woga december 2008 prayers

DECEMBER 2008 WOGA Global Prayer Initiative Women of Global Action www.global-act.org 7660 Goddard Street, Suite 200 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 (719) 528-8728 www.global-act.org EVERY BLESSING TO OUR LEADERS! Women of Global Action (WOGA) is a network of Christian women in ministry who encourage each other through prayer and training. We have a particular focus on issues, such as poverty, education, trafficking and AIDS, that impact adolescent girls. We have active networks throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. Our mission is to educate and connect women to impact the world with God’s love. I am also praying for... For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” Isaiah 9:6,7 To all those who will celebrate the birth of Jesus in a special way this month, we join you in joyfully celebrating God's greatest gift - our Savior Jesus Christ! We remember and pray for those who must remain anonymous!

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Prayers from the Women of Global Action group, December 2008.


Page 1: WOGA December 2008 prayers


WOGAGlobal Prayer Initiative

Women of Global Action


7660 Goddard Street, Suite 200

Colorado Springs, CO 80920

(719) 528-8728



Women of Global Action (WOGA) is a network of Christian women

in ministry who encourage each other through prayer and training.

We have a particular focus on issues, such as poverty, education, trafficking

and AIDS, that impact adolescent girls. We have active networks throughout

Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East.

Our mission is to educate and connect women

to impact the world with God’s love.

I am also praying for...

For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom. He will establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” Isaiah 9:6,7

To all those who will celebrate the birth of Jesus in a special way this month, we join you in joyfully celebrating God's

greatest gift - our Savior Jesus Christ!

We remember and pray for those who must remain anonymous!

Page 2: WOGA December 2008 prayers

• S E Asia IslandsDear Sisters,

Prayer points:1. Please give thanks for my trip where I met with two ladies from WOGA: Korea.Praise God for this meeting because with God's providence they are willing to help promote WOGA.We had a gathering with other ladies.2. Pray for our regional meeting to be held in 2010.3. Pray for the set up of the WOGA branch in K. K. Pray for the sisters for their preparation of a women's meeting in 2009 (Chinese and English combined).That's all for the time being.Lily Chong

• JapanI appreciate your mail and prayers.Our prayer requests for Japan:

Please pray for two ministers who are my friends who are recovering from recent operations.

WOGA JAPAN has a busy December schedule: 12/3 &12/4, 12/11 & 12/12, 12/ 17 & 18, and 12/24h.My husband and I serve God with evangelical concerts in 15 churches in 9 prefectures in December.We are playing, preaching and give everyone an opportunity to accept Christ. We are hoping many people will be saved during those concerts.

I am praying about God's will for an island in southern Japan. Please pray for Pastor H’s ministry. I might ask him about the possibility of having a WOGA meeting in his church.May God bless you, the WOGA members and your ministry.

Ruriko Bohman

• Crews Mission News It's been quite a busy eight months of travel, and

it's always an "adjustment" period when it winds down for a while. Though we don't have much international travel scheduled for a couple of months, there is always a lot of "catch up" to do. Looking at the calendar for the next months can be overwhelming with all that we need to

accomplish here locally.

For this month, we would pray for:

• Wisdom to think through and plan meetings, scheduling

• Time to reflect, pause, be grateful and breathe

• Some important meetings this month with partners, potential partners and development personnel

• God's intervention in volatile situations in Burundi, Congo, instability in Latin America that greatly affect believers; our partners, especially in Central Africa, are enduring great trials

• Women to take on roles with our local chapter of Women of Global Action/Woodlands

• Funding needs for the ministry; gratitude for faithful donors who make ministry possible

For our family:

• For Courtney and Michael & Maggie.

• Praise for Ed, our grandchildren Cierra and Bobby. Wisdom & strength for John. Wisdom for me as we prepare for my mother'surgery in January

We have so much to be thankful for! Most of all, for who God is, His immeasurable love for each of us, for allowing us to be a part of His work and letting us see His hand in such incredible ways! And we do thank Him for you and all those who faithfully pray.... priceless gifts!

