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  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Chapter 6: Workforce Diversity

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Objective 1:

    What is diversity?

    Dimensions of Diversity Human Diversity (minimum)

    Race, age, gender, family status, sexual orientation, disabilities

    Cultural Diversity (secondary) Language, social class, ethics, religion, etc

    Systems Diversity Teamwork reengineering, strategic alliances, employee

    empowerment, quality focus, etc

    Barriers to achieving a diverse workplace include team members notunderstanding the differences between each other that can cause tensionand conflict.

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    Prejudice in the Workplace

    What does prejudice mean?

    Invisible-hand effect

    What is a stereotype?

    Healthcare related lawsuits filed by EEOC

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Objective 2:

    Business Case for Diversity

    Caregivers and leaders should represent the backgroundsof the communities they serve.

    Unique for each HCO

    An organization can achieve and sustain growth andprofitability

    Failure to take advantage of these opportunities will meanthe difference b/n being a provider and employer of choiceand losing ground to competitors.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Governance Impact

    Board members should reflect the diversity of thecommunity.

    They will have an interest in making sure that the HCO is afair and equitable employer and provider of care.

    The will have a better understanding or knowledge of theneeds of the community that can reduce health caredisparities.

    Can serve as a role model to minority employees.

    They will do more than just show up to the board meetings.

    Having diverse board members can protect the HCOsby supporting diversity programs.

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    Legal Issues

    Does having a diversity program enhance thevalue of the healthcare organization?

    Educated, skilled, and experienced professionals thatare in the minority bring (what to the HCO)?

    Laws prohibit the employment discrimination.

    Civil Rights Act of 1964: bans discrimination inany activities (training, employment,

    construction) that are funded by federalmonies.

    Protects individuals whose native language is notEnglish.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Objective 3:

    Diversity in Healthcare Leadership

    Study 1: A Race/Ethnic Comparison of Career Attainmentsin Healthcare Management

    1992: Caucasian and African-American healthcare

    executives compared African-Americans were in lower positions Made less money

    Had lower job satisfaction levels

    1996: < 2% of minorities held executive positions (CEO,COO, etc.)

    2002: More Caucasian administrators in hospital settings

    Caucasian females/male earned more $$ than minority women/male


  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Objective 3:

    Diversity in Healthcare Leadership

    Study 2: Advancing Diversity Leadership in Healthcare

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Objective 3:

    Diversity in Healthcare Leadership

    Managing a diverse workforce

    1) Employee perspective

    2) Patient focus

    3) Inclusion

    4) Community perspective

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Objective 4:

    Impact of Diversity on Care Delivery

    Unequal Treatment Disparities in patient care

    Our country is undeniably becoming home to an ever-increasing number of individuals from distinct racial andethnic backgrounds.

    Near the middleof this century

    more than half ofthe US citizenswill be members

    of minority


    9%, U.S. population growth

    28%, ______ population

    55%, ______ population 122%, ______ population 190%, ______ population

    African-Americans, Asian, Hispanic, Native-Americans

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Objective 5:

    Components of an EffectiveDiversity Program

    What are some actions that can be taken to establish adiversity program? Commitment from senior management and governing board

    Broaden the definition of diversity

    Recognize the business case for diversity at the leadership level Tie diversity goals to business objectives (the bottom line)

    Recruiting events that target different minority groups

    Mentoring minorities

    Develop programs that emphasize and celebrate diversity

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Workforce Diversity


    Cohen, J. J., Gabriel, B. A., & Terrell, C. (2002). The Case For DiversityIn The Health Care Workforce. Health Affairs, 21(5), 90-102.

    Evans, R. M. (2008). Workforce Diversity. In B. Fried & M. D. Fottler(Authors), Human resources in healthcare: managing forsuccess(pp. 145-162). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    This chapter focuses on the processes ofrecruitment, selection and retention.

    These three concepts are all related to eachother and to other human resourcesmanagement functions.

