writing guides for fce


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Writing Guides for FCE



    for FCE Students

  • Part 1 Transactional letter

    Part 1 of FCE Paper 2 (Writing) is compulsory. You always write a letter to ask for or give information of some kind. In Part 1 of Paper 2 of FCE you are always asked to write between 120 and 150 words. You are assessed on the quality and also the quantity of English you produce, so you should try to write around the upper limit (150 words). Try not to exceed this limit by more than a few words.

    STYLE This letter may be formal or informal.

    - A formal letter is a letter you write to someone you dont know, or dont know very well. Types of formal transactional letter: Letter for information, letter of complaint, letter of application (asked in Part 2).

    - An informal letter is the kind of letter you write to friends, members of your family and other people you know well.

    Always read the instructions carefully and decide what type of letter, formal or informal, you are supposed to write.



    1. Greeting 2. The body of the letter - a. 1

    st paragraph: reason for writing.

    - b. 2nd

    paragraph: necessary information. - c. Last paragraph: what you expect from the recipient. 8. Ending 9. Signature (Do not forget to sign the letter and write your name below it in capital letters with in brackets)

    1. Date placed below the address in format day/month. 2.Greetings: Dear ____ ,(dont forget comma after name). 3. A few words of thanks for the received letter and Say sorry in case you havent written for a long time. 4. Describe why are you writing. Give answers you were asked in the previous letter (or according to your task). Be sure you have mentioned all required items. 5. Ending 6. Farewell



    BEGINNING Dear Sir / Madam I am writing in reply to your letter of 15 May.

    Thanks for your letter - it was so nice to receive the last news from you. Im sorry I havent written for such a long time, but Ive been really busy.

    BODY Ask for information: There are a few points which I would be grateful if you could clarify ________. Ask for more information: I would also be grateful if you could tell me more about _____. To make reference to something in the instructions: Does it offer other _______ in addition to those mentioned in the ____ above? Your advertisement mentions discounts, and I would be grateful if you could tell me Use linking words, such as firstly, also, as well as this, finally.

    In your letter you asked me


    ENDING Should you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact us at the above address. I would be most grateful if you could send me any further relevant information. I look forward to receiving your reply. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much for your help. Yours faithfully, Ana Garcia Herrera

    - See you next week! I can hardly wait! - Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. - Write back soon and tell me all your news. Give my love to your parents. Love, Elena

  • Example: FORMAL transaction letter

    Letter of complaint

    Q: You invited your friend to a fancy restaurant. You found their advertisement in the local newspaper and it looked convincing. Unfortunately, the place did not meet your expectations and you were disappointed. Write a letter to Mrs Talker, the manager of the restaurant, and ask for some money back.

    Advertisement: Restaurant 'Romantica' is the best place you can meet your friend and spend a nice evening in a good company. The place is designed to ensure lots of privacy. Comfortable armchairs and quiet soothing music in the background make the place perfect for those tired of everyday rush. Discreet service is our first priority. Our menu is created by people who worked for the best restaurants in the world. Great choice of vegetarian dishes. Come and enjoy! Satisfaction guaranteed!

    Dear Mrs Talker, I am writing to inform you that I was very disappointed with my visit to your restaurant two days ago. I read your advertisement in the newspaper and decided to spend an evening there with my friend. Unfortunately, I have a couple of complaints concerning this visit. According to your advertisement the place is perfect for having private conversations in relaxing atmosphere. However, it turned out that the music was so loud that I could hardly concentrate on the chat with my friend. The waiter asked to turn the music down shrugged his shoulders and said that other guests liked it that way. Is that what you mean by 'discreet service'? To make matters worse, the place was crowded and waiting for an ordered meal was intolerably long. I must admit that the cuisine was quite good but the prices were way too high. I would like you to take my points under consideration and I expect a refund from your restaurant. I trust you will give this matter immediate attention. I look forward to receiving a reply from you. Yours sincerely, David Beckham [186 words]

  • Example: INFORMAL transaction letter

    Q: You are abroad spending your holidays in a very exciting place you have always wanted to visit. The people you travel with are really nice so you enjoy their companionship. Write a letter to your friend describing what you have been doing so far and what you still plan to do.

