why study history

What’s the Point of Studying History?

Upload: philsfan

Post on 02-Dec-2014




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First Week Intro to learning history, ppt


  • 1. Whats the Point of Studying History?

2. WhoCaresAnyway? Arent all those peopledeadanyway? It wassoooooolong ago. History hasnothingto do withme ! 3. History is the story ofUS .

  • It tells US:
  • Who we are.
  • Where weve been
  • Where were going
    • It defines US.

4. History is OUR Story

  • True stories with
    • Real heroes
    • Real villains
    • Real life adventures

5. History is amystery

  • Its like putting together pieces of a puzzle.
  • Each new discovery is a evidence that helps us understand the past.

6. The Past Informs OUREveryday Lives:

  • The farther you look back, the farther you can see ahead. -Henry Ford
    • Become an INFORMED citizen.
    • Become a better critical thinker.
    • Learn from the mistakes of the past.
  • Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

7. So, whats the point of studying history?

  • We are history AND History is US!

8. What is History?

  • The study of people, places and events in time.
  • Sources:
    • Primary: 1st hand accounts or artifacts
    • Secondary: based on research of primary or other secondary sources
    • Both contain bias - points of view.

9. Point of View Until lions have their historians tales of the hunt will alwaysglorify the hunter. - African proverb 10. DRIVING QUESTIONS

  • Why do people seek change?
    • What has remained consistent over time?
    • How do people interact in society?
    • How is the study of this time period relevant to you and your world today?

11. Driving Questions

  • What is justice?
    • What is civic responsibility?
    • Why have rules and laws?
    • What constitutes an effective leader?
    • How do we overcome injustice?
    • How do we balance individual rights with the common good?