where angels fear to tread: episode 1


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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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The Apocalypse officially begins...


Page 1: Where Angels Fear to Tread: Episode 1
Page 2: Where Angels Fear to Tread: Episode 1

Castiel: Mom, thank God!! I came back to the house and it was all boarded up it looked like it had been abandoned. Everything was dead or dying…the flowers,

the rose bushes, even the trees…I had no idea where you were.

Ani-Mei: I should have told you baby…it’s my fault for not preparing you better.

Castiel: What? What happened? Told me what?

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Ani-Mei: How did you find this place?

Castiel: There was a map, in the mailbox. It had this location marked on it and the words: “Your new home awaits”, written in some strange looking language that suddenly became

words I could read.

Ani-Mei: The language is called Enokian; the language of the angels…son there’s something you have to know, it’s about your heritage and your father.

Castiel: But you said you didn’t know who he was…

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Castiel: Wait, angels?

Ani-Mei: Yes…you are an angel son. A child born between two Fallen Angels, myself and…Kaze. You have his wings Cas.

Castiel: Kaze is my father? But you met him after I was born…right?

Ani-Mei: Yes, that’s part of what I have to tell you.

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Ani-Mei: When Caryl was just a toddler, one of my friends mysteriously died right in my living room. She had asked me if she could stay with me for a bit until she found her own

place in Pleasantview, I didn’t have anyone in the house other than myself and Caryl and I had the space so I said she could stay.

Castiel: How did she die?

Ani-Mei: It happened so fast, one minute everything was fine and the next she was

surrounded by a hoard of black flies…I couldn’t bear to tell you what they did to her…but then she was dead and I saw the Grim Reaper come for her soul.

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Kaze: That was me; in my Grim form. You see, I’m a former Death Angel. On Earth we appear as reapers in tattered robes and are nothing but bones. I was sent to Ani-Mei’s home to collect one Death By Flies soul and escort them to

Heaven, although that was my primary mission, my secondary one was to leave her a gift…and that gift was you Cas.

Castiel: Why though? Why would an angel be ordered to leave a child on Earth?

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Ani-Mei: You were chosen by the Archangel Michael to be the Founder; and restore the Earth according to the Divine plan. This is the beginning of the Apocalypse…and that’s what your mission here is about; you will restore the world through a bloodline directly

connected to Heaven.

Castiel: Why? What caused this in the first place? If I remember correctly, God had said he was not going to cause another Apocalypse…

Ani-Mei: And He didn’t; this is the work of humanity. They have destroyed this planet

with their wars, the hatred, and their nuclear technology…

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Kaze: It will be long, harsh and very difficult. There is only so much you alone can do so you will need help from your family. Everyone has to help out, you will also need the help

of an animal either a cat or a dog to completely restore everything according to the Plan. And your mother and I can’t help you with it, it has to be your children and grandchildren.

Not even Caryl can assist you, I’m sorry to say.

Castiel: Where will you be though? Are you leaving me out here all alone?

Ani-Mei: You won’t be alone honey…

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Castiel: How many restrictions are there?

Ani-Mei: 30 in total, it will take you at least ten generations to complete your mission.

Castiel: Ten generations? Sounds daunting…

Kaze: We know you can do it Cas, you’re strong enough.

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Castiel: I still can’t believe your my father, it’s a lot to come out at once.

Ani-Mei: And as I said, it’s my fault for not telling you sooner. But I wanted you to have a normal life growing up without all this hanging over your head.

Castiel: I appreciate that mom, but it still feels like it’s an overload. Does Caryl know?

Ani-Mei: We will tell her after this. We will be living right next door to you so we won’t be

far away.

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Kaze: I suggest finding a job in Paranormal first. It’s perfect for you as a warlock.

Castiel: Yeah? Well alright then. I can see how that could really help me out. Living like this, restricted from the simplest of things. The Throne of Light I

made in college is a great thing to have.

Kaze: Yes, which is why Paranormal is best for you lift first. That Throne could be the difference between life and death for you out here.

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Castiel: So do I call you dad or Kaze now?

Kaze: Whatever you want to call me, I don’t mind.

Castiel: Are you sure you don’t have a preference?

Kaze: It’s up to you Cas, not me.

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Castiel: In that case, I’ll go with dad. I’ve never been able to call anyone that before.

Kaze: I’m glad, I always knew you were my son. I just didn’t want to impose that on you until you were ready to accept it.

Castiel: Dad…

Ani-Mei: My boys…*sniff*

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Castiel: No electricity, no clean water, the tank that supplies the sinks and the toilet here will not last forever. Mom said someone had to go into Medical to clean up the water for everyone…but there’s so many things that need to be

done as well, I can’t decide what to start with. As soon as Mimi joins me here I’ll see what she wants to do. I can’t even fly out to find some supplies to make

candles, they don’t require electricity to run…

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Castiel: The faster I get through Paranormal the better, I would like to get the magical power back to run my throne again. Although it seems selfish that it will only help me and no one else…I hope one of my children will choose to

become a witch or warlock.

