what you ought to know about carpet installation

What You Ought To Know About Carpet Installation

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Page 1: What You Ought To Know About Carpet Installation

What You Ought To Know About Carpet Installation

Page 2: What You Ought To Know About Carpet Installation

Pros and Cons of CarpetCarpet has a lot of great characteristics, and typically speaking they have both positive and negative qualities. Any home flooring solution will have positives and negative qualities depending on the situation or circumstance, so it is important to understand how each flooring option is used most effectively for your home flooring.

• Pros- Carpet is plush and soft, it makes a great comfortable footing especially when stepping out of bed on a cold morning. Carpet insulates the floor very well and will not get cold or hot, it is almost always just the right temperature to the touch. Carpet is fairly durable, and it is also pretty economical it is typically less expensive than many other flooring options out there.

• Cons- Carpet cannot be re-finished like a hardwood floor, and it can be stained. You can clean carpet, but some stains may not be able to be removed permanently, carpet also can harbor mold or mildew below the surface if not properly cleaned and kept dry as it should be. Carpet can also harbor allergens like dust, pet dander, etc. Carpet also can snag, if you snag your carpet and do not fix it you can begin to unravel the carpet and make an unsightly mark that will need to be repaired.

Page 3: What You Ought To Know About Carpet Installation

Having Carpet Installed

You may think that laying carpet is a simple task, however you will quickly find that it is a pretty serious project, and unless you have the specialized tools and some experience; it is best to allow a professional carpet installer to lay your home’s carpet. Carpet that is improperly installed will not have the right amount of padding underneath, it can have loose areas where it was not stretched properly and tightly. Carpet also needs to be cut and seamed appropriately to prevent unsightly edges at thresholds and to avoid staples from protruding through and negating the nice comfy feel of carpet. With a professional carpet installer you can rest assured knowing your carpet will be installed properly with no mistakes that can occur with inexperienced carpet installations.

Page 4: What You Ought To Know About Carpet Installation

Having carpet installed properly will help ensure your investment in your home flooring will be worthwhile and help improve the curb appeal of your home. Carpet is a great flooring option for many rooms in the home, be sure to plan and consider what carpet type you want in your home. Remember if you ever need assistance with any of your home improvement project that your home improvement projects that your friends at Tenlist.com will always connect you with your trusted local contractors. As always, never stop improving and never settle for anything less than the best.