world sporting events and sita

Providing passenger technology and know-how behind the world’s major sporting events

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How SITA have assisted host cities/airports with major sporting events (Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, Formula 1.)


Page 1: World Sporting Events And SITA

Providing passenger technology and know-how

behind the world’s major sporting events

Page 2: World Sporting Events And SITA

Keeping the crowds moving … safely, securely and efficiently

Olympic Games

The world’s major sporting events trigger a mass influx and exodus of people for the host country

Hundreds of thousands of one-off visitors place heavy demands on:

� Airlines� Airports � Border agencies

FIFA World Cup Formula 1

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

Page 3: World Sporting Events And SITA

The scale of the challenge

10,651 athletes andthousands of officials

+22% international passenger arrivals in Games period (on previous year)

16,000 media

16,126 athletes and officials

500,000+ international arrivals associated with the Games

21,500 media

Sydney 2000 Olympics Athens 2004 Olympics

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

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The scale of the challenge

10,942 athletes andthousands of officials

+65% Flights up by 65% on normal levels immediately after closing ceremony

24,500 media

940,000+ non-South African citizens entered the country between 1-29 June

Beijing 2008 Olympics South Africa 2010 FIFA

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

+24% up on 2009

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Rising to the challenges – requirements for success

Successful events rely on smooth passenger flow

They depend on an effective ending

Efficiently managing passengers requires knowledge and experience

� For competitors and officials…

� Media…

� Spectators and tourists

After the closing ceremony,

many participants expect to

depart immediately

Processes and challenges

IT and communications for

safe, secure and efficient

passenger flow

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

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We invest in innovation, services and standards for the entire community of airlines, airports, ground handlers, governments, border agencies and more …

SITA – playing a critical role in the world’s gamesSITA’s purpose is to facilitate air travel for the world, enabling us to play a critical role in global transportation for world events

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

We are the air transport industry’s specialists in global IT and communications services; owned by the industry, we provide the world’s leading passenger and border management solutions

We work with air transport organizations, advancing industry interests, solving community issues and providing community systems

We provide the only truly global network and IT infrastructure for air transport, covering over 200 countries and territories

We have more than 1,900 customer service people around the world, and a state-of-the-art Command Centre to monitor mission-critical air transport systems globally

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Major world events - the perfect stage for SITA

� SITA has built up world events ‘know how’ and experience� Leveraging SITA’s global IT and communications infrastructure for air transport� Providing IT and communications solutions for:

1984 Los Angeles1984 Los Angeles

Olympic GamesWorld’s first Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE)

Olympic GamesWorld’s first Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE)

2008 Beijing2008 Beijing

Olympic GamesCUTE, CUSS, IP-VPN, disaster recovery

Olympic GamesCUTE, CUSS, IP-VPN, disaster recovery

2000 Sydney2000 Sydney

Olympic GamesLaunch of instant electronic visas

Olympic GamesLaunch of instant electronic visas

2004 Athens2004 Athens

Olympic GamesEuropean launch of Common Use Self Service (CUSS)

Olympic GamesEuropean launch of Common Use Self Service (CUSS)

2010 South Africa 2010 South Africa

FIFA World CupCheck-in and self-service kiosks, VHF Digital Link, border management

FIFA World CupCheck-in and self-service kiosks, VHF Digital Link, border management

2009 Abu Dhabi 2009 Abu Dhabi

Formula OneCUSS kiosks, end-to-end managed check-in

Formula OneCUSS kiosks, end-to-end managed check-in

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

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The challenge

Sydney 2000 Olympic GamesWinning formula

� Development of Electronic Travel Authority Scheme− Visas available instantly online, or via airline/travel agent

− Evolved into iBorders for Advance Passenger Processing

− Used by 70 airlines and accessible by more than 300,000

travel agents worldwide

� Introduction of largest CUTE system in South Pacific− Successfully handled record 45,500 passengers and

40,000 outbound bags on day after closing ceremony

� Massive inflow and great distances involved � Importance of pre-departure visa clearance for

optimum passenger flow

SITA's response 1

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

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Sydney 2000 Olympic Games The headlines

Sydney, 15th November 2000 - Systems which helped the Australian government to efficiently manage record numbers of visitors for the Sydney Olympic Games are now available for other countries. ‘iBorders’ enables governments to streamline passenger processing while considerably improving border security management.

