the area, to study at Loughborough. Since Mrs Thompson’s generous gift generations of valued alumni, retired and current staff and friends have supported Loughborough with a gift in their Will.

A legacy gift represents the impact Loughborough has had on your life and is one of the most personal and generous gifts you can make. Whatever the size, money left in a Will can have a profound impact on future generations of students and we are grateful that so many have chosen to support the future of Loughborough through a legacy gift. If you are interested in learning more about legacy giving and the Thompson Circle or if you have any questions please call Susie Cattermole on +44 (0)1509 228681 or email [email protected]

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08 | across the schools

Funding Research by giving in Shares This year we were delighted to receive a generous donation from two alumni with a passion for improving technologies that impact upon energy efficiency and climate change. Jim Atack and Janet Taylor’s donation was unique as they gave their gift to the Loughborough University Development Trust in shares. Their gift, over a three and a half year period, will fund a PhD studentship, and associated costs, in Heat Pump technologies and Thermal Storage systems for UK houses.

The research will improve understanding about the potential for retrofit heat pumps and thermal storage to save energy, maintain comfort and manage the electricity demand in the UK. It will also provide a basis for subsequent software development to help the refurbishment industry – a relevant research area with the hot topic of climate change and energy sources in society today.

Donations like this are important to the University for use to continue to conduct world-leading research.

The Fund for Excellence and the South Africa Challenge In 2013, the Fund for Excellence supported six students to travel to South Africa to take part in the South Africa Challenge. Led by Loughborough Management Sciences student, Peter Bailey, the South Africa Challenge is a project led practical leadership programme based in Durban. The Challenge offers students the opportunity to learn and practice problem-solving.

One of the successes of the Challenge was a project called Talk Rape, designed by Retail Marketing and Management undergraduate, Matt Pradhan. The project worked to capture the story of victims of abuse in South Africa, interviewing those with first-hand experience of violence and abuse. The footage captured is to be used in a marketing campaign to tackle what is often a taboo subject in South Africa. The production of a documentary is already underway.

Other successful projects included a social hackathon (a programme that aims to give people an opportunity to tackle or begin to tackle social problems in a confined period of time), a waste management scheme and a personal development programme.

Through designing and developing these projects, the students have had first-hand experience of leading major projects and receiving feedback from observing mentors.

“By Supporting the School of Business and Economics Fund for Excellence, you have given us the opportunity to develop as individuals, as leaders, entrepreneurs and business managers and to make a positive difference to communities in South Africa. Thank you for your support.” Peter Bailey, South Africa Challenge Leader

“It was easy for us to commit to supporting research work at Loughborough. Dennis Loveday and his Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology colleagues are deeply engaged in a subject which we are very keen on; namely making the UK housing stock, which is responsible for over 20% of our UK energy bill, much more energy efficient. It’s good to think that we can contribute to moving these technologies along just a little bit faster, by supporting the research effort”.

Jim Atack and Janet Taylor - Civil and Building Engineering and Information Science, 1975

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Mr Peter SnookDr Michael PearsonMr Gordon WaineMrs Zandra AdamsMr Gordon AllisonProfessor Bob AllisonMr Jim Atack and Ms Janet Taylor Mr Marcus BlackDr Peter and Dr Diana Blair-FishSir Peter and Lady Bonfield CBEMr Glen BraganzaMr Paul BroughMr Barry BrownDr Peter DavenportMr Andrew DoyleDr Paul DrummondMr Robert Evans Lord GlendonbrookMr Arthur and Mrs Elisa HannaSir Peter Harrison CBEMr Stuart Heaton

Dr Jeffrey HerbertDr Terry Higgins OBEMr Robert HoustonDr Peter KeenMrs Zakia LashariMiss Emma LeechMr Henry LeventisProfessor Chris Linton Mr Tony MarmontMr David MillerMiss Kathleen MonaghanMr Nicholas PageMr Lindsay Poston Captain Desmond PenroseMr Alan PetersonMrs Daphne PickfordMr David PointerMr Ralph PowellSir Nigel RuddMr John SalmonMrs Sue Sargent

Dr David SaulMr Nigel SealeMr Peter SkinnerMr David SlaterMr Andy StephensMr Ian StoppsMr David TaylorMr Keith TurnerMr Bob UrieDr Sigrun WagnerProfessor Sir David and Lady Wallace CBEProfessor D Read and Professor P WarwickProfessor Mike WithersMr Jon WoodMr Simon Wright

We would also like to thank the Schofield Society Advisory Committee for their commitment and generosity to the University.

