
Download Xampp

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Upload: laavanyad2009

Post on 26-May-2015




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  • 1. XAMPP1.What is Xamp? 2.What is Lamp? 3.How to install Lampp? 4.Testing Installization 5.Dirctories in lamp?


  • X(cross platform),A(Apache),M(MySql),P(Perl),P(PHP).

3. It is free and open source cross platfprm web server package. 4. Mainly for Apache an My Sql server. 5. XAMPP called as follwing according to the platform. 6. Wampp(Windows) 7. Lampp(Linux) 8. Mac OS (MAMP), 9. Solaris (SAMP), or 10. OpenBSD (OpAMP). c 11. LAMPP

  • LAMP is for Linux Operating system.

12. coined from the first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database software), and PHP, principal components to 13. What is Lamp?

  • LAMP Stands for Linux,Apache,My Sql and PHP.

14. To run serverside scripting language we need server in our system.so to instal all server in single step we are installing Xampp software. 15. How to install in Linux? 1.Download Lampp software from the link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/XAMPP%20Linux/1.7.2/xampp-linux-1.7.2.tar.gz/download 2.Application->Accessories->Terminal 3.Type cd Downloads example: [email_address] :~$ cd Download 4 To copy file to Opt Folder which is in File sytem->OptType $Downloads sudo cp xampp-linux-1.7.2 .tar.gz /opt. 16. How to install? 5.Type to Extract file: opt sudo tar -XVZF 6.Type to start server: sudo/opt/lampp/lampp start 7.Type to Give permission: sudo chmod -R 777 /opt /lampp /htdocs 17. Testing Lampp Installization?

  • In browser Type

18. http:/local host. If it is installed follwing pictuer will be display. 19. Directory in Lampp? In general we gave to store of files in following Default folder: computer->File system->opt->lampp->htdocs