    If there is effective recruitment and selectionthen their will be a better chance of employeeretention.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    The main purpose of recruitment is to gathera pool of qualified personnel.

    Recruitment is the range of processes anorganization uses to attract qualifiedindividuals to apply at their organization.

    They want to attract qualified individuals on atimely basis and in sufficient numbers.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    When an organization looks to recruitmentstrategies, they consider different questionsthat need to be asked.

    Whether they should promote from within foran available position or if they should go toexternal applicants.

    Whether the organization should look atalternatives to their full time employees suchas, outsourcing, flexible staffing orcontingent workers.

    And should the organization hire someonewho has all the technical skills already orsomeone who fits the organization but mayrequire some additional training.

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    The success of recruitment is reliant on manyfactors.

    Those factors would include, the attractivenessof the organization, where it is located, the workclimate and culture of the organization, themanagerial staff and their behaviors as well asworkload.

    Another successful way of recruitment is lookingat the perspective of applicants and potential

    employees. Being able to understand theirneeds and expectations is very important to theimplementation of effective recruitmentstrategies.

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    The organization has ahuman resources plan

    which includes specifics onthe organizationsstrategies, recruitment andhiring approaches and aclear statement of how HRpractices support the

    organizations goals. Therefore, those involved in

    the recruitment andselection process must havein depth knowledge of theposition that needs to befilled and well as how thatposition is related to otherpositions.

    The recruitment processbegins with a job analysis.

    The job analysis consistsof question of job tasks,knowledge, skills, abilitiesand specific qualificationsrequired by applicants.

    The recruitment processalso includes anexamination of theexternal environmentwhich looks at the supply

    of potential job applicantsand competitiveness forthe position.

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    Something else that theanalysis should do is toevaluate the compensationand benefits that individualsare given at otherorganizations with similar


    The process should thencontinue with a review ofpast recruitment strategiesfor similar positions.

    The Human ResourcesInformation System (HRIS)provides useful informationduring the process ofrecruitment.

    The HRIS helps withdetermining potentialinternal candidates,potential externalcandidates, and providesinformation on the success

    of recruitment sources usedin the past.

    Recruitment can be verycostly but the HRIS is alsohelpful when determiningthe cost effectiveness and

    efficiency that comes alongwith recruitment.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Advantages May improve

    employee moral andencourage valuedemployees to staywith the organization

    These applicantshave a goodunderstanding of theorganization

    May reinforceemployees sense ofjob security

    May be faster andmay involve lower

    cost for certain jobs

    Disadvantages Possible morale

    problems amongthose not selected

    May require strong

    training andmanagementdevelopmentactivities

    May manifest the

    Peter Principal May cause a ripple

    effect in vacancieswhich need to befilled

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    Advantages Bring new ideas into

    the organization It may be less

    expensive thantraining internalapplicants

    External applicantscome withoutdysfunctionalrelationships withothers and withoutbeing involved inorganizationalpolitics.

    Disadvantages May identify

    candidates who havetechnical skills butdoes not fit in the

    culture of theorganization

    May cause moraleproblems withinternal applicantswho were notselected

    May require longeradjustment andsocialization.

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    Another excellent source for recruitment isemployee referrals.

    This is a great source because the employeealready knows the organization and what is

    expected. This is a powerful strategy because employee

    referrals tend to yield employees who staylonger and are more loyal to the organization.

    Another source would be former employees. These would be employees that left on good

    terms that they may want to return to theorganization.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Employee selection is the process ofcollecting and evaluating applicantinformation that will help the employers toextend a job offer.

    Therefore, the selection process is a matter of

    predicting which of the candidates in the poolis likely to achieve success in the position.

    One goal of selection would be to findsomeone who will stay in the position and

    someone who will fit with the organization. With selection comes a careful analysis of the

    applicants knowledge, skills, abilities andattitudes.

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    The goal of selection is toidentify from a group ofpeople the applicant that towhom the job offer shouldbe made.

    The organization thenneeds to use tools in order

    to assess the applicantsknowledge, and abilities.