Donor Wall 2013 – 2014: Showing our appreciation

This Donor Wall recognises the generosity of Loughborough University’s alumni, friends, parents, students and staff members who have supported the Loughborough University Development Trust during the financial year 1st August 2013 to 31st July 2014.

We would also like to thank all those people who have generously donated to the University anonymously or who did not want to be listed in this publication.

The Schofield SocietyThank you to these individuals for making an annual gift of £1,000 or more or a lifetime gift to the Loughborough University Development Trust.

LegaciesWe are very grateful to all those who remember Loughborough University in their Will.

Trusts and FoundationsThank you for making a generous gift to the Loughborough University Development Trust.

Allan and Nesta Ferguson Trust Boost Charitable TrustCaterpillar FoundationLoughborough Colleges Past Students AssociationSir Thomas White Loan Charity

Mr Reginald Hewson (Deceased) Mr Robert Smith (Deceased)

South West Charitable GivingSport England Lottery FundSt James’s Place FoundationThe Football FoundationThe Garfield Weston Foundation

The Michael Bishop FoundationThe Peter Harrison FoundationThe SME Education FoundationThe Waterloo Foundation

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10 | donor wall

Class of 1940 – 1949

Mr Richard BarnesMr John BorehamMr David DixMr William ElliottMr David Erskine Mr Alan GriffinDr Hylton HardistyMr Philip HolbrookMr Ron HollowayMr Eric IsherwoodDr Tom KarenDr Max MaxwellMr Ian MooreMr Ralph SalemMr Anthony SmithMr Alec Wale

Class of 1950 – 1959

Mr Peter AlpMr Michael AshdownMr Hedley AtkinMr William AustinMr Mike BarkerMr Stanley BarnesMr Robin BarrattDr Kenneth BartlettMr John BeaumontMr John BellMr Bert BiglinMr John BlythMr Arthur Bowles

Mr David BoyntonMr Keith BrandieMr Richard BrasherMr Peter BrearleyMr Neville Bulman Mr Ian BulmerMr Richard BurfordMr Edward BuswellMr Peter CahillMr Michael CantyMr Peter Capel-SmithMr Ivor ChurchesMr Mike ChurchillMr John ClintonDr Ian CollingwoodMr Allan CookMr Kevin CourtMr Anthony CoveMr Peter DavieMr Christopher DawsonEur Ing Kypros DiamantidesMr Peter DonaldsonMr Derek EagleMr Donald EastMr Roy ElliottDr Mike EllisMr John FelsteadMr Victor FerrimanMr David Fowden OBEMr John GilesMr Brynmor GoodfellowMr Michael GoodwinMr Mike GreenwoodMr Alan HardyMr Bob HarrisonMr James Harrison

Mr John HobsonMr Keith HorneMr Peter HughesMr Robert JacksonProfessor Alun JonesMr Thomas JonesMr Ronald KiddMr Peter KingMr Tom LawsonMr Geoffrey LeatherMr Derek Lewis OBEMr Fred LukeMr John LyneMr Robin MacLeanMr Francis MartynCommander Mesod MassiasMr Leonard MayMr Dusty MillerMr William MillettMr Derek MossMr Brian NaysmithMr Kenneth NewhamMr Gordon NewshamMr Alan NutterMr David PainterMr Antony PannellMr Michael Parkinson OBEMr John Paulley MBEMr David PayneMr Hal PerkinsMr Christopher PotterMr Peter PressMr Ted PurverMr Steve RobbinsMr Roger RobertsMr Cliff Rose

Mr Garth RoundMr Paul RushforthMr Asit SenMr Geoffrey ShillitoMr Alan SimpsonMr Vaughan SkirrowMr Eric SmithMr John Spragg Mr William StanwayMr John StottMr Bob SussexMr Donald SwindellMr Keith SymesMr Ted TalbotMr Lin TathamMr Geri ThomasMr George ThompsonMr Norris TwaiteMr Tony VernonReverend Robin WaiteMr John WaltonMr Clement WangEur Ing Mr John WatsonMr Alfred WebbMr Geoffrey WhiteMr Peter WhittonMr Bill WilcockMr Ernie WilliamsMr John WoolfendenMr Alec Yirrell

Class of 1960 – 1969

Mr John AlexanderMr John Ansell

Annual Fund SupportThank you for your kind gift of up to £999.99 to the Loughborough University Development Trust Annual Fund.

Corporate GiftsThank you for kindly supporting the Loughborough University Development Trust.

AdidasBechtelByBox EnvirasFluor Ltd.Ford Motor Company Ltd.

