year of st. joseph september theme: st. joseph most prudent

“Good St. Joseph, Pray For Us” St. Joseph Red Lake Falls St. Joseph Brooks Weekend Mass Times St. Joseph RLF Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 10 am St. Joseph Brooks Sunday 8 am Staff Fr. Bob Schreiner, Pastor [email protected] Dcn. John Bruggeman, Deacon [email protected] Sherry Knott, Music/ Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected] Teresa Schafer, Bookkeeper [email protected] Deb Peterson, Secretary [email protected] Joanne Covlin, Edge Coord. [email protected] Parish Office Hours 9 am-3 pm Tuesday-Thursday Phone 218.253.2188 112 Edward Ave-PO Box 400 Red Lake Falls, MN 56750 August 29, 2021 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH September Theme: St. Joseph Most Prudent Prudence is called “the charioteer of the other virtues”; it guides the other virtues by setting rule and measure. It is pru- dence that immediately guides the judgment of conscience. The prudent man determines and directs his conduct in ac- cordance with this judgment. With the help of this virtue we apply moral principles to particular cases without error and overcome doubts about the good to achieve and the evil to avoid. St. Joseph was a most prudent man. Each time Jo- seph knew the will of God he acted decisively, swiftly, and ac- curately to fulfill it. St. Joseph never acted rashly, timidly, or selfishly but always prudently.

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Page 1: YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH September Theme: St. Joseph Most Prudent

“Good St. Joseph, Pray For Us”

St. Joseph Red Lake Falls

St. Joseph Brooks

Weekend Mass Times St. Joseph RLF

Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 10 am

St. Joseph Brooks Sunday 8 am

Staff Fr. Bob Schreiner, Pastor

[email protected] Dcn. John Bruggeman, Deacon

[email protected] Sherry Knott, Music/

Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected]

Teresa Schafer, Bookkeeper [email protected] Deb Peterson, Secretary

[email protected] Joanne Covlin, Edge Coord.

[email protected] Parish Office

Hours 9 am-3 pm Tuesday-Thursday

Phone 218.253.2188 112 Edward Ave-PO Box 400 Red Lake Falls, MN 56750

August 29, 2021 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


Theme: St. Joseph Most Prudent

Prudence is called “the charioteer of the other virtues”; it guides the other virtues by setting rule and measure. It is pru-

dence that immediately guides the judgment of conscience.

The prudent man determines and directs his conduct in ac-cordance with this judgment. With the help of this virtue we

apply moral principles to particular cases without error and

overcome doubts about the good to achieve and the evil to

avoid. St. Joseph was a most prudent man. Each time Jo-seph knew the will of God he acted decisively, swiftly, and ac-

curately to fulfill it. St. Joseph never acted rashly, timidly, or

selfishly but always prudently.

Page 2: YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH September Theme: St. Joseph Most Prudent

September 4-5, 2021

5:30 pm MASS in RLF (Saturday) Hospitality: Joe & Vicki Ste. Marie Servers: Brayden Ste. Marie & Addison Brateng Readers: John Covlin Communion: Loree Bruggeman / Joanne Covlin Sacristan: Joanne Covlin

8:00 am MASS in Brooks Hospitality: Juan Clifton / Rodney Duden Greeters: Pam Paradis Servers: Jed & Connor Duden Reader: Clarence Gagner Communion: Joanne Bradley Sacristan: Deb Champagne Versdahl Coffee & Rolls: Pam Gieseke/ Ryan & Jessica Altepeter Counters: Judy Morinville / Tiffany Tvedt

10:00am MASS in RLF

Hospitality: Bruce & Pam Columbus / Al Remick Servers: Jackson & McKenna Hoefer Readers: Mary Derosier Communion: Mary Ann Benoit / Lois Remick Sacristan: Al & Lois Remick Homebound: Fr. Bob

This Week: August 30—September 5, 2021

Monday, August 30

1 Thes 4:13-18; Lk 4:16-30 Parish Office Closed 8:00 am Reconciliation-RLF 8:30 am Mass RLF †Paulette Flaherty by Family

4:00 pm-8:00 pm — Adoration-RLF

Tuesday, August 31 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Lk 4:31-37 No Mass-RLF 4:00 pm-8:00 pm — Adoration-RLF

Wednesday, September 1 Col 1:1-8; Lk 4:38-44 6:00 pm Reconciliation-RLF 6:30 pm Mass-RLF †Mike LaPlante by Jay & Karen Guillemette Thursday, September 2 Col 1:9-14; Lk 5:1-11 8:00 am Reconciliation-Brooks 8:30 am Mass-Brooks †Cary Berberich by Joe & Vicki Ste. Marie

