yfa survival kit

Young Fellows’ Survival Kit

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Post on 01-Apr-2016




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Jam packed with links and instructions.


Page 1: YFA Survival Kit

Young Fellows’ Survival Kit

Young Fellows’ Survival KitYoung Fellows’ Survival Kit

Page 2: YFA Survival Kit

Table of Contents...

pg 3 Getting Your License

pg 3 Joining a Hospital

pg 3 Establishing Your Practice

pg 4 Resources for Your Practice

pg 6 Practice Management

pg 8 Looking Forward to the Future

pg 9 Getting Involved

Young Fellows’ Survival Kit

Page 3: YFA Survival Kit

Getting Your LicenseTexas Medical Board

Licensure Proces• s

Eligibilit• y

Monitor Your Applicatio• n

Renewing a Current Licens• e

About the Texas Medical Jurisprudence Exam

Texas Medical Jurisprudence Manual/Study Guide

Joining a HospitalList of hospitals in TX

Establishing Your PracticeDeciding whether to start or join an existing practice

How to do a medical practice buy-in

The Climb to Partnership

Young Fellows’ Survival Kit


Page 4: YFA Survival Kit

Resources for Your PracticeConsulting•

Practice Consulting Services - Practice Setup Assistanco e

Help With Negotiating Health Plan Contracto s

OIG Tips for Recognizing Questionable Consultanto s

TMA Practice Consulting - Antitrust Issueo s

TMA Practice Consulting offers on-site trainino g

legal information•


Regulatoro y

HIPAA and PSQIA Informatioo n

HIPAA Resource Centeo r


Texas Medical Liability Insurance Carriero s


Page 5: YFA Survival Kit

Texas Department of Insuranco e

Credentialing Applicatio n

Listing of Texas Health Maintenance Organizations/PPOs/HMO s

ACS Insurance Prograo m

marketing a PraCtiC• e

Appearance isn’t everything, but it definitely leaves a lasting impressioo n

Designing an effective practice brochuro e

Designing a Marketing Stratego y

Thinking of creating a brochure for your practico e

THIN Online Inquiro y

Tips for an Effective Practice Web Sito e

Tips for Promoting a Practice Web Sito e

MEDEM: Bringing You Patients, Payment, and Protection for Your Practice•

Overvieo w


Page 6: YFA Survival Kit

Join MEDEo M

iHealto h

County Medical Societie• s

state and federal agenCies•Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Serviceso (877) 267-2323Texas Department of Insuranceo (800) 578-4677Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership Medicaid o Provider Number (800) 925-9126TrailBlazer Health Enterprises LLC Medicare Provider o Number (866) 697-9670Texas Department of State Health Serviceso (888) 963-7111Texas Department of Public Safetyo (512) 424-2000Texas Workers’ Compensation Commissiono (800) 252-7031Controlled Substance Registrationo (512) 424-2188Drug Enforcement Administrationo (202) 307-1000Official Prescription Programo (512) 424-2189Triplicate Prescription Formso (512) 424-2189

Practice Management

Billing and Coding•

At-a-Glance Billing Guidelineo s

Reimbursemeno t


Page 7: YFA Survival Kit

Billing Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Physician Assistanto s

Billing and Collections “Yellow Pageso ”

Billing Medicare for Locum Teneno s

Choosing an Outside Billing Servico e

faCs Coding resourCeso - ACS Coding Today - CPT Coding Hotline - CPT Coding Workshops

Human Resource• s

Maintenance of Certificatio• n

mediCaid •

Medicaid Informatioo n


National Medicare Resourceo sMedicare Learning Networo k Medicare.goo v


Page 8: YFA Survival Kit

Risk Managemen• t

Comply With Laws Governing Debt Collectioo n Document, Document, Documeno t Good Communication Can Help Keep You Out of Couro t Delegating Prescriptive Authorito y Who’s Allowed to Call in Controlled Substance Prescriptionso ? Hand in Glove: What OSHA Requireo s OSHA Compliance: Don’t Get Stuco k OSHA Compliance in the Small Medical Offico e Destroy Medical Records Securelo y How Long Do I Have to Keep Patient Medical Recordso ?

Practice Operation• s

Looking Forward to the FutureRetirement or Sale of Practice Checklis• t

Sample Letter: Physician Retiring from Practice


Page 9: YFA Survival Kit

Getting Involved

Joining the ameriCan College of surgeons and Your loCal ChaPter•

Top Reasons to Join ACo S

Membership Info o

Apply for ACS Fellowshio p

Join the South Texas Chapteo r

VoiCing Your oPinion on legislatiVe issues•

Finding Your Legislatoro

Texas Senator s

Texas Representative s

How to write a letter to your Congressmeo n

Texas Political Action Committee (TEXPACo )

ACS Views on Legislative Issueo s

Find a bill or lao w


Page 10: YFA Survival Kit

Young Fellows’ Survival Kit