Goodwin Steel Castings Ltd.Harborough Portas Ltd. ICBJMP Holdings Sdn BhDManufacturing Technology CentreRoyal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews

Sagentia Ltd.SantanderSt James’s PlaceTrevor Parr Associates Ltd.TSG Media

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Mr Tony ArchdaleMr John ArcherMr Malcolm Arnold OBEMr John AustinMr Michael BaronMr Adrian BashforthMr Richard Basker Mr Tony BaylissMr Douglas BeaumontMr Bill BebbingtonMr Roy BennettMr Eddie BirchMr Anthony BlountMr John BoddingtonMr Peter BounsallDr Eric BourneMr Anthony BowenMr Tony BrayMr John BroadMr David BrownMr Malcolm BrownMrs Rosemary BuchanMr John CannonMr John CarpenterMr Bob CastleMr Iain ChambersProfessor Richard ChandlerMr John ChiltonMr Graham ClarkReverend Pip ClementsMr Trevor ColcloughMr John ColeMr Clive ConduitMr Peter CookMr George CornesEur Ing John CoulsonMr Tom CowleyMr John CoxMr Mike CreedyMr Patrick CubbonMr George DaleMr Anthony DaleyMr Raymond DaviesMr John DavisonDr David DenbyMr Tom DerbyshireMr Wynn DickenMr Jeff DickinsonMr Jeremy DodgsonMr Hans DrosdalMr Keith Dutton

Mr Trevor EagleMr Geoff EdwardsMr Rob EllettMr Charles EvansMr Andrew FasolinoMr Martin FisherMiss Kathryn FoxMr Carel Frank Mr Tim FranksMr John FreemanMr Roger FultoMr Peter GeeMr Neville GillibrandMr Tom GoodwinMr Mike GreenMr Andrew HagueMr Dave HalsteadMr Graham HancockMr Dick HarwoodMr Rex HazeldineMr Maurice HepworthMr Barry HobsonMr John HollinsheadMr Geoffrey HolmesMr Viv HonyMr Mike HorrellMr Peter HorsleyMr Philip HortonMr Mike HukinMr Selwyn HumphreysMr John HuntMr Ralph HuntMr Dave JohnstonMr Gareth JonesMr Kenneth JonesMr Michael JonesDr Peter JonesMr Peter Kay Mr Malcolm KentMr John KnowlesMr Anthony LankMr David LawrenceMrs Lynette LeeMr Claude Lee YoungMr Robert LeggProfessor Steven LeyMr John Lord-HattonMr Jonathan LoshakMr Alastair LyleMr Stewart Mackay MBEMr Barrie Malpas

Mrs Virginia MartinMr Bryan Mason Mr Alan MatthewsMr Derek McArthurMr Alan MellorMr Alan MiersMr John MillardMr Frank MillingtonMr Peter MillingtonMr Ian MorganMr John MorleyMr Robert MortonMr Brian NealeMr Fred NelsonMr John OldhamMr Peter OlnerMr David PageMr John PallantEur Ing Peter PallettMr Roger PalmerMr Mike Parker Mr Robert PearceMr Anthony PhillipsMr Michael PluckMr Michael PowellMr William PowellMr George PritchardMr John PughMr Graham PurslowMr Norman RiceMr John RobertsMr Peter RobinsonMr Ron RoebuckMr Duncan SaundersMr Keith ScottMr Bernard SealeMrs Margaret SharpeProfessor George ShieldMr Jack ShingletonMr Nagalingamudaly

SidamparappillaiMr Anthony SimpsonMr Mike SimpsonMr Frank SmithMr Leonard SmithMr Mike SmithMr David StancerMr Trevor StewardMr Mike StubbsMr Bob StudholmeMr Cliff Sumner

Mr Graham TaylerMr Graham TaylorMr Phil ThomasMr Leonard ThomassonMr Mal ThorntonMr John ThrowMrs Barbara TildesleyMrs Jane TownsendProfessor Andy ValdarMr Kenneth WaddicorMr George WaltonMr David WarrenMr Richard WatsonMr Mervyn WestleyMr John WestoverMr Robert WhiteleyMr Robert WigginsMr Brian WilliamsMr Paul WilliamsMr Peter WillinghamMr Derek WillmottMr Tony WilsonMr Peter WilsonMr Malcolm WoodwardMr Clive WorleyMr Roy WraggMr Anthony YatesMr Teik Yong

Class of 1970 – 1979

Mr Md. Jafar Abdul CarrimMr Christopher AldousMr Kenneth AmabilinoDr Stephen AndersonMr John ArmstrongMr Michael AskhamMr Tony AylwardMr Andrew BakerMr Tony BaldingMr Michael BarnesDr Stephen BellMr Yusuf BesalelMr Grant BiddleProfessor Stuart BiddleReverend Dr Moira BigginsDr Derek BirchMrs Susan BirminghamMr Peter BondMr Stephen Bowcutt