Friday, September 3 Saint Gregory the Great, Pope Col 1:15-20; Lk 5:33-39 8:00 am Reconciliation-RLF 8:30 am Mass-RLF †Terry Nelson by Susan Harmoning 4:00 pm-8:00 pm — Adoration-RLF

Saturday, September 4 Col 1:21-23; Lk 6:1-5 5:00 pm Reconciliation 5:30 pm Mass—RLF †CDA 2025 Members

Sunday, September 5 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 35:4-7a; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7:31-37 7:30 am Reconciliation—Brooks 8:00 am Mass-Brooks †Brooke Duray by Al Ste. Marie 10:00 am—Mass-RLF Pro Populo


OFFICE Seminar Books will available in the office for our First Saturday Seminars beginning in Octo-ber. We will be using Fr. Mitch Pacwa's THE MASS Biblical Study Guide for Catholics. You may pick up a copy in the Parish Office for $ 11.00. Or it is available on as well.

CATECHIST/CORE TEAM BLESSING: At the beginning of a new year of grace in Faith Formation, we will offer a blessing over those who will be leading our Faith Formation classes from K-11th grades. The blessing will be offered at each of the 3 Masses in both parishes on the weekend of September 18/19th.


SURRENDER & TRUST: "Dear Jesus, I can't. You can. Please do. Thank You. Amen."

Page 3: YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH September Theme: St. Joseph Most Prudent

Please pray for Frances van Esch, Dr. Owen Nelson, our military, law enforcement personnel wounded in the line of duty, retired priests and all receiv-ing the prayer blankets made by our Sewing Angels. Blankets are available in both parishes for you to

pass along to those you know who need prayers. Names to this list are added at the request of the individual or by family on behalf of the individual. The name remains on the list unless and until we are contacted and told to take it off.

Church Support August 22, 2021—RLF

Offertory $3,669.00

Building $40.00

Religious Education $140.00

YTD Offertory $33,394.75

Offertory 8/8/21 $2,018.00

August 8/15/ 21 $1,097.00

YTD $7,645.00

Brooks— Aug. 8, 15 2021

Prayer For A New Bishop Praise to you, Lord our God,

Our eternal shepherd and guide. In your love, grant the Diocese of Crookston

A shepherd who will lead us in being Christ’s heart of mercy,

voice of hope, and hands of justice. Help him to fill our minds and hearts

with the truth of the Gospel, the power of the sacraments.

and the desire to build up your holy Church. We ask this through Jesus Christ,

your Son our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever. Amen

2021 Is A Milestone for Bishop

Emeritus Balke In September, Bishop Emeritus Victor H. Balke will turn 90 and also celebrate the 45th anniversary of his Episcopal Ordination. An open house to recognize these milestones will take place at Cathedral of the Immacu-late Conception, Crookston, on Sept. 12 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. All Diocese of Crookston faithful are invited.

NEW LECTOR TRAINING: If you wish to sign up as a new lector, please do so in the gathering space before 9/17. Training in Red Lake Falls for new lectors will be by arrangement with Fr. Bob. Training for new lectors in Brooks will be by arrangement with Fr. Bob.

NEW ALTAR SERVERS TRAINING: If you have received your First Holy Communion and are between grades 3- 12 and wish to be an Altar Server, please sign up on the sheet at the entrance of the Church. Training in RLF for new servers will be on Saturday, September 18th at 9am in the Church; and training in Brooks will be in the Church following Sunday Mass at about 9am on September 19th. Your name will be put on the new ministry schedule beginning in November...Thank you for being willing to serve the Lord! Fr. Bob

St. Joseph—Brooks Blast to Brooks St. Joseph-Brooks will be hosting a bake sale & potluck at the church for Blast to Brooks September 11. The Bake sale starts at 8:30 am and free will potluck from 11:00 to 1:00 pm.

St. Joseph—RLF DAA Update We are $3,263.00 short of meeting our DAA goal of $23,788.00. Thank you for your donations. St. Joseph—Brooks We are only $75 shy of meeting the goal of $5,315.00. You can give to the DAA online at:

Haitian Relief Once again, the nation of Haiti, with the recent devas-tating earthquake, has suffered an incredible natural disaster. The destruction of the earthquake is com-pounded as it comes in the aftermath of a presidential assassination, ongoing economic and political turmoil, the coronavirus pandemic and an active storm season so often a target of this poor nation. Bishop Pates has asked that a collection be taken the for Haitian peo-ple this weekend August. 28-29. Please be generous.