• Latin AmericaI wanted to share a couple of reports this week from

the GLOMOS (training of pastors and church leaders) graduations in Latin America

GLOMOS graduation in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.Last Saturday night 61 students graduated before an audience estimated at 600-650. There was great enthusiasm among the graduates and they left determined to make an impact on their country and the world. Throughout this year the Lord worked mightily in people's lives and many spiritual breakthroughs took place. During the final module the teacher and the class observed much opposition from the evil one and God demonstrated His power and faithfulness

GLOMOS graduation in San Salvador, El SalvadorLast night 70 students graduated before an audience of approximately 350. It was the first graduating class and enthusiasm is high for the next GLOMOS, which will begin in February of 2009. One pastor who graduated tonight already has 14 people registered for the new class. •one of the graduates gave birth to a child during this year and was back in class the following month. Her husband and little girl proudly watched the graduation ceremony! •one student experienced a stroke and loss some vision in his right eye. He failed to drop the course and the Lord healed him so that he could continue. He then experienced a second stroke, this time affecting his left eye. Again he failed to drop the course and graduated tonight trusting God for healing. •one lady owns a restaurant and taught the course to her staff throughout the year. These students serve in local churches, work for other ministries and serve in a wide variety of ministries. One of the graduates purchased small towels with the GLOMOS emblem for each graduate to remind them that they are to be servant leaders. The class, comprised of 34 different denominations, began as strangers and has grown closer together each month. They have decided to meet every other month for fellowship, encouragement and prayer.

Blessings,Diane and John

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• North AmericaWe give thanks to the Lord for the way that He has led women to be involved in this work during 2008. We pray that He will continue to lead women, including those with leadership gifts, to our chapters during the coming year. We especially need women for the leadership teams in both Houston and Los Angeles. We ask that the Lord bless our gatherings this month and that He would use them to encourage and inspire women to serve Him with all their hearts. We pray that our focus, during this holiday season, would encompass those in our midst and throughout the globe who are in great moments of need.

Prayer requests related to the situation in the

• Democratic Republic of CongoPlease pray for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Soldiers in this country are using rape as a strategy to create terror and distress. Women and girls who are forced to live in refugee camps are at great risk of sexual assault when they go to gather firewood or water. Pray for their protection. Pray for those who are working to provide fuel-efficient stoves so that women don't spend as much time gathering firewood. Pray for open doors for all of those who would provide help in this time of great need. Pray that God would transform hearts so that women and girls would be valued as God's treasured creations rather than used and abused. Pray for God's healing touch on this land and for peace and daily help for those who are suffering so greatly. What a burden this is to our hearts and how good it is to join with others in lifting it up to the Lord! With love,

Cheryl Lovejoy

National Coordinator

• BurundiHello Dear Sisters, It is such a pleasure to know that somewhere in the world people are lifting our burdens before the Lord. Recently I was reminded by the Holy Spirit of the meaning of 'Hope' . I opened the scriptures to Hebrews 11:1, 10 and 30: all we need is to trust the Lord for what he promises he will accomplish. Praise the Lord. I thank God for his compassion and love he has for the lost. Last month, I was blessed to hold a workshop on trauma healing and HIV/AIDS. 179 women attended the workshop from many different parts of the country. We give praise for the three people who received Christ in their lives. Our Sister Emily, who was visiting us from Colorado Springs, gave Bibles to the new believers. Now they are fed with the Good News. Hallelujah! We also have new believers who are young men who are battling drug use - almost 30 of them. We distributed four bibles to them. Please pray with us that these young men who have received bibles will be filled with the Holy Spirit and find meaningful occupations. Pray that they will not backslide. Next month PACWA will have a prayer day before the end of the year. Please pray with us that many people come to know the Lord. Personally I thank God for his protection toward us. Please keep praying for my husband (for his salvation and to find a job). In Burundi there is a lot of violence; we are praying for God's protection and security. There are hospital strikes being organized for next week by the doctors and nurses which means less care for the sick people. Finally, I thank you for your prayers. May the Lord bless you. Peace

• At Large (California)Please pray for the International Christmas Dinner organized by K. and I. M. on December 13th for the International people of Southern California at E. V. Free Church of Fullerton in California. This is our 18th year to have this dinner. Please pray that many from other religions of the world will come and learn the real meaning of Christmas and embrace the CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS. We expect over 300 people from about 25 countries to attend. Please pray for K. and I. that the Lord will lead and guide them to share the uniqueness of Jesus at this glorious season. Also please pray for the physical arrangements such as enough food and American desserts provided by our SS Class, that the Lord's Name would be exalted through everything that we do. We have people coming from Afghanistan, Republics of former Soviet Union, Egypt, Greece, India, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Philippines, Pakistan and more. I. & K. M.