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Mr Robert BoydMr Paul BoysMr Ciaran BradyMrs Margaret BrainMr Stephen BristowMr Andrew BrownProfessor Simon BulmerMiss Marie BurnsDr Martin ButcherDr Jim CairnsMr John CampbellMs Zoe CampbellMrs Christine CamplingMr Reg CanawayMr Jon CarltonMr John CarrMr Brian CatchpoleMr Richard ChadwickMrs Anne ChamberlainReverend Arthur ChampionDr Timothy ChandlerDr John ChapmanMrs Rachel ClarkeMr John CliftonMr Alan CoplandMrs Suzanne CosgraveMr Anthony CottinghamMr Richard CourtneyMr Trevor CraneDr Barrie CrowtherMr Glynne DaviesMr Kerry DaviesMr Peter DawsonMr Andy DicksonMr Ian DrummondMr Allan DyeMr Colin EldredMr Peter EllisMr Charles EvesonMr Stuart FarquharMr Andrew FellMiss Carol FraserMr Bernard GillMr Chris GillMr John GlynnMrs Christine GoodairMrs Jill GoverMr Brian GriffithsMr Rob HainMr Richard HallMr Myles Halley

Mr Bob HamblinMrs Fiona HammondMr Roger HargreavesMr Dave HarperMr Steven HarrisonMr John HeadMr Patrick HenchozMr Robert HendersonDr David HensonMr Martin HeywoodMr Michael HighMr Steve HodkinsonMr John HolfordMr Philip HoughtonMs Jenny HumphriesDr Peter InnocentProfessor Stuart IrvineMr Paul JacksonMr Robert JamesMr Paul JeeReverend Alan JessonMr Chris JohnsonMr Vincent Johnson Mr David JonesMr Graham JonesMr Ian Jones Mr Mike JonesMr Johannes Kaars SijpesteijnMr John KirkhamMr Geoffrey LambMiss Janine LaneMr Peter LawrenceMr Peter LeverkusMr Robert Lindsay-SmithMr Henry LiuMr Adrian LoganMr Graham LongDr John LuceyMr John LukeyMr Ian MacIntyreDr Angela MallardMr John MallettMr John MarchmentMr Ian MarshMrs Carol Mccletchie OBEMr Robert MerryMiss Jane MilesMr Steve Mitchell MBEMr Keith MorrillMr Andrew MorrissMrs Linda Morris

Mr Geoffrey MountainMr Paul MurrayMr Ted NeameMr Graham NicholsMr Brian NottageMr Neil OatleyMr Geoffrey OgdenMr Nigel OrchardMr Donald PallisterMr David PalmerMr John ParkerMr Jim ParlettMr Alan PattersonMr John PickettMiss Sue PinhayMr Alan ProsserMrs Jacqueline RanceMr Jonathan RanceMr Denis ReadheadMr Mike RedfernMr Ian RobertsonMr Nigel RogersMs Angela RoseMr Keith RoseMr Simon RosenMr Chris ScottMr Steven ScuttMr Norman SempleMr Philip SerrellMr Edward ShellardMrs Nicola ShepherdMr Peter SipthorpMr David SkinnerMrs Anwen SmithMr Grenville SmithMrs Janice SmithMr Lawrence SmithMr Malcolm SmithProfessor Alan StainerMr Peter StevensMr Robbie SykesMr Nigel ThomasMrs Sherry ThomasMr Paul ThomsonMr Richard ThorntonMr John ThwaitesMr Chris ToddDr Raymond WallMr Frank WaterworthMrs Merrill WheelerMrs Eleri Whitham

Mrs Maureen WilkinsMr David WillcoxDr Geoffrey WilliamsMrs Meg WilliamsMr Steve WilsonMr Bob WinfieldDr Aileen WoodMrs Amanda WoodMs Loyita WorleyDr Kathie WrayMr Ian WrennMr Simon Wyatt

Class of 1980 – 1989

Mr Alastair AdamsDr Stephen AftelakMr Stephen BakerMrs Jacqueline BeaumontMiss Marion BeaverMr Peter Bone Mr Bill BottomleyMr David BradleyMrs Jill BrightSquadron Leader Christopher Buck