“The key to the rapid immigration clearance of Olympic visitors is the sophistication of Australia’s electronic border systems and the collection of passenger information prior to travel.” said the Australian Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. “These systems allow identification and pre-screening of passengers before arrival and this reduces the immigration clearance time at the border to seconds.”

Intelligent Border Solutions for the World

The Press

Systems used during Olympic Games available to global market

Special Issue

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Athens 2004 Olympic GamesWinning formula

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

The challenge

� First installation of CUSS in Europe− Remote self-service check-in sites

− Mini airport terminal within the Olympic village, in major

hotels and maritime transport hub

� Enabling:− Advance processing and loading of bags onto aircraft

− 85% of flights to leave on-time on peak departure day,

including a record 42,414 passenger departures

� Speedy departure of athletes, officials, media and visitors at end of event

� Serve the needs of a 100,000-strong ‘Olympic family’and several million visiting spectators, peaking on the day after the closing ceremony

SITA's response 1

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Athens Olympics


When the airport took the decision to implement SITA’s CUSS kiosks to serve the needs of a 100,000-strong ‘Olympic family’ and several million visiting spectators, the system was so advanced that many airlines had to scramble to get their own IT deployments up to speed in order to connect.

“CUSS was a vital part of our Olympic strategy. Athens needed to be able to process arriving members of the ‘Olympic family’ – athletes, trainers, support crews, medical teams and promoters – separately and very efficiently” said the Director Information Technology & Telecommunications, Athens International Airport. “Departure was even more challenging, with around two million passengers leaving by air in the 48 hours following the Closing Ceremony. So we had to be very dynamic and flexible in our management of people flows.”

Special Issue

An Olympic challenge!

Athens International Airport: ‘European Airport of the Year in 2004’

Athens 2004 Olympic GamesThe headlines

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BCIA voted World’s Best Airport 2009 by Condé Nast Traveler

Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesWinning formula

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

The challenge

� IT and communications covering− 330 CUTE check-in counters, 50 CUSS kiosks, 700


− IP VPN upgrade for Travelsky, main GDS provider

− Disaster recovery centre with WAN connections to all

GDSs and airlines

� Massive scale and secure communications for new T3

at Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA)

� 65% spike in traffic after closing ceremony

SITA's response 1

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Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesThe headlines

SITA completes IT installation at Beijing's new mega terminal in time for Olympic games traffic surge

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

�THE GAZETTE�Special Issue

Beijing, 31 March 2008 –SITA today announced that it has completed the installation of 700 workstations to support check-in, boarding and transfers at Beijing Capital International Airport's (BCIA) new $3 billion Terminal 3. 50 SITA self-service check-in kiosks will also be ready to go live when the Olympics open.

“…the smart deployment of the latest check-in and self-service solutions will help to make travel to and from the Olympic Games

as stress-free as possible for bothathletes and spectators. SITA is playing a significant role in helping us to manage the large numbers we are expecting ...”

Gao Lijia,Deputy General Manager, BCIA

Beijing, 22 January 2008China's main GDS provider, Travelsky Technology Ltd, today announced that SITA is carrying out major improvements to its technology platform including the installation of a disaster-recovery data centre in Beijing as the country gears up for the 2008 Olympic Games.

Recovery data centre set up in race towards

Beijing Olympics

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Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesThe headlines

Singapore, 5 March 2009

At the 2009 Asia Pacific Frost & Sullivan Aerospace & Defence Awards ceremony, aviation IT specialist, SITA was named today as Airport Support Service Provider of the Year.

Award recognizes SITA's role in the Beijing Olympics and its record in air transport innovation

The TribuneSpecial Issue

The award acknowledges SITA’s important role in meeting the logistical challenge posed by the huge influx of visitors for last year's Beijing Olympic Games.

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Abu Dhabi 2009 Formula 1Winning formula

� Installation of 24 CUSS kiosks across Abu Dhabi International Airport’s three terminals

− Allowing increase in capacity for peak times

� End-to-end managed solution to complement existing airport check-in services

� Helping to cope with:− Passenger growth of 40.5% in 2009 over 2007 to 9.7m

− Aircraft movements +24% in the same period to 102,100

− New terminal opening 2015 taking total airport capacity to 40m

Surge in traffic expected for the country’s first World Championship Formula 1 event, the final race of the 2009 season

The challenge

SITA's response 1

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

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Abu Dhabi 2009 Formula 1

� The Headlines �

Abu Dhabi, 31 August 2009 – With a target of 40 million passengers by 2012 and preparations underway for the final World Championship Formula One race of the 2009 season, the Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) is simplifying check-in by installing SITA’s CUSS (common use self-service) kiosks at Abu Dhabi International Airport.