    Dear Amy, Thank you a lot for your last letter. It was a nice surprise to hear from you. I'm sorry I haven't written to you earlier but I had to organise some things concerning my trip. As you probably remember I've always wanted to visit some unusual places. And now, at last, off I went! But you'd never guess where I've chosen to spend my holiday. It's Antarctica! You would never think of it, would you? I'm so excited about the whole event! The people I travel with are incredible. It's their fourteenth expedition there. They know every path in the snow by heart and they are very helpful. They share their knowledge and experience with me. Would you believe that here everything is different? You even need to set your tent in a special way. It's all very challenging. Tomorrow we plan to move further North so I may not be able to stay in touch for a while. Anyway, I'd like to meet you when I get back. Hope you are enjoying your holiday. Do write back soon. Love, Becky [184 words]

  • Part 2 Article, Report, For and Against essay, Story or Letter of Application.

    In Paper 2 Part 2 you can be asked about producing an article, a report, a for and against essay, a story or a letter of application. You will choose ONE of the listed options. In Part 2 of Paper 2 of FCE you are always asked to write between 120 and 180 words. You are assessed on the quality and also the quantity of English you produce, so you should try to write around the upper limit (180 words). Try not to exceed this limit by more than a few words. Read all the options and decide the one you feel more confident with.

  • Part 2 Article

    In Paper 2, Part 2 you may be asked to write an article about something to be published.

    TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT: Just imagine you really write an article in your mother language. Think of an appropriate, eye-catching title. Refer to your title in your article - that will show that your text is coherent. Use questions and question tags. Address your reader directly. Try to get him/her involved in what you are writing about. Be careful with tenses. The article may refer to the present or to the past. Read carefully what you are expected to do in

    the task. Focus on your introduction and conclusion - try to avoid one-sentence introduction/conclusion. You can use some humour.

    STYLE Do not use very formal language, however try to keep in mind where you are writing to (school newspaper; daily paper; magazine) and adjust your register.


    Introduction: It is such an important part of the article. There are several ways in which you may begin your article:

    a quotation or saying: ____________________________________ . Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

    criptic statement (you begin with a statement that is unclear for the reader): At last everything has been completed. The vans and trucks are loaded, equipment is checked and people are ready for their journey...

    an anecdote: On 26 November 1922 Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon entered the new discovered tomb in necropolis near Luxor. After 3000 years they were the first people who passed the 'blind gate' and saw the Pharao's treasure. The legend claims that ..... Nowadays.....

    a question: Have you ever ....? You think is not possible to...?

    Body: State new points of view. One paragraph per idea. Check to take into account. Remember: if you write your article about a film or book, NO spoilers. You should reveal only the basic plot of a novel or movie, without giving away the entire story.

    Conclusion: Good ending is very crucial. It may be the summary of the points made in the article, the rhetorical question or the paraphrase of the statement made before.


    Introduction Let's...

    How about...?

    I think you will agree that...

    I hope you can imagine...

    Conclusion All in all...

    To sum up...

    The conclusion is...

  • Example: Article

    You work for the student newspaper. You have been asked to write an article about the theatre group that is going to make a performance in your town.

    All in one - come and watch Have you ever been asked to make a decision and choose only one thing out of many that you really like? I am sure you have. And then you always wonder what would have happened if you had chosen the alternative. Maybe you just missed something really special... You do not particularly like that feeling, do you? There is a group of young people who decided once that it is ridiculous to choose if you can have all in one - do you want to meet them? Actually, you will have a chance soon. The Red Dragon Theatre Group is coming to our town next week. They will bring a lot of good sense of humour, music, dance, and anything you can think of that should appear on stage. Their main concern is to make you think, laugh, maybe cry a bit, but above all to give you a great time. I bet you will love them at first sight. To make the long story short - you cannot miss this event! The group is going to perform in The Globe theatre and they have promised to meet your expectations. The choice is obvious this time... Simply, come and watch. [200 words]

  • Part 2 Report

    In Paper 2, Part 2 you may be asked to write a report on a place you have visited, a book you have read, a film you have watched and what it offers a particular group of people.