Mr Stephen BurnhillMr Clive ButlerMr Paul ButlerMr Alan BuzzaMrs Lesley CahillMiss Hilary CarrProfessor Pat CarrilloMr Dean CasswellMs Sue CattonMrs Susan ChildMs Laurie Cooper-KosobuckiMr Simon CravenMrs Ruth DaleMr Mike DaviesMr Henry De SilvaDr Neil DohertyMr Neil DouglasMr Tony DourneenMr James DunnMiss Gillian EdwardsMrs Doris ElcockMr Hugh ElliottMr Sean EllisMr David Embleton

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Miss Trish FarrellyMiss Nicki FlattersMr Martin FlemingMr Kevin FosterMr Clifford GeorgeMr Tim GeyerProfessor Ian GoodwinMr David GreensmithMr Christopher HayesMr Andy HeathMr Nigel HeathMr John HibberdMr Bill HironMrs Norma HoggMr Tony HolmeMrs Deborah HowarthMrs Tracy HuggonMr Dylan HughesMr Rupert HunterMr Ian HutchinsMr Keith ImpeyMr Peter JamesMr Simon JamesMiss Fiona JarmanMiss Diane JonesMrs Louise JonesMr Michael JonesMr Roy KemsleyMr Patrick KerryProfessor Julian KillingleyMs Pamela KingMrs Delia KingsburyMr Brian KitsonDr Soo Ngee Koh Dr Andrew KurinczukMr Philip KurinczukMr Kevin LameyMr Ian LancasterMr Mark LarganMiss Nicola LeeMrs Sandra MasonDr Graeme MawMr John McDonaldMr Jim McintoshMrs Lynn Mee Miss Sharon MillardDr Nicholas MilnerMr Colin NicholsMrs Beverly OleksiukMr Ken OrchardMiss Lesley Owens

Mr Stuart PaulMr Stewart PearsonMr Richard PembertonMr Mark PringMr Keith PughMrs Catriona RenkMs Catharine RobinsonMr Paul RogersMr Andrew RoughtonMr Chris RussonMrs Janine ScottDr Steve SeymourMr Kevin SimmonsMr Wayne SlaterMr Mark SmedleyMr Richard SmithMr Terry SoteriouMrs Anne SpaldingMr Martin Stockham Mr Paul StoneMiss R StrongMr David SwannMr Richard SykesMrs Marion TeggMr Mark ThackrayMiss Joy ThomasProfessor Tony ThorpeMr Deya TowfiqiMr Dave WakeMr Jon WalkerMr Patrick WalshMrs Jan WarburtonMr Martin WarrillowDr Ian WassellDr Dan WatersMr Mark WestonMrs Tracey WilkinMr Ray WilliamsMr Michael WilsonMr Nick WilsonMr Philip WiltshireMr Eddy YoungMr Edward Youngs

Class of 1990 – 1999

Ms Kate AndersonMs Caroline AndrewsMr Warren AylingMr Colin Baines

Mr Mark BakerMr Graham BarnardMr Timothy BichardMr Nicholas BirdMrs Louise BishopMr Richard BrierleyMr Nicholas BrooksMiss Philippa BrushMr Anthony ButtlerDr Gayle Calverley-MilesMr Matthew CameDr Audrey CarpenterMrs Sarah CatherallMr Sanjay ChandokMr James CheneryMr Graeme ChilversMrs Sally-Ann ClarkeDr Geoffrey CohenMr Simon CorbynMr Gary Corrigan Mr Paul CrawfordMr Matthew CrossMr Peter CuthbertsonMrs Jeanette D’costaMr Jonathan DenbyMr Glynn DenwoodMr Narinder Dhadli Mr Stanley DohertyMrs Avril Dossetter Mr Matthew DreisinMr Chris FarrowMr Matthew FlowerMr Mark FowlerMr Philip GarrattMr Michael GiddingsMr Nicholas GloagMr Paul GloverMiss Charlotte GoodsonMr Matt Gordon-SmithMr Richard GreedMr Mark GreenMr Ian GuyMr Jason HaighMr Matt HallamMr Mark HansonMrs Suzanne HarleyMrs Vivienne HawesMr Paul HeppellMr Adrian HetheringtonMr Adam HewittMr Nigel Hodge

Miss Rachel HoggMr David HolmanMiss Kathryn HorneMr Michael HumphreyMr Neil HumphreyMr David JefferyMr Laurence JenkinsMiss Sarah Jones-MorrisMiss Rachel KempDr Stephen LangMrs Rosemary LastMrs Christina LongdenMrs Anna Maria