“For I will proclaim the name of the Lord; ascribe greatness to our God. The Rock, His work is perfect,and all His ways are just. A faithful God, without deceit, just and upright is He.'( Dt 32:3,4) “'To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?' says the Holy One."( Isaiah 40:25, NIV). This question rebukes wrong thoughts about God. "Your thoughts are too human," said Luther to Erasmus. This is where most of us go astray. Ourthoughts of God are not great enough; we fail to reckon with the reality of His limitless wisdom and power. Because we ourselves are limited and weak, we imagine that at some points God is too, and find it hard to believe that He is not.' J. I. Packer

World wide Prayer DayHere in the USA we have just celebrated

Thanksgiving – one of the core American holidays. As we gathered with friends and family, our thoughts were with the victims of the tragedy in Mumbai – those that have been killed (and their families), those that have been wounded physically or those that simply are traumatized by the whole situation.

The world will always be a difficult place – filled with wars, terror, killings and hatred. Jesus said, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”(John 16:33). He is the light and hope for a dark world. If all Christians could only understand, not only in their heads but in their hearts, that we have the anti-dote to this world – a kingdom of peace, life, community and love – then more would be able to say yes to Him, as they found out about Him. We continue to pray for another, for the work we are involved in and for the world that is in such turmoil.

• Pray for the people in Mumbai, those that were affected and the victim’s families

• Pray for the blanket distribution with Team 2 in India

• Pray for the Christmas fundraising drive– the next 5 weeks are crucial!

Special worldwide announcement: The Leadership team is calling Global Action worldwide

to set aside Friday, December 5th as a Day of Prayer for the turmoil in the world, the financial crisis and for our donors, who are the only ones who can provide us income. Income has been lower than projected for October and November and we need to pray that this trend changes in December.

God does answer prayer, so let us pray, believing that He both listens and answers.

God bless you! Lars B. Dunberg, Founder of Global Action

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12/1 & 12/2 GLOMOS: GLOMOS for the men and women leaders who take the GLOMOS training, Bible training one weekend a month for a year. Each is then committed to training 5 more leaders.

12/2 Burundi: There is much violence, insecurity, and unrest, including a medical strike. Pray for God’s protection and security, for calm heads to prevail, for people to come together in the Spirit of the Lord to find solutions to their problems.

12/3 El Salvador: Praise for the 70 students who graduated from the first GLOMOS class. One pastor who just graduated has 14 people registered for the new class starting in Feb. 2009. Praise God for other miracles. One lady gave birth to a daughter during the class and returned to graduate with her husband and baby watching.

12/4 SE Asia: Praise God for the meeting in M___, that E & L are wiling to promote WOGA. Pray that the ladies who met together will be committed to furthering God’s kingdom work.

12/5 Global Action: International Day of Prayer for the turmoil in the world, the financial crisis, and for Global Action donors, who are the only ones who can provide us with income, which is much needed. Consider praying and fasting.

12/6 Egypt & Arab World ~ pray for persecution of Christians; health, protection & financial support for leaders. Pray for the young Christian women as they fellowship.

12/7 John & Diane Crews: Pray for the Crews who lead teams all over the world, & who meet with partners, potential partners, and development personnel. Pray for wisdom as they take time to seek God’s will in planning & to rest in Him. Pray for the challenges their adult children are facing

12/8 WOGA International: Pray for changed hearts, minds, and cultures to begin to value women and girls as God’s treasured creations.

SE Asia Islands: Pray for effort to help our sisters in Myanmar under Dorothy’s leadership. Pray that the Myanmar government will be open to outside help coming in and that the love of Jesus will be evident as Christians work together

12/9 Burundi: Praise the Lord for the workshop Peace held on trauma healing and HIV/AIDS, with 179 women attending from all over the country. Three people received Christ

12/10 El Salvador: Pray for a graduate of the Nov. GLOMOS class who experienced two strokes during the year, affecting vision in both eyes. He continued

through the course and is trusting God to heal his vision.

