word list for lower secondary form 1


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Post on 06-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Word list for lower secondary form 1


Form 1

No Low Frequency No Moderate Frequency

No High Frequency

1 Ache 1 absence 1 Above2 Adopt 2 accuse 2 Abroad3 Adventure 3 admire 3 Accept4 Advertisement 4 advise 4 Accident5 Advice 5 afford 5 Account6 Against 6 afraid 6 Across7 Agriculture 7 agree 7 Act8 Altogether 8 ahead 8 Add9 Ancient 9 allow 9 Gentle10 Apologise 10 almost 10 Greet11 Arch 11 already 11 Guard12 Argue 12 ambition 12 Hate13 Ashamed 13 among 13 Again14 Attempt 14 amount 14 Healthy15 Audience 15 apart 15 Aim16 Backbone 16 appear 16 Heavy17 Background 17 apply 17 Furniture18 Backward 18 arrange 18 Alone19 Balance 19 arrest 19 Along20 Bargain 20 article 20 Aloud21 Bathe 21 asleep 21 Listen22 Be 22 attack 22 Always23 Beggar 23 attract 23 Lonely24 Behave 24 autumn 24 Angle25 Behavior 25 avoid 25 Angry26 Being 26 awake 26 Loyal27 Beneath 27 away 27 Another28 Birth 28 bake 28 Answer29 Boast 29 band 29 Modern30 Breath 30 basic 30 Mystery31 Breathe 31 base 31 Arm32 Bribe 32 bath 32 Arrow33 Brick 33 beard 33 Nephew34 Broad 34 beat 34 Neighbor35 Bunch 35 beauty 35 Middle36 Compare 36 honest 36 Ocean37 Compete 37 frighten 37 Attend38 Congratulate 38 behind 38 North39 Conquer 39 belief 39 Naughty

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40 Courage 40 bend 40 Outdoor41 Coward 41 beside 41 Secretary42 Crack 42 further 42 Basket43 Create 43 blame 43 Beak44 Crop 44 blind 44 Bean45 Cure 45 block 45 Rough46 Current 46 blood 46 Beautiful47 Dare 47 border 47 Because48 Death 48 break 48 Spring49 Delay 49 born 49 Become50 Deliver 50 borrow 50 Shame51 Describe 51 society 51 Before52 Desert 52 solve 52 Believe53 Develop 53 brain 53 Smooth54 Devil 54 branch 54 Belong55 Diet 55 bridge 55 Belt56 Dirt 56 build 56 Better57 Dish 57 collar 57 Between58 Distance 58 college 58 Bicycle59 Dive 59 common 59 Stick60 Drag 60 company 60 Bill61 Fold 61 complain 61 Science62 Forest 62 complete 62 Bite63 Forwards 63 contain 63 Scissors64 Freedom 64 continue 64 Blow65 Frequent 65 corn 65 Boat66 Government 66 corner 66 Screw67 Haste 67 cough 67 Bone68 Heal 68 counter 68 Boil69 Height 69 country 69 Book70 Hire 70 court 70 Bottle71 Limb 71 cover 71 Bottom72 Oar 72 crash 72 Bowl73 Obedient 73 crowd 73 Shoulder74 Obey 74 crow 74 Shelf75 Owe 75 cruel 75 Brave76 Roast 76 danger 76 Bread77 Rot 77 deaf 77 Breakfast78 Sake 78 discover 78 Ward79 Salary 79 opposite 79 Bring80 Satisfy 80 decide 80 Brother81 Shelter 81 deep 81 Brown82 Shield 82 degree 82 Brush83 Solve 83 gentle 83 Dark84 Spread 84 discuss 84 Welcome

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85 Steer 85 diamond 85 Collect86 Stiff 86 future 86 Colour87 Stretch 87 discipline 87 Control88 Struggle 88 Direction 88 Comb89 Weather 89 Guess 89 Dance90 Weed 90 Headache 90 Worry91 Wicked 91 Loaf 91 Office92 Winter 92 Harm 92 Wish93 Witness 93 Manner 93 Dead94 Worship 94 Measure 94 Dictionary95 Wrap 95 Melt 95 Heal96 Yacht 96 Rough 96 Mosque97 Yawn 97 Separate 97 mountain98 Yeast 98 Shallow 98 yesterday99 Zigzag 99 Steady 99 zero100 Zodiac 10

