x-ray laser project xfel - desy

XFEL The European X-Ray Laser Project Report on the FEL optics activities D i ti ti Report on the FEL optics activities Damage investigations of FEL relevant optics Hubertus Wabnitz and Kai Tiedtke H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

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Page 1: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Report on the FEL optics activities

D i ti ti

Report on the FEL optics activities

Damage investigations of FEL relevant opticsHubertus Wabnitz and Kai Tiedtke

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 2: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project



Measurement technique and experimental set-up

Former experimental results and modelling

Experimental campaign in November


H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 3: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Definition of damageDefinition of damage

What can be regarded as damage?

IrreversibleIrreversible- Single shot damage: Ablation …- Multishot damage: non-thermal

46nm amorphous C on Silicon

at ~1012 W/cm2

Multishot damage: non thermal near threshold damage, ageing…thermalfatigue

ReversibleMultishot damage: Thermal degradation of optics- Multishot damage: Thermal degradation of optics

no dissipation in between bunchtrains

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 4: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Why are we suspicious at all?Why are we suspicious at all?

Trivial but true: There is no experience with XFEL light sources yet

and there is a tremendous difference to synchrotrons!!Parameter Unit SASE 1 SASE 2 SASE 3

Photon energy keV 12.4 12.4 3.1 3.1 0.8 0.25

Photons/pulse 1012 1012 1.6 × 1013 1.6 × 1013 1.0× 1014 3.7 × 1014

P l J 2 2 8 8 13 15Pulse energy mJ 2 2 8 8 13 15

Pulse duration fs 100 100 100 100 100 100

Photon beam divergence

µrad 1 0.84 3.4 3.4 11.4 18g

Distance Undulator – Exp.hall

m 960 900 400 400 400 400

~ Beam diameter (FWHM) at exp hall

mm 0.96 0.76 3.1 1.4 4.6 7.2(FWHM) at exp. hall

~ Intensity(unfocused)

W/cm² 2.7 × 1012 4.4 × 1012 1.1 × 1012 5.5 × 1012 8.0 × 1011 3.6 × 1011

F i At D i 106 W/ 2 i

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

For comparison: At Doris ~ 106 W/cm2 maximum

Page 5: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Why are we suspicious at all?Why are we suspicious at all?

Trivial but true: There is no experience with XFEL light sources yet

and there is a tremendous difference to synchrotrons!!Parameter Unit SASE 1 SASE 2 SASE 3

Photon energy keV 12.4 12.4 3.1 3.1 0.8 0.25

Photons/pulse 1012 1012 1.6 × 1013 1.6 × 1013 1.0× 1014 3.7 × 1014

P l J 2 2 8 8 13 15Pulse energy mJ 2 2 8 8 13 15

Pulse duration fs 100 100 100 100 100 100

Photon beam divergence

µrad 1 0.84 3.4 3.4 11.4 18g

Distance Undulator – Exp.hall

m 960 900 400 400 400 400

~ Beam diameter (FWHM) at exp hall

mm 0.96 0.76 3.1 1.4 4.6 7.2(FWHM) at exp. hall

~ Intensity(unfocused)

W/cm² 2.7 ×1012

4.4 ×1012

1.1 ×1012

5.5 ×1012

8.0 ×1011

3.6 ×1011

F i At D i 106 W/ 2 i l

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

For comparison: At Doris ~ 106 W/cm2 maximum per pulse

Page 6: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Why do we need mirrors?Why do we need mirrors?

Safety reasons: beam off-set hinders Bremstrahlung etc. to enter experimental area

Photon beam distribution to different end stations

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 7: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

How to protect the mirrors?How to protect the mirrors?

Long distance let photon beam diverge

Gracing incidence angles distance to undulator

stretched footprint

Footprint length ~1/sinα

Mirrorphoton beam

α0 01 0 1 1 10 100p g



0,01 0,1 1 10 100


at 2 mrad elongation of ~500

C at 12.4 keV100

10001 10 100 1000









lecfootprint‘s length

~0.7m (6σ at 12.4 keV)1




t mag

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

1E-4 1E-3 0,01 0,1 10,00

Incidence angle (rad)0,1 1 10 100

Incidence angle (deg)

Page 8: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Atomic dose modelAtomic dose model

nlARED /)1( −= SASE 1 and SASE 2

0 75



AattprojpulseA nlARED /)1(=Epulse : Energy per pulseR : ReflectivityAproj : proj. beam footprint area

SASE 1 and SASE 2Double-mirror α=2mrad




0,75 C Si Au (4mrad) AuR


ctivproj p j p

latt : 1/e attenuation lengthnA : density of atoms





th (m



low Z elements favour low dosed f C t d i








Adose of C coated mirrors always below 10meV/atomSASE 3 most critical (higher fluence=14mJ, α=10 mrad)