St. Joseph extends our sympathy and prayers to the family of Brian Adelman. May he find eternal rest and peace.

Page 4: YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH September Theme: St. Joseph Most Prudent

Parish Office: 112 Edward Ave NW—Red Lake Falls, MN 56750 Phone 218-253-2188 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Victim Assistance Statement of the

Diocese of Crookston If you or someone you know has been the victim of sex-ual misconduct on the part of a priest, deacon, or indi-vidual representing the Diocese of Crookston, its par-ishes, or its schools, your first call should be to law en-forcement. In addition, the diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator is available at 218-281-7895 (24-hour confidential number).

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St. Cecilia #2025 50 Facts

Fact #34 In the 1970’s Jean Schindler sold 2,020 cookbooks for the “Potluck Project”. This was a statewide fundraiser where cook-books featured recipes from Catho-

lic Daughters throughout the state of Minnesota. Each of the Courts in the state sold this cookbook.

HELP WANTED!!! We need you! There are 50 Children in the Brooks and Red Lake Falls parish of St. Joseph who need to know that God loves them and that He has a plan for their lives. These young people are the future of the Catholic Church and if we do not reach them and guide them in the way of the Lord there is a real danger that they will fall away from the Church and the Good News of Jesus Christ will not pass on through them. Please teach them. Please come forward and volun-teer your time, love and faith to reach these precious children. We need teachers for grades Kindergarten – 5th Grade both in Brooks and in Red Lake Falls. Please pray about this and ask if God is calling you to be a teacher. Call Sherry Knott at 253-2188 if you would like to make a change in children’s lives.

Gummi Bears The 2021 Habitat Grant has been awarded to St. Anne’s Court #1840 of Medford, MN Catholic Daugh-ters of the Americas. The 2021 Habitat Quad home will be built at Northfield, MN. Four families will be enjoying their new home in 2022. A $10,000 grant from the State CDA Board was awarded and a grant has been ap-plied for from the National CDA also. Gummi Bear distribution at St. Joseph’s Church in Red Lake Falls and Brooks will be held soon. Watch for dates. Proceeds from this event will be going toward the next Habitat for Humanity Home built in Minnesota. Your generosity makes this a successful event! Thank you everyone!

Summer is here and with it comes gardening. If you are fortunate and have a plentiful garden, maybe you would like to share. The Food Shelf is the last two Wednesdays of the month from 11 am to 2 pm and would appreciate any extra fruits or vegetables you may have. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bev Philion at 253-2499 or Bev Schmitz at 253-2681. THANK YOU for your generos-ity!

CREDO: A New Evangelization Witness By Fr. Bob Schreiner You folks simply never cease to amaze and inspire me! Truly – I was so deeply touched by your response to and participation in our 40 Hours Devotion this past week! Thank you to all who made this constant vigil of prayer and intercession possible. I am so very blessed to be among you and to share in this amazing journey of faith – even (and especially) in such troubled times. Your lamp shines brightly!

Similarly, I was so touched by the witness of our Parish Mission Team last Tuesday (17th). Their joy, enthusi-asm, faith and energy were amazing. As Terry Steen (Youth Minister from Ada) said that night to us: “You folks have the most amazing young people and adult leaders!” Don’t we know it!! : ) Thank you to them for being such faithful am-bassadors; thank you to all who supported them with love, prayers and donations; thank you to all who came out for their testimonies last Tuesday night; and a special thank you

to our adult team leaders who walked with our young peo-ple in this journey of faith!

I am so excited for the coming year of faith and to behold what God will do for us!

On a completely different note – I’m going to be away on vacation after Mass on Labor Day until Mass on Wednesday night, September 15th. However, I’m not going very far away – so I will continue to field pastoral emergen-cies. So as usual – just call the rectory phone number (253-2004) and on the fourth ring it will patch through to cell phone. So don’t hesitate to call in an emergency and I can be certain to have a response for it. The farthest I’m going will be an overnight to St. Paul, MN to visit Fr. Bryan Kujawa who is on parish assignment down there. Otherwise, I’ll just be an hour away. Thank you to Deacon John who will do communion services on the Wednesday, Friday and Monday while I’m away. And thank you to Msgr. Tim McGee who will be presiding at the Masses that weekend of the 11th-12th.

Praised be Jesus Christ!