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Next door…

Ani-Mei: It’s true Caryl, that’s what happened.

Kaze: And all of us have to support Castiel and his mission in the best way we can.

Caryl: But how is that fair??!!

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Caryl: Why can’t we help him too by lifting all these insane restrictions? We are his family as well.

Ani-Mei: We have to get rid of all our restricted items, like the stove and that high end

fridge we have here…and so will you.

Caryl: One meal a day? No showers? No birth control? No fun? Mom, this is Hell.

Ani-Mei: I know sweetheart, but that’s how it is for now.

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Kojiro: At least you won’t be alone Caryl, I’m here…

Caryl: I know Koji-berry, that helps make it a little easier.

Kojiro: Where will we be living?

Ani-Mei: Also next door to Castiel, there is another shelter we purchased for you, it’s next to us.

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Kojiro: I couldn’t believe what happened to Pleasantview when I left the college or that Caryl even called me. I know what she was up to in college, her lovers, they do talk…

Caryl: You don’t hate me for it right?

Kojiro: At first it was hard to believe, I mean I’ve heard the stories of Romancers but I

never thought I’d be a part of that notorious 20 want…

Caryl: Koji-berry…

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Kojiro: I don’t hate you Caryl, after I figured out what was going on I realized that you were happy, and so was I that you picked me over the others. My one goal is to max all my skills so I can understand the need to have peace of mind in this world…and to make the

best of it.

Caryl: Oh Koji-berry, that means a lot to me that you’re not angry.

Kojiro: I love you Caryl, and there’s no one that I’d rather weather the Apocalypse with than you.

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Ani-Mei: That’s so sweet of you Kojiro. I’d be honoured to have you as a son in law.

Kaze: As would I my love.

Kojiro: Thank you, I’m glad to be a part of the family.

Caryl: Moomm, we’re not married yet…

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Kaze: You will be marrying him right?

Caryl: Kaze…come on…

Ani-Mei: There is no rush of course honey.

Kojiro: I want to marry her.

Caryl: You do?

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Kaze: I was just saying, that’s all.

Caryl: I know Kaze…

Kojiro: I will take care of her, I swear on my life.

Ani-Mei: I am glad you love her so much. I want to make sure both my babies are taken care of.

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Kojiro: Will you marry me Caryl? I’ve wanted to do this for a long time now.

Caryl: Oh, Koji-berry…

Kojiro: Just don’t go crazy from it…

Caryl: I promise I won’t and yes I will.

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Kojiro: I love you.

Caryl: I love you too Koji-berry. Always.

Kojiro: I can’t wait to start our life together.

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Kojiro: I guess you were right, you didn’t go nuts on me.

Caryl: I said I wouldn’t.

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Kojiro: I’m happy you chose to take my last name.

Caryl: Of course. I don’t mind.

Caryl: I think I can get past the red rings for you Koji-berry.

Kojiro: Okay…that’s good I guess.

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Back on the main lot…

Castiel: This is highly inappropriate for eternal winter, and why did they require me to cover up my hair? I don’t get it…but whatever gets me closer to the top

and closer to having my beloved Mimi with me again, I’ll do.

Caryl got married, and I’m hoping to do the same soon myself.

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Castiel: I will say that I do like the topless part, my wings always give me trouble in clothing. It seems I never cut out the right sized openings for

them…this is the last promotion before the top.

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A few hours later…

Castiel: They told me that they wanted me to lead the Cult. I’m flattered actually.

And with that Castiel has lifted Hopelessness and Paranormal. Graves can now be moved, magic returns to the region, genie lamps, wishing wells, shrines, and pleading

with the Grim Reaper can now be done. In addition, witches can now cast spells and use the motives boosting thrones. And the beds no longer have to be sold and replaced for the

Life of Crime restriction because doing so will anger the spirits…as we all know.

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Castiel: Ah, finally. No more smelling like a backed up sewer. And I can save the one meal per day for my future family, they’ll need it more than I will. I want to call Mimi…but it’s not Tuesday, mom told me about only being able to use the phones once a week…nerds taking up all the phone lines with their gaming, or

something. I mean, how selfish do you have be to do that?

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Five days later…

Mimete: Cas I—ummph.

Castiel: Mimi, Mimi, I missed you so much…

Mimete: Can’t breathe… *gasps*

Castiel: Sorry honey…it’s just been lonely around here all by myself.

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Castiel: I love you so much.

Mimete: I love you too, what happened here? Why is everything boarded up?

Castiel: There’s a lot to explain, but for now…kiss me.

Mimete: I can do that.

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Castiel: I missed this.

Mimete: Well, so much for enjoying college…

Castiel: Do you wish you had stayed?

Mimete: No, of course not. That was sarcasm honey. I hated Dormie life.

Castiel: That’s probably something you may regret saying out here.

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Mimete: I doubt it. As long as I’m with you honey I don’t care what troubles might be ahead; we’ll face them together head on.