    There are many selectiontools that can be used toevaluate the applicant.

    Such tools are jobapplication forms,standardized tests,personal interviews,simulations and references.

    The selection tools

    should be used basedon a full range onknowledge of the jobrequirements such aseducation, credentials

    and experience. Without having a

    formal understandingof the job criteria, theorganization runs the

    risk of hiring someonewho is not going toperform successfully.

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    Selection tools need to be both reliable aswell as valid.

    Reliability is defined as the repeatability orconsistency of a selection tool.

    Construct validity refers to the degree inwhich the selection tool actually measures theconstruct it intends to measure and then

    determines the conclusions that can be drawnfrom the tools used.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    There are a number of

    factors that effect thedemand for healthcareworkers.

    These would includepopulation growth, theaging of the population,

    improved diagnostictechniques and consumerdemand for a full array ofdiagnostic and therapeutictechnologies.

    The turnover rate is a

    simple ratio that providesonly a summary of thegross movement in andout of the organizationduring a specific timeperiod.

    The retention rate is the

    number of specificindividuals or cohorts thatenter and exit anorganization.

    So the distinction is that

    retention views anindividual or a group as anentity and thereforeretention allows for amore thorough

    examination of how theloss of one individual orcohort influencesretention strategies andproductivity.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Annual average turnover rate for hospitalworkers is 20 percent.

    Nurse dissatisfaction is cited as the keyreason for turnover.

    5 reasons for poor nurse retention Absence of advancements opportunities

    Stress and burnout

    Unrealistic workloads

    Increased paperwork

    Lack of respect in the workplace

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    Culture of Retention- an environment where people

    want to stay because they enjoy their work and staffare cared for by managers and focusing on resultsand problem solving.

    Competitive compensation

    Structure jobs so they are more appealing andsatisfying

    Put in place a superb management team

    Make opportunities for career growth possible

    Magnet Recognition Program

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Evaluating Nurse Turnover:

    Comparing Attitude Surveys and

    Exit Interviews

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Evaluating Nurse Turnover:

    Importance of reliable data Ways to obtain data on nursing terminations

    Exit interviews

    Attitude surveys

    Identified reasons for nursing terminations



    HCOs can control work related reasons

    Why is it important to minimized turnover rates?

    Quality of patient care

    Its expensive.

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    Exit InterviewsWhat is an exit interview and why are they


    Used to create better public relations

    Check the soundness of initial selection


    Uncover poor personnel practices

    Discover sources of job dissatisfaction

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    Exit Interviews

    Cons: Difficulty in obtaining trained interviewers

    Inaccurate interviewees comments

    Possibility of distortion of facts Unwillingness to discuss reasons honestly

    Managers may be biased

    Jeopardize reference

    Low validity

    Deficient in identifying real issues

    Data to be simplistic and misleading

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Attitude Surveys

    Predetermined questions with low to high scaleresponses

    Used to learn how employees view their jobs,supervisors, wages and benefits, working

    conditions, and other work factors

    Surveys function as an employee voice

    Responsive to employee concerns

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Attitude SurveysPROS:

    69% of corporate respondents found attitude surveys to

    be successful (28% did not respond )

    Better financial performance

    Higher financial ratings

    Better employee relations

    Attitude surveys give managers some time to intervenepositively and address problems before a nurse

    terminates or leaves the HCO.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Case Study:Tertiary Care Medical Facility

    Do exit interviews of terminating nurses or attitude

    surveys of nursing staffprovide the most useful andvalid information concerning factors associated with

    nurse retention?

    Do exit interview or attitude survey questions regarding

    specific recommendations the nurses would like to see

    implemented add additional information beyond that

    which can be generated by asking directly which factor

    impact the likelihood (or reality) of leaving?

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Case Study:Tertiary Care Medical Facility


    Terminated nurses were much more likely than nursing

    staff to identify non-job related factors as determinants

    of termination.

    The most serious issues identified on the attitude

    survey were not mentioned by the departing staff.