Lukeera MuzaayaMrs Diane MantleMr Ian MartinMrs Sharon Martin Miss Julie McCarronMrs Clare McLeningMr Gavin MegawMrs Anne MeredithMr Peter MolesdaleMr Richard MooreMrs Sarah MossMr Imran MughalMr Brian MundayMr Campbell OswaldMrs Lisa ParkMr Tim PatonMiss Jo PerryMr Stephen PorteousMr Raj PurusramMs Helen PuttockMr Ralphie RalphMr Robert ReddenMr Paul RichardsonMr Nigel RobertsDr Elaine RobinsonMiss Lucy RoperDr Elizabeth SaundersMr Ben SmithMr Michael SmithMrs Linda SouthgateMrs Sharon SpeightMr Christopher SprinzDr Sharon SteingoldDr Sarah StephensMrs Elizabeth SuttonMr David ThorneMs Alison TownsendMrs Tricia Trinder

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Miss Dawn TrotmanMr Charles TrotterMr Dominic WaldenDr Carole WalkerMr Matthew WarrenMrs Chris WatkinsDr Kevin WatsonMr Barry WelchMrs Jane WhitelockMr Mark WhitelockMr Dan WilkinsonMr Darren WilliamsMrs Hannah WilsonMr Richard WiseallMr Robert WoolleyMiss Alix WrightMr Paul YorkDr Victoria Zado

Class of 2000 – 2009

Mrs Ileana AlfredMrs Tamsin AlsburyMr Richard AnnettMr Julian ArmstrongMr Stephen AyreMr Daniel BanksMiss Emily BarwellMr Thomas BasonMrs Julia BasuMiss Melissa BediakoMiss Amina BeggMiss Melanie BellMrs Vida BewleyMr Alex BlakemoreMiss Laura BluntMr Andrew BondMrs Lindsay BoyleMr Richard BroughtonMr Simon BurgessMiss Paula CalderMr Sean CameronMr Richard CastleMr Glenn ChildsMr Wesley Cole Mr Tom CollinsMrs Jackie ComptonMr Matthew CottonMr Mark CovingtonMiss Maria Crowe

Mr Gareth DaviesMr Allister DennisDr John Disley CBEDr Mark DurkinMiss Suzie DyrbusMr Matthew FassihiMr Simon FirthMr Scott FlatmanMr Michael FordMr Edward FosterMr Colin GandyMr Gurmukh GiddaMr Ian GoldstrawDr Michael GoreMr David GossMs Jude GreenwoodMr Mark GribbleMr Angus GrieveMr Thomas GroveMr Steve HallMr Paul HamshereMrs Caroline HarmonMr Iwan HarriesMr Duncan HartMrs Catherine HawesMrs Fiona HayesMs Lorraine HefferinMiss Charlotte HirdMr Kevin HoganMiss Lucy HuddlestoneMr Rob HulmeMr Bryce HuntMr Robert IrvineMr Peter JanesMiss Joanne JoynerDr Bernard JuppMs Monica KanwarMiss Lisa KinderMr Jason KlineMr Peter KnightMs Emily KortlangMrs Jane LylykMr Sean MaunderDr Michael MendayMiss Annemarie MitchellDr Anne MumfordMr Benjamin NashMr Thomas NaylorMr Henry OkelloMrs Chatrina O’MaraMrs Louisa O’Riordan

Mr Rav PanesarMs Joanne ParkerMr Brodie PeersMr Duncan PhillippoMr Douglas PrestonMr Rajko RadovicMs Tracy ReaMr Graham RogersMr Srihari SaddapalliMr Mustafa SarkarMr Christopher ScorerMr Sergei SellersMr Tom ShawMr Jonathan ShehanMr Malcolm SheppersonMr Andrew ShermanMr Mark SimmondsMr Graham SmithMr Ian SmithMrs Sharon StimsonMr Paul SuttonMs Pauline ThenMr Charles TomlinsonMr Niall TurnerDr Rehan Ul-haqDr Brigette ValeMrs Fiona WallMr Ruoxi WangMrs Diana WatsonMiss Gillian WealeMr David WestwaterMr Matthew WilsonDr Gemma WitcombMr Peter WoodruffMr Chris WorsleyDr Cheng-Lung Wu

Class of 2010 – Present

Mr Harry AdamsMr Deddy Anak AntahMr Ernie ArrowsmithDr Kenneth AstleyMr Peter BaileyMiss Louise BattsMr Stefan BorgeMiss Carolyn BrownMiss Maddy BuckleyMiss Sophia CandappaMr James Carroll