0Wise 100 young



No Word Meaning1 ache a continuous pain2 adopt take else’s child into one’s family3 adventure Exciting or dangerous journey or activity4 advertisement Notice in a newspaper, on television, etc of something to sale5 backbone The spine6 against In opposition to7 agriculture Science or practice of farming8 altogether Completely9 ancient Belonging to times long ago10 beggar a person who lives by begging11 behave shows good manner12 behaviour way of behaving13 being existence14 beneath below or under15 birth being born16 boast talk with too much pride17 breath air taken into and sent out of lung18 coward a person who avoids danger and responsibility19 bribe something given to somebody to persuade him/her to do

something20 brick baked clay used for building21 conquer take possession of something by force

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22 courage ability to control one’s fear when facing danger23 dare have courage to do something24 death dying or being killed25 delay postpone26 deliver take something to houses or buyers27 describe say what about somebody or something28 haste quickness of movement29 develop become or make larger30 devil the supreme spirit of evil31 shield piece of metal carried to protect the body when fighting32 solve find the answer33 spread (VB) become more widely known34 steer (VB) direct the course of boat/ car etc35 stiff not easily bend or folded36 stretch make wider, longer or tighter by pulling37 struggle make great efforts38 weather condition of sun , wind, temperature at a particular area and

time39 yacht light sailing boat40 yawn open the mouth wide and breathe in, as when sleepy or bored


No Word Meaning1 afraid frighten2 agree say yes to something3 ahead further forward in space or time4 allow give permission to somebody to do something5 almost very nearly6 already before now7 ambition strong desire to be successful8 among surrounded by9 amount total of or quantity10 arrest seize by the authority of law11 article piece of writing in newspaper12 asleep sleeping13 attack violent attempt to hurt or defeat somebody or something14 attract get the attention of15 autumn season of the year between summer and winter16 avoid keep oneself away from17 awake not asleep18 away to or at a distance from something19 bake cook in an oven20 band group of musicians

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21 basic fundamental22 base (N) lowest part of something23 bath act of washing one’s body24 beard hair growing on man’s chin and cheeks25 cough push air out from the lung violently and noisily26 counter (N) flat surface where goods are shown27 deaf unable to hear28 discover find or learn about for the first time29 opposite completely different30 decide think about something and come to a conclusion31 deep going a long way down from the top or surface 32 degree unit of measurement for temperature33 gentle not rough or violent34 discuss talk about something35 rough (N) the surface not smooth or level36 separate divided or not join37 shallow not deep38 steady firmly fixed or supported39 wise having or showing experience, knowledge and good judgment40 future the time that will come after the present


No Word Meaning1 above higher than2 abroad(ADV) another country3 accept agree to take4 accident event that happens unexpectedly causing injury or damage5 account (VB) an explanation of something6 across from one side to the other side 7 again once more8 along from one end to the other end9 aloud in a voice loud enough to be heard10 always at all times11 angle (N) space between two lines that meet12 bill printed notice13 bite cut into something with the teeth14 blow (VB) send out air from the mouth15 boat small open vessel for traveling on water16 collect come or bring together17 shame sad feeling resulting from guilt 18 rough a surface which is not level or smooth19 control power to direct20 dance movement and steps in time to music

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21 dead no longer living22 gentle not rough or violent23 greet welcome24 guard (N) a person who watches over somebody or something25 hate have a great dislikes for26 heal become or make healthy again27 healthy a good condition of the body or mind28 listen try to hear29 lonely sad because one does not have any friends30 mosque building in which Muslims worship31 mountain (N) mass of very high rock with steep sides32 science organized knowledge obtained by observations and testing of

facts 33 scissors instrument with two blades, used for cutting34 screw(N) metal pin with a spiral groove cut round its length35 stick (N) small thin piece of wood36 wish want to do something37 worry be anxious about somebody or something38 yesterday the day before today39 young having lived or existed for a short time40 zero nothing