    STYLE Formal

    STRUCTURE To begin with, organise the first sentences into numbered paragraphs, with sub-headings, like this:





    Then, the body of your report has to be clearly divided into sections, all of them with headings:

    Introduction: Make your introduction brief but clear. State the purpose of your report. Again, try to imagine

    that you are the only one who knows what is going on. Assume that everybody else needs explanation why

    you are writing this report. Repeat the question from the task but try to reword it.

    Points in which you present your opinion: You may use separate headings for advantages and disadvantages

    and describe them in two paragraphs or just present them in a list of points.

    Evaluation/recommendation (if it is required by the question):

    Conclusion/summary: It is a good idea to repeat here why you are writing. It will show that you keep in mind

    the purpose of this report.


    Introduction The aim/purpose of this report is to show/exemplify/illustrate/depict... This report is concerned with.../is intended to.../is written to analyse...

    Points to present your opinion

    The advantages/ disadvantages are as follow... The most convincing arguments in favour of ... are ... I would mention...as the most discouraging feature of... Here is the list of benefits...

    Evaluation/recommendation I would not hesitate to recommend... I would suggest... In my opinion, it would be worth... +ing

    Conclusion I would like to stress that... It is a fact that... It appears to/ seems to/ tends to There is no doubt that... Given this, it can be concluded that... Having proved/presented this, I would like to...

  • Example: Report

    Q: A group of American students is going to participate in a workshop organised by your school. They have never been in your town before so their tutor, Mr. Franklin, has asked you to write a report about places that are worth visiting in the area. Write a report describing the places and explain why you think they may be of any interest to the group.

    To: Mr. Franklin From: Francesca Wilson Date: 12 November 20... Subject: Places to visit during your stay in XX Introduction: This report is written to analyse places of interest that may be worth visiting by your group. I have called the tourist information office to check admission fees and opening hours that would be suitable for you. Places to visit in XX: There are many places in the area which are worth recommending but unfortunately some of them are open to public only in summer peak season. However, there are two attractions that may be taken into consideration as they seem suitable for you: 1. The Dungeon is a very popular tourist attraction in XX. It is a former(overkill, drop it) jail tower from the 17th century. Today you can visit the prisoners' cells and see there a great collection of arms from previous centuries. 2. The Labyrinth is the place where you can have a lot fun. There is a number of dead-end corridors and some leading to the exit. You are supposed to find the way out in a given time. The place is open on weekends and there are big discounts for groups. Conclusion: I would not hesitate to recommend both of these places to your group. These attractions are well-known and popular among foreign visitors. [192 words]

  • Part 2 Discursive Composition -> For and against essay

    In Part 2 Paper 2 (writing) you may be asked to write an article expressing your opinion about something.

    STYLE Formal

    STRUCTURE Choose one of these two plans. They are both good plans.

    Plan A Plan B

    Introduction: my opinion

    Paragraph 1: point for the statement; argument against this point.

    Paragraph 2: point for the statement; argument against this point

    Conclusion: state my opinion again.

    Introduction: my opinion.

    Paragraph 1: arguments in favour of the statement.

    Paragraph 2: arguments against the statement.

    Conclusion: state opinion again.


    Introduction These days, many people say that . Nowadays, we often hear people say that .. In the last few years it has become fashionable to say that . The question of whether _________________is one which is often discussed these days.

    For (agree) There are several arguments which can be made in favour of the statement. Opponents of this view argue that . Another argument which is often put forward is that In support of this view it may be said that .. On the other hand, it can also be argued that In my opinion, . It is often suggested that .

    Against (disagree)

    I agree up to a point that . Another argument against ___________ is that This is true to a certain extent, but . There is a certain amount of truth in this argument, but I cannot agree with this viewpoint, since

    Conclusion In conclusion, I have to say that On balance, therefore, I feel that .

  • Example: For and against essay

    People in the modern world depend too much on computers.

    In todays world, nearly every aspect of life is affected by computer technology. Computers are used for business, public services, education and entertainment.

    Some people are concerned by this development. They fear that vital skills are being lost as computer technology replaces traditional ways of working in a wide variety of areas from art and design to banking and commerce. They point out the chaos that can occur when computer systems fail, leading to the breakdown of essential services such as transport, law and order.

