where to sell your app ideas for cash


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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Where to Sell your App Ideas for Cash

Where to Sell your App Ideas for Cash

If you want to do great things with this phone, you need to educate yourself. The article

below will help you learn the ins and outs of your device, making you an expert in no time.

Uncooked rice can be used to help dry an iPhone that has gotten wet. Phones are commonly

dropped in water from puddles or toilets. Rather than trying to dry out your device with a blow

dryer, wipe the outside with an absorbent cloth, and place the phone into a bowl or bag filled

with dry rice. It should be dried out after several hours or overnight.

If you are navigating the web using your iPhone, don't worry about adding in the ".com" at the

end of a website address. Just put the main address - anything before the .com - to navigate

to the site you want. This might not seem important, but it will save lots of time during the

time you have your phone.

You can use your headphone cord to take a photo. Begin by framing the picture you want to

capture. When you are ready, hit the cord button. The picture will be taken. You can save

your picture by following the usual steps.

Did you know that you can create your own shortcuts and dictionary on your iPhone? When

you use diction, the device will understand how you speak. You can enter many phrases and

shortcuts. The keyboard automatically tries to correct you as you type.

Does your message require an accent or an umlaut over a letter? It is easy; this is what must

be done. Press the letter you want to change to bring up the options. A box is supposed to

appear that has many extra keys. The options available for typing specific letters will provide

you with many choices for the appearance of letters using your iPhone.

If you need a quick calculation done, make fast use of your iPhone's calculator function,

which can be found under the utilities section. In the phone's vertical position, you will get a

standard calculator and if you flip it into horizontal position, you will see a scientific calculator.

If your iPhone is owned with Siri, think twice before talking to her very much. Almost all voice

prompts directed at Siri are recorded by Apple, and stored by them on internal servers. This

helps them develop speech recognition programs, although it is important to understand that

you may be recorded.

Depending on the layout of the page, one or two fingers could allow you to navigate through

different parts of the page. A website that is divided into sections can be perused slowly

using one fingered scrolling. Use two fingers to scroll though entire pages of continuous text.

Change the keyboard clicks option if you want sound when you type a text. Some people find

this helps them make less mistakes because you can keep up with the speed at which your

Page 2: Where to Sell your App Ideas for Cash

phone processes each of your keystrokes.

Now that you read the above article you should be a believer in what makes the iPhone so

special. None of the other smartphones is a rival for the iPhone when you consider

functionality and power. The iPhone has many advantages that cause it to be the best

smartphone for an individual to purchase.

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