12/11 WOGA North America: Give thanks to the Lord for how He has led women to be involved in this work in 2008. Pray He will continue to lead women, to bring leadership to local chapters, especially Houston and LA. Pray He will use the monthly gatherings to encourage and inspire women to serve Him with all their hearts.

12/12 Central America: Pray for those in leadership to govern justly. Pray that the rise of communism will be halted and that believers will be protected from the ill effects of instability.

12/13 India: Pray for those who are being persecuted in a new way. Many people who have been Christians for generations are being required to renounce their faith or loose their homes and farmlands.

12/14 SE Asia: Pray for the regional meeting in 2010, that many women will be able to overcome all obstacles to attend, that there will be unity in the Spirit, and that Jesus will be lifted high. Pray for the wisdom, health, and vision of all the leaders who are organizing the event.

12/15 California: Pray for the 18th annual International Christmas Dinner at the E.V. Free Church of Fullerton. Over 300 people from 25 countries are expected. Pray that many from other religions will learn the real meaning of Christmas and embrace the Christ of Christmas.

12/16 El Salvador: Praise God for a lady who graduated GLOMOS. She owns a restaurant and taught the course to her entire staff throughout the year. Pray that they will be a beacon of hope in the Lord as they apply their knowledge.

12/17 Japan: Pray for the 8 WOGA meetings, for God’s will for the island of K. and possible WOGA meeting there in the future. Pray for evangelical concerts in 15 churches, the people will be saved. Pray for healing for two pastors.

12/18 WOGA International: Female genital mutilation and forced early marriage are entrenched cultural practices in many countries. These cause many problems emotionally, socially, economically, and physically for vulnerable girls. Pray for those agencies and groups that are working within their own countries to educate people about the harm these practices cause, not just to young girls but also to society as a whole.

15/19 Democratic Republic of Congo: Pray for peace in the Congo. Pray especially that soldiers who are using rape as a strategy to create terror and distress will be halted by the Lord. Only the mighty hand of the Lord and His people can stop the violence. Pray that He will raise up His own army of godly people to accomplish peace.

12/20 SE Asia: Pray for the set up of the WOGA branch in K.K. for the sisters who are preparing a women’s meeting in 2009 (Chinese and English).

12/21 South Pacific ~ Pray for continued outreach to the very poor women that they will come to know Jesus. Pray that Jill will be protected and strengthen.

12/22 Honduras: Praise God for the 61 students who graduated from GLOMOS in November. Praise for the way God worked in these people’s lives, the spiritual breakthroughs that took place, and how He demonstrated His power and faithfulness in 2008.

12/23 Burundi: Praise God for nearly 30 young men who are new believers. Pray for them as they battle drug use. Pray they will be filled with the Holy Spirit, that they will find meaningful occupations, and that they will remain steadfast in the Lord.

12/24 India: Pray for December elections. Pray that God will send righteous rulers so people can live in peace and harmony. Change the hearts of those in power who are turning a blind eye to the violence, murders, and injustice at every level of society.

12/25 WOGA International: Pray that the Christ whose birth we celebrate will truly reign in the hearts of believers all over the world. Pray that as He is the Light of the world, we also will be light to the world in 2009.

12/26 WOGA International: Pray that more people will become aware of the issue of human trafficking and will want to become involved in the rescue of innocent victims and prosecution of the guilty. Pray that governments who have laws against human trafficking will uphold those laws.

12/27 El Salvador: Pray for the GLOMOS graduates who represent 34 different denominations, that they will be true servant leaders in their ministries. Pray that they will be faithful to meet together for fellowship, encouragement, and prayer.

12/28 Burundi: Pray for Peace’s husband to find salvation and a job. He is back in Canada for the time being.

12/29 South Africa ~ Pray for the churches to be an instrument of healing in the rioting against non South Africans and refugees. Pray that the government will have the wisdom, power, and will to take charge of the situation. Praise & prayer for Esme’s leadership.

12/30 Burundi: Pray for the Prayer Day to be held at this time, that many people will come to know the Lord.

12/31 WOGA World Wide: Praise God for the sacrifice of love and service that the thousands of WOGA women have given all year. Please ask God for His protection. over them and their families.

December 2008 Prayer Requests