Special Issue

SITA brings CUSS check-in to Abu Dhabi for Formula One event

“By providing common-use kiosks we can accommodate the extra flow of travellers during peak hours and for special events such as the hosting of Formula One in November and the FIFA Club World Cup in December.”

Michael J. Ibbitson,VP Information & Communication Systems, ADAC

Abu Dhabi 2009 Formula 1The Headlines

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South Africa 2010 World CupWinning formula

� Introduction of iBorders Advance Passenger Processing� US$ 35m programme of check-in and self-service kiosks� Upgrade of existing SITA-supplied airport systems� Africa’s first VHF Digital Link (VDL) in Johannesburg � VDL radio for Johannesburg VHF station to fully support airlines flying A380� Enabling:

− More than 940,000 non-South African citizens to enter South Africa in June− A 24% increase on 2009− Processing by iBorders of more than 1.5 million passengers in June and July

− Subjecting 350 people to extra examination− Stopping over 60 people entering the country

� First major world event in South Africa involving nine host cities

� Essential that airports handled operations smoothly and efficiently

The challenge

SITA's response 1

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

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South Africa 2010 World CupThe headlines

Johannesburg, 9 September 2009 – South Africa is preparing its airports to receive an estimated half a million visitors for the FIFA 2010 World Cup with improved check-in and self-service facilities through a $35m programme to be implemented by aviation IT and communications specialist SITA, it was announced today.

"The combined efforts of ACS, ACSA and SITA are key to delivering these new services on time and of course we will continue to provide these world class services to our passengers after the games are over."

Juan van Rensburg, CEO, ACS (Aviation Coordination Services; ACSA – Airports Company South Africa)

South African airports get set for FIFA World Cup 2010

WORLD TODAYSpecial Issue

SITA deploys Africa's first

VHF Digital Link station in

time for A380 FIFA World

Cup trips

Johannesburg, 10 June 2010 –

Air transport in Africa received a

major boost today with the

announcement from SITA that it

has established the continent's first

VHF Digital Link (VDL) station in

Johannesburg, South Africa, in time

to support FIFA World Cup air


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South Africa 2010 World CupThe headlines

South Africa 2010 World Cup

�The Times �

Johannesburg, September 2010

South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs, today celebrated the success of Advance Passenger Processing (APP), the border management solution from air

Special Issue

SITA helps secure South Africa’s borders during and after World Cup more than 350 alerts kept “undesirables” out of the country

transport IT specialist SITA, during the recent 2010 FIFA World Cup. The system, implemented in just nine months, successfully kept “undesirables” from entering the country during the tournament.

“We selected SITA’s APP solution because it has been successfully used in other parts of the world … it has exceeded our expectations, ensuring the smooth arrival of the hundreds of thousands of visitors to South Africa for the FIFA World Cup.

“Because only those who were authorized to enter South Africa boarded the planes we were saved the expense of processing unauthorized visitors. It also allowed us to concentrate our efforts on those suspects, hooligans and others, which posed a real risk to the country, speeding up the entry process for the majority of passengers upon arrival.”

Home Affairs Director General,Mkuseli Apleni

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Looking ahead

SITA is already involved as major

preparations and investments take

place to enhance transportation

infrastructures, airport capacities

and security

Example: CUSS

kiosks at Galeão

International Airport




Check-in times at Rio Airport cut in

preparation for FIFA World Cup 2014

� Headlines �

Rio de Janeiro, 22 March 2010 – Galeão International Airport (GIG) today announced the arrival of faster passenger check-in with new self-service kiosks that can speed up check-in by 25%...

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

Page 21: World Sporting Events And SITA

Why SITA for World Events?

We provide the infrastructure

A resilient, flexible and secure global air transport IT and communications infrastructure is critical for staging World Events

We meet all event requirements

SITA has pioneered new services in response to specific World Events requirements – and expanded those services across the global air transport community

We have the global solutions and services

� Our portfolio of passenger facilitation and border security services is world-leading

� Backed by over 1900 customer service staff worldwide, striving for best-in-class service levels

We have the know-how

SITA has worked for more than 25 years to deliver against World Event requirements across five continents

World sporting events | 2010 | SITA proprietary and confidential information. ©SITA 2010 All rights reserved.