    The nursing staff provided significantly more

    recommendations on the attitude survey than the

    departing nurses did on the exit interview.

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    Case Study:Tertiary Care Medical Facility


    Use both tools.

    Human resource professional that is trained

    should conduct the exit interview.

    Report findings to employees.

    Actions should be taken to address problems. Follow-up surveys should be taken.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    The use of the web and social networks can cause

    some interesting advantages and disadvantages forboth employers and applicants.

    More employers are looking at online journals andsocial networking sites such as Facebook to discoverpotentially damaging personal information about all

    applicants, but particularly college students andrecent graduates.

    Recruiters and hiring managers use social networksto learn more about candidates and as an additionalmeans to help find potential job applicants as job

    postings get passed throughout these networks. However, as employers start using social networks to

    make decisions about potential hires, a whole host

    of employment related legal issues can arise.

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  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    All methods used to make employment decisionsare considered selection procedures and aresubject to anti-discrimination regulations.

    To avoid discriminatory practices, try to

    standardize your process and treat everyone thesame. lf you reject job seekers based oninformation found on their profile, make sure torecord that information and perform analyses to

    determine if members of a protected class aredisproportionally screened due to the use ofsocial networking sites.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    William James is the new director of human resources for anacademic medical center. Employees have told him that employeemorale is down especially among registered nurses. The turnoverrates at this facility for registered nurses is 18.4 percent. Jamesknows that all employees need to go through an exit interview andquestioner before leaving the organization. He asked his assistant

    to pull all the exit interviews and compile the reasons as to why theregistered nurses are leaving and specific suggestions on how thefacility can increase its retention of nurses. James was disappointedwith the utility of the data. Most respondents indicated they wereleaving because of personal reasons, family responsibilities, oranother job offer. Very few actually had recommendations for the

    facility. He found that employees were reluctant to discuss anysensitive issues or concerns for fear of alienating the interviewer orsupervisor. James is now attempting to determine the best methodsof identifying employee problems and assessing employee reactionto the organization, its various components, and various humanresource policies and programs.

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  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    The problem is lack of integration of exitinterview data and it is a common problem inmany organizations. Typically, the data

    generated is of poor quality and follow up forproblems identified is practically non-existent.

    Mr. James should consider modifications such asthe following: (1) use focus groups of registered nurses to learn about

    the major causes of nurse frustration and stress; thenuse these data to develop a structured exit interviewerform.

    (2) Train the exit interviewer to probe and ask for moreinformation concerning problems in the organization

    and their potential solution. (3) Assure departing employees that the information

    they provide will not be disclosed to supervisors orothers in the organization.

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    Th j l i f l i

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    The major alternative source of employee inputconcerning human resource policies andprocesses is a systematic, periodic employeeattitude survey.

    Such surveys should be given periodically socomparisons can be made over time forparticular departments or groups of employees.Most important, the data generated should be

    used to make positive changes which will benefitboth employer and employee.

    He should enhance both the existing process forexit interviews as well as the employee attitudesurvey process to generate more usable data.Then he should strive to enhance the jobattributes that reduce retention while eliminatingor minimizing those that cause turnover.

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Mr. Jackson, CEO of Jackson Hotels, wants toexpand his small corporation into 10 newlocations.

    He would like know if it advantageous for a small

    corporation to recruit for high-levelprofessionals through the internet.

    Advantages? Disadvantages?

    Which one is better? Job boards, professional/career

    websites, or employer website. Best way to pre-qualify a small number of TRULY

    qualified applicants?

    What data should JH provide to applicants

    to receive the best qualified applicants?

  • 8/3/2019 Workforce Diversity Presentation


    Mr. Jackson also needs to recruit low-levelworkers.

    Senior citizens can be a good source of low-level workers that can add value to JH.

    Background check concerns. Advantages? Disadvantages? Recruitment sources

    for seniors? Background investigation recommendations?

    Best selection criteria and processes to identifybest candidates?