winner vs loser


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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When The



Thinking on “Opportunity to win”

Winners see possibilities;

Losers see problems.

Thinking on “Destination”

Winners see

the gain;Losers see

the pain

Thinking on “Obstacle”

The Winner sees an

answer for every


The Loser sees a problem for

every answer.

Thinking on “Trend”

Winners see the potential;

Losers see the past.

Thinking on “Target”

The Winner sees a green near

every sand trap;The Loser sees two or three sand traps near every green.

Thinking on “Living”

Winners enjoy being in

the present and learn from the past.

Losers live in the past.

Thinking on “Choices”

Winners think about how they can achieve. Losers give excuses.

Thinking on “Fear”

Winners face their fear, accept it and take the leap.

Losers dwell in their fear.

Thinking on “Win and loose”

A Winner is not afraid of losing;

A Loser is secretly afraid of winning.

Thinking on “Direction”

Winners think whether the crowd is going in the right direction. If not, he will walk

the other direction.

Losers follow the crowd.

Thinking on “Learning”

Winners believe there are always things to be learn.

Losers consider themselves as

an expert even though they

know little.

Thinking on “Goal”

Winners have dreams; Loser have schemes.

Thinking on “Leading”

Winners think and lead. Losers refuse to think

so they follow.

When The



Winners listen. Losers fight for every

chance to talk.

Saying on “Listen”

Saying on “Help”

“The winner asks,

"May I help?" The loser asks, "Do you

expect me to do that?”

Saying on “Topic”

Winners choose what they say; Losers say what they choose.

Saying on “Skill”

A winner doesn't talk about what he'll do if he wins, but knows what

he'll do if he loses.

A loser doesn't know what he'll do if he loses, but talks about what he'll do if he wins

Saying on “Explanation”

A Winner explains ; A Loser explains away.

Saying on “Argument”

Winners use hard arguments

but soft words;Losers use soft arguments

but hard words.

Saying on “A Way”

A Winner says, “Let’s find a way”; A Loser says, :There’s no way”.

Saying on “Improvement”

A Winner says, “There should

be a better way to do it”;

A Loser says “That’s the way

it’s always been.”

Saying on “Possibility”

The Winner says," It may be

difficult but it is possible";The Loser says, "It may be possible but it is too difficult."

Saying on “Doing”

Winners say," I must

do something";Losers say, "Something must

be done."

Saying on “Mistakes”

When a Winner makes a mistake,

he says," I was wrong"; When a Loser makes a mistake, he says," It wasn't my fault."

Saying on “Correction”

A Winner shows he’s sorry

by making up for it;A Loser says “I’m sorry” but does the same thing next time.

When The



Acting on “Behavior”

Winners are certain. Losers doubt.

Acting on “React”

Winners are humble. Losers are egoistic.

Acting on “Dream”

Winners dream in the day. Losers dream in bed.

Acting on “Value”

Winners stand firm on values

but compromise on

petty things;

Losers stand firm on petty

things but compromise

on values.

Acting on “Do-It-Yourself”

Winners make it

happen;Losers let it happen.

Acting on “Working”

A Winner works harder than A

Loser, and has more time;A Loser is always “too busy”

to do what is necessary.

Acting on “Problem”

A Winner goes through problems; A Loser tries to go around it.

Acting on “Solution”

Winners focus on solutions. Losers focus on problems.

Acting on “Crisis”

Winners find opportunities in crisis.

Losers complain

about crisis.

Acting on “Commitment”

“A winner makes commitment. A loser makes promises.”

Acting on “Promise”

Winners make commitment and keep them no matter what.

Losers make promises that

they always break.

Acting on “Compromise”

A Winner knows what to fight for and what to compromise on;

A Loser compromises on what

he shouldn’t and fights for what isn’t worth fighting about.

Acting on “Goal”

Winners set goals. Losers lack goals.

Acting on “Planning”

Losers hate having a plan.Winners plan.

Acting on “Responsibility”

Winners take responsibility. Losers blame others.

Acting on “Program”

The Winner is always has

a program;The Loser always has

an excuse.

Acting on “Positive”

“The winner persistently

programs his pluses; the loser mournfully magnifies his minuses.”

Acting on “Achievement”

Winners are persistent and

will do whatever it takes

to achieve their goal.

Losers give up when

obstacles pop up.

Acting on “Work”

Winners work hard. Losers avoid work.

Acting on “Consistency”

Winners take action

consistently.Losers refrain from taking action and lack consistency.

Acting on “Wholeheartedly work”

Winners give their best for the things that they decide to do.

Losers work half heartedly in

everything that they do.

Acting on “Solution”

The Winner is always

part of the answer;The Loser is always part of the problem.

Acting on “Improvement”

Winners always find a better way to do things.

Losers stick to one way

of doing things.

Acting on “Trying more”

Winners try different strategies when they are not getting the results they want.

Losers do the same thing over

and over again expecting

different results.

Acting on “Skill”

Winners continue to hone their skill every other day

without fail.

Losers make little effort in

honing their skill.

Acting on “Control”

Winners control their own destiny.

Losers leave everything

to their fate.

Acting on “Comfort Zone”

Winners constantly expand

their comfort zone.Losers stay in Their comfort zone.

Acting on “Time Management”

Winners manage their timewell and indulge in high valueactivities that will bring them

closer to their goals.

Losers lack time management

skills and indulge in time wasting activities like playing games and watching re runs

for the umpteen time.

Acting on “Failure”

Winners take failure in their stride and learn from them.

Losers fear failure and avoid them at all cost.

Acting on “Present”

Winners enjoy being in the present and learn from the past.

Losers live in the past.

Acting on “Personal Development”

Winners make personal development a priority.

Losers neglect personal development.

When The

Winnerlive with


With Others on “Teamwork”

Winners are a part

of the team; Losers are apart

from the team.

With Others on “Empathy”

Winners follow the philosophy of empathy: "Don't do to others what you

would, not want them to do to you";

Losers follow the philosophy,

"Do it to others before

they do it to you."

With Others on “Help”

Winners help others to win.

Losers refuse to help and

think only about their

own benefit.

With Others “Respect”

A Winner respects those who are superior to him

And tries to learn Something from them.

A Loser resents those who are superior and rationalizes

their achievements.

With Others on “Like minded People”

Winners find like minded people

like themselves that can bring them

to greater height.

Losers find like minded people

like themselves that will drag them to failure.

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn