windyknowe primary school - glow blogs filewindyknowe primary school page 2 pupil safety we continue...

Dear parent / carer A warm welcome to our new pupils and parents and welcome back our returners. I hope you had a great Summer. A very posive start has been made to our session. We have enrolled lots of new nursery children who have seled in beaufully to their new rounes. Our new P1 children have begun their primary years confidently and enthusiascally. Eve- ryone is very focused, working hard and looking forward to all of their ideas taking shape. Our teachers connue to provide lots of high quality learning opportunies which we know will movate and excite the children in their learning. We would like to involve you fully in this learning process. If you are unclear about anything please get in touch with us. Rita Angus Windyknowe Primary School Term 1 - 2016/17 Outdoor Clothing Please make sure children come to school wear- ing warm clothes and especially a jacket with a hood. It can be quite cold in the playground. Hats, scarves, woolly ghts, trousers etc are all appearing in the shops now. Being outside in the fresh air is really good for the health and well being of children as long as they are suitably clothed. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled clearly with the name of the child and his / her class. School Lunches The cost for school lunches is £1.95 If your child forgets their lunch money they will be issued with a blue slip. This MUST be paid the following day to allow us to keep our banking fig- ures accurate for West Lothian Coun- Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream pre- cedes the goal. Macmillan Coffee Morning On Friday 30th September between 9.00 and 11.30, our P7 pupils invite you to join them for coffee and a cake to raise funds for an extremely worthy cause. Come along and join in with the “World’s Big- gest Coffee morning” as we do our bit in Windyknowe. Donaons of home baking will be accepted at the school office from Thursday 29 September. Please dig deep and give generously. All parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends are welcome. Come in and take a break. We look forward to seeing you. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. Primary 3/2 Aspiraons for the year ahead Rose – I would like to improve my reading by using expression. Nathan – I want to get beer at wring by using WOW words.

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Post on 20-Aug-2019




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Dear parent / carer

A warm welcome to our new pupils and parents and welcome back our returners. I hope you had a great Summer. A very positive start has been made to our session. We have enrolled lots of new nursery children who have settled in beautifully to their new routines. Our new P1 children have begun their primary years confidently and enthusiastically. Eve-ryone is very focused, working hard and looking forward to all of their ideas taking shape. Our teachers continue to provide lots of high quality learning opportunities which we know will motivate and excite the children in their learning. We would like to involve you fully in this learning process. If you are unclear about anything please get in touch with us.

Rita Angus

Windyknowe Primary


Term 1 - 2016/17

Outdoor Clothing

Please make sure children come to school wear-

ing warm clothes and especially a jacket with a

hood. It can be quite cold in the playground.

Hats, scarves, woolly tights, trousers etc are all

appearing in the shops now. Being outside in the

fresh air is really good for the health and well

being of children as long as they are suitably

clothed. Please ensure all items of clothing are

labelled clearly with the name of the child and

his / her class.

School Lunches

The cost for school lunches is £1.95

If your child forgets their lunch money

they will be issued with a blue slip.

This MUST be paid the following day

to allow us to keep our banking fig-

ures accurate for West Lothian Coun-

Reach high,

for stars lie

hidden in

your soul.

Dream deep,

for every

dream pre-

cedes the


Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 30th September between 9.00 and 11.30, our P7 pupils invite you to join them for coffee and a cake to raise funds for an extremely worthy cause. Come along and join in with the “World’s Big-gest Coffee morning” as we do our bit in Windyknowe. Donations of home baking will be accepted at the school office from Thursday 29 September. Please dig deep and give generously. All parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends are welcome. Come in and take a break. We look forward to seeing you.

The more that

you read, the

more things

you will know.

The more that

you learn, the

more places

you’ll go.

Primary 3/2 Aspirations for the year ahead

Rose – I would like to improve my reading by using expression.

Nathan – I want to get better at writing by using WOW words.

Page 2

Windyknowe Primary School

Pupil Safety

We continue to ask you to respect the safety of our children as they make

their way out of school by not parking in unsafe places. The car park is for

the use of staff and parents of children with a blue badge. For those who

are permitted to use our school car park, we ask that you wait until the bus leaves before

you drive off in the interests of health and safety. The turning circle is now available for you

to use for dropping off and picking up at the beginning and end of the school day.

Active Travel to School

As a healthy school we encourage our children to be active wherever possible. Walking to

and from school helps us to promote activity even further.

Why walking to school should be encouraged:

It improves safety around the school gate It has been demonstrated that children who travel actively are more alert and do better at school It improves physical and mental health and wellbeing It helps us all tackle childhood obesity It decreases impact on the environment by cutting carbon It reduces congestion

You have

brains in your

head. You

have feet in

your shoes.

You can steer

yourself in

any direction

you choose.


Welcome to Miss Melrose (P2m) , Mrs Murdoch (P3m) and welcome back Mrs Stutt (acting

PT and P3/2 teacher) Mrs Dokhia and Mrs Lundy will be working with P3 and P4 and in the

playground each day. We hope that they will be happy working here in Windyknowe Pri-

mary and Nursery Class.

Being kind is

never wasted.

Sienna P6c – I want to achieve ‘the teacup’ in my street dance class.

Robert P6c –Something I want to achieve this year is to learn how to play my other brass

piece. I will achieve this by listening to my brass teacher, play the notes correctly and

breathing at the right time.

Aspirations for 2016 / 17

Mrs Stutt chose children from across all classes to ask them what their aspirations were for

thie year ahead. They can be seen throughout this newsletter.

Parker P3k – I want to be a bus driver so I need to work hard on my reading so I can read

all the signs.

Aaron P3m – I would like to get better at Maths by learning new times tables.

Theatre Visits

We have been fortunate to secure performances from travelling theatre compa-

nies at the beginning of this year for P1-P7. Details are attached with this newsletter.

Talk to us

A member of our school management team will be out in the playground at the beginning and end of

each school day. If you have anything you wish to discuss, questions or concerns, come and talk to us.

Our Leadership Team

Mrs Angus – Head Teacher

Miss Norquoy– Depute Head Teacher

Mrs Stutt—Acting Principal Teacher

Mr Barrowman—Principal Teacher

Mr Paul – Principal Teacher

Page 3

Parent Helpers

We are always looking for parent helpers to give an hour of their time helping in the

library, or on outings or with admin tasks. If you are able / willing / keen to help please

let us know.

All of our parent helpers have to be PVG checked to go out on school trips or if they are

in school helping children. If you have volunteered to be a parent helper and are not

currently PVG checked with West Lothian Council please ask at the office for a PVG form ,

complete it and bring in necessary examples of ID to be verified.

Positive Playgrounds

Playtime and lunchtime should be looked forward to by all children. We strive to help chil-

dren enjoy these times. Our playground supervisors work hard to ensure the golden rules

are adhered to although they can sometimes be broken by individuals. When this happens

time out occurs. If a child has time out regularly this is shared with a member of leadership

and parents advised. I am pleased to say this happens very rarely.


Please do not bring dogs into the playground. Some of the children are really frightened of them or may be allergic to them.

Please do not cut through the car park when picking your child up at the end of the day unless you have permission to

park there.

If your emergency contact details change please let us know as soon as possible. We sometimes have great difficulty con-

tacting parents / carers when children are ill or have an accident.

If your child has an inhaler could you please ensure you complete medication in school paperwork which can be obtained

from the school office if you haven’t already done so.

Sometimes antiseptic wipes may be used to clean wounds if a child falls in the playground. If your child is allergic to plasters

or antiseptic wipes please inform the school.

At the end of or near to the end of each term we have a dress down day where children pay £1 which allows them to

wear casual clothing. Dates are shared on the attached annual calendar.

School Uniform

Children have all returned to

school looking very smart.

Please continue to support us

by encouraging your child to

wear school uniform each day.

Samples of our school uniform

are on display outside the

school office. PE Kit should be

kept in school each day.

Shorts, a tee shirt and a

change of shoes are required

for PE. Examples of our school

uniform and PE kits for indoors

and outdoors is attached.

Harvey P3k – I aim to improve in my P.E by getting stronger and practising more

Calvin P3k – I want to improve on my spelling by learning more new words

Ava P3k – I want to work on my gymnastics by practising more at home

Kara P3k – I want to be a pop-star so I’ll work hard with Mr Paul in music


We understand that children sometimes forget changes to ar-rangements for pick up after school or their belongings for school. It would be really helpful if you could pop a little note into their bag for the teacher if there are any changes or any-thing they have forgotten that day.

Allegra P1f – I want to get better at painting.

Cara P1c – I want to get better at dancing and singing.

Ethan P1f – I am looking forward to learning about numbers.

Tempest Photography

Family and individual photographs will be taken on the 27th of

September. As a school, we will be taking class photos

on Tuesday 30 August for in school displays.

P1 Courier photo will be 5th September

Pupil Absence

Please contact the school if your child is going to be absent by

9.30am on their first day of absence. A Groupcall message will be

sent out to parents if any child is not in school by this time and

we have not heard from you.

Class Assemblies

We have regular class assemblies throughout the year.

Parents are invited to come along to see their child

perform. A list of dates is attached to this newsletter

for the year. Class Assemblies take place on a Friday at

9.00am. You are invited to stay for a cuppa afterwards

with your child to celebrate their success

Music works Strings

A workshop will be taking place with both P5 classes on Tuesday 30 August.

Brass Instructor

We hope that brass will be up and running this week.

Page 4

Breakfast Club

Free breakfasts are available for all P1-P7 children from 8.15-8.45 daily. Set your child up for the day ahead..

Ana P1p – I look forward to doing lots of drawings.

Evan P1p – I am looking forward to getting to know all the


Jayden P1c – I want to learn how to count numbers.

Adam P7l – I want to be able to do lots of new things at Lendrick Muir because I know it will be fun.

Finlay P7l – I want to be the best buddy I can be and trying things I haven't done before at Lendrick Muir at the end of the


Sophie P2m – I would like to be a better artist.

Andy P2m – I want to be able to do my 5 times table.

Charlotte P2h – I am looking forward to making new friends and learning bigger words.

Liam P4b – My aspiration is to play more football as it is fun and keeps you fit.

Abbie P4b – My aspiration is to improve my art skills. I would like to draw a human face and make it look real.

Louise P4h – My aspiration for learning is to get better at PE. I am going to do this by trying really hard in PE.

Amelia P4h – My aspiration for learning is to get better at PE. I am going to try really hard each week during our lessons.

Owen P5a – I want to get better at division in P5 and be able to embrace a challenge!

Milosz P5a – My aspiration for P5 is to count to more than 999,999 and speak more often in class.

Brooke P5a – My aspirations for P5 are to be involved in Ready, Steady Cook and to be able to count to 990,000.

PSA and Parent Council

We are very fortunate in Windyknowe Primary and

Nursery to have an active Parent Council and PSA

who support us in taking our school forward to-

gether. We are always looking for new people to

come on board with us. It doesn’t require a high

level of commitment. If you are free please come

along. Every parent is welcome to join any of the

Parent Council or PSA meetings. Dates for the year

can be found on the annual power point presenta-

tion which is attached to this newsletter.

Page 5

Tuck Shop

Healthy snacks are available daily for all children from our

school tuck shop. Pancakes, yoghurt, fruit and raisins can be

purchased at very reasonable prices from 25p.

Clothes Recycling

Need to put your old clothes to good use? Tidying

your Summer wardrobe and replacing your unwant-

ed clothes for new ones? We have a recycling clothes

bank in Morrison’s car park which could help you out.

Get a good old tidy out done while helping raise

funds for children in school.

Lost Property

We have a lost property bin at the school office

which is regularly full up. Come in and have a look if

your child has mislaid an item of clothing. It’s amaz-

ing what you can find that you had forgotten about!

Milk Money

Letters are sent out throughout the year to remind

you of dates milk money is due. Keep and eye on

your emails, the school blog and face-


Ryan P7c – My first aspiration is to be the best buddy I can be

and secondly I want to do the best I can at Lendrick Muir. My

third aspiration is to be more courageous in class and put my

hand up more.

Ethan P7c – My first aspiration would be to know all of my times

tables off by heart. Then I would like to be able to climb Jacob’s

Ladder at Lendrick Muir. In writing I would like to complete a

three page story and my last one is to make sure that I do a

good job of helping my buddy to settle in to Windyknowe.

Jacqueline P6b – I hope to get better at Literacy and Writing.

Emmy P6b – I hope to get better at times tables and division.

Abbie P5hs—I really hope that I have a fun year in P5 and get

to learn lots of new things. I look forward to getting some

tricky challenges in maths as I like trying to work them out.

I’m going to work hard on my reading this year too. I’m really

looking forward to Lowport. I cant wait (and neither can my


Lucy P5hs—I want to get better at maths, especially dividing.

I’m good at adding, taking away and times.

PE Days for Classes

To avoid children forgetting their PE kit,

we suggest that they have them in school every day. If wear-

ing PE kit, please keep to school colours.

P1—Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

P2—Tuesday and Thursday

P3—Monday and Tuesday

P4—Monday, Wednesday and Friday

P5—Monday and Wednesday

P6—Monday and Thursday

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it

away from you.

B.B. King

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into win-

dows. Sydney J. Harris

Page 6

The ‘Wonders of Windyknowe’ Awards 2016/17

Gaining recognition for a range of achievements and for the skills for learning, life and work that are developed through this

achievement, benefits all children and young people. The reasons for recognising learners’ achievements include increasing

self-esteem, improving motivation and keeping young people engaged in learning.

Achievement is defined in ‘Building the Curriculum 5’ as relating to progress in all aspects of each child’s or young person’s

planned learning. Achievement covers learning within curriculum areas and interdisciplinary learning, but it is much wider

than that. It includes achievement in other areas within the life of the school and outside the school – sometimes referred

to as wider achievement

Recognising achievement is an integral part of Curriculum for Excellence and there are a number of ways in which we sup-

port our young people and recognise and build on their achievements. Throughout the school year in Windyknowe we are

continually recognising the achievements of our young people and one of the ways in which we will celebrate these achieve-

ments will be through our ‘Wonders of Windyknowe’ Awards.

Throughout the session staff within the school will be asked to consider the WOW moments in the young people’s learning

and to nominate them for awards under the following categories:

Sporting Superstar

Musical Maestro

Reading Rockstar

Club Champion

Owen Shaw Award (special qualities)

Fabulous Friend

Artistic Flair

Numeracy Ninja,

Scientific Scholar

Stellar Speller

Top of the Topics

Roald Dahl Writing

Charitable attitude


These moments will then be celebrated during our WOW awards ceremony in June.

Page 7

Dates for your diary

Monday 29 August—Catherine Wheels Theatre Performance of ‘Martha’ for P1-P4

Tuesday 30 August—In school class photos

Tuesday 30 August P5 Musicworks Strings Workshop

Wednesday 31 August—Children of Africa Choir

W/B Monday 5 September—Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

W/B Monday 5 September—IEP Meetings Week

Monday 5 September— Catherine Wheels Theatre Performance of ‘Shopping for Shoes’ for P5-7

Monday 5 September—P1 Courier Photo

Tuesday 6 September—Parent Council Meeting at 7.30 in school

Thursday 8 September—6.00-8.00—Journey of Learning Open Evening (separate letter issued with details)

Tuesday 13 September—Handball Taster session for classes

Tuesday 13 September—7.30—PSA Evening Meeting

Wednesday 14 September—2.30—PSA Afternoon Meeting

Monday 19 September—Holiday for all

Tuesday 20 September—In set for staff

Wednesday 21 September—Pupil Return

Friday 23 September—Wider Achievements Assembly

W/B 26 September—Learn It! Log It! Blog It!

Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 September —Tempest Photography in school

Friday 30 September—Macmillan Coffee Morning—everyone welcome (class times to follow)

Friday 7 October —9.00—P4h leading our assembly

W/B 10 October—Learn It! Log It! Blog It!

Tuesday 11 October—7.30—PSA Evening Meeting

Wednesday 12 October—2.30—PSA Afternoon Meeting

Thursday 13 October—P5-7 Show afternoon - 1.30 and evening—6.00

Friday 14 October—9.00—P3k leading our assembly

Friday 14 October—Special Golden Time

Friday 14 October—Dress Down Day

Friday 14 October—all break

Monday 24 October Staff return (in set)

Tuesday 25 October—Pupils Return

Pupil Council 2016/17

Nominations are taking place at the moment. The names of our pupil council will be announced on Facebook at Blog at the end of the week. Pupil Council will meet every week and through discussions will become active participants who shape the future of their school with Miss Norquoy.

West Lothian School Bank

The aim of the The School Bank is to provide brand new school uniforms to children in families who are experiencing finan-

cial hardship.

We also supply warm coats, shoes and other equipment required for the school day, such as school bags, pencils, pencil

cases, etc.

We operate on a referral basis. Any organisation working directly with families can make a referral request. Please contact

us or complete or online referral form:

We are currently working in partnership with the Citizens Advice Bureau, Homestart and The Advice Shop, but welcome

other agencies to contact us.

We are always looking for donations of new uniform and these can be purchased from our Amazon Wishlist or delivered to

one of our drop off points.

Please PM the page or email us at [email protected].

Milk Money Deadlines

Reminder letter will go out week beginning 5 Septem-

ber 2016

Deadline for payment is 6 October 2016

Reminder letter will go out week beginning 14 Novem-

ber 2016

Deadline for payment is 13 December 2016

African Children’s Choir

I am delighted to share that our masterclass will, once again, be

joining this choir to create a performance which you are invited

to on Wednesday 31 August at 6.00pm at Armadale Academy.

If you would like to find out more please contact Mr Barrow-

Child Safety I have detailed below the information which has been issued by the police in terms of keeping children safe when using Pokemon Go! You will see that the app could be used as a ‘beacon’ to allow others to see exactly where young people are. I hope this is of some help and that you find this link useful. The NSPCC has issued the following guidance in relation to the Pokemon Go App which may be of interest to you.

Head Boy, Head Girl and House Captains 2016/17

This announcement will be made on our School Blog and Face-

book this week.

If you have any comments or suggestions to make about any-

thing you have read in this newsletter or about Windyknowe Pri-

mary in general, I am always keen to hear them. Please do not

hesitate to contact me .

Complaints Procedure

Schools in West Lothian have been advised of changes which have recently

been made to the West Lothian Complaints Procedure. To make a complaint to

Customer Care in West Lothian in writing it should be addressed to:

Customer Care Education Services West Lothian Council Civic Centre Howden Road South Livingston EH54 6FF 0800 328 5143

Head Teacher

Mrs Rita Angus

Windyknowe Crescent


EH48 4BT

Phone: 01506 652083

E-mail: [email protected]

Windyknowe Primary School

Parents as Partners

We are really keen for you to get more involved in your child’s learning. Please support your child with their home learn-

ing. Keep an eye on our Blog where you can access information about what your child has been learning. Our classes post

updates and reflect on their learning at least every three weeks. You can post comments about what you have read by

logging in with his / her password. We have a school bag on the blog to help you if you have mistakenly thrown out the

annual date list or up to date newsletter. Regular facebook posts update you on any changes which may have occurred or

reminders. Our facebook facility is used to support you as parents / carers to keep up to date with what is happening in

school. Please note that facebook should be used appropriately and if you have something which is concerning you, is

personal to your child or about the school give us a call or drop us an e mail. Remember, if we don’t know what your con-

cerns are, we are unable to do anything to help you. Speak to us! Groupcall alerts may be sent if we need to contact you

at late notice eg if the school needs to close unexpectedly. Parent mail is well and truly up and running and most of you

now use electronic devices to access our information. If anyone has still not provided us with their e mail address, please

do so as soon as you can then everything is at hand for you to save you time and make life so much easier. We try our best

but appreciate there may still be ways to get information out there. Any other suggestions, let us know.