Miss Hannah CarterMiss Shauna ChambersMr Divyesh ChudasamaMr Nathan CosherMiss Helen CrossMiss Helen CrossleyMiss Ashleigh DayMiss Anastasia de MontjoyeMr Will DowdMr Roderick DringMiss Holly DuerdenMr Niall EbbsMiss Amanda ElliottMr Jake EllsonMiss Jacqueline EnochMiss Colleen EspieDr Alex FedorovMr Jack GarnhamMr Andrew GirvanMiss Alice GoodwinMiss Katherine GreenwoodMiss Victoria GriffithsMr Paul GrosvenorMiss Sarah-Emmanuelle HaarMiss Clare HayesMr Stuart HealeyMiss Henrietta HenryDr Mark HoddsMrs Kate HooperMr Oliver HooperMiss Gracie JackMiss Jessica JeansMs San JonesMiss Sarah KaneMr Shirumisha KwayuMiss Emma Laing-WilliamsMr Igors MaslovsMiss Victoria McIntyreMiss Jessica MonsurateMr Patrick MontgomeryMiss Megan MorganMiss Amy MorrisMiss Sarah MusgraveMiss Nandha NandhaMiss Hui NgMiss Hoang NguyenMiss Anne-Marie O’ReillyMr Thomas PadmoreMr Danny PatelMiss Shaleen PatelMrs Vickie Perkins

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donor wall | 15

Thank you to those of you who have consistently donated to the Loughborough University Development Trust. Your continued support is invaluable to the long-term work and development of the University.

Although we take every care to ensure these details are correct, if you see any errors or omissions, please do let us know by emailing [email protected].

Friends, Parents and Staff of Loughborough UniversityMr Ian AnholmMr Adrian BambridgeMr Dave BarnettMr Gary BeharrellMr Stuart BirtwhistleMr Paul BishopMrs A BlowerMrs Hayley BoereboomMrs Heather BoleyDr Grahame BoocockMr Andy BorrieMr Roger BowdenMrs Margaret BowyerMrs Libby BradshawMr Colin BrayMr Peter CaineDr Peter CannonMiss Susie CattermoleMr Andrew ClackMrs Judith ClappertonMr Bryan ClarkeMr Norman CollinsMs Kelly CollisterMs Shirley Conran OBEMr David CookMrs N Cousins

Mrs K CunnewMr Glyn DaviesMrs Trish and Mr Terry DavisMr Ian DawkinsMr Andrew DrakeMr Charles EarleMr Chris EarleMr Roger FarringtonMr Bill FisherMr Geoffrey FodenMr Nick FreemanMr Andre FunnellMr Richard GambleMr Philip GeorgeMs Caroline Glendenning-PlattMr Brian GloverMr Philip GriffithsMr Phillip GriffithsMr Adam HallMrs Margaret HarleMr Lee HarrisMr Gary HartleyDr Douglas HaynesMs Lorraine HeadenMr Colin HealeyMr James Henderson

Mr Michael HillMrs Joanna HinchProfessor Elaine HobbyMr Keith HodgkinsonMr S HollandMr Jeremy JaquetReverend Tony JohnsonMr Peter KinderMr Alex LaybourneMr Michael LloydMr Andrew LongdenMr Iain MacdonaldMiss Arianna MaioraniColonel Robert Martin OBEMr Ged McCallMr Ted MccurleyMr Vaughan MorrisMrs Jean MorrisMrs Denise MulkaMr Terry NealeMr George OvertonMr Brian PageMr Sebastian ParkerMrs Sally PennaMrs Joy PerkinsMrs Paula Powditch

Mr Kel PrinceMr Robert ReesMrs Penny RoweMr Tom SkinnerMr Richard SmithMr Gary SmithMs Christina SprengerMr Michael TaggMr Jeremy TaylorMr Mark TaylorMs Elspeth TaylorMr Lance TaylorMiss Kim TurnerMrs Mary Van ReykMr John VenthamMr Patrick WardMr Christopher WardenMr Peter WarnerMr Jonathan WebsterMr Stuart WestProfessor Clyde Williams OBEMs Debbie WilsonMr Jonathan WoodMr Mike WoodfordMr George Wright

Miss Francesca PettsMiss Hayley PeverleyDr Vaibhav PhadnisMiss Danielle PidouxMiss Laura PorterMr Samuel PringleMiss Hema RavalMr Sébastien Reboah

Mr Simon RocheDr Chris SalterMiss Jade SextonMr Monil ShahMiss Catherine ShanahanMiss Emma ShipperleyMr Ian SlaterMr Samuel Smith

Mr Thomas SnellingMr Jingyuan SunMr Vishal SutarMr Daniel TakyiMiss Sarah TindallMr Josh Tomas-MerrillsMr Hai TranMr James Trickett

Mr Lemuel ValdezMs Janaya WalkerMiss Jarrah WebsterMiss Chenghong WeiMr Thomas WestwoodMiss Kristie Wilson

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If you are interested in making a difference to the University you can contact us in many ways:

By Phone: If you would like to make a donation over the phone please call 01509 228685.