Mimete also shares Castiel’s and Kojiro’s LTW of Maxing 7 Skills looks like I got lucky in the first generation of the Apocalypse with that. Mimete will lift Military I think, only

because I like to go to community lots…although it says nothing about witches “flying” to lots…I checked thoroughly.

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Castiel: Kaze told me I would need help from stray animals to restore the world, how they manage to survive in the dead of winter astounds me. But Moonshine

here is just perfect. I think Moonshine will help with the Security requirement, it’s one more step towards having working public protection services restored. And

playing with an animal will be fun, I’m sure my kids will love you little kitty.

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Castiel: Mimi, I wish I could give you a proper wedding like you deserve, doing this with me will not be easy, it will be harsh and there are times where it’ll feel

like all hope is lost, but I know together we can survive this Apocalypse…

Mimete: Oh Cas…I don’t need a lavish wedding with all the trimmings, all I want is you. I will gladly face any and all danger and disasters as long as you’re with

me, I’ll be fine.

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Having taken a job in Military, Mimete here was woefully under-skilled and working out with the cheapest radio allowed was no easy task. It was long, painstaking, and motive

draining on her…

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There was also another reason why it was so draining on her, the next generation of Angels was on their way. And with no paid maternity leave, Mimete had to trudge

through the deep, cold snow in a car that was barely capable of starting, to make it to work on time. Castiel was highly opposed to the idea of letting her leave the safety of the

shelter in such a state, but he knew that it was necessary if they ever wanted to start making this world safer for their children and grandchildren to grow up in…

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Mimete: Oh honey, you’re far too Playful to meditate aren’t you?

Castiel: Yeah, but my throne helps me alleviate the boredom…I just wish it could help you like it helps me.

Mimete: I know, but I’m alright. I promise, I’m strong so don’t worry.

Castiel: I know…but you’re my wife and you’re carrying our child I can’t help but worry

about your health and safety.

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Moonshine was also doing his best for the family, he came home one afternoon as part of the elite Pet Corps and in record time too. So his family can now rest a little easier

knowing that at least there is some help out there for those who would take advantage of the disaster for their own nefarious purposes.

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Castiel: Oh, hang on Mimi…it’s almost over…

Mimete: OWWW!! OHH this hurts SOO much more without drugs!!

Castiel: I’m sorry honey…

Mimete: SHUT IT!!

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Mimete: Cas…look…she has your eyes and hair…

Castiel: She? I have a daughter?

Mimete: Yes, I think I’ll call her Eve. Eve Angel.

Castiel: I love it honey, it’s perfect for her.

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Castiel: So you’re mine hmm? I never knew seeing your tiny smile would be so precious. My Eve…

Eve: *splashes*

Castiel: I wish I had a change table for you…

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Castiel: Yes, your daddy sparkles honey. I hope that you might want to sparkle one day like me.

Eve: *giggles*

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If there were cameras still available, this moment would be forever immortalized in the family history album…

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Mimete: Eve is precious but didn’t you say we needed at least three kids?

Castiel: I did, but are you sure it’s alright? I mean…you would still be working on restoring the Military forces, it’s dangerous out there.

Mimete: I will be fine, I love that you quit being a Cult Leader to take care of Eve and any other kids we have, it means a lot to me to have you here protecting them here with your

magic while I’m out there protecting them from the outside world. I can go to work with a clear mind and without worry.

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With his mind put at ease, Castiel was able to focus on caring for his daughter. Soon she was no longer a baby but a bouncing toddler, and Mimete told him that they would soon have another little

one around.

Eve Angel Sagittarius 7/1/9/10/1

Unfortunately, another maxed Playful kid…Eve will have loads of time trying to survive in this

harsh world…but at least she won’t take it that hard with a Mean streak like that.

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Castiel: Come on sweetheart, you can do it…say daddy.

Eve: *stares at floor*

Castiel: Was it this hard for mom to teach me to talk? I’ll have to ask her how she did it.

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Mimete: Don’t worry honey, she’ll get there. I’m happy I got a day off to see this though. I think tonight might be time…

Castiel: Really? It seems so sudden…

Mimete: Believe me, it was no sudden thing…

Castiel: Oh, I know. I was here remember?

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Eve: Daddy…

Castiel: She said it!! Did you hear?? She spoke!!

Mimete: I heard her baby.

Castiel: I was worried she wouldn’t get it.

Mimete: I wasn’t, I knew she would. Maybe she was just keeping you in suspense.

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Later that night…

Mimete: CASS!!! IT’S TIME!!

Castiel: I’m here baby…right here.

Mimete: Shouldn’t this be easier the second time around?

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Mimete: He has your mother’s hair, and your eyes too.

Castiel: I have a son?

Mimete: Yeah…and he’s perfect. You should name him this time.

Castiel: Hmm…how about Adam? Adam Angel sounds good.

Mimete: I like it. Adam…

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Mimete: And this time I get to bathe you Adam…it was hard for your daddy to let me do it, but I got him to give it up.

Adam: *giggles*

Mimete: So you like the water hmm?

Adam: *splashes*