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Back up slides

� See also:

– SITA’s corporate presentation

– Presentations for iBorders, AirportConnect CUSS and CUTE available on SITA’s Portfolio site on the SITA Intranet

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Who we areWe are the world's leading specialists in air transport

communications and IT solutions

We are a company of experts with unrivalled industry know-how, delivering and managing business solutions for airline, airport, GDS, governmentand other customers over the world’s most extensive network, which forms the

communications backbone of the global air transport industry

Created and owned by the air transport community, SITA is the

community’s dedicated partner for information and communications

technology. We are a community of over 550 airline, airport, aerospace, cargo

and GDS members and over 3200 customers

We are one of world's most international companies. Our global reach is

based on local presence, with over 4,500 staff worldwide of 140 nationalities,

speaking over 70 languages

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What we do

We simplifythe air


industry, with

IT and


services to

transform the way the industry works, using

more efficient


� Our solutions:

– Reduce industry costs, improve profitability & operational performance

– Enable new revenue channels

– Optimize efficiencies and resources, while making air travel easier, safer and hassle-free

� We provide the broadest portfolio of communications and IT solutions to the air transport industry:

– From reservations, distribution, check-in, departure control, to baggage tracking, border management …

– Flight operations, in-flight communications, cargo handling, and more …

We deliver services that link together the eco-system of the air transport industry, in all corners of the globe

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We are the world’s leading specialists in air transport communications and ITOur 60 years of industry know-how is unrivalled

Our portfolio is the broadest available to the air transport industryWe reduce costs, improve profitability and performance, and enable newrevenue channels

We are 100% owned by, and dedicated to, the air transport industryOur solutions are developed specifically for the industry, to improve the way it does business

We work with the community to solve common issuesWe provide the only truly global network, community systems and leading infrastructures

We are committed to best-in-class service levelsOur global customer service team of over 1,900 people supports 200 countries and territories

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Over 14 years border management and security experience

1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

� Airlines PNR Push/Filter� Kuwait APP� Indonesia Primary Line� Fiji APIS

� Spain APIS Program� UK miSense Project� US Enabling Services� Mongolia APIS

� Singapore APP/PNR� Airline AQQ Service for US CBP� Airline APIS Service for India MOHA� Australia Customs PNR PUSH Platform� Argentina APIS

� UK Semaphore Pilot� Japan APIS comms

SITA/CPS wins ETAS for Australian Department of Immigration

Technology award from the IT Industry to the Australian Government, SITA Excellence award

ETAS / Australia Full Implementation

Enhanced ETAS Functionality offering APP

MalaysiaAPP Pilot RTP using

Biometrics Pilot imple-mented in EU & USA

CanadaPNR & APIS

ETAS via Internet

� Bahrain APP, e-Visa & Hotel Guest

� UK Customs PNR� New Zealand AP


� US ESTA, UK APIS/PNR � Italy APIS� Rep. South Africa APP

1996 2010

� Indonesia Biometric Verification

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11 more countries with iBorder solutions in 2009

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Example: South Africa deploy iBorders APP for FIFA 2010 World Cup

The Challenge:South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs had to enhance

their security and facilitation in time for the 2010 FIFA World

Cup at which 500,000 fans are expected.

The Solution With iBorders APP visitors were checked before boarding the

plane in their home country:-This will save the expense of processing and repatriating

unauthorized visitors

- It will also enable the government to focus efforts on those

individuals that pose a real concern – speeding up the entry

process for the majority of travellers

-Through SITA’s passenger facilitation solutions the South African Government saves at least R1.8m a year by

processing more travellers with fewer staff

-Airlines save R54.1m on fines and repatriation costs for improperly documented passengers

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Example: Case Study – Kingdom of Bahrain deploy

iBorders eVisa & iBorders APP

The Challenge:Kingdom of Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior General Department of Naturalization, Passports and Residency had to

accommodate a massive influx of passengers over a very short

period of time for the Formula One competition in 2004 and for

hosting the same event every year.

The Solution Visitors can apply for their visa online through the Internet or

travel agencies and they will be checked before they board the

plane in their home country:- Arrivals will be cleared within seconds

- Safe and secured event

- Very positive reflection on the kingdom of Bahrain, which

boosts tourism

- Manage overstay problems

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Example: Indonesian Government

Biometric and data capture for 27 air and sea ports

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