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 3000010-5




e (

Photon energy (eV)

(higher fluence 14mJ, α 10 mrad)

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

gy ( )

Page 9: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project


Enables reliable extrapolation to high photon energiesEnables reliable extrapolation to high photon energiesbeam line optics can be ordered

Possibly higher deflection angles might relax constraints on beamline optics for upgrade (FLASH2, sFLASH)

Investigation of multi-layers new optical schemes

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 10: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Experimental setup (very principal sketch)Experimental setup (very principal sketch)

UHV exp. chamber

Attenuator GMD Ellip. mirror Sample holder

Fast shutter



adjust pulse energy level measure

pulse energy pick singlepulses

movement relative to the focus

Microscope(few micron resolution)

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

movement relative to the focus

Page 11: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Examination methodsExamination methods

Post mortem examinationAFM (morphology)

Light microscope for fast but rough examination.

( p gy)Nomarsky (optical properties)Micro Raman (graphitisation...)

32nm 21.7nm 13.5nm 7.1nm

AFM pictures of PMMA for various wavelengths

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 12: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Damage thresholdDamage threshold

One physical explanation is the onset of melting

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

One physical explanation is the onset of melting

Page 13: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Pl d i ti ti f t iPlanned investigations for recent campaign

Extrapolation to shorter wavelengths Grazing incidence measurements



… and of course for a bunch of other materials

Example: Silicon

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

… and of course for a bunch of other materials

Page 14: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Recent beamtime

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 15: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Beamline alignmentBeamline alignment

1st shift : 8h @7nm found unexpected imprints2nd shift: 12h @13.5nm beam characterisation, verified misalignment of beamline3rd shift: „ „ A very special FEL mode“4th shift: further beamline alignment beam characterisation

Focal imprint in PMMA:

4th shift: „ further beamline alignment, beam characterisation5th shift: „ first data under reasonable conditions, but…

Focal imprint in PMMA:Focal imprint in PMMA: 1st shift at 13.5nm – misaligned beamline -

Focal imprint in PMMA: 3rd shift at 13.5nm improved alignment

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 16: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Beam shape

Image of photon beam

Beam shape

Image of photon beam

vertical feature is a bug( diffraction at edge, somewhere)

λ=13.5nm, 3mm-aperture

beam attenuated with a 5µm thick Silicon foil

to protect CCD chipp p

concentric feature expected( diffraction at beam aperture)

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 17: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project


Multilayer samplesMultilayer samples

Got reasonable results (dam thresholds )Got reasonable results (dam. thresholds…) with „4 spot“ assumption

fulfilled only for stable beam conditions!!

Fli i i t iti “

1<2 1>2 1>>2

„Flipping intensities“unstable beam conditions

1 2 1 12 2

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008


Page 18: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project


Successful:Successful:- Data taking scheme and „shot to shot“ correlation- Major input to beamline commissioning

Estimation of damage thresholds for few materials- Estimation of damage thresholds for few materials

Painful:- Spent 80% of beamtime for comissioningSpent 80% of beamtime for comissioning- Largest part of measurement programme not accomplished

Thoughtful:Thoughtful:- For quantitative measurements

the commissioning time might be not appropriate

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Page 19: X-Ray Laser Project XFEL - DESY

XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

With contributions fromWith contributions fromCollaborations

- Mirror coatingsThin Film Technology GKSS-Geesthacht

FEL facilities:- Daresbury Laboratory,Warrington--- Sincrotrone Trieste,Sincrotrone Trieste,Sincrotrone Trieste,TriestTriestTriest

- Experimental set-upInstitute of Physics, Warsaw

- Sample investigation (AFM…)

,,,--- SPringSPringSPring---8,Hyogo8,Hyogo8,Hyogo- LCLS

Institute of Physics/ASCR, Prague

--- Metrology labMetrology labMetrology labBESSY,BerlinBESSY,BerlinBESSY,Berlin

Also participation in experimental campaign: Sven Toleikis

- MultilayersFOM-Institute for Plasma Physics, Rijnhuizen

Sven Toleikis

--- Mirror ManufactureMirror ManufactureMirror ManufactureZeissZeissZeiss

- Analysis and Modelling

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

Lawrence Livermore Lab

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XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

Last but not leastLast but not least

Andmany thanks to youmany thanks to you

for operating the machine

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008

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XFELThe EuropeanX-Ray Laser Project

The end

H. Wabnitz/ K. Tiedtke, 29. 01.2008