By Post: Send your donations to Development and Alumni Relations Office, Loughborough University, FREEPOST (LE5517)Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU. Please make cheques payable to Loughborough University Development Trust.

Online: If you would like to donate online, head to

Speak to the team: Our dedicated team members are more than happy to come and chat one to one about charitable giving with you. If you would like to request a personal visit please email [email protected] or ring 01509 228685.

Leaving a legacy: If you are interested in leaving a legacy or would like more information on the Thompson Circle, please contact Susie Cattermole – Senior Development Officer on 01509 228681 or by email [email protected].

Donor Statistics 2013-2014

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Why I give to Loughborough An interview with Jon Wood – Business and Economics, 1983

When it came to the time to go to University, there was only one place that Jon wanted to go – Loughborough University. As a keen sportsman none of the other universities in the UK were even on his radar and although he didn’t study a sport related course, he graduated with a degree in Economics in 1983. From Loughborough he went straight to the city of London to work as a trader, and is acknowledged as one of the pioneers of technology in trading. At Loughborough, squash was his main sport, but since this time he has diversified and today he is an accomplished triathlete and keen cyclist.

What is the difference between the sport provisions at Loughborough in the 1980s compared to today?When I was at Loughborough it had a great reputation for sport, unparalleled sporting facilities and a culture for sporting excellence that students simply would not have experienced if they had studied elsewhere. After I left Loughborough it was almost 30 years until I returned to the campus. I visited in 2012, as part of the Olympic build-up and was simply blown away by the facilities and the sporting prowess of the University.

What inspired you to donate to Loughborough?I had several meetings with the University discussing a project of interest to me and it became clear that we had the same ambitions and goals for improving peoples’ lives through the pursuit of sport. It was an obvious step to then team up with the University and offer my time and financial support. The University has the potential to make a real difference to the lives of people not only in Loughborough but right across the country and beyond. I also believe that Loughborough University has developed an outstanding proposition through their new strategy that will enhance the development of excellence for years to come.

What have you chosen to support and why?I have chosen to support the University’s commitment to sport. I believe that Loughborough has set the standard for sporting excellence and it has developed world-leading expertise in sport-related research, policy, participation, performance and products. They have built one of the best integrated sports development environments in the world, bringing together a thriving global network of partners spanning academia, industry, governments, and a multitude of sports, their participants, coaches, supporters and governing bodies. They now want to expand their level of ambition and I want to support the University in making that a reality.

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Donation Form

Donation Form continued over...




Telephone Email

Regular donation I would like to make a regular donation of

£ per month / quarterly / year (delete as applicable)

Name of Bank



Name(s) of account holder(s)

Bank or Building Society account number

Bank sort code (top right of cheque)

Signature of account holder Date

Loughborough Fund

Engineering Fund

Sciences Fund

Sport (Loughborough Sports Scholars Fund)

Other (Please specify)

Development Trust Scholarships

Creative Students Fund

School of Business and Economics Fund for Excellence

Support LoughboroughPlease tick where you would like your gift to be allocated:

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Donation Form continued...

Single gift £25 £50 £100

Other amount £ (enter amount)

I enclose a cheque made payable to the Loughborough University Development Trust

I wish to make a gift by: Credit Card Debit Card CAF

Card/CAF Number

3 Digit Security Code (on reverse of card)

Start Date Expiry Date

Issue Number (for Switch cards) Signature

Loughborough University Development Trust is an Exempt Charity. Company Limited by Guarantee 3243822Please return to:

Loughborough University Development Trust, Loughborough University FREEPOST (LE5517), Loughborough LE11 OBR, UK

Making the most of your gift (Gift Aid)

The Trust can reclaim basic rate tax on all gifts*. This increases the value of your gift by 25p in every pound, at no cost to you.

I want this and all donations in the future to be treated as eligible for Gift Aid, until I notify you otherwise.



* To qualify for Gift Aid, what you pay in income tax or capital gains tax must at least equal the amount we will claim in the tax year.

I do not wish my name to appear on the list of supporters of the Development Trust.

I would like you to send me information on how I can make a bequest to Loughborough in my Will.

Page 22: Your Gift 2014

Thank you

Loughborough University Development TrustDevelopment and Alumni Relations Office

Hazlerigg, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TUTel: +44 (0)1509 223447 Fax: +44 (0)1509 223983 Email: [email protected]