    However, people could not continue to enjoy their present standard of living without computer technology. There are now far more people in the world than there were a generation ago. The fact that there is enough food for them, that they can travel safely from one place to another, and that they can be provided with medical care, is largely due to computer technology.

    In my opinion, therefore, we have to accept our dependence on computers, but at the same time we should work to find ways of making this dependence less dangerous.

  • Part 2 Story

    TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT: Use the variety of tenses. Try to keep the chronological order of events. It will help you avoid traps of sequencing. Short sentences create suspense, which makes your story more interesting. Do not make the plot of your story too complicated. You can incorporate short dialogues into your story. Try not to overuse Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous. These tenses are not used very often. Sometimes they are

    necessary for the sake of clarity, but as their construction is such a complex one, they make your sentences longer. If you want to keep your narration brisk and vivid, you may want to find some other ways to convey your message. Use before and after instead.

    STYLE Not formal, but not too informal. Neutral

    STRUCTURE Introduction


    Critical event(s)



    Introduction the first thing that happened; at first; it began with; it started with;

    Event(s) after that; just then; afterwards; when; once (meaning after); just as; then; after some time;

    Critical event(s) suddenly; out of the sudden; gradually; step by step; slowly;

    Conclusion in the end; eventually; finally; it ended with;

  • Example: Story

    Q: Write a short story that would begin with the following words: Jane woke up in the middle of the night. Her room was filled with the moonlight.

    Jane woke up in the middle of the night. Her room was filled with the moonlight. She lay in her bed for a while watching weird figures appearing on the wall. 'Hmm. It is strange. The moonlight does not cast shadows' - Jane observed but she was too drowsy to give it a deeper thought. The girl began falling asleep again when she heard a strange whisper. The sound was unusual enough to draw her attention. Jane got up and tiptoed to the window. Hidden behind the curtain and unnoticed by anyone, she witnessed an extraordinary meeting.

    It was sort of an animal counsel. There were a lot of different species participating in this specific get-together. They sat together in two circles - bigger animals found place on the ground and birds shared the branches above them. The group discussed something - Jane was sure of that, but she did not understand a single word of their language.

    Next morning Jane woke up on the floor next to her bed. She still thought of her funny dream while making breakfast. Her cat was sitting on the sill, watching her with narrowed eyes... [189 words]

  • Part 2 Letter of Application

    In Paper 2, Part 2 you may be asked to write a letter of application. This type of letter is based on a very small number of fixed, formulaic expressions. If you can reproduce these correctly in the exam you are certain to get a very good mark.

    STYLE Very formal

    STRUCTURE Introduction Expose your skills Conclusion

    FIXED PHRASES Introduction Dear Sir / Madam,

    I would like to apply for one of the trainee manager positions you advertise. I am writing in reply to your advertisement in __________.

    Exposing Skills I have a working knowledge of (language) and have recently passed the University of Cambridge First Certificate in English examination. I will also complete a degree in Banking and Finance in June and will be available for work immediately afterwards. I have loved travelling since_________. I am currently attending a course to prepare for____________-

    Conclusion I can be contacted by telephone on __________ in the mornings or at the above address. I look forward to receiving your reply. Yours faithfully/sincerely Juan de Souza

  • Example: Letter of application

    Dear Mr/Ms (surname), Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam, (Reason for writing) I am writing to apply for the post/position of as advertised in I am writing with reference/in response to your advertisement, which I saw I am writing in connection with your advertisement in the Daily Star on May 11th With reference to your advertisement (Experience, Qualifications, CV) I gained some experience while I am currently working as I have been working for for the last four years. I worked part-time for three years as At the moment I am employed by My qualifications include I have a diploma in I graduated from Barcelona University last year with a degree in Please find attached my CV As you can see from the attached CV (Endings) Please do not hesitate to contact me if/should you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you. I am available for interview at your convenience. I shall be available for interview any day apart from Wednesdays. (Signing off) (If Dear surname) Yours sincerely, (If Dear Sir/Madam) Yours faithfully